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Section; 03
Course – MGT351
Fazle Daiyan ID – 2232044030
Rashid Abar ID – 2311121030
Arit Pal Kumar ID – 2022495630
Owahid Tawsif Rifat ID –2211481030
Date of submission: 21st May, 2024
This paper explores into the Human Resource Management (HRM) procedures of
Grameenphone, Bangladesh's major telecoms service provider. The report includes a review of
the company's human resource management strategies and policies, as well as their efficacy in
cultivating a productive and motivated staff. Recruitment and selection procedures, training and
development programs, performance management systems, and employee engagement activities
are among the primary focal areas. Additionally, the research outlines the issues Grameenphone
has in its HRM activities and makes strategic recommendations to improve its HR processes.
The goal is to provide suggestions for how Grameenphone can optimize its HRM to maintain its
competitive edge and achieve organizational success. Through a detailed evaluation of present
methods and prospective changes, the paper strives to add to the knowledge of successful human
resource management.
Company Background
Environmental Analysis
A. Strategy
B. Job Analysis
C. Workforce planning and recruiting
D. Employee selection
E. Training and development
F. Performance management system
G. Employee compensation & benefit
H. Employee engagement and safety
GP, often known as Grameenphone, is the primary telecom service in Bangladesh, serving 83.02
million users as of January 2022. It's a cooperative effort between Grameen Telecom Company
and Telenor. Grameenphone is owned by the Norwegian telecom company Telenor to the tune of
55.8%, Grameen Telecom to 34.2%, and the remaining 10% held by the public. In Bangladesh,
Grameenphone was the first firm to introduce the GSM era. In Bangladesh, Grameenphone
emerged as the leading private company to launch a 5G network. It is now being tested in the
metro areas of Chattogram and Dhaka. One of Bangladesh's top providers of telecommunications
services is Grameenphone Ltd. The company runs a digital mobile communications network
mostly using the GSM standard in the 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, and 2100 MHz
Regarding insurance, sales, and the number of subscribers. On October 10, 1996, the
organization was incorporated as a private limited company. On June 25, 2007, Grameenphone
changed its status to public constrained corporation. Based on GSM specifications,
Grameenphone runs a digital mobile telecommunication network in the 900 MHz, 1800 MHz,
and 2100 MHz frequency bands that is certified below BTRC. Grameenphone servers can be
found in both rural and urban areas of Bangladesh. The company focuses on digital
communication, enabling people to improve their lives, creating communities, and ensuring a
brighter future for all. Grameenphone has always been a leader in the introduction of new
products, ideas, and services for the local telecom industry. Over 99% of Bangladesh's
population was served by Grameenphone's 2G servers and 92% by its fast 3G network as of
December 2017. On February 19, 2018, the company received a 4G mobile phone offer. The
group made a 313 billion BDT investment to build community infrastructure. With over 585
billion in direct and indirect tax contributions, Grameenphone is regarded as one of Bangladesh's
biggest taxpayers.
The research focuses on Grameenphone’s human resource management, which has recently been
modified to obtain good feedback from our subscribers. This sort of study mostly addresses:
1) Company information.
2) Analyzing the market.
3) Human resource management components of the firm.
The general technique of data collection may be classified into two categories:
1) Primary data collection.
2) Secondary data collection.
Primary source: For this study, facts and documents were obtained from both primary and
secondary sources. The relevant statistics gathered from the primary resources are compiled
casually. Aside from this, interviews with several GP workers and customers helped us gain a
better understanding of the "HR" department's data. We also conducted formal interviews and
obtained a few instructions orally from Grameenphone Ltd.'s human resources department.
Secondary source: Information from several Google reports provided us with a rudimentary
understanding of how Grameenphone Ltd.’s "HRM" department operates. Another avenue is
data analysis and interpretation. All of the data that may be presented in charts and tables is also
available in graphical format. These graphs are explained by examining the scenario, which
serves as the signature for remarkable analysis.
In our research paper, we intended a direct analysis and browsed through the internet. We got
some legitimate information about the human resource management of Grameenphone to make
our research paper more grounded. This paper will explain Grameenphone, its HRM activities,
and recommendations.
Grameenphone is a leading telecommunications company in Bangladesh, founded in 1997. Its
logo features a blue and green globe symbolizing connectivity and sustainability. The mission is
to provide affordable and innovative communication services to empower individuals and
communities. The vision is to be the leading digital communications company, enriching lives
through mobile services. Initially, it started as a joint venture between Telenor Group and
Grameen Telecom Corporation. With over 75 million subscribers, it's one of the largest mobile
network operators in Bangladesh. The company offers a wide range of services including voice,
data, and digital content. Grameenphone employs thousands of individuals across various
departments including customer service, marketing, technology, and finance. Its organizational
structure typically includes top-level management, followed by departments headed by managers
responsible for specific functions. In terms of business, Grameenphone provides mobile
telecommunication services to both individual consumers and businesses. Its offerings include
prepaid and postpaid plans, mobile internet, value-added services, and enterprise solutions
tailored to meet the diverse needs of its customers. The company's commitment to innovation
and customer satisfaction has helped it maintain a strong market presence in Bangladesh's
telecommunications industry.
PESTLE and Porter's Five Forces environmental analysis of the Grameen Phone PESTLE
Political: GrameenPhone's profitability and service offerings are sometimes impacted by
government rules on prices, spectrum allocation, and infrastructure development. GrameenPhone
stands to gain from government measures that support digital inclusiveness.
Economic: As Bangladesh's economy grows, so does the demand for telecommunications
services. Changes in exchange rates can have an impact on equipment purchases and odperating
expenses. Increasing disposable income makes it possible to pay more on mobile services and
Social: As the population becomes more tech-savvy, there is a growing need for cutting-edge
mobileservices like digital payments and mobile broadband. Mobile connectivity is essential for
both socialinteraction and economic growth. Initiatives pertaining to social responsibility can
improve GrameenPhone's reputation.
Technological: GrameenPhone is always updating its infrastructure and services (such as 5G)
because to the rapid improvements in communication technology. For cellphones and data plans
to be widely adopted, they must be affordable. New market opportunities are created by
emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT).
Legal: GrameenPhone's handling of user data is impacted by data privacy laws and cybersecurity
issues. Laws pertaining to intellectual property are crucial to safeguarding GrameenPhone's
innovations. Environmental: Policies for managing e-waste from old phones and equipment must
be taken into account. Eco-friendly operations can improve GrameenPhone's reputation.
Analysis of Porter's Five Forces:
Danger of New Entrants: Moderately high - The telecom sector is capital-intensive and
infrastructure-required, which makes it difficult for new companies to enter. Government
initiatives that support competition, however, can make admission easier.
Moderate Supplier Bargaining Power: GrameenPhone has some bargaining power because it
works with a small number of network equipment vendors. Still, the company's substantial
market dominance gives it leverage in negotiations.
Buyers' Bargaining Power: High - Bangladesh has a number of mobile operators, giving
customers choice and the ability to move providers based on factors including cost and level of
service. Their ability to negotiate better prices is boosted by this.
Danger of Substitutes: Moderate - Voice calls and SMS can be replaced by internet messaging
services like WhatsApp and VoIP. They might not, however, provide the same degree of network
coverage or ease.
High Level of Competitive Rivalry: Robi and Banglalink are only top two of the many
companies that compete in Bangladesh's telecom industry. This causes fierce rivalry in the areas
of value-added services, network coverage, and pricing
Competitive strategies
Leading telecom provider in Bangladesh, Grameenphone, uses several aggressive tactics to hold
onto its market share and continue expanding. They employ a variety of tactics to maintain a
strong market position. Network expansion and quality, product diversification, innovation,
customer-centric approach, alliances and partnerships, market segmentation, cost leadership, and
brand building are a few of the tactics. Grameenphone hopes to sustain its competitive advantage
in the telecom sector and promote long-term growth in the Bangladeshi market by combining
these tactics.
HR strategies (aligned with identified competitive strategies)
The human resources (HR) strategies of Grameenphone are closely linked to its competitive
strategies, meaning that the company's employees are essential to attaining its business goals.
The following describes how Grameen Phone's HR tactics complement its business plans:
Aligned with Innovation: HR seeks to draw candidates with experience in digital services,
telecommunications, and technology to spearhead innovation in products and services.
Encouraging Market Segmentation: HR works with the operations and marketing departments to
determine the talent requirements unique to various market segments.
Training and Skill Development: To give staff members the tools they need to support the
company's wide range of products, Grameenphone's HR funds training initiatives.
Employee Engagement and Retention: By encouraging a thorough grasp of customers' needs,
Grameenphone's HR promotes a customer-centric culture among staff.
Which strategic HRM tools are used by the company?
Grameenphone likely employs various strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) tools to
manage its workforce effectively.
1. Performance Management Systems: These systems help in setting performance goals,
evaluating employee performance, and providing feedback.
2. Talent Management Software: This software helps in recruiting, developing, and retaining
talent within the organization.
3. Employee Engagement Surveys: Regular surveys can help Grameenphone gauge employee
satisfaction, motivation, and engagement levels.
4. HR Analytics and Reporting Tools: Grameenphone can use analytics tools to examine HR data
and find trends, patterns, and insights about diversity, retention, productivity, and other important
List 5-10 HR metrics used by the company.
1. Employee Turnover Rate: This statistic shows retention efforts and general employee
satisfaction by calculating the rate at which workers depart the organization over a given
2. Employee Engagement Score: A measurement of a worker's dedication and emotional
bond with their coworkers and employer.
3. Absenteeism rate: The percentage of scheduled work hours missed by employees due
to absences is known as the absenteeism rate, and it can be a sign of problems with worklife balance, morale, or health.
4. Time-to-Hire: A measure of the effectiveness of the hiring process, it is the average
amount of time needed to fill a position.
5. Training Hours per Employee: This measure shows how much time is invested in each
employee's skill development and personal development by counting the hours they spend on
training and development activities.
6. Distribution of Performance Ratings: Trends and potential biases in performance evaluations
are found by analyzing employee performance ratings.
7. Diversity measures: Monitoring data on gender, ethnicity, and age distribution in the
workforce as well as other diversity and inclusion measures.
Grameenphone, a prominent telecommunications firm in Bangladesh, uses a rigorous job
analysis method to guarantee that the tasks and responsibilities for each position are precisely
defined. Their job analysis approach typically involves the following steps:
1. How does Grameenphone conduct job analysis?
Data collection: This entails gathering extensive information on employment assignments,
responsibilities, and the necessary skills and credentials. This is accomplished through a variety
of approaches, including surveys, interviews with employees and managers, and observation of
workplace activities.
Review of Organizational Structure: Understanding the job's context within the organizational
structure, as well as its link to other roles.
Task analysis: The process of breaking down a work into discrete tasks and identifying the time
spent on each, the techniques used to complete them, and the necessary tools and equipment.
Employee Involvement: Encouraging current workers to share thoughts and feedback on the job.
This helps to have a realistic understanding of what the work requires.
Verification and validation: Cross-checking gathered information with supervisors and
department heads to ensure its correctness.
Documentation: Organizing the collected information into a detailed job description and job
specification document.
2. What types of information are included in a Job Description and Job
Job Description for HR Manager:
Job Title: Human Resources Manager
Department: Human Resource
Reports to: The Director of Human Resources
Job Purpose: Overseeing and directing HR functions while ensuring alignment with
organizational objectives.
Key Responsibilities:
* Creating and implementing HR strategy and initiatives.
* Managing the recruitment and selection process.
* Overseeing staff interactions, especially conflict resolution.
* Maintaining conformity with labor rules and regulations.
* Developing and carrying out development and training programs.
* Handling performance appraisal systems
* Paying out pay and benefits.
Working Conditions: An office atmosphere with occasional travel to recruitment fairs or sessions
of training.
Tools and equipment: Include human resource software, Microsoft Office Suite, and
communication tools.
Job Specification for an HR Manager:
* A bachelor's degree in human resource management, business administration, or a similar
* A master’s degree is preferable.
* Professional HR qualification (SHRM-CP, PHR) is advantageous.
* A minimum of 5 years of experience in human resources management.
* An established track record in creating and implementing HR strategies.
Skills and competencies:
* Strong understanding of labor rules and regulations.
* Superb interpersonal and communication abilities.
* Leadership and team supervision skills.
* Analytic and problem-solving abilities.
* Proficiency with HR tools and Microsoft Office Suite.
Personal Attributes:
* High ethical norms and honesty.
* Ability to think strategically and plan.
* Capability to manage sensitive and secret information.
3. Does the company conduct competency–based job analysis?
Yes, Grameenphone conducts competency-based job analyses. This strategy focuses on finding
the exact talents, habits, and characteristics required for success in a certain position. The
procedure normally includes:
Identifying Key competencies: Determine the important competencies needed for the function
based on organizational objectives and job duties. These capabilities may include management,
interpersonal skills, problem-solving, and technical abilities.
Behavioral Indicators: Identifying particular actions that show each ability in the workplace.
Assessment Methods: Using various evaluation tools to determine the presence of certain
abilities in existing and prospective workers. This may involve behavioral interviews,
psychometric exams, and performance evaluations.
Integration with HR Processes: Aligning competency-driven analysis with other HR operations
like recruiting, training and development, and reward management to create a comprehensive
talent management strategy.
Grameenphone uses a competency-based job analysis to verify that their HR processes are in line
with their strategic goals and that they recruits and nurture people that can successfully
contribute to the company's success.
C. Workforce Planning and Recruiting
1. How does Grameen phone forecast the personnel demand?
Grameenphone estimates human demand using a combination of
qualitative and quantitative methodologies, ensuring that it is consistent with the company's
strategic goals and market conditions. The typical stages involved are:
Strategic planning: The process of harmonizing HR planning with the organization's broader
strategic goals. This entails recognizing long-term corporate goals and the talents necessary to
attain them.
Trend Analysis: Using previous data on staff turnover, resignation rates, and recruiting patterns
to forecast future demands.
Workload Analysis: Evaluating the present workload and levels of efficiency to evaluate whether
additional personnel are required, or existing resources may be maximized.
Managerial Input: Consult with division heads and managers to gain insight into upcoming
projects, projected growth, and any prospective changes that may affect personnel requirements.
External Environment Scanning: The monitoring of external elements such as industry trends,
financial situations, and technology breakthroughs that may influence personnel demand.
Statistical Models: Using different forecasting models, which include regression evaluation and
ratio calculation, to anticipate future staffing needs based on corporate development and
expansion strategies.
2. How does Grameenphone forecast the supply of inside and outside
Internal Supply:
Skills Inventory: Keeping track of present workers' skills, credentials, and experiences. This aids
in finding qualified candidates for promotions within the organization or lateral movements.
Succession Planning: Creating succession plans for important jobs to ensure that candidates are
trained and prepared for essential responsibilities.
Employee Assessments: Conduct regular performance evaluations and assessments of
competence to determine which staff are ready for growth and which require more development.
Career Development Programs: Creating developmental and training initiatives to prepare
individuals for future responsibilities within the organization.
External Supply:
Labor Market Analysis: Examining the availability of possible candidates in the external labor
market, considering changing demographics, academic statistics, and employment rates.
Recruiting Metrics: Analyzing previous recruiting data to determine the success of various
procurement channels and the median length of time required to fill vacancies.
Partnerships with Educational Institutions: Working with institutions and professional training
institutions to access a pool of recent graduates and trainees.
Industry networking entails attending business conferences, job fairs, and professional
organizations to interact with possible applicants.
3. Sample recruitment yield pyramid for the HR manager position at
A recruitment yield pyramid depicts the steps of the recruiting process and the number of
applications needed at each stage to fill a single post. Here's a possible example of an HR
Manager role:
Job Postings/Advertisements (1,000 applicants)
Job boards, corporate websites, social networking platforms, and so forth.
Initial Applications Accepted (500 Candidates)
Following a first screening based on résumé and cover letter submissions.
Preliminary screening and phone interviews (200 prospects)
HR recruiters searched to further reduce the pool.
First Round Interview (100 Candidates)
Conducted by the HR staff and the recruiting manager.
Assessing Tests (50 Candidates)
Psychometric examinations, skill evaluations, and other appropriate evaluations.
Final Stage Interviews (20 Candidates)
In-depth interviews with key executives.
Job Offers Renewed (5 Candidates)
Offers are given to top prospects.
Job Accepted (one applicant)
The final candidate accepts the job offer.
4. Internal and external sources of candidates used by Grameenphone.
Internal sources:
Employee Referrals: We encourage existing workers to suggest eligible individuals for available
Internal Job Postings: Advertise job opportunities within the organization so that current workers
may apply.
Succession planning: This entails promoting or shifting current workers into new jobs depending
on their abilities and potential.
Career Development Programs: Using internal training and development activities to prepare
individuals for higher-level roles.
External Sources:
Online Job Portals: Putting job postings on prominent employment sites like bdjobs.com and
Campus Recruitment: Collaborating with universities and colleges to attract recent graduates.
Professional Networking: Using professional connections and social media channels to interact
with prospective recruits.
recruiting Agencies: Collaborating with recruiting businesses to find and attract talent.
Job Fairs and Career Events: Attending job fairs and career exhibitions to meet potential
Print Media: Advertise in publications and industry journals to reach a larger audience.
Employee Referral Programs: Incentives for workers to suggest potential applicants from their
Grameenphone guarantees a strong pipeline of applicants to satisfy their hiring demands by
sourcing both internally and outside.
Grameenphone selection process consists of the following steps:
1. Pre-Qualification: Applications are screened to determine if candidates meet the
2. Phone Interview: Candidates' qualifications are validated, and their fit for the role is
3. Face-to-Face Interview: In-person interviews are conducted to discuss the position,
either individually or in a group.
4. Written Test and General Knowledge & IQ Test: Candidates undergo assessments to
evaluate their skills and knowledge.
5. Test Day: Candidates spend a day shadowing a Grameenphone team to familiarize
themselves with the work environment and role.
6. Proposal: Successful candidates receive an offer letter detailing their salary and
7. Integration & Probation: Fresh graduates have a 3-month probation period with daily
incentives of 500 taka and provided lunch. Experienced employees with good
previous work records are hired without a probation period.
Grameenphone is very consequential in their employee training and development as it enhances
individual knowledge, skills, and abilities of their workers to help them perform better at work
and contribute to the success of the company. Grameenphone performs an orientation process to
make their new employees feel welcome and fill them with basic information to make them
function effectively in their jobs.
The Orientation Process of Grameenphone
● Employee Benefits Information: Employee Discount, Paid Time Off (PTO), Transportation
● Safety Measures: Grameenphone provides safety regulations according to their job’s nature
wise. For example, the laborers must wear safety helmets, gloves, glasses, and masks at their
working stations. Ensuring fire safety for office workers.
● Organization and Operations: Grameenphone gives a piece of brief information about their
organization and operations to their candidates to make them understand the company.
Grameenphone Training And Development Process
GP, the HR department, handles the majority of the training and development process. They are
categorized in 4 steps: ● Needs Analysis: They collect field data to find out the failings of their employees.
● Design The Training Program: The HR managers design the training program based
on the needs according to their preferences.
● Develop: The training program that has been designed is then developed to make it in
● Implementation: The developed training program is implemented in different methods.
On-The-Job Training
Physical training: In this term, they hire their internal managers or senior employees to
give them responsibility for caring for the newcomers.
Assignment: Employees are assigned activities to enhance problem-solving, critical
thinking, etc.
Off-The-Job Training
Outside source: Consultants from across the globe and renowned instructors are used to
train their employees.
GP also uses Induction Training methods for their freshly joined employees.
● Evaluate: The HR managers evaluate the effectiveness of the training program. If
satisfied the employees are ready for their job, if not the process is revised.
Technological Training And Development
● Computer-Based Training: To support self-paced learning, they also offer their employees
online courses and modules to improve and develop their performance.
There's a dedicated Business Performance Management function within Grameenphone
Supervisors likely play a key role in the appraisal process.GP ensures their HR always performs
up to the required standards. To do so, GP conducts a skill assessment rapport with their specific
department’s managers to analyze which skills are currently needed for the department to
achieve its functional goals. Furthermore, these rapport results will then be used to conduct an
annual training camp for the majority of HR in those specific departments. And these training
camps are consistent every year. Partially the Raising Committee’s technique is used to appraise
employees’ yearly performances consisting of the immediate supervisor and three or four other
Grameenphone is more conscious about employees' comfortable livelihood. Grameenphone
likely conducts regular salary surveys to benchmark against competitors in the telecom industry
and Bangladesh's job market. They use a combination of base salary, allowances (e.g., housing,
transport), and performance-based bonuses to create a competitive package. Besides
Grameenphone offers their employees so many things those are:
●Health Insurance (Spouse, Children, Parents)
●Transportation Facility
●GYM (Free for all employees)
●Children daycare
●Festival Bonus
●Telecommunication Tool (Mobile, Data, Minute)
●Mental / Physical Wellbeing Seminar
●Executive Health Checkup / Full Body Checkup
●Reward System
●Provident Fund Likely includes provident fund contributions and gratuity payments as per
Bangladeshi regulations.
Overall, Grameenphone seems to offer a competitive compensation and benefits package to
attract and retain talent.
What kind of employee engagement programs are used
the company?
The goal of the Grameenphone company's engagement activities is to improve employee
satisfaction and cultivate a positive work environment.
Training and Development: Giving staff members chances to advance their careers and develop
within the organization.
Building a team Activities: Planning occasions and games to promote camaraderie and
cooperation among the team.
Open communication: Establishing open lines of contact between management and staff to
discuss issues and exchange opinions is known as "open communication."
What kind of safety/wellness programs are implemented by the company?
Given its size and prominence in Bangladesh's telecom industry, Grameenphone probably offers
several wellness and safety initiatives to its staff members.
Health and wellness initiatives: These could be things like yoga courses, gym memberships, or
physical examinations to encourage employees' physical well-being.
Mental Health Support: To assist in promoting the mental health of its employees,
Grameenphone may provide access to mental health specialists, mental health awareness
initiatives, or counseling services.
Safety Training and Protocols: Safety training programs would be essential given the nature of
the telecommunications business. These could include instruction on safe electrical equipment
handling, operating at heights, and emergency response procedures.
Health Insurance Coverage: To guarantee that workers have access to healthcare, when
necessary, many businesses offer full health insurance coverage to both employees and their
Wellness Challenges & Incentive Programs: These initiatives, which frequently include rewards
for participation and accomplishment, motivate staff members to take up healthy habits by
posing challenges like step counts, weight loss objectives, or smoking cessation programs.
The recommendations are given belowEnhanced Training and Development Programs: Grameenphone should invest in development
and training initiatives to meet the changing technical environment and demands of the telecoms
sector. This will not only enhance staff skills and abilities but also increase work satisfaction and
Implementation of Advanced HR Analytics: Implementing modern HR analytics may help
Grameenphone make data-driven choices. This can help enhance HR tasks including recruiting,
performance management, and staff loyalty by analyzing patterns and forecasting future
workforce requirements.
Strengthening Employee Engagement Initiatives: Developing strong employee engagement
programs is vital. This might include frequent feedback methods, recognition programs, and
possibilities for job progression. Engaged personnel are more inclined to be effective and
dedicated to the company's objectives.
Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: Grameenphone should foster a more varied and inclusive
workplace culture. This may be accomplished through targeted recruitment techniques, fair HR
policies, and ongoing diversity training initiatives. A varied staff can result in more inventive
ideas and a better grasp of the target audience.
Flexible Work Arrangements: Implementing workplace flexibility, such as distance work and
hours that vary, can enhance the balance between work and personal life for employees. This
flexibility may boost work satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and attract top personnel who value
such advantages.
Improving Leadership Development Programs: Focus on leadership development as a priority.
Grameenphone may provide bespoke programs to discover and develop future leaders inside the
firm. This ensures a consistent stream of talented executives who can propel the organization
Improving Performance Management Systems: To improve performance management systems,
examine and adjust them regularly to line with employee ambitions and company goals. Using a
continual feedback system rather than a yearly review procedure can result in more effective
performance management.
Strengthening Health and Wellbeing Initiatives: Investing in comprehensive health and wellness
initiatives may boost employee productivity and decrease absenteeism. This may involve mental
health counseling, exercise programs, and health testing.
Grameenphone has achieved success by using efficient and creative human resources strategies
such as a 40-hour training program, paid maternity and paternity leave, and an open desk structure.
Grameenphone has been able to build personnel that are suited to the new method of "doing things"
because of these innovative approaches to human resource management. Grameenphone has been
able to establish itself as a top competitor with astonishing success in this age of high technology
and strong rivalry, and the future does not appear to be any less bright. A few additional
enhancements to its HR processes could be made, but Grameenphone has demonstrated minute
attention to detail on both a macro and micro level, allowing for its sustained success.
Grameenphone. (n.d.). Grameenphone. https://www.grameenphone.com/
Khasro Miah, M. (n.d.). reading and cases in Human resource management .
The Daily Star – Leading English Daily among Bangladesh Newspapers. (n.d.). The Daily Star.
Report on grameenphone . (n.d.). In https://assignmentpoint.com/report-on-grameenphone/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0fWv47fLMKN6AtaCXfWCiLK1vKkrpofiu4_NrpMV
1. What criteria do you consider when evaluating potential candidates for employment at
2. How do you ensure that the selection process is fair and unbiased?
3. Can you describe the stages involved in the employee selection process at Grameenphone?
4. How do you assess a candidate's cultural fit within Grameenphone's work environment?
5. How do you balance technical skills with soft skills during the selection process?
6. Can you share any recent changes or improvements made to the employee selection process?
7. How do you handle feedback from candidates who may not have been selected?
Training and development
1. How do you perceive the current effectiveness of training programs in enhancing employee
skills and knowledge?
2. In what ways do you believe training initiatives contribute to employee performance and
productivity within your team?
3. What feedback have you received from team members regarding the relevance and usefulness
of recent training sessions they've attended?
4. How do you ensure that training and development efforts align with the long-term strategic
objectives of the organization?
5. How do you assess the effectiveness of trainers and facilitators in delivering training content
and engaging participants?
6. Are there any emerging trends or areas of expertise that you believe should be prioritized in
future training initiatives?
Title page
Fazle Daiyan
Fazle Daiyan
Table of contents
Fazle Daiyan
Tawsif Rifat
Fazle Daiyan
Company background
Arit Kumar Pal
Environmental analysis
Rashid Abrar
Tawsif Rifat
Job Analysis
Fazle Daiyan
Workforce planning and recruiting
Fazle Daiyan
Employee selection
Arit Kumar Pal
Training and development
Arit Kumar Pal
Performance management system
Rashid Abrar
Employee compensation & benefit
Rashid Abrar
Employee engagement and safety
Tawsif Rifat
Fazle Daiyan
Tawsif Rifat
Rashid, Daiyan
Fazle Daiyan
The report was compiled by FAZLE DAIYAN.