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Facebook Information Control: Fake News & Democracy

Topic: Media and communication
Claim: If information on Facebook in not controlled it can cause fake news to spread
Title : should some information on Facebook be controlled?
This research will explore whether some information on Facebook should be
controlled, causes and consequences of using FB and perspective. This
research will explore how information on Facebook is being monitored, controlled
and should we be stricter on controlling information. 510,000 comments are
posted,293000 statues are updated every 60 seconds.
Causes and consequences
Facebook should be controlled in order to stop fake information and to protect
the user. If some important account on Facebook is hacked, they can post
inappropriate content, misinformation, about the client or virus infected link.
Majority of Facebook users are aware of Facebook privacy settings limits and still
use them. Research led by Andrew Guess (2020) of Princeton University tracked
3000 Americans on Facebook in the 2016 election and found Facebook to be an
untrustworthy site for news sources over 15% of the time.
Research led by Richard Wike, Laure Silver ETC (2022). 57% of 19 nations think
that Social media platforms such as facebook are useful for democracy . Social
media such as Facebook is good for democracy, where in Singapore roughly
three-quarter believe it is a good thing. Who view fake news online as a threat
will not likely view it as a thing for democracy . In the Netherlands where 39%
see fake news as a major threat, the other 57% that don’t think fake news as a
major threat, both the percentage think social media such as Facebook is good
for democracy. 70% across 19 countries see fake news as a major threat to their
countries such as Canada, Germany.
Israel meddled in 30 elections around the world. The investigation was carried by
Guardian in Britain, Le Monod in France, Der Spiegel in Germany and El pairs in
Spain, under the France based nonprofit forbidden stories.
I personally think Facebook is a good app because it lets us talk with people
around the world. It lets people share many things online as well as fake news,
propaganda which can cause misunderstanding or confusion. In the 2016 US
election social media sites such as twitter and Facebook were filled with fake
Most people around the world think that Facebook is a good thing for democracy
for their countries. Some think that Facebook fake news is a threat to their
countries. Some countries interfere in other countries' politics or elections using
social media such as Facebook. They are also used to spread fake news about
the election and Facebook approving fake news.
Reference list
Richard Wike, Laura Silver ETC . Global views of social media and its impacts on
society | Pew Research Center { Online }
https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2022/12/06/views-of-social-media-and-itsimpacts-on-society-in-advanced-economies-2022/ ( Accessed 17.2.2023)
Eric Jardine Beware Fake News - Centre for International Governance Innovation
{Online} https://www.cigionline.org/articles/beware-fakenews/?utm_source=google_ads&utm_medium=grant&gclid=Cj0KCQiAi8KfBhCu
ALw_wcB ( Accessed 17.2.2023)
Mark Travers Facebook Spreads Fake News Faster Than Any Other Social
Website, According To New Research { Online}
https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2020/03/21/facebook-spreads-fakenews-faster-than-any-other-social-website-according-to-newresearch/?sh=1a379a576e1a ( Accessed 23.2.2023)
Israeli firm 'boasted' of meddling in more than 30 elections worldwide
https://www.france24.com/en/technology/20230215-israeli-firm-boasted-ofmeddling-in-more-than-30-elections-worldwide ( Accessed 18.2.2023)