Name: MENZI SURNAME: MTSHISO MODULE: LAW CLINIC INTERNSHIP ASSESSMENT: LEGAL INTERNSHIP MAKEUP TEST. PREVIOUS GROUP: C.J & ASSOCIATE LAW FIRM QUESTION ONE. IN THE COURT OF LOCAL REGIONAL COURT OF EAST LONDON. CASE NO.B488/2024 In the matter between: Ms Marry Andrews Applicant Verses The accused Mr Joseph Jones STATEMENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 112 (2) THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ACT 51 OF 1977 I, the undersigned Joseph Jones in this matter. 1 Declare as follows: I am the accused herein and understand the charge against us as advised by my Attorney. I make my statement whilst in my sound and sober senses and make it freely and voluntarily without any undue influence while in sober senses. 2 I plead guilty to the charge of HOUSEBREAKING WITH INTENT TO STEAL AND THEF 3 In amplification of my plea I have the following to say: WHEREAS I have been informed of my rights: To be presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt; To remain silent and not to testify during the proceedings; and Not to be compelled to give self-incriminating evidence and, 4 I plead guilty to the charge preferred against me which is, of contravening the provisions of Chapter 14 of the Criminal Procedure Act is dedicated to the charge. Section 84 of the same Act deals with the basic essentials of a charge. The section provides as follows – ‘(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and of any other law relating to any particular offence, a charge shall set forth the relevant offence in such manner and with such particulars as to the time and place at which the offence is alleged to have been committed and the person, if any, against whom and the property, if any, in respect of which the offence is alleged to have been committed, as may be reasonably sufficient to inform the accused of the nature of the charge. (2) Where any of the particulars referred to in subsection (1) are unknown to the prosecutor it shall be sufficient to state that fact in the charge. (3) In criminal proceedings the description of any statutory offence in the words of the law creating the offence, or in similar words, shall be sufficient.’ Dated at East Londonon this the 02 day of March 2006. ____________________________ Paul Grotius Attorneys for Defendant 420 Kirkness Street Sunnyside East London To: The Registrar of the of the Local Regional Court. And to: Johannes Voet Attorneys for Plaintiff 431 Kirkness Street Sunnyside East London. Received copy hereof this 04 day of March 2006 ____________________________ Attorneys for Defendant. QUESTION 2 LETTER OF DEMAND IN RESPECT OF DAMAGES From: Menzi Mtshiso East London, 5101 0785697734 To: Stephanie Landers. East London 5101 0764663573 Dear Ms Landers RE: MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT ON 10TH January 2024 We refer to the above matter and wish to advise that we act on behalf of our client, Mr. Mlabi. Our instructions are that you were involved in a motor collision with a vehicle BMW, with registration number MLABI 1 on 10th January 2024. Our client is the driver of the abovementioned vehicle, and our instructions are that the collision was caused by your sole negligence and that our client's vehicle was damaged as a result thereof. Our instructions are further to demand from you as we hereby do, payment of the sum of R165 000-00 being the fair and reasonable costs of repair to our client's vehicle together, interest at the rate of a tempore morae per annum from date of this letter of demand until date of payment and R30-00 being the cost of this letter of demand to our offices, within seven days of the date hereof, failing which we will issue summons against you without further notice. Yours faithfully Candidate Attorneys QUESTION 3. PARTICULARS OF CLAIM. PARTICULARS OF CLAIM 1. The plaintiff is Mr Mlabi, an adult male with various business interests, in East London. 2. The defendant is Stephanie Landers, an adult male auditor resident at 7 Kingbolt Crescent, Wapadrand, East London 3. On 1 March 2024 and at the corner of King and Queen Avenues, Lynnwood, East London a collision occurred between the plaintiff's vehicle was stationary at a red traffic light, VW Golf GTI Reg CA 13579. 4. The collision as aforesaid was caused by the negligence of the defendant in that he has: 4.1 failed to keep a proper look-out; 4.2 drove at a speed in excess of the speed limit. 5. As a result of the collision as aforementioned, plaintiff suffered damages in the amount of R165 000, being the fair and reasonable costs of repairing plaintiff's vehicle to its pre-collision condition. 6. Despite demand defendant fails or refuses to pay the aforementioned amount to plaintiff). WHEREFORE PLAINTIFF PRAYS FOR JUDGMENT AGAINST DEFENDANT FOR: a) Payment of R165 000 b) Interest on the above amount at 15,5% a tempore morae c) Cost of suit. Signed at East London on this 03 day of March 2024 Mtshiso Menzi Attorneys for Plaintiff 431 Kirkness Street Sunnyside East London.