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11th Grade Biology Guess Paper 2023 PTB

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11th Biology Guess 2023 PTB
For MCQs all exercises Objective is important.
Syed Ateeb 0312-0707621
Short Questions
Define molecular biology and microbiology.
Define marine biology and biotechnology.
What do you mean by hypothesis?
What is the difference between population and community?
What is the difference between theory and law?
Write the name of six elements that are present in almost all the living organisms.
Define integrated disease management.
Define chemotherapy.
Define radiotherapy.
Define gene therapy.
Define hydroponic technique with its importance.
Explain vaccination.
Define biome with example.
What is deductive reasoning?
Define phyletic lineage.
Define biodiversity.
What is the difference between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning?
Write a short note on cloning.
Define human biology and ecology.
What are different levels of biological organization?
Name the carbohydrates suitable as food for man.
Why are fats considered as high energy compounds?
What is the function of mRNA?
What is the general formula for amino acids?
What is the percentage of water in brain cells of man?
Define biochemistry with its importance.
Write about five different functions of proteins.
What is the difference between glycosidic and peptide bond.
Write the names of different compounds of which amino acid is composed of.
Define lipids.
Write the names of nitrogenous bases presents in both DNA and RNA.
Write two roles of waxes.
What are different kinds of RNA? Write at least one function of each.
What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acid.
Write the structure of lecithin.
Define condensation and hydrolysis.
List two conditions that destroy enzymatic activity by disrupting bonds between the atoms in an enzyme.
How do low and high temperature, affect an enzyme activity?
What is a prosthetic group?
Define inhibitors of enzyme.
How does an enzyme accelerate a metabolic reaction?
What do you know about the active site of an enzyme?
Differentiate between apoenzyme and holoenzyme.
What are metal activators?
What do you know about the enzyme inhibitors?
Differentiate between reversible and irreversible enzyme inhibitors.
Differentiate between competitive & non-competitive enzyme inhibitors.
What do you know about the cofactor & activator of enzyme?
What do you know by induce fit hypothesis?
How does an enzyme accelerate a metabolic reaction?
How PH of cell affect the enzyme activity.
Write the characteristics of enzymes.
How enzyme concentration and substrate concentration affect enzyme activity.
What do you know about the induced fit model?
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How does high temperature affect enzyme activities?
Write the role of pH in enzyme action?
Write optimum pH values for any two enzyme actions?
Describe various movements involved in the transport of materials across the cell membrane.
State various structural modiications in a cell involved in secretions.
List the processes blocked by mitochondrial failure in a cell.
What will happen if a chromosome loses its centromere?
How does autophagy help in converting a tadpole larva into an adult amphibian?
Is there any similarity between bacterial and plant cell wall?
Write the salient features of cell theory.
Write the name of deferent compounds of which an amino acid is composed of.
Differentiate between phagocytosis and pinocytosis.
Write about five different functions of proteins.
Write chemical composition of primary and secondary cell wall.
Describe the function of nucleus.
Differentiate between cisternae and cristae.
What do you know about peroxisome, polysome and ribosome?
Write functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
What do you know about paroxysms?
Define storage diseases with examples.
Draw a labeled diagram of Mitochondrion?
Define the location of centrioles in the cell with their roles.
Write two difference between Rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
Differentiate between chromoplasts and leucoplasts.
What is Glycoclyx?
Define biodiversity and classification.
Define species and virology.
What is the need of biological classification?
Write the symtoms and prevention of hepatitis.
What is biological classification of corn?
Write the symtoms and prevention of AIDs.
Write name of 5 kingdoms of classifications.
What is bionomial nomenclature?
Are viruses living? Give reasons.
Write the rules of nomenclature?
How can you prove viruses are non-living?
Differentiate between lytic phage and lysogenic phage.
What do you know about prions?
Give structure of Bacteria phage.
Define the terms: Trichome, Antibody, Immunity, Transduction, Transformation, Plasmids, Autoroph.
Write the postulates of germ theory.
What is difference between Parasite and Saprophytes?
What do you know about mesosomes?
Give difference between gram-positive and gram negative bacteria.
Write misuse of antibiotics.
Name general characteristics that could be used to define prokaryotes.
What do you know about trichomes?
Do any other microbial group beside bacteria have prokaryotic cells?
Write the structure and function of Heterocysts?
In what habitats are bacteria found?
What do you know about super blue-green algae?
Give some general means by which bacteria derive nutrients.
List functions of cell membrane perform in bacteria.
What are mesosomes and some of their possible function?
What is unique about structure of bacterial Ribosome?
Draw the three bacterial shapes.
Name a bacteria that has no cell wall?
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Write two characteristics:(i) Protozoa (ii) Dinolagellates(iii) Diatoms (iv) Slime molds(iv) Oomycetes
What do you know about choanoflagellates?
Write the names of five phyla of section protozoa.
What do you know about tritonymphs?
What diseases are caused by trypanosome and entamoeba histolytica?
Give structure & function of diatoms.
Also write three characteristics of diatoms.
What do you know about kelps?
Name the parts of thaullus of a kelp.
Green algae are considered ancestral organism of green land plants, why?
What do you know about chlorella?
What do you know about the importance of algae?
Write two characteristics of ciliates.
Write briefly about mastigophora?
Differentiate between micronucleus & macronucleus.
What do you know about protists?
Draw a diagram of amoeba showing phagcytosis.
What do you know about eukaryodc organisms
Differentiate between foraminiferas & actinopods.
What are three major groups of protists?
What are apicomplexans?
What do you know about algae?
How algae differ from plants?
What do you know about fungi?
What do you know about red tides?
Define symbiosis
What do you know about lichens?
Define the term plasmogamy and karyogamy
Write the names of four phyla of fungi?.
Differentiate between karyogamy and plasmogamy.
What do you know about ascospore and ascocarp?
Differentiate between rusts and smuts.
How can you define primary, secondary and tertiary mycelium found in basidiomycota?
What do you know about budding and para sexuality?
What do you know about toad stools?
What do you know about histoplasmosis?
Give scientific name of yeast used in genetic research.
Differentiate between (a) Spore/Conidium (b) Ascus/Basidium (b) Dikaryotic/Diploid (c) Ascocarp/Ascus
(c) Obligate parasite/Facultative parasite(d) Endomycorrhizae/Ectomycorrhizae (e) Plasmogamy/Karyogamy
What do you know about hyphae.
What do you know about mycorrhiza?
What do you know about dikaryotic hyphae?
What is a hypha? What is the advantage of having incomplete septa?
What is the composition of fungal cell wall and how is this composition advantageous to fungi?
To which phyla do yeasts belong? How do they difer from other fungi?
Name sexual and asexual spores of Ascomycetes.
What are mycorrhizae?
By what means can individuals in imperfect fungi be classiied?
Give a single characteristic that diferentiates Zygomycota from Basidiomycota.
Why is green mold more likely to contaminate an orange kept in a refrigerator than are bacteria?
What is a fungus?
State two parallel characteristics of Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes.
How are ferns better adapted to life on land than liverworts and mosses?
Why bryophytes plants are called amphibious plants?
Account for the fact that megaspores are large and microspores are small.
How spores of mosses differ from spores of liver worts?
What important advances have angiosperms made towards the seed plant life?
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What do you know about alternation of generation?
What is the importance of Seed
Why sphenopsida are called arthophytes?
Sketch and label a fertile pinnule and a sporangium of Adiantium.
Differentiate between microphylls and megaphylls.
What is the importance of Double fertilization.
What do you know about double fertilization in angiosperms.
What is the importance of Heterospory.
Differentiate between monocot stem and dicot stem.
Give three examples of sub phylum psilopsidom.
What is the difference between microphyllous and megaphyllous leaf?
Define actinomorphic and zygomorphic flower.
Draw floral diagram of petunia alba?
What are the botanical names of potato gram and apple?
Distingnish between radial and bilateral symmetry.
Write the importance of sponges.
Distingnish between diploblastic and triploblastic animals.
What do you know about polymorphism.
Distingnish between anamniotes and amniotes.
Write the importance of corals.
What are Cnidaria?
Differentiate between infestation and disinfestations.
How doestape worms afect a person.
Write names and uses of any two useful insects.
What do you know about Sub-Class Prototheria?
What do you know about nymph and metamorphosis.
What do you know about Sub-Class Metatheria?
Give three characteristics of chordates.
What do you know about Sub-Class Eutheria?
Give the role of swim bladder in bony fishes.
What do you know about homeothermic?
Give two commercial importance of sharks.
What do you know about Amphibians?
What do you know about regeneration and maderporite.
What do you know about dipnoi?
Write names and harms of any two harmful molluscus.
What do you know about dugesia?
Differentiate between polyps and medusae.
What do you know about fasciola?
Differentiate between coelmates and acoelomates.
What do you know about taenia?
Differentiate between diploblastia and triploblastic animals.
What do you know about coral reefs?
List four features of a leaf which show that it is able to carry out photosynthesis efectively.
Define bioenergetics.
Summarize the role of water in photosynthesis.
Differentiate between photosynthesis and respiration.
What are T.W. Engelman and Melvin Calvin famous for?
Define photosynthesis with equation.
What is the difference between an action spectrum and an absorption spectrum?
Define compensation point with its occurrence.
What is the role of accessory pigments in light absorption?
Write down the molecular formula for chlorophyll “a” and b”.
When and why is there not net exchange of CO2 and O2 between the leaves and the atmosphere?
What are necessary pigments in plants? Give their importance.
What is the net production of ATP during glycolysis?
Differentiate between absorption and action spectrum.
What is the main difference between photophosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation?
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Differentiate between photosystem and photosystem.
What is the location of ETC and chemiosmosis in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
What is Z-scheme?
How did the evolution of photosynthesis afect the metabolic pathway?
Define fermentation with types.
How does absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a difer from that of chlorophyll b?
Why are the carotenoids usually not obvious in the leaves? They can be seen in the leaves before leaf fall. Why?
How is the formation of vitamin A linked with eating of carrot?
What is the advantage of a digestive tract as compared with a digestive cavity?
Distinguish between nutrients and nutrition.
What are functions of human liver?
Write components and functions of saliva.
What measures should be taken to avoid food poisoning?
Name various types of the salivary gland in man.
Can we get along without large intestine? if not why?
Differentiate between peristalsis and anti-peristalsis.
Define nutrition.
How hunger pangs are caused?
What are heterotrophs?
Define heart burn or pyrosis?
Why is digestion necessary?
Name types of cells present in gastric glands.
What is holozoic nutrition?
What prevents the wall of stomach from being digested?
Make a labelled diagram of the alimentary in cockroach.
How secretion is produced in man?
What prevents the wall of stomach from being digested?
What is its effects on pancreas in man?
How do the digestive tract of herbivores differ from those of carnivores?
What is the role of liver in the digestion of food?
Differentiate between Herbivores and carnivores.
How can we control obesity?
How is gastric juice production regulated?
W hat is the contribution of liver and pancreas in the process of digestion?
How does breathing difer from respiration?
Differentiate between organismic and cellular respiration?
How much carbon dioxide is present in venous and arterial blood?
How is air better respiratory medium than water?
How does air always remain in the lungs of human beings?
What do you know about photorespiration?
What are the products which are produced during photorespiration?
How much denser is a water medium than air medium for exchange of respiratory gases?
What do you know about rubisco?
In what ways is air a better respiratory medium than water?
What do you know about respiratory surface.
In what ways is respiration in birds the most efficient?
Differentiate between cutaneous & pulmonary respiration in frog.
What is ATP?
What are counter current exchange and parabronchi?
What is Diving relex?
Differentiate between diaphragm and pleura.
What is Tuberculosis?
Name respiratory disorders.
What is Asthma?
What do you know about emphysema? Write its symptoms.
What is Emphysema?
What do you know about diving reflex?
What is Cancer?
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What changes occur in animal during diving reflex?
What is respiratory distress syndrome?
List the air passage way in sequence from nostrils to alveoli.
What do you know about the opening and closing of stomata?
Differentiate between water potential & solute potential.
What do you know about pressure-low theory?
Differentiate between plasmolysis & deplasmolysis.
What do you know about water potential?
Differentiate between apoplast & symplast pathway.
How are minerals and water taken up by roots?
Differentiate between single & double circuit heart.
What supplies the cohesion,and what is the source of tension?
What do you know about brain hemorrhage?
What do you know about Heart attack?
What do you know about Hypertension?
What do you know about Blue babies?
Long Questions
Syed Ateeb 0312-0707621
Explain the biological method for solving a biological problem.
How do deductive and inductive reasoning play a role to solve biological problem?
How study of biology helped mankind to improve production of food.
Discuss the types and importance of cloning.
What is the role of the study of Biology in the welfare of mankind?
Describe the importance of water for life.
What do you know about polysaccharides.
Write a short note on amino acids.
Explain acylglycerols.
Describe primary and secondary structure of protein.
Compare DNA and RNA.
Explain different types of RNA.
Describe in detail the mechanism of enzyme action.
Give the effect of pH and temperature on the efficiency of an enzyme action.
What is the importance of enzymes in life?
Compare structure and function of chloroplasts and mitochondria.
State ‘Cell Theory’ and discuss its emergence.
Write notes on :(a) Cytoskeleton (b) Peroxisomes and Glyoxysomes
What might happen if some lysosomal enzymes are absent? Explain with examples.
State and explain the life cycle of a bacteriophage.
State and explain HIV.
State and explain AIDs
State and explain hepatitis.
Describe in detail the structure of bacterial cell wall, emphasizing Gram positive and Gram negative properties.
Write an account of different methods used for controlling microbes.
Discuss the role of antibiotics and immunization in controlling bacterial diseases.
What problem can arise due to misuse of antibiotics?
Describe general characteristics of Cyan bacteria with special reference to Nostoc.
Write Notes on :(a) Koch’s postulates (b) Shape of bacteria (c) Flagella and pili (d) Growth in bacteria.
Discuss important features of protists. Why are protists so difficult to classify?
How are protists important to humans? What is their ecological importance?
Discuss general characteristics of algae.
Green algae are considered ancestral organisms of green land plants. Discuss.
What features distinguish Oomycotes from fungi?
Describe structure and reproduction of slime molds.
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Describe, giving examples, different ways in which fungi are useful to humans.
Discuss taxonomic status of fungi.
Same enzymes of fungi are useful on one hand and harmful on other. Discuss.
What is a seed? Why is the seed a crucial adaptation to terrestrial life?
Describe evolution of leaf and its importance in vascular plants.
Disciiss evolution of seed and it signiicance.
Explain the diploblastic origin, alternation of generations in cranidaria.
Give the symptoms of the disease caused by certain nematodes.
Give an account of the major groups of Arthropods. What is the economic importance of insects.
Give the adaptations for aerial mode of life in birds. What is their origin.
Explain the roles of the following in aerobic respiration: (a) NAD+ and FAD (b) oxygen.
Sketch Kreb’s cycle and discuss its energy yielding steps.
Describe various steps involved in oxidative break down of glucose to pyruvate.
Sketch respiratory electron transport chain. Discuss the signiicance of ETC.
Describe the role of different elements in plant nutrition.
Describe different methods of nutrition in heterotrophs.
Describe the characteristics processes involved in holozoic nutrition giving the example of Amoeba.
Discuss the mechanical aspects of breathing in man.
Write a detailed note on respiratory pigments.
Describe the structure of alveolus in detail.
How does the pressure-low theory explain the movement of sugars through a plant?
What is the relationship of water potential with solute potential and pressure potential?
Write a note on immunity and its types.