Uploaded by lenorrisjones2


Service Project
Your Name: lenorris
Your hometown (city and state): florida
In your opinion, what are 3 of the most serious problems facing your community?
1. affordable housing shortages
housing shortages
2. gun
housing shortages
3. income
income inequality
of these
problems will you address with your project?
income inequality
gun violence
Some evidence of gun violence in Florida can be found in the annual crime statistics report published by the Florida
Department of Law Enforcement. According to the 2022 report, there were 7,289 reported incidents of aggravated assault with a
firearm in Florida in 2021, and 3,613 reported incidents of robbery with a firearm. These numbers indicate that gun violence is
a significant problem in the state. Additionally, a study published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2022 found that
Florida had the highest rate of firearm homicide among all states in the U.S. in 2020. This further underscores the need for
effective strategies to address gun violence in Florida.
How does this problem negatively impact your community?
The negative impacts of gun violence on communities in Florida are numerous. First and foremost, it leads to loss of life and
injury, causing trauma among victims and their families. It can also create fear and anxiety among residents, making them feel
unsafe in their own neighborhoods. Businesses and local economies can suffer as well, as high levels of violence can deter
customers and investors from the area. Additionally, increased law enforcement presence and costs associated with responding
to gun violence can strain local budgets and resources. Ultimately, gun violence can have a profound and lasting effect on the
quality of life and well-being of the affected communities.
It has me on edge of what people are actually capable not knowing their true motives
Using the table below, list and describe 2 organizations or individuals who can
organizations, government agencies, or individual community members with
knowledge of your chosen cause. Be sure to include their contact information in the
column to the right.
Organization or
How can they help?
Contact information
(Phone, email, social media, etc.)
Anytown Food Bank
Mayor Kamala Khan
In one or two paragraphs (5–7 sentences each), describe your project. Be sure to
plan to address it.