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Psychology Quiz: Emotions, Stress, and Appraisal

Quiz (Unit7, week 1)
Part 1. Multiple choice questions (10 points for each question, 100 points in total)
1. One night Samar became frightened(惊恐) when she was startled(惊吓) by a
noise while walking down the street alone. Which theory of emotion would say that her
fear resulted from the startle response alone?
a. James-Lange
b. Cannon-Bard
c. Two-factor
d. Lazarus’
e. Schachter-Singer’s
2. The Cannon-Bard theory of emotion states that
a. emotional response occurs before cognition.
b. physiological response occurs before emotional response.
c. emotional response occurs before physiological response.
d. cognition occurs before emotional response.
e. physiological response and emotion occur independently(相互独立的) and
3*. Which of the following is an example of cognitive appraisal(认知评估)?
a. Randall is happy all day because he is savoring(回味) the wonderful events of
b. Charles is frightened in a dark alley because he remembers stories of others being
attacked in dark alleys.
c. Sherika labels(打标签) the arousal she is feeling as attraction because she is in the
presence of a good-looking man.
d. Dora is angry because she cannot figure out how to convince her husband to take her
to Hawaii.
e. Ann is frustrated(受挫) because traffic has made her late for an important meeting.
4*. Which of the following characterizes(标志) the “low road” neural pathway to
a. Information travels directly from the thalamus(丘脑) to the amygdala(杏仁核).
b. The emotional response happens more slowly than it would via the “high road.”
c. It is an example of top-down processing.
d. It is more likely to be utilized for complex feelings.
e. It passes through the brain’s cortex(皮层).
5. Which of the following provides the largest nonverbal cue(非言语线索) to the
emotional state of another person?
a. Bouncing leg(大腿)
b. Eyebrows(眉毛)
c. Mouth and eyes (嘴和眼)
d. Hair standing up (炸毛)
e. Respiration rate(呼吸频率)
6*. When asked to picture an angry person, researchers found that
a. men tend to picture a man and women picture a woman.
b. women tend to picture a man and men picture a woman.
c. women and men both picture a woman.
d. women and men both picture a man.
e. the responses of men and women were too varied to provide any substantial data.
7. Emily’s family has been traumatized(受到创伤) by a recent hurricane in Puerto Rico.
Described in terms of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS), which phase would they
have experienced first?
a. Resistance
b. Appraisal
c. Exhaustion
d. Alarm.
e. Challenge
8. Roberto is an angry person who is prone to outbursts throughout the day. Psychologists
would describe him as having a(n) ___ personality.
a. Type A
b. Type B
c. GAS
d. Type T
e. NK cell
9*. In order to reduce risk of heart disease, people should attempt to reduce their levels of
a. optimism.
b. apathy.
c. pessimism.
d. competitiveness.
e. empathy.
10*. Which one of the following statements about stress is true?
a. Surgical wounds(外伤) heal more slowly in stressed people.
b. Stress has no effect on those exposed to cold viruses(感冒病毒).
c. There is no correlation between stress and longevity(长寿).
d. Stress makes us more resistant to infection(感染) and heart disease.
e. Anxiety(焦虑), irritation(激怒), and guilt(内疚) all prompt very different
physiological responses.
Part 2. Free response questions(10 points)
Xavier has a huge math test coming up next Tuesday. Explain two ways appraisal(评估,
评价) can determine how stress will influence his test performance.