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Useful commands 1

Huwaei:- // To display interface descriptions on a Huawei device
display interface description
============================================= // display information about a specific interface
display interface <Port_Name> <Port_Number>
For e.g :-
display interface XGigabitEthernet 0/0/1
// display dynamically learned MAC addresses
display mac-address dynamic vsi <Vlan_ID>
For e.g :-
display mac-address dynamic vsi 2009
// display the peering information
============================================ display vsi name <Vlan_id> peer-info
For e.g :-
display vsi name 462 peer-info
// show information about ports in form of table with columns such as Interface, Status, Protocol, and Description
show interfaces description
// show information about specified interface
show interfaces <Port_Name> <Port_Number><.sub Interfaces>
For e.g. :-
show interfaces tenGigE 0/0/0/30
show interfaces tenGigE 0/0/0/30.551
======================================================================================================= ========================================================================================================
// show mac address table of specified vlan
show l2vpn forwarding bridge-domain mac-address location 0/0/CPU0 | include <Vlan_ID>
For e.g. :-
show l2vpn forwarding bridge-domain mac-address location 0/0/CPU0 | include 2009
// show information about ports in form of table with columns such as Interface, Status, Protocol, and Description
show interfaces description
// show information about specified interface
show interfaces <Port_name> <Port_number>
For e.g. :-
show interfaces gigabitEthernet 0/0/2
// show mac address table of specified vlan
show mac-address-table | include <Vlan_id>
For e.g. :-
show mac-address-table | include 1701
show mac-address-table dynamic bdomain <Vlan_Id>
For e.g. :-
show mac-address-table dynamic bdomain 2009
bdcom switch:-
// show a brief summary of information about all interfaces on the device
show interface brief
===================================== // show information about a specific range of interfaces
show interface range <Port_Type> <Port_number>
For e.g :- show interface range gigaEthernet 0/1
// show dynamically learned MAC addresses within a specific VLAN
show mac address-table dynamic vlan <Vlan_ID>
For e.g :-
show mac address-table dynamic vlan 2009
========================================= // show the MAC addresses associated with a specific interface
show mac address-table interface <Port_Type> <Port_number>
For e.g :-
show mac address-table interface gigaEthernet 0/1
// show information about registered ONTs on all PON ports
show ont register information ponid all
// show MAC address entries in the MAC address table where the associated VLAN is 2009
show mac-address-table | include <Vlan_ID> or <Interfaces> or <LINE Regular Expression>
For e.g :-
show mac-address-table | include 2009
================================================================================ // show all the interface details
show ip interface brief
// show details about ONUs that are currently active on the GPON ports
show gpon active-onu
// show details about ONUs that are currently active on the GPON ports
show epon active-onu
// show MAC address entries in the MAC address table where the associated VLAN is <VLAN_ID>
show mac address-table dynamic vlan <VLAN_ID>
For e.g. :-
show mac address-table dynamic vlan 2009
// show information about active ONUs on GPON <Port>
show gpon active-onu interface GPON <Port_number>
For e.g. :-
show gpon active-onu interface GPON 0/1
// show information about active ONUs on EPON <Port>
show gpon active-onu interface EPON <Port_number>
For e.g. :-
show gpon active-onu interface EPON 0/1
// show information about GPON ONUs with the specified serial number
show gpon onu-information sn <Serial_number>
For e.g. :-
show gpon onu-information sn HWTC:5863679A
// show information about EPON ONUs with the specified serial number
show epon onu-information sn <Serial_number>
For e.g. :-
show epon onu-information sn HWTC:5863679A