Uploaded by ESQUILONA, Anabel

Acceptable words

Acceptable words
Words of any part of speech, except for proper nouns,
abbereviolations, or words requiring hypens or apostropes.
hypen is the symbol used to join two words together the not allowed words are
RADAR, LASER, SCUBA, variant spellings, or offensive terms, archaic, or obsolete.
terms are allowed if they meet all other criteria for acceptability, but archaic
spellings. Ex. Neede or need are generally not allowed. Foreign words are not
allowed in English language.
Penalty for a successfully challenges play is nearly universal the offending player
removes the tiles played and forfeits his or her turn. Meaning of forfeits is lose so the
player can lose her turn.
Double challenge = unsuccessfully challenging player must lost the next turn that can
result to greatest risk .
Single challenge = free challenge = in which no penalty .
Modified ‘single challenge’ = which an unsuccesful challenge does not result in the
loss of the players turn but is penalized by the loss of a points.
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