Waves and sound Waves and Sound Edited by: MGROSALES There are mainly 2 types of waves: Mechanical waves-somephysical medium is being disturbed em waves- do not require a medium to propagate Mechanical waves: Water waves- without water, there would be no wave. A wave traveling on a string would not exist The Nature of Waves 1. A wave is a traveling disturbance. 2. A wave carries energy from place to place. Transverse Waves • A traveling wave or pulse that causes the elements of the disturbed medium to move perpendicular to the direction of propagation is called Transverse waves. • a transverse wave is one in which the disturbance occurs perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave. Radio waves, light waves, and microwaves are transverse waves. Transverse waves also travel on the strings of instruments such as guitars and banjos. Longitudinal waves • A traveling wave or pulse that causes the elements of the medium to move parallel to the direction to the direction of propagation is called longitudinal waves. The Nature of Waves Transverse Wave The Nature of Waves Longitudinal Wave The Nature of Waves Water waves are partially transverse and partially longitudinal. Periodic Waves Periodic waves consist of cycles or patterns that are produced over and over again by the source. In the figures, every segment of the slinky vibrates in simple harmonic motion, provided the end of the slinky is moved in simple harmonic motion. Periodic Waves In the drawing, one cycle is shaded in color. The amplitude A is the maximum excursion of a particle of the medium from the particles undisturbed position. The wavelength is the horizontal length of one cycle of the wave. The period is the time required for one complete cycle. The frequency is related to the period and has units of Hz, or s-1. 1 f = T Periodic Waves v= T = f Periodic Waves Example 1 The Wavelengths of Radio Waves AM and FM radio waves are transverse waves consisting of electric and magnetic field disturbances traveling at a speed of 3.00x108m/s. A station broadcasts AM radio waves whose frequency is 1230x103Hz and an FM radio wave whose frequency is 91.9x106Hz. Find the distance between adjacent crests in each wave. v= T = f v = f Periodic Waves AM FM v 3.00 108 m s = = = 244 m 3 f 1230 10 Hz v 3.00 108 m s = = = 3.26 m 6 f 91.9 10 Hz The Speed of a Wave on a String The speed at which the wave moves to the right depends on how quickly one particle of the string is accelerated upward in response to the net pulling force. tension F v= mL linear density The Speed of a Wave on a String Example 2 Waves Traveling on Guitar Strings Transverse waves travel on each string of an electric guitar after the string is plucked. The length of each string between its two fixed ends is 0.628 m, and the mass is 0.208 g for the highest pitched E string and 3.32 g for the lowest pitched E string. Each string is under a tension of 226 N. Find the speeds of the waves on the two strings. The Speed of a Wave on a String High E v= F = mL 226 N = 826 m s -3 0.208 10 kg (0.628 m ) ( ) Low E v= F = mL 226 N = 207 m s -3 3.32 10 kg (0.628 m ) ( ) The Mathematical Description of a Wave What is the displacement y at time t of a particle located at x? The Nature of Sound Waves LONGITUDINAL SOUND WAVES Sound • A longitudinal wave that is created by a vibrating object ( guitar, vocal chords, diaphragms of speaker. • Sound can can be created or transmitted only in a medium (gas, liquid or gas The Nature of Sound Waves The distance between adjacent condensations is equal to the wavelength of the sound wave. The Nature of Sound Waves Individual air molecules are not carried along with the wave. The Nature of Sound Waves THE FREQUENCY OF A SOUND WAVE The frequency is the number of cycles per second. A sound with a single frequency is called a pure tone. The brain interprets the frequency in terms of the subjective quality called pitch. The Nature of Sound Waves THE PRESSURE AMPLITUDE OF A SOUND WAVE Loudness is an attribute of a sound that depends primarily on the pressure amplitude of the wave. The Speed of Sound Sound travels through gases, liquids, and solids at considerably different speeds. The Speed of Sound In a gas, it is only when molecules collide that the condensations and rarefactions of a sound wave can move from place to place. vrms = Ideal Gas v= kT 3kT m k = 1.38 10 −23 J K m 5 7 = for monatomic or diatomic 3 5 = Cp/Cv Specific heat ratio = the ratio of the specific heat capacity at constant pressure cp to the specific heat capacity at constant volume cv. The Speed of Sound LIQUIDS v= Bad SOLID BARS v= Y Sound Intensity Sound waves carry energy that can be used to do work. The amount of energy transported per second is called the power of the wave. The sound intensity is defined as the power that passes perpendicularly through a surface divided by the area of that surface. P I= A Sound Intensity Example 6 Sound Intensities 12x10-5W of sound power passed through the surfaces labeled 1 and 2. The areas of these surfaces are 4.0m2 and 12m2. Determine the sound intensity at each surface. Sound Intensity P 12 10−5 W −5 2 I1 = = = 3 . 0 10 W m A1 4.0m2 P 12 10−5 W −5 2 I2 = = = 1 . 0 10 W m A2 12m2 Sound Intensity For a 1000 Hz tone, the smallest sound intensity that the human ear can detect is about 1x10-12W/m2. This intensity is called the threshold of hearing. On the other extreme, continuous exposure to intensities greater than 1W/m2 can be painful. If the source emits sound uniformly in all directions, the intensity depends on the distance from the source in a simple way. Sound Intensity power of sound source P I= 4 r 2 area of sphere Decibels The decibel (dB) is a measurement unit used when comparing two sound intensities. Because of the way in which the human hearing mechanism responds to intensity, it is appropriate to use a logarithmic scale called the intensity level: I = (10 dB) log Io I o = 1.00 10 −12 W m 2 Note that log(1)=0, so when the intensity of the sound is equal to the threshold of hearing, the intensity level is zero. Decibels I = (10 dB) log Io I o = 1.00 10 −12 W m 2 Decibels Example 9 Comparing Sound Intensities Audio system 1 produces a sound intensity level of 90.0 dB, and system 2 produces an intensity level of 93.0 dB. Determine the ratio of intensities. I = (10 dB) log Io Decibels I I o = (10 dB) log I Io I Io 1 = (10 dB) log 1 2 = (10 dB) log 2 I Io I Io I Io I = (10 dB) log 2 I1 I1 I o 2 − 1 = (10 dB) log 2 − (10 dB) log 1 = (10 dB) log 2 I2 3.0 dB = (10 dB) log I1 I2 0.30 = log I1 I2 = 100.30 = 2.0 I1 Doppler Effect • A change in frequency or pitch of the sound detected by an observer because the sound source and the observer have different velocities with respect to the medium of sound propagation. Moving source • Numerator, (+) – O moves toward source • (-) O moves away from source • Denominator, (-) source moves toward the O • (+) source moves away from O 16.8 The Doppler Effect The Doppler Effect II—moving listener, moving source ❑ As the object making the sound moves or as the listener moves (or as they both move), the velocity of sound is shifted enough to change the pitch perceptively. Example 16.15 Doppler effect I: Wavelengths • A police siren emits a sinusoidal wave with frequency fs = 300 Hz. The speed of sound is 340 m/s. (a) Find the wavelength of the waves if the siren is at rest in the air. (b) If the siren is moving at 30 m/s (108 km/h, or 67 mi/h), find the wavelengths of the waves in front of and behind the source. Example 16.16 Doppler effect II: Frequencies • If a listener L is at rest and the siren in Example 16.15 is moving away front L at 30 m/s, what frequency does the listener hear? Example 16.17 Doppler effect III: A moving listener • If the siren is at rest and the listener is moving away front the siren at 30 m/s, what frequency does the listener hear? Example 16.18 Doppler effect IV: Moving source, moving listener • If the siren is moving away front the listener with a speed of 45 m/s relative to the air and the listener is moving toward the siren with a speed of 15 m/s relative to the air, what frequency does the listener hear? Example 16.19 Doppler effect V: A double Doppler shift • The police car with its 300-Hz siren is moving toward a warehouse at 30 m/s, intending to crash through the door. What frequency does the driver of the police car hear reflected front the warehouse? ❑ The frequency of sound reaching the warehouse, which we call fw , is greater than 300 Hz because the source is approaching. ❑ In the second shift, the warehouse acts as a source of sound with frequency fw , and the listener is the driver of the police car; she hears a frequency greater than fw because she is approaching the source. ❑ To determine fw , we use Eq. (16.29) with fs replaced by fw . For this part of the problem, vL = vw = 0 (the warehouse is at rest) and vs = -30 m/s (the siren is moving in the negative direction from source to listener). Doppler Effect for Electromagnetic Waves ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ special relativity c = speed of light v = speed of source fR = frequency at receiver *16.9 Shock Waves 16.35 Wave crests around a sound source S moving (a) slightly slower than the speed of sound v and (b) faster than the sound speed v (a) Source is slower than sound (b) Supersonic source: faster than sound Mach number = vs /v sin = v/vs = 1/Mach no • (c) This photograph shows a T-38 jet airplane moving at 1.1 times the speed of sound. Separate shock waves are produced by the nose, wings, and tail. The angles of these waves vary because the air speeds up and slows down as it moves around the airplane, so the relative speed vs of the airplane and air is different for shock waves produced at different points. Example 16.20 Sonic boom from a supersonic airplane • An airplane is flying at Mach 1.75 at an altitude of 8000 m, where the speed of sound is 320 m/s. How long after the plane passes directly overhead will you hear the sonic boom?