ATTIQ, FATEN (Student)
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
BACKGROUND CONTEXT............................................................................................................................................ 3
4 LOUIS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
CURRENT STRATEGIC ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................... 4
ANSOFFS MATRIX ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
ANSOFF MATRIX FOR 4 LOUIS ................................................................................................................................... 5
MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 7
STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................................... 7
PESTLE ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................................... 9
POLITICAL .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Implication for 4 Louis: ........................................................................................................................................ 9
ECONOMIC ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Implications for 4 Louis: .................................................................................................................................... 10
SOCIAL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Implication for 4 Louis: ...................................................................................................................................... 10
TECHNOLOGY........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Implication for 4 Louis ....................................................................................................................................... 11
LEGAL ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Implications for 4 Louis: .................................................................................................................................... 12
ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Implication for 4 Louis: ...................................................................................................................................... 13
INDUSTRY ANALYSIS FOR 4 LOUIS: ................................................................................................................ 13
INDUSTRY DEFINITION: ............................................................................................................................................ 13
INDUSTRY OVERVIEW: ............................................................................................................................................. 14
INDUSTRY SIZE: ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
INDUSTRY GROWTH RATE: ...................................................................................................................................... 14
INDUSTRY PROFITABILITY: ...................................................................................................................................... 14
INDUSTRY COMPETITORS: ........................................................................................................................................ 15
INDUSTRY TRENDS:.................................................................................................................................................. 15
INDUSTRY LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS FOR 4LOUIS: ........................................................................................ 15
INTRODUCTION PHASE: ............................................................................................................................................ 15
GROWTH PHASE: ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
MATURITY PHASE: ................................................................................................................................................... 16
DECLINE PHASE: ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS............................................................................................................ 17
SWOT ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................................... 17
Strengths ............................................................................................................................................................. 17
WEAKNESSES ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
OPPORTUNITIES:....................................................................................................................................................... 19
THREATS .................................................................................................................................................................. 20
CURRENT ISSUES FACED BY 4 LOUIS ............................................................................................................. 21
LACK OF STAFF ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
4 LOUIS AND ITS LACK OF STAFF MEMBERS .............................................................................................................. 22
VRIO FRAMEWORK: ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Value: ................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Rarity: ................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Inimitability: ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Organisation: ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
MEMORY BOXES NOT BEING INCLUSIVE .................................................................................................................. 24
Memory-Making ................................................................................................................................................. 24
Limitations of the Memory Box .......................................................................................................................... 25
Comparitive Analysis of 4 Louis’ Memory Box with Star Legacy Foundations Memory Box: ......................... 26
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................................. 27
TIME-SERIES ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................................... 30
SUMMARY OF TIME SERIES ANALYSIS: ..................................................................................................................... 34
RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 35
CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................................................... 36
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................... 37
Background Context
The majority of organisations nowadays use strategic planning. An organisation may become
more productive by using strategic planning to assist direct the distribution of resources in order
to accomplish objectives. In actuality, effective strategic management depends on strategic
planning [1]. This report will strategically analyse 4 Louis and how it can operate more
A baby's death, whether it occurs prior to delivery, during childbirth, or in the days, weeks, or
months that follow, is just as tragic as any other death. It is just as vital, important, and sad as the
passing of an adult or older kid. It is undoubtedly different, yet it is still a significant occasion. A
baby's death is a person's death. Parents may have dedicated so much of themselves to caring for
their child that when the child passes away, a piece of them also passes away. Parents who lose
their kid lose their identity as parents, they lose the opportunity of growing old with someone.
In the past, the effects of a baby's loss were not as well acknowledged, and grieving parents
sometimes battled alone with a pain that others did not realise or understand. One of the most
frequently raised issues stated by parents is still their sense of isolation, even in this day and age
when there is a greater awareness of this particularly challenging type of grieving and
professional practise has much improved.
NHS England's study estimates that there were 2,928 stillbirths in England in 2020, or 3.8
stillbirths per 1,000 live births [2]. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), 3,295
stillbirths occurred in the UK as a whole in 2019 [3]. This does show a decrease of still births
between the years, however, every single still birth brings thousands of consequences for the
family affected.
4 Louis
4Louis is a UK-based charity organization that provides support to families affected by
miscarriage, stillbirth, and neonatal death. The charity was founded by Kirsty McGurrell with the
intention of providing memory boxes filled with souvenirs and keepsakes for bereaved families
to help them get through the grieving process. As a way to assist families in coping with their
loss, they provide a variety of services and materials, such as memory boxes, competent
photography, and bereavement support. Through teaching and training, 4Louis also seeks to
enhance the assistance and care given by medical professionals to families who have experienced
miscarriage and infant loss. The charity has a group of devoted volunteers who assist in
providing its services, but to fulfill their goals they are dependant on contributions and
fundraising activities [4].
Current Strategic Analysis
Vision is the first step. A vision depicts the future. The vision of 4 Louis is to ensure that every
family has the opportunity to cherish unique moments with a loved one.
The 4 Louis board of trustees has set four strategic goals for the following three years in order to
carry out its guiding principles.The initial goal is to provide families with memories so they may
treasure them and use them to help them deal with their loss. The second goal is to concentrate
on the mental health of medical professionals and their families, who are going through a
challenging and trying time. The third goal is to reduce the possibility of causing more pain to
families in mourning and to give them a place to heal in the hospital setting. By giving bereaved
families the appropriate resources and assistance during their mourning process, the fourth goal
is to improve the care delivered to them. These objectives will help 4 Louis remain focused on
their mission and provide clear goals for the organisation to achieve [4].
Ansoffs Matrix
In order to identify their growth strategies, organisations can use the Ansoff Matrix, a strategic
planning tool, to examine their existing and potential product and market offerings. It was
created by Igor Ansoff in the 1950s and is now frequently used by companies to examine their
strategic possibilities for expansion [5,6]. Market penetration, market development, product
development, and diversification are the four growth strategies included in the matrix.
Organisations must take into account the risks and opportunities associated with any plan before
making any strategic decisions. The Ansoff Matrix is a useful tool for organisations to evaluate
their development potential and create their strategic goals, however, it is criticized that it
oversimplifies complicated business circumstances [5,6].
Ansoff Matrix for 4 Louis
Fig. 1 Ansoff Matrix for 4 Louis
This matrix may be used to find prospective directions for growth and expansion for 4 Louis.
Expanding outreach initiatives and establishing new collaborations with healthcare organisations
in their present service regions may be necessary for market penetration. When there is a demand
for similar services in other areas or nations, market growth may entail increasing services there.
Product development can entail designing new keepsakes or memory boxes for certain kinds of
losses. Finally, diversification may entail looking at new approaches for helping families who
have lost a baby during perinatal or neonatal periods. 4 Louis can find the best methods to
expand and fulfill its objective of assisting families who have lost a baby by taking these four
quadrants into account.
Macroeconomic analysis
Stakeholder Analysis
The process of identifying, evaluating, and prioritising the interests and impact of diverse
stakeholders within an organisation is known as a stakeholder analysis. In order to manage their
influence on the organisation, important stakeholders' interests, worries, and expectations must
be identified [7].
Some of the significant stakeholders involved in 4 Louis include:
Fig. 2 Stakeholder Analysis for 4 Louis
Several techniques may be applied to analyse these stakeholders and their interests. The powerinterest matrix is a popular strategy that maps stakeholders according to their amount of power
and interest in the organisation. This can assist in identifying important stakeholders who need
more consideration and involvement [8]
Fig. 3 Power and Interest Matrix for 4 Louis
PESTLE Analysis
Funding for organisations that help stillbirth and miscarriage can be impacted by political issues.
The amount of financial support offered to such organisations may change in response to
variations in governmental priorities and budget allocations.
The UK government said in 2020 that it will increase funding for charities that assist parents who
have lost a baby by £2.4 million, which would be distributed to groups across the nation [9].
The UK government has also started programmes like the National Bereavement Care Pathway
(NBCP), which aims to raise the standard of bereavement care delivered to families who have
experienced pregnancy and infant loss by healthcare professionals [10].
Implication for 4 Louis: 4 Louis must closely monitor any modifications to their financial
objectives and governmental regulations that may have an impact on their capacity to function
and help families who have experienced stillbirth and miscarriage. Additionally, they should
keep abreast of government programmes like the NBCP and search for opportunities to
cooperate with and support them. The lack of employees and resources may make it more
difficult for 4 Louis to assist families in need promptly. The legal framework governing charities
may also have an influence on 4Louis' activities.
The amount of support and money received by charities that help stillbirth and miscarriage may
vary depending on the state of the economy. People and companies may be less willing to give to
charities during difficult economic times, which may affect the viability of such organisations
financially. For the first time in ten years, the UK charity sector experienced a loss in income in
2019 [11], with organisations in the health and social care sector being particularly heavily
Economic issues like unemployment, interest rates, and inflation can have an impact on a
family's capacity to obtain and pay for healthcare services as well as their financial well-being.
Additionally, lockdowns and other limitations caused by the COVID-19 epidemic have had a
severe negative influence on the economy, resulting in job losses and decreased economic
activity [12].
Implications for 4 Louis: 4 Louis needs to be ready to adjust to shifts in the economic
landscape and come up with innovative methods to raise money and support through their social
media, hospitals, collaboration with various organisations, and participation in fundraising
events. Additionally, they might need to create new programmes and services to cater to the
needs of families who have lost a child and are dealing with extra financial hardships despite
their limited financial resources.
The demand for the services offered by charities that assist stillbirth and miscarriage might be
influenced by social variables. Various demographic groups and communities may have different
degrees of awareness and attitudes towards pregnancy and newborn loss.
With a number of high-profile campaigns and initiatives being established to address the issue,
there is rising awareness and understanding of the need to increase care for families impacted by
stillbirth and miscarriage in the UK [12]. But in certain places, there may still be shame
associated with the subject of pregnancy and infant loss, which can make it less likely for
families to seek assistance.
Implication for 4 Louis: The charity has to keep educating and bringing awareness to the public
about the value of helping families who have experienced child loss and miscarriage.
Additionally, they must be mindful of the cultural and social environment in which they work
and take steps to remove any stigmas or obstacles to receiving care. Furthermore, the
environment in which 4 Louis works may be impacted by shifting demographics and social
trends. For instance, the ageing population in the UK may result in a rise in demand for end-of-
life care and support services from families who have lost parents or grandparents rather than
from those who have lost children.
Technology advancements may have an influence on how organisations that assist stillbirth and
miscarriage provide their services. Online help may be given to more families by using digital
tools and platforms.
With programmes like the NHS Digital Maternity Programme designed to improve the use of
technology in maternity care, there has been a rise in the usage of digital technology in the
healthcare industry in recent years [13].
With the development of new medical techniques and equipment, technology has also enhanced
the standard of care for people suffering from stillbirth or miscarriage. By keeping an eye on the
health of the foetus and seeing potential issues early, for instance using 4D scans and foetal
monitors, it can spot stillbirths and prevent them [14].
Implication for 4 Louis: 4 Louis should use technology to expand its audience and raise the
calibre of its offerings. Additionally, they must keep up with technological developments and
research new methods to utilise digital tools and platforms to communicate with supporters and
offer their services, such as leveraging technology to streamline their production of memory
boxes or manage their inventory. They could also need to acquire fresh knowledge and abilities
in this field. Furthermore, communication technology advancements have made it simpler for
families to receive support services, such as those offered by 4 Louis. For instance, 4 Louis
offers an online store where people may order memory boxes and other things to interact with
grieving families better. 4 Louis can also work with healthcare professionals to get innovative
healthcare equipment that can aid in the detection and avoidance of stillbirths.
The activities and operations of organisations that help stillbirth and miscarriage may be
impacted by legal considerations.
Enforcement and regulations are very important in the market for stillbirths and miscarriages. To
guarantee that stillbirth/miscarriage charities are operating lawfully and providing services that
adhere to the necessary standards, the UK government and regulatory bodies have adopted a
number of legislation and regulations. For instance, the Charity Commission for England and
Wales supervises charities to make sure they are responsible, open, and compliant with the law
[15]. The Charity commission keeps an eye on charities to make sure they adhere to their goals,
protect their assets, and practise good governance.
Charities must abide by a number of rules and laws, including those pertaining to governance,
financial reporting, and fundraising. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in fines or other
penalties, which may hinder the organization's ability to accomplish its objectives. Additionally,
modifications to the legislation, such as new statutes or court decisions, may have an impact on
how charities do their business. For instance, a recent court decision in the UK determined that
parents who lose a child to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infancy should be entitled to compensated
parental leave [16]
Implications for 4 Louis: 4 Louis is required to abide by all applicable rules and regulations as
a stillbirth/miscarriage charity. Failure to do so can result in problems with the law and their
reputation. 4 Louis needs to be aware of any changes to the law and make sure that all of its
operations comply with the rules. Additionally, 4 Louis can set itself apart from other
organisations that do not follow rules by leveraging compliance with regulations as a competitive
The term "environment" refers to outside variables such as social developments, natural
catastrophes, and climate change that might have an impact on the stillbirth/miscarriage market
in the UK. Rising temperatures and harsh weather can raise the incidence of stillbirth and
miscarriage, which can have an impact on mother and foetal health. For instance, it has been
discovered that being exposed to air pollution increases the chance of stillbirth and infant
mortality [17]. Additionally, natural catastrophes like earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods can
interfere with healthcare systems and pregnant women's access to medical treatment.
Implication for 4 Louis: 4 Louis should be mindful of external environmental issues like
climate change and natural catastrophes that might affect the stillbirth/miscarriage industry. The
charity can seek to increase public awareness of the dangers posed by these elements and help
families who are impacted by them by offering resources and assistance. Additionally, 4 Louis
should remain informed on current events including shifts in attitudes around pregnancy and
childbirth that might have an influence on the stillbirth/miscarriage business. The charitable
organisation may modify the services it provides to match the shifting requirements of families
and offer assistance that is both pertinent and efficient.
Industry analysis for 4 Louis:
The industry life cycle model is a valuable tool for assessing an organization's current state of
development and potential obstacles in its industry. 4 Louis works in the non-profit sector, a
quickly changing field with distinctive traits that have an impact on its life cycle. In the industry
life cycle's growth stage, there is a fierce rivalry and a rising need for additional services [18].
Industry Definition:
The charitable sector, in which 4 Louis operates, is defined as being particularly committed to
helping families who have lost a child during pregnancy, delivery, or soon after. This sector is
often referred to as the bereavement support sector.
Industry Overview:
As of 2021, there were an estimated 168,000 registered charities in the UK, reflecting the sector's
rapid expansion over the previous few years [15]. The sector is critical in delivering vital
assistance to vulnerable groups, such as families who have experienced child loss.
Industry Size:
Due to the variety of services offered by various organisations, it is challenging to determine the
size of the grief support business in the UK. However, a study by the Stillbirth and Neonatal
Death Charity (Sands) predicts that 15 newborns in the UK pass away before, during, or soon
after birth every day, underscoring the critical need for support services in this area [19].
Industry Growth Rate:
As the mental health and wellness of those impacted by child loss are acknowledged as critical
health objectives, the bereavement support business has witnessed a rise in focus and investment
in recent years. However, the business still faces difficulties in raising public awareness and
receiving financial backing because of the sensitive and sometimes stigmatised nature of the
Industry Profitability:
By definition, the charitable sector is non-profit, and businesses like 4 Louis depend on
contributions and grants to keep them running. Although there may be some options for making
money, such as via fundraising activities and the sale of goods, the emphasis is on helping the
afflicted families rather than making money.
Industry Competitors:
The Miscarriage Association, Tommy's, the Lullaby Trust, and Sands are further nonprofits that
work in the grief assistance sector. These groups compete with 4 Louis for financing, resources,
and public attention while offering a variety of services and support to families who have lost a
child [20].
Industry Trends:
Charity organisations in the UK are increasingly collaborating and forming partnerships as they
realise that doing so may help them increase efficiency and effectiveness. As bereavement
assistance is not a one-size-fits-all answer, the industry is likewise shifting towards a more
holistic and person-centered approach, adapting services to meet the particular requirements of
each family.
Industry life cycle analysis for 4 Louis:
Introduction Phase: Since the charity sector is a mature industry, 4 Louis has already moved
past the introductory stage. There aren't many participants in this stage, and there aren't many
restrictions on entrance. Since its founding, 4 Louis has built a solid reputation as a provider of
support services for parents who have lost a child.
Growth Phase: In the growth phase, there are more participants, the market is larger, and there
is more rivalry. The industry grows quickly during this era, and demand for services rises as
well. When the government started to cut financing for public services in the 1980s, there was a
rise in demand for charitable services, which marked the start of this period for the charity sector
[21]. The charity industry is now expanding significantly as a result of growing public awareness
and support from the government.
Maturity Phase: The nonprofit sector has entered a highly competitive maturity phase. There
are many participants, and regulation has become more stringent. The Charity Commission
regulates charities in the UK and makes sure they adhere to strict guidelines. Charities must
concentrate on forging solid bonds with all of its stakeholders during this phase, including
donors, volunteers, and recipients[22].
Decline Phase: The decline phase is characterised by a fall in market size, a reduction in the
number of participants, and an increase in regulation. Given the nature of the sector, it is unlikely
that the charity sector will experience this period. Individual charities, however, can see a fall if
they don't adjust to environmental changes or if they don't follow the criteria established by
Charity Commission.
Fig. 4 Industry Life Cycle Analysis for 4 Louis
4 Louis works in a mature sector with a lot of competition. The sector is expanding significantly
as a result of more public awareness and assistance from the government. In order to be
competitive, 4 Louis must concentrate on building solid connections with all of its stakeholders,
including donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries.
To remain relevant and competitive in the business, 4 Louis should constantly develop and adapt.
To compete with larger, more reputable charities, younger organisations like 4 Louis may find it
increasingly challenging as the non-profit industry evolves and becomes more established [18].
Hence, they should manage their operations and finances better and build donor networks and
increase brand awareness [23]. Established charities also have greater resources available to
them which unfortunately 4 Louis doesn't.
4 Louis may need to concentrate on strategic planning and increasing its organisational capacity
in order to maintain its competitiveness and sustainability over the long run. This might entail
creating new partnerships, increasing the number of donors, and making investments in the
growth and training of the team members [24]. Additionally, 4 Louis could be able to boost
operational effectiveness and broaden its reach to new audiences by using technology and digital
platforms [23].
Internal environment analysis
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis will be used to assess 4 Louis' internal audit. SWOT analysis is a tool used by
organisations for strategic planning and management. It works well for developing both
organisational and competitive strategies. According to the System Approach, organisations are
made up of many sub-systems and exist as wholes that interact with their
environments. According to this definition, an organisation has two environments- one inside of
it, the other outside. Analysing these ecosystems for strategic management techniques is
essential. This process of examining the organization and its environment is termed SWOT
Analysis [25].
o Dedicated and passionate team: 4 Louis benefits from having a passionate and devoted
staff and volunteer group that are committed to helping families who have lost a baby.
The organisation's high-quality services are a direct result of the team's enthusiasm and
o Strong partnerships with healthcare providers: Strong ties between 4 Louis and healthcare
organisations make it possible to include the organization's services in the support given
to bereaved parents. These collaborations provide the organisation the chance to broaden
its offerings and reach new audiences.
o High degree of impact on families: Families who have lost a baby greatly benefit from
the efforts offered by 4 Louis. Families strongly cherish the memory boxes the group
provides because they can ease their grief process.
o Adaptability in the provision of services: 4 Louis is adaptable in how it provides services
and may change to meet the requirements of different families. This adaptability enables
the group to offer tailored care to families who have lost a baby.
o Good reputation in the neighbourhood: 4 Louis enjoys a good reputation in the
neighbourhood and is well-respected for the job it performs. The company benefits from
this reputation as it seeks out new funders and volunteers and forms alliances with
healthcare providers.
o Limitations in funding : this might make it challenging to broaden services or reach new
consumers. Many non-profit organisations struggle with a lack of financial resources,
which can make it difficult for them to accomplish their goals [26]. 4 Louis's financial
resources are constrained, which makes it challenging for the institution to increase its
offerings or engage new audiences.
o The high emotional intensity of work can have a negative impact on the mental health of
employees and volunteers: this can result in burnout and high staff turnover rates
[27].This is a big difficulty for 4 Louis because the group depends significantly on its
professional and volunteer base to help families who have lost babies.
o Low public awareness, which might make it challenging to recruit new volunteers and
donors: It may be challenging to recruit new volunteers and donations to the charity due
to a lack of public knowledge of the services offered by 4 Louis [26]. 4 Louis must
concentrate on enhancing its visibility and spreading knowledge of the services it offers.
o Reaching families who have received memory boxes might be challenging: Reaching
families who have received a memory box is one of the main issues that 4 Louis faces
[28]. The nonprofit relies on hospitals and healthcare organisations to distribute memory
boxes, which may make it more difficult for it to reach families who may need its
o Expansion of services to reach more families and provide more comprehensive support: 4
Louis has the chance to increase the number of families it serves and the scope of the
help it offers [26]. To expand the scope of its services, the organisation might investigate
new alliances and cooperation with healthcare providers.
o Cooperation with healthcare professionals to enhance care for bereaved families:
According to Aycock [27], co-operating with healthcare professionals could help 4 Louis
increase the standard of care given to bereaved families. In order to create best practises
and to teach healthcare workers, the business might collaborate with healthcare providers.
o Rising awareness of the significance of mental health assistance for families who have
lost a baby: According to Taylor & Cacciatore [28], there is a rising understanding of the
significance of mental health support for families who have lost a baby. By boosting its
visibility and spreading the word about the value of its services, 4 Louis may profit from
this trend.
Competition from other charities that offer comparable services: According to Berman
and Wang [26], 4 Louis is threatened by competition from other organisations that offer
comparable services. This may make it more difficult for the organisation to recruit
volunteers and donations.
o Changes in funding sources or decreased contributions as a result of economic
uncertainty: According to Aycock et al. [27], these changes in funding sources or
decreased donations as a result of economic uncertainty can significantly affect the
operations of non-profit organisations. To reduce this danger,4 Louis must diversify its
financial sources.
o Public views about mental health and infant loss that might prevent people from learning
about and supporting the charity: Public attitudes about mental health and infant loss may
prevent the public from understanding and supporting 4 Louis [28]. The organisation
must endeavour to dispel stigmas associated with infant loss and mental health and raise
awareness of these issues
o Changes in healthcare policies or practices that could limit the ability of the charity to
provide services: Changes in healthcare policies or practices can have a significant
impact on the ability of non-profit organisations to provide services [26]. 4 Louis needs
to stay up-to-date with healthcare policies and regulations to ensure that it can continue to
provide its services effectively.
In a nutshell, the SWOT analysis identifies 4 Louis, a nonprofit organisation that offers
assistance to families who have lost babies, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
According to the analysis, the organisation has a good reputation, a committed team of
volunteers and employees, and positive working connections with healthcare providers.
However, the charity has difficulties including a lack of funding, the emotionally taxing nature of
the job, low public awareness, and difficulty connecting with families who have received
memory boxes.
The analysis also points out areas where the organisation can improve, such as by reaching out to
more families, working with healthcare professionals to deliver better treatment, and raising
public understanding of the value of mental health assistance. Threats to the charity include
competition from other organisations, shifts in financing, societal attitudes towards mental health
and infant loss, and adjustments to healthcare regulations or practises.
Overall, 4 Louis may utilise the information from the SWOT analysis to create plans to deal with
its threats and weaknesses while maximising its possibilities. In order to better assist families
who have experienced baby loss, the organisation may utilise these insights to concentrate on
enhancing its operations, growing its offerings, and increasing awareness.
Current Issues faced by 4 Louis
Lack of Staff
Edit Penrose [29,31], who popularised the resource-based theory of competitiveness, promoted
the importance of human resources in his work. According to a number of experts in the subject
of human resources, there is a connection between effective human resource management and
competitive advantage [30,31]. According to Schuler [30] , business process expenses and
quality were directly related to employee behaviour. The following three competitiveness
standards outline the qualities that an employee and its organisation must have to acquire a
competitive advantage [31]:
1. A level of entrepreneurship and abilities for integrating company operations; managerial
capacity that offers long-term orientation to react to changes in the competitive
2. The capacity to apply current technology in creative and effective ways to gain a
competitive edge. Spending on creative projects and research to learn new things.
A trained work force and a knowledge-based society that boost a nation's production and
Any organisation, including charities, needs a certain number of employees to run smoothly. In
the UK, charities play a vital role in delivering crucial services and assistance to disadvantaged
populations. Ensuring that these services are delivered successfully and efficiently requires
having a sufficient personnel. A shortage of employees can have a variety of detrimental effects
on charities, such as lower productivity, poor service quality, and decreasing morale among the
remaining employees [32]. Additionally, insufficient staffing numbers during busy periods might
cause existing employees to become more stressed and burned out, which can eventually result
in a higher rate of staff turnover [33].
Having adequate staff members is crucial for stillbirth and newborn death organisations since
their job may be emotionally taxing and requires specialised knowledge [34]. For families who
have had stillbirths or neonatal deaths, inadequate staffing numbers can lead to lower quality of
care and support, which can have serious detrimental effects on their wellbeing and recovery
4 Louis and its lack of staff members
It's crucial to remember that 4 Louis is a charity that offers memory boxes to parents who have
endured bereavement or a late miscarriage. The charity is a family-run company that depends on
contributions and fundraising activities to run. It is administered by family members and a small
number of additional volunteers. Despite having a crucial goal, 4 Louis has been struggling with
a staffing shortage, which has hampered its capacity to help struggling families.
We may begin by examining the resource in question—staff members—to analyse this problem
utilising the VRIO framework. The ability of talented employees to enhance a company's
competitive position depends on both their personal traits and, more precisely, on how
successfully they carry out their assigned duties. The VRIO framework, created by Barney [35],
can be used to estimate this.
Value: We must first determine whether having employees is beneficial to 4Louis. The answer is
yes, since employees may assist the charity in better addressing family needs and enhancing the
standard of all of its services. Staff workers may aid with fundraising and donor outreach
initiatives, ensuring that memory boxes are delivered on schedule, and offer families more
dependable and regular care.
Rarity: The second concern is if having
employees is unusual for a charity like
4Louis. Unfortunately, the answer is no since
so many other organisations that support
causes related to loss and miscarriage have
paid personnel. For instance, the Miscarriage
Association, a different UK-based nonprofit
that assists people and families impacted by
pregnancy loss, employs a group of paid staff
members to manage its range of services and
Fig. 5 VRIO Diagram
Inimitability: This question concerns 4 Louis' capacity to imitated or replicate its staff. The
solution is a bit ambiguous. Hiring employees for 4 Louis isn't too difficult because there are
many of people who are eager to work for a good cause. On the other side, 4Louis may
encounter difficulties in attracting and keeping great employees as they can not offer attractive
wage and benefits packages. Many individuals are unwilling to work with 4Louis since they are
a charity and cannot make profits, making it difficult to compensate their employees.
Organisation: Lastly, we need to think at how 4Louis is organised in terms of having
employees. This entails determining if the nonprofit organisation has the structures and
procedures required to efficiently manage its employees and capitalise on their knowledge and
experience. Unfortunately, given that it is mostly administered by family and volunteers and has
a very in formal organisational structure, it may fall short in this regard. Employees may find it
challenging to perform productively and to feel appreciated at the company as a result.
It is certain that 4 Louis is behind other nonprofits in terms of having paid staff members. A
second stillbirth and newborn mortality organisation located in the UK, Sands, employs around
100 paid staff members who engage in support services, fundraising, and research, among other
areas [36]. This has made it possible for the charity to help families and offer a variety of
services, while also advancing research into stillbirth and neonatal mortality.
Overall, 4 Louis faces severe difficulties due to a staffing shortage since it is unable to offer
families in need of assistance with the same level of help that other charities with more
employees can provide. While employing employees may not be unusual or difficult to do, the
charity may need to concentrate on improving its organisational structure and procedures in
order to manage its employees efficiently and make sure they can contribute meaningfully to the
Memory Boxes not being inclusive
One of 4 Louis' key goals is to make sure that people create memories with their loved ones,
which is why the memory box exists in the first place. Making memories is frequently crucial for
parents to interpret their baby's loss and provide meaning to their own lives. Spending time with
their infant and gathering mementos are two ways parents create memories.
An formal birth or death certificate is not given to parents whose child is born without displaying
any signs of life before 24 weeks of gestation. Although 4 Louis is unable to supply formal
papers, birth and death certificates, along with other items, are supplied to the parents in the
memory to make sure that all the memories are preserved and that both parents are participating
in the memory-making process. Prior to this, many parents have stated that they felt that it was
just a sharp reminder that there was no legal evidence of their baby's life [38]. This is much
welcomed by the parents, and as a result, they are able to connect and enjoy 4 Louis as a charity
more. "I think out of the whole experience, my hang-up has been the birth certificate. She was 2
days short. They had a crash team there," Kirsty says in an article on stillbirth. She just didn't
exist, thus UK law will never accept the fact that we had a child. Since there were no formal
paperwork, things like hospital wristbands were significant since they represented an official
acknowledgement of their presence [37].
Therefore, for 4 Louis, making memory boxes with artefacts to remember their infant by was
significant and useful to many parents. Photographs of their child, a piece of hair, handprints or
footprints, the baby's bracelet, or the blanket their child was wrapped in were among the things
that are included.
Limitations of the Memory Box
For organisations like 4 Louis, offering assistance in the form of memory boxes has been a
popular strategy because perinatal and neonatal loss is a devastating experience for parents.
However, research has shown a number of drawbacks related to memory boxes that may restrict
their usefulness in aiding grieving families.
According to a research by Côté-Arsenault and colleagues, some
parents might not be emotionally prepared to interact with the
memories included in memory boxes, which could lead to more
discomfor [39]t. Similar to this, Hughes and his colleagues
research discovered that some parents could find the items in
memory boxes upsetting or disturbing and would prefer different
types of support [40].These results imply that memory boxes might not be appropriate for all
parents and that it is crucial for organisations like 4 Louis to provide additional assistance
For instance, a research conducted in 2015 by Boyle and colleagues revealed that the availability
of memory boxes differed amongst hospitals, with some lacking the resources or having memory
boxes with unstandardized contents [41]. This may cause grieving families to have unequal
access to help.
Additionally, while memory boxes have been shown to help certain parents, there isn't enough
concrete proof to back up their ability to help grieving families in the long run. According to a
systematic study by Harrop and colleagues [42], while memory boxes are well-liked by parents,
it is unclear if they are useful in easing long-term sorrow. This emphasises the necessity for
organisations like 4 Louis to continuously review and modify their strategy for assisting grieving
In the case of 4 Louis, it is crucial that the organisation take into account the drawbacks of
memory boxes and provide other types of assistance that can be more acceptable for some
parents. For parents who are not prepared to interact with the contents in memory boxes, offering
counselling or support groups could be more useful. Additionally, it is crucial for 4 Louis to
make sure that the distribution of memory boxes is uniform and fair in all hospitals and areas.
Comparitive Analysis of 4 Louis’ Memory Box with Star Legacy Foundations Memory
The two charities being compared are 4 Louis and the Star Legacy Foundation. The amount of
customisation offered to parents is one significant distinction between the memory box
programmes of the two organisations. Parents can choose things for their family's customised
memory box from The Star Legacy Foundation depending on their tastes and unique needs. On
the other hand, 4 Louis offers pre-assembled memory boxes with predetermined contents. CôtéArsenault, Denney-Koelsch, and Jennings (2016) discovered that tailoring memory boxes
increases their efficacy in assisting parents who have suffered perinatal loss [43]. This implies
that the approach to memory boxes used by the Star Legacy Foundation may be more
advantageous to families in this aspect.
The degree of inclusivity in the memory box contents is another variation. Items like books for
siblings and grandparents as well as information regarding LGBTQ+ families are included in the
memory box of the Star Legacy Foundation , this shows that they are more inclusive as a firm
[44] . Contrarily, 4 Louis has can be criticised for leaving out products that address the need of
various family arrangements. According to Hughes, Cacciatore, and Stansfield (2016), parents
may not interact with the contents of memory boxes if they do not feel represented or included
In terms of accessibility, 4 Louis predominantly serves customers in the United Kingdom and
that too in some parts of it, but the memory box programme of the Star Legacy Foundation is
accessible to families in both the United States and Canada.
Overall, this comparative analysis suggests to the memory box initiative of the StarLegacy
Foundation is perhaps effective in aiding grieving families because of its personalization and
Supply Chain Management
4 Louis is a non-profit organisation that mainly relies on contributions and grants to fund its
operations. As a result, supply chain management is crucial to ensuring that resources are used as
efficiently as possible to fulfil their purpose of helping grieving families. According to Mentzer
et al. (2001), a supply chain is a series of interconnected organisations and procedures that are
engaged in the production and distribution of a good or service to the final consumer [45]. The
procurement and administration of resources including supplies, equipment, and volunteers are
part of 4 Louis' supply chain.
The lack of funds, resources, and most crucially, employees to manage their operations, is one of
the major supply chain problems 4 Louis is now experiencing. This directly affects their capacity
to offer bereaved families services and assistance, as well as limiting their overall effect. The
organisation must rely on contributions to obtain funding, which may be unpredictable,
particularly during recessions or emergency situations like the COVID-19 epidemic. This results
in a fluctuating availability of resources and poses operating difficulties.
4 Louis can use other charities as a benchmark to learn from their best practises and manage their
supply chain more efficiently. For instance, the British Red Cross has had success controlling its
supply chain by enhancing their logistics and delivery operations with technology [47]. They
optimise their distribution routes and make sure that resources are effectively distributed to
where they are required by using real-time tracking and data analysis [46] This has made it
possible for them to react swiftly and successfully during emergencies like natural disasters or
To compare the inefficiencies, a SWOT analysis of both the charities is drafted in relation to
supply chain management:
Fig. 6 SWOT Analysis for British Red Cross [47]
Fig. 7 SWOT Analysis for 4 Louis
The issues that both charities are facing are shown by the SWOT analysis and supply chain
management comparison of 4 Louis and British Red Cross. Despite the fact that both
organisations have limited funding, British Red Cross has an advantage because of its size and
expertise. This enables it to make investments in cutting-edge technology and procedures to
boost productivity and save expenses. As a result of its smaller size and constrained resources, 4
Louis is unable to invest in comparable technology and procedures and its reliance on volunteers
makes it difficult to keep supply chain operations constant.
Time-series analysis
To check the how efficient 4 Louis is in terms of providing their Memory boxes in relation to the
still births a time series analysis was conducted. It is conducted for 3 years; 2019, 2019 and
2020. All figures used in this analysis was provided by 4 Louis upon request.
Fig. 8 Co-relation between Still Births and Memory boxes in 2018
A pattern of inconsistency may be shown when comparing the quantity of memory boxes that
4Louis has distributed with the amount of stillbirths in the UK. While 4Louis was able to send
out 316 memory boxes in January compared to the 290 stillbirths that were reported, the average
number of boxes sent out during the next three months was 19.2% lower. This discrepancy could
be a sign of inadequate staffing as well as ineffective inventory and supply chain management.
Fig. 9 Co-relation between Still Births and Memory boxes in 2019
In 2019, 4 Louis was able to send out more memory boxes than required, they sent out almost
66% more boxes than required. This shows that 4 Louis was unable to manage their resources
effectively and they may have wasted their resources by producing more than required.
Moreover, this could also be because of their lack of resouces to forecast demand.
Fig. 10 Co-relation between Still Births and Memory boxes in 2020
In March 2020, 4 Louis produced 594 memory boxes which was 94.1% more than the required
amount. However, in the following months, the production of boxes decreased and they were
sending out fewer boxes than required. This could be attributed to the fact that 4 Louis was
unable to maintain a consistent production rate in relation to the number of stillbirths. Moreover,
the decline in production and the shortage of boxes could also be because of their lack of staff
members and resources, indicating a lack of effective supply chain and inventory management.
Lastly, this could also be because of the pandemic and the difficulties of adjusting to it.
Summary of time series analysis:
Fig. 10 No. of Still Births in UK
Fig. 11 Memory Boxes sent by 4 Louis.
4 Louis’ shortage of staff members is a big difficulty. In order to manage its staff members
efficiently and guarantee that they can contribute significantly to the organisation, 4 Louis may
need to concentrate on enhancing its organisational structure and procedures. In order to operate
effectively, 4 Louis must address the challenges surrounding its workforce. To achieve this, it
could think about reorganising the roles and responsibilities within its organisational structure in
order to make sure that staff members are properly managed and capable of doing their duties
with clear expectations and support. This can entail employing more employees or volunteers to
fill administrative or support responsibilities, freeing up present employees to concentrate on
offering direct assistance to families.
To adhere to the issues limitations of the memory box, 4 Louis should provide alternatives to
memory boxes for parents who are not interested in them and give them to parents who are
unable to obtain them through hospitals, healthcare professionals or through community outreach
and partnership programs. They could also provide digital memory books so parents can create/
store memories of their baby online, they should also offer counseling or therapy services.
Adding on, they could offer more products that involve other close members of the family to in
making memories process.
Moreover, 4 Louis can look into partnering up and apply for grants and contributions for supply
chain improvements. They can also spend money on training courses to boost productivity and
cut waste. It is essential for 4 Louis to prioritise supply chain management as a major element of
their operations in order to effectively help bereaved families.They can solve supply chain issues
by using technology and putting in place sensible procedures that enhance supply chain
management. As a result, 4Louis can function effectively and accomplish its objectives with the
aid of a strong supply chain management system, eventually benefiting bereaved families.
This report has analysed 4 Louis's strategic environment. Stakeholder Analysis, PESTLE
Analysis, Industry Analysis, and a SWOT Analysis was used to analyse this. Its implications,
which have the potential to be a significant cause of difficulty have been covered under the
issues section. Various frameworks are used to further analyse the problems. The research
concludes by offering recommendations for 4Louis', in consideration of the difficulties it is
currently experiencing in order to grow
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