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HR Management Textbook List Summer 2024

Required Textbooks
Summer 2024 - Certificate in Human Resources Management
We recommend that you purchase the textbook for the first course (CSHR1010 Human Resources
Management) first. Then purchase the remaining textbooks closer to the start date of each course. This will
ensure that you are purchasing the most updated edition. You will be advised of the required edition of the
textbook in advance of each course start date, and we will ensure we give you enough time to purchase the
required textbook.
Some of the textbooks have both hard copy and eBook versions available. It’s optional for students to purchase
either the eBook or hardcopy version. You don’t need to purchase both. Students can use the extra resources
provided in the eBook to study, but it will not be part of the curriculum.
You can purchase your textbooks at York University Bookstore or your preferred vendors.
York University Bookstore textbook buying page: https://www.bookstore.yorku.ca/buy_textbooks.asp.
CSHR 1010: Human Resources
Required Textbook
Belcourt, M., Snell, S. A., & Singh, P. Managing Human Resources (10th ed.) Cengage.
ISBN: 9780176945459 (Hard copy)
ISBN: 9781778410772 (Bundle, hard copy plus MindTap)
ISBN: 9781774747438 (eBook only)
ISBN: 9780176945534 (Bundle, eBook plus MindTap)
Please note MindTap is an interactive eLearning resources, students can use the extra
resources to study, but it will not be part of the curriculum.
CSHR1020: Introduction to
Organizational Behaviour
Langton, N., Robbins, S. P., Judge, T., & Breward, K. Organizational Behaviour:
Concepts, Controversies, Applications (9th ed.) Toronto: Pearson.
Revel: 9780136621560 (please note this is a “digital first” title textbook. You will
have to purchase the digital version first and you can then purchase the loose-leaf
version of the textbook at a discounted price. Revel Textbook includes study
tools/student resources).
eText subscription = 9780136621867 (this is a subscription to eText with 180 days
access. It is a regular eText without the option to purchase the loose-leaf version
of the textbook. This eText does not include any study tools/student resources).
eText subscription = 9780136621539 (this is a subscription to eText with life time
access. It is a regular eText without the option to purchase the loose-leaf version
of the textbook. This eText does not include any study tools/student resources).
Please note the study tools/student resources included in the Revel Textbook is not
part of the course curriculum. It’s optional for students to use.
CSHR1030: Training and
Required Textbook
Saks, A. M., & Haccoun, R. R.. Managing Performance Through Training and
Development (9th ed), Toronto, Top Hat
▪ Interactive eBook ISBN: 9781778773570
CSHR1040: Occupational Health
and Safety Management
Management of Occupational Health and Safety, (8th ed) Kevin Kelloway, Lori
Francis, Bernadette Gatien Toronto, Top Hat.
▪ Hardcopy ISBN: 978-0-17-689301-9
▪ Interactive eBook ISBN: 9781774945568
CSHR1050: Human Resources
Belcourt, Monica and Podolsky, Mark. Strategic Human Resources Planning (8th ed.)
Canadian. Top Hat
▪ Interactive eBook ISBN: 9781774948576
CSHR1060: Compensation
Long, R. J. Strategic Compensation in Canada (7th ed.) Toronto, Ontario, Top Hat.
▪ Hardcopy ISBN: 978-1-77412-844-2
▪ Interactive eBook ISBN: 9781774945520
CSHR1070: Recruitment and
Selection and Performance
Appraisal of Personnel
Catano, V. M., Hackett, R. D., & Wiesner, W. H. Recruitment and selection in
Canada (8th ed.) Toronto, Ontario, Top Hat.
▪ Hardcopy ISBN: 978-1-77412-845-9
▪ Interactive eBook ISBN: 9781774945988
Hebdon, R., & Brown, T. Industrial Relations in Canada (4th ed.) –Toronto, Ontario.
Top Hat
▪ Hardcopy ISBN: 978-0-17-689170-1
▪ Interactive eBook ISBN: 9781774945605
CSHR1080: Industrial Relations
CSHR1090: Introduction to
1. Kimmel, P.; Weygandt, J.;Kieso, D.;Trenholm, B.;Irvine, W.; Financial Accounting,
Tools for Business Decision-Making,(9th ed.) John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.
▪ WileyPLUS + Loose-leaf: 9781119493648
▪ Looseleaf only: 9781119877943
▪ eText only: 9781119877899
2. Weygandt, J.; Kimmel , P.; Aly, I. Managerial Accounting, Tools for Business
Decision-Making,(6th ed.), John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.
▪ WileyPLUS + Loose-leaf: 9781119731818
▪ Looseleaf only: 9781119731825
▪ eText only: 9781119731528
WileyPlus contains extra resource, and it is optional for students to purchase.
It will not be used to assign for homework or grades and is not required.
WileyPLUS + Loose-leaf (eText with online resources for duration of term + looseleaf version of the textbook)