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ENL1W - Destreamed Course Outline

Course Overview
This course is designed to provide a foundation on key oral communication, reading, writing,
and media literacy skills students needed for success in next year’s OSSLT, in daily life and the
workplace. Students will read, interpret, and create a variety of informational, literary, and
graphic texts. They will also learn to put into practice the acquired critical thinking and
communication skills through a variety of written and multimedia assessments. An important
focus will be to gather a strong grasp on the overall expectations set by the Ministry of
Education across 4 key strands - Literacy, Language, Comprehension and Composition. This
course attempts to provide ongoing remediation and support for students while reinforcing the
development of self-confidence and skills of independent learning.
Term Work
Foundations of Language
Comprehension of Texts
Composition of Texts
Final Assessment
Culminating Task
Units of Study
Stream A: Literacy and Application
o "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by Arthur Conan Doyle (Novel)
 The characters in the novel, particularly Sherlock Holmes, exhibit critical
thinking and problem-solving skills as they analyze clues, deduce
connections, and solve the mystery surrounding the supernatural hound.
 Transferrable Skill: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
 https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2852/2852-h/2852-h.htm
o "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut (Short Story)
The story explores a dystopian society where creativity and innovation
are suppressed. This text can spark discussions about the importance of
innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship in shaping the future.
Transferrable Skill: Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship
o The Marrow Thieves (Novel)
 https://pdfseva.com/viewer/web/viewer.html?file=https://pdfseva.com/
o "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare (Graphic Novel)
 The interactions between characters in this tragedy emphasize the role of
collaboration in decision-making and the consequences of
misunderstandings. The play offers opportunities to discuss effective
communication and teamwork.
 Transferrable Skill: Collaboration
o The Hate U Give (Novel)
 Inspired by the Black Lives Movement
Non- Fiction
o "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank (Autobiography)
 Anne Frank's diary chronicles her experiences during World War II while
in hiding. Her self-directed learning is evident as she continues her
education and personal growth despite challenging circumstances.
 Transferrable Skill: Self – Directed Learning (Speech)
o "I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King Jr. (Speech)
 This famous speech highlights the power of communication to inspire
change. Analyzing the speech can help students understand the
importance of effective communication in conveying ideas and
advocating for justice.
 Transferrable Skill: Communication
o "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson (Article)
 Carson's work raises awareness about the impact of human activities on
the environment. The text promotes global citizenship by urging readers
to take responsibility for preserving the planet and promoting
 Transferrable Skill: Global Citizenship and Sustainability
 https://www.uky.edu/~tmute2/GEI-Web/GEI/GEI10/GEI%20past/GEI08Global%20Env%20Issues/GEI%20lecturse/carson_silent-spring.pdf
o "How Misinformation Spreads on Social Media" (Article)
 This article discusses the challenges posed by misinformation on social
media platforms. It emphasizes the need for digital literacy skills to
critically evaluate information and sources in the digital age.
 Transferrable Skill: Digital Literacy
 https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-misinformation-spreads-onsocial-media-and-what-to-do-about-it/
o Food Wastage: A Global Issue" (Article)
 Examines the issue of food wastage, its impact on the environment, and
the importance of reducing food waste to ensure sustainability.
 Transferrable Skill: Global Citizenship and Sustainability
o “The Impact of Technology on Mental Health” (Article)
 Examines how excessive screen time, social media, and digital devices
can impact mental health, offering tips on maintaining a healthy balance.
 Transferrable Skill: Digital Literacy
o "Women's Suffrage: A Fight for Equality" (Article)
 Explores the history of the women's suffrage movement and the
challenges women faced in obtaining the right to vote. Highlights key
figures and milestones.
o "The Importance of Cybersecurity in the Digital Age" (Article)
 Discusses the significance of cybersecurity in protecting personal
information, online privacy, and the potential consequences of