WORD Offence (US offense) TRANSLATION правопорушення EXAMPLE SENTENCE a serious/minor offence a criminal/drink-driving offence Driving without a licence is an offence. He committed several serious offences. It's the third time that he's been convicted of a drug offence. a gross offence грубе правопорушення Defence захист disciplinary offense, disciplinary misconduct дисциплінарне правопорушення, дисциплінарний проступок Plaintiff, complainant позивач Ten plaintiffs are suing the companies for damages from the blast. Defendant підсудний, обвинувачений The defendant pleaded not guilty. The jury concluded from the evidence that the defendant was innocent. The prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. Suspect підозрюваний Accused person обвинувачений Police have issued a photograph of the suspect. The prime suspect in the case committed suicide. After the robbery, the usual suspects were rounded up(затримані, схоплені, оточені). A suspect, accused person, or defendant shall have the right to defense. Visiting of a suspected or accused person in the detention center and in the pre-trial prison. Defence for the accused initiates the transfer of the court hearing to Kyiv. Detention center Pre-trial prison слідчий ізолятор In Sweden, the Government closed four prisons for sentenced offenders and one pretrial prison. At the bar indefensible непростимо, невиправданий The war is morally indefensible. It is indefensible that in such a rich country so many people are poor. Homicide убивство Homicide rate рівень вбивств кількість вбивств Homicide rates plunge whenever anarchy and the code of vendetta are replaced by the rule of law. Homicide is among the top 5 causes of death for adolescents. Homicide carries a life term under German law, although convicts are usually released after 15 years. El Salvador has the highest homicide rate in the world. court hearing, proceeding судове засідання lawsuit, legal proceedings, legal action trial Convict Murder Manslaughter Offender Prosecutor судовий процес Decline in prevalence rebuttal case a court of law Diminish Conviction Convicted unconditional intender Prison guard A wanted man Limitation Restriction Infamous Notorious Surveillance cameras Reimburse Reimbursement Extenuating circumstances Mitigating circumstances Liable Implement Machine gun Rifle Amends Abide Legal grounds Eased legal grounds Consequently This occurred occure In conjunction with Allowance Government-sponsored benefits Marital infidelity Adultery Generate tension Infertility Deliberate choice Availability Emerge In isolated instances To be put in prison Encroach Insidious Bear witness to Furtive Unscathed Intact Torment Give battle Ordeal Prosecution To file foe divorce Felony Criminal law Forensic Autopsy Preliminary results Testimony A plea bargain plea Hostage Abduct To transact business Disclosure Defame Defamation State care Liaison Probation Violation Probation violation Foul play Circumstantial evidence Charge with Flimsy Unequivocally Warrant Capital offence Outlier and scapegoat To be accused of Accuse Condemn Resentment Criminal defence attorney A false sense of To comply with High-profile case Allegation The best defense is a good offense Reconciliation To be summoned Entitle Endorsement Public defender Collateral damage Accomplice Arrested for a capital offence Obstructing justice Obstruction of justice Be discharged Forgery фальсифікація документів Deception введення в оману Money laundering відмивання грошей Fraud шахрайство