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Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 10
Bachelor in Elementary Education (Central Philippines State University)
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Detailed Lesson Plan
Physical Education 9
At the end of lesson, the students should be able to:
Conceptualize some reactional activity.
Differentiate indoor activity from outdoor activity.
3. Subject matter
Physical Activities and Exercise: Define
A. References:
a. Most Essential Learning Competencies of Physical Education (Grade 10)
Physical Education (Alternative Delivery Mode- DepEd) Quarter 4- Module 1: Physical
Activities and Exercise: Define
B. Other Learning Resources:
a. PowerPoint presentation, pictures,
C. Value Integration:
The learners will appreciate the importance of physical activities and exercise for their
4. Preliminaries Activity
Teacher Activity
A. Preparation
Students Activity
Good morning class!
Good morning Ms.
Please all stand and let us pray, Justin kindly
leads the prayer.
(Justin will lead the prayer)
You may now take your seat
Checking of attendance
Is there any absent in the class?
Setting of classroom rules
Okay, don’t forget the RLP’s Rule (Respect,
Listen and Participate). As we proceed to our
None Ms.
Okay, Ms.
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discussion. Do you understand class?
Review of the Previous Lesson
Last meeting, we discussed about the physical
activities that contribute to be physically fit
And what are the leaning takeaways that you
(Answer may vary)
Last quarter, we had learned some of the things that
we have to remember to stay physical fit. What
physical activities that can help us to maintain
physically fit shape body?
Okay, very good class!
Yes, Ms.
A. Motivation
Before we proceed to our lesson let’s have a
game first, are you all excited?
This game called “roll a task” I will roll a dice
and if the dice stop in #1 you will do the task that None Ms.
assign to #1. For example, the dice stop in #1 and
the task in is running in place you will do the
running place. Do you understand?
Yes, Ms.
These are the things to consider while doing our
The activity Ma’am is ………
Do you have any question before we start?
Okay let’s start the game
(Done doing energizer game)
How do you find the activity?
For today’s lesson, we will talk about the
Exercise, but before that lets define what is
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Exercise is physical activity that is planned,
structured and repetitive for the purpose of
conditioning any part of the body used to improve
health and maintain fitness. Generally, you work up a
sweat, breath heavy and increase your heart rate
during exercise. The World Health Organization
(WHO) and American Heart Association (AHA)
recommend 150 minutes of moderate intensity
physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical
activity weekly. The time intervals should be at least
10 minutes or more per session.
Exercise fall in the 5 main Categories:
Aerobic exercise is the kind that makes you breathe
harder and builds your fitness up. This is the type of
exercise we all tend to think of when we hear the
word exercise, and often it is the thought of being
out of breath and sweaty that puts people off
starting to exercise. It is very beneficial and even at
moderate intensity will improve your health. You can
get the benefits of aerobic exercise from a brisk walk
or a steady cycle ride.
Strength Building From the age of 30, people can
lose up to eight percent of their muscle strength
every decade. By the time people reach 80, they
have the potential to lose 40 per cent of muscle
strength. Some exercise specifically helps you build
muscle. We’re not talking about weight training in
the gym here (although obviously that does the job
too). Lots of activities including pilates,
physiotherapy type exercise and other fairly low
intensity activities help you build muscle. Anything
that works your muscles will do, as long as you do
the activity for long enough.
Balance Training Some exercise helps improve your
balance by helping you build up core strength. This is
especially helpful for people who are at risk of falls,
including the elderly, but it is good for everyone.
Examples of activities that help with balance include
Tai Chi, dance and playing bowls, but there are many
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Endurance You can improve your endurance by doing
an activity for increasing periods of time. For
example. if you can only walk for 10 minutes without
needing to rest you can improve your endurance by
walking as far as you can several times a day, and
increasing how far you go over time. The increases
can be small, if you walk for 10 minutes several times
a day soon, you’ll find you can walk for 15 minutes,
then 20 minutes.
Flexibility is really important and much overlooked
when people think about exercise. Staying flexible
improves your quality of life, imagine not being able
to look over your shoulder to reverse your car. If you
sit for long periods of time each day, you’ll notice
that your flexibility decreases. Stretches), yoga, tai
chi, pilates and lots of other exercise classes will all
help improve flexibility. Flexibility training can also
improve balance, which is good news for all of us as
we get older. Exercise can be done at different levels
of intensity, that is how hard you work.
Moderate intensity exercise We refer to moderate
exercise as any activity that increases your breathing
rate slightly and makes you a bit warmer and your
heart beat slightly faster. You don’t have to be out of
breath, you should still be able to have a
conversation, but you should be aware of breathing a
bit faster or harder than normal. There are many
kinds of activity that fit this description, walking at a
steady pace, cycling, dancing, swimming, and lots of
exercise classes and routines.
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Vigorous exercise Vigorous or high intensity exercise
is the kind that gets you sweaty and out of breath,
for example running or playing sport. If you are doing
moderate or high intensity exercise it’s worth
warming up and cooling down properly. This can
include a slower walk or some stretches.
Fitness Journey Journal: As you go along your fitness
journey you will need to write narrative per home
activity in each item to complete your journal.
Example: Taking a bath- Taking a bath is essential in
maintain your hygiene, hygiene refers to condition or
practices conducive to maintaining health and
preventing disease, especially through cleanliness by
means of maintaining good health you will be able to
make way to physical fitness or yourself.
1. Floor sweeping:
2. Washing dishes:
Answer may vary
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3. Push-ups:
4. Elbow plank:
5. Jog in place:
Answer may vary
Which among the exercise are you familiar?
Answer may vary
Answer may vary
What do you think is the importance of exercise
as an individual?
Answer may vary
Have you participated in or two exercises?
If yes, how was your experience
What do you think the effect of participating
those exercise?
Group yourselves into 5 groups, give 2 exercises
in each and perform it in front.
Group 1 will assign in the Aerobic
Group 2 strength building
Group 3 balance training
Group 4 endurance
Group 5 flexibility
Give the benefits of exercises .
Downloaded by Jeren Qsy (quisayjeren26@gmail.com)
Downloaded by Jeren Qsy (quisayjeren26@gmail.com)