U. S. Army Al2 W1Ci "itriy ,. "' ' _ - ___ '-w APRIL 12, 19i .CIAL SERIES, NO. 12 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS P!!AlIeiD R.. i PREAED BY MIlITARY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE WAR DEPARTMENT m_ * L& J ttvf betA. ~~ NOT TO BErn I SPECIAL SERIES, No. 12 MIS 461 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE WAR DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON, April 12, 1943 NOTICE 1. Publication of Special Series is for the purpose of providing officers with reasonably confirmed information from official and other reliable sources. 2. Nondivisional units are being supplied with copies on a basis similar to the approved distribution for divisional commands, as follows: CAVALRY DIVISION INFANTRY DIVISION ARMORED DIVISION 8 Div Hq 2 Ord Co 8 l:)iv lq 2 Re Bn 11 7 Sig Co 2 2 Engr Bn 7 Ren Sq Med Bn QM Co Hq Inf Regt, 6 each Inf Bn, 7 each Hq Div Arty FA Bn, 7 each 7 7 18 63 8 28 Div Hq Rcn Tr Sig Tr Engr Sq Mied Sq QM Sq Hlq Cav Brig, 3 each C'av Regt, aO each EHq Div Arty FA Bn, 7 each 150 Engr Bn 7 7 Med fBn 7 7 Maint Bn 7 7 Sup Bn 7 )iv Tn flq 6 Armnd Regt, 25 each 80 FA BIn, 7 each 3 Intf Regt 21 7 8 5() 21 25 1.50 Itr Distribution to air units is being made by the Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, Army Air Forces. 3. Each command should circulate available copies among its officers. Reproduction within the military service is permitted provided the source is stated, and the information is safeguarded. 41 Readers are invited to comment on the use that they are making of this publication and to forward suggestions for future issues. Such correspondence may be addressed directly, to the D)issemnination Unit, Military Intelligence Service, War I)epartnlent, Washington, I). C. Other publications of the Military Intelligence Service include: Tactical and Technical Trends (biweekly); Intelligence Bulletin (monthly); Military Reports on the United Nations (monthly). Requests for additional copies of all publications of the Military Intelligence Service should be forwarded through channels for approval. A V L rW D TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1. INTRODUCTION 1. GENERALXII .. 2. PRIN( Page 1 ..I....--------............. .-------------------. IPLES OF FORMATI( )N 2 3 3. ScoI'E O)F THIS Di(cI'IONARY x--..ny........... ---4. ORGANIZATION OF TI11S I)ICTIONARY Section II. ABBREVIATIONS Section III. EXAMPLES --.--- - . .---- .. . . . 4 . ...... III 7 243 Section I. INTRODUCTION 1. GENERAL Perhaps to a greater extent than any other army, the German Armed Forces employ military abbreviations on their maps and charts, on task force tables of organization, on direction and location sign posts in combat zones, on field orders, and, in short, in every case where abbreviations may possibly be used. These abbreviations are often used in connection with military symbols (see German Military Symbols, January 1943, Military Intelligence Service). A thorough knowledge of both abbreviations and symbols is therefore essential to military personnel engaged in the interpretation of captured documents. There is no "easy road to knowledge" in regard to these military abbreviations. Many words are abbreviated in more than one manner, sometimes in the course of a single document. Individual commanders frequently improvise abbreviations, which will be understandable from the context to the German officer reading them, but may cause considerable difficulty to the non-German. A 1 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining the meaning of a particular abbreviation-guessing, in this, as in all military intelligence work, is dangerous. 2. PRINCIPLES OF FORMATION While the Germans do not follow any consistent procedure in abbreviating, the following tendencies can be observed: a. Whenever possible the Germans keep enough of the original word structure to make the abbreviation a recognizable skeleton of the word for which it stands. An example is abkdrt. for abkommandiert. b. Another common tendency is to lop off syllables of the word being abbreviated; the degree to which this is carried depends on the writer's haste and the amount of comprehension he expects in the reader. Here also the Germans attempt to leave enough of the distinctive structure of the word to give the reader a clue. The word Befehlshaber, for instance, can be abbreviated Befhb., Befh., or B. c. In the case of compound words, the Germans often make an abbreviation by taking elements or initial letters from each of the component parts. An example is Kfz. for Kraftfahrzeug. d. Sometimes this procedure results in a pronounceable combination of letters, and the abbreviation gains currency as a word. Flak for Flugzeugabwehrkanone,Gestapo for Geheime Staatspolizei, and Stuka for Sturzkampfflugzeug are familiar examples. INTRODUCTION 3 3. SCOPE OF THIS DICTIONARY Because of the extent of the field, it is unlikely that any dictionary of German military abbreviations could be "complete." New abbreviations, whether as the result of developments in military equipment and tactics, or as the temporary short-cuts of an individual commander writing orders, will continue to come into existence. With these the intelligence officer must deal to the best of his ability. A good working knowledge of the abbreviations commonly in use at present will help in interpreting these new coinages. Frequently the meaning can be inferred from the context. The present list aims at a reasonable completeness, within the following limits: a. Military terms borrowed from other languages in use during the first World War and earlier have frequently been replaced in the present German Army by German equivalents. A considerable number of these older terms have been retained in this list, but not all. b. German writers often use cortbinations of single abbreviations. The policy of this dictionary has been to include these combinations when they are encountered frequently, but otherwise to list the component parts separately. For instance, Divisionsalfklarungsabteilung will be found under Div.Aufkl.Abt., and separate entries will be found for Div., Aufkl.Abt., Aufkl., and Abt. But for Eisb.Pi.Rgt. it would be necessary to look under Eisb. and Pi.Rgt. separately. c. Besides strictly military terms the present dictionary contains abbreviations for many general German words and expressions which are likely to occur in military docu- 4 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS ments. In deciding which of these nonmilitary abbreviations to include, the aim has been to put in those which will probably occur most frequently rather than to include all possible forms. d. In a few cases German abbreviations will be found identical with those used in the U. S. Army. Examples are Apr. for April and mm for millimeter. Abbreviations of this type have not been included. But where a difference exists which might prove confusing, the German abbreviation has been given. Examples are Dez. for December, and mm2 for square millimeter. e. While this dictionary is primarily for the use of army personnel, a certain number of naval and aeronautic abbreviations are included in it. It is inevitable that such abbreviations will be encountered in military documents, and the more familiar the intelligence officer is with them, the better. 4. ORGANIZATION OF THIS DICTIONARY In using this dictionary the following principles of organization should be kept in mind: a. Abbreviations are arranged alphabetically, first according to the abbreviation itself, then according to the word or expression abbreviated. Thus A. for Abteilung precedes A. for Ausbildung, and both these abbreviations precede Abt. b. The umlaut is equivalent to the addition of e after the vowel; consequently d- follows ad- and precedes af-. c. The German capital I, often written J, will be found under I. INTRODUTCTION 5 d. The German practice varies in use of the period following an abbreviation. In this list the period is usually not given, but an abbreviation given here without a period may appear in a document with one. e. A German abbreviation frequently can stand for either the singular or the plural of the word it abbreviates. In this list the English meaning is usually given in the singular only. Section II. ABBREVIATIONS A Abbreviation A--,-- .. A German ...--Abschnitt -.---........... Abschusspunkt A --------------- Abteilunhmg ----- A_ A_ aA_ ....... .......- Abwehr__ Alarm --- .-.....- allgemein_ ....... Translation -...... sector; section; zone positionl (antiairpresent craft artillery) …...... section; detachnment; depart,ment; battalion -__ - defense alarm general (adjective) I A lt ----- …......of prefix Alt (old)-- in nanmes tow lis a_ A ---... a_ - at the; on the office -.- at; on; to trailer; supporter; follower amn--. -- A. A. A.. A_ A_ Arnt .- .- an .--... ------- .-...- Anhainger_ .--... Anhalt Anhanlg ....... Anhalt (G(erman, Anleitung__ Anlnerk ung. Ar --.---. ....... .A- .... -... . pro'ln.ce) appelndix; sul)plenmnl ilnstructioins; direction s footnote; remark; annotation 199.6 .squr-re are (tmeasure.: ya rds) ..- - A. --A .- ---- A. ........-Arbeits------ . A___ A___ A -- Arbeitszillg labor work train .... .. ...... Armee...... .. Artillerie.... Artilleriefuihrer _------------ Artillerieschule ...... -.- arnl (formationr a(bove armT corps) artillery artillery cormlall(lel dirisior ) artillery school 7 (inr o 8 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS A--------------- Arzt _ physician .. .......... Assistenz --------------. ... assistance; assistant a ------------ - auf - ------------------ on reconnaissance Aufklairung -----------A ------------------- impact Aufschlag --. -A-----------auftragsweise ----------- in accordance with instruca--..-------tions training Ausbildung ---------A ------A ------------Ausgabestelle --------distributing point commission; committee A --------- Ausschuss -----------old type a/A -----.. ------. alter Art ------ ---reconnaissance battalion A.A Aufklarungsabteihng .------------A.A --------- -- - Auswartiges Amt ----Foreign Office A.Abt .-------Artillerieabteilung -__artillery battalion reconnaissance battalion A.Abt --------Aufklarungsabteilung_ divisional reconnaissance A.A.Div ----Divisionsaufklarungsabbattalion teilung in the passage quoted a.a.O ---.------- am angefiihrten Ort --in another place a.a.O -------.---an anderem Ort -----ab -------------abgegangen ---------dispatched A.B -------------Arbeitsbataillon -.---labor battalion A.B ------------Armeebefehl ---------Army order A.B -------------- Artilleriebeobachtung artillery observation a.B ------------auf Befehl ----------by order of (used with signatures) A.B ------------Ausfiihrungsbestimmung- executory regulations A- en Abb ---------abbl ------------ Abbildung ------abblasen --------- figure ; illustration -..... to break off combat; to finish practice abbl ------------abblenden -.----.-...to screen; to dim lights Abdr ------------Abdruck --------- .-...copy; impression abds .. -... abends ---------- -.. ___ in the evening; p.m. A.Bekl. Amt.--..... Armee-Bekleidungs amt___ Army clothing depot abf ----------.---abfahren; Abfahrt_ ...... to depart; departure ab f ---- -- -- - - - - - - abfertigen; Abfertig ;ung_ to dispatch; act of dispatching abf.............. ahfuhren -.------ --...to lead away abfr......... abfragen --------- .-...- to test the line (communication) AbG ..- --..-----AbAnderungsgesetz amending law Abg ---------.-.-Abgang ... departure abgeandert............ amended abg ..... ......- 9 ABBREVIATIONS abg ------------Abg ------------abg ----------abgebl abgeg abgezw --------- abgekiirzt ----Abgeordneter abgestfrzt -abgeblendet -.-- .-.-.-.. ........ abgegangen.... abgezweigt ----- Abg.H ------------ Abgangshafen Abg.St -- abh Abk abkdrt AblI -- -- -- abl -.-- Abl AB1I Abl. F abpr -- ---------Abpr --- --------- abr... Abr ------------Abr.Int Abr.Intdtr Abs -- Abs -- -- -- -Abs A bs ------------abs - - -- - -- ------r Absch.bew..... Absch. Ger -- Abschn.... Abst ------.-.-.-Abt__ ------ ----Abt.Chef --Abt.Dir --------Abt.Gef.St ------- Abt.L ----A.Btl -- - - - - Abtlg ------------ -- Abgangsstation__ --..-..abhlingig -.----- .---.... .-.-...Abktirzung abkommandiert --.-..- - - abbreviated ----.... deputy -----... crashed (aircraft) dimmed (lights) dispatched; departed detached; branched off port of embarkation station of departure dependent abbreviation detached or detailed on special service depot; dump (on mnaps) Ablage --------- .-.....ablasten --- ........ to unload a pack animal leakage; lead; short circuit Ableitung -Amtsblatt . official journal or register Ablieferungsfrist_ __ .... time limit for delivery - to ricochet abprallen ..-. Abpraller....... -.-....- ricochet; ricochet bulrst abriisten ..--... demobilize; disarm disarmla.... demobilization; AbrUstung ------ .-. ment chief accountant Abrechnungsinten dant Abrechnungsinten dalltllr chief accountant's office Absatz ------.. -...... paragraph Abschnitt ----....... sector; section; zone .-..... Absender ------Absendestelle --- sender ........ dispatching point; office of origin; sending point absondern; Abson derung to separate; separation Abschied bewilligt Abschussgeriitt ..... Abschnitt -----Abstand -------Abteilung ------ discharge approved .... grenade launcher - Abteilungschef_ -- ......Abteilungsdirektor r..... Abteilungsgefechts sstand_ Abteilungsleiter_ Ausb)ildungsbataill 'on ---.-...... Abteilung ------- sector; section; zone dist ance (tactics); interval section; detachment; department; battalion section chief departmental director battalion command post section chief training battalion sectieon; detachment; depart- nlent: battalion 10 abtr----_ Abtr ------------ GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS ....- -.. ..---..- to withdraw; to retire from withdrawal; cession; surrender section manager; section Abt.Vorst ---Abteilungsvorste her chief -. defense Abwehr -.-.---Abw -----------Abwicklung .-.-.-.. demobilization: unfolding Abw -------Abwehrmine . -----.... defensive mine Abw. Min .......... Abwehrschlacht_ .-.-.... defensive battle Abw.Schl ... Abzeichen ----------. insignia; marking Abz Abzug Abz --------.------. trigger; retreat; outlet firing mechanism; trigger Abz. Vorr Abzugsvorrichtur ng -----mechanism anni currentis___ ...---. a.c...... . of the current year Achselband ---- .-......- aiguillette (large) Achs. BAchskl Achselklappe --- ........ shoulder strap Achsst. -Achselstiuck .-- .......- shoulder strap (officer's) an der .. a.d -.-.-- - ----......on the; at the a.D --ausser Dienst____ retired a.d.D ---auf dem Dienstw,ege. through official channels ..- . ,.. adjutant Adj Adjutant ----. ( Adj Obd 11H----Adjutantur des OberbeAdjutant's Office of the Commander in (Chief of fehlshabers des Heeres the Army Adm Admiral -------.-..... admiral AI)O allgemeine Die nstord- general service regulatlions nung A D P -----------Arbeitsdienstpflic' ht labor service duty Adr --Adresse -.. address Adw Arbeitsdienstwillif ger ---labor service volunteer iirztlich . medical A.E--Antitoxineinheiter n....... anti-toxin units a.Er am Ende -..... at the end; in the end A.E.G -Allgemeine-Elek trrizitats- electrical manufacturing firm gesellschaft Xlt Altester ------oldest; senior A.E.R ---. artillery replacement training Artillerieersatzreg imen t regiment A.f.B --_...... Anleitung fuir die IAusfih- - direction for the construction rung von Behelf sbefestiof secondary field fortificagungen tions A.f.G ------_... Ausbildungsvorsch krift fir training manual for mounGebirgstruppen tain troops abtreten -Abtretung ----- ABBREVIATIONS A. Fhr .-...- Artilleriefiihrer ....... 11 . artillery commander (in a division) - .- Artillerieflieger Afl ... ------ artillery spotting pilot Artilleriemunitionskolonne artillery munitions transport A.(F)M.K __ column A.F -. Artilleriefiihrer-..--- artillery comnlander (in a division) Abwehrgruppe defense group ...A.G ------------Aktien-Gesellschaft limited company A.G --Amtsgruppe Ersatz- und Section for AgEH -Rleplacement Heerwesen Training and Army Matters A.G.I ----------Artilleriegerat inspizient_ _ general officer in charge of artillery equipmlent inspection A. Gr -----------Armeegruppe.--------task force of varying strength A.Gr ------------ Artilleriegruppe artillery task force; artillery -- -.group A.H .--- --- -- -- Allgemeines Heeresgeriatt general army equipment AIIA -- - - - - Allgemeines Heeresamt_ General Armyn ()ffice A.l..Q.......... Armeehauptquartier .. army headquarters A.Ing ---------Artillerieingenier .. art illery engineer A.I.W.-------Artillerieinstan dsetzuiigs- artillery repair shop werkstatt Pers6nllicher Adj ital t personal adjutant of the Aj....... des Fiihrers Fiihrer A.K -- - - - Abschnittskoulnmal ltdeullr sector collllllnaller A.K --------- ---Armeekorps .... army corps A .K ------------Artilleriekolonne . artillerv colrlm A .KK -----------Artilleriekommanldeur .. artillery command(er from general headquarters pool a.K -.--..... auf Komllnando ........ detailed (for miliita ry service) a.K---...... atf Kriegsdauer ... for the duration of the war Aka -.-.- ..---. Artillerie- Kami)fartillerie counterbattery artillery A.Kdr ...... Artilleriekommandeur artillery commander from general headquarters pool Akk ------------Akkumulator. storage battery A.K. ...... __ Armeekraftwagenkolonne _ army motor transport column A.K.N -_....... Artilleriekommlanldel r Artillery Commander, Nort.h Nord A.K.O ---------Artilleriekommanladeur Artillery Commanllder, East - Ost 12 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS A.Kom ------- Art illeriekommandeur_. A.Korps ------A.K.P ---------- Armeekorps ------------ A.K.S Artilleriekommandeur Sfid aktiv ------.-.-.-.-.-aktive Dienstpflicht -----...... ---------- akt___ Akt.Dpfl Akt. R_ A.K.W__ -......... Akz--... A.L ---A.L ---- allg All. Gab _ Allg.Gr_ allj ---All.Pi.D_ ......... A.L.R. A.L.R.. ........ ........ Am Am ----- ..... -... a.M ----- ...... Am ----- ........ am b -----------Amb ---.-.-. amb. Beh--- - A.M.K ------Amn ------.-. Am p -----------Amp Am ph ----------amtl A.M.Tr -------an ___-____------ Armee-Kraftfahrpark -.-- - artillery comander from general headquarters pool army corps army motor park Artillery Commander, South active; on duty active duty radius of action Artillery Commander, West Aktionsradius. Artilleriekommandeur West Aktenzeichen -..... -.--- file index number initial charge (blasting) Anfangsladung -------.. connecting circuit …........ Anschlussleitung --------....... allgem ein -------------general -...... Gasabwehrdienst aller gas protection for all arms Waffen Allgemeine Gruppe . general group every year; annually -........ alljahrlich... allgemeiner Pionierdienst general combat engineer servfir alle Waffen ice for all arms Allgemeines Landrecht.. general civil law Artillerielehrregiment -.artillery instruction regiment -....... Amerika.. . ........-.. -. America amerikanisch; Ameri- American; an American kaner am Main ---------.--on the Main (river) range corrector (naval and Auswanderungsinesser --antiaircraft) ambulant -------------ambulatory; able to walk Ambulanz -_-_ ambulance ambulante Behandlung -___treatment of ambulatory cases (medical service) Artilleriemunitionskoartillery munitions transport lonne column Amtnestie --------------amnesty Am pulle --------------ampoule Amputation . amputation Amphibienflugzeug --- amphibian plane amtlich_______ official Artilleriemesstrupp -----sound and flash ranging section (artillery) angekommen ----------- arrived ABBREVIATIONS . 13 _--------An n_----------- Anisol ------trinitroanisole Armee--Nachrichtenpark_ army signal equipment park A.Nachr.Pk ...... Anf ------------- Anfang ----------------- beginnitng anIf …------------ anfangen_-------------to begin; to commence Armee-Nachschubfiihrer,_ army supply commander A.N.F _-_------Anfangsgeschwindigkeit_ initial velocity or speed Anf. Geschw ----Anfiihrungszeichen -----quotation marks Anf.Zeich ------angestellt --------------- employed ang ------------applied ang .-------------angewandt-- -----------------arrived angek------------ angekommen Angr.Z ---------- Angriffsziel ------------- attack objective Anh.----------- Anhalger -------------trailer; supporter; follower -------Anhang ..----Anh -----------appendix, supplemenlt trailer Anh. W----------- Anhiangewagen ---------A nkun ft ---------------arrival Ank -----------plant; establishment; encloAnl-------------- Anlage --------- -----sure; park; construction; design; outline; foundation Anl-------------- Anleitung -----------instructiojns; directions ----instructions; direct ions Anltg ----.------ Anleitung -----Anleitung fur die Ausbil- instructions for the training Anltg.A.M.W.-dung der NMinenwerferof trench motor companies kompanien Anm -----------Anmerk---------Ann -_-___------ Anmerkung ------------ Anmerk ung.............. Annahme ------------ anpassen -------------anp ------------Anpassung ------------Anp -----------A.N.R -.--------- Armee- Nachrichtenregi- remark; annotation; footnote remark; annotation; footnote acceptance; receipt; assumption; supposition to suit; to adapt adaptation army signal regiment ment ansch .---------Ansch ----------ansch -------- Ansch ----------Anschl.Bttr -----Anschl. Div -----Anschl.Tr -------Ans.Sk ---------- Anst -----------anst -----. anst __--_----anst -. ........ 515560---43-2 anschaffen ------------Anschaffung ------------ to provide; to obtain acquisition anschiessen----- ----to hit by shooting Anschuss -------------- shot Anschlussbatterie.. -..... adjoining battery Anschlussdivision ------- adjoining division -- adjoining troops Anschlusstruppen ..Ansichtsskizze .. .. graphic sketch Anstalt ---------------institution; establishment anstauen -----------'----to dam up ansteckend contagious anstellen ------------- to employ 14 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Anst -----.Ant Ant.fein Anw ---. Anw_ Anz.. Anz... Anz. D Anz.O A.O .. A.O A.O Ao.Ges AoGutbM AOK Ap A.P a.p --- - A. Pf.Laz_ A.Pf. Pk apl App ar ---- A.R --- Arb. Abt Arb. Flgz Arb. Kp---Ar. D_---Arffi -- --a.Rh_ A;k__ ... Anstellung---------- employment antenna Antenne .----antenna tuning Antennenfeinabstimmung aspirant; candidate Anwarter _------------Anweisung ------------- direction; instruction announcement; notice; reAnzeige _-------------port indicator; informer Anzeiger ----------pit (range) Anzeigerdeckung ------regulations for uniforms Anzugsordnung ------Ablaufoffizier ------. bridge traffic control officer Anzugsordnung ----------- regulations for uniforms Arbeitsordnung ...-----work plan artillery officer Artillerieoffizier ........... ausserordentlicher envoy extraordinary Gesandter ausserordentlicher Ge- envoy extraordinary and sandter und bevollminister plenipotenltiary maichtigter Minister army comlmand Armeeoberkommando .-.------ ricochet Ahpraller Artilleriepunkt; Artiller- artillery reference poi r t istischer Punkt (gunnery) not according to plan or ausserplanmiissig .. schedule Armee-Pferdelazarett army veterinary hospital army horse park Armee-Pferdepark . not according to plan or ausserplanmlissig ....... schedule Apparat .---.- -------- apl)aratus; device; equil)ment arisch...... Aryan Artillerieregiment .-..artillery regiment Arbeiterabteilu ng -----labor detachment Arbeitsflugzeug .. work plane Arbeitskompanie .._ labor company Arbeitsdienst -.... labor service Artillerieftihrer .------_ divisional artillery commander Ion the Rhine .am Rhein rk... -Arktikmunition_ - - - - - - -- arctic amlmlnition 15 ABBREVIATIONS Artilleriekon inandeur. artillery commander from general headquarters pool Armee Arm ...-.-.-.. .. army (formation above armJ corps) . armed armiert ---arm............ army horse hospital Arm. Pf. Laz Armeepferde lazarett Armeepferde Ipark.... Arm. Pf. P .. army horse park army reserve Arm. Res ---.. -Armeereserv e Arm.San.P ------Armeesanitiit tspark army medical park journal of decrees of an army Arm.VOBI, ....... Armeeverord nungsblatt, Arr - - - - - - - - - - - - - Arrest.. . .... detention . man under detent ion ....... Arrestant-. .-.-.Arr ------------Ars --- - - - - -- Arsenal ..... ._. . .......arsenal Art Artillerie.... artillery Art. Abt -. Artillerieabte eilung.. . , ...artillery battalion Art.Beob. Abt Artilleriebeofl)achtungsartillery observation detacllmerient abteilung Art-Besch...... Artilleriebese hiessu rg.. artillery bombardleent t Art,. Ers. Abt artillery replacenlent trainArtillerieersal tzabteihlng ing battalion Artillerieersal tzreginment.. artillery replacement trainArt. Ers. Rgt .. ing regirent Art.F. F-.. -. divisional artillery conlArtillerieffihr er__ Arko mlander Art. F1-Art. Kdr - Art.Kol Art. Kr. Zgm_ Artl -... Artl. Res Artl. Rgt ----- Art. Mun. Kol Art.Pk Art. Rgt -_-_Art. Sch .. Art.St.F Art. Str. F Art. Verm. Tr Art. Werkst Art.Zg..... Artilleriefliegter Artilleriekomnmandeur..... . artillery ........ spotting pilot artillery commander from general headquarters pool artillery transport colllmn _ Artilleriekolornrne Artillerie k r a f t z u g - artillery prime mover maschine . .. artillery Artillerie Artilleriereserve .. artillery reserve Artillerieregimen t... artillery regiment Artilleriemun itions- artillery nlunitions t ranskolonne p)ort cohllumn Artilleriepark .. ... artillery equipment park Artillerieregirnent artillery regimlentl Artillerieschule .... artillery school Artilleriest6rulngsfeul er artillery harassing fire Artilleriestreufeuer ... artillery dispersion fire __ Artillerievermessulngs- artillery survey detachmlent trupp Artilleriewerkstatt . artillery repair shop -- Artilleriezug ---------.. artillery platoon 16 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS As------ .-...... AS ----- .-.. A.San.Ab t__-----A.San.Pk ......... A.Sch. Pl ......... Ass.Arzt A.St ----..-....... arsenic artillery school Armee-Sanitaitsabteilung._ army medical battalion army medical park Armee-Sanitatspark .. artillery firing range Artillerieschiessplatz 2d lieutenant, medical corps Assistenzarzt --computing station (sound Auswertestelle Arsenik -------..- - Ar... ti l..l e r ie s c h ule --- - -- - - - and flash ranging gunnery) Asta .-. .-.. - sb ild ung sstab de r ArA u...tillerie artillery training staff infantry training staff fanterie ..--Astronomischer Messzug_ astronomical survey platoon Astr. MesEszugatmosphere ....... Atmosphare -At.----- -. .-...... Aussichtsturm observation tower (on maps) A.T --. army order of the day Armeetagesbefehl -A.T.B ---.-...... atmosphere ....... Atmosphiire Atm... -. .-....... Attach6 ----.-.-.-.-. - attach6 Att--certificate .-..... Attest . -------------Att ----attached attachiert----------attach ... Attrappe -------------- dummy Attr.-outboard motor Aussenbordm otor -- Aubo-... .-..... aufheben -.-. to raise; to cancel aufh..... reconnaissance Aufkl - ........ Aufkliarung reconnaissance battalion Aufklirungsabteilung Aufkl.Abt reconnaissance replacement Aufkl.Ers. Abt .-- Aufklarungsersatzabteitraining battalion lung combat reconnaissance forces te -...... Aufklarungsstreitkraf Aufkl.Str_ edition Auflage -Aufl ---Aufmarsch initial assembly for operaAufm - -tiens Aufnahme ------------- reception; photograph; deAufn -----------laying action - Aufnahmestellung -- - -- delaying position; rallying Aufn.Stg - .... Asti ---. ......--. Ausbildungsstab der In- -....--...... position Aufn.Tr --------Auftr -------Auftr -----auftrw ----Ausb --- ---.-.-. Ausb. Offz ------Ausb. Pers --.---- Ausbr ------- Aufnahmetruppen ------- delaying troops Auftrag ---------------order; task; mission Auftreff ----------.-.- impact (gunnery) auftragsweise ------------ in accordance with instructions ..-Ausbildungtraining Aushbildungsoffizier -----training officer Ausbildungspersonal -.--training personnel Ausbrennung ------------- erosion (of a barrel) ABBREVIATIONS 17 Ausf ------------ Ausfall .............. sortie; loss Ausffihrung .......... Ausf execution; completion Ausfiihrungsbestim- executory regulations Ausf. Best ------mungen Ausfiihrungsvorschrift... Ausf.V ---------executory regulations A usgabe --------------Ausg -----------issue; issuance ausgemustert ----------discharged ausg -------ausgenommen ---_ _ excepted ausgen --------Ausgangspunkt -. . .---Ausgp -------point of departure Ausgangstellung........ Ausg. Stg ---position of departure ausheben--- ------------- to draft aush ----Aush -----------Aushlebung _--_---_ _ .- -conscription; draft Ausland --------Ausl -- -- -- -foreign country Ausl. Vertr.. ---Auslieferungsvertrag.. extradition treaty Ausrustung . Ausr arms and equipment Ausriickstarke ---------Ausr. S.......... initial strength; marchinlgout strength ausriick ---------ausriickend -----------evacuating; marching out; decamping Ausschuss ... Aussch ---committee; commllission Aussichtsturml Auss. T... observation tower (on mraps) Aussenwerk .. Auss. W -.----.-outworks automatisch .. autom -. automatic Autom. Gew Automatisches Gewehr_ automatic rifle A.V-----------Arneeverpflegungslager_ army supply depot Ausbildungsvorschrift fir artillery training regulations A.V.A ----------die Artillerie AVBL --Armeeverordnungshlatt _ journal of decrees of an army AVf. --Allgemeine Verfiigung.. general order A.V.F Ausbildungsvorschrift fir training regulations for servdie Fahrtruppen ice troops for animlaldrawn trains A.V.Flak Ausbildungsvorschrift fur antiaircraft training regulaFlak tions A.V.I -- ----- - Ausbildungsvorschrift fiir infantry training regulations die Infanterie A.V.K Ausbildungsvorschrift fir cavalry training regulations die Kavallerie A.V.Kdo --------- Artillerieverbindun gs- artillery liaison detachment kommando A.V.KfK... ------ Ausbildungsvorschrift fiir training regulations for modie Kraftfahrkampftorized combntat troops truppen 18 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Artillerieverbindu ngs- artillery liaison detachment kommando A. V. Kraaft -------- Ausbildungsvorschrift fur training regulations for modie Kraftfahrtruppen tor transport, service troops fuir physical training regulations . Ausbildungsvorschrift . A.V.Il,b .....---. Leibesiibungen A.V.N_ -Ausbildungsvorschrift -........ fMr training regulations for sigdie Nachrichtentrupnal troops pell Artillerieverbindungsoffiartillery liaison officer A.V.O__ zier Ausbildungsvorschrift fur training regulations for engiA.V.P__ neers die Pioniere - Verpflegungsausarmy rations distribution Armee . A.Vpfl_ .-....--- . gabestelle point fur training regulations for Ausbildungsvorschrift -.....---. A.V.S__ die Scheinwerfertrupsearchlight troops pen A.V. -__ ngs- instrument section (artiller?) Artillerievermessu -......... trupp Arbeitsverwendunigs-......... fitness for labor employment A.V.W_ fdihigkeit fiir die Wehrfor the army mnacht Arbeitsverwendungs-......... A.V.Z_ fitness for labor employment for civil service fahigkeit, Zivil Artilleriewerkstatt ------- artillery repair shop A.W . .-....... ---------Atemwiderstand breathing resistance (gas mask) ...--. Aussenwache --.... ... AW...__. outer guard AWA_ .-........ Amtsgruppe Allgemeine Section for General Armed WehrmachtangelegenForces Mat ters heiten Aktenzeichen file index number Az -Alarm zu Ende_ A.Z.. all clear signal A.Z____ .. Anforderungszeichen requisition mark AZ ----Aufschlagztinder. percussion fuze auf Zeit a.Z____ ......... temporary Az.. ......... Auszeichnung decoration; distinction Az-Mun_-.......- Aufschlagziinderlun it ion_ percussion fuze ammunition Aufschlagziilder mit Ver- percussion fuze with delayAz.m.V_........... zogerung action A.Z.V___ .-......-Artilleriezielbauvorschrift artillery target construction regulations A.V.Ko 19 ABBREVIATIONS B Bach B-B --B B B B B ...-- Backerei -.......... Ballon ............ Bataillon balloon battalion battery construction .-.---..... Batterie Bau...... Bedienungsinann.. Befehl .... Befehlshaber -------- bei - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bh B B._ B1 B ............ Belagerung ---------Beobachtung .. Beobachtungsst elle Bereitschaft Berg. Betriebs- B_' B_ BI- h B. B_ B_ 13_ B1 . Bettungsgeschiit z.. bewegliches .-..-. 13 ___ -- ..Bombenwurf - - Brief --.Brieftaubenmieister. Briicke . Brunnen . Bucht... .... - B __ B iichse -------------- I) -burg B . BA Feldibackereikolorne Bauaint. B.A__ ............. KA B.A .-.......... Bekleidungsamt .. .... ............ BA_ BA B. Abt,............ Beschaffungsamt .. Bespanr lungsabteihltnlg Betriebsatlllt ...... Berichtan weisulllng -- Bauabteilung ......... brook (on maps) bakery .. .. ember of gun crew order; comnllmand comnlallder; eonmmanding officer by; near; close to siege observation observation post readiness; preparedness iolountain (on mraps) operating; working; t raffic outrigger-base guli; guln on platform mounting movable bombing (airplane) letter carrier pigeon sergeant bridge (on maps) well; spring; folltain (on maps) bay; inlet (on maps) rifle final syllable "-burg" (place names) field bakery coluiiin building andi conlst rutlion office clot hing depot instruction for making reports . proculrellent office horse-drawn detachmnent operations office (railiway) bilding and construct ioln d,(partlment; constrtl eion unit 20 B.Abt ---------_ GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Beobachtungsabteilung___ artillery observation or survey battalion (sound and flash) Back -- - - Back. K Back.Kol Baickerei -_-_- bakery -_-.__ bakery company Biackereikompanie -----Bickereikolonne ____ -. bakery column Bajonett ------------- bayonet Baj ........... hajonettieren ............ baj --to bayonet dummy rifle for bayonet Baj. Grewv . B3ajonettiergewehr -----practice B.A.K Ballonabwehrkanone ---antiballoon gun Bekleidungsamnt Kiel __ BAK Kiel clothing depot Ballistik ....... ballistics Ball Ballon -- - - - - - balloon Ball -.---.--.-. Ball. Bttr --Ballonbatterie_____ __.. _ observation balloon battery Balta Ballistiche Tageseinflusse_ error of the moment (ballistics) Balta-sekunden --- Ballistische Tagesein- error of the moment, distribfliisse, gestaffelt nach uted along time of flight Flugzeitsekunden curve (ballistics) Bar .............Baracke _---------------- barracks Bark -.---------Barkasse -------------motor launch Barom . Barometer ........ -------------- barometer Barrik -- _---Barrikade .... barricade B.Art ----------Beobachtungsstelle der artillery observation post Artillerie battalion Batl ... Bataillon.. Batls. Nachr. Zug Bat aillonsnachrichten zulg battalion signal platoon Batt . . Batterie ---------------- battery Battr .. ... . ....... Batterie --------------battery Battr.Tr --------Batterietrupp battery headquarters ......... detachment Bau. Btl ....... . Baubataillon . construction battalion Batuv.O. (Heer) Bauverwaltungsordnung building and construction fur das Heer administration regulations for the Army BAW ----------Bekleidungsamt Wil- Wilhelmshaven clothing dehelmshaven pot Blb). . ...-------Beobachtungsbatterie. observation battery BBB-------Gruppe Berlin-BrandenBerlin- Brandenburg group burg (SA) (Storm Troopers) Bb-.. .......... Stab einer Beobachtungsstaff of an observation or abteilung survey battalion (artillery) B.Btl.... Baubataillon .------ construction battalion ABBREVIATIONS 21 Bahnbevollm aichtigter fir authorized railroad agent for ...... Militir - Angelegenheimilitary matters ten .-.-..... _ Befehlshaber der Auf- commander of cruisers kladrungsschiffe der Auf- commander of reconnais__ Befehlshaber .... B.d.A_~ .- _. klarungsstreitkrafte sance cruiser forces longevity (pay); increment Besoldungsdienstalter. B.D.A Befehlshaber der Aufkla- commander of cruisers in the B.d.A.d .0 ------rungsschiffe in der OstBaltic Sea see __ Befehlshaber -...... des Ersatz- Commander of the ReplaceB.d.E. _ heeres ment Training Army Befehlshaber des Ersatz- chief of recruitment service B.d.E_ - ........... wesens board radio operator (aviaBordfunker_-----------Bdfu_-_ .......... tion; navy) __ Befehlshaber -...... der Gen- commander of the local B.d.G__ darmerie police Bd.Gincendiary shell .. Brandgeschoss -----B.d.L---- Befehlshaber -..... der Linien- commander of battleship schiffe force Befehlshaber -...... der Luft- Commander B.d.L__ of the Air Forces streitkrafte ..Boden-Maschinengewehr- bottom machine-gun turret Bd.-MIGL.-T.. turm (airplane) B.d.O__ Befehlshaber -......... der Ord- Chief of the Regular Police nungspolizei . Befehlshaber der Sicher- commander of t;he security B.d.S.d. N forces of the North Sea der ungsstreitkrafte Nordsee .----. Befehlshaber der Sicher- commander of the security B.d.S.d. Oforces of the Baltic Sea der ungsstreitkrafte Ostee B.d.Sipc u.d.SD___ Befehlshaber der SicherChief of Security Police and of the SS Security Service und des heitspolizei Sicherheitsdienstes bd.taug_ -......... -..bedingt tauglich conditionally fit b.d.Tr__......... - bei ider Truppe ------.. with the troops Bd.Z___ .......... Bodenzunder .. .__ base percussion fuze; base detonator fuze B.E -----------besondere Einfliisse special factors (ballistics) Bed -.-. Bedarf .............. requirement means bed -.. ___ bedeutet ._________.. Bbv_ .-... 22 GERMAN Bed -----------bed ---------Bed -----------Bef -----.--------Bef -Bef Bef Bef. A Bef. E Bef. E_. Befest_ Bef.Gr_ Befh__. ..... Befhb__ .----. Befh.d.P ------Beg. Gef -. ----B egl ----------Begl.Zg -------beh - ----- -.....behelfsm _ ..... --behelfsm. Be,ef . Beh San. A_ Beil -.---beil --- Beitr. O Beiwg Bekl Bekl.A ..Bekl.Fw___ Bekl.N_ -. ... Bekl.Uffz_ . Bekl.Ufw_ Bekl.V ----- . MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Bedeutung___ __.... . .... meaning Bedienen -_- .---------- to serve; to operate gun crew; service Bedienung__ Befaihigung ...........qualification Befehl -.--order; command Befeuerung_ .......--- firing; lighthouse service Bef6rderungpromotion; transport Befehlsausgab oe ... ..issuance of orders; distribution of orders Befehlsempfal nger message orderly; runner Befehlsempfar ng_.. .. receipt of order Befestigung fortification; fastening group of fortifications Befestigungsg3ruppe Befehlshaber_ commander; commanding officer Befehlshaber_ .------...commander; commanding officer Befehlshaber (der Polizei commander of police Begegnungsge: fecht______ meeting engagement Begleit- _- -- ........ --accompanying Begleitzug-. -.......... accompanying platoon (of machine-gun company) behelfsmiissig_ emergency; hasty; makeshift behelfsmiissig_ emergency: hasty; makeshift Befest- hasty fortification behelfsmaissige .... igung Behandlung der Sanitats- care of medical supplies ausrtistung Beilage .... annex; enclosure; al)pelldix heiliegend . enclosed Beitreibungsordnung procedure of requisition Beiwagen ..- sidecar Bekleidung . clothing; unriform . ekleidungsamt . clothing depot Bekleidungsfeldwebel -.. clothing sergeant Beklei(lngs- und Aus- clothing and equipment riistungsnach-weisulng tables Bekleidungsunteroffizier__ clothing noncomnmissioned officer Bekleidungsulnterf e Id- clothing sergeant wehel Bekleidungsvorschrift. clothing regrrlatiolls ABBREVIATIONS Bel _ ....... Belag. ..---..--.. 23 overlay (harness); planking (bridge); covering; plank flooring; surface (road) Bel _--------.B. Belagerung............ siege Bel .... Belastung ---------. -.load; charge; burdenl; stress bel-----. belegen -..-. to shell; to occupy; to cover .----------belegt ------------------.. shelled; occupied; covered bel . bel -------------beleuchten ---- ---to illuminiate Belag elag Belagerung ......... -.. siege Belast ... Belastung ...... . load; charge; burdenl; stress Belehr. Mp Belehrungsmappe_______ instructionlal map Beleucht.Ger ___... Beleuchtungsgerhat illumination equipmelnt Bel.Zust .... Belagerungszustanlld___ _ state of siege Beob ... .. Beobachter; Beobachtunlg observer; observation Bleob).Abt . Beobachtungsabteilgg _ . artillery observation or survey battalion (sound and flash) Beob. Battr --. Beobachtungsbatterie observation battery Beob.Ger.... Beobachtungsgerlatt . observation instrumellts Beob. P .... Beobachtun.... gspunktt observation point Beob. Pktt Beobachtungspunklt ----observation point Beoh.Sch Beobachterschule .... observers' school (aviation) Beob).T_ . . .... Beobachtungsturmn observation tower (on maps) Beob.W.. reconnaissance car (for bat. Beobachtunlgswagen .... tery observation) Ber ............... Bereitschaft .. readiness; preparedl ess ber . ....... beritt en . .... momnted Ber. Biichse ..... Bereitschaftsbiichse canister (gas mask) Bereitsch. K . .....Bereitschafts- Komlpan ie companly in readiness Ber. F .. .. _. Berittf£hrer section corporatl (cavalry) Berghsr ....BerghLuser ------moulltai l houses (on tt(aps) Ber. Ihf. Kp ---berittenle Infantterienloulted infalntry compallv k om pallie Berit I-V --------Vorschrift fiir die Berit- regulations for the requiring of officers, medical oftelllnachung der Offiziere, Sanitaitsofliziere, ficers, veterillarv officers, Veterinairoffiziere und and higher officials of the oberen Beallmteit des army to be monllted Eleeres Berl .-----.. Berlin.. Berlin Ber. Lftsp - . ..-. . berittener Luftspiiher. mounted air scout Ber.Offz . -------berittener Offizier.. . mounted officer erufsoffizier .. ....... Ber.Offz .... career officer Ber.l'ol berittene Polizei .... mounted police 24 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Bes ------------Bes ---- - - - bes.A ---.-besch - Besatzung -----------Besoldung ------------besondere Anordnungen_ beschiessen _... Besch Beschiessung Beschl -... Beschl. Sch. Uffz Besch.Nachw .... besehr.taug----Bes.G -----.---Bes. Gr Besold Besold.Gr Besold.Ordn ----beasp -----------Besp......... Beschlag ..-... . -.Beschlagschmiedunteroffizier Beschiiftigungsnachweis_ beschrainkt tauglich... Besoldungsgesetz -----Besoldungsgruppe Besoldung .. ...... Besoldungsgruppe -----Besoldungsordn ung bespannt n......... Bespannung ........... Besp.Abt -.Bespr ----------- Bespannungsabteillung Besprechung . . Bes.Sch. K1 --Best -------.-.-. Best --------.--Best.A .----Best.tI -Bestr --.-----Bestr BestrR ------ besondere Schiessklasse Bestand .. Bestinmung .. Bestandaufnahme . Bestimmungshafen __...--.... Bestrafung Bestreichung ......... bestrichener Raum .... __.. Bet... Bet ----.-.-.--- BetriebsBettung Bet. Gesch. ----------- - -.- ---..-. ---- . Bettulngsgeschiitz..... betr Betonkonstruktion ------Betrag Ibetreffend ... Betr. _ Betriebs- ___ Bet. K......... Betr ... garrison: crew pay special orders to shell; to bombard; to fire upon shelling; bombardment; test firing metal fittings; horsehoeing stable sergeant proof of employment partially fit pay law pay group pay pay group pay regulations horse-drawn fabric; covering (aviation); draft horses horse-drawn detachment conference; discussion; critique special marksmanship class strength; stock destination; regulation inventory port of destination punishment; sweeping (fire) raking (fire); enfilade danger zone (machine gun, rifle) operational base; outrigger base; bedplate; foundation; roadbed outrigger base gun (antiaircraft); gun on platform mounting concrete construction amount concerning; with reference to; regarding operational ABBREVIATIONS Betr.Abt ------Betr. Ass -------. Betr.Fr. Betr. O ..--------Betr.St Betr.St.Kol Betr.St.Zug Bett Bett.Gesch Beurl. Beurl Bev__ Bew__ Bew.......... Bew bew Bew ------.-.-. Bewegl.Tankst Bew. M bez.... Bez bez Bez.Kom.-----bezl... Bez.Offiz beziigw Bf Bf. B.F. Bf. Bfh Bfh. riiekw. Hleer. Geh. Bf. Offz. Bfst, Bfst Betriebsabteilun g_ __-- 25 __ operations section; manage- ment Betriebs-Assistel int -. operations clerk Betriebsfrequein z----- operation frequency (radio) ...operating regulations Betriebsordnung r- - Betriebsstoff .. --..-..fuel Betriebsstoffkolo llne fuel column Betriebsstoffzug fuel train Bettung ..... . base; outrigger base; bedplate; foundation; roadbed Bett ulgsgeschiit; z....... outrigger-base gun; gun on platform mounting Beurlaubter ---- .......-man on leave Beurlaubung . leave of absence Bevollmichtigt er r... . . authorized agent; plenipotentiary Bewachung guarding; watching; supervi…----…... sion Bewiisserung .... ........ irrigation Bewaffnung . arms beweglich -------- m obile Beweis ..__ proof; evidence mobile filling station bewegliche Tank! stelle Bewasserungs-Mi uihle irrigation mill (on omaps) bezahlt . paid Bezirk district beziiglich relative to; with reference to Bezirkskommand o .. district command beziuglich with reference to Bezirksoffizier district officer bezuiglich with reference to beziehungsweise and/or; respectively Bahnhof railroad station Batteriefihrer . hatterv commanlder observation telescope Beobachtu ngsferl nrohr. Brief --letter Befehllshaber commander; conmmrnanding officer Befehlshaber decs raick- C(omnrander Army Groulp Rear Area wirtigern Heeres sgehiets Bahnhofsoffizier railroad stat ion provost Befehlsst and comniland post Befehlsstelle commnland post; command authority 26 GERMAN MILITARY Berg ........ Brigade --- .Brigadier ------------Berge .. Bataillons - Gasschutzoffizier Begribnisplatz......... Brigadestab-......... Bg -----------Bg -----------B g ----_-----Bge .-..---.-.-. B.G.O ---Bgr. PI Bg.St - - -- ---- ABBREVIATIONS B gw --------1h _.... Bh ---- Bhf Bhr. Ptr Bergwerk behelfsmaissig Beiheft ... ... Biw --__---B.K _ B.K Biwak Bfickereikolonne Bekanntmachung... Bkl Bkl. (AHA) Bkl. O Bktm _-_ Bekleidung_ Heeresbekleidul igsabteilung Bekleidungsordnmng_ _ Bekanntmachung .... Bkw--------- Beobachtungskraft wagen B13 Blatt Bahnhof ..... .. 131__ - .. Bohrpatrone.......... -... Blaukreuz _ Blesse .-.-.- .- . blessiert .... -------------. blind ...--.----. ----..---... BI_ 1 __- bl___ Blasai ngr B1. Fl -. . . Blindgiinger -- ..-- Blitz . -.- - Blockadeblockieren. ..Blasangriff. Blindflug - Blk Blinkfeuer B lst - _--------- Blocks telle ------------_ _ mountain (on maps) brigade brigadier general mountains (on maps) battalion chemical warfare officer cemetery (on mraps) brigade staff; brigade headquarters mine emergency; hasty; makeshift supplement railroad station blasting cartridge; explosive cartridge bivouac bakery column announcementl: pIblic notice clothing; revetment Army clothing section of General Army Office clothing regulation announcement; public notice reconnaissance car (for battery observation) sheet; page; breast strap (harness) blue cross (gas) wound wounl de(l blindl; blank dud lightning blockade to blockade gas attack blind flight; instrument flying intermittent light; revolving beacon block station (railway) 27 ABBREVIATIONS Blinkverbindun lg .-. Br. Abt Brficketi-Abteilu ing lBran(lGr_ Ib r .... Brandgranate . Briickentau ... ___-. bridge detachilrent engineers) incenrdiarv shell .-.... bridge conlstrulction }B1. Vbdg_ R1. Waff__ ... B.M ----- - B-MIuni ._ B.() B.o ------B.() B() .. .- Bod.Pers Bog.Sch lBohrl'atr_ BombBoot shs Bootskan Bootlsnll Bootsml. .i11 lBordger Blirdk Ir__ Br Br Br ..blinker signal communication blanke Waffen .----.--. armes blanches (bayonet and other cutting weapons) Spannweite eirnes Flug- wingspread of an airplane in meters zeugs in Met,ern ...Bohrung eines Flugzeug- bore of an airplane motor in motors in Mi llilnetern millimneters tracer ammunition Beobachtungsnl iunition_ observation officer Beobachtungsoi ffizier. Beschwerdeordi 1ung fiir complaint regulat ions for the die Angehijr rigen der menllbers of the armle(l Welhrmacht forces operating regulations Betriebsordtilin g .... Order of Blood (National Blutorden (NSI )AP) Socialist Party) Bordstation..l. airplane or ship radio s ation Section (Storm Gruppe Ostmar k (SA) --- Austrian Troopers) ...... ground personnell; grolind Bodenlpersonal crew high-angle fire Bogetnschuss blastillg cartridge .B..hrpat rone Boilnbardelcleiit boltbardinleit; shelling boat house (on mnaps) lBootshaus Bootskanrone. ........ assault-b)oat gun boatswain Bootslllaianl Bootsmlannllsrla -t-------.boatswaill's mate Bordgerate . flight inlstr (?men1ts; flight eqluiipml(nt .giin miounted on airplane Bordkaone . Brief letter Brigade . - -brigade Bruch_ . crack-ril (aviation); b)reak; breech; rupture; fraction; inlfraction ......... bridge (on ntaps) Briicke.. __ well; spring; fountrain (on Brunnen.l-A....l .......... maps) (comtbat 28 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Br.Baubtl ------- Briickenbaubataillon -- Br.Bomb -------- Brandbombe -----..--Brennst. V-------- Brennstoffverbrauch -.--- Brennst.V ------Brft.Zug --------Br. Gr ---------Brig ---------- -Brig ----------Brigdef ------- Brennstoffvorrat ..... Brieftaubenzug ------Briickengeriit ------Brigade ........... Brigadier ..-------Brigadefiihrer --------- bridge construction battalion incendiary bomb fuel consumption fuel supply carrier pigeon platoon bridge equipment brigade brigadier general brigade leader (Storm Troops) (equivalent rank of U. S. major general) Brig.St ---------- Brigadestab------------ brigade headquarters Bris -.... ... Brisanz ..... -.. .. .... high explosive Brk---------- --- Briicke.............. bridge (on maps) bridgehead Br.Kpf --------- Briickenkopf.---------time of burning; fuze setting Brig -----Brennlange Brn Brennerei distillery (on maps) Br. Nachr.-Zug -.Brigadenachrichtenzug_ signal platoon of a brigade Br.T Brieftaube .. carrier pigeon Brtb. Mstr ------- Brieftaubenmeister - - -. carrier pigeon sergeant Brtb. Uffz --....... Brieftaubenunteroffizier_ _ carrier pigeon noncommissioned officer Brustwehrtreffer _--Br. Tr --parapet hit Briickenbau -..... ---Brii. B --bridge construction Briickenkolonne Briiko -.bridge train Befehlshaber -...... der Siche- commander of the security B.S.m.O__ rungsstreitkrifte der forces of the central Baltic mittleren Ostsee Sea Befehlshaber -...... der See- commander of the naval B.S.N.... streitkrifte der Nordsee forces of the North Sea Befehlshaber -... der See- commander of the naval B.S.O -.streitkrafte der Ostsee forces of the Baltic Sea B.St-.... Bahnstation -....... railroad station BSt ----Bataillonstab - -----------...... battalion staff; battalion headquarters b.St ------- beim Stabe ----------with the staff; attached to regimental headquarters B.St ---.---.-.--- Beobachtungsstelle -. observation post B.Stelle Beobachtungsstelle ------ observation post B.T -----.-.-.-. - Beobachtungsturm ....... observation tower (on maps) Bt -.-------.--.-Boot -.--.-.-.-.-.-.--- boat BT ---- ---- -Brieftaube-------- _-_-carrier pigeon BTaub Brieftaub_ _e -----------carrier pigeon BTb Brieftaube. - -.---.. carrier pigeon 29 ABBREVIATIONS Bataillon _-_-----_ BUl. Gef. St-----Btl. Kam- -_ . - -Btl. Res ---------Btls ------------Btl.St. Qu-Btm. Maat ------Btn ------------B tr - ---------Btsm ------- __. Btsm. Mt ------Btsmt ----------Bttr -----------B.u.E ----------bi -------------- Bataillonsgefechtsstand__ battalion command post Bataillonskammer ------- battalion clothing depot battalion reserve Bataillonsreserve - _----battalion Bataillons- _---------Bataillonsstalsquartier -- battalion headquarters boatswain's mate Bootmannsmaat Bataillon --------------- battalion Betriebs-_--------------- operational Bootsmann . ------------- boatswain boatswain's mate Bootsmannsmaat -.boatswain's mate Bootsmannsmaat -.-.Batterie battery Berichtigungen und Er- corrections and additions g/inzungen completely countersunk; biindig eingelassen... Bug-MG --------- Bug-Maschinengewehr_ _ Bus_-----------b.u.v --- -- -- - B .W ------------ Kraftomnibus -----beschlossene und verkiindet Besoldungsvorschrift .- -. Bevollmiichtigter Transportoffizier Bahnwarter ------------- B.W Beobachtungswagen B.W - Bettungswagen BV ----------.-. Bv.T.O ---------- _---- battalion Btl ------------- -- sunk flush with surface front machine-gun (combat car) motor bus resolved and proclaimed pay regulation chief transportation on an army staff signalman maps) officer (railroad) (on reconnaissance car (for battery observation) ---------- vehicle with gun-ermplace- ment material B.W.E ---------- Witte- special and weather factors Tabelle fiir die Besondere- und WitterungsEinfliisse Beobachtungswagen . table for special an'd weat her Besondere- und runlgs-Einiflusse B.W.E.-Tab B.Wg --------- (ballistics) factors (ballistics) reconnaissance car (for battery observation) BZ . ............. Begleitzug ------------accompanying plat.oon (of the mnachine-gun company) BZ ------------bezahlt ................. paid Bz ------------- - Bezirk ----------------district Bz -------------Brennziinder ------------- time fuze 516560 4--4. -_:3 30 GERMAN bzgl-.... .......- B-Zug__ .---- bzw------------- MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS beziiglich -----------Begleitzug ----- beziehungsweise relative to; with reference to accompanying platoon (of the machine-gun company) __ and/or; respectively center (of a city) about colony (on maps) Colonie . C ----.--------canal (on maps) Kanal C ---about --------------circa_ ca Kaliber ---caliber; gauge Cal Kandidat .-.....candidate Cand .... chapel (on maps) . Kapelle --- --- --- Cap --Catholic Katholik Cath --Kubikzentirneter cubic centimeter ....-cbein Kubikmeter cubic meter Kubikmillirneter cubic millimeter Kubikzentimneter cubic centimeter cubic decimeter Kubikde'zimeter ccnrn Centrurn center (of a city) Centr ...... . Zentigramn centigram cg .. C-Geschoss -.-.-----"C" shell (streamlined) C-Gesch CGS-Mass Syvstlem Zentim eter- Grarn m- centimeter-gram-second system of measurement Sekunden-Messordnung holding honorary rank ch. charakterisiert -. highway (on maps) Chl . Chauss6ee --- --- --chief Ch .--..---.-.--.-Chef . cipher; password; code Chiffre --- Ch__ char holding honorary rank charakterisiert ----officer's charger; troop horse; Chargenpferd.... Charg.Pf .... ...... service horse senior physician; ... . chief Ch-Arzt Chefarzt mnetlical officer Chef H IL Chef der lHeeresleitung Chief of the Army High ..... Command Chef M L .__ Chef der Marineleitung_ Chief of the Navy High Command .... chemn chemical chemisch Ch.H.L ---Chef der Heeresleitung_. Chief of the Army High Command Ch .H.RtiChef der Hleeresriistung. Chief of Arnlm Equipment Chir . Chirlrg.... surgeon -..Centrum -- C ----------- c----- -- circa ... ABBREIVIATIONS Ch.M.I, --Ch.-Vet ------ Ch.W .------ Cit --. -. ---cm 3_.. _____._ C-Mine ----cmnl ---CN-Stoff_ -.. CO-Buchse_ - Col --------Col _ Comm...-.-. Cons .. Creed-Geber_ Ctr ...-.. C-Zlug ------- 31 Chef der Marineleitung Chief of the Navy High Commanlla Chef-Veteriniir chief veterinary; senior veterinary officer Chauss6ewiirter --------highway attendant (on maps) Citadelle . citadel; fort; fortress Kubikzentimeter cubic centimeter (Gasmnine fair Griinkreuz gas shell marked with green cross (asphyxiating gas) Kubikmillimeter ..---- cubic millimeter ('hloracetophenon- ... chloracetophenone. Schutzgerhit gegen Koh- equipment against carlbon lenoxydvergasung monoxide contamination Kolonie.. . colony (on maps) Kolonne -----column; service train Komnlissar inspector; commissioner Konsul, Konsulat consul; consulate Gebemaschine fuir Hir- automatic transmitter (for prtifungen testing audibility) Zentner__ hunlllldredweight; 50 kilogralms Zugllaschine fur schwerste prime mover for heavy arArtillerie tillery D - 1) I)_ d d 1) - .__ I) - I)L D ... D --- I) D --d-...... steamer continuous fire; sustained fire V)eckblatt_______ .siipllementaryv sheet: amuendllnent, (to r'gulatiot.Ns') ___Deckflugzelg auf Kriegs- airplanle carried on l)oard schiff warship der. (die, das, d(ell. the ldel t schl .... . ( erinan I)ichte .. -. density I)ienst .. duty; service Dieselnlotor Diesel engine Division... division Domane .---------....... domain; government land (on maps) Donarit donarite (explosive) l)oppeldecker biplanlle -dorf -. .------------. final syllable "-dorf' ' (villlage) I)amnlpfer .... Dauerfetler ..... . 32 D GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS - -....... Druckschraube ..... - .. pusher type propeller (air- plane) printed service regulation duraluminum '(airplane construction material) d ..--. .....---durch ----------------- through; by diameter Durchmesser -----D -------------Dampferanlagestelle - --- steamship dock (on maps) D.A -----------service instruction; service . Dienstanweisung .......... . D.A regulation official supervision D.A -----------. Dienstaufsicht ------Dienstauszeichnung ------ service decoration DA ------..----divisional medical officer DA ------------Divisionsarzt--.. reconnaissance Divisionsaufklarungsab-- divisional D.A.A ---------battalion teilung DAD ----------Deutscher Arbeitsdienst German Labor Service DAE------------- Dienstaufwandsentschaexpense allowance digung DAF-----------Deutsche Arbeitsfront_ _ German Labor Front German Foreign Institute DAI .----------Deutsches Auslandsin- D-------------D--------------- Druckvorschrift Dural - . D.A.K .. DALi -..-.-.-. D.-Am ------... -DAnw ---------- ....Deutsche Afrika Korps ...Dienstaltersliste --Deutsch-Amerikaner ---Dienstanweisung -_----- stitut Dap ---------------------Dat d.a.Z ----Da.Zahl --------d.B ------------DB ------------d.B - ------------ D.B ------------DBest --------DBG -----------Dbl ------------- German Africa Corps seniority list German-American service instruction; service regulation dapolin (trademark of motor _-----------Dapolin --fuel) date Datum.. (hit) close to the target dicht am Ziel ----Dienstanweisung fiir Zahl- service regulation for pay stellen offices des Beurlaubtenstandes_ _ on the reserve list injury sustained in line of Dienstbeschadigung ---duty durch Boten ------by messenger Durchfiihrungsbestim- executory regulations mungen Durchfithrungsbestim- executory regulations mungen Deutsches setz Deckblatt Beamtenge- German Civil Service Law _------------ supplementary sheet; amend ment (to regulation's) ABBREVIATIONS 33 dunkelbraun ------------ dark brown dbr -----------Doppeldecker ------- -biplane D.D ---dumdum bullet DD-Gesch ------- Dumdumgeschoss ------DE ---.--------- Diensteinkommen ------- service pay durch Eilboten by express messenger d.E. decoding office Dechiffierbiiro_ -Dechiff.B -.. __-. Deckblatt Deckbl ---------supplementary sheet; amendment (to regulations) defensiv ---- -------- defensive def -------D efilee ---------- -----defile Def ------defilieren --------------- to pass in review; to deploy def -----.-out of a defile defensive war Def. Kr . Defensiv-Krieg demotion in rank Degradation Degr --.--decree D ekret ---------------Dekr -----Del ------delegate; deputy Delegierter ---------Demarkation ----------- demarcation Dem. Dem. Kom_ Demobilmhnachungsk om- demobilization commission mission Dem.Krav_. Deutsche Militlirkraft- association of German milifahrer-Vereinigu ng tary drivers Dem.L ---- .--... Demarkationslinie -----line of demarcation Demob -.Demobilmachung -------- demobilization demolition Demol ..... l)emolierung ----------demoralization Demoral Demoralisation --------Denkmal ---------Denkmin... monument (on maps) Denkst . Denkstein ------------memorial stone (on maps) Dep_ _ .- telegram . Depesche depeschieren dep.. to telegraph Dep ---Deplacement ---displacement (tonnage) Dep -----Depot ---------- - - - depot; dump; warehouse Dep.Bt Depeschenboot --------dispatch boat Depesch. Bt_ ... dispatch boat ----Desarm -.. disarmament Desarmierung Desert -.Deserteur --- --- deserter desert . desertieren --- --- --- - to desert Desinf. Abt__ Desinfektionsabteilung_ _ disinfection detachment Des.Wg ---Desinfektionswagen ...... disinfection car (railroad) Det. W -.detachiertes Werk ------outer fortification devastation Devast Devastation ...... Dezentr.. decentralization Dezentralisation Dez.Syst Dezimalsystem decimal system D.F -----...... Doppelfernrohr --battery commander's telescope; binoculars - -Depeschenboot 34 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS fit for active duty dfg -------------- dienstfahig - _----------Dienstanweisung fur die service regulation for re---D.f.Rem -mount depot administraRemontedepotadministions trationen Dienstvorschrift fiir die service regulations for volD.fr.K ---------untary nursing freiwillige Krankenpflege Forschungs- German Research Institute DFS ------------ Deutsches institut fiir Segelflug for Gliding pivot mounting .......... Drehgestell ............. . DG .. D.G.S.O------Diensttuender Gasschutz- chemical warfare officer on duty offizier that is; i. e. d.h1 ..----------das heisst ____----------J)eDeutsche Heeresbiicherei_ German Army Library D.11.13. D.H.I........... Deutsche Hochschule fir German Physical Training Leibesfibungen College Deutscher Hochseerund- German high-seas radio DHR ---------funk Diktat, Diktator, Dikta- dictation; dictated treaty; ------------Dikt tur dictator; dictatorship T)im -Dimension -----------dimension; extent Deutsche Industrienorm__ German manufacturing I)in ------------standard (size) Divisionsnachschubfiihrer_ commander of division supDinafii ....-... --. ply services Diplomierter Ingenieur___ graduate engineer --------D)ipl.Ing Diplomierter Wirtschaft- graduate economist Dipl. Wirtsch. ---ler administration; management Direktion __- __.---Dir ------------director _------------------ - I)irektor -1)ir ----DIist ------------- D istanz ---------------- distance Distanzritt ------------- long-distance ride Dist.R Distr.Kom ------Distriktskommissar ---district commlissar Disziplin.........Disz -----------discipline ....... Disziplinargesetz -----disciplinary law Disz.Ges ... Disziplinramassnahme Disz. Mssn .------disciplinary measure Disziplinarstrafe .___..... Disz.Str -------. disciplinary punishmllent Disziplinarvorgesetzter Disz.Vorg ------disciplinary superior Div . ............ Division ---------------- division ---------divisional medical officer Div.Arzt -.-----Divisionsarzt Div.Aufkl.Abt - -D i v i s ionsaufk lirunlgsab- divisional reconnaissance battalion teilung Div.Beob.St ----Divisionsbeobach- divisional observation post tungsstelle ABBREVIATIONS 35 Divisionsgrenze -----Divisionskommandeur_ . -r _Div. Kdeur Divisionskommando -.. Div. Kdo__ DivisionskraftwagenDiv. K.K ....... kolonne Divisionsstab ---_---Div.St- -. Div.St.Qu _...... Divisonsstabsquartier .. . ... Divisions-FernsprechDiv.Verm_ Vermittlung Divisionsveterindar -----Div. Vet _ des Jahres --.----------d.J -----Deutsches Jungvolk.... DJ ------. divisional boundary divisional commanlder division staff division transport m o t or train division staff division headquarters divisional telephone exchanlge (signal service) divisional veterinary officer of the year German Young Pe ople's League German war conlnlllliqllu6 Div.Grz-- ... Deutsche richten Kriegsnach- I)eutches Konsulat ----- German Consulate divisional cavalry I)ivisionskavallerie ----l)enkm al --------------- monument (on lmto(p.s) l)km ----.... -.. I)eutsche Kriegsnach- German war conmllli(lqldu6s DKN . -.richten Dienstkleidungsvor. -.. uniform regulation D.K.V - schrift der Landwehr___ ------of the Landwehr; of the red.L - - - ....... serve Druckluft -------------compressed air D-Lager---------D-Lager ---------- Durchgangslager fuir collecting station (clearing Kriegsgefangene station) for prisoners of war Deutsche ,lufthansa .... German Lufthansa DLH ----------D).L.T ----------drahtlose Telegraphie_____ wireless telegraphy l)I,W ----------- D)elitsche Luftwacht.. German Air Protect iol I).M ...... Dampfmnilhle- ----steam-powered ill (7o maps) l)m --.. ......---)Denkmal ------------- monument d. M1....... German mile deutsche Meile --------Dezimeter ---.--- ---decimeter (1/10 mreter) d.M _.... dieses Monats _........ of this month Domane-- _ ---------domain; goverlnmelt lanl (oti maps) Dm... ... Durchmresser diameter dm2_ ._. . __. ....Q u a d r a t d e z i m e t er - square decimeter 3 K u b ik d e z im e te r drnl .--------_ cubic decimeter DmiizZ ---------I)elltsche milithriirztliche Germanl Military Medical Zeitschrift Journal D.K-. --D.K ---- 36 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Dm U min------- - mittlere Drehzahl (Umdrehungen in Minuten) average revolutions per minute (automobile and airplane engines) civilian train with section for troops German-nationalistic official German news agency DmW---------- - Durchgangszug mit Wehrmachtteil ...dnat ----------- _ deutschnational DNB_ _-------Deutsches Nachrichtenbiiro D-Nr --------Dienstnunmmner ------service number der Obige ------ ------the above d.O -.-----.--D.O -------- ---- Dienstordnung ---------- service regulations durch Ordonnanz ------- by orderly d.O ----. Deutscher Offizierbund DOB -----------German Officers' League Deutsches Offizierblatt German Officers' Journal D.O.B ----------DOffB1 -_------Deutsches Offizierblatt German Officers' Journal Dok _------Dokument ........... document Dolmetscher ...------..interpreter Dolm -------Domane ---------.--.-. - domain; government land Dom ----------. (on maps) doppelt -------------double; twofold; twice dopp............ Doppelzander ----------- combination fuze; doubleDopp.Z --------action fuze Dopp.Z.S.33 -.. Doppelziinder (33 Sekun- combination fuze (33 secden Brennlinge) onds burning time) Do.X ----------Dornierflugboot _-------Dornier flying boat Dpf------ --- -- Dampf -------- ---- --- steam Dampfer ---------- -- steamer Dpf ------------Dampfmaschine -------- steam engine D pfm ----------steam turbine Dampfturbine _--------D pf.T ----------dpp ----- - - - - doppelt -- _ -----.--.-. - double d.R ------------ der Reserve. - - -------- of the Reserve DR -------------- Deutsches Reich ------German Reich DR -------.-.-.-dragoon regiment Dragoner-Regiment -Dr -------------- Drall rifling Dr.---. Dreidecker ..- .... -... triplane Drag ---.-.-.-.-. - Dragoman ----------.--- dragoman; interpreter, and guide (embassy) Drag ---.-.-.-.-. - Dragoner -------------dragoon Drawas-------Drachenwarte ----------- kite-balloon station DRB ---.-.-.-. - Deutsche Reichsbahn ... German Railways Dreh-Br _---Drehbriicke. . -.... -. . swing bridge Drehkr ---------Drehkranz fuar Flugzeug- rotating track for airplane machine gun maschinengewehr d.Res --- - - - - der Reserve ------------- of the reserve 37 ABBREVIATIONS Dreifuss.. Deutsches Reichsgesetz Drf ----DRG.... D.R.H_Dr.habil_ Dr.h.c____ Drhdn_ _ DRK1... Dr.-N - ..- DRP_____ Drp ---- tripod Law of the German Reich Doppelrichtungshorer_ -_ twin sound locator academic degree Dr. honoris causa -.--honorary doctor's degree Drahthindernis -.. wire entanglement Deutsches Rotes Kreuz. German Red Cross Drahtnachricht telegram message; telegram Deutsche Reichspost German Postal Service Druckpunkt .......... squeeze-point (trigger mechanism); center of pressure (aerodynamics) D.S -.--- Dampfsaige -_---------- DS ----1).S ----DS -.-.-- Dampfschifffahrt IDeiutsche Seewarte ... DS------ Dienstsache -- Deutschlandsender - steam-powered sawmill steamship service German Naval Observatory German transmitter (officiai German radio station) ds ---.-- DSM --- ....... ---- official business; pertaining to the service dieses Monats __ of this month Deutsches Sportmodell_ _ German sport model (small caliber rifle) D)st ---- Dienst I)st-- Dienststelle Dst. A.. l)st. Anz__ D)st. Au fs Dienstalter -----------Dienstanzug ----------- --------- .... Dienstaufsicht_ Dienstauszeichnung -Dienstbezeichnung ------ Dst. Ausz Dst. Bez -_ Dst. Bez Dst. F1 Dst. Gr D.St.O_-_ Dienstbezirk -----I)ienstflagge -I)ienistgrad - I)isziplinarstrafordnung_ Diinethylsulfat_ . D-Stoff___ duty; service office; authority; duty station seniority field service uniform service supervision service decoration service classification; service designation service district service flag rank; rating disciplinary code diniethylsulphate (poison gas) D.-Strafe. dt.. Disziplinarstrafe ......... l)ivisions-Tagesbefehl Deutscher Gruss- -.... disciplinary punishment German divisional order of the (lay German greeting dtsch deutsch German (on maps) Dtsch. Mil. Miss -- Deutsche Militirmission__ German Military Mission Dutzend --. dozen ----- ----- D.T.B - ---Dt.Gr -- Dtzd -.---.- deutsch, -- .- . . ---. 38 GERMAN MILITARY ABBRE;VIATIONSS dauernd untauglich___ ___ permanently unfit unfit for military service dienstuntauglich unfitness for military service Dienstuntauglichkeit_ Dienstsiegel und Diem st- official seal and official stamp stempel transgression of discipline Disziplinariibertretung I).-tDbertr ----ullfit for active military dienstunfahig... (dtifg .. service transit camnl) for prisoners of Dulag -------Durchgangslager- -. I) war d dplicate . . l)1upl --- .. __ . __Duplikat l)urchf. Ilaest.. Durchfiihrungshestir n- regulations of procedure d.u ------------d.u ---------D.I ..---------D.u.D ------------ mnlngen Durchf. V.O .-----Durchfiihrungsveror p- procedure order nlllng D.U.Ver - - - - - --- D ie n st l n t a u gl ic -f hlk e i ts Verfahren D.U.-Z Dienstuntauglichkeit sZeuIgnis Dienstvorschrift ------ .-..- -... .....---- DV -.... I)V .......... Dv.AAbkc o -.-.- D.V.A.V d.Vf -.Il)v.f.San .Insp .. i).V.l_ _ I)V()... .---..- D-Vorg D)w.. -... -.--.. Dw.M -.---. Dyn.-Dyn Massch . dz -.---. D)Z .- Durchffilhrutngsveror( lnmng Dienistvorschrift ffir d ie .. Abnahmlekommlandc )s des Waffenamnts Dienstvorschrift -........ fMir d ie Versuchsabteilutge ni der Verkehrstruppen der Verfasser -........ Ditenstvorschriften fuir d ie Sanitlitsinspektiolen D)eultsche Volksliste DI)u reclfilhrulngsveror( …J....... 1I11ung Diszillinarvorgesetzter_ 1)eckungswinkel I)Deckungswinkelmesser_ . Dynamit I)ynanmolniaschine - -- Doplpelzentiner -. Doppelz inder ---- -- - action instituted to determine unfitness for military service certificate of unfitness for military service service regulatiolls; training ilallmal procedure order Regulations for the Acceptance Commissions of the Ordnance Department training regulations for time experimental battalions of communication troops the author service regulations for medical inspections German public directory procedure order summary court officer angle-of-site to umask angle-of-site clillomleter dyvnamnite idynalmno 100 kilograms comlbillation action fuze fuze; douliile- 339 ABBREVIATIONS )--Zug ---------- Durchgangszug des 6ffentlichen Verkehrs through traffic train for civilian E -.-.- ownl troops express train impact (gunnery) Einschlag ...-Einwohner -------inhabitant; resident Einzelfeuer -----independent fire Einzelschuss -.----.. single shot; semiaultomlatic (machine gun) .... mortar with single load Einzelwerfer -----railway Eisenbahn. railroad gun Eisenbahngeschitz : sensitive; instantaneous enlpfindlich ------(fuze) . range (gunnery) :Entfernung Entfernungstnesser range finder (solhlier) decision Enltscheidulngl Entwurf...-....... draft; rough sketch; project; outline Ergiinzungs- . reserve Ergiinzungsoffizier_ replacement officer Ersatz -----------reserve; replacement; sull)stitute first erster-----zone of communications z-Etappe _-. rsatzabteilung . replacement center Ersatzbataillon . - replacenelltn t raining battalion reserve battalion Erganzu ngsbataillonl . E..dikt . .... edict .monoplane Eindecker .Ersatzdivision replacement training (tivision ErgiAnzungseinheiten -.... divisional rel)lacelnellt units .......---Einzelfeuer . ------independent fire (rifle) ....------Eisenbahnfahre --------railroad ferry Erdfeind -------------hostile groulnd forces Effektivstarke. effective strength; effectives Etappenfuhrparkkolon ne cornmmiications zone transeigene Truppe Eilzug E .. . E . ..... I ......-. EC-- -- - 1,. EIE__ E.._ I5;.. F: 1E, E.... E.A__ E.B _ .... E.Batll .. Ed- ... ELD -)--E.D-.... E-Einlleitenll --E.,F. . E.F'. . E.Fd ------.-Eff. St -----.-E.F.K ----------- - - -- port and supply column E.Flak ---------- Eisenbahn-Flugzeugab- railroad antiaircraft gun wehrkanone 40 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS searchlight E.Flak Sc heinw___ Flugzeugabwehrkanonen- antiaircraft mounted on railroad car Scheinwerfer auf Eisenbahnwagen E.Flu.Wz_ ........ Eisenbahn - Flugwarnzen- - railroad air raid warning center trale Einheitsgruppe --------- tactical unit E.G -..-.. .-..... decontamination Entgiftung ........---.. Eg -----former ehemalig -. ehem--... for the mainteVorschrift -.... fur die Erhal-regulation E.H.K_ _ nance of the army in tung des Heeres in dei battle formation Kriegsformation -Etappen-Hauptort -...... -------field base of communications E.H.O --zone Ehrenbezeigung, Ehrenbe- military salute Ehr. Bez - --.....zeichnung . Ehrenkreuz von 1934 --- Cross of Honor (1934) Ehr. Kr___ Verordnung tiber die Eh- Order concerning Courts of Ehr. V.Off_ Honor for Officers of the rengerichte der Offiziere Army des Heeres -....... ----------guard of honor Ehrenwache Ehr. W__ decoration ---------Ehrenzeichen -....... Ehrz -.-Haubitz- instantaneous howitzer fuse empfindlicher E.H.Z ... zuinder Etappenintendant -....... -- -.- chief administrative officer E.I ----in charge of supply for communications zone eigen ---------.-.-.-.-. - own eig -------------eigentlich ----- - -- - - actually eig actually eigentlich -- ----eigtl .-.egg-shaped hand grenade. Eierhandgranate --.---Eihgr ----------express messenger Eilbote - -..-- - - - ---Eilb - -------Eilgut ---_-.-.-.-.---- express freight Eilg ------Eilmarsch -----------forced march Eilm --------Einberufung -- ---- ---call to the colors Einber Einbruch------------Einbr -penetration (tactics); raid eindringen____.__ break into (tactics) eindr penetration; entry (tactics) Eindringung .-........ Eindr depth to which a raiding Eindringungstiefe --Eindr.T plane penetrates into enemy territory einf.mittl.Dien.st - einfacher mittlerer Dienst_ regular service, Imiddle group officials introductory regulations EinftihrungsverordnungEinf.V.O -------....... ABBREVIATIONS Einf. W ---------- Einfallwinkel_ __ ........ 41 angle of fall; angle of incidence Eingreifdivision_ ...--...division in reserve Eingr. Div -.----Einheit........ Einh .....- basic arm or service unit Einheitsgruppe_ .-...... Einh.Gr --------tactical unit Einheitswaffe_ - . Einh. W -...... -__ ....... standard weapon Einkreisung ---Einkr ----------.-..... envelopment (tactics); encirclement Einlegelauf -... Einl. Lf ---------........ sub-caliber barrel Einlegerohr - -. ........Einl.R ---------sub-caliber barrel; liner Einquartierung_- .-......billeting; quartering troops Einqu ----------einrichten - -__ to organize; to arrange; to einr --------furnish to install; to lay (artillery); einr ---- -- -- -- einruicken ------ --...... to enter military service Einsitzer -----..--..... single seater (plane) E ins -----------Einsch ---------Einschaltung. ........ switching on Einschiessen Einsch --------........ adjustment fire .-.....embarkation Einsch ---------Einschiffung Einsch ---------Einschuss ----....... point where bullet enters body - inclusive einschliesslich... einschl ---_ Einsitzergesehwai,der .single-seater .wing Eins.Geschw -.-.rK____________~__ Eint ---- -- -- - Einteilung ----......-graduation; scale; classification Einwohner -.--Einw -----------inhabitant; resident …....... - -_____ - - -- - einzeln ........ ......-single einz ....... railroad Eisb------------ Eisenbahn . Eisenbahnbaubat, aillon___ railroad construction batEisb.Baubtl -----talion railroad brigade -...... Eisb. Brg - -..... _ Eisenbahnbrigade iron rations Eis.Best --------eiserner Bestand_ .....-Eis. Brig .--- --- Eisenbahnbrigade _______ railroad brigade Eisb.Tr- ... -n ...... railroad troops Eisenbahntrupper Eisenb.Gesch -. Eisenbahngeschiit tz ----railroad gun Eisenb.Tr ------railroad troops Eisenbahntruppen.-.-... Eisenb.Verk.O... Eisenbahnver] kehrs- railroad traffic regulations ordnung Eis. Krz --------Eisernes Kreuz___ .....Iron Cross Eis. Port ----eiserne Portion_ .. iron ration ..... Eis.Rat.-------eiserne Ration___ -......iron rations Ei.Z ----.------... Einschiessziel... .-..... registration target F.K. -------.-.-.-Ersatzkompanie__ ..-...replacement company map range (gunnery) Kartenentfernung ....... 42 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS E.K.Z..... empfindlicher Kanonemn- instantaneous gun fuze ziunder E.K.I --Eisernes Kreiiz I. KlaFsse_ Iron Cross, 1st C'lass E.K.TI_ Eisernes Kreuz II. IKla, sse_ Iron Cross, 2d Class El --.-...- -:instecklauf -------___ subcaliber barrel el __-_----elastisch - ----.....------- ___ elastic el____ elektrisch ------------..... __ electric ------- .Element - - - --element; cell ..... Elite... ... elite E.-l, .--.. Elsass-Lothringen __ _-_ Alsace-l]orraine E1.Abw -...-.-. elastische Abwehr____ elastic defense elast ---....... elastisch -----------___ elastic elektr .. -.- elektrisch... electric Elektr.W. Elektrizitatswerk____ powerhouse (on maps) Elev E:levation ----elevation (of a gun) EIls -_- -..... Elsass. ... Alsace (province) ElIs.Loth____. .... Alsace-Lorraine Elsass-Lothringen -.. El. 'ert ----- ..-..eiastische Verteidigung ___ flexible defense EI...W WElektrizitatswerk --_ power plant (on nap.s) emn ..-.. emeritiert -.. __ retired F:.M . Entfernungsniesser-___ __ range finder E.M - - Erganzungs-.. - Manr i- reserves; replacenents schaften E.M.DI_____. evangelische mnilitii Evangelical (Protestant) military church regulations for kirchliche Dienstor( inung fiir das Heich, sthe army and navy heer und die Reich: Smarine '. Messer --- ..... Entfernrinigsime.sser ___ stereoscopic range finder (navy) Enrigr ----.... -Emigrant ... emigrant E. iNM. IK ... elektiromotorische Kraft electromotive power Enp)f.Ant , .Emlpfinger-Antenllle receiving antenna Elimllf. Besch__ ..... Fmpfangsbescheinigiung receipt E'. M ssger ... range finder (instrumnent) EJ'ntferllnungsllessger et__ EmW ---..... Eilzulg mit Wehrimacht - civilian train with section for teil troops Endkpf - -Endkampf -----------__ final engagement; final enconinter Ends -------EnIdz - eng - - - engl----... - .... final victory .. Endziel --final goal _ engagieren ----------- __ to engage (in battle); to enter into an engagement englisch --------------- __ English Endsieg ------------- ABBREVIATIONS Engp__........... ent-... Ent-_- ......-.... ent.-- ........... Entd__ Engpass ---------------entbehren -.......... ........ ---.. 43 pass; defile to do without; to miss Entente ------------entente entern ------------to enter discoverer E ntdecker -------------.......... range; distance Entfernung ….........Entf entflammen -...... .... to inflame; to kindle entfl___ range finder Entfernungsmesser. ... Entf. M -I-----.. degassing; decontamination Entgasung, Entgiftung.... Entg__ ........... ..-- decontamination squad Entg. T r --------- Entgiftungstrupp .. ........... entkommen ........ to escape entk .-.... entladen... to unload; to discharge entl-.. reason for dismlissal . Entl. Grr.--.-..Entlassungsgrund Entladestab unloading crew Entl.St ........... decision Entscheidulng .......... Entsch. .........-. decisiveness Entschiedenheit Entsch . ......... Entsch. RG ----- Entscheidung des Reichs- decision of the Supreme Court of the Reich gericht corresponding entsprechend . ----------entspr_ ..-...-... _ - ........ Entv61ilkertnrg ' depopulation EItv--. .-. Entwiisseru ng , ....... , drainage En tw -_........... .,. disarrmamlent -Entwaffnulng . .. ....Entwurf-. Entw - .draft (of document) ; rough; sketch; project; design drainage mill (on maps) Entw. AM EEntw/isserungsntihle___ I ... entzweien ... to disunite; to separate; to entzw, set at, variance railroad officer E.isenhahnoffizier EO ..reconllaissanlle officer Erkdlllllngsoffizier ... E.O .. .-.eiserne Portion__ ... iron ration e.P _. .. eiserne Ration..... ....... iron ration; reserve forage e.R ration drill regillat ions F xerzier- ReglementER__ ]'rdalwelhr.. - grolund defernse Erd. Alh Erdartillerie - field and coast artillery not Erd.Art incluling antiaircraft artillery troops grounll I'rdtr_ _ ....... Erdtruppen ... E.R.G_ .......... Entscheidung des Reichs- decision of the Supreme ('ourt of the Reich gerichts Frg__ .- . ...... Ergiinzung--reserve; sull)llenleltary l, rh6hg_ . -Erh6hung elevationl (of a gun) reconnaissance; inquiry Erk_ --.....- Erkndllng .... Erkl - .......... Erkl/irung g .. exp lanlation 44 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS identification tag or disc identification signal reconnaissance headquarters reconnaissance detachment Erk.Tr -------Erkundungstrupp_ explanation Erl ----------Erlauterung -.... Erl.Sch --------Erlaubnisschein_ permit ern -----ernannt--...----. appointed to brevet rank appointment to brevet rank Ernm --------Ernennung ...... Erob ------- --Eroberer - -.... conqueror substitute tubular powder E.R.P -.--------- EPrsatzr6hrenpulver reserve; replacement trainErs ---------Ersatz ---------ing; substitute ers -------------ersuchen -------to request replacement training center, Ers.Abt------. Ersatzabteilung___ battalion, or detachment Ers.B - --------Ersatzbataillon --------training battalion; replacement training battalion Ers. Div Ersatzdivision replacement training division Ersatzkomnllissioni . --draft commission Ers. Komm Ers. Mag --------Ersatzmagazin .......... reserve magaine; reserve depot Ers.R ------. reserve training regiment Ersatzregiment . Ers.Res-------Ersatzreserve ..... draft registrants; replaceinent reservists ersturmen --- - .. to assault; to storm erst ----------Ers. Tr ---------Ersatztruppen --------replacements Erzw -- -------Erzwingung .. enforcement E.S.B ----------Eisenbahnsockelbat terie_ railroad battery on rotating mount E.S.D ---- ------Etappensanitiitsdep, depot of medical supplies in communications zone E.S.K ............ Eisenbahnsonderkom- special railroad service commando mand Esk ------------Eskarpe . .-.-. - -.- forward slope of trench Esk ------------Eskorte ---------mounted convoy; escort E.S.K.A.......... Etappensanita tskraft- communications zone amwagenabteilu ng bulance battalion EStB ----------Elektrische Strassenbahn_ electric trolley car E .T ------- --eigene Truppen ---.own troops Et -.------------ Etappe_ .. communications zone Et. Anf. O--------Etappenanfangsort ---rear boundary of the communications zone; home base Etap ---. . -.- Etap pe --- -----communications zone ----Erk. M--------.. Erkennungsmarke_ Erk.S ----------Erk.St ---------. Erkennungssignal Erkundungsstab___ 45 ABBREVIATIONS Etapp. Ins] p ------ Etappeninspekteur .. E.V ---.-.-.-. Einfuihrungsverordn ung__ introductory regulations inspector of the communications zone commllunications zone amEtapp. Mu n.Kol ... Etappen Munitionskc munition column lonllne Etappenbackereikolonne -....... comnullnications zone bakery Et.B.K___ colt 1int Etappentelegraphendi telegraph direction of the E.T.D -- ..-----. rektion conlmunications zone railroad telegraph construc. Eisenbahntelegraplh en E.Tel.B.Tr*r tion squad bautrupp Etappentelegraphendi telegraph direct ion of the ETelD--- .-.....rekt ion conlllullications zone Etappenfuhrparkko comnllllmlicatiolls zone transEt.Fp.K__ .-...... lonlie port and supply columnl . Etappenhauptort ------ - field base of communica.... Et.HIpt.O_ --tions zone inspector of the comlmuniEtappeninspekteur ---Et. Insp_ _ cations zone commllalldallt of the commnu.-...... Etappenkoinnlandaint_. Et.Kdt nications zone Etappenkommandanlttur_ _ headquarters of the comEt.Kdtr -------inanldant in t hle communications zolle -- Koinmandeur der Etap- conmnlallder of the ammuniEtkomet -----tion columns and trains in pen-N uinlitionskolotnlen eund Trosse the conmmunications zone er tap- comnlatnder of the ammuniKommnandeul der Et.Ko.M.u.T tion columns and trains in pen-MIiitiollskolonnenl und Trosse the communications zone stationary hospital in the - Etappenlazarett------Et. Laz ------communllications zone supl)lv depot in the commuEtappenmagazin.------Et.Mag ------nicatiotis zone Etappenmunitionskocomnlllltlications zone ammuEt.Mun.Kol --lohlne iit ioni columnr Etapl)lenmuunitionsver- adminlistration of ammuiniEt. Mun. Verw -.. tion depots in the conlrunlwaltulng nications zone remollnt del)ot in communiEtappenpferdedepot ..-. Et.Pf.D -_------cat ions zone Etappensanitatsdepot - depot of medical sul)plies in Et.San.Dep ---. conllnlllticati ills 5165i60 - - 43----4 zonle 46 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS receiving amplifier (radio) Empfangsverstdirker ----suitable for employment in Et appenverwendungsfihig zone of communications evangelisch -__-_--------Protestant (on identity discs) evalg -_-------Etappenverwenldungs- fit for field service in the E.V.F *communications zone fafhig im Felde EVO -----------Eisenbahnverkehrs- railroad traffic regulations ordnung evtl ------------eventuell _-------_ ---eventual; possible lE;w -E----------Einwohner __-----.----inhabitant; resident EWGG -(--------. Einsatzwehrmachtge- law governing special assignment compensation biihrnisgesetz Ex -----------Exil .-------------- exile; banishment exerz- .---------exerzieren -------- ----- to drill parade ground; drill ground Exerz.P1 - .----. Exerzierplatz -_--fight for existence Exist.K -I-----Existenzkampf -------Ex.Mun ----_ ----Exerziermunition --------- blank ammunition exp exportieren ----- --- to export Ex. Patr -. . .....Exerzierpatrone -----dummy cartridge; blank expeditionary force Exped.-K -. Expeditionskorps ------power of expansion lxp.lKr ---------Expansionskraft -------Expl ------Exemplar -------.specimen; copy Ex. P1 ------Exerzierplatz I---- parade grounds; drill groulnds expl -------explosiv ---------------explosive Expr ----------Exlpress .................. express train expeditionary troops EIxptr-----------Expeditionstruppen . -.... Ex.R -------------Exerzierreglement -- -drill regulations IEx. Rgl I;'... Exerzierreglement .... drill regulat ions extraterritorial; not subject ext ---------exterritorial .. -..--.. to statute law .EIxzellenz -.. Excellency l z__express train Eilziug instantaneouls fuize E.Z empfindlicher Ziinder Iexpress train IEilzug . . . 1E:.Zllg E.V ..------..--E.V ------------- F F F_ ..Fhre _ Fahrabteilung F_ Fahrenheit - -..Falhrtruppe . eind .-. F. f_ feindlich - - ferry (on maps) transport section; horsedrawn transport detachment - Fahrenheit horse-drawn supl)ly service ... enelmy -. hostile ...- 47 ABBREF.VIATION:S F__ ............ F__ ............. field Feld-_ .. . Feldkliiehenverpfleg ung __ field-kitchen food supply; feedinlg through field-kitchen F._. F__ F__ F__ F ___ F__ F___ r:4) f_ f F IF' F_ f. F. F~ F. A Fernerkulndulng ............. Fernsprecher. .......... Festung..... Feuer.. .. Feuerwerker F-Flagge ..... _. telephorne fort; fortress; fortification fire ordnlance sergeant; artificer F-flag (for mlilary telebphone stations) area; plalle stirface (avialiol') flight river forest. ranlger's houlse (on tttops) -..... .. Fliche .-... ...... I-Flug -.... Flulss F6rsterei - ......... ..-.. folgende ..... Forst .. -freitragend Frequlenz Friede -----Fiihrer-...... lonlg-distance recomalissalice ..... following forest cantilever (airplane) frequenlcy (radio) peace leader; comllllllallcr; driver of vtehicle Fiihrungsanlt der N1SI)AP board for tactical leadership ...........of the National Socialist Party fiir_ ... ..... for wagon palrk Fuhrpark.... radio; radio operator Funlk; Funker.... ..fsilier; light-itfalntry solFiisilier . - -- dier Fahrabteilllhg .... tranlsport sec('ot,i ; horse.. drawn l transport detachl..-. F. A F.A F.Fcldartillerie .-. .Forstalllt . ---- ..A - Fiirsorge - Abteiluln g les R e i ch swe h rm i il - isteriurms Fab -. Fabrik .. . l'abr. ...--- Fabrik ' ............ ....F.A. 1B rig ... ....... Feldart illerie-Blrigadi -e Fachgr ........... Fachgruippe .. .... . field artillery oflice of tile local forest superinitel(delit (on map)S) Social Service l)ivisioil of the Germanl War Departnlelit fact orv factory (on maps) field artillery brigade occllpational grol p 48 FAD -. Fahnr GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS ....-. - voluntary labor service officer candidate (rank corre- Freiwilliger Arbeits Falnrich .......... sponding roughly to U. S. sergeant) cadet (rank corresponding routghly to U. S. corporal) Fahn.J -------- Fahnenjunker ... Fahr ---------.-- Fahrenheit ----- fahrb------------ fahrbar ---------- Fahrb.-D)-------- Fahrbahndecke Fahrtr.Ausb -.--- Fahrtruppenausbild Fahrv ----------- Fahrvorschrift Fahrtruppen Fahrw-......... Fahrwerk --.. ,--. FAK ------ Freiwilliges korps Fallsch Fallsch. Spr ---FAR -------.-.-. farb -- ---- ----F.A .S ----------Fasch Fallschirm -.... -.. fiir die Fahrenheit passable; navigable; transportable road surface training of personnel of horsedrawn services driving regulations for the horse-drawn services landing gear; undercarriage (aviation); chassis Fasch.-........ fb -------------- Automobil-. Fallschirmspringer .- ... Feldartillerieregimlent -. farbig .............. Flakartillerieschule -.-.-Faschine --- ---------- Faschismus, Faschis fahrbar_ _--------- Volunteer Automobile Corps .. parachute parachutist field artillery regiment colored antiaircraft school fascine (bundleforthe strengthening of field fortiJications) fascism; fascist passable; navigarle; transportable . ....Feldbahn _------------Fb ------. field railway F.B_______Feldbefestigungsvor- manual of field fortificaschrift tions Fb........ Festungsbau _---------- fortress-construction . Fliehbolzen -----------Fb - -----disappearing firing-pin (fuze) F.B -- -....... Flugzeugbreite _......... width of plane F.B --Fiisilierbataillon -...... ---- ----- fusilier battalion Fba Fahrbahn --------------- roadway F.B.Abt. ...... Feldeisenbahnbetriebsfield railroad operation unit abteilung Fahrbare Artillerie-In- motor-drawn artillery repair Fb. A.I.W.ma.M _ standsetzungs- Werkworkshop statt mit Motorzug Fbba -----..-.Feldbahnbetriebsamt field-railway operations office Fb.Backof__ -----. fahrbarer Backofen -.. mobile baking oven -. - - -..... 49 ABBREVIATIONS - Feldbahndepot -------_ Festungsbauhauptmann_ F.B.D_ FbH__ F.B.K_ fb.Kwei rkst - -.. - FbM___ F.B.O__ Fbr-... .......... Feldbackereikolonne . fahrbare Kraftwagenwerkstatt Festungsbaumajor_ _ Festungsbauordnung ..... Fabrik -Fabriken.. Feind. feindlich ----------- Fbrn-- Fd ---fd. -.Fd .f.d-.... ........ F.d.D__ .......... - Feld .. fiur den, die, das. Fiihrer der Deckun, truppen .-. ......- felddienstfiihig fdf...-. Fahlndung. Fdg --. .-...... feindlich............ fdl --.. Feldlazarett --Fd.Laz_ Felddienstordnung___ FDO___ .......... FiAr die Richtigkeit__ F.d.R_ _.......... F.E --- .-.. .-Fe ---.-..... F.E.A_ FeArt Febr Fech. ...... Fiihrer der Ubersetztr pen F el d.e.i.... se n ba hn . F.d.tt__ --- ..-- Fernsprech-_ - ... Fliegerersatzabteilullg Feldartillerie Februar _ ........ Feldeisenhbahnchef, C( des Feldeisenbahin ... field railway depot fortress construction tain field bakery column mobile repair shop cap- fortress construction major manual for the construction of fortifieations factor ; manulfacturing plant factories (on maps) enemyn hostile field for the commander of covering troops (bridge construction) fit for field duty search for missing person host ile field hospital field service regulations a true copy (certification of accuracy used with signatures) leader of river-crossing troops (bridge construction) field railroad telephone aviation replacement, training center field artillery February chief of the field railroad service sens Fech Zst 1___ Fedrawa feindl__ Feka. Fe.Kp___. _____ . C hef des Feldeisenbal hnwesens, Zentralstelle Felddrachenwarte. feindlich..... chief of the field railroad service, main office kite-balloon field station (meteorology) host ile lo. g-range artillery Fernkampfartillerie. .------.. Fernsprechkompanie_ ___ telephone company 50 GERMAN MILITARY Fernmeldetechnik Heere ABBREVIATIONS long-distance conimmulication technique in the army Feldartillerie_____ .. field artillery Felda ____ ---..-.. ...... Feldartilleriegerat ........ field artillery equipment Felda. ( Feldartilleriegerht 1896 field artillery equipment 1896 Felda. (.96 n/A neuer Art (new type) field artillery regiment Feldart illerie-Regimnent Feld-AIlt field training division Feldausb. I) iv ____ Feldausbildungdivision_ Feldbidckerei-Kolonnerr field bakery column Feldb. Kol Feldbackerei-Wagen field bakery wagon Feldb. Wag .-..... Feldersatzbataillon .... Feld. Ers. Btl ,1 field replacement training battalion military policeman; military .. Feldgendarm, FeldgenFeldg darmerie police military policeman; military ...... Feldgendarm, FeldgenFeldgend darmerie police ...... Feldge,?ldarimerie-Trupp__ military police detachment Feldgend.Tr r .....Feldgendarmerie-Ordlnng regulation governing miliFeldg. O tary police Feld. lb.I,a2Z.(mot) Feldhalblazarett (motor- motorized field hospital, half isicert) strength Feldhaubitzgerat 1898___ field howitzer equipment, Feldh. G.98_ 1898 Feldkiiche field kitchen Feldk Feldkommandalntur Field Administrative HeadFold. IKdt r_ ....... quarters ....eldlazarlet field hospital Feldlaz. .. feldmaissig ... feldI _._ equil)ped to take to the field; meeting field requirements Feldmarschall field marshal Feldmn l.'eldmneister.. . 10(1(l1Il leader in compullsory labor service (seventh rank) Fleldln ..__ Feldnlesser -----------geometer; land-surveyor Feldin . .... FIldmiitze .. . ..... field service cap Feldnachllrichtenkom- field communication headFeldnlachkdt r manldat ur quarters Feldpolizeiabschnitt der field police sector of the Feldpola Geheimen Feldpolizei Secret Field Police of the des Oberkommando Northern High Command Nord (Grenzschutz) (border guard) Chef des Feldtelegrafie- commander of the field tele Feldtclchef --graphic service wesens F . El _.. _.------ 51 ABBREVIATIONS Feldw ----------Feldw ---------- Feldwache -.-. ......... -...... Feldwebel -.-.--- picket (corresponds roughly to U. S. first sergeant) field wagon -__ Feldwagenu.... ........ Feldzeichen .... ---...... Feld-Wg -.-.- _. Feldz ------- standard: banner: Chief of OrdnLance l)epalt- ensign; emblen __ Feldzug ------....... _ Feldzeugmneister Feldz ------Feldzgmi F'ernaufkl. FI.S utaFernf -------- .- ferigest .-.--. Fernaufklaru n LIgsfliegerstaffel Fernfeuler. ...-....... ferngesteuertL Fernkanipf .. Fernk.. campaign metit long - range reconlmtissanwe squadron l long-range fire cont rol guided by remnote …........ (aviation); Nvireless con- trol battle at long range: long- .......... range fire Fernil.N ... ___. Fernleitungsnlet station-to-station tele)lllponeline net; trunk system ....... _television apl)arat tus ... teletype .. ap)lparat us ..... telel)lhone .- -tz Fernsehapparat t.. Fernschreiber_ Fernsprechler ... Fernerkundung,sstaffel Ferns.Ap Fernschr Fertnspr ----Fernst ------lFerns.Verb -.. i Fe.-Spr ...... Fernlsehverbind Fernspruch trIg --. long - range recolnnaissanice sq(utadron televisionl colltecltion . telephone call; telephlline nlessage Fess. B ------ Fesselballon . iFest .-----iFest. Bes... iest b.Fw . Fest ung ...... Festul ngsblesat z Illtg Nl \\e})(1l_ Festunlgsbatfel - ........ sausage balloon; _captive balloon fortificatioln; fortress: fort fortress garrisom (correspondl s ro!ihl/l to U. S, Jirst sergcant) (J'Ot'rcS constrectiorn) Fest. B.H ptmin Festb. Lehrg__ Festb. Sch .... Fest. F'erns)pr. ...... l-est.Fw- 1' Festungsbau hat lpt;llanrl rgatig .. Fest unlgsbautlehl fortress cotis ruct ion calIpain course of illstructieot ill th(li conlstruetion of fortificttions training sch-ool for i he (oiFestullngsbausch ule struic tion of fortificat iots Fest migs-Fernls; )reehpark_ fortification tcI(l(; lhotleil(lsot (colrrespo nds rout ghl/ to U. S. Fest ungsbaufeldLwebel.. first sergeaont) (fortrcs.s (construcrtion) 52 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATI'ONS Fest. Gef___ - - -- - Fest. Gef -Festg. Laz__ -----Fest.Gt -_. Festungsgefiingnis --...... fortress prison Festungsgefangene er --- -- prisoner in a fortress -fortress hospital Festungslazarett__ .-.... ring of detached forts; ring Festungsgiirtel -_ .-..... of forts -----.-.....- restricted to post festungshaft ----festh --Festungsbauhaupt mann_ fortress construction captain Fest.Hptm_ fortress commander Festungskommand lant Fest. Kmdt_ siege warfare Festkr -.- .-- - - - - Festungskrieg-_ _ Fest.O.Fw_ ------ Festungsbauoberf feldwe- (corresponds roughly to U. S. staff sergeant) (fortress conbel struction) Fest.San.K_ Festungssanitiitsko ,mpanie fortress medical company Festst _ Feststellung ..... .....-.establishing; fixing; settling: discovering; stating; identification; determination Fest.b t-b .. fortress drill Festungstibung ---Fest. W -..-Festungswall -----fortress rampart Feu ---... Feuer fire Feu.A Feuerart type of fire Feuergeschwindigk eit rate of fire Feuergeschw Feuergewicht_.... density of fire Feuergew__ .-..... Feu. Er6ff__ - Feuereroffnung.... ...... opening fire firing position; battery posiFeuerstg...-Feuerstellung_ -.. ......tion; emplacement (artillery) firearms Feuerw -.Feuerwaffen ----Feuerw Feuerwerker .. ordnance sergeant; artificer Feu. Flak-(;r Feuerleitungsstelle f ti r fire control post for antiairFlakgruppe craft section Feuerform ------- ...... Feu .Fm -.. types of fire; classification of fire Feu. Gef --- ...... Feuergefecht -------fire action .. Feuerleitung .... Feu. Ltg fire control Feu. P Feuerpause -. _.--firing pause; interval in firing Feu.fbf Feueriiberfall ---...... surprise fire Feu. Wlz. Feuerwalze -----......rolling barrage: creeping barrage Fewewa --- Feldwetterwarte___ ...... field meteorological station F F ------Maschinlenkanone in die rapid-fire cannon in the wing Flaigel eines Flug;zeugs of an airplane F.F. Kabel___ F'eldfernkabel_-_two-strand field cable -..... 53 ABBREVIATIONS Feldfernsprecher__ F e r n m eldetechnik Heere F.Fspr F.Fu -.. field telephone long-distance comeunllication technique in the army feldgrau --- ---field gray folgende ..----... following Feldgendarmerieabte ihlng field military police unit Feldgendarm, Feldge: ndar- military policeman; mnilitary merie police Feldgenldarmerie-Ord Imung regulation governing military police Feldgesangbuch _ _ field song book Feldgendarmerieordni ung_ regulation governing military police Feldgranate ........ - high-explosive shell Fahre -------.----_ __ ferry Feldhaubitze ..... field howitzer Feldheer field force: arnly in the field Flugzeughohe height of plane Forsthaus .. ---- .-.forest ranger's house (on maps) Feldhaulbitzgeriit_ field howitzer equipment Feldhaublitzgranate field howitzer shell Feldhaubit zgranate ( Ne- field howitzer shell (smoke) FG ---fg .....F.G.A.... Fgd . Fgd. O... F.-Ges.B Fgo ----F.Gr-.. Fh - - F.H -----F.H - F.H ------Fh........ F.H.Ger___ F.1H.Gr-. F.H.(Gr.(N) im bel) .. Feldhaubitzgranate (Si lahl- field howitzer shell (steel ring) band) Fahnenjunker... cadet (corresponding roughly F.H.Gr.Stg_ Fhj - ...... to U. S. corporal) Feldhaubitzen. inillitionskolon ne F.H.M.K___ Fhr ------ Fhr -. Fhr .--.....Fhrp,_ Fhrws. .--....Fhrz fix- - .-.- .-..... .......-- Fahnrich .-.. ..--- - Fiuhrer - - Fuhrwerk - Fuhrpark Fuhrwesenn - . Fahrzeug . fixieren --- - .- .-. field howitzer ammnunition column ..officer candidate (corresponding roughly to I . S. sergeant) ...leader; commander; driver of vehicle horse-drawn vehicle wagon park . transport service vehicle; vessel -- to fix: to hold fast; to establish; to settle: to discover; to state; to identify 54 GERMAN MILITARY F.K _------- Feldkanone .-.- F.K- Feldkommandantdaur ABBREVIATI'ONS field piece; field gun Field Administrative Headquarters Feldkompanie ------F.K --------field company Feldkuche ------------field kitchen FK Fernkabel ------------ long-distance telephone caFK -----ble Fliegerkammer. aerial camera F.K ._........ radio; radio operator Funk; Funker_.. FK .-------Feldkanonenbatterie F.Kan. Bttr . field gun battery .Festungskomnmandantlur fortress commander's headF.Kdtr quarters F.K.Gr ------Feldkanon engranate field piece shell Fkh .. Feldkochherd field range Fllker-Kleiniabteil ung Fii F.KI.Abt ----portable radio detail Feldlazarett ... F.L ---------field hospital F1 ------------ ... Fernleitung --.--------station - to - station telephone line: trunk system F1 -----------Fernlenkung .-.--------remote control: radio control Fernlenkwaffe ----------- remote-control weapon F.L ----------Flache .------------area; plane surface F1_ -----.-.--. Flagg -------.-.-.-.--flag .Fleck -.-..... flaw (gunnery) fliegend .. , flying Flieger -- - - F 1l -- -------aviator; flyer Flottille.. F1 -- - - -----flotilla Fluss .-.-. river (on maps) Flugzeugabwehr antiaircraft defense Fla ......... Fla .......... Fliigelanordnung -... wing arrangement (airplane) Flachfeuer Flachf________ flat trajectory, fire Fla- D)r-M G. Fliegerabwehr- D)reifach- antiaircraft triple machine masechinengewehr r guln Flak -- ---___ Flugzeugabwehrkanonee__ antiaircraft gun Flak-Art ----F___ lugzeugabwehrartil- antiaircraft artillery lerie ___Flugzeugabweh rkanonen- commander (commnnand) Flakgruko.... of gruppenkomnmnladeur antiaircraft gun battalion (-kommando) Fiakmesstruppwagen ---Flak. Messtr. Wg _ antiaircraft flash and sound ranging truck Flaksch -----.. Flugzeugabwehrkanonen- antiaircraft gun school sch ule Flakzg. 9.9 --- ___ 9.9 cm Flulgzcugabwehr9.9-cm antiaircraft-gun ka)onienziig platoon - ABBREVIATIONS 55 Flarnm.... Flugab weh rimaschilenwaffen automratic antiaircraft weap- Fla. M.G__ ........ Flugatbwehrnlasclinenge- antiaircraft machine gun Flamga --- Flugzeulgabw ehrmlaschin- oils wehr F'la-MGAb t -.-.-. Fla-MGK_ Flaschein_. -......- Fia-Schw__..--... engewehrabteilung Flugzeuga-bwehrrmaschinengewehlralteil gung Fliugzellgabwvehrnllaschin…....... engewehrkopalllla ie Fl ugzeugablwehrschlein- werfer F1 ugzeugabwehrscheinwerfer antiaircraft mIachine-gun section antiaircraft machilte-gun section antiaircraft machine-gun compalny antiaircraft searchlight antiaircraft searclllight field hospital field hospital inspector trajectory aerial observers' school F1. Beob. Scl11 ----- Fliegerbeobaclltersclhule .Flugboot Fl1. Bt ... .-.. flying boat field .. Feld .. .. Fid - - field artillery Fld.Art -. .-.-.-Feldartillerie F'ldverw. de3d} .... _ Feldverwaltungsbtehi)erde_ field admlniniht rative althority aviation rellacemelnt center ..--.... Fliegerersatzabtci]l ung F1.F .... flying ferry .. ...-. .- fliegende Fahre flag ....... Flagg-_ Figd following .-.-. .- folgende --------------wing cannon Fig. Kan___ .---. Fliigelkanone-e . ---------Flgz -. ....... Flugzellg -_ ----------airplane FIi.H. ......Flug halle_--------------hangar Fl.Hf ... airfield; airport; seaplane ...-. .- Flughafen . I)ase l'. Hst --- -----. airbase Fliegerhorst -----------Fl ieg Flieger ..- . aviator; flyer air force Flieg.'Tr -.------Fliegertruppe -.. Fliehb -_----.---disaplpearing firing pin Fliehbolzeui ..... F1.lI…n----------Inspektion der Flieger- inspectorate of thle air force truppen Fl.Ing ----------Flottilleningenieur. flotilla engineer FI.Illsp… -------Inspektionl der Fliegertrup- inlspectorate of the air force pen Flivo -_____--.---air liaison oficer Fliegerverbindungsoffizier Il. K -..- antiaircraftcompany (navy) Flakkomnl)anie F. Laz - -. ...--- F'.Laz.lnsp ........ . Feldlazarett ------. Feldlazarettinlsp)ektor . .. lugbahnl . .-. 56 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Flk ------ Fla nk e ----------------...... Flk.M .--Flk.Sch -.. Flk.St - Flankenmarsch Flk. Stg F1.Lstg . Fl. M _ Fl. Meld. D) Fl. M.PI Flankenschutz ....... .- -- Flankenstoss .. Flankenlstellung Flugleistung .- finned bomb airplane reporting service plotting board (flash ranging) depth of unit flying . depth of unit flying trench mortar firing finned bombs local air unit . flotilla -...... Flugmeldedienst Fliichenmessplan Fliegermarschtiefe FI.M.Tiefe_ - Fl.M.W_ -_ --- Flot F.L.P ----F.L.R ---- ....... flank; side flank march flank protection flank thrust flanking position flying performance Fliigenlmine - F1.Mtf - FI.O.Gr - Fliegermiarschtiefe Flugelirninenwerferfer Fliegerortsgruppe Flottille - Festlegepunkt.... _ reference point (artillery) fahrbaren Eisenbahnlade- portable railroad loading ramps rainpen F1.Sack-Zg__ Flosssackzug F1.Sch -.--- Fliegerschule Festlegespiegel ------ Flsp -----Fl. Stp ----F 1.T ------ - Flugstutzpunkt Fliegertuch - . pneumatic assault boat, platoon flying school sighting mirror air base - ground panel (aviation) Flugz Flugzegf__ Flugz.M u___ Flugz. Trg Flugzeug__.. Flugzeugfihrer . Flugzeugmutterschiff ----Flugzeugtriiger - flying boat flying weight (aviatioan) airport; airfield; seaplane base hangar air mail sub-group of aviators airplane; plane pilot seaplane tender airplane carrier; aircraft car- Fluko --- ..---. Flu. M. A --- Flugwachkommando rier report center (aviation) Fluna Flu.WaB..._-. Flugnachrichtenabteilulg Flugwache -------------..... Fligb Flugboot - -.- Fhlggewicht Fluggew - Flugh ------- .... Flugh -.--Flugp Fl.UGr -.--- .. Flughafen --- -- Flugzeughalle Flugpost .-. ... Fliegeruntergruppe --- Flugmeldeabteilu.ng ---- airplane reporting detachment air signal detachment plane spotting post; aircraft lookout station ABBREVIATION S F1.V --- -------- 57 regulations for the use of signal flags FI.W .. Flammenwerfer .......... flanme thrower flowing water fl.W .. fliessendes Wasser ..._. F1. Wirk.Abstand_ interval in march formation Fliegerwirkungsabstand as protection against aerial attacks Flz ------------Flugzeug --------------airplane pilot Flzf ------------Flugzeugftihrer ---------Flzf.Anw -----Flugzeugfiihreranl wrter candidate pilot F]zg -----------airplane Flugzeug airplane crew Flzg.-Bes Flugzeugbesatzung ri Flzg.-Bew ------airplane armnament Flugzeugbewaffnung --airplane industry Flzg. Ind..--. ..Flugzeugindustrie .. airpiane cannon Flzg.-Kan ------Flugzeugkanone -airplane navigation Flzg.-Otg ---- Flugzeugortung - - - -Flzg.-Schl .-.-- Flugzeugschletuder ------catapult (aviation) field marshal F.M.. . . F'eldnmarschall . ...Fm _----------Feldineister- . -.leader in compulsory labor service (seventh rank) Fm2 ----.----Flfigelfliche eines Flug- wing area of an airplane in zeugs in Quadratmletern square meters service regulation for field F.Mag.DO ------Feldmagazindienstordnlung depots fmdl -----------by telephone fernmiindlicl F.M.G --. Flugzeugabwehrmaschirapid-fire antiaircraft giln; nengewehr antiaircraft machine gun Fm W --------Flammenwerfer ... flame thrower Fn -------------- Familiennainle .. family namrle; surname Fn --.---Felgen . .. felloes; wheel rims Fnd ------------Feind.. enellyv F.N.D..-... -...-. Feindnachrichteniiiecist .. enlenly colnlll nicat ionl service fndl- .-... . ..... fernmiiindlich ---by telephone F.N.JK --------Feldnachrichterikom- field signal headqliuarlers Inan(tantllr F.O.. .....----- Felddienlstorduwing . field service regulation F..O. . ..... Fiirsorgeoffizier . ... . ..... social service officer F.O.K ----------Feldoberkonmtando.. field high conimmand F.O.K ----------Flieger beim Armeeober- aviator with the army high kommando command folg.---.-. folgende -------------following Form --- _---- _Formlation -------------- formation; form; figure; shape; unit Flaggenvorschrift -..... GERAiAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Form Formular -... fortlaufend -......... Fortsetzung ----------- fortl -------Forts -----.-- F. P. }F.P F.P . .... ----- 1 - ------- --- Fp Fp.. F.P.A - ------F. Patr -..... Feldpost - -.. Feldpost en . ..... Festlegepunkt. Fest ungspionlier...-. __ Fiillpulver ------------Fullrpark .. Feldpostamt t . Feldpatrone --------- Fp.D).O -.--F.Pi.D......... Feldpostdienstordnlung Feldpionierdienst fur alle Waffen Fp.lK x... F.PI -. F.Plsk.... F.P.Nr.. F. Pol -.. . Fuhrparkkolonne --- ..-. Feuerplan.. Feuerplanskizze Feldpostnummlller Feldpolizei Funkpeilstellel .e . F'el dpostsek tor .-... Feuerpausenl FPS -...... F. '.Sek .--- FeldpostweQen ... Flannlllnwerfer .. Frachtfli igzeug franz6sisechl-... frei angelegt ........... F.P.W. Fr fr...... fr...... Fr - - fr ..-- Fr -- - - - Fr . F'reitag-....... Friede --.-frtiher -.. Fifhrer ---Gruppe Franken der S. A F.R.A ., franz - Fr. Arb. D_ .- Funkenrichtunlgsanlage franz6sisch ... .....Frauenarbeitsdienst -- - form; fortnulary; schedule; blank continuous; successive continuation; carrying on; prosecution field mail; field postal service combat outpost; cossack post reference point (artillery) fortification engineer (soldier) powder charge wagon park field post office field gun cartridge (fixed ammunition) field post regulations combat engineer service regulations for all branches wagon park column firing chart firing chart sketch field post number military police (in the field) radio beam station field post zone intervals in firing; pallses in firing field postal service flame thrower freight plane; transl)orl plane French blasting charge attached to the outside (engineer denmolition service) Friday peace earlier; formerly leader; commander; driver of vehicle Franken (Franconia) section of the Storm Troopers directional radio installation Fren ch compulsory labor service for women 59 ABBREVIATIONS Fr. Bes. V F.R.D- __ Friedensbesoldunlgsvor- ___ depot battalion lines Freitag ---------_ Friday - Freiwilliger ---------volunteer . Freihafen -----.---_free port -D ---- Freit ----Freiw_Fr.-Hl Frhr Freiherr -- ..... fr.Schr -.. Fr.St ---F. Rtg. Wg frtr .. Fr. Tr. Teil Fr. Vertr_ Fr.V.V. Frw_... 1V'rw Frw.-Hptm Frw. Krpfi FrI. La___ -- . Front;zllage .. Feldschlliedee .Feldlseilbahnbau trieb Fs ------. FS ------- Baron vor- F'r. Leg_ _ Front-Anltr Fron tstalagg ...... Fr.Zu .. -_- behind the Komnmissar ffir die Derr no- comIlllissionler for demobllilibilnachunrlg u.lnd die \ zation aid tile prel)arabereitendenl Arbeitenl fiir tory work for peace den Frieden Friihkrepierer -------premlature burst Frontkalnipfer ----___ colmbatat: veteran of coInbat service Fremdenlegion -- ___ Foreign legion Fronltanltrieb front-nvwheel drive forw ard Frontstaminlager -.-prisoellre-f-war canlp freier Schritt .- -..... route step Friedenlstarke ------peacetinle strelgth Feld-l.b6ltgenllvagen field X-ray wagon freitragend -----cantilever (airplanle) .Friedenstrullpeteilt -peacetinme unit. Friedens vert'rag. Ipeace treaty Friedensverpfiegun1 gs vo r- ration reglllaliolis dtlring schrift peace tille Feuerwerker ...-.. artificer; ordnance sergeantrl F'reiwilliger - -.. . volllnteeer F'ellerw erkshalllaluprlnall ordnllanlce caltain Freiwillige Krankenlllpl(i ge, vohlltary nulrsillng Feuerwerkslaborato rii 11 lab)oratlry for ordnance Franlzose; tranzisisch Frenchmllllal ; French Friihzerspringer_ prellatu re burst F'riedeis_ Frk...... Fr. Kprf - peacetime pay regulatioins schrift Feldrekrutendepot___ Festung .Fiirerschule boInus for front-line troe,)ps mtool)ile forge llnd -Ib)e- cable fiet(l-railway clst, rmle- tiorl and operalt ion .- -..--.-- ---. - ... fortress .school for leaders; Ill(,r school FS --- _Fllnkstation; ….....Fu nkstelle __radlio station; Xwirclhs tion; sending stat im st:- 60 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATI'ON0S captive balloon; sausage balloon pilot certificate; driver's liFuhrerschein ----------F.Sch ----------cense Feldschlachtereiabteilung_ field slaughter detachment F.Sch.A -.. Fahlenschlmied .. farrier F.Schm --------Fallschirm ------Fschm ----parachute Fallschirmspringer__ parachutist; parachute jumpFschmn.Spr er teletype apparatus Fschr ---------Fernschreiber ........ peacetime medical regulaFriedenssanitatsordnung FSO -------.. tions Sperrfeurer__ barrage fire feindliches hostile F.Sp ---------telephone Fsp - - - - Fernsprecher_-_..... .... Fsp. Abt Fernsprechabteilung telephone detail Fernsprechbauwagen --. telephone cart: cable wagon Fsp.Bau-Wg ----Fernsprecher ------...... telephone Fspr Fernsprechabteilung telephone detachment F.Spr.A Fernsprechleit ungen telephone lines F.Sprechltgn -Fernsprechkompan ie ----- telephone company Fspr.K --------Fernsprechkabel - Fspr.EKb telephone cable Fernsprechwagen -------Fsp.Wg telephone communication wagon Fussmarsch .-foot march Fssm- -. fortification Fst ------- ------ Festung ... Feuerstellhng .-..-----firing position: battery posiF.St tion; emplacement (artillerI) Flaggenstock ....... F.St - - - flag pole Festung ............. fortress Fstg Feindstarkenachweisung__ report of actual enemy F.St.N strength Titantetrachlorid -.----titan imtet rachloride F.Stoff (smoke producer) Fort.-- ----------fortification Ft F .. ______________ Funnkentelegraphiec... wireless telegraphy Funlkturin .-.--F.T-_ radio sending tower(on maps) Furt --- ----ford (on maps) Ft ----------.-.-F.T.B.K -Dienstvorschrift fur die regulations for fortress teleFestungs-Telegraphencomgraph-construction baukompalnien panies Feldtransportkomnmission _ field transport commission F.T.K_' Kampfwagen rmit Funk- tank with radio installation F.T.Kpfw.... eneinrichtung Fs.Ball_-_-------- Fesselballon ----------- ABBREVIATIONS 61 Funkentelegraphiemelwireless message; radio nlessage dung Fahrtruppe . horse-drawn supply service F.Tr__. Funkentelegrafiesperre __ interdiction of radio commnuF.T.Sperre-.. nication; stop using radlio FT.St........ Funkentelegraphiestation wireless telegraphy station; radio telegraphy station Funkentelegraphiestat ion wireless telegraphy station; FT.Stat radio telegraphy station Funkentelegraphieverblin- wireless commlnunication; raF.T.-Verbindung dio communication dung radio; radio operator Funk; Funker ---------Fu ----.--------Fuss ... foot Feldunterarzt . . medical officer aspirant (in F.U.A -----rd-the field) Familieunlterhlaltbellhr(en family maintenancel officials F.U.Behorden____ Fuhrerleader; commander leader; commander FiIhr --- ----- Fithrer . Fitrsorge . Fiurs .-----. public welfare; social service social service officer Ftirsorge-Offizier Fiurs. Off z-...... Fiirsorgestelle ...... Fiirs. St --- ----public welfare office; social service office Fiusilier -------fusilier; light infantry soldier Fits...... -Fitsilierbataillon-__ _.... fusilier battalion Fiis.Btl.... field radio detachment Funkerfeldabteihlllg g ... Fufa Fu.Fernlschr.Tr___ Funken - Fernschreiben- radio teletype section truppe Fulnkunteroffizier radio noncommrlissioned ofF.Uffz. ---. -.--ficer Fu n kunterfeldweb)el .. (corresponding roughly to F.U.Fr -.-.-.... U. S. sergeant, radio) radio technical sergeant Fu.Fw --------Funkfeldwebel (corresponding roughly to U. S. first sergeant) F.u.G -_-__-- -__Fiihrung und Gefecht der training manullal fol leading verbundenen Waffen and combat of combined arms Fu.Ge -.--.--.-. Funkgerat ----.-----radio equipment Fuhrp Fuhrpark ..-....... wagon park Fuhrp. Kol_------Fu hrparkkolon ne .. _. w agon park column FuKI.Abt __-Funkerkleinabteilung ---- portable radio unit Fu.Kp .... Funkkompanie -------radio company F.T.-Meldung- 516560°-43----6 62 GERMIAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Funkmeister Fumstr___ Nlulid .. Ilunk.Abt FuInkla Funkt Funkt Fu.spr FustaFu.'Tel.Albt Futtmistr Fu.TuFu. tberxv. K I Fu. Wachtm Fu.Wg. F.V.. F.V Fv-F.v . FVO.. FVS. F.V.St F.V.1' . Fvt Fvtg F.W F'w F .W F. W .Abt - F.Wg FwH _ FwIlptm Fwk . Uff..-.Fwk. Uffz ---Fw-.I,ab----- radio sergeant (corresponding roughly to U. S. first sergeant) Fundanlerlt basis; fundamental principle; base Funlkerabteihlllng radio detachment Funkerkleinlabtieilulg portable radio unit Funktion . function; service; duty; execution Funkturm radio sending tower Funkspruch. radiogram; wireless message Funkenstationl radio station; wireless statioin Funkentelegraphenab teil u n g radio telegraphy detachment Futtermeister forage master Funkturm.. radio sending tower Funkiiberwachunlgskoniradio supervision conmpalny panie Funkwachtmeister... radio sergeant (corresponding roughly to U. S. first sergeant) Funkwagen . radio truck Fahrvorschrift driving regulation Feldbefestigungsvorschrift man ual of field fortifications Fern verbindung . long-distance connection Feuer verteilen to distribute fire Funkverordnunrg .radio regulation Fern verkehrsstrasse ]long-distance highways Feldvorschrifteznstelle .-. field order post Feldverpfiegungstabellen_ field ration schedule Feuerverteilung. fire distribution Feuerverteilung ... . fire distribution Ftldwache. .] picket Feldwebel . (corresponds roughly to 1l. S. first sergeant) Fliegerwarte air observation tower Feldeisenbahnwerkstiat- Ifield railroad workshop unit tenabteilulg Feldwagen f. ... field wagon Fetuerwerkshau ptmann l... (ordnance captain Feuerwerkshlaupt naiml (ordnance captain Feuerwerker - artificer; ordnance sergeant Feuerwerkerunteroffiz ier__ artificer noncommissioned officer aboratorv for ordnance Feuerwerkslalboratoriumn_ ABBREVIATIONS 63 Feuerwer kspersonalvor- FWSt . F.W.W Fz_. Fz ... F.Z Fz JJn FZNM Fahrzeug . Feldzeug -_ Festlegezahl _ Feldzeuginspek t i on Feldzeugmeist erl ordnance personnel regulat ions field weat her station field meteorological stat ion vehicle; vessel (navy) field equipmenllt: ordnance reference number (artillecry) inspectorate of ordnllance chief of ordnance4 depart- Fz.Pk_ Fzw F.Zwb Feldzeugpack Feldzeugwaffenllneister Feldzwieback field equipment pack field ordnance sergeant field biscuit Fwp. V_ ...... schrift _Feldwet terstat ion _Feld(lxetterwarte m1ent G C__ G G . G -- G___ G__- GG-G___ G. G G G.- G G.98 Gt- -G(.A. G.A garrison gas mountain manellver, with live anlnmlnlition present enemy position ,antiaircraft) secret geheiim .. region terrain; grollllnd: Gelainde- -. local police Gendarmerie general . General Generalstab. general staff equipment Gerit -----.---.... Geschiitz gun; cannon Geschuitzfi hrer.. gun commander .. rifle Gewehr gramin Gramm --Granate-.. grenade great; large gross ... .. group); squa(l (infantry) Gruppe .. arnmy group commlllarld Gruppeinkornmlanllo . freight traini Giiterzxug rifle, mnodel 1898 Gewellr 1898 gericlltlice fiir tot erkliirt_ legally- presu1iied to be (lead (on casually lists) combat training; battle drill (iefechtsaulsbiMld ulIg Generalarzt (corresponds to (7. S. brigaMedical general, dier ('orps) Garnisonr Gas . G(ebirgs-_--Gefechtsubiinlgen mit scharfer Munition Gegnlerpunkt ... 64 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS GAB ---------- Gasabwehrdienst -------- gas protection service legging Gam ----Gamasche -------------Gebirgsartillerieregiment_ mountain artillery regiment GAR -----------Garn .. ......... . Garnison......-------garrison Garn.Arzt ------Garn.Kom ------- -.. Garnisonarzt ---Garnisonkommando -.-- garrison medical officer garrison commander's headquarters Garn.Laz ------ Garnisonlazarett ..... military hospital garrison administration Garnisonverwaltung .... Garn.Verw_.---Gas-A --------Gasanstalt ------------gas-works Gas Kol -------Gaskolonne ---.-------gas column; balloon service groups Gasm ----------Gasmaske ------------gas mask antigas equipment park Gassch.Ger.Pk .... Gasschutz-Geratepark____ Garnisonsbauordnung ---- garrison building and con_ ..... G.B ..--... struction regulations mountain .-- -----Gebirgs-_ Gb ------------G.B -------- Geschwaderbefehl squadron order (navy and air corps) Gebirgsbrigade ..-----Gb.B ----------. mountain brigade Gbd --------.-Gebaude buildings mountain Gebirgs-_ ,.......... Gbg -----------Gbhf .. ..Giiterbahnhof ......... freight yard G Blink (m.A.S. grosses Blinkgeriit (mit large scale blinker signal Zusatz) elektrischer Batterie (with electric battery and und Azetylen-Saueraddition of acetylene and stoff Zusatz) oxygen) G.Bomb --------.. Gasbombe -------------- gas bomb G-Buch .. ---...-- Gesetzbuch ......... . law book G-Buch ----Gesundheitsbuch -.-..... health record (medical) . ......... Geschiitzdepot ......... G.D.. ordnance depot; depot for guns and cannons ....------General der ;Artillerie ---- general of the artillery (corGdA. . responding to U. S. lieutenant general) General der Infanterie -.. general of the infantry (corGdI ------------responding to U. S. lieutenant general) GdK ------------- General der Kavallerie general of the cavalry (correspondling to) I. S. lieutenant general) Geb ------------Gebirgs----------------nountain geb ------------geboren )orn Geb.Abt --------Gebirgsabteilung -..-... battalion of mountain troops 65 ABBREVIATIONS Geb.Batt -------Geb.Brig -------Geb.Btl ... Geb.Haub Geb.Jig. Rgt. Geb.J.R Geb.K Geb. K Geb.Nachr. Abt Geb.Pi. Gebr. Anw -Geb.Tr Geb. Werf. Abt ged ............. Gebirgsbatterie ---- -..-mountain battery Gebirgsbrigade ,mountain brigade Gebirgsbataillon . mountain battalion mountain howitzer Gebirgshaubitze-. Gebirgsjagerregimen t .. mountain rifle regiment Gebirgsjiigerregiment , mountain rifle regiment Gebirgskanone .. mountain cannon or gun Gebirgskorps ... mountain corps Gebirgsnachrichtenabteimountain signal battalion lung Gebirgspion iere --------- mountain combat engineers Gebrauchsanweisung .-.. printed instructions; directions for use Gebirgstruppe - -mountain troops Gebirgswerferabteilung_ _ mountain mortar battalion gedeckt ------------concealed; covered; camou- flaged; sheltered ged.Z -----Gef - -Gef ---- Gef.. Gef.Aufkl/irullng gefber -. Gef.Ber. Geferna ----.-.-- Gef.Gr Gef. Iag ------Gef.LplGefr ---------Gef-Sgn ..Gef.St .. Gef.Staff Gef.Stat , Gef.Str - Gef.Tr -.--Gef.Vorp --.----Gef. Wg .... - gedecktes Ziel . defiladed target Gefallener dead soldier (killed in actionl Gefangener. prisoner of war Gefechts_. combat; battle battle reconnaissance Gefechtsaufklarung ----gefechtsbereit . ,.. prepared for act ion Gefechtsbereitschaft .... prel)aredness for act ion Fernsprechabtteilung bei teleplhone detail of thc corps Generalkommando or general staff or army group headquarters Gru ppenkommi ando Gefechtsgruppe -------combat group; combat unit Gefangenenlager ---prison camp Gefechtslandeplatz ------ combat landing field; advanced landing field Gefreiter ------.------(corresponds roughly to U. S. acting corporal) Gefahrsignale danger signals (on maps) Gefechtsstand .... command( post Gefechtsstaffel -....... . field train (services of supply) Gefechtsstation ..... battle station (navy) Gefechtsstreifen ---.combat sector Gefechtstross ........... combat train Gefechtsvorposten ----combat olltpost Gefechtswagen --------combat wagon; company wagon (munition and tool Geg. Angr___ Gegenangriff -------- wagon) connterattack 66 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Gegens__ _-_ Gegensatz__ .---.-.- Gegner ........ -- Gegn ------ ...... ... Gegs Gegensatz. geh .. Geh .... Geha ...--- geheim..... Gehilfe.. Generaldirekt, or der Heereswerkstiat Iten gehoben . . Geheinlschrift-. geladen .. Geliarde_. .. gelilldegiingig gehob Geh. Sel. gel . Gel_ Gel .. Gel Gel. Fl .. Gel.W. Gel. Wink.. gem gem Gem. Pol gem. Pzknw.Kp .... _ ........ Gelbkreuz Gelegenheit .. Geleit.. Geleitflottille -. Gelandewelle.... Gelindewinkel. genmiss .. (erneindepolizei gemiischte P'aiiz erkraf;- contrast; antithesis; opposition opponent; enemy; foe; adversary contrast; antithesis; opposition secret assistant director general of the Arnlo Plants elevated (in rank) code; cipher; secret writing loaded terrain; ground; region. having cross-country traveling ability yellow cross (gas) occasion; opplortunity convoy; escort convoy flotilla curtain; screen; mask (as regards relation of gun to target) angle of site according to mixed commnunity police mixed tank conlpanly wagen-KomIpalni ie Geom. Vertr Geneillndevertretel Gem.Vorst.. genr . ge.N__ Ge(nlleinrdewr stelhe gellanrlnt Gell. Arzt geograplhische Noi rd_. General . , . (G(:eleraladjutlant_ (Glieralarzt Gen.d.Art I, (eiieral Gell..... Geii.Adj. der Artille erie representative of the comnllnlity mayor of the comrlmunity ment ioned; called true north general adjutant general (corresponds to U. S. brigadier general, Medical Corps) genelral of the artillery (correspondinlg to U. S. lielutenant general) 67 ABBREVIATIONS Gen .d.Kav G(en.d. Pi Gen.d.Pztr Genf. Konv Genfldm__ Gen. Fm general of the air corps (corresponding to U. S. lieutenant general) General der Infantrie... general of the infantry (corresponding to U. S. lieutenant general) .General der Kavallerie general of the cavalry (corresponding to U. S. lieutenant general) _General dler Pioniere general of the engineers (corresponding to U. S. lieutenant general) General der Panlzertruppe general of the armored forces (corresponding to U. S. lieutenont general) Genfer (.... Konvention Geneva Convent;ion (: elncralfel(dmar schall field marshal (no U.S. equivalent) Generalfeldmarschall -.... field marshal (no U. S. General der Flieger.. Gen.d.F1 -_ equivallent) insplector general corps headq(larters -.. corps general staff; corps headqularters Gen.Lt-------- Generalleutnant__ ____ (correspontds to U. S. major general) Gen. Maj -------Generalmajor ----------- (corresponds to U. S. brigadier general) __. __ (corresponds to U. S. general) Gen.Obst.... Generaloberst ..... Gen. Ob. St. Arzt . Generaloberstabsarzt ..... (corresponds to U7. S. lieutenant general, Medical Corps) Gen.Ob.St.Vet Generaloberstabs veteri(corresponds to U. S. lieunar tenant general) (Vete'rinary C(orps) Gen.Ord.KommGeneralordenskommis- General Decorations Conmsion nmission .. (Generalqulartiernmeister Gen.Qu. quartermalster general Generalstab... ........ Genst -. . general staff Gen.St.Arzt .___. Generalstabsarzt (corresponds to TU. S. major ge'neral. Medical C.orps) ( ;enstb ... (n llneralstar genelral staff Gen.Insp Gen. Kdo _-----Genko . Ge... (neralinspekt clur... Generalkomlmanldo Gecneralkomrnando.. ...... 68 GERMAN MILITARY ABBRE'IATI'ONS chief of the general staff army general staff (corresponds to U. S. major general) (Veterinary Corps) (corresponds to U. S. brigadier Gen.Vet -------- - Generalveteriniir general) (Veterinary Corps) latitude geographische Breite___ ....--geogr. Brgeographische Lange___ longitude geogr. L-----------Geopolitik geopolitics Geopol Gepick ------------pack; baggage Gep baggage wagon Gephckwagen -------Gep. Wg --------Gerat....... -----equipment Ger - - - - Geratefeldwebel ----equipment sergeant (correGer. Fw.. sponding roughly to lU. S. first sergeant) non-commisGerateunteroffizier ----equipment Ger.Uffz -------sioned officer Geratwagen -----------equipment wagon Ger. Wg -__ Geschoss -projectile; bullet Gesch ----Geschuitz --piece; gun; cannon Gesch. geschairfter Arrest . __ disciplinary arrest for a short gesch.Arrest period Gesch. Ex_ .... - Geschiitzexerzieren _ gun drill ....... Geschiitzfiihrer ----gun commander Gesch.F Geschossfabrik ----Gesch. Fabr_ ammunition factory Gesch. Giess -_____Geschiitzgiesserei --gun foundry Geschosskorb ... shell basket; shell case Gesch. Kb. .----venereal disease .. Geschlechtskrankheit. Geschl. Kr _ Gesch. Rei ...... Geschiitzreinigen -gun cleaning geschichtlich ------historical geschtl ---- .-.... - Geschwader .-...... Geschw --wing formation (aviation); squadron (navy) Geschw. M -----Geschwindigkeitsmesser _ speedometer Geschaftszimmer ----Gesch.ZZ office ---- ---gesetzlich ... gesetzl -legally Gesamtstarke -----.-.-Ges.St total strength gestaffelt -------------echeloned gest ---- --------Gest ----------- Gestalt ----------------- figure; shape; form; stature Gestellung .......... Gest----------summons, calling-up (of recruits); provision (of carts) died gestorben............. gest ------------Geheimes Staatspolizei- office of the secret state Gestapa --------amt police Geheime Staatspolizei _ Gestapo -- - -.. secret state police Genstb.-Chef ----Generalstabschef --Genstb.d.H -----Generalstab des Heeres Gen.St. Vet ---..- Generalstabsveterinar_ ABBREVIATIONS get _-----------Gew -----------Gew -gew -__Gew Gew -----------gew -..----------Gew.98 _Gew.Fhr -------Gew.Gran --- Gew.Gran.Gew. Gew.M .-----Gew. Mun --Gew.Sch --- Gew.Z.F gez ------------gez --- -- --Gf - - - - Gf - - - - Gf G.FGf -- Gewehr --- -- gewerblich Gewicht -- -- - -- -G ew inn --------------gew6hnlich Gewehr 98 Gewehrfuihrer Gewehrgranate Gewehrgranatengewehr_ Gelandewinkelmesser Gewehrmunition Gewehrschiitze Gewehrzielfernrohr .... gezeichnet . gezogen --------------Gefechts-_--Geschossfabrik ---- - Geschiitzfabrik Geschiitzfiihrer -------Gruppenfuihrrer ------- ---- Generalfeldmarsehall - CFM..___ get6tet ---------------Gewalt - G.F.P ....... Gfsch -___ .-.-... Gfuk... .-...G.Fuk.Stat .-... Gf.Wg. Geheime Feldpolizei Gefangenschaft ... grosse FIunkstation... grosse Funkstation - Gefelchtswagen- . .. .. Gf.Wg. gr_ .-....Gf. Wg.kl - .--.-. ..----- grosser Gefechtswagen . G.G -_-_-------_ Generalgouvernement--_ G.G _----G.G -_-_-G.G....... ---- Graugussgeschoss ------- .-.. grosse goldene Medaille Grundgeschlitz .kleiner Gefechtswagen_ gegen ----------------- 69 killed force; power; might rifle industrial; pertainiing to trade weight; stress profit usual; customary rifle, model 1898 gun commander (heavy machine gun) rifle grenade grenade-rifle angle-of-site instrument rifle ammunition rifleman telescopic sight (rifle) signed rifled; twisted; drawn combat; battle shell factory gun factory gun coInmander SS or SA commander with rank corresponding to U. S. major general; squad leader (infantry) field marshal (no equivalent U. S. rank) secret military police imprisonment; captivity large radio station large radio station comlbat wagon; company wagon (aminunition and tools) large combat wagon small combat wagon against; to; tovwards; opposed to General Government (Central Poland) cast iron shell great gold medal base l)iece (artillery) ABBREVIATIONS 71 G 1I-.-- - - -- Glash .. --.---------gldg Gleichstrom -----------Glashiitte gel lldegiillgig ---------- Gleisk Gleisk --.. ------Gleisk.Pr.-------- ., Gleiskette ,---------.. Gleiskettenfahrzeug ... Gleisketten - Panzerfahrzeug GlcitflugKraftgel/indegiqngiges fahrzeug' ...... G(Ileichstrom Gliihlicht.-. direct current (electricity) glass works (on maps) having cross-country traveling ability caterpillar track full-track vehicle full-track armored vehicle Grl.... Gl.Kfz .. ... Gl.St. GUlihl . Glvw W. gl.W. Gelandewinkel ..glatte Wurfnline... -.... ... . glz ... GiIn__ -... ....... gleichzeitig -...... .. _ .__.Gasnlaske Generalhajor GM .... .. G.m.b.l. --- G. Med .-.. G. M.G G. M. K ------. ...... -..... glide (aviation) cross-counttry motor vehicle direct current (electricity) incandescent light: electric bulb; inlcanll(e(scelll laInp angle of site smloot l bore mine-throwver shell sinlllltaneous gas mask (corresponds to U. S. brigadier general) limited liability company Gesellschaft mit beschriankter Ilandllng gold medal -.. Goldmedaille -----........ Grundmaschinengev ehr_ base piece (machine gutn) Gebirgsmunitionskolonne_ mountain ammunition colU mnI . Gmr .. G.M.Sch.G GOA ...GOK - GOStA .. GOSt. V.. Gp, rgp G.P G.P- .-...... . - speedometer Geschwindigkeitsmesser ......... .. grosses Markscheidegeriit_ large inclinometer (geology) (corresponds to U. S. lieutenGeneraloberarzt ant colonel, Medical Corps) General Decorationsf ConlGeneralordenskonmlission ..... mission (correspondsto U.S. lie tenant Generaloberstabsarzt general, iledical Corrps) GeneraloberstabsveterinlC (coirespornds to U. S. lieutevna nt gene ral) ( leteritary Corps) baggage ... ... Gepiick.. arlnored ggepanzerte graphic point; topographical,1 graphischer Piunkt point Grundrichtungsplinkt__ base point (artilr!?!); reference point (glure'ry) 72 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS gp. Kw_--------- gepanzerter Kraftwagen-_ armored car Gp.Tr ---------- Gepiicktross ---------- baggage train G.Pzgr----.------ Gewehr-Panzergranate - - armor-piercing rifle shell ballistic coefficient; average Querschnittbelastung --g/qmc ------- G. Qu - G.Qu. M -----G.Qu.St -------Gr ------------Gr --------- --.. Gr -----.. Gr-- - - - - Gr -------------- Gr ----- -----Gr -------------G.R ---------.. Gr -------------Gran -----------gr.Bl.P ---------- Gr.Br ----Grd -- ---- - - Grdfl ----- ---Grdl G rdl -----------Grd.MG G rdr -----------Grdr ....... Grdwsp Gren ---- - Grenzm - Grepola Gif -- - _ Gr.F gr.Fk ----------- load (ballistics) Generalquartiermeister___ Deputy Chief of High Command, General Staff Chief of High ComDeputy Generalquartierrmeister- _ mand, General Staff Generalquartiermneister- staff of Deputy Chief of Command, General Staff stab ..........-.--- trench; ditch (on maps) . Graben degree -----------------Grad shell; grenade ............ Granate Grauguss --------------- cast iron size; greatness; height Gr6sse --------- ------G ros ------------------ main body (of a unit) pit; mine; ditch; quarry; Grube ----------------grave (on maps) ----- base-line direction (artillery) Grundrichtung ---section; squad; group; flying Gruppe formation Granate shell; grenade grobes Blattchenpulver__- powder in large flakes (propellant) Great Britain Grossbritannien -------Grund ---------------ground; soil; terrain (onl maps) Grundfliche ----------base; basis; area Grundlage -------------- basis; foundation; base Grundlinie -------------base line; outline; datum line; point of reference Grundnmaschinengewehr _- base piece (machine gun) ..Grundrichtung .__--base-line direction (artillery) .-......... Grundriss design; sketch; outline; plan Grundwasserspiegcl ----water table .... Grenadier - . grenadier; infantryman Grenzmark ------------- Grenzmark (former German provinces Posnanza and West-Prussia) Grenzpolizeiabschnitt -... border police zone GranatfUllllng --- ------bursting charge Gruppenfiihrer -- ---squad leader (infantry) grosse Feldkuche -.----large field kitchen ABBREVIATIO:NS Gr.G.St Grosser Generalstab .. 73 Grand General Staff (19141918) Gr.Hptqu Grosses Hauptquartier_ _ _ general headquarters Grosses Hauptquartier . general headquarters Gr.H.Qu Gr.K -.-------Gruppenkommando army group command Gr. Kpf Grosskampf . large-scale fighting Griinkreuzmunition ..... green cross (gas) shell Gr.Kr. Mun-. Gr.Kw.Kol grosse Kraftwagenkolon- heavy motor transport train ne Grkz ---Griinkreuz -------------- green cross (gas): choking gas (diphosgene or chloro*picrin) Grenzinark -----------Grin -Grenzmark (former German provinces Posnania and West-Prussia) Grossmacht ------------- Great Power Grmin ----Gr.m.PGranate mit Panzerkopf armor-piercing shell grosskal grosskalibrig...... (of) large caliber G.R.P Grundrichtungspunkt .-.. base point (artillery); reference point (gunnery) Grp section; squad; group; purGruppe . ..-. suit squadron; bombardment group Gr.R.Dn Gruppe von Reserve- group of reserve divisions divisionen Gr.Seh - Grenzschu tz ..... frontier protective force Gr.St .... _ Grenzstation___ __ border station Gr T Ruiistgewicht- in Tonlen_ structural weight in tons (airplane) (;ru_ -Gruppe ...... section; squad; group; flying formation Gruf -----.-.-.-Gruppenfuhrer. (SA) Storm-Troops corps leader (correspondingto lJ. S. lieutenant general) (SS) Elite Guard corps commander (corresponding to U. S. lieutenant general) Grufahr --------Fiihrer der Fah rtruppen commander of horsedrawn beim Grup penkorlsupply trains with the mando army group command G(ruff -- ---- ------ Gruppenfiihrer dler Flieg- staff air officer er --.--- 74 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREIVIATIONS Gruppenkommando ----grosse und kleine Feldkitichen Gruppenkommando --.-Ftihrer der Fahrtruppen beim Gruppenkoinmando Gru. Kdo ----gr.u.kl. Fk --Gruko------Grutrain ----- Gru Vet ------- Gruppenveterindr.--- ..- Gr.W.. Gr.Z... . .- . Grz. Kdo-_.-.- . Grz -- _ Grenz .... ... Grenzkor .... ........ Grzsch ..... Grz.Sch.Ri(1to nllal dol . . Grenzschutz_____. Grenzschutzkomnlnando_ Grzst GS_-_-_ G.S.L -.-- Granatwerfer. . Granatzinder. Grenzstein ----- ----- Generalinspekteulr des Sanithitswesens (SA) Gasschutzlager ---..... ....... G.S.O. G .S.) G.Sprgr. G.St,....... GSt ----GStA -.. Gasschutzoflizier.. .. Grll n(dwassersp)iegel _. Gewelir-Sp)renrggrarlate Gefecllt sstandl .... Generalstab. ------.. Generalstalsarzt .__.. G St V_ Gencralstabsveterin/dr (. S. Gasschu tzun teroffizier . G.S.V -... G t ------ GasschuLtzvorsehlrift ... ---...... . Gt. Br .... .-.-.... G tr.Bhf _ ....--. G.Tross__ -Gtt Fluggewicht in Tonnen__ Gross Britannien Giiterbahnhof Gepificktross c .. Gitter... _... army group command large and small field kitchens army group command commander of horse-drawn supply trains with the army group command chief veterinary officer with army group command mortar shell fuze border frontier division headquarters frontier protective force frontier protective force headquarters boundary marker Inspector-General of the Medical Service of the Storm Troops chemical warfare depot: gasdefense supply depot antigas officer water table (topography) high explosive rifle shiell conimmaland post general staff (corresponds to U. S. major general, Medical Corps) (corresponds to UT.S. miajor general) (Veterinary Corps) anti gas non-colmnlissioled officer regulations for defense againlt chemical warfare flying weight in tons (aviation); gross weight; total weight Great Britain freight yard baggage train grid; fence ABBREVIATIONS Gtt. Br ,_. Giirt.Wa Gitterbrficke_.. ... Gfirtelwagenl des langen schweren M6rsers Gfiterbahnhof Giiterwagen -.. garnlisonverweil(dlllgstallig Generalveterinir. 75 lattice bridge pcdlrail truck for the long heavy mortar Giit. Bhf_ freight yard freight car Giit.W__ fit for garrison duty g.v .... (corresponds to U.7.S. brig$aGV -- . dier general) (l eteri7nary Corps) Gesamtverband . total force Gvb -h. (1V E garlliisonverwevdlllgsfa- fit for garrison duty in tihe hig ini der Etappe communicieations zoell G. Verw . . Geratsverwaltenvorschlrift equil:)lllent admlinistlratioiI for . ftir die Luftwaffe the air corps GVF_..I gar n is onverwendungsfii- fit for garrison duty in the hig im Felde field ga r n is onverwenldllgsfii- fit for garrison duty in t he GVG ... .L blig in der Garnison garrison GVH gar n is ollverwendlllgsfai- fit for garrison dutiy in the hig in (ter Hcimlat interior GVI Ga Li r so niverwaltrungsin- inspector (sup)ervisor) of garrison ad(Imilist ration spektor GVO ____ G arn isonverwalturlgsord- regullationls for garrison adllung Ilministrationl G.V.O___ Griiberverwaltungsoffi zier grave adl in iistrat ion ofiicer GVOI___ Garnisonverwaltul ngsoti)er- chief inlspector (sul perv isor) inspektor of garrison ad(nlinistration Gelnlldewinlkel. angle of site Gv _ ___ Grilppeiwihlr er..... group selector; intermediate GWag....... selectoir (signal service) Giiterwagel Init 15 Tonllle 2-3 axle, covered freight G-Wagen Ladlunlgsge w icht car \with 15i-tonl load ca)lacity' G.Wg _ -- - - - - - - - Giirtelwagerl des langen peldrail truck for the long schwerenl Mirsers heavy lmortar - Zentralab- Central Section of the GeClGZ --- - - - - - - - Generalstab teihlllg eral Staff Granatziinder____ _._. slhell fuze G.Z__ GZ___ .a.. batsic' (lata (gt nnc0ery) Gruindzahl . Gzig... - - - - - - - Giiterzug.... .... . freight train Gz tZuladungsgewicht in Toni- weigllt of dlisplosalte load il. neil torns (aviation) Guiterzug... . . freight trainl GZug__ ..... 76 GERMIAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS H - hangend ----- .---- inverted (cylinder arrangement of airplane engine) Halt! -.... Halt! -----------Haltestelle _- _----- stop; station ___ Handwerker _.-----... workman; artisan; craftsman Haubitze.-_ howitzer -... H chief; principal -.... Haupt-H.--Hauptmann ----.... captain H --- -- -Heckmotor _ -.-.rear engine (motor vehicle) H eer ------------H army stallion l__ engst -- - - Hilfs-_auxiliary H _ Hinter_ .-.. rear; after; back H - .--,H ,--..... Hoch ...-- high Hochdecker ------high-wing monoplane Hochleistungssegel Iflug- high-performance glider H - - - - - - - - - - - -zeug Holz ------ -----.-... wood H -.-- -- - - - - - - - horizontal .. horizontal Horizontalachse am ]rheo- horizontal axis of theodolite doliten (surveying service) Hiitte -,.... hut (on maps) H in der Stunde . per hour H .............. Office of StormReichs-SA-Hochschli lamt_ Reichs .--- - H .. Ha ----.-.-.---Ha -.-.--------H.A Ha _- .- Ha.B.St . Haf . Haf. Pol--.--Haf-St ..-HAL -halbhj ----IHalbkol -------halt-- ---------. halti) --- Trooper Academy height of target (gunnery) Hansa Section (Storm Troopers) Handgranatenunterst ,ard hand-grenade shelter Hauptabschnitt main sector .... Hektar hectare tn gs- main observation post H__ auptbeobacht __ Zielh6he____ _ .. Gruppe Hansa (SA) stelle ---- - Hafen port; harbor (on maps) Hafenpblizei -.-.-.harbor police Hafenstadt .seaport Haulptanschlulssleitulni g___ main connecting line (communications) halbjahrlich. ..semiannual Halbkolonne ---... half column halten --.-.to stop; to halt; to hold haltbar..--tenable; defensible; strong; durable; valid ABBREVIATIONS Handb _---------Handgr ---------- 77 handbook; manulal hand grenade econolmic warfare signature; manuscript; handwriting Anzugsordnmlmg fiir das clothing regulations for the H.A.O ----------Reichsheer army Hau bitze -- -- ---H aub ----------howitzer Haupt. B. Stelle--- Hauptbeobachtu ngs- main observation post stelle Hauptgefr -------- Hauptgef reiter ---------- (corresponds ronghly to Ur. S. acting corporal) Hauptleute -------------- captains Hauptl ---------Hauptmann -----------captain Hauptmn.... Hauwewa ----.--Hauptwetterwartec----. main meteorological station; .. main weather station ---hb -------------- halb -----....-half Haubitzbatterie -_ ...--. howitzer battery H.B ...--.---Hauptbahn .. main railway H.B..... Haul)theobachtung main observation H.B.-.-.-...... H .B -- - - - Heeresbeamter. civilian employee of the army H.B.A ---------H eeresbauamt ----. army construction service Heeresbauamlt. H.Bau A army construction service Heeresbefi6rderu n gste - army promotion regulations H.Bef.Best...... stinmmungen H.Bekl.A -------Heeresbekleidungsa mt _ _ army clothing service II.BekI.A.V -----Hecresbekleidun g samnts- director of the army clothing vorsteher office II.Bes.Best --.--- Heeresbesoldu ngsblestim- army pay regulations mungen II.Bes.EE.V ------Heeresbesoldungsergan- army supplemenltary pay zungsvorschrift regulations Hbf --- ..-..-...Hauptbahnhof ... main delot; main ra Ail ay station Hblhf - .-.-.-...Hauptbahnhof -.. main depot; main ravilway station H.Br_-Heeresbrot _ . army bread hbst_ -_ _ ... halbstarr ----.. ... .. semirigid .--- (aviation) hbst.... .. ....... halbstiin'dig -.. . every half hour Hchfl - .......... Hochflieger ----------.. high-altitude flyer H.D- - .-.----..Hochdecker ------------high-wing monoplane lIdb_ - .....--..Handbuch . handbook; manual Handbuch - Handgranate Handelskrieg Handl.Kr -------Handschr --..--- Handschrift 51q.5f 0 -°-43-f6 -------- -. 78 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATI'ONS H andbremse_ Hdbr_ ........ Hdfw Hdgem__...... Ildgr ---H. Dienst_ Hdpfd__. Hd.R__ H.Draht INd -----Hd.Sch. W H.D.St.O_ hand brake; emergency brake H andfeuerwaffe small fire arms Handgemenge.. hand-to-hand fight handle H andgriff --------------IHorchdienst listening-in service (radio) Handpferd..... led horse Hunderotte. dog pack (S messenger dogs) Drahtnachrichter dienst army wire signal service des Reichsheeres Handscheinwerfer portable searchlight Heeresdisziplinarstraford- army disciplinary regulations nIung H.Dv.. H.Dv... H.Dv Heeresdienstvorschrift __ Heeresdruck vorschrift Heeresdruckvorschriftenverwaltung -- He -He H.E.B Heeresgr_ Heer San_ Heerw -. Gruppe Hessen (SA).. Helium ........ -.. Heeresergagnzungsbestimmungen army service regulation printed army regulationg; army regulations; army service regulations; army manual army regulations administration Hesse Section (Storin Troopers) helium army recruit ing regulations army group; group of armies army medical service army organization; military affairs Heereserganzungsordnung army recruiting regulations H.E.G. -. ..... Heliometer. Heliorn. heliometer Hochfrequeiz -H.F -----high frequency (radio) H.F.A---Heeresforstamt --------army board of woods and forests HI. Fachsch_ leeresfachschtle army technical school .. eeresfachschuldiensi .H -- army technical school service IH.Fachsch. .D H.Fachsch. f.Ld.u. Ileeresfachschule fiir Laand- army school for agriculture Fstw. wirtschaft und Forstand f restry wirtschaft H.F.Auf.A. ........ H eeresforstautfsichtsamt_ army forest supervision office Hfbeschl. L.mnstr ...Huifbeschlaglehrmeister__- horseshoeing instructor HinterbliebenenfuirsorgeH.. .. G.. law pertaining to the welfare gesetz of survivors Heeresgruppe . Hleeressaritatswesen _.. Heerwesen ABBREVIATIONS H.F.I ---------- Heeresforstinspektion -.-- 79 army forestry inspection service H.Filmst _ Heeresfilmstelle --------- army motion picture service Hfn --Hafen r ....__ - _ harbor; port H.Forst-I H eeresforstinspektion .-.army forestry inspection service H. Forst-Ver rw -.. Heeresforstverwaltung_ _ _ army forestry administration H.F.R.A .Heeresforstrevieramt - -. district office of army forestry service H.F.Sch___ Heeresfachschule........ army technical school H.F.St .... Haiuptftirsorgestelle -main social service office Hilfstelle ----- auxiliary station Hfst .... H.Fiirs.St __ - Hauptfiirsorgestelle main social service oflice Heeresfeldzeugreister (ci) chief of ordnance; army H .Fz -----ordnance department H.Fzgr-.... Heeresfeldzeuggruppe army ordnance group H.Fz.Gru___ Heeresfeldzeuggruppe army ordnance group H.Fzm ---. Heeresfeldzeugmeistclr(ei) chief of ordnance; army ordnanlce department H.Fz.V --.. Heeresfeldzeugverwalarmy ordnance adminlistration tung Hg--------Handgranate .c.. hand grenade H.G -... Heeresgerat .. army equil)pment; military e(luipmnenlt hill Hg ---------_Hil'gel . ... H.Geb.O --.. H eeresgebaudeordnutlng_ army housing regulations Hgefr - .. ---(corresponds roughly to '. S. Haupt;gefreiter ..acting corporal) H.Ger. Pk ... 1.1eeresgeratepark.. army equipmlent p)ark H.G.I__.. _. HeergerAtinspizient . army equilpmellnt inspector; ordnalce inlslpector Hgr . H.andgranate.. hand grenade H.Gr ----H..eeresgruppe -... army group; group of armlies H. Gren_. ____ Handgranate . -. hand grenade Hgr.Kdo - -. _ __ Heeresgruppenkonmheadquarters of a group of mando arnmies H.H.A___. Heereshundeanstalt army niessenger-dog kennels H .Handw.Sch_ Heereshandw erker- ariny vocational school schule H.Haush -.... HeereshaushaltsabteiArmy Administrative Seclung tion (of General Army 1Ofi'c) 80 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREiVIATIONS H.Hd _-_-_-_-_-Heereshund ....... H.HId.Anst Heereshundeanstalt H.Hg.Stg ......... Hinterhangstellung _ H 6hle ------------.-. Hhl.. H.I -. - . - - -- Halbinsel_... .. H i ------ Hi.B.St _-.. _ Hilfs-Min.Su Hind -hinh _... hinh. Gef -------hinh.Kpf Hint.H - hinw ------ Hinterrider --- Hilfsbeobachtungsstelle. Hilfsminensucher Hindernis...---hinhaltend -------- - -- hinhaltendes Gefecht..... hinhaltender Kainp)f___ HIinterhang..... __ hinweisen -------------- army messenger-dog army messenger-dog kennels reverse slope position cave (on maps) peninsula rear wheels auxiliary observation post auxiliary mine sweeper obstacle; barrier; barricade; entanglement; impediment delaying delaying action delaying engagement reverse slope to indicate; to point (to) H.K.A H.IKav - Hitlerjugend . __ Heereskiistenartillerie Heereskavallerie ------ H.K.F _.... Hauptkampffeld....... H.K.F_ ---- Heereskraftwagenfach lehrer H.K.Feld HKL H.Km m. Hauptkampffeld ------Hauptkampflinie .-.. transport school battle position main line of resistance Gipfelhohe in Kilometer ceiling in kilometers (avia- Hitler Youth army coast artillery general headquarters alry battle position cav- instructor in an army nmotor tion) H.K.O ------ - H. K6rp_ H. iK.P ---------H.K.P P-_-----_ h6herer Kavallerioffizier__ cavalry officer above the rank of captain Heeresk6rper -------body of an army; army Heereskraftfahrpark -.. army motor transport park H.K E.S--------HI.----------- _ Heereskraf tfahrsch ule ---Heeresleitung . -..---- motor transport park in the interior army motor transport school army high command h.l__- hinten links _----------- from behind and to the left Hohlladungsgeschoss blank shell .-. --. Heimatkraftfahrpark ----- (gunnery, wind direction) H1..l- ---------- -. H.Laz ---------_ Heereslazarett ---------Illft .------------Halfter ----------------II.L.Schm-n -_----Heereslehrschnliede -.--HIst -----------Heilstiitte -------------H M _----_-__-__ Allgemeine Heeresmitteilungen army hospital halter army horseshoer's school health-resort (on maps) general army information (bulletin); general memorandum army ABBPEVIATIONS hm -------H.M .----------H.Ma ----- 81 H6he eines Flugzeuges in height of an airplane in Metern meters H 6henmesser ----------altimeter; height-finder -- Heeresmunitionsanstalt _- army ammunition establish- ment auxiliary mine sweeper Hmm.......... Hub eines Flugzeugmo- stroke of an airplane in millitors in Millimetern meters H. Mun.Anst ----- Heeresmunitionsanstalt _- office of army ammunition H. Mus. Insp ------ Heeresmusikinspizienit --- superintendent of army music H Nb ------- Heeeer resnach richten army signal corps adnilnistriebsleitung tration H.N. Ma ----Heeres-Neben munitioi sub-office of army amnlunianstalten tion ----h6herer Nachrichteno H.N.0 -signal officer above the rank zier of captain Hauptnachschubstelle main base of supply H.N.S ---------H.N.Za ---------Heeresnachweisun army recording bureau for army equipment zeugamt H.N.Za Heeresnebenzeugamt_ army ordnance sub-bureaul Heeresordnung...... ..... H.O ------ . arry army organization; order blast furnace (on maps) H.O ------------ Hochofen -_h6h _.. ,.. .. ..... h6her. higher Hoh.Kdo . ...... H6heres Kommando_._ corps command h6ilz ... ....... h6lzern- .-.. wooden Ho.Tonn -------- H6chsttonage tonnage limit; maximum tonnage Holzbr ---------Holzbriicke . wooden bridge (on maps) Heeresoberpfarrer -.H.O.Pf ....... senior army chaplain Heeres - Oberquartier- Army Director of Historical H/OQuV-._. meister V Records horizontal - -.--.- - ----horizontal horiz ---------Haltepunkt ------------ aiming point; point of ainm; Hp -------stopping point (raitroad, street car) (on maps) listening post H.P ------------Horchposcen . Army Personnel Office Heerespersonalanit ..... --.H.P.A .. convalescent sanatorium H.Pf.-.-----Heil- und Pflegeanstalt_ hoherer Pionieroffizier H.Pi.O0 --------engineer officer above the rank of captain Haupt------------- -chief; principal Hpt-----.-.-.-capital - .- - - --_ Hauptstadt ---------H pt- - Hmins------- Hilfsminensucher -- ---- 82 GERAMAN MILITARY battle position captains captain Hptml l ..-.. . -----Hauptimann main body of reserve Hpt. Res .-----. Hauptreserve . medical supply depot HEpt.San.Pk ...... Hauptsanitatspark ------Hiptscha ... Hauptscharfilhrer ..... (SS) first platoon-leader, Elite Glard (corresponding to U. S. master sergeant) lf ptst ------. - Hauptstadt capital city llptstuf . ......... Hauptsturmnfiihrer .-.... (SS) chief company-commander, Elite Guard (correspondingto U. S. captain) main field train; main supply Hpt.Tr r-.. ..... Haupttross .---------train reserve (of advance or rear Hpttr -- . --Haupttrupp -----------guard) commander of main field Hpt.Tr.Fhr .. ... Haupttrossfiihrer ------trains Hpt. Verb Pl.__.. Haupt verbandplatz_ main dressing station (mnedical) main administration flptverw _.-... Haupt verwaltung ... main dressing stat ion . .. Hauptverbandplatz IIpt.V. P1 I pt. Vet. Pk. Hauptveterinarpark ... veterinary supply depot H.Pz.O.. .... ...h6herer Panzeroffizier tank officer above the rank of major H.Qu l.Iauptquartier ..---headquarters HR -.- __-------Heeresrechtabteilung ...army legal section HI.Ro ---- --Hleeresrohstoffabteilling_ _ army raw material section IIl.R.P . Hauptrichtungspunkt-... ...--base point htrsg . herausgegeben -.... __.. edited H.S Handscheinwerfer hand searchlight Hs ...--... Handschrift -------------- handwriting; signature; manuscript Hs-. . Haus ........ house (on maps) H.San.Ispr ------Heeressanitatsinspekteur inspector of the army medical service I.San. Lager . Iauptsanitiatslager main medical supply depot :1l.Sattlmnstr ._. Heeressattlermeister army saddle nastcr hschr. . handschriftlich ..-...... -....written by halnd H.Schr.V Vorschrift fir den Schtlrift- regulations for army eorre und Geschaftsverkehr sponden ce im Reichsheer H. Schnhm. Mstr.__ Heeresschuhmachermeisarmy shoemaker Hpt.K.Feld ..... _ Hptl .. Hauptkampffeld-. Hauptleute. ABBREVIATIONS ter ABBREVIATIONS hsl --------.-H.S.L ..H.S.S.Ger -- 83 handschriftlich .. written by hand main medical supply depot Hauptsanit/atslager .. military oxygen apparatus Heeressauerstoffschutzgerat H.SS Pf -------H6herer SS und Polizei- Superior SS and Police Colll fiuhrer manlder stop; station H.St ------Haltestelle capital city Hauptstadt. Hst .-.. auxiliary station Hst -.--------. Hilfstelle. H.St.O.K -------Heeresstandortkasse. post finance office H.St.O.V ..-----Heeresstandorts verwal- army post administration tung H.Stp.V --------Handwaffenstempelvor- small arms stamn)ing reguschrift lations H.St.V ----------- Strafvollstrec ku n gsvor- regulations for the execution schrift fur das Reichsof sentences in the arnmy heer hut; cottage (on maps) Ht ------------. Huitte, . hT -----------_ Treffpunkth6he. altitude of point of impact (antiaircraftartillery) HTA -_--------main telegraph office Haupttelegraplhenllam t Htf ---_--_----_ Hinterfessel ... pastlern H.Tp ---------Heereskraf twagen trans- army truck detachment portgruppe .-rear; after; back Hinter-_ Htr H.U.A HeeresunterkulnftsaInlt arnmy billeting admlinistrationi H.U.A.Dir -_----Heeresunterku nlftsamrts- director of arnly billoting direktor admlinistration IHtinengrab prehistoric grave (on maps) Hiinengr horseshoeing instructor H ufbeschl. Lm -. H uf beschlaglehrmieister_ hund red hund hun dert... hundtsd hunderttausend ., hundred thousand HV -----------Heeresverwaltung army administration H.V.A ---------Hauptversorgunmgsarnt -.- main social service anld welfare office (for dependent.s of soldiers) H .V.A ---------IHeeresverpflegungsamt___ arnmy comlllissary service H.V.B1 -I----tHeeresverordn ngsnblatt arny builletin armny commllissary service H.Verpfg. A ... Heeresverpflegunlgsamlllt_ Ileeresverpflegu ngsvor- army regulations for coImII.Verpfl.V -----schrift missary service 84 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Hauptversorgungsamt H.Vers. A-- -__ main social service and welfare office (for dependents of soldiers) H.Verw --------II.Vet.Akad -----lI.Vet.U.A ------- main administration Hauptverwaltung ------Heeresveterinairakademie_ army veterinary school Ileeresveterinarunters uch- army veterinary examining ungsamt H.Vpfl.A _-_ II.V.PI II.V.U.A -_-___-- Heeresverplegungsamt_ _ H V.V__ ---- Heeresverkehrvorschriften IIeeresverwaltun gsvorschriften Heeresveterinarvorschrift Heeresverbandplatz -..... Heeresveteri narun tersuchungsamt :.__ H.V.V ___.____ _. HI.V.V -_-----1I.W g ---_------ hy II.Z --- -- --- - I.Z ------H.Za -I .Za --------.-- - 1H.-Zahlm.Verw.... service army commissary service army field dressing station army veterinary examining service army traffic regulations army administrative regula- tions army veterinary regulations Handwagen ------------- handcart hydraulisch_ ..- _-...... hydraulic H aubitzziinder ---------- howitzer fuze Hleereszeitung ..-....-.. IHeeres-Zentralamtt ----Heereszeugamter -------- Ileereszahlmeisterverwalturng Heereszeugamt ..... H.Zg.A _......... Hzw ------------ Heereszeugverwaltung -.. army journal army central bureau army ordnance departmlents or depots army finance department army ordnance department army ordnance administra- tioni I I .-- I . _--.--. …_..... I_ -_.... la-------------i.a -------------I.A ----- __-_-_-- i.A i.A _-- im,in _---------------Industrie _-_---- ----Infanterie ------------Infanterieziel --_-_ _---Insel …----- - - -- - Inspektor; Inspektion -.. in; in the industry infantry infantry target or objective island inspecting officer; inspector; inspection; supervision Institut .. institute (pronounced " Einss-ah")__ operations officer unit im allgemeinen ---------- generally im Auftrage -------by order of in Abwesenheit ---------- in absence in Ausbildung ... in training of field 85 ABBREVIATIONS im ausserordentlichen Dienst im- allgemeinen ------ i.ad.D --. i.allg ... i.Aufb-... i.Ausb --. ....... im Aufbau ------------- ..... im Ausbau...... . Inspekteur des Ausbildungswesens I.A.W. I.B._. i.bes.A_ I.B.O__ id-I.D i.d.F i.d.G____ i.d.M ---I.d.O -.-i.d.R-... i.d.Res i.d.Sek i.d.Std I.E.B i.e.F... i.Entw i.e.R - __ Infanteriebataillon -- ., im besonderen Auftrage ....Infanterie-BeobaclhtungsOffizier identisch ..... InfanteriedivisionD ... in der Fassung. in der Gegend. -. in der Minute . Inspekteur -........der Ordmuilgspolizei in der Regel -....... _.. ..... in der Reserve ---..-.-.... in der Sekunde .-.. ....... in der Stunde . ..- .---. - . Infanterieersatzbat aillon in erleichterter Form ..... in Entwurf ... .-... im einstweiligen Rluhe- in extraordinary service generally in construction; building up in consolidation; in completion inspector of training infantry battalion in special mission infantry observation officer identical infantry division wording (of document) in the vicinity per minute Inspector of Regular Police as a rule in the Reserve per second per hour infantry replacement training battalionl in simplified form; facilitated in draft: outline temporarily retired stande I.E.R --...... Infanterieersatzregiment_.~ infantry replacement training regimrnnt i.e.S im engeren Sinne ------in a narrower sense in the field ...... im Felde -_-----------i.F ......Infanteriefiihrer -----infantry commarnder in a If -- --- division I.F.II internationales -......... Flughand- international aviation manlbuch nal I Fhr_ infantry commander in a Infanteriefiihrer -......... ------division Ifl ------------Infanterieflieger _....... pilot assigrned to infantrysupport aviat:ion Iflakheim - Inspekteur der Flugab- inspector of antiaircraft arwehrkanonen in Ileimtillery in the zone of the interior atgebiet 86 Iflako p -_ GERMAN MILITARY ABBRE:VIATIONS . ....... Inspekteur der Flugabwehrkanonen im Opertionsgebiet Infanterieffihrer inspector of antiaircraft artillery in zone of operations infantry commander in a I.Fii division im Generalstabe -.-----i.G - - ........... on the general staff __ Infanteriegerate ------infantry equipment I.G. ........ -Infanteriegeschiitz . . infantry howitzer I.G_ _Inspektionfiir Waffen und inspectorate of weapons and Ig -. ............ Gerat equipment infantry howitzer .. Infanteriegeschiltz -I.Gesc h .Infanteriegeratsinspizieint inspector of infantry equipI.G.I_ ment Infanteriegranateziinder infantry grenade fuze Igr.Z_ in Haubitzlafette. i.H.L .. in howitzer gun carriage .in inneren Dienst___ i.i.D_. on interior duty im Jahre .. . per year; in the year i.J._ ...... in Kasematten Lafette i. Kas. I ... on casemate mount ... . inimobiles I.K.H. I) Kraftwagen- stationary automobile auxhilfsdepot iliary depot ........immobile I.K.K_.Kraftwagen- stationary motor transport kolonne train I.L.R_ Infanterielehrregiment_ _ infantry training regiment ......... Iluft_ Inspektion der Luftschif- inspectorate of dirigible fertruppen troops Inspektion des Militar- motor transport echelon inIluk__ .. _......._ Luft- und Kraftfahrspectorate wesens im imitiert ---____ - ---- imitated I. M.K ol . Infanteriemunitionsinfantry ammunition column; kolonne infantry ammunition train .......... Impediment .--------- obstacle -.-. . impr_ ....impriigniert _-_-------impregnated ..-inistande.-- -.-.. illst_ capable ........ i.N ilm Namen -----..in the name of In 1__ ..--.-..... Inspektion der Kriegs- inspectorate of cadet schools schulen In 2__ ........... Inspektion der Infanterie inspectorate of the infantry In 3__ ........... Inspektion des Reit- und inspectorate of riding and Fahrwesens driving training In 4 -..--... .... Inspektion der Artillerie. _ inspectorate of the artillery In 5 . Inspektion der Pioniere_ inspectorate of combat engineers 87 ABB RE VIATI ONS In 6 --------- In 9 In10 inakt ind-. Ind--Ind Ind-Ind. A Ind. B Ind. B_ Indust. Mob Inf - - Inf... Inf. Abt .. Inf. Batl Inf. Beob. Inf. Br. Inf. Btl_ Inf. Bttr Inf. Div. InFest Inf.F Inf. Kol lnf. Mull. Kol Inf.Nsp lnf .Z ..7 _. Waffenabteilung der Pan- weapons section for the panzer troops, cavalry and Kavallerie zertruppe, und Heeresmotorisiearmy motorization rung Inspektion der Nachrich- inspectorate of signal troops tentruppen of transport der Fahr.- inspectorate Inspektion troops truppen Inspektion der Nebel- inspectorate of chemical warfare troops und Gasabw ehrtrllppen Inspektion der Eisenbahn- inspectorate of railroad enpiolliere gineers inactive inaktiv .... indem, indes, indessend___ while; meanwhile; however index Index. Indiz ..... circumstantial (eviden.ce) industry Industrie.. industrial plant Industrieanlage ... industrial railroad Industriebalh__ industrial organization; inIndustriebetrieb dustrial operation industrielle Mobil- industrial mobilization inachung infantry Infanterie ..-information Informationl..l infantry detachment Infanterieabteihlig_ infantry battalion Infan teriebataillon Infaniteriebeob h ach t er; ilfantry oubserver; infanltry observal ioll Infanlteriebeo)bachtlll g infantry b)rigade InfanlteriebrigaIde infantry battalion Infanterieblntaillo1 infantry hoxwitzer b)attery Infanteriebat terie: infantry division Infanteriedivision Insl)ektioll der Flestmungen innspectorate of fortresses infantry commander in a Infanterieffihrer division Infanteriekololllle inlfantry train; infantry colInfalnteriemnil nitio iiskolonne _ Infanterienachspitze - Ifantelrienaelrichtelnzugg I__ infantrv ammuniition train; infalntry ammulrllnlitioll colinfantry rear point infantry signal platoon 88 CE'RMAN MILITARY Inf. Regt_ -- ABBREVIATIONS Infanterieregiment -----Infanterieschule ----Infanteriespit ze..... Infanterieffihrer ------- infantry regiment infantry school infantry point Inf.Sp --------Infti -infantry commander in a division Infanteriewaffen .-.Inf. Wff -infantry weapons --- -- - Ingenieur .. . . engineer Ing . Ingenieuroffizier . Ing. O ---.-engineer officer Ing.Offz. AnxV- - - - Ilgenieuroffizieranwa Ir1 er engineer officer candidate Ingenieurtruppen ... engineer troops Ing. Tr Inhaber ------------Inh - - possessor; holder; proprietor; occupant Inhalt ---------------Inh content; capacity; substance --inhibieren ---- ----inhib-...... ----to hinder; to prevent; to obstruct Inneres ---------------inside; interior Inn innerhalb ----iiinerh within; on the inside inof ... ...... inoffiziell ------ -------unofficial Ills . ... Insel -island insbes -insbesondere .---especially; in particular Insp -----. Inspektor; Inspektion insp)ecting officer; inspector; inspection; supervision insp -.-- .inspizieren _... to inspect; to supervise Insp.d. Artl_ lispekteur der Artillerie_ inspector of artillery Insp.d. Fest_ Iispekteur der Festullgen inspector of fortifications Insp.d.lnf Inspekteur der Infanterie_ inspector of infantry Insp.d.Inf.Sc ... h .Inspektion (Inspekteur) infantry school inspectorate; der Infanterieschulen inspector of infantry schools Insp. d. Kav_ Inspekteur der Kavallerie_ inspector of cavalry Insp.d. Kf. Tr' Insp)ekteur der Kraft- inspector of motor transport fahrtruppen troops Insp.d. N_.. ..... Inspekteur der Nach- inspector of signal corps richtentruppen troops Insp.d. OBef_ .InIspektion der Ostbe- inspectorate of the Eastern festigungen fortifications Insp.d. Pion - -..-... Inspekteur der Pioniere_ inspector of combat engineers Insp.d. W 1Bef_ .-Inspektion der Westbe- inspectorate of the Western festigungen fortifications InspKdr -- . -.-Inspektionskomman deulr inspection commander (state - ------ Inf.Sclih- .police) Insp.O Inst_ ----- . ..- Inspektionsoffizier -----............ Institut ---------------- inspecting officer institute A3BREVIATIONS Inst.96 n A.- 89 gsanleitung repair regulations for field .... Instandsetzunl field artillery equipmnent fiir das FelIdartilleriegerat 1896 n euer Art 1896, new type Instandsetzung gsanleitung repair regulations for field Inst.98/09 ((98) -fiir das Feeldhaubitzhowitzer equipment 1898/ 1909 gerat 1898/1 909 Instandsetzung -g.----____ Instand -_ ....--. relpair -.-.Instruktion ___ Instr -.... instruction; order; -.......-command Intendant - -intendant; administrative …......... ofInt ---------ficer (with higher staff) Int ------------Intendantur_ - ____---_._ general administrative and provisioning office (branch of Quartermaster General's Department) ..........int ernational int -.----------- international_Intdt Intendant ..... --.......intendant; administrative officer (with higher staff) .-.Intendant .......... intendant: adlninistrat ive Intend oflicer (with higher staff) Intendantur - ---------. general administrative and Intend ----provisioning office (branch of Quartermaster General's Department) international -......... international__ intern --- --- -internment -......... Intern ---Internierung .. Internierungsla 6ger ----internment camp Intern.Lag . intervention; mediation Interv .. Intervention_ ......-Intendanturins pektor --inspector in branch of the Int.Insp --------Quartermaster General's Department Int.Verw -------- Intendanturver rwaltung__ administration of Quartermaster General's branch office Inv ---------- Invalide ---invalid; veteran; soldier …-----…-.. not fit for active service; disabled man .-........ invasion Inv ------Invasion .--... invading army Invas. A . ._.. Invasionsarmee .-.-.hospital for disabled soldiers InvH ..-------Invalidenhauls InvR .---Invalidenrenlte -.. .--..-veteran's pension .-.....inhat:itant Inw ------ --.--.Inwohner . .. ... Inspector, Eastern Section 10IO ..---.. . Inspekteur Ost (SA)-(Stxyrm Troops, 90 i.P.I, GERMAN MILITARY ABBREV'IATIXLNrS .. in ......... in Panzerlafette int Ruhestand ... [Irfanteriereginment . I .1 irg___ i.R.I, . in Radlafette I. R. (mot motorisiertes Irr.A -. irreg IS , regiment Irrenanstalt____.. irregular . -.-. Infanterieschule in Schirmlafette irgend ...... ... Infanterie - an armored carriage; on an armored mount (artillery) retired infantry regiment any in wheeled gtI carriage motorized infantry regiment lunatic asylum (on maps) irregular (soldier) infantry school illn carriage with overhead shield Inspekteur Siidost (SA Inspector, South Eastern ISO_. Section (Storm Troops) Iststarke .-. actual strength I.St.Isth---Isthmus .----isthmus Internationale Studiein- International Commission Istus_ -_ konmmission fiir motor. for the Study of Motorlosen Flug less Flying Inspektion der techni- inspectorate of the technical Itanach_ schen Abteilung der section of the signal corps Nachrichtentruppen .... im umgekehrten Falle. i.u.F -.. vice versa -........ in Vertretung - .. ..... for; as the representative of; acting for .-......... in Vollmacht .-------i.V .... by authority; by proxy in Verbindung --------_ in connection i.Verb-in Vorbereitung i. Vorb in preparation Innenwache ...... interior guard L.W ---. Inspekteur West (SA)_ _ IW_____ Inspector, Western Section (Storm Troops) . Inspektion fur Waffen unmI inspectorate for weapons I.W.G__ Gerat and equipment Innenzuinder ....... internal fuze l.Z.V -- .-..... . Infanteriezielbauvorschrif t regulations for infantry target construction (range) ...ager . .1 ..- ___ jahrig ----------.. Jagdflugzeug .. rifleman (in a light division); pursuit plane annual pursuit plane 91 ABBREVIATIONS Jahr ----------- .---..jiidisch ---------Jagdbomber Jager- year Jewish j -pursuit bomber Jabo ,Jig -- , rifleman (in a light division); pursuit plane rifle battalion in a light Jag.B Jagerbataillon ..... division Jiagerkraftwagenlk ololle_ motor transport train in a Jag. K.K light division infantry regiment in a light .. Jagerregiment Jag. R. division Jiigerregiment zu IPferde__ infantry regiment in a light JagRzPf division (mounted) Jagdhaus -... hunting lodge (on mnaps) Jagdh___ . raiding detachment .... Jagdkommando Jagdkdo hunting castle (on maps) ....... Jagdschlosss.. ..... Jagdschl.. --..-. .... jeder ---------....... each; every jed jedoch .... ... however; yet ....... jed.. single-seater pursuit plane J.Eins Jagdeinsitzer jemals ...... ever; at any time jem ----jem and -_------....... someone; anyone jem----that; that person ....... jener-ig........ jen ----opposite; beyond; on the jellns - -. ... _... jenseitig; jenseits other side at.- times; for the time being .-. . jeweils --------jew .... --------hostel (on ?maps) Jg.Hb___ --------- Jugendherberge youth .... _.. . rifleman (in a light division); Jgr ---------- Jiger -- . pursuit plane ,, hunting lodge (on maps) J. H_ Jagerhaus -.jeden Jahres .... of (in) every year j. J__ Jagerreginmc t rifle regiment in a light inJR___ fantry division JR.zPf - - ... Jagerreginllnt zu Pferde_ rifle regiment, in a light infantry division (mounted) Jewish jildisch jt--id........ jug d.... jugoslawisch Jugoslavian Juli .. .. Jul July Juni - - -. .. Juline Jun ............ K K...... K----, ........ Chef des Kraftfahrwes-ens (SA) Feldkiiche-.-.. chief of motor (Storm Troops) field kitchen transport 92 GE'RMAN MILITARY K --------------- ABBREVIATIION;S Inspektor und Kontrolleffihrer (Militarbekleidungswesen) K --------------Kabel ---K -------------Kammer ----K--------------Kanal -----K .. ......... Kanone K ---------- - -- - I<Kanonier K Karabiner -------------K --------------Kastenmagazin __.K ------------ Katapultdeckflugzeug --K --------------- Katapultflugzeug K -----------_ - Kavallerie -------------K --------------- Kavallerie _ inspector and supervisor (military clothing service) cable room; clothing depot canal (on maps) cannon; gun cannoneer carbine box magazine (rifle) catapult deck plane catapult plane cavalry (with Arabic numeral on the shoulder straps of noncommissioned officers and privates of cavalry division staff) (K.) ___.------__ Kirche _-_-church (visible from afar) (on maps) K -_------------- Kirchhof - cemetery (on maps) K - - _--- --- --column Kolonne -... K - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kommandant commander; commandant kommandiert_ k ---------------detached; detailed; conmmanded Kom panie --------------- company K--....... Konstruktionsabteilulg_ - construction detachment K-----... Konsul; Konsulat...... consul; consulate K orps ---------------corps . Kraftfahrer -------------driver; truck driver K----_.... Krankenhaus.... infirmary; hospital K__---Krankentrager der In- stretcher bearer of the infanterie fantry K-_-_--Kreis_ -.----------.-.-district K------Kugellager --------_ ball bearing --.. Schirrmeister bei Kraft- supply sergeant. motor transfahrgerit port equipment K.98b Karabiner 98b ____.. . ___ carbine 98b K.98K _ Karabiner -..... 98 kurz ----carbine 98 with short (600 mm) barrel KA_-_------___ _ Kabelaufffihrungspunkt- - point where overhead line is connected to underground cable 93 ABBREVIATIO0NS Ka Kardan --------------- ------ K.A..... K.A... .... Kraftfahrabteilung Kiistenartillerie -...... Luftkriegsakademie.... ...... universal coupling (automobile technical term) motor transport battalion coast artillery air force staff school; aerial warfare academy (insignia on shoulder strap) war prisoners' labor battalion Kriegsgefangenenarbeiterbataillon ....... Kabeltrage ------------- cable carrier: reel Kab.Tr Kader -----------.-.-.--...... Kad cadre K adett ---------------- cadet Kad ..... Kadettenhaus ...-...... Kad. H___ military academy KAI ----Inspektion -...... der Kiisten- coast artillery and mine artillerie und des Mininspectorate enwesens K.Ak ---Kriegsakademie -...... --------- war college Kal ...-K aliber - -...... - - caliber Kampfgruppe ------------ combat group Kampfgr_ ..... Kanal................ Kan...-.canal Kanone --------- - -. Kan----. cannon; gun Kanonier Kan-..-..... ---..- cannoneer war equip)ment information K.A.N..... Kriegsausriistungsnach-...... weisung Kand....... Kandare -....... curb bit (bridle) Kandidat --------------...... Kand. candidate Kand. Z _..-..... Kandarenziigel----curb rein .... K antine --------------Kant canteen; post exchange .....Kapazitat ------ ---.--capacity; ability Kap-----Kapelle ------. chapel Kap-.--- ......K apitiin --------------captain Kap -.----....... Kapitulation ------------ capitulation Kapit... ...... K aplan ----------------- chaplain Kapl ... - Kaperschiff ----Kap.Sch --- --- raiding ship; sea raider .. K apitian --------------- captain Kapt -Kar -----Karabiner -------------- carbine carbine Karab ---.... -. K arabiner -------------Kart -----Kartatsche ------case shot; canister shot Kart K artell ---------------cartel Kart - Kartograph ---------cartographer; map draftsK.A.B --- mall Kart -----------5165610°--43 Kartusche ------------7 shell (semifixed ammunition); cartridge 94 GE'RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIiONS corps artillery cartographer; map draftsman corps area surgeon . Korpsarzt K.Arzt ... . casemate Kas-..... Kasematte barracks Kas. . ............ hKaserne.. coast artillery school (l'vilKiistenar tillerieschllle K.A.S . helmshaven) casement .... Kasem .-------.. Kasematte..- case Kast -----------Kasten ..-.catapult plane ... . Kataputlt Kat Catholic K Iatholik Kath .. Catholic Kathol .... . atholik cavalry Kav .... Kavallerie . cavalry brigade Kavalleriebrigade Kav. Br cavalry division Kav. Div_ Kavalleriedivision Kav. Div.-Nachr. Kavalleriedivisionsi'acih- cavalry division communicaSchwd. richtenschwadron tions troop cavalry howitzer Kavalleriegeschiitz Kav.Gesch. . cavalry howitzer platoon Kav. es(.Z ..... Kavalleriegeschiitzztzug cavalry corps Kav. K.. ....... Kavalleriekorps . cavalry maneuvers Kav. Man ..... Kavalleriemana6ver cavalry machine-gun platoon Kav. MG.Zg Kavalleriemaschinlengewehrzug Kav. N. Z Kavallerienachrich tenzii g cavalry signal platoon Kavalleriepioniereskadron cavalry combat engineer Kav. Pi-Esk ... troop Kav. Pi-Schwld . Kavalleriepioliersclhwad.... cavalry combat engineer ron troop Kav.l{gt 1Kavallerieregimenlt cavalry regimllent Kavalleriesaniitit, swsagcll cavally ambulance Kav. San. W g Kav.Sch Kavallerieschll le cavalry school Kav. Schtz Kavallerieschiitzen cavalry riflenlen Klavalleriespitze 19av.Sp-.... cavalry point (tactics); mounted point Kav.'Tel, , Kavallerietelegraf ..... cavalry telegraph K.B . ...... Kavalleriebrigade. cavalry brigade k.b .. _ komlmandiert bei -. commanded by; detached by; detailed by Kb.... Kriegsbeschiddigter ...... disabled soldier KBeford Best, Kriegsbef6rderull gsbeact governing wartime promotions stimmrungen K.Besold.V -----Kriegsbesoldungsvorwartime pay regulations schrift K.Art ----------Kartogr..--.. Korpsartillerie .......Kartograph ABBREVIATIONS 95 small blinker signal equipment Kubikmeter .. ... cubic meter kbm -------.--. KBr -.----.-. Kavalleriebrigade-. cavalry brigade Kch.V - - - -- - Vorschrift ffir die Ver- regulations for the admininistration of troop kitchellns waltung der Truppenktichen Katapultdeckflugzeug_ catapult deck plane rD...... Kavalleriedivision cavalry division KD . injured in line of war dllty kriegsdienstbeschliiigt kd(lb K.D.B ...... Kriegsdienstbeschaidigtor war invalid; soldier injured in war .. ....-__Kriegsdienstbeschadiguig war service injury; war servIK.D.B ice connected disability .-. , Kommandeur . .. K'deur_ commander; commanding officer .-.-...Kraft durch Freude .... K. d.F. Strength through Joy (German welfare organization) Kavalleriedivision cavalry division K. Div _ .d.K Kor..nmandeur der deKraft- comlllander of mnotor-tran.lfahrtruppenl port troops K.d.O -__ .. Konimnandeur der Ord- Commander of Regular Po..... lice nungspolizei Kommnando ------- . ... command; Kdo - headquarters staff Kdo. Beo..... Kommando der Beobach- observation schools command terschulen Kommando der Panzer- armored troops command Kdo.d.Pz. Tr_ truppen Kdo. Fea Kommando der Flieger- air-force replacemlent unit command ersatzabteilu-mgenl Kdo. Ger --Komnmandogeratt ....... stereoscopic fire director; station control (antiaircraft artillery) Kdo. Gewalt Komnmandogewalt mmilitary authoritv Kdo. H Ger Kommandohilfsgert auxiliary stereoscopic fire director (antiaircraft) Kldo. l,.Sch :o iniman do der Luft- airship school commnanad schifferschule Ndo. \ilgas_ Komnriando der \lilitair- military gas works comln'iai(1 gasanstalten lKdos nlat ter pertaining to conmonomlnandosachc_ _..... mrand (military correspondence) K-Blink -------- kleines Blinkgerait ------- 96 Kdo St ---------- GERMAN MILITARY Kommandostand....... ABBREVIATION'S command post; bridge (navy) commander Kdr ------------Kommandeur . Kdr.d.F1l-----Kommandeur der Flieger_ commanding officer of air force with corps headquarters K.d.Schupo ------ Kommandeur der Schutz- commander of the municipolizei pal police K.d.Sipo u.d.SD - Kommandeur der Sicher- Chief of the Security Police heitspolizei und des and Security Service (of Sicherheitsdienstes the SS) Kommandant ---------Kdt ___------.-. commander; commandant kdt -.-.-.--.-.-. kommandiert -------.command; detailed; detached Kommandant des Haup- headquarters commandant Kdt.H.Q -__-_quartiers Kdtr - _- Kommandantur -----administrative headquarters; commandant's office Kdt.St.Qu . _..... Kommandant des Stabs- commandant of staff headquartiers quarters kdt.z -_---.-.-.-. kommiandiert zu, zur__ __ ordered to (the); detailed to; detached to K.E ----------Kalibereinheit ---------unit of caliber Ke -------------Kette .. ... chain; flight (aviation); series Kea ----------Kraftfahr-Ersatzabteireplacement center for molung tor-transport forces K.E.B ----------- Kriegseisenbahnbau ----wartime railroad construction Kek ---------Kampfeinsitzerkommancommand of single-seater dlo fighter planes K.E.O _-_-___-.. Kriegsetappenordnung- - - war regulations for the zone of communications kf -------------kaltefest _cold resisting K.F . Kahnfahre ............ -------boat ferry; ferry by rowing boat (on maps) K.F -----___---- Kompaniefiihrer __._ -_ company commander Kraftfahrabteilung - -_ Kf ---------- _-_-_ motor transport battalion KF ------- _-_-_- Kraftfahrer .. _ _--. driver Kf ------_ ___-- Kraftfahrtruppen_ -- __ motor transport troops K.F.A ... - -- Korpsfernsprechabteilung corps signal detachment (telephone) K.F.A _-___----Kriegsfeuerwerkerei fiir war ordnance section for Artillerie artillery ABBREVIATIONS K.f.d.K ------- 97 Kampfbund fiir deutsche militant association for GerKultur man culture Kf.K.Tr --------Kraftfahrkampftruppe___ mechanized combat force K.Flak ---------Flugabwehrkanone auf antiaircraft gun mounted on Kraftwagen truck Kf. Lehrst -------motor-transport training Kraftfahrlehrstab ------_ staff Kanonenflugzeug ....... cannon-equipped airplane K .Flzg ---------K frw -----------Kriegsfreiwilliger .. wartime ...... volunteer; war vol. unteer kftechn ---------kraftfahrtechnischer ----- motor technical k.Fuk Station.... kleine Funkstation ------- small radio station K .F .V ---------Kraftfahrzeugvorschrift motor vehicle regulations KFVO _-----Kraftfahrzeugverkehrs- motor vehicle traffic regulaordnung tion Kfw_ ----.-.---- Kampfwagen tank Kfw ---.-.-.-.-Kriegsfreiwilliger ------wartime volunteer; war volunteer Kfz --- --- - -----Kraftfahrzeug ---------motor vehicle K fzen ----------Kraftfahrzeugen -------motor vehicles K .G --- _-------Kavalleriegeschiitz -----cavalry howitzer K.g ------_.... Kenntnis genomllenll notice taken kg............. Kilogramm ... ...kilogram K.-Gerait...... Kraftfahrgerit_ motor transport equipment Kgf . Kriegsgefangenle . prisoners of war K.G.I ------ --Kraftfahrgeraitsinspiiient_ motor transport equipmnent inspector Kgr --------. Kiesgrube.-----------gravel pit (on maps) Kgtb ----------Kriegstagebuch _ _ war diary; station and record of events book Kh.............. Krankenhaus ---------hospital Kh....... Kriegshinterbliebene . war .. widows and other dependents Khf - - ----- - Kirchhof ..... cemetery (on maps) K.H.Qu -------Korpshauptquartier ----- corps headquarters Ki --.--.--.-.----Kimme .............--notch; sight notch; notch of rear sight Ki -------- --Kirche ... . church (on maps) K .I -- - -- - - - - -- Korpsintendant . corps staff administrative officer K .I --- _-_-_----- Korpsintendantur .. _Quartermaster General's I)epartment Corps Office 98 GE'RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS corps staff administrative officer (General's DeKorpsintendantur__ _--- -Quartermaster K. llntdt --------partment Corps (ffice K.i.R.L -_-.--Kanone in Radlafettlle ._ cannon on wheeled carriage Kavalleriekorps --- . __ cavalry corps K .K ---------K.K -----. Kompasskurs ----_-compass course .. K.K -------- Kontrollkornmissionl ..... control commission KKS . _. K leinkaliberschii tze l ... riflemen (small caliber arms) K.K.Schiessen Kleinkaliberschiessenrn ._. small bore target pract ice (miniature range) Kkw - - -. -Krankenkraftwagen_ motor ambulance - Kiloliter ----------.... _ kiloliter kl ----.-.-.---klein -------------- --.-small __ Kloster .--- - - .-... kl af. ..... _-m onastery; cloister; convent K .Laf ---------- __ Kastenlafette ----.... box trail Klbhf......... - -Kleinbahnhof ------small railroad station kleinkal ------- __ kleinkalibrig of small caliber light field kitchen kl.Fk ...... kleine Feldktiche kleiner Funk- und E,mp- light radio transmitting and K1.Fu.u.E.Wa -receiving wagon fangswagen Klg ------.-.-.-__ Kugellager .... ball bearing Kl. Kpfw_.... -_ Kleinkampfwagen___ light tank K1.Krg ---- ----- _ Kleinkrieg........ guerrilla warfare Klkw_ .. .. .. light motor car Kleinkraftwagen kl.Kw.Kol -----kleine Kraftwag 'en- light motor transport column kolonne kl.Ldg ---------- _kleine Iaduing -.---.... reduced charge; small load Klop -----.-.-.- _ Chlorpikrin -- ----- - .... chloropicrin (gas) K ilost ---------K loster -----------cloister; convent; monastery (on maps) Klippe. Klp ...... cliff; reef; crag (on maps) kl.Spi. Bo ------kleine Splitterbombe_ small splinter bonlb; small fragmentation bombKabelleitung .... __.cable line K. T,tg kl. Zdg........... kleine Ziindung ---...small primer KM _---------IKastenmagazin -.-- - .-.. box magazine (rifle) km Kilometer .......... kilometer K .M ----------- - Kriegsmagazin ------ --.. war magazine; war depot km 2 ............. -Quadratkilometer ---- .-.. square kilometer Kmdo ----------Kommando -----... command; headquarters staff Km dr ---------Kommandeur --------- commander Km dt ---------Kommandant ------.-commander; commandant K.Intdt-__------ Korpsintendantr.t-. --.. ABBREVIATIO0NS 99 kmdt-........... kommandiert ------------- commanded; detailed; detached Kmdtr.......... Kommandantur --------- local headquarters kmdt.z.......... k_ ommandiert zu, zur_____ ordered to (the); detailed to; detached to KiMGB -.. katholisches Militar-Ge- Catholic military prayer and bet- und Gesangbuch song book _ Kilometer in der Stunde kin/std kilometers per hour Kn. P _Knotenpunkt...... junction Knoten in der Stunde Kn/Std_ -------knots per hour K.O0.. Kalkofen ... lime kiln (on maps) Ko ---Kompass compass Ko ---Korn front sight; bead (gunnery) Kof__ Kompaniefiihrer ------- company conlnander Kohl. Gr coal mine Kohlengrulbe ...... IKok Kokarde . cockade (a circular metal badge wuorn on cap) Kokampf_ Kommandeur der Kampf- comrmander of the combat wagenabteilungen beim car units of the army group colllmalnd Gruppenkommando kol coloiial -------.-.-. kolonial -.--. Kol Kolonie -------------.. colony (on maps) Kolonne ................ column Kol colonial army Kolonialarmee .......... Kol. A -- -- K oLa ---------Konzentrationslager ...- - concentration camp Kol. Br .. Kolonnenbriicke -------bridge for all arms Kolb. Verschl Kolbenverschluss .------bolt section; cylinder breech Kol.Rgt Kolonialregiment ...... colonial regiment Kommandeur der Luft- air force commander (atKoluft waffe tached to large unit) Kol.W .. _....... Kolonnenweg ----- _ ]--road passable for columns; unimlproved country road Kom Klommandant /.......... commllalder; commandant Kom -n- Kommissar -.... comrnissioner; inlspector Komrn Kraftomnibus -.. .- niotor btus Komb combatalnt Kombattan t -......... (4 Komb-Kombination - Arbeits- comlnbination fatigue uniform of the aircorps and the schutzanzug der Luftmotor transport troops waffe ulnd Kraftfahrtruppen komnb.Kol ------0combilled colunin kombinierte Kolonne . hom.nIBr --------Komnmisbrot Etrmiy bread I om do ----------Koinnmando .-. .. (conlnanld ... 100 Komdr ------Komdt ---------- GE'RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Kommandeur ----------- commander; commandant commander; commandant Komdtr --------local headquarters; comman--dant's office kom.Gen--........ kommandierender Gen- commanding general of a eral corps Kommissar -------- ---commissioner; inspector Komm ---------company Kompanie _-......... Komp Kompass -- -.compass Komp ----------Kompaniefuihrer --------- company commander Komp. F...... Konfiskation --. --------- seizure; confiscation; exproKonf ---priation consul; consulate Kons -----------Konsul; Konsulat -----Konstr ---------Konstruktion-_---------- construction; type of construction; structure K ont ----------- Kontingent ------------- contingent Kontingent -----------contingent Konting --------Kontr -------- -- Kontrolle --------------- control; supervision convoy (naval) Konv -------- -- Konvoi ---------- ----Konz --------- --- Konzentration---------- concentration Konzession ------------- concession; permission; adKonz -----------mission Konz.Lg -------Konzentrationslager -- -- concentration camp Korpsstabsquartier -.-.-Korps-St. Qu ---Corps staff headquarters Koriick ----_-_-_ Kommandant des rack- Commandant of Army Rear wiartigen Armeegebiets Area Kp-------------- Kapelle ---------------- chapel (on maps) K p ------------Kolbenpumpe ----------- piston pump Kp ------------Kompanie -------------- company K.P ---------Panzerkabel ----------armored cable Kompaniefiihrer -------Kp.Fhr -----company commander Kampftruppe ----------- combat troops Kpf. Tr ---------K pfw ----------Kampfwagen ----------- tank KpAv.Abw -----Kampfhtagenabwehr-_.. antitank Kpfw.Abw .Gesch__ Kampfwagenabwehr- antitank gun geschiitz KampfwagenabwehrKpfw.Abw.Kp antitank company kompanie Kpfw.Abw.Z ----Kampfwagenabwehrzug_ _ antitank platoon Kpfw. Begl.Art -.-Kam p fwagen begleit- artillery accompanying tanks Kommandant -----Kommandantur artillerie Kpfw.Falle -----Kampfwagenfalle -------Kpfw.Handw.Kp__ Kampfwage nhanduwerk- erkompanie tank trap tank maintenance company 101 ABBREVIATIONS Kpfw.Kp -------Kpfw.Kr -------Kpfw.Nachb ----- Kpfw.Verb ------ Kampfwagenkompanie -_ tank company Kampfwagenkrieg ------- tank warfare Kampfwagennachbil- dummy tank dung kampfwagensicheres Ge- tank-proof zone lande Kampfwagenverband ... tank formation; tank unit Kpfw.Zg -------- Kampfwagenzug Kpfw.sich.Gel - - ---- tank platoon Kp.-Grz --------- Kompanieabschnittsgrenze _ company sector boundary _ __ chapel (on maps) Kpl ------------ Kapelle ....... Kp.(mot.gl.) -.-.-- Kompanie auf geliinde- gangigen Kraftfahrzeugen motorisiert company motorized on crosscountry vehicles company baggage wagon corps Kupferpanzerstahl -.---copper-steel alloy for armoring Kpt ---------- -- Kapitan -------------captain --------- company headquarters deKp.Tr -Kompanietrupp tachment Kasernenquartier ------- barracks quarters K.Q ---------Kr -------------Kammer. room; clothing depot -----.-----------Kavallerieregiment K.R cavalry regiment Kopframpe -.------------ end ramp K.R -----------motor car Kraftwagen.-----------Kr ------------. iill; sick kr -------------krank ................ Kr ------------- - Kreis --------------- - (district war Kreig.................. Kr --------martial law Kriegsrecht- ............ K.R -----------iinn (on maps) Krug ---------------Kr -------------]Krupp (manufacturing comKrupp ---------------Kr ------------pany) Kr.A------------- Kraftfahrabteilung ----motor transport detachment 'or battalion K r.A --------Kriegsanleihe ----------- war loan Krabus -Kraftomnibus ---------motor bus Krad ---Kraftrad . ..... notorcycle notorcyvclist Kraftradfahrer. Kradf Krad.m.B ---Kraftrad mit Beiwagen._ motorcycle with side car Kradsch Kraftradschiitze .... _- motorcycle rifleman Kradsch. Komp motorcycle company KraftradschiitzenkomKp.PW- Kompaniepackwagen Kps ------------KPS----------- Korps-........ Kr~ider. ---------- panie Kraftrader- -.-- mot..rcycle.. motorcycles 102 Kraft . GE'RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS -- - - - ---- Kraft Abtt_ - - - __ Kraftf -.- -- - - - - Kraftf. Tr_ Kraftobus Kraftwk__ Kr.Ak-... Krak. W Krala.. Krankenh;s ..... Krank. Sarn.P . Krank. Wg Kr.Art Kr.Ber.Er st. Kr.D ----Krd.-S. Btl Kr. Erf Kr. Erkl_ - .. K rf -----Krf Krfa.Abt_ .. Krfg .... KrfT ---Kr.G ----Kr. G_ Kr. Geb. Krgef_. Kr. Ger. R. Kr.Gesch. IEIeer. Krgf ... Kr. Gr . Kr.GR..-- ........ Krgs ----- -.- regimental commander of the motor transport troops motor transport battalion or detachment ....- motor transport driver Kraftfahrer ___.. motor transport trool)s Kraftfahrtruppen Kraftomnibus - - -.... motor bus K raftwerk ------------power plant; power station (on maps) Imilitary academy ...-. . . riegsakadenmie . ambulance Krankenwagen,. .Kriegsranglistenalsziug war service record of an officer Krankenhaus ..- --.. -. hospital . Krankensanlmlelplunkt collecting point (medical) ambulance Krankenwagen,. articles of war .. Kriegsartikel Kriegsberichterstatter war correspondent motorized division Kraftdivision_-_ Kradschiitzenbataillon motorcycle rifle battalion Kriegserfahru ng .. war experience declaration of war .... Kriegserklarung Kraftfahrer .-.... __ motor transport driver driver Kraftwagenfuhrer. Kraftfahrabteilungllg . motor transport battalion or detachment conduct of war Kriegfuihrung____. Kraftfahrtruppen . motor transport troops K raftwage ngeschiitz __ self-propelled gun hKriegsgericht___ court martial K riegsgebiet theater of war; war zone; combat zone Kriegsgefangener p)risoner of war Kriegsgerichtsrat civilian judiciary official in the Judge Advocate CGeneral's I)epartment history of the war section of Kriegsgeschichtliclle Abteihllg des lleeres the army Kriegsgefangenler prisoner of war Kriegergraber. war graves (on maps) Kriegsgerichtsrat.. civilian judiciary official in the Judge Advocate General's Department Kriegs- _--------------- war Regimentskommandeur der Kraftfahrtruppen Kraftfahrabteilung- .... ABBREVIATIONS Krgsd.. ... Krgs. Gef. Arb Kriegsdienst....... Kriegsgefangenenarbeit_ 103 war service work done by prisoners of war detail of workers who a're Krgs.Gef.Arb. Abt _ K riegsgefangenenarbeiterabteilung prisoners of war battalion of workers who a re Krgs. Gef. Ark. Btl_ Kriegsgefangenenarbeiterbataillon prisoners of war Krgs.Gef .l. Kriegsgefangenenlager_ prisoner-of-war camp Krgsgef. 1 az Kriegsgefangenenlazarett_ hospital for prisoners of wnar art of war Krgsk.. Kriegskunst _... hospital in (of1staltion Krgs.laz Kriegslazarett . mullnications Zone furnisher of war nmat erial Krgs. lief Kriegslieferant Kriegsristungen... war armaments Krgs. R.iist military school Krgssch . Jriegsschulle Krgst, Kriegsteilnehbner participant in war Krgstln . Kriegsteilnehlmer _ participant in war Kriegswesen . Krgsw ..... warfare Kriegswirtschaft .. wartime economy Krgsw ----Krh Krankenhaus hospital Kr.Hint war widows and other deKriegshinterblie benel penldents conduct of Nwar Kriegfg -...... Kriegf uhrung military requirements . Kriegsbed Kriegsbedarf.war garrison Kriegsbes Kriegsbesatzung disabled man Kriegsbeschadigter Kriegsbesch financing of war Kriegsfin . Kriegsfinanzierung -... refugee of war Kriegsfl --------Kriegsfliichtling Kriegs Fiirs. care for people affected by . Kriegsfiirsorge war kriegsgesch . kriegsgeschichtlich ---pertaining to military history gains of war Kriegsgew Kriegsgewinn Kriegsgew war profiteer lKriegsgewi nlner . Kriegskst. art of war Kriegskunst: Kriegs T participant in wSar Kriegsteilnehmer -.---warfare Kriegs-W .. Kriegswesen Kriegs-W_ warltine ecoeollllnv Kriegswirtschaft_ Kr.Ind war industrv Kriegsindustrie Kripo criminal police Kriminalpolizei Krista . Kriegsstammrollenauszug war service record (of an enlisted ?nan or fnonrommitis8ioned officer) Krk.H .R... Krankenhaus hospital 104 GE'RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Kriegskarte ------------ war map ambulance ----.......-. Krankenkraftwagen . Kriegslazarett----------- communications zone station hospital Kriegslage ------------- war situation; strategical situKr.Lg ----------ation ambulance Krankenwagen --------Krnk.W --------Kriegspfarrer ------chaplain K rpf -----------martial law Kr.R--......--- Kriegsrecht civilian judiciary official in Kriegsrichter------ __---Kr.R -_---------the Judge Advocate General's Department with rank of captain war ration Kriegsration----------Kr. Rat ---------Kreis ---- -.- - - district Krs--------Kriegssanitiitsausruistung_ wartime medical equipment Kr.San.Ausr military school Kr. Sch... ____-- Kriegsschule ----.---Kriegsschaden war damage Kr. Schd ------Kriegsschulden ---------- war debts Kr.Schld --------theater of war Kr.Schpl -------- Kriegsschauplatz -- ----war chest Kr.Schtz........... Kriegsschatz Kriegsschuldliuge ---Kr.SIl .--.------lie of war guilt Kricgsspiel--- -------- war game; map maneuver K r.Sp ----------Kriegsstarke ....... war strength K r.St -----------Kriegsstarkenachweisung war strength record Kr.St.N --------Kriegstagebuch.... war diary; station and record K r.Tb ----------of events book Krankentransportabtei- ambulance detachment Kr.Tr. Abt ------lung Kr. Verl ---------Kriegsverluste ----------- war casualties K r.W ------------ Krankenwagen --------ambulance Kraftwagengeschtitz ------ tractor-drawn gun Krw. G -----aim of war Kriegsziel -------------K r.Z ---- --- Kr.Zust ---------Kriegszustand ----------- state of war barracks Ks------- Kaserne --- --- --- -Kavallerieschule -------cavalry school K .S ---- --- -----Kraftwagensanitiitskom- medical company (motorK.San. Kp -------ized) panie Kiesgrube --------------- gravel pit (on maps) K sgr - ----------K .Sig -----------kleines Signalgerat -----small signal apparatus K.S.O ----.-.-.-Kriegssanitatsordnung_ _- war service regulations for medical corps KSSVO -----Kriegssonderstrafrechts- special war penal decree verordnung Kr. Kt -----------.. . Krkw Kr.Laz ---------- Kst ------------Kst.Batt --------Kst.H ---_----Kst. K -Kst. L Kst. Mrs -------K .St.N ---------K.S.V ----------K.T --- -- --- Kt---- _-Kt _-- - - K.T _-_.___- ------ K.T.B Ktn.Sk Kt.O -- -- - -K.Tr -- - - Ktt. Br Ku Kiist.Bttr K .u.F - _--------Kuppl .---------kv -- _ K. Verschl K.Vet K.Vet.V ---kv.f.b.Z-.......... KVL ----------K.V.O ---------K.V.V --------K.W --.-.-------kW -------.-.-.-Kw -------.--.-. Kw.AH Kw.-D Kw.Flak Kw.G ------------ ABBREVIATIONS 105 Kiiste, Kiisten---_----Kfistenbatterie --------Kiistenhaubitze--------Kfistenkanone ---------Kiustenlafette ----------Kfistenmorser_----_--. Kriegsstiirkenachweisun g Kriegssanitatsvorschrift-_ Kabeltelegramm --------Kartatsche ------------Karte --.----.. ---Kolonialtauglichkeit ----Korpstagesbefehl ----Kartenskizze --- -------Krankentragerordnung_ _ Korpstruppen ---------- coast; coastal coast defense battery coast defense howitzer coast defense gunI coast defense mounting coast defense mortar war strength record war sanitary regulations cablegram case shot map fitness for colonial service army corps order of the day map sketch stretcher-bearer regulations army corps troops suspension bridge knoll coastal battery instructions for warfare on fortified positions coupling; clutch fit for war service wedge type of breechiblock corps area veterinary army veterinary regulations Kettenbrticke - ----- -------.-.-.-.-. Kuppe Kiistenbatterie.__ Anleitung fiir den Kampf um Festungen Kupplung ----kriegsverwendungsfiihig -Keilverschluss ..- ... Korpsveterinar - -.--Kriegsveterinairvorschriften kriegsverwendungsfaihig fit for war service for special purposes fir besondere Zwecke liaison lieutenant Kriegsverbindungsleutnant motor transport liaison offiKraftfahrtruppenvercer bindungsoffizier wartime commissary regulaKriegsverpflegungsvortions schrift map protractor Kartenwinkelmesser ---kilowatt Kilowatt -----.. motor car ---Kraftwagen- --... Kraftwagenan hAnger -- - trailer truck armored division Kampfwagendivision ... motorized antiaircraft gun Kraftwagen-Flugzeugabwehrkanone Kraftwagengeschitz .... gun mounted on a truck 106 k'W. GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS K_ L . Kw.Kol .__ .. Kraftwagenkanone_ _ .. Kraftwagenkolonne_ . K .Z - ... ............... Kraftwagen wverkstatt Kanonen zinder k.z ----- ---- __ tractor-drawn gun; gun mounted on truck motor transport train; motor column Kw. Werkst ---- K.Z ------------Kz ---Kz.Flak -------Kz. Laf ----------- mnotor repair shop gun percussion fuze; cannon shell fuze; gun fuze kommandiert zu, zur_ ordered to (the); detailed to; detached to Konzentrationslager __ oncentration camp Kopfzfinder____ point detonating fuze -. ___Kraftzug-Flugzeugatb - motorized antiaircraft gun wehrkanone Kreuzlafette __------outrigger-gun platform (antiaircraft artillery) L -------- Ladung ----------- L----L ----- L---. L .... 1.... 1b L_ ... -. Lab.Fl Ladg. Lad. R Lad.R__ Laf- - ..........Lag. Landesvtert_ --- charge; propelling charge; load Lafette gun carriage Landes-_ . .. land; country; region Landesverteidigung__ home defense; national defense Lan dstllrm - reserve (men over 45) LaSndwehr - reserve (men between 35 and 45) lang -- long Lazarett hospital ledig. single (unmarried) leicht .. light Leuchtgeschoss flare shell Leutnanlt . 2d lieutenant links left Lnftfahrt -.. aeronautics; aviation Luftwaffe ....... air force Labeflasehe --------- canteen Ladung . charge; load .aderampe ---------loading ramp Laderaum -.-... chamber (artillery) Lafette -----.-. gun carriage; mount (artillery) Iager .. caml); dump; depot; bearing -T Landesverteidigulng - home defense; national defense ABBREVIATIONS 107 Landegeschwindigkeit ........ Landungs.Anzugsordnlng fur die Luftwaffe L.Ap ------------- L6hnungsappell. leichte Artillerieabteilung l.Art.Abt ........ Latr . ......... I,Latrine -------Laz ........... Lazarett ..... Laz.Zg .......-. ILazarettzug . ......lange Brennllange l.b ........ Lb ...........-.Libelle -.... L.B ............. Lichtbild Lb -....... -Luftbild ......... Lb. Flugzugzeug ....... Flugzeug miit eingebaulten Lichthbildgerat .Br ..... leiter des Briickenschl ages Illftbrigade ..... L.Brig .... Ld l.. Iand ......... l-andulngs-. .--------.Ld LD ----------Landwehrdivisio r . landing speed landing uniform regulations for the air force pay call light artillery battalion latrine hospital hospital trainl long bllrninlg action (fuze) level; spirit, level ph-otograph aerial photograph)l plane with built-inl camera Landg ----------Landgs . L.A.O .......- .. chief engineer of bridgce const ruction air brigade country: land; state: region landing reserve division (men between 356 and 4.5) land fronllt _Landfront .......... -------.-Ldfrt charge; propelling charge; Ldg -----------Ladung load landing Ldg --------.-.-ILandungslanding gun Ldg. Gesch -----Landungsgeschtit z landing port Ldg.1 Landungshafen_ landing detachrmentt; landing Landungskorps Ldg. K...... force landing place: landing ground Landungsplatz Ldg. Pl .. -landing LandungsLdgs .. _.... air division I ,uftdivision L.Div -....... ... ILan dwehrdivision_ reserve division (men beL.DIiv -_-_-_---tween 35 and 465) I,.d.L --- _-_----Leutnant der l,andwehr__ Landwehr (reserve) 2d lieutenant reserve 2d lieutenant I,.d.R - _---- - - Leuitnant der Iteserve land; coultry; regionual LandesLds ---------.-.-local defense hattlallion Ldsch. Btl-----... l,ardesscliilt zen batailloh local defenllse unit Ldschtz ------.,anldesschuitzenl -... lan(espolizei l slat e pl ice Lds. Pol -------.. ..-.. reserve (men oer 45) Iandstullrm ,dst - - ---------- 108 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATION1S Ldst.Btl---------- Landsturrmnbataillon --- Landsturm (reserve) battal- Ldstm--------- Landsturmmnann ------- ion Landsturm over 45) Ld.Tr -_-------L.Dv .-.- Landtransport... - -.. _ overland transportation Druckvorschrift fir die service regulations for the Luftwaffe air force Landwehr -------------- reservists (men between 35 and 45) ILandwehrdivision ----Landwehr (reserve) division Landwehrdienstpflicht_ _ _ obligation for service in the Ldw -- _ _-- _ --Ldw.Div ----Ldw. Dstpfl ------Ldw.IB ---------- Landwehrinfanteriebataillon Ldw. IR -------Landwehrinfanterieregiment Landwehrregiment --- ___ Ldw.RIgt--------le.----------leicht ------ --- _____-- leb.Z --------lebendiges Ziel _- ___---___.. -. led -- - - --- ---- ledig --- --- -- _ .. Legit -------Legitimation ----------_ ---------legit --------- _- legitim ieren -Lehrg.___-_ Lehrgang ___---_____-- Lehr-113 --------Lehrst ----------le.I.G -_-- ------- Lehrinfanteriebataillon__Lehrstab --- - --. - -leichtes Infanteriegeschiitz Leit -............ Leiter ------------ --le.Kp.Wass.Versorg leichte Wasserversorgungskonipanie le.Krad ---------leichtes Kraftfahrrad --L.E. Munition -.-- Lufteinschiessmunition___ L.Ers.I ---------Luftwaffenersatsreserve I_ man (reservist Landwehr (reserve) Landwehr (reserve) infantry battalion Landwehr (reserve) infantry regiment Landwehr (reserve) regiment light living target single (unmarried) identification to prove identity training; course of instruction infantry training battalion staff of instructors light infantry gun leader light company for water supply L.F------_ lfde -l.Fernspr.Tr ----- light motorcycle tracer ammunition draft registrants assigned to the air corps leichte Exerziermine -- - light training mine leichte Exerzierminle mit light training mine with Rauchladung smoke element Lafettenfahrzeug ----gun carriage laiufende ........... current leichter Fernsprechtrupp_ light telephone operations 1.F.H ---------_ l.F1.F -_ _------_ squad leichte Feldhaubitze ----light field howitzer vom linken Flugel Feuer__ battery left (artillery) I.Ex.M ---------l.Ex.m.R -------_ ABBREVIATIONS Lfschr----------__ l.F.Tr -------- double time (march) light telephone op)erations squad Luftspiher ------------- air scout Lftsp _-_-------Luftsperre -------------- balloon barrage Lftsp _-_-------Lftw Luftwaffe. air force l.Fu. Ger. Wg- . - Geratewagen fiir lcichtes equipment car for light radio Funkgerat apparatus Funkwagen fur leichtes radio car for light wireless l.Fu. Wg -_-_-_-set Funkgerat Lfw -.---.--.-. - Luftfahrwesen --------aeronautics; aviation Lange ---- - -- - _length Lg . lg - - - - -_- -- - _-- lang long Leuchtgeschoss --------- flare shell Lg --- ---- - _---Luftgau. air territorial district L.G - langer Bodenzuin(er ------ long base percussion fuze lg.Bd.Z _-_-_-_- _ L.Gesch flare shell Leuchtgeschoss .. lange Feldhaubit zgranate long field howitzer shell lg.F. I.Gr lange Feldhaubit zgranlate long field howitzer shell lg.F.H.Gr.(N) -... (smoke) (Nehel) Langgranate ------Lggr -----------long shell Lager -. Lgr ------ -- - ---camp; dtump; depot; bearing l.Gr.W leichter Granatwerfer light mortar Lg. Zdr Leuchtsgeschossziin der__ flare shell flze l.Hb leichte HIaubitze ----... light howitzer Li _ Iichtmessbatterie -.---flash ranging battery L ib - - -- - - - - -- - - - Libelle . .. .. .. . - spirit level l.I.G -----------leichtes Infanteriege- light infantry gun schiitz Lin Ilni e --------line L.Inf.Batl ------Ielrin fanteriebataill . infantry training bat talion Lehrinfanteriereginiel t L.Inf.R. infantry training regiment leichte Infanteriewaffen1.Inf. Wff - - light infantry weap)ons Li.Off ---.-.-. Lichtsignaloffi ier ..... lami) signal officer L.I.R --- _-_-_--Lehrinfanterieregiment __ infantry training regiment L.I.R............ LandwehrinfanterieregiLandwehr (reserve) infantry ment regiment I,ichtsignaloffizier ------Li.Sign.Off ----lamp signal officer l.K ]--leichte Kolonne --.. -..light collmn L.K -----Luftkiihlung …----------air coolirlg L. Kg _-----------Leuchtkugel ----------rocket; flare ------.-.-.1.Kol Leerkolonne..... collumn of empty trucks or cars 5165;Oo ---- 48-- Laufschritt ----------leichter Fernsprechtrupp 109 110 GERMAN MILITAiRY ABBREVIATI!ONS l. Kol. Br._ leichte Kolonnenbriicke I.Kpfw__ _ leichter Kampfwagen . L.Kr. -_. Lkr..L.Kr-___ ...... ...... I,.Kr.AK ------- L. K r.Sch ---------L.K t - --- -- - Landkrieg --.. ... Lasttkraftwagen --..Leichtkrankenzug_ - -. Luftkriegsakademl ie_ _. Luftkriegsschule --------l,andkarte --- --- ------- Lastkraftwagen.--_Lastkraftwagen fiir Betriebsstoff und Gerit Lastkraftwagen fiir Fernsprechbauzmmg Lastkraftwagen fiir FernI ,kw.f. Fsp.St. Z sprechstat ionszugl 1.K.Z .. ... .. . langer Kanonenzuinder . I. Lkw ........... leichter Lastkraftwagen_ L,uftlandmlllgst ruppen ----I,.JL.T .. lange eines Flugzeuges in Metern leichte Munitionsabteilung i. M.A -ec - l ,kw -----------.Lkw. f. Betr.St. u. Gerat I,kw.f.Fsp.Ballu Z bridge for carrying troops in file light tank land warfare truck hospital train for slightly wounded air force staff school air force school truck motor t;ruck for fuel and eq u ipmen t motor truck for telephone installation platoon motor trulck for telephone station platoon long cannon fuze light truck airborne troops length of an airplane in meters light ammunition detachment leicht mechanisiert_____ light mechanized 1.eM.G ----------- leichtes Maschinengewehr. light machine gun light motorized l.mot .--.. -. leicht motorisiert .. _ 1. Gmot. IKp ].-.. leichte motorisierte Kom- light motorized company panie -----.-.-.Lichtmessung ------ -L,.Mssg flash-ranging L.M .Tr --------Lichtmesstrumpp .. flash-ranging detail Iichtmlessverfahren .. IJ. M.V. .--.- -flash-rangilng process I.M. W ..--.. 1eicehter Minenlwerfer light, mortar 1.Nachr. Ger. Kol 1eichte Nachrichtenlge- light signal equipment train ritekolon-le Ln.Tr ----------Luftnachrichterntrup)pe_ air signal troops lok -____I lokal_ .-................local l,okomotive . ......-. .. railroad engine; locomotive Los ____ -------.... LIosung, Losulngswort p assword LIosungswort .-...... Los.W -.--. ------password state police lP I_.. ....... lI [Landespolizei...... L,.Pi.Kip. (mot) .... ILcehr- rind Versuchs-l'io- conll)at engineers training nierkonipanie (mot1orand experilental company isiert) (motorized) 111 ABBREVIATIONS Lpl . . Ladeplatz loading place; loading point (on tlips) L.P.O ... leitender Pionlieroffizier_ officer in charge of comb)at engineers (bridge construction) L.Rgt-----------. Luftregiment regiment of the air force Ls-___________._Il ftschltz .... antiaircraft defense Lsch.Ger I,auschlgeriat_-------listening eqLipient (telephone) L.Schm _ . Lehrschmiede__ -. horseshoer's school L.Sch. Wd l,uftschutzwarnclienst -._. air raid warning service Lsg ----. Losulngswort -.. password L.S.Gesch Leuchtspurgesehoss -.. tracer bullet Lsp . . Iuftsport -air sport 1.Splitt ----. -- leichte Splitterbolt e.. light splinter bonb: light fragientat ion bombt light blast, mine 1.Spr. M -- - ---- leichte Sprenginine L,.Spulr .......... Leuchtspur tracer bullet trajeetorvy L.Stg .. . . I,auerstellung . . hidden gunI enmplaI(ellllnt Lstr Iandstrasse highway 1t .. . laut........... . .according to L.T .... .... leuchtturini. lighthouse (on maps) Lt Le..u. I,etnant .. 2d lieultenant control; line (electricitly) ; adLeitung . ...... Ltg -------. lminlist ration L.Th__.. Ltn Lichtmessthicodolit l.Ieutnant Luftb)er . . Luftf Luft.na.'Tr Luiftvert Luftwi uth ......... Lv .----... L.V --l.v_ l.v _.. LX'B1 . I,.Vert .L. Luftbereit . .. l,uftfahrt .. ..... Iuftnachricllten t ril pleLftv ftverteidigli ng I,uftwiderstantld hlutherisch. l,aduingsverhiltnlis -----.._ Lautverst/arker ..----leieht verwunlde links vorl)ei . ...I, lftverordflllungsl)laI t Iandesverteidigunig g . flash-ranging t:heodo)lit e 2d lieutenamlt providedl withll pmlemnltl iv t i res aviatioin air signal troops air defenlls-e air resislarelb !,ult herani ratio of charge to weight of projectile amnplifier slightly wolunded over and to the left, (gunnnery) air raid protection l)nIlillin holle defense; national defenlse 112 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS collecting point for slightly Iwounded air force truck trail unit; empennage; tail assembly (aviation) light mine (light mortar - leichte Wurfmine ------L.W.M --------shell) Wurfminenziin- light mine fuze (on mortar leichter L.W.M.Z.. shell) der train hospital -----------Lazarettzug ---L Z-.._.... L e i c h t v erwundetensammelstelle Lw -------------- Luftwaffe--------Lwg------------- Lastwagen-------------Lwk.----------- Leitwerk--------------- L.V.S.St-___---- M M --.--M M M........._ M........ i..... ..... M M ..... m ......... M ..... In...... M........~ l ------------.--- InM-- --- M M -----------.--- dump; store; magazine; depot depot food supply; provi.---- Magazinverpflegung-sioning by supply depot the river Main Main -----------major Major --.----------.-.-Mann, Miinner --------man (soldier), men maneuver Man6ver mark (coin); model; mark -. ---------Mark machine; engine Maschine -Maschinist ------------- machinist .... (gas) mask Maske ------------medal Medaille ---------mehr more; additional ....-Messmann range finder (infantryman) midpoint (antiaircraft) -... Messpunkt meter Meter --------military militar -----mine Mine ----minit - - - - - - - with member ...-. M itglied Mitteilung message; report; informa.... tion M itteldecker ----------midwing monoplane mittlerer-------------medium; mean; average mortar Mirser ------------.--monatlich -------------- -monthly Motor ----------------- motor; engine Miihle --. mill (on mnaps) Munitions- ------_ -_-ammunition . M ------ -- -------------Magazin .--- 113 ABBREVIATIONS M --------2 m __' ----------m 3 -........... _ Muster .. - Quadratmeter ---------Kubikrmeter . .. M.17, M.18, M.24_ (Gas-) Masken von 1917, 1918 und 1924 ma --------------- magnetisch -----------Mannschaftsunterstand Ma----------auf dem Handgranatenwurfstand M.A -----_----Meldeamt -------_--- _ Ma -----------M.A MA -M.A -----------Ma ---.-.-.-.---M.A.A ---------- M.A.B _------- M.Abw. St _-----Ma.C _-------- Ma.F -----------Mag -----------Mag.Fp.Kol ----Mag.Gew magn Mag.Tasche ----- Mag. Wff Ma.H Ma.In ---------- Militairarrestanst alt ---Militarattach6e -----Mitarbeiter -----------Mondaufgang ----------Munitionsanstalt -- ----- Militarische Stelle der Nachrichtenabteilutng des Auswartigen Anlts, Berlin militarische Ausfiihrungsbestimmungen Meldeabwurfstelle ------ pattern; model; sample; example square meter cubic meter (gas) masks of 1917, 1918, and 1924 magnetic shelter on hand grenade practice range draft and inactive reserve registration office; message center military prison military attache co-worker rnoonrise ammunition loading factory (on maps) Military Department of the Intelligence Section of the Foreign Office, Berlin military regulations for execution (of orders) message dropping center (aviation) Munitionsanstalt Cassel__ ammunition loading factory, Cassel Mastfernrohr ----------- large observation telescope on special mount Magazin -_----------magazine; store; dump; depot (on maps) Magazinfuhrparkkolonne_ depot supply train Magazingewehr -.-. ---magazine rifle magnetic magnetisch _--------Magazintasche am Ma- magazine pocket of the schinengewehr Dreyse Dreyse light machine gun 13 Magazinwaffe ....... magazine weapon Munitionsanstalt Han- amnllulnition loading factory, nover Hanover M unit~ionsanstalt Ingol- amlmuition loading factory, stadt Ingolstadt 114 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS ....-Maj Ma.J -_------- -....... Major ---Munitionsanstalt Jiterbog militiriirztliche Akadenie Munitionsanstalt K6niigsberg Malzfabrik ..... inagnletisch Nord -- ..... Man6ver. meiner Ansicht nach Mandat. M.Ak . M.K --------Malz-Fabr --... ma.N Man m.A.n ---.. Mand -------Man. Kart .Mannsch Man6v. Man6v. Best M ar -----------Masch -.-Masch - Mascha -------Maschfbr --------- major ammunition loading factory, Jtiterbog military medical school ammunition loading factory, Konigsberg imlalt factory (on maps) magnetic north mallnetver in my opinion mandate; order; aulthorization Man6verkart en .--maneuver maps Man nschaft ---body of men; crew; team Mlan6vermaneuver \Ianoverbestimn Illngen___ maneuver regulations Marine.. navy -.-----. machine; engine .--Maschine -----machinist .... Maschinist Maschinelnailm locomotive depot; locomotive office machine factory; engineering Maschinenfabrik - -.-..- ., factory Mlasch. Gew. Masch.Pist . Maschinengeweh r -.---. Maschinenpistole -e machine gun pistol; automatic . machine .-.pistol; submachine gun mnassg ----.-.-.-mnassgebend.... -.. ~..... authoritative; decisive; determining Munitionsanstalt Stettin_ ammunition loading factory, Ma.Ste---Stett in Matelial material; materiel: silhstarne Mat-ll ......... Maultier .mule Maul ------.laauser rifle Mausergewehr_ mit anderen Wor ten. m .a.W ---------in other words Max - - - - - - Maxim -...... Maxim (machine gun) M ax -----------Maximal-, Maxir numm- _ maximum Ma.Z _-_-----Munitionsanst a lit Zeit- ammunition loading factory, hain Zeithain M .B _-_--------Man6verbestimm iuingen maneuver regulations M.B _-_----- Messband_ _ . tape measllre * .. military carrier pigeon _ --- -- Militarbriefta i be MB ------_ MB1 Motorboot ... motorboat M .Batt -----------Messbatterie_ survey battery M.Batt ---------Morserbatterie mortar battery ABBREVIATIONS M.B.d.\ .. . M.B.I.(IK.) -----M-Blink -------M-Boot M-Boot _ M br ------ . ------ 115 ...... Vorschrift fiir die militii- regulations for the nllitary rische Benutzuglg der use of waterways in warWasserstrassen i nm time Kriege nilitary carrier pigeon staMilitiirbrieftat beiinastalt tion I, K6onigsberg I, Konigsberg inediuIm blinker signal apmnittleres Blinkgeriat_.. paratus Minensucherboot ..... ..... _ minle sweeper . Motorboot .......... motorboat Marschbreite ------------ width of marching eolumn; front of marchillg col- Mbs .-------Meerbusen M-Buch --------Bestandsbuch bei den Truppen iiber Munition, Nahkampf-, Spreng- und Ziidmrittel M.D -). . ........ Messdreieck___ . bay troop inventory of ammunition, close-combat weapons, explosives, ald primling substances range triangle (instrumen1t to measure traverse and range of heavuy nmachine gun) Md ------_ --- - Milliarde. _----------milliard (1,000.000,000); billion (Americarn) with the m.d _ mit dem,---der ... m.D .----------mit der Kriegsdekoration_ with the War D)ecoration M.D............. M itteldecker -... midlwing mlonolplale Mdf.. ... . Dienstaiweisung zur Be- service reguilations for the urteilrlg der Militiirjuldgimelrlt of fitlless for d(ienlstfahigkeit acti\ive military d(lty m.d.F.b --------mit der Fiihrung beatf- atlhltorized to commarld; commissioned to take tragt charge nmIlzzli (gunnery) Mdg ...... ......... Miinldllng....... Mdg.Sch Miuindungsschon-r. nmImzzh amid sight cover (rifle) mdl__ _____... imiindlichl oral; verbal oral order mdl. Bef .-....... mniindlicher Blefehl_ -.--fuze recess (ammunition): Mdlchf .....----Miindlochfultter ------gainle. (of fuze) vith thce rank of m.d.R ____ mit dem Range --------of field m.d.R.e.GfM . mit denm Range cines with the rank marshal Generalfeldlinars challs Mdst ....--...... Mundstick mouthpicce M. Dv .-------Marinedienstvorschrift naval service regulatioTls 116 GE'RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS me_-------m.E mechanisch.._____. meines Erachtens M.E -----------m.E . M.E.Betr.Abt -.-- Militrcisenbaln mit Erlaulbnis Militireisenbahnbetr iebs- Mech ---------- Mechanik_____ . mech -------Mechan ------- -Meckl ------Med ----------med . M.E.D ---------- mechanisiert Mechanismus__ Mecklenburg Medaille mechanical .... abteilung Meg -----------Mego ----------Mehrf.Kan.Oe -.-- Mehrzw ---------Mehrzw. Flzg ----Mel ---M eld -----------Meld...... M eldeh ---------M eld.St, ---- -Mens............. M erk.Z ---------Mess. I ...... __-Messkraftwagen Aft Met --------.-.-m et ------------M eteor ---------Met.St --------M.E.u.B.W --.--M.E.V.A -------- .......... medizinisch in my opinion military railroad with permission military railroad operations section mechanics mechanized mechanism Mecklenburg medal medical - Militiireisenbahnldirck tion_ Directorate of Military Railroads Megaphon --.-. megaphone Messgerdtoffizier -.. ...measuring - instruments officer Mehrfachkanone Ocrliikon_ Oerlikon multiple gun (with Mehrzweck----- --- Mehrzweckflugzeug_ M elinit -----------Melder --------.-. - M eldung ---------- -.-- several tubes) multiple purpose multiple-purpose airplane melinite (explosive) runner message Messinstrument -----Messkraftwagen fair Anschluss-, Fernleitur ngsund Telegrafenka hbel der deutschen Teelegrafenverwaltung Metall -------------... messenger dog message center student's duel Mercator radio direction finding measuring instrument surveying motor vehicle for connecting, station-to-station and telegraph cables of the German Telegraph Administration metal .- --.metallisch --- Meteorologie -------- -.-meteorologische Statioon__ Militair-Erziehunngs- metallic meteorology meteorological station military educational und Bildungswesen Militir-E isenbah n verkehrsamnt instructional services military railroad traffic office ....-.--- .... Meldestelle .... Mensur .._ . Merkator-Funklpeilun g___ Meldehund and ABBREVIATIONS M.E.W.Abt ------- 117 Militiir-Eisenbahnwerkmilitary railroad workshop section stattenabteilung m. Ex. M. Rmittlere . .. .... Exerziermine mit tmedium dullmmy mine with Rauchladung smoke element mitteleuropiiische Zeit__- - Central European Time M.E.Z ---------M f -.------ ----Marschfolge --- --- order of march M. F-----------Mondfinsternis - - - moon eclipse motor vehicle Mf -------------- Motorfahrzeug .... Mfindungsfeuerdimpfer_ Mfd -----------flash hider; flash reducer (gunnery) FlugzeugabwehrmaM-Flak -------antiaircraft rapid-fire cannon schinenkanone m.folg.W -------mit folgenden Worten___ with the following words naval radio station M.F.S . Marinefunkstelle .......... .. _ M.F.-Schein -.-.Militirflihrerschein fuir military driver's license for motor velicles Kraftfahrzeuge m.Fu.Ger.Wg .. ..Geratewagen fiir mittlerei s equip)nent truck for medium Funkgerat 17 radio equipmlent 17 m.Fuk.Stat ...... _ mittlere Funkstation___ - medium radio station Funkwagen ffir mittleres radio wagon for medium m.Fu.Wg Funkgerat 17 radio equii)ment 17 MG --.-------. Maschinengewehr -_ _-- _ machine gun mg. . ....... Milligramm - milligram Maschinen- (heavy) machine gun MG.08 --.. . ..-(schweres) gewehr (Maxim), Kon(Maxim), 1908 construcstruktion von 1908 tion MG.08/15 ------(leichtes) Maschinlenge(light) machine gun, 1908 construction with changes wehr, Konstruktion von of 1915 1908 mit Xnderungen von 1915 ----------MaschinengewehrabteiMGA machine-gun detachment lung MG.-Batl --------- Maschinengewehrbat ail- machine-gun bat alion ion machine-gun escort (accomMG.Begl.Zg Maschinengewehr-Begleitzug panying) platoon _ Chef der Maschinenge- commander of machine-gun MG.-Chef -----wehrkompanie company M.G.E.R ----_--_ Maschinengewehrexermachine-gun drill rules zierreglement M6rser (auf Kraftzug)___ mortar (on motor tractor) M-Geriit _-- ----M.G.G --Maschinengewehrgerat _ - machine-gun equil)pment MG.Hd.Wg --Maschinengewehrhandmachine-gun handcart wagen 118 GERMAN .______ MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS MG.-Kanl . - -.. Maschinengewehrgeratinstandsetzungsanleitung Maschinengewehrkompanic Maschinengevwehrkamera Mg. Kp ----- Maschinlengewexlrkonipa- Mg.Kw -_ Maschinengewehrkraftwagen Mitglied .mittlerer offenler gelinldeghngiger lastkraftwa- MG.IAnl MGK ----------- machine-gun equipment pair regulations re- machine-gun company machine-gun camera (aviation) machine-gun company tlie Mg]l.. nm.gl. Lkwi. .U machine-gun truck (carrier) member ilediumn open cross-country motor truck g(eIr m.gl. Pk wm.gl.ZkI rmittlerer geliindegiingiger Personen kraftwagenl ... ittlerer gel/indegnillgiger Zugkraftw agen le_ _ _ Masch i nengewehrlrllmritionsa I sgabestelle MaschinengewehroffizierMaschinengewehroffizier vom Platz Marschgrulppe --------- w MGMnrrr.-St M.G.O Mg.Off.v. PI M.Gr -----M.-Gr ------ MG.-R .A --- .... -M M.G.Sc.lr M.G.Seh. V_ MG.Schwd_ . MGSS .-.- -- . .. M.G.S.S.A__ .-... - M.G.-T____. -.--.. M.G.V .. medium cross-country passenger car medilllll cross-country truck prine mover nlachine-glln alnlu iiition distributing point machine-gun officer machine-gun officer of the fortress march group; marching unit disposed for combat mortar shell machine-gun sight M6rsergranate.......... a s c hinenrgewehlrrichtaurfsatz Maschi nerlgcwehrschfitze_ machine gunner Maslchi nenlgewehrM regulations for machine-gun Schiess vorsch rift fire Ma s c hi nenlgewehrschwamachine-gun troop dron Ma s c hi nenge wehrscharf- machine-guln sharpshooter schfitze M as chinlengewehrscharf- machine-guIn sharpshooter schtitzenabteilu ng detachment M a s chinenrgewehlrgerit- machi M.... n e-g un equipment stemlppelvorsch rift stamping regulations Maschinelngewel rtlrlm _ machine r - grn trlrret (avialion ) Ma rs cli e )ii hrrlisvor- nlarch allowances regulation schrift ABBREVIATIONS 119 M a s c hinengewehrgeriitverwaltungsvorschrif l MaschinengewehlrwaftenM.G.W 'fflll.\ rg .. nlleisterwagein leichter Maschinenlgewehrwagen fiir Dreifussgewerll schwerer MagchinengeM.G.Wg. (s.)_ wehrlwagen fiir Schlit--tengeswelhre inittlere Zeit des MeriM.G.Z ---dians von Greenwich MG.-Z.F_--------- M a s c h i n e ngewehrzieifernrohr MG.Zg__ Maschinengewvehlrzlg M.H Meldehuln d ------- M6rserhaullellgrallate M.Hbgr technical manual on mlachine-gun equipllment machllile-gllllun artificer w\agoin M.G.V.V -. Mhd. MHD Mhd.Vb_ Meldehulnd M.II.Tr_ Mi Meldehundtrupp__ Mittagskost ____ Mi -------Mikr Mikr Mikr tliil _ Mil Mil.A . Mitte .Mikronlecer ------Mikrophon __ Mikroskop__________. mnilitidr Miliz-_ Militiiranllwilrter Mil.Ak__ Mil. Arr. A ist. Mil. Att .. Mil.Bev_.. Mil. Bez_ Mil.Bhf_ ---- Munitionshauptdepot Meldehundverbindlung _ . Mi lithirakademltie Militiirarrestanstalt Militiirattache6. Militairbevolllniichltigter Militiirbezirk --Militii rbahllhof light irachinle-gun gu1ns onl tripod cart for heavy mnaehinle-gun cart for guans o0i sleighs Central Greeniwich Meridian 'I'ilne nlachine-gli ni telescopic sight Inachilne-gulln plat(oon messenger dog high-explosive Imortar shell with windshield messenger dog ammunition main depot messenger dog communlrication messenger dog section noon meal (military provisioning) mniddle microrneter rmIicrol)phon e mnicroscope mnilitjar mnilitia ex-service mntll (o(fter 12 yeatr.s of mnilitary service) military acatdell mIilitary guard htouse military at.tacll6 mnilitary plenllipotenltiary military district ......... military railway station (on )iellcnst- trnd Geschitftsor(llung fiir die Militiirgerichte des Reichmsheeres service and business regulationis for the military courts of the G(ernman artvly tmaps) Mil.DGO_ 120 Mil.Eis --Mil.Eis.Dir ----- GE'RNIAN MILITARY ABBRE"VIATIONS Militareisenbahn ------military railroad Militareisenbahndirek- military railroad direction tion 0 military prisoner Militargefangener ----mi!. Gef ------mil. Gef ---------- militarisches Gefolge -- military retinue Militargericht - - - -. - military court mil. Ger- . -Mil.Ger.Ob.Wm___ Militargerichtsober- military court sergeant (corwachtmeister responding roughly to U. S. staff sergeant) _ _---- military governor Mil.Gouv --_- Militargouverneur Militargouvernment ---military government Mfil.Gouv -------militar_-_-------------military milit ------------Milit. Eisenb------ Militdareisenbahn ------ military railroad Milittirintendant -------- administrative officer (with Milit. Int -------higher staff) Milit.Int ------Militarintendantur ----office of administrative officer (with higher staff) Milit.Just. B----Militairjustizbeamter -.--- military court official Milit. Knab. Erz. Militarknabenerziehun gs- military boys educational anstalt Anst. institution Milit.L ------.-. - M ilitarlehrer ------------ military teacher Milit. Ob.Pf -----Militaroberpfarrer -----senior military chaplain Milit. Techn. Akad_ Militartechnischeakademie military technical academy Milit.Veter.Akad - Milit arveterinhrakademie_ military veterinary academy Milit.Veter.Insp__ AMilit arveterintLrinspekmilitary veterinary inspector teur (-ion) or inspection Mil.Kab --------Militirkabinet --------military cabinet Mil.Kfz -------- Militarkraftfahrzeug ----military motor vehicle Militarkrankenwiirter -- - military hospital orderly Mil. Kr. Wt....... M il. Lit ---------M ilitarliteratur ---------- military literature M il.Alus _-------Militirm usik ------------ military music; band M il. M us -------Militarmusiker ------military musician;bandsman Mil. Pers --------- Militarperson ----------- military person Mil.Reitanst ----Militiirreitanstalt ------military riding institution Mil.-Reitinst______ Militdrreitinsti tut ----military riding institute Mil. Reitsch -----M ilitairreitschule ..... military riding school Mil.San ---- --Militarsanatorium ..... military sanatorium MilStGB -------MIilitarstrafgesetzbu ch_ _ _ military penal code MilStGerO -----Milit arstrafgerichtsordmanual for court-martial n ung Mil.Str.Anst ----Militiirstrafanstalt -----military penitentiary Mil.T.Anst -----Militairturnanstalt nilitary athletic institution Mil. Url.Zug ----__ Militarurlaubzug -------- train carrying men on furlough 121 ABBREVIATIONS Mil.Vers --------Mil. Verw ------Mil. Vet. Insp ----M il.Wbl --------Mil.Ztg ---- -/M in ------------ M in -----------M in ------------ Militiirversicherung ----- military insurance Militirverwaltung ------military administration Militiirveteriniirinspekteur military veterinary inspecMilitiirwochenblatt -----Militarzeitung ---------in der Minute ---------M inen-_---------------Ministerium ------------ tor military weekly bulletin military newspaper per minute mine ministry; department; cabinet mine detachment M in.Abt --------Min.Dep -------Minens ---------Minsbt ---------Min.-Su --------Minw --------- Minenabteilung ----- M.K --------- Meldekopf ---------------. advanced message center Minedepot -.----------Minensuch-_ -.......... Minensucherboot ------Minensuch-_-----------Minenwesen ----------- mine dump minesweeping mine sweeper minesweeping military mining; mine warfare or tactics Min.Wf --------Minenwerfer ------------ trench mortar Mio ---.-.-.-.-. - m illion ---------------million M ilitarpolizei ---------M ipo ----------military police Militarintendanturrat ... M IR -----------military superintendent (administrative official) Miss ---------.-- M ission --------------mission Missb ------Missbilligung ........... disapproval Missbr ---------M issbrauch ----------misuse mnissfallen --------------missf ---------. displease Missh ------Misshandlung ---------abuse Mi.-Stelle -------Minenwerferstelle _-_--_ mortar position M itarbeiter ------------- co-worker Mitarb --------M itbesitzer ------------- co-owner Mitbes --------Mitbew---------- Mitbewohner---------co-occupant; co-inhabitant Mitglied - - - member Mitgl --------_ ] Mitt ------------- Mitteilungen ------------ communications; information Mittel----------------M itt -----------middle mittl.Bomb ____ mittlerer Bomber ------- medium bomber M ittn ---------communications Mitteilungen.---------M itw --------_ ]Mitwirkelder .......... co-operator; participant M itw ------- -1Mitwirkulng -----------assistance; participation; cooperation Marschkolonne ---------- march colulnl Mk ----------Maschinenkanonle ...... M.-K. .......... machine cannlon: automatic cannon 122 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS M.K__ - military motor transport with a map with folding safety device ammumnition column military cabinet lensatic-type march compass march column map protractor; graduated circle gunner of rapid-fire cannon -- ----iMilitiirlehrlilng ..... military apprentice (in the Meilenstein .----- aviation industry) milest:one (on maps) Militirkraftfahrmit Karte __ in. K _ _~_ 11. ..... K --.... MNi ---.- .. - .mit Klappensicherung-_ IMunitionskolonne Militarkabinet. Marschkompass Marschkolonne - M.Kab --M.-Ko___ M.Kol___ M.Kr-.... Messkreis__ . Maschinen kanonenschiltze ammunition truck Munitionskraftwagen Marineleitung -------navy department Messlatte ................ surveyor's rod military literature .Militairliteratur. .-........ Melder ---------.-.-.-. runner Meldung --------------message Milliarde ................ milliard (1,000,000,000): mil- M-K-Sch MKw M.I ,. M .T, ----M .L ----M id ----Mld .... lion (American) M.-Lehrling _g Mlst 2 . ------ Quadratmlillimneter ------ square millimeter Kubikmillimeter -----cubic millimeter mittlerer Minenwerfer --- medium mortar m.M.W ___ . ....... . mittlerer Minenwerferzug_ medium mortar platoon In.M.W.Zg Mn .... Minensuch_. ---- _. mine sweeping mobilization Mobilisierung .... Mob..... . Mobilmachu ngsinstrukMob. Instr_ instructions for mobilization tion Mobilmachung ....... mobilization MobmrMob.Tg Mobilmachungstag . . . mobilization day: M-day mobile troops .mobile Truppen . nmob.Tr.. Modell ....... . .. ..pattern: model Mod . modern ----------modern lodel]rgt_ model regiment Modellregiment mineral oil M-Ol.. Miorser I ..---.....---mortar M firs monatl mnonatlich .. . monthly Morep). Iomn p- _.- Motorreparat irkompanie_ motor repair company mnorg .. --. fomorrowv . morge ..... ..... Motor I.. ,, motor Mot. motorisiert -r motorized In io t .. .. ... .--... 111111 ...... mnnl 3 - -.... 123 ABBREVIATIONS mot.gl - ._ _--. mot.s. Art mot. Tr mot.Z M.P. M.P M.P. -- ...P.. m.P. m. Pi m.R.r -Mrs.... M.S..... M.S --Mschft.Ers M'schftn _ M.Sch.G m.sek. m.Sig. M.S.O Ms. Offiz mst___ Mstb ------ MstGB. MStGB MSt(; ...... ..- auf geliindegh/ngigen motorized on cross-country vehicles Fahrzeugen mc(torisiert motorisierte s chwere motorized mediuml artillery Artillerie motorized troops nlotorisierte Triu )Ppen motorisiert mit I iraftzug tractor drawn Maschinenpistole .machine pistol; atutomatic pistol Militirpension ....... _ nmilit ary pension Mlilitarpolizei ........ .military police mit Panzerkopf .. witll armor-piercing head mit Pension -_- .. wit h pension mit Plan ... ..... with plans; with map; with chart with recoil mit Rohrriicklauf Mrser . ... . mortar Meldesaininelst ellle....... nessage center M inensuclllh-_.. ... illesweeping MNannschaft sersat z . ..troop replacements .. lannschaft en.ll enlisted personllll b)elow rank of lnoncommlissionled officers; rank and file inclinometer Markscheidegerit ...... MeIt ersekllndel . ... _.. letoers per seconld n.... edimll signal apparatlus i it tleres Signalgeirt Ileldesarlmneloffiz ier. officer in charge of message cen ter mol)ilizat ion officer .Mol)ilmachullgsoflrizier Iliost vl neistens, meist elltoils scale; standtlardl; rule .. assstatb .. .. arinlestanll(geset zhuellc a IILal code Militiirstrafgesetzl biuch iilitary penal (o0d Imanal for coiurt-martial M ilitarstrafgeric lhtsordl fluming M.Str Mstr. Mstr larscllst rasse. rout;e of Illar(,h mastelr; chief Iat tern;model(l M.St.V.V___. armlly regulations for the execIutionI of disciplinlary I)TuMlislhl1ent .. armv Illmedical service .--.- - I\lit]itrsanit:it:swes se M.S.W (lday of llarch M.T . M... Marlschtag.... .--.-.- military technlical MT --..... Imilitairtechllischl_ liMuster. 1\.iiilitirstrafx oll Istrrckunlgsvorschrift ' GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIAT'IOrNS 124 mt-__-. . -------. M.T . MTB -----------Mtf ------M.Tr ------------ mittlere ----------------..--..-----Munitionstragtier ------Messtischblatt -------Marschtiefe ---------Militartransport --------- medium munition pack animal map, scale 1:25,000 depth of marching column military railroad transportation - Militairtransportordnung_- transportation regulations middle Mittel. .......-. _ personnel transportation Mannschaftstran s p o r twagon wagen march quarters; march bil-----M.U ------------ Marschunterkunft M.Tr.0 --------Mttl . M.T. W------. M. IT_.---_-Mun -- - Mun-Anst - ---.-.- - Militarurlauber -------Munitions-_----- ----Munitionsanstalt ------ lets; march shelter man on furlough ammunition ammunition factory (on maps) ammunition requirement replenishment of ammunition supplies Mun.Ers -----Munitionsersatz --- ---ammunition replacement Mun. F .----Munitionsfabrik ....... ammunition factory Mun.Kol . -..-Munitionskolonne ------ammunition column .... ammunition supply and reMun.Nachsch ---- Munitionsnachschub placement Mun.Trgt .. --. Munitionstragtier -----ammunition pack animal Mun.Trsp ----Munitionstransport ----- ammunition transport Mun.Verbr-Munitionsverbrauch __- expenditure of ammunition Mun.Wg -_-----Munitionswagen -.-. caisson Mun.Zg ---Munitionszug ----------amnunition train Mun. Bed -------Mun-Erg ------- Munitionsbedarf -------MunIitionsergainzung -.--- M us- ----- M usik ----- Musk Must. ---------------- music Musketier... olin M.U.Z -- …------. M.V ---------M.V ------.-:-m.V -----------. MVB1 .m.V.u.K ----. musketeer Musterlungskolnmlission _ mustering commission Militarurlauberzug ..-.... train carrying men on furlough Militarversicherung -.-.-military insurance Milititrverwaltung -----military administration with delay-action (fuze) - -mit Verz6gerung Marineverordnungsblatt__ naval regulations publication mit Verz6gerung und equipped with delayed action Klappensicherung and folding safety device (fuze) m.W ----------M.W -------- meines Wissens Minenwerfer ------- as far as I know mortar 125 ABBREVIATION S _….…___... ___ missweisend -_------_ deviating mittlerer Wasserstand - mean water level m.W. -_.. MWB ___ Militirwochenblatt -----military weekly bulletin M.W.G Meldewurfgranate ------- message canister M.W.O ___ Minenwerferoffizier ----officer in mortar unit M.W.Pr ------- __ Minenwerferprotze _----trench-mortar limber M.W.Tr--...... _ Minenwerfertruppe - --. mortar troops M.W.Zg (1).. ___ leichter Minenwerferzug light mortar platoon M.W.Zg. (nim).-. __ mittlerer Minenwerferzug mediuln mortar platoon M. W.Zg. (s) -.. __ _ schwerer Minenwerferzug heavy mortar p)latoon MZ -- --Maschinengewehrztug -.. machinle-gunl platooni M.Z.... Militairzeitung.. ... military newsl)al)er Mz Mot orenzahl ... nuumber of engines (ariation) M.Z. Briicke -.-. inittlere zerlegbare Eisen- mediumll portable railroad bridge bahlbrticke M.Zug ------. - _ Mehlzug flour train _..----------llW N ..--. In -. , .,. nach . N achrichten_ ...... N achrichtenabteilung in the direction of; following reports; infornlation; corninunlicationls; N ..... --....... N -_ signal corl)s Nachschub.. services of siu)lYly close coinibat slnoke; fog (.sedtl to dles.Ig,,te gas as well a.s .smokt) Nahkamnpf ..... Nebel ...... -. Nebelllnuition ......... siioke ainlllnuiition leutral .. neut ral N orden .. ........ Nachh.... ..... Nachr..-. - N achr.A .. ---- North Sea ext;ension (tclephone) of new type investigation; search rear guar(l . Nebenanlschlllss ....... neuer Art .. Nachforschung .. Nachf - Nachkdo .. ,,--------north ., Nordsee... N.A ---- n.A ----- northern n6irdlich ---------------- _ . . . Nachhut Nachrichten , ...... Nachrichtenabteilung -.. ........ 516560°-43- .......... Nachkonlllando , -9 iltelligence signal battalion; intelligence section Nachrichtent rtl-pe l)e ...._..... n _ rear-guard detachmllent reports; 'inf:>rnlatiol; conl- rln nications; i ntelligelnce signlal battalion; intelligence section 126 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Nachr.D -------- Nachrichtendienst ----- Nachr.F'lg -------Nachr.Ger.Kol __- Nachrichtenflugzeug ..... Nachrichtengeritkolonne_ Nachrm --------Nachr.Mine ...-. Nachrichtenmittel -----channel of communications Nachrichtenmline ------ message shell Nachrichtenmitteloffizier_ communications officer Nachrichtenstaffel ----signal section Nachrichtentruppe ----signal corps Nachrichtenwesen -----signal service Nachschub -----------supply Nachschubdienst -------- supply service Nachschubkolonne ------ supply column Nachspitze ----------rear point Nachspitzenkompanie ---- rear party Nachtbomber -.-.------night bomber Nachtrupp -----------support of rear party Nachtwache ------------ night uwatch; night guard niimlich . that is to say ' ahaufklarung .......... close reconnaissance Nahbeobachtungsstelle- - _ close-range observation post Nahgefecht .... close combat Nahkalipf.......--close combat Nah kampfbatterie_ ...... close-combat battery Nahkampfmittel . __ close-combt)at weapons Nebenanschlussleitung_ _- extension wire signal service; intelligence service communications plane signal corps equipment colulnn Nachrm.O .0-.. --- Nachr.St --------Nachr.Tr ---Nachr.W -------Nachsch --------Nachsch. D ----Nachsch.Kol-...... Nachsp -------Nachsp.Kp -----Nacht Bo -------Nachtr --------Nachtw --------nhml -----------NahAufkl ---Nah-B-Stelle_..... Nahgef Nahk.. Nahk. Battr....... Nahk. M -------N .A .L ----------n.ar ------------nichtarisch ----.------na t - - - - - -- - - -- -- national -------- ------Nat.Soz --------- Nationalsozialisnmsllls -. nationalsozialistisch ---nat.soz -.-.-.-. Nattlralverpflegung -..-.Natur. V -------Navigation............. Nav -----------N.B -----------Nahbeobachtung ------Nb --- ----------- Nebel -----------------n. 3 N.Bomb --------n. Br .......... N bW ----------- Nb.Zst ----- --- N dn ------------ ndr . --------- non-aryan national National Socialism National Socialistic food supplies in kind navigation close-range observation fog; smoke (used to designate gas as well as smoke) northern latitude nordliche Breite ------Nebelboimbe ............ smoke bomb northern lat.itude nordliche Breite -------Nebelwerfer ------------ chemical projector (gas or smoke) Nebelzerstiauber .------smoke-disperser Norden .. . north nieder-_............... low; down 127 ABBREVIATIONS N eb -----------neb ---------- --Neben-A--------- Nebel ---------- ....... neben ---------- ..---.. Nebenabteilung__ ......- Neb.Gesch.----Neb.Hgr -------Neb.Kz --------Neb. Mun -------Neb.St ---------Neg ------------Neuform ------- ....... Nebelgeschoss... Nebelhandgranate ...-... Nebelkerze .-.-... Nebelnlluition_ ---.... Nebelstoff -----Neger --------Neuformation-.- smoke; fog (also gas) besides; next to adjacent formation; unit smoke shell flank smoke hand grenade smoke candle smoke alnmunition agent -..... -smoke-producing negro new formation; re-formation; …-----reorganization; newly organized unit Neumark -----Neum --------Neumark (German city) ------neutral neutral --------neutr ----------neutr. Bd --------- neutraler Boden_ neutral ground Neutr. Bed Neutralitiitsbeding gungen _ conditions of neutrality Neutr. Erkl . Neutralitiitserkliiar Ung _.declaration of neutrality neutr. Geb ------neutrales Gebiet__.....-neutral territory Neutr. Grz ------Neutralitiitsgrenze .....boundary of neutrality Neutralititsschutz .....Neutr.Sch ------. protection of neutrality neutraler Staat - - ...--.neutr.St-----neutral state Neutralitiatsverhan adlung negotiation of neutrality Neutr. Verh -----Neutr.Vertr Neutralitiitsvertral g- .... neutrality pact; treaty (agreement) of neutrality - zone of neutrality neutr. Z --------- neutrale Zone---- -..N.f.d.D ------nur fur den Dieenstge- only for service use brauch N.f.L ---------- Nachrichten fiir Luft- flight information fahrer NFL -- ---Nachtflug ------flight -night .---N-Fluwa -------Nachtflugwache_ ...-.-night flight guard (patrol, spotting post) N. Gesch --------- Nebelgeschoss -.. smoke-shell N .G .I ----------Nachrichtengeriitin aspiinspector of signal equipzient ment Ngl -----. - Nitroglyzerin... -.. nitroglycerine . Ng.PS -----.--.-hochste Leistung eines maximum performance of an Flugzeugmotors in Pferairplane motor in horse destiirken power N.Hgr _--------Nebelhandgranate ...... smoke hand grenade Nitroz -- __-----Nitrozellulose ---- .-...nitrocellulose Niv.............. Niveau ---------- .-.-.level; standard n/K ------------- neuere Konstruktio ----of nexw-type construction -n 128 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS N.K.A__-________. Nachschubkolonnenab - supply column detachment teilung -rear-guard Nachkonmnando.. detachment NKdo ----------N.Kz ---------- - Nebelkerze NL ------------N.M .M .. .. Naturalleistung ------payment in kind Nachrichtenmittel ------ _ channels of communications ....... N.M - Nachtmarsch ---------- _ night march Nachrichtennittel. - signal communications de- ----------- N.M.A.. --------- abteilung - - -smoke candle tachment according to; in proportion N.M.O .. . ......Nachrichtenmittel- - communications officer offizier N.Mun --------Nebelmunition --------smoke ammunition N.N.O .--------Nordnordost ------------ north-northeast N. N.W~' .. Nordnordwest ---------- north-northwest N.O ..------. Nachrichtenoffizier --- -. signal officer; intelligence officer N.O---..... N ordosten -------------- northeast No------... Nordsee .North Sea Nob ----... Nachrichtenoffizier signal or intelligence officer, Berlin Berlin N6Bre ---Notbremse .. ---emergency brake ....... nicht offentlich --------n.-----not public n6rdl no6rdlich .. northern . . .- Normalsp urbahn -------- standard-gauge railroad Norm.Spb_ Not.F.---------------Notfeuer -..... barrage; protection fire Notw ehr -------------Notw . self-defense NOzN. - Nordost zu Nord -_-----_ northeast by north NOzO Nordost zu Ost --------- northeast by east NP -. . Nordpol ------------ North Pole . Normalprofil ------------ normal profile N.P ---N.P -...-..... Nullplunkt . . _-... .. ---zero point; zero N. Post ..-.-.-Nachtposten _ . night guard -Nationalsozialistischer NRi-----. National Socialist Reich R eichskriegerbnu d League of Veterans (Kyff(Kvffhluserbund) haiuserbund) .Numllnler ... Nr -------number N.S-___ Luftnachrichtenschule . air force communication and signal school NS - - ---------Nachlschrift......-_ __ postscript N.-S............ Nebelsignal_ -_- -.smoke signal N.-S-----.------ Nordsee ---.. ..--.... North Sea n.Massg nach Massgabe-.. ---------- _ ABB REVIATIONS NSBD' r-T. . 129 Nationalsozialistischer ...... National Socialist AssociaBund Deutscher Techtion of German Technik nology Nationalsozialistische -......... National Socialist OrganizaNSBO_ tion of C(ells in Indulstrv Betriebszellenorganisa,tion and ('omlnerce . Nachschub ....... ---------supply Nscb--. -. NSDAI 3--B------. Nationalsozialistischer National Socialist AssociaDeutscher Xrztebund tion of ( ermnan Physicians and Surgeons NSDAI Nationalsozialistische ---------National Socialist German Deutsche Arbeiter Workers Party. Partei NSDFB Nationalsozialistischer -3-....... National Socialist League of German War Veterans Deutscher Frontkamnpf(formerly Stahlihelml (Steel bund Helmet) ) Nationalsozialistischer . National Socialist Geriman NSDMIB3---. . Deutscher Marinebund Naval League ..... Nationalsozialistischer National Socialist AssociaNSDStI 3B.Deutscher Studentention of German Studetnts bund NSF ..Nationalsozialistische -........ National Socialist German Frauenschaft Women's Lreaglue NSFK_ .-........ N ationalsozialistisch es National Socialist Flyilng ( orps Fliegerkorps Nationalsozialistische -......... NSG___ National Socialist OrganizaGemneinschaft "Kraft tion "Strength through Joy" durch Freude" Hauptairt fiir Handwerk Nat ional Socialist C(et ral NS Hag,o.------… u i d Handel der Office of Tra(les alid ComNSDAP imerce NSK.. .-........ N ationalsozia I i s t i s c h e National Socialist Party BulParteikorrespondenz letin or News Agenlcy N SKK_ .-....... Nationalsoziali s t i s c h e s National Socialist Motor Corps Kraftfahrkorps N SKOV. -. Natiollalsozialis ........ t i s c h e National Socialist Welfare I)elpartlellt for NWar \iceKriegsopferversorguitig tiins NSLB ---------Nationalsoziali s t. i s c h e r National Socialislt Teacher's l,ehrelrbunld Guild SNSRK --------Nationlalsoziali s t i s c h es Natiolnal Socialist Mounted Corps Reiterkorps 130 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS National Socialist Sisterhood of Nurses and Social Workers N.St ------------- Nachschubstab -supply staff NSV.. Nationalsozi a I i s t i s c h e National Socialist OrganizaVolkswohlfahrt tion for Public Welfare NSW ---__ .... Nationalsoziali s t i s c h e r National Socialist Service Wirtschaftsdienst for Economic Information NT ------------Nachrichtentechnik signal corps communlications (technical branch) _--- -_ nicht tropendienstfaihig___ not fit for duty in the n.tdf tropics (Africa) emergency landing; forced -----------_ - Notlandtung ... Ntldg -N--_. landing Ntzl ---_------_ Nutzlast _-- ------------ useful load Nachturlaub h----.. . overnight pass N -U rl ----------niedrigster Wasserstand__ lowest water level NW -----------Nordwestenl. . northwest NW --.-.-.-.-.-Nachrichtennlittelnetz _ _ network of means of comNz --- _ _,-- - -.munication Nachrichtenzentrale -_ _N .Z ----------communication center INitrozellulose ---nitrocellulose N.z .. _------Normalzeit _ standard time N.-Z _.. NSS- _ -- --- Nationalsozi al i s t i s c h e Schwesternschaft O O ---------------- O ........ ......... 0o_ o.a ----- Oa- Oa........ - - O.A . O.A ----------o.A o.Az----------- - oben --------ober- ....---. Oberkomman dierender_ Oberkonmnlaldo_ Oder ................. Offizier -----------------On1iil ............ -us O rden -:---------------Ordnung -------------Osten - .......... . ...... ostw ,irts --------------oben angegeben -------Oberabschnitt ---------- above uplper; first; chief high commander high command Oder (river) officer bus decoration; order order; regulation east eastwards indicated above region or district (of the Elite Guard) Offizieranwhvrter ......... ------officer candidate Offizieraspirant --------probationary cadet; aspirant officer ohne Auftrag ----------without order _ ohne Aufschlagzundung__ without percussion system ABB REVIATIONS ob - _-_-_--------Obh............. O.B -----------_ o.b.B 131 ober ------------------upper; first; chief Oberst_. ------------. colonel Ortsbiwak. close billets ohne besonderen Befund_ without any distinct symptons (medical) Ob.Baustb-------- Ooerbaustab superior construction statf (equal in stattus to a brigade staff) Obbfhb ---------Oberbefehlshaber -commlllander in chief Ob.d.H -----. _--- Oberbefehlshaber des cornmmander in chief of the Heeres army Ob.d.L --.--.. Oberbefehlshaber der LJuft- conllland(er in chief of the waffe air force Ob.d.MM------Oberbefehlshaber der commander in chief of the Kriegsmarine nlaVy commlander in chief of the Ob.d.W---------- Oberbefehlshaber der arlled forces Wehrmrcht (SA) first regimental leader, Oberf-----___ -_-_ Oberfiihrer __-__-------Storm Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: colonel); (SS) first regimental colllmani der, Elite Guardl (equivalent U. S. rank: colonel) Suplreme Field Commnrand Oberfeldkdtr ----Oberfeldkommandantur Obergruf -------Obergruppenfiihrer .. ---. (SA) leader of groul) of Stormi Troops corps (equivalent U. S. rank: general); (SS) commllander of group of Elite (huard corps (equivalent U. S. rank: general) Oberlt -- __------Oberleutnant, ......... first lieutenant Oberr ----------Oberreiter ....(corresponds roughl!/ to U. S. private first class, cavalry) Oberschles .....- - Oberschlesien ..... -- -- Upper Silesia Oberstlt. Oberstleutnantl . lieutenlant colonel Oberstubaf _-_-_-_ Obersturmbanni f ihrer .. (SA) first battalionl-leader, Storml 'Troops (equivalent U. S. raonk: major); (SS) first bat lalion-comlnlraner, Elite (Glar(d (equivalent U. S. rank: major) 132 GE'RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATI'ONS Oberstuf-__------ Obersturmffihrer ----- Obertruf-_........ Obertrulppffihrer .------ OBF .... ..Oberbannfilhrer ..----. ---- .-_ Ob.Fahnr . Ob. F. Arzt ----- Oberfahnrich ... ----------- Oberfeldarzt_ Oberfeldapotheker_ Of. F. Apoth- .. Ob.F.K ----Obfut ....... Ob.F.Vet.... ... -Oberfeldkommandantur_ -.-.- Oberfunker . Oberfeldveteriniir ------ Ob.Fw --------- Oberfeldwebel Ob.Fw--------- Oberfeuerwerker -.--- Ob.Fwrk -------Ob.Gefr ..-........ Oberfeuerwerker . Oberfeuerwerkerschle - __. Obergefreiter ..- Obgfr_ ....... Obergefreiter -------- obh ---- _-------- oberhalb ------------- Ob.Fw Sch _...---_ Obj-------------- Oberjiager ----------Objag - . Oberjager------------........... Obkan ---------- Oberkanonier - Ob.Kom --------- Oberkommandierender_ . company-leader, (SA) first Storm Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: 1st lieutenant); (SS) first company-commander, Elite Guard (equivalent U. S. rank: Ist lieutenant) first platoon-leader, Storm Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: master sergeant) chief district leader (Hitler Youth) (correofficer candidate sponding roughly to 11. S. staff sergeant) lieutenant colonel (Medical Corps) (Pharlieutenant colonel macy) Supreme Field Command chief radio operator lieutenant colonel (Veterinary Corps) (corresponds roughly to U. S. staff sergeant, ordnance) ordnance sergeant; artificer ordnance sergeant; artificer ordnance artificers' school (corresponds roughly to 11. S. acting corporal) (corresponds roughly to U. S. acting corporal) above soldier in light infantry division (corresponding roughly to U. S. privatefirst class) _member of light infantry division (corresponding roughly to U. S. private first class) (corresponds roughly to U. S. private first class in artillery unit) high commander ABBREVIATIONS Ob. Kom --------Ob.Kr.Ger Oblt --------. Ob. Milit.Anw -... Ob.Pi------------ Oberkommando Oberkriegsgericht__ Oberleutnant Obermilitairanwalt _ Oberpionier ------- 133 high command general coturt-martial first lieutenant Judge Advocate General (corresponds roughly to [U. S. private first class, combat engineers) Army Quartermaster (DepOb. Quartiermstr__ . Oberquartiermeister uty Chief of Staff) Army Quartermaster (Dep)Ob.Qu. Mstr .-. ....Oberquartiermieister uty Chief-of-Staff) Obr ... Oberfirst; chief; uipper Ob. R ,---------... Oberreiter (corresponds roughly to U. S. private first class, cavalry) Obrtr ----------Oberreiter -(corresponds ro ughly to U. S. private first class, cavalry) Observations observation Obs-.. Ob.Schmstr --Oberschirrmeister ------- sllupply sergeant (corresponding roughly to U. S. staff sergeant) Obschtz ----.---Oberschiltze ------------ (corresponds rotughly to U. S. private first class) Obst -Oberst O-e-. ... colonel ObSta .... .. Oberstabsarzt .... Ilmajor (Medical .Corps) Ob.St.Apoth -.--major (Pharmacy) Oberstabsapotheker-...... Ob.St.ArztL ...... Oberstabsarzt ..... major (Medical Corps) ObstArzt ..... Oberstarzt-. colonel (Medical Corps) Ob.-St.-B.]i'hr. Obersturnmbannftifhrer .. first battalion-lea(ler, Storm Troops; rank of lieutenant colonel Ob.Stbs.Vet... .... Oberstabsveterintlr -.... major (Veterinary Corps) lieutenant colonel Obstlt . ...--.... Obersleutnant .. Ob.St.Vet major (Veterinary Corps) .-.----Oberstabsveterinllir ---ObstVet ... Oberstveterinrir ...... colonel (Veterinary Corps) Obus .-.. . Omnibus-. motor bus Ob.Vet ..---------Oberveterinir .. ... first lieutenant ( Veterinary Corps) Ob. Wachtmstr Oberwachtmeister .. ... (corresponds roughly to U1.S staff sergeant) Ob.Wm --------Oberwachtmeister (corresponds roughly to U. S. staff sergeant) Ob.Zahlm .----- Oberzahlmeister .-----. chief paymaster Ob.Zm . - . - Oberzahlmeister ....... .. .. chief paymaster o.D ------------ohne Datum . . undated 134 GEE'RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Od---.---------- Od______-------- Ostdeutscher ... Ostdeutschland Ojlstation.-- ------ _ Osterreich 6stlich -.....-OffizierentschidigiulgsO.E.G ---gesetz Ohlniihle _-_-_----.-O.M ......... -..----- - -----irtl .- --------- - 6rtlich Osterreich -..--- Ost ..----------0o_ _...- list ---- _--------- Ofeldw ..... off----------- _istlich - Oberfeldwebel-....... Eastern German Eastern Germany oil station; fuel station Austria eastward officers' compensation law oil-mill (on maps) local Austria eastward (corresponds roughly to U. S. staff sergeant) open offensive official officer officer candidate officer's compensation law offen .. - - ..--- --... offen siv offiziell ...... off . Off Offizier.. Off.Anw Offizieranwirter OffEntsch Gl . OffizierentschAidigulngsgesetz Offiziererganzungsbestim- officers replacement regulaOff. Erg. Besc.. tions muingen Off.K officers' corps Offizierkorps ..-------Off.iK -----------officer Offiz ........... Offizier -.-.-OfFizierreitschllle . officers' cavalry school Offi z. Reitsch... Off. Kr ---.-.-.-. offensive war Offensivkrieg. . .. Off. Patr ------officers' patrol Offizierpatrouille -.---Off. Pf _......... officer's horse Offizierpferd ... Off.St ---------Offizierstellvertreter.. acting officer (noncommissioned oflicer) Off. Stv............ Offizierstellvertreter -.. acting officer (noncommissioned officer) Offz .......... Offizier ------. officer O(ffizieranwiirter Offz.Anw. officer candidate Offz. Anw.d .BOffizieranwArter des Beulr- candidate for a commission lau btenstandes as reserve officer Offz.Asp --------Offizieraspirant.. probationary cadet; aspirant officer Offz. Aufs -----.Offizieraufsileht officer's supervision Offz.d.B --------Offizier des Beurlaubten- reserve officer standes Offz.d.R -----Oflizier der Reserve reserve officer off- - - 135 ABBREVIAT'IONS Offz.d.Rde------Offz.d.S -_ Offz. (E) --------ffz. Entl. Best--_ Offz.K _-_ Offz.(La E) ------ Offizier der Ronde Offizier der Seeweh r Ergidnzungsoffizier deputy officer of the guard naval reserve officer retired officer recalled to active duty Offizier-Entlassuiigsl estilll- regulatiolls concernilng the I:nungen discharge of officers officers' corps; comlilissiollned Offizierkorps . personnel Luftau fsi chtergliilzllulgs- retireld officer reecalledl to offizier active dllty for air traffic .. controi Offz. Prf ---.--.-. Offz.Sp.A -....... Offzstv --- -- Offz.v.D -.. .-....... Offz. Vers_ _- .-.-.-. Offz. Vers. R ---- Offizierprtifung . .... Offi zierspeiseanstalt Offizierstellvertreter ..... r Offizier vorn Dienst . . Offizierversamminillg i .. Offizierversammlnlungsraum Offizier vom KasernenOffz.v.Kas. r D- -.. dienst Offz.v.Lag. D)______ Offizier vom Iagerdienst. .... Offizier vorn Ortsdienst Offz.v.O__ Offz.v.O.u.d. Rde Offizier vorn Ortsdienst und der Ronlde Offz.v.TrD --...Offizier vom Trppl)endienst Waffenerganzu ngsofOffz. (W. E.) ...... fizier Oflag ----...... Offizierslager ------------O-Flak --...... ortsfeste Flugzeugabwehrkanone O-Flak-Batt r____ ortsfeste Flugzeugabwehrkanonenbatterie O-Flak-Zg__ ...--. ortsfester Flugzeugab, ehrkanonenzug Oberfahnenschmied_.__ OFSchm --- ...... Ofw ------.-..... Oberfeldwebel .. . -- officers' examination officers' Iless acting officer (noncommissiolned officer) officeer on duty officers' assemblv officers' assemnbly room officer on barracks duty officer on camp duty officer of the (lay officer of the day and deputy oflicer of the guard deputy officer of the day ordnance replacement officer officers prisoner-of-war campl stationary or fixed antiaircraft gun stationary or fixed antiaircraft gun battery stationary antiaircraft platoon horseshoer sergeant (corresponds roughly to l . S. staff sergeant) OGefr --------- __ Obergefreiter..... (corresponds roughly to U. S. acting corporal) O.Grenz-Kontr ___ Obergrenzkontrolleu chief border supervisor der_--__ O.K -----------Oberkommandieren high commander 1.36 O.K -------O.K -O .. _.... Okdo__ O.K.H_ Okkup~ O.K.L_. -. O.K. MI O.Kr- .. O.Kr.G( Okt ... O.K.W_ O.L.... OLandm_ Oldb . . OLK ....._ GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS - Oberkommando -------- high command local military administrator local military administrative headquarters Oberkommando... ...... high command Oberkommando des Heeres Army High Command Okkupation .-. occupation Oberkommando der Luft- Air Force High (Command . Ortskommandant --Ortskornmandantur -.__ waffe Oberkommando Kriegsmarine der Ortskrankenstube. Navy High Command sick bay; hospital ward Oberkriegsgericht. ,,... general court-martial Oktober ..... October Oberkommando der High Command of the Wehrmacht Armed Forces Oberste -...... Luftsportkonl- Supreme Aerial Sports Commission mission Oberlandimesser .. chief surveyor Oldenburg ... ...... Oberste Luftsportkom- Oldenburg Supreme Aerial Sports Commission mission Olstation -------------01st .....oil (fuel) station first lieutenant O Lt..--Oberleutnant ........... O.M ... Ortsmissweisung-.. .-----local compass declination Ostnmark .... Austria Omn OMA -Obermilitaranwalt Judge Advocate General OMilA __ . .-. Obermilitranwalt .... Junge Advocate General Obermilititrbefelhlshaber OMilBefh comlnmander in chief Om nibus ..------- -----motor bus ON.. -----...... Ortsnetz .. local telephone net-work ONO ..-.... Ostnordost -.. -.-........ east-northeast . ..... Abort ..... ..-latrine 0 .______.. 00. GrossgiUterwagen -----4-axle heavy freight car (up to 15 tons) 0.0.__ Ordonnanzoffizier -------- administrative officer --o.P without sword knot (applies ohne Portepee ---------to junior noncommissioned officers) operation 01) ......... ...... Operation ._........... 01)-------------- Operationsabteilung ----- operations section O.P _..... Ortspolizei .----------local police Op.B -- _-- --- Operationsbasis --------- base of operations oper ............ operativ --------------operative 137 ABBREVIATIONS Operat_ Op. Flgh Op.L__ O.p.l.m__ O.p.l.m.E Operation O.QQmstr_ Oerquartiernlcist er .. o.R ohlne Rauch -....... .. ,. Operationsflughafen...... ------. Operationslinie .. . . Orden Pour le MWrite, Orden Pour le M6rite nlit .........Eichenlaub Operationsplan ---------Op.Pl__ ......... Opt.Optik ............ ........Op.Z --- . ........ Operationsziel.. . O.Q ---- ....---. . Oberquartierlneister -... . Ord-.... Ord..-.. Ord. Offz -... Ordonn. O)ffiz Org ... --...... org --.. org..- - .-....... Org. P1l ........ Org. Todt_.-....... C)Ordonnapnzoffizier -.Ordonnanzoffizier -----Organisation ..-..... organisieren ---- _ _-----originell. Organisationsplan Or g a n isa tio n T o dt. Orpo .-... Ortsbef_ Ortsbeh_ Ordnungspolizei .-.. Ort~sbefestigunig, . Ortsbehorde...-- ----- Orden.-Ordnung --.------------ Ortsbw .- - Ortsbiwak -------Ortsgef . Ortsgefecht ......... Ortskdt__ ..--..Ortskornmnandant___ Ortskdtr__ .--Ortskommandantur. ... - Orts San. Offz..... Orts Vet.Offz - - OSAF --- --- -- Ortssanit.itsoffizier Ort sveteriniiroffizier Oberster SA-Ftihrer. O.Sch Oberschiitze Oscha (SA) Oberscharfuhrer_- operat ion operational airport line of operations order Pour le M&rite order Pour le WMrile with oak leaf plan of operations optics tactical objective Army Quartermaster (Il)eputy Chief-of-Staff) Army Quarterlmaster (Deputy Chief-of-Staff) smokeless decoration; order order administrative officer administrative officer organ ization to organize original plan of organization special construct;io n organlization (named aflcr its Jirs! head, I)r. Fritz iTodt, m7.rL deceased) regular police local fort ification municipal altlhorities; local authorities close billet local combat; local fighting local military administirator local military administnrative headquarters local medical officer local veterinary officer Supreme Commander of tlhe Storm ''roop)s (corresponds roughhly to lU. S. private first class) first sect ion-leader, Storm Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: staff sergeant) 138 Oscha(SS) GETMAN MILITARY Oberscharftihrer ----- ABBREVIATIONS platoon leader, Elite Guard (equivalent U. S. rank: 1st sergeant) O.Schirrm Oberschirrlnreister ------supply sergeant (corresponding roughly to U. S. staff sergeant) Oststidost _---------- east-southeast OSO ------.----Ost - - -- - - ---- - -- - Ostland -.------------Eastern Germany Oberstabarzt.. OSta -. ...major (Medical Corps) OSt. Apoth Oberstabsapotheker . ..... major (Pharmacy) Ostdeutscher ----------Ostd . Eastern German . ----Ostd Ostdeutschlanrd -------.-.-.---- Eastern Germany first company-leader (Storm Obersturmfiihrer ------Ostuf -.---------Troops), rank of captain OStV -.-.-.--.-. Oherstabsveterinr .. ajor (Veterinary Corps)' ostwhirts _ .. ...... eastwards ostw ---.-.-------Ioberer Totpunkt . upper center of gravity; top o.T -- _-_-------dead center I Todt-----Organisation O .T ------------special construction organization (named after its first head, Dr. Fritz Todt, now deceased) orientation; location; naviOtg - _-- -- -- -- IOrtung ---------------gation IObertruppftihrer -------first platoon-leader (Storm OTF _-_----- ---Troops), rank of 2d lieutenant (Ortsunterkunft O.U ........-.... ... billet O.u.E ----------Orden und Ehrenrzeichen__ decoration and badges of honor ()rtsunterkunft --------billet O.Untk ---.------- _ first lieutenant (Veterinary OV _ . ..(Oberveterinar_ Corps) o.V V--.._ _ rhne Verpflegung -------..ithout rations .-..._. without . delay o.V _ _------- - (I>hne Verz6gerulng . officer on duty O.v.D .----------)ffizier vomr Dienst Jiberste Verkehrsleitung__ general headquarters, traffic O.V.L -_ control section O.v.N-...__ ()ffizier vom Nachrich- intelligence officer teindienst O.v.O . - .(Offizier yrom Ortsdienst officer of the day OW.---------Oberwachtnleister -----(corresponds roughly to U. S. staff sergeant) 139 ABBREVIATIONS OWachtmnstr ---- Oberwachtmeistel r....-- O.Z .------------. Oberzahlmeister_ O.Z --------OberzensursteileOz __________-__ Ozean......... O.Znm . . Oberzalhllmeislcer ....... OzN -.. . .Ost . zu Nord.... OzS ------------Ost zu Sud .- . (corresponds roughly to U. S. staff sergeant) ..---. . chief paymaster -...... chief censor's office ocean .-..- chief paymnaster ........ east by north ...... east by south P . Panzer --Panzergeschoss_ ............ Panzertruppe - P -.- - P- .. P-- Park........ Parkplatz -.Parseval Partei Patrone ....... armored armor-piercing shell armlored troops; armored units; mechanized units; tank forces (>I on shoulder straps) park; depot parking lot (for automobiles) Parseval (non-rigid airship) Iparty; faction cartridge; semnifixed shell; round of almmuntition . atrol .water gauge; watermark post . Patroulille... Pegel ... (on maps) .-.- ..-PersonenzugPferd.l- .passeliger train horse -- IlPhosphor ----- .-. . ........ p)istol according to plan Iblank cartridge plannmlssig -. P - . P P.A ........ P.A.A. PA ... PA ...... Platzpatronee Polizeibeamlnter. Prallsch iff Protestant . Proviant.. Pulver- animimtnition (tracer) combat engineer Pionier -.. Pistole ...... P _ _ ..------- . phloslfiorus .. police official; policemean I..non-rigid airship Protestant -.-. s-upllpllies; provisions; stores ... powder ....-.. Pllnmpe ... Panzerabwehr . _ Pan zerabweh rablteiliing Personalaamt Propagandaamit- . piuTpn antitank defense antitank detachmernt t Army Personnel Office proplaganda office -..... 140 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS .... -... Packhialle-. carrying case Packh ----------Packpferd ------------pack horse Packpf -----. baggage wagon .- Packwagen P&ck-Wg-------.. Pack-Wg.m F.Schm_ Packwagen mit Feld- baggage wagon with mobile schmiede forge . Panzerabwehrkanone ---- antitank gun Pak -..---.-.. Dringlichkeitsmeldung _-- emergency message (aviaPAN __-... tion) Panz.Tr.Pi. Zg.... Panzertruppenpi ionierzug. combat engineer platoon of tank troops supply office regulations Proviantamtsor Inung. ---P.A.O -----Papiergeld----- -.- paper money ----.-------Pap Papiermtihle --paper mill (on maps) -.-----.. Pap. M.--.--.. .-----.. parade; review --------Parade ------Par - ---.Par.Anz -- Paradeanzug___ -...---. parade uniform bayonet guard Parierstange -...... Par. Stg --------Partei party; faction -.....---Part.. - - -----passenger ------- Passagier ----- -..----. Pass .-.-Pass.Sch ---------- Passierschein. - ....- - - pass; permit Pat ----.-------- Patent -------. .---.---. officer's commission; patent ----ed shell; cartrid g e; semifix . .-Patr ---------.-- Patrone ------round of ammunition -----...-patrol fixed ammunition Patronenmunitio )oni ---Patronentasche. ___ ____ cartridge pouch ...cartridge drum Patronentrommnel--. . ammunition cairier Patronenwagen_ patrol task; pIatrol mission Patrouillenauftnr g .... --P.Auftrag -.-Pionierbataillon - ....- - combat engineers battalion PB..... police official; policeman PB -.------ -- -- Folizeibeamter_ Panzerbeobachtt rngstlurin armored observation turret P.B.T ---.-.-.-.law regarding supplementary Pensionserginzzu n gsPEG_ -----------. gesetz pension Pens ------------ Pension -----pension -----pension regulations for the Pensionierungsvo )rschrift PensV ----------fiir das Heer army Perisk --------Periskop -----periscope Permanenz.... Permn -..------..permanence --_.-perm.Bef ..... permanente Befe stiging__ permanent fortification .. --___-_- personlich pers ------ --.. -.. -. personal -Person -------- .-....Pers ----------- person; passengerjpers6nlicher Adjl itant --- personal adjutant; aide de Pers.Adj.-....... camp Per-Stoff .- - Griinkreuz .----.-"green cross" choking gas Patr_ -------Patr. Mun-------Patr. T ----------Patr.Tr. Patr. Wg .--.. Patrouille --- -- 141 ABBREVIATIONS Pers.V ... --Petr.F--------- Personenverkehr ---Petroleumfeuerung ..... Pf -------- mit Pferdezug-..... ----Personenfiihre-..... - P.F-------Pf -------- ...... Pf -_-----...... Pf --_----Pf------.. Pf --_ ... Pf --------P f --------Pf-. Pfennig ----- --- -- - -- - horse Pferdehalter ----------Pflege-...... .. groom (cavalry) Pflicht ------ (duty;obligation Pfund -- nursing; care peg; stake; picket Pfuhl ------ - - Polizeifiihrer Pferdeaushebung - pool (on maps) pondld (.5 of a kilogram) chief of police ..... g reqluisitioning of horses -- Pferdeausheb un gs vorschrift Pfd --.-.-.Pf.D ----Pfd.Kr.Kw_ pfennig (1/100 of mark) Pferd ....-.......... Pflock-... Pf.Aush -.Pf.A.V .. - passenger traffic petroleum firing (heating); petroleum fuel horse-drawn passenger ferry (on maps) Pferd ------- Pferdedepot .... Pferdekrankenkraft- regulations for the requlisitioning of horses horse remount depot horse ambulance wagen Pfd.Kr.Kw.I ol - - Pferdekranken kraf twa- genkolonne Pfd.Trsp.Wg Pf.Ers -----Pf.F -_-_--PfflB -_---Pf.Fz -Pfg -.-.-. Pf.Kr.S.St (motorized) Pferdetransportwagen .. Pferdeersatz --------- Pfadfinder . horse amblllance collmnn Pferdefeldbahn -- Pferdefahrzeug.. .. horse transport wagon horse rel)lacement scout horse field-railroad horse-drawn vellicle pfennig (1/100 of nmark) collecting station for sick horses stelle horse hospital Pf.L_-- _-------Pferdelazarett . Pfl ----------Pflege -...... ------- nulrsing; care pfi --------------- pflegen --------- -1----- to nurse; to take care of Pfl -----Pflicht -_-_-_-_- - - - - - - duty; obligation Pfl -------------Pflock .... __... - ----- peg; stake; picket Pfi...... Pfuhl ------------------ pool (on maps) Pf.Laz - - ---- -Pferdelazarett horse hospital Pflegepersonal___ ------- nursing personnel Pflegep. .... pflichtgemiiss. -. ------- duty-bound; loyal pflgem .... P.F.S ---Peilfunkstelle -.. ------- ra(tio bearing station dressing station for hlrses Pf.Verb.Pl Pferdeverbandplat z -----Pf.W .-W--------Pferdewarter -.-horse-groom Pf.Zg ------ _- _-- mit Pferdezug -.-- - - - - - - - horse-drawn .. Pfennig . .- , Pferdekran kensalninel- 142 GE~RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIO0NS member of the National Socialist Party __ pension law Pensionsgesetz ....... P.G __----------P.G.I .-------Pioniergeratinspizient -- - combat engineer equipment inspector PGr ------------Panzergranate _--------armor-piercing shell Ph ------------- _ Phosphor --------------- phos p hor u s (ammunition, tracer) Pharm Pharmazeut ------------ pharmacist; apothecary; druggist P.II. D Pionierhauptdepot ------- combat engineer main depot phosphorus (tracer) ammuPh. Mlun -----.-Phosphormiu n ition -----nition phot ---------photogrammetrisch_---photogrammetric photography Phot -------------. Photographie ----------phot ------------photographisch........ photographic - __ photogrammetric photogrammetrisch photogr --------Photomin ------ Photometer -----------photometer; light meter phys ------- -physisch --------------- physical Pi -- ------------ Pionier -------------pioneer; combat engineer Pi -------------Pistole pistol PiO8-------.Pistole (Modell von 1908). pistol, model 1908 Pi.A ----------_ Pionierabteilung -------combat engineer detachment Pi B -------- Pionierbataill on........ combat engineer battalion Pi.1Br. Kol ------ Pionierbruckenkolone ---- engineer bridge train Pi. Btl . ...--. . Pionierbataillon ........... combat engineer battalion Pi. lId. Karr -----Pionierhandkarren ---.--combat engineer handcart Pi. KpI.. .... . Pionierkompanrie .------combat engineer colmpany Pi.Kp.(mot) ......motorisierte Pionier- motorized combat engineer komparie company Pi.K.u.F .....-. Pionierdienst .. in Kampf combat engineers instrucuni Festungen tions for warfare on fortificatlions Pil .. . ..........-. .Pilot -. pilot Pi.l,. Boot .... Pionier-Landulngsboot combat engineer assault-boat Pi. v aseh. Zg . Pioniiernaschinenzilg -engineer repair platoon Pion -... .-... Pionier -----------------pioneer; combat engineer Pion.Btl . P.Pionierbataillon ------combat engineer battalion Pion.:Kol ....... Pionierkolonne . combat engineer train Pion. MIirnl.Koip Pionierminren konipanie_ combat engineer mine company Pion.u. Nachr.P -.-- Pionier- unrd Nachrichten- combat engineer and signal park equipment depot (on maps) Pg -------------- Parteigenosse ----------- ABBREVIATIONS 143 Pionierversuchs koipanie. · combat engineer experimental company Pion.Wg combat engineer wagon . Pionierwagen ....... .-........... Pi.Park-Kp. -.-Pionierparkkomlpanlie .... combat engineer park company Pi.Rgt combat engineer regiment .. ..... Pionierregiment ...... Pi.Sch -----------Pionierschule combat engineer school Pi.Schirrm. V ---Pionierschirrmeist e r v or- service regulations for supschrift ply sergeants icombat engi neers) I'i.Schwd -------Pionierschrwadron combat engineer troop (cat.alry) Pi.Spr.MM------Pioniersprengmittelexplosives used by combat enginleers Pist ------------Pistole ..... pistol pistol grip Pist. Gr .......... Pistolengriff- ..-... Pist.Sch --------Pistolenschiessen - pistol firing Pistolenschiitze ..... pistol sharpshooter Pist.Sch.-------Pionieriibungsplatz combat engineer training Pi.tfb. P1 -------gro undl P. Verb. Offz_... Pi o nierverbi ndu ngscombat enginler liaison offizier officer pivot mounting; Piv.L_ .__....... Pivotlafette ..... rotat ilig ..mount (artillerly) Pionierwerkstatt Klaus- combat engileer u orkshop, Pi.Wst.Kl Elausdorf dorf Pi.Zg........ ...... combat engineer platoon Pionierzug ... Pk..... .... -Park park; dlepot Propagandakomupanlie P.K ------propaganda companl Pkt ------- ..... PI'unkt -..- -..... ..-- -- point; (lot,; period; aid station (nrcdical) PkW - - - Packwuagen baggage w agon .......... Pkw_ ... arlnore(l car I'anzerkraftw-agen ... Pkw.-----.....- Personenkraftwagen. passeIlger automnob)ilel; passenger car; mlotor car P1 -_----Personen- und Lastauto_ comlbilnation p)assenger car and truck Plan ... plan; map ; designI; project pl1 _-----planm iissig -----------according to plan .... Plateau --.-------------- plateau P1i P latin ------- - ------ --- platinum P1 _ Platz -----------------location; place; aid station (medical) planm ----------planiamissig. according to plan Pion.Vers.K -. --- 144 GERMAN MILITARY ABBRE.VIATVON1S Platzpatronenla muf am blank-cartridge barrel of machine gun Maschinengewel hr Platzkomnmando_ .. garrison headquarters Platzmajor ----........ fortress headquarter's executive officer Platzpatrone .... .-..... blank cartridge P-Lauf_ P Kdo_ P1.Maj_. P1.Patr. P1. Sch . Plu -.. P1. Vet_ _ P1.W -.. Plz -.... P1. Zchn PM ... PM--. Planschiessen-... .-...... map fire (artillery) Planunterlage.... Platzveterinar. plane table . Planwagen ....... .. Planzeiger ..... ....... .___-... local veterinary .....--.. tilted cart .. plotting board ...... map making; plotting ........ -paper mark (currency) Planzeichnen ---- Papiermark: Platzmajor ----- fortress headquarter's execu- -...-- tive officer P.M---Pmk.... --------P-Mun_ _ Pm.W_. Pulvermnagazin. .--. .powder magazine (on maps) Papiermnark ....-.- paper mark (currency) ition___ blank ammunition -Platzpatronenmuni -....... Pneu -...P.OO--. PO ---- Pneumatik Pont -.-. Pont . Pont. Br Pontorni ....... ... Pomnertl n .. ... ...-..... Pontonll .Pontonnier PI'ontonbriicke .. ...... I'ontonnier Pont. Zg . Port- -.. Port. Uffz.. .... …..... ug t…Ponltonz . ... Portepee . .. ...... Portepeeunteroffizier -.--- Positionsartillerie__ Pos. I4........... Pr….. . Positionslaimpen_. .......... Phosphor -........ ------ .-... Pornerania __...... ....... .. ..... Posit.Art --------- P.R Pr.. mail train with section for the armed forces pneumatics; pneumatic tire Personerinomnibus_ ....... passenger bus Politische-.......Organi sation political organization of the der NSDAP National Socialist Party Polizei, . .. ------ police Polizeibeaniter ....... police official; policeman ........ Pol -- Pol B.-Pom ---- Postzug -..... mit Wehri nachtteil ponton ponton-bridge engineer ponton bridge ponton-bridge engineer . ponton platoon officer's sword knot senior noncommissioned officer (with officer's sword knot) artillery in permanent ------em- placements navigation lights -..... phosphorus (ammunition, tracer) ….------------Pionierregiment _- -combat engineer regiment…--. __-. Probe .......... ------ trial; test 145 ABBREVIATI(NS Proviant ... Pr supply; provisions; stores test; examination; check PrA ....__--..... Proviantamt supply office; depot Proviantamtsdirekt( PrAD ...... supply office director Praisenzstirke Prais.St ---------effectives; effective strength Pr IA ............ Proviantamtsinspekt ;or - supply office inspector practical prakt .-.--.. . ----.-.----- praktisch prbw ... --------probeweise -------by way of trial; exl)erimental ---------I Priifung Prf ---. ... - test; examination ; check Pris R._ -------Prisenrecht .... - right of captulre; law governing prizes (naval) ....... preussische Meile pr. M... __- Prussian mile (7.532 kilometers) -. . P'roviant ...... n Iister Pr M -. _ rations non-comnhinssionid(l of- Pr . ......--- --- - Priifung - ficer phosphorus (tracer) alnllunition Problem . . . Probl. problem ........ PI'rojekt .... ........-. ___ project Proj. . Projektil ......... projectile Proj .. Prokl Proklamiation proclamation Prol .. ....... Prolongation prolongation Promi___ ........Propagandaminist eriun i._propaganda ministry Prop. Propaganda. propaganda Propeller . ..... Prop_ propeller Prop. Min.Propagandariinist erinu I'Propaganda Ministry Prosp Prospekt .... prospect Prot .......... Protektion ..- . .. protection Protectlorate Prot .. Protektorat --------Prot . Protestant . .-Protestant Prov. .... Proviant ........... .. supplies: provisions; st ores Prov.Amt Proviantant .... sulpply office; depot (on maps) Prov. Anst . Provinzialanst alt. provincial insl.it ut ion Prov. Ch__ . Provinzial-Chaussee . __ provincial highway Prov. Wsst r ....... Provinzialwasserstrasse provincial waterwav; provincial canal Proz__. Prozent .. ____. _ __.. per cent Proz.G - Prozentgehalt -....... -......... percentage content Pr. St-. Protzenstellung -....... __ .____. limber position Priif - - - .... -Priifung . . test; examination; check Prvy ... . Proviant supply; provisionls; stores Pry.Amts- -Dir-Proviantamtsdirektor ... - __ supply office director Pr. Mun.. Phosplhorlnunition -. -_ 146 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS rations noncommissioned officer PS . ...............Pferdestiirken .---------- horsepower combat engineer school P.S ----.Pionierschule.. postscript Postskriptum......... PS --steel armor-piercing shell Panzerstahlgranate .. P.S. Gr------. -. PSi --------.. indizierte Pferdestarken__ indicated horsepower Pferdestiirken pro Stunde_ horsepower per hour PS Std ---------passport office; point on a PSt ---.--------- Passstelle -------------mountain pass combat engineer assault manl'.St ------------ Pionierst urmalnlcit ung . ual Pontonnier ponton-bridge engineer ponton bridging regulations Pt.V --------- --- Pontonniervorschrift -Post-tVberwachung --.--- surveillance of mails Pulver powder Pulv -.-----------pulv --------- --- pulverisieren ------ ----to pulverize Pulverfabrik ..- powder factory Pulv.Fabr powder magazine (on maps) Pulvermagazin ---------Pulv. Mag- . pump station (on maps) Pumpstation -----------------Pumpst Pensionierungsvorschrift _ pension regulations P.V__ . Pontonniervorschrift ----- ponton bridging regulations P.V ------------Patronenverwaltungsvor- ammunition handling regulaP.V.V.---------schrift tions Postvorschrift fuir die postal regulations for the P.V. W.--------Wehrmacht armed forces by pairs; in couples pw -------------- paarweise___________ PwPackwagen --------baggage wagon Personen zuggepiickwagen passenger-train baggage-car Pw - -----4-achziger D-Zuggepack- 4-axle express-train baggagePw4 t -----car with steel footbridge wagen mit stiihlerner ttbergangsbrficke artificer Pyrotechniker Pyrot - ---------Panzer ----armor; armor-plate Pz ------------Personenzug -------passenger train Panzerabwehr.... antitank Pz.Abw --------Panzerabwehrabteilung_ _- antitank battalion Pz. Abw. Abt -Pan zerabwehrkompanie__ antitank company Pz. Abv. Kp.... antitank platoon Pz. Abw. Zg .-.. Panzerabwehrzugg Pz.A.O.K --------- Panzerarmeeoberkom- high command of an armando mored army antitank rifle Pz.B .---- ---Panzerbfichse --Pz.B . ........... Panzerbrigade ----------- tank brigade; armored brigade Prvmstr- PZ ---- - .. --------- ... Proviantmeister -------- 147 ABBREVIATIONS - --panzerbrechend pzbr -----------------Panzerbiichsentrupp Pz.B.Tr. Pz.D .. ............ Panzerdivision Pz Ft ---------- Panzerfort.. Panzerfunkwagen Pz.Fu.Wg Panzergranate Pz.Gr --------. PanzergrenadierPz.Gr . .......... Panzerjaiger-. Pz.Jg. ..... . Pz.Jg. Abt . Panzerjagerab)teilulng . Panzerkomnpanie Pz. Kp Pz. Kpfw --------- Panzerkampfwagen ---- Panzerkraftwagen Pzkw.. .--.- Panzerkraftwage n nac hPzkw.-Nachb bildung Panzerregiment lPz. Rgt ---------Pzsch ....... Pz. Spr. Gr- ...- _ Pz.Sp.Wg -------Pz.Sp.Wg.Kp- Pz.T - . Panzerschiiler . Panzersprenggranate . Panzerspahhw agen _~_ Panzerspahwagen kornpanie .---.-.-.. Panzerturmn__ Pz.Tr_ I'an zertruppen 'z. Trsp. Wg_ Panzert ransportwagen P-Zug . -Pz. Verb - P'ostzllg -.. Pan zerverband .... 1)zwff Pz.Z.- - - I'Z.-Zg ... .-.---. . . . Panzerwaffe EPan zerziel Panzerzug . armor-piercing antitank rifle section armored division armored fort armored radio car armor-piercing shell infantry in a panzer unit antitank antitank battalion armored company; tank coInpany tank tank dunlmmy tank panzer regiment; tank regiment; armored regiment student at armored school high-explosive armor-piercing shell armored reconnaissance car; armored scout car tank reconnaissance conlparly; armored scout car company armloredl turret units; tank mechanized forces armored transport vehicle; tank carrier mail train mechanized tank force; tank force; mechaniz(ed force armored troops; tank troops tank objective armored train; tank platoon Q Quadrant --Quadrat qualifiziert . Quartier. . Querschnittstsbelast ung .------------.. Quadratzentimeter Q----------------q QleQ- ..-c rlcm~ quadrant' squlare qlualified billet;: quarters ballistic coefficient square centimeter, 148 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS square decimeter qdmni_______ ____- Quadratdezimeter Quadratkilometer..... __ square kilometer qkm -----------...- querliegend ------------- diagonal ql..--------- . square mile QM ------------Quadratmeile ---------Quadratmeter ----------- square meter qm------------square millimeter - ..Quadratmillimneter -----qmm ....__ Quartiermeister --------- quartermaster (general staff Qmstr ----------officer) wireless communication map; Funkverkehrskarte ---QSL-Karte -.---radio network chart Qu .--------.-----Quartier ----------- _--- billet; quarters rationing in quarters Qu --------------. Quartierverpflegung ---............. .Quelle ---.. .. ......----- spring; well; fountainhead Qu (on maps) .....-Querschnitt ---------__ profile; section; cross-section Qu . ----Quadr ----.----Quadrant----- -- - -- - quadrant ..---------Quadr -----Quadrat Q.. square quadr- --------quadratisch ----- _----- square ---------- Qualifikation ----_----- qualification Qual. --qual ----------. qualifiziert .... ----qualified Qual. Ber_------ Qualifikationsbericht .qualification report Quar . Quarantiine ........... . quarantine billet; quarters .-.--.. Quartier ................ Quart_ _ _ .. . billeting officer Quartmtr - - -, QuartiermacherQuartiermeister -----Quart. Mstr - . quartermaster (general staff officer) Quartierwirt. -. Quart,. W -... host (in billets) ballistic coefficient Qu.Bel -.. ----- Querschnittshelastulng --.Qu.-Blende -.. Querschnlittsblende - - -. shutter (to reduce the size and intensity of blinker beam) quitt ---_--- -_. quittieren ------------to quit; to receipt; to give a receipt Qu. M -. __-------_ Quartiermeister --------- quartermaster (general staff officer) R R ..- R.ation -------.......- ---- - - --.. ..... rechts . -------__ .. . ....Regiment ............... Reglem enet ------------....... .-...... r _---…_.. .--.... . Reich .-.. Reichsminister ---------reitend -............... ration right regiment regulations; manual; book Reich Reich minister mounted text ABBREVIATIONS Reiter -.-.Rekrut .--. Reserve Rettung__ Richt- __ ------Richtung_ Rohr---- R R- -.. R -.-R ..... R----, R R.------.-------- .. R..A ............. R .A -- - - - - Rt.A............. R.A.. t A Rad ..... R.A. I)...... Radf ---------Radf.Btl- -.. Radf. Kp -.. Radf.Schwd Radf.Tr ---... Radiogr - -..... R. Adj; .. r.Ag -.-.-.-.--ltah.i ...TI ... R ak ----------R.A.K --------R Amt.......... Randst --------Rang. Bhf -.-.---Rang-K1l ........ Rangl -------.-Rano........... R.A.N.St ........ 149 cavalryman recruit reserve rescue aiming; sighting direction; alignment; aim ..... barrel (gun); tube (radio); pipe Rotationsmot or ----- engine (aviation) Rtickst osslader . recoil-operated gun Ruhestand ret irement Ruine--.----ruin; ruins (on maps) rund --round; circular roullld-headed ... projectile Rundkopfgeschoss . Regimentsarzt, . regimental medical officer Reichsamt .... Reich Governmenltt ffice Remionteanimt ----- … remount depot REichtaufsatz --.---gun sight Reichsautobahn -.-..-. Reich motor highway Radio -radio Reichsarbeitdienst_ National Labor Service .bicycle Radfahr- _- Radfahrbataillon .. .... icycle battalion Radfahrkonlpan ie bicycle company Radfahrschwadron__ bicycle troop (cavalry) Radfallrtruppe ----.... bicycle troop Radiogrammll ....radiogram Iteginmentsadjultant regimental adjutant riickwartiges Armeeg( ehbiet_ rear area under control of an army Rahmenheer -------cadre arnly 2Rakete... . -_ lrocket: flare reserve army corps Reservearmeekorps Reichsamt .Reich Governmlnent Oflice border state Itandstaat.. Rangierbahnhof . shlunting station or yard (on maps) Rangklasse --------class; degree of rank; grade Rangliste ----------officers' register Reichsarbeitsnachweibsfiir Reich employment agency for Offiziere officers R.enlonteamltsnehenstt clle - remount auxiliary depot 150 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS R.Anst.f.Lschtz___ Reichsanstalt schutz fur Luft- R.Arzt Rat Reichsanwalt ---------reitendes Artillerieregiment Regimentsarzt......... R alion. Raup Raupe R Anw----------r.A.R -- --- ..... Raup. Fzg ---Raupenfahrzeug ..---R Aussch-Kriegs- Reichsausschuss der Fiirs Kriegsbeschiidigtenund Kriegshinterbliebenen-Fiirsorge Regierungsbezirk.. _. --- Rb ------ -- Rb R. B.. r. Battr R Bez Regimentsbefehl --------Reichsministerium fiir die besetzten Gebiete Reihenhild . - Reiterbrigade .._...... reitende Batterie ------Regierungsbezirk ------ Rhf R bf --------RbF. 34........ Rangierbahn hof -------Reichsbahllnhof Rundblickfernrohr 34 -.-- (Branch and) Liaison Office of the German Air Ministry Assistant Attorney General horse artillery regiment regimental medical officer ration caterpillar track full-track vehicle Reich Committee for the Care of War Injured and War Dependents civil administration district; government district regimental order Reich Ministry for Occupied Territories mosaic (aerial photo) horse cavalry brigade mounted battery civil administration district; government district shunting station or yard railroad station (on maps) panoramic sight, M-34 (artillery) R.Bg... Rbl.F r.B ttr -- -- -- - Reiterbrigade -...-----.. Rundblickfernrohr_ -.. Regierunigsbezirkshatlptstadt Richtlinien zur Beurteilung der Tauglichkeit fiur das Reichsheer ulnd die Marine reitende Batterie Rch -------- Reich R.B.St_ - R.B.T --- -- - ----- R chs -----------REcklf .- ____ _. Rd ---.... .... R.D ---- --- R .D -------rd -------------- _...-.......... Reichs-_-............... Riicklauf .-----------Rad ... --.. -.-.-----Rekrutendepot--------Reservedivision --------rund horse cavalry brigade panoramic sight capital city of civil administration district directions for the judging of fitness for active duty in the Reich army and navy horse battery Reich Reichrecoil (of weapons) wheel; bicycle recruit depot reserve division round; circular ABBREVIATIONS R.D.A -__-_--__ RDemobA -----Rdf -----------R.d.F ----------- 151 rank and seniority Rangdienstalter ------ .. Reichsdeniobilmachung ;s- Reich Demobilization Office amt Radfahr... bicycle Reichsminister der Fina n- Reich Finance Minister zen RDF1 ------.. RDH ---_-----RDisz-Hf -.-----R I)isz Kam -.-.R1.d.L --------.... German service flag R.eichsdienstflagge Reichsdisziplinarhof___ _- Reich Disciplinary Court Reich Disciplinary Court Reichsdisziplinarhof --. .. Reichsdisziplin/arkamm, er_ Reich I)isciplinary Chamber Reichsminister der Luf t- Reich Minister of Aviation fahrt RTDO ----------Reichsverband Deutsch4er Reich Association of German Offiziere Officers Rdr_- _------- --Rechtsdrall ..- ----clockwise rifling (weapons) Rdr -------------- Reichsdrlckerei .. .. Reich Printing Office RDStO ............ Reichsdienssstrafor(dlur Ig_ Reich Service Penal Code reakt .-....-...... reaktiviert --........ - reactivated reakt, reaktionar............ reactionary Refl -----------t Reflektor ----------- reflector Refr. . ............ Refraktor -----------refractor Reg ------------Regimenlt ------- - -- - _ regiment Reg _ regimental - Regimentts... .......... region Reg -------------Region -------------. regular reg --------- - ---- reguliir ----------- --regular armnly reg. A. . ........... reguliire Armee .-.. Reg. Bez -... - . civil adlmnilist ration district; . Regierungsbezirk ... government district Reg. Gef. St; - Regimnentsgefecchtsstand . regimental colmmand post _ regulations; inanual; Regi .... .-.------ Regle e nt text b)ook Reglt ... Reglemlent ------__ regulations; Ilallal; text;; book regimneltal saddle master Reg.SattIl. Mlstr .Regilllentssatt lerneiister .. .. Regiment ......... Regt .... regiment... regulare Truppe -... reg.Tr . ..... - regular troops -.... regular ....... regul regular .. Reichsfrhr ... .. Reichsfreiherr ..... Baron of the Reich (title of nobilitq) IReichskokardee---k --Reichskok. cockade: embleill of the German Reich Reichskr. F1 -.. Reichskriegsflagge -----Reich war flag Reichsw_ ..... Reichswehr .. .. - ..-.-. standing Ge r m an a r m y (before 1933) 152 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Reihenf ---Reinschr---- .-.. Reisek------- Reihenfolge ............. order; arrangement clean copy traveling expenses cavalryman Reit -...... cavalry rear point Reit. Nsp. - Reiterregiment ---------- cavalry regiment Reit Rgt- -.. Reitschule cavalry school; riding school Reitsch -----equitation manual Reitv ........ ... Reitvorschrift ---------------------Reiterzug -cavalry platoon Reit.Zg -----reconstructed rekonstruiert -. rek ----- ----recruit Rekr -------Rekrut ----Rekruten-Ausbilder, -Aus- recruit trainer or training Rekr.Ausb.... bildung .Rekrutendepot . recruit depot Rekr. Dep..-.Rekrutenoffizier --------- recruit-training officer Rekr.Offz ... R el --------Religion ---------------- religion Remonte --------------remount Rem -------_-.-- remounting RemontierunglsRemn------remount depot . Remonteanlt ..... Rem.A ..... Remon teamtsnehen stelle remount auxiliary depot Rem.A.Neb.St Remonteinspekteur_ remount inspector Rem.Inspr ... Remontekominission remount commission Rem. Kom -.-Remontierungsordn unlg___ remount regulations Rem.O -----Reichsmnordwochen .-. - . Reich murder weeks (referRlemlowo --- riqng to oificial purges) reparation .Reparation ---------.. Rep --------repair Reparatur ..-.-----. Rep --------distribution Repartierung ........... Rep --------repeating rifle; magazine rifle Itepetiergewehr --- ----Rep. Gew.... reserve Res Rleserve.. reserve army R eservearmee . Res. A ...... .. reserve army corps .... .. eservearmeekorps Res.A. K ----Reservedivision ... reserve division Res. Div .. regimental reserve Reserve des Regiments.. Res.d. R..... IReserveformation -... reserve formation; reserve Res. F .... ulit Res. F. A Rleservefeldartillerie ....reserve field artillery Res. Fhz . reserve vehicle Reservefah rzeug reserve infantry R.eserveinfanterie Res. I ..Reserveinfanteriebataillon reserve infantry battalion Res.I.B ----reserve infantry brigade .Res.1.Br----....eserveinfallteriebrigade reserve infantry Res. Inhf. ..-. Reserveinfanterie Res.Inf. Br -.. Reserveinfanteriebrigade reserve infantry brigade Res. Inf. Btl Reserveinfanteriebataillon reserve infantry battalion . Reinschrift ---------.. ReiSekosten -----------Reiter .....Reiternachspitze ----- 153 ABBREVIATIONS Res.Inf.Div -_---Res.Inf. Mun. Kol Res. Inf. Regt lRes.J. B ---. ... -- Res.K -------.---Res. Kav -......... Res. Kav. B -----Res.Kol ...... Res.Komp -------Res. Kp .. Res. Iaz Res. Mun ........ Res.Offz -... Res.Offz.Anw ------ lRes. Pi. Btl ------Res. Prov. Kol .._- Res. S. K .... Res.Tr...---Res. Uftfz ------- Reserveinfanteriedivision Reserveinfanteriemu n itionskolonne Reserveinfanterieregiment Reservejaigerbataillon Reservekorps__. Reservekavallerie ....-. Reservekavalleriebrigade Reservekolonne _ .. -. Reservekompanie Reservekompanie ... .... Rfl r.F1.F .......... Rf.Sch -------- reserve infantry ammnlunition colurllnl reserve infantry regiment reserve light infantry battalion reserve corps reserve cavalry reserve cavalry brigade reserve colunllll reserve conlpany reserve compallny Reservelazarett -.. Reservemunition ----Reserveoffizier . Reserveoffiziersanwairter_ reserve hospital reserve ammunllition reserve officer candidate for a conrmmission in the reserve Reservepioriierbataillol _ reserve combat engineer battalion Reserveproviantkolon ne_ reserve supply column Reservesanitatskompanie_ reserve medical comllpany Reservetruppe _--_ __-__ reserve troop Reserveunteroffizier ------ reserve noncomlmissioned officer Retraite -------- -- - retreat Retr ----Rettulng -.----------Rett Rett. Man -----llettungsman6ver ....... Rev.... -------Revier ................. Revolver 1Rev ..----------.. Revierdienlst .-.-.. __-.. Rev.D ...---- --Rev. Kan --------- Revolverkanone --------Rf.. RadfahrRadfahrbataillon - -.. .. Hf ------------ .RF ............... Reichsfuihrer Reichsfiihrerschule -----Reichsffihrung... RF - -----------R.ohre frei -------------R.f_ _ ----RF....... Rundfunk ------------- Rf.B... reserve infantry division resc lfe life-saving maneuvers sick ay; qlluarter; precinct revolver hospital-atteldant, duty rapid-fire calnnon bicycle bicycle battalion Fiuhrer of the Reich Reich School for Leaders leadership of the Reich barrel empty (artillery) radio: broadcasting Radfahrbataillon . .-...bicycle battalion plane of sighting Richtflache vom rechten Fliigel Feuer! bat tery right (artillery) Reich School for Leaders Reichsfuihrerschulle ... 154 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Reich Commander of the SS Reichsfiihrer SS ------Reiterfeldwache . __---- mounted picket Radfahrzug ------------- bicycle platoon Reichsgerit ------------- government-issue equipment Ring - - - ---. ---------- ring Reitergruppenaufgaben _-- Cavalry Group Problems (manualof instruction) Rgbhf------------ Rangierbahnhof --------- railroad shunting station or yard (on maps) Ringkanone--.-- ------ built-up gun (refers to barrel) Rg. K.---.----regulations; manual; text Rgl --- -------Reglem ent ------------book powder in rings (propellant) R g.P -----------Ringpulver ------------R.G.St --- --- Regimentsgefechtsstand_ - regimental command post regiment Rgt -------.--.-. - Regiment .. Rgt --.-.-.-.--.-Regiments- _----........ regimental regimental boundary Rgt. Grz ---- --Regimentsgrenze -.----Regimentskommandeur__ regimental commander Rgt. IKdr --------Rgt. N. Zg -------Regimentsnachrichtenzug regimental signal platoon Rgt. R. Zg -------Regimentsreiterzug ----regimental mounted platoon Rgts ---.--Regiments-_.. .- -. regimental Rgt. Vet---------- Regimentsveterinar ----regimental veterinarian officer RH--------Reichsheer ------------- Army of the Reich Rh _-----------R hein ----------------- the Rhine R.I ----Reserveinfanterie ------ reserve infantry Ri direction; alignment; aim Richtung__________. Reserveinfanteriebrigade__ reserve infantry brigade R.I.Bg R .I.Br ---------Reserveinfanteriebrigade_ reserve infantry brigade Richt Richtung .. .......... direction; alignment; aim Richt-Empf-Tr... Richtungsempfaingertrupp directional reception troop Richtgswkl------- Richtungswinkel ------ _ angle of deflection; angle of RFSS ---------R.F.W ----------Rf.Zg---------RG ---Rg R.G.A ---------- sighting (gunnery) Richt.IH -------R.I.D ----------Ri. Kr.A --------Rikrs ----------R.I.R ----------Rittm ----------R.Jag.B --------- Richtungshorer --------- sound locator (antiaircraft); direction finder Reserveinfanteriedivision_ reserve infantry division Richtlinien fiir Kraft- directions for motor transport fahrabteilungen units Richtkreis --------------- aiming circle (gunnery) Reserveinfanterieregiment reserve infantry regiment Rittmeister ---- ----- Reservejagerbataillon ... captain (cavalry) reserve light infantry battalion ABBREVIATIONS RK -------------- Reichskriegs-_.. _ _.... R.K -----------Reservekorps............ RK ---_....... Revolverkano ne -------- 155 Reich Warreserve corps rapid-fire cannon; revolver cannon R.K ----_--- - Richtkreis -------------- aiming circle (gunnery) R.K ----_-----Ringkanone ----------built-up gun (refers to barrel) R.K --- __-_-- Rotes Kreuz . Red Cross R .K f U ----------- Reichskraftfahru nfall- motor vehicle accident law gesetz R.K.K.-Scheine__ Reichskreditkassen- Reich Credit Office Notes scheine (occupation marks) R.K.O __-_-_-_-__ Regimnentskommlandoord- regimental command regulanung tions Rkr __ ----------Richtkreis ------- _ _---aiming circle (gunnery) Rkr.. . Rohrkrepierer .. ebarrel burster Rkr.Felda ------Feldartilleriericht k reis field artillery aliinlg circle R.K.U --- _-----Richtkrcisunteroffizie l___. non-commliissioned officer in charge of ailing circle RM __.. _... Reichsminister___ ..... -----Reich Minister (cabinct officer) RLE _............. Radlafette ------- _ _---- wheeled gun carriage R L-- ---------.-------Reichsluft-_ Reich Air RL _------------Reichsluftfahrt-_ ..... Retich Aeronaultical RL -----.-.-.-.-. Reichsluftschlutz- _-----Reich Air Defense RI, ------.-.-.---Reichsluftsport-_ lReich Aerial Sports .. RLAD ----------- Reic hsluftaufsich t- Reich Air-Traffic Control dienst Service R. I,af ----.-.--.-R6hrenlafette .tubblar gun carriage RLB -- _-_-------Reichsluftschutzbund National Air I)cfense League RIF --- _--------Reichsluftsportftihrer --. Ieadei of Reiclh Aerial Sports RLIM -_---------Reichsluftfahlrt in in is- Reich Air Ministry teriumr RM -.-.-.-.--.-. Reichsrmarine ----------- Gelman Navy RM -------Reichsmark -----------R,eichlsm ark RM ----.-.-.-.-. Reichsminister ---------- Reich Minister (cabinet officer) RM ....-.-_____ Reichsnininisterium ----Reich Ministry Rm .A --------Remontrteanit remount commission RMfVuP -_-_---. Reichsminlister fur Volks- Reich Minister for Popular ;nlighltelnmelnt and Propaufklart:ng und Propaganda agan(la R.M.G ---.------- Reichsmilitfirgesetz.. Reich nmilitary law R.m.O ------.-.-Ritter mehrerer Orden__- knight holding several orders 156 GERMIAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS RMVP ---------- Reichsmninisterium fiir Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and PropVolksaufklarung und Propaganda aganda R.O. ---- -- -- - Reiseordnung ------------ travel regulations Reichsostwehranordnung_ Reich East Army Orders ROA....... Reserveoffizieranwiirter___ reserve officer candidate R.O.A______ Rohrbr ...-----. Rohrbremse ------------ recoil brake (artillery) Rotationsmotor ---------- rotary engine (aviation) Rot .....-. to rotate rot - ------- .- rotieren rotor Rot......--Rotort ........ Rottenfuihrer....... (SA) file-leader, Storm Rottf -------Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: corporal); (SS) file- leader, Elite Guard (equivalent U. S. rank: corporal) Rp-------------R.-P -----.-Rp ............. R.P------------R.P... R-Patrone ------Rp. Fz.. Rp.Schl ---------. Rp.S.. R.P.V . R.P.-Verf .. Rpw .-. ------R.Q . R R.---------R. R.. -..... RRG .---------. R.Rp.Fz -------. R.R.Zg ---------Rs.............. Raupe ---------------Reisepass --_---------Reparatur ------------Richtpunkt ............ Rohrenpulver ...... ... Rauchpatrone fiir Messbatterie Raupenfahrzeug Raupenschlepper ... Raupenschlepper -. Reichswehrpostvorschrift.......... Richtpunktverfahren .. ___ Reparaturwerkstatt ------Reisequartier ............ ... - Reichsrundfunk-_ .... Reiterregiment. Reichsrunldfulnkg e s e llschaft Raderraupenfahrzeug caterpillar track passport repair aiming point (gunnery) tubular powder (propellant) smoke-signal cartridge survey battery full-track vehicle caterpillar tractor caterpillar tractor for arnly postal regulations inidirect laying (artillery) repair workshop march billet Reich broadcasting horse cavalry regiment Reich Broadcasting Cornpanly; Reich Radio Company __ wheel-tracked vehicle (ar- Regimentsreiterzug _ Regimentsuntersattlermeister R.-Sfl.-B.-Schule__- Reichs-Segelflugbauschule mored vehicle that can run either on wheels or on a caterpillar track) regimental mounted platoon regimental assistant saddle master Reich Glider Building and Construction School 157 ABBREVIATIONS R.Sp ----------R.Sp.Tr --------- Reiterspitze ..... ..--..Reiterspahtrupp_ RSt -----------RSt ---------- Regimentstab___ Reitersturm ---- R .St.---R-Sta.. --- RSt GB R.St.V.O -- --- - RT ------------- R t -----------R.T....... rtde Rtg_. Richtstelle -.... .......Reiterstandarte - aiming-circle station Reichstrafgesetzb uch ---Reichsstras se nve rkehrsordnung Reichstag ----Reiter -- -....-. Reservetruppe - .-...... reitende .-. . Reichstag ------ - cavalry point; molunted point cavalry reconnaissance -....--detachment regimental staff -....... -.---... mounted troop of Storm Troops or Elite Guard - -mounted -...... regiment of Storm Troops or Elite Guard Reich penal code traffic German highway regulatiolls Reichstag; German Parliament cavalryman reserve troops - mounted Reichstag; German Parlia- mellt R.T.K --- Rtm Rtr Rtr . -Rttm R.U -------- --- R.Ul............ R.U.i - ---- --.-- Reservetruppe nkommando Rittmeister .. Reiter.. ....... Reiterregiment_ Rittmneister .. Reiterunteroffiziei r_. . -Reserveunterstanl¢ d RichtkreisuinteroflTizier -- Rii... Riistung------- Riickl Riicksp___ Riickst rtickw ---.------rtickw ---rtickw - - - - Riickw riickw.Kr riickw.Verb ------ Riucklauf ..--. Riickz ----------itiist - ----- 516560°-43 Riickspiegel .... Riickstoss . rtickwartig ----rUckwarts ------ riickwirkend - -.. ...... .--.-.. ..... reserve troops command captain (cavalry) cavalryman cavalry regiment (horse) captain (cavalry) cavalry nollcomllllnimssionled officer .-reserve dulgout; shelter nonlconllmissiollerd officeer in charge of ailing circle armament; equipment recoil (of a gun) rearview mirror repulse; recoil behind the line; rearward hbackwards; to the rear retroactive ... _reaction; repercussion Riickwirkung_ _ retroactive power riickwirkende Kra ft.. riickwartige Vert bindull- communication in or to the rear gen .. ... retreat; withdrawal Riickzug ------armament; equipment -...... RIistung ........ ---11 158 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS RUist.Ausg ----Ruist.St Riistungsausgaben ..... Ruistungsstand. .... R.U.P -- - ------- Reiterunteroffizierposten- russ -------.. ..--- russisch ----------R.u.V------------ Verordnung iiber Rangu n d Vorgesetzenverhailtnis der Soldaten des Reichsheeres rechts vorbei -...... r.v --------------R.V -----------R.V ------------. R.V.O ----------RW .----- -------- Reiseverordnung fuir die Soldaten Reitvorschrift. Reichsversicherungsordnung Reichswehr -------- _--- armament expenditure state of military preparedness mounted cossack post led by noncommissioned officer Russian German Army rank and superiority regulations too far to the right (gunnery) travel regulations for soldiers equitation manual Reich insurance law standing German army (before 1933) repair workshop R. W --.Reparaturwerkstatt ---.. signpost R.W -----------Richtungsweiser- dray-cart Rollwagen ----------Rw_ .. R.-Wagen ------Rungenwagen---------- heavy freight car (15 tons) German weather bureau RWD -_. -------- Reichswetterdienst -----standing German army .. _ RWe. . ....--------Reichswehr _-.. _ (before 1933) barrel carriage (artillery) ......... R ohrwagen . . R.Wg . true course (aviation) r.w.K ------------ rechtweisender Kurs ---regulations regarding the Rw San V -------- ReichswehrsanitatsvorMedical Service of the schrift Reichswehr barrel burster (artillery) Rz --------------- Rohrzerspringer -----cavalry platoon R.Zg --------Reiterzug -------------R.Zug ------------ Reiterzug --------------- cavalry platoon S S-----------S.--......... S-..... SS-. .. . ..-- Heeresnachrichtenschule_ Luftsprengpunkt.... Sachverstindiger -.----Siure ---- Sammelstation -------- army signal school (insignia on shoulder straps) point of burst in air (mortar) expert acid collecting station ABBRE VIATIONS Sammeltransport ----- 159 collective transport; conmbination transport . SanitatsS -------------medical Sanitatsabteilung S .-----------medical battalion; medical detachment Sanitatsunteroffizier ---S-------------medical noncommlissionled officer S --------------- Schallmessstelle -- __---sound-ranging station (on sketches) S-.-------_..... scharf -----------------live (amm unition) S-.-------_..... Scheinwerfer ----------searchlight S..--._._........ Scheinwerferzug -------searchlight platoon S.__----.._._.... Schirrmeister ---- _ _---supply sergeant (sleeve insignia) S--------.-----_-_----Schiess-_------fire; firing S---------------Schiessbaumwolle__ _---gun cotton S.---. _...... Schnellzug ------------express train S.-------........ Schiitze ----- -------rifleman S--------._-----Schule ------ -------school S--------.------Schutz-_------ -- -- -- protective S...----. __._.. _ _Schwefel _--------_ sulphur s _-----------schwer ---------------heavy (medium in case of artillery weapons) ... heavy tanks schwere Panzerwagen -----_-- --S Sehscharfe-------------sight; clearness of vision S-............... S eite -----------------page flank S- ....------.. Seiten-_ ... _._......... S-........._._... Sekunde ---------------- second _--.. s --------... selbst-_-------- -- -- -- selfS--------_ Sicherheit -------------- secllrity; safety to put machine gun at safety sichern __........ by the safety catch S-------------... Sicherungsstreitkriifte..---- protecting forces (navy); reserve forces siehe -------------- ---see. refer to _...... .... S-.. .-- _-__------signal Signal . SSold -- -- -- -- -- -- - pay Ssoldier Soldat ---------------S-................ S- --- --- -- -- -- Sommer ----------. summer S-................ special Sonder-_--------------S-................ Sozialist ----socialist S-. - - - - - _----.--Spitz--_.----pointed call station (on sketches) Sprechstelle S---------------- 160 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATI!ONS ..- _ point of burst .... steel Stahl --------------fighting forces Streitkriifte --------south Sud-__ s --------------siidlich............. southward; southerly fiir recoil booster for live amRiickstossverstairker ... 08/S -----. scharfe Munition munition (machine-gun) ---medical battalion; medical Sanitiitsabteilung. S.A ------------detachment automatic central office Selbstanschlussamt _ S.A ----. ski detachment; ski battalion' S. A ------------Skiabteilung ------. sunrise SA -,-.- ------Sonnenaufgang --.-der Storm Troopers Organ izaSturmabteilungen SA -------------tion of the National SociNSDAP alist Party SA.-A_---------Anwarter der Sturmab- candidate for the Stormteilung der NSDAP Troopers Organization of the National Socialist Party ..-. sabotage Sabotage........... Sab ---------Sach.B.. ..... ..---Sachbearbeiter----.-.specialist Sachbeschiadigung - - .- .. damage to property Sachbesch -----relevant; pertinent .. .....sachgemiiss -------sachgemSachk----- Sachkenntnis ------- .... professional knowledge expertness Sachk --------- -Sachkunde ---------- ---.... state of affairs; situation Sachl ----------Sachlage ---------damage to property Sachsch ------- -Sachschaden -------- ...Sachsch.-V_____ SachschadenDversichert ing_ insurance against property damage Sachv .-. Sachverstaindiger. expert; specialist Sachverstandigenguta tch- expert's opinion; expert's Sachv.-G -ten report Sab-........... Sibel . saber; sword Siabelscheide -------. Sab.Sch --------.saber sheath Saibeltroddel .......... Sab.Tr ......... ... sword knot Sau berungstrupp - -.. Siiub.Tr --------mopping-up . party SA-M ----------Sturmabteilungsmann. ..- (SA) Storm Trooper (equivalent U. S. rank: private) Sam -----------Sammel-------------- ... collecting; collective Sam.Bhf --------Sammelbahnhof ----... railroad collecting point Sam.Dep Sammeldepot ------- ... collecting depot Sam.Kp --------Samnmelkompanie --- - ... salvage company Sam.L.-_--_.. Sammellazarett ------ ..- collecting hospital Samml ---------Sammlung ---------- -.- collection S--------------- S.--------------S-.-----------S .-------- Sprengpunkt----- ABBREVIATIONS Sam. San.P ..-. ...Saminmelsanithatspark 161 medical supply collecting depot Sam.Sch. . ..Samnlelschutz ------.... gas protection measures Sam. St . .......... Samllmelst elle salvage dunmp; collecting point Sam.Tr ---- ---Sammelt ransport -.---collective transport; combination transport San Sanitiits-_ ..------- -medical San ---medical depot Sanitatslager --------Sanlitatsamt .------San.A .medical department San. Abt Sanithtsabteilung -.--medical battalion; medical det achment Sanit itsausriistung .. .... medical equipment San. Ausr San.Bed . Sanititsbedarf . needed medical supplies San. D ---------Sanitalisdienst .. medical corps; armnl medical service Szn. Dep ... --Sanitatsdepot . medical depot Sanittsdienststelle .: ... San. I).St medical service stationl San. Einrr . Sanitatseinricht lung (en) ___ medical establishment; medical installations San. Fz -----Sanitiitsfahrzeug .. .... medical vehicle; ambulance medical suplply car San. Ger. Wg -.----Sanititsgeratewagen .... San.Hd ----------Sanitatshund ------ -.. . ambulance dog medical insl)ectorate San. Insp .-. Sanitatsinspektion ..... Sanit. K .......... Sanitatskorps .......... medical corps San. K . Saniitfitskarren .......... -. ambulance cart ambulance San. K -------Sanitatskraftwagenl Sanka ----------Sanitiitskraftwagenbt eil- ambulance detachment ung medical company San. Kp ---------Sanititskonipaie... Sankra .... ....... Sanitatskraftwagen ..... ambulance San. Kst -- -----Sanititskasten . ... medical kit .....Sanitatskraftwage ... Sankw_ anibl.llance medical slpl)lies San.Mitt -------Sanitatsmittel San.Ob.Fw.b.St ... Sanithatsoberfeldwebel (corresponds roughly to U. S. beim Stabe staff sergeant, Medical Corps, at headquarters) San. Ob. Gefr San it/it sobergefreiter - -.. (corresponds roughly to UJ. S. acting corporal, MAdical Corps) San. P ----------Sanitatspark ------------ medical supply dlepot San. Pers --------medical personnel Sanitatspersonal-...-....San. P. Pf -------medical pack horse Sanitatspackpferd ..---San.P. T -------medical pack Sanitatspacktasche -----.... 162 GERMIAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONqS ...........medical staff Sanitiitsstab medical detail (navy) Sainitatstrupp ---------Sanitatsvorratswagen ---- medical supply car ambulance SanitAtswagen.......... schwere Artillerie ------medium artillery motorisierte schwere motorized medium artillery Artillerie Sas Sandsack -----sandbag Satt -- ---------Sattel ------------------ saddle Sattlnstr -------Sattlermeister ----------- master saddler -------------- saddle harness . Sattelzeug ........ Sattl.Zg Sauerst. ---------Sauerstoff ..---------oxygen independent selbstandig----------sb ---------look under s.b ------ ------- - siehe bei --------------S.B ------------Soldbuch -------------- identification book and service record southern latitude sUidliche Breite --------s.B -------- -Sbd ------ Sonnabend -----------Saturday .-... Sbst ----------- Selbstself-; automatic Sch ------------Schaden --------------- damage; injury Sch Schaft-----------. shaft; rifle stock Sch ------------Schallmess-----sound-ranging Sch -------- -Schanz- -------------entrenchment; fieldwork sch ------------schanzen ----to entrench; to dig Sch Schar ----_--- troop; band; host; multitude ----- i--------sharp; live (ammunition) scharf sch ------------Sch ------------Scharfschiitze --------- sharpshooter Sch ----------Scheibe ---------- target Sch ..------------- Scheide -------------- limit; boundary; sheath separation Scheidung.---------Sch Sch -------Schein ----------------- appearance; light; dummySch .---------Scheinwerfer ---- -----searchlight; headlight Sch ------------Scheune I-----------barn (on maps) ski Sch ..------------- Schi _ - ..-----.------Schieds- --- .---------Sch -------arbitration; umpire Schiene --------------splint; rail Sch ---------1to put in a splint --. schienen ---------sch---Sch. . ......-----Schiess- _-----------_ ifiring; shooting sship Sch ------------ - S chiff ------------- -_ Sch ------ --- --- Schiflfahrt ----------- - inavigation Sch ------------. Schilderhaus E---------sentry box Sch ------------. Schirm -- __----- -_ Eshelter; screen; umbrella Sch ------------. Schirr- . _ ..-- _-Iharness; trappings Sch ...............Schnee ---------ssnow San.St ----------San.Tr-------San.Vorr.Wg ----San. Wg------s.Art... . s.Art.(mot.) ------ 163 ABBREVIATIONS sch -__----_-Sch - - - Sch sch ----------- schon ---_-_---------Schornstein -----------Schitze.. schiitzen -- _----------- already chimney rifleman to protect; to guard; to shelter Sch _- Schule _school Schuss Sch -_ shot Schultz ---_----------Sch shelter; refuge: protection; cover Schutzschild ------------ protective shield Sch _ Schalld -Schalldaimpfer ------------ muffler; silencer Schall-Geschw Schallgeschwin digkeit velocity of sound Schallm . Schallmessung sound-ranging Schallmessbatterie.... Schallm. Battr sound-ranging battery Schallm. Ger Schallmessgerat -. sound-ranging equiplmernt Schallm.Tr -----Schallhnesstrupp .. sound-ranging section Schallmessverfahren -.--Schallm. Verf ----sound-ranging met hod Schaltung . connection; gear shift Schaltg Sch.Anl -_-_----Scheinanlage -- ---- ----dumrnmy works; camnouflage works Schanzzeugwagen -------- entrenching-tools wagon Schanz. Wg --Scharfsch -. Scharfschiitze ......... sharpshooter Scharfuhrer -----. ------section leader, Storm Troops Scha (SA) ------(equivalent U.S. rantk: sergeant) Scha (SS) Scharfuhrer _-_-_-_-_--first section-leader, E;lite Guard (equivalent U. S. rank: staff sergeant) Scheibe --------------Schb target Sch.B _ Schiessbuch .......... score book (gtunnery) rifle brigade Sch. B Schiutzenbrigade -------Sch. Bew_ _._._ feint; sinullated movement Scheinbewegung ..----.. Sch. Biw Scheinbiwak_---------dummrrry bivouac; caoullttlage bivouac Schiessbaumwolle .........guin cotton Schbw -----Sch. D Schulterdecker --------high-M ing monoplane Schalldiimpfer -------mluflter; silenlcer Schdpfr ' Scheinanl -------Scheinanlage ----------dummy works; camouflage works sham battle Scheingef --Scheingefecht ------Scheinst dunilmm IositionT; camouflage _--_-Scheinstellung ---position Scheinw -----hn. Scheinwerfer ..... e..--searchlight; headlight Scheinw. Ger. Wg. Scheinwerfergeraitewagncn _ searchlight equipment trucik 164 Scheinw.Zg -----Sch.Entf -------Scherf ----------- GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Scheinwerferzug --------- searchlight platoon range battery commander's telescope Schf -----------Scharfschiitze ----_ _-_ sharpshooter Sch.F ----------- Scherenfernrohr -------battery commander's telescope training plane Sch. Flgz _--------- Schulflugzeug---------Sch.G ----------- Schulgefechtsschiessen _-- combat practice firing rubble pit (on maps) Schgr Schottergrube ---------_---_--Sch. Gr --trench Schiitzengraben .Sch.Gr.........-- Schiitzengruppe rifle squad trench gun Sch. Grab.Kan-... Schiitzengrabenkanone_ ski detachment; ski battalion Schi-Abt ....Skiabteilung ---------Schicht.l ... ------ Schichtlinien ----------contour lines (on maps) Schiess-Aufs ---Schiessaufsicht --------supervision of firing Schiessf Schiessfertigkeit ----- fire proficiency; fire skill firing stand; firing rest Schiess-G -------Schiessgestell .. Schiesshilfsmittel -.- --fire control aids Schiess-H. M ---Schiessli-------Schiesslehre -----------ballistics; gunnery Schiessplatz ............ firing range (on maps) Schiesspl ......... Schiessstard ------------ rifle range (on maps) Schiess St Schiessst. Aufs... Schiessstandaufseher .rifle range supervisor Schiess-tb -------- SchiessUibung ____ .. shooting practice Schiess V____- -Schiessvorschrift -------- gunnery manual Schiess-Verf------ Schiessverfahren --------- method of fire; conduct of fire Schiessw -----____ Schiesswesen ----------ballistics; musketry; gulnnery Schildhs _-------Schilderhaus----------- sentry box Schirrm -_Schirrmeister ----------- supply sergeant Sch. K -Schii tzen kette ----------- skirmish line Sch.Kl Schiesskladde .. data book Sch.K 1 ----------- Schiessklasse marknmanship rating Sch.Kp I Schiitzenkompanie .... rifle company Sch. Kpf -------Scheinkampf --- ---- ---- sham battle Schl -----------Schlacht --------------battle Schl - Schlappe --------------- reverse; rebuff schl -- schleichen _--_----- ---to crawl; to creep Schl Schleier --------------screen; veil Schl Schlepp-_-------------towSchl -----------Schlepper.............. tractor; prime mover; tug Schl -----------Schleppflugzeug -------tow plane Schussentfernung ----- Scherenfernrohr ------ ABBREVIATIONS Schl -_--------- Schleuder--------------Schl -.........-Schleuse --------------Schl -----------Schliessender ........... Schl .--------- Schlinge ---------------Schl ------- - - - Schlitten --------------Schl .-----------Schloss............... Schl .Schlucht ................ schl.----------schliisseln --------------Schl .----------- Schluss ----------------- 165 catapult sluice; lock file closer sling; noose sled; sleigh castle (on mnaps) ravine; gorge to encode; to encipher end; close; conclusion; terination; finish rifle pit Schl ------------Schiitzenloch -..... ----butchery, slaughter Schlicht --------Schlachterei Schliacht. A bt. Schlachtereiabteilungl slaughter detachmnent arbitration comnlllit.tee Schl.Aussch .. Schlichturngsaussch uss Schl.Bolz -------Schlagbolzen... firing pin; striker Schl.Bt . . ......-. Schlauchboot ------------ pneumatic boat (combat engineer setrvice) arbitration office Schlchtgs A -....... Schlichtungsamint tugboat Schl D ... Schleppdamtpfer -.. Schussleistung ... .. . guni performlance Sch. Leist Schles ----------Silesia Schlesien .. fighter plane Schl.Flgz -------Schlaclltflugzeug --.---Schlf.M ---.. Schleifnitihle ........, grinding-mill (on maps) battle wing (airplane) Schl.Geschw -----Schlachtgeschwader -. arbitration committee Schlicht. A ussch _ _ Schlichtutngsausschu ss .. Sch.Lkw -,. Schienenlastkraftwagen__ truck on rails Schl. M GSchlittcnnlasch i n e n ge- machine gun on sleigh iiloutit wehr battle order Schl.O ----------Schlachtordnung .. Schlp -------.. Schlepp-_ . towSchlp.Flgz ---___ Schleppflugzeug --------- tow plane Schl.Seg --------Schleppsegel ------------ landing-apron (dragged sail for landing airplanes at sea) Schl.St ------- Schlachtstaffel --battle wing (air planes) Schl WV-----_Schleppwagen ----------- tow car (motor vehicle) Schl.Z.Schr -----Schlagziindschraube ----threaded-base percussion primer Schm ..----. Schirrmneister ... ----------supply sergeant skirmisher's trench (for Scll. M .-------- Schtitzenmulde --------prone riflemen) narrow-gauge railroad Schmnalsp. B ---. Schmalspurbahn -------Sch. Masch _--_____ Schulmaschine _--__ ... training plane 166 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONlS -Schallmesskabel -... . .. _.. _. sound-ranging cable .-. worm. Schnee --.... .-.--snow Schn. fast; quick; rapid ... schnell .-- . schn ..... Schnitt cut; section; intersection; .. Schn bearing Schneckenaufsatz -_ -.. worm-gear sight (artillery) Schn.Aufs -..... portable footbridge Schnellbricke Schn. Br. footbridge platoon .. portable . Schnellbriickenzug -Schn. Br.Zg (combat engineers) Schneeschuhlaufer rbatail- ski battalion Schnee. Btl_ _ lon snow chains; nonskid chains Schneeketten Schnee-K__ (for motor vehicles) rapid fire Schnellfeuer Schnefeuportable footbridge Schnellbriicke Schnellbr. rapid fire Schnellfeuer . Schnellf rapid-fire gun -Schnellfeuergeschii it .... z Schnellf. GeschI____ Schnellfeuerkanon, e ...... rapid-fire cannon Schnellf. Kan_ ski patrol Schneeschuhpatrot uille Schn. Sch. Patr -... Schneeschuhspahti rupp - -- ski scout squad Schn. Sch. Sptr ..... schneller Verband .-.-.-mobile task force (of motorschn. Verb -ized, mechanized mixed troops) express train Schnellzug -.-Sehn. Z -rifle range regulations Schiessstandordnuing -.-Sch. O . Scheitelpunkt zenith of trajectory (balScll. P ----. listics) shed; hangar (on maps) Schuppen Schp -----firing range Schiessplatz ... Sch.Pl Jluterbog Firing Range . Schiessplatz Jiiterb)og. Sch.P1.J ---. Schiessplatz Kumnrr ersdorf Kummri ersdorf Firing Range Sch. P1.K--.... firing range command Schiessplatzkomima ando_ Sch. PI. Kdo_. Schiessplatzwache_ firing range guard Schpl.W ----Schutzpolizei__. - -......- police Sch. Pol_----schr&ag ---------oblique schr.. Schrapnell ..... shrapnel Schr Schraube -------screw; propeller Schr --------Schrot . small-shot; buckshot Schr......... scrap metal Schrott ........ Schr --------rifle regiment Schiitzenregiment_ .-.-.-Sch. R -file of riflemen Schuitzenreihe --Sch. R --mit Auf schlag- shrapnel with percussion Schr. A ------ ... -Schrapnell fuze ztinder Sch. M.K ___ Schn - -- Schnecken- 167 ABBREVIATIONS Schrapnell .............. Schrapn_ -------Schrbl_ _ -------- Schraube .-...... Schrbm_ --------- Schraubenmut ter ..... Schr. Bz_--------- I Schrapnell mit Brennziinder Sch. Rdl -------Schiitzenrudel ----------Schr. F1........ Schrotflinte -- Schr.Gew --. Schraubengewinde Schiitzenregiment ---Schirrmeister-.... Schutzraumr......... Schirrmeister- und Zeughauswaffenmeistervorschrift Sch Rgt.. Schrm.... Sch.Rm -- Schrum.u.Zgw. V_ Schr.St .......... Sch.S .......... Sch.Std --.---Sch. Tf -.-------- Sch.Tr ---------Schtz- .......-Schtz ----------- Schtz.Sch -------Sch.U ----------Schiitzh --------Schultkl ----- --------- Schreibstube ----------- shrapnel screw; propeller nut shrapnel with time fuze rifle squad in combat formation small-shot rifle; buckshot rifle; shotgun thread (mechanics) rifle regiment supply sergeant shelter (air raid) manual for supply sergeants and arsenal ordnance noncommissioned officers orderly room; office practice fire Schulschiessen.. Scheibenstand ---------butts (musketry) Schusstafel ...--- ---- firing table; range table rifle squad Schiitzentrupp ------rifleman Schiitze --.. ---------Schutz -------.-.-.-.-. - protection; cover Schutzschild ---------protective shield Schiessunteroffizier ...--marksmanship instructor (noncommissioned officer) Schtitzenhaus-- .-.------ shooting lodge; club-house of a rifle-club (on maps) Sehulterklappe -.- ----- shoulder straps (on uniforms of noncommissioned cers and privates) offi- Schultst --------- Schulterstiick---------- officers' shoulder straps (on Schupo ---------schussf... Schussgeschw_. Schussl. - Schutzpolizei ------------ municipal police force ready to fire velocity of fire; rate of fire gun-target line; line of sighting; line of aim; line of future position (antiair- uniforms of officers) schussfertig - . .......... Schussgeschwindigkeit_ - - Schusslinie ..-- craft) Schuss/Min Schussw Schussw --------SchusswG --_--- Schuss in der Minute --Schusswaffe .....- -.- - - Schussweite -.--- Schusswaffengesetz ..... --- rounds per minute firearm range firearms law 168 GERNMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS number of rounds goggles .. protective wagon (armored train) manual gunnery Schiessvorschrift ----. Sch. V. Schiessvorschrift fiir Ge- gunnery manual for rifle Schv.f. Gew --(carbine), light machine wehr (Karabiner), leichgun and pistol, and regutes Maschinen gewehr lations for the throwing of und Pistole, und Bestimlive hand grenades mungen fiir das Werfen scharfer Handgranaten Schiessvorschrift ftir das gurlnlery manual for the Schv.s.M.G.____. heavy machine gun schwere Maschinengewehr searchlight; headlight Scheinwerfer -. -.. Sch. W.....-protective guar'd Schultzwacbe he ---.. . Schw --------- --- fumles; vapor Schwaden -------...... Schw Schwadron ------------- troop (cavalry); squadron Schw------ ----trail (gun); tail Schwan z -----------.--Schw ..--.-Schwarm swarm (6-7 airplanes, 2 flights) Schllw black _----------schwarz ... Schwenkarnm ----------rotating arm Schwenkkung ----------turn; turning movement; SChIw_ ......... wheeling heavy schwer_ -.-.-. -.- schw-----..----------Sch wimnl m ---floating Sehw.... Schwirnnler Schw --------swimmer; float; ponton (aviation) Schwinge --------------- bird's wing (collar insignia of .-.. ...---Schwthe air force) …--- Schc wadron ------------- cavalry troop; squadron (aviSchwadlr . ation) medium artillery schwere Artillerie -..-.. schw. Art..... __.... schw. Art,.Abt - -- schwere Artillerieabteil- medium artillery battalion ung suspension railroad Schw.B ---------Schwebebahn -----seriously injured person sChw.Besch _----Schwerbeschaidigter schw.Bornb -----schweres Bombenflugzeiug heavy bomber schw. 13r. Mod ----schweres Briickeumodell_ heavy bridge model medium battery (artillery) schw. Bttr -------schwere Batterie ------Schwadron _-__--------Schwd ------ _-_cavalry troop; squadron (aviation) SchussZ------Schutzbr -----SchutzWg ..--- Schulsszahl ..... Schutzbrille .......-----Schutzwagen ---- - Schw.D --------- Schwimmdock------- floating dock 169 ABBREVIATIONS Schwd.Ch . ....... Schwadronschef ..-..... troop commander (cavalry) Schw.-l)ock . Schwimmidock --------floating dock heavy flat trajectory fire Schwefla ......... schweres Flachfeuer --Schwerb --------Schwerheschadigter - -. seriously injure(l person Schwerg -------Schwergewicht ........... heavy weight; main stress; emphasis schwerkr ---schwerkrank__ -------seriously ill SchWf ----------- Scheinwerfer . searchlight; headlight Schwf.Ger _----Scheinwerfergerat - - -. searchlight eqtipmlent Schw.Fhr searchlight commanllader ....... Scheinwerferferfh rer..... schw.Fu-Sta. (Kr.)_ schwere Funkstationl auf heavy radio station on truck Kraftwagenl Sch.WG . ... ...... Gesetz iiber Schusswaffenl- law concerllilg firearllms and Munlition alamlullition Schwg. Dpfl vibratioll damplller (aviation) . Schwiiguig sdaiiginl)fer -SchwgR- ...... SchwunlgradS .... .. ttywheel Schw.K.---.. .. Schwarnlkeil ............ wedge formation (aviation) schw.Kp . .........schwere Kompanie ---heavy weapons colpanyll schw.Kpfw ---... schwerer Kampfwagen___ heavy tank Schwbl-Mot ...... Schwerhollotor_ heavy oil engine (aviation) Schwp . - ........Schwerplunkt------strong point (tactics); center of gravity Schwpv- -.... Schwarzpulver ---------- black powdler schw.v---------. schwer verwtmidet seriouislvy worlIn(ted Schw.W ---------- Schwarmllwinkel -----wedlge formluat.ioll ( lviation) Sclhw. W........ Schwesterwaffe ------related braincl.,(of the armed forces) schw. Wff .-.---schwere Waffenl . heavy weapolls Schz .-. Schlanzzeug .ll.g entremnchinig tools .. ....... Scheinrwerferziig -..- - Sch.Zg searchlight, platoon -... Schtlitzenzulg .--Schl.Zg --. rifle platoonl ( wagon Schz.Wg . ........Schanzzeugwagen -l------ emit renehllg-t ools SI) - -------- - .--..Seitendeckung.. flank guard; flank security S.DI) ------------.. Sichermligsdieilst .-..... security service sd -------------special … sonder .sd -------------siiddeutsch. Soul It (erlrlall Sd . . ......... Slund Sl)eckg --sdl .. sdr ….. ------ Seitendeckuing . ..... siidlich .... ..----sonder......... … Sd r. (;esc(h Sdr. Kdo --------- -.. ...... .- Sondergeschoss . Sonderkomlmando ------ sound; arl of tthe sea flank guard: flank seenriily soullt hern; southward S)pecial special projectile special collllallnd; corllmalld SdS_ ,Sandsack_ sandl ag sep)arate 170 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Soil der Sanittatsausriis- S.d.S___ requisitlion of medical supplies naval flier Seeflieger Seefl .... ........Seeflugzeulg .. .......... seaplane; hydroplane Seeflgz_ ......__. Seegefecht ... ........... naval engagement; fleet acSeegef__ tion; sea battle .......... Seekarte ----- ........sea chart; hydrographic Seek .._. chart seeklar -..... ..-.-..... ready to sail seekl ---. Seelenachse_. axis of the bore (artillery) SeelA international nautical weathSeeobsdienst __ Seebeobachtunf gsdienst_ er service seewarts . seaward seew ---........ sail Segel .. Seg -.- ------__ Segelflugzeug_- ..-. ....glider Seg.Flgz -----Sehrohr . -... .......... periscope (submarine, tank); Sehr --------telescope Seiten- _. flank Seit .....----Seitenabweichm ng ------drift; deflection error; lateral Seit.Abw ----deviation Seitendeckung_ ...-...... flank guard; flank security Seit. D --Seitenflosse Seit.F1l -.-.-.... vertical fin (aviation) bayonet; side arm Seit. Gew ..... Seitengewehr.. --........ .-.-flank .... march Seitenmarsch Seit. M Seitenschutz -_ .......... flank protection; flank seSeit.Sch curity Seitensicherung_ --..... Seit. Sich flank protection . seitwiirts ..... sidewards seitw -..tungen Sek..----/Sek ----sekr------Sekr ---. Sekunde ....... Sekt ------. Sekt --..-. S.E.L .... Selb ..... ------ ....... selbst..... .-....- second -... in der Sekunde_ sekret _....... Sekretiir...... Sektion -----Sektor ... _ Selbstlade-EinstiecklauLf per second secret secretary section sector subealiber barrel for automatic weapon Selbst- ------- self-; automatic . independent Selbstf.L_ ....... Selbstfahrlafette .......... self-propelled artillery mount Selbst-St___ .... __Selbststeucrung_ .automatic control (aviation) selbst. Verb selbstiindiger Ve rband___ independent unit Send -----..... Sender.. ..__ sender; transmitter (radio) Send _----transmission; broadcasting; -------. . Sendung. shipment selbstiindig -__. 171 ABBREVIATIONS Send.Anl --.----Send.St-. Sendeanlage Sendestation senkrecht . senkr ........... ............ sesshaft . sessh -.. -- - -Sessh Sesshaftigkeit Sext ------------- Sextant ..... Scherenfernroh r -. . S.F... transmitting station ….----.. transmitting station; sending station; broadcasting station vertical -......... persistent (gas) persistency (of a gas) sextant battery ...... commllander's telescope Sonnenfinsterniis solar eclipse -.-----S.-F -- -- -- -schwere Feldha Lubitze medium field howitzer s.F.H s.F.H.M.W Munitionswa agen der amlmunition wagon for the medium field howitzer schweren Felldhaubitze S.F.K --Schnellfeuerkar none rapid-fire cannon Sfl.. glider Segelflieger__ . Sfi...... Selbstfahrlafett te........ self-prol)elled niount - - - -- naval flier -...-Sflg Seeflieger -----............ glider flight ; gliding -.. Sflg Segelflug_ __ glider depot SflL .... Segelfluglager_ drill grolnd for practice Segelflugiibulngs sgeliinde . gliding SFR..... ........ Schnellfrontzug rnit Reise- express troop train w itl) civilian section zugtceil telescope nlount S.F.St... ... Scherenfernrohl rstand .... s.F.St _ schwere Funkst relle large radio station fiur heavy radio equilrnlent truck (w .....Geratskraftwag :en schlweres Funkgeriit s.Fu.Ger.V s. Fu. Ger. I Vg . bespannter Geerttwagen heavy radio equipmlent wagon (horse-drawn) fiir schwere s Funkgerat s.Fu.I w-__ ....... _ Kraftwagen fii r schweres truck for heavy radio equipInen t Funkgerat s.Fu.St .......... large radio station schwere Funkst elle radio heavy for wagon s. F'u. Wg _ _._ bespannter Wi agen fiir equipmlent (horse-dlrawun) schweres Fun kgerat S.F.V .... -. glider club ... Segelflugverein . schwerer Feldw, agen heavy field wagon s.F.Wg SF-Zug Schnellfrontzug ; ...... -. -express troop I rain S.-Gerat - protective equiplnient; deSchutzgerait..... fensive appliances S-Gesch Spitzgeschoss_ pointed bulllet SGew..... . bayonet; sidearms --- - - - Seitengewehr_. Sg. Fl... . glider Segelflieger -_ 172 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIIONS schwer geltndegangig . heavy cross-country schwerer geliindegiangiger heavy cross-country motor Lastkraftwagen truck schwnerer gel/Andegiingiger heavy cross-country persons.gl. PK .. Personenkraftwagen nel carrier Sandgrube . Sgr ,.... . sandpit (on maps) S.H.D ---Sicherheits- und Hilfair-raid protection auxiliary dienste services Si .. Signalstation.. _. signal station Sicherheit_Sich ----s-------. security; safety sichern...... sich . to secure; to protect; to put weapon at safety Sicherungsabteilting Sich.Abt . security detachment Sicherheitsbeanlter security official Sich. 13 Sicherheitsbestimminingen- safety regulations Sich. Best Sicherheitsdienst Sich.D .T)-..... .. security service Sicherungsfl Ugel . - safety catch (weapons) Sich. F1. Sicherunlgshebel . . . Sich. H ..... safety lever (weapons) Sicherungslinie . outguard line of resistance Sich. T.. Sicherungsinassnahmle safety precaution; protective Sich. Massn measure Sich...-. Schl . Sicherungsschleier . ..... safety screen Sichtblarkeit, . visibility Sichth . Sichterkundung . Sichterk ...... visual reconnaissance Sich. Tr . Sicherheitstruppe.. ... ..... security troops Sichtvernierk ..... . visa Sichtv ... Sicht-Z --Sichtzeichen ..---------ground signal; ground panel (aviation) visual signal Sicherullgswesen -ll-. seculrity rmeasures; safety Sich.W . measu res Sieger.. Sieg......-------. victor . _ siegreich__ victorious siegr. Signal .... Sig.... signal ___ schweres Infanteriege- heavy infantry gun schtitz Signal..._ signal -__ Signatur__ Sign..._ conventional sign (map or troop symbol) Sign. H Signalhorn -- ..signal horn; siren Sign. Mitt Signalmittel ..__-. __ signal device Sign.Off -Signaloffizier signal officer Sign. Rak Signalrakete . signal rocket; flare Signst __---.---Signalstation -------signal station s.gl -_-----s.gl.LTKW _ 173 ABBPEVIATIONS Sign. W ------Sig.Pers. Sig. Pist . _ Sig. W..... silbh.. ... S. In .. s.Ilf. Wff Sipo .. Si. Spruch.. Sist... SK . Sk. ........... Sk S.KX. S.Kol s. Kon l. S. Kp-_ Skr_ - S.I. -L S1L... SL -...Slhb SIgy Slv .. S-M sm. - s.Nlast-lw __ s. Mast- WVg ---- s Med s. I( Snl/h . .-. .-------. 6 1 ;,5fO0 -4: Signalwerfer .. Signalpersonlal Signalpistole ... Signalwesen . .. signal flare projector signial personnel signal pistol signal system silver II eeressanitatsinlspek tion army medical inspectorate schwere lnfanteriewafiel heavv infantry weal)ols Sicherheitsp olizei seculrity police Signalspruch. signal mllessage temporary arrest Sistiierung_ Sal itatskolorl o medical colimlllll Schnlellfeuierkaione rapid-fire cannon Skizze .. -. sketch; outline Sonderkoin Ilima.do spccial commalld: sepa.lare command I.Reichwcite eilnes ululg- range of a plane in kiloZellgs ill Kiilonleteril meters San it/tskolotlme medical train schwerer Kraftollni lbus heavy motor )biLs Sanritatskolrpanie medical company Sek retar secretnar Sanitiiitslager meldical depot Sattel .. saddle See- tli1d lanrdflugzeulg amni)hibioiis planie silvr Silber Samnihing collection Salve . salvo (artillery);volley (rifle) broadside (naovy) Seemleile ...... sea mile; nautical mile: geographical mile; klnot (1S.55 meters; 60S0 feet) Sekundenmneter __ met ors per seco(odll Ma stkraft wagen fiir antenna truck for heavy schwcres Funkgeriit auf radio apparat:us (mIotorKraft.wagen ized) Mastwageon fur bespann- antenna wagon for heavy tes schweres Funkradio equipllent (horsegeralt drawn) silherne AIedaille silver nledal schweres MNlashlinlenge- heavy mnachlille glln wehr Seeniclen in der Stilnde.... nautical miles per hour; knots silb)ern ---12 -. 174 GERTMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATTONS Spreng- or Schrapnellmine anti-personnel mine; "silent soldier" S.M. K___ schwere Munitionskolonne heavy ammunition column Smk -... ........ Spitzgeschoss mit Stah I- pointed bullet with steel kern core Sm K L-spmr ..---- Spitzgeschoss mit Stah I- pointed bullet with steel core kern und Leuchtspur and tracer effect Seemeilen in der Stind( knots per hour Sm/Std___ S. M.Tr___ ........ Schallhnesstrupp -----sound-ranging section scharfe Munition .---live ammunition S-Mun___ schwerer Munitionswi a- heavy ammunition wagon, s. Mun. Wg .02 ---model 1902 gen Modell 1902 schwerer Mlinenwerfer__ heavy mortar s. Mw --- ........ Signaloffizier ---------SO------ ........ signal officer Sidosten..-... .-. SO --- -__ southeast ..... stidostwarts ---------so .---..southeastward; southeasterly Sock. Laf_ Sockellafette ............rotating-base mount Sold .... .----S61dner --------- -. hired soldier; mercenary ........ Soldnerheer......... 861d.H _. mercenary army Sildnertruppe -------Sold.Tr___ .-...... mercenary troops __.... -sofort .. .-. sof........ immediately Sof -.--.-.-... Sofortsache ... immediate action (notice on documents) . so-called sogenannt_ ..sog..... ... . sogleich immediately; at once sogl -----sol .------ ..... .-......... . solange so long as Sold..... ....... soldier Soldat .-----sold ..... ..... soldatisch....... soldierlike identification book and servSold-B .... .. .. Solci)uch .... ice record Sold.Frdh_ - ... Soldatenfriedhof -------soldiers' cemetery Soldgr Soldatengrab.. .. soldiers' grave (on maps) Soldatenheinl ... soldiers' hoime Sold. Hm Sold. Spr. .-....... Soldatensprache .. soldiers' slang Sold. St ..---.. Soldatenstand .. .military profession Sold. Url.O_ .. Soldaten rlal i),sordl nit rg_ _ soldiers' leave regulations Sollbest__ Sollbestand___ required strength Somm0 ..... Sommeer . ...... sltnmmer sond -----.-. sonder..__ . special Sond. Anl _........ Sonderanhianger -.---special trailer; extra car (motor transport) Sond.Auftr ..... Sonderauftrag ---------- _ special mission Sond.-Ber_ Sonderbericht.......... - special report S-Mine ---- ABBREVIATIONS Sonderklasse -......__-.-. Sonderurlaub ------. Sonderzweck Sonntagsulrlaub ... Suiidost zu Ost. Signalposte.. Sond. KI_ Sond.Url__ Sond.Zw Sonnt Url SOzO_____ S.P ----- Sp_ Sp_ sp_ sp-SpSpSp - Sp, Sp - Sp _. SpSp_ Sp Sp sp- - Sp Sp_ Sp_ Sp ,. Sp___ Sp___ Sp_ _ Sp.A_ Spanmn.-W ... Span. R . Sp.I). Sperrf........ Sperrh___ Spez ... .. -- spez. Gew .... . 175 special class special leave ...... special purpose Sunday leave southeast by east signal post: signal guard; signal sentry ............... scoutSpah-. . sp/ahen ..--.. . ..... to scout; to observe . scoutt; observer Spither ... -spilllig . . drawn ........... by animals ................ late spat-_ Spalte ... .. .............. split; crack . tension; strain; stress; voltSpalllung . age ,,..... . barricade; blockade Sperre blocking; arresting Sperr-_ .... .-.. sperren . .. . . to block; to arrest specific ... spezifischl ............... nilirror; reflector Spiegel spit; pike; soldier's slang for Spiess..--- --------master sergeant Spind ... locker (soldier's wardrobe) Spinne..... road junction Spion (age)__ .. spy; espi)onage .. to spy .... spioniere Spital hospital Spitzen- . head; point; advance Splitter_ . splinter Sporn . trail splade; tail skid; spur (artillery, aviation) Spreng-_ .... explosive Sprenlglpnkt ... . point of burst (gunnery) Spur . track; trail; scent in . badge for achievementl Sportabzeichen. sp)orts Spannlweite.... ... wingspread; spatl Spanische Reiter. cheval-de-frise (wire entanglerents) lSpillditnst_____ .... . scouting duity Sperrfeuer . barrage; barrage fire Sperrhlolz .,. plywood Spezialitit ..... specialty spezifisches Gewicht... specific gravity 176 GE!RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONIS ___Spezialtruppeen Spez.Tr------Spezialverwendung-___ Spez. Verw. ___ Spaltfiiugel_____ Sp.FlgSpezialflugzeug ... Sp. Flgz ---- special troops special use slotted wing special airplane sport plane ___ portflugzeulg Sp. Flgz Sperrfort .. outer fort Sp.Ft -_ -spannig______.. drawn by animals spg - - sI)an; voltage Spg - - - - - ___ Spannung. -. barred zone; blockaded zone ___ Sperrgebiet -... Sp.Geb --S P.Gesch___ ___ Spitzgeschoss mrit Phos- pointed bullet with tracer phor effect boundary of blocked zone Sp.Gr --------- ___ Sperrgrenze. -. forward echelonl ... Spitzengrupl)e.. __ Sp. Gr ___Sprenggranate .... high-explosive shell Sp.Gr ___ Sprenggranatenlzii nder fuze with centrifugal safety Spgr.m.K -----mit Klappensicherung device (Iligh-explosive shell) Sprenlgpunkth6he ..-height of point of burst Sp-H ----Spionage . . espionage Spion --------hospital Spit ------------ __ Spital - ----head; point; advance Spitzen-_ Spitz ---Spitzenkomrpanie_ advance party Spitz. Komp -. Sp.Kp... -... __ Spitzenkonmpanie ...... _. advanlce party __ Sprengkapsel ------------ detonating cap Sp.K-ps frglllelitatiOi b)omb): splinSplitterbomibe ---------Spl.Bo -.... ter bollib Sp. Leist peak capacity; record Splittergranate ------- fragmllentlatiol shell Spl.Gr --Sperrnmaiuer . - ------blockilng wall; rampart Sp.M rare metals Sp. Metalle -__ Sparmnetalle . ... blockilig: Iillinig (naval) Spr------ - -S.Pr ---------- _ Spit;zgeschoss Illit Phos- poinited bullet witfh tracer phor effect spreizen ----------------to spread; to straddle spr ----------Spr -- - -- Sprenig_ .-.............. explosive sprellgel - to blast, spr - - - Spr.B ----Sprenllgbichsc ........ blasting charge Spr. B3o Sprengbomlnbe .. .-----higli-explosive bolnb Spornrad Sp. Ired ------rowel; spur wheel _Spreigmlittel Sprengmn … explosive Sprengmuimit iori Siprengm -.-.-explosive ainimilil it ion Sprengst -_ -Sprengstoff ::.plosive Spr.Gr -----high-explosive shell Sprenggranlate -___ ___ -------- __ Spitzenleistmlng ------- ABBREVIATIONS Sprgr.m...... Sprenggranate mit Kilappensicherung Sprengkorper .. __.. 177 high-explosive shell with folding safety device Spr. K ...... blasting charge; explosive charge Spr. Kab . Sprengkab)el . .. blasting ignition calble Spr.Kdo . Sprenlgkomnlmando -.... demolition party Spr.EKpr .. . Sprengk6rper ........... blasting charge; explosive charge Spr. Kps Sprengkapsel detonating cap; primer cap Spr.Kps. Zd Sprengkapselziilnder ------- detonator Spr. Laf .-.. Spreizlafette.... split-trail carriage Sprldg . . Sprengladung... .... high explosive charge Spr. Mitt . ....Sprengmittel. explosive Spr. Mn. .. .... Sprengmunition explosive ammunition Spr. Mt _t_~ _.... Sprengmunition .. explosive aminmllllit ion point of burst Spr.P Sprengpunkt .. ........ Spr.Patr --------Sprengpatrone ------blasting cartridge demolition patrol Spr. Patr -------Sprelgpatrouille . telephone extension ; call staSpr.St ---------Sprechstelle -.. . .-tion explosive Spr.St . .......... Sprengstoff -- __ --_ _. Spr.St ............ Sprengstiick ------------ bomb splinter; shell fragment, cheval-de-frise (wire entanSp. Rtr ---------Spanische Reiter. glements) Spr.V --.-------Sprengvorschrift --------- techTlical manual on, blasting Sprzlaf ---------Spreizlafette ------ -.. split-trail carriage Spt ------------SeptemberSeptember Sp.Tr ---------Spahtrupp ... scout squad; patrol S-Pulver ----... Pulver fiir scharfe Mlni- powder for live ammunition tion wing spread; span Sp.W ----------Spannweite --fife and drum corps Sp.Zg. . Spielhannszug._____. .......... s.Pz.Kpf.Wg schwerer Panzerkampf- heavy tank wagen S.Pz. Sp. Wg ----schwu-erer Panzerspihwa- heavy armored scouting car: heavy armored reconlnaisgen sance car S.R ... Schiitzenregiment ............ ---. rifle regiment S.R Sehrohr --------------periscope; telescope sandbag Ss ................ . Sandsack ------------.S S ---------. Scharfschiitze ..- sharpshooter; marksman S.-S .---------Schlutzstaffel der NSDAP Elite Guard of the National Socialist Party 178 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIIONS S SBriOcke ..----. schwere Schiffsbriicke schweres Spitzgeschoss s S-Gesch ------Seitensicherung . S.Sich ----------S.Sign ---------- Schallsignal ... Schutzstaffelmann _._.. SS-Mann -iiberschweres Maschinenss.MG --gewehr Siudsudost -.---- _----SSO0---------Sammelsanitatspark -... S.S.P ----------SS und Polizeifuhrer... SS Pf ----------S.St ------------- Sammelstelle ---- sst.............. S.St.A ----------SSW -----------SS. Wagen- schriigstehend ---- ------ heavy ponton bridge heavy pointed bullet flank protection sound signal (SS) Elite Guard private superheavy (large caliber) machine gun south-southeast medical collecting depot SS (Elite Guard) and Police Commander collecting point; salvage dump diagonal Schiffsstammabteilung_ _- cadre (naval) Suiidsuidwest -.-.- -----south-southwest besonders schwerer Giiter- especially heavy freight car wagen Schliisseltrupp zur Bear- radiogram deciphering troop ST -- -- -- -- beitung von Funksprii(on sketches) chen schnelle Truppen -.----S.T-mobile troops Stab -----------.. St -_---.---staff standig ---------------- permanent st __ St -------------- Stiirke. strength St--------------- Stafette --------------dispatch-radio; messenger relay service St--------------Staffel ---------------echelon; squadron (aviation); detachment; ammunition section st _------------staffelformig........... echeloned St -------------- Stahl .................. steel St ----------- -_ Stahlhelm ------------Steel Helmet (organizationof war veterans) St _----St ---.St ------- Stall - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - stable (on maps) . Stam m - _-------------stem; cadre Standarte ------------standard; regiment of Storm Troopers - Stapel---------------- staple; dump st -------------. _ stark -----------------strong st -- --------. __ starr -------------.---rigid __ Station ..----- -- -- station; depot St --------- -- _- Staudruck.-----------dynamic pressure; impact pressure (aviation) 179 ABBIREVIATIONS st _----------st -st .. st St St St . st St St.. st St st_ St St St St St St St StSt_ Sta. Sta Sta Sta --St.A .A Staatsh . Stabsw. .. St. Abw Stt. St/i. N chw_ Staff St.Afii StAG Stahlw St.A1 .. __ stehend... ......--- ...standing -- ..--........ stiff; rigid ___ steigend. .....-----..- rising; steif stellen . . Stellung . .---. Stellvertreter r Stempel ......------ climbing to put; to place; to set ...... position deputy ......... stamp to die sterben -.. Sterninot or_ . radial engine rudder; tax; heln controls Steuer (aviation) to steer; to navigate; to stenern ....... pilot Stoff s.. stuff; material to stop ............ stoppen . Stoss-_ thrust Straf-_ . punlishlment; sentence; pen------. alty ---..... .... street ..Strasse___ room -.... Stube .. ,piece; part ... ... Stiick . ----.. ssul)l)ort .... Sttitze -.... hour Stunde_ Sturm-. storm; assault Sturz... .- . crash; dive; plunge Stutzen_ short rifle captlain (Medical Corps) .. Stabsarzt of Storm .. Standarte -..standard; regimellnt l'roop)ers .-... Station ... . station; railroad stat1ion confihlemrelnt to (tuart ers Stubenarrest, federal railway Staatsbahll .headqularters com1lLpany ... Stabswaehe . Sturllabwelh r defense against assault st rengt h St~irke statement of actual strength -.Stirkenachvecisling. Staffel echelohl; squladron (aviation); det achmient; almunition sect ion Stab des Art ilIleriefiihrers_ staff of tilhe (divisimnal) artillerv connrllialder anti-assault gun Sturrnahwehrl geschliltz Stahlwerk steel works stiller Alarm silent alarm 180 GE'RIAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Stalag ----.--- Standlager --- Stamni B ------Starnmbttr - Stammbataillon ......... Stammbatterie- ........ . Stamnml Stammliste -. Stammrolle - - Stand - - - -- - - Standarte ........- .-- ---. -_ -.. Stanldart enfiihre -r ----- Stand.Ger -----Standorta .. prisonter-of-war camp for enlisted men cadre battalion cadre battery muster roll; cadre list -....... register of recruits: name roll (of a formation) standard; regiment of Siorm Troopers leader, (SA) regimental Storm Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: colonel) (SS) regimental commnander, Elite Guard (equivalent U. S. rank: colonel) StaStr ---------St.B ----------stB ------------Stb. -A---------- ...court . martial Standgericht. Standortarzt_ garrison medical officer Standortla zarett -------- Kgarrison hospital Standrecht-... martial law standrechtlich__ ...by martial law citizen; subject of a state Staatsangehbrigeer citizenship; nationality Staatsangeh6rigkkeit.-. Stapel-........ ...... staple; dump Stapellegung-... laying of the keel St absapotheker_ ..--..... captain (Pharmacy) artillery in permanent emStell u ngsart illeri ie....... placements Starkstromll_ high voltage Stamnmbatterie _ cadre battery stenographischer Bericht. short hand report Stubenaltester_ _ man in charge of barracks St. Batt ---------St.Bef ----------- Stabsbatterie. Stabsbefehl ... Stbr -------Stbs ----- -- --Stbstr ------- Steinbruch ----Stabs- _ .... Stabstrompeter StbsW15 .-.-.- Stabswache . Stabschef ------ Standortlaz ..... Standr ---- - -standr ------. St. Angeh -.-.-.St. Angeh ----Stap. -.--------Stapellg St. Apoth ------St. Art ---------- room St. Ch --------- headquarters battery . admninistrative order; headquarters order quarry staff; headquarters leader of trumpeter-corps (cavalry) . headquarters company .- .- (SA) Chief of Staff, Storm Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: general) ...... 181 ABBREVIATIONS Stek ------Std /Std ----.-. - .... stdg Std./Geseh w Stdkm .... Std.L . stdl - -- - -- .... _ Stdort -.----.-.. 'Stdort-Vet St.Dr Std/sm St.D.V steh.II .... Steig ---Stei g... Steigb........ Steigg........ Stilck ,, Stunde .. in der Stunde staindig Stundengeschwindigkeit Stundenkilometer -----Standlinie -------------- piece; part hour per hour permanent speed per hour kilometers per hour radio base line (air navigation) stiindlich .. ... hourly Standort garrison; station Standortveterinii r garrison veterinary officer Stacheldrah t, barbed wire Seemeilen in der Stulnde knots per hour Standortdienstvorschrift__ manual on garrison duty stehendes Ileer standing army increase; aullgmenation Steigerung. Steigung --------Steigbtigel - ------ .... Steilf ----Steilf. Gesch _ Steilh .. .-. Stei n br ---.... St.F Fis .... Stell ---- - Steilfeuer.. St.eilfeulergeschiitz Stell. Div . Stellungsdivision Stell. iKr Stellv . stellv.K.A-... St.Ent.... Sterbl. Z St.F -----St.F Strffstbh .. Stf ------------- .-.. Steilhang . Stein bruch Steigeisen StelluhIg - . Stellllngskrieg - ..- Steiggeschwiindigkeit -.- --.- ..-------- Stellvertreter .......... stellvertretender Korpsarzt gradient; ascent,; rise; pitch (aviation); inclile stirrup climbing speed; rate of cliint) (aviation) high-angle fire high-angle glun steep bank; precipice quarry climbing iron position; ermplacementt: line; setting; stat ion: post; rank; attitulde front-line divisioiI; divisioni in line war of position deputy deputy corps area surgeon assault distance mortality rate Staffelfiihrer ------------ squadron'leader (aviation officer) harassing fire (artillery); .... St6rungsfeuer. strafing ....... Staffelstab. divisional train command Stabsfiagge ........... staff flag Sturnmentfernung Sterblichkeitszifter 182 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATDONS stfr -------------- sturmfrei__ St.Fu.St --------Stg ------------stg ----- --------Stg ------------ Standortfunkstelle ... Stahlring ------------steigend ------- -----Stellung --------------- Stg.Aufs --------St.G.B-....... St. Gefr -------- Stangenaufsatz -------Strafgesetzbuch -------Stabsgefreiter ---------- unassailable (well-fortified -........... against surprise attack) garrison radio station ring of steel climbing; rising position; emplacement; line; post; setting; station; rank; attitude tangent sight; bar sight penal code (corresponds roughly to U. S. acting corporal) grade tangent sight; bar sight stick hand grenade; "potato masher" Stichpr ---------Stichprobe ------------- spot check; sample at random Stickst ---------- Stickstoff -------------- nitrogen -- Stielhandgranate ----Stielhgr ---stick hand grenade; "potato masher" schnelle Kavallerietrup- mobile troops (cavalry) ST K----------pen St.K . Staffelkeil ...------------------- squadron wedge (aviation) Strassenkommandantur_ _ road traffic control headSt.KK----------quarters combat forces St.K.............. Streitkrifte _---------kilometers per hour Stkm ----------Stundenkilometer ------joy stick (airplane); control St.Kn -- --------Steuerkniippel-------column Staffelkolonne ---------- squadron column (aviation) St. Kol ---------assault echelon St. Kol ---------Sturmkolonne ---------headquarters company St.Kp --- ----- -- Stabskompanie --------Stellungskampf --------position warfare St.Kpf ---------St.Kr ----------Stellungskrieg ---------war of position Stllv ----------Stellvertreter ....... deputy Stanmmleitung ..... __ St. Ltg........... trunk line (communications) Stm _-----------Sturmmann --- _-_-_---(SA) Storm Trooper (equivaStandesgrade -------St.G r ----------Stangenvisier ----------Stg.Vis ---------Sthg------------- Stielhandgranate ----- lent U. S. rank: privatefirst class); (SS) Elite Guardman (private first class) St.N - __---StO ----- St/rkenachweisung .----------Stabsoffizier ---------- - statement of actual strength staff officer; field officer ABBREVIATIONS St.O --- 183 _-_---- Standort ------- --..--. garrison; . station Standortailtester__..- .... garrison commander Stabsoffizier der Artillerie,. staff officer for artillery Stabsoffizier der Fahr- staff officer for horsedrawn truppen supply troops Stoffgliederung - ......classification Stoffgl - _-----Stabsoffizier - - ..--... St.Offz ----. staff officer; field officer Stokraft _-_---. -- Stabsoffizier der Kraft- staff officer for motor transfahrtruppen port troops, Standortlazarett__ .-.-..St.O.Laz garrison hospital Stona ... Stabsoffizier der Nach- staff officer for signal troops Standortpfarrer_ St.O.Pf -------garrison chaplain Stabsoffizier der Pi toniere__ staff officer for combat enSt.O.Pi -------gineers St.O.V -------Standortverwaltun g -----_ garrison administration Stiller Ozean . St.O z --------Pacific Ocean St.P ---------Stiitzpunkt -... strong point; base' st. Patr -_------ stehende Patrouilliec... _.. fixed patrol cadre -...... __ Starnmpersonal__ St. Pers -------Stapelplatz ----St.PI.-------dump;l; depot -..... Stempel Stpl ----------stamp -___-._ Steuerpferdestarke __-_ taxable horse power (motor St.PS --_-----en vehicles) Stabspackwagen__ . ..... St.P.W. headquarters baggage-wagon ST Pz schnelle Panzertru ppen___ mobile troops (panzer) Stabs(luartier - headquarters -...... St.Q St.R _ Stammrolle ----register of recruits; nonlinal …...___ roll (of a formation) Steuer ----_-_rudder; tax; helmn controls …..____ Str ----------(aviation) strafen str _- .-..... to punish Str.. Strand .-.-.-. shore; beach; coast street Str - - - - Strasse _ str _strategisch ------- ....... strategic Str Strebe _-- -stay; brace; strut; support (airplane construction) .--..... party; patrol; raiding Str Streife Streifen ...... band; strip; sector; lane Str streitbar fit for fighting; warlike; valstr iant fighting forces Streitkrtfte...... Str -----.-.-.st.o . --------StOArt -------Stofahr -------- I For a comprehensive definition and discussion of Sti2tzpunkt, see MIS Special Series, No. 5, "The Development of German Defensive Tactics in Cyrenaica---1941," p. 3. 184 GERMAN MILITARY streng ABBREVIATIONS severe; strict; stern; harsh search and traverse Strom ----------------current; stream; river Strafanstalt ............ prison; jail; penitentiary Strafanstalt -----------prison; jail; penitentiary (on maps) Strassenbahn ---------Strassb ---street car Stratosphare ----------Strat astratosphere strategische (Eisen-) Bahn strategic railroad strat. B.......... Stratosphatrenballon Strat.Ball stratosphere balloon Stratosphdrenflugzeug -.- stratosphere plane Strat. Flgz - -.----strategische Linie..... . strategic line strat. LP strategischer Punkt -.--strategic point strategischer Plan ----strat. P------strategic plan strat.P ------strategic objective strat.Z- - -_ - - strategisches Ziel Strassenbahn --------Str.-B... street car Str. B ----.---.. Strassenbau road construction StrBef Strafbefehl -----------sentence (by lower court) Strafbescheid ---------StrBesch --sentence (by government department) Strassenbaukompanie . road construction company Str.B.Kp Strand... ... Strd .......... coast Strand batterie---------- shore battery (coast artillery) Strd.Bttr -------Streufeuer -------- _ _- -- corn bined Streuf -- -- - -traversing and searching fire (artillery) _ - _ -Str.F ------ Streufeuer -- _ -comnbined traversing and searching fire (artillery) strf -- -- -- -- - -- -- sturrlreif . softened up for assault Streuung ... .. . dispersion (balli.stics) Strg - - ---------Sturnriemen ----------St.Riem ..- -.-chin strap (of steel helmet) ------- ---. - raiding force; combined unit Str.Korps .-- Streifkorps for patrolling duties Str. Kr --------street intersection; Strassenkreuzung ------crossroads Str. Kr ---------Streitkraifte fighting forces Str. N ---------Strassennetz -_ .- road netM ork; road system Str.P.O-.....__ .... Strafprozessordnlu ng. criminal code Str.Pzkw -------Strassenpanzerkraft- armored scout car wagen Str.Pzkw. Kp Strassenpanzerkraft- armnored scout-car company wagenkompanie Str. Pzkw .Zg --Strassenpanzerkraft- armored scout-car platoon wagenzug StrR -----------Strafrecht , ---___--- Ipenal law str _.-------- --str... ------.-.-. Str -- ------Str. A ..--Straf. Anst ------_---.-. ----- streuen -- _-_-_-_- _ _-- - 185 ABBREVIATIONS ,Str.Sp . . ...... . St rassenspinne ---road junction barricade Str.Spr Strassensperre ---- -..... Str.T .. Streckenzugtafel.. ........ - - . .... traverse table (gunnery) - execution of sentence Str.V -........ .... Strafvollstreckung ST Sch ............ schnelle SchiUtzentr uppen_ mobile troops (infantry) St.Schl ........... Stellungsschlacht ..... position warfare st.Sptr ...........---stehender SpAihtrup p ----- fixed scout sq(uad . ... divisional trainl commland St.St.. .......... Staffelstab -. St.Stellg .......... Sturnmstelhlng-. .--assault position .. St.Str ............ Starkstrom -----.-.-.-high voltage St.Tr ............ Stosstrupp ------shock detachment: assault detachment cadre unit St.Trt . .......... Stamnitruppenteil St.U............ -Stellungsunterschiec d .... perpendicular from hase piece--aiillng circle---target line (artillery) St.U............- Stoppuhr -......… -. ...... stop watch -...... confinemnent to quarters Stub.A .......... Stubenarrest . -. Stub. -.......... Stubeiltester..... --... man in charge of barracks room Stubaf Sturmbannfilhrer (SA) battalion leader, Storm Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: m.ajor); (SS) battalion commander, Elite Guard (equit'alenl U. S. rank: major) Stiitzp .------... Stiitzpuinkt .... s...... sitrong poinlt; base (see note, p. 18.) Stuf … …------Sturinffihrer. (SA) comnlpany leader, Stormn Troops (equ.ivalent U. S. rank: 1st lieutenant) Stu. Gesch Sturmgeschfitz _-- -. assault, gun Sturmhaubitze- - -. Stu.H. -- assaullt howitzer Stuka . Sturzkampfflugzelug dive boImber Sturmnthptf - - -. Sturmhauptfiihrer_ -.-.(SA) chief company-lhader, Storm Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: captain) Sturminf -----. Stn rminfanterie .. …... shock infantry; assault infantry .-...... Stabsveterin/ar ...... captain (Veterinary Corps) StY Sty -.---- - -- - - Stellvertreter ------ - .--- deptuty St.V.O ---------Strassenverkehrsordr nung_ traffic regulations St.V.Z.O -------Strassenverkehrszulassungs- ordinance for the operation of motor vehicles ordnung ---------- .-...- 186 GEIRMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Stw_-----------St. W ----------- Stabswache ---____ Staffelwinkel ----------- St. W -St.W --- Stallwache ------------Stellungswechsel --------- -------- headquarters company open squadron angle (aviation) stable guard shift of position; change of position civilian official of the Army Finance Department with equivalent rank of captain dive bomber civilian official of the Army Finance Department with equivalent rank of cap- St.Z------------- Stabszahlmeister -_--- Stzbomb -------St.Zm ---------- Sturzbomber -----------Stabszahlmeister --_----- St.t .----Z-----t tain time of climb Steigzeit --------------siehe unten ------------- see below s .u.......... S.U --. ---------subm ------------ sUdd............ stidl ------------sudl.Br ---------sudw -----------Siidw.. S.u.E.-Gerdat S.V -------------- s.v.a -----.---S.Verst ---------SVG -----------S.V.w.--_-----_--S.W --- _-_----S.W -- _--------S.W W---------S W ------------sw.------------- S.W.Abt --------S-Wagen ------ s.W.G -----------S.W. Zg---------S.W.Zg ----------- Selbstverwaltung ------soviel als --- ---------Selbstverstuimmelung --Soldatenversicherungsge- sunset submarine South German southern southern latitude southward southwest transmitting and receiving apparatus autonomy as much as self-mutilation soldiers' insurance law setz soviel wie -------------- as much as Sonnenuntergang -------submarin.............. suddeutsch -----------siudlich ---------------suidliche Breite ---------sfidwArts --------------Siidwesten --------- ---Sende- und Empfangsgerat Scheinwerfer ----------searchlight; headlight Scheinwerferzug -----searchlight platoon Schmiedewagen -------forge, wagon Siudwest ---------------- southwest siidwestlich -----------southwestern Scheinwerferabteilung - - - searchlight detachment Giuterwagen ------------ 2-axle freight car with iron schweres Werfergerat ---siehe weiter unten------Scheinwerferzug ----- side-supporting-bars, detachable wall, suitable for carrying rails Iheavy mortar equipment see further down Isearchlight platoon ABBREVIATIONS 187 SWz S.------- --SWz W ---------SZ -------------S.Z ---------- Siidwest zu Siid . . southwest by south Sidwest zu West__ ....southwest by west ...... -express Schnellzug ------train self-destruction charge (proSelbstzerleger _... ....... jectiles) Sz .......-- -- Sitzzahl ......... ..... -seating capacity (aviation) fife and drum corps SZ -------------Spielmannszug -.-. S-Zerl .---------Selbstzerleger -_- ...... self-destruction charge (projectiles) second hand (timepiece) -..... S.Zg -----------Sekundenzeiger --- T T ----------------------------- air base (conventional sign in double circle) -....-. Giiterwagen mit Selbst- freight car with self-loading installation ladeeinrichtung deception; fraud; illusion ..... Tauschung.. ... T _-- day ...... Tag -.--------.-.-.-.-T Tagesbefehl ----- -------- order of the day T -tank Tank ..--.-----------.-.... Tapferkeits - Medaille; medal or decoration for valor Tapferkeitsorden T --- - - - ...... T Tasche ----..- .. pocket Technik -----------. technilque; technology .- . ... Techniker --------------- technician technisch ---_ _-_------ technical Teil ----- _-_-_--- --- -part; element; component; piece gra(lllated ring; azilmuth T ------------. Teilring --------------drumi; micrometer ring; dial 'I'Telefon -------_ _-- teleplhone Telegraf ------.-.-.-.-T _telegraph telegraph ic telegrafisch ...... t T temperature ........... 'ITemperatur Tenlder tender (boat or train,) T ........... Termin --- - -- - term; date; hearing (law) tief .... . .. ....._ . t --... deep; low T.. . Tiefdecker ----low-wing monoplane T Titel .. . _.... title t-- ._... Tonnlle -------------nletric ton (2,205 pounds) T ------.-- T'opograf ---------topographer T _------.-.Topographie; topograph- topography; topographic isch I . 188 GERMAN T __________-_-___ T ----.-.-.-.--.-- - T - - - - - ----T a........._- T . A...... T__ T__ Taf -------------Tag-P - -----takt .-...... Tausch Tals ____- ---- - --- Ta. M------------- Tak-Kp .--------akt ------------T Ta.N....... Takt.L ----------Tarn ....... takt. tb.R Talsp -----------Talsp.-S --------- Ta.N ..........--T arn -------------Tasch -........... MlILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Torpedo . -----------. torpedo Torpedoboot ----------torpedo boat Torpedoflugzeug --------- torpedo plane revolutions Touren _--------------Tross -----_-- train Transport _---------transport; conveyance Treffpunkt. point of impact (ballistics) Treib- ---------.-.-.-. - propelling; driving Trieb-______ driving .. self-propelled railroad car Triebwagen -----------Trupp ....- ------- party; detail; troop Truppendienst ------. duty with troops Truppengerat .... -. troop equipment Turbine . turbine Turm-in....-----.-.tower (on mnaps); turret Lufttechnische Akademnie_ Technical Aeronautic Academy (insignia on shoulder straps) Tank ---------tank Tarnung --.---..--. camouflage Tabelle .-...... table; list taglich -l---......-- daily T'i usch ung ..-.....-deception; fraud; illusion Tafel -.--... I table; chart; index; diagram Tag --------.---. .------. day Tagegeld ------- ..---..daily allowance Tagposten -...---.. day post Tankabwehrkano e____ ... antitank gun Tak-Kompanie__ antitank company Taktik -- - Takt ikleh rer . taktische Lage taktische burngsrreise taktische tbungsiritt. Takzug _ - - - ... . Talsohle -------Talsperre ----Talsperrensee - ... antitank platoon bottom of valley dam lake formed l... - Tarnmittel Tarn netz . . Tarnung Tasche ------- tactics teacher of tactics tactical situation tactical route march tactical practice ride . .. . . -.. by daR -... (on maps) camouflage .. material . camouflage net camouflage pocket -...... ABBREVIATI0ONS Tasch. M-___ .... Taschenmunitionl ....... 189 small arms ammunition in pouches thousand -...... Tausend -......... --Tuberkulose -.-- ...... tuberculosis Turbine... - turbine ...... daily requirements Tagesbedarf ----.. Turmbeobachtuntl gsfern- turret observation telescope rohr T.Br --Tankbrigade ----tank brigade tch _-_- technisch --- ----technical ------ low-wing monoplane Tiefdecker ------T.D _-.-. -.-.--td f ---- - - - - - - -- - - tropendieinstfibhig__ fit for service in the tropics (Africa) T.D.F ---------- _ Tropendienstf/ihigkeit__ - availability for tropical service Tender -------------T dr ------------tender (boat or train) t.E - - - taktischle Einheit tactical unit technischer Ersatzballon- technical replacemenltt traint.E. Ball.Zug -----zug ing balloon platoon Techn Technik --------------technique; technology Techniseher Inspektor --- technical inspector Techn.Insp ------Techn. Nh -------Technische Nothilfe ----Technical Ernergeilcy Service Technischer Oberinspek- chief technical inspector Techn. Ob.Insp .. tor Techn.Offz ------Technischer Offizier -.--technical officer techn.Schwd ------- technische Scllwadron.. technical troop (car.vlry) techn.Tr ---------technische Trul)pen ----techrnical troolps Teilg - ---division; separation T'eilh ng ---- ----------Teilm -Teilmnantel --------. senmi-jacketed (bullet) Teiln.. --Teilneh rner ---------participant teilw -----------teilw eise ------------partial; in part; partly Teilz ------------- Teilzahlung -.... .----part-paymr niet T.-Einn ------receipts of the day Tageseinnahnme --------Tel Telofon_ .... .-. telephone Tel Tel ---------------- Telegraf.. telegraph tel telegrafisch -_--- _ _-.- telegraphic Tel ---- ---------Telegranmm .. telegram TelA Telegrafcilarnlt .... telegraphl office Tel. Insp Telegrafelinlspektor__ telegrap)h inspector Tel .Kp --------Telegrafenk onlpanlie . telegraph company Tel-Ob-Bauf -Telegrafen-Oberbaufuihrer- telegraph construction squad engineer Taus T.B.............. Tb -----------T.-Bed --- --- T.B.F -----_---- 516560' -- 43-13 190 Tel. St -------Tel. Vt ----------Temp ----------Tend-Tendendz Tend ---_------Teno ___---------- GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Telegrafenstation ------Telegrafenverwaltung ---__-------Temperatur -------- ___--Tender ----------------Technische Nothilfe--___ telegraph station telegraph administration temperature tendency tender (boat or train) Technical Emergency Service. _------ ------- term; date; hearing (law) Term ___---- ----- Terrin terrace Terrasse ------------. Terr -----------Terr -----------Territorium -----------territory territorial organization territoriale Gliederung Terr.G1 ---------Telefunken ---------trade name of German wireTF ------------less-telegraph company tf --------------- tief _.._------------- _ deep; low Tiefenfeuer ------------- searching fire T.F ----------__...... _ pack animal leader Tragtierfiihrer TF ----------------- Transportfiihrer -- ------ officer in charge of a military T.F -------transport _----- commander of a task force Truppenfiihrer -T.F ---------Truppenfiihrung -------tactical command; leaderT.F -----------ship TF --- __-_-_---- Truppffihrer ----------troop leader .........-.-tank trap T-Falle ---------- Tankfalle.. T.f.d. Gstb-------- Taschenbuch fiir den Ge- pocket manual for the genneralstabsoffizier eral staff officer Torpedoflugzeug _-_----torpedo plane T-Flugzeug Tagflugwache -- _-_----daylight spotting post T-Fluwa -_---_-_-_---Tag ---------day Tg _-Tagbomber --_-_-_-_--daylight bomber Tg.BB---_._..... Tagesbefehl_ _ _ _....... order of the day Tg.Bef Tagbomber _---_-__ .._daylight bomber Tg.Bo ----------daily taiglich ----------------tgl ------ _-_-_--Tagmarsch; Tagesmarsch day march; day's march Tg.MM---_...... ----- ---Tgr _------------ Telegrafie telegraph Tragtier --- .---- -pack animal Tgt ----.-.-.-._ Technical Emergency ServT.H _-_-- ____--- Technische Nothilfe --.ice T h -------_ - _---- Theodolit -------------theodolite T h ------- ----Theorie ---------- - theory Turnihaubitze ---------howitzer in turret T.EI .. _...... -thermometer Thermometer -------Therm -------- Thuringia Thi ir ---------Thuringien ---Tief Tiefen-_- -............. idepth Tiefangriff --- -- - ---.. ] low-flying attack Tiefangr --------- 191 ABBREVIATIONS Tiefdecker ------------- low-wing monoplane Tiefgliederung ---------- distribution in depth Tiefenstaffelung -------echelonment in depth Tiefenzone ------------defensive zone Tilgung-- ----------exterminlation; eradication Titel -----------------title Train - Instandsetzungs- train-repair workshop Werkstatt T k -------------Tank................. tank TK Turmkanone ----------- gun in turret filling station; gas station Tkst -----------Tankstelle T L --- --- _--- - Taschenlampe ----------- flashlight T eil ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - part; element: comnpollent; T 1i-- - -- - piece T.L -------------- Torpedolaboratorium - torpedo laboratory (Kiel) . __.. military instructor T.L ------------- Truppenlehrer Taschenlamnpenbat terie_ __ flashlight battery TI,Blatt Tlbn --- -- -- Taschenlampenbatterien__ flashlight batteries Tin Taschenlampen .------flashlights Tin Teilnehmer .. participant TM............. Tapferkeitsmedaille. medal for valor tm - - - - teilmotorisiert -.. partly motorized TM Torpedomechaniker -.. torpedo mechanic revohltions per minulute Touren in der Minute.. T/M in ---------T-Mine --------Tellermine --.flat percussion-type antitank Tiefd ----------Tief.Gl1 --------Tief.St -- -- -Tief. Z.. Tilg Tit ------------T.I.W -------- m ine tmot ------------ teilmotorisiert ----Tank-Munition .... T-Mun ......... Technische Nothilfe -.-.T.N............ T.N.A.------ - Truppennachrichtenabteilhng T.N.V -----.- - rruppennachrichtenverband T.O.... _........ rechnischer Offizier T.O.... _........ Teerofen -. To..... _._...... Tonne ---------------TO ------------TOBF -_-_-----_ Transportoffizier ------Telegrafen-Oberbaufiihrer Tonn ----------- Tonnage Top ------------Topograph -...- partly motorized tank ammunition Technical Emergency Service signal communications battalion signal communilnications unit technical officer tar works (on maps) ton (1000 kilograms or about 2205'pounds avoirdupois) transport officer telegraph construction squad engineer tonnage topographer 192 GE:RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIIONS Topographic; toppgraphisch Top -...... Torn - Torn. Fu. Ger_ Torn. Fu.Tr_ Torp .-.. Torp.Flgz Torp. Lab Torp. Mot. Bt. tot - - Tot tot.Kr - tot. Mob tot. P.. Tot-V -tot.W Tp - t.P..tp .--.. Tp ----T.p.M T.p. Min Tpp . ......... T. .. t Tr Tr tr ------ ....... Tr ----- Tr -Tr tr Tr Tr Tr. - - -- Tr Tr... Tr -- Tr ... Tr .--. Trag .. ....... topography; topographical Tornister pack; knapsack ....---..Tornisterfunkggerit ----. portable radio set portable radio detachment Tornisterfunkt trupp . torpedo Torpedo- ..... .......... .torpedo plane Torpedoflugzei ig torpedo laboratory (Kiel) Torpedolabora toriumnl -torpedo motor boat Torpedomotor boot. total -------. ........... total; complete dead person Toter-----.---..---.total war totaler Krieg total mobilization totale Mobilmniachungr.. toter Punkt_ ......_ .. dead center; dead point total loss Totalverlhist toter Winkel dead angle ,.. torpedo .... Torpedo, -point (on trigonometrisclher 'lukt . trigonometrical maps) heat-resisting tropenfest tropical ammunition Tropenrnunit io n ........ ..parts per million . Teile pro I\lilli( on. . revolutions per ninullte . Touren in der Mlinulte Trupp. troop; party; detail ... ..... Tankregiment_ tank regiment ........-. .Tralb: Traber trot; trotter Trager ..... carrier; prop; girder (avialion) tragbar. ..---....... portable train 'Train -------Traktor . tractor Transformat or transformer Transport . transport; conveyance t reffen . to hit (gunnery); to meet ........ Treffer_______. ..-...... hit (gunnery) Treib-_-.. propelling; driving ........ Treibladung . propellant charge Trennschnit.... cross section; chamber (ex.......... plosive) . Trennung division; dividing .......... . Tross supply train; field train ........... rrupp. party; detail; troop ........ Trager ---carrier; prop; girder (aviation) 193 ABBREVIATIONS Tragf... _ Tragfahigkeit -- ---Tragf I-------- Tl'ragfliigel --------Tragschr'_ - _ Tragsclhraib l er Tragt ---..---... Tragtier... I ragw .------Tragweite ---------train . . trainieren. .......... Traj Trajekt Trakt Traktor .. transatl . transatlamntiscbh ..___. Tralsp. Transport Transp. F .. 'I'ransport fihllrer T'r. Arzt ......... Tr. Ausw ...._Tr.B -Tr. Bef --------.. ----------- Tr.Befh . . Tr uppenarzt .. __ Trupl)pelnasweis T'Irefferbild Truppenbefehl -.... Tr. Dst, -.-----Tr.E -------- Truppelnbefehllshaber ........ 'Turinrullndl()lickfelrnroih Ireibstoff .. -'lrulppendlielst Truppeneinteil ng. Tr.IEint Truppneeinteilnmg Treff ... Treffiihigk T... reffer . Treffahigkeit Treffwahlrsch Treffwaahrscheinlich keit IT.lbl.F - .. Trbst .-....-...... Trens.Z Tr.F Tr. FM. ... .. Tr. Fz .. Trgf . Tr.G trig.P Trensenziigel . Truppenfuilrer Tragfliigel . ruppenfahrzeug Tragfahigkeit . . Trgw . Triebkr . Truppelngliedernilg Tragweite. . Triebkraft , trigonometrischer Punkt_ carrying capacity Vwirlg (aviation) gyroplane; autogyro pack animal range; significance; bearinlgs to train ferry tractor transatlantic transport; conveyalnce: carrier officer in charge of a mlilit ary tIransport _ medical o ffieer withll troops __ ilitary idtellt ifi cat ion palnpr plotted hits milit arv order coImllmnalnder turret paloranmiic telescope fuel _duty with troops disposition of troops; tact ical organization; organization for combat (dispositionl of trool)s; tactical organizat ion; organization for comllbat hit (guLnncry) accuracy of fire; striking accuracy hittinlg pro)al)ility; I)roblal)le percelltage of hits snaffle rein conmnander wing (aviation) troop carrier carrying capacity organization of troops; formnation of troops range; significance; bearings; span (of bridlge) driving power trigonometrical point (on rmaps) 194 GE~RMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATrON'S --- Truppenkiche -------Tr.Kch-_----Tr.Kdr -TruppenkommandeurTr.L .. .. ..- Trennungslinie..__.. Tr.Ldg-Treibladung ----.---Tr. Lehr Truppenlehrer ------Tr.Lsch --------Truppenluftschutz- -.Tr. Mldg .---.---Tr. Nachr.V ------ troop kitchen; field kitchen commander line of demarcation propelling charge military instructor military air protection; aerial defense unit report communications detachment Truppenmeldung Truppennachrichtenverband Trop--------.. Tropen ----------------- tropics trop.df - .-..-.tropendienstfahig -.------- fit for service in the tropics (Africa) Trop.Hm.._ Tropenhelm ------------ sun helmet Tr. P-. Treffpunkt -------------- point of impact Trsp ---- -- -----Transport -------..- - transport; carrier Trsp. Bew ------Transportbewegung ------ transport movement Trsp.F ---------Transportftihrer ------ officer in charge of a military transport Trt ------------- Tragtier --------------pack animal Trt.Kol --------Tragtierkolonne ----pack animal train Tr.T.----------. T'ruppenteil -----------unit Tr. Trsp --------Truppentransport ....... transportation of troops Tr..tP1 .-.. , Truppenuibungsplatz ----- drill ground; training area Truf -----------Truppfuhrer ------(SA) platoon leader, Storm Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: 1st sergeant) Tr. V. P1--------Truppenverbandplatz dressing station Trw-------------- Treffwahrscheinlichkeit hitting probability; probable percentage of hits TrWg ----------Trieb-wagen ---------self-propelled railroad car Tr.Z ------ Truppenzeichen ------conventional signs or troop symbols T-S ----------.. Talsperre.. __.. dam Tsd --------------- Tausend _____ . __.. thousand Tsp -. -- __ Talsperre.......... dam T-Staffel .- -.--- Torpedoflugzeugstaffel ... torpedo plane squadron T.St. R. Nr ----T ru pp enstammrollnum- unit roll number iner TTT --- Sicherheitsmeldung -weather warning signal (aviation) Tuberk________ . _ Tuberkulose . tuberculosis T.Vtb.PI ----Truppeniibungsplatz ... - drill ground; raining area 195 ABBREVIATIONS T.V.P ----------T.W - - - - T.Z ----------.-. T.Z -T.Z.F tunlich, tunlichst ------feasible; most feasible Turbine ---------------- turbine Turmmaschinengewehr -_ turret machine gun troop transportation reguTruppentransportvorschrift lations Truppenvermessu n g s- surveying service (artillery) dienst Truppenverbandplatz . aid station (combat) Turmwarte .. observation towxer (on maps) Tagesziel . day's objective micrometer setting Teilringzahl ... Turmzielfernrohr... turret telescopic sight u um -.. tunl............. Turb -- --Turin-MG T.V---T.V ------------- U Umlaufmotor ----------. -. U U---------- .und - - - - - - - - - and accident uniform Wehr- unfit for military service Unfall .---- -------- .... Uniform .. untauglich . fur dienst Unter. U under; beneath; subordinate U nterkunft -.------------- ---------- Unteroffizier ------------ U........--- about; around rotary engine billet; accommodation; shelter noncommissionled o ffi c e r; sergeant (corresponding rouglhly to U. S. sergeant) U-.------------U ......---...... Unterrichtsmunition -.... practice amulnunition; Unterschied -..-. ammunition difference - drill lUnterseeboot ---------submarine; IJ-boat dugout; shelter IJnterstand . and others und andere - Unterabschnitt ---------- subdivision of a sector u.a .. _...-------unter anderen.-. among others defense against submarines U. A ...... ters... Unterseebootsabwehr r.. subdivision U.Abt Unterabteilung --submarine detachment UInterseebootsabteilung_ U.Abt ----------and the like u.a ----_------- und iihnliches -..... U.A.K ---------Unterabschnittskom- sub-sector commander mandeur Unterarzt.. medical officer aspirant U.Arzt --..-..submarine detachment Ubtsabt --------Unterseebootsabteilung_ U ,in.... UI ..... u.a ------U.A ------------ 196 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS und dergleichen_ -....... u.dgl -u.d.M___.. Ud.S.S.R_ Union der Soz'ialisten Sowjetrepublike eIn uiber ii _---… and the like unter dem Meeresispiegel__ below sea level ..------ iiberschweriiber ..... - iib------ -....... - . .-....- Union of Socialist Republics Soviet above; over superheavy above; over agreement -------. crossing; level crossing (rail- ........ tbereinkominen_ ....... tYb__ U bergang ------- Ub - - -- t.berschreitung___ --.--- .tbersicht ....... VbAnl .. th>.A 1l __. . ... tb.Best lMhereinlk Ubtereink. . drill; maneuver; practice tbungsmunition -.-.-.- blank ammunition; practice thbungsanlage ....... ammunition planning of field practice Uberfl.. tberg. ttbergew fl. el:rgahe_ .. .. ..... _.. tUberl -.Vh)erpr _ _----tVberL t'berr_ ---- ..-. Pberliiufer- - - -tiberlassung ... .-..... field practice regulations start of practice drills field practice regulations agreement surrender; capitulation overweight; preponderan lce transition to rest periodl; comning to rest deserter cession; yielding overstrain; overburdening . tUherlegenheit.. superiority, tberlieferung_. -.-.-. tradition; surrender tbernachtu ng --- ...... spending the night; sheltering - Tbernahme ----...... taking over; taking possession tVberpreis ------- ....... overprice; excessive price t berpriifung -..examination; check-up tVberraschung .... . surprise U berredung ------- ..... persuasion fhberlastung Uberr-... .-...- _ behrgewicht. Ubergang zur Itllh e Utberg.z. R th)erpr --. Cherr - --..- V._ t)ungsbeginn ...-.. tThungsbestiminmil gen --- tbereinkunift ---- ....... arrangement Mtl)erfahrt .----.. crossing; passage Mtberfall -------raid; surprise attack ......crossing; transfer t berfiihrulng .tberfliigell ng ---...... oultfianking t'herfluss ....... ------. abundance tberf ----- exercise; ....... _?bereinkonmen__ ......- ttberf - Uberi ..---.- . bung ------- __-blungsanleitllng tt).Beg Vberl..Vberl tUberl -. .- ------- road); transition .crossing; transgression survey; synopsis; summary - - 197 ABBRlEVIATIONS tberr .... Vbers ---. uibers ------ presentation; handing over t'berreichung___ .---.... Jbersee . .ibersetzen -___. overseas tVbers (tbersch tVbersch Vtberschw__ ........ .tbersetzer -..... ...----. 'to cross (a river); to translate translator .tberschAitzung .Jberschiessen U berschwemnmlln -. ..... overestimation; overrating iiberschm. M [G__ iiberschweres Ma& schinen- g firing beyond the target ....... flooding; overflowing; inundation superheavy mnachine giun gewvehr index map (to a series of maps) .- ... ttbertragung ... tCbertr transmission; trallscription thertreibulng.. ttl)ertr exaggeration .hbertretulng.. tbertr -... .. violation; transgression e..rvolkerlg . ...... excess of popllation; overthberv -population . )bervorteilmg__ ______.. imrposition; overreaching Vtb)erv -.. t berweisun g... ___.____ transfer; conviction therw - _ hibernationl Vberwinterung ttherw_ observation battery tTberw. Bttr_ thberwachungsbat Lterie surphlus; supernllllllrary uberz ----- ....... . iiberzahlige -- ---- ,.-..__ tUberzahl-------- ....... surplus; superior imll)ier (of Uberz ----forces) _- conlviction tberz tberzeugung -__- .-.. training planle tb. Flgz -. llll bgsflugzeug_ - ........ ..... - _training velicle CUbulgsfahrzelug_ Vtb.Fz-practice shell Ub.Gr ..... Ublnmbgsgranate_ t. overland .iberland-. . ibl... .... practice charge t. bungsladung -_ -.. tb.Ldg_ training camp .. .. bungslager Vtb.M,g ....-. (tbungsmarsch-_ .. practice march; route march tb.M. _-- -- (dumluniy (training) mine ttV). Mt tll ungsmine ---~blank ammunition; practice ttb. Mun --Ubungsmunition - -[] ammunition drill ground; training ground ltb.P1 _-__ -..... tUbungsplatz ---- ....... t b.Pl.Kdo - ..-... t)bungsplatzkomnoando~__ drill ground headquarters drill Kommandant des Trup- commander of the tJb.PI.Kdt- .---ground penfibungsplatzees tUb.Pse - .---.- tibungspause -._rest .... period during training ... Vb. RI-tactical ride --.... tVbungsreise ...... thbs .-... - tbersetzung .... translation; crossing (a river) dummy blasting charge ]tb.Spr.K__. .- tbungssprengkOrIpier.. Vtbers.K --. . bersichtskarte_ ...... - 198 GEaRMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATION1S crossing point t¢bungss tiel handgranate - practice stick hand grenade tbungstag -------------- drill day tYbungstorpedo ----__--training torpedo; dummy torpedo tbtr _--tt-----Ubertragung--...... transmission; transcription tbtr ----------_ tYbertreibung _--------exaggeration [tbtr ----------_ Ubertreuing ----------violation; transgression tCt --- __.----- -_ tberlagerungsfrequenz___ heterodyne frequency ii. MG _--------.. iiberschweres Maschinen- superheavy machine gun gewehr drill ground; training ground t. Pi -_-------tYbungsplatz ----------iischw __--u----fiberschwer __........ superheavy IJf -. Unterteldwebel _--------(corresponds roughly to CT. S. sergeant) IT.F-........... UInterfuihrer _-----------subordinate commander ITffz . -........_ IUnteroffizier _--- _- __--- noncommissioned officer; sergeant (corresponding roughly to U. S. sergeant) Uffz. Anw .--- Unteroffizieranwarter noncommissioned officer aspirant ITffz.D.R -.-----Unteroffizier der Reserve_ reserve noncommissioned oificer Uffz.v.D .------.. Unteroffizier vom Dienst- noncommissioned officer on ttbst------------- t bergangsstelle- --... Ub. Shg --------Ub.Tg -------__ {Yb.Tp ---------- duty Uferschnellsteg ---------- hasty landing bridge Unterfeidwebei ---------- (corresponds roughly to U. S. sergeant) ungeschiitzt ------------- unprotected ugesch ---------ugf ----- _-_----ungefahr ----- _-_-_-_-_ approximately; about U.K .. Umgebungskarte -------- position sketch; map of immediate vicinity Uk _-- - Umzugskosten.......... moving costs uk . , unabkommlich.......... indispensable; subject to occupational deferment u.M _--_ unter dem Meeresspiegel. below sea level ..... umnf............. umfangreich voluminous umf...___... umfassend ------------extensive; comprehensive; Uf.Schn.St ---- _--U.Fw ----------- enveloping detour Umg -----------umg----------- _ Umgang umgeiindert ------- Umg-.. Umgebung ......... ------------- __--- changed; altered; converted (amm unition) . vicinity 199 ABBREVIATIONS Umg.Bew -------- Umgehungsbewegung_ Umg. K --------- Umgebungskarte ------ ming. Man _-----Umgr ____-_-_-_-_ umh -__-_-_-_-_ U/M in ---------Umkr ----------Uml -----------Uml. Mot ........ Umw -----------Un - - - - - - - - - -- - Unabh ---------unangr_---------unausg ----------unbed ----------unhed ----------- turning moveilent: flanking nloveln!ent position sketch; nmapl of imlmediate vicinity Umgehungsiman6ver --outflanking manleuver Umgruppierung regrouping; re(dist ribut ion of forces umhanigen ...----. to sling (packs or rzfles) Umdrehungen in der Min- revolutions per minlute ute Umkreis .-................ surround(ing envirolnlenit Um lauf --------------circulation; rotat ion; revolultion Umlaufmotor ----------- rotary engine Umweg ----------------- detour uniform Uniform --------------Unabhiingigkeit -------independence impn)regnable unangreifbar ------------- unassailable: unausgebildet ----------- untrained unbedeutend ----------insignificant unbedingt -------------- unconditional; absolute unbef _. ...... unbek -----.----Unbek.Sold unbefestigt ------------ unfortified; open unrbekannt ------------- unbem ---------u nbeinm---------unbeob ---------- unbemannt -----------unbeemerkt . ............. unbeobachtet ----------- unknowln unknownl soldier unmanned unbes ----------- unbesetzt -------------- unbesch --------u n besch ---------unbesch --------unerl -----------u nerl ------------ unbeschaidigt ---------- unerpr.-- ------- Unbekannter Soldat .. unbeschaiftigt ---------unbeschutzt ----- _----unerlaubt ------------- unerledigt.............. unerprobt ------------- unnoticed unobserved unoccupied uninjured; undamaged unemployed unprotected forbid den unsettled not tested; untried unattainable; inaccessible irreparable unexpected unerr _ .--------unerreichbar ----------unersetzlich -----------uiners -------____ unerw ----- _-_-_-_ unerwartet _-_-___----Unfall ----- _------ -..- accident Unff-----_----unf __ 1 impassable unfahrbar -- ----------ung -____---___1ungiinstig ....---------- urnfavorable ungangbar ------------- im passable ungb.-.......... disobedient ungehorsamrn ---------ungeh .......- inaccu rate ungen.-......... tingenau -- _-_---------- 200 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATION~S ungepanzert --------- ___ without armor; unarmored ungesetzlich --------unlawful; illegal ungesichert -.......... unsecure unges ---------unhealthy unges ..------- _ ungesund ----------ungeschitzt --------unprotected ungesch .---. unaimed _ ungezielt -----------u ngez_ ... ungezogen -- unrifled ungez ... ungf ...---ungefaihr -...-___ approximately; about unh - -.-.unhaltbar.-----untenable; indefensible (position) Uniform........... uniform Unif ----. unk -. unkundig --------.. ignorant unl - - - - - - - - - - - - - unloslich insoluble unpassierbar ..-....... unpass ----impassable unter ---tinder unt - -------.-Untergalng __ decline; fall; ruin Unterg ......... Untergebener ----UIntergb .. subordinate unterhalb . unterh below; beyond Unterk.Grr Unterkunftsgruppe -. billeting party Untern Unternehmnu ng .. enterprise Unterord --------- Unterordnung --subordination Unterr --------Unterredung.. conversation Unterr- - - .- -..- Uncerrichtsmunition practice ammunition; drill ammunition Unterscl - I nterscllied_ difference; distinction Unterst.T'nterstand _ shelter; dugout Unit. F__ ... ___ .__ Unterfiillrer. ------- __ subordinate commander Unteroffizier. IUntffz ----------__ noncommissioned o f f i ce r; sergeant (corresponding roughly to U. S. sergeant) UIntffz-Sch-------- ITnteroffiziersschule _ _ _ school for noncommissioned officers utntgl -__-------.. untauglichll . unfit ulnvollstiindig_ ...-1 v11 -v incomplete unvert _--_.. .. unverteidigt _--------undefended unverz _--- _--unverzagt ............. undaunted; fearless unvors ..------unvorsichtig . . careless; unwise unzlgaiingliclh .---uinzug..... inaccessible unzul... -- unzuliinglich .----- insufficient unzul________. unzulassig. inadmissible uInzuvllV -----. unzulverlassig -- -----unreliable Uoffz ---- _-_.Unteroffizier ---------noncommissioned officer; sergea n t (corresponding roughly to U. S. sergeant6 ungep- _........ unges _---------- 201 ABBREVIATIOcN S U.P -____----- _ Unteroffizierposten lnollcomlrlissio ned( command post office r u.R............. Url Url.Antr Url.Ges --------Url.Sch .......... Url.Sp ........... unter Riickerbittung. -___ _ request return (on docutments) Urlaub furlough; leave Urlaubsantritt.. date of start of furlough request for furlough Urlaubsgesuch furlough paper or pass Urlaubschein ------Urlaubssperre ...... (temporary) discontinuance for furlolughs Ursache -..... cause; reason U rschr ---------Urschrift .-.. original (as opposed to copy) origin Urspr. Ursprung ... Urs.u ........... Ursache unbekannt_ cause unknown U.S -------------Unteroffiziersschule_ school for nollcollmlissionell officers Uscha--------- Unterscharfiihrer_ (SS) section leader. Elite Guard (equivalent U. S. rank: sergeant) Uschla --- __ __- - Untersuchuings- und National Socialist Supreme Party Board of InvestigaSchlichtungsatlssel hilss der Reichsleitnlng der tion and Arbitration NSI)AP Unterstulrmfiihrer_ _- . (SS) company commllander, Elite G(ilard (eqliivalent U. S. rank: Ist lieltenant) und so weiter and so forth 11sw............. u.UT ___--________ unterirdischer I nterst ;and sublterranean shelter or dugout unter Umstanden .. .n.. leunr certain conditions u.U.__ ---------u.VN _.......... unter Vorbehalt with the proviso or reservation IT.V.D -- _------_ Unteroffizier vom Di( enst_ nonconlllnissionelc officer on (lilty uverh_ .------- _ single (unmarried) unverheiratet -..... . (corresponds rouqltlq to U. S U.Wm ........... Unterwachtmeister . sergeaInt) Unteroffizier zur beson ide- nonconmlissioned officer U.z.b.V --------ren Verwendung specialist Ustuf __........ V VV . .......-- .- Vater ......... ..-....... Veranderung ---------- father change; alteration; Inodification; variation 202 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS V- . V...------------- v- . _ v V .. . Verbindung__ verboten --- ..------------verdeckt -.. Verdienst___ Verein. -__ -.------------. V ---- _ Verband ......-------- -.-- _---------- V ------------- vereinigte___ ........... Vereinigung V Verfassung - ........... v -------.- _------_-_----- V--------------- Verfiigung___ ............ V _- --- Vergiitung -_ --. Verkehr ---- V ----- ---__--_ V --------------- V -------------- . Vermessungs-] Batterie --.- -........ unit; formation; task force; surgical dressing -_-.....__ comconnection; junction; bination; communication; contact; liaison -......... forbidden; prohibited -......... defiladed; camouflaged; screened; masked; covered -.......... merit earnings; gain; profit; union association; society; -.......... united; combined -....... unification; union; association; fusion; junction state; condition; constitution; situation decree; order; disposition; disposal compensation; . . . indemnity . ..-..........intraffic; communication; tercourse survey battery (used in conjunction with conventional sign) - (Fernsprech)-' Vermi ttlung_ telephone exchange (on sketches) wealth; ability; power; ca- V------------- Vermongen -.. ---. V --.-----------.. Vernehmung_. .-..-- V------------V------------- publication; promulgation Verbiffentlichung --. .-.--Verordnung ------_--- order; ordinance; decree; in- V- struction Verpflegung -...- food supply; ration Verpflegungsunterof fizier__ supply noncommissioned of- __ pacity; faculty examination; hearing; inter- rogation; questioning ficer (used in conjunction with conventional sign for cavalry) crate car; freight car with latticed-walls for small cattle insurance; assurance Versichertlng ------...--V ---------------__-.- - ----- supply; provisioning V -------------- Versorgung v-_ _-----------_ verspannt -_-_-- -- ..--braced (airplane construcV -- ------ ---- Verschlagwagen.__. .- _--- tion) 203 ABBREVIATIONS V -_._._ V- .. V- .. _.. _.. .-- v---.... V------- Verstarkung -......... Versuch. -......-Verteidigung verteilen -_ -......-vertikal Vertikalachse reinforcement; amplification attempt; experiment; trial defense to distribute; to divide V eterinar -------------Viertel ---------------- veterinary Volt............ volt vertical vertical axis of theodolite (survey service) V ----------Vertrag ---------------- treaty; contract; agreement V -.--. ----Vertreter --------------- representative; agent V .------------... Verwaltung ........... administration; management administrative office V------------ ---- Verwaltungsamt --------V -..--------Verwaltungsdienst .. ...... civil service V ------------- Verwaltungsunteroffizier adminlistrative noncomlnnisder Luftwaffe sioned officer of the air corps (sleeve insignia) V--........... Verwendung ............. use; application; empll)loyment; appropriation v ---.--..--. verwundet ----------woundted V------------. Verz6gerung ----------delay; delay-action (ammunition); retardation V --------- V --------------V --------------- V ---------------- ----- quarter; fourth Vize- _-. . --- .. viceV61lker .. .....--.-.-.-. peoples; nations Volks- ----------------- people's Voll -................. full Vollzug . ... .. execution (of orders): carrying out vom........... vonll . vor- _---.---. V --------------- .---.---..-. vorbei --------- of the .... from; of before: in front formerl1v . missed! (gunnery) of; for front; forward front wheel V --------------- Verder- _-----Vorderrad ----Vorgang ------- .--..-.- event; occurrence V ---------------- Vorhaltepunkt .-.-.-.- lead point artillery) Vormittag ----vormittags ....... Vorn- -.-....- morning; forenoon v................ .-.--... in the morning; before noon Vorposten -.--- . . front outpost (antiaircraft 204 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Vorschriften regulations; instructions; manual; provisions - Vorwerk ----advanced work; outwork verwendungsfiihij fit for duty; employable short delay erste Verz6geruin g. - - - ... long delay _ zweite Verz6gerul ngF Landegeschwindij gkeit von landing speed Flugzeugen __ Heeresverwaltung gsamt___ Army Administration Office survey detachment Vermessungsabtei ilung.. insurance office Versicherungsanst talt Versuchsanstalt - ....... experimental station; re- V.---------- 1.V - ---.-. - 2.V vlA-___ V.A -----VA--. VA - - - - -.---- - V.A Verteidigungsanle itung_ VAbd -. VAbz var .Var . vat -----.-.-vaterl. Vb- Vorabend_.._ ... Verwundetenabze ichen_ variabel ..__.... ..... Variation ------- -...-- vaterlindisch --vaterlindisch . --..... Verbindung.. Vb- Vereinbarung _ VB .--- V.B... VB ----VB - - . . .I ... -__ V. Battr - .-...... Vbd -Vbd ---- vbd ------ -.---... ... -...... national; patriotic formation; unit; task force; surgical dressing connection; junction; ------coimbination; communication; contact; liaison agreement; arrangement; ------accord Visierbereich_ danger zone (gunnery) .Vol kerbund__ League of Nations Vollzugsbestimmu ngen__ _ regulations for the execution vorgeschobene BeeobachtyVng Vermessungsbatter rie_ Verband ........ .-. ..-.-. variable variation national; patriotic Verband___ ____ .-..... Vb.. search laboratory defense regulations; defense instructions eve; evening before wound stripe of orders advanced observation survey battery iformation; . unit; task force; surgical dressing Verbindung .--.- -- . .c onn e c tion; ju n ctio ---n; co mbination; communication; contact; liaison verbunden ______. ....... joined; combined; connected; dressed (medical) VBef-.. Vollstreckungsbefe ...... hl_ _ writ of execution; executionwarrant 205 ABBRENIATIiONS Vb.G _... vbl V.B1.. Vbr -----V.B.St -.. ........ .... ...... Verbindungs graben variabel -... ...... Verordmungs blatt Verbrauch__ vorgeschobel meBeobacht- commllunication trench variable publlished orders expenditure (ammunition); consumptioll advanced observation post ungsstelle Veterinardep otr.veterinlary depot vom Dienst_ onil duty; of the service ..of the -..-... v on der-... .-.-- ---- . .-... - --. before the vor dernm .. fi r d as National Association for the .... Volksbund German Element Abroad DeutschturnimAusland V.d.F.H. Anleitung ziur Verptleg- field commissary regulations for the army ung des Fe Idheercs decree Vdg -----Verordnung__ ve ------. Endgeschwin,digkeit der final velocity; striking velocity of projectiles Geschosse ration unllit V.E --- ..... Verpflegungsceinheit VE ---Volksempfainlger... people's radio receiver ..... Verein __ . associatiol; society; ulnion Ver ver ...... vereinigte ._.. unlited; combined verabsch__ -......verabschiedet t .... . discharged; .... . retired; takent leave .-----dismissal; discharge; farewell Verabsc h ...... Verabschiedu ng Veriind . -------- change; alteration; modlificaVeranderungl tion; variation Verantw Verantwortlic her -.-.---responlsible perlson verb verbessert_corrected; ilnmproved Verb .... ...... Verbesserunig correction; improvemelt ; adjustmeiit Verbindung Verb ----. connectionl; jumctiotn; combinationl; coimmnicialio); contact; liaisoln ....... verboten__ forbiddein; p)rohlibited verb__ verb . verbtindeteallied; united; confederate ....... verbunden verb_.. .j.... joined; combined; conl ected; dressed (medical) .-.-.-. Verband .-.. Verbd_ uliit sulrgical formation: V.D v.D v.d.... v.d -- --VDA --- dressing Verbd ----------- Verbindung__ ........... 516560°-43w,,14 connection; junction; con,bination; communication; contact; liaison 206 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Verb.Flgz --------Verb. Gr --------Verb. Grb ------Verb.Kradf -----Verb. Kst......... Verb. I----------Verb. Lte …------Verb. M .......... Verb. Offz.-..... Verb. P --------Verb. Pi1 ------Verb. R --------verbr ----------V erbr ----------verbr -- _-_------- Verbindungsflugzeug_ Verbindungsgruppe__ Verbindungsgraben -.--- Verbindungskraftradfahrer Verbandkasten --------Verbindungslinie -..---Verbindungsleute -- - --- communication plane connecting group; communication section communication trench communication motorcyclist surgeon's dressing case; medicine chest line of communication connecting file Verbindungsmann ... .. contact man (march security) liaison officer; agent officer Verbindungsoffizier Verbandpackchen -----first-aid kit field dressing station Verbandplatz ---------Verbindungsrotte ...... connecting file burned; consumed by fire verbrannt ------------expenditure (of ammunition); Verbrauch............. consumption verbraucht -----------consumed; spent; used; expended (of ammunition) Verbr ----------verbr ----------Verbr ----------Verbr. Geschw -... Verbr. Mot -....... Verbr. R........ Verbrechen -----------verbrecherisch -.... ---- crime; felony criminal combustion rate of combustion (gunnery) Verbrennung............ Verbrennungsgeschwindigkeit Verbrennungsmotor ------ combustion engine Verbrennungsraum -----combustion chamber (gunnery) Verbr.Temp ----Verbst ---------Verb.St ---------Verb. Uffz -------- Verbrennungstemperatur Verbandstoff ---------Verbindungsstab Verbindungsunteroffizier Verbzg ---------Verbandzeug ----------Verd -----------Verdacht verd ----__----- verdachtig ------------verd ---- _--- ---- verdiinm t ------------Verd -----------verd -verdeckt Verdainmung ---- _-__ -------------- combustion temperature (g snnery) bandage; dressing liaison staff liaison non-comnmissioned officer bandage; dressing (medical) suspicion suspected; suspicious tamped (combat engineer blasting service) tamping (combat engineer blasting service) defiladed; screened; ered camouflaged; masked; cov- ABBREVIATIONS verd -----------Verd ------------ 207 verdichtet .-----------condensed; compressed compression; condensation; Verdichtung ----------packing; concentration: solidification; thickening Verd ------------ Verdichtungsverhiltnis__ compression ratio; degree of compression (engine) Verdienst -------------earnings; gain; profit; merit Verd -----------verdient --------------deserved; earned: merited verd ------verdorben -----------spoiled; rotten verd -----------blacked out verdunkelt ------------verd -----------black-out Verdunkelung ...... Verd -----------medal of merit Verdienst medaille .. Verd. Med black-out practice Verd.b.--------- Verdunkelungsubunlg - vereidigen -----------to swear (a person) inl; to vereid ----------administer all oat h Vereidigter -------------- person un:lder oath Vereid ---------swearing-in; attestation Vereidigung -----------Vereid ---------to concentrate (fire) verein ----------vereinigenl.......... simplificationl Vereinf ---------Vereinfachung ---------verfahren -------------to act; to proceed; to manage verf ------------Verfahren -------------- procedure; process; pract ice Verf -----------V erfall ---------------decay: decadenlce: declilne Verf ----------. to decay; to decline; to verf-------------- verfallen ------------deteriorate state (condition); Constit u---Verf------------- Verfassung -----tion; situation to fail; to miss verf-------------- verfehlen -------------lapse Verfehlung ------.. Verf verfeuern -- _-_-_-_-_--to burn; to use up verf ---------verfeuert---------burned; used up (of ammrnuverf - nition) verf ..- ...... .....verfolgen --------------- to pursue, to per s( e lte; to trail verf-------------- verfolgt --------- ---- - pursued; persecuted; trailed Verfolgung ------------persecution: pu)rsuit Verf -----------verf ------------- verfiigen..----------to decree; to dispose decree; order; disposition; Verf------------- Verftigunmg ------------disposal Verfolgungsflieger -----Verf.FI1-------pursuit flier Verfiigungstruppe ------ reserves; mInaeuver force; Verf.Tr __-------militarized permanently SS units past Vergangenheit -----Verg ---------verg ... vergasen ..... ... to gas; to attack with gas 208 Verg_ Verg_ verg GCE'RMAN MILITARY ..- Vergaser. .-... Vergasung ABBREVIATIONS . carburetor gassing; carburetion assemble for change of the vergattern_guard (by the beat of a drum) Vergatterung Verg_ change of the guard .... _-Vergehen misdemeanor Verg_ verg vergelten to repay; to retaliate; to reward retaliation; reprisal Vergeltung. Verg -----vergiften verg -----to poison Vergiftung ... Verg lpoisoning; contamination Vergutung ..... Verg compensation; indemnity Verg. F Vergelt ungsfeiierl retaliatory fire _ Vergleich.... Vergl ... comparison __Vergleichsschiessei _n . Vergl.S -h_ ... registration fire Vergleichsziel Vergl. Z auxiliary target (artillery) Verg. M Vergeltulngsmassall ahme__ retaliatory measure Vergasermot or._ Verg. MIot. carburetor engine Vergr6sserung -.. Vergr enlargement; increase; augmentation Verh_ Verhliltn is.. relation; proportion: ratio verh_ verhal ginisvoll. fatal; fateful; ominous; portentous; disastrous ,verh,. verhaftet ..---.. arrested; apprehended; taken into custody; imprisoned Verh. Verhaftung arrest; imprisonment; capture Verh_ Verhalten__ behavior; attitude verh _ verhandelt negotiated; treated; deliberated Verh ---------Verhau .-. abatis; barbed-wire obstacle verh -.--___ verhindert ,,__ hindered; prevented; obstructed Verh ---------Verhinderung .... hindering; prevention; obstacle; impediment VerhOjr V erh ---------.hearing; interrogation; examination; questioning verh ... ..... . verhlort examined; interrogated; questioned verjudcet, _.... verj _ ___. .____ Judaized Verj.......... Verjtingng - - - - ..- tapering (form of projectile) verk ----------verkantet -----tilted; canted (sighting error) ABBREVIATIOTNS Verk - Verkehr_ 209 traffic; commnunication: intercon rse Verk ------.-- .--. Verkiilldigung ___ _ _.._ _ _ _ _ announcement; publicat ion; proclamnationl; pronouncing (of sentence) Verk ----. Verkiirzung___ ......--.. . shortening; abridglenlt; abbreviation Verk.Fl Verkehlrsfliegel r .... commercial flier Verk.Flzg --Verkehrsfilgze !ug , commercial plane; passellger plane Verkl -- - ___ Verklcidung__ cowVling (airplane and automrobile construction); cnsing: camouflage: disgulise Verkl -. -_ Verkleinerung_ reduction; diminitt ilo Verk. Tr communication troops .... Verkehrstrul)ppCITI. Verkzg. ... Verkiirzungr shortening; abridgmenlt: arbbreviat ion verl_ -verladen___ ..... to load; to entrain (troops) Verl .....Verladung ent raining; embarkat ion; (e11bussing VerlVerlaingerung l)rolongation; extension verl_ v'erlastcet. loaded (pack animals) Verl Verlastung -loading of pack animals Verl Verlauf ... ,. course; progress; proicess; development verl -verlegen _ to shift fire (artilltr!l) \Verl Verlegulng shift; transfer: tranlspolirtation (of troops) verl_ verlesen to call the roll verl verlet zt .woulnded; injureld; hurrl; violated; offenldedVerl. Verlet zuing .... injury; violation verl -- - verloren...lost, Verl ----Verlust . -loss: casualty Verl.Bhf . Verladebahnhol loading station (rail!to ) Verl. Kdo_. Verladekomnlmal udo enltrainling colllllallnd post Verl.L -Verlustliste casualty list Verl. Off z Verladeoffizier_ entraining officer Verl. R -... Vcrladerampe_ loading ramp Verl.St_ _ Verladestab loading crew Verl. St . Verladestation . entraining stat ion Verl.St -.Verladestelle_ _ . ent raining point: loading point; point of emlubarktltion; entrucking point 210 GERMAN MILITARY ABBRE;VIATIONS Verl.St ........... Verl.Utb --------Verl. Z........... verm-----------Verm ----------Verm ---------verm ..-------Verm ----------Verm ----------verm ---------Verm ----------verm.__-_-_-_-__ Verm ----------verm-----------Verm -----------verm ------Verm ----------Verm ----------Verm ----------verm -----------verm -----------Verm ----------Verm. Abt ------Verm.Battr Verm. Tr --------V ern -----------V ern -----------vern -----------V ern -----------vern -----------Vern -----------vern - _-_-_-_-_- _ vern ---------vern ---------.--verneb.......... Verneb ---------Vern. F.......... extension piece entraining practice entraining time bequeathed testament grinding increased; multiplied increase; multiplication observation; note; remark to measure; to survey survey; measurement lessened; diminished; abated reduction; diminution missing missing men mediate; arrange intervention; mediation telephone exchange wealth; ability; power; capacity; faculty vermutet --------- conjectured; supposed verm utlich --------------- presumable; probable; likely Vermutung -----------supposition; conjecture; surmise Vermessungsabteilung -..- survey detachment Vermessungsbatterie -.--- survey battery Vermessurlgstrupp ------ survey detachment Vernachliissigung ------ negligence; neglect Vernehmung ----------- questioning; interrogation; examination; hearing verneint --------------denied; contradicted denial; contradiction Verneinm ng -----------vernichtet ------------destroyed; annihilated annihilation; destruction Vernichtung ----------neglected; slighted vernachlassigt ---------spiked (weapon) vernagelt -------------vernommen -----------questioned; interrogated; heard vernebeln -------------to screen by smoke Vernebelung ---------smoke screening Vernichtungsfeuer -----destructive fire; annihilating Verlingerungssttick Verladeiibung ---------Verladezeit -----------vermacht ------------Vermichtnis ----------Vermahlung ----------vermehrt ------------Vermehrung ----------Verm erk -------------vermessen -------------Vermessung -----------vermindert -----------Verminderung ---------vermisst-------------Vermisste -- --------vermitteln ------------Vermittlung -----------Vermittlungsstelle -----Verm6gen ------------- fire (artillery) Vern.i.D......... Vernachlissigung im Dienst neglect of duty ABBREVIATIONS Vern. Kr ---- _-_Ver6ff ----------verordn _-_--Verordn -- _-_-_-_ 211 war of annihilation publication; promnlgation ordered; decreed ordnance; decree; order; instruction packing; loading Verp - _-_-_-_---Verpackung _-_-_-_-_-_..------------missed; adjusted (gas mask) verp -- _-_-_-_--- verpasst verpestet _------------infected; poisoned verp -----------verp ------ _-_-_verp6nt --------------forbidden; prohibite(d -----------.-.verp -----------verpufft fired away (uselessly) ; wasted verpfl -----.-.-.-verpflanzt ------------transplanted; replanted verpfl ----------verpflegt -------------fed; cared for; nourished Verpflegung-............ rations; food supply; rationVerpfl ----------ing ........... Verpfl -------.-.-Verpflichtung obligation; duty Verpfl.Auf ------- Verpflegungsaufent halt .. food stop Verpfl.Ausg. (St.) V e r p f I e g ux g sausgabe- rations distribution point stelle Verpflegungsbasis ------rations base Verpfl. B.------Verpfl. Empf ---Verpflegungsenlpfang -- - receipt of rations Verpfl.Fz -------Verpflegungsfahrzeug --commissary wagon Verpfl. Kfs -_-_--Verpf legungskraftfahr- rations motor truck zeug Verpfl. Kol -------Verpfleg ungskolonne ----- commissary train; supply column ration list, Verpfl. L -----Verpflegungsliste --Verp.I g ----------- Verpflegungslager ------ commissary depot Verpfl. Mag -----Verpflegungsmnagazin -- -- food depot Verpfl. Nachsch -.. Verpflegiungsnachschub___ supply rep)lacementll; brinigilng up of food supll)lies Verpflegungsoffizier -.-Verpfl.Offz ------comlmissary offlicer: mess officer Verpfl.P ----. _--- Verpflegungsportion _._.. individual rations Verpfl.Tr __-----Verpflegungstross ------supply train; ration train; commissary train Verpfl. Uffz ------Verpfl egungsuntero ffi- supply noncomtlnlissiolled zier officer; mess sergeallt Verpfl.V _-------Verpflegungsvorschrift. -.. rations regulations Verpfl. Wg ------Verpflegungswagen .... siupply wagon Verpfl.Zg -------Verpflegungszug .. - - slupply train (railtway) Verr -----------Verrater . ..... traitor Verr -----------Verrat . treason verr-----------verraten_-------------to betray Vernichtungskrieg -- ---Ver6ffentlichung ------verordnet -------------Verordnung _-_-_-_-_--- 212 'GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS placed to account; settled; miscalculated placing to account; settleVerrechnung Verr. ment; miscalculation diminished; reduced verringert ---verr ---verriickt .. insane; crazy; deranged ....... verr -. ........ barricade; locking mechanVerriegelung .. Verrgl isin (weapons) neglect; negligence Vershumnis . Vers---missed; neglected vershumt -vers ----....... to fail; misfire; refuse; deny versagen _-------vers ------misfire ..... Versager ----Vers assembled versammnelt .. vers.. ...... convention; assembly; gathVersamrnmlung Vers ering ...... dispatched versandt -----vers ...... sanding up; choking up with Versandung -----sand ....... provided; furnished with; versehlien ----Vers supplied Versehen ------------ provisioning; furnishing with; supply; mistake; blunder transferred; removed versetzt ... vers. Vers transfer; removal vers Versetzullng versichert ... insulred; guaranteed ... insurance; assurance; secuVersicherulng . Vers rity. versorgt ...... Vers. provided for; cared for provision; maintenance sllpVersorgll ng vers ply .suplply system; state proVers Versorgungswesen vision for the deserving .-.... attempt; experiment; trial Vers Versuchl . ..... vers ---.. by way of trial; as an experiversuclhsweise --ment; experimental Versuchsabteilunhg Vers. Aldbt, . experimental department Vers. Abt.d.Verk.Versutchsabteilumg der experimental detachment of Tr Verkehrstruppen the communication troops Vers. Anst -----insurance office Versicherungsanstal lt .... experimental station; reVers. Anst ----Versuchsanstalt search laboratory Vers. Anst.f.Ifdfw-_ Verstichlsanstalt ffir 1Hland- experimental station for feuerwaffen small weapons verr.. verrechnet_ ABBREVIATIONS Versuchsballon . .. Versuchsbatterie. Versorgungsbeh6rde Vers.B Vers.1Ba Itt... Vers. BeAh.... Versilchsboot. Versuchsbatterie . verschalt .. verschan zt .. .. .Verschan zulng. verscharrt . . Verschiebung .. Vers.Bt Vers.Bt tr .. versch .-versch_ Versch ---versch Versch versch__ ....-Versch .......... Versch versch Versch versch . verschb .... verschieden -------- \ Verschiedenes.. Verschiedenheit .. verschifft -----\Verschiffung ... verschoben ... verschollen Versehollene. Versch versch_ ......... verschont ......... versch.. _ .......... verschossenll . .------... .. Verschiuttung g ........ Versch verschulldell .... versch . rschiffunigshafenl Versch. I Verschl_ .......- Verschlamnung .. . verschleehte.rt ...... verschl Verschl_ Vrschlechtterlnge verschl. verschleiert ..... verschleppt .------verschl verschl_ vershleudert ..... verseh . verschlossen .... verschl__ .... verschluhgen Verschluss .. . Verschll Verschl. I --K .--.. . Verschlusskappe .... Verschl.S it-------- Versc hluhsss tick. Verschl . Fr ------. Verschleierungtruppen Verschr Verschr_ verschw_ .... Verschraubung Verschrot tung ... verschwiegen --------- 213 experimental balloon experimental battery state administration for veterans experimlental boat experimental battery boarded; revetted entrenched elitrenlchmlent; enutrelnching covered with earth shifting; displacement; delay died: variouls .. snlldry; various difference; variety shipped out; exported shipping: shipment removed; shifted; delahyed iresumlied dead; sunlk ilnto oblivionl _missing person protected; spared: illunllne out of aninuiiiitioni burial alive to be in debt: to be iridehild port of emibarkati ill silt deteriorated:; made \Norse deterioration screened remiloved; nluisllaced( thrown away; wasted locked: uncomlmnui-iicat ive swallowed: illt:erwov(en brecch l:ock lock; bolt; breech miechanismil locking cap; breechi}lock cover breechlilock camouflaging troops: smloke troops screwing scrapping secretive 214 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS verschwinden -.---. -- to disappear Verschworung ------ ..... conspiracy; plot verschwunden____' ..... disappeared retractable gun mount Verschwindlafette_ _ ..... Vorschrift fiir die wirt- regulations for the provisionschaftliche Versor]gung ing of fortresses der Festungen Versuchsfahrzeug__ Vers. Fz _-_----test vehicle Versammlungsgebiet Vers. Geb assembly area Versuchskommando_ experimental unit Vers. Kdo Vers. Kdo. F]ak . Versuchskommando fiir experimental detachment of Flugzeugabwehrks anoantiaircraft artillery nen Versuchskomp anie --____ experimental company Vers. Komp -----Versammlungs lager ----- reception center; assembly Vers. L,g .. camp versammelte l' lannschaft_ assembled personnel (of a Vers. Mschft.... unit) Versorg - -- __.-- Versorgu ng___ provisioning; supply; -........social security Versp --------Verspattung .--........ delay verspannt .__ -...versp -- --.---.-. ..braced (aviation) Versp .. ..--__.Verspanlnung_ bracing (airplane) versp -- -__ -- versperrt .._. blocked; barricaded; -......... blockaded VerspVersperruing_ barring; barricading; blockade (of a port) Vers. P1 .... assembly point Versammhllngsl platz ----Verspr . Versprechung_ promise Verspr. Versprengter straggler Verspr... dispersal; isolation Versprengung_ Verspr.S.St Versprengter isammel- straggler collecting point stelle Vers.Sch ....-........ Versuchschiess( en - -_ - , test firing Vers.St. --------_ supply station; social welfare Versorgungstell le office. V er.St ----------Verladestelle __.---...-entraining point; loading point; point of embarkation Ver.St -....... __ Verlingerungss tiiick extension piece Verst.......... Verstarker -. amplifier (radio) verst........... verstarkt __ reinforced; intensified Verst ----------Verstarkung__- .--....... reinforcement; amplification (radio) verschw ---------Verschw -.. verschw. Verschw. Laf Vers.Fst 215 ABBREVIATIOLNS verst . .. verstanden Versteck ...... versteckt .-.. Verstopfung . verstorben ------------Verstorbener ---------.. verstiimmelt - understood hiding place hidden .........--stoppage; obstruction deceased deceased person mutilated; maimed Verstiimmelung . mutilation Verst. verst Verst -verst Verst.. verst --Verst Vers.St --Verst.Art verst.F.P__. Verstkg ------- ... Versuchsstelle .. Verstarkerungsartillerie verstairkter Feldpostenu Verstarkung -- --.--- Vert.L ---Vert.P -.---Vertr. vertr Vertr . Vertr. P Verteidigungslini e Verteidigungspunkt Vertrag .... vertreten Vertreter Vertrauensposten ..- - -. testing station reinforcement artillery reinforced combat outpost reinforcement; amplification (radio) .-. transfer Verstzg ---------- Versetzung Verst.Zul. allowance for mnlutilat ed Vcrstiimrnmelten zulageVers.Vbd -experimental unit Versuchsverband . Versailles Treaty Versailler Vertrag... Vers.Vg -------.. experimenlltal purpose Vers.Zw -----Versuchszweck . adjourned vert -----. -------- vcrtagt defender .... Vert --------Verteidiger . defended vert ----------- verteidigt --------------. ........... defense Verteidigung Vert ----vert eilen __-_______.... .to distribute vert ----------Verteiler --- ---------.-distributor Vert----_---_ vertikal ...---.. vertical vert Vert . representative: agent Vert reter ------. Vert. Abschn . defense sect or Verteidigungsabschnitt Vert.Anl... defenses; defellsiv( works Verteidigungsanlage defense instructiolns Vert. Anl -.. Verteidigungsanlleitl ng. Vert.Art -.---..- Verteidigungsart illerie (lefenrsive artillery . distribution railroad station Vert. Bhf -Verteilungsbahnhof defense front; frol t age of Vert.Fr..... Verteidigungsfront defensive position . Vertr. Tr.Arzt Vert.St.__ Vert.Syst ..Vert.Z .-.-- .. Vertragstruppenarzt Verteidigungsstelhlng Verteidigungssystem .. Verteidigungszone line of defense defense point treaty; contract; agreeiment to represelt; representative; agent confidential position; place of trust contract surgeon defensive position defensive system defense zone 216 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Verurt --------- Verteidigungszt istand verursacht ... Veru rteilter__ Verurt -------Verv .. Verurteilung Vervielfiiltiglung Vert.Zust_._._._. verurs ....-.------ . defense condition - caused condemned person; convicted person; sentenced person ___ condemnation; sentence ___ reproduction; multiplication completion administrator nadministered; managed Vervollstaindigu .ng. Verwalt er verxwaltet ........ Verwaltulng .-......... administration; management verwandt ...... -related Verwarnung_ .-. .caution; reprimand; warning ........ confusion; mistake Verw_---------- Verwechsellng Verw --------Verweigerung . refusal; denial Verweis- .....-......--.. Verw. ----.--.-. reprimand; rebuke Verw -- --.------Verwendung .. use; employment; applica-...... tion; appropriation Verw_------- Verwnviistung --- ..-----.devastation Verw ------- Verwundeter.. --------. wounded person: injured Vervollst....... Verw .......... verw --------Verw -----------verw......---Verw ------------ man verwu --.-Verw ... Verw. Abblef I:::: Verw.Absch-_ Verw.A)z ..__ .... Verw. B ..... Verwdg .. . Vcrw. (eb Verw. N.... Verw. Pers Verw. S.St. Verw.Tr-.... verwundet .-.-..... Verwundung__ Verwu.ndetena abbefor- derung VerwundetenabEsCh1lb Verwundetenab2 zeichen. Verwaltullgsbehi tlter Verwendung . Verwaltungsgebi aiude. t . .... -Venvundetennes ....... ..... verz --.-.-.- .-... Verz -------Verz -------verz ----. Verwaltu ngspers sonatl Verwuiindetens am nlelstelle Verwundetentrai nsport verzeichnet . Verzeichnis ... -.... -........ Verzettelunlg..-.... .. verz6gert _-----. ....... wounded wound; injury evacuation of wounded men evacuation of wounded men wound stripe administrative official -use; emiployment; application; appropriation administration building ... forward collecting point for wounded administrative personnel collecting point (mredical) transportation of wounded men listed; registered index; list: register waste; . ...-scattering delayed ABBREVIATl'O':S delay; delay-action (ammunition); retardation delay; postponement --....Verzug__ -.-----.Verz__ .......... despair Verzweiflung__.. -_ ...... Verzw_ ........... ramification Verzweigmnig Verzw_ ... _......_ delay-action fuze Verz6gerun gszi der r .... Verz.Z_ - - .....veterinary Veterinar .. .......... Vet_ _ Veterinarmittel -.... .... veterinary supplies and remVet ... edies veterinary service; VeteriVet.D ----------Veterinardienst.... nary Corps (inveterinary equipmentlt Vet. Ger Veterinargerait___ ....... strulnents) . inspectorate of veterinary VeteriniArinspektion. Vet.Insp .----services Veterinary Corps Vet.K__.-.-... Veterinairkorps. veterinary officer .-.-. ...Veterinaroffizier. Vet. Offz senior veterinary officer in __ -.... -Veteriniirrat . Vet. R___ government, service state; condition: constitu-.......... Verfassung ---Vf tion; situlation . persecutioun; pursuit Verfolgung Vf --decree: orcder; dtisl)osition; Verfiugung Vf -------------disposal e.structive fire (artillery) Vernichtungsfeuer_ V.F '------------annihilating fire Vorschrift ....... fiirV.F .14' .. . . regulations for-- decree; order: disposition; Verfiigung .. Vfg ---------dis posal top speed (airplane) li6chstgeschwindigk( eit. Vg .- -------. associationl; u 1nion Vereinigung ------------Vg decree .......-------Verordnung Vg treaty; contract; agreement Vertrag - - . ... Vg --------- ---fellow countrymlan; co-na.. Volksgenosse Vg -..-.----tional event; occurrence .... Vorgang -.. ..---------Vg eit in top speed in kilometers per Hochstgeschwindigk( ....... . VgKm/h hour Stundenkiloimetern I comparison .Vergleich Vgl --------------compare; see vgl --------------- vergleiche carburetor . Vergaser Vgr ----------.. v.g.u _____________ vorgelesen, genehil nigt, read, approved, signed unterschrieben Verz - ----- ------ Verz6gerung --. . ...--. 217 218 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS per cent inspectorate of veterinary services viell vielleicht -_------------perhaps Vierradan trieb ---------- four-wheel drive Vierr. Antr four-wheel brake Vierradbremse --------Vierr.Br --------vierspannnig ............. viersp ----------drawn by four horses Veterinarinspektion ------ veterinary inspectorate Vjn-- - - - - Visier ----------------Vis ----------rear sight Visum ---------------Vis.-----------visa Visierbereich ----------- danger zone Vis.Ber _--------Vis.Eb --- -- -- - Visierebene -----------plane of sighting Vis.Einr ---- - - -- Visiereinrichtung -----sighting mechanism Visierlinie ----- -- -- line of sighting; line of presVis.L............ v.H ----------vom Hundert ...V.I-------------- Veterinarinspektion_ ent position (antiaircraft) Vis.Sch._. ...... Visierschuss -----------Vis.Sch.W _. ....Visierschussweite -----Vis.St ----.---- -Visierstellung ---------Vis.W ---- -- -- -. Visierwinkel ------------ sighting shot sighting range sight setting elevation setting; angle of elevation (rifle) vit------- __ vital..------------ vital V.K ------------ Verkehrskontrolle... traffic control V.K ----------- Vorpostenkompanie -.-.outpost company VKG ----------Verkehrsgraben -------communication trench VLF ------- ___-- Vereinigung far Luft- association for aeronautical forschung research League of Nations Vlkrbd.----- 1olkerbund ---. ------VerpflegungslastkraftV.Lkw ----.----commissary truck wagen Verdienistmedaille ...-... VM -......... __... merit medal Vm.------------Verminderung ---------reduction; diminution v.M ----------vrorigen Monats ------last month Vm . ---------- Vormittag -_-_-_---- _ - morning; forenoon vm v---vormittags ------------in the morning; before noon V-M-Stoff --------mustard gas vnull - -------.-Anfangsgeschwindigkeit initial velocity; muzzle veder Geschosse locity of projectiles Vn -......- Torname -_---------first name vo -------------A.nfangsgeschwindi g keit initial velocity; muzzle veder Geschosse locity of projectiles vo . velocitiits-_ ..- -.velocity VO.............. VVerkehrsordnung .- _.. ttraffic regulation VO . .............. terordnung --------- __ - decree 219 ABBREVIATI0ON'S front wheel Vorderrad -----Volumen ...... Volksvertretung_......... Vo -------. Vol . Volks-Vertr …....... - volllumle Irepresentation of the people; representatives automatic weapon fully authorized; qualified of age -.------ vollautomatische Waffe vollberechtigt _.----.... ---volljahrig Vollkoinmenheit. ....----. perfection . authority; power of attorney Vollmacht ----..----. Vollspurbahn _ standard-gauge railroad .---- -. vollstandig _ _ _ .-----.complete; entire Vollstreckung.... execution; accomplishIment writ of execution Vollstreckungsbe fehl. vollzahlig . .... .. complete Volksdeutsche M ittelstelle agency for repatriation of racial Germans Vorrat .----- ------Vor --------sul)ply; stores; provisiols -...... estimate; provisional calcu___ Voranschl-Voranschlag lation .warning order Vorbef __-------- Vorbefehl..--Vorbeifahrt ..-. ..-- -- . . driving past; passing by Vorb. F-------Vorbeiflug . passing flight (antiaircraft) Vorb. Fl--------Vorbeinmarschl Vorb. M- _. passing review lassnah- preparatory measure vorb. M ---------- vorbereitende IM vollaut.Wff _ vollber -------vollj _-------Vollk _-------Vollm Vollsp.B -. vollst _-Vollstr Vollstr. Bef ------vollz Vomi _-_-_-_-_ ile Vorb)eugullngsnla ssnalune_ Vorder- . . ..... preventive nmeasure f.oreground Vorf -..-----Vorf Vorf -.- -_. Vorf _.---_--- Vordergrund Vorderhang_ Vorderlader_ Vordermann_ vordringend_ vord ringlich . Vorderseite. Vorderteil Vorderwagen Vorfahren . Vorfahrt Vorfall . Vorfeld . Vorfuihrung Vor.Fz --------- _ Vorratsfahrzeug Vorb. M. __.. Vord .------ ----Vordgr_.. ___----Vord. H .. _ Vord LJ. Vord. M vordr ... vordr-- ..-.-. Vord.S. Vord.T ... Vord.Wg.. ....... Vorf .... . fore; front . forward slope .- --.-.. muzzle loader ... fronti-rank Illan .. advancing; forging ahead .--- …......._ forward; urgent .- . .. ..... .... front; frontispiece front part; front limber ancestors ....... driving up occurrence; ilncident foregound demonstration; forth supply wagon bIinging 220 GERMAN MILITARY ..... Vorg. Vorg Vorg vorg_ ..... Vorg. vorg .. vorg --------Vorg vorg. Beolb vorg. B. St.. vorg. I).Srt vorg. I'. vorg. St...... Vorh -_-_- vorh . vorh . ------vorh vorh vorh Vorh .. Vorh Vorhl. . Vork Vorkdo .. Vork Vorkr.%Z vorl Vorl. Vorl .. vorn . Vonl i1 vorin Vorml ....----- vorIm . -----Vorm Vormn. Bef -----vornil ---------- Vorm.Str ------V orn ---------- vorn --------- - Vorganger VorgangVorgehell vorgeheii ABBREVIATIONS ...-......... ......... predecessor event; occurrence advance to proceed; to advance; to precede Vorgelande .-------. foreground vorgeschobent . advanced vorgesetzt.. ........ superior; set ahead superior Vorgesetzter .. vorgeschobe nier Beohach- advanced observer ter vorgeschobener Beobach_ advanced observation post tllngsstelle vorgesetzte Dienst stelle_ superior office or post vorgeschobener Postenl advanced post vorgeschobene Stellglgig advanced position lead (artillery) Vorhalt... vorhall en . . -- - - - to take a lead (antiaircraftl and artillery) vorhandenl at hand; available vorher . before; previously vorhergeheild... previous vorherrschelld predominant Vorholer .. counterrecoil mechan ismn Vorhlt... advance guard Vorhaltemrass amount of lead (antia:rcratft) Vorkehrb ll ge1n. provisions; precautions Vorkonlrlalldo. advance detail Vorkonmils . occurrence; event Vorkriegszeit. prewar time .- ---. vorlaufig meanwhile; temporarily .. Vorlage flash hider .Vorlauf_ counterrecoil vormlals ..... formerly Vornlarshch . advance vormilit.irischi premilitary forenoon; morning Vorinittag. vormnittags ------in the morning; before noon Vormusterung inspection; examination Vormarsehbefehl advance march order vormilittirisch premilitary Vormarschstrasse_ advance route; approach first name Vorname ------vornehmlich .... chiefly; mainly 221 ABBREVIATION'S Vorp ---------Vorp. Abschn Vorp. Aufst Vorp. Bef Vorp. D.. Vorp. Gef Vorp.Gr. Vorp. Kp Vorp. . - -LVorp, Res Vorp.St Vorr .------. vorr .--.--.. - -------Vorr Vorr .-....... Vorr -----------vors ----.-.-.- Vors --.-. , vors -.--------- Vors Vors -.... ,- -- - - vorschlr.n vorseh Vorschr Vorposten -.. - - Vorposternabschlnitt, Vorpost.enaufstelhmlng Vorpostenbcfehl VorpostendienstVorpostengefechit Vorpostengros.. Vorpostenkomlllpalnii Vorpostenllinie ... Vorpostenreserve. Vorpostenstell.llng Vorrang... . vorraitig . Vorrat...... Vorrecht . Vorrichtung vorsitzlich-. Vorsatz Vol'sic hti. g .... Vorsitzelnder .... . Vorsorge V\orschlag vorschriftslltiissigy Vorschrift vorsclrm r. .. vorschrw ... Vors p vorspr .-.-.Vorspr. Vorst .. Vorst . . vorschriftsnmiissig vorschriftsw i(lrig Vorslpann vorspringelnd Vorsprung Vorsta lt Vorstecker Oltl)ost outpost sector post ilng of out post.s outpost or(ler outpl)ost duty out post skirmijislh main body of otlutpost outpost colupanly linle of olutposts oliltpost reserve outl)ost positioll precedence sulleriority in stock: on hand supply; store; stock privilege Illechallisnl; device indtention al planl: designl; project: resolilti(oll caut iouls; careful presidlelt ; chairmallnl (are; foresight p)ropositioll: proposal according to directiols reglllatl ioll; ilist ru(t ioll: Ilnlial accor(ting to d(irccteions contrarv to, directionls tearil of horses projectiIig leadl; salient; head slart! telnsionl lock safety pinl vorstetllen . Vorstellglllg Vorstoss vorst; Vorst. vorst ------- vort -------.. V ort -------vortr vorstossen vort:alschell VortAiuschu ng Vor teil vort rabe ...... .- ---- . .51t;560 o 4:f- (ftz) : filze 9 Irl(snItll; represelt : iltrldulce advanced plosit:ion forward miovemrillenllt,: ad valice; thrust; raid to thrust: to pIlsh forward to silmullate; to feign silullatio:ll feigning advantage; : [elncfit: p rofit to trot ahlead 222 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Vortr ------ - -- Vortrupp --------------vorw --.--vorwarts --------------Vorw ------ ----- Vorwerk --------------vorz ------- -- -- vorzeitig -------- ----vorz ....--- --- vorziehen -------------Vp ------------_ Vorposten -------------Vpfl -----------Verpflegung ------------ advance party and support forward advanced work; outworks premature to move up; to prefer outpost rations; food supply; rationing Vpfl.E ----------Verpflegungsempfang receipt of rations Vrmtg ---------Vermutung -----------supposition; conjecture; surmise vrmtl _-_-_-_-_-verm utlich -------------- presumable; probable; likely Vs............... Versorgung -----------supply; provisioning V s - -------- -Vorderseite ------------- front; frontispiece Vschr ----------Vorschrift-------------- regulation; instruction; manual; provision v.S.d -----------von Seiten des---------- on the part of VSt ---.. . .--.-.-Vermittlungsstelle ------- switchboard exchange V.St -----------Vorderstuitze -------- front tripod leg V.St.A ---------Vereinigte Staaten von United States of America Amerika vst.St -.--------versteckte Stellung --_-masked or camouflaged position; hidden emplacement V.S.V........... Vorschrift fur den Schrift- correspondence regulations verkehr Vt -------------Verteiler -------------- distributor v.T -------vom Tage -------------- of the day V.T ------ ----Vorderteil -------------- front part: front V.T r -----------Verpflegungstross -------- supply train; commissary train V.H .u - -----v6llig untauglich -. absolutely unfit V.u.G.Trr Verpflegungs- und Ge- commissary and baggage packtross train Vorschrift ufiber militar- medical examination regulaV.U.Wm -------irztliche Untersuchuntions gen der Wehrmacht V.V --- -------Versailler Vertrag -----Treaty of Versailles V.V.St .......... Verkehrsvorschriftstab _-_ traffic regulation headquarters V.V.St -_-_-----Vorschriftenverwaltuings- administrative office of regustelle lations -.. -- 223 ABBREVIATIONS --.-. Vw_ .- - Vw_ Vw r ..... Verwaltung .... Verwendung ...-- Verwundetenabzeichen Vorwerk -.... __. Vw_ ....-Ver-wendungszweck V. Z_ .- V- Zug Vz ---- . .......... ... Verz6gerungsziinder .... Verpflegungszug -- Vize- ----. - Wache ..... .... - administration use; application; employInent; aplpropriation wound stripe advanced work; outworks (on maps) purpose of ulse; use to be put to delay-action fulze supply train (railway) vice- W W W ... guard; Waffe ... arm; weapon; branch of serv- Waffenmeistergehilfe -. Waffenoffizier . .... Waffen- ulld Gassclhutzunteroffizier Waffenunteroffizier W__ sentinel: Wachregiment Berlin ..--------Waffenlneister ----- W -.--------- watch; sentry Berlin Guard Regiment (insignia on shoulder straps) ice civilian armorer with rank of 2d lieutelnallt (armly official) (utsed in conjunction with conventional sign of cavalry) assist ant artificer ((used in conjunction with conventional signs of infantry anfl cavalry) ordllnance officer (insignia on shoulder straps) ordnallce and ant igas protectiol nollcorlnmll issionld(l officer (,used in conjunction with conventional sign of infantry) ordllnance noncommissioned officer (used in conjunction with conventional sign of cavalry) ..- W__ W__ W__ .- . Wagen ............... wagon; vehicle ...... Wagenfihrer -. . . driver Wald ---------------wood; forest; woodland 224 GEYRMAN MILI rARY ABBRE:VIATIONS civilian official with the fortification maintenance service, rank of 2d lieutenant (sleeve insignia) .-.-. \.Warte observatory; watchtower (on W maps) .-. -. water WV Wasser .......... hydroplane; seaplane .......... Wasserflugzeug_ .____.__. W_ shalIows (on maps) .W att -------W_ change; variation; oscillaWechsel ------ .-....... W. tion (electricity) -.. ..point .(antiaircraft . . reference Wechselpunkt__ W.____ .......... artillery) Wechselstrom__i ......... alternating current W ---WWehr- ... ......... army; defense; resistance W --. Wehrkreis __.. .. -....... military district military district headquarW Wehrkreiskommlando.. ters (with Roman numerals, insignia on shoulder straps) -.-.....armed forces Wehrmiacht --. W____. ---------......... white ---------- weiss ... W_ Werfer .... -.......mortar; projector ----------....... workshop ---------- Werkstatt -----.- . ...west W .. W est ---------- -------westlich ------. ...western; westerly w ....- ---------wider --------- ......... against; contrary to u . wieder..--------___..___ again; once more Windwinkkell -- ........angle of drift (aeronautics) W ..... ........ week Woche ..-....... ~v ... wochentags ---weekdays ......weekly wochentlich ---- ........ guard detachment Wachabteilung - ........ Wa ordnance; weapon; arm of Waffen- -_----........service WIVa .-. ....... Wasser ----.--.--water .... Arlmy Ordnance Office WaA .-.--.Heeres-Waffenain it -----.-.-..Abnahmeabteilun ig des Acceptance Section of Army WaAbn Ordnance Office Heeres-Waffen amts WachAbt._ guard detachment -........ Wachabteilung_ . .-..... guard duty WachD .- ..... Wachdienst_ ..----. WaChefing .. ___.... Chefingenieur des Heeres- Chief Engineer of the Army Waffenamts Ordnance Office Wallmeister_ -...... .-......- - Wachhab -------- Wachhabender ---- __ _ commander of a guard detail 225 ABBREVIATIONS Wachst -_-------_ Wachtm .---- Wachstube ... _. Wachtineister__ Wachtr -----_---_ W. A.d. K ------_ --.. Wachtruppe.. Wachabteilung decr Kommandanltur Ber lin Forschungabteilul ng des Heeres-Waffena IInts Waffen- _ ....... . g guard room (corresponds roughly to T. .S. first sergeantt) ... guard detachment Guard Detachmenll of Berlin Local tHeadquarters Research Section of Army WaF -----------Ordnance Office ordnance; wcapoll; arm of Waff---------service WaffDA-. . ... Dienstanweisulng iiir den service regulations for the use of arms Waffengebraucl I able-bodied; capable of bear…....... waffenf --------_ waffenfahig ----ing arms Waffenf. . ....... Waff(elfaihigkeit_ -. ...... ability to bear arms Waffenf --------Waffenlfarlbe . color on uniform, indicating branch of service WaffFw--........ Waffen feldwebel__ ...-.. ordnance sergeant (corresponding roughly to U.S. first sergeant) WaffGebrG . __Gesetz fiber den Waffen- law concerning the use of arlns gebrauch Waff. L ....... _ .. Waffenlehre ------ --..... science of arms and weapons Waffemineister_ _ _ civilian ordnance hclhnlician …..____ W affim ---------(army oflicial) w\iih eqlliivalent rank of 2nd lieutenant ordnance mnainltelnance school Wafrn.Sch … Wafcfenrmreisterschullll .. (corresponds roughly to I . S. WaffOFw . ..... Waffenoberfeildwebel staff sergeant, ordnoncef) WaffOWmn .___.___ Waffenoberwaclltmne ister_ ordnance sergeant (corresponding roughly to (U. S staff sergeant) -.. large fortress; alarm posft in Waffenpllats....... Waftf. Pl------a fortification .. blouse; tulic WaffRtWaffenroc k ...._ .-. Waffenrevisiore - _.. arms revision; arrus cheek-ti p Waff. Rev Waffenre visor .. _..... army civilan ordnlance inWaff. Rev spector with rank of Isl lieutenant (army oflicial) WaffeinstilLstand.. Iarnist ice Waff.St -Waff. St. Bed..-Waffenst illstand she- armistice terms dingungen 226 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS WaffUFW_. . - _- Waffenunterfeldwebel ordnance sergeant (corre- sponding roughly to U. S. sergeant) Waff. Uffz__ Waffenunteroffizier ------ ordnance non-commissioned officer Wagen ----.......... wagon; vehicle Wag -----.. wahrscheinlich --.... -__-- probable wahrsch . Amtsgruppe fur Industri- Industrial Mobilization SecWaJRfii.. elle Riistung des Heerestion of Army Ordnance Office Waffenamts Waffenstillstandskom- armistice commission Wako ------mission Wallmi -.-...... Wallmeister .--....... civilian army official with the fortification maintenance service, with equivalent rank of 2d lieutenant Wallm. Lehrg -----Wallmeisterlehrgang ..... fortification maintenance course of instruction Wall Uffz .-. Wallunteroffizier .... ------- Wall UFw ------- Wallunterfeldwebel ----- fortification noncommissioned officer fortification sergeant (corresponding roughly to U. S. sergeant) Wand.Patr _--_-_ WaPriif _-_-_____ Wa Pruf 1 ----- Wa Priif 2---_-_ Wa Priif 4-------Wa Prif 5---- --- Wa Priif 6 _------ Wa Pruf 7 -------- Wanderpatrouille -------Amtsgruppe fiir Entwicklung und Priifung des Heeres-Waffenamnts Ballistische und Munitionsabteilung roving patrol Development and Testing Section of Army Ordnance Office Ballistics and Munition Section of Army Ordnance Office Infanterieabteilung ------ Infantry Section of Army Ordnance Office Artillerieabteilung ------- Artillery Section of Army Ordnance Office Pionier- und Festungs- Engineer and Fortification pionierabteilung Engineer Section of Army Ordnance Office Kraftfahr- und Motorisie- Motor transport and Motorrungsabteilung ization Section of Army Ordnance Office Nachrichtenabteilung - -. Signal Section of Army Ordnance Office 227 ABBREVIATIONS Abteilung fiir Optik, Messwesen und HIeereswetterdienst Wa Prfif 8. Section for Optical Measuring and 'Equlipment.and Army Weather Service Section of Army Ordnance Office Wa Prif 9 Gasschut zabteilung Wa Prtif 11..... ------ Wa Pruf 1, Wa Pr W_ Warn-D-__ Wa Ro --Wass ----Wasserb___ wassergek Wass. Flgs. Wass. Kr. Wass. Kihl. Wassmss.__ Wass. Sch_ Wass. Str Wass. Vers Wass. Wg . WaVs ---- W .B -----W.BIez W.B. Kdo-_. W.B. Kd___ W.B.O -... Wchs ---- Chemical Warfare Section of Army Ordnance Office Abteiluing fiir Sondergeriit Section for Miscellaneous Equipment of Army Ordnance Office Abteilung fuir Versuchs- Section for Experimental plitze Stations of Army Ordnance Office Pruifwesenabteilung des Ordnance Inspection Service Ileeres- Waffeamin ts of Army Ordnance Office -.--- Warndienst ..-..... Rohstoffstelle des IleeresWaffenalnts Wasser .. W asserbombe ................ wassergekuihlt .............. Wasserflugzeug ... Wasserkraft ........ Wasserkfihlung .... Wassermesser .. . Wasserscheide ..... Wassersi rasse . ... .\rasserversorgu ng .. . Wasserweg ...... Vorschriftenabteillmg des Heeres-Waffenaimts W ehrbezirk ------------- Wehrbezirk ..... Wehrbezirkskommando warning service (antiaircraft) Raw Materials Section of the Army Ordnance Office water depth charge water-cooled hydroplane; sealplane water power water cooling; water cooling systel (i hydrolnmeter watershed: divide canal; waterway wiater supply waterway Regulations Section of Army Ordnance Office recruitmelnt d(istrict recruit ment district recruitment district quarters head- . Wehrbezirkskornmandeur_ comnlandling officer of recruitment district (with rank of field officer) Wehrbezirksoffizier recruitment officer Wechsel ..--........... change; varial ion; oscillation (electricity) 228 GERMAN MILITARY Webs. Str -.-.... Wechselstrorn...... wvd wieder ABBREVIATIONS alternating current again; once more ._Wehrdienstbeschadigung _ injuries received in line of W.D.B ---duty preservation of honor W.d.E.......... Wahrung der Ehre -----.-------------- turn W endung Wdg -----------Wdh - - - - repetition _Wiederholung............ W ider- ----------------- against; contrary to W dr - - - - _Wideraufnahme -------Wdr.-Aufn -----resumption repair; reconstruction W drhst ----_Wiederherstellung -----Wandsttrke -----....... Wdst - - - - wall thickness (of pro3ectiles and barrels) Wdst …----------WiderstanLd -......... resistance; opposition Wdst. Kr --.----Widerstandskraft ------power of resistance; magnitude of resistance; defensive power line of resistance Widerstandslinie_ WCdst. .. I ..... Wdst.N --.-.-Widerstandsnestpoint of resistance Wdst.Z ------Widerstandszone. zone of resistance center of resistance Wdlst.Zentr -W iderstandszen truiIll ... stvor-__ W .I)v --- - -- Waffenmeisterdieri stvor- ordnance technical manual schrift Waffen - lIrgiitnzn~iigsoffi- designation of retired ordw (IE) ---------nance officer recalled to zier active duty Wehr- ....-....... We ... defense; ..... resistance; arms Wehrersatz . ... draft registrants W.EE... W .E --- --------Witterungseiii fiiiss( atnmoslheric influences; error of the moment wxeg - -- - - - - - - - - -- - wegein -----o..... n account of to file w eg l - ----------weglegen ... Wegw-..---Wegweiser___ signpost; road sign; guide Wehr-IBez . Wehrbezirk_ recruitment district Wehrd -. Wehrdienst__ V --- active service we hrf.. --.... fit for army service wehrfihig ____ Wehrf ... Welhrforn__ _ ... -.. system of national defense Wehlirg ----- Wehrgesetz -__ ------ basic law pertaining to national defense Wehrkde ____.. _Wehrkunde__ ---... military science Wehrkraft-.. Welihrkr -----.. total military potential Wehrkr Welirkreis military district Wehrkr.Apotl -.. .Weirk msilitary district pharnmacist reisapotheker - ........... - ... 229 ABBREVIATIONS civilian official in the Quartermaster General's T)cpartlnellt with rank of brigadier general Wehrkr. Kdo .... Wehrkreiskommando military district headquarters A'ehrkr.Kdr -.---Wehrkreiskommllandeur___ coor lllm (l( er of mIlilita ry district military district chaplain Wehrkr.Pf . - .... Wehrkreispfarrer . remoullnt Wehrkr.Rem.Sch_ Wehrkreisremnonteschule_ military (istrict school Wehrkrs Wehrkreis ............. military district Wehrkr. Verw -. . Wehrkreisverwaltu ng.. military (listrict adminislration Wehrkr.Verw.A___ Wehrkreisverwaltu ngs- military district adllinistrali\ve office alnt umilitary district vetcrilnary Wehrkr.Vet -----Wehrkreisveterinar. Wchrm ......... Wehrmacht.. arme(ld forces Wehrm.Ak_-ehrnlmachtakademie... staff college Wehrm.Laz _--.Wehrmachtlazarett military hospital Wehrm.Sp .------Wehrnlachtsport - militlary sports WehrP _---Wehrpa&ss -------------service and conlluct book; service record Wehrpfl - _ __ eli-rpflicht ..------------- liability for mIilitary service fit for militarv service wehrtgl -------wehrtauglich -..--... ...... fit for mtilitary service Wehrtglkt . Wcirtauglicchkeit .------..--Wehrverb ------Wehrverband ----.-.---- semi-mliilitarv nationalist orrWehrkr.Int---... Wehrkreisintecndait. ganlizatlion WehrVerf --------- Wehrverfassung ------ military systeml as estab- lished bv lI:w WehrVers --- __ WehrWirtsch - -. Wehrwiss -------W.E.I _---------W.E.Tnspr -------W.Einst. Best ---- annual control ass(mtlbl)ly of reservists Wehrwtirtschaft -------military economy Wehrwissenschaft ------- military science Wehrersatzinspektion - -. recruitlmentc rel)lace(: ent district head((tlarte(rs Wehrersatzinspekteurinspector of recruitlment replaceiment (list rict Bestimrnungen fiir Ein- regulations pertlaining to the stellung in die Wehrrecrtlitmluent in to the armyed forces for active military macht zur Erfuillung der aktiven Wehrptiiclht service Welrversamlnmling ---- 230 Weis ---------- GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS W eisung -------------- mission-type order (tactics); instruction __ Weiterleitungsstelle ..... forwarding office (railway); Weiterl.St ----supply reloading station W .E.M -------- __ Waffenentgiftuingsmittel_ liquid preparation for decontamination of weapons Wendung_.._ EWend --------. turn Wendepunkt_ ........... Wend.P ..----critical moment; turning point Waffenerganz ungsoffizier_ ordnance replacement officer WE-Offz -----werfen - - - to throw; to cast; to fling werf..--- ---........... mortar; projector Werfer ..... Werf Werkst........ Werkstatt .., workshop __ Wehrersatzins ;pektion W.Ers.lnsp. . recruitment replacement district headquarters Wehrersatzins ,pekteur --- inspector of recruitment reW.Ers.Ispr ----placement district Westen - - west West_ ...... . Westdeutschla lld ______- Western Germany Westd ------- --..........W estphalia Westf .......... Westfalien . westlich __westl .-..... . ....-. western; westerly Westeuropaisc he - So in - Western European Summer WESZ ._........ merzeit Time Wetter ------.- -weather Wett ----------weather service; meteoroWett.-D. .... Wetteraienst_ logical service Wetterk raftwa gen Wett. M. ----meteorological truck (artillery) Wett. M........ Wett.St. Wett.Tr.. WettW .... Wett. Zg ........ Weva -....... Wettermessiun$g....-. ...meteorological measurement Wetterstelle_ - .-.. ..... weather station _ Wettertrupp . --------- meteorological detachment Wetterwarte weather station .. .. meteorological platoon Wetterzug Wehrkreisverw altungsailt military district headquarters office WeWi ............ Wehrwirtschaf t ..- defense economics Western European Time WEZ ---------- . Westeuropidiscl he Zeit W.F ----------Wagenfahre___. ferry for vehicles (on maps) W .F -------, Wahrscheinlich Lkeitsfaktor factor of probability W .F_--- -- -- Werferfuihrer__ leader of trench mortar detachment WFA ---------Amtsgruppe Fiiihrungsstab Armed Forces Operations Staff 231 ABBREVIATIONS Wff_ Waffe -_ Wff.Fw - Waffenfeldwebel. Wff.G Wffm. WaffengattungWaffenmeister_ Wffmn Waffenmeisterei.. .-... Wffm.Geh__ Wffm.Wg_ _ .. Waffenmeistergehilfe_ Waffenmeisterwagen_ Wff.Ob __-. Waffenoberwachtmeister. Wff.Ob.Fw_ _.... Waffenoberfeldwebel Wff. Rev-.... Waffen revisor. Wff. Sch-.... Waffenschule. Wff.Str Wff. Uffz --- ..... WaffenstremungWaffenunteroffizier .. arm; weapon; branch of service ordlllance sergeant (corresponding rolghly to U. S. first sergeant) arm of the service civilian armorer with rank of 2d lieutenant (army official) maintenance section armorers workshop assistant artificer maintenance wagon (ordnance) ordnance sergeant (corresponding roughly to U. S. staff sergeant) (correspondingroughly to U,S. staff sergeant, ordnance) army civilian ordnance inspector with rank of 1st lieutenant (armny official) branchl-of-service school (for yotung officers and officeraspirants) gun dispersion ordnance noncollllliissiolled officer . Waffen unterfeldwebel Wff. IUFw- - ordnance sergeallt (corresponding roughly to U. S. sergeant) Wff. U- Wacht;mr . Waffenunterwachtnmeis- ordnance sergeant (correter sponding roughly to U. S. sergeant) Wff. Wirk-... Waffenwirk ng ........... effectiveness of a weapon Wff. Wirk. Uff2 -z....Waffenwirku ngstlntceroroncommissioned officer offizier umplire for effectiveness of weapons WFO --officer in charge of the social ..... Wehrlrachtfursorgeoffizier service of the armed forces W.F.Sch Wehrmlnachtsfiihrerschein . army driver's license W.F.St -.....Wehrmachtsfiuhrungsstah. Armed Forces Operations Staff 232 GERMAN MILITARY W FVI)st WFVG __ W g ---- .......... wg ..----W.G Wg.f. Hd.Scleeinw Wgl Social Service and Employment Department of the Armed Forces Wehrmachtffirs sorge- und Offices of the Social Service and Employment DepartVersorg u n g sdienstment of the Armed Forces stellen Wehrmachtfiir sorge- und Law concerning Social Service and Employment of VersorgungsE gesetz the Armed Forces wagon; vehicle; freight car Wagen ------ .-........ on account of wegen ------- .......... ......... basic law pertaining to naWehrgeset z tional defense Wagen fiir Hi andschein- wagon for portable searchwerfer light park; ambulance station Wagenhalteplal tz -.. . -road crossing Wegekreuzung_ -........ wagon load: car loading Wagenladung.-. ...road network; system of Wegenetz ---roads Wagenpark .._ . .... wagon park Winkelgruppe . firing angles (gunnery) Werfergranatzu inder ----- mortar shell fuze road junction Wegespinne.-. Wohnungsgeldz zuschuss rent allowance Wehrmachthal ushalt-und Armed Forces Budget and Administration Section VerwaltungsEibteilung Widersetzlichkeeit ... . refusal to obey orders; inlsubordination Willkiir ------ .-....... discretion; arbitrary action willkiirlich. -......... arbitrary; despotic Wimpel -.. . .......... pennant; streamer Winddruck__ wind pressure Winddruckmess ser ---..wind pressure gauge _--Winken -.........signalling (with flags or rods) W inker ------- .-........ flag signalman Winkelgruppe --......- firing angles (gunnery) Win kerflagge... .-.....--signaling flag Winkerstabh-.. .......... signaling rod Winkerzeichen _ -... .....flag signal; wigwag signal Wirkung - - . ........... effect; result Wirkungskreis .-....... radius of action; effective radius (blasting) Wirkungsschiesssen. . ..... fire for effect Wehrmachtfiirssorge- und Versorgungsa amt WFVA__ Wg.EI. PI Wg. Kr . ABBREVIATIONIS ------- ..... Wg. N__. _. ___.. Wg. Pk........ Wgr -..... Wgr. Z -........ Wg. Sp -_----W GZ -_------W H -----------WidersetzlI Willk .... willk ---------Wimp Winddr. Winddr. M . . W ink -- -------- Wink ..-Winkelgr ...-. W ink.F1 ------Wink.St .. Wink.Z_ Wirk -----. Wirk. Kr.... Wirk.Sch___ ABBREVIATIOsNS wirtsch -------- __ Wirtsch. BI Wirtsch. Kr W itt .. 233 wirtschaftlich... economic econlormlic blockade Wirtschaftsblockade ecollnolic war Wirtschaftskrieg ... Witterung --------------- weather; temperature; weather conditions Witt. Einfl ------Witterlingseinlfliisse . atmospheric influellices; error of the moment meteorology Witt.K .. .........Witterulgskundll-e WK ----------Wehrkreiskonmllando military district, hea(dllarters W.K . ........... Win dkurs .---.------wind direction (aviation, navigation) Wk .------------.. Winker -.............. flag signalman WKdo . .-------Wachkommanldo... guard detail W. Kdo.... Wehrkreiskolnmando military district, headqularters W.Kdr . .. Wehrkreiskomlllaldellr military district commandlller WKK.. . Wehrkreiskonmmnado -lo military district headqutlarters Wk.lftsch Werkluftscllutz .. .... antiaircraft defense of illndustrial plants Wkinstr . Werkmeister ....... motor tranlspor!t rep)air-shllop foremlan W. Kp . ......... Wachkoinpanie .. guard company Wkr .....Wasserkraft..... . water power; hydlra ulic power Wkr ---------W ellrkreis .. , military district econlomllic war W. Kr ...------Wirtschaftskrieg W.K.S, ----------Wehrmachtkraftfahrsac h- arimiy lmotor vehicle operaverstandiger tions expert Wkst -.. Werkstatt . workshop Wk. V .. Winkervorschrift- . signal comnlllllicat iol lllarluIal Wkz ------------- Werkzeug..... tool; imlplellment WIl .--. . ........ Wachtruppe der LTft- air corps guard de( ac hlnernt, waffe, Berlin Berlin (insignia on sh.oulder slraps) W.L -- -.---Widerstandslinie line of resistance Wld . ............Wald ... wood; forest; uwoodland W.L.R ....... . , Werferlehrregimnent mortar training regiment W.L.St . Weiterleiturlgsstelle forwarding oflice (railroad); supply reloading stat.ion Wltg-..--------Wasserleitung ..-.... water pipes; aquediuc ; canal (on mrIaps) 234 GEIRMAN MILITARY ABBRE'VIATI1ONS Wm Wm .-.-.. -----.---- Wachtmeister (corresponds roughly to U. S. first sergeant) Wallmeister___ civilian official with the fortification maintenance service, rank of 2d lieutenant trail marker armed forces recruitment reporting clinometer (instrument for W.M _-. W.M. Wegemarke___ Wehrmacht .. ............ Wehrmelde-__ Winkelmnesser_ .......... W.M.A_____ . W.M.Bez -_- Wehrmeldeamt L _.... . Wehrmeldebezi rk Wm.San.V..... Wm.Sch... - -. Wehrmachtsaniitiitsvorschrift Wallmeistersch ule . Wm.Verw- - - Wehrmachtvenrwaltung Wm.Verw.V - Wehrmachtvern ,valtungsvorschrift W.M.Z --WNW __ W.O . ... W O ------------ Wurfminenztind der ------Westnordwest_ Waffenoffizier_ . W__ ehrordnung__ .-..--..- WM .. Wmi -- measuring angles) recruitment reporting office .. .recruitment . reporting district regulations for the medical service of the armed forces fortification maintenance school central administration of the armed forces manual for administration of the armed forces (Army Regulation 320; Navy Regulation 530; Air Corps Regulation 402) fuze of mortar shell west-northwest ordnance officer regulations for execution of the law pertaining to national defense W.O .. _....... W.Ob.Fw ------- Werferoffizier__ ...... _ Waffenoberfeldi vebel. W.Ob.Wm -- Waffenoberwacl itmeister_ ordnance wich.. Wo km/minWolfsgr .... W.P__ w6chentlich -.. __ --- .--- - mortar officer (corresponds roughly to U. S. staff sergeant, ordnance) sergeant (corre- spoTnding rorghly to U. S. staff sergeant) weekly Steiggeschwindi gkeit eines climbing speed of an airplane Flugzeugs in IKilomnetern in kilometers per minute in der Minute Wolfsgrube -.- ------- -- - pit with pointed stakes; trap hole Wachposten -.-sentry post W.P..---- ABBREVIATIONS 235 Wiirfelpulver ----------- flaked powder (propellant in small rectangullartablets) -..------Wehrmachtrechtsabteilung. Armed Forces Legal Section Berlin Guard Regiment economic war military sport water depth charge water training area (combat - WR - _ W.Rgt.Bln ------- Wachregiment Berlin ---------Wrt.Kr Wsp -----------Wss ------------- . .Wirtschaftskrieg Wehrsport .-....-.. Wasser .............. Wssb . Wss. tVb. P1. . .-. Wasserbombe ... . ..... Wasserfibungsplatz ------ engineers) W.St -----------W.St -----------Wst WStb ----------- position in readinless Wartestellung ............ Wechselstellung Werkstatt .. - Amtsgruppe alternate position Wehrwirt- workshop Defense Economic Staff sehaftsstab W .-Str Wasserstrasse - -- ------ Wstr ------------ Wechselstrom ----.... Wstr.-M --------- Wechselstrominmotor WStVZV Wehrmachtstrafvollzugsvorsch rift WSW _ W.TTW.Tr___ ...-. W.Tr__ .........- Westsildwest -......... ------------ --- W.Uffz .. Wasserturin...l.......... - w.1i -.... - ... Wachtruprlpe -- water tower (on mnaps) gulard detachment water transportation unfit for military service -..------.- Wassertransport ------ ........... wehruntauglich .... .Waffenllnteroffizier. W.UFw_ canal; waterway alternating current alternating current engine regulations for the exectltion of sentences in the armed forces west-soutllhw est Waffenunterfeldwebel -.......... -.-- ordnance noniconllissiollned officer ordnance sergeant (corre- sponding roughly to U. S. sergeant) W.u.G__ W.V --W.V Abteilung Waffen und Geriit beim Wehrkreiskommando -......... .-.--. --- W.V ...-... W.VW.V.A~. W.W___ Ww ... .... ...... .Wehrkreisverordnung .. Wehrkreisverwxaltng. -. Wehrmachtversorgung -... Wehrverwalt ing.. ..Wehrkreisverwaltlngsamt Waffenwerkstatt Wegweiser ............ weapons and equipment department of the military district headquarters military district orders military district headqularters social service for members of the armed forces army administiration military district admrninistrative office wea)onI repair shop signpost; road sign; guide 236 GERMAN Warnzentrale ---- . Wz.. MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS W.Z _ ...- WZ___ .......... . . Wetterzug . -- Wzg_ Wzgmn WzN_ WzS__ ...... Zentralabt eilung Oberkommandos Wehrmacht Werkzeug . Werkzeugmaschine West zu Nord West zu Sid .... _---- - warning center (antiaircraft defense) meteorological platoon des Central Section of Armed der Forces High Command tool; implement . _ machine tool ... -.. west by north west by south X X_ nicht sonderliclh t(ringend XX. c dringend Z_ (Z) Zahlineist er Zahliieist crla Itfbahn Z_ Z_. Zeichllen Zeicliniig . not particularly urgent (sign on message blank) urgent (sign on message blank) Z Z___ Z Z.. . Z_ ... Z_ Z Z Z Z_ z , Z Z_ Z,z .. Zeile. Zeit -.Zelt . .. . Zentral- paymaster paymaster career (added to designation of rank) sign; symbol drawing; design; sketch; diagrain line .ine: period tellnt cent ral Zen tralalt central office Zentrumlr center Zerstorer . destroyer (navy) Ziel target; objective; goal; des---........ tination; aimn; scope; object Zielachse am T'heodoliten sighting, axis on theodolite .... ,1 Zielbau .... ..... construction of target ..... Zielbezeichnun g . . target designation to aim; to sight .. zielen .. -. ...... Ziffer .. cipher; numeral ........ Zoll .. -..- ... inch Zone------zone Zu Zll zUin, zllr _. .. ... to; to the; at; for; by -Zubehor ... - ....... .......--. accessories; fittings 237 ABBREVIATIONS Z Z. Ziinder Zug___ fuze: detonator train (railroad):platoon: section; groove (ordinarnc ); pull (mechanics) Z_ .......Zugfiihrer ............. platoo le Iader; platoon coIIImander Zugkraftwagen ---------- primle mover truck Z. Zugschiessen ----------platoon fire (mortar) Z.Zugschraube --- -------- tractor propeller (airplane) Zentralamit -----------Z.A central office Z.A -.--------Zeugamt .............. ordlnance depart nelnt Za Ziindapparat -......---magneto; ignition apparatus Z.A .B ----------Zivilarbeit erhataillon --- - civilian workers' battalionl Za C -----------Zeugamt Cassel ...-....... ordnance departlment, ('asset Zahlm -Zahlneister .............. paymaster Zahlm_______.__.. Zahllmneisterei . paymaster's office Zahlm.Anw Zahlineisteranwiirter candlidate for paymllaster Zathlm. Asp -.-.-Zahlmeisteraspirant .. candidate for paymaster Zahlmstr Zahlmeister ............... paymiaster Zahlm.V --------Vorschrift iiber die Zahlregulationls concerlnirng the meisterlaulfballn career of paylnast er Zahlrn.Verw Zahlmneisterververwaltung _ paymaster administ rat ion; adlllilnist ration by paymast er's office ZAK --- _-_-_-_-Zentralnachweiseamnt fiur Central Information Bureau for War (Ca&sialties and Kriegerverlust e und Soldiers' (;raves Kriegergritber Za S -----------Zeuganit Spandau …----- ordnance depart melltlt, Spanldau Z-Aufkl target reconllaissai(ll Zielaufkliirung ..... ZB Zentralbatterie ... central ...... battery (commnrunication.s) zum Beispiel ---..----for example Zentralbiiro ------. .- central oflice zur besonderen Verwen- for special ulse dung Z.D ------Zivildienst ---- -_-. . civil service Zd ....____ -Ziind-- -------_ -- ignition; detoliating Zd.................. i uiinder Zd .-................ fuze: detonator Zdg.-------------- Ziindung. ignition; primiinrg; detonation Zdht . .itindhluiitchen . primer; perc(ussiol cap Zdlg . . iZiindladung -----------detonation)l charge; primer charge 516560 --4:-- -16 z . B -…----Z-Biiro_____ z.b.V ------------ 238 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Zd. Mitt --------- Ziindmittel - - - ......... priming substance; means of Zdr............. Ziinder ------- fuze; detonator Zdschn Zdschn.Anz Zdschr Zd.St -- -- -- - Ziindschnur -.Ziindschnuran zi inder Ziindschraube__ .-....... Ziinderstreuung. ........ Zeich Zeichn Zeichng --------- Zeichen ------Zeichner ------- ......... Zeichnung ----.- .--.-- Zeitlp ----------- Zeitlupe ------- ......... Zentralersatzteill lager-, Zellstoff ------- ......... Zensor -- _. .. Zentral ------.----- cellulose ....... censor -- central Zentrum _---- -- center detonation (explosive) Z.E.L ----- Zellst - - - - - Zens --------Zentr ---.Zentr ... __.__ Zentra. A ..Zentr. W -------- ......... - fuze fuze cord threaded percussion primer dispersion caused by fuze differences --____- sign; symbol .----- draftsman .. drawing; design; sketch; dia- gram slow-motion lens .central spare parts depot Zentralamt --.- ._____-.-. central office Zentrierwulst.-.- .-------- bourrelet (artillery amnimunition) Zeppelin ------- .-----. .Zeppelin Zepp--------Z-E rk ------------- Zielerkundulg_ .......target spotting zerm zermiUrbt _- - .--..--. worn down; ground down; crushed Zerm Zermiirbung ..-- -- . .attrition zerr zerreissen... _ .--....to split Zersplitterung___ Zerspl --dispersion (of forces) -....... zersprengt ----......dispersed; scattered; blown zerspr up Zerst---- - - - Zerstauber_.... sprayer; spray diffuser; -...... spraying apparatus (chemzerst -.-.-----Zerst --Zerst -- --Zerst. F. Zertr Zeugh ---- ical warfare) zerst6ren ---------- ...to destroy Zerst6rer ------ ........ destroyer (navy) Zerst6rung -__ . destruction; demolition Zerst6rungsfeuer_ ..--... destructive fire Zertriimmerung_. .. -----demolition; destruction Zeughaus ..-....... arsenal; armory Zeugh. Verw Zeughausverwalti Ing Z.F -..... Zielfernrohr ----Zf -------------Ziffer -... __--. ..... z.F -- -------_- zu Fuss -------. ...--. arsenal administration telescopic sight -cipher; numeral afoot; . on foot 239 ABBREVIATIONS ZF -----------_ ZF ---------Z.F.-Gew --------. Z-F1 -----------ZFw ------------ Zg ------------- Zugfilhrer -------------- platoon leader; platoon commander interlmediate frequency (raZwischenfrequenz ----dio) Zielfernrohrgewehr --.--- rifle with telescol)ic sight Zielflug _............. flight toward a fixed oljective (correZeugfeldwebel___.. __...__ ordnance sergeant:. sponding roughly to U. S. first sergeant) Zehrgeld...... …. ....... money for provisions: traveling expenses or allowances Zg ------------ Zug ---- …........ train (railroad);platoon; section; groove (ordnance); _----_- pull (mechanics) Zg.A Z-Gel Zgf - - --------.--Zeugamt -----Zielgeliande.... - Zugfiihrer Zgflg------------ … . ...... ordnance depart lellt target area platoon leader; platoon coinlmail der Zugfolge ------- ortler (sequence, succession) Zg.Hs -----------Zgkw ----------Zgl zgl Zgpf Z.G.T -- -- -- - Zeughaus -----Zugkraftwagen-._ ........ Ziegelei ---.--zugleich ------....... Zgtr Zugtrupp ....... ------ Zugpferd .... of trains (military transport) arsenal; armory primlle mover t ruck brick kiln at the same tirnme ...... -draught horse zickz .-. ........... zickzack . ...... ... Zickz.K --------Zickzackkurs -----------Ziegelhe.-------. Ziegelhiitte ----------- conlbinatiotn proiractor and scale platoon headquarters detachment (in fant y) arsenal artificer employment by platoons (tacties) zigzag zigzag course brick kiln; tile kiln (on Zielb ------. Zielbau ........... Zielbeweg -------Zielbewegung ........... Zielbez -..--------- Zielbezeichnung... Ziel.-F ---------Zielfehler ---------- construction of targets movemrent of target target designlation sighting error .-_- . Zgw -----------zgw.Eins -------- Zielgevierttafel__ .-...... ........ Zeughauswaffenmraeister... zugweiser lEinsat2z ......... malps) 240 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATI)NIS telescopic sight Zielfernrohr -----------fire representing target Zielfeuer -----area target -----------Zielgelande combination protractor and _-----Zielgevierttafel scale - Zielgewehr -------------- subcaliber rifle _ --_--_ Zielgew subcaliber ammunition Zieliun .....--. Zielinunition . ----------cipher; numeral Ziff ------------Ziffer ---------------Zit ----------- Zitadelle-- ------------- citadel civilian Ziv ------------Zivilist .............. civilian worker's battalion Ziv.Arb.Btl ....... Zivilarbeiterbataillon .. ......... Zivilbeanlter .. -.... ---- civilian official Ziv.B . civilian authorities Ziv.Beh -.------Zivilbeh6rde ---------spark plug Zk -------------Zundkerze -----------back; backwards zk ---_-----_-zuriick --------------------- --- prime mover truck Zugkraftwagen Zkw_----------_ Z1I---- _--n im linken Zieldrittel_____ in the left-hand third of the target ZL -- _-_--------_ Zickzack- und Leiterkette_ zigzag and ladder chain (nonskid device) intermediate blasting charge -2.... Z.L -----------_ Zwischenladung___ (combat engineers) precision landing (aviation) Z-Ldg -.-.-.--.-.- Ziellandung -----------Zahllmeister . ..- .--- pay master Zlmstr -----.-.-. im mittleren Zieldrittel___ in the middle third of the Zm ------------target Zahlnleister ------------- paymaster Zm Zugmaschine -.--------ZM ------------prime mlover Z.m.V -- ___----__ Zunder mlit Verzogerung__ delay-action fuze __ .... . Zallmradpumpe geared pumllp Zp....... Zielpu nkt _-----------aiming point; goal Z.P .._......... zu Pferde -------......... on horseback; mounted z.Pf ------------Zapfenstreich ..-----Zpfstr ----------retreat; tattoo (bugle call) Zr-- ------------- im rechten Zieldrittel-__ in the right-hand third of the target zu Rad................ z.R d -----------on bicycle _-----_-zusamnlmell together Zitnderstellschluissel______ hand fuze setter (artillery) Z-Schluissel ___ Zentralschwwinier -----Z-Schw ---------central float; central p onltoon (aviation) zsf-- ---_- _-----zusammetnfassen -------to combine; to summarize Zst ............. Zusamnmenstellhllng --- - organization (of a unit) Z.St.M_......... Ziillderstellmnaschinell . … fuze setter (artillery, antiaircraft) Ziel.-F ------__-. Zielf -----------Zielgel ---------Zielgev.T-------- 241 ABBREVIATIONS Zt - - - - - - - - - - - .--Zeit -----..---------. zum Teil............. z.T -_----------zeitlich -----------------Zentner-----------Ztschr _-_-_-__---- Wehrmachtzeitschriftenabteihlung Zeitschrift Ztschr --_-_-_-_-zeitweise --_ _---ztws -_ Zt.Z .Zeitzuinder ------------Zeitziindschnur ---------Zt. Zdschn _._._ ztl _-- Ztr ------------- time; period partly timely; temporarily hundredweight; 50 kilograms Periodicals Section of the Army Ordnance Office periodical; publication from time to time time fuize time fuze; long fuze cord (combat engineers) Zub ------ ---Zubr ----- _-_---- Zuf ------- __--- accessories; fittings follower (mnagazine) reins; bridle Zugel ----------------Zufahrt____ ----approach Zufiihrer -. _.---------feeder: ltelt pawl (imachine Zuf -- ---- Zufuhr ----------------- Ziig - - - - - - Zuf ------ _-_---- Zubeh6r --------------Zubringer -------------- gun) - supplies; bringing UI) of sulipplies refuge: sheltcr: recourse -.-.-.-.-.---- Zufliucht --------------Zufl Zuf.Tr ---------Zufallstreffer ------------ accidental hit accessiitle zugainglich ------------.-.---------zug Zugang .............. access; apl)roachl; entry Zug ---_--belonging to; attiached to zugeh6rig ---- _-_-_-_-_zugeh . _-_------7ugeteilt .------------- att'ached to zuget -----------allot tedl: assigned to zugew ------------ zugewiesen _-____-_ _--_ Zugfiihrer -------------platoon leader; plaloon colnZug-F inainider allowance Zulage ---------------Zul -------------- permission Zulassung ---------Zul ---_-------back; backwards zuruck ---------------zur -------.-.-.-Zurrung ----------------- lashilng: latch Zurr -----------defermlent Zur.St ----------- Zuriickstellung --------zusammen . together; in connectionl with Zus ------- _----Zusammensetzung organization (of a utit); colmposition; comblination ----------- - allowance; extra pay --- Zuschuss Zusch --- _-_-_ ----Zusatzgerdat -----supplementary equipment Zus.Ger __-_-_-_-_ .... cooperat ionI Zus.Wk _-_-__---- Zusammenwirken --.- - - to attach; to allot: to assign .-.----..zut ____---_----- zuteilen allotmentt;; attachlilentt; as..----.. Zuteilung Zut _----------signinclit . Zuwachs .......-- -------------- increase Zuw-.. .. allotment; assignment .. . Zuweisung Zuw ------------ 242 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Zuw ----------.-- Zuwiderhandlung_ ..... infringement; violation; contravention z.V -------------. zur Verfiigung ---------- available Zivildienst .-.--------. .. civil service ZvD ----------ZVerw----------- Zentralverwaltung- - -.... central administration ordnance department adZVerw ---------- Zeugverwaltung -------ministration Zw ---------- Zwang ---------------compulsion; coercion Zw ----------- Zweck ---------------purpose; objective; aim Zw ----------- Zw eifel ---------------doubt Zw ----------- Zweig ----------------- branch ----zw---------- zwischen ---between; among; amongst Zwischenwerk ----------- intermediate work; redoubt Zw-----(fortification) -- Zwitterfahrzeug--------- half-track vehicle Zw -------.w.Bttr ----- Zwischenbatterie ----intermediate battery (fortification) Zw g -----------Zweig...-_---......... branch branch Zwgst -------Zweigstelle.............. ZwillMG --- __ Zwillingsmasehinengedouble-barreled machine gun wehr Zwisch ............ Zwischen- .......------. intermediate; between Zwisch. Bttr -----Zwischenbatterie ----intermediate battery (fortification) Zw.F----- - - Zwischenfeld ----------- intermediate delaying position; covering position Zwisch.R ---. . Zwischenraum .. ----_ _ interval; intermediate space Zwisch.W -----Zwischenwerk ---------intermediate work; redoubt (fortification) Zwitt. Fz -------Zwitterfahrzeug --- -..-half-track vehicle __ __ ____ Zw.L.PI . .-...-intermediate landing field Zwischenlandeplatz Zw. MG -_-_..--_ Zwillingsmaschi nengedouble-barreled machine gun wehr Zwischenpunkt --------intermediate point Zyl ............ Zvlinder --------------cylinder Zyl.P ---------Zylinderpulver ---------- powder in cylindrical pellets Zyl.Verschl. Zvlinderverschluss -----cylinder locking; bolt action Z.Z . . . Zeitziinder ------------time fuze z.Z -........... zur Zeit ----------- ---- at the moment, at this time Z z . - - - - - - - - - - - Zylinderzahl . number of cylinders Z.Z.E ---------Zeigerzieleinrichtung ---dial sight (artillery) 243 Section Ill. EXAMPLES Training Battery of Artil. Aulsbildungsbatterie, . lery Regiment No. 6 Artillerieregimnent 6 12th Battalion, Ausbildungsbataillon, Training A./I.R.12_ _ Infantry Regiment Infanterieregimenlt 12 14.(A.)/I.R.13_____ 14 (Ausbildungs-) Kom- 14th (Trainlig) Company, 13th Infantry Regiment panie, Infanterieregiment 13 A.K./A.R.6 ------ leichte Artilleriekolonne L,ight Artillery Transport Column of the 6th Artildes Artilleriereginients 6 lery Regiment III. Abteilung, Artillerie- 3d Bat t alionl of the 4th III./A.R.4... Fiel(l Artillery 1Regiment regiment 4 Artillery 1. Batterie, Artillerie- 1st Battoery, 51t l./A.R,.5 . regirment 5 Regimen t ..Ausbildu ngsschwadron, Training Troop of the 17th A./R.R.17_. . Reiterregiment 17 Cavalry Rlegiment 1st l)ivisi)on 1.Div... .... l.L)ivision ........ Nachricchtenabteilung Div.N.(tm) 6___ Signal Battalion of the 6th (teilrnotorisiert) der 6. Division (partly motorDivision ize(d) Tran.ll)ort Section 6 F.6 -------------- Fahrahbteimln g 6 -------............ 2. Schwadron Fahrabtei- 2d Troop, Trarnsl)ort Sec2.F.5 tion 5 lung 5 Tran sl))ort Sectionl t6 Fahrabteilung 6 F.A.6 6.(CGeb.)A.R.7.. 6. (Gebirgs-) Batterie, 6th Mountain Batlery of the 7lh Artillery l(hgimlent Art illerieregimenlt 7 Mtl olNlln4.(Geb.) F.7.. .... 4. (Gebirgs-) Schwadron, 4th Troop) of the 7 Fahrabteillng 7 tain Transport Detachnlent IHowitzer Company, 1st InG./I.R.1 -.. ----Geschiitzkompanie, Infanlterieregimlent I fantry Regiment Gesch ii t zko inpanie, Howitzer Cornlpany, 3d litG./I.R.3 --------Infanterieregiment 3 fantry Regiment A./A.R.6 .. 244 GERMAN M ILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Geschittzschwadron, Howitzer Troop, 8th Horse Reiterreginment 8 Cavalry Regiment leichte Infanteriekolonne light infantry column of the I.K./I.R.19 _----des Infanterieregi19th Infantry Regiment ments 19 4./I.R.9 _.....---- 4. Kompanie, Infanteri- 4th Company, 9th Infantry regiment 9 Regiment I./I.R.15 ____----- 1. Bataillon, Infanterie- Ist Battalion, 15th Infantry regiment 15 Regiment 5./Kav.R.10 ------ 5. Schwadron, Kavallerie- 5th Troop of 10th Cavalry regimelnt 10 Regiment 2.K.D --- --- -2. Kavalleriedivision.. 2d Cavalry Division Kdo sb.I.Bg.(m) 2_ Kommaiido der selbstaln- Command of the independent digen 2. Ilfanteriebri2d Infantry Brigade (mogade (inotorisiert) torized) Kdr.I.R.24 _------ Komllalndeur des Ilnfan- 24th Infantry Regimental terieregimnents 24 Commander Kf.3 __- - ___---- - Kraftfahrabteilung 3--.. Motor Tqransport Battalioi 3 1.Kf.7---------1. Komlpanie, liraftfahr- 1st Company, Motor Transabteilhtng 7 port Battalion 7 Korps.Kdo.VI.-, Korpskolmmando VI ---VI Corps lHeadquarters 2. Kradsch. Btl.3_ - 2. Kompanie, Kradschiit- 2d Company of 3d Motorzenbataillori 3 cycle Battalion 4.(M.G.)/I.R.19 -__ 4 (M aschinengew e hr-) 4th (Machine-Gun) ComKompanie, Infanteriepany. 19th Infantry Regiregiment 19 ment MG./R.R.9 _-_--Maschinellgewehrschwa.- Machine-Gun Troop of the, dron des RIeiter-Regi9th Horse Cavalry Regimeents 9 Ilenet Nachr. Z.I/I.R.8 __ Nachrichteinzug, I. Batail- Signal Platoon of 1st Battallohi, I n fan t e rieregiionl of 8th Infantry Regimelit 8 ment Pi.4 _-_-_-_-----Pionierbatailloni 4 --4th Combat Engineer Battalion 2.Pi.5... _....... 2. : Komnpanie, Pionierba- 2d Company, 5th Combat taillon 5 Engineer Battalion Pi.Lehr- und Vers. Pionier-Lehr- und Ver- 2d Engineer Training and 13t1.2. suchslbataillon 2. Experimental Battalion II.Pz. Brig -----I-II. Painzerbrigade ------2d armored brigade 2.Pz.D........... -2. Panzerdivision .... 2d armored division 14/(E'z.Jg.) I.R.17 114. (Panzerjager-) Kom- 14th (Antitank) Company of 17th Infantry Regiment panlie, Infanterieregiment 17 G./R.R.8........ II./Pz. Rgt.4 ----IV. (r)/A.R.3. 11.(r.)/A.R.6 R f.4 -----------2./Rf.4 ---------Rt./F.A.R.5------ RIf.(tm) 3 __ It.R.R14 --------- EXAMPLE S 245 II. Abteihlung, Panzerregimenlt 4 IV. (reitende) Abteilung, Artillerieregiment 3 11. (reitende) Batterie, Artillerieregiment 6 Radfahrbataillon 4 ----2. Komnpanie, Radfahrbataillon 4 Reitende Abteilung des Feldartillerieregiments 5 Teilhnotorisiertes Radfahrbataillon 3 Reiterregiment 14 ------ 2d Battalion of 4th 'Panzer Regiment 4th Horse Battalionl, 3d Artillery Regiment 11th HEorse Battery, 6th Artillery Regiment 4th Bicycle Battalion 2d (Company, 4t~h Bicycle Battalion Horse Batitalion of 5th Field Artillery R1egiment 5.R.R.9_-------- 5. Schwadron Reiterregiment 9 Sanititsabteilung 1, S.A.1 K -------Kraftwagenpersonal Sch.1-----..-- Schiitze 1 Sch.2 ---------Schiitze 2--------------I. Bataillon SchiitzenI./Sch. Rgt.2 ----regiment 2 Stab des I. Bataillons. St.I.-----------St./A.R.15 -----St.I/A.tR.23St./I. F . I ----St.I./I.R.19 .. St./I.R.37 . St.II./I.R.(m)5 - St./Kf.7 .. -... St./MG.3 .. -.. Stab des Artillerieregimnlets 15 -...... Stab der 1. Abteilung des 23. Art illerieregitlents Stab des Infanteriefiithrers I Stab des I. Bataillons, Infanterieregiment 19 Stab des Infanterieregimenlts 37 Stab des II. Bataillons des motorisierten Infanteriereginents 5 Stab der Kraftfahrabteilung 7 Stal) der Maschinengewehrabteilung 3 3d Bicycle Battalion (part motorized) 14th Horse Cavalry Regimenllt Troop 5, 9th Horse Cavalry Regiment 1st Medical Battalioll (Motor Transp)ort Personnel) machine-gunner No. 1 mnaehine-gunner No. 2 1st Battalion of 2(1 Rifle Regilnent Headqularters of the Ist Battalion Headquarters, 15th Artillery Regimentt Headquarters 1st Battalion, 23d Artillery Regimnent Staff of Ilnfantry Conlmmandel I Headquarters of thle 1st Battalion, 19th Infantry Regimerit Headquarters of 37th Infantry Regiment 2d Hiadquarters of the Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment (motorized) Headquarters of 7th MotorTransport Batt alion Headqurarters of 3d Machine-Gun Detacli itment 246 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS Stab der motorisierten Headquarters of 2d Machine-Gun Detachment Maschinengew e h r a b (motorized) teilung 2 St./N.A.Div.5 Stab der teilmotorisierten Headquarters of 5th DiviDivisionsnachrich t e n sional Communications (tmot) Battalion (part motorabteilung 5 ized) Stab des Pionierbatail- Headquarters of the 3d St./Pi.3 __-----ions 3 Combat Engineer Battalion Stab der Reiteraufklii- Headquarters of the 5th St./R.A.A.5-----(Horse) Cavalry Reconrungsabteilung 5 naissance Battalion St.III. (r.)/A.R.3___ Stab der III. (reitenden) Headquarters of the 3d A bteilung, Artilleriereg(Horse) Battalion of the iment 3 3d Artillery Regiment Stab der Reiterbrigade 1_ Staff of the 1st (Horse) CavSt.R.Bg. 1 ------alry Brigade Stab des Radfahrbatail- Headquarters of the 3d St./Rf.3 --------ions 3 Bicycle Battalion St./Rf. (tm)6------ Stab des teilmotorisierten Headquarters of the 6th Bicycle Battalion (part Radfahrbataillons 6 motorized) St./R.R.9 -....-... Stab des Reiterregiments Headquarters of the 9th 9 (Horse) Cavalry Regiment 2. (tm)/Rf. (tm)3--_ 2. teilmnotorisierte Kom- 2d Company (part motorpanie des teilmnotorisierized), 3d Bicycle Battalten Radfahrbataillons 3 ion (part motorized) verstirktes I. Bataillon, reinforced 1st Battalion of verst.I.Jiag.5 --5th Rifle (Jaiger) RegiJagerregiment 5 ment verst. I.R.32 .. _____ verst/rktes Infanteriereg- reinforced 32d Infantry Reginment 32 iment verst.III./I.R.67__- verst/arktes III. Bataillon, reinforced 3d Battalion of Infanterieregiment 67 the 67th Infantry Regiment St./MG. (m)2 ---- O