KPI D esig n St ep 1 Map out the critical deliverables of the every department using the 4 perspectives : Financial, Customer, Process, nd Growth Financial Perspective C ustomer ( Employees, Stakeholders) How can your de partme nt save costs, ge ne rate re ve nue , incre ase profits ? How can your de partme nt improve and incre ase Custome r Attraction, Expe rie nce , Satisfaction, Engage me nt & Re te ntion ? Increase Profits Save C osts Generate Revenue Increase C ustomer Attraction Improve C ustomer Experience Increase C ustomer Eng ag ement Process Improve C ustomer Retention Growth/Innovation How can your de partme nt improve Re sponsive ne ss, Efficie ncy and Coordination? Improve Responsiveness Improve Efficiency Improve C oordination What can you do to have your Te am, Proce ss and Te chnology re ady for the future ? D evelop the team for the future D esig n the processes for the future Upg rade the technolog y for the future St ep 2 Map out how exactly these deliverables will be measured and tools used to measure these KPIs : What are the quantifiable targe ts for e ach de live rable s ? What tools can me asure the se ? KPIs : What are the quantifiable targe ts for e ach de live rable s ? What tools can me asure the se ? KPIs : What are the quantifiable targe ts for e ach de live rable s ? What tools can me asure the se ? KPIs : What are the quantifiable targe ts for e ach de live rable s ? What tools can me asure the se ? St ep 3 Map out what People-Related Elements required to accomplish the deliverables and meet the KPIs What are the critical be haviors re quire d to accomplish the se ? What are the critical be haviors re quire d to accomplish the se ? What are the critical be haviors re quire d to accomplish the se ? What are the critical be haviors re quire d to accomplish the se ? What are the critical skills that are re quire d to accomplish the se ? What are the critical skills are re quire d to accomplish the se ? What are the critical skills are re quire d to accomplish the se ? What are the critical skills are re quire d to accomplish the se ? What are the critical knowle dge are re quire d to accomplish the se ? What are the critical knowle dge are re quire d to accomplish the se ? What are the critical knowle dge are re quire d to accomplish the se ? What are the critical knowle dge are re quire d to accomplish the se ? What le arning solutions can be imple me nte d to B uild, Improve , Enhance the se critical B e haviors, Skills & Knowle dge ? What le arning solutions can be imple me nte d to B uild, Improve , Enhance the se critical B e haviors, Skills & Knowle dge ? What le arning solutions can be imple me nte d to B uild, Improve , Enhance the se critical B e haviors, Skills & Knowle dge ? What le arning solutions can be imple me nte d to B uild, Improve , Enhance the se critical B e haviors, Skills & Knowle dge ? What are the ke y goals you can focus on this ye ar ? What are the ke y goals you can focus on this ye ar ? What are the ke y goals you can focus on this ye ar ? What are the ke y goals you can focus on this ye ar ? What are the challe nge s in ge tting things done ? What are the challe nge s in ge tting things done ? What are the challe nge s in ge tting things done ? What are the challe nge s in ge tting things done ? Why are the re challe nge s ? Is it pe ople -re late d ? Proce ss-re late d ? Or Te chnology-re late d ? Why are the re challe nge s ? Is it pe ople -re late d ? Proce ss-re late d ? Or Te chnology-re late d ? Why are the re challe nge s ? Is it pe ople -re late d ? Proce ss-re late d ? Or Te chnology-re late d ? Why are the re challe nge s ? Is it pe ople -re late d ? Proce ss-re late d ? Or Te chnology-re late d ? What le arning e ve nts can he lp with pe ople -re late d challe nge s ? What le arning e ve nts can he lp with pe ople -re late d challe nge s ? What le arning e ve nts can he lp with pe ople -re late d challe nge s ? What le arning e ve nts can he lp with pe ople -re late d challe nge s ? St ep 4 W h at lear n in g so lu t io n s c an b e im p lem en t ed t o en h an c e t h ese c r it ic al b eh av io r s, sk ills an d k n o w led ge ? St ep 5 W h at ar e t h e k ey go als y o u c an fo c u s o n t h is y ear ? St ep 6 Map o u t c h allen ges in ac c o m p lish in g t h e go als St ep 7 Map o u t r easo n s fo r t h e gap s St ep 8 Map o u t t h e lear n in g p lan fo r t h e y ear