PENETRATION TESTING REPORT Dated 12th May 2024 Executive Summary The NBN Corporation is headquartered in Los Angeles, having relocated from New Manhattan in the early 2020s. NBN recently experienced a cyber-attack that resulted in the exposure of customer and employee data. To strengthen security, NBN engaged an independent firm to conduct a red team exercise mimicking attacker techniques. This penetration testing report serves as a detailed analysis of the security landscape. The primary objective of the assessment was to identify vulnerabilities within the web serves, employing a methodology consisting of network reconnaissance, vulnerability scanning, and targeted exploitation. During this penetration test, we uncovered critical flaws, some of which include open ports susceptible to exploitation, login page vulnerabilities on both the production and staging servers, as well as data exposure risks in specific directories. These findings necessitate immediate action to fortify the organization’s security posture. Our testing approach adhered closely to guidelines outlined in NIST SP 800-115, ensuring that all assessments and actions were conducted under controlled conditions. Throughout the assessment, emphasis was placed on evaluating MegaCorp One’s resilience to security threats and understanding the potential consequences of a security breach. This executive summary encapsulates the purpose and methodology of the penetration test, providing MegaCorp One with a clear overview of the identified weaknesses, their potential impact, and the imperative for timely remediation efforts to fortify the organization’s security posture. Introduction Objective The penetration testing engagement conducted was initiated with the primary goal of assessing the security posture in the aftermath of a recent security breach experienced by NBN Corp. The overarching objective was to identify and address vulnerabilities within the web servers, shedding light on potential threats and providing actionable insights to bolster the organization's defenses. This penetration test was strategically designed to simulate a red team-style assessment, mimicking the actions of an external threat source to comprehensively evaluate the security resilience of the targeted systems. The final goal is to obtain root access to the below specified systems. In conducting this penetration test, we adhered to the rules of engagement outlined in NIST Special Publication 800-115. These guidelines ensured that our testing was conducted ethically, within legal boundaries, and with due consideration for the security and stability of the target environment. By following these rules, we aimed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the security posture while minimizing potential risks and disruptions. Scope S.No. Owner Server name IP address Environment 1. NBN Corp nbnserver eth0: eth1: Development 2. NBN Corp nbnclient Eth0: Development Methodology Our approach to this penetration test was structured and thorough, following industry best practices and established methodologies. We began with a comprehensive reconnaissance phase, using both passive and active techniques to gather information about the target environment. This was followed by an in-depth analysis of the discovered information to identify potential vulnerabilities and entry points. The next step involved exploiting these vulnerabilities in a controlled manner to assess their impact and the overall security posture of the system. Throughout the process, we maintained clear documentation of our findings and methodologies to ensure transparency and reproducibility. The approach that would be used while carrying out a vulnerability assessment and penetration testing is Black Box Testing: 1. Reconnaissance a. Conduct open soure intelligence gathering b. Gather info on the target organization’s online presence (OSINT) 2. Scanning and Enumeration a. Determine what are the live and reachable servers from the internet b. Gather information on domain names, web servers, web applications, and externally visible IP addresses c. Use passive and active information gathering processes d. Enumerate the target network e. Conduct research to find vulnerabilities in online databases 3. Vulnerability Discovery a. Identify vulnerabilities based on applications and operating systems b. Verify vulnerabilities for false positives and false negatives c. Compare with industry best practices 4. Exploitation a. Determine if potential vulnerabilities can be exploited for unauthorized access b. Perform minimal remote access without causing damage c. Excalate privilege on target system d. Attempt to discover proprietary information 5. Privilege Escalation a. Escalate privileges on the target system b. Establish persistence Vulnerability ratings To provide management with an indication as to the significance of the risk involved and the priority with which the same needs to be addressed, all risks have been rated per the classifications shown below: Findings Nmap scan First I scanned the system using nmap └─$ nmap -sC -sV -oA nmap/pentesting From this scan, we can see that there are three services running, On port 80, http On port 443, ssh On port 8001, http On visiting we can conclude that it is a staging server. Next, we can try to find any direct vulnerabilities from searchsploit using the nmap scan, but in this case, we did not get any, as shown below. └─$ searchsploit --nmap nmap/pentesting.xml Nikto Scan We can now try a nikto scan for content discovery. └─$ nikto -h From this scan’s output, we can find 4 files that are interesting. - /login.php - /data - /internal - /phpinfo.php 1. In login.php a. There are login pages both on ports 80 and 8001. Port 80 is the production server and port 8001 is the staging server. We can try sqlmap or bruteforce attacks on these pages. 2. In /data a. There is a link: b. flag{CYBERFELLOWS_GOODLUCK} c. Also on the page we can see a file with the name “CEO_gibson.jpg”. We can conclude that this might be a username. We can use the username for future password attacks. 3. In /internal a. There are hints about injection attacks here 4. In /phpinfo.php a. This page is disclosing version and other php information, this should not be an open for public link. phpinfo() is a debug functionality that prints out detailed information on both the system and the PHP configurations. This information can help an attacker gain more information on the systems. Mitigations: Implement access controls for sensitive files on the server Hydra Password Guessing Attack └─$ hydra -l gibson -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt http-get-form "/login.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&Login=Enter:F=Login failed" And thus, the password for “gibson” is “digital” Using SQLMap Capture the login page using Burpsuite, store it in a file called “req” and then we can use it to pass it as a parameter. Command used: └─$ sqlmap -r req --dump This will dump data using sqlmap on the login.php page. Using the same process yields different outputs on port 80 and port 8001. Port 80 is not vulnerable to this attack vector, but we get a different output on port 8001. We can dump the credentials using, using the same flow. I was able to crack the password “digital” using sqlmap, but I wasn’t able to crack the password for stephenson. We can use the online tool Now, finally, we have two users and passwords for both the users: - gibson:digital - stephenson:pizzadeliver Login to the website using these credentials, we will get the flag2 on the link The second flag is: flag2{down_a_rabbithole} This flag can suggest, if we go down the rabbithole, we can may find more vulnerabilities. - There is an LFI vulnerability, but I am not getting any information on how to exploit this. - In index.php, there is a developer comment, that executes shell using the function “shell_exec”. But this is not a valid attack vector, as we are unable to get any shell. But this comment should be removed. - We also tried XSS payloads for that specific function, and those stored on customer.list which can be executed with LFI, but we are not able to get shell from there. We can directly try sshing into the server, using “gibson” credentials. The password “digital” works here. Next flag is: flag3{brilliantly_lit_boulevard} Now, we can try privilege escalation attack vectors. First, we try to get all SUID bit binaries. gibson@nbnserver:~$ find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null Okay so there are a lot. Second, we can simply run “sudo -l” This is interesting, we can run the tee command as root. tells us that we are able to write any file using tee, so basically we can do this to make a new user and generate is sha512hash, and append this new user in /etc/passwd with root priv. echo 'bob:$6$LryMjXsa/QdM/UQp$KjRMdfNwxRytCMzLSFeHsDAHacy3Z/1PNjQixpq7sYiU./jg HRO8dXq9cILlDGdJYSAB50WljrMQOW6/mDtTA.:0:0:root:/r oot:/bin/bash' | sudo tee -a /etc/passwd cat /etc/passwd | tail We created a bob user, password “spongebob”, and gave it root privileges. We can login to get root. Commands used: root@nbnserver:/# locate flag root@nbnserver:/# strings /var/www/html/data/flag4.jpg | grep "flag" We find the next flag: flag4{youre_going_places} Now we can direct our attention to CLIENT In the home directory, there is a file named “flag7”, easily available, but we will have to crack the encoding. We can use online tools to crack this. tool is used in our case. The flag is a png file. The new flag is: flag7{worlds_within_worlds} Now, In the root shell, if we change directories into the root, we will find a hidden directory “...”, and if we cat all the files in this directory, we will get the same output “flag5{NOTAFLAGNOTAFLAGNOTAFLAGNOTA}”. Decoding this, we will get the next flag. This flag is: flag5{weve_always_done_it_this_way} This is a local file inclusion vulnerability that we found. You may follow the snippet below: The exploit is from the source Root will be the output on the nbnclient. The new flag is; flag8{escape_the_metaverse} Severity: CRITICIAL Mitigations: The sysadmin should remove the SUID permissions on this binary, and once done, the exploit cannot run processes as root. While we were checking the client’s traffic using tcpdump, we found flag6 in the dump. New flag found: flag6{listen} A few more recommendations: - The websites are usign HTTP and not HTTPS with TLS encryption are vulnerable to the nature of the HTTP, some of them may be man-in-the-middle attacks, session hijacking, and non repudiation of session data. To counter this, NBN should use PKI and get a certificate for it’s website signed by the CA. This will encrypt the client server session with the public key, thereby effectively blocking any encryption based attack vectors - Anonymous FTP login is possible. Using nmap, we will find that ftp is running on port 65535. We can login using the command: ftp 65535 Severity: MEDIUM Mitigations: Disable anonymous logins for ftp service if you really need the service. If you do not need the service, simply disable it. You may also use SFTP or FTPS to provide for encrypted sessions. - Mitigations for both flag4 and flag5 attack vectors: The sysadmin should enforce RBAC policies to ensure that users only have the necessary privileges for their roles. Conclusion In conclusion, the penetration testing endeavor aimed to achieve a comprehensive evaluation of the infrastructure, with the overarching goals of identifying vulnerabilities, assessing risks, and providing actionable insights to enhance the organization's security posture. The primary targets for assessment were the external-facing web servers, specifically the production server at and the staging server at Our methodology, encompassing reconnaissance, exploitation, and privilege escalation, allowed for a thorough examination of the systems' resilience to potential external threats. The results of the penetration test unearthed critical flaws, including open ports susceptible to exploitation, SQL injection vulnerabilities, and data exposure risks. The compromised credentials, flags, and sensitive data discovered during the assessment underscore the potential consequences of a security breach. Risk scoring was applied systematically, categorizing vulnerabilities into high, medium, and low risk levels based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). Immediate fixes and remediation actions are imperative to fortify the organization's security posture. Recommendations include patching and securing open ports, implementing robust input validation mechanisms to mitigate SQL injection vulnerabilities, and enhancing access controls to prevent unauthorized data exposure. Additionally, the identification and removal of unnecessary services and the timely application of security patches are critical steps in mitigating potential risks. In summary, the penetration testing results provide a detailed overview of the organization's current security landscape, emphasizing the importance of prompt remediation efforts. By addressing the identified vulnerabilities and implementing the recommended fixes, the organization can proactively enhance its cybersecurity resilience and mitigate the risk of potential security breaches. Appendixes Appendix A – Ports, Protocols, and Services Port Protocol Service Version 80 TCP HTTP Apache/2.4.29 443 TCP SSH OpenSSH/7.6p1 8001 TCP HTTP (Staging) Apache/2.4.29 Appendix B – Usernames and Passwords Username Password gibson digital stephenson pizzadeliver bob spongebob Appendix C – Flags Flag identifier Flag flag1 flag{CYBERFELLOWS_GOODLUCK} flag2 flag2{down_a_rabbithole} flag3 flag3{brilliantly_lit_boulevard} flag4 flag4{youre_going_places} flag5 flag5{weve_always_done_it_this_way} flag6 flag6{listen} flag7 flag7{worlds_within_worlds} flag8 flag8{escape_the_metaverse}