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Post Sign Up Emails

Post-Sign up emails are important - they set the tone for what to expect, get your community
excited and nurture your community until it’s GO TIME! These are the exact emails we sent out,
please make sure to add your own personal touch and flare. Remember, these are only
guidelines and templates… the most important thing to remember is that these emails should
reflect your voice and your desired outcome for your training series. Remember, first
. There are 3 emails, you can schedule them back-to-back
impressions are lasting ones
days or every other day, whatever feels right for you. For each email, we will give you the
template and then show you how we did it.
Email #1
This email is to welcome the people who have signed up and to give them all the details they need to
know. Most importantly, getting them excited about the training. Make sure that you highlight each day’s
topic, date and time. As you can see, we gave away prizes - if you are not giving away prizes, skip that
part. We’ve also added a PS to get people to book a strategy call with us, once again - if you do not have
strategy calls, add something along the line of joining the Facebook group and marking off their
Subject: [INSIDE] Training Name
WHOOP WHOOP! I’m so pumped that you’ve registered for the “Training Name” - it’s
going to be EPIC (emoji).
Let’s make sure you get all the goodies, gifts and giveaways for this workshop.
DO THIS NOW>>>>> Join the Exclusive Facebook Group where you’ll find the live
trainings, workbooks, & connect with your {new business besties! / community}.
Your training schedule is… (replays will only be up for a few days after each session)
Day 1: Enticing & Clear Title (don’t use fancy words, make sure they understand
what the training is about)
Date & Time
Day 2: Enticing & Clear Title (don’t use fancy words, make sure they understand
what the training is about)
Date & Time
© e-queen inc. - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written
permission from Cora-Lynn Hazelwood. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the e-queen
inc. End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Day 3: Enticing & Clear Title (don’t use fancy words, make sure they understand
what the training is about)
Date & Time
Join the exclusive Facebook group here.
In this workshop you’re going to discover… (keep this between 3-5 pain points)
>>> Number 1 pain point
>>> Number 2 pain point
>>> Number 3 pain point
>>> Number 4 pain point
>>> Number 5 pain point
Plus you could win these MIND BLOWING prizes too…
● 1st prize: description
● 2nd Winner: description
● 3rd Winner: description
Details of how to win are in the Facebook Group.
Click here to join the Exclusive Facebook Group so you don’t miss a dang thing.
See you inside!
{Sign Off}
P.S. Add a personal PS… this could be strategy sessions, about the Facebook group or
anything else that’s important you want them to know about.
© e-queen inc. - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written
permission from Cora-Lynn Hazelwood. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the e-queen
inc. End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Example - How we did it
Subject: [INSIDE] Design To Sell Details
WHOOP WHOOP! We’re so pumped that you’ve registered for the “Designed To Sell” 3
Day Workshop - it’s going to be EPIC (emoji).
Let’s make sure you get all the goodies, gifts and giveaways for this workshop.
DO THIS NOW>>>>> Join the Exclusive Facebook Group where you’ll find the live
trainings, workbooks, & connect with your new business besties!
Your training schedule is… (replays will only be up for a few days after each session)
Day 1: Transform Your Idea Into a Course That STANDS OUT & SELLS OUT
Tuesday, Nov 2nd @12PM EST (9AM PST, 11AM CST, 5PM GMT+1)
Day 2: Learn How To Sell Your Course With Ease
Wednesday, Nov 3rd @12PM EST (9AM PST, 11AM CST, 5PM GMT+1)
Day 3: The Fast & Effective Course Launch Framework
Thursday, Nov 4th @12PM EST (9AM PST, 11AM CST, 5PM GMT+1)
Join the exclusive Facebook group here.
In this workshop you’re going to discover…
>>> The easiest way to turn your messy idea into your course message so that we
crush imposter syndrome once and for all (this strategy is so easy anyone can do it!)
>>> The secret to turning your new course outline into easy-to-sell offer that sells
out before your latest reel goes viral (seriously, when will it go viral?)
© e-queen inc. - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written
permission from Cora-Lynn Hazelwood. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the e-queen
inc. End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
>>> Why creating your course before you sell is the worst thing you can do for
your business … and the surprising (and simple) way to create instead.
>>> How to go from fear that 'no one wants your courses' to giving zero fcks
about anyone’s reaction or opinions
>>> You'll leave feeling clear, confident and ready to sell your course that doesn’t
just change your life, but your clients life too!
Plus you could win these MIND BLOWING prizes too…
● 1st prize: 6 Months Access to Designed to Scale ($13,500 value)
● 2nd Winner: $100 Amazon card + 30% off D2S
● 3rd Winner: $50 Starbucks card + 10% off D2S
Details of how to win are in the Facebook Group.
Click here to join the Exclusive Facebook Group so you don’t miss a dang thing.
See you inside!
Cora-Lynn & Chantal
P.S. We’ve got a few FREE strategy sessions available this week. If you’re ready to fast
track from idea to implementing our strategies to sell your course and would like our
support doing it, click here to setup a call.
Email #2
This email is designed to show your community you care. It’s a great opportunity to start the conversation
and to really see what they are looking for from your training. If a lot of people are saying the same thing,
make sure your training covers the struggles they are having. They will literally be giving you the answers
to what they are looking for, it’s now your opportunity to deliver just that. NOTE: make sure you respond
to everyone who does hit reply, letting them know you will be covering it on a specific day or even just
relaying the excitement you have for them to learn what you’re about to teach.
Subject: Can I get some quick feedback from you?
© e-queen inc. - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written
permission from Cora-Lynn Hazelwood. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the e-queen
inc. End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
I know you’re registered for the “Training Name” (is it time yet?!).
I need your help making sure it’s the absolute BEST possible training for you!
Can you do me a solid and hit reply with your answer to this question?
What do you struggle most with {insert #1 question people ask you all the time}.
There are no wrong answers.
Help ya girl out, just hit reply with the first thought that comes to mind!
This will GUARANTEE that the {training(s)} is/are EXACTLY what you need!
Smash reply & let me know,
{Sign Off}
P.S. If you haven’t yet, make sure to join the Exclusive Facebook Group which is where
all the live training will take place and when you need to be if you want to win one of our
amazing giveaways!
Example - How we did it
Subject: Can we get some quick feedback from you?
We know you’re registered for the “Designed to Sell” 3 day workshop (is it time yet?!).
We need your help making sure it’s the absolute BEST possible training for you!
Can you do us a solid and hit reply with your answer to this question?
What is your biggest struggle when it comes to turning your ideas into a sellable
There are no wrong answers.
Help ya girls out, just hit reply with the first thought that comes to mind!
© e-queen inc. - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written
permission from Cora-Lynn Hazelwood. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the e-queen
inc. End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
This will GUARANTEE that the 3 training are EXACTLY what you need!
Smash reply & let us know,
Cora-Lynn & Chantal
P.S. If you haven’t yet, make sure to join the Exclusive Facebook Group which is where
all the live training will take place and when you need to be if you want to win one of our
amazing giveaways!
Email #3
This is an opportunity for you to set the tone. The video doesn’t need to be long, 1-2 minutes is more
than enough. Show your excitement in the video and let them know some important details. We
introduced ourselves and made sure that we emphasized that we wanted them to introduce themselves in
the Facebook group once it was live.
Subject: [VIDEO] Are we best friends now?
Have you ever met someone and thought “Where have you been my whole life?”
{Add in something about hitting it off with someone}.
I decided to create a personal little video for you.
Watch the personal video here.
Hopefully, now you will {how you want them to feel}.
{Sign Off}
P.S. this video isn’t selling you anything, literally just me being myself!
© e-queen inc. - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written
permission from Cora-Lynn Hazelwood. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the e-queen
inc. End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Example - How we did it
Subject: [VIDEO] Are we best friends now?
Have you ever met someone and thought “Where have you been my whole life?”
You know that famous scene from step brothers when they both yell “Did we just
become best friends?”
That connection usually happens when we share more vulnerably.
We are all about being more vulnerable and making the online space more than just
people on the other side of the screen.
So we decided to create a personal little video for you.
Watch the personal video here.
Hopefully, now you won’t feel like you were someone’s last minute date to their cousin’s
Once the group goes live, you will feel like you already know us a little.
Cora-Lynn & Chantal
P.S. this video isn’t selling you anything, literally just us being our goofy selves!
© e-queen inc. - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written
permission from Cora-Lynn Hazelwood. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the e-queen
inc. End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.