Uploaded by Dimaampao, Princess Alyssa A.

alay poem analysis

Name: Princess Alyssa A. Dimaampao
Course & Year: BSED II A
Poem Analysis: Valediction sa Hillcrest
By Rolando S. Tinio
Valediction sa Hillcrest" is a poem about saying goodbye to a place
called Hillcrest and going back to the Philippines. The author
switches between English and Tagalog in the poem to show how the
person speaking feels torn between two cultures and it makes the
poem very interesting to read since that it is a combination of both
the Filipino and American culture at that time. It also tries to
demonstrate the author’s love for both languages and hence, our
cultures as well that have made this piece quite an interesting one
for me indeed.
The poem is very touching and inspiring to me because it perfectly
captures the experience of someone studying or working in another
country, only to have to leave and return to their home country to
contribute to its progress. It's all about dealing with who you are and
where you come from while being in a place that's not your own. This
poem makes me realize that we should embrace change. Change is a
normal part of our life, even if it's hard to leave familiar places behind.
It's important to remember that change helps us grow and move
forward. By accepting and embracing change, we open ourselves up
to new experiences and opportunities that can enrich our lives.