Uploaded by Bobby Alabe


Instructor’s Name: Nikko C. Clar
Sem/Term: 2nd/1st
Student’s Name: BOBBY BLITZ D. ALABE Date:MAY/27/2022 Score:____________
Course & Year: BSED MATHEMATICS 1 Room & Time _______________________ Permit
DISCUSSION: As a teacher, respond to the following situations using THREE different theories that we
learned in the class. Each answer must have academic references. (30 points each)
1. Your learner was not able to go to school for one week. He was an active learner up until what
As a responsible teacher, you went to their house and realized that the learner had no travelling
expenses due to his father’s loss of livelihood due to the pandemic.
BIOECOLOGICAL LEARNING THEORY - Bronfenbrenner's work was very important in
understanding a systematic approach of human and social development. His theory is important
for teachers to understand because it allows the educator to build fundamental relationships with
their students and create a communication rich classroom that involves the parents.
Swick, K. J., & Williams, R. D. (2006). An analysis of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological perspective for early childhood educators: Implications for
working with families experiencing stress. Early Childhood Education
Journal, 33(5), 371–378.Google Scholar
2. Pearly Mae is a star student. But you realized that she has problem with learning in subjects that
concerns bodily-kinesthetic activities.
What are the best ways to address this?
When we examined student responses to questions about the direction of the static
friction force in various situations, we both had strong ideas about how to write a tutorial
to promote deeper understanding. But our ideas were quite different. In this theoretical
paper, we present the two contrasting tutorials and show how their differences can be
traced to different theoretical orientations toward cognition and learning. We do not claim
that one tutorial--or the theoretical framework loosely associated with it--is superior.
Instead, we hope to illustrate two claims. One, we show in detail how curriculum
designers' cognitive "theories" (frameworks), even if largely tacit during the act of
creation, shape the resulting tutorials. Two, we show how, at least for us, articulating and
discussing our respective theoretical orientations and their influence on our tutorial
writing enables a rethinking of long-standing tutorial-writing habits. We argue that
instructional intuition--shaped by explicit and tacit theoretical assumptions--functions well
in guiding the design of curriculum, as our contrasting tutorials illustrate; but more
systematic attention to the underlying theoretical assumptions can productively inform
3. You found out that your co-teacher physically punishes her learners every time they don’t get
perfect marks in her subject.
Is this justifiable?
The cognitive development that occurs during this period takes place over a relatively short time
and involves a great deal of growth. Children not only learn how to perform physical actions such
as crawling and walking; they also learn a great deal about language from the people with whom
they interact. Piaget also broke this stage down into substages. Early representational thought
emerges during the final part of the sensorimotor stage.
What punishments must a student receive for cheating in a VERY EASY examination?
They may receive a failing grade on the assignment or even the entire class. They may
have to repeat the class over the summer or even the following year. Some may lose their
privileges to play sports or spend time doing other after-school activities.
Inside Higher Ed: Cheating in College
Educational Testing Service/Ad Council Campaign to Discourage Cheating:
Cheating Is a Personal Foul
Stanford University: Academic Cheating Fact Sheet
Georgia State University: Policy on Academic Honesty