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بینظیر تعلیمی وظائف: اہلیت اور اندراج کا طریقہ کار

Eligibility Criteria:
Eligibility criteria for enrollment of children in Benazir Taleemi Wazaif program are as under:
Children of active BISP Kafalat Beneficiary
Age criteria of child is 4-12 years for enrollment in Primary Education
Age criteria of child is 8-18 years for enrollment in Secondary Education
Age criteria of child is 13-22 years for enrollment in Higher Secondary Education
Enrollment Process:
In order to become a beneficiary child of the Programme, an eligible child has to be admitted in
school/college of any district of the country. Beneficiary has to visit enrolment camp/field offices
along with her child with following documents to enroll him/her in Benazir Taleemi Wazaif
CNIC of the beneficiary;
B-form/CRC issued by NADRA;
School admission slip containing information of class, school name verified by the
B-form/CRC verification through NADRA database is mandatory for the enrollment of child in
the programme.
A digital application is established for self-enrollment. Children of active Kafalat beneficiaries
can also be enrolled in Benazir Taleemi Wazaif programe through this digital application by their
parents/teachers, link for download the application is given below:
‫‪BISP ‬افکتل یک اعفل قحتسماخوتنےکےچب‬
‫‪ ‬رپارمئیمیلعتںیمداہلخےکےیلےچبیکرمعیکدح‪12-4‬اسلےہ۔‬
‫‪ ‬اثونیمیلعتںیمداہلخےکےیلےچبیکرمعیکدح‪18-8‬اسلےہ۔‬
‫‪ ‬ایلعاثونیمیلعتںیمداہلخےکےیلےچبیکرمعیکدح‪22-13‬اسلےہ۔‬
‫رپورگامےسدیفتسموہےنےئلیک ےچبوککلمےکیسکیھبعلضےکاوکسل‪/‬اکجلںیمدالخرکاانوہاگ۔ریظنیبیمیلعتواظفئرپورگام‬
‫ںیم ےچب اک ادنراج رکاےن ےک ےیل افکتل قحتسم اخوتن وک ےچب ےک اسھت درج ذلی داتسوزیات ےک رمہاہ ادنراج پمیک‪/‬ڈلیف آسف‬
‫‪ ‬افکتلقحتسماخوتناکانشیتخاکرڈ؛‬
‫‪ ‬اندرایکرطفےساجریرکدہےچباکب۔افرم‪CRC/‬؛‬
‫‪ ‬اوکسلداہلخیکرپیچسجںیمالکسیکولعمامت‪،‬اوکسلےکانمیکدصتقیااتسدےکذرہعییکیئگوہ۔‬
‫نڈاؤنولڈرکےن اککنلہیےہ‪:‬‬