Uploaded by Lily Beans

Bio Midterm Study [Extra Summarized]

Key: Purple for extra information, this information is not on the summary slides. Do
not confuse that purple with this pink which I use in other pages for differentiation.
Note: There are a few pictures from the slides that I didnt include her3 because I
don’t understand them at all so skip those at your risk.
Chapter 9:
Chromosome Duplication:
Interphase Cycle [Eukaryotic] =
• Cell prepares for cell division.
Most of the cell cycle is spent in interphase.
Nerve & Muscle cells don’t complete the cell cycle, they remain in G0 Stage.
S stage:
- DNA synthesis: Two identical DNA molecules
- Chromosomes are internally duplicated. 👇
- Chromosomes start the phase with one chromatid each then they end up as sister
- At the end of this stage, sister chromatids align at the centromere.
M Stage (Mitosis & Cytokinesis) =
- Mitosis :
- Centromeres and sister chromatids seperate,
- Daughter chromosomes are distributed to two daughter nuclei.
- The daughter nuclei get the same number of chromosomes as the mother cell.
[Images are too self-explanatory to be summarized
Apoptosis (Cell death, decreases cell numbers, opposite of cell division) =
- De nition: Sequence of events in the cell that cause its destruction
- Occurs if DNA is damaged and cannot be repaired in G2 Stage
- Caused by enzymes called caspases
1. Cells that are dying round up together
2. Their nucleus collapses and fragments [nucleus falls apart]
3. Chromatins condense
4. Plasma membrane blisters (swells and forms blebs (small balls of uid))
5. The cell fragments and these fragmented cells contain fragments of DNA
Cytokinesis Division of the cytoplasm.
Animal Cytokinesis =
- Divides mother cell’s cytoplasm into two equal daughter cells
- Daughter cells are encased in plasma membrane
- Anaphase might follow
1. Cleavage furrow between daughter nuclei
2. Formed by a ring of actin laments
3. Pinches the mother cell in two
Plant Cytokinesis =
1. Cell plate forms
2. Furrowing impossible due to rigid cell walls outside the plasma membrane.
3. Golgi apparatus produces small membrane-bounded vesicles.
4. These vesicles fuse and become one thin vesicle surrounding the mother cell.
5. Cell plate and plasma membrane fuse. Now daughter cells have plasma membrane.
6. Middle lamella lls space between daughter cells.
7. Daughter cells secrete original cell walls on the opposite sides of the middle lamella.
Prokaryotic Cell Division =
- The chromosome of a prokaryote is ring of DNA and associated proteins.
- The chromosomes are folded up in the nucleoid.
Binary ssion: the splitting in two of a prokaryote. 2 replicate chromosomes
͢ 2 daughter cells (identical).
Chapter 10:
Meiosis =
The number of chromosomes would double each new generation if there
was no reduction of chromosomes in meiosis.
Phases of Meiosis 1 [When homologous chromosomes pair up in synapsis]=
+ synapsis: fusion of chromosomes, they recombine or exchange genetic material.
+ One diploid parent cell ͢ Two haploid daughter cells
Crossing-over: exchange of genetic
material between non-sister
Prophase 1:
chromatids in Meiosis 1.
- Spindle forms
- Nucleus disappears
- Chromosomes duplicate
- Homologous chromosomes synapse [fuse]
Metaphase 1:
- Homologous pairs arrange at the metaphase plate [Equator]
- Then they align independently of one another
Anaphase 1:
- Homologous pairs separate
- Sister chromatids don’t separate though
- Chromosomes are reduced from diploid to haploid
Telophase 1:
- Daughter cells have one duplicated chromosome from each homologous pair
Phases of Meiosis 2 =
+ DNA is not replicated between Meiosis 1 & 2
+ Two haploid parent cells ͢ Four haploid daughter cells
Prophase 2:
- Chromosomes condense
Metaphase 2:
- Chromosomes align at metaphase plate
Anaphase 2:
- Centromere dissolves
- Sister chromatids separate and become daughter chromosomes (not duplicated).
Telophase 2 + Cytokinesis:
- Results in four haploid daughter cells
- Gametes contain a mixture of maternal and paternal genes
In relation to animals =
+ Meiosis occurs only during gametogenesis [cells undergo meiosis to form gametes]
+ Spermatogenesis: production of sperm
+ Oogenesis: production of eggs
+ Asexually reproducing organisms need mutations in order to have o spring with genetic
+ Genetic variation is essential for a species to evolve and adapt.
+ Meiosis uses crossing-over and independent assortment in order to create genetic
+ Trisomy: when an individual has three of a particular type of chromosome.
Ex. Down syndrome (aka. trisomy 21)
+ Changes in sex chromosme number is a result of nondisjunction during oogenesis or
+ Turner syndrome: female with 1 X chromosome. Missing X chromosome.
+ Klinefelter syndrome: XXY. Male with underdeveloped testes. Extra X chromosme.
Chapter 11:
• Gregor Mendel performed cross-pollination experiments using homozygous plants
• Monohybrid cross: cross dealing with one contrasting (di erent) trait
• Law of segregation: a parent produces one allele for a gene in each gamete they produce.
[because pairs of alleles separate from each other during meiosis]
P = Parental Generation
F1 = First lial generation o spring
F2 = Second lial generation o spring
Punnett square: a table that lists all possible genotypes that can result from a cross.
- sperm genotypes on one side and egg genotypes on the other. zygotes inside the squares.
- Recessive phenotype
- Dominant phenotype
͢ Homozygous recessive genotype
͢ (Either homozygous dominant or heterozygous) genotype
Testcross: determines the genotype of individuals with a dominant phenotype
- Autosome: any chromosome that’s not a sex chromosome
- Autosomal dominant disorders : if you have recessive genes on autosomes then you don’t have it
[From 1 parent]
- Autosomal recessive disorders : if you have dominant genes on autosomes then you don’t have it
[From 2 parents]
Chapter 12:
- DNA helicase enzyme: separates the two strands of DNA
- DNA primase enzyme: places short primers on the strands that will be replicated
- DNA polymerase enzyme: recognizes RNA & begins DNA synthesis
- Single-stranded binding proteins (SSB): attach to newly separated DNA strands and
prevent the formation of the double helix
+ The two strands are replicated di erently; one being leading strand other being lagging strand.
+ Leading strand is the new one, and is synthesized 2x faster than the lagging strand
+ Daughter DNA molecule always contains one old strand and one new strand.
+ Okazaki fragments: short sections of DNA formed during synthesis of the lagging strand.
+ mRNA (messenger RNA): sends message from DNA in nucleus to ribosomes in cytoplasm.
+ tRNA (transfer RNA): transfers amino acid to ribosomes.
+ rRNA (ribosomal RNA): ribosomal proteins + rRNA = ribosomes ⃪ synthesizes
- Genetic code: consistes of codons.
- Codons: unique arrangements of three RNA nucleotides, which contain 1 of the 4
nitrogenous bases.
- A codon codes for 1 of the 20 amino acids.
- UAA, UGA, UAG codons are stop codons. AUG codon is the start codon.
͢ Protein
Occurs in nucleus
Occurs in cytoplasm
gene expression
Transcription =
- occurs in the nucleus
Three stages:
+ Initiation
• RNA polymerase binds to a promoter (region of DNA that starts transcription, its direction, and strand)
+ Elongation
• RNA polymerase attaches complementary RNA bases as it moves down the template strand.
+ Termination
• RNA polymerase reaches a DNA stop sequence and releases the mRNA molecule [messenger RNA]
Translation =
- occurs in the cytoplasm, more speci cally in a ribosome.
- Ribosome has 3 binding sites for tRNA and 1 binding site for mRNA.
Facilitate complementary base pairing
between tRNA anticodons + mRNA codons
Initiation Stage
- mRNA codon sequence
͢ protein (amino acids) sequence
+ mRNA codon sequence tells us the order of amino acid chain and which amino acids are
- mRNA transcript is read by the ribosome.
- tRNA molecules carry amino acids to mRAN in order to form protein.
- Ribosome reaches a stop codon.
Termination Stage
Elongation Stage
Chapter 13:
Prokaryotic Regulation:
- Bacteria do not always require the same enymes.
- Enzymes are produced as needed.
- Operon model explains gene expression regulation in prokaryotes.
(Developed by Francois Jacob and Monod, 1961)
- An operon is a group of structural and regulatory genes
Componenets of an Operon (RPOS)
Regulatory Gene
- Just one gene
- Short segment of
- Codes for a repressor DNA sequence
protein which
where RNA
activates or
polymerase rst
deactives the operon attaches
- Located outside the
- Short segment of
DNA sequence
where active
repressor protein
Structural Genes
- Long segment of
DNA which code
for enzymes of a
- One or many
trp Operon
Two cases:
Tryptophan amino
acid absnet
- Repressor protein
unable to attach to
operator (repressor
- RNA polymerase binds
to promoter
- Enzymes for tryptophan
synthesis are produced
Tryptophan amino
acid presnet
- tryptophan binds with
repressor protein
- They are now called
- Repressor active and
blocks synthesis of
enzymes for tryptophan
- RNA polymerase cannot
bind to promoter
Eukaryotic Regulation:
- Uses many mechanisms.
5 primary levels of control =
Chromatin structure
Transciption control
Posttranscriptional control
Translational control
Posttranslational control
Nuclear Levels
[ Transcription ]
Cytoplasmic Levels
[ Translation ]
Chromatin Structure:
- Eukaryotic DNA 🤝 histone proteins
- Nucleosome: DNA wrapped around a group of 8 histone proteins.
- Look like beads on a string. Beads are the nucleosomes.
- Nucleosome coiling determines level of chromatin packing.
Makes up chromatin.
- Loosely coiled DNA
- Transcription active
- Tightly packed DNA
- Transcription inactive
- Barr body: inactive X chromosome in females. Tightly packed length-wise.
- Females have XX. One is a Barr body and the other one is active.
X-Inactivation in Mammalian Females:
- Females have two x chromosomes
- Cell division seperates active X chromosomes from In active X chromosomes (Barr
DNA Unpacking Process:
She might ask to label this.
Gene Mutation:
- Permanent change in the sequence of nitrogenous bases in DNA. (A,G,C,T)
- Either doesnt a ect protein activity or completely shuts it down.
Germ line mutations → sex cells
Somatic mutations → body cells
Spontaneous Mutations
Induced Mutations
- Chemical changes in DNA
- Replication errors
- Transposons move from one
- Caused by mutagens
location to another
- Rare occurence (1 in a billion)
because of DNA polymerase
correcting erros.
Point Mutations
- Substitution of a nitrogenous
(radiation, organic chemicals,
base in one DNA nucleotide
- Muragens can be carcinogens OR
- Environmental Mutagens =
- Change of one codon to
food, tobacco smoke, etc.
Proteins would ither become
inactive, less active, or not
a ected.
Chapter 14:
- Biotechnology: Use of natural biological systems to create a useful product.
Allows scientists to modify, edit, or clone genomes of organisms.
Either improves the characteristics of the organism or creates a product.
- Genetically modi ed organism (GMO): organism whose genome has been modi ed
[Usually by recombinant DNA tech]
- Transgenic organism: GMO that had a gene from another species inserted into its genome.
Recombinant DNA technology
Recombinant DNA (rDNA): DNA from two di erent sources.
+ This technology requires a vector, restriction enzyme, and DNA ligase
Vector: introduce rDNA to host cell. Example: Plasmids.
- Plasmids: small accessory rings of DNA from bacteria
Restriction enzyme: Cleaves (cuts) DNA. Creates opening.
The DNA fragments end in segments with
sticky ends which allow for the insertion
of foreign DNA into vector DNA.
DNA ligase enzyme: seals DNA into openeing.
(Foreign DNA 🤝 Vector DNA)
- Result is recombinant DNA
- Host cell takes up recombined DNA.
- Gene cloning occures. Many copies of vector and foreign gene.
- Cloning: production of identical copies of DNA/cells/organisms.
Example: Identical twins [single embryo
͢ two embryos]. Bacterial colony on a petri dish. [one cell
- Gene cloning: production of identical copies of 1 gene.
͢ bacteria colony]
+ We can recover a cloned gene or protein product if the inserted gene is
replicated or expressed.
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): copies/duplicates/clones targeted sequences
of DNA. Requires DNA polymerase (to seperate strands) and supply of nucleotides
(for new complementary strand).
- Gene therapy: procedures that give patients good genes to replace bad genes.
uses genes to treat genetic disorders and other illnesses.
ex vivo gene therapy method: outside the body.
in vivo gene therapy method: inside the body.
Uses of ex vivo gene therapy
Examples/uses of in vivio gene therapy
- treating infected bone marrow stem cells
-treating cystic brosis
- treating children with SCID
- nasal spray (treatment)
- treating familial hypercholesterolemia
- liposomes (treatment)
- lentiviral vectors (treatment)
* words are multicolored for reading purposes using syllables.