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CSC 3011 Algorithm Analysis.pptx

CST3011 – Algorithms and Data
Lecture II: Algorithm Analysis
At the end of this lesson, students are expected to be
able to
Use the mathematical framework that more rigorously
describe the running time of an algorithm
Estimate the time required for a program for a given input size
Apply techniques that drastically reduce the running time of an
Why Analyse Algorithms?
Experimental studies
Asymptotic Analysis
Expressing Algorithms
Running Time Calculations
Asymptotic Notation
An algorithm is a clearly specified set of simple instructions to
be followed to solve a problem
Criteria for judging an algorithm are
Correctness: testing, verification
Efficiency: usage of resources, the main subject of the course
Solves the problem but requires a year
Solves the problem takes over the entire resources
Simplicity: design and implementation
Once the algorithm is determined to be correct, we
determine the amount of resources required: Algorithm
Algorithm Analysis
The running time of an algorithm, is a function of the input
Sorting 10000 elements require more time than sorting 10
The exact values of these functions depend on several factors
Speed of the host machine
Quality of the compiler
Quality of the program etc.
Analysis can be done by
experimental studies
Theoretical analysis
Experimental Studies
Write a program implementing the algorithm
Run the program with inputs of varying size
Get the actual running time
Use System.currentTimeMillis() for instance
Plot the results
The necessity to implement the algorithm
Results may not be indicative of the running time on other inputs
not included in the experiment
To compare two algorithms, the same hardware must be used
Theoretical Analysis
Use a high level description of the algorithm instead of
Takes into account all possible inputs
Allows evaluation of the speed of the algorithm
independent of the hardware/software environment
Why Analyse?
To discover characteristics for evaluation or comparing
In this course, we care most about asymptotic performance
How does the algorithm behave as the problem size gets very large?
*Running time
Other characteristics
Memory/storage requirements
Bandwidth/power requirements/logic gates/etc.
We define two functions
Tavg(N) as average running time and
Tworst(N) as the worst running time
Clearly Tavg(N) ≤ Tworst(N)
We focus on the worst case
Easier to analyse
Provides an upper bound
An absolute guarantee, crucial to applications like games, finance and robotics
Analysis is performed with respect to a computational
We will usually use a generic uniprocessor
random-access machine (RAM)
All memory equally expensive to access
No concurrent operations
All reasonable instructions take unit time
■ Except, of course, function calls
Algorithm description
Algorithms can be expressed in one of the following medium,
depending on the level of expressiveness that is intended
Plain English: most natural but least precise language
Pseudocode: programming language which never complains about syntax
Programming language e.g. C, Java: most precise but difficult
Pseudocode is a high-level description of an algorithm
More structure than English prose
Less detailed than programming language
Preferred notation for describing algorithms, hides program design issues
There is no single standard for Pseudocode.
We, for consistency sake, are going to define our own pseudocode,
CSC3011CODE based on Pascal/Basic syntax
CSC3011CODE Definition in BNF
<algorithm> ::= Algorithm <id> (<arglist>) <body> End.
<arg_list>::= <letter> , <arg_list> | <empty>
<body> ::= Input : <input_desc>
Output: <output desc>
<stmt_list> ::= <var_decl>; <stmt_list>
|<assign>; <stmt_list>
<var_decl>::=<letter> <letters>:<type>;
<letters>::=, <letter><letters>|<empty>
<assign>::=<letter> := <exp>
<exp>::=<letter>+<exp>|<letter>*<exp>|<empty> , (<exp>)etc
CST3011CODE Definition
For . . Do . . Next statement
Repeat . . Until . .
If . . Then . . Else statement
Case statement
Array indexing starts at 0
Indentation represents the block structures
N2 superscripts and other mathematical formatting
Other operators
← for assignment, ≠ not equal, = comparison etc
Algorithm sumOfSquares(M, N)
Input: integers M and N
Output: the sum of M2 and N2
P := M*M;
Q:= N*N;
Return P + Q;
6 operations
Primitive operations
Basic computation performed by an algorithm
Identifiable in pseudocode
Largely independent from the programming language
Exact definition not important
Evaluating an expression
Assigning a value to a variable
Indexing into an array
*Calling a method
Return from a method
Rules for counting operators
Rule 1 – For loops:
The running time of the for loop is at most the running time of the
statements inside the for loop (including tests) times the number of
iterations. E.g:
For i ← 1 to n – 1 Do
1+ n – 1 = n
s ← s + A[i]
3(n – 1)
= 3n – 3,
n - 1 total 5n – 4 ops
Rule 2 – Nested loops:
Analyse these inside out. The total running time of a statement
inside a group of nested loops is the running time of the statement
multiplied by the product of the sizes of all the loops: E.g.
For i ← 0 to n – 1
For j ← 0 to m – 1 (1 + m)(n)
A[i][j] ← i * j 4 (m)(n)
Rules for counting operators cont’d
Rule 3: Consecutive statements
These just add
Rule 4: If . . Then . . Else
Consider If <cond> Then <S1> Else <S2>
The running time of this statement is never more than the running
time of the test plus the larger of the running times of S1 and s2: E.g.
Algorithm f(n)
If n ≤ 1 Then
Return 1
Return n * f(n-1)
Running time is O(n) (Recurrence problem)
Counting Primitive Operations
Inspect the Pseudocode to determine the maximum number
of primitive operations executed by an algorithm, as a function
of the input size
# of operations
Algorithm arrayMax(A, n)
Input: A, an array of size n
Output: x, the largest value in A
current Max ← A[0]
For i ← 1 to n – 1 do
n-1+1 = n
If A[i]> currentMax then
2(n – 1)
currentMax ← A[i]
2(n – 1)
End For
Return currentMax
Total operations = 5n-1
Estimating Running Time
Algorithm arrayMax executes 5n-1 primitive operations in
the worst case scenario
T(N) worst case time function dependant on N the input
A, Time taken by the fastest operation
B ,Time taken by the slowest operation
We have
A(6N – 3) ≤T(N)≤B(6N – 3)
Therefore, T(N) is bound by two linear functions
Growth Rate of Running Time
Changing the hardware/software environment
Affects T(N) by a constant factor
Does not alter the growth rate of T(N)
The Linear growth rate of running time T(N) is a intrinsic
property of the algorithm arrayMax
Growth Rates
Popular growth rates of
functions in order:
Others include
Asymptotic Notation
The analysis required to estimate resource use is a
theoretical issue
We use the asymptotic (big-O) notation:
What does O(n) running time mean? O(n2)? O(n lg n)?
Our first task is to define this notation more formally and
Asymptotic Notation
We will use the following four definitions
T(N) = Ο (f(N)) if ∃ c,n0 ∈ Ζ+, : T(N) ≤ cf(N) ∀ N ≥ n0
T(N) = Ω (f(N)) if ∃ c,n0 ∈ Ζ+, : T(N) ≥ cf(N) ∀ N ≥ n0
T(N) = Θ (f(N)) ⇔T(N) = Ο (f(N)) & T(N) = Ω (f(N))
T(N) = ο (f(N)) if ∃ c,n0 ∈ Ζ+, : T(N) < cf(N) ∀ N ≥ n0
These definitions establish a relation order among
functions: i.e. the relative rates of growth of functions
1000N = Ο(N2) i.e. N2 grows more rapidly than 1000N and
will eventually be larger than 1000N.
If g(N) = 100N2 + 20N + 200 then g(N) = Ο(N2) = Ο(N3) =
2N + 10 = Ο(N)
2N + 10 ≤ cN
(c – 2)N ≥ 10
N ≥ 10/(c – 2) ∴for c = 3 and n0 = 10, it is true
Show that g(N) = Ο (f(N)) ⇔ f(N) = Ω (g(N))
Big-Oh Rules and Growth Rates
The Big-Oh notation gives a upper bound on the growth
rate of the function
The statement “f(n) is O(g(n))”, simply means that the
growth rate of f(n) is no more than the growth rate of
We can use the Big-Oh notation to rank functions
according to their growth rate
Big-Oh Rules
Rule 1:
If T1(n) = O(f(n)) and T2(N) = O(g(n)), then
T1(n) + T2(n) = max(O(f(n), O(g(n))
Rule II
If f(n) is a polynomial of order k, then f(n) is Θ(nk) i.e.
Rule III
Logk(n) = O(n) for any constant k
Rule of Thumb: Drop the lower-order terms
Drop constant factors
Say 2n + 4 is O(n) not (O(2n) or O(2n + 4)
Use the smallest possible class of functions
Say “2n is O(n)” instead of “2n is O(n2)
Asymptotic Algorithm Analysis
The Asymptotic analysis of an algorithm determines the
running time in Big-Oh notation
To perform the Asymptotic analysis:
We find the worst-case number of primitive operations executed as
a function of the input size
We express this function with the Big-Oh notation
We determine that arrayMax executes at most n – 1 operations
We say arrayMax runs O(n) time
Since the constant factors and lower-order terms are
eventually dropped anyway, we can disregard them when
counting primitive operations – but don’t!!!
Example: Prefix averages
We illustrate asymptotic analysis with two algorithms for
prefix averages
The i-th prefix average is the average of the array X is the
average of the first i elements of X
A[i] = [X[0]+X[1]+ . . +X[i]]/(i+1)
Computing the array A of prefix averages of another array
X has applications to financial analysis
Solution I
Pseudo code
Algorithm prefixAverages(A, n)
Input: an array A of size n
Output: X, an array of prefix averages of X
X ← new array of size n n
For i ← 0 to n – 1 do 1 + n
S ← A[0]
For j = 1 to i do
1 + 2 + .. + (n-1)
S ← S + A[j]
3(1 + 2 + .. + (n-1))
End For
X[i] ← S/(i + 1)
End For
Return X
Solution I: Digest
Arithmetic Progression
Quadratic order
Solution II
Algorithm prefixAverages2(A, n)
X ← new array of size n
For i ← 0 to n – 1 do
s ← s + A[i]
X[i] ← s/(i + 1)
Return A
Growth rate by limit
To determine the growth rate of two function f(N) and
g(N), compute
This limit has four possible values
Limit = 0 ⇒ f(N) = ο(g(N)
Limit = c ≠ 0 ⇒ f(N) = Θ(g(N))
Limit = ∞ ⇒ g(N) = ο(f(N))
Limit oscillates: There is no relation
L’Hôpitals Rule
In determining the limit of a quotient of f(N) and g(N) as
n tends to infinity, you can use the L’Hôpitals Rule, which
Exercise: Show that log(N) = o(N), using the L’Hôpitals
Show that log(n) = o(N)