1 . OC voltage(Autornalic modo) □ [J :0 C n­ o � OC voltage(Manual mode) Resistancc(Automatic mode) • :0 C n­ o � � . :0 C n­ o � �M � ô AC vottago{Monunl modo) 1 . � . . ::, ::, ::, � Measure Conllnulty(Al1tornatic mode) AC voltago (Aulomalic modo) �� !::l • O .R c::i 6 . :0 C n­ o � *** Maintenance 1. General maintenance ::, ::, Resislance(Manual mode) . ::, ::, Q Non-contact voltage inducllon(Normal sensitlvlty) � � '" ' ··-. □ Q �:ii IHff�lf � �Q" ij Capacitanco 1• c::i c::i !::l c::i rn- Clean the motor casing rogularly. Do no\ clean wilh chemical solvants. Koop tho metor input jnck dry and cleen. Ir the meter is abnormal. plcase stop using il and return il for calibration and maintenance. 2. Replace the battery If" C3 • symbol appears, Il should be chmgod bolore use, othcrwise tho moasuremcnt accuracy will be atrecled. Shut down the mclcr and rcmove test leads. Remove the tail screw wilh a screwdriver, and pull out the rear case. Replace two 1 .SV AM ballories, lhcn lnstall the back covor and screw. ** * 1 ::, ::, Diode . ç �� ë: � . 8 9