RUMUS MATEMATIK MATHEMATICAL FORMULAE Rumus-rumus berikut boleh membantu anda untuk menjawab soalan. Simbol-simbol yang diberi adalah yang biasa digunakan. The following formulae may be helpful in answering the questions. The symbols given are the ones commonly used NOMBOR DAN OPERASI NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS a m n 1 am u an 3 (a m )n 5 Faedah mudah / Simple interest, I =Prt 6 Ȁ݁ݑ݈ܽݒݕݐ݅ݎݑݐܽܯǡ ܸܯൌ ܲ ቀͳ ቁ 7 Jumlah bayaran balik / Total repayment, A = P + Prt a mn 2 am y an a mn 4 ܽ ൌ ሺܽ ሻ ଵ ௧ PERKAITAN RELATIONS ( x2 x1 ) 2 ( y2 y1 ) 2 1 Jarak / Distance = 2 Titik Tengah / midpoint ( x, y ) 3 Purata laju = § x1 x2 y1 y2 · ¨ 2 , 2 ¸ © ¹ jarak yang dilalui masa yang diambil Average speed = distance travelled time taken 4 5 6 m y2 y1 x2 x1 pintasan-y pintasan-x y-intercept m x-intercept m A1 1 § d b · ¨ ¸ ad bc © c a ¹ 2 SUKATAN DAN GEOMETRI MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY 1 Teorem Pythagoras / Pythagoras Theorem c 2 2 Hasil tambah sudut pedalaman poligon / Sum of interior angles of a polygon = (n – 2) u 180o 3 Lilitan bulatan = Sd = 2Sj Circumference of circle = Sd = 2Sr 4 Luas bulatan = Sj 2 Area of circle = Sr 2 5 6 a 2 b2 T ൌ ͵Ͳι ʹS݆ T ൌ ͵Ͳι ʹSݎ T ൌ S݆ ଶ ͵Ͳι ݎݐܿ݁ݏ݂ܽ݁ݎܣ T ൌ ଶ Sݎ ͵Ͳι ͳ ൈ ʹ ͳ ݁ݐ݂݅݇ܽ݁ݎܣൌ ൈ ݏ݈ܽ݊݃ܽ݅݀ݓݐ݂ݐܿݑ݀ݎ ʹ 7 ൌ 8 Luas trapezium = 9 Luas permukaan silinder = 2 S j2 + 2 S jt Surface area of cylinder = 2 S r2 + 2 S rh 10 Luas permukaan kon = S j2 + S js Surface area of cone = S r2 + S rs 11 Luas permukaan sfera = 4Sj 2 Surface area of sphere = 4Sr 2 12 Isipadu prisma tegak = luas keratan rentas u tinggi Volume of right prism = cross sectional area u height 13 Isipadu silinder = S j2t Volume of cylinder = S r2h 1 u hasil tambah dua sisi selari u tinggi 2 1 Area of trapezium = u sum of parallel sides u height 2 3 1 3 2 Isipadu kon = π j t 14 1 2 πr h 3 Volume of cone = 4 3 πj 3 4 3 Volume of sphere = π r 3 1 u luas tapak u tinggi Isipadu piramid tegak = 3 1 u base area u height Volume of right pyramid = 3 PA ' Faktor skala, k PA PA ' Scale factor, k PA Isipadu sfera = 15 16 17 18 Luas imej = k2 u luas objek Area of image = k2 u area of object STATISTIK DAN KEBARANGKALIAN STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY 1 Ȁ݊ܽ݁ܯǡ ݔҧ ൌ ¦ݔ ܰ 2 Ȁ݊ܽ݁ܯǡ ݔҧ ൌ ¦݂ݔ ݂ 3 ¦ሺ ݔെ ݔҧ ሻଶ ¦ ݔଶ Ȁܸܽ݁ܿ݊ܽ݅ݎǡ V ൌ ൌ െ ݔҧ ଶ ܰ ܰ 4 Ȁܸܽ݁ܿ݊ܽ݅ݎǡ Vଶ ൌ 5 ¦ሺ ݔെ ݔҧ ሻଶ ¦ ݔଶ Ȁܵ݊݅ݐܽ݅ݒ݁݀݀ݎܽ݀݊ܽݐǡ V ൌ ඨ ൌඨ െ ݔҧ ଶ ܰ ܰ 6 ¦݂ሺ ݔെ ݔҧ ሻଶ ¦݂ ݔଶ Ȁܵ݊݅ݐܽ݅ݒ݁݀݀ݎܽ݀݊ܽݐǡ V ൌ ඨ ൌඨ െ ݔҧ ଶ ݂ ݂ 7 P( A) 8 P( A ') 1 P( A) ଶ ¦݂ሺ ݔെ ݔҧ ሻଶ ¦݂ ݔଶ ൌ െ ݔҧ ଶ ݂ ݂ n( A) n( S ) 4