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English SBA: Family Relationships & Drug Addiction

Candidate Name: Aliayah Isaacs
Candidate Number: 1000450845
Subject: English A
School: Hampton School
Centre Number: 100045
Territory: Jamaica
Year 2024
Theme: Family Relationships – A Dying Art?
Topic: Drug Addiction: A Chaotic Phenomenon
Teacher's Name: Jodi – Ann Harvey
Table of Contents
Plan of Investigation
Reflection 1
Reflection 2
Reflection 3
Plan of Oral Presentation
Written Report
Log Book
The topic being investigated is “Family Relationships – A Dying Art?” focusing on how
addiction affects families. Throughout this paper the reader will gain insight on the different
perspectives of persons who've been affected by addiction, both family members and addicts.
The researcher intends to provide a comprehensive understanding on the complexities that unfold
as a result of addiction, creating awareness on the challenges faced and the implications they
may have on familial bonds.
Artefact 1
“Middle Ground – Should You Cut Ties With an Addicted Family Member?: Middle Ground”
YouTube, uploaded by Jubilee, Feb. 29 2020,
Artefact 2
“Sober” YouTube, uploaded by Demi Lovato, Jun. 21, 2018,
Artefact 3
“The tale of a father with substance abuse” published by the Jamaica Gleaner, May 17, 2020,
It was a despondent and somewhat surrendered Sophia* who shared the story of how
she believed her father to be unsavable
Speaking with Family & Religion, the 20-odd-year-old woman apologised for what she
described as her grim statement but went on to explain the logic behind it.
“My younger years saw my very ambitious father working an extremely good job and
providing for his family. Before that, even, his mother, my grandmother, was an
esteemed woman with a great societal position back in the days, and they were sort of
among the highest of the middle-income echelon. So Daddy was one of the few people
who was privileged to get a university education back then. Naturally, he landed a great
job,” she shared.
Sophia explained that somewhere along the lines of his life, her father meddled in
substance abuse, and things took a plunge into what she described as an irredeemable
sea of doom.
According to her, “He was abusive to my mother, so we left. He later left his job, and
things just kept getting worse. We couldn’t get support to go to school, and, I don’t
know, but he was just different. He kept using, and though he’d hide it from me, I knew
every time when he was under the influence.
“He always shared his big dreams, and I was always in support of them, but now, I
realise that maybe I could have done more.”
A tearful Sophia went on to share that she had endured much watching her father waste
away what could have been a good life and that she now is trying to convince herself
that it isn’t her fault.
“I keep wondering if there is something that I could have done to steer him back to life.
This began when I was about three years old, and I’ve had to watch it worsen all the
days of my life since. I try to tell myself that I was too young to help and that by the time
I got to an age where I could make sensible decisions, that he was too far gone.
“But what if…,” she questioned as her voice trailed off.
The Christian woman told Family & Religion that she often prays for her father and
holds on to faith that God will work upon what seems like an impossible situation.
“Simply put, his life is literally in shambles right now. He’s not healthy enough to work,
nor does he have anyone he can really depend on. I try my best to do what I can do, but
it’s really a depressing situation all around.
“Others have tried to encourage me, saying he chose the life he wanted and I shouldn’t
be blaming myself, but every time I think about it, it puts me in a sad mood,” Sophia
She continued, “My reason for sharing, really, is, even though I’m yet to overcome
whatever this is, I know there are others who may be faced with the same or a similar
situation. We are not our parents’ keeper. We do not have to carry their burdens, and
their sins will not be on our shoulders. My advice is, do the best you can for them,
continue in prayer, and hope that they will be willing enough to help themselves get up
and get out.”
Plan of Investigation
The theme under investigation is "Family Relationships: A Dying Art," with a central
focus on the topic of "Addiction: A Chaotic Phenomenon." The objective is to gain an
understanding of the challenges that families encounter because of addiction. The researcher
intends to employ their source assessment abilities to explore the internet for articles, videos, and
literary works. The investigation's efficacy may be hampered by bias, misleading data, or
incomplete information; however, these will be mitigated by cross-referencing multiple sources,
collaborative analysis, and contextual understanding. From this research, it may be concluded
that addiction is a substantial role in family dissipation.
Reflection one
Addiction is a great contributor to family disintegration, I started this research to
understand perspectives of addicts and loved ones. My first analysis, on a video, "Middle Ground
– Should You Cut Ties With an Addicted Family Member?" by Jubilee, dated February 29, 2020,
revealed the betrayal loved ones feel and responsibility felt by addicts.
My second artefact, "Sober" sung by Demi Lovato, released June 21, 2018, the singer
expressed remorse felt for the harm caused and shared her battles with addiction. This
enlightened me on the fact that addiction is not a choice, instead a struggle that makes
individuals feel trapped without alternatives.
In my third artefact, “The tale of a father with substance abuse” an article published by
The Jamaica Gleaner, May 17, 2020, highlighted that families may feel responsible for the path
their loved ones took. I recognized the guilt families may feel for situations beyond their control.
Reflection two
My first analysis, on a video, "Middle Ground – Should You Cut Ties With an Addicted
Family Member?" by Jubilee, dated February 29, 2020, used an informal tone throughout the
video. This allowed for an open and honest conversation to flow about each person's feelings and
My second artefact, "Sober" a song released June 21, 2018, by Demi Lovato, the singer
employed the narrative mode of writing to convey her experience with addiction and apologize
to her loved ones. This was a way for her to tell her story. There was also repetition used to show
remorse for her relapse, and confusion.
In my third artefact, “The tale of a father with substance abuse” an article published by
The Jamaica Gleaner, May 17, 2020 conveys an emotional standpoint from the daughter. The use
of a rhetorical question communicated guilt and responsibility felt for not being able to help her
Reflection three
This SBA investigation has aided me in my evolution as a better individual by enhancing
my self-discipline and time management skills. The process has encouraged me to become
determined and create goals I wish to attain. I believe these developed skills will be valuable for
my personal growth and will be beneficial in my future endeavors.
Throughout this process I have acquired better reading, speaking and summarization
skills which has molded me into a more proficient English student. I have been pushed to refine
my writing skills during this process, as a result I have been able to create multiple profound
Finally, this process has helped me improve as a group member by encouraging me to
participate in necessary conversations, and develop leadership skills. As a result of completing
this SBA, I am now prepared for future group projects and professional interactions.
Plan of Oral Presentation
Theme: Family Relationships - A Dying Art?
Topic: Drug Addiction: A Chaotic Phenomenon
Genre: Role Play
For my oral presentation I will embody an Alcohol Anonymous (AA) councilor being
interviewed by a television personality. I chose this method of presentation as it will capture my
audience's attention and keep them adequately entertained in order for them to consume the
information I have to present on the impact of drug addiction on familial relationships.
Throughout the interview, a formal tone and diction will be used to convey a meaningful
message to my audience. A serious conversation will be held between the interviewer and I
where hard-hitting questions will be asked and sincere answers will be provided. This ping-pong
conversation within the interview will keep the audience interested enough for them to leave
with new knowledge on different points of views and the adverse effects of drug addiction.
Written Report
The theme "Family Relationships- A Dying Art?" was chosen due to its alignment with
the interests of all group members. We engaged in thorough discussions to select the most fitting
artifacts for our theme. After careful consideration and voting, we decided on two articles, one
entitled “Impact of parental migration on psychological well-being of children left behind”
authored by Chenyue Zhao and Therese Hesketh on June 15, 2018, and “Child Well-Being in
Single Parent Families” The ANNIE E. CASEY FOUNDATION dated August 1, 2022 and a
video entitled “Should You Cut Ties with an Addicted Family Member?” by Jubilee, dated
February 29, 2020. These artifacts were curated to address our group's research inquiries:
1. What are the impacts of migration on children left behind when their parents/ guardians
migrate for work?
2. How does drug addiction affect familial relationships?
3. What are the challenges faced by the members of single parent families?
For all three pieces, we outlined specific objectives and identified key themes to analyze.
Regular communication and collaboration were essential to ensure a cohesive approach towards
exploring the complexities of family relationships within our chosen theme.
Following the evaluation of the artifacts, this analysis uncovered the significant psychological
impacts on children when parents migrate for work, including heightened feelings of loneliness,
anxiety, and abandonment, and the importance of supportive environments through the first
article. The video "Should You Cut Ties with an Addicted Family Member?" by Jubilee provided
insights into the emotional toll of drug addiction on familial relationships, highlighting trust
issues, resentment, and the need for setting boundaries. Lastly, the article "Child Well-Being in
Single Parent Families" offered a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by single-parent
families, including financial strain and limited parental involvement while emphasizing the
resilience and resourcefulness of these families in overcoming obstacles.
Throughout this SBA process, various challenges arose, potentially impeding the study’s
completion. We faced challenges in efficiently managing our time and finding suitable artifacts
for the SBA. To overcome these obstacles, we organized regular meetings as part of our strategy.
Log Book
Reference Page
“Middle Ground – Should You Cut Ties With an Addicted Family Member?: Middle Ground”
YouTube, uploaded by Jubilee, Feb. 29 2020,
“Sober” YouTube, uploaded by Demi Lovato, Jun. 21, 2018,
“The tale of a father with substance abuse” published by The Jamaica Gleaner, May 17, 2020,