Effects of employees' motivation on marketing performance 1. Introduction The aim of every organisation is to remain viable and key players in the market. The organisations strive for more resources as resource input has been traditionally associated with effectiveness since efficiency is largely a function of the amount and type of resources available to the organisation (Muhammadin et al., 2020). To be viable, organizations use marketing as a tool to fight and withstand their competitors. This makes marketing to be a vital part of the total strategy of the organizations especially when viewed from the organisational output perspective. Based on this however, marketing performance continues to remain a phenomenon especially when the level and trend of customers' loyalty continue to fall resulting in a reduction in organizations' market share since these are both critical elements of marketing performance (Yang et al., 2024). However, there is a dearth of research in the Nigerian environment linking employees' motivation, on one hand, and organization's marketing performance, on the other hand, especially where the term "marketing performance" is used to represent the growth in market share, improvement in organisations' brand image, increasing trend in customers' loyalty and the high level of the organizations' marketing objectives and goals. According to Marshall et al. , marketing objectives are those collective statements that are operational periodically, leading to the achievement of the organization's marketing goals including its socio-affective and psychomotor objectives. Marketing performance is also represented by the marketer's orientation (Homburg & M. Wielgos, 2022). 1.1. Background of the study It is, therefore, essential to pass through the minds of those who correctly know these demands and how these goods can be made available to attain their expectations. The staff of an organization has the principal contribution to the accomplishment of objectives. In particular, it is necessary information and expertise for the accomplishment of the company’s objectives. The organization’s objectives will be obtained if the employees are appropriately functioning at the expected level. Some organizations have been efficient in producing the optimal performances of their employees to make the organization more productive, whereas others have not been successful. Advertising is significant in creating demand for merchandise and solutions in the market, subsequently producing marketing performance. Marketing is a procedure that results in new, significant solutions to customer desires and the setting up a strong relationship in providing these solutions. Right here advertising would be carried out with the consumer becoming the endpoint. However, it has been observed that a business organization does not carry out according to the managerial expectations in the marketing and advertising of the typical commodity, the management of more consumer-oriented items supplied by the company is necessary. Continuous innovation of goods and services that satisfy the changing needs of consumers and subsequent marketing of these goods in society is therefore necessary. 1.2. Research objectives Based on the review of articles available within the library of Pearson College, the research contributes to the academia by evaluating the relationship between marketing-related performance outcomes and psychological concepts (employees' motivation). The importance of all the three dimensions, not only the motivation from the individual perspective is establishing "because many individuals still consider that motivation represents increase of employees' interest concerning the work performed by the organisation or the family" (in the personal life). The research methodology used within the thesis brought a series of implications both in terms of theoretical and practical marketing. The lessons learned during the literature and data gathering process could help a marketing researcher interested on a topic to select a research methodology based on the interaction of a group of employees and customers belonging of companies from the same sector using an identical marketing technique. In terms of the practical implications of the findings obtained with the marketing research methodology, it is worth mentioning that even if the development of the employees' motivation in parallel with the increase of the organisation performance can be perceived only in the long-term, no previous empirical study evaluated the relationship between these two concepts by taking as subjects executive employees. This PhD thesis is focusing on the relationship between employees' motivation and marketing outcomes (in terms of performance-related objectives). The fact that employees' motivation generated the interest of many researchers in various fields of study such as marketing, human resources management or economics is another reason for choosing this topic. The purpose of the research was to identify the way in which employees' motivation could influence (based on the marketing, cognitive, behavioural, emotional components) department or organisation performance from a sales perspective: personal, divisional or the performance of marketing function. Trying to determine if other elements or dimensions could moderate the relationship between employees' motivation at work and organisational performance from marketing perspective is another objective addressed to MA in Marketing Research. 1.3. Scope of the study The study included only employees of the selected five microfinance institutions in Hawassa city. The cross-sectional survey data collection was carried out in 2015. Research was performed using respondent employees in client service and marketing departments who have different regular working experiences in the organization. Employees who are working in credit and finance department were also involved in the research since they are intermediary between client service and financial department. For the research qualitative and quantitative research techniques were used. A sample size of 84 employees was selected by using simple random sampling technique. Mitarbeitermotivationsskala questionnaire was used as primary data collection instrument to measure employees’ motivation constitutions with their effects on the marketing performance of MSIs. Secondary data was collected from MFI’s reports, strategy and guidance documents on performance of marketing indicators and interviews were conducted with branch department managers of each MFI. Data analysis was conducted after data collection and the research hypothesizes, data were tested using the analysis of Structural Equation Model (SEM). Previous research studies on the relationship between employees' motivation and marketing performance were based on different types of organizations which included both government and private owned sectors. This study extended the research which was previously done by considering microfinance institutions as the cases. Microfinance institutions are independent legal bodies with their own governing boards and employ workers on contract basis. Employees' motivation is one factor that influences on the marketing performance of a microfinance organization. According to the promotional literature of Pro-credit saving and loans limited, they recruit, develop and introduce continuously motivated, disciplined, honest, productive and innovative best employees facing customer needs to make our market stand number one. If employees were well motivated, that will be reflected on the institution's marketing performance. Thus the main concern of this research was to explore the effect of employees' motivation on marketing performance carried out by microfinance institutions in Hawass City. 2. Literature Review On the other side, the need for achievement, the need for power, and the need for affiliation were three that individuals of different professional backgrounds have different levels of the three motivational factors, which may lead to inconsistent findings of employee motivation within an organization. In many management systems, the success for those organizations that have the best talented workers and are highly motivated will be the leaders in the markets. This will be determined by the empowerment management system. The employee from all industries has realized the importance of training, career development, and empowerment; however, these factors do impact the performance of the employee in terms of goal setting, role perception, feedback, reinforcement, etc. Therefore, the current era belongs to the majority of the individuals who work for a long time in their organization not only as an option for them but also as they are satisfied and motivated within the organization. Several research studies have been conducted in the area of marketing and sales industry. However, the majority of them have been focusing on how marketing strategies have influence on employees, but less has been done on how the employees’ motivation can affect positively the company. According to the content theories and Maslow’s hierarchy theory, employees have a passion to do work, sales, and financial targets. From the theories, once an individual becomes motivated, he/she can become instrumental, dynamic, and proactive in any situation. It has been noted that whether it is a small company, medium, or large, the company achieves its substantial value and outperforms its competitors only when the employees are motivated. This leads to productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency in production. Quality human resources were seen as important in the determinant of business firm performance and that quality human resources are those who were motivated to produce efficient and effective processes. Other human resource factors related to compensation, benefits, job security, training and development, teamwork adoption, and workplace conducive environment have been believed to have an effect on effective processes. 2.1. Theoretical framework This above proposition actually mirrors the one of conducting an action itself. When a person feels strongly motivated to invest striking resources into the action, the person is more likely to exert the maximum effort into the action. As to why the marketing actions are described to motivate employees, the answers can be searched from several perspectives. High competition is one common answer. Marketers, especially in the service sector organizations, are aware that satisfied employees lead to satisfied customers. The satisfied customers, in turn, are profitable to the firms and enhance firms' performances given that high corporate commitment from employees' attitude that pushes employees to deliver a better service to the customer, hence the customer service gets superior cumulative advantage. This has led to service theorization outlining employees and the service familiarity providing businesses with enormous benefits. Providing a good service is a win-win solution in the matter of the customers are delivered with the service and at the same time internal organizational efficiency is tested in service indicated education provided by the marketing-oriented firms. Effects of employees' motivation on marketing performance. Most of the marketing actions have been recognized as driven by employees and employees' motivation, which is widely agreed upon as a critical element in marketing actions. Specifically, these actions include the provision of customer service, the implementation of marketing research, management and sales activities, product development and B2B marketing. Employees' motivation is a broad concept related to the psychological needs and a range of external and internal factors capable of providing personal satisfaction with work. External and internal factors can be distinctly distinguished as rewards for a position and work scope. Firms, in particular the providers of services, that work toward developing a higher motivation of their employees are expected to yield better performance. Hence, there has been growing management interest in employees' motivation. By putting forward that motivated employees are willing to exert effort on marketing actions, firms, managers, and organizational scholars are able to realize the importance of employees' motivation in marketing. 2.2. Motivation theories The work of Mayo in addition to being a turn in the management of the organizations at that time appeared another need to ask employees about the needs and morale. Scientists, who have done significant work in this regard, are Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor. Maslow created a hierarchy pyramid to define the needs of workers, stating that to the extent that a need is satisfied, another takes its place in the pyramid. More enlightened workers give people the power to achieve results. On a list of five needs identified in the pyramid, Maslow argues that the first two are satisfied through financial means, while the third, social desires, is met through complementary factors such as affinity between departments, group and targets well defined, in the sense of creating stimuli for workers to perform their tasks. This fact allows the group to act in an autonomous way. When defining motivation there are terms that are hard to explain. It is an important variable for organizational performance and is essential to understand and measure motivation to obtain positive performance. Many research contributions have been made to understand what workers need to be motivated, and recovery, what motivates a worker to put effort into a well-defined objective (Kalogiannidis2021). Both needs and motives are truly ambiguous when we talk about motivation. At the beginning of the 20th century, George Elton Mayo and his colleagues made the discovery that workers are not only motivated by money. In fact, how workers were motivated had little to do with the management system. Workers are truly motivated by the fact that they are working. Thus, the main factor for a worker to be satisfied and to seek increased productivity is the way they are treated by the organization and colleagues. 2.3. Marketing performance concepts Stevens and Cherington determine advertising effectiveness from four aspects, namely: (1) consumer cantril scale - the overall measure of a product's acceptance in the market place; (2) awareness level - the extent to which a product is known by consumers; (3) retention - recall of the advertisement; and (4) brand preference the overall view that consumers have about a product. Marketing effectiveness is used as a multiplier. It is adjusted according to two factors; i.e. environmental uncertainty and organizational integration. While there are different names to measure marketing results, specifically: effectiveness, financial performance, efficiency, return on investments and productivity level. This is a definition of marketing performance that is coherent with the conceptual definition of strategic marketing activity. Several studies on marketing performance use different measuring indicators which have led to the lack of understanding of the concepts, which also leads to the lack of consensus about how to define marketing performance. Some studies have used "marketing performance" and "marketing effectiveness" interchangeably and the only difference in their definitions is that the performance represents short-term accomplishment, while effectiveness is longer-term. Le Meunier-FitzHugh and Piercy also define performance and effectiveness using the terms interchangeably. Market performance hides reflection in the internal vitality of organizations that is critical to the overall performance of every organization. 2.4. Previous studies on the topic Employees who have greater job involvement and commitment are more centered, have better operational status, and are more cohesive among them. Therefore, employee job satisfaction has always been considered one of the most relevant internal issues to set the level of the market performance. Employees with a high level of satisfaction are also more committed to ensuring that customers are treated with due consideration and that their needs are understood and satisfied. Therefore, their performance is strongly related to the perception of the service by the customers, including the recognition of the technical aspects of the service and the interpersonal relationship with the operator personnel. All employees make a crucial contribution to the customer's perception of the service that is being provided. For instance, some jobs may have a direct impact on the customer experience and others may have an indirect effect on the way the service is provided. In general, the people who play a leading role tend to be considered by the user as more influential and more responsible for the service received. Most of the studies carried out on the topic have noted that motivated employees perform better in their tasks than those who are not motivated. The relationship between human resource management and employee motivation is well documented. Indeed, human resource management practices can serve to increase employee motivation, which in turn leads to increased sales, superior customer service, and ultimately improved financial performance (Anwar & Abdullah2021). These practices may take many forms and vary in focus. It is general awareness among practitioners that competitive advantage from marketing emerges from better coordination between customers and employees. The relationship between motivation and coordination is well established in the employee motivation literature. 3. Methodology Given the essential role of employees' motivation in delivering good work performance, the next question is if better performance in marketing activities is also reflected in better business performance. This idea of the work by Hoy et al. is firmly rooted in the expectancy theory. The expectancy theory suggests that motivation is the key mediator between work environment, employees' personal characteristics, and their work results. The research on work performance reviews evidence that well-motivated employees show better job performance. The research on work results and rewards provides evidence that better performance can lead to better results. Studies by the Institute for Employment Research, Coyle, and Kyndt and Baert provide evidence that better results can lead to material rewards and promotions. In the setting of the excellent performance of employees drawing attention to retain core talents and increase employees' commitment, Gasson highlights the example of Nissan Motors in developing a comprehensive motivation project in line with its principle that it is the quality and the motivation of the staff that is the company's greatest asset. The value of well-motivated employees for delivering successful marketing strategies and activities has been well documented. Kumar brings evidence from cross-functional work team members in the United States. The study explores interconnections among employee motivation, attitudes, and work performance. The results show that both employees' intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are positively linked to their perceived job satisfaction. This, in turn, results in better job performance through better work quality and higher work commitment of the individual. 3.1. Research design The sample size representing the firms was determined from the study’s population (125 gasoline stations) using the formula developed by Yamane, 1967. For this study, the number of samples was determined using a 95 confidence level or Z= 1.96. In this case, Z=1.96 was used because 95% is the confidence level in a simple random sampling distribution and at 0.05 alpha level. This represents the chance of rejecting the null hypothesis while it is actually true. The proportion of the response distribution was set at 0.5, and the margin of error was fixed at 5% or e = 0.05. Finally, after the computation was done, determining the number of gasoline stations to be used in collecting data for the study, the sample size of 80 representing of the firm was identified. Then, the firm’s respondents (employees) who will fill out the questionnaires were met physically for convenience in data collection. The research was based on the positivism approach, which argues that the world has a reality which is objective and can be observed and understood. In this research, primary data were used. Primary data are data collected by the researcher to address the research problem at hand. They are new data that have been generated by the researcher and have been collected for the first time. The questionnaire method was used for data collection. The method was selected for its reliability, clarity, and organizational straightforwardness. The questionnaires were divided into three sections that corresponded with the literature review; employees’ motivation, marketing performance, and general information of the gasoline firms. Finalization of the questionnaire was made after pre-testing or pilot testing was done to refine the questions (instrument) used in it. 3.2. Data collection methods For the purpose of the present study, the questionnaire was prepared based on the suggested theoretical background aiming to collect the data from workers in smallscale businesses that are established in Bugesera with the aim of: How motivational factors can influence the small-scale enterprise’s marketing performances. The research questionnaire was distributed to a farmer at the established level of business. The questionnaire was distributed to the workers of small businesses in different locations in the district. All of the questionnaires were self-administered to minimize any misinterpretation of the context of the questions to the workers. According to the nature of the concept, the instrument was mostly closed-end questions, whereby a distinction in answers was requested. A quantitative research method was employed in the study. The data coding method identical to the one used by Hamisi (1982) was also applied in the present research. Most factors discussed in the present study were adopted from past research. Therefore, the method of quantifying the results reported in the literature was employed. In order to know the effect of employees' motivation on marketing performance, questionnaires as a method were used in data collection. The target group for this study comprises small-scale businesses that are available in Bugesera. The target population in this study comprised all small-scale business employees. Multi-stage cluster sampling technique was used. According to the 2019 ELA report, there are 78 registered small businesses in Bugesera with 1462 workers, where 978 are males and 484 are females. The researcher used a sample size of 105 under the Yamane formula with a margin of error of 5%. 3.3. Sampling techniques Early sampling of this research using purposive sampling technique. This is done by reason of large population and time are not possible to use population sampling, so the total sampling determines a national company in Indonesia. The literature states that the sample number should be based on research purpose, and is divided into two principles in determining the number of samples: based on the volume of data and based on saturation. With the use of these principles, the number of samples used is around 200 people. The number of the full sample and valid returned questionnaires was 135 respondents. Before collecting the data, the research tool was tested first in a pilot study. The preliminary trials were carried out in 20 of 85 employees who were not included in the main sample. All the scales used in this study have been proven to be reliable and valid, because between the test and posttest scores have been measured. The research design is exploratory, since this type of research is needed because both employees' motivation as well as marketing performance are conceptual terms and have an impact on each other. It is therefore important and necessary to interact between these concepts. To achieve the research objectives, I used two survey methods, namely questionnaire survey and interviews. Interview questionnaire of the HRD manages employees' activities. The questionnaire is given to: communication satisfaction to the media part of orientation, job satisfaction, training and development facilities, employee's participation, motivation, and performance. 4. Theoretical Framework Employee motivation is one of the most significant and often studied factors for organizational efficiency and the field of specialized managerial theory focused on all leadership forms, motivational practices, and internal marketing known from the 60s. The terms “job satisfaction”, “organizational life quality”, and others emphasize the subjective appropriation of work as a criteria for the success of personnel management. Specifically, the success of using internal, or personnel marketing, as a distinct incentive leading to excellence in work, should represent a discrepancy (hence extra-work producing new areas of non-work). Motivation results from a discrepancy between the obtained reward and the one that could be obtained elsewhere for the same effort, that is, the “unpaid” (or unpaid) part that remains for the action. Hence different similar artifacts produced by competing enterprises in conditions of quantitative and qualitative differences existing (Martinr & Uribe2021). It depends not on the nature of the offer (e.g. the existence of supplementary bonuses) but on the potential or reached rewards. Hence, it cannot be a fixed number but should depend on the complexity of incorrectly finding the work organizations as a person’s comparative possibilities of acquiring system accompanies such results and combines the implications of different policies and promotional activities in the field of commercial departments or enterprises (Olokundun et al., 2018). All commercial virtual values formulated by the company are brought to physical reality through the behavior of employees. Sales (and marketing) performance finally depend on motivation and other psychological and sociological aspects of the behavior of the commercial personnel of the enterprise (Nguyen et al.2020). The role of these factors is particularly important in sales of complex products or services, closer to objects of professional deception, because in such difficult to verify the properties of the object, the manipulation of information becomes more prevalent, and the fear of such manipulation – more intensive (Tang et al., 2022). Effective market coverage implies not only volumetric products or the number of market niches covered by the enterprise but also high visibility and availability of products or services for their potential consumers. The ability to promote products in conditions of high competition directly depends on how intensively customers are aware, informed, interested, convinced of the benefits of the offer, desire to purchase the goods, and find opportunities to do so. This requires, in addition to an appropriate product itself and the physical promotion of a product through sales networks (distribution), to have a well-designed and well realized promotion that can activate the intention of various consumer social groups to involve in buying and to involve many different categories of consumers (main potential, and also interested, accessible and even trapped). The ability to do an effective incentive is directly related to human resources; and the theoretical (b. point) assumptions in this area should be presented first (Nieżurawska et al., 2022). 4.1. Employee motivation factors The factors relating to a worker’s needs, the motivation level of an individual may determine the employee’s performance. Similarly, the job security and the working conditions will also determine the employee’s job satisfaction and his performance in the context of the whole study, it is expected that the different types of motivator would lead for the enhancement of employee’s motivation and hence efficiency and performance in context of different types of non-monetary incentive. It is anticipates that the Employee’s motivation would be highly affected by the job security and due importance of compensation at job, i.e. using non-monetary and monetary benefit at the work place. The employee’s opinion about his own significance and importance also influences on his motivation at the workplace and ultimately the there performance (Tumi et al.2022). Motivation is a powerful tool which plays, crucial role in the achievement of goals and aims of the Organization. Organizations have realized that money alone is unable to capture employees’ motivation and industrial relations. Therefore, employers are focusing their attention towards non-monetary incentives to motivate employees. A research study on the automotive industry that nonmonetary incentives enhance the moral of employees’ to work and gain maximum level of productivity(Tang et al., 2022). Based on the findings it is realized that the monetary rewards could cause some inappropriate behavior among employ’s, including to take leaves which are not favorable for the organization and during the nonmonetary rewards will enhance the performance.. The motivational factors for the employees play very significant role in different aspects including to maximize their performance. Another experiment in the food industry met out that monetary compensations have more significant effect over the employee’s performance (Nguyen et al.2020)include job satisfaction, recognition, career advancement, and work-life balance. But still the non-monetary incentives and supportive work climate have also their significant role in enhancing the employee’s motivation. The study met out that there may be any type of nonmonetary incentives to impassion the employee’s more toward their goals and to maximize their productivity(Nieżurawska et al., 2022). 4.2. Marketing performance indicators The construction must evolve elaborate schemes to draw, hire, and preserve productive workers to meet this argument. The responsibilities are commonly assessed by the corporate workplace. It is a devoted drive to keep going and make the stuff better are further possibly be glad, happy workers. The operating tasks are also a function of the personnel department (Girdwichai & Sriviboon2020). Each year, representations of query wise, the workers are cast and ranked, wages are released in line with the results. Speaking generally, people are better compensated and have further improvement in their opportunities for promotion recognized workers and get larger incentives supporting firms to attain their target granting gaps and deliver bonuses. Organizational performance indicators are the assets and performance gauges recognised above. Specifically, sales, market share, and customer attention. The performance of firms can be appraised from various perspectives (Gopalakrishnan et al., 2021). Shared interests are when firms earn money, satisfy clients by continuously improving their final goods and facilities, and keep employees delighted by promoting development, cater to their requirements, giving them a secure work atmosphere (Mousa et al., 2021). Marketing function is responsible for establishing a corporate reputation, engaging customers, and maintaining and reinforcing ties with them. In addition, sales function is aimed at extracting money from customers as soon as possible for given or not-given value (Muhammadin et al., 2020). All these responsibilities are naturally relaxing to payroll customers as the operations are strikers. The achievement at sales duties is against the satisfaction of consumers. If the corporate conveys the message to its clients that a whole amount of value will be delivered for a minimal sum of the deal, the purchasers may be able to irritant producers in extended negotiations to get the guaranteed worth. Accordingly, clients negotiate organizations. The emblem becomes even fewer successful in the development of a protected job atmosphere. 5. Data Analysis When the employee responds optimally to all the tasks that are entrusted to him, he adds value to both internal and external clients, allowing a greater marketing orientation of the employee, which will consequently have positive effects on the company's performance. It is considered important to discover the strengths and weaknesses of different theories (Al-kharabsheh et al.2022). Within the complexity of the social development of the person; different factors related to the internal and external environment of the company, which influence this development. Since the satisfaction of any requirement, demand or need is the beginning of each person's development; the more motivated the workers are, the more they develop in any area in which they are immersed. Therefore, knowing in advance the behaviors, attitudes and expected performance by employees will allow managers, in a more convenient way, to have successful marketing actions. As it is the main objective of this research, we have created three analyzing models, which are focused on different types of employee behaviors, in order to confirm our three hypotheses. Firstly, before performing any statistical analysis or prior tests related to the effect that employees' motivation makes on the proper performance of their tasks, three models have been raised to confirm the three main hypotheses of paper, which will serve as a starting point to confirm or refute the statistical evidence using parametric or non-parammetric tests. 5.1 Introduction. It is very important to determine the effect that employees' motivation makes on the proper performance of their roles in the enterprise. For this reason, we have included tasks in questionnaires related to aspects that have an influence on the motivation of employees. With this information, company managers can implement actions that help to achieve superior results in marketing activities because, when the employee responds optimally to all the tasks that are entrusted to him, he adds value, both to clients and to the employer (Bastari et al.2020). 5.1. Quantitative analysis This is the first study to illuminate the effect of overall employee motivation on service quality, marketing learning, innovative decision, and marketing performance of employees. Although it is stated as a significant link in earlier studies, the influence of overall employee motivation on overall marketing performance. These have not been empirically proven. Additionally, it clarifies the mediation role of these factors toward the relationship between motivation and marketing performance, which is also not clear in prior literature. The existence of such mediating effects provides a deeper understanding of the underpinning roles of specific attitudes that contribute to the overall employee motivation/marketing performance relationship. The study is employed to examine the employee behaviors' effect on marketing of insurance companies in a developing country Vietnam. This is an exciting extrapolation on other contexts of the expectation-disconfirmation theory model using a sample of employees in insurance companies and focusing on the relationships between employees' motivation and multiple dimensions, including: service quality, marketing learning, innovative decision and marketing performance of employees in insurance companies in the context of the developing country, Vietnam. The models used in this study expand the extant theory, which offered interesting implications for insurance companies. To prove the given research model, we make a survey of 140 employees in insurance companies. According to the result of our survey, overall motivation of employees has strong effects on service quality, innovation, marketing learning of employees. These effects also are an important mediator between employee motivation and marketing performance. Based on the results, we have some suggestions which could be used as references by insurance companies in Vietnam to improve the overall employee motivation. 5.2. Qualitative analysis The aim of the reported interviews was first to present the results of our sampling and finally to underline the main theoretical and practical indications in detail. Interviews were conducted in different geographical regions of Greece. Regarding the structure of our interviews, they followed a well-planned and flexible structure in order to facilitate the communication process and to cover all factors that were considered to influence marketing performance. The flexibility contributed to the substance and had the capability to assist us to personalize the direction of each conversation to the informants individually. Each face-to-face interview was completed during a single session with the duration that varied from 45 to 90 minutes. Each informant was asked to comment on his own views and experiences. Of course, all the informants saved the absolute personal and company privacy, any logos, identification, and any commercially sensitive information so each interview was numbered. Finally, an inductive approach was adopted on the basis of literature review in the above areas. Clearly, 17 original factors which are considered as HR practices that are affecting the motivation of employees were identified, displayed in Table 6. According to a marketing manager that we interviewed: “The reward systems linked with performance are able to improve employees’ motivation and through it our sales performance. Particularly, the financial ones assist the salesperson to think differently in respect to the company’s profitability. Of course, the financial incentives were always the most appealing motivation factor.” The second phase of our investigation involved ten semi-structured interviews with a number of marketing employees of ten different Greek private companies who are considered to be persons with a deep knowledge of their field. Care was taken to present only high-quality companies to obtain our sample in a systematic manner. Only companies that invested significantly in marketing and were considered to have achieved a satisfactory marketing performance due to their motivated employees were selected for interviews. The experiences, conversations, and opinions given in these interviews were very important to the results of the present study and were used in the process of more detailed interpretation of data collected in the first phase of the research. 5.3. Data interpretation When the effect level of different demographic properties on the opinions of the employees with respect to the subscale averages was examined, it was realized that the mean analysis gave many different results for all of the questions in the efficiency dimension of the motivation scale. The level of education of the employees working in hotel enterprises operates is not significant in terms of motivation. The enterprise, department, length of enterprise, extreme point of business life and educational status did not reveal differences in addition to the department in terms of motivation ratios in the efficacy dimension. Since each result is different in terms of motivation scale efficiency, the motivation level of employees; enterprise, department, position, etc. It is seen that factors have not been separated. This should be considered as one of the limitations of this research. It can be said that the hotel organizations focus on increasing employee motivation which makes it difficult to discriminate in terms of factors. Decreasing the level of education of the employees reduces the motivation of employees. There is no significant difference in terms of the effect of the demographic variables of the employees' age on motivation. The motivation level of the employees in the position of manager shows a higher level. Employees working at the same job for a long period of time and human resources for this endeavor can help to increase the satisfaction and motivation of employees. The research was conducted with the managers and employees of the large-sized and medium-sized local and foreign 4- and 5-star hotels in Turkey. 400 questionnaires were sent to the departments regarded to play a prominent role in marketing activities (marketing, sales, front office, housekeeping, catering, and purchasing). In consideration of the response rate, 80% of the questionnaire forms were used as valid. First, it was explained in the survey that the purpose of the research was to measure the opinions of employees who played a role in service delivery in 4-and-5-star properties and managers of those properties in relation to the purpose variable. The information was provided to fill in the survey form and it was requested to remain confidentially and honestly to answer the questions. If necessary, those completing the survey were asked to consult the researchers. At this stage, there was no such need as the surveys were completed satisfactorily. Finally, thanks were made to the hotel persons participating in the surveys. 6. Results This research showed that managers who effectively set employee goals and rewards, as well as listen to their collective capabilities, better motivate their staff to promote higher levels of marketing performance. This study also indicated that complex constructs like work motivation need to be modeled with equally complex relationships to marketing performance to better estimate their relationship. The theoretical implication of the findings is threefold. First, this study adds to the literature on local employees' motivation. The results for frequent interactions among employees, lower-order constructs and between work motivation dimensions support the MLSP model of Spector et al. Second, work motivation subcomponents can be used to better capture the true ontology and character of both earned and expected motivation. Thus, shrewd managers are better served that motivated employees are not simply motivated but that specific components of work motivation should be promoted, venerated and boosted (Ndou, 2023). Third, Guinean firms are called to desist from the FORPER model described by the Sanger et al. authors in their quest for improved marketing performance. This study examined Guinean employees' work motivation, and its effects on five marketing performance proxies. To fill the gap in marketing literature, we proposed and tested an original research model. We used cross-sectional data from 126 Guinean marketing managers and employees of five commercial companies. We found that the SISM, which has four first-order components, is the best model fit in Guinean marketing companies. In model testing, results from SEM analysis favored goal-setting as stylized and self-efficacy as main components that explain work motivation and marketing performance. In addition, work motivation as multidimensional constructs help to model more accurately how motivation affects marketing performance. We also provide theoretical, practical and policy implications, and future research directions. 6.1. Findings related to employee motivation In this context, it is seen that employees can be affected by intrinsic, extrinsic, rational, and emotional parameters. Autonomy, ability, and sense of meaning are among the intrinsic motivating factors involved in individual and emotional structures, while rewards, career development, relationship with supervisor, work environment and salary are in the extrinsic structure (Muzafary et al.2021). Additionally, the general motivational factors which is related to employee motivation is defined as the motivation mechanism involving the provision of company benefits such as the employees’ health and job satisfaction. It is evident that the studies that make up the studies are multidimensional and these motivating factors are influent and endogenous and when they are implemented effectively, increase employee motivation in general. Throughout the course of history, the determinants that give a direction to and guidance to the topic in question have been researched and discussed according to the socio-economic conditions of different periods. In parallel with the changes in the context, the studies that carry out the determinants that guide this process have also come to the fore and have drawn different paths. In this context, it has been stated that intrinsic motivating factors meet organizational goals more successfully. Based on the analysis, the motivating factors of the employees included in different studies have taken enormous numbers of different dimensions and have been discussed from different aspects such as leadership styles and employee motivations, employee engagement and motivation, job satisfaction, motivation and leadership, job characteristics and motivation, motivation and job duty, motivation inside and outside the organization, brand ambassadors and volunteering in the organization, motivation and work performance. Thus, it was realized that limitations would be more observable. Therefore, it was decided to make more limitations at this stage of the study. The first limitation of the study is that studies were scanned in the Web of Science and ProQuest databases, and those not contained in these databases were excluded from the study. The second limitation of the study is the language limitation. The presented articles in the literature reviews were French, German, English and Spanish were included; While there is a wealth of knowledge in many fields of the world, limiting the literature review to three languages seen as an important problem in this area. On the other hand, it has been observed that employee motivation has a multidimensional structure that is affected by individual, organizational, general motivational factors and is associated with work behaviors and outcomes. 6.2. Impact of motivation on marketing performance Volkan Yilmaz and Hatice Arzap (2017) studied the effect of motivation on marketing performance. Descriptive design was used in the study. The population of the study is the students who continue their education in the faculty of economics and administrative sciences. According to the direction of the study, the faculty students are students of business administration, marketing, and international trade departments. Students who participated in the survey were students of Universities in Adana, Afyon, Aksaray, Ankara, Bolu, and Istanbul. They submitted the survey via the internet. The sample is random sampling (simple random sampling). The method applied to randomly select individuals from the population is the lottery method. In total, 741 completed questionnaires were obtained from students attending different universities. The number of participants who filled out their gender information is 320. As for the questionnaire in the study, the validity and reliability studies of Hierarchical-Extrinsic Motivation Scale and Marketing Performance Scale were used. Each questionnaire consisting of two parts is composed of the scale used in the research, questions about personal information, and the source a scale adopted from the literature. According to the source, some questions in the questionnaire were replaced with the phrases of "faculty student" and "faculty" to ensure that those who use the questionnaires are able to benefit. Impact of motivation on marketing performance: Cigdem Isık (2011) explored the impact of employees' motivational factors on marketing performance in 131 tourism enterprises in Antalya, Turkey. The study focuses on two dimensions of employees' motivation as intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and, by using perceptions of marketing executives, marketing performance was evaluated in only four areas like customer satisfaction, customer acquisition, customer retention, and market expansion. The results suggest that employees' intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors have a significant impact on marketing performance in all investigated areas (Good et al.2022). Customer satisfaction and market expansion are the areas most affected by employees' motivation. Based on the findings of the study, firms can enhance employees' motivation in marketing activities by using strategic approaches and improve their marketing performance. 7. Discussion In today’s rapidly changing business environment and intense competition, organizations that can use their resources effectively can achieve this either individually or organizationally. In order for individuals in the organization to achieve their goals, it is important that they carry their personal goals towards the organization. According to Kanungo, internal marketing is to meet the needs of staff to motivate them to do their part, to ensure that they have the durability to respond to customers' requests and to perform effectively and contribute to the overall performance of the firm. As a result, the expected performance comes out as a requirement of organizational behavior. It is obvious where all these employees are the main element that steers the company and differentiates and companies' resources are the most valuable competitive advantage. The environment where employees can exhibit the highest possible performance is the intramural environment that will occur if they are loyal, satisfied and motivated by the company. The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of employees’ motivation on marketing performance. For this purpose, the relationships with certain variables in a company that has been operating in Turkey were researched. Employees’ motivation levels were investigated using financial and non-financial motivation methods. The effects of these motivation types on marketing dimensions were also examined. The marketing performance dimensions and variables indicate whether the company’s current strategies will provide future financial advantages and the relation between the company’s financial and non-financial motivations was investigated. The results of the study showed that some performance dimensions of the marketing performance are affected by the employees’ motivations and there is a relation between the financial and non-financial motivation types. 7.1. Implications of the findings This study also examines the interrelationships between motivation and each aspect of marketing. The findings suggest that three marketing activities include learningoriented marketing Salesforce behaviors and promotion-oriented marketing role of employees activities, account manager new customer-related ability and previous relationship, and in marketing interdepartmental network strength affect marketing role of employees. By knowing these effects on each type of marketing interaction, related stakeholder in SMEs can assign employees better so as to achieve the company's marketing objectives, make better decisions or policies, and implement management-related practices. As a result, companies can activate more clearly and precisely the hypothesized path to increase marketing performance. This study also finds affected interrelationships with adjusting for different covariates included individual- and corporate-level variables. This study finds that all types of employees' motivation examined affect SME marketing performance. Concerned stakeholders in SMEs, academics, and practitioners could find implications from the findings to operational activities. The findings of this study offer SMEs to manage employees properly in order to stimulate their marketing efforts. Employers have to first attempt to stimulate needs that have not been well fulfilled including basic needs, higher-order needs, and autonomy. This study also finds that better SMEs planning and having good interdepartmental communication helps employees to stimulate needs and performance. Employers should thus always enter two activities as principal aspects to maintain employees' motivation and engagement. Planning activities for monitoring employees' adaptation to the current COVID-19 business environment became considerably important. 7.2. Theoretical and practical contributions In addition to the theoretical contributions that proposed a potential model used for analyzing the relationships among hotel employees' motivation, adaptive strategy, flexible strategy, technological innovation, services innovation, the findings also provided several implications for hotel business operation. First of all, in order to facilitate hotel service innovation, hotel managers should pay more attention to employees' motivation. When the employees have high motivation, they can deliver better services, lower employees’ management costs, and simultaneously, innovate the services and create a positive influence on customer behavior. Second, since engaging in a flexible strategy and a technological innovation can help hotels survive and develop in an adaptive environment, hotel managers should generate a related policy to equip the regional hotels for the two strategies. Third, adaptive strategy plays an intermediary role between employees' motivation and services technological innovation. This suggested that, not only hotels but also the industries needed an adaptive strategy. Finally, hotel business should consider service flexibility to achieve better service outcomes and fascinating customer impressions. The aim of this study was to explore how hotel employees' motivation affects the adaptive strategy, technological innovation and services innovation, as well as hotel marketing performance. Therefore, it theoretically extends the field of employees' motivation, presents a new approach to explore the causal relations among hotel employees' motivation, adaptive strategy, technological innovation, services innovation and marketing performance. The empirical findings could offer comprehensive insights for hotels to enhance employees' motivation levels and to promote service innovation in practice. Different from previous studies mainly focusing on whether marketing performance can be affected by marketing strategies, social media promotion, customer satisfaction, or channel management strategies. This study investigated all of those variables, including the relations among motivation, strategy, innovation, and marketing performance. 8. Conclusion The design of the stimulus is crucial, as well as the integration strategies of the different elements affiliated in the organization, at the same time as the approximation to identify the mechanism through which motivation is transpired and expressed. It is hoped that this research will contribute to a wider range of theoretical frameworks to create constitutive theories of the mechanisms by which motivation influences performance, and their moderating factors across multi-level, inter and intra-organizational, and the different work areas of the employees, as well as the construction of taxonomies on the results of this relationship. This study uses an in-sample research design, which provides the opportunity to answer some of the pending questions on how to maintain and sustain employees’ motivation to affect their behavior and job performance in the marketing area of a business, as well as on the development of employee marketing performance. That intrinsic motivation of employees has a positive influence on the marketing results of firms. This result is important because it permits to explain why the marketing employees, with the same training, tools, or salary, produce different results. As researchers have identified in this study, the job performance of an employee is driven by their motivation. One weakness of this study is that only employees who work in the marketing area are considered; however, companies are composed of employees who work in other areas of the companies and contribute to achieving the goals of the company through their performance. Therefore, at these moments, it should be made a priority to understand the effects of motivation and then analyze the work in other areas of the companies. 8.1. Summary of key findings Be it service or manufacturing sectors, although it is still highly likely to find a positive bidirectional relationship between these two important variables, this study aims to address the missing links in the marketing performance literature. Firstly, several previous related studies suggest that employees' motivation has a positive and significant correlation with better marketing performance measurements such as a high level of service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, positive word of mouth. This eventually leads to better customer relationships, customer patronage, and long-term relationships with prospects through competitive advantage for the organizations and better enterprise performance measurements such as sales growth, profitability, competitiveness, and other measurements of enterprise performance (Kurdi et al.2020). Secondly, the study tries to address the missing links of the key dependent variables in marketing performance literature as suggested by previous research. There is critically a shortage of fully validated items to measure the constructs and the suggested measurements of employees' motivation construct in the model in the service sector were suggested by previous research. (Chien et al.2020) In sum, the impact of employees' motivation on marketing performance is not a new concept in both the service and manufacturing sectors as substantial research confirms the theoretical beliefs that a highly motivated workforce tends to have positive reactions, attitudes, and behaviors towards the organization. This tends to lead to better marketing performance measurements such as a high level of service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and positive word of mouth. Eventually, this leads to better customer relationships, customer patronage, and long-term relationships with prospective customers (Peng et al., 2020). This, in turn, leads to better enterprise performance measurements such as sales growth, profitability, competitiveness, and other measurements of enterprise performance. Unfortunately, despite this pile of confirmatory empirical findings from previous research, the extent of employees' motivation and the suggested marketing performance measurements were conducted in different industries and companies as opposed to the service sector limitations in the scope of previous research. It was primarily focused on the conceptualization of service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, word of mouth, customer relationships, and customer patronage measurements (Nguyen et al.2020). This tends to lead to the poor testing of validated instruments through statistical tools and advanced multi-item scales to measure employees' motivation construct and the suggested marketing performance measurements identified by previous research. Its generalizability in terms of the impact of employees' motivation on the measurements of the aforementioned marketing performance seems in doubt. 8.2. Recommendations for future research This study combines the theory of work motivation and performance and provides a comprehensive look at how employee motivation translates to marketing performance and consumer behavior of retail companies. Additionally, previous research has used a single source to evaluate marketing performance, while the operational focus of this study applied mystery shopping, consumer response to marketing performance, and performance-based pay to test the relationship. The sampling process can be improved: the questionnaires were filled in during the work breaks of the respondents, who are mainly part-time workers. Future studies should be conducted in harmony with the time flexibility of part-time workers in order to secure larger samples. Furthermore, future research should use triangulation of the data. Multiple methods and data sources need to be combined. Moreover, the current study was an ERB study that did not examine the specific mediation effect. As a result, generalizing and interpreting the relationship results are recommended with caution. This article has several implications that we can assume for future scientific research on intervention strategies with workers in different businesses, behavioral and organizational environments. From these results, we suggest that there are other theoretical bases that could be considered in empirical research, both in studies that address the problem of motivation as well as in those conducted in the service and marketing area, on the relationship between motivation and performance either in the organization, in general, or in the worker, particularly. Employees in retail are facing increasing performance pressure at work due to the fierce competition in the retail sector. This may lead to decreasing work performance, ultimately causing high turnover for retail companies (Soelton et al.2020). 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