Uploaded by Shikha Karia

Biology Test Questions: Living Things, Classification, and More

Test questions:
1- Write the seven characteristics of living things.
———————————————————————————————2- Write descriptions of each of the seven characteristics.
3- Name the kingdom to which mammals belong.
4- List two di erences between amphibians and reptiles.
5- List: a) two external and b) two internal features of mammals that are not found in other groups
of vertebrates.
6- a) List two features that are shared by myriapods and arachnids.
b) Describe two di erences between myriapods and arachnids.
7- Fleas are insects, but they do not have wings. Suggest two features of eas that would show
that they should be classi ed as insects.
8- Describe two di erences between ferns and owering plants.
9- Explain the meaning of the term species.
10- Biologists give each species a two-word Latin name.
What is the term used to describe this naming system?
111- Which characteristic is not shown by all living organisms?
A) excretion
B) movement
C) photosynthesis
D) respiration
2- Which feature is found in all vertebrates and all arthropods?
A) a backbone
B) an exoskeleton
C) antennae
D) cells without cell walls
3- The binomial of the okapi is Okapia johnstoni. What genus does the okapi belong to?
A) animals
B) johnstoni
C) mammals
D) Okapia walls
4- Which are features of monocotyledons?
A) ower parts in multiples of four or ve, one
cotyledon in seeds
B) one cotyledon in seeds, vascular bundles in a ring
C) vascular bundles in a ring, network of veins in leaf
D) parallel veins in leaf, ower parts in multiples of
5- What two features do all viruses possess?
A) cell membrane, cell wall
B) cytoplasm, nucleus
C) genetic material, protein coat
D) ribosomes, plasmids