1. BIODATA Name Age Sex Residence Parity LNMP EDD GBD LD IP No DOA (Post-op?) 2. P/C What problem(s) brought the patient to the hospital/ was it a referral? [symptoms] Duration (old→new) 3. HPI for each symptom S-O-C-R-A-T-E-SPost cs/svd B-U-B-B-L-E-H-Ea.Progress/course of disease • Group related factors together • Include direct unrelated questions to rule out other conditions b.Relevant past medical history (HIV +ve, chronic illness, medications, PAP smear or vaccine) d.Intervention by who and where - investigations, - treatment plan, follow-up/ prognosis e. Complications(GA,Rx,follow up) f. Outcomes ANC clinic • planned/unplanned pregnancy • where? No. of contacts? First and latest? ANC profile Bg&Hb, VDRL, HIV, Hep B, UECs Rx and follow-ups Rh: Was ICT done? Anti-D given? When? Malaria ppx, BP trends, Deworming, TT, Antenatal supplements– Fe; folate; Ca Others – OGTT for high-risk pts Ob ultrasounds, Past obs Hx Year of delivery (termination & evacuation done?) gestation date Sex, BW, immediate cry; Labour duration, Mode of delivery neonatal complications; current status? ANC – no. of visits; complications (eg GDM, DVT, HIV diagnosis) Complications after/before delivery? [baby milestones inquiry if labour is too long] 5. Gyn Hx Menarche cycle length duration of flow regularity; colour no pads/day Clots Flow Dysmenorrhea Sexual history debut; Life partners; Dyspareunia(before, during, after) STIs; Tx sexual abuse Contraceptives year used; duration; discontinuation reason; AEs? Pap smear; VIA/VILI HPV immunisation Past gyn surg yr; place; indication; complications; results of histology Past gyn illness Tx; follow up 6. P medical & surgical Hx Previous hospital admissions/surgeries? Drugs/ allergies Hx of blood transfusion Chronic illness age at diagnosis; Tx; follow up 7. FSHx Occupation Marital status Fam members: Alive Passed on Chronic dx in the family? Anyone in the family with sudden deaths When How L Alcohol, smoking, drug abuse NHIF Lindamama 8. RoS Underline Fatigue? Headaches Changes in weight? Changes in appetite? Trouble sleeping? CVS Chest pain Palpitations Dyspnea Peripheral edema Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Orthopnea Syncope Cyanosis? Resp Cough Sputum colour, amount, and occurrence Asthma or wheezing? Dyspnea (shortness of breath)? Painful breathing? GIT Dysphagia Nausea or vomiting? Change in appetite? Abdominal pain Abdominal distention/bloating Jaundice (yellow eyes or skin)? Diarrhoea? Constipation? Clay-coloured stools? Bloody/pale/white/black stools? GUT Frequent urination? burning or painful urination Polyuria/oliguria? Nocturia Hematuria Incontinence? Musculoskeletal Muscle or joint pain? Joint stiffness? Muscle weakness? Cramps? Trauma? Back pain? Neurological Change in memory? Recurring or frequent headaches? Dizziness? Fainting? Convulsions or seizures? paresthesia/numbness, tingling)? Vertigo Tremor? Ears eyes n nose Tinnitus Loss of hearing Blurry vision Blocked nose