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4U Comparative Organizer (1)

NAME: __________________________________________
Comparative Essay Organizer
Begin with a general statement about your topic.
Lead into your thesis statement by giving a brief overview
of the similarities and differences between the ways in
which the topic is explored in both books.
Thesis statement: Make sure it contains the titles of the
books and the authors’ names.
Finish with an indication of organization. Give the reader a
quick overview of the different subtopics you will use to
explore your thesis.
State your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from the
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from the
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Finish this paragraph by making a connection to your thesis
and including a transition that leads into the next
State your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from
the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from
the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from
the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Finish this paragraph by making a connection to your thesis
and including a transition that leads into the next
Comparative Essay Organizer
State your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from the
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from the
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Finish this paragraph by making a connection to your thesis
and including a transition that leads into the next
State your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from
the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from
the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from
the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Finish this paragraph by making a connection to your thesis
and including a transition that leads into the next
* Please note: This is an example of what a comparative essay outline MIGHT look like. Yours will vary depending on
number of subtopics etc. Stray from this outline if it’s necessary to support your thesis.
NAME: __________________________________________
Comparative Essay Organizer
State your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from the
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from the
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Finish this paragraph by making a connection to your thesis
and including a transition that leads into the next
State your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from
the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from
the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Illustrate using specific a specific quotation from
the text
Explain how the quotation supports your point
Finish this paragraph by making a connection to your thesis
and including a transition that leads into the next
Restate the thesis in a fresh way
Review the subtopics you used to support the thesis
Finish with a more general statement.
RELATE your topic and thesis to “the bigger picture,”
i.e. connect it to a universal theme, explain why so
many people are fascinated with the topic, remark
on the text/topic’s congruity with human nature,
comment on why this topic contributes to the texts
being considered “classics,” etc…
Remember to use MLA format, quotations, and present tense. You should be writing using the third person perspective.
Your title is important. It should give the reader a good indication of the topic of your essay and will likely mention the titles of the two texts.
You must do a Works Cited page for this essay.