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Chris Do Sales Call Framework

Chris Do Sales Call Framework
Chris Do Sales Closing Framework #1
1. Hey NAME, how're you doing? Before I go on, I want to make sure I have the full
picture. What is the main problem you're trying to solve? I'm all ears.
2. Know about their services and how much they charge from their client
3. Ask about their closing rate and how confident they are on a scale of 1-10
4. Ask how many leads they need each month
5. "So if someone could get you X leads in which you were able to close at least X%
which is X leads at $XXX per lead at the bottom, it would generate $XXX in revenue for
you right? And you have to spend X% of that in development cost so your net would be
less than that."
6. Do the math and tell them the exact net amount they'll be getting each month
7. If you can get someone to get you a lead generation program to get you X qualified
leads each month at $X and generate $XXX gross profit for you every month how much
of that will you be willing to spend on developing this program?
9. Guarantees to provide:
a. Little money upfront and try It out
b. Total money-back guarantee
c. Free work until you don't hit the numbers
Finalize a guarantee
10. Summarize the whole thing
11. Ask "Is there any other reason you're uncomfortable with this proposal with a moneyback guarantee?
12. Bring up the objections upfront
13. CLOSE!!!
Chris Do Sales Closing Framework #2
1. Find out their problem
2. Find out their goal or How many leads they want?
3. If someone could help you with this to get you to achieve your goal in X months, would
that be valuable to you?
4. Help me understand how valuable that would be to you like what would that be worth to
you on a financial level how would it make you feel too
5. Imagine three months from now and we're like looking back and you've been able to
accomplish all these things and [WHAT THEY WANT TO DO OR ACHIEVE]. What do
you think how that would impact your business? Would your rates be higher since
you've leveled up? The kind of clients you're working with would be more premium?
What do you think?
6. So at the end of the year if this all happened for you and you had a full year of being a
[WHATEVER THEY ARE] and you end up doubling your income, how much money
would that be?
7. Okay so if you could work with someone to get you to your goal in the next three
months what kind of money would you spend?
9. Let's say if you have really trust somebody what would be your top three criteria?
11. How will you feel connected to a person?
12. I've been listening, and let me quickly summarize. It seems to me that your life's
purpose or mission is to [WHAT THEY WANT TO DO]. If you're able to achieve this
goal in the next three months by following a clear plan, with someone you truly trust
who understands you, has proven results, takes the time to listen to you, and shares
your worldviews, would you be willing to spend around $10,000?
14. You're not certain about my results, right? What could I provide to you that would help
you feel more confident about them? What kind of information or proof could I give you
so that you would say 'Yeah, I'm reassured about the results now'?
15. CLIENT SAYS "i would like to see a list of at least five people more like 10 people
you've worked with and i want to talk to them and hear them say that before you
worked with them they were you know making this much money and after they now
make this much money and they now accomplish all this other stuff"
16. Anything else?
17. CLIENT - If none of the three things i need have been proven then I do want to see
evidence that you even understand what my problem is and how to get me to where i
want to go so i would want even before the proposal lands in my email like i would want
to see that you are able to show me what those steps in between would be to get me to
where i need to go or at least something like that"
18. Is there anything else?
19. If you saw a proposal with a clear outline and plan of action that was customized for
you and outlined what would happen over the next three months, along with a list of 10
people you could call to verify references, would you feel comfortable saying yes at that
21. Would it help if there was a plan where you could pay for it bit by bit as you go along,
instead of all at once? Would that help you moving forward?
22. What would be your preferred payment plan that could work well for your situation?
23. CLIENT - At least four month payment plan
24. Okay so we did uh four payments of 2500
25. Here's the payment plan: You pay $XXX upfront, and we get started. Then every month
after that, you pay another $XXX. After the fourth month is finished, you make one final
payment of the remaining balance. Would that monthly payment plan work okay for
27. Instead of providing a list of 10 people as references, if I could offer something else that
was even better evidence, would you consider to see it? If I give you a guaranteed that
by working with me, you would be able to achieve your financial goal of making $XXX
within TIME after we finished working together, would that put your mind at ease and
make you feel confident in moving forward?
28. But then I'm going to question how are you going to guarantee that you will?
29. The decision is up to you. But I can guarantee that if you don't achieve your goal of
making $XXX within TIME after we finish working together, you can get all of your
money back. It will be written into the contract. Would having that money-back
guarantee make you feel more comfortable and confident in moving forward?
31. Here's what I'll do - I'm going to send you a proposal with a clear plan tailored
specifically for you. It will include a list of people you can call as references. I'll also
create a payment plan broken into 4 payments, so you don't have to pay the final
amount until the 4th month. For the guarantee, here's how I want to structure it: If within
the first 6 months you haven't made $XXX, you can request a full refund at that point
and I'll give you all your money back immediately. However, if you have made $XXX or
more by then, you'll be responsible for paying me the full amount. Does this payment
plan and money-back guarantee sound okay to you?
32. Let me explain why that payment plan works well. The goal is to help you double your
income. So if in the first 6 months, I'm able to help you make the same amount you're
making now, then I've accomplished my part of the job. After that, you just continue
following the plan. But I'm leaving it open - if you don't hit your full financial goal by the
end, you won't owe me anything. I'll only get paid if I help increase your income as
promised. Does that sound like a fair deal to you?
Handling Low Budget Clients #3 - A
1. Client says - I CAN ONLY SPEND $1000
2. Is this video important to you?
3. Dig out the problem
4. Know about their goal
5. Know about the average order value and the total revenue it will generate
6. Are you willing to do a $1000 program every month?
8. I have some concerns. The amount of money we're discussing doesn't seem sufficient
or proportionate to the work involved. It feels like it may be too little compensation.
9. When someone tells me they don't have much money for a particular thing, my first
instinct is to say we probably shouldn't do it - it's not that important. Wouldn't your
instinct be the same? Where else could you spend your $1,000 to make a bigger
positive impact on your business? I don't want to take your money for something that's
not truly important or valuable to you!
10. CLIENT - What you mean by not a thousand dollar important?
11. Let me ask you something. Is $1,000 a large amount or a small amount compared to
other things you buy in your personal life and in your business? People tend to spend
money on things that are important to them, right? If you really want a fancy pair of
pants, you'll pay for it. But if not, you'll buy the cheaper version. So when someone tells
they have a serious business problem but only want to spend $1,000 to solve it, I don't
think it's really that big of a problem to them.
12. To do this right, I'd need to spend a lot of time talking with you about the purpose, your
goals, how it might work, and if it's aimed at the right audience. This would be a long
conversation, and it might not be worth the time for both of us for a thousand-dollar
problem. So, what do you want to do?
13. I don't want to spend more than that
14. Then you shouldn’t, and I’m probably not the right person to help you with this. I’d
advise you not to spend that money with anyone, not just me. What would you like to
Handling Low Budget Clients #3 - B
1. I understand that a thousand dollars is a lot for you, and I hear your concern. I’d like to
propose something else: I’ll do it for free.
2. If we get the results you want, I’d like a percentage of those results. Can we do that?
There’s no risk to you at all. That sounds fantastic, doesn’t it?
3. What's the percentage that you're thinking
4. All I want is to get paid for each new customer that walks in your door..
5. How about this: since you say each customer spends a hundred dollars with you, let's
split it—$50 per new customer. No risk to you; I take all the risk and trust your honesty.
7. What's the hesitation?
8. I'm concerned that you're gonna make a banger video and then I'm gonna be out 50 of
that revenue what if it exceeds a thousand
9. It's gonna exceed a thousand that's the whole point I take all the risk.
10. Or you can just pay me what I'm worth, and you keep all the profit.
11. CLIENT ASKS - What are you worth?
12. $4K. That's the minimum
13. CLIENT ASKS - What am i getting for 4000?
14. A banger video
15. CLIENT - I'd like to know what a banger video consists of show me behind the curtains
16. Are we now seriously considering our four thousand dollar budget?
17. I'd like to put a non-exceed clause on the percentage that you get.
18. Oh so we're going back to the revenue share plan?
19. CLIENT - No no we're not going back. I appreciate the fact that you're taking on all the
risk but I also wanted to be wary that if if you get me a lot of clients that you're not
banking ten thousand dollars for one video because it might not even cost you that
20. Let me ask you something. If I can bring in a lot of clients for you, are you saying you
don't want that?
21. CLIENT - No not at all I'm saying bring me the long line of clients.
22. But that's what you're saying to me: "Please help me do this, but if it works really well, I
don't want to pay you more?"
23. CLIENT - You just said your minimum level of engagement is four thousand right let's
say that exceeds four thousand are you getting paid more than what you need
24. I understand what you mean. But let me make it clear. We have two choices right now.
One choice is you pay me $4,000 upfront. After that, you keep all the money your
business makes going forward. That's it - a one-time $4,000 payment from you. The
other choice is I don't charge you anything upfront. But then I take half of any new
money your business brings in. Since I'm taking all the risk, I get 50% of the new
25. CLOSE.