# BUILDING A BASIC WEBSITE FOOTPRINT # I. FINDING GENERAL WEBSITE INFORMATION: a. www.privateeye.com b. www.peoplesearchnow.com c. www.publicbackgroundchecks.com d. www.anywho.com e. www.intelius.com f. www.4111.com g. www.peoplefinders.com II. FINANCIAL FOOTPRINTING: a. www.google.com/finance b. WWW.finance.yahoo.com III. JOB SITE FOOTPRINTING: a. www.linkedIn.com b. www.monster.com c. www.indeed.com d. www.careerbuilder.com IV. GOOGLE FOOTPRINTING (W/ DORKS & ADVANCED SEARCH): a. www.exploit-db.com/google-hacking-database/ b. www.hackersforcharity.org # FINDING MORE DETAILED WEBSITE INFORMATION # V. FINDING EXTREMELY SPECIFIC WEBSITE DETAILS: (Shodan's search engine, mainly focuses on finding information pertaining to "Internet-Connected Devices". With it, you will be able to discover which of your devices are connected to the internet, but also where they are located as well as who is using them. Smart TV's, refrigerators & just about any other device that can connect to the internet, can also be found with Shodan.) a. www.shodan.io b. www.netcraft.com VI. WEBSITE MIRRORING TOOLS: a. WinHTTrack Website Copier https://www.httrack.com/page/2/ b. Surf offline Professional http://www.surfoffline.com/ c. Black Widow http://softbytelabs.com d. NCollector Studio http://www.calluna-software.com e. Website Ripper Copier http://www.tensons.com f. Teleport Pro http://www.tenmax.com g. Portable Offline Browser http://www.metaproducts.com h. PageNest http://www.pagenest.com i. Backstreet Browser http://www.spadixbd.com j. Offline Explorer Enterprise http://www.metaproducts.com k. GNU Wget http://www.gnu.org.com l. Hooeey Webprint http://www.hooeeywebprint VII. EXTRACTING WEBSITE INFORMATION: a. https://www.web.archive.org (SELECT TRARGET WEBSITE & YEAR, SEE SNAPSHOT OF THAT SITE FROM THAT DATE)