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My future job and responsibilities-fayllar.org

My future job and responsibilities
My future job and responsibilities
My Future Job Nowadays, there are multiple of choices about the future job and people are
independent to choose. Some children now have a dream of their own future job. One wants to
be a doctor, other wants to be an engineer, other wants to be a teacher and so on. I think when
one gets older and moves on the levels of education, it becomes not easy to choose the future
job. More thinking comes about making the right choice and setting the criteria of choosing. I
have thoughts about my future job, where I can express myself and become successful to be able
to use my initiative, feel freedom and independent, gain self-satisfaction and get well-paid.
Moreover, I want to have an excitement and interest rather than a routine job. I want to start my
job as teacher, which I believe that it is an important job. It is connected to the humans’ mind
that makes them different from all other creatures. It is also considered one of the oldest careers
that known by the human. One of the main objectives in my future job is the continuous
development and getting more different and higher positions, that will be more challengeable
and exciting and give the chance to be more initiative. I want to be a successful in my future job,
active person toward the development of my country and useful to my family to make them
proud and happy. Now, I am studying hard to get more knowledge and gain different skills to
meet my objectives.
Steps of programming
Before going on to discuss the five steps of creating a program it is important to determine what
exactly a program is. A program is a list of instructions that contain data for a computer to
follow. Different programs are written with different languages. An editing program is made
with a different programming “language” than one that uses graphics. Some well known
programming languages are COBOL -business, BASIC -language, and – C which is used in
Programming is complicated process, below is general overview of this 5 step procedure.
1 Clarify Programming Needs
2 Design the Program
3 Code the Program
4 Test the Program
5 Document and Maintain
Clarify Programming Needs
Knowing the objective is the first consideration. Is it a payroll or editing program? Knowing who
the end user will be is also important. Determining the inputs and outputs is next. How will the
program operate and what data is needed to make it happen. After this has been decided
feasibility is the next consideration. How many programmers will it take, is the project within
budget, does the project have a realistic outline. Finally, if the project is a go, then one must take
measures to ensure the project is properly documented and analyzed.
Four mini steps:
Clarify desired processing
Double – check feasibility of implementing the program
Document the analysis
Design the Program
Programs use algorithms which are like equations that tell the computer what task to perform.
The aim of the programmer is to create algorithms that are clear and simple. Algorithms are
expressed first in logical hierarchical form known as modularzation. Using modules or (a
complete thought) the programmer creates a logical thought process for the computer to follow.
After that the program is broken down in greater detail using pseudocode. Pseudocode uses
terms like if, else, and, then to relate the programs rules to the computer.
Two mini steps:
Determine program logic through top down approach and modularization, using a hierarchy
Design details using pseudocode and/or flowcharts, preferably involving control structure.
A module, a processing step of a program, made up of logically related program statements.
A hierarchy chart, which represents top-down program design, explains the main purpose of the
Pseudocode, a way of designing a program which uses normal language statements in order to
describe the logic and the processing flow.
Program flowcharts, graphically shows the detailed series of steps
Three control structure: Edit
Sequence control structure – No decision making
Selection control structure –
Loop control structure/Repetition or Iteration Structure
Code the Program
After the program has been designed it must be coded or written. Using the pseudocode and
logic requirements from step two an appropriate programming language must be selected. As
stated in the introduction, coding languages differ in specifications and usability. Once the
appropriate code language has been chosen, it is imperative that the programmer follow the
syntax rules with as little deviation as possible in order for the program to have high accuraccy.
Two mini steps:
Select the appropriate high-level programming language
Code the program in that language following the syntax carefully
Test the Program
After the program is written it then enters the programming debugging and testing phase of the
Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC). During this time the programmer will be looking for
errors in both logic and syntax, as well as exploring other areas that may cause the program to
either not work properly or to not run at all.
This process is a lengthy and tedious one, oftentimes consisting of up to 50% of a program’s
time in development (Morley 523). However, with a careful eye paid to program design and
coding the amount of time spent debugging can be cut considerably.
As stated, debugging will uncover errors in both logic and syntax. Syntax errors will prevent the
program from executing. They can be such simple things as misspelled words or can involve
breaking the syntax rules of the programming language used.
On the other hand, logic errors will allow the program to run but will provide incorrect results.
Errors of this kind may consist of merely using the wrong relational operator or other, larger,
mistakes in writing formulas.
Once the programmer locates the errors they are then fixed and the program is run again. This
will happen multiple times, often called “execute, check, and correct” (526), until the program
runs flawlessly.
The program will then enter the testing phase.
The Bug hard at work inputting errors.
Testing the program comes in two phases, alpha and beta.
Alpha testing is the process of reading through the program in search of errors in logic. The
second step is to run a diagnostic program to search for syntax or input errors.
Beta testing involves using the program in the real world to see if it contains any bugs or other
Document and Maintain
Documentation should be ongoing from the very beginning because it is needed for those
involved with program now and future. Upon completion User Documentation for commercial
use, Operator Documentation for people who run computer systems, and Programmer
Documentation for programmers charged with maintenance.
Four mini steps:
Write user documentation
Write operator documentation
Write programmer documentation
Maintain the program
Types of networks
LAN — local area network, single farm connected through wires. (Not a server farm)
MAN — Metropolitan area network. When a city or area is connected through internet
WAN- Wide Area Network is when a country or the whole world is connected together.
Topology of a network
Mesh: two way connections in between nodes. It is complex
bus: Single wire shared by multiple computers. If there is a disturbance the whole
network gets disturbed.
star: If one device crashes it doesn’t crash the whole system.
ring: Connected in a circular fashion. Passes tokens between devices. If any
devices crash then the whole network gets destroyed.
Networking Devices
Routers: They help in routing, create a path. It is an IP resolver.
hub: provides half duplex communications.
Switch: provides full duplex communication. It is intelligent because it allows
two way communication.
Bridges: Helps my computer and the network connect to each other. It creates a
Firewalls: Lets some information in and keeps other information out. Accept
information (allowing traffic), reject information (blocking trafic and reporting)
or drop information (blocking traffic without giving a message).
Gateways: Helps block unnecessary data that will come and hamper your system.
OSI: Open system interconnection. First ever structur for web communication
between any two devices. There are 7 layers.
7 server layers.
A network engineer will work on the layers 2–7.
Application layer: produces data.
Presentation Layer: Translation layer. Encrypts and decrypts.
Session Layer: Software layers ^Is responsible for establishment of connection,
authentication and security between the devices.
Transport Layer: Heart of OSN model. End to end delivery of the complete
Network Layer: Transmission of data from one host to the other if both of the
devices are located at different networks.
Data Link Layer: With the data link layer is responsible for node to node
delivery of messages in physical layer.
Physical Layer Hardware layers ^: responsible for actual physical connection
between devices. It carries information in bit format. It has certain functions. It
has certain functions such as bit synchronization, bit rate control.
Firewall functions
accept information: Allows traffic.
reject information: rejects traffic with a report.
gateways: rejects traffic without giving a message.
IP (Internet protocol)
Public IP: Dynamic. Changes every time you connect to the internet.
Private IP: Static.
ipv4: Previously established internet protocol. First version of ip. It uses 32 bit
address scheme which means it has 4 billion addresses. Only has numbers.
ipv6: latest version of ip which is more secure because it uses 128 bit address
Scheme. Has Hexadecimal values.
DNS: domain name.
TCP/IP architectures
Stands for: Transmission Control Protocol
Synchronization: follows it and therefore is good for chatting.
Used at server and client end.
Layer 1: Application and presentation are merged together
Layer 2: Session Layer:
Layer 3: Transport layer network layer and data link layer are merged together
Layer 4: physical layer.
Synchronization: Never follows it, and is therefore good for live
half duplex: two way, but one at a time. Think walkie talkie.
Full duplex: both can send messages and receive messages at the same
bit synchronization: it is like having a clock between the sender and
receiver to control the flow of bits.
bit rate control: bits sent per second, a measuring unit. ie: 30 bits per
Scatter format: breaking up messages into smaller packets which travel
at different rates.
Hyper visor
Virtualization layer: Duplicate servers running as backups. .imaginary
layer, like virtual layer. Lets say we launch in 3 servers. If one crashes it
will slide to the next server. aka VM, Hypervisor.
Cloud computing
Provides the look and feel of a desktop over a different server. Device
which has a browser and an internet connection. You can use this OS on
any device.
Internet based service
On-demand delivery of computer power, database and other it resources
pay per use basis.
Broad network access, you can access different options: tablet iphone
notebook different devices.
Rapid elasticity: compute power grows and shrinks with needs.
Pay for what you use, not what you don’t use.
On demand self service. Whenever you need it, it is available to you.
resource pooling: Large scale it resources to serve multiple clients.
Cloud deployment models: or types of cloud
Public cloud: Made accessible to the general public such as a public
private cloud: Cloud services are fully dedicated towards a specific
organization. If any employee does any work, it will be viewable to
anyone in the organization.
hybrid cloud: combination of both public and private cloud.
community cloud: share between organizations that have similar
requirements such as college campuses. Lets say there is the engineering
branch, the medical branch. they do have similar requirements of a
network and so they share similar infrastructure.
Peripheral devices are those devices that are linked either internally or externally
to a computer. These devices are commonly used to transfer data. The most
common processes that are carried out in a computer are entering data and
displaying processed data. Several devices can be used to receive data and display
processed data. The devices used to perform these functions are called peripherals
or I/O devices.
Peripherals read information from or write in the memory unit on receiving a
command from the CPU. They are considered to be a part of the total computer
system. As they require a conversion of signal values, these devices can be
referred to as electromechanical and electromagnetic devices. The most common
peripherals are a printer, scanner, keyboard, mouse, tape device, microphone, and
external modem that are externally connected to the computer.
The following are some of the commonly used peripherals −
The keyboard is the most commonly used input device. It is used to provide
commands to the computer. The commands are usually in the form of text. The
keyboard consists of many keys such as function keys, numeric keypad, character
keys, and various symbols.
The most commonly used output device is the monitor. A cable connects the
monitor to the video adapters in the computer’s motherboard. These video
adapters convert the electrical signals to the text and images that are displayed.
The images on the monitor are made of thousands of pixels. The cursor is the
characteristic feature of display devices. It marks the position on the screen where
the next character will be inserted.
Printers provide a permanent record of computer data or text on paper. We can
classify printers as impact and non-impact printers. Impact printers print
characters due to the physical contact of the print head with the paper. In nonimpact printers, there is no physical contact.
Magnetic Tape
Magnetic tapes are used in most companies to store data files. Magnetic tapes use
a read-write mechanism. The read-write mechanism refers to writing data on or
reading data from a magnetic tape. The tapes sequentially store the data manner.
In this sequential processing, the computer must begin searching at the beginning
and check each record until the desired data is available.
Magnetic tape is the cheapest medium for storage because it can store a large
number of binary digits, bytes, or frames on every inch of the tape. The
advantages of using magnetic tape include unlimited storage, low cost, high data
density, rapid transfer rate, portability, and ease of use.
Magnetic Disk
There is another medium for storing data is magnetic disks. Magnetic disks have
high-speed rotational surfaces coated with magnetic material. A read-write
mechanism is used to achieve access to write on or read from the magnetic disk.
Magnetic disks are generally used for the volume storage of programs and
There are some peripheral devices found in computer systems including digital
incremental plotters, optical and magnetic readers, analog to digital converters,
and several data acquisition equipment.
III. Grammar rules
1.Explain usage and formation of Present Simple tense (affirmative, negative and
interrogative) and make up sentences. - 2 points.
2.Explain usage and formation of Past Simple Tense (affirmative, negative and
interrogative) - 2 points.
3.Explain usage and formation of Zero and The First Conditional clauses - 2
points .
4.Explain usage of The Second Conditional clause and make up sentences. - 2
5.Explain formation of Special questions- 2 points.
6.Explain formation of 4 Parts of Speech (noun, adjective, adverb, verb) and give
examples - 2 points.
7.Explain usage and formation of Present Perfect Continuous tense (affirmative,
negative and interrogative) and make up sentences. - 2 points.
8.Explain usage and formation of Past Perfect tense (affirmative, negative and
interrogative) and make up sentences. - 2 points.
Explain usage and formation of Present Simple tense (affirmative,
negative and interrogative) and make up sentences
The Present Simple tense is used to describe habitual actions, general truths, and
facts that are always true. It is also used to describe things that are happening
right now.
The formation of Present Simple tense is straightforward. In its affirmative form,
we use the base form of the verb for all subjects, except for the third person
singular, where we add an "s" or "es" at the end of the verb.
Affirmative form:
Subject + base form of the verb + object
Example sentences:
I play tennis every Sunday.
She teaches English at the university.
They love to travel around the world.
In its negative form, we add "do not" or "does not" before the base form of the
verb for all subjects.
Negative form:
Subject + do/does + not + base form of the verb + object
Example sentences:
I do not like spicy food.
He does not work on weekends.
We do not watch TV in the morning.
In the interrogative form, we invert the subject and the auxiliary verb "do" or
"does" and put a question mark at the end of the sentence.
Interrogative form:
Do/Does + subject + base form of the verb + object + ?
Example sentences:
Do you like coffee?
Does she speak French fluently?
Do they live in a big house?
Remember that for the third person singular, we add "s" or "es" at the end of the
verb in affirmative sentences and use "does" instead of "do" in negative and
interrogative sentences.
For example:
He eats breakfast at 7 am. (affirmative)
She does not like spicy food. (negative)
Does he work in the same company as you? (interrogative)
2. Explain usage and formation of Past Simple Tense (affirmative, negative
and interrogative)
The Past Simple tense is used to describe completed actions that took place in the
past, and that have no connection to the present.
The formation of the Past Simple tense is different for regular and irregular verbs.
For regular verbs, we add "ed" at the end of the verb to form the Past Simple
Affirmative form:
Subject + base form of the verb + -ed + object
Example sentences:
I walked to the park yesterday.
She cleaned the kitchen last night.
They played soccer after school.
Negative form:
Subject + did not + base form of the verb + object
Example sentences:
I did not watch TV last night.
She did not visit her parents last weekend.
They did not eat sushi for dinner.
Interrogative form:
Did + subject + base form of the verb + object + ?
Example sentences:
Did you finish your homework yesterday?
Did she call you last night?
Did they see the movie at the cinema?
For irregular verbs, the Past Simple tense form changes and does not follow a
specific pattern, so it must be memorized.
Affirmative form:
Subject + past simple form of the verb + object
Example sentences:
I drove to work yesterday.
She ate pizza for lunch.
They went to the beach last weekend.
Negative form:
Subject + did not + base form of the verb + object
Example sentences:
I did not buy a new phone last month.
She did not write an email to her boss.
They did not see the concert.
Interrogative form:
Did + subject + base form of the verb + object + ?
Example sentences:
Did you go to the party last night?
Did she meet her friends after work?
Did they have breakfast at the café?
3. Explain usage and formation of Zero and The First Conditional clauses
Zero Conditional:
The Zero Conditional is used to talk about general truths, scientific facts or
situations that are always true. We use "if" with the present simple tense in both
Formation: If + present simple, subject + present simple
Example sentences:
If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.
If it rains, the streets get wet.
If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
First Conditional:
The First Conditional is used to talk about future possibilities or events that are
likely to happen in the future. We use "if" with the present simple tense in the first
clause and "will" + base form of the verb in the second clause.
Formation: If + present simple, subject + will + base form of the verb
Example sentences:
If I finish work early, I will go to the gym.
If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home and watch a movie.
If she studies hard, she will pass the exam.
It's important to note that with both conditionals, the order of the clauses can be
reversed without changing the meaning of the sentence.
The streets get wet if it rains.
I will go to the gym if I finish work early.
4, Explain usage of The Second Conditional clause and make up sentences.
The Second Conditional is used to talk about hypothetical or unlikely situations in
the present or future, and their possible outcomes. It is used to express an
imaginary situation that is unlikely or impossible to happen.
Formation: If + past simple, subject + would/could/might + base form of the verb
Example sentences:
If I had a million dollars, I would travel around the world.
If it snowed in May, we could have a snowball fight.
If I won the lottery, I might buy a new car.
In the second conditional, the "if" clause is in the past simple tense, even though
the situation is hypothetical or unlikely. The main clause contains a modal verb
("would", "could", "might") and the base form of the verb.
It's also possible to use "were" instead of "was" in the second conditional,
especially after "if I" and "if he/she/it" in formal English.
Example sentences:
If I were rich, I would buy a big house.
If he were taller, he could be a basketball player.
In these cases, "were" is used instead of "was" to express a hypothetical situation
that is unlikely to happen.
Overall, the Second Conditional is used to talk about hypothetical or unlikely
situations and their possible outcomes, and can be a useful tool for expressing
ideas and possibilities that might not be possible in reality.
5. Explain formation of Special questions
Special questions are questions that are formed using a question word (also called
a wh-word), such as "who", "what", "where", "when", "why", and "how". These
question words are used to ask for specific information about a person, place,
thing, time, reason, or method.
The formation of special questions typically follows this pattern:
Question word + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb + object/complement?
Here are some examples:
Who is coming to the party?
What did you eat for breakfast?
Where are my keys?
When will you arrive at the airport?
Why did he quit his job?
How do you solve this math problem?
In special questions, the auxiliary verb is used to form the question. The main
verb is always in its base form, regardless of the tense of the question. The subject
comes after the auxiliary verb, and the object or complement comes at the end of
the question.
It's important to note that the question word can be replaced with a preposition,
such as "for" or "with", to ask about a specific detail related to the noun in the
What is this book about? (question word)
What are you looking for? (preposition)
Overall, special questions are an effective way to gather specific information
about a topic, and are a common form of questioning in everyday conversations
and formal settings.
6, Explain formation of 4 Parts of Speech (noun, adjective, adverb, verb) and
give examples
Sure, I'd be happy to explain the four parts of speech and give examples for each:
Noun: A noun is a word that refers to a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can be
singular or plural, and they can be the subject or object of a sentence.
Person: teacher, doctor, student
Place: park, city, beach
Thing: book, car, computer
Idea: love, freedom, justice
Adjective: An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.
Adjectives provide more information about the noun, such as its color, size,
shape, or quality.
Color: blue, red, green
Size: small, large, tiny
Shape: round, square, rectangular
Quality: beautiful, delicious, smart
Adverb: An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, adjective, or other
adverb. Adverbs provide more information about the manner, place, time, or
frequency of an action or event.
Manner: quickly, slowly, carefully
Place: here, there, everywhere
Time: yesterday, today, now
Frequency: often, rarely, always
Verb: A verb is a word that expresses an action, state, or occurrence. Verbs can be
used in different tenses (past, present, future) and moods (indicative, imperative,
Action: run, jump, dance
State: be, seem, appear
Occurrence: happen, occur, exist
Overall, understanding the four parts of speech is important for constructing
sentences and communicating effectively in English. By knowing the different
functions of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs, you can create clear and
meaningful sentences that convey your intended meaning.
7. Explain usage and formation of Present Perfect Continuous tense
(affirmative, negative and interrogative) and make up sentences
The Present Perfect Continuous tense is used to describe an action that began in
the past and is still ongoing at the present moment. It is often used to emphasize
the duration or length of time that the action has been taking place.
Formation: To form the Present Perfect Continuous tense, use the present tense of
"to have" followed by "been" and the present participle (-ing) form of the main
Affirmative: Subject + have/has been + present participle of verb
I have been studying for three hours.
She has been working at the company for ten years.
They have been playing tennis since this morning.
Negative: Subject + have/has not been + present participle of verb
I have not been watching TV all day.
He has not been feeling well recently.
We have not been practicing our Spanish very much.
Interrogative: Have/Has + subject + been + present participle of verb + ?
Have you been exercising regularly?
Has he been studying for the exam?
Have they been traveling a lot this year?
Overall, the Present Perfect Continuous tense is useful for describing ongoing
actions or situations that have started in the past and continue up to the present. It
is a useful tool for expressing duration and continuity, and can be used in a
variety of contexts and situations.
8, Explain usage and formation of Past Perfect tense (affirmative, negative
and interrogative) and make up sentences.
The Past Perfect tense is used to describe an action that was completed before
another action in the past. It emphasizes that the first action happened before the
second action.
Formation: To form the Past Perfect tense, use the past tense of "to have" (had)
followed by the past participle of the main verb.
Affirmative: Subject + had + past participle of verb
She had finished her homework before she went to bed.
They had eaten breakfast before they left the house.
He had already seen the movie before it was released in theaters.
Negative: Subject + had not + past participle of verb
I had not studied enough before the exam.
She had not traveled to Europe before last summer.
They had not finished their work before the deadline.
Interrogative: Had + subject + past participle of verb + ?
Had you eaten dinner before you came to the party?
Had he finished his project before the meeting?
Had they seen the new exhibit at the museum?
Overall, the Past Perfect tense is useful for describing an action that happened
before another action in the past. It helps to establish a clear sequence of events
and can be used in a variety of contexts and situations.