ASSET TABLES AND ITS RELATIONSHIP 2 CONTENTS Asset Asset Management Asset Tables Asset Fields Table relationship Summary ASSET An IT asset is any company-owned information, license ,system or hardware that is used in the course of business activities Assets in service now are divided into 3 types: i. Software Assets ii. Hardware Assets iii. Consumable Assets Assets have a limited amount of time for use, and an organization can maximize their value with proper management. 3 4 ASSET MANAGEMENT Asset Management refers to the systematic approach to track, maintain, and optimize assets(software licenses, hardware assets) throughout their lifecycle. Goals: Control purchased inventory and usage while reducing costs Manage the asset life cycle from planning to disposal of strategic assets Achieve compliance with relevant process, standards, and regulations Improve the end-user experience with faster procurement and deployment of assets Efficient asset management ensures cost-effectiveness, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency. 5 ASSET TABLES 6 Asset (alm_asset) The Asset table (alm_asset) stores detailed information about individual assets within an organization. It includes fields such as asset tag, serial number, assigned user, location, status, and lifecycle stage. Assets in this table are linked to corresponding CIs in the cmdb_ci table. Asset Staging (alm_asset_staging) The Asset Staging table (alm_asset_staging) is used during the import process to stage asset data before it is committed to the Asset table. It allows for data validation, mapping, and transformation before assets are officially added to the system. ASSET TABLES Asset Contract (alm_contract) The Asset Contract table (alm_contract) tracks contracts associated with assets. It includes details such as contract type, start date, end date, vendor, and contract terms. Contracts can be linked to individual assets or groups of assets. Asset Type (alm_asset_type) The Asset Type table (alm_asset_type) categorizes assets based on their type, such as hardware, software, or consumables. It allows for better organization and classification of assets within the system. 7 Table Stores Asset [alm_asset] Stores general, financial, and contractual information about assets. Asset Entitlement [alm_entitlement_asset] Enables ServiceNow to categorize the Asset Entitlement table and enforce how entitlements behave. Consumable [alm_consumable] Stores data about consumable assets (previously known as parts). Default Stockroom [alm_user_stockroom] Stores the relationship between a user and their default stockroom. Fixed Assets [alm_fixed_assets] Stores fixed assets, which are containers that can hold multiple assets. Fixed asset to asset [m2m_fixed_asset_to_asset] Stores associations between fixed assets and assets. Hardware [alm_hardware] Stores general, financial, and contractual information about hardware assets. License Entitlement [alm_entitlement] Stores entitlements that permit users or machines to use a software license. Software License [alm_license] Stores general, financial, and contractual information about software license assets. Stock Rule [alm_stock_rule]: Transfers stock or sends an email message to the asset manager when a specified asset drops below a set threshold. Stockroom [alm_stockroom] Stores information about stockrooms. Stockroom Model [alm_m2m_stockroom_model] Tracks all models that have ever been stocked in a stockroom. This table is automatically populated. Stockroom Type [alm_stockroom_type] Stores general information about stockroom types. Transfer Order [alm_transfer_order]: Contains data about transfer orders, including the state and stockrooms. Transfer Order Line [alm_transfer_order_line] Contains data about individual assets being shipped with a transfer order. User Entitlement [alm_entitlement_user] Enables ServiceNow to categorize the User Entitlement table and enforce how entitlements behave. 8 ASSET FIELDS The following field data is collected at the asset table • General asset Characteristics • Asset Location • Associated Responsibilities • Financial Data • Depreciation • Disposal • Contractual Data • Associated entitlements • Related activities 9 TABLE RELATIONSHIP 10 • One-to-Many Relationship: A single CI in cmdb_ci can have multiple hardware asset and software asset components • Many-to-Many Relationship: An asset can have multiple users assigned to it, and a user can access multiple assets. TABLE RELATIONSHIP ServiceNow uses relationships between tables to establish connections and maintain data integrity. Key relationships include: 1. Asset to Asset Type: Each asset is associated with a specific asset type(Hardware/Software) 2. Asset Type to Asset Subtype: Asset types are further categorized into subtypes(In software, License/ compliance) 3. Asset to Asset Status: Assets are assigned a status indicating their current state. 4. Asset Assignment to Asset: Links assets to users, departments, or locations. 5. Asset to CI (Configuration Item): Integrates asset management with the CMDB for broader IT management. 11 SUMMARY 12 • Asset Management in ServiceNow offers a comprehensive solution for organizations to effectively manage their assets with the help of tables throughout their lifecycle. • By leveraging interconnected tables and relationships, ServiceNow enables centralized asset tracking, optimization, and compliance. • Embracing best practices and addressing challenges can maximize the benefits of Asset Management. THANK YOU