Uploaded by adya shaleha

Video Observation Form: Teacher Performance Evaluation

Video Observation Form
Teacher’s Name: Adya Shaleha
Observer’s Name: Kristen zhou
Instructions: Watch each 5-minute recording of your partner's activities. You will find your
partner on Talent LMS in the Week 4-5 Assignment task. As you watch the video, answer the
following questions. When you have finished, upload the observation sheet to the discussion
forum in the Week 4-5 Assignment task.
* You will find the course/level and ages in the title of the video. Your answers to each question
can be brief, if you are addressing the main point of the question and providing your peer with
useful feedback.
*Course and level:
Class #1
*Ages of Learners:
Lesson Aims: Based on what you saw, what do you think the aims of the lesson were?
Read and listen to the reader
Engaging Learners of different ages:
A) Think back to the “Engaging different ages of learners” input. What do you notice in your
peer's video that demonstrates what we learned?
The interaction patterns.
Motivating Learners:
B) Did the learners seem motivated throughout the activity? What evidence do you have to
support this?
Yes, she invited students to be ‘teachers’ and children love this role play.
C) What did the teacher do to maintain learner motivation throughout the task?
Role assignment and ask other students to repeat after the student; help one little girl to stay
focused and constant checking their reading.
Using Reward Systems:
D) Was a reward system used? If yes, was it necessary to use a reward system, or could
something about the task be changed to make it more motivating?
There was no significant sign of a reward system being used.
The teacher could divide students into two groups to race reading.
E) Did the learners respond well to the reward system? What did they do to indicate this?
There was no reward system.
Varying Interaction Patterns:
F) What interaction patterns were used during this class?
Small groups and town hall.
G) Was this interaction pattern appropriate for this task?
Yes. To gather students in a circle and read the story together.
H) Did the teacher support learners to successfully interact with other students (not the teacher)
during this task? If so, how did they accomplish this?
Yes, she reminded students to follow the previous students and asked students who is the next
‘teacher’ to keep student paying attention to the participants.
Reducing Student Wait Time:
J) Did you notice wait-time during this activity? Was it negative or positive?
Yes, positive.
K) What actions did the teacher take to avoid negative wait time?
Pay attention to those students and remind them to stay focused by pointing to the content or
holding the book appropriately.
*Course and level:
Class #2
*Ages of Learners:
Lesson Aims: Based on what you saw, what do you think the aims of the lesson were?
Define social media.
Draw a mindmap about the definition of social media.
Engaging Learners of different ages:
A) Think back to the “Engaging different ages of leaners” input. What do you notice in your peer's
video that demonstrates what we learned?
Concrete operational stage:
Begin using inductive logic, or reasoning from specific information to a general principle.
Motivating Learners:
B) Did the learners seem motivated throughout the activity? What evidence do you have to
support this?
Yes, they actively participated in the mind map activity and shared their own opinions.
C) What did the teacher do to maintain learner motivation throughout the task?
Through appropriate activities as mind map and discussion to get them thinking and motivated.
Using Reward Systems:
D) Was a reward system used? If yes, was it necessary to use a reward system, or could
something about the task be changed to make it more motivating?
I think they are already very motivated.
E) Did the learners respond well to the reward system? What did they do to indicate this?
There was no reward system.
Varying Interaction Patterns:
F) What interaction patterns were used during this class?
Whole class, small groups and town hall.
G) Was this interaction pattern appropriate for this task?
H) Did the teacher support learners to successfully interact with other students (not the teacher)
during this task? If so, how did they accomplish this?
Yes. The students were listening to each other’s sharing. The teacher will discuss and ask
questions to students being alert.
Reducing Student Wait Time:
J) Did you notice wait-time during this activity? Was it negative or positive?
Yes, positive time during the students drawing mind maps and when students sharing their ideas.
K) What actions did the teacher take to avoid negative wait time?
Set a timer to their activity and organized questions.