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Antonio was a wealthy merchant in the city of Venice

Antonio was a wealthy merchant in the city of Venice. He was a leading citizen, commanding
great respect. When he was first introduced to us in the play, he was in a miserable mood. He
told his friends that his misery was something natural to him, something temperamental or
inborn. He said that he looked upon this world as the stage of a theatre on which every man
has to play a part, his part being that of a sad man. Thus, being miserable may be regarded as
one of the principal traits of his Character.
Another major trait of Antonio’s character was his capacity for friendship and his profound
affection for Bassanio. Bassanio had once before taken a loan from Antonio but had not repaid
it; and now again he needed money badly. This time he again asked Antonio for a loan. Antonio
has no cash in hand at that moment, and yet he would not like to disappoint his friend.
Antonio willingly signed a bond with the moneylender to meet the needs of this friend
Bassanio; and this act on his part showed how much he loved Bassanio. He was really a friend
in need. He was willing to risk his life for the sake of his friend.
Antonio – Antonio is a kind-hearted man who lends money to needy people without charging
any interest from them.
Antonio is not at all greedy. Antonio is almost indifferent to wealth.