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Linear Algebra Applications in Daily Life

Linear Algebra:
A branch of mathematics that deals with linear
equations and their representations in vector spaces and
through matrices.
Applications of Linear Algebra in daily life:
It is widely used in different fields, some of them are
given below:
 Computer Graphics:
Linear algebra is used in computer graphics
to render realistic 3D models. It helps
manipulating 3D models and projecting them onto a
2D screen.
 Google PageRank Algorithm:
Google’s PageRank algorithm, which ranks
web pages in search engine results, is based on the
concepts of linear algebra.
 Cryptography:
Linear algebra plays a crucial role in
cryptography. It is used in encoding and decoding
messages to protect data.
 Physics:
In physics, linear algebra is used to study
physical phenomena like quantum mechanics, wave
behavior, and the general theory of relativity.
 Economics:
Linear algebra is used in economics to
model and solve systems of linear equations, which
represent different economic variables.
 Engineering:
In engineering fields like civil, electrical,
and mechanical, linear algebra is used in signal
processing, control systems, and optimization.
 Machine Learning:
In machine learning and data science,
linear algebra is used in regression models,
clustering, dimensionality reduction techniques like
PCA, and much more.
 Navigation Systems:
Linear algebra is used in GPS and other
navigation systems to calculate routes and distances
between different points.