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Wushuang (1)

Arc 1 - High Winds At The Outskirts Of The Capital
Chapter 1 – Jade guan and white robes, wide sleeves billowing in the air
The Northern wind bellowed, the Spring wind grew with restlessness.
In these recent three months, the frontier pass remained quiet.
For a moment, a glint of blue was still visible in the sky. Yet, in the blink of an eye, chill winds arose as
dark clouds gathered, forming a blanket of darkness above one’s head, like a dark shadow that couldn’t
be dispersed, weighing on the hearts of the people.
Yuchi Jinwu was feeling the obvious diminishing speed of his travelling company, couldn’t help sweeping
the curtains aside, reaching his head out to take a look.
Winds swept in, bringing with it grains of sand. His beloved concubine let out a gasp and hugged his
shoulders immediately.
“My Lord, would we be able to reach the city before nightfall?”
The melodious voice soothed the worry in Yuchi Jinwu’s heart. He patted his concubine on her thigh in a
symbolic way, feeling the richness of her tender skin through the thin robes. One could imagine tearing
away that annoying fabric and touching the smoothness underneath it. However, currently, he had no
desire to flirt with his beloved concubine.
“I suppose so.” Yuchi Jinwu furrowed his eyebrows, answering in uncertainty.
He was a member of the royal family of the Kingdom of Khotan. Acting upon the orders of the Khotan
King, he came forth to the Central Plain to offer tribute to the Emperor there.
At this moment in the Central Plains, the Great Sui had just been established, becoming the new
monarch of the Northern Imperial Dynasty.
Emperor Yang Jian’s ambitious and intriguing efforts made the vitality of this new dynasty just like the
infinite brilliance of the rising sun, and even the southern Chen Dynasty also sent forth an ambassador
to congratulate them.
Although Khotan was situated in a place outside the Plains, posing only as a small kingdom, they were
often harassed by the Göktürks. Once the King of Khotan heard tidings of the Sui Empire moving into the
new capital this year and proclaiming a general amnesty, he did not hesitate to grab this chance to send
forth Yuchi Jinwu as an ambassador with a hefty gift to Daxing City to meet the Sui Emperor. His first
goal was to cultivate a good relationship, and his second goal, — to implore the Sui Empire to send out
troops to protect Khotan.
Who could’ve known that this trip was ill-fated?
When they left Khotan, the men of his group fell ill all of a sudden when they were passing through
Qiemo, vomiting incessantly. It took them a good few days to recover before embarking on the journey
again. Then, they got caught up in terrible weather such as this; Yuchi Jinwu felt irritated and worried.
He wished from the bottom of his heart to put on a pair of wings and just fly to Daxing City immediately.
He couldn’t help but glare at the corner of the carriage.
Two chests sat there, used to store Yuchi Jinwu’s belongings and clothes. Since the carriage was quite
spacious and the chests weren’t large, Yuchi Jinwu purposely ordered the servants to bring them into his
carriage so that they needn’t be placed at the rear of the group.
His concubine noticed his trail of sight, and giggled, “My Lord, could it be, that you’ve hidden a beautiful
woman in that chest?”
Her words lifted the anxiety in Yuchi Jinwu’s heart. “If it is a great beauty, what would you do?”
She teased, “Then I would have no choice but to share you!”
Yuchi Jinwu laughed and took her into his arms. They were stuck skin to skin, flirting about. Yuchi Jinwu
could feel his worries dissipating.
“If I told you, you must not disclose it to anyone. At the very least, before we arrive in Daxing City, do
not breathe it to another soul.”
The more secretive and serious he was, the more his concubine grew curious, pulling at his sleeves as
she coaxed him while grumbling now and then.
Only then did Yuchi Jinwu say softly, “In that chest, there is a tribute.”
She asked, “Aren’t tributes usually placed inside the last carriage?”
Yuchi Jinwu replied, “Those are only for ordinary tributes. With merely gold and silver treasuries, how
would they be considered anything in the eyes of the Sui Emperor — the monarch of a large nation?”
The concubine asked curiously, “We are only a small kingdom. What treasuries would we have that
would appeal to the Sui Emperor so much so that he must have it? Unless it’s some sort of a rare jade?”
Yuchi Jinwu pinched her cheek, “Smart. It is related to jade, but it’s not just any jade, it is the Jade of
Heaven’s Lake.”
His concubine squealed, “That legendary jade that can make one immortal?!”
Before she could finish, Yuchi had already covered her mouth. She acted quickly upon seeing the serious
glare in his eyes and apologized, “I forget my manners. This is one of the Kingdom of Khotan’s treasures.
How could his Majesty bear to give it away?”
Yuchi Jinwu shrugged, “So what if he could not bear to give it away? If his Majesty wants an alliance with
the Sui Emperor, he needs to present something of worth; only then would it be regarded as showing
the utmost sincerity.”
Although the Jade of Heaven’s Lake contained the words ‘Lake of Heaven’, it had nothing to do with
heaven. It was unintentionally discovered by a woodcutter of Khotan who mistakenly entered a cave
and discovered that unusual piece of jade stone. According to the legends, it was as clear as morning
dew with a pool of azure blue in its centre, similar to Heaven’s Lake that was surrounded by snow,
hence its given name.
The woodcutter presented it before the Khotan King, whose mother at that time, was diagnosed with a
strange illness and failed to recover. However, after she was treated with medicine made from a shard
of the jade, she was not only fully recovered, but it was as if her body was wrought anew. This king’s
mother then lived until she was over ninety years old and passed away only just recently.
Because of this incident, the fame of the Jade of Heaven’s Lake spread across the lands to many, it
returned not only one’s youth but could also cure any strange disease in existence and was extremely
powerful for people who were trained in the martial arts. A treasure such as this was coveted by many,
but the Khotan King treated it like a national treasure. No one knew where he had hidden the Jade. The
Göktürks also kept a close watch on Khotan, perhaps hoping to take the Jade of Heaven’s Lake for
themselves one day.
The Khotan King was no fool. He understood the value of the jade but, compared to the destruction of
his kingdom and family, the jade meant nothing. He was willing to give it away if it meant protection for
his people. At the very least, it was better than allowing it to fall into the hands of the Göktürks.
The concubine listened as she thought and said, “But My Lord, is it really alright for just a few people to
protect such a valuable treasure on the road?”
Yuchi Jinwu smiled, “Don’t underestimate the people outside. They are his Majesty’s most skilled
bodyguards. Practically all of them were assigned to this expedition. The fact that they don’t look skilled
is an advantage.”
As he thought, he reminded her again, “Only you and I know of this matter. Do not repeat this to a third
The concubine nodded her head. “I understand the consequences of this. If the information is leaked,
we would be endangered. So fewer the people who know, the better.”
Yuchi Jinwu playing with a strand of her hair, pleasingly said, “You have followed me for four to five
years, and I have always known you were the most understanding one. But you needn’t worry too much.
When we enter the city, the Sui Emperor will send forth men to protect us. When that time comes, we
no longer need to worry.”
As they both spoke, the wind grew harsher and stronger. The horse carriages rattled, creating an
unsettling sound.
Yuchi Jinwu lost all his interest in conversing but instead bit on his lip and stopped talking.
His concubine held his robes tightly, too afraid to even move.
Amidst the sound of violent winds, Yuchi Jinwu heard a wave of noises that sounded like the hooves of
In this wretched weather, whoever the traveller was, they would not be merchants. This could only
mean that it was the soldiers sent by the Sui Emperor.
Yuchi Jinwu shook his head and turned towards his concubine. "Let me go out and take a look... "
The curtains were suddenly withdrawn; a bodyguard peeked in from the outside and said quickly, "My
Lord, the windstorm is too hectic. Let us move forward to take shelter—"
Then everything happened all at once.
The way Yuchi Jinwu felt irritated at being interrupted by the bodyguard to the shock wide in his eyes.
He could only stare at the blood spluttering as the bodyguard's head flew into the air, hitting the roof of
the carriage before falling heavily to the ground, rolling in circles on the white mat before finally rolling
to the side of his foot.
From the side of his ear, his concubine screamed, but her voice sounded far away. He felt a cloth slip
over his ears. He couldn't hear anything but muffled sounds.
A cold feeling washed over him, and he tensed. His heart had long told him to shy away, but his body
could not react in time. From his chest, a sharp pain spread as something pierced his chest and ribcage.
Different shades of red soon coloured Yuchi Jinwu’s vision.
In the end, for one to be alive in one second and be dead in the next only took such a brief amount of
Such was his thought as he collapsed to the ground.
Snow particles flew in the air, enough to cover up all the stains of the world.
Yet covering up was only temporarily. Once the cloud disperses and the snow melts, those stains would
resurface once more.
Dried blood blackened, mixing among the blocks of snow. From a distance, they looked as if they were
stones merely enveloped by the gathering snow.
Among all the dead horses that lay on the ground, there were also overturned carriages and a few
severed heads buried in the snow. Gazing upon the sight, one could tell some time had passed since the
incident took place.
From afar, the sound of horse hooves got louder as a company of men drew near.
A few dozen men approached from the wintry background, their horses kicking up piles of white as they
trotted forwards, their breaths forming puffs of smoke in the air.
Among them, their leader wore a black coat, effectively covering up his neck. The only sound he exuded
was when the wind picked up, his coat billowing beneath the wind.
Behind him, dozens of men followed tightly, their coats buttoned up to the neck in a similar fashion. No
one was willing to expose their skin to such horrendous weather.
They looked as if they’d expected such a gruesome scene. Their faces showed no signs of shock or
disgust. Instead, they acted quickly, dismounting their horses to move forward to take a look.
One corpse lay sprawled on the ground, practically covered by the snow, exposing only a shoulder and
neck as white as snow. A wound stretches across his throat to the back of his neck. From this point of
view, one could see how deep the wound was. His neck was pretty much snapped in two — a
demonstration of the strength of his murderer.
A hand reached out from under a black coat.
That hand was fair, slender and so pale that it looked almost as if the skin was a sheet of glass over
white bones like fine white jade. It was not necessary to flaunt any stylish moves; people would have
already stopped and stared. A pair of hands like these were not hands that commoners would have.
But the owner of these hands did not feel disgusted by the bloodstains. He took a handful of snow
tainted with blood into his fingers, before releasing them and watching the snow particles fall through
his fingers.
The man lowered his head, an eyebrow gradually rising.
The guard on duty who stood by his side was sighing over the fact that he’d missed the chance to bribe
this important guest who came from the capital. Watching the scene, he quickly took out a clean cloth
and mustered a smile on his face.
“Sire, I have a clean cloth here, you—”
Before he finished talking, his speaking adversary shed his coat and tossed it behind him!
The guard watched with his mouth agape when the man’s coat was caught by a young man.
Pei Jingzhe smiled bitterly. “My Lord...”
“Hold on to it,” said the man flatly.
Without the coat, he was practically exposed to the harsh winds and storm. Clad in Jade guan and white
robes, the wide sleeves billowed in the air as the tails of his robes fluttered in the wind.
The men who came with him watched the scene as they trembled, while he alone remained unfazed and
unmoved. Bending his waist and head he continued to examine the corpse.
Göktürks: This is the same population of people ‘Tujue’ (突厥) used in Thousand Autumns/Qianqiu
written by the same author as Peerless/Wushuang. Both works share the same universe. Göktürks.
Daxing City: This is the capital city of the Sui Dynasty in Wushuang. For Thousand Autumns/Qianqiu fans,
the previous capital is Chang’an. Wushuang is set 3 years after Yang Jian took the throne and became
the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty.
Chapter 2 – Cui Buqu
It went without a doubt in regards to the extreme complication of investigating everything that
happened throughout an entire night in such terrible weather.
The place of the unfortunate incident was not far off from City of Six Crafts, so news of the Khotan
ambassador’s murder while he was on his way here spread throughout the city. The County Magistrate
was scared out of his wits, terrified that he would be looped in.
Coincidentally at this time, from the capital, came a few people on the Emperor’s orders to receive the
Khotan Ambassador. Who could’ve guessed that before they could receive him, they had run into a
murder case instead?
The County Magistrate of the City of Six Crafts was trembling with fear, posing inferiority, and he
wanted nothing more but to toss the responsibility away like a hot sweet potato. Yet, what surprised
him was that this important guest from the capital wasn’t easy to get along with at all! He said nothing
about it, but accepted the case and brought people out to investigate.
The County Official Liu Lin raised his head, watching as the wind gradually died down and the snow
coming to a halt. He exuded a breath.
As a County Official of the City of Six Crafts, it would be difficult for him to avoid taking responsibility if
the Imperial Court wanted to investigate the death of the Khotan ambassador outside their city. As he
mused over it, he had no idea which bandit was so bold as to murder the ambassador of another
country. But so to speak he had never heard of any bold bandits in City of Six Crafts. Those who only
seek fights would not have dared attempt to create such a big scene.....
He thought nonsense as he flipped the corpse around to take a look.
The guards were all busy sweeping away the snow that had gathered, revealing seven to eight corpses
that were buried underneath the snow. Most of them looked like the previous corpse, having their
throat punctured was the wound that claimed their life.
Only the man dressed luxuriously in the horse carriage had a hole punctured in his chest.
Liu Lin naturally bent down to pull out a knife from the snow and abruptly exclaimed: “A long knife of
the Göktürks!”
“There’s a long knife here too!” another constable shouted.
As the knife was being lifted, blood was still present on it. This was a weapon that had killed many
Could it be the Göktürks who did it?! Liu Lin felt astonished.
The more he thought about it, the more likely he felt it was a possible theory.
Everyone knew that if the Göktürks and the Great Sui engaged in a war, those who were at the sidelines
would dare not sleep in peace either. For a long time, the Göktürks were displeased at the fact that
Khotan decided to flee and hide under the banners of the Sui Dynasty, so they might have used this
opportunity to murder the ambassador to cause a dispute between Khotan and the Sui Dynasty, turning
them into enemy countries.
Many people came to the same conclusion as Liu Lin.
At this moment, the case was nearing its conclusion, ready to be wrapped up and determine the cause
and reason of the ambassador’s murder, but Liu Lin could not brace himself for the next headache that
was to come: If the Göktürks appeared near the City of Six Crafts, they might have also entered the city
by now. The Linlang guild recently wanted to hold their annual auction event in the City of Six Crafts.
People across the lands—the wealthy, pugilists from all clans and sects—would gather there. Yet at this
moment, they had to deal with a murder case.
He could already foresee the fate that awaited him. If he did not handle his duties well and allowed the
responsibility of Göktürks infiltrating the city to clamp down on his head, he would be doomed.
As he humoured the idea of losing his job soon, Liu Lin could see a foreboding black cloud before his
eyes. He felt his hands and legs weaken.
Among the important guest’s subordinates, there was a young man by the surname of Pei. He got out of
the carriage, holding a small cabinet.
The model of that cabinet was one that was growing popular in the capital as of late. It was small and
had three layers. Behind the third layer, eight columns were present. It was convenient to put things
such as cosmetics and little titbits inside. Placing it in the carriage was indeed convenient and loved by
women. Some wealthy women would even place jewellery and expensive treasuries in them.
Pei Jingzhe held the chest in his hands. Although it was not as lavish as the ones they saw in the capital,
it was still made of good wood and crafted with excellence. Looking closer, one could even see an
engraving of a woman dressed in Khotan traditional clothes dancing.
The third drawer was pulled out.
In the first drawer dried peaches and apricots were placed. In the second, some jewels and hair
ornaments. They discovered some veneer used by women as they opened the third drawer. There were
patterns of fishes, insects, stars and moons cut out using a golden foil.
It would seem like there were women among this company, Liu Lin thought.
This was not surprising. According to rumours, the ambassador of the Khotan Kingdom was a relative of
its king. It was perfectly natural for them to bring a concubine or two when they travelled out of the
kingdom. However, it was regretful that before they could even witness the grandiose of Daxing City,
they had already lost their lives.
“Look around for female corpses.” At the same time, the man also spoke.
When he gave the order, everyone listened to him immediately, dismounting their horses to embark on
the search.
The expensive coat that previously belonged to the man, at this moment, was discarded on the ground
amidst the snow. Liu Lin watched in heartache and muttered to himself, before gathering his attention
and joining the search.
Among this company, except for the mounted bodyguards, there were four carriages present. The
Khotan ambassadors shared one. One was used to carry provisions. Another contained tributes meant
for the Sui Emperor. The last, a smaller carriage, must have been for the female servants of the
ambassador. Soon they discovered two female corpses buried deep in the snow near that carriage. The
very same deep gash across their throats that claimed their lives was observed.
The two maids were quite beautiful. Liu Lin thought that they might both have been the ambassador’s
bed warmers as well as his servants.
But as the man knelt over, his nose nearly touched one of the deceased female maids, almost as if he
was going to kiss her. Watching such handsome features near the face of a deceased that had splotches
of green and black, Liu Lin could not help but shiver.
But the man didn’t seem to care much and remained in that position. He examined the corpse closely,
sniffing all the way down and even reached out to undo the corpse’s collar with his fingers. He looked
exactly like a perverted man! The young man who previously looked very calm also could not bear the
sight before him and shouted, “My Lord!”
“What are you shouting at?” the man replied and walked over to the other corpse and knelt once again,
sniffing for a long time before declaring, “There is another woman. Search for her.”
Was there an extra person like that? Liu Lin was stunned.
The man, a little impatiently, explained, “Inside the carriage, I smelt a scent that I did not find on the
body of these two women. They are not the same. So, there is another woman around. Find her!”
Everyone quickly moved to search, but in the end, they only managed to uncover twenty-one bodies;
other than the two female corpses, the rest were males.
The man spoke to Liu Lin, “Leave one team here to attend the crime scene. Bring the rest of the bodies
So, is it done already?
The Khotan king would want to investigate the murder of his ambassador here. If the bodies were
removed and the sun rose again, all evidence would be wiped out. Then, how would they still investigate
the case?
Liu Lin looked confused. He wanted to ask but dared not to, so he could only look at Pei Jingzhe and
gave him a few hints with a few glances.
Pei Jingzhe sighed. He picked up the expensive coat that was discarded to the ground and braced
himself for a good scolding. “My Lord, are we going to leave? We’re not bothering with the carriages
and the horses?”
The man asked him back, “Tell me, by remaining here, what more can be done?”
Liu Lin was stammering as he intercepted, “Shouldn’t we bring the carriages and the weapons back to be
solid evidence? In the future, if people asked, at least we have something to show them.”
The man replied, “There is no need for the carriages, but the weapons can be brought back together
with the bodies.”
He did not explain himself much as he got up on his horse and turned around. His white robes fluttered
in the wind as he went. The remaining men looked at each other, unsure of what to do.
The constables situated in small regions were not as trained and skilled as those in the capital. To
compare them with men from the Jiejian Bureau, even lesser things could be said. Pei Jingzhe could only
remain behind and give Liu Lin instructions on how to clean up the crime scene. A team of men would
send the bodies and weapons back to the city before returning to Qiushan Manor.
Qiushan Manor was situated in the Southeast of the City of Six Crafts and surrounded by mountains and
bodies of water, offering a sense of quiet amongst restlessness. County Magistrate Zhao’s wife belonged
to a very wealthy family among the locals; thus, this manor had been his wife’s wedding gift. Every
spring break, he would bring his family there to live for a few days. This time, before the ambassador
from the capital had yet to arrive, he had already assigned servants to tidy up the manor. Once the
important guest arrived, they could lead him here directly. If the guest was comfortable, he would also
have fewer troubles to face.
Pei Jingzhe quite enjoyed being in Qiushan Manor, especially when the snow hadn’t fully melted and
branches and new leaves were already beginning to sprout. It had an elegance which he could not find
in the capital, so every time he visited, his mood would automatically turn for the better.
Even if he knew that the Second Commander of the Jiejian Bureau’s mood would be foul for the next
few days.
The copper bell chimed as the man who moved ahead and went back to Qiushan Manor first, arrived.
He looked drawled and lazy, yet his fingers were deft and skilled as they rolled up a letter before
inserting it into a bamboo tube.
Pei Jingzhe could not help lightening his steps, but the other man’s eyelashes quivered as if he already
noticed his presence.
“Send out some men to investigate the woman that ambassador brought with him.” Feng Xiao said as he
passed the bamboo tube containing the letter to Pei Jingzhe.
The county of Qiemo was a place situated between the City of Six Crafts and the Khotan Kingdom. On
the surface, it belonged to the Sui Dynasty. However, the Göktürks and Southern Dynasty were at war
with the county of Qiemo. Hence they had not given much thought to this place.
From the Central Plains to the Western Regions, Qiemo County was a place they inevitably had to pass.
After a long time, this had become a place to restock supplies. People from all across the lands would
gather there to take a breather. The Jiejian Bureau had long since placed a stronghold there so they
could send letters containing information conveniently.
Pei Jingzhe taking the bamboo tube could not help but ask, “Do you have a lead on this case at the
Feng Xiao taking a document tossed it towards him.
Pei Jingzhe catching it clumsily opened it. The ambassador’s name was Yuchi Jinwu, the nephew of the
Khotan King. In the letter, the Khotan King expressed his sincerity and admiration for the Sui Dynasty,
hoping that they could form an alliance and help each other defeat the Göktürks.
The truth was finally out: The Khotan King had wanted the Sui Dynasty to assist them in dealing with the
Göktürks, yet they were also afraid that the Sui Dynasty would impose their rule upon them. So on one
side, the Khotan King strived to form a relationship with the Sui Dynasty, but on the other hand, they
were also wary of the Sui Dynasty.
The royal edict was only meant for the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, but since the ambassador was now
dead, to solve the case, it had become part of the evidence; therefore, it was entrusted to their care.
The assassination of Yuchi Jinwu and his company was neither for riches nor belongings. Yet the imperial
edict was still left in the carriage. Everything was in its place.
Pei Jingzhe closed the royal scroll and after finishing reading spoke to Feng Xiao: “My Lord, a Khotanian
was murdered within Sui lands. This would bring shame to the Sui Dynasty’s pride as well as creating a
discourse between Khotan and the Sui Dynasty. This does seem like something the Göktürks would do.”
Feng Xiao twitched an eyebrow, “They came into our lands and murdered someone. Why did they have
to use a long knife? If they had just used a sword made in the Central Plains, we would not have a lead
to work on.”
Pei Jingzhe touched his chin, “Göktürks have always been impulsive and violent. If they had murdered
under broad daylight, it wouldn’t be unusual. Other than that, now the Göktürks and the Central Plains
are crossing swords. So if they took our weapons, we would’ve known?”
Feng Xiao: “Did you not notice, in that carriage, something else was missing?”
Pei Jingzhe thought long and hard. The royal scroll, which was the most important evidence, was still left
there. What else could have been missing? The tributes brought in by the Khotan ambassador were all
there as well….
Suddenly, a light of knowing flashed across his eyes, “The tribute list! We did not find any list concerning
the tributes.”
Feng Xiao let out an ‘Mn’ as if he felt that Pei Jingzhe wasn’t entirely beyond hope.
Pei Jingzhe had long since gotten used to the Second Commandant’s queer mannerisms, so he was
surprised to receive approval from Feng Xiao. He added further, “The murderer took away the tribute
list, could it be that they took one of the tributes and didn’t want us to know? But then we only need to
ask the Khotan King, and all will be clear.”
Feng Xiao, “The time which takes for travelling to and fro would be enough for a lot of things to be done.
Fetch me that cabinet you found earlier.”
Pei Jingzhe obeyed and brought out the cabinet, pulling each drawer open.
Feng Xiao, “Something is missing.”
Pei Jingzhe looked shocked. He hadn’t noticed anything missing even though he looked for a few times
But if he dared speak that thought out loud, he would certainly be scolded. So Pei Jingzhe only answered
honestly, “I apologize for my slowness. My Lord, please enlighten me.”
Feng Xiao, “Cosmetics.”
People who were able to remain by the Second Commander’s side would never be too stupid. Pei
Jingzhe immediately connected the dots.
“There are veneers in the cabinet, so there should also be lipstick and perfume. But the perfume and
fragrance in the carriage are not of the same scent found on those two maidservants. Thus there
should’ve been another woman; in fact, it is likely a beloved concubine of Yuchi Jinwu. Was she
kidnapped? No, that’s not right. The cabinet is neither messy nor haphazard. Everything is neatly placed.
When she was taken, it surely wasn’t out of force…”
When he reached at the end of his analysis, he exclaimed, “The murderer is the missing woman?!”
Feng Xiao flipped his sleeves, “She might not be, but she is certainly related to the case. The murderer
used long knives, but they might not be Göktürks. Look into the matter and report to me in three days.”
Pei Jingzhe nodded in shock, “Yes, sir.”
Three days is not a long time, but it’s not a short time either. The days went by lazily, and it was arduous
to sit through them.
Pei Jingzhe knew Feng Xiao’s mannerisms. Three days meant precisely three days. He would not stand a
delay of even an hour. So at Feng Xiao’s order, he sent messenger pigeons and at the same time sent
out men on horses. The pigeons he sent out in Qiemo were met with a windstorm and never returned.
Thankfully, he had prepared backup plans. On the third day, the men he sent out returned with letters.
Feng Xiao spoke with half-lidded eyes, “Speak, speak.”
Pei Jingzhe replied with sincerity, “Yuchi Jinwu came to the Central Plains a few years ago; he met a
woman in the City of Six Crafts by the surname of Qin. After many pursuits, he took her as his concubine
and brought her back to Khotan. Yuchi Jinwu highly treasured Maiden Qin. Whenever he came to
Central Plains to offer tributes, he would bring her along. After the travelling group was annihilated, it is
very likely that it was this Maiden Qin who went missing.”
Feng Xiao, “Is that all?”
Pei Jingzhe continued, “As to where this Maiden Qin lives, we have investigated into it. It was a long
journey there, but I’ve managed to find something. Her parents are both deceased; thus, she lived in the
house of her aunt. After she left with Yuchi Jinwu, her aunt also moved with her. According to her
neighbours, she’s very religious. Before she got married, she would always go to the Jade Buddha
Temple and Zixia Daoist Temple. Every month on the first lunar day and the fifteenth lunar day, she
would go there to pray in person.”
Feng Xiao finally widened his eyes, “Ha! After speaking for so long, this was the only useful
Pei Jingzhe replied, feeling wronged, “Then, I also need to finish saying the first part before I can
proceed to the last part! The Jade Buddha Temple has been greatly welcomed and usually always
crowded, but the Zixia Daoist Temple is a bit strange. Abandonment has filled this temple for quite a
long time. You would seldom see any soul there. If this Qin lady wanted to pray, why not look for a more
rowdy temple?”
Feng Xiao remained quiet, so he continued on, “It’s quite strange though that two months ago the Zixia
Daoist Temple received a new Temple Master. Immediately after, it became crowded again. Everyone
says that the healing arts of the Zixia Temple are excellent, and the new Temple Master there is
generous and kind. As long as there's a call for help, he would answer it.”
Feng Xiao, “What is the name of this new Temple Master, and what of his background?”
Pei Jingzhe, “His surname is Cui, his full name is Cui Buqu. I heard he’s a travelling Daoist, although his
real background remains unknown.”
Cui Buqu1.
To refuse to go where? And why?
The earth beneath the heavens is vast, is there a place forbidden to go?
Feng Xiao clicked his tongue at the name, the corner of his lips curved upwards in a smirk.
Indeed, this is very interesting.
[1] Cui Buqu: Cui is a surname. Buqu (不去) literally means ‘refuse to go’ or ‘not going’. It’s a very
unusual / strange way to name someone in that manner.
Chapter 3 – When He is Here, It is As If God Himself Is Here.
Opposite to the Qiushan Manor, Northwest of the City of the Six Crafts, there was a Daoist Temple.
This temple came into existence during the former dynasty, but when the old Temple Master died, all
the Daoists of that temple left. The years passed with no prayers or incense offered, and its name faded
slowly. The young might not have even heard of the name.
All was gloomy until the new Temple Master arrived.
On the third day of the third month, it was the birthday of the Jade Emperor of Heaven.
Visitors surrounded Zixia Daoist Temple on this auspicious day. Practically half of the entire population
in the city had gathered there. Inside the temple, everyone held three incense sticks. On the outside,
hawkers who received news were selling various foods and fresh fruits for those who had come to pray.
Had it been two months ago, nobody would have imagined that this nearly abandoned temple would
rise again similar to a wilted tree whose life had been restored, welcoming so many audiences and
visitors. There was even no need to refurnish. At most, it was solely changing some old tiles from the
roof that was leaking water when it rained and removing all the dead plants scattered around the place.
However, to the local citizens, the smoke of joss sticks was as thick as ever, and incense filled every
corner of the temple. It seemed as though it grew holier compared to before.
The mountains need not be so high, as long as Immortals reside in it; the waters need not be so deep, as
long as dragons live within it. All this had happened only because of the arrival of the new Temple
Madam Zhang was holding tightly to an oil lamp she had just put on the altar, before proceeding to
make her way with great difficulty through the crowd of people. All for the sake of placing her incense
within the pot in the centre of the courtyard and praying for the safety of her family.
Although the people were many, she never thought of retreating. Instead, she blamed herself for
coming late, and perhaps the gods above were displeased with her behaviour. She told herself that after
she placed the joss sticks, she would ask for prosperity, and convince that little Daoist with the best of
her ability to have the Temple Master himself read her fortune.
After an hour, finally managing to place her joss sticks, she expressed her gratitude to the gods and
offered her tribute. At this time of the day, the sun was already high up in the sky. The Zhang woman’s
makeup ruined by the steamy air within the temple was starting to fall apart. Boisterous noises
continued to surround her, shoulders brushing against one another. A lot of people were similar to
her—they never intended to back out, all the more they experienced excitement, feeling as though they
were accomplishing a holy achievement.
She lived in the East of the city with her husband who owned two shops. Her situation was arguably
pleasant; moreover, she shared a good relationship with her husband. Alas, they were unfortunate as
they only bore a son when they were both in their middle ages. They treated their son like an invaluable
piece of treasure, but who could have guessed that two months later, their son had a fever and almost
passed away. Both husband and wife visited every single temple and burned innumerable joss sticks, yet
it was futile. Soon they heard of the peerless, unrivalled physician that became the new Temple Master
of Zixia Daoist Temple. Even prayers from citizens who went to the temple came true. She was
desperate and did not care which doctor she invested her money in, so she had rushed to his doorstep
to ask for help. In the end, he saved her son, and from that day onwards, the money she would usually
donate to the Jade Buddha Temple, she now gave to the Zixia Daoist Temple.
The City of the Six Crafts was not vast, so news of the Zhang family’s son spread far and wide. An
increasing number of people came to Zixia Daoist Temple, and within a single night, it became wellknown, rivalling the Jade Buddha Temple in terms of popularity and became the most famous temple in
the city.
She took out a cloth to wipe her sweat. It wasn’t easy to squeeze into the temple, but she was told that
the Temple Master would not be reading fortunes today; instead, he would be in the courtyard relaying
the lore of Daoism. The woman was illiterate, but due to her trust in the Temple Master, she still
decided to attend his speech.
A she went into the courtyard, she was shocked.
It was practically filled with people, some were even standing outside. Yet they weren’t creating a
ruckus, only few mutterings here and there were heard, but their voices were hushed.
From a distance, she could finally see the Temple Master Cui.
He was sitting underneath an eave and on top of a stage, his eyes smiling as he watched the crowd of
people gathered there. Madam Zhang was stunned. She remembered the Buddha statues in the
temple—his eyes shared the same look as those statues. The same look of kindness and gentleness.
Temple Master Cui’s complexion looked paler in comparison to the last time she saw him. It could also
be because he was sitting outside in the open, and it was the doing of the sunlight.
Madam Zhang often came to offer prayers and once, she overheard that Master Daoist Cui’s health was
not actually in its optimal state. However, no one knew the reason behind it. Madam Zhang, as a
married woman, had decided not to pry.
Even though there was some distance between them, nobody was interrupting his words. So Temple
Master Cui was heard clearly throughout the hall by everyone.
He did not sound sickly, just patient and gentle.
Similar to a cup that was neither too cold nor too hot and that could hold the tea inside of it just right,
allowing its fragrance to fill the room.
When he was here, it was as if God himself was here.
“The topic today is about causality.” Madam Zhang heard Temple Master Cui say.
Everyone gasped lightly, showing a look of concern on their faces.
Temple Master Cui continued to smile as he spoke. “Most people might think that only Buddhists speak
of causality, but Daoists like us also speak of causality. The book ‘Treaties of the Response of Dao’
speaks of Dao. It conveys the meaning that regardless of a blessing or curse, it is never fate or destiny. It
is solely related to you and your conduct. The kindness you show shall come back to you.”
It didn’t matter whether she knew what he was saying at all. She had never so much touched a book.
Usually, the most she’d do was go to taverns to listen to storytellers speaking of life in the Jianghu. But
the talk of moral principles of the world gave her a headache.
However, right now, it was unknown whether it was due to many people listening together, or owing to
the fact that Temple Master Cui was speaking in deep volumes with laymen terms, she not only
understood what he was saying, but she also did not feel it was irritating. Instead, she felt
enlightenment in her heart.
“Let us use Madam Zhang as an example.”
Hearing her surname, she immediately paid attention. Initially, she thought that someone else shared
the same surname as her, but as she looked up, Temple Master Cui was looking at her, as well as the
entire courtyard of people.
Her ears grew red. She had never been put in a position where she was the centre of attention; she
didn't even know where to put her hands and feet.
“A while ago, Madam Zhang’s son was plagued by a serious disease. It was practically incurable. I believe
everyone has heard of it. If not for her usual kind deeds, accumulating merit for the Zhang family, how
would a terrible incident like that end so well?”
Madam Zhang had never expected Temple Master Cui to praise her so. She could not help but blush
madly. Even when she spoke, her voice stammered, “My husband and I only followed our hearts. We do
not deserve such praise from the Temple Master! When my son was ill, it was all thanks to Temple
Master’s brilliant skills. The entirety of the Zhang family, from top to bottom, will be forever grateful!”
Temple Master Cui’s smile deepened, “Such a brilliant example of ‘follow your heart’, you speak of it as
if it was so simple, and yet how many people in this world can achieve that? If we should discuss this
fact at length, wasn’t it because I also received the guidance of numerous tutors, that I have come to the
Zixia Daoist Temple in the end?”
Everyone agreed with him, once more, impressing Madam Zhang. From doubt, she found envy.
Madam Zhang’s face was red all over. In all the years she had lived, this was the first time someone had
praised her for her kindness, and the one who complimented her was a famed Daoist from a famed
temple. She could not wait to return home and share the story with her husband. She decided in her
heart that the next time she would visit Zixia Daoist Temple, she would offer more fragrant oil money.
In the corner of her eye, Madam Zhang suddenly felt a prick of pain. She assumed it was some gold or
silver item that was reflecting the sunlight.
As she gathered her focus, she realized it was something flying across her view, like a bird flapping its
Madam Zhang who could not help but blink, saw a grey shadow lunging itself at Temple Master Cui, a
long sword in its hands giving the impression of wanting to kill Temple Master Cui with a single strike!
The sword was only half an inch away from his heart. Even if the people standing around him acted
quickly, they would not be in time to save him. Nevertheless, it all happened so fast. Nearly no one was
able to react.
Attacked by the wind of the sword, Temple Master Cui could not help leaning backwards, but his actions
were of little help to thwart the assassin. In less than a second, the sword would pierce his heart and
turn him from a live man to a corpse.
Madam Zhan could not see any hope for Temple Master Cui. She was so terrified that she promptly
Chapter 4 – My Name is Feng Xiao. I hail from the Jiejian Bureau
The assassin was determined to achieve what he came to do.
Before the sword pierced between his target’s eyebrows, he was already imagining the victory of having
the other’s head in his hands.
This sword could shatter gold and slice jade. Even if the bones were strong, they were nothing in
comparison to the sword’s unyielding steel.
The assassin formerly did not want to deal with this individual personally: a vulnerable and fragile ailing
life. However, he could not refuse the orders of his superiors. If this sickly man does not die, then it
would be him who does.
If nothing went wrong, then in the next moment, the sword would pierce the spot between that
person’s eyebrows with fresh blood rolling down the wound, trickling like a little river down his nose.
This person’s face was as pale as a ghost. No doubt, he had been ill for many years. But as the colour of
blood and his pale skin would contrast each other, it would unquestionably be a view to admire.
The assassin thought secretly to himself: He had seen these types of scenes far too many times. It was
only because this Cui person’s looks weren’t bad, that it made him eager for the aftermath of finishing
his job.
Yet, all his plans failed in the next second.
The assassin’s eyes widened as he glared at the hand that came out of nowhere.
This was an undoubtedly resolute hand - its nails clean and elegant, the bones flawless and healthy. The
colour of the skin was even and fair. Had it been any other day, the assassin would have severed such a
hand and admire it for a few days before throwing it away.
But as of now, he did not have the desire to admire the hand because it had become a curse to him.
With a twitch of two fingers, it split his sword in half! The assassin gaped in disbelief, but he was swift in
his actions. Trusting their instincts was innate for those whose life hanged by a thread. And so, he
managed to avoid a fist aimed towards him.
Furthermore, this was only the beginning. His adversary was clad in white, pursuing him relentlessly.
With only his hands, he could spar with the assassin on equal grounds, despite the later holding a sword.
As both of them engaged in a fight, their moves were too swift for the commoners to follow with their
eyes. Nevertheless, as their conflict intensified, it threw many people to the ground.
Initially, people had crowded the temple, but presently everyone had run away. The only few people left
were the junior Daoists, but even they had to run to hide behind a pillar. Master Daoist Cui was scared
stiff, sitting where he was, unable to move.
With only one look, the assassin knew that he would not win against the man before his eyes.
With this thought in mind, the assassin gritted his teeth and made a decision.
He used the broken sword and tossed it against the man using one-tenth of his strength. At least, he
could delay his adversary and buy time for himself.
But this time was not enough for him to escape, so the assassin lunged himself at the person sitting on
the ground.
He was as swift as a shadow. Master Daoist Cui widened his eyes, pressing both hands on the ground.
He wanted to get up, but due to his body not responding after the shock, he could not avoid the assassin
in time.
“You traitor! Today, you will certainly die!”
He was not sure whether it was his actions or those words, but Master Daoist Cui’s face turned pale all
the more, even letting out a few coughs.
Suddenly, the assassin could no longer move. Turning his gaze downwards, he saw that a broken sword
has pierced through his chest. Blood trickled down, and in that drop of blood, were words of ridicule
said against him, not allowing him to die in peace.
Using a foot, Feng Xiao rolled the assassin’s corpse to the side. Glaring at the bloodstain on the ground,
he took a detour around it and appeared before Master Daoist Cui who had yet to recover from his
“Are you Cui Buqu?”
He stood, tall and mighty, his back against the light, looking as if he was questioning a prisoner.
The junior Daoists finally returned to their senses and ran out of their hiding place.
Cui Buqu coughed for a few times and stood as the juniors helped him up. He wore a simple robe, his
gaze levelling with the adversary.
“Yes, I am Cui Buqu. Much obliged for saving me. Pray tell me, may I ask for your name?”
Feng Xiao walked a few steps forward, walking up the dais. The sun shone atop his head, bringing out his
handsome features.
Cui Buqu had travelled everywhere. He had met more people than the number of grains he ate, but
Feng Xiao managed to make him lose his focus for a second.
The other had sharp eyes as if they could materialize themselves in front of him and burn two holes into
his body. Cui Buqu could feel that very feeling on him.
“May I ask if anything I’ve spoken was out of place? If that is the case, I am still grateful for your timely
Feng Xiao, “Why did he desire to kill you?”
Cui Buqu shook his head, “I have no idea who he is.”
Feng Xiao, “Before he died, he claimed that you were a traitor.”
Cui Buqu, “I have undoubtedly never met him. I do not know why he said that either, perhaps he
mistook me for someone else.”
Feng Xiao smiled faintly, “Zixia Temple is not the only temple in the city, and you are neither the only
Daoist. Why did he not mistake others, but you?”
Cui Buqu’s complexion paled, “Then you should ask him. How would I know?”
Feng Xiao replied coldly, “It’s absurd to ask a dead person. Therefore, I can only ask those who are still
alive. Guards!”
As soon as he spoke, seven to eight men surrounded the entire courtyard.
Two men walked forth and captured Cui Buqu, as well as all the juniors present in the area.
There was no resistance. It was futile.
Cui Buqu said sharply, “Who are you people; how can you naturally capture anyone you wish?! Has the
Sui Empire become so anarchic?”
“You are correct. As long as I suspect anyone, I can capture them. Do you not want to know who I am?”
Feng Xiao took a step forward, holding Cui Buqu’s chin before lifting it upwards to look at him in the eye.
“I will only say this once, so remember it well. My name is Feng Xiao. I hail from the Jiejian Bureau.”
When the Sui Emperor ascended the throne, he created the Three Departments and the Six Ministries.
Other than that, he felt that the Central Plains and the Göktürks were in a state of chaos. So to secure
his power, he established the Jiejian Bureau, together with the six ministries; they would only answer to
him. Even though their tasks were highly confidential, and few people knew of them, the Jiejian Bureau
held immense power to the degree that they were allowed to take action first before seeking approval
from the emperor.
Within the Jiejian Bureau, there was a Blade Stone gifted by the Sui Emperor himself. Those who held no
position in court — sometimes, even the princes themselves — were not allowed to enter the Jiejian
Bureau without first relieving themselves of their swords. Such was the significance of the Jiejian
The incident of the Khotan ambassador’s murder in the Central Plain held a special priority. They feared
that people at court would conspire among themselves, so they assigned a special ambassador from the
Jiejian Bureau to retrieve the Khotan royalty. Because of this, Feng Xiao was sent here, but he hadn’t
expected to be one step too late—the Khotan royalty was murdered outside the City of the Six Crafts; a
woman with him went missing, and so did a tribute list.
The culprit had stolen the tribute list; the person must have also taken one item recorded on it.
Khotan possessed many beautiful jades and rare jewels. Whatever that valuable item was, it had
something to do with jade. Feng Xiao operated within the Jiejian Bureau and knew of many strange
worldly matters. He knew of the Jade of Heaven’s Lake of the Khotan Kingdom. He suspected that was
the missing tribute they were after.
However, this only made the case more complicated.
The culprit had plotted this for quite some time. Perhaps it could have been the Göktürks, but it could
also be someone getting the Göktürks mixed up solely to create a smokescreen.
A response was yet to be sent by the man sent to Khotan, so Feng Xiao directed his attention to the City
of Six Crafts, on the Daoist who became famed within two months of moving here.
“May I ask what alliance is the Jiejian Bureau in the Jianghu province? I am a man with no power or
money, and I seldom interact with people from the Jianghu world. What have I done to offend you?”
Cui Buqu had been taken to Qiushan Manor. The other man did not interrogate him harshly, and he did
not lock him up — of course, he didn’t need to. Cui Buqu was just an ordinary person with no martial art
He sat opposite to Feng Xiao, face to face. Between them, there was even a pot of hot tea, almost as if
two friends were catching up on old times. Cui Buqu was shocked just moments ago, the fact that he
was almost killed felt like a dream.
Feng Xiao told him lazily, “As a disciple of the Liuli Academy Palace in Fangzhangzhou, you have no idea
what the Jiejian Bureau is?”
He took out a jade pendant as big as two fingers and tossed it before Cui Buqu.
“This was found under your pillow. I imagine, Master Daoist Cui, you can cut out the feigned
The Liuli Academy Palace in Fangzhangzhou was an independent alliance. Its disciples did not engage in
Jianghu worldly matters. A few of them had also taken their place in the Central Plains, living as a
vagabond among common men. The most important thing was that the Liuli Academy Palace’s disciples
knew practically everything beneath the skies. Since Cui Buqu was a disciple of the Liuli Academy Place,
even if the Jiejian Bureau was a secretive agency, it was impossible that he hadn’t heard anything about
Cui Buqu sighed. “To be honest, I have heard of the Jiejian Bureau, but I am a simple man, and I do not
deal with imperial officials. I feign ignorance to save me a lot of trouble. Furthermore, you are mistaken.
I am not a disciple of the Liuli Academy Palace. I have a senior who is, though. He was formerly a tutor of
mine. He gave me the jade pendant for the sake of practicality, so I could visit him freely.
Feng Xiao raised his eyebrows. “In that case, from which alliance do you hail? You are a Daoist, learning
how to play as such with words, do you not feel that you’ve shamed your ancestors?”
Cui Buqu replied honestly. “What choice do I have? Daoists also need food to survive. If my speech isn’t
convincing enough, how would Zixia Daoist Temple have the glory it has today?”
Feng Xiao, “Who is Qin Miaoyu to you?”
Cui Buqu, “Who is that?”
Feng Xiao, “The Khotan ambassador was murdered. His concubine—Qin Miaoyu is now missing. Before
she was wedded, she was a citizen of the City of the Six Crafts. She loved to visit the Jade Buddha
Temple and the Zixia Daoist Temple. Two months ago, you came to Zixia Daoist Temple and brought it
back to its glory. Judging by your abilities, you could’ve gone to any temple you wanted to, but why Zixia
Daoist Temple?”
He was forceful as he spoke, and his body kept moving forward, getting closer and closer to Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu wanted to move backwards, but he was held down on his shoulder.
“The scent of Plum Blossoms.” Feng Xiao’s nose was near the other man’s neck. He spoke in a low voice,
“This was the same scent in Yuchi Jinwu’s carriage. What is your relationship with his concubine? Or let’s
say, you masqueraded as a woman, and murdered him?”
Cui Buqu laughed, “Look at me. Even if I masqueraded as a woman, no one would believe it, would
they? If you wear a woman’s outfit, it might suit you more than it does me. As to your plum blossom
scent, today, there were a lot of people at the temple. I don’t even recall how many people I’ve spoken
to, so how should I know if their scent lingered on me?”
Feng Xiao glared at him.
Although the other man pushed all his responsibilities away cleanly, and feigned innocence, Feng Xiao
currently did not have any evidence against him. The way Cui Buqu reacted was too calm. It was a bit
What did Cui Buqu do before he came to Zixia Daoist Temple, and where did he come from? How does
he share a relationship with a member of the Liuli Academy Palace from Fangzhangzhou? Everything
was blurry and made little sense.
“I see that Master Daoist Cui, you’ve decided not to be frank?”
Feng Xiao pushed him away, allowing the other man to be caught off guard, before turning around.
He brushed his clothes as if he was afraid that the dust on Cui Buqu’s body would stain his clothes.
“Do you know why I brought you to this manor?”
Chapter 5 – It Does Not Matter Whether One is Crippled, As Long As There is Still Breath in Him
The manor, compared to the others, did not look any different.
At most, the window papers were thicker, and the roof was lower than the other houses. The sunlight
inside the manor was so dim that even in daylight, candles were lit all over the place. It evoked a strange
feeling of being oppressed.
Other than that, the furniture was complete. If inspected, it still exhibited freshness. Even the gap
between the wooden planks did not gather dust.
Cui Buqu cast a glance over the entire place. “No one lives here, do they?”
Feng Xiao smiled gently, “Merely the servants and maids. I allowed people to refurbish this place so that
it could be a temporary torture chamber of the Jiejian Bureau.”
Being faced with such a threat barely intimidated Cui Buqu, “What you mean is, right now you’re going
to enforce punishment on me?”
Feng Xiao bent slightly, levelling his gaze with Cui Buqu’s, “Just look at yourself—your reaction. You
don’t act or look like an innocent person at all. How can I not be suspicious of you?”
Cui Buqu responded helplessly, “Could you be more unreasonable? If I were to lament of being framed,
would you have let me go? Even if Lady Qin had any relationships with the Zixia Daoist Temple, it is in
the past. I do not know that woman! I presume you have already searched the temple from top to
bottom, have you found anything to be suspicious?”
Feng Xiao, “The grander White Cloud Temple is in the city, why, did you not go there?”
Cui Buqu, “I would rather lead a pack of chickens than live at the tail of a phoenix. Zixia Temple was
deserted. If I could raise it back to its former glory, would that not bode well for me? Furthermore, it
was better than living under the orders of someone else. Surely, you accept this reason?”
Feng Xiao shook his head. “No, it does not make sense. Two months ago, Linlang Guild sent out news
that they would be carrying out an auction in the City of the Six Crafts. At the same time, you arrived.
That coincidence is suspicious in itself. The Khotan ambassador died, Lady Qin and the jade went
missing. For all we know, the jade might even appear at the auction hall. Why did you come? Lady Qin?
Or is it the jade? Where are the things hidden? Zixia Daoist Temple, or the Linlang Guild’s auction?”
Cui Buqu. “The more you speak, the more I fail to understand you.”
Feng Xiao, “That is fine. You can take your time here contemplating. When you’ve made your decision,
you can come to me.”
Cui Buqu, “My health has never been well. I’m afraid I won’t be able to stand any form of punishment.”
Feng Xiao spoke with meaning, “Did you think that physical pain was the only unbearable pain in the
That was all he said. Not even awaiting a reply from Cui Buqu, he walked out.
Pei Jingzhe casting a glance at Cui Buqu, left as well.
In the blink of an eye, everyone in the house vanished.
The few candles present were left extinguished. The door closed, plunging the manor into darkness.
Consequently, the curtains outside were also pulled down. No one knew what orders Feng Xiao gave, for
every window was sealed from the outside and covered up with a black cloth, sealing out every single
trace of light.
Presently in the manor, one could not even see their fingers should they extend their hand. From the
outside — never mind if someone was walking around — the one inside would not be able to hear even
the sound of insects or birds.
The calm of the night brings with it deep, saddened thoughts, as well as the sorrow of scholars, but this
particular silence was one that was accompanied by the gentle breeze and the bright moon. Once
silence reached its peak, it could morph into something extremely terrifying.
Cui Buqu’s face paled the moment he walked towards the closed doors. The helplessness and anger he
had expressed before were no longer present.
When the black curtains were pulled over the windows just now, he even snorted.
Cui Buqu knew what the other man wanted to do.
For one to lose all their senses, to exist in a void of emptiness, one’s mind could drift into uncharted
territories, allowing themselves to be consumed by their thoughts.
Without the sounds of people, even if they shouted and screamed, the only voice they would hear was
their own. To not know if it was broad daylight or midnight — be it two days or even longer, by the
fourth or fifth day, perhaps even after ten days or half a moon, they would soon forget time. Finally,
they would indeed not know if they were still alive or dead, whether they were still in the world of the
living or the underworld.
Even the toughest of men would cower and weep for forgiveness with such consistent tortures.
Cui Buqu had once seen a martial artist with two long swords from the famed Jiangdong Wulin1 living
under a similar environment for half a month. When he finally emerged, his body was riddled with scars
that he had carved himself. He had been injuring his own self to remind himself that he was still alive.
Methods that could kill, such as this, but yet not drawing even one speck of blood were the ways of the
Jiejian Bureau.
Now, this sort of method was used on him, Cui Buqu.
He thought that Feng Xiao had been prepared prior. Even if Cui Buqu had tricks up his sleeves, to live in
this manor for half a month, it was impossible that he would make it. When that time came, he would
answer all the questions he asked without exception. How sublime.
Cui Buqu picked up the mat and walked around the house. He found a pillar and sat next to it, crossing
his legs.
He had no knowledge or skills in martial arts, but he had learned some techniques about meditation in
the past. As he closed his eyes, he began to release his mind, feeling his environment and excluding
himself from all unnecessary thoughts.
Although some monks and Daoists could sit like this for a dozen days, those were the people who had
trained since they were very young. They went on expeditions often and could even fight a winning
match against ten normal people using less than ten moves.
Cui Buqu did not even know how long he could stay like this, but the one thing he knew was that Feng
Xiao would never let him off easily.
Those of the Jiejian Bureau only knew how to use these methods to get what they wanted.
“My Lord, it has been three days.” Pei Jingzhe placed a container of new tea leaves down as he spoke.
“En, three days. So what of it?” Feng Xiao’s head was tipped down, reading the reply he had just gotten
from Qiemo as he answered Pei Jingzhe calmly.
“That Master Daoist Cui has been in the manor for three days. He does not know martial arts. If this
continues, I’m afraid something bad will happen.” Pei Jingzhe reminded cautiously.
“Your own hands are stained with as much blood as all of us. Why are you suddenly feeling sympathy for
a Daoist?” Feng Xiao raised his head to look at him.
Pei Jingzhe exclaimed, “I am simply worried this would hinder your advancement in the case. If he is
suspicious as you say, after he is dead, would you not have lost an important lead?”
Feng Xiao did not respond to him. Instead, he gave him the letter in his hand.
Pei Jingzhe accepted the letter and read it carefully, “It is the Jade of Heaven’s Lake! To gain the trust
and favour of the emperor, his Majesty would send soldiers, to solve the Göktürk problem, this Khotan
king truly did give his everything!”
Feng Xiao said, “Yuchi Jinwu is dead. The Khotan King would send more ambassadors here to deal with
the case. It is expected for the Jade of Heaven’s Lake to be found as well.”
Pei Jingzhe gave a stiff smile, “If this case is solved, I fear you would no longer avoid Princess Lanling. Is
this also not compromising your original intentions of leaving the capital…?”
Before he could finish his sentence, Feng Xiao cuffed him lightly. Pei Jingzhe almost bit his tongue.
Quickly gathering himself, he once again put on a serious look, “According to my judgement, the
disappearance of Lady Qin is related to the Jade of Heaven’s Lake. If we can find her, then we would be
able to find the jade.”
The jade was lost on the outer skates of the city. Carrying the jade, the culprit could only go to two
places: The City of Six Crafts or Qiemo County.
However, Qiemo leads to Khotan, going there would mean going back. The culprit would certainly not
bring the treasure and hide in the wild all the while. So the only possible conclusion was that they were
still in the City of Six Crafts hiding, and making use of the Linlang Guild’s auction event to send it away in
Pei Jingzhe, “Now that we know it is related to Lady Qin, there are three clues altogether. The Jade
Buddha Temple rings no alarms as of now. That might just be the place for Lady Qin to appear normally,
blending into society. At Zixia Daoist Temple, I have brought a few people to search the place and
nothing suspicious is there either. Lastly, there is the house of the aunt that Qin Miaoyu used to live in.
Her family — all six of them, old and young — died in a fire a while ago. The coincidence was that when
they died, it was the same time Yuchi Jinwu departed from Khotan.”
After a while, Feng Xiao did not interrupt him, so Pei Jingzhe continued, “So I suspect that this Qin
Miaoyu might be a false identity from the beginning. She accumulated and lay in hiding so she could
wait for the day that Yuchi Jinwu got interested in her, and so she could go to Khotan with him and get
near to the Jade of Heaven’s Lake.”
Feng Xiao, “She was his concubine for four to five years. How could she anticipate this would happen, a
whole four years ago, that Yuchi Jinwu would be travelling to the Central Plains?”
Pei Jingzhe, bewildered, realized the mistake in his trail of thoughts, “Then, could it be that the real Qin
Miaoyu was switched out even before Yuchi Jinwu was elected as the ambassador?”
If they were planning to frame the Sui Empire for the ambassador’s murder, the best course of action
would be to murder Yuchi Jinwu in the Sui Empire’s palace and steal the jade there. This was the most
effective way to turn Khotan and the Sui Empire into enemies.
However, should they have chosen this method, as Jinwu’s concubine, Lady Qin would have had to enter
the kingdom and interact with her old acquaintances in the City of Six Crafts. Her identity could have
been revealed. It would be a matter of time for her cover to be blown by her most beloved aunt and her
family. This was why her aunt had to die.
Perhaps there were some changes to the original plan that forced Lady Qin to carry her plan out much
earlier than intended. Conceivably the ones who did the murder were not allied with Lady Qin. With all
these loopholes in the mystery, it would be impossible for them to find answers at the drop of a hat.
Pei Jingzhe said, “I’ve followed your orders and allowed Magistrate Zhao to monitor those who enter the
city every day, inspecting them personally to ensure they carry nothing suspicious in or out the city.
However, there are some issues on the side of the Linlang Guild.”
Feng Xiao’s forehead wrinkled, “What troubles?”
Pei Jingzhe gave a bitter smile, “The Linlang Guild holds the support of the Longxi Li Clan and the Boling
Cui Clan. They also have the support of the Princess Leping. His Majesty often feels guilty towards the
princess and has tolerated her on many occasions — you know this. If the culprit is making use of this
fact, then it would not be difficult for them to smuggle the jade out of the city.”
Feng Xiao rose to his feet, “So what if there is the princess? Wouldn’t she have to kneel before her
father and brother, and follow their orders? When will the auction of the Linlang Guild begin?”
Pei Jingzhe replied, “Tomorrow. I have given orders for scouts to keep an eye on the activities going on
in the auction. If there is anything suspicious, immediate action will be taken.”
Feng Xiao said, “Yuchi Jinwu’s murder took place outside the city. This is a serious issue. They would not
be so careless in the future. Caution, for them, is only natural. You…”
Before he could finish his words, a man from the Jiejian Bureau rushed in.
“My Lord, there is a brawl in Ruyi Tavern, someone died! Magistrate Zhao has already sent for people to
invite you to take a look.”
On the usual, no one would dare to bother members of the Jiejian Bureau. If Magistrate Zhao sent
people for him, it could only mean that he dared not offend both parties involved in the incident and
wanted him to secure the fuss.
Feng Xiao hummed, “I will be there.”
Pei Jingzhe quickly stopped him, “My Lord, don’t be in a haste! If that Master Daoist Cui refused to bend
the knee, what should be done?”
Feng Xiao, “Use the naihexiang drug on him.”
Pei Jingzhe’s shocked expression was obvious, “What if he could not stand it…”
Feng Xiao, “It matters not if he becomes crippled, as long as there is still life in him.”
His face was calm, expressionless, with a coldness that seemed to linger.
[1] Jiangdong Wulin: The name of a Jianghu alliance/sect.
Chapter 6 – Does This Name Sound Nice?
The Linlang Guild’s branches spread with prevalence across Nanbei. Every year, an auction simply made
their business even more eventful. Although the Linlang Guild executed the auction in different
locations annually — sometimes in Jiangnan, sometimes in Haibei — today, they were doing it in the City
of Six Crafts. Regardless of whether it was the wealthy, the rich, or commoners and scum, people from
every corner of the world would come to participate.
Watchers would not be able to understand what was going on, they could only understand that there
were a lot of valuable treasures being sold. The truth was, however, while there were a lot of expensive
treasures, there were also goods such as medicine that were difficult to purchase on the market and
manuscripts that were long lost to history and spices that came from Western Regions. For those who
did not want to travel to all corners of the country to purchase them, the auction was a fabulous
marketplace; therefore, it received many welcomes.
Due to Linlang Guild’s affluent and powerful background, those from the pugilist world dare not offend
them. There were little bickerings here and there, but nothing too serious. Every year, the auction went
This year was an exception.
When the Linlang Guild decided to make the City of the Six Crafts their auction place, anticipation filled
the people. The City of Six Crafts was not grand, nor was it a wealthy place; it was not big or famous like
Daxing City. Although it was a city that many travellers would pass by no matter where they were
heading, this was a place near to the Göktürks. It was far from any capitals and did not have many
people. The rich and wealthy did not like coming here, so the participants of this year were a lot lesser
than the last. Most of them were Jianghu pugilists and merchants from Nanbei.
The incident happened outside the branch established in the City of Six Crafts. One man had just walked
out, and among the group of peasants who were simply passing by, someone flew out of the group with
a sword, intending to stab the man. The two men fought. In the end, the attacker bled to death. At this
moment, a woman came out and lunged herself at the man, crying out loud about the murder of her
In a public place like that, the murderer and the victim were both surrounded by the crowd and were
unable to leave. Men from the bureau rushed there promptly and found the murderer’s identity tedious
to deal with, so they quickly called for Magistrate Zhao who begged for Feng Xiao to come and have a
When Feng Xiao arrived, the body was yet to be taken away. The young lady was crying next to him.
Seeing two black shadows moving closer, she stopped crying but did not raise her head. Her eyes were
brimmed with tears as she remained silent.
But Feng Xiao, paying her no attention, instead, moved his gaze away from her to the murderer.
“Was it you who killed this man?”
The young man looking shocked and surprised, naturally, responded darkly. It was clear that he was in a
bad mood, but he couldn’t do much or shout at Feng Xiao since there were many eyes on them.
Magistrate Zhao saw the situation and quickly said, “This is Lord Feng from the capital, Daxing City, by
the orders of —“
He looked at Feng Xiao once. At first, he wanted to name the Jiejian Bureau, but he wasn’t positive if
Feng Xiao wanted his identity revealed, so he changed his words quickly and instead said, “— by the
orders to investigate the assignation of the Khotan ambassador. He came here to help.”
He turned to Feng Xiao and introduced both parties, “This is the chairman of the Linlang Guild, Wen
Liang. The deceased is Ying Wuqiu. The other is his sister.”
Wen Liang took a step forward and said, “I am Wen Liang, you two better know that just now, I was
exiting this building with my subordinates and that man came out of nowhere as he planned to take me
out. Thank god, I am skilled in the martial arts, and could avoid it, preventing myself from being injured.
He indeed died on the spot, but I was not the one who killed him.”
The woman said in anger, “Under broad daylight, everyone saw it! You fought with my brother, and my
brother died after you hit him a few times. A life for a life, what do you say?!”
Compared to the young woman’s temper, Wen Liang looked very calm. “This man schemed against me
first, I, was only defending myself. The few hits I had landed were all non-fatal. Once examined, the
truth will be clear.”
The young woman shrieked, “If it wasn’t for you who murdered our father, how would Brother be so
apathetic about his own life and come to kill you!?”
Wen Liang smiled, “Do not frame others. Since when have I murdered your father? You have got the
wrong person, from the very beginning, everything is a joke!”
The young woman glared at him, holding hatred in her heart, “Wen Liang, even if you turned to ash, I
would still be able to recognize you!”
It was evident this case was complicated. Feng Xiao happened to be the judge, so he made a gesture,
and a few men came forward to bring the related witnesses back for questioning.
The young lady refused to leave but had no choice when she was held by her left and right arm. She
could only look back at Wen Liang with reddened eyes. For one to describe it, if there were indeed
vengeful spectres in this world, she would have run against a pillar and have herself killed, turning
herself into a vengeful ghost to take revenge on Wen Liang.
Yet Wen Liang did not look at her, but approached Feng Xiao and bowed. “Lord Feng, may we speak for
a moment?”
Feng Xiao, “Speak.”
Wen Liang said cheekily, “These few years the Linlang Guild has been fairing well, and there are bound
to be envious people. I have succeeded my parents, and have become the chairman, perhaps this is the
reason so many troubles were drawn to me; so please, I implore Lord Feng and Magistrate Zhao to
investigate this to the very end.”
Feng Xiao, “This matter took place in the City of the Six Crafts. The respective magistrate will take care of
the matter. You may relay this to him, no need to tell me.”
The corpse had been taken away, leaving a trail of blood on the ground, its shade of crimson turning
darker as the seconds ticked by.
Feng Xiao stared at the ground and felt a sudden wind against his ears. As someone who practised the
martial arts, his reflexes were naturally quick and accurate. A needle flew past his body and flew
towards Wen Liang, who was just a few steps away from him!
Wen Liang had not managed to react quickly enough, and his skills were only just moderately above the
average, the reason why he could not avoid such a sneak attack.
Feng Xiao rolled his sleeve, and after a moment, he cast the needle to the ground.
Wen Liang only saw Feng Xiao making a move and even thought that he wanted to hit him, so he took a
few steps back, “You!”
Feng Xiao, “There is a needle on the ground.”
Wen Liang gathered himself and looked on the ground, and saw that there was indeed a needle there.
There was a bluish substance on the needle, perhaps being poison. He raised his head, staring at Feng
Xiao with a judgemental look.
“I have no idea who hates me so much that he wants me dead!” Wen Liang laughed bitterly.
Feng Xiao told Magistrate Zhao, “You may take him back to the bureau first and allow me to question
him personally.”
Wen Liang, “I am no criminal……”
Feng Xiao interrupted his words, “Anyone related to the case, be it innocent or guilty, all suspicious
people will be questioned by me first before any judgements are made.”
Wen Liang, “But I have to be here for the auction tomorrow!”
Feng Xiao, “Aside from you, is there no one else? If that is so, Linlang Guild should just shut down!”
His words were unreasonable, yet it allowed no retortion. Wen Liang looked shocked and wanted to say
something, but Feng Xiao’s men were already holding him down. He laughed coldly as he spoke, “What
is so great about the capital? If I refuse to allow you to take me, what can you do?”
Feng Xiao turned around and stared at him, the light shone in the lines of his face, his eyes as sharp as
needles, enough to pin a man to the ground. “From which corner of the world did you sprout from?”
Only then did he notice that the other man had turned from calm and impassive to irritated and angry.
His nose seemed to have become crooked.
“I am from the house of the Princess Leping, don’t tell me you have not even heard of the princess! If
you have the balls, go to the court and offer your name and place. When I return to the capital and ask
for the princess’ favour, the emperor will surely come to my aid!”
People from the princess’ house would mean that they were simply her servants. When one wants to
punish a dog, they must also regard the identity of their master. If their master was just any ordinary
person, that was fine, but this was the Princess Leping, she was not only the eldest daughter of the
emperor, Yang Lihua, but also the preceding dynasty’s empress and empress dowager. As Yang Jian tore
down the former regime and wrought it anew, declaring Sui for its name, he took the country from his
daughter’s husband and remade the former Empress a princess.
Yang Liuhua was a strict and proper person and disapproved of her father’s actions. However, she was
only a woman on her own, so there was nothing she could do. Yang Jian and his wife wanted to make up
for their daughter; so they treasured, loved, and tolerated her, even more so than a few of their other
sons. Whatever Princess Leping requested, as long as it was not treason, the Emperor and Empress
would not refuse her. Using the princess’ identity was sometimes indeed more effective than naming
any officials in court.
Princess Leping had taken some dividend from the Linlang Guild, and naturally, she became their shield.
Anyone who wanted to threaten the Linlang Guild, when they heard of the princess, they would quickly
retreat. Other than that, the Linlang Guild also had some other support at their backs.
But when Feng Xiao heard the words ‘Princess Leping’ uttered from the other man, not only did he
refuse to grant what he wanted, but the colour on his face had even darkened. His eyebrow twitched,
and he forced a smile, “I am Feng Xiao, I hail from the Jiejian Bureau. Is this name music to the ears?”
The servants from the princess’ house turned deathly pale when they heard Feng Xiao’s name. Minutes
before, they were prideful and stuck up, but presently looking like they had just seen a ghost, they felt
like a thousand needles were pricking their feet. All they wanted to do at that moment was sprout some
wings and fly away.
Chapter 7 – A Stubborn Body That Even Naihe Xiang Drug Is Unable To Tame
Amidst the grand city of the capital, rich folks wandered here and there, low-ranking staffs no better
than dogs, and even some princes who did not gain the favour of the court were even more worthless
than pennies.
However, the current Emperor was an exception. From the time since the current Emperor was still an
official of the court, with only his wife, Lai Dugu, by his side, she wasn’t like other women who only
knew how to hide behind her husband for protection. Many conquests achieved by Yang Jian were
thanks to Lai Dugu’s contribution. After Yang Jian’s ascension, Lai Dugu ruled by his side and became
Empress Dugu, supporting her husband behind his back and ruled over the court together. Everyone saw
her as the second in power next to the Emperor.
Many people also deducted that, between the Emperor and the Empress, not only were they loving, but
also very in sync and helped each other often. Between them, none could be without the other. Because
of Empress Dugu, the current Emperor’s position as the Emperor was more secure than any Emperors
before him. Additionally, the Emperor had pledged an oath that he would never take in another wife.
Thus, every current prince and princess were all sons and daughters of the current Empress.
Princess Leping’s situation was slightly unique. Not only was she the Empress’ daughter, but also her
eldest, and because she experienced a lot of things at a young age, both the Emperor and Empress loved
her dearly. They would never refuse any of her wishes. When Princess Leping’s people walked out in the
streets, everyone treated them with at least three degrees of respect.
Princess Leping had a daughter with the former Emperor, Yuwen Yun. Her daughter’s name was Eying.
Since she lost her father at such a young age, she had the protection of her mother and grandfather who
did not mind the identity of her father, she was also deeply loved. The milkmaid who took care of her
had risen the ranks due to her care, gaining some acknowledgement. Half a year ago, the milkmaid’s son
got involved in a case and was held by the Jiejian Bureau. The milkmaid pleaded Yuwen Eying, and so
Yuwen Eying went to her mother for help.
The princess only had one daughter and could not bear to see her daughter in pain, so the princess took
the lieutenant from her house to the Jiejian Bureau and demanded them to release the milkmaid’s son.
The Jiejian Bureau had three Commanders. The First Commander was the head of the Ministry of
Justice. He did not care much for what happened within the Jiejian Bureau. The one who held real
power over the Jiejien Bureau was its Second Commander, Feng Xiao.
On that day, there weren’t many people. Later on, someone spread rumours that the princess had
brought people to the Jiejian Bureau. Since the princess was there, the lieutenant refused to relieve
himself of his sword despite the Blade Stone being present. The princess also tolerated him, and then
both parties quarrelled. Feng Xiao did not say much, solely taking the lieutenant’s sword and snapping it
into three pieces.
The lieutenant was shocked beyond words. Before he could even react, he was pinned against the
Blade-Relieving Stone1 with all the three broken pieces of his sword. Thankfully, the swords only pierced
his clothing and under his thighs, holding him in place. He stood there, stunned, too afraid to move.
Everyone was shocked and stiff. Princess Leping could not believe that someone in this world still dared
to do this in her face, humiliating her people. She complained to the Emperor. Who could have guessed
that the one who got the short end of the stick was not the Jiejian Bureau and certainly not Feng Xiao.
The Sui Emperor only laughed and said, “Aye, this is the queer temper of the Second Commander Feng.”
That lieutenant was sent out of the country, the princess merely comforted with a few words, and
everything put behind them.
After that time, not only the Princess Leping but the other commoners could also see that the Jiejian
Bureau was no small matter in the eyes of the Emperor. Feng Xiao so treasured as a subordinate of the
Emperor that he even made Princess Leping unable to do anything against him.
Feng Xiao’s name travelled across the capital. Even when others did not speak of it, there was no doubt
that the people from the princess’ house would know about this incident.
As a result, when this person heard ‘Jiejian Bureau’ and ‘Feng Xiao’, his face changed immediately. All he
wanted to do at that moment was just to run away, entirely losing his previous haughty behaviour.
“Perhaps there is a mistake. Since this is the Jiejian Bureau, I will not interfere in your investigations,
please!” The person laughed unpleasantly; his tone quietened down a bit.
Nonetheless, it was not easy to get rid of the Second Commander of the Jiejian Bureau. He raised his
hands and gestured an order, turning to Magistrate Zhao, “These people are related to the case. Bring
them all back for questioning.”
Magistrate Zhao, “This…”
Feng Xiao did not wait for him to finish talking before immediately getting up on his horse, bringing Wen
Liang and the rest of the people who were involved away.
The people from the princess’ house were not willing, but they could not do anything as they were taken
away, glaring at Feng Xiao with an angry look as they obeyed. Even if they were in the capital, and if
Princess Leping came herself, she would not be able to do anything as well, never mind in a place such
as this, yet if Feng Xiao killed him right here, he could still walk away as if nothing happened.
Feng Xiao did not question Wen Liang himself; instead, he handed over the case to Magistrate Zhao.
During this one month, one thing after the other happened in the City of Six Crafts, and so, Magistrate
Zhao could feel his headache getting more and more severe. He could only give it his full attention,
fearing Feng Xiao’s fury if he did his job nonchalantly. He did not dare to question the men of Princess
Leping’s house too much, yet he managed to get the information from the sister. Swiftly, he found the
A few decades ago, there were two families involved. One was the Ying family, and the other was the
Wen family. They were both businessmen of many generations, and their relationship was great. In the
beginning, there was nothing much about them. They were around the same level and were purely
trivial merchants. However, because the Wen family conducted business honestly, they quickly gained
many networks and business allies; and in the end, became wealthy and powerful. On the other hand,
the Ying family had no such luck. Thus, as they bore greed in their hearts and schemed with thieves,
when the Wen family’s father and his eldest son went out on an expedition, they were both murdered in
cold blood. Since the Wen family only left behind children and women, the Ying family took their
business and became wealthy themselves.
The second little Lord of the Wen family, sickly and ill since he was young, lived with his grandfather to
be taken care of. Hearing this story, he grew suspicious and investigated in secrecy, finding the answer
in the end. Wen Liang knew that during that time, he could not do anything to the Ying family because
of their wealth and power, so he left home and founded a business on his own, getting to know many
rich and powerful people, and also got involved in the Linlang Guild, finding more and more about his
father and brother’s death.
At the same time, a new Minister of Justice was appointed. Wen Liang took all the evidence he gathered
towards the Ying family and went to him, from the thieves to the schemes, he showed them everything.
Immediately, the Ying family was under house arrest and investigation. All their riches and wealth were
confiscated, and the Ying’s father was sent out to the outskirts of the country. He died on his journey
The young Ying siblings escaped their fates as they were still young. However, they grew to hate Wen
Liang, and they knew that, for who Wen Liang was now, it was difficult to plot anything against him.
Since they could not kill him, they thought of a method that would bring both of them down at once.
Ying Wuqiu drank some poison at first then tried to fight with Wen Liang in a public place. He allowed
himself to be injured by Wen Liang, the poison took effect, and he died on the spot. Wen Liang,
naturally, could not escape a murder charge.
This case was incredibly complicated, but Magistrate Zhao saw the way Feng Xiao treated the princess’
people and was afraid a small magistrate like him held no value at all, so he worked day and night nonstop; investigating everything and anything. Finally, they found the poison within Ying Wuqiu’s body and
proved that Wen Liang was innocent.
The Ying family schemed against the Wen family first, and the Wen family repaid in kind. Wen Liang told
Feng Xiao that he did not know the Ying sibling, obviously lying to his face; however, the relationship
between the Ying and Wen family was too complicated. When Magistrate Zhao finally reported it to
Feng Xiao, a long time had passed.
But Feng Xiao was not very interested in the case. His attention was on Wen Liang himself.
“The Wen Family, except for Wen Liang, was there no one left?” He asked.
Magistrate Zhao shook his head, “Wen Liang still has a mother who is sick for many years. He is very
obedient towards his mother. His mother is a Buddhist and was not permitted to use such cruel
methods. So during that time, Wen Liang only targeted the father of the Ying family and allowed the
young siblings to live. I’ve sent men to question his mother; it seems everything fits in just right. The
physician also said that Wen Liang’s mother is very anaemic, even medicine ceased to work for her. She
might not live for long.”
He held intentions to get close to Feng Xiao, but he was also afraid. Since he had nothing more to say, he
quickly excused himself, imagining how he would ask Feng Xiao’s servants and the people around him
what he liked, so he could send some gifts and earn his favour. If he could get the great and mighty
Second Commander to his side and speak a few good words for him before the Emperor, then he indeed
didn’t need to worry for his future.
Once Magistrate Zhao left, Pei Jingzhe said, “My Lord, that Wen Liang is indeed suspicious!”
Feng Xiao could not deny it, so he responded with an ‘En’. His voice was soft and gentle, enough to
cause one’s heart to quiver involuntarily.
Some people are beautiful on certain features, but Feng Xiao was the type of beauty that was exquisite
in every angle.
But of course, he was sharp, beautiful, and powerful. Such beauty was indeed rare in this world. When
others gazed upon him, they could only bow down in admiration and envy.
Pei Jingzhe was lost in his thoughts for a few moments. He was wondering if Feng Xiao’s parents knew
what their son would become when he grew into an adult, which was why they gave him such an odd
and ethereal name. After a while, Feng Xiao clicked his tongue impatiently. Pei Jingzhe quickly gathered
his thoughts.
“That Jade of Heaven’s Lake could make one immortal according to the legends, or even bring one back
to life. Wen Liang’s mother is incurable, and he is incredibly filial to his mother. Since his mother spoke
up, he let the Ying siblings go free, only so they could return now for vengeance. If he is so loyal to his
mother, then there is his motive.”
Feng Xiao, “Continue.”
Pei Jingzhe, “Today outside Linlang Guild’s hall, if it hadn’t been for you, Wen Liang would have died
without a doubt. Perhaps it is because he was exposed and that his accomplices were afraid he would
expose them, so they took action first.”
“Also, in a place like the City of Six Crafts, it was never an essential branch for the Linlang Guild. All the
auctions that were done in the past were never done in a place so far out like this. It could be because it
is more convenient for them to go unnoticed here.”
“A few people were involved in this altogether. In my opinion, Wen Liang is more or less related to the
Khotan murder case and is definitely linked to the Jade of Heaven’s Lake.”
Feng Xiao listened, but said, “Do you not feel this is too much a coincidence?”
Pei Jingzhe looked surprised, “Your meaning is?”
Feng Xiao, “We are investigating Linlang Guild, but Wen Liang came to us himself. It is as if someone
brings a pillow just as you want to fall asleep. I cannot help but be suspicious that someone is giving us a
Pei Jingzhe blinked. He felt that Feng Xiao might be thinking too much into it.
“I will order men to keep an eye on Wen Liang to gather more information from his side.”
Feng Xiao turned and suddenly he asked about Cui Buqu, “Have you used the Naihe Xiang drug? How
was the effect?”
Pei Jingzhe answered with a strange look on his face.
“I did, but…”
He wasn’t able to finish his sentence.
Only when Pei Jingzhe went to take a look, was he surprised that there still existed someone in this
world who could be immune to the Naihe Xiang drug.
[1] Blade-Relieving Stone: This is an indication that anyone who isn’t a member of the Jiejian Bureau
would have to disarm themselves before entering the bureau. It’s a sign of respect as it is considered
rude to bring weapons into the territory of a well-respected host. It’s also a sign of how important the
Jiejian Bureau was to the Emperor.
Chapter 8 – All The Sufferings In The World, To Him, Is Only Honing His Character
The name Naihe Xiang, once heard, elicited the feeling of bringing out a thousand sufferings all at once.
The aroma smelled like early summer — bright and soothing; however, in truth, it was a drug used to
provoke a man into becoming irrational, a drug that messed with the mind.
Its lethality was not enough to claim a person’s life, but as the effects took place when continually
inhaled into the body, the victim would be drowned within the haze and become addicted. A day
without the drug, their breath would be ragged, and their body would go weak, their minds would start
having hallucinations. Three days without the Naihe Xiang drug, and they would feel knives in their
bones. Five days without the Naihe Xiang drug, it could be said that they were due an appointment with
the afterlife.
That was how the Naihe Xiang drug got its name.
Cui Buqu waited in that void of a place for five whole days.
The other chose an opportune moment. If he was incredibly tired, bouncing between consciousness and
unconsciousness, only then would they send him food and water. When Cui Buqu regained his
consciousness, he reached out to feel his food and water beside him.
He was merely given a little bit of food and water, just enough to keep him alive. However, lack of food
and water was not the worse form of torture, but the infinite quietness, not knowing whether it was day
or night.
After the darkness, there was more darkness and a void of eternal silence.
Cui Buqu could only use four fingers and twelve finger joints to count the hours; and make himself
comfortable. He recited Daoist scripts, from Confucianism to Daoism, then from Daoism to Buddism, to
expel all the dark thoughts from his head.
However, his sense of hearing gradually grew better. If rats scampered around, or even if there was
water leaking somewhere, he could hear it as clear as day. However, he knew not what methods Feng
Xiao had used to make this manor feel as if it was abandoned. If it hadn’t been for constantly receiving
meals, Cui Buqu would have wondered if he had been forgotten.
An average person would not have been able to withstand torture like this. Three to five days would be
enough to drive one mad, let alone half a month, and let alone the fact that Cui Buqu possessed a weak
body. Every time the season changed, he would fall ill. When the third day came, it was apparent to him
that he was starting to be affected — his mind falling into a frenzy, his stomach hurt from starvation,
and his arms and legs were beginning to feel weak, his body becoming cold. He knew that after this was
over, he would fall ill again. He stopped reciting Daoist scripts, solely using his mind to keep himself
At that moment, a sweet aroma drifted into the room.
It gave off the feeling that it was both present and not at the same time. It smelled like the lotus garden
when he visited the capital a year back. Faint and sweet, clean and pure, fragrant like the lotus.
After a while, the capital became crowded. The rich and wealthy would decorate their homes to
welcome important guests. They loved keeping cooked lotus and white fungus in urns and storing them
for at least half a day to be taken out once the guests arrived. First, the guests would sip something
warm to allow it to sit in their stomach, before drinking a bowl of cooked lotus and white fungus soup.
The warmness and flavour would spread from their throats to their stomach, expelling all the heat
energy from their body.
Such a manner of treating guests was something Cui Buqu had gotten used to.
He blinked extensively.
His eyes adjusted from the darkness back to the lightning.
The fragrance was still there, but this time, it was not a hallucination.
Amidst the darkness, his eyebrows twitched; he gave a stiff laugh.
The Naihe Xiang drug.
Although this drug was poisonous and terrifying, it was also challenging to find. It was difficult to believe
that Feng Xiao would use such a thing on him, what a waste.
Within this manor, he could not leave. He could not stop breathing either. He could only imitate a drug
addict, inhaling the scent.
If one possessed excellent martial art skills, perhaps they would have manipulated their energy and
suppressed their breathing for some time, but in the case of Cui Buqu, the Naihe Xiang drug would only
escalate the process of breaking his body, making him plead for death.
It seemed that Feng Xiao did not have the intention to kill him. He was only using the drug to get sincere
answers from him. However, this was like using a surgery knife to kill a cow.
Nonetheless, the members of the Jiejian Bureau would not have guessed that he was used to this sort of
scent. Truth be told, Cui Buqu had managed to live past ten days without the drug. Even though during
that time, he was essentially half-dead, he still managed to remain conscious and did not allow himself
to succumb to the enemy’s favour. Even his tutor at that time, Fan Wei, was shocked beyond words. His
body was incompatible for training in any form of martial arts, but he was determined in his heart.
Although he was incredibly smart, Fan Wei also knew that even though Cui Buqu did not know martial
arts, he was still capable of being above the world.
Some people were not meant to live a regular life.
All the pain in the world, to him, was only honing his character for his future.
When all the soil was removed, the only thing that was left would be gold.
Cui Buqu continued to close his eyes.
The Linlang Guild’s auction was still ongoing. He refused to believe that Feng Xiao would be patient
enough to wait for ten days before he would hurry back.
“So what of it?” Feng Xiao stared at Pei Jingzhe who had not uttered a word since and felt a little
Linlang Guild’s auction had begun four days ago and would be going on for six days. Tomorrow would be
the final day, and during the first few days, particularly rare medicine and exquisite materials would be
During these few days, everything was very crowded, and there were many successful barters; many
people filled their cargos as they returned home. Yet, a lot of people also had their eyes on the last
auction. Even though they might not be able to afford the treasures, they wanted to see them for
themselves so that their trips would not be in vain.
However, Feng Xiao was incredibly dissatisfied.
Because these few days; their plans were not going smoothly. Wen Liang and his people were still in
prison, so the Linlang Guild dared not create any mischief. On the other hand, there were myriads of
crowds of people appearing every day before his doorstep; begging for mercy. Feng Xiao refused them
all. He made Pei Jingzhe check on Cui Buqu frequently so he could attend the auction. The Qin family did
not show up, as if amongst the crowd, the Jade of Heaven’s Lake was utterly lost.
Feng Xiao knew that even if the jade reappeared; it would be on the last day of the auction. On the
contrary, as he thought and thought, he felt as if he had missed something and felt unsettled.
Ever since he succeeded the Jiejian Bureau, everything he did had gone well. He did not remember the
last time he was met with such a difficult situation. It was as if he was a chess piece being placed where
the player wanted, among the others. Initially simply watching, he now felt as if he was lured into a
mind game himself…
Feng Xiao was stunned for a moment as if he figured out something, but then it was gone in an instant.
Pei Jingzhe said, “Earlier, you had ordered me to give that person five days’ worth of the Naihe Xiang
drug, I was afraid that he would not be able to stand it, so I dared not use much. Presently, when I went
to take a look, he was already in a daze. I used a bucket of well water to wake him up and made use of
the interval to ask him some questions, but he insisted that he had nothing to do with the Qin family. So
I think that Master Daoist Cui has to be innocent.”
If this person was not innocent, then he had a heart of steel, achieving a degree that even the Naihe
Xiang drug could not do anything to him.
But is this possible?
Let alone such a sickly and weak person, even if he was a master of the fighting arts, Pei Jingzhe had also
never seen any of them able to withstand the power of the Naihe Xiang drug.
Feng Xiao asked, “Where is he now?”
Pei Jingzhe replied, “Sleeping in the East Wing.”
Feng Xiao furrowed his eyebrows, “Has he been released?”
Pei Jingzhe laughed bitterly, “My dear Second Commander, do you think that everyone is just like you,
withstanding the Naihe Xiang drug for so many days and still being able to stand up? He has a fever, and
let alone speaking, whether he can recover from his current situation is still being discussed at length.”
Feng Xiao snorted, “As long as he is still useful, make sure he remains alive. Use any form of medicine.”
Hearing this, Pei Jingzhe immediately thought Feng Xiao was going to use another drug and quickly said,
“The physician said that right now, he cannot withstand any more forms of torture!”
Feng Xiao did not counter this response.
He followed Pei Jingzhe to the East Wing and saw for himself the sight of Cui Buqu sleeping on the bed.
A few days ago, those two cheeks that were distinctly pale; were now even paler. His fingers stuck out
from underneath the covers; looking vaguely green.
Feng Xiao stood next to the bed and looked at Cui Buqu for nearly half a day. Cui Buqu felt that he was
being watched, his eyebrows rose as he slept uncomfortably.
Pei Jingzhe, “My Lord, are you planning to expel the poison from his body? If not, he will never be
Feng Xiao shook his head, touching his chin; his gaze never left Cui Buqu, who looked as if he was
fighting in his dream, and he found it rather fascinating.
After a while, he said abruptly, “Do you think he might be a member of the Zuoyue Bureau?”
Chapter 9 – You Motherfucker You Wouldn’t Even Let Me Eat, And You Want Me To Work For You?
The word ‘Zuo’ and ‘Yue’ forms part of the Chinese character ‘Sui’. Therefore, it was natural to assume
that it had something to do with the Sui Empire.
After Yang Jian succeeded the throne, he made the title he used to own as the Prime Minister of the
county and named the era ‘Kaihuang’. On the second year of the Kaihuang era, after the Jiejian Bureau
was established for half a year, another agency by the name of ‘Zuoyue’ appeared.
They were similar to the Jiejian Bureau and wielded a power outside of the Three Departments and Six
Ministries; however, they were not under the orders of the Emperor. They were under the command of
the Empress.
This Empress contributed to the country, as well as shared the burdens with the Emperor, who was
loved and respected: Empress Dugu. She made something her predecessors never did, that was to
establish a system to work under her orders.
Sometimes called Her Holiness, this was not utterly an empty name. The power Empress Dugu held
surpassed any previous Empresses before her time, including Empress Lu. What made her different from
Empress Lu was that Yang Jian both feared and respected this Empress.
Ever since the establishment of the Zuoyue Bureau, their power was no less than the Jiejian Bureau.
Their mission was the same: trading and sending coded messages across the Northern and Southern
Dynasty. There were no restrictions for them. However, since both Emperor and Empress were loving
and respectful of each other, Empress Dugu knew her place and would not surpass the Emperor’s
authority. So she gave the Zuoyue Bureau a slightly different duty: they will take care of anything related
to the Jianghu province.
The Zuoyue Bureau had one Commander and two Vice-Commanders. Their ranks were fewer and
thinner, but they carried out their tasks in secrecy, often not appearing in front of the public eye. Even
the most trusted advisors of the Emperor only knew of the Zuoyue Bureau’s name, yet did not know
who its members were, or what they were doing.
However, during their missions, they would sometimes clash with the Jiejian Bureau. Although they held
no animosity towards each other and belonged respectively to the Emperor and Empress, they often
wanted to fight for the achievement of claiming the glory.
Because of a few cases in the past, Pei Jingzhe crossed paths with the Zuoyue Bureau; he knew how
difficult it was to determine who they were.
Pei Jingzhe worked under the Jiejian Bureau, so he knew a little about the Zuoyue Bureau. He never saw
the alliance’s Commander, but he saw both its Vice- Commanders. One was delicate and slim, like a
wealthy man’s daughter; the other was silent and quiet, like a monk in mediation. Although the Jiejian
Bureau and the Zuoyue Bureau were agencies hiding incredibly skilled people, people like those two
Vice- Commanders were rare to see in a place like this.
That also went for the Commander of the alliance who never showed himself. Pei Jingzhe never saw him
with his own two eyes, but regardless, it was difficult to link him with a sickly man like Cui Buqu.
Women may be skilled in martial arts. And quiet people may be capable of claiming one’s life with only a
single move. However, this Cui Buqu who could not even pick a fight, how could he be a spy of the
Zuoyue Bureau? Since his health was not good, and him using the identity of a Daoist to back himself up,
would it not be convenient for him to lay low?
Pei Jingzhe contemplated out loud, “Are you considering that the Zuoyue Bureau placed spies among
those who attended the Linlang Guild’s auction, where all the pugilists would gather? If he indeed is
someone from the Zuoyue Bureau and knew that we are people from the Jiejian Bureau, why did he not
say so?”
Feng Xiao, “The old Zixia Daoist Temple might be allying with Qin Miaoyu, but this man only came to the
Zixia Daoist Temple two months ago. The time interval between the time of his arrival and when Qin
Miaoyu left the City of Six Crafts is four to five years. I had never assumed he was related to the case,
but two months before now, the Imperial Court seemed to be determined to make a move against the
Pei Jingzhe suddenly spoke, “So, since the beginning, you merely desired to find information regarding
his background? If he is genuinely from the Zuoyue Bureau, did we not just make enemies out of our
Although both agencies often bickered, they were still subjects of the crown and the Imperial Court. To
go all out like this towards one of their own, surely that was not a wise course of action?
Feng Xiao looked indifferent, “If we become enemies, then so be it. There are more than a handful of
those that despise me. Adding him into that category does not affect the situation much. Did you think
that they were not thinking of getting involved in this case of the Khotan ambassador’s murder?”
Although their existence was faint, they had eyes and ears spread out all over the capital and were
updated with all kinds of news and happenings that were going on.
A few days ago, the Emperor and his officials had just moved into the new capital, Daxing City, and
preceding that, the citizens had already moved into it. The old capitol had been there for many
generations and had become incredibly stuffy; when it rained, drains and sewers were flooded
everywhere. So after Yang Jian ascended the throne, he ordered the old capital to be set aside for a new
one to be built. Two years later, the new capital was built. The Sui Emperor made orders that the scrolls
and manuscripts which had been forgotten and scattered due to the war, to be recollected and
relocated in the imperial library, so that they would not be lost again.
These actions were noble and modest as expected of an exemplary ruler. Right now, Emperor Yang Jian
decided to push his forces towards the Göktürks to solve the issue once and for all. Nobody would
question the determination of the Emperor. The Three Departments and Six Ministries immediately got
busy; bringing both the Jiejian Bureau and the Zuoyue Alliance, both of them received respective orders
and began working. Whoever could achieve the most conquests in this mission would be the ultimate
winner. The Zuoyue Bureau had always wanted to surpass the Jiejian Bureau, so of course, they
wouldn’t have let such an opportunity to slip by.
Cui Buqu stirred in his dreams and coughed a few times.
Pei Jingzhe looked at him. Before this, he was oblivious that he might be a member of the Zuoyue
Bureau, so he did not feel anything, but right now, he could not help but feel a bit of sympathy.
“Then, should I neutralize the poison in his body?”
Feng Xiao looked at him like he was the stupidest person in the world, “Why should you? If he refused to
admit anything, it would be a good opportunity to make him work with us. Even if he admits it, you
should keep pressing that it is a lie so he would do our bidding. In the City of Six Crafts, whatever I say is
the law.”
Pei Jingzhe twitched his lip and nodded.
He knew that his master was not a person who was soft and empathetic.
Feng Xiao and Pei Jingzhe were discussing Cui Buqu right in front of him — the one who lay on the bed in
pain and agony and having no idea what was going on.
Cui Buqu had been walking on a very long road, and this road was endless. However, this road would
sometimes grow thorns so he would quickly withdraw his legs. He wanted to continue walking forwards,
even if he had to bend down to pluck those thorns away with his hands. However, even with both his
hands stained by blood, those thorns did not grow lesser; instead, it had multiplied.
Those thorns hurt to the bone and left deep scars. His mind reflected all kinds of pain, but Cui Buqu
continued pulling those thorns away with an expressionless face.
Since he was little, whatever he wanted to do, he would achieve it no matter the price, no matter how
difficult it was. Nothing could stop him. If he wanted to move forward, he would move forward to see
the end.
Those thorns could not hinder him, and after that, it wilted and faded away. Cui Buqu did not stare at his
bloody hands, because before him, a grand mansion had appeared.
This mansion possessed a history that went back to thousands of years.
Before the Sui Empire established its rule, the Northern Dynasty was in a mess, yet the mansion’s owner
was unyielding. Its house blossomed and thrived, becoming a place no one was able to forget.
Cui Buqu finally stopped walking.
The doors of the mansion were locked, but atop the stage stood two people. One had long white hair
and looked grim; the other had short hair and looked much younger. He spoke to the old man, his hands
carrying a baby wrapped up in a blanket.
“Father, please, give him a name!” The young man said.
The old man responded coldly, “Whatever. A-Da or A-Er1 would be fine. Then be over with it.”
The young man begged, “Considering that both his parents had died, could you spare some sympathy?”
The old man, “He is weak, and I fear he might not even survive for the next few days, so what if he has a
The young man, “…even if it is true, in the future, would it not be part of a memory?”
The old man snorted, “Since his parents are dead, who will remember him in this world?”
The young man, “I would.”
As the two spoke for a long time, the old man finally said, “Let us name him something simple, like a
stepping stone — something that everyone steps on. It would be easy to raise him like this.”
“What about the genealogy —“
“He is not worthy.”
He is not worthy.
These three words had always been in Cui Buqu’s mind, refusing to leave, repeating itself in his mind like
clouds and mist.
Cui Buqu laughed bitterly.
His laugh startled the old man and the young man. They turned, but the fog thickened and spreads
around them.
Everything turned dark.
The abyss was hidden within peace, and had never left; but after so many years, he had already walked
into a place even more dangerous than the abyss.
His chest radiated a sharp pain, blood gathered at his throat. He wanted to laugh, but he only let out a
bitter, raw taste in his mouth.
Then, he woke up.
Through puffed up eyelids, even a little bit of sunlight could cause his eyes to water. Cui Buqu adjusted
to the brightness for a while, before he could clearly see the gauze blanket in front of him.
It was replaced by a face that was handsome and beautiful, moving into his central vision.
“You woke up.” Feng Xiao looked at him, “How do you feel?”
Cui Buqu was too lazy to reply to him, so he closed his eyes and rested.
Feng Xiao continued talking, “You have the Naihe Xiang drug in your body, earlier on, and the poison
took effect. In two days, it will take effect once more, if you would work alongside me and cooperate, I
can consider neutralizing the poison for you. What do you say?”
Cui Buqu blinked slowly and answered with a hoarse voice, “Do I have a choice to refuse?”
Feng Xiao: No.
Cui Buqu: I have no knowledge of martial arts. There is nothing much I can help you with.
Feng Xiao hummed, “Do you not hail from the Liuli Academy Palace of Fangzhangzhou? I have heard
that people born from that place are knowledgeable about all things in the world. For the Linlang Guild’s
auction, I need such a man. You can assist me in recognizing everyone on the way; tell me who everyone
and anyone is.”
Cui Buqu went silent for a moment, “No problem. However, I have a request.”
Feng Xiao responded, “Neutralizing the poison is not a valid request.”
Cui Buqu coughed, “…I am hungry. You motherfucker, you would not even let me eat, and you want me
to do something for you?”
He glared at the bowl of white congee and a plate of fermented vegetables, practically unable to control
the look on his face.
Feng Xiao was looked at him from one side ‘lovingly’, “Please eat, why are you not eating?”
Cui Buqu, “Although I am a prisoner in your eyes and am free to let you do as you please, in the end you
need my help. I have yet to recover from my illness, and you want me to eat this?”
Feng Xiao asked curiously, “What’s not good about this? You know you couldn’t eat anything heavy. I’m
afraid you might have digestion issues, and then you wouldn’t be able to wake up tomorrow.”
Cui Buqu; I don’t want any exquisite dishes; I only want fresh vegetable soup. Surely you have something
like that?
Feng Xiao: My apologies. I am a poor man, so there is none.
Cui Buqu: …
He really wanted to pour this bowl of congee on top of the other man’s head and slap the plate of
vegetables onto his face.
He was not sure what Feng Xiao was thinking about, but it was definitely nothing good. Feng Xiao was
not in a hurry, and he didn’t want to leave; he even thought that Cui Buqu was very interesting, he was
not afraid that he would provoke Cui Buqu. He wandered here and there, looking at the windows and
flowers, turning the books on bookcases around and around, as if he was waiting for Cui Buqu to slam
the table and exclaim that he was from the Zuoyue Bureau.
However, after a long time, Cui Buqu said nothing. He simply took the bowl silently and drank all the
congee which flowed down his throat.
Feng Xiao knew that he would not have chosen the wrong person. This Master Daoist Cui had a fairly
good control over his temper. The last time they met, he proclaimed himself innocent and hid a lot of
secrets from him. He only could not believe that despite having a weak and fragile body, the Naihe Xiang
drug had been unable to do anything to him.
A man such as this, even without the skills of martial arts, could hold an esteemed position in the
Zuoyue Bureau.
Feng Xiao grew even more interested.
Cui Daozhang swallowed carefully. He used an entire hour to finish the congee. Feng Xiao was patient,
waiting at his side until he put down the bowl.
“May I ask what is expected of me, my lord?”
Feng Xiao said, “No need to be so formal. I’ve already relayed my name to you. I am the second among
my siblings; you can call me Feng-er2 or Er Lang3.”
Cui Buqu did not care to respond; instead, he answered, “I have been in the City of Six Crafts for two
months. I’ve heard of a few things. However, if you want me to assist you in the Linlang Guild’s auction,
surely you need to tell me a few things first?”
Feng Xiao smiled, “That is a given.”
After obtaining Feng Xiao’s approval, Pei Jingzhe told Cui Buqu everything about the Khotan
ambassador’s murder, which was discovered by a travelling merchant, who fled to the city to report his
Cui Buqu listened closely. After Pei Jingzhe finished talking, he asked, “Then, the plum blossom scent in
the horse carriage. Was it investigated?”
“Yes.” Pei Jingzhe could not help but glance towards Feng Xiao. Despite himself, he speculated that
these two followed the same trail of thoughts. Feng Xiao, too, thought that the plum blossom was a
crucial clue of the case, but the truth had let them down.
“We have asked every perfume stall in the city and checked everything in their stock. In the end, we
could not find the plum blossom perfume in the horse carriage. That perfume…” Pei Jingzhe thought for
a long moment before he managed to say something, “It is similar to the scent of the Naihe Xiang drug.
As long as you smelled it once, you will never mistake it for anything else.”
After he finished speaking, only then did he realize that something was not right. Cui Buqu had just
experienced the Naihe Xiang drug’s torture. If he said something like this, would it not be equivalent to
pressing salt onto someone else’s wound?
Nonetheless, Cui Buqu showed no expression. He only nodded and coughed two times; he didn’t ask
[1] A-Da or A-Er: These are very common and ‘simple’ names. It means ‘A-big’ or ‘A-second’ like the
eldest or second child. It indicates that the old man was quite apathetic to the baby.
[2] Feng-er: Feng as in Feng Xiao, and Er mean ‘Second’. This can mean that he might have an older
brother, thus he is named Feng-er, or, ‘Second Feng’.
[3] Er-lang: Er here also means ‘second’ and Lang is usually used to address a male.
Chapter 10
Although he had managed to live through it with determination alone, the Naihe Xiang drug still
damaged his body, especially when Cui Buqu’s body was never in prime health in the first place, so this
was equivalent to adding salt to the wound. A day later, when he woke up and touched his forehead, he
knew that he had caught a fever again.
He breathed out some warm air. Cui Buqu had long been used to such a feeling, but it did not mean that
he enjoyed it.
No one would be willing to endure pain, but since there was no way of escaping, he could only choose to
get used to it.
On the bed lay a clean set of clothes and a thick robe. It had to be items that Pei Jingzhe ordered for
someone else to take them here. Feng Xiao would not bother about such trivial matters; hence Cui Buqu
did not say anything but put them on and wrapped himself up until he looked all strict, dignified, and
proper. In the room, someone had also prepared a pail of water, so he used it to freshen up before
walking out of the room.
Feng Xiao waited impatiently outside, making Pei Jingzhe come in to urge him to be quicker.
Pei Jingzhe had previously thought that Cui Buqu was always very slow, but when he saw that the
other’s face was even paler than before, he coughed into his fists and felt a little guilty, his voice was
also low when he spoke.
“Master Daoist Cui, are the clothes comfortable enough for you?”
“They are just right, thank you.”
Pei Jingzhe laughed coldly, “Today, we are not eating in the manor. My Lord has said that we are dining
Cui Buqu, “That is hard to come by. Just as I have woken up, there is a fresh meal waiting for me.”
Pei Jingzhe laughed awkwardly, “You just woke up yesterday. You cannot eat too many oily dishes.”
Cui Buqu looked at him: This person’s skin isn’t even half as thick as Feng Xiao’s.
He did not move, not wanting to make it difficult for the other.
As soon as Feng Xiao saw the other two emerging from the manor, he could not help but snort a little
bit, “You are even more delicate when wearing those clothes compared to a little maiden riding her
When ordinary people had a fever, their faces turned red, but Cui Buqu’s face radiated paleness as he
wore a white robe, making the colour of his entire person similar to the snow falling at his feet.
Cui Buqu said blandly, “My host is abusing. I’m poisoned and left with no food, what can I do?”
Feng Xiao seemed as if he was in a good mood and smiled, “Then you are in luck today. There is a tavern
in the city that just opened, and they’ve employed the famed Lady Hong. You have lived here for two
months; surely you would have known her name?”
Cui Buqu, “Lady Hong from the Hong Baked Pastries Family?”
Feng Xiao, “That is correct.”
This Hong Baked Pastries Family made baked pastries which were famed in the city. It was run by the
Hong father and daughter. Both father and daughter were skilled in the arts of culinary and made
delicious dishes. Their name travelled across the city. It was said that people who came here from
Qiemo had to visit them at least once.
Cui Buqu also visited them once. The taste was not bad, the soup boiled from bones, the noodles were
as fine as silver strands. After the noodles were cooked in the soup and taken out, they were mixed with
some braised pork sauce and sprinkled with spring onions. Eating one bowl of such delicacy could warm
one’s stomach; making their entire body feel comfortable and relaxed. The dish was no different than
those from the biggest chefs in the capital.
However, a while ago, the father had passed away, leaving his daughter alone in the world. Discussions
regarding the remaining successor took place and everyone agreed that it was difficult to manage the
business alone. They were certain that Lady Hong would marry into a rich family and become a
concubine, and then it would be even more difficult to taste her dishes any more.
Yet contrary to public opinions, Lady Hong refused that kind of luxurious life, instead, she went ahead
and accepted the job of a master chef.
Because of the Linlang Guild’s auction, martial artists carrying swords were seen everywhere on the
streets. Ordinary people could not help being intimidated, yet Feng Xiao pretended as if he could not
see them, taking both Pei Jingzhe and Cui Buqu, as he walked through the streets towards the
Those who knew martial arts often with themselves carried some amount of pride. These people from
Jianghu were no exception. They displayed a sort of arrogance and walked with their heads high.
Some people formed groups of three and five, even if they were not wearing the same uniform, but the
jade pendants on their swords were the same. Usually, this meant that they were from a famed Clan:
some were loners and travelled solo, carrying either a cold or a threatening expression. Most of the
time, the latter would not have a good temper.
There were also some men and women who walked side by side, laughing as they spoke. The woman
was high-spirited and confident; her steps fast and light. These were most probably young juniors who
had just joined a sect.
Cui Buqu’s gaze swept over them. With only one look, he could analyse where they came from, and
vaguely know who they were, and their current set of mind.
“Do not forget what I brought you out for, Master Daoist Cui, it is about time you show me what you are
capable of.”
Cui Buqu rolled his eyes after hearing what Feng Xiao had to say, “I have yet to eat breakfast, I have no
strength to speak.”
Feng Xiao smiled lightly, “If you are good and cooperate so I can solve the case early, you can leave early
as well. Is there any meaning in trying to spar words with me now?”
Cui Buqu laughed coldly, “Forgive me if I am wrong, but yesterday you said that if I am willing to
cooperate, you would consider neutralizing the poison, but you will certainly not do it. Yesterday I was
plagued by the poison, unable to fight back. With merely these sorts of ambiguous promises, what are
you trying to expect from me?”
Feng Xiao took out two bottles as thick as the width of two fingers from his robe and raised them in
front of him.
“I will give you a chance. Among these two bottles, one is empty, and the other contains the remedy
that can help you be at ease for three days. Whether you get it or not, depends on your choice. Do not
say I was not nice to you.”
Cui Buqu felt like his heart was burning right now as if someone lit a fire to his chest, but the fire had not
spread out yet. Even the bones felt agony, similar to a thousand invisible hands holding onto his body. It
was both itchy and numbing, but he understood that this was the effects of the poison. Although it was
not as painful as when the poison was reacting, it was enough to make one sit uncomfortably.
However, he did not choose from those two bottles. Without even looking at them, he took a detour
and pressed his lips, walking ahead.
Feng Xiao gasped, “How can you be so stubborn, there goes my kindness to waste!”
Cui Buqu smiled coldly and did not respond.
The remedy was simply a temporary solution; it would not heal him completely. Was Feng Xiao showing
kindness? Not really. He solely wanted to wait until the poison took effect before demanding him for
answers again.
Seeing that the other refused to take the bait, Feng Xiao put the bottle back into his robes.
Not far off from them, there was indeed a new restaurant that had opened. Above it wrote: ‘Five
Tastes’. Before its doors, many people were wandering here and there. It seemed that it was quite
Pei Jingzhe had booked a table earlier on. This way, once they arrive, they need not wait for the others,
they could simply get a table for themselves.
The waiter led them in.
From the outside, it did not look like much, but inside, there was a skylight. After Pei Jingzhe walked
behind their waiter for a while, he noticed that this restaurant bought down the few stalls next to them
and merged them. Creating two sections — a big common hall and a VIP area. Once they entered the
VIP area, it was peaceful. Flowers and trees were everywhere, and it was quite interesting.
“This tavern hails from a rather impressive background. Who was it who invested in it? Was it the Boling
Cui Clan, or the Longxi Li Clan?” Pei Jingzhe asked in shock.
The City of Six Craft had always been a small city from the beginning. It could never compare to the
grandness of the capital. If it had not been for the Linlang Guild’s auction event, there would not have
been so many merchants, businessmen that come here to live for a few days and barter for resources
while purchasing some goods. Opening such a big restaurant here, Pei Jingzhe thought, eighty percent of
its investment was a waste.
The waiter smiled and told them, “Then you have guessed wrong. It’s not the Li Clan or the Cui Clan. Our
Young Master is a local and has been working for the greater half of his life. You young Lords are very
fortunate. I have heard that Lady Hong has even invented a few new dishes!”
The three of them were invited into the VIP area. There, one hall had four tables altogether. On one
table, there was a young man and woman with a few servants standing behind them.
Although they did not have a whole room to themselves, the four tables were not so close to each
other. They were far apart and did not stand in the way of the other.
Feng Xiao ordered the dishes and not long after; they were served one by one. Although the cooking
crew was not just Lady Hong alone, her style could be seen on them.
“Silver strand noodles with braised pork sauce, Cauliflower Soup, Fresh Vegetable soup, Hong Baked
Pastries, you can choose what you want to eat, do not say that I was mean to you. Now, I’m truly
treating you well, right?” He used his chopsticks to poke at the dishes, and then three more bowls of
lotus soup were served.
This was not the season for lotuses to bear fruit. The City of Six Crafts was never a place to produce lotus
either. These lotuses were brought from a thousand miles in the south, dried and stored throughout
winter. The price of these three bowls of lotus soup could be said, was more expensive than all the other
dishes added together.
For the sake of the lotus soup, Cui Buqu finally opened his mouth. “That woman’s surname is Lu. She is
from a very wealthy family, and it is said that they are related to the Fanyang Lu Clan. However, they
have not been exchanging messages for a while now. The father’s name is Lu Ti and is the owner of an
antique shop. It is said their branches were open all over Jiangnan. He is one of the top wealthiest men
in the City of Six Crafts.”
His voice was neither high-pitched nor heavy; it was audible for Feng Xiao and Pei Jingzhe to listen, but
not loud enough for the couple to hear.
Feng Xiao was very content with his initiative to act without being told. It was rare that the two were not
bickering and were speaking calmly.
“And the man? Is he also part of the Lu family?”
Cui Buqu shook his head, “His surname is Su, named Xing. He is a cousin of the Lu family. A few years
ago, both his parents died, and his home fell apart. He came here to live under the roof of his cousin
sister’s family. Lu Ti funded him to study, and it is said that he has the intention to make Su Xing his son-
in-law if nothing goes wrong, they are to be wedded within these two years. Lu Ti has no sons, so the
one who succeeds his business would most likely be Su Xing.”
Feng Xiao, “And this restaurant? Is it opened by Lu Ti?”
Cui Buqu said blandly, “I am unsure. After all, I have been locked up for a few days; I could have missed a
lot during that time.”
He was using the opportunity to roast the other; however, the other did not respond to it. Feng Xiao
picked up a pastry, breaking a small piece from it, putting it in his mouth. He ate as he spoke, “The taste
isn’t bad. The feel in my mouth is great; usually, someone who just recovered from their illness or had
been poisoned wouldn’t have the chance to taste such a delicious thing. Buqu, wouldn’t you want to
Cui Buqu: …
Pei Jingzhe almost let out a laugh, but quickly turned his head away.
Then he saw that young man picking up a fried fuchok with his chopsticks and putting it into the
woman’s mouth, “Miao Miao, is this not your favourite dish? Come, eat more of it!”
“Thank you; cousin brother.” Her voice did not hide her glee.
The people of this era were very open, especially those in the North. Unmarried men and women, if
accompanied by family, and if they were in public venues, would be intimate with each other most of
the time. Pei Jingzhe turned his gaze back and heard Feng Xiao speaking to Cui Buqu in a high pitched
“QuQu, is this not your favourite dish? Come, eat more of it!”
Pei Jingzhe had some baked pastry in his mouth, but he almost spat it out.
However, the one genuinely suffering right now was Cui Buqu. The latter had just picked up some
vegetables and froze on the spot, the corner of his lips twitching, a murderous look on his pale and
elegant face.
Upon hearing that someone was copying his actions and words, the young man’s face turned irritated.
“We do not know each other. Sire, why are you deliberately provoking?”
Chapter 11 – Relax, I Am Even More Vengeful Than You Are
“You are such a strange man. This isn’t your home, and you are not involved in the conversation. Is there
no law and order if I cannot even speak in a public place like this?”
Feng Xiao did not even turn his head to glare at the man. He insisted on putting the piece of meat in his
chopsticks into Cui Buqu’s bowl. Cui Buqu extended his hands to pull his bowl away, but as if those
chopsticks had eyes, it flew into the same direction and still placed the meat into the bowl.
Cui Buqu glared at that piece of meat as if he was looking for any traces of Feng Xiao’s saliva on it. He
did not even feel like touching the bowl right now.
But it was far from over. Feng Xiao picked up a plate of green beans from the table and brought it
towards him.
“You dislike the taste of chives? No matter, there are still cooked beans. Come, I’ll remove the skins for
you. They are white and tender. Quick, take a bite, or would you prefer if I fed you?”
Cui Buqu: …
His hands looked attractive; therefore, it looked like he was picking flowers when he peeled the beans.
In the blink of an eye, a bunch of cleanly peeled beans appeared in front of Cui Buqu’s plate, lined up
neatly in several rows.
Pei Jingzhe: …
Feng Xiao, “Eat.”
Cui Buqu knew that there was a motive behind his actions, but he still twitched the corner of his lips,
turning his head to look outside the window, only to see that there was no one.
The one who was annoyed was someone else.
Su Xing’s face had become incredibly red. He wanted to stand up and argue with him, but was stopped
by the woman next to him.
“Cousin brother, let it slide!” The young woman’s voice was soft and low. Her expression looked
embarrassed. “I know that Master Daoist Cui, the one next to him is surely his friend.”
“It is he who provoked me first. I have to give him a piece of my mind!”
Su Xing’s face was full of irritation. He turned to Feng Xiao and spat, “Such a shame you look like a
gentleman, yet you act like a simpleton who doesn’t think before he talks. Utterly disgraceful!”
The young woman walked towards Cui Buqu and curtsied, “Good to see you, Master Cui.”
Cui Buqu, of course, recognized her, “May blessings come your way1, Young Mistress Lu, how is your
mother faring?”
The young woman smiled at him, “It is thanks to your medical aid that my mother has healed much from
her illness.”
Cui Buqu nodded, “My method can only ease her condition a little bit, but it does not suffice to heal her
completely. The Lu family still needs to look for better physicians for her.”
The young woman gave him a nod of acknowledgement.
At that moment, Su Xing also said, “So the one who helped heal aunt is this Master Daoist Cui. My aunt’s
health has truly improved these days; please accept my gratitude.”
He turned towards Cui Buqu; put his hands together and bowed before changing the topic, “Forgive me,
but this friend of yours is really unreasonable and unmannerly. Master Daoist Cui, you have a good
reputation; you should not acquaint yourself with such a man.”
Cui Buqu replied flatly, “You have misunderstood. He is not my friend, and I do not know him either.”
Su Xing stared at Feng Xiao with a questionable look, his face evidently betraying the fact that he did not
believe a single word.
Feng Xiao laughed, “What are you looking at me for? Although I am handsome, powerful, and strong,
that isn’t something you can level with. You can’t afford to envy me, young man.”
Cui Buqu: …
The colour of Su Xing’s face switched from blue to white, then white to blue again, as if he was poisoned
from what he had just eaten a while ago.
With Cui Buqu and Little Maiden Lu present, Su Xing could not punch Feng Xiao even if he wanted to, so
he simply walked away.
Feng Xiao watched both of them leave — a flippant look on his face, divulging a shadow of deep
“There is something wrong with this Su Xing; you purposely did that to introduce them to me?”
Cui Buqu, “Lu Ti has no sons. After Su Xing fled to his house, Lu Ti treated him as though he was his son.
Although Su Xing enjoyed studying, his talents were only average. Instead, he followed Lu Ti out on job
trips and showed some talent there instead. This made Lu Ti very happy, at this present moment; two
shops are now under Su Xing’s supervision.”
“That is indeed very suspicious.” Feng Xiao said, “As a businessman who converses with many different
sorts of people, he should be charismatic and smooth, yet why did he get provoked so easily just
because I was mimicking him?”
Cui Buqu laughed coldly, “Perhaps it is because Lord Feng, your face is one that everyone wishes to beat
up when they see you. No matter where you tread, everyone is annoyed.”
Feng Xiao laughed, “How can that be? Just now, you should have looked at the way Little Maiden Lu
gazed at me. She was incredibly envious.”
Cui Buqu had met many narcissistic people before, but for one to be so narcissistic to this sort of level
was his very first experience. Taking a look back, he also saw that Feng Xiao’s expression had a vague
look of disbelief.
“Lord Feng, are you often so self-contained, praising yourself so in your own lonely shadow?”
Not ‘often’. He has always been like this. Pei Jingzhe answered in his heart.
Feng Xiao wriggled his eyebrows, “Is that not the truth?”
Cui Buqu snorted. He was too lazy to continue bantering with him, so he resumed the topic from a while
ago, “The only possibility is that he acts differently towards the Lu family.”
“The Lu family loves certain specific attitudes, so he acts accordingly in front of them. Lu Ti liked
intelligent people, so when Lu Ti is close, Su Xing appears to be an intelligent, crafty young man that is
eager to learn. How interesting is this!”
Feng Xiao changed the topic suddenly, “QuQu, you were only in the City of Six Crafts for two months, yet
you have done the background search of practically everyone here. You did not spare even the female
members of the Lu family. Ah, to think that those who only knew your identity of a Daoist surely would
think you are plotting something shady!”
Cui Buqu coughed twice and faked a laugh, “Even if that is the case, have I not fallen into the hands of
you, the Second Commander of the Jiejian Bureau’s evil hands?”
Feng Xiao replied, “Of course not. The Jiejian Bureau acts under the orders of the Emperor. Are you not
criticizing our present Emperor with your words? I am a very vengeful person.”
Relax; I am even more vengeful than you are. Cui Buqu answered in his heart and coughed again,
intending to spare his strength.
After they had their lunch, the three of them went to the Linlang Guild’s shop.
What Feng Xiao and Pei Jingzhe were unaware of was that, after they had left, two people—a man and a
woman—stepped into the VIP area.
“Just now, I saw that the Commander did not look too well. I don’t even know if he fell ill again!”
The woman who spoke had a voice clear like ice. She was utterly beautiful. Both features of hers
blended well on her body.
The man did not speak. He simply walked towards the table that Cui Buqu and the rest had sat a
moment ago; lowered his head to take a look, and suddenly spread the beans apart.
“What did the Commander leave behind?” The woman approached him.
“Plum Blossom.” The man answered.
The woman looked at him, questioningly.
“The Commander wants us to investigate plum blossoms?”
The man’s words were brief and curt, “Khotan murder case.”
He loved words like gold and spoke as sparingly as he could. Thankfully, the woman had worked with
him for many years; she followed his words and picked up several hints.
“These plum blossoms are related to the Khotan murder case, but if it was that easy to investigate, then
the Jiejian Bureau would have already investigated them. The Commander would not have left it behind
for us. Regardless, we should go to the perfume stall to inquire.”
[1] 福生无量天尊 originally from the Daoist Pantheon. It sort of just means ‘May you be blessed with
endless luck and goodness that even you wouldn’t have imagined yourself.’
Chapter 12 – This Is A Very ‘Intimate Friend’ Of Mine, His Surname Is Cui, Name Buqu
On the wooden sides of the table, formerly on the spot where Cui Buqu sat, two words were carved by
fingernails: Plum Blossom.
“Judging by the strength the Commander asserted, to write those words, it seems as though he is much
weaker than last time. I am afraid that he is carrying some sort of wound on him.”
The man never liked talking much; however, he could not help but feel the necessity to remind her.
“Qiao Xian; the Commander knows his boundaries.”
Qiao Xian was not as tame as him, “You have served the Commander for so long, how can you still not
know him? He knows boundaries when it comes to matters, but he never knew his own when it came to
Zhangsun Bodhi said nothing but looked at her with a ‘But what can you do about it?’ look.
Qiao Xian was feeling distressed, but there was genuinely nothing that she could have done.
Cui Buqu had always been someone who refused to stop until he achieved his goals. Right now,unless
they ran off to Feng Xiao and told him Cui Buqu’s identity and bring him back home, their only other
option was to obey his orders. However, if she messed up his plans, she knew Cui Buqu would dismiss
her from the Zuoyue Bureau.
Qiao Xian only let out a sigh.
“It is late. Let us go to the perfume shop.” Zhangsun Bodhi reminded her.
“Let’s go.” Qiao Xian brushed the surface of the table, and those words disappeared. The side of the
table was clean as if nothing had ever happened there.
There was no shortage of perfume stalls in the City of Six Crafts.
Because it was a city that travellers from the west and east often met, there were a lot of things in the
perfume shop that could only be found in the west. The variety of products were even more numerous
than those in the capital. Zhangsun Bodhi and Qiao Xian previously had thought that investigating the
plum blossom scent would be a piece of cake; but after they ran around for a whole afternoon,
practically asking every stall that existed in the city, they could only manage to find three formulas that
were related to the plum blossom.
“It is a coincidence now that I think about it. Before you, there was also a young lord who came here
asking about plum blossoms. He was thin and tall, seemingly young and handsome.” The perfume shop
owner made a gesture.
Qiao Xian and Zhangsun Bodhi exchanged glances and could guess who the perfume shop owner was
talking about: it was Feng Xiao’s subordinate, Pei Jingzhe.
Since the Jiejian Bureau had already traced this clue, it could be said that there was nothing more they
needed to do. Why did the Commander go out of his way to give this order?
Cui Buqu would never do such a meaningless thing. Both of them felt that there might be something
that they had not thought of yet.
“I would not dare comment on other aspects, but within the City of Six Crafts, the formulas in my stalls
are assuredly the most organized. If you want formulas related to plum blossoms, there are three types.
One of them was gifted by a young lady from the west, whom I saved; she gave it to me.”
The perfume shop owner spoke; taking out three scented strips.
The sense of smell of martial artists was incredibly sensitive. To leave perfume on oneself would give
them away effortlessly if they were found out. Qiao Xian held a distinctive identity, so she would never
carry any sort of scent on her. For people like her who interacted as less as possible with perfumes, she
was even more sensitive to the odour of perfumes. Almost at once, she could tell how many different
scents there were altogether.
“These are plum blossoms and apricot flowers?” She smelled the scented strips and asked, before
passing them to Zhangsun Bodhi.
The perfume shop owner nods. “You are right. This is called the Three Moons Spring Snow; it is the most
popular perfume in the capital. The young maidens all love it, especially those from wealthier
households. Come spring, they like to put on fresh-coloured clothing; then putting these perfumes on,
they say it makes you look like a goddess. It is guaranteed that a group of suitors would want to stomp
your doorstep!”
He was a smooth talker. Even when questioned by his customers, he was still trying to persuade them to
purchase from him.
“This type is called ‘The Quiet Waters Runs Deep’; it has the smell of sandalwood and plum blossom. It is
excellent for giving you peace of mind and suppressing any foul smell of the body.” He said as he took
up another scented strip.
Zhangsun Bodhi smelled it and shook his head.
Qiao Xian said, “This is not the plum blossom scent that we want.”
The perfume shop owner took the third scented strip and gave it to them, “This is the only one with a
pure plum blossom smell.”
Zhangsun Bodhi held it in his hand and felt that the plum blossom fragrance was too strong, filling in his
nostril; however, it lacked the real cold, icy smell of a plum blossom. Instead, it smelt like peonies.
Qiao Xian, watching Zhangsun shake his head, took the scented strip.
“Sir, you are knowledgeable and have seen many things. This mixture of plum blossom scent, is it indeed
that difficult to get?”
The owner of the perfume shop answered, “Usually, the thicker the essence of the smell, the better. But
because this is slightly different: at first the smell should be a bland, cold, icy smell; only after an hour
would the fragrance of plum blossom slowly emerge, yet you can still smell its faint, icy cold scent. It is
neither strong, and it does not dissipate quickly, lasting up to a few days.”
Qiao Xian thought about the fact that after the murder took place, Feng Xiao and his company were able
to go to the venue and obtain the clue. The owner’s answer fits in with this fact perfectly, so she nodded
and agreed.
“This means that surely whoever uses this perfume is no ordinary person?”
The owner, “There are also different types of ‘cold perfume’. For example, the lotus blossom, the
bamboo, but because plum blossoms only bloom during the cold winter, it brings with it the icy-cold
essence of winter. This type of ‘cold’ is different and very rare. A few years ago, I obtained a particular
type of lotus blossom perfume, and I was reluctant to sell it, desiring to leave it as a wedding gift to my
daughter, but this plum blossom is even rarer. Whoever could make this type of perfume would indeed
treasure it so, and would not have given it away easily. Otherwise, everyone on the streets would know
how to manufacture it, and if that is the case, then how is it still special?”
Qiao Xian, “Then do you know anyone who knew how to manufacture this perfume?”
The owner of the perfume shop laughed bitterly, “If I knew such a person, I would have hired them with
gold pieces. Would I still be standing here saying so much to you? Strange wonders can be encountered
unexpectedly but cannot be requested. I have spent half my life in the perfume business, so if you find
someone who knows how to manufacture that sort of perfume, please be a generous person and
introduce them to me.”
He stopped for a moment to pat his head, “Right, last month, Lady Yunyun from the Spring Moon
astounded half of the city with her dance. I have heard that she uses a different perfume every day, yet
she has never sent anyone here to purchase from me. Perhaps she might have someone teaching her
how to make her perfume. Nevertheless, you can head over there and inquire about it!”
Qiao Xian and Zhangsun Bodhi’s eyes sparkled.
“Have you spoken about this to the one that came before us?” Qiao Xian asked.
The perfume shop owner shook his head, “At that time, it did not cross my mind. Naturally, I had
forgotten about it.”
Qiao Xian, “That Spring Moon place, is it a place of entertainment?”
The perfume shop owner gave a dubious smile that all men knew.
Qiao Xian immediately understood and felt that the question she had asked was quite ridiculous.
Broadly speaking, spices used to make perfumes were also a type of medicine. Since Cui Buqu was
familiar with the arts of healing, he was naturally accustomed to spices, and he knew that the plum
blossom perfume was very rare. From this piece of information, he was able to spread out, further
finding clues. Qiao Xian and Zhangsun Bodhi knew their Commander very well. Others may
underestimate him, seeing how he was often sick and that he lacked physical strength. However, if a
person like that could summon winds and storms, making a place for himself in the world, then he
would certainly have something that ordinary people would not be able to guess. In the Zuoyue Bureau,
even if Cui Buqu spent eight out of ten days lying in bed, no one would dare underestimate him.
“Would the members of the Jiejian Bureau vomit blood if they knew that the ‘Five Tastes’ restaurant is
our stronghold?” Qiao Xian felt better after obtaining a possible lead for the case. Although her face was
still expressionless and cold, her voice sounded less tense.
Zhangsun Bodhi did not respond but asked her a question back, “The Spring Moon, should you or I go?”
Qiao Xian, “Of course it should be me. With a face like yours, people would think you are there to collect
debts, certainly not one looking for entertainment.”
Zhangsun Bodhi held the prayer beads in his hand and did not say a word.
Because, towards Qiao Xian’s words, there was nothing he could refute.
Linlang Guild’s Hall.
Today was the final day of the auction, compared to the last few days, there were even more people.
However, the threshold was also higher than before. Other than an invitation, customers also needed to
give some amount of deposit before entering. If they managed to purchase something they like, then
the deposit would be added to the amount they had auctioned for. If nothing caught their eyes, then
their deposit would be returned.
Therefore, it filtered out a lot of people who had other intentions; or those who did not really want to
make a purchase, simply wanting to come for the crowd.
Feng Xiao brought Cui Buqu and Pei Jingzhe and entered, just as someone immediately exclaimed from
behind, “Is this not Feng-er?”
That person immediately ran up to them, both surprised and happy to see Feng Xiao. “Feng-er, long
time no see. To think I would see you here!”
The other man looked around twenty-five to twenty-six, wearing a tall headpiece and red robes. He
looked like an elegant gentleman, but Cui Buqu’s sharp eyes were able to tell that the way he behaved
around Feng Xiao was different from the norm.
Meeting old friends was a common thing, but this manner of attentiveness and welcoming was a little
To think of him as someone who wanted to bribe Feng Xiao was not exactly accurate either.
Just as Cui Buquwas was contemplating; Feng Xiao had already raised his brows and smiled “Young
Master Lin, it has been some time.”
When these words left his mouth and judging by the other’s age; his background and history were
slowly emerging in Cui Buqu’s mind.
The Yandang Estate. Among the Jianghu province, their main profile was doing business. Both rich and
wealthy, their family also possessed the Yandang thirteen sword styles. The head, Lin Leng, only
obtained a son, Lin Wei, in his late years; therefore it was natural that he spoiled this child rotten. Even
towards his son’s bewildered and queer habits, Lin Leng simply remained silent but never obstructed
him. The reason that the Yandang Estate was so famous was not because of their wealth, and not
because of their sword style, but because of Lin Wei.
Seeing that Lin Wei was all giddy and happy, practically lunging himself forward to hold Feng Xiao’s
hand, the latter naturally stepped a few inches away from him, his hand reaching up to place it on Cui
Buqu’s shoulder instead. Before Cui Buqu realized it, he was already pulled towards Feng Xiao’s body,
their shoulders clashing against one another.
Feng Xiao, “Come, let me introduce you. This is a very ‘intimate friend’ of mine. His surname is Cui,
named Buqu. QuQu, this is Young Master Lin of Yandang Estate, Lin Wei.”
He purposely put more emphasis on the words 'intimate friend’, his lips curling into a strange and
unusual smile. It was incredibly suggestive, and clear; that anyone could have seen it.
Cui Buqu:???
Chapter 13 – The Emperor’s First Move
As soon as the words ‘intimate friend’ merged, Lin Wei immediately looked at Cui Buqu with hostility.
Since Cui Buqu knew of the rumours concerning Lin Wei, of course, he knew what was going on. Without
even thinking twice, he wanted to move Feng Xiao’s hand away from his shoulder, but who knew that
the other man had his hand clasped tightly on him. No matter what he did, he could not move it an inch.
Lu Wei’s gaze flashed, and he smiled, “To be able to be Feng-er’s intimate friend, I believe Lord Cui must
surely be a man with commendable abilities. May I ask if Lord Cui is from the Boling Cui Clan or the
Qinghe Cui Clan?”
Cui Buqu looked at him, blankly, “Neither. I am just an ordinary person from no prominent clans.”
The more he spoke in such a way; the more Lu Wei was unable to determine his intentions.
Cui Buqu’s footsteps were weak and light; his face looked pale and cold, his eyes looked burnout. It was
very apparent to the eyes that he was not trained in martial arts. Instead, he seemed like he was ill. It
was confusing as to how someone like him could gain the interest of someone like Feng-er.
A few years ago, when Lu Wei met Feng-er, owning to the latter’s willingness to be less strict on the
matter; he was able to avoid some troubles.
At that time, it was as if Feng-er descended from the heavens, causing him to be bedazzled. From then
onwards, he had found no one else more attractive. However, Feng-er was not interested in him in the
same way; additionally, his martial arts were unparalleled, so even if Lu Wei wanted to force himself
onto him, he did not have that opportunity. If he did not deal with it properly, he might not be able to
save himself. So all he could do was restrain his feelings and desires while doing all he could for Feng-er,
hoping he would reconsider it. However, Feng-er was unpredictable, and Lu Wei knew very little of his
identity. Even if he wanted to search for him, he did not know where to look. So being able to see him in
a place like this had been a pleasant surprise.
Lu Wei thought of himself as being handsome and gentlemanly, yet to imagine that he could not
compare to a sickly person like Cui Buqu in Feng-er’s eyes, of course, he felt unhappy about it.
He wanted to say something, but Feng Xiao did not give him that opportunity. He merely smiled and
said, “Let us proceed.” before bringing Cui Buqu inside.
Cui Buqu was half-dragged, half-pulled into the hall. On the exterior, Feng Xiao looked very intimate and
gentle, but in truth, he did not allow him the chance to revolt.
The Linlang Guild’s Auction Hall had two floors shaped like a patio. In the centre was where the auction
would be taking place and around it were tables and chairs for its bidders. From the second floor, one
could glance down and see everything that was happening in the centre. Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu’s seats
were located south of the second floor. In the morning, there was already a few dumplings and tea. The
employees also did not yap and talk loudly as usual. Even when they walked, their footsteps were silent.
Following their example, the guests themselves also spoke softly. The melody of the lute filled the hall,
creating a soothing rhyme. It did not seem like the usual way the Linlang Guild would conduct business.
It was as if one had entered a pub.
Cui Buqu roughly scanned the place with his eyes. He realized that at most, those who sat on the first
floor were typical businessmen and pugilists, on the second floor were either relatives of the Emperor or
sons of officials of the Imperial Court. Compared to the quietness on the second floor to the first floor,
the latter was far rowdier. The reason the Linlang Guild separated the two floors was that they were
trying to avoid unnecessary troubles.
Just as they walked up the stairs and took a turn, entering behind the screen and completely out of Lin
Wei’s line of sight, Feng Xiao almost immediately released his hand, practically shoving Cui Buqu to the
side, as if he was afraid that if he continued touching him for a moment longer, some sort of dust would
cling onto him.
Cui Buqu: ……
He quietly gave Feng Xiao another mark in his book before sitting down expressionlessly.
Feng Xiao acted as if he felt nothing, laughing, “Judging by your look, I wager you know of Lin Wei’s
queer habits?”
Cui Buqu was displeased, “This is the reason you used me to make a fool out of him? Does our
agreement include this sort of arrangement?”
Feng Xiao faked a look of innocence, “Regardless, I brought you to here to witness a rare sight today, as
compensation, it does not hurt you to sacrifice a little. In my presence, he will not be able to do anything
to you.”
Cui Buqu responded blandly, “Although Lin Wei is absurd, he is no fool. Using me as your excuse, would
not Pei Jingzhe be more convincing?”
Pei Jingzhe who had been quietly drinking his tea coughed suddenly.
Feng Xiao laughed, “Impossible. He is not as good looking as you are.”
As his voice died down, Lin Wei’s shadow emerged from behind the screen.
“How rowdy is the floor below, it makes one unable to attain a moment of quietness. Feng-er Lang1,
you surely would not mind if I came here?”
There was only a foot of distance between Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu, but the moment Lin Wei’s voice was
heard, Feng Xiao grabbed Cui Buqu’s wrist at the speed of light, the upper half of his body leaned down
towards him, and spoke in a very intimate voice, “QuQu, there is dust on your nose. Come; allow me to
wipe it away for you.”
Cui Buqu: ……
Lin Wei glared at Cui Buqu with a gaze that looked as if it would burn. Cui Buqu, no doubt caught his
glare and killing intent, but the other quickly withdrew his gaze, as if nothing out of the ordinary
In the Jianghu province, although the Yandang Estate was only a moderately ranked family, because of
Lin Leng’s open personality, everyone would tolerate him and gave him some face when they were
conversing with Lu Wei. However, when it came to Feng Xiao, this was practically useless.
“My apologies, I fear there is no space left on my table.” Feng Xiao smiled, but his refusal was
straightforward and clear.
Lin Wei refused to budge. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but Pei Jingzhe immediately
interrupted, “Young Master Lin, this way.”
“Then we may converse at a later time.” Lin Wei could only leave.
Feng Xiao was smiling daggers.
He gave no face to Lin Wei, but Lin Wei did not even show his displeasure. To Lin Wei, Feng Xiao was like
a mysterious, grand, and otherworldly figure. He was unable to find out his name or background. He
came and went like a shadow that was untraceable. With this trait alone, it was enough to make Lin Wei
faint; otherwise, he would not have been unable to forget him until this moment.
Before he left, Lin Wei could not help but look at Cui Buqu again. The latter’s hand was still held by Feng
Xiao; his eyebrows were low. It was difficult to tell what he was thinking about.
He gave a faint smile as if he thought that Cui Buqu was merely a temporary plaything for Feng Xiao;
flipped his sleeves and left.
After Feng Xiao’s fingers let go of his wrist, Cui Buqu did not show the displeasure that he had shown
just before, in fact, he was deep in thought.
With Feng Xiao’s position as the Second Commander of the Jiejian Bureau, there was no need for Feng
Xiao to be so concerned about Lin Wei’s feelings. It was unnecessary to use Cui Buqu as a defensive
mechanism. Even though Lin Wei kept coming and harassing him, Feng Xiao seemed as though he had
no intentions of cutting off his ties with Lin Wei. This act alone deserved its reason.
“What are you thinking? Want me to help you ease your worries?” Feng Xiao’s voice rang in his ears.
Cui Buqu thought of one possibility, “Is the Jiejian Bureau investigating Lin Wei in secret?”
Feng Xiao blinked in surprise, “What makes you think that?”
Cui Buqu did not respond, but thought instead: Could it be that Lin Wei is related to the Khotan
ambassador’s case? No, that’s certainly not right. The Yandang Estate is a thousand miles away from the
City of Six Crafts, on regular days; the Khotan kingdom also did not have much to do with the Linlang
Guild. The reason Lin Wei came here was definitely for the crowd. However, among the things the Lin
family sold was a type of silk called the ‘Sky Blanket’. It was manufactured in the South and had colours
like that of daylight. That silk is similar to glass and is well received by its customers. It soon became a
tribute. Every year, the Lin family would provide the silk to the palace. According to rumours, it’s said
that they wanted to get close to the Crown Prince through this fact.
Feng Xiao allowed him to think whatever he wanted, but said leisurely, “QuQu, it is such a waste for a
man of your capabilities to be a small nobody in the Zuoyue Bureau. If you are willing, there are now
three Commanders in the Jiejian Bureau; I could offer a recommendation, and make you the fourth
Commander of the house.”
From the side, Pei Jingzhe opened his eyes wide. As if he wanted to say something, but refrained from
doing so.
The Jiejian Bureau held power that surpassed even the six ministries; additionally, Feng Xiao also had
the privilege of making decisions without needing approval from the Imperial Court. Although Cui Buqu
was very likely a member of the Zuoyue Bureau, as of now, they were still unsure. For his lord to offer
the position of the fourth Commander of the Jiejian Bureau like this, how can it not be bewildering? For
a moment, Pei Jingzhe could not tell whether Feng Xiao was genuinely recruiting talents, or he was
simply testing Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu was expressionless, raising his head, “Zuoyue Bureau? Why is it that I understood nothing of
what you are talking about?”
Feng Xiao held his hand, “Your body is fragile. It is unbearable for you to run around the city like that,
strategizing your next moves, and yet no one cared. I felt pity for you. The Jiejian Bureau needs someone
with your intelligence and sharpness. If you would only nod, I will deal with the Zuoyue Bureau myself
and guarantee your transfer. What do you say?”
He used a very earnest gaze on Cui Buqu, sincerity all over his smile. It was as if dead trees would
blossom, and pebbles would weep at the sight.
This was the first time Cui Buqu met someone who could lie so convincingly by solely using a handsome
face. It was enough to make one faint, dropping everything they were thinking about. Although Cui Buqu
was not seduced, it was impossible for him to not admire the beautiful sight before him.
“Lord Feng, although your words are quite convincing, I am not certain what you are talking about. I am
only interested in being a Daoist. After all this is over, I implore you to keep your promise and let me
Seeing that his seduction had failed, Feng Xiao smiled and released his hand, leaning back and returning
to his normal posture.
“Since when did I promise to let you go? That time, I said I was willing to consider it, but whether you
can convince me or not, that is up to your performance.”
Even though a playful, douche bag look from Feng Xiao was also very attractive, Cui Buqu could not help
but call him despicable in his head.
Just as the two of them were bantering, a clear sound rang across the halls. A young man walked to the
centre of the hall and sounded the bell.
Everyone present immediately turned their gaze towards him.
The real show was about to begin.
[1] Feng-er Lang: A way to call Feng Xiao in a way that seems intimate, almost like flirting.
Chapter 14 – Do You Want To See My Most ‘Invaluable Treasure’?
Ever since the Linlang Guild became famous, many businesses also copied its methods, creating
auctioning events. However, when compared, the Linlang Guild was still the grandest. Every year, the
Linlang Guild only needed to issue invitations, it would be received as something even more invaluable
than gold. Many people would view the invitation as an identity significance, and take it to attend the
auction with pride.
If Feng Xiao wanted an invitation, he didn’t need to flaunt his title to get one. However, it was not so
easy for the others.
“Today is the last day of the auction. We thank everyone who took the time to attend; it is the pride and
honour of the Linlang Guild to receive you. Let us not waste time bantering; we know that everyone is
both eager and excited to begin. Let us bring the first item forward, everyone please be patient.”
The middle-aged man did not care to suppress his words, shouting in a deep rumbling voice that
resonated across the place. This man was certainly a martial artist with high capabilities. However, at a
glance, the Linlang Guild was a dominant business; naturally, it would attract a lot of envious people. To
invite a few highly skilled martial artists here to sit around as bodyguards was not strange at all.
Just as the orders were given, a beautiful waitress brought a tray forward with two young waiters on her
left and right. Once the golden cloth was pulled away, a jade green copper wine vessel was revealed
before the audience’s eyes.
“This is the very same vessel used by the Duke Han of Qi during the Spring-Autumn period. On the
vessel, there are inscriptions that prove its authenticity. This item is brought to us by our Lanling Guild’s
Master Dong Yang. The beginning price is ten guan. The auction ends if there is no higher bidder after
three calls. Please begin.”
The waitress moved promptly, ringing the bell, and immediately someone said, “Eleven guan!”
“Twelve guan!”
“Thirteen guan!”
Once the auction had begun, the entire hall became rowdy. Not long after, someone called for thirty
These people may not be too interested in the wine vessel itself, but as long as the item was from the
Linlang Guild, it was almost certainly valuable. Even if they did not want it for themselves, they could use
it to give to others. They merely needed to say that it was from the Linlang Guild’s Master Dong Yang, it
was enough to impress anyone.
“Who was the one who offered thirty guan?” Feng Xiao asked Cui Buqu with deep interest.
He did not shout for a price. Compared to the wine vessel, Feng Xiao was more interested in its bidders.
He knew that Cui Buqu would know this.
As he expected, Cui Buqu answered, “The man’s name is called Leng Dou. He is the adopted son of the
Group Leader of the Nine Groups of Caoyun1. As of late, the leader, Ning Shewo, gifted a beautiful
woman to the Emperor of the Southern Dynasty, Chen Shubao. The woman obtained the love and
attention of Chen Shubao and became an important person by his side. Because of this, Shubao was
willing to allow Ning Shewo to conduct the business of all the canal transports in the south. The reason
Leng Dou bid for the item, is most likely because he wants to give it as a tribute. Except that Chen
Shubao is an Emperor, he would not be interested in something like this. So this tribute is simply for
someone close to him, a servant or attendant. If not mistaken, he is determined to get the item. Others
would not place such a heavy bid on merely the first item.”
The Nine Groups of Caoyun was not only just a group; it formed from the merging of nine different
groups. They did business on water and were one of the vital forces in the Southern Wulin that could
not be underestimated. Among the Nine Groups, the Jinhuan Ganghad the highest power; thus, the
Jinhuan Gang’s leader, Ning Shewo, became the leader of all nine groups.
It was not a difficult task for the Jiejian Bureau to investigate whoever they wanted to, but it was not as
convenient as having Cui Buqu by their side who knew the entire worldly matters of Wulin and Jianghu
in his heart. With a few words, he would recite the other person’s origins and background. This was an
ability that Pei Jingzhe would not even be able to manage. Only the Zuoyue Bureau could produce such a
After Cui Buqu finished talking, the exchange was done. The wine vessel was bought by Leng Dou,
completely aligning with Cui Buqu’s prediction.
This person looked pale on the surface; he also looked sickly with a large robe over him that practically
covered half his face. People who sat near him could feel the tiredness radiating from him, but when he
opened his mouth to speak, there was optimism in his voice. It made one not help but to admire it.
Feng Xiao clapped his hand and complimented, “A-Cui, you are truly brilliant! From all the guests before
my eyes, you’re the only one who got distinguished by thirty percent!”
Cui Buqu kept his mouth shut, refusing to respond to him.
But Feng Xiao refused to let it go, “Will you not ask where the other seventy percent went?”
Cui Buqu replied coldly, “There is no need to ask for me to know.”
Feng Xiao laughed, “It seems you also think the same way. Of all the heroism in the world, they are the
same. I have taken seventy percent, so the remaining thirty percent is offered to you!”
Cui Buqu rolled his eyes in reply.
Pei Jingzhe asked in curiousity, “Does Ning Shewo have any sons?”
Cui Buqu shook his head, “Ning Shewo and his wife were married for nineteen years, but they were
blessed with no children except for an adopted son, Leng Dou. They treat him like one of their own. Ning
Shewo already spread the word that he would be retiring next year, if not mistaken, the position of the
leader would be succeeded by Leng Dou. However, Leng Dou is still young; he cannot even dominate the
Jinhuan group yet. All has yet to be set in stone; there are still things left to be observed.”
Pei Jingzhe only knew a little of it from the rumours, but he had smiled and dismissed them. The reason
being that he felt like those related to the Jianghu province were matters concerning the South and had
nothing to do with the Sui Empire2 whatsoever.
It was as if Cui Buqu understood what he was thinking, saying blandly, “If the Emperor wants to cut
down the Chens, he would have to head down the Southern river. The Nine Groups of Caoyun is
indispensable in the South; therefore, if things can be done within to avoid conflicts when the time
comes, the situation would not have been worse than watching the Nine Groups of Caoyun allying with
the Southern Dynasty to go against the Sui Empire.”
Feng Xiao only smiled and remained silent. He had already long thought of this matter.
But Pei Jingzhe had not. Listening to this, he was shocked and immediately clasped his hands together, “I
At first, when Cui Buqu had started coughing before he could even speak two sentences, although Pei
Jingzhe had never said it on the lips, he could not help but look down on Cui Buqu. After all, the Jiejian
Bureau and the Zuoyue Bureau were different from the Three Departments and Six Ministries. The two
often traveled across lands. The knowledge of martial arts was not a must, but if they did not know how
to defend themselves and were ambushed by skilled martial artists, it would hinder their tasks. Cui Buqu
was a unique case. This person came from the Glass Palace and knew the world of Jianghu like the back
of his hand, yet he did not even have a single ounce of martial arts on him. Although right now he was
under the control of Feng Xiao, the way he spoke did not show a hint of cowardice or intention of giving
in, he neither begged for his life.
Pei Jingzhe felt that this person, even if he did not know any martial arts, it was not a weakness. If his
lord could make this man work beneath him, the Jiejian Bureau’ power will have increased dramatically.
The next one was two ancient instruments. One was a zither called Green Dragonfly, the other a famous
sword called White Rainbow.
Both were exemplary weapons. Therefore, it was natural that many people went out of their way to
fight for them. Even Feng Xiao seemed to be interested in the Green Dragonfly, participating in the
auction as well. However, in the end, someone bought it for three thousand silver taels and acquired the
zither. Feng Xiao did not seem like he absolutely needed to own it, so he gave up midway.
Cui Buqu could tell that the other had no doubt really wanted the zither, but had given up half-way; he
could not help but glare at him a few times.
Feng Xiao, realizing, curled up the corners of his lips, “I do not want the Green Dragonfly because I have
something that is even more invaluable. Do you want to see my most ‘invaluable treasure’?”
Cui Buqu, “……”
Cui Buqu was not someone who fought with words. If he so desired, he could argue with the other and
make his face cease all form of light. Previously, when he was faced with someone despicable like Feng
Xiao, there was no need for him to open his mouth; someone else would clean up these sorts of people
for him. However, as of now, trapped under the banner of the other, he needed to make his move
personally. He fixed his eyes on the other and spoke.
But since Cui Buqu was not a shy lady, there was no expectation for him to blush madly after hearing
something so suggestive. He merely replied flatly and calmly, “Please bring it out and enlighten me.”
Feng Xiao sniffed, “A-Qu, how could you be so frivolous? A ‘holy’ item like this, can you not use the word
‘bring it out’? It should be ‘presented’.”
Cui Buqu, “I am afraid that when you bring out your ‘invaluable treasure’; in less than a minute it would
shrink to the size of a finger, then I will be very disappointed.”
Feng Xiao was shocked, “I am speaking of a zither, were you not speaking of one?”
Cui Buqu laughed coldly, “I am also speaking of a zither, how do you not know I am speaking of one?”
Pei Jingzhe, “……”
He could no longer tolerate listening to these two talk; his only option being to raise a cup to his lips to
hide his twitching mouth.
Feng Xiao used a ‘keep talking’ look and glared at Cui Buqu, “In that case, QuQu, what zither in this
world can expand and shrink as it pleases?”
Cui Buqu replied, “Tiangong Pavillion’s Li Xuanji just made a fold-up zither. When folded up, it is as big as
a palm, when expanded; it is as big as a lute. Lord Feng, you are a member of the Jiejian Bureau, yet you
did not know of this?”
Feng Xiao smiled, “Li Xuanji possesses god-given haves, but my skills with the zither are definitely better
than his, and better than the Green Dragonfly. Except the Green Dragonfly is a famous zither, it is
difficult to come across. If I can have it for a few days, it would be excellent.”
Cui Buqu spoke, “The one who bought the Green Dragonfly is called Cui Hao. He is the eldest son of the
second wife of the leader of Boling Cui Clan. Next month on the eighth day, it will be his father, Cui
Yong's birthday. Cui Yong loves the zither like life itself, and he also loves Cui Hao.”
Judging by his meaning, this zither was bought as a gift for his father.
The rest of the auctioned items were all purchased as well.
Those who are able to attend the Linlang Guild’s auctioning event were naturally people who had no
money problems. When they bought something, it could alleviate their position and significance,
creating an illusion of someone at a higher place. So no matter how expensive the items were, there
was bound to be someone who bought it. However, some of the participants were people that not even
Feng Xiao or Pei Jingzhe knew, yet Cui Buqu could recite their background one by one. From his
introduction of them, Feng Xiao vaguely knew that they had nothing to do with the case.
When the day drifted towards the afternoon, half the auction was already over with. The Linlang Guild
served its customers with a variety of desserts, so they could fill their stomachs with something. The
people were not too hungry; instead, they were excited for the next half of the auctioning event.
Pei Jingzhe could no longer sit for another moment. He suspected that the Jade of Heaven’s Lake might
not even appear here, however, Feng Xiao seemed as though he intended to go with his decision in the
end, so Pei Jingzhe could only sit properly back.
After a while, he heard a young man say, “The next item is a jade stone, it has no name or origin. It only
arrived here yesterday, given to Linlang Guild. It has not gone through Master Dong Yang’s approval, so
it is impossible to determine whether it is a genuine or bogus item. This sort of thing, if bought by the
customer and regretted, the Linlang Guild will not take any form of responsibility. Just as a heads up.”
This rule was already spoken once, but was repeated again. People, who originally were not too
interested, looked discouraged.
The waiter brought a chest with cravings and took out the item inside. From outside the window,
sunlight shone through. Everyone gasped in wonderment.
Pei Jingzhe practically could not sit still. He immediately straightened his body and glared at the item in
the waitress’ hands.
It was the Jade of Heaven’s Lake!
[1] Nine Groups of Caoyun: 漕运九帮 the name scheme of this group is strange, but it seems like they’re
in charge of transporting merchandise through the canals. It’s called the Caoyun system.
[2] Sui Empire: The Sui Dynasty will now be called the Sui Empire to avoid confusion with the Northern
and Southern Dynasties.
Chapter 15 – Feng Xiao: I Played Myself
Just as Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu were in the Linlang Guild’s hall waiting for the Jade of Heaven’s Lake to
appear, the Spring Moon received an unusual guest.
The reason as to why the guest was strange was because he had shaved all his hair and held prayer
beads in his hands. To say that he was a monk was not right, as he was wearing the usual clothes, yet it
was also not correct to not call him a monk because his face looked like a well that had dried up. He did
not look like he was here to entertain himself; instead, he looked like someone who came here to
spread Buddist teachings.
The mistress of the place, Lady Xue, received a lot of guests in the past years, but this was the first time
she had seen someone so strange. She heard that the guest has disregarded all propriety and busted
himself inside, so she could only simply grab a hairpiece, yawn, and walk down the stairs with a few
guards by her side.
When both gazes met, Lady Xue had to suppress her anger and switch to a smiling face.
“My Lord, in the Spring Moon, we do not receive guests during the day. If you want, you can come back
in the evening.”
Zhangsun Bodhi, “I heard there is a Lady Yunyun; whose dance has astounded half the city, I came here
to see her.”
Lady Xue covered her lips and laughed, “I fear that Lady Yunyun hasn’t even woke up yet at this hour!”
If regular customers of the Spring Moon were here and witnessed how Lady Xue acted so aggressively
towards a customer that did not know the rules, their jaws would have fallen out right away. However,
to Lady Xue, she had interacted with many different people in the past, so Zhangsun Bodhi’s
handsomeness was enough for her to relieve her disgust, and put on a smile and welcoming façade.
Zhangsun Bodhi’s eyebrows furrowed, “But I am only travelling past the City of Six Crafts, tonight I will
be leaving. Can I not see her even once?”
He took out a pouch and gave it to Lady Xue.
Once Lady Xue opened it,she was stunned on the spot.
Inside the pouch were numerous large, round pearls from the Southern Sea, gleaming under the
With Zhangsun Bodhi’s handsome face added with this bag of pearls, let alone asking Lady Yunyun to
accompany him, even if he had asked for Lady Xue herself, she would not have declined.
“My lord, please come this way. I will call for Yunyun at once!”
Zhangsun Bodhi nodded his head slightly, his gaze mildly moving to the house in front. With a light
movement and a shadow, he swiftly disappeared.
If they wanted to avoid suspicion, of course, it was best if they came at night, but after much discussion
with Qiao Xian, they still decided that it was more convenient to come in the morning. It would be easier
to catch them off guard, and it might even lure the culprit out.
The Spring Moon’s building was very complex, consisting of many turns and allies; it was as if it had
hidden many mysteries inside. Zhangsun Bodhi walked behind Lady Xue, thinking that this was indeed a
place that was easy to hide a person, especially when the one was skilled in martial arts. As long as one
remained quiet, and hid behind flowers and trees, no one could find them.
“This is Yunyun’s place. You may go up yourself, but she might not have woken up.” Lady Xue laughed.
Although Yunyun was someone who sold both her skills and her body, she was not someone just anyone
could have. It was only because Zhangsun Bodhi was simply too generous, taking out a bag of pearls like
that. It was not only enough for one Yunyun, even if he wanted ten Yunyuns, it was also adequate.
After Lady Xue spoke, she turned and left. Zhangsun knocked on the door twice, and the door opened
quickly afterwards. A young woman staring at him stood outside.
Zhangsun Bodhi, “I am here for Yunyun.”
The young woman got angered, “You do not know the rules, do you? The lady does not accept guests
during the day. Leave now, or I will call the guards.”
Zhangsun, “It was Lady Xue who allowed me to come.”
The young woman was stunned for a moment, her anger turning to sorrow, but after a moment, she
peacefully said, “My lord, this way. Please take a seat, Yunyun has yet to wake up, but I will call for her
Zhangsun nodded, “Thank you.”
The place was meticulously decorated. Among Zhangsun’s surroundings, he could see there was a pot of
lamei flowers in front of the window. He was thinking of how they were able to get blossoms during
spring, so he got up to take a look only to realize it was silk flowers. Solely because it was presented
remarkably well, did it seem to be real. Its colour was evenly spread out, and deeply attractive, it could
pull off the look quite well.
“Do they look nice?” Behind him, the voice of a woman sounded.
“They do.” Zhangsun Bodhi turned around, “Did you make this yourself?”
Yunyun smiled but did not reply. She was only wearing a thin outer robe that hung loosely on her body,
looking leisurely and relaxed.
“It is good if it looks nice. Does it matter where it came from? My lord, why did you come here so
stubbornly in the day, that even Lady Xue was unable to stop you?”
Zhangsun Bodhi said simply, “A bag of pearls.”
Yunyun listened and understood immediately; she laughed, “No wonder she was willing to make you an
After she spoke, she immediately held Zhangsun’s hand and leaned close to him.
It did not matter that Lady Yunyun’s dance was beautiful and alluring; many wealthy men willingly threw
their money to her. Beautiful women were easy to get anywhere, but everyone tended to be in a hurry
to act.
Yunyun knew this, so she did not imitate the other girls from other entertainment taverns.
However, Zhangsun Bodhi pushed her hand away.
“I want to see you dance.”
Yunyun laughed, “My lord, are you feeling shy, so you wanted to see a dance instead? It is possible, but
there are no instruments here, I can only let my maidservants play the lute.”
Zhangsun Bodhi, “I am not shy, neither am I pretending to be a gentleman. I truly just want to see you
His expression was pale, and neither was he smiling, the way he spoke was almost convincing.
“Do you remember this golden hairpiece?” Zhangsun Bodhi took out an ornament from his sleeves and
gave it to her.
At first, Yunyun looked confused, but then the colour returned to her face as she remembered
“Are you that… from the western ally…”
Zhangsun nodded his head, “Eight years ago, a young man wandered the streets nigh starvation, and it
practically claimed his life. It was you who gave him a golden hairpiece and allowed him to pawn it for
money. Later that, he strived hard in life, with enough money, he purchased this hairpiece back and
carried it on him at all times, only to return it to you. To draw an end to the kindness that you began.”
Yunyun stared at the golden hairpiece for a long time, tears slowly filling her eyes. In the end, they fell
onto Zhangsun Bodhi’s palms.
“Eight years. You are already a man, and I have grown old.”
Zhangsun, “If you are willing, I can redeem you from this place.”
Yunyun wiped her tears and shook her head, “I enjoy days like this, to be able to perform before many
eyes on the stage. You need not be worried about me. You can keep this hairpiece as a form of a
memoir. What dance would you like to see? I will dance for you.”
After that brief conversation, Lady Yunyun’s attitude towards Zhangsun Bodhi changed. She acted
incredibly familiar with him, no longer awkward and distant like she was before.
Zhangsun looked at her intently before putting the golden hairpiece back into his sleeves.
“Then, please dance ‘Zui Dong Feng’.”
Within the Linlang Guild’s stall, practically no one managed to sit still. The quiet atmosphere was heated
up at once. A few people stretched their necks to look at the waitress’ hands that were holding the jade,
round and beautiful and perfect.
There was no need for the Linlang staff to introduce the item. Whoever held knowledge of gemstones
would know that this was a valuable piece of treasure.
“The Jade of Heaven's Lake looks like that?” Pei Jingzhe could not stop himself but speak.
They had tried to estimate the facts before. It was very likely that the Jade of Heaven’s Lake would
appear in the Linlang Guild’s auction event, but no one thought that it would come in such a glorified
manner. If the Jiejian Bureau came out now and took the jade away, would not the other party’s
schemes fall apart right then and there?
“Could this be a fake?” Pei Jingzhe thought of this possibility.
Since the Linlang Guild took it out, it would be too late for them to keep it. Regardless of whether it was
the real one or a fake one, they could only determine it if they owned it.
“This item’s origins are unknown. The Linlang Guild would not bestow upon a conclusion. So, the
starting price of the item will be set to five guan, whoever wants to bid for a higher price, please help
The middle-aged man’s voice rang throughout the halls. Someone shouted six guans, and the prices kept
building. Not long after, it became fifty guans, and the crowd was still in the heat of the moment. The
prices kept rising, until it was impossible to predict that it would end any time soon. Even Lin Wei who
had been silent also joined the bid and straightaway shouted a whole one-hundred guans before
someone pushed the price higher.
Pei Jingzhe could not help but ask Feng Xiao, “My lord, what should we—”
With a jade like that, even if it was not the Jade of Heaven’s Lake, it would still draw commendable
attention from the crowd. Adding to the fact that news of the Jade of Heaven’s Lake being lost was
spread throughout the place, many people who kept close to winds knew of it. It was because of this
reason that this jade now looked familiar to more people when compared to the few items before it.
Feng Xiao, “Wait for a little while.”
That waiting lasted until the price finally reached three thousand and two hundred silver taels. Seeing
that the bidders had begun to slow down now, under Feng Xiao’s orders, Pei Jingzhe shouted five
thousand silver taels, added with the price of ten pearls from the Southern sea.
The place immediately quietened down.
Everyone stared in Pei Jingzhe’s direction.
Cui Buqu pulled the brim of his robe loose around his neck, moving away slightly sideways avoiding the
gazes of everyone.
Feng Xiao purposely moved closer to him, “You’re no little lady, why be so shy? Are you not willing to
see this?”
Cui Buqu answered coldly, “For you to grab attention like that, I fear that if I am seen with you, even if
someone murdered me in my sleep tonight I would not even know what happened.”
Feng Xiao laughed, extending a hand to put it on his waist and said in a suggestive voice, “Then you can
share a bed with me. I guarantee you will sleep soundly until the next sunrise!”
Cui Buqu rose to his feet. Raising a hand, at the blinding speed of thunder, he slapped Feng Xiao across
the face. It all happened in the blink of an eye that even Feng Xiao himself, who was unparalleled in
martial arts, could not respond to it. He wobbled a little before finally taking a step back.
“You shameless, despicable, unscrupulous lecher! After taking my sister, you would not even let me run
free? I even left for the City of Six Crafts, yet you refuse to cease pursuit. Has this world become
Under the eyes of everyone, Cui Buqu looked terrified, the fact that his face was pale made him look
even more convincing. It made them think of bamboo amidst of snow, brittle yet refusing to break.
Feng Xiao: ……
Never in his life would he have thought that Cui Buqu kept holding it in, refusing to speak; only to wait
until he was under the eyes of the public. The way everyone looked at Feng Xiao changed immediately.
Feng Xiao thought to himself, that this time, he really did play himself.
Chapter 16 – Fool, That Was Just Mulberry Juice
After Cui Buqu stopped talking, he covered his mouth and started coughing.
His coughs followed one after the other, sounding increasingly severe, causing him to bend down
slightly. His whole body shook when he coughed, like a bamboo in the midst of a tremendous wind.
During these two months, the Zixia Daoist Temple’s name rose within the City of Six Crafts. Not
everyone present here were locals, but there were still a few who knew Cui Buqu, so they shouted,
“Master Daoist Cui, are you alright? Do you need any help?”
“In broad daylight, I cannot believe there are still people who would do these kinds of disgusting things.
Master Cui, please come down here, let us call the bureau!” Someone else shouted.
Cui Buqu coughed a few more times and laughed bitterly, “This is Feng Xiao from the Jiejian Bureau. He
came here to investigate the case of the Khotan ambassador’s murder. He insisted that I had something
to do with the case, so he held me under custody. Even if you went to the magistrate, it would be
pointless. I appreciate your kindness. Just now, I just… could not hold it in anymore!”
He had coughed quite violently, so his eyes were brimmed with tears, yet no one was concerned for
him. Everyone simply saw that Cui Buqu’s face was pale and weak, the tears making him look very
Even Lin Wei who held romantic feelings towards Feng Xiao could not help but grow suspicious: Could it
be that Feng Xiao was only gentlemanly on the surface, but in reality, his hobbies were eccentric and
beyond horrifying. Not only did he sleep with both men and women, but he also desired for the sickly
and ill types?
If he thought about it in this manner, then as to why Feng Xiao was not interested in him… it all made
Lin Wei was beginning to wonder about the last time he tried to act in front of him to get his attention,
yet he did not know Feng Xiao’s background or origin, it made him stunned for a moment. The Lin family
was very close with the people in the palace. Lin Wei’s network was also often quicker than others. He
knew what to imagine when he heard the words ‘The Jiejian Bureau’. He did not know who Feng Xiao
was at first, and he even dared to have sexual thoughts about him? Now that he thought about it, he felt
that he had gone a little out of his place.
The Linlang Guild’s auction was cut off in the middle. The middle-aged man panicked a little and did not
know how to respond until Feng Xiao laughed loudly.
“I said it myself; I insisted that I would want both. Your sister is fragile and beautiful, and you are
intelligent. So what if I owned both of you? With the power the Jiejian Bureau holds in front of the
Emperor, these sort of trivial matters do not suffice to flaunt the imperial laws! A-Cui, I’ve trained your
sister, and now, all that is left is you. If you are willing to follow me, I guarantee that from now on,
regardless of what you want, I can give it to you!”
He flashed an evil laugh at Cui Buqu as if Cui Buqu truly had such a sister who had married into Feng
Xiao’s house.
You have a plan, but so do I. Is this not merely throwing stones at each other? Who is afraid of whom?
Cui Buqu laughed coldly, “But are these the habits of a gentleman? I have told my sister before, that
when she is with you, you seem to have some sort of weird hobby. Yet she refused to listen to me and
loved to take off everything to let you spank her. She also said she loved it when it hurt; the more
painful, the better. You tortured her until she is half dead. I wager these are things you are too cowardly
to let others know!”
The entire hall gasped.
Pei Jingzhe: ……
He was thoroughly immune to it, his entire face was expressionless, as he watched these two ruin each
other’s reputation, stomping the other’s name down into the mud.
Lin Wei opened his mouth widely, shocked beyond words.
In his heart, he spoke: Who knew Feng Xiao looked all proper and gentlemanly, yet he hid such a hobby.
On the other hand, while he himself was a cut-sleeve, and was considered unusual, at least he is still
normal in other aspects…….
The corner of Feng Xiao’s lips twitched.
He thought that he was cruel enough to himself and that he was also swift to think of a backup. Who
knew that someone else was even quicker than he had been. That Cui Buqu was even crueller than him.
Both of them glared at each other, big eyes glaring at smaller eyes. After a while, Feng Xiao decided to
let go of the matter and deal with the serious one at hand.
He flipped his sleeves and spoke to the middle-aged man, “This is a personal matter. There is no need
for everyone to be so concerned. If you hold any curiosity, you may come forth to the Jiejian Bureau.
Today the auction has yet to come to an end; we cannot dally here, can we?”
The middle-aged man looked as if he had woken up from a dream, “Y-yes! No one has claimed this piece
of jade yet. Everyone, please take your seats!”
Cui Buqu sat back down again and looked perfectly calm. Presently, even though he was in the hands of
Feng Xiao, and it had all begun with an accident; it had also been a part of his plan. Since he was now
playing his own game, of course, he could not leave the place. At the very least, he could disgust Feng
Xiao a little bit.
From the uproar before, everyone seemed to find it tough to sit in peace. No one else bid for the jade,
so it was ultimately owned by Feng Xiao. After that, there were a few more treasures; and naturally, it
resumed to being fought for by everyone. Feng Xiao did not participate again and only waited for the
auction to come to an end. He took Pei Jingzhe and Cui Buqu and left the place, turning to the Qiushan
“Master Cui, your mouth is so powerful. With just two or three sentences, you ruined our lord’s name!”
Pei Jingzhe exclaimed as he thought about the incident just now and felt a little frustrated. His tongue
was not as sharp as Feng Xiao, at that time, he could not think of anything more to refute. If he had
attacked Cui Buqu, it would just prove that Cui Buqu was right.
“I still have the Naihexiang in my system. That cannot make up for merely saying a few sentences. Just
now, I did not vomit blood in front of the audiences, and that is already being kind to you two.”
Cui Buqu looked pale, no longer having the terrifying shade of colour he had put on just now. He sat
there peacefully, calm like mountains and seas.
Pei Jingzhe felt unhappy, “Then vomit a mouthful of blood for me to see!”
Before he even finished talking, Cui Buqu opened his mouth and coughed. A mouthful of blood-coloured
liquid fell onto his robes, creating a red stain.
Pei Jingzhe: ?!!
He was in for a shock. Immediately he leapt three foot into the sky, almost running forwards to check on
Cui Buqu.
Feng Xiao’s light voice travelled to his ear, “Fool, it is just mulberry juice.”
He locked his eyes and looked. That colour did not seem dark red like human blood, but a shade of red
that looked purplish.
Pei Jingzhe: ……
Cui Buqu raised his sleeve to wipe the juice off the corner of his lips, showing no guilt at being called out.
“I choked.”
Pei Jingzhe’s mouth twitched as he recalled. A while ago in the Linlang auction event, the waitress did
bring them a few drinks and Cui Buqu had indeed ordered a cup of mulberry juice. But for him to keep
the juice in his mouth until now simply to spit it out, he thought, it was not an easy thing to accomplish.
Feng Xiao smiled, “QuQu, you look even more pleasing to the eye now. Would you honestly not consider
coming to the Jiejian Bureau? The position of the Fourth Commander of the Jiejian Bureau awaits you.
With a word from me, a gentleman, the best horses of the lands would not be able to compare in value
no matter their speed or might.”
Cui Buqu, “Are you considered a gentleman?”
Feng Xiao, “Fine, I am not a gentleman, I am a vile man. A word from a vile man could at least be worth
two swift horses. Or should I just say; your place in the Zuoyue Bureau is even higher than I had
Cui Buqu, “I have said it before, I have never heard of the Zuoyue Bureau.”
Feng Xiao, “Then let us talk about the jade.”
Pei Jingzhe placed the jade on the table.
Under the sunlight, the jade reflected rainbows. They practically saw their reflections on the jade.
“Of the men who participated in the bidding just now, including me, there were six people. Do you know
who they are?”
Cui Buqu responded, “Lin Wei from the Yandang Estate. Zhou Pei, one of the top wealthiest
businessmen of Khotan. Boling Cui Clan’s Cui Hao. Gao Ning, a Goguryeoian man. Anlu Zhang Clan’s
Zhang Yingshui.
It was as though he had long expected Feng Xiao to ask such a question and answered everyone’s name
without even stopping to think.
Feng Xiao, “Among them, whom do you think is the most suspicious?”
Pei Jingzhe formerly thought that Cui Buqu would not know how to answer, perhaps something along
the lines of, “How would I know?”, but this time he was incredibly cooperative.
“Zhou Pei. His father is a Göktürk. According to rumours, he is a cousin to Khan Ishbara’s number one
martial artist, Fo Shou. And that, Goguryeoian man, Gao Ning.”
Chapter 17 – Accursed Show-off Oleander
Zhangsun Bodhi was not a man who sought entertainment.
His personality, from the eyes of spectators, looked a little bitter. When he was in the Zuoyue Bureau,
he would recite menu scripts or make tea. His life was even dryer than that of normal monks. However,
to him, it did not feel bitter; it felt natural.
At that moment, every man in the city would have loved to be in his position. Watching Yunyun dance to
the slow music, her legs long and fair and soft. As they moved, the golden bells on her legs jingled.
However, Zhangsun did not act unnaturally. He sat with his back straight and relaxed, both hands on
each other, the prayer beads sitting in his palm. All his attention was given to the performance in front
of him as if he was watching one of the best martial artists performing.
Lady Yunyun had experienced many different kinds of situations; hence she could finish a dance
flawlessly even under his gaze.
“Was it perfect?” She took the cloth given to her by her maidservants and replied as she laughed.
“It was.” Zhangsun merely replied with two words. However, they sounded more sincere compared to a
thousand compliments in her ears.
“Then tonight, you…” Yunyun only said four words and did not continue.
Originally it was not the first time she let a guest stay overnight, but she knew not why, this time, it was
difficult for her to express her words. Perhaps because Zhangsun’s expression looked too formal; he did
not look like a man who would share a bed with prostitutes.
Although the people outside praised and glorified her and spoke of her as though she was even more
difficult to be bought than gold, Yunyun knew in her heart that, at the end of the day, she was just
another person who had no choice in life, a fish struggling fruitlessly in a fisherman’s net.
Suddenly, the man got closer to her and the façade that she had put up immediately crumbled. Her
shoulders became stiff, and her body suddenly refused to listen to her. She wanted to step back but was
unable to. She could only let the other’s nose drift near her.
“The scent of you is truly exceptional.” Zhangsun said.
Yunyun’s ears turned red. “Yes, it’s the smell of mandarins, added with a little bit of the smell of trees
and grass.”
Zhangsun, “It is a pleasant smell.”
Both of them were practically stuck close to each other. Yunyun’s waist and shoulders were held by
strong arms, she could not move, but her heartbeat gradually became faster.
This man, to her, was even more handsome than any other man she had met. He was filled with energy,
and they had shared such an obscure fate.
Zhangsun, “Are you the one who made this perfume?”
Under his seduction, Lady Yunyun seemed to have lost all her guard, “No. Someone made it for me.”
Zhangsun Bodhi, “Could you make one for me too?”
“Sure…” Yunyun stuttered before feeling herself being let go suddenly. Confusion appeared on her face.
Zhangsun, “It is not yet dark.”
Yunyun’s face turned red. It was not that appropriate to do that in the morning. Besides, the place they
were in was not like the rest. In front of this man, she wanted to give a good impression.
“Then, my lord, what would you like to do? Should I dance once more for you?” She combed her hair
and smiled gently.
“I want to make a painting on you.” Zhangsun Bodhi said.
Yunyun was stunned.
Zhangsun Bodhi, “I have watched dances in the palace. You do not fall behind compared to them. I want
to put it onto paint and paper, so you can see for yourself.”
Had it been any other person who said those words, she would only offer a smile, but presently the man
who said these words was someone who paid a lot of attention, and his look was severe. She trusted his
words completely.
No one had ever said they wanted to paint her.
Yunyun raised her head and gave a very exuberant laugh, “Of course!”
Outside the room, Hong Zhu had brought some food with her, but the room’s doors were closed, and
there remained silence.
Her footsteps stopped, bringing with it a little bit of excitement, using a shoulder she parted the doors a
little, looking through the translucent veil. However, it was not as she has imagined it. There was neither
music nor action. Yunyun’s back was turned towards her, unmoving.
Looking at the man who just barged inside just now, they were not kissing or hugging, but he was
standing in front of the study, drawing something.
Hong Zhu looked at Zhangsun Bodhi’s drawing for a good while; the envy blatant in her eyes. However,
the two people in the room were oblivious, as if they did not notice the maidservant eavesdropping
In the end, she felt disinterested; twitching her lips, she quietly left, bringing the wine and food back to
her own room. She was not aware that behind her, a white shadow had appeared.
Qiao Xiao had first wanted to question Hong Zhu, but after observing her, she decided against it.
Everyone had their faults. The scariest thing was not being able to find out your enemy’weakness.
Hong Zhu’s weakness was already apparent to the eye.
Or, if they changed the way they questioned her, Qiao Xiao’s inquiry would be answered far more
In the Qiushan manor, Cui Buqu stared at the Jade of Heaven’s lake and spoke warmly, “The present
King of Goguryeo is its fifty-second ruler. The surname ‘Gao’ is the imperial surname of the
Goguryeoians. Although few in the Central Place know of Gao Ning; in Goguryeo, he is no small matter.
They say his sword style is nigh unparalleled. Once, he defeated the top twelve martial artists from
Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla. The king was satisfied with his performance and knighted him as the
number one martial artist of Goguryeo. He was permitted to carry his sword and mount horses within
the palace.”
After being deceived by Cui Buqu, Pei Jingzhe felt a little salty in his heart; so he could not stop himself
saying, “Goguryeo is a small kingdom. It is rare to even to meet the people from there. I fear that the socalled ‘top martial artist’ is simply just for their standards; but within the Central Plains, they are
probably no match for anyone.”
It was odd to find Cui Buqu agreeing with him, “Not bad. However, this time, Gao Ning indeed had the
intention of taking the Jade of Heaven’s Lake. There are no martial artists in this world that would refuse
an opportunity to improve themselves. Many others are cornered like a bottle’s neck, unable to move
up or down, but with the jade; they might have a chance at a breakthrough.”
Pei Jingzhe, “But this is just assuming, there is no way for anyone to know whether it is real or a bogus.”
“A sliver of hope would suffice. People will take the chance.” Feng Xiao knuckled the table, “Now back to
the main topic. Do you all feel that, if you wanted to steal something, would allow it to appear in front of
the eyes of the public, so it would garner the attention of everyone else?”
Pei Jingzhe, “I would use the Linlang Guild’s influence, let it become one of the auction items, and take it
away just like that. Since it came from Linlang Guild’s auction event; it would also be a lot more
convenient to vanish with the jade. The chairman of the Linlang Guild, Wen Liang, is still in prison now,
so it is possible for such a thing to take place. Could it be that because Wen Liang was captured by us,
their plans failed, so the jade was able to fall into our hands?”
Feng Xiao shook his head. He thought that the whole matter would not have been so simple. There had
to be something that he must have left out.
This case looked simple on the surface: a murder and robbery case. However, it could be dissected from
within, and then one would find that it was even more complicated than before. It was as if they had
found a clue, but were immediately thrown back into the chaos.
Feng Xiao could feel that someone was playing the chess with an invisible hand. Some hands that had
the intention to cover its goals; some hands that wanted to observe from the side.
As he thought of this, he turned towards Cui Buqu.
The latter felt his gaze on him, so he looked towards his way, looking impassive.
Damn sly fox, Feng Xiao muttered in his heart.
Accursed show-off oleander, Cui Buqu smiled darkly.
Oleander, beautiful on the outside and poisonous within; using it to describe Feng Xiao, he thought, was
undeniably far from inappropriate.
Pei Jingzhe did not realise the intense stare between the two men in front of him. He contemplated for
half a day and said, “Could it be, that there was originally two Jade of Heaven’s Lake: one bogus and one
that is the real?”
Chapter 18 – How Will The Oleander Fairy Solve This Now?
It was challenging enough to look for one treasure of this standard, where would one find another?
Cui Buqu reached out and rested his hand on top of the jade stone, feeling a tingle of coldness radiating
from his palm.
All three of them present had never seen the real Jade of Heaven’s Lake; therefore, they naturally did
not have any means of identifying it.
Feng Xiao, “What did they say on the Lanling Guild’s side?”
Pei Jingzhe, “I have asked people from the Lanling Guild. Yesterday, an old servant with grey robes came
along and gave them the jade placed in a very common looking chest. He claimed it to be a family
heirloom, but because they were facing dire circumstances, he came here to pawn it. Usually, the
Linlang Guild would not have accepted these things that had no backing to them. They fear it might be
stolen property; destroying the Linlang Guild’s name. However, since it came at the right time, Wen
Liang reconsidered it and decided that if it was indeed stolen, he could still simply bring it to the auction,
so when the owner recognizes it, they could return it to him; so he decided to accept the jade.”
Cui Buqu, “If they were to decide against auctioning it, what would they do with it?”
Pei Jingzhe, “According to their rules, they would keep it for a year. If there was still no one who came to
claim it, they would release it to be auctioned. This time, however, they immediately auctioned it.
Cui Buqu, “Would the Khotan kingdom send another ambassador here?”
Pei Jingzhe looked at Feng Xiao. With a nod from his Commander, he told Cui Buqu, “Yes. The Khotan
kingdom would send a new ambassador, and he is already on his way. We have men waiting at Qiemo to
receive them. However, at the very least, it might take the ambassador three to five days before they
could arrive in the City of Six Crafts.”
That would also mean that within these three to five days, no one would be able to verify whether
presently the jade in their possession was the authentic Jade of Heaven’s Lake.
Cui Buqu caressed the jade and said, “Today when you claimed the jade, at least ten people were glaring
at you for a long time. Three of them were displeased; two of them had killing intentions.”
He had even noticed this?, Pei Jingzhe felt a little shocked and could not help but ask, “Who?”
Cui Buqu proceeded to honestly spill his analysis, “The three who furrowed their brows in displeasure
were: Jinhuan group Leng Dou; Khotan top millionaire, Zhou Pei; Anlu Zhang Clan’s Zhang Yingshui. The
two that held killing intentions: one is a black-clad Göktürkish; the other is a man wearing grey robes,
around twenty-five to twenty-six, and wearing a bamboo hat. I have never seen these two men before;
therefore, I am unable to determine their identity.”
“Göktürks?” Pei Jingzhe reacted sensitively to the word.
On the other hand, Feng Xiao looked amused, “Whether this jade is the real one or not, once it is in my
hands, it would not be surprising if a handful of people would come to our doorstep.”
Cui Buqu, “That is correct.”
Pei Jingzhe said in agitation, “Would they be willing to go against the Jiejian Bureau?”
Cui Buqu laughed in ridicule, “The Jiejian Bureau may have the Emperor’s blessing, even the Three
Departments and Six Ministries would have given you people face; but what are they in the province of
Jianghu? This jade is ethereal; possessing the ability to raise one from the dead, why is it not worth it for
them to fight over?”
Pei Jingzhe’s jaw fell wide open. He wanted to retort, but he could not think of anything to say.
Feng Xiao gave a light laugh.
“The weather is bitter and cold. After standing outside for so long, why won’t you come in and have
some tea?”
Is there someone outside?
Pei Jingzhe immediately twitched his ears. His martial arts were not dreadful, but just now, he did not
even realize there was someone outside.
Suddenly, at this moment, the feather-light voice of a woman, like glistening water, sounded.
“I only fear that the house is too crowded with there being not enough space.”
There it was!
Pei Jingzhe stood up at that instant.
Feng Xiao simply took the jade’s chest and threw it against the room’s door.
Of course, it was not his intention to drill a hole into the door to throw the chest outside the room. Once
the chest hit the door, it bounced back, and so did the door, opening widely by itself. This was a
technique that only high-level martial artists knew.
The wind followed, flowing into the room from the opening. The shadow of a yellow-clothed woman
instantaneously filled the gazes of the three of them. The woman was sitting on the roof of the
residence opposite of them, with both her legs hanging down freely.
She looked quite ordinary without a hint of fear or nervousness. When compared to Feng Xiao, it was
like the cloud and the earth. Once their mouths open, it is impossible to recognize the wrong person.
“It is rather late in the night; I would feel so shy to disturb you at an hour like this. However, if Lord Feng
would allow me to take a look at the jade, I will leave once I have caught a glimpse of it.”
Pei Jingzhe followed Feng Xiao out of the room and immediately realized that the yellow-robed woman
was not alone. On the top of the left and right roofs, and under the tree on the left, there were three
One was wearing a white veil, clad in all white from head to toe. It was impossible to even tell their
Another was tall and had tints of yellow in his hair. With a glance, it was evident that he was an exotic
With so many elite martial artists standing outside, he himself did not even realize something was
wrong. What did that mean?
It meant that if anything happened, he would not be able to serve Feng Xiao the way he wanted.
Pei Jingzhe felt his body drenched in a cold sweat all of a sudden.
The yellow-robed woman noticed his nervousness and laughed lightly, “Little Lord, do not be afraid. I am
not with them.”
Cui Buqu coughed in a low voice before walking out slowly.
Compared to the way those outsiders were dressed, Cui Buqu was wrapped tightly around his body. The
colour of his face looked white as snow; at once glance, it was easy to tell that he was sick all his life as if
he could not even manage to live past the next few days. His footsteps were also light, showing that he
knew nothing of martial arts.
Everyone’s gazes fell upon him, and then turned away, not thinking of him much.
Feng Xiao approached confidently without even a trace of being nervous. Instead, he looked as if he was
waiting for this to happen for a very long time. His eyes glowed excitedly, blinking like a dazzling array of
“There are two more. Why don’t you all come out?”
Everyone present said nothing as if they were waiting for the last two to emerge from the shadows.
The silence lasted for a long while. Only one shadow came out in slow steps. From their figure, they
looked like two tall women, but half of their body was still hidden by shadows.
Pei Jingzhe spoke in a low voice, “Who else is there? What good will hiding yourself do?
The yellow-robed woman said, “That person has left, and if I am not wrong, it should be one of the
assassins from the organization, the Thirteen Pavilions of Yunhai..
As soon as they heard the name, Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu’s gaze shook a little.
Yunhai Thirteen Stories was a recent secret organization in the Jianghu province. Their profession was
murdering people for gold. In this world, there were bound to be some people whose existence was a
threat to another; so if it was not convenient for them to dirty their own hands, or if they were in no
power to kill them, they would employ the Yunhai Thirteen Stories.
It was said that Yunhai's business was not bad at all; but they were growing bolder by day, even daring
to assassinate imperial officials. Last month, within the ministry of justice, one official had fallen dead.
After an investigation by the Jiejian Bureau, it was discovered that his death was suspicious and related
to the murder. So the Yunhai Thirteen Stories had been on the Jiejien Bureau’s tracking records ever
The things did by assassins were mostly illegal; therefore, when they saw that Feng Xiao was not an
amateur and that there were so many other highly skilled martial artists present, they knew that they
could not take advantage of the situation, so naturally, they hid in the shadows.
However, merely one had left, five still remained.
Cui Buqu’s gaze swept the area, and he coughed twice, but it was simply to cover his amusement.
It would be interesting to know how that oleander would deal with a kind of situation such as tonight.
Chapter 19 – You Whose Surname Is Feng, You Motherfucking Bastard!
Qiao Xian sat in the tea house, watching the amber-coloured liquid in her bowl, daydreaming as the tea
reflected the colour of the sunset.
Gradually, the light of the sunset disappeared, and the owner of the house lit the candles, walking over
to ask Qiao Xian if she wanted a bowl of hot noodle soup.
Qiao Xiao declined.
She was not used to bitter tea that brought with it a little saltiness. In the Zuoyue Bureau, everyone
knew that the Commander’s subordinate, Qiao Xiao, loved sour plum tea.
But in a place like this, where the cold had yet to retreat, there was not a single trace of sour plum tea.
Qiao Xiao raised the teacup to her lips for the fifth time; once she savoured it, her eyebrows wrinkled.
Finally, Zhangsun Bodhi appeared.
Slowly, the other walked out of the Spring Moon, as if they had long agreed to wait here for the other.
He was walking towards the tea house casually.
“You are an hour late.” She said as Zhangsun sat down.
Zhangsun, “It is you who is early.”
Qiao Xian, “What did you find out?”
Zhangsun spoke a bit too late, “The scent on her body was made by someone called Lady Miao. The lady
supposedly knew a lot about perfumes and could make whatever scent she wanted. The reason Yunyun
could make a name in the Spring Moon was also because of her.”
If either Feng Xiao or Cui Buqu was present, once they heard of the name Lady Miao, they would have
made the connection with the concubine of the Khotan ambassador, Qin Miaoyu; but they were not
here, so Zhangsun and Qiao Xian both were clueless.
However, even so, Zhangsun and Qiao Xiao both managed to understand the reason why Cui Buqu
wanted them to investigate the plum blossom scent.
“This Lady Miao must be a hint to the person the Commander wants to find.” Qiao Xian said, “But you
were with her a whole day, you only managed to find out about this clue?”
Zhangsun Bodhi looked at her silently, which meant that he asked her back with ‘Then what did you find
Qiao Xian, “Originally I was tailing her handmaid, but who knew I saw her outside, looking enviously at
you and Lady Yunyun; so I pretended to be a wounded martial artist from Jianghu who accidentally
came into the Spring Moon and let her save me, then feigned pity and managed to ask a few things.”
Qiao Xian had some scent on her that made her smell like a sharp beauty; but if she swapped into the
body of a male, it turned into something elegant. It would make women go mad with craze. After staring
for a long while, one would feel that Qiao Xian even felt manly.
For the first time, Zhangsun Bodhi’s gaze lingered on Qiao Xian for a long while, confusion showing in his
“You — are you a male or a female?”
Qiao Xian replied plainly, “After reading Buddhist scripts for so long, don’t you understand that ‘looks
are only the mind’s perception’, and are meaningless’?”
Zhangsun replied silently, turning the Buddha beads in his hands, and muttered amitabha under his
“You are right. I have strayed.”
Qiao Xian, “Nothing took place between you and Lady Yunyun?”
Zhangsun said calmly, “After I asked what I wanted, I put her to sleep and left.”
After waking up, perhaps she might remember Zhangsun Bodhi, but she would certainly not recall why
she had fainted. It was as if it was all a dream.
From then on, they would walk their separate ways, never to meet again.
Zhangsun Bodhi quickly brought himself back to reality.
“What did you manage to find out?” He parted his mouth to ask.
Qiao Xian, “From the handmaiden, I managed to ask the location of Lady Miao. She said that Yunyun
secretly bought a manor and originally wanted to move there when she could redeem herself. Since
Lady Miao helped her back in the Spring Moon, she wanted to repay her, so she offered to let Lady Miao
live there for some amount of time. I also wanted to see what sort of deity is Lady Miao.”
Zhangsun Bodhi raised his head and asked, “It is almost dark; why are we still not moving?”
Qiao Xian did not answer, calling for the owner, she asked for two bowls of soup noodles.
“It is still early. Let’s eat before leaving.”
Zhangsun Bodhi nodded his head.
He was not a man of many words. If he could choose, he would have taken a sword and fought his
enemies to death. Just now, although Lady Yunyun was incredibly cooperative; after he walked out of
the Spring Moon, Zhangsun Bodhi’s lips gave away his nervousness.
Only now did he manage to make himself relax.
Qiao Xian stared at him for a moment before suddenly saying, “Compared to the Jiejian Bureau, the
Zuoyue Bureau is still short of men.”
If only the Commander could have someone who was both intelligent and skilled in martial arts, perhaps
this time he would not have needed to set out himself.
“Compared to watching the Commander lie down on a bed half a month, I would rather he expose
himself more to the outside. It helps his illness.” It was rare to see Zhangsun speak a moderately long
Qiao Xiao furrowed her brows, “But in Feng Xiao’s hands, he would not be comfortable.”
As the conversation approached this end, the noodles arrived. Both of them no longer spoke and simply
ate their meal silently.
The noodle soup was no more than regular vegetarian noodles. The soup, naturally, was cooked using
well water. On top of the noodles were a few spring onions and wild lettuces. This was enough to make
a full meal for the citizens of this marketplace.
This sort of noodle soup, compared to what Zhangsun and Qiao Xian used to eat, was vastly different.
However, due to their hunger added with cold weather, once the soup washed into their stomachs, they
felt a warmth that was enough to spread throughout the body, chasing away all fatigue.
Qiao Xian and Zhangsun both thought of the same thing.
If only the Commander was here, how nice would that be? They did not know if he could even drink a
bowl of soup at this moment.
Naturally, Cui Buqu was not drinking soup. Not only that, but he still had to stand out in the snow,
enduring the cold, and refraining himself from coughing too much.
However, he was in a particularly good mood.
Since presently before him, Feng Xiao was in a battle of one against five.
“Bring the jade from the manor.” He heard Feng Xiao ordering Pei Jingzhe.
Pei Jingzhe did not know what Feng Xiao had in mind, but he obeyed nevertheless and quickly brought
the jade.
The moonlight was not weak; the jade glowed in Feng Xiao’s hands like crystals in the night. One could
also see a tint of green light illuminating from it.
Regardless of whether this was the Jade of Heaven’s Lake or not; it was, without a doubt, a beautiful
Everyone present glanced at the jade stone, and their eyes shone.
Feng Xiao pushed himself upwards, and said in a loud voice, “Did all of you come for the jade?”
Among the five uninvited guests, only the yellow-robed woman wanted to simply take a look at the jade.
The other four remained silent and did not state their purpose.
Amidst the awkward silence, no one dared to speak; it was as if they were having a battle of silence.
Feng Xiao was not in a hurry; Cui Buqu was even more patient. The only one who was currently shivering
in anxiety was Pei Jingzhe.
He knew he had not trained adequately, and he was unwilling to embarrass Feng Xiao; so he inhaled
deeply, suppressing his feelings and put on a façade.
The yellow-robed woman was the first to break the silence, “I was the first to appear, and I have no
intentions to defy the Jiejian Bureau. I am only a weak woman, and here, cold winds have been
bellowing for the entire night. Please pity me, Lord Feng, let me have a look, so I will have something to
tell when I return.”
Her smile was shallow. At first, it was because she had quite a normal face that would leave no
impression; but because her voice was melodious, everyone present could not help but turn towards
Cui Buqu surveyed the place and realized two people did not look at the yellow-robed woman. One was
the person wearing a bamboo hat, the one that he was unable to determine whether he was male or
female, and the other was the Göktürk.
The Göktürk’s attention, since the beginning to the end, had been on Feng Xiao.
Only high-level martial artists would not allow anything to distract them from their mission.
As for the man in black who hid in the shadows…
The other’s body was leaning sideways, standing very far away; his left hand holding his right, pressing
on it from time to time.
Cui Buqu’s eyes squinted a little.
Feng Xiao did not observe the others. He had been looking at the yellow-robed woman as if within this
manor, she was the only one present.
Seeing the other smiled, he smiled as well. “Since you are well-mannered, I should give the jade to you
first. However, I don't even know your name. What if you took it and ran away; how should I know
where to find you?”
The yellow-robed woman said, “I am Bing Xian.”
Feng Xiao twitched his eyebrows, “Your surname is Bing? How rare.”
Bing Xian, “Names and the like are nothing but addresses. Just like Lord Feng yourself, is not your name
also unusual and unparalleled, bringing with it the elegance of a generation?”
Feng Xiao laughed loudly, “Compared to those unmannerly fools, you have earned my favour! The
Jiejian Bureau needs people like you who are understanding, why not consider joining me? I will
guarantee you will be well taken care of; you definitely need not stand out here outside the manor
enduring the cold winds!”
Bing Xuan smiled as if she wanted to say something; but suddenly, Feng Xiao snatched the jade from Pei
Jingzhe’s hands and threw it towards her.
“Since I like you the most, I shall lend you the jade first!”
Bing Xuan was caught by surprise. She had never thought that Feng Xiao would just surrender the jade
without warning; so without hesitation, she lunged herself towards the jade.
However, even if she was quick, there was someone more agile than her.
The man clad in white with a bamboo hat and the man in grey flew towards the jade at the same time.
The Göktürk did not even look at the jade. Taking out a long knife in his hand, he flew towards Feng Xiao
in a deadly motion with the force of crumbling mountains and violent waves.
The gesture was so impactful that Cui Buqu, who stood behind Feng Xiao, could also feel the gust of
wind coming from it. He could not help but take a few steps back. He almost hit the wall with his back,
but suddenly someone pulled him to the side. He blinked and realized Feng Xiao had pulled him into his
However, the Göktürk’s knife came from above. Cui Buqu felt his hair come loose, and suddenly his hair
fell all around him.
High-level martial artists such as Feng Xiao would know that just now, with how the Göktürk’s intended
to take someone by surprise; it would at least have pulled off the jade hairpiece in his hair. In order to
stop his hair from becoming messy, Feng Xiao used Cui Buqu to block the wind for him.
Cui Buqu did not need a mirror to know that he looked like a psychopath now with the messiness his
hair had become. A wave of disgust rose from his chest, and he scolded loudly, “You whose surname is
Feng, you mother fucking bastard!”
In the next moment, he realized the Göktürk indirectly avenged him, because Feng Xiao was provoked
by the other, he had no time to bicker with Cui Buqu.
The jade was just touched by the man in grey, but before he could revel over it, he realized the jade was
suddenly beginning to crack in his palms, turning into dust that was blown away by the wind.
All the three, who were after the jade, stared at it in bewilderment.
Chapter 20 – He Wanted To Kill Feng Xiao
The man in grey swore that he had never done anything to the jade, and definitely did not intentionally
destroy it.
But as to why the jade turned to dust in his hands, he really had no explanation behind it.
The other two suddenly got in sync, surrounding him, killing off any path he could run away from.
Bing Xuan smiled, “Sir, you have such a temper. If you cannot obtain it, you have decided to destroy it,
so others cannot have it as well.”
The man in the bamboo hat said nothing, but his body language plainly showed that he would not let
the man in grey get away easily.
“I did not do anything to it. It crumbled to dust on its own.” The man in grey said coldly.
“We are two people with four eyes, and we have seen it ourselves, could there be any
misunderstanding?” Bing Xuan twitched her brows.
Cui Buqu leaned against the door and coughed in a low voice. Just now, when the grey man took his first
move, he immediately knew who he was. However, it was not wise to show-off at this moment. His
body was riddled with illness, and everyone present did not think of him as a threat. He would not do
anything that might put himself in danger.
Additionally, he might not be the only one among these people who saw who he was.
As he expected, the man with the bamboo hat said suddenly, “Your sword style heavily resembled the
katana technique, passed down by the Wajin people to the Suwo Clan, yet it is also modified in a way. I
heard that Goguryeo welcomed a new martial artist after Gao Ning. The martial artist claimed to have a
Japanese as his tutor and is innovative. If I am not wrong, you are him.”
The way he spoke was alluring, almost gentle. If this was any usual day, it would surely make one feel as
if the spring wind had just washed over them. However, with the situation now, it was absurd to assume
it that way.
Bing Xuan could not help but glare at the man in white.
She felt that since the other man could tell the background of the man in grey at the blink of an eye, he
was certainly not a nobody. However, when she pondered over it, she could not figure out who among
the famed Jianghu figures could have been him.
Unless he was not from Jianghu?
Bing Xuan twitched her eyebrow. Although she came for the jade tonight, she did not have the intention
of taking it. She knew that the Jiejian Bureau was no mere fool, so she could not have taken it with ease.
Needless to say, there were so many skilled martial artists here today. The Göktürk was already a
As she thought, Bing Xuan smiled and combed the strands of her hair that had fallen loose.
“Lord Feng, there are too many honoured guests at your place. I wager you would not have time to
entertain me, so this is goodbye. I will come another day.”
Without waiting for Feng Xiao to respond, she kicked herself into the air, as light as a feather, and leapt
onto the roof, disappearing into the darkness.
The Göktürk that was branded by Bing Xuan as her number one enemy, at this moment, was taken by
The reason was none other than the fact that Feng Xiao’s looks did not match his combat abilities. Since
he looked handsomely pretty and delicate on the outside, when he fought, it caused one to be even
more shocked.
The Göktürk had never stepped into the Central Plains before, yet he had come here carrying an ample
amount of confidence. For even if he demonstrated his skills in the Wulin of the Central Plains, there
were very few who could match his skills. He was enough to surpass an entire generation of top martial
Until he met Feng Xiao.
Feng Xiao’s moves were not bombastic like Fo Er, but it was swift and light, fluttering loose sleeves,
extending like a blanket of snow. From the sidelines, he looked like a flower that was smiling. Every
move drew imagery of beautiful aesthetic from the heart.
However, to the Göktürkish man, in those aesthetically beautiful views, they were concealing the
intention to kill. Every move of his was light, but each held a trap.
He had already recoiled his initial moves that were slow and light, taking his current opponent now
seriously. Even if the jade had crumbled into dust, it was unable to distract him.
As two masters of the martial arts faced-off, it was indeed a rare sight to see. Even the man in white and
the Goguryeoian stopped to watch them.
Cui Buqu coughed twice and said in a low voice, “This man did not come for the jade. He wanted to kill
Feng Xiao.”
These words, naturally, were meant for Pei Jingzhe.
Pei Jingzhe was taken by surprise, “Why do you say that?”
Cui Buqu laughed, “Did you not notice? From the moment he appeared, he only looked at Feng Xiao, he
did not even spare a glance at the jade, and he did not participate in the fight for it.”
Pei Jingzhe, “Do you know who he is?”
Cui Buqu, “I have never seen him in my life, but if I am not wrong, this man is Fo Er, the number one
martial artist under Khan Ishbara’s banner. He was the disciple of a great master and gathered the pros
of all techniques. Since he stepped into the Central Plains, he has never lost a fight, so he had been
proclaimed a master of his generation.”
Pei Jingzhe took in a breath of fresh air. He had never thought that a quiet night such as this would
attract such a martial artist.
“Between him and my Lord, who is stronger?”
Cui Buqu, “I do not even know how to fight, and you are asking me?”
Pei Jingzhe, “……”
He observed for a while but realized that as those two flew into the air, their shadows were impossible
to see because their speed was too fast. Even Pei Jingzhe could not see who was currently at an
Pei Jingzhe feeling a little nervous turned around to rush back into the manor.
After a short while, he carried something heavy and ran out, shouting towards Feng Xiao, “My Lord!
Your zither!”
“Bring it.”
Feng Xiao’s voice came like the wind, without any hint of unsteadiness or anxiousness. Pei Jingzhe’s eyes
shone brightly as he tossed the thing in his hand into the air.
A sound could be heard, like the sound of a golden mount, like the sound of a hundred thousand
soldiers being killed. It made one feel as though the hairs on their hands were standing in a cold, eerie
The men of Jianghu held many weapons, some had knives, and some had guns, but this was the first
time Fo Er saw someone using a zither as a weapon. The zither that looked ashen and heavy, but Feng
Xiao managed to make it look as if it was weightless, like the fragile toy of a child. It could be used for
offensive measures, as well as defensive measures, leaving one unable to predict his moves.
“Such excellent craftsmanship!” The man in white could not help himself but exclaim.
But Gao Ning was not as free as the other. His eyebrows tightened and turned away from Feng Xiao and
Fo Er’s battle, instead, he turned his attention towards Pei Jingzhe and Cui Buqu.
In the blink of an eye, he lunged himself towards Pei Jingzhe and Cui Buqu, knives as sharp as the breath
of the sea swept towards both of them. As Pei Jingzhe pulled Cui Buqu backwards, he suddenly changed
his moves, using one hand in the form of a claw; he reached out to Pei Jingzhe.
Pei Jingzhe had initially thought that he was after Cui Buqu, intending to make him a hostage, so he had
pushed Cui Buqu away and drew his sword to face off with the enemy. Who knew that Gao Ning was
never interested in Cui Buqu; instead, he had been after Pei Jingzhe all along. As the sword fell onto Pei
Jingzhe, he could feel only a numbing pain, his sword almost falling out of his grasp. Gao Ning held on to
him, posing his knife on the side of his neck.
“Surrender the jade, or I’ll kill you!” Gao Ning said in a low voice.
“The jade was destroyed by you just now!” Pei Jingzhe said bitterly.
Gao Ning laughed, “Spare your breath; it was unmistakably a fake!”
He then turned towards Feng Xiao, “If that jade was authentic, how would you people give it out so
easily? If you refuse to bring out the real jade, I will kill him here and now!”
Although he was now between life and death, Pei Jingzhe still could not help asking, “Why did you
choose me?”
In normal circumstances, why did he not choose Cui Buqu who did not possess any fighting skills?
Gao Ning said coldly, “Do not even think of fooling me. Since Feng Xiao’s lover travels with him often
throughout Jianghu, he is sure to harbour some secret techniques himself. You, on the other hand, are
dispensable, and your skills are only mediocre. If not you, then who?”
Pei Jingzhe, “???”
Currently, Gao Ning’s words did serious damage to his pride. But what hurt him the most was Feng
Xiao’s voice that came floating from above.
“Since you know that he is dispensable, why did you take him? Why not take my lover, perhaps I will feel
As the voice dissipated, the man in white laughed, “Is that so? Then let me try.”
He moved and immediately went to Cui Buqu’s side.
Cui Buqu felt a sharp pain, finding himself unable to move.
[1] Wajin: An ethnic group that was mainly active at sea between Mainland China, the Korean Peninsula
and the Japanese archipelago.
Chapter 21 – You Took My Lover, Can I Choose Not To Be Quick On My Feet?
In the blink of an eye, Cui Buqu fell into the hands of the man in white. The man in white placed a hand
gently on his shoulder, yet it was also heavy at the same time, causing Cui Buqu to felt that half his
shoulder had gone numb.
His throat was itchy; it felt like a feather was tickling the same spot over and over again, causing him to
be unable to hold it in, he coughed. Once he coughed, it affected his shoulder and pain spread
throughout his body, radiating throughout his abdomen and limbs.
When the man in white saw how he exuded cold sweat, he could not help but extend a hand to hold
“Are you still all right?” His voice was gentle and soft as if he was speaking to an old friend. “Judging by
the way you walk, its the symptoms of being poisoned. Tch, what benefits you to drag a sickly body like
that while still intending on helping the Jiejian Bureau to look for the jade? Why not consider joining
me? I will neutralize the poison for you and reinstall your freedom. It will save you the unfortunate
position of needing to choose.”
Cui Buqu raised his head, his sharp gaze penetrating through the night and its veils, glaring at his
adversary in the eye. The man in white did not avoid his gaze; he looked back at him frankly with a
smile, kind and gentle.
On the other side, Feng Xiao exclaimed an ‘aiya’, “With both my lover and subordinate being caught,
who should I save first? This is deliberately making me choose!”
Fo Er did not allow himself to be distracted by his speech. He continued to deliver one attack after the
next, carrying an aura of viciousness and surrounding Feng Xiao, killing off any opportunity for him to
escape. As for himself, he leapt into the air and threw a punch at Feng Xiao with the palm of his hand.
His fist came like the strong winds and rolling waves, like the shore returning to take vengeance of men
on land. It would be practically impossible for one to step back or avoid it, putting them in a very crucial
position. In front of them was a bottomless abyss, and the earth was crumbling behind their backs. At
that moment they could fall into a pit of no return.
This technique had been the very first technique that Fo Er invented shortly after becoming a martial
artist, and it was also his most famous technique. He gave it a name, Qiluo, which meant ‘unsurpassed’.
It was Qiluo that has beaten many high masters from the Central Plains. Today, using this technique, he
was determined to claim victory, wanting to take Feng Xiao’s life on the spot.
“It would seem like Lord Feng would be unable to come to your aid.” The man in white smiled, taking
Cui Buqu’s arm and raised it into the air. Cui Buqu felt a sharp pain surging through his entire upper
body, and suddenly he was lifted into the air.
Seeing this, Gao Ning snorted briefly, took Pei Jingzhe and left as well.
Just as Fo Er’s palm was aiming towards Feng Xiao, Feng Xiao raised his sleeves and flourished, the zither
flew into the air and held Fo Er’s hand in the air. The sound of its string rang, and the zither shook
violently, yet it showed no signs of cracking apart; instead, the sound of the zither slowed down Fo Er’s
advancement. Feng Xiao took the chance as the zither fell, allowing it to fall into his arms as he leapt
into the air and stopped directly in front of Fo Er, using the zither to slap it right into the other.
Fo Er was taken by surprise and immediately stepped back, but the zither was like a rolling storm. In the
blink of an eye, it dissolved the power in his core, spreading through his limbs and internal organs,
washing away any form of flowing energy. Fo Er tasted something in his mouth, and suddenly blood spilt
from the corner of his lips.
He wiped away the blood and glared at his opponent coldly.
Feng Xiao looked like he had not taken any damage. Not only that, but he did not even spare a glance in
Cui Buqu and Pei Jingzhe’s direction. He resumed to push himself up with his hand and locked his gaze
with Fo Er.
“Your martial arts are not bad; it is considered akin to a master’s level; however, it is indeed unfortunate
that you ran into me.” Feng Xiao laughed slyly, “If everyone is destined to cross paths with an enemy,
then I am he who is sent by God to test you. Although you are talented, when you meet someone like
me who is a genius, then you can only admit to fate. Go back to your grassy lands and train for another
three to five years, then perhaps we might have a closer match?”
Fo Er breathed slowly. Just now, Feng Xiao’s retaliation had given him some internal wounds, even now;
his chest was still aching severely. He knew that Feng Xiao was also wounded a little, but it was most
likely a moderately faint external wound. If compared, he had already lost this match.
He knew he could certainly not kill Feng Xiao that night.
At first, since everyone had come today and that there would be other people to disturb the night, his
goal could have been achieved easily; yet those people only cared about the jade. They merely stood at
the sidelines and observed, or when the situation was not to their favour, they would just get up and
leave, or in another circumstance, they would just grab hold of Feng Xiao’s people and held them
hostage; but ultimately none of them wanted to fight head-on with Feng Xiao.
In the end, he only had himself to blame — that he was not as powerful as his opponent.
“A fighter should have no distraction in his heart; only then could he achieve the highest level of martial
arts. However, tonight, your heart is not in it. I refuse to fight an opponent such as this.” Fo Er replied
coldly, turned around and left. Although his martial arts were mainly dense and explosive, they could
also be light. In the blink of an eye, he was already miles away, quickly swallowed up by the night.
The reason he said those words was simply to save his pride. The number one martial artist of Khan
Ishbara of the Göktürks definitely needed his pride.
Feng Xiao did not pursue him.
As he watched the other disappear from his sight, concealing the flippant look on his face, he turned and
swiftly ran into the manor.
Not surprisingly, the Qiushan manor was in a complete mess. The servants had all hidden themselves,
not daring to say anything. After they saw Feng Xiao return, only then did they crawl out from beneath
the table shivering, and complained to him.
“My lord, just now when you were outside, two men forced their way in and tore down everything. We
had no idea what they wanted to find, but when they left, they held nothing in their hands, as if they did
not manage to find it!”
Feng Xiao responded with an ‘En’. It could just be that the others concluded that the jade that was
destroyed just minutes ago had been a bogus item, so they wanted to look for the real jade.
As for the real Jade of Heaven’s Lake…
Feng Xiao’s lips turned downwards, flaunting a sardonic smile.
No matter what expression was on the face of someone beautiful, it would be undoubtedly different
from the others. The servants, although they were filled with fear and shock, could not help but raise
their heads and stare at him.
The man in white took Cui Buqu with him, yet he did not move in a hurry. Cui Buqu had injured his
shoulder and with his old illness acting up, he felt as if the other was simply taking a companion for a
light jog.
The sound of the night gong came from the distance, everywhere little candles were being lit up and the
dark dawned upon them. The night was slowly rising in temperature, and although Cui Buqu was
wearing enough clothes, he still felt cold, and could not help himself sneezing.
“You are not a man of Jianghu.” Cui Buqu coughed twice, his voice was hoarse.
He guessed that a fever was settling in for him, for his entire body felt sore and painful. He felt the need
to look for a bed and lie down for a while.
Yet the world was unrelenting. His miserable situation being — following someone he did not even
know and playing a game with him.
The man in white smiled, “If I am not, are you?
It was as if Cui Buqu could not hear what he said, replying with, “Tonight you came for the crowd; so
naturally, you also came for the jade. However, if you are not a man of Jianghu, then you have no need
for its powers. They do not interest you. For someone like you, pleasant and kind on the surface; you
carry an air of arrogance, you are not someone who would serve just anybody. However, for you to
come here on your master’s behalf, it could only mean that the man behind you is quite powerful.
Therefore, the reason you want that jade is probably to bring it back to this master of yours.”
The man in white, “Did anyone tell you before that intelligent people have short lives.”
Cui Buqu replied blandly, “You need not tell me so much nonsense. Just four words will do: Normal
people envy geniuses.”
The man in white laughed, “Master Daoist Cui, you are too, too interesting. If only you and I had not met
at such an inconvenient time, I think I would bring you out to tea and watch the scenery.”
Cui Buqu, “Then I might not be able to drink that tea, nor see that scenery.”
The man in white did not respond, but he said suddenly, “Are you hungry? At this hour, is there anything
in the city to eat? Let me bring you to look for a nice bowl of hot soup.”
Cui Buqu, “My shoulder hurts. I am not hungry.”
The man in white smiled, “If you refuse to come with me, your shoulder would hurt even more.”
The way he spoke was incredibly polite without a hint of anger, but his techniques were far crueller than
anyone he had met.
Cui Buqu, “If I refuse to come with you, someone else would accompany you.”
The man in white smiled, “Who?”
“Me, of course.”
Following the words, a man walked out. He was tall, and his footsteps stopped a long distance away
from there they stood, his back straight and upright.
“Lord Feng, how quick are you to have arrived. The number one fighter of Göktürk was chased away by
you so easily?” The white-robed man replied in surprise.
Feng Xiao, “Of course not. You took my lover, how could I not act faster?”
Chapter 22 – You Are Not Lying Convincingly Enough
The man in white looked a little taken aback.
From the way he saw it, with Fo Er’s determination and skills, even if it was not sufficient to kill Feng
Xiao tonight, it would still be enough to hold him down. Who knew that the number one fighter of
Göktürk was only an empty name? It had not even been two hours, and Feng Xiao had already caught
“Lord Feng, your martial arts are par with excellence, but you have indeed surpassed my expectations.”
Feng Xiao, “It was never your intention to go far in the first place. Tonight, of all the people that came,
your background is yet a mystery. Would you not consider introducing yourself before you leave?”
The man in white, “Names are but only something to be called by. After a hundred years, all return to
dust and earth. Lord Feng, there is no reason for you to be so persistent.”
Feng Xiao, “The more people speak that way, the more they care about dignity. You wear white all over,
but beneath you undoubtedly are someone who picks faults with others and themselves. How could you
be similar to the elegance and grace that you show on the outside?”
The man in white, “I am not interested in your judgement of my character. What I am interested in is
that you have poisoned Master Cui and imprisoned him by your side, yet why is it that he still hopes for
your rescue? Could it be possible that there are people in this world who enjoy being tortured?”
Cui Buqu responded coldly, “I do not like to be tortured, but I know that I am better off in Feng Xiao’s
hands compared to yours.”
The man in white felt strange, “Other than being rough when I took you away, when have I not treated
you with care?”
Cui Buqu replied, “When he does things, he knows his boundaries and his goals; yet as for you, you do
not value the lives of others.”
“QuQu, it’s so rare to hear you complimenting me in front of others, my heart, truly, is astonished— “
When the world ‘truly’ was spoken, Feng Xiao’s shadow immediately disappeared, dashing towards
The man in white’s reflexes was quick. He quickly held Cui Buqu and moved backwards, going as far as
pushing Cui Buqu in front of him slightly, intending to use him to block Feng Xiao’s attacks.
Who knew that Feng Xiao had no intention to hit his vital spots in the first place; instead, he extended
his hand and swept the top of his head.
The man in white was taken by surprise. He could not hold his hat even if he wanted to when it flew off.
His head was bare, the cold winds surging above it.
Cui Buqu coughed twice, not caring to veil his laugh.
Feng Xiao laughed even louder than him. “It would seem even monks nowadays are so dishonest.
Instead of staying in their temples, they came here to fight for a jade. Who is your master? Let me
enlighten him with the ways of Daoism!”
The moon reflected its light on the man in white’s bald, shiny head. Feng Xiao could not help but think of
an egg, especially hard-boiled eggs without its shell.
As Cui Buqu coughed, Feng Xiao cast him a glance and realized that Cui Buqu was actually trying to hide
his giggle. He could not help feeling that this sickly man and he were actually quite in sync.
Upon being exposed, an angry look flashed across the face of the man in white, but it was very quickly
replaced with calmness.
“I am a wanderer with no master or host.”
Feng Xiao responded with an ‘Oh’, “So you are but a wild monk, then you cannot call yourself a man of
the cloth. Who knows whether or not you are faking your identity as a monk? I am in the mood to bring
you back for questioning.”
As he spoke, he reached out to grab the man in white, yet the latter was incredibly cautious. He moved
backwards, covering the distance of about ten steps or more the moment the other opened his mouth.
But Feng Xiao did not stop; he leapt into the air, seemingly not willing to give up unless he had caught
the man.
The man in white furrowed his brows. He was not opposed to fighting with Feng Xiao, but he did not
want to waste his time, and he was even more unwilling to use his skills in case he was recognized, so he
was relentless and pushed Cui Buqu forward and towards Feng Xiao, before leaping into the air,
intending to leave.
Who knew that at that moment, a black shadow descended from the sky; his sword, long and clanking,
drifting towards him.
The moonlight was bright, and the clouds faint, it was enough for the man in white to see his face.
It was the man who was held hostage by Gao Ning just before, Pei Jingzhe!
Feng Xiao alone was already challenging enough to fight; now Pei Jingzhe was joining the battle. Even if
the latter was not strong enough for him to consider an opponent; having a fly continually buzzing by his
ear and being an annoyance was enough to make him leave. The man in white knew that today, he
would not be able to take something back to his master. Just as he avoided the sword, using a branch as
his stepping stone, he bounced off onto the roof and left. Pei Jingzhe wanted to give chase, but he was
already gone.
“Let him go.” Feng Xiao said.
Pei Jingzhe descended from the tree and said guiltily, “My apologies, it was my mistake that Gao Ning
was not captured.”
Feng Xiao, “His martial arts are above you. You saved me the trouble of rescuing you when you escaped
from him. I should be thanking you.”
Pei Jingzhe could not tell whether his lord was praising him or ridiculing him, but after a while, he
responded, “I… I… thank my lord for your praise?”
Cui Buqu, “He is ridiculing you. Did you think he was praising you?”
Pei Jingzhe, “……”
Feng Xiao, “This kid is a little silly, my apologies.”
Cui Buqu, “I’m accustomed to it.”
Pei Jingzhe kept shut, his mouth twitching, but he still asked, “My Lord, that monk just now, do you
need us to investigate his identity?”
Feng Xiao turned towards Cui Buqu, “Master Cui should already know who he is.”
Cui Buqu, “I have my guess, but I do not know if it is him.”
Feng Xiao, “Speak and let us see.”
Cui Buqu, “The Monk, Yu Xiu.”
Who was that?
Pei Jingzhe felt a little lost, in his mind, he searched for that name, but he knew no one from Jianghu
that went by that alias.
Cui Buqu, “This is a master of intellect. He seldom roams the Jianghu, so he is not considered a man of
Jianghu. Most of the time, he serves royalty, remaining behind to strategize and devise plans.”
As he heard the two words ‘royalty’, Pei Jingzhe felt as if something clicked in him, but he dared not
open his mouth to ask.
But Feng Xiao already spoke, “Prince Jin.”
It was not a question; it was an answer.
Cui Buqu, “That is correct.”
Prince Jin, Yang Guang, was the second son of the current Emperor. He and the Crown Prince Yang Yong
shared the same mother: Empress Dugu, but he was even more bubbly and proactive than the Crown
Prince. Similar to the fact that children who cried would often be given candy, compared to his elder
brother who was silent; Yan Guang earned his parent’s favour more than his brother. This was no secret
among the imperial court.
Pei Jingzhe had even heard that the Emperor intended to unite the Northern and Southern dynasty and
were appointing capable men to be its Commander. The Empress held the intention of making Prince Jin
the second in power, following the first in command on this journey. If this fell into his hands, who
would still dare to say that Prince Jin, who was spoiled rotten by the Emperor and Empress when he was
young, was only a naughty child? Prince Jin would only be accumulating his conquests on the battlefield,
surpassing even the Crown Prince.
To be a strategist for someone like this, Yu Xiu would naturally become a future minister of the country.
Pei Jingzhe inhaled sharply.
He was not afraid of Yu Xiu, but the man behind Yu Xiu.
“As someone of Prince Jin’s house, did he not know about the Jiejian Bureau? Why would he send
someone to do shady work?”
Feng Xiao, “Naturally, it was because he wants the jade.”
Pei Jingzhe, “He took it for…. for his master, Prince Jin?”
Feng Xiao responded with an ‘En’, “This time the loss of the jade is because the Jiejian Bureau has failed
its duty. Whoever can lay their hands on the Jade is the one with the achievement in the Emperor and
Empress’ eyes. The reason Prince Jin wanted to interfere is not strange at all. Even Master Cui’s Zuoyue
Bureau could not resist and had to interfere, had it not?”
Cui Buqu, “I have no idea what you are saying.”
Feng Xiao, “You are not lying convincingly enough.”
Cui Buqu, “Then I will act better next time.”
After saying that, he made a slightly shocked expression, “What are you saying? What Zuoyue Bureau? I
do not understand.”
Feng Xiao nodded his head, “Your tone is still out of place, but your expression is better now.”
Pei Jingzhe, “…”
Suddenly, there was a sound that broke the awkward silence.
Cui Buqu abruptly said, “I’m hungry.”
Chapter 23 – Even If You Would Have Me To Warm Your Bed….
The City of Six Crafts did not practice curfew. They only closed the gates when night dawned upon the
city, forbidding anyone from going in and out as they pleased. However, a small country was not the
same as large cities such as Beijing. During the extreme cold weather, other than the night patrol, the
streets were deserted, let alone anyone coming out for supper.
The three of them roamed the place for half a day, finally slipping into a restaurant from the kitchen at
the back. From behind, Pei Jingzhe knocked out the kitchen maid that was guarding the kitchen before
searching for firewood to start a fire. From the cabinet, he took out some noodles and eggs and made
three bowls of egg noodles — of course, this was not because Feng Xiao was suddenly kind to Cui Buqu,
but because he himself was also hungry.
Cui Buqu made himself home. The word ‘shy’ did not exist in his vocabulary, let alone his behaviour
towards someone who poisoned him before. Seeing Pei Jingzhe approaching them with noodles, he took
the fullest bowl and buried his head into it and ate.
Feng Xiao clicked his tongue, “A-Cui, have you ever read the story of ‘KongRong yielding the pear’?”
Cui Buqu did not raise his head, “Are you my elder brother?”
But his cockiness rapidly faded. He had chewed the noodles a few times, but after swallowing it, his
eyebrows furrowed tightly.
“Why is it so bland? Did you not put salt? Why are the noodles so tough? Did you scoop it back up after
you just put it into the pot?”
Pei Jingzhe looked like he was wronged, “This is my first time in the kitchen.”
What he meant was it was good enough that that thing could not kill you.
Feng Xiao only added fuel to fire, “Why do you think I chose the one with the most soup and fewer
noodles? The fact that he could make sure the egg was thoroughly cooked is already commendable; just
tolerate it a little won’t you?”
Minutes before, when Yu Xiu kidnapped Cui Buqu, although they looked like they were travelling at a
slow speed, the truth was that they had already reached the other side of the Qiushan manor. Cui Buqu
could not wait to return to the manor to eat, so the three of them had to walk around the place for half
a day simply to find something to fill their stomachs.
Pei Jingzhe was filled with questions so much so that he could not even care about the egg; he asked,
“My lord, did the jade truly shatter?”
Feng Xiao, “It did. Did you not see it yourself?”
Pei Jingzhe, “What if, what if that jade was the real one?”
Feng Xiao put down the bowl and said slowly, “The people who stole the jade might belong to two
different groups.”
Pei Jingzhe was taken aback, “How do you know?”
Cui Buqu said coldly, “Your brain is like your culinary skills: difficult to describe. In order for the culprit to
kill the Khotan ambassador, he had no other choice but to hide in the city. For him to do that, he would
need assistance from an insider.”
After being mocked, not only did Feng Xiao refuse to help him, he even agreed with Cui Buqu, “If there
was someone in the city that belonged to their group, it would be even more difficult for us to search for
the real jade. At first, I thought that the culprit had allied with the Linlang Guild’s Wen Liang, so I wanted
to catch the culprit red-handed in broad daylight; however, after Wen Liang’s capture, the jade was still
put out for auction. So it would seem that whoever was behind this wanted to use a bogus item to
divert our attention, sending the real one away. However, after the auction today, all the spies of the
Jiejian Bureau in the city did not manage to find any traces of jade being delivered, so there is only one
other possibility.”
“What possibility?” Pei Jingzhe, following the trail of thoughts, asked.
Cui Buqu could not stand the noodles anymore. Even at the egg, he made a disgusted face before
swallowing it and thereafter continuing Feng Xiao’s words.
“The ones who murdered and committed the robbery of the jade might be on bad terms with each
other. The real jade was stolen by one group, and the other group wanted to use the bogus jade to lure
the other group out, so they could snatch the real jade back.”
Pei Jingzhe did not understand at all, “But how would the one who took the real jade be lured out?”
Cui Buqu, “I heard that when other countries from the West brought treasuries to the Central Plains, to
avoid being robbed, they would usually send another item that heavily resembled the real one and send
them along the road together.”
Pei Jingzhe finally understood. Cui Buqu meant that this time, the Khotan King had sent two jades: one
real and one fake. Tributes were naturally tributes, but they were also of significance; otherwise, it was
impossible to be a resemblance of the genuine item. Only Yuchi Jinwu knew which jade was the real one
and which was fake. So when he died, the culprits took the jade, one group each. Naturally, both parties
would be suspicious that the one they were holding was the fake and the one the other group held was
the real one.
This theory was a bit complicated, but when Pei Jingzhe thought more carefully, he felt that it could be
plausible. After three to five days when the Khotan’s new ambassador came, they could finally conclude
whether the truth was the way Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu had theorized.
But as of now, they still needed to find the jade.
Contemplating, Pei Jingzhe said, “Master Cui, you mean that, no matter what, since the jade resurfaced
in the Linlang Guild, the other group would surely send men to see how the outcome is?”
Cui Buqu nodded his head and felt like the other man was not as stupid as he thought.
“So of the people who came tonight, it is of certainty that one of them has connections to the culprit. I
could even say that one of them was the culprit himself.”
Pei Jingzhe began to recall, “If I remember correctly, there are six people who came for the jade. As the
Yunhai Thirteen Stories’ man left, he can be excluded. Other than the monk and the Göktürk top martial
artist Fo Er, the Goguryeo man Gao Ning, that woman in yellow robes; there is one more…”
As for the last one, Cui Buqu’s recollection of them was incredibly blurry. He merely remembered that
the other was wearing a black suit. Whether they were male or female, Cui Buqu could not even tell; he
vaguely remembered that when Fo Er moved, the other had already left.
Feng Xiao took out three pairs of chopsticks and moved them to face outside the door of where there
were sitting.
“Fo Er’s goal is to kill me and not the jade. Although we do not know why he wants me dead, we can set
him aside first.”
“Gao Ning and Yu Xiu both came for the jade, but they do not hold any meaning deeper than that, so it
is not them either.”
“As for the woman named Bing Xuan…”
Feng Xiao turned to look at Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu, needless to say, knew who she was. “In Jianghu, there is a sect called the Hehuan Sect that
practices the shuangxiu technique. Bing Xuan is a disciple of the current sect leader, and according to
hearsays, she is incredibly well-received, perhaps she might even succeed as the future sect leader.”
He noticed that when Feng Xiao heard of the Hehuan Sect’s name, his expression yielded a slight
change. Although it was very mild, Cui Buqu somehow managed to catch it.
“It would seem like Lord Feng Er knows something about the Hehuan Sect?”
“To be frank with you, actually the aunt of my eldest uncle of my cousin’s aunt of the wife of my cousin
brother is a disciple of the Hehuan Sect. So I’ve heard of the name and felt it a little familiar.” Feng Xiao
smiled as he said.
Cui Buqu did not yield any emotions, “So the aunt of your eldest uncle of your cousin’s aunt of the wife
of your cousin brother harvests men as a technique to increase their abilities?”
Feng Xiao, “Well, after all, it is said that women of thirty are like a wolf, and women of forty years are
like a tiger. Since she joined the Hehuan Sect, it is like releasing a fish back into its waters.”
Pei Jingzhe twitched the corner of his lips, refusing to listen to them talk any more nonsense and
immediately diverted the topic to something else.
“So according to what both of you said, Bing Xuan and the other mysterious person are the most
Cui Buqu, “Although the jade is useful for people of Jianghu, and Bing Xuan has sufficient motives, if she
was one of the culprits and came to investigate whether this is was the real or bogus jade; then there
was no need for her to present herself and declare her name. She could have hidden in the shadows
Pei Jingzhe thought this was quite plausible, so he watched Feng Xiao turn the second chopstick to face
the other way as well. Now, only the last one remained. He knew that Feng Xiao completely agreed with
Cui Buqu’s analysis.
The most suspicious one would be the mysterious person in black. They did not even know if they were
male or female.
Feng Xiao rose to his feet, “When that person left, I sent spies in their pursuit. News awaits us once we
return to the manor.”
Pei Jingzhe just now knew that Feng Xiao had taken such measures.
Suddenly he remembered something important.
“But my Lord, the jade has already crumbled into dust. If that was the real jade, then wouldn’t we…”
Wouldn’t they have run around in circles for nothing?
Feng Xiao spared him a glance but said nothing.
Cui Buqu, “I reckon that you should bring a smarter one next time, to avoid wasting so much saliva
Feng Xiao smiled, “With an intelligent person like me present, would not another intelligent fellow just
be another firefly in the dark?”
Cui Buqu, “Since you put it like this, Lord Feng, why do you still keep me here? Why not let me go?”
Feng Xiao, “That cannot do. Although you are not like me, luminous like the sun and the moon; but at
my side, you are akin to a glistening star. A-Cui, if only you would consider joining the Jiejian Bureau, let
alone as the Fourth Commander, even if you would ask me to warm your bed, I would not decline it.”
He even went so far to take Cui Buqu’s hand while speaking seductively.
Cui Buqu was utterly disgusted by him, little hairs standing on the back of his hand. He immediately
pulled his hand away, as if he was tainted with specs of dirt.
“It does not matter whether that crumbled jade was the real or the bogus one, if we pursue the other
one now, then that is the real one!”
As he listened to this, Pei Jingzhe’s gaze flashed and suddenly understood.
He did not care whether he was a sly old fox or not. Whoever Feng Xiao showed interest in, would
definitely be someone with rare and worthy capabilities.
The three of them returned to the Qiushan manor. The spy who pursued the mysterious person had
indeed returned.
“My apologies, when pursuing them, midway, they discovered my presence, so I could only retreat.
However, I think they disappeared near the Lu manor.”
Within the city, more than a handful people carried the surname ‘Lu’, but there was only one Lu family
that owned a manor. According to rumours, the Lu family was distantly related to the Fanyang Lu Clan.
Speaking of it, was it not a coincidence that just this morning, Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu met the Lu
cousins in the restaurant?
Both of them exchanged glances when they listened to the spy’s report.
Feng Xiao, “A-Cui what was the name of her cousin again?”
Cui Buqu, “Su Xing.”
Feng Xiao, “From another perspective, it seems likely to be the Lu family. Let us take a look.”
It was cold in the middle of the night, but he immediately got up and began heading towards the Lu
manor to investigate.
Cui Buqu said coldly, “Lord Feng, I have just eaten the egg noodles your subordinate made, I sense a
stomach ache coming, and I feel like vomiting blood. Could you not give a little way and pity me?”
An attempt to beg for mercy had to involve him, so Pei Jingzhe could only remain silent as he got shot by
the cold arrow one after the other; he took a few steps back, refusing to participate in the war.
Feng Xiao, “When have you become so delicate? You could even endure the Naihexiang, but cannot
stand just a meagre bowl of egg noodles? Jingzhe, go to the kitchen and get a few dumplings for Master
Daoist Cui to warm his stomach, then we are heading to the Lu manor.”
Who knew that Cui Buqu really opened his mouth and vomited on him.
Both of them stood incredibly close, so Feng Xiao was unable to move away. He could smell the stench
rushing towards him, but what Cui Buqu vomited was not blood, it was the egg noodles that he ate just
This was even worse than blood.
At that moment, the colour on his face drained completely.
Chapter 24 – In This Episode, Peacock Feng And Little Cui Did Not Show Up
The manor hid in the city and out of plain sight with no one noticing it.
Its doors were shut most of the year, only occasionally would a half-deaf old couple leave the estate to
purchase some vegetables and meat. When the neighbours asked, they found out that the person living
in the mansion was diagnosed with severe diseases, so they could not leave the manor. Under the
sympathy of others, and the fear of whether such an illness was contagious, after some time, no one
dared to ask more. Whoever lived within that manor finally attained some peace with no one to disturb
Now, it was already late with silence reigning the night. Every household had put out their candles and
slept; so the manor, sandwiched between them, had become quieter still. Qiao Xian and Zhangsun
Bodhi hid near the corner and exchanged glances.
Zhangsun asked silently; Are sure this is the place?
Qiao Xian did not want to converse with him. Impatiently, she leapt onto the roof.
Zhangsun shook his head from the back but followed her nonetheless.
The two of them fell on top of the roof silently. Bending her waist, Qiao Xiao had almost lifted a tile, but
her hand was held down by Zhangsun.
The latter indicated upwards at the moon, and Qiao Xian instantly stopped her movements.
The moon and stars shone luminously tonight. If the manor was shrouded in darkness inside, the light
shining from above would have given them away. Perhaps ordinary people might not have noticed it,
but a skilled martial artist would certainly have been alerted.
Although Qiao Xiao did not sense anyone in the manor, she was still cautious. Better to be safe than
Qiao Xiao descended to take a look and discovered that one of the windows had a hole in it. There was a
pillar next to it, so it could conceal both her and Zhangsun’s shadows, allowing them to peek inside the
Was there anyone in the manor?
Qiao Xian hid under the tree and gestured to him.
Zhangsun discreetly observed the place and gave her a surprising answer: There was.
Qiao Xian's face became grim.
The one in the manor was separated from them by merely a wall. If they could not sense their presence
inside, it simply meant that they were quite skilled.
This was no easy matter.
Could it be that they knew they were coming, so they had prepared themselves beforehand?
At that moment, a clanging noise sounded from behind the manor.
It was incredibly faint, but it could not evade Qiao Xian and Zhangsun’s ears.
And of course, it would not escape the one inside the manor either.
“You have all come, so why act so secretive?”
The woman in the manor snorted lightly, although it did not veil her subtle anger, her tone was
charming and delicate. It made one want to see her face.
Qiao Xian and Zhangsun exchanged glances and shifted towards the darkness, wanting to watch the
third person reveal themselves.
“Come out!” The woman in the manor could not hear a response and shouted again, her voice cold and
sharp like knives.
Behind the manor there was a soft clang. A black shadow emerged and broke open the window and
came in, commencing a battle with the woman in the manor.
Qiao Xiao’s ears were alert; she listened closely. The battle took place a little distance away, so she could
only hear that the woman in the manor used something akin to a whip as her weapon. The other person
used a sword; it rang and made vibrations, carrying an intention to kill. Every move it made aimed for
the woman’s fatal spots. Although the woman could not take advantage of it, for now, she managed to
escape all those attacks.
But these sorts of scenes tend not to last long; if not mistaken, when the woman finally seemed to have
run out of patience, and her strength was weakened, it would be the appropriate moment to take her
Of course, Qiao Xian and Zhangsun could not let Lady Miao die. They still needed to question her about
the case, so both of them rushed into the manor without hesitation.
The woman was battling a masked man. Qiao Xian then discovered that she was not using any whip, but
instead used her sash. It was unknown what that white sash was made of; it was soft yet firm; even a
sword could not slice it in half. The masked man used an assassination technique — every move he
made exposed him wide open; he merely concentrated on taking the other’s life. If not for the weapon
in her hand, the woman would have already fallen to his sword.
When Qiao Xian and Zhangsun rushed in, the woman’s expression changed as though two more
enemies had appeared. Distracted, the masked man aimed his sword towards the spot between her
brows. Naturally, Qiao Xian and Zhangsun would not allow it to happen. Zhangsun shot a Buddist bead
towards the masked man’s temple, while Qiao Xian drew her sword to slash his wrist.
Who knew that the other did not even care for his own life and continued to move forward, determined
to kill Lady Miao.
When the sword almost landed, Lady Miao bent backwards with her toes tip-toed into an impossible
position, avoiding the blade that would have otherwise claimed her life. The masked man’s sword went
right past her.
As for what the sword caught, strands fell to the ground. Lady Miao only felt her scalp stinging in pain
and reached out to touch it, stopping it from being exposed.
Since the sword had just now sliced off a part of her hair that even her scalp bled, if she had depended
on the two newcomers to help her, and did not try to save herself; her corpse would have been on the
ground by now.
The masked man showed a look of anger through his eyes, seeing that he failed and so many others
present were hindering him; every move of his became even fiercer and deadlier. Zhangsun shot out
one bead after the next, aiming towards the other’s sword. The enemy could not help but move
backwards, making him unable to get close to Lady Miao.
Qiao Xian was afraid that Lady Miao would use the opportunity to escape, so she left Zhangsun with the
masked man and went after Lady Miao, intending on capturing her.
At that moment, Lady Miao parted her lips to speak, her tone stern.
But Qiao Xiao could not understand her words and refused to slow down.
Lady Miao gave a strange look, switching to Chinese, “Who are you?!”
Qiao Xiao, “Someone that can help you out of this; if you do not want to die, follow us back.”
Lady Miao snorted, “There are a lot of people who want me dead, but I have still lived until now.”
As they spoke, Zhangsun did not want to fight the other anymore; so he quickly took out a short pestle,
and with a flick of his wrist, it grew from an inch to something as long as two feet, striking it against the
masked man’s chest. The masked man counterattacked with his sword with no hesitation, but Zhangsun
had infused all his inner strength into the strike. Not only did the sword fail to block it, but it snapped in
half, injuring the masked man as well.
Zhangsun Bodhi wanted to take hold of him, so they could find out who in the world wanted to take
Lady Miao’s life; but the masked man, seeing that his mission had failed, immediately bit the poison pill
in his mouth and died on the spot.
Qiao Xian spoke to Lady Miao, “You have seen how powerful this man is. The Yunhai Thirteen Stories
does not own merely a single skilled martial artist such as him. If he is gone, there is someone else to
replace him, but we can guarantee your safety.”
The beautiful eyes of Lady Miao flashed, “Who are you? Why should I believe you?”
Qiao Xian, “Because of this.”
She took out a token from her sleeve. When Lady Miao looked closely, four words were written on it:
Kaihuang Zuoyue.
The token looked like gold yet it was not gold. One look and one could tell it was something of
Qiao Xian, “We are subjects of the Zuoyue Bureau under the Sui Empire’s Emperor; our positions are
equivalent to that of the six ministries. It does not matter what danger you are in, if you ally with the
Zuoyue Bureau, you can be safe.”
Lady Miao asked suspiciously, “I only knew that the Emperor sent the Jiejian Bureau to investigate. I
have never heard of the Zuoyue Bureau.”
Qiao Xian, “The Jiejian Bureau was established by the Emperor. The Zuoyue Bureau was established by
the Empress. Presently, both the Emperor and Empress stand shoulder to shoulder in court. This, I am
certain you have heard of?”
Seeing that Qiao Xian was patiently trying to convince her, she knew that the other was not someone
who came here for to kill, so she relaxed, twirling her hair with her finger, speaking in a relaxed manner,
“But the ones I have offended are not your match.”
Qiao Xian, “The Zuoyue Bureau’s Commander is akin to that of the Minister of Justice. As of now, he is
within the City of Six Crafts. If you agree to cooperate with us and find the Jade of Heaven’s Lake; even if
you kill the Khotan ambassador, our Commander can guarantee that your life will not be at risk, and
send you away. From what I understand, it would be better if you choose to trust us, compared to being
hunted after.”
Lady Miao could only blink. Although the bleeding on her scalp stopped, the wound still looked serious.
It was only because she was indeed extremely beautiful that it would allow one to overlook the
awkward wound.
“So in that case, you already know my relationship with Yuchi?”
Yuchi? Yuchi Jinwu? The Khotan ambassador who died?
Qiao Xian and Zhangsun exchanged glances, and both of them suddenly managed to connect everything,
but their faces did not betray their thoughts.
“That is correct. We are aware of it.”
Lady Miao, “Fine, then. I shall tell you. The one who murdered the Khotan ambassador and the one who
stole the jade are the same people. Right now, he is within the city.”
Qiao Xian, “What is his name, and where is he now?”
Lady Miao, “He is—“
But before she could finish, she immediately disappeared!
Chapter 25 – Lord Feng You Certainly Don’t Look Like Someone Who Is So Benevolent!
It was precisely because she parted her lips to speak, that Qiao Xian and Zhangsun naturally leaned
forwards slightly; however Lady Miao raised both her sleeves suddenly, and two slender arrows flew out
from them, their tips coloured with something blue and black as if tipped with poison.
Both of them received a shock and immediately leapt away. Zhangsun’s reflexes were swift as he shot
out a bead, intending to stop Lady Miao, but the latter was more agile than he had imagined. Drifting
into the air, she rapidly disappeared from where she stood, and in the blink of an eye, she was already a
few miles away.
“Stop her!” Qiao Xian urged.
Without needing to be told, Zhangsun Bodhi flew over and threw a palm, infusing all of his power. Lady
Miao’s back was facing him, so she was wide open. The palm that Zhangsun threw, containing a hundred
per cent of his strength, hit her square on her back, but surprisingly she did not fall; instead, she
continued forwards.
Zhangsun’s attack failed, so he caught his breath again to give chase once more, but he had lost the
opportunity. The other was already out of his sights.
“What happened?!” swiftly, Qiao Xian rushed to him.
Everything happened in an instant, but both of them never thought that something they thought was
already in their hands would just fly off like that.
“Just now she was hiding her true strength,” Zhangsun said in a low voice. Ever since the other took his
palm just like that, he had already guessed the reasoning behind it.
“It cannot be!” Qiao Xian said without even thinking twice, “If that is the case, why could she not win
against the assassin?”
“There are two reasons. First, she knew about our presence and wanted to bait us into exposing who we
are and our origins, and who sent us to save her, so there was no need for her to be afraid. Lastly, we
can be conversed with, and that we are not here to take her life, so she would have leftover strength to
escape from us.”
It was rare to see Zhangsun speaking so much, but Qiao Xian would rather him be scarce with words. At
least they would not have to watch such an essential lead running away like that.
But since Lady Miao ran away, it would be even more challenging to look for her.
“Now we can only report back to the Commander.” Qiao Xian said.
Zhangsun remained silent because he did not have a better plan.
He said, “Just now she took a hit from me, although she had escaped, she is certainly injured.”
Qiao Xian, “Even if she wanted to slip out of the city, it would not be easy. If we wanted to arrange
soldiers to patrol the city, we would need to relay our identities to the Jiejian Bureau. It would affect the
Commander’s scheme.”
Zhangsun Bodhi, “It would not.”
Qiao Xian, “And why is that?”
Zhangsun Bodhi, “I heard that Khan Ishbara’s number one fighter, Fo Er, came here. He unmistakably
came for the Commander.”
Of course, they did not know that just tonight, minutes before, Fo Er and Feng Xiao had recently fought
a battle.
Qiao Xian, “Then we need to protect the Commander!”
Zhangsun Bodhi, “No need. With the Jiejian Bureau present, the Commander should be safe. But with Fo
Er present, the Khan’s men would have also arrived. We cannot give more trouble to the Jiejian Bureau.”
Qiao Xian inhaled sharply, “You mean that—”
The Jiejian Bureau and the Zuoyue Bureau had always minded their own business. This time there would
not be an exception. Since Cui Buqu brought people from the Zuoyue Bureau to the City of Six Crafts;
naturally, he had no intention of getting in the way of the Jiejian Bureau. On the other hand, it was only
after hearing of the murder of the Khotan ambassador and the jade’s disappearance, did Cui Buqu
changed his plans and got involved in Feng Xiao’s investigation. If the Zuoyue Bureau could find the jade,
then they would have earned another score in their book.
However, ever since Fo Er’s appearance, there had been a change of situations. The pressing matters
needed to be prioritized, and the jade could be briefly set aside. Although Lady Miao had escaped, this
was still a lead. Instead of letting the Jiejian Bureau walk around in circles, Cui Buqu would positively
choose to use this piece of information to trade terms with Feng Xiao and earn his cooperation.
What Zhangsun Bodhi meant was that, with Cui Buqu’s cunningness, it would be unquestionably more
beneficial for the Zuoyue Bureau.
Qiao Xian nodded, “Then we should send word to the Commander.”
Zhangsun Bodhi raised his head and saw wisps of grey clouds screening the luminous light of the moon.
Dark shadows concealed their faces.
In front of them, their mission lay. Without speaking further, they went their separate ways.
There were very few people who could wound Feng Xiao. It was shocking that Cui Buqu, who did not
know any martial arts and might not even have the same strength as an ordinary person, could
accomplish such a feat. It made Pei Jingzhe open his eyes.
Feng Xiao could ignore whether Cui Buqu was hungry or not, but he could not ignore the fact that he
would be going with such a stain on his clothes. In the end, he had no choice but to send Pei Jingzhe
ahead to the Lu manor, while he brought Cui Buqu back to the Qiushan manor to change into a set of
clean clothes.
On the way, Feng Xiao’s footsteps were seemingly floating in the air, as if he used all the skills he had
learned in his life to rush back. He was not even so determined back then when battling with Fo Er.
The gengfu prepared to hit the gong only saw a black shadow passing by. He had not even managed to
see clearly, and it was already gone, leaving him shocked and astonished, feeling like he had just seen a
Cui Buqu also did not feel any better. Just now he was held hostage by the Yu Xiu Monk, earlier he had
half his shoulder numb, and now he was held on his other side as they rushed on the road. He practically
lost all feeling on his other shoulder.
But in this kind of situation, being able to disgust Feng Xiao, Cui Buqu felt that it was worth it.
“Looking very happy about yourself, aren’t you, Master Cui?” Feng Xiao smiled stiffly as his voice floated
into his ear.
Cui Buqu took back the curl at the corner of his lips, “I am simply happy for Commander Feng. You have
found a new lead on the case, needless to say; it will be solved soon.”
Feng Xiao snorted and felt lazy to pay him any more attention.
But to Cui Buqu, the snort sounded like it could mean a few meanings.
First: Once I have changed my clothes, I will have my revenge.
Next: Now that you are in my hands, how dare you do this, are you tired of living?
Lastly: I will make you beg for death and cry for your parents, and make you regret that you rambled in
the mortal world.
But so what?
Cui Buqu smiled lightly, not feeling the slightest bit afraid.
Once they arrived at the Qiushan mansion, Feng Xiao threw him aside and quickly rushed into the manor
to shower and change his clothes.
Cui Buqu did not know any martial arts, possessing merely a sickly body; indeed if he wanted to escape,
he could not go far. Additionally, there were patrols of the Jiejian Bureau within the manor. Feng Xiao
did not even need to worry that Cui Buqu would be so foolish as to try to run away — Cui Buqu, of
course, would not escape either. He went back to his own room, washed himself and asked for some
dumplings from the maids.
The fire was already put out, so it would be difficult to start another fire. However, it was simple to
make a few dumplings. The maids were swift and skilled, and soon she brought the dumplings as well as
a piece of information for him.
“The lead you gave, Lady Qiao and the rest were unable to catch the person; please give us new orders
on what to do.”
The maid was called Tang Li. It was after she joined the manor that the housekeeper changed her name.
Incipiently, she was called Lady Tao. It suited her looks, one that did not make her stand out among the
After Feng Xiao was sent by the capital to escort the Khotan ambassador, Cui Buqu could speculate that
the Country Magistrate Zhao would empty this manor for Feng Xiao to use. So Tang Li also feigned
poverty and was conveniently sold into the manor to serve as a maid.
At first, she was not the maid for Cui Buqu, but because the maid that usually took care of Cui Buqu had
stomach pain and vomited to the point of not being able to leave her bed, the housekeeper reassigned
Tang Li, who was always dutiful and obedient, to Cui Buqu.
As to whether she was loyal and obedient only in front of the housekeeper, or whether she had always
been dutiful and obedient, was no longer relevant.
Feng Xiao and Pei Jingzhe were busy investigating the case; they would not have paid any attention to
meticulous matters such as a change of servant, so Tang Li could effortlessly bring news from Qiao Xian
to Cui Buqu.
As Cui Buqu contemplated, an ice-cold glimmer reflected on his face, as if the news was quite attractive
to him.
Tang Li only spared a glance before lowering her head.
Although the guests that came to this manor were elegant and graceful, compared to thousands of
phoenixes or peacocks, she had instead found that people like Commander Cui were more pleasant to
the eye.
Although he looked a little sickly on the face.
“Did you sustain a wound? Do you want me to fetch some medicine?” Tang Li asked.
Cui Buqu, “Do you know how to massage? Both my shoulders are a little sore.”
Tang Li, “I can try.”
As she walked behind Cui Buqu, she tried to press her fingers lightly on different spots of his back.
“You hurt your tendons, as for your bones, they are alright. The massage would hurt a little bit.”
“You only need to massage. I will take care of standing the pain.” Cui Buqu said in a relaxed voice.
Tang Li did not hesitate and began to massage for him as she relayed the report.
She reached the point where Lady Miao said something strange to Qiao Xian and Zhangsun, before
figuring out that they did not understand and switching to Chinese when Cui Buqu told her to pause.
“What did she say, did she tell you?”
“She did.” Tang Li nodded her head. People who can become a member of the Zuoyue Bureau were
intelligent to a certain extent, so she repeated the words that Lady Miao had said. Although the
sentence had been passed from Qiao Xian to her, she managed to repeat almost eighty to ninety per
cent of it.
Cui Buqu suddenly straightened his back, even when Tang Li accidentally pressed too hard he had simply
ignored it.
“That is the language of Goguryeo.” Cui Buqu said, “Qin Miaoyu is a Goguryeon, and the Jade of
Heaven’s Lake is definitely with her.”
Why would he think so?
Tang Li was very curious, but she did not continue asking, because everything Cui Buqu did would have a
reason, and if it was not her place to ask, she would not ask in the first place.
Cui Buqu did not continue speaking. On the other hand, Feng Xiao had finished showering and sent
people to call for Cui Buqu. After Cui Buqu ate a few dumplings and felt better about his shoulders, he
stood up and headed to where Feng Xiao was.
But Feng Xiao’s face did not look any better just because he had changed into a new set of clothes.
He held a letter in his hand and a token. In the letter, only a few words were written, mentioning that
Pei Jingzhe was held hostage and wanted Feng Xiao to head to the Huyang Forest. The token was
something carried by all members of the Jiejian Bureau; the same one Pei Jingzhe took with him at all
times. If the token was lost, then it could only mean that the other party was not lying.
It was quite apparent that the enemy’s target was not Pei Jingzhe, but Feng Xiao, and perhaps even the
Jade of Heaven’s Lake.
“Never mind about failure, this is giving me trouble!” Feng Xiao could not help but scold.
“Fo Er?” Cui Buqu offered.
“Perhaps.” He swirled his fingers, turning that letter into dust and let it disappear in the wind.
Cui Buqu, “You are planning to go?”
Feng Xiao, “Why not?”
Cui Buqu looked surprised, “Lord Feng you certainly don’t look like someone so benevolent; who knew,
you would even care about the life of a subordinate!”
Feng Xiao, “His father saved me once.”
Cui Buqu shook his head, “It still does not seem like you.”
Feng Xiao, “Then what should I do according to you?”
Cui Buqu, “Write a reply: If you want to kill him, do it.”
Chapter 26 – Call Me ‘Dad’ Three Times, Then I Will Pull You Up
Feng Xiao, indeed, would not write a reply. Although Pei Jingzhe failed his task, he was still a member of
the Jiejian Bureau by the end of the day. He would not allow an outsider to punish him. So, Feng Xiao
ordered a few people to watch over the surroundings of the Lu manor, refusing to allow any of the
people inside to leave, while he brought Cui Buqu and headed towards the outskirts of the Huyang
Cui Buqu was curious, “If you wanted to save Pei Jingzhe, why are you bringing me along for?”
Feng Xiao, “With a hostage in their hand, they are fearless. In such a situation, I might perish in battle or
left with no ideas of what to do, but a crafty man like you could surely assist me in yielding a few
Cui Buqu stared at that calm, steady look of his. No matter how he looked at him, Feng Xiao did not
seem as if he would ‘left with no ideas of what to do’.
As expected, the other’s next sentence was, “Just in case we encounter any dangers, with you here, I
feel a little safer.”
Cui Buqu replied coldly, “I bet you want to use me as a meat shield.”
Feng Xiao, “Clever.”
His footsteps were like the wind; his qinggong1 as smooth as the flowing waters and clouds. To avoid Cui
Buqu slowing him down, Feng Xiao grabbed his waist and heaved him into the air as well.
Cui Buqu simply felt both of his feet floating above the air, it did not require him to use any strength,
and suddenly he had already arrived at the destination.
The moon revealed itself from behind grey clouds and brought light to the mortal world. Under the
moonlight, the Huyang forest looked like it was practically glowing, yielding a sort of calmness and peace
that did not exist during the morning.
But this peace was merely an illusion. Perhaps Cui Buqu could not sense it, but Feng Xiao could already
sense the stir in the air.
He stopped his footsteps.
“You have invited me, so then why are you hiding?”
The grassy fields weren’t considered dense with just patches sprouting from the sand few and far
between each other, but Cui Buqu hadn’t even heard anything, when a man was already standing under
a tree not far off.
It was that Goguryeon man, Gao Ning.
Although Gao Ning used the surname of the country, Gao, and was also one of the top fighters in the
Central Plains, his attire looked worn and old, almost shabby.
He wore grey all over and looked like he had travelled a long way, but he could care less about it. He
kept his eyes on Feng Xiao the moment he showed himself and did not even spare a glance at Cui Buqu.
This was, of course, not because Feng Xiao was handsome, it was because he had decided that Feng Xiao
was his one true nemesis and wanted to defeat him.
Feng Xiao, “What about the man you caught?”
Gao Ning was straightforward about it, “Not here”.
His Han was not fluent; his tone and words were stiff, even cringer than the icy night breeze that
Feng Xiao chuckled, “I knew that Pei Jingzhe would not have been so stupid that he’d still be caught
even after you’ve taken his token. Speak, who else are your accomplices? The high and mighty number
one fighter of Goguryeo is using such underhanded methods. It seems that the Goguryeons are merely
just chicken and dogs, cowards and ghosts!”
Gao Ning’s face showed a hint of anger, his hands rested on his sword, but beside him, someone else
“He is using the provoking technique; there is no need to pay him attention.”
Another person appeared behind a large boulder; he had been keeping his breath low on purpose
before, unmoving, that even Feng Xiao could not sense where he was.
There was little room to guess who it could be when a high-level martial artist that could rival even Feng
Xiao had coincidentally appeared in the City of Six Crafts.
“Is this not the number one fighter of Göktürk? Did you drop something? Want me to find it for you?”
Feng Xiao mocked him with feigned surprise.
Fo Er, “Tonight, you weren’t concentrated. I want to fight a new battle with you.”
Cui Buqu, “This is the first time I am seeing someone who lost speak in such a refined way. You people
are not from the Central Plains, so I wager you would not happen to know how to write the words dirty,
underhanded, shameless, and calculative?
His voice was passive, but he had said everything in one go, obviously carrying a mocking tone.
From the way Gao Ning and Fo Er looked at them, they might at least understood a little of what he
Feng Xiao happily said, “QuQu, I have never seen you being this adorable and loveable.”
Cui Buqu, “Lord Feng, please refrain from being so self-centred. Resume addressing me as Master Daoist
Cui; do not call me anything that makes my heart feel disgusted.”
“Men of the Central Plain, tch!” Gao Ning laughed coldly, interrupting their conversation, “They are all
bark and no bite!”
After he spoke, he drew his sword and flew towards Feng Xiao.
The glare of the sword was blinding, almost like the arrays of a rainbow, a few times the speed
compared to how he held Pei Jingzhe hostage minutes before.
At the same time, Fo Er attacked from the other side. With one on Feng Xiao’s left and one on his right,
it seemed they intended to go for the kill right away.
However, Feng Xiao showed no fear. He did not move until both of them were within reach, only then
did he push himself off the ground with his foot and rose into the air, avoiding both of their combined
The zither rolled out from his hand, and he landed on the ground; the wind cooperated with the zither
and sent an attack towards the other two. Under the combined attack of Gao Ning and Fo Er, he wasn’t
at a disadvantage.
Although Cui Buqu was not on good terms with Feng Xiao, from this moment onwards, they were on the
same boat. If Feng Xiao was defeated, it wouldn’t be beneficial for him.
Fo Er and Gao Ning together were indeed powerful, but Feng Xiao was certainly not a pushover either.
Between the three of them, it was impossible to tell who would win. Even if Feng Xiao grabbed hold of
all the opportunities given to him, he might not be able to defeat them.
After Cui Buqu observed for a moment, he relaxed and began walking to a nearby boulder to sit on it
before continuing to slowly monitor the battle.
At that moment, he suddenly felt his hairs standing in a cold sweat as if someone was blowing
mouthfuls of air at the back of his neck.
In reality, there was no one blowing air at the back of his neck; it was only the instinct of humans
warning him of danger. Cui Buqu did not know anything about the martial arts, but perhaps since he was
often sick and his body had accepted various kinds of medicinal affects, his five senses became more
alert and sensitive; at that moment, he did not even hesitate and bent forwards to sprawl on the
The moment he sprawled onto the ground, something wheezed past the top of his head, and in the next
moment, Cui Buqu saw that not far in front of him, a few long needles were sticking out neatly from the
Needless to say, poison stained those needles.
Cui Buqu felt that his movement was too sudden as his back ached and his knees hurt. He did not have
enough strength to stand up again and run while the threat that would claim his life was already right
behind him. He could only roll to the side to save himself in a sorry way, but at least he could keep his
As he rolled to the side, two people in black rushed at him with one at the back, and one in front.
Swords shone in their hands, and while he could escape the attack from before, no doubt, he could not
escape this one.
No good comes from standing close with that oleander!
While Cui Buqu had considered everything, he couldn’t have guessed that his death would be the cause
of not his enemies killing him or dying of his illness, but because he had got involved with Feng Xiao! He
did not have time to open his mouth to shout curses, but he was already doing it in his heart. He cursed
Feng Xiao’s ancestors through a few dozen generations before himself until the time of the Xia, Shang,
Zhou and Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors periods.
He closed his eyes, accepting fate.
He did not know whether it was because his curses to Feng Xiao’s ancestors in his heart was taking
effect, for those sword never landed on his back, and the anticipated pain never came. The sound of
fighting sounded next to his ear; Cui Buqu opened his eyes and saw that Feng Xiao had managed to
arrive on time, standing in the way of those assassins that wanted to kill him.
At that moment, two more people joined the enemy’s ranks. It had become one against four.
Feng Xiao did not have the energy to retaliate against Cui Buqu. It was obvious that he had begun to feel
wore down.
One he was out of danger, Cui Buqu spoke, “These two men are from the Yunhai Thirteen Pavilions, they
even have poisoned needles!”
The Yunhai Thirteen Stories had emerged once tonight, but they had left when the woman in yellow,
Bing Xuan, exposed them. No one knew that they would appear so soon here again and join arms with
Fo Er and Gao Ning.
Feng Xiao, “Why did I not know that the Yunhai Thirteen Stories do not only assassinate people now, but
have also resorted to robbery?”
Of course, those two people in black would not respond to him, infusing all their strength and attention
at attacking Feng Xiao. They did not even look at Cui Buqu, as their target, since the beginning, had
always been Feng Xiao.
In the dead of the night the wind rose and the sandstorms gradually got stronger. As the few shadows
fought each other on the highlands, they did not realize that they had reached a cliff. Looking
downwards, although it wasn’t an abyss of a thousand zhangs deep, it was similarly dangerous. It would
claim the life of a normal person if they fell down.
A mouthful of sand filled his mouth and nose, Cui Buqu nearly coughed it out, but he refrained himself
from doing so. He knew that between battles of highly skilled martial artists, even one mistake was not
permitted. If Feng Xiao lost because of a distraction, then the fate that awaits himself would not be a
good one.
He moved slowly to a dark spot in the corner where nobody would notice him, using the large boulder
to conceal his presence. Added with the sandy winds that arose, the few people surrounding Feng Xiao
wouldn’t have noticed that Cui Buqu went missing.
Ever since the two assassins from Yunhai Thirteen Stories participated in the battle, the situation had
taken a turn for the worse. With four exceptionally skilled fighters battling with the best of their
capabilities at the same time, even if Feng Xiao was number one beneath the sky, he could not escape
unscathed. Also, considering that two of these people were not from the Central Plains, and the other
two were assassins; they would indeed not follow the regulations of martial artists within the Central
Plains. With numbers by their side, and after a few more exchanges of fists, Feng Xiao’s stomach and
shoulders finally took the hit, and his moves became slower. Fo Er grasped the opportunity, striking a
palm to his chest, sending him rolling down the cliff as Gao Ning kicked his zither into the other
Feng Xiao fell down the cliff, darkness consuming him. The Yunhai Thirteen Stories were assassins who
would pursue until the end. They did not hesitate about jumping down the cliff in pursuit. At that
moment, sandstorms flew all around, mixing with a little rain and snow; even high levelled fighters
would not have been able to stand it. Gao Ning and Fo Er formerly did not know each other, but because
of Feng Xiao, they had agreed to become temporary allies. Yet once the enemy was defeated, they
quickly held their guard towards each other, and seeing how terrible the weather was, they were not as
obsessed as the assassins, so both of them left, one heading the west, the other to the east,
disappearing into the snowstorm.
Cui Buqu waited for a moment, coming out to investigate only after feeling that those two were far
His vision was not bad; even so, it was difficult to see anything in darkness such as the one before him.
Even if Feng Xiao was fortunate enough to be alive after his fall, he could not say what would happen if
those two assassins had found him.
Cui Buqu said in this heart: ‘Tsk, tsk’. He felt it a pity that someone with good looks like Feng Xiao would
be reduced into ashen bones, but at the same time, he was glad that Feng Xiao was gone. The Jiejian
Bureau would be dull for a while, and that would be the chance for the Zuoyue Bureau to rise.
As he was thinking, a weak voice filled his ears.
“Pull me up.”
Cui Buqu moved to the side of the cliff and squatted, reaching out to feel around the edge.
As he fumbled here and there, he indeed found a hand!
That hand swiftly grabbed onto him, practically dragging his entire person down with it. The latter
instantly grabbed onto the edge to prevent himself from being yanked down.
“Pull me, up!”
Feng Xiao’s voice was weak, it was apparent that he did not want others to hear it, but it also seemed
that he was wounded quite severely.
“How lucky you are!” Cui Buqu helplessly shouted back.
Feng Xiao snorted, “The Heavens naturally offer their protection to someone of peerless elegance and
grace like myself. How could those little nobodies be able to wound me?”
Cui Buqu, “But now you want me to save you.”
Feng Xiao, “When we get back, I will reinstall your freedom and let you go wherever you please.”
Cui Buqu spoke in his heart. If this old man wanted to leave, you would not even be able to lock me up.
“That is nothing to me. If you agree to do something, I will pull you up.”
Feng Xiao said impatiently, “I will agree to anything, just pull me up first!”
He kept his voice low so the Yunhai Thirteen Stories would not be able to hear him.
Cui Buqu, “Call me ‘Dad’ three times and I will pull you up.
Feng Xiao, “……”
[1] Qinggong: Qinggong is a technique in Chinese martial arts, in which martial artists can move swiftly
and lightly at superhuman speed, and perform gravity-defying moves such as gliding on water surfaces,
scaling high walls and mounting trees.
Chapter 27 – Dad~~ Dad~~
Whether dignity or pride was more important, perhaps some people would rather live a punishing life
to keep their dignity; but these were indeed not the ways of Feng Xiao, so he ultimately chose the latter.
Feng Xiao, “Dad…”
His voice was very soft with barely any resonance; it was brought by the light wind up to Cui Buqu’s ears,
like a groan.
Cui Buqu, “I cannot hear it properly.”
Feng Xiao, “Pull me up first, I have no strength left.”
Cui Buqu snorted coldly, “‘I have no strength’ are so many words strung together, yet you could not
even say ‘Dad’?”
Tang Li had massaged his shoulders for him a little while ago, so presently, Cui Buqu felt that both his
shoulders had already regained their strength. Feng Xiao seemed like he was also stepping on a slope of
stone down below, for if not, Cui Buqu might not have been able to pull him up.
Feng Xiao, “Dad~~Dad~~”
The first ‘dad’ has a raised tone, but the second one was hushed. This wasn’t because Feng Xiao’s voice
was crooked by the miscellaneous sounds from their surroundings. It carried a tone that sounded as if
he had been truly embarrassed.
If it had been a weak maiden screaming like that, one would have felt pity for her, but with how Feng
Xiao pinched his nose and shouted in a high pitched voice, it only made Cui Buqu’s skin stand on its
ends; in fact, it practically made him startled enough that he would have dropped Feng Xiao.
As if he had expected this to happen, Feng Xiao held his hand and suddenly pulled him down with a
tremendous amount of strength just as a gust of wind whipped past and blinded his eyes. He could not
even grab onto the edge on time, and just like that, he was pulled down by Feng Xiao.
There were a lot of things that were difficult to predict in this world even with intelligence; for example,
he could never have expected that Feng Xiao failed to hold on.
Feng Xiao knew martial arts, so he might not die if he fell, but that amount of height to a regular person
like Cui Buqu would claim his life. The moment he was pulled down, Cui Buqu practically owned up to
But soon he discovered that Feng Xiao was not falling; in fact, his foot swiftly reached the ground,
pulling him into a cave.
Both of their breaths were ragged as they glared at each other in the dark. Outside, the storms and
winds grew more powerful, covering any last traces of light.
Following the sound of the winds outside, Cui Buqu inhaled, “So you…”
Just as he said three words, his mouth was immediately silenced. Feng Xiao’s body pressed close,
squeezing him against the cave until he could not move.
The cave existed midway down the cliff. Judging from the way it looked, it was created from the whirling
winds after some period of time. The cave was narrow on the inside, so when both of them were
pressed together, it was even tighter.
However, Cui Buqu knew that Feng Xiao doing such pointless actions was not solely just to pull his leg,
so he did not move and did not struggle against him.
As expected, after a while, a black shadow swept past outside.
Cui Buqu’s eyes were sharp; he recognized them as one of the assassins that went down to look for Feng
Xiao just now.
From Feng Xiao’s current situation, he might not win in a fight of one against two. If they were still
lingering above the cliffs like before, they would have been discovered by now.
The shadow suddenly stopped, both legs stepping on a stone that stuck out outside, looking around
The small cave was pitch black; it was impossible to see anything at all.
There was no need for Feng Xiao to point it out, Cui Buqu had long held his breathe, and the only thing
he didn’t hold was his beating heart.
The man furrowed his eyebrows for a while, contemplating whether or not to continue searching. Cui
Buqu felt Feng Xiao’s body move slightly. He only heard a hushed, soft sound of something brushing
against the rock, and as something above their head seemingly exploded, before an immediately series
of flapping followed.
The searching assassin was startled. He did not expect such a big group of bats to fly out of the cave. He
reached out a palm to slap it, but it only drew more bats flying towards him, leaving little claw marks on
his face. He lost his balance and fell.
Cui Buqu could not have guessed that bats were hibernating in the cave. Another wave of bats flew
down from above their heads, and he felt that this was not any less threatening than facing death itself.
Needless to say, considering mysophobic Feng Xiao who had just taken a shower not long ago, he
estimated that when Feng Xiao returned home, he would certainly shred off one layer of skin. The
thought made him happy. Even if he was in danger right now, he felt that it was not so bad.
Feng Xiao finally removed his hand from his face.
But before Cui Buqu could release a breath of air, he heard the other man say, “There is still one more.”
Before he finished his words, a shadow flew in from the outside in a destructive force with sword
gleaming in hand, aiming directly at Feng Xiao!
Feng Xiao’s zither was long gone, he rose from his position and attacked with a palm towards the
opponent, turning his body sideways slightly when the tip of the sword almost touched his shoulder,
allowing the sword to slice open his clothes and the surface of his skin lightly as his palm hit the
assassin’s neck square.
As Cui Buqu listened, he heard the breaking of bones and that man being flung out of the cave.
“Let’s go?” Cui Buqu said.
Naturally, now was the best time to escape. Fo Er and Gao Ning were long gone and the chances of
them returning were slim. Of the two Yunhai Thirteen Stories assassins, one was killed by Feng Xiao, and
the other fell down the cliff, probably half-dead by now. Even if he was not dead, he was probably
“I can no longer move.” Feng Xiao breathed quietly.
Cui Buqu, “This cave is not far from the surface. I can go up and bring help.”
Feng Xiao answered with an ‘Oh’, “Then go.”
Cui Buqu twitched his lips, “…then let me go.”
But the other person still held tightly to his wrist.
Feng Xiao answered innocently, “I want to let go, but my hand refuses to listen to me, there is nothing I
can do.”
This man was, no doubt, worried that once Cui Buqu left, he would never return. Even if Pei Jingzhe
found him, it would already be the next morning. The night was still long, and there were a lot of things
that could happen.
Cui Buqu, “We can work together.”
Feng Xiao, “Speak.”
Cui Buqu, “I know something related to the case you are investigating now; it may help you gain a
breakthrough. I can tell you what it is.”
Feng Xiao, “Then why did you not say it earlier?”
Cui Buqu, “I too only just knew about it.”
Feng Xiao, “I should have guessed you were plotting something and pulling strings behind my back.”
Cui Buqu did not budge an inch, “Do you want to know or not?”
Feng Xiao knew they would remain here for a little while, so he relaxed, allowing himself to completely
forget the situation he was in at the moment, leaning against the rocky walls. Only, he refused to let go
of Cui Buqu’s hand, “Why should I trust you?”
Cui Buqu, “Did you not guess my identity earlier?”
Feng Xiao raised his voice a little, “Oh? Finally admitting it now, are you?”
Cui Buqu, “That is correct. The Zuoyue Bureau and the Jiejian Bureau, although they do not have a good
relationship, they are both subjects of the crown. Since we are now all in the City of the Six Crafts, we
are on the same boat. Even if I have displeased you, we should defeat the enemy first, and then we can
talk about other things.”
Feng Xiao, “Why are you here? Was it for the jade?”
Cui Buqu remained silent for a while, “No. Two months ago, I was already in the City of Six Crafts; how
would I know that the jade would be stolen? The Zuoyue Bureau had something we needed to do.”
Feng Xiao sighed, “Until now, QuQu you refused to be honest with me; it will be very difficult to
convince me that you are trustworthy!”
Cui Buqu rolled his eyes, “The Khan Ishbara is on the move and has set his eyes upon the Central Plains.
However, although there are many Göktürk tribes, the Khan’s powers are not enough to conceal all that
he did. My mission is to aid the imperial court to foil the Göktürk’s plans. This is a secret of the utmost
confidentiality. All who are not involved are not permitted to ask, so I can only tell you until this point.
With your intelligence, it is not difficult for you to guess the rest. I need not tell you more.”
Feng Xiao remained silent. In the dark, Cui Buqu could not see his expression; he only felt that Feng Xiao
was trying to determine how much of his words were true.
Who knew that the other would suddenly ask, “So if what you said is true, then Wen Liang is also a
distraction you created?”
Cui Buqu said nothing.
His silence meant that he did not deny it. With such a lead, Feng Xiao could guess the rest of the story
and everything he encountered in this case. Cui Buqu had been by his side all this while, even being
drugged with the naihexiang until he looked weak and sickly, but Feng Xiao was unaware of being led by
the nose and walking around in circles. He could not help feeling his fingers itch, and that he truly
wanted to take the other’s head, throw it down onto the ground and kick it around.
And then he reflected on himself, who thought that he was on the winning side, yet was fooled so easily
by the other. It was not easy for him to hold himself in place and curb his temper.
Feng Xiao laughed, “Then can I trouble Master Daoist Cui to clarify yourself? Of the few people who
accused Wen Liang, were they also people you had planted to mislead me?”
Chapter 28 – My Surname Is ‘Zhangsun’, Given Name ‘Bodhi’, I Am One Of The Vice-Commanders Of
The Zuoyue Bureau
Since the Wei and Zhou Dynasties, the shadows of the Göktürks had always plagued the Northern
Dynasty. Through the generations of Emperors, they had always been considerate in order to sustain the
peace of the Northern Dynasty. Yet, wolves would always be wolves, they would not stop hunting just
because someone had temporarily satiated their hunger and forget their wild nature. Once the feeding
stopped, their natural personality would resurface once more, rolling back their snouts and leaping into
the hunt once more.
When the former Northern Zhou reigned, Princess Qianjin had married the Khan Ishbara to sustain
peace between the Central Plains and the Göktürk, and both sides were at peace. But ever since Yang
Jian became Emperor of Zhou, Princess Qianjin despised him for the treason he caused — the murder of
her entire family and her parents — so she convinced her husband to go against the Central Plains. The
Khan Ishbara was also no coward, so he promised his wife and commanded his soldiers to assault Sui.
Since two years ago, the war had lasted over a year. Khan Ishbara united all the Khans of various tribes
near his kingdom and raised an army of one hundred thousand people, splitting ways as they marched
onto the long city. From Mayi, Khan Ishbara ventured into the South. The Sui soldiers fought fiercely,
and both won and lost wars. However, as Emperor Yang Jian wanted to preserve his strength in keeping
Goguryeo and the Southern Chen from attacking, he was unable to spare all his soldiers to battle with
the Göktürks. So he had no choice but to come into good terms with Princess Qianjin while sustaining
his relationship with the Southern Chen Imperial Court, he intended to use the strife between all tribes
in Göktürk to spilt them apart.
It was because of this situation, Cui Buqu was sent to the outskirts of the city.
By the orders of the Emperor, General Zhangsun Cheng and Yuan Hui from the Court of the Imperial
Stud was sent out to the Yellow Dragon Ally and the Yiwu Ally to discuss terms with Khan Ishbara as well
as Khan Bagha and Khan Tardu. On the other hand, Cui Buqu was responsible for receiving the Khan
Apa’s ambassador to convince him not to ally with Khan Ishbara to achieve their goals of separating the
tribes of Göktürk.
However, Khan Ishbara’s forces were too powerful. Even if Khan Apa agreed to ally with the Sui Empire,
they were not brave enough to flaunt it, so they decided to hold a secret meeting in the City of Six
More than a month ago, not long after Cui Buqu arrived in the City if Six Crafts, Khan Apa had already
sent out an ambassador; however, before the ambassador had reached the city, he ate something
spoiled, vomited and died. Qiao Xian and Zhangsun Bodhi, who had followed Cui Buqu to the City of Six
Crafts, went to investigate as they felt that the ambassador’s death was suspicious, but managed to find
no leads. But due to this, it made people feel more wary.
Time were wasted for news to travel back and forth, until a little while ago, when Khan Apa had sent
out another ambassador, taking precautions to be all the more secretive. Only after the ambassador
reached Qiemo, did they inform the Zuoyue Bureau’s scout. According to the information, they would
arrive within three to five days.
At first, Cui Buqu was originally bound to his duty and would not have crossed paths with the Jiejian
Bureau. However, because of the murder of the Khotan ambassador and the loss of the Jade happened
while he was coincidentally in the City of Six Crafts, if he did nothing about it, it would not have been the
style of Cui Buqu.
So he scouted for information on Feng Xiao’s side, discovered the lead of the plum blossoms and sent
news back to Qiao Xian and Zhangsun to investigate, he wanted to get to the jade first and claim the
glory of solving the case. Feng Xiao, on the other hand, could not guess that while Cui Buqu had been by
his side all along, the Five Tastes restaurant had been the stronghold the Zuoyue Bureau had set up in
the City of Six Crafts.
Cui Buqu had intentionally misled Feng Xiao, allowing Zhangsun to set up a pit for Wen Liang while being
captured by Feng Xiao at the same time, convincing him that Wen Liang was a pivotal figure in the case.
Out of the of working together, Cui Buqu had only vaguely told him some truths, meticulously picking
out the contents of what he wanted to say, merely telling him what he thought he needed to know.
Feng Xiao listened and heaved a long sigh, “Master Daoist Cui, you are obviously beside me, and you
have not left for a second, but the fact that you can plot such a huge scheme to mislead me is truly
Although they were sitting in a very tight, dark, and smelly place, Cui Buqu’s mood was not bad at all; a
wicked smile even curled up his lips.
“Did you not also guess that Wen Liang was only a smokescreen?”
Feng Xiao sighed again. “If I am not wrong, Fo Er’s target was not supposed to be me, but you.”
Since the Khan Apa held the intention to side with the Sui Empire, even if they were not allies, they
would still become partners. All across Göktürk, the other countries would become aware and spread
the news all around. It was impossible for Khan Ishbara to not hear of these rumours. Fo Er, the number
one fighter under the banner of Khan Ishbara, this time, his mission regarding the Central Plains was
He was completely uninterested in the jade but put all his strength into killing Feng Xiao. There could
only be one explanation — his misunderstanding that Feng Xiao was the ambassador sent by the Sui
Empire to Khan Apa. His given mission was to prevent the meeting, and inorder to do that, clearly, he
had to kill Feng Xiao. Once Feng Xiao was dead, it would startle both the Sui Empire and other tribes of
Göktürk, warning them of the abilities of Khan Ishbara and not to act hastily.
However, he had never guessed that the ambassador sent to meet with Khan Apa’s ambassador was not
Feng Xiao, but Cui Buqu.
Second Commander Feng of the Jiejian Bureau was bombastic in his actions, so he was mistaken for the
target instead.
Cui Buqu, “Since we are both subjects of the Crown, what is the difference of targeting you or me? If we
truly want to discuss it, Second Commander Feng you drugged me with Naihexiang and caused me
endless suffering; so, how would this strike be calculated?”
Feng Xiao gave an innocent wave of hand, “If you told me your identity early on, would you have gone
through such suffering?”
Cui Buqu, “If I had told you earlier, you would have been even more suspicious of me and thwart me in
every way, how then could I get the important leads from you?”
They both glared at each other.
After a while, Feng Xiao finally said, “How would you like to work together?”
Cui Buqu, “These few days, Khan Apa’s ambassador would arrive in the City of Six Crafts. You will help
me stall Fo Er and other assassins that might come and not let them disrupt this meeting.”
Feng Xiao, “Done. Now, about the lead you were saying?”
Cui Buqu went through with him once of Qiao Xian and the others and their discovery of Lady Qin, “Qin
Miaoyu is most likely a Goguryeon, and the jade is with her.”
Feng Xiao, “How did you find out?”
Cui Buqu, “If she was skilled in martial arts from the beginning, she would have already escaped when
she murdered the Khotan ambassador, there is no need to hide within the city. Both my subordinates
fought her together, and yet she still managed to escape. This could only mean that her martial arts
enhanced greatly within a short amount of time, and she wanted to give it a shot.”
Feng Xiao, “The Jade of Heaven’s Lake.”
Cui Buqu nodded, “Only the jade possesses the legend of being able to greatly amplify a person’s martial
arts within ten days. Now, since she carries a wound, it would be impossible for her to exit the city
during the night. Once you return, gather your people and search the entire city. It should not be
difficult to find her.”
Feng Xiao pondered over it for a moment, “Considering the level of her skills a few days ago; she would
not be able to assassinate Yuchi Jinwu and his company.”
Cui Buqu, “However, she took the jade and ran away alone. This proves that her accomplice might also
be looking for her. The jade that the Linlang Guild sold, is very likely put out by her accomplice, but not
to bait us, the bait is for Qin Miaoyu.”
Feng Xiao added, “Since Qin Miaoyu has already discovered that the jade can exceedingly increase a
person’s martial arts level, she knows that the one she has with her is the real one, and will not take the
With one sentence following after the next, they managed to complete the whole story rapidly.
Not only did they have to find Qin Miaoyu, but also had to search for her accomplice so as to conclude
the case altogether.
Feng Xiao, “How about that Gao Ning? What is his background?”
Cui Buqu, “That man might have no connections to the case, perhaps someone did trust Qin Miaoyu and
her accomplice fully, so they sent a third person. If you are suspicious, it does no harm to investigate
“En.” Feng Xiao changed the subject, “Ah, QuQu, since you were under orders to receive the Khan’s
ambassador, surely your place in the Zuoyue Bureau is not low? Since you already know my identity,
shouldn’t you also be truthful to me? After all, we are familiars.”
Who is familiar with you? Cui Buqu couldn’t help giving a cold snort inwardly, admiring Feng-er’s face to
his fullest.
However, he looked calm and peaceful on the surface, as if he was pondering deeply, “Since we are here
now, I will tell you. In reality, my real surname is not Cui, and my real name is not Buqu.”
“Oh?” Feng Xiao’s interest rose expectantly.
Cui Buqu, “My surname is Zhangsun, name Bodhi, I am a Vice Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau.”
In a certain place in the city, Zhangsun Bodhi could not stop himself from sneezing.
Chapter 29 – How Did I End Up In A Situation Like This
As Feng Xiao listened, the corner of his eyes turned upwards as if he was smiling yet it also looked like
he wasn’t.
“How inconvenient. I happen to have seen the Zuoyue Bureau’s Vice-Commanders before — a man and
a woman — do not tell me you are one of them.”
His tone was filled with the meaning of “Go on, keep lying, let’s see how your story goes.”
Cui Buqu, “How do you know that the Zhangsun Bodhi you saw was the real Zhangsun Bodhi?”
Feng Xiao, “Oh?”
Cui Buqu’s expression did not change, he continued to say nonsense, “A cunning rabbit would have
three burrows, so let along the Zuoyue Bureau; we often have to hide our identities. It is very normal to
use one or two doubles. After all, I only have my brain to earn myself a living, unlike Second Commander
Feng who excels in martial arts and can do whatever he pleases.”
Feng Xiao suspected that Cui Buqu was mocking him for being a simple-minded bloke despite having
well-built limbs, but Cui Buqu’s tone was very natural and calm, it was impossible to see what he was
“Then who is the Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau? What is his surname, and name?”
“Even I have not seen him. He has never shown himself. Every time, he stands behind a screen when he
speaks to us. He sounds elderly; perhaps he is already an old man.” Cui Buqu babbled on, speaking as if
what he was saying was indeed true.
Feng Xiao’s forehead wrinkled as he pondered; in his heart, he said, Could it be that General Zheng who
always stood by the Empress and carried her trust?
“Is his voice gentle and dark?”
Cui Buqu, “Other than sounding old, there was nothing special about his voice.”
Feng Xiao sighed, “Master Daoist Cui, you are such an elegant and promising man with peerless
intelligence. It is such a pity that you are beneath another and had to be controlled, in the end, it
wouldn’t it be better if you were the one in charge?”
Despite being in such a situation, they couldn’t help jabbing at each other with words.
Cui Buqu, “Is it not? Just like Lord Feng yourself, with the Minister of Justice above you.”
Feng Xiao smiled, “The Minister of Justice is simply for show. In the end, the Jiejian Bureau is different
from the Zuoyue Bureau. Although, the Emperor and Empress are praised as Twin Holiness; in the end,
this country belongs to the Emperor. Between taking orders from the Emperor or the Emperor’s wife,
there is still a stark difference. Listen to me; that Vice-Commander of yours is nothing. Come to the
Jiejian Bureau and I will let you be the Fourth Commander, granting you the authority to take action
before an imperial decree. The Jiejian Bureau can give you anything the Zuoyue Bureau could give you,
as well as those the Zuoyue Bureau could not.”
Cui Buqu asked curiously, “If I defected to the Jiejian Bureau, then I would still be under you the same
way I am under the Commander in the Zuoyue Bureau, so what is so different about it?”
Feng Xiao, “Of course that is different. How could an old man compare to an elegant, beautiful,
unsurpassed talent like myself that gladdens the heart?”
Cui Buqu, “……”
Feng Xiao, “Looking at me every day, your mood will turn good. When your mood turns good, your
health would improve without the aid of medicine. Isn’t that the greatest benefit?”
After a moment of silence, Cui Buqu suddenly spoke, “Second Commander Feng, you truly are the most
good-looking man I have ever seen.”
Feng Xiao raised an eyebrow, “That goes without saying, did you only acknowledge this today?”
Cui Buqu then added honestly, “You are also the most thick-skinned man I have ever seen.”
Feng Xiao laughed, “Hahaha! Of those who can achieve great conquests in this world, who would be
thin-skinned? Pride is only something that restrains you and thwarts you from moving forward. Just look
at that Fo Er. He clearly lost to me, but he insists that I wasn’t paying attention so he could save his
pride. This is someone who loves reputation too much; so, be it on powers or abilities, he will never be
able to achieve his full potential. For the Khan Ishbara to have someone like him to do his bidding, I fear
it would be difficult for him to achieve anything as well.”
Cui Buqu, “From what I know of, although Fo Er is the number one fighter of Göktürk, these years
Göktürk has also nurtured many highly skilled fighters that we have lost count. Putting Hulugu, who has
passed, aside. The Khan Bagha from Eastern Göktürk is one himself. Even Khan Apa has someone by the
name of Yelouhe who looks delicate and pretty, but moves extremely deadly. These are not people to
be belittled….”
Feng Xiao was listening very intently, but before the other could finish his sentence, he had already
begun coughing.
Although Cui Buqu covered his mouth, the sound of his coughs still seeped between his fingers, and
soon he was unable to suppress it. His coughing became more and more violent. If the assassins from
the Yunhai Thirteen Stories were not taken out by Feng Xiao earlier, they would have discovered them.
Following his coughs, mild soreness and pain began to radiate from his bones, rapidly spreading to the
rest of his body, the tips of his fingers and all of his organs. Even his temples were beginning to hurt.
These were the symptoms of the Naihexiang drug taking effect within him. And since his body was
already ill, the pain he experienced was a hundred more times more painful felt than healthy people.
Yet, even if this is the case, Cui Buqu never said anything else other than pained groans.
The Jiejian Bureau had used the Naihexiang drug on others before. Feng Xiao once saw, with his own
eyes, a supremely skilled martial artist pushed to tears by the drug. Whatever someone asked him, he
answered. Even after the poison was neutralized, half of his will was grinded away. His body has also
slowly come to worsen. He’s not handicapped yet, but he looked like one.
Yet, Cui Buqu who had no martial arts on him had travelled half the City of Six Crafts carrying the poison,
withstanding it until now.
In the end, Cui Buqu was from the Zuoyue Bureau; they were not mortal enemies, wasn’t it too much for
them to use the drug on Cui Buqu?
For the first time in his life, Second Commander Feng reflected on himself over the period of a few
But very quickly he pacified these useless sentiments, convincing himself that it was also because he was
wounded and poisoned, that he pitied the other man.
“There is some Naihexiang on me.” He told Cui Buqu.
“…Don’t need it.” Cui Buqu curled up into a ball to minimize the cold and at the same time, gathered
more heat.
There was no remedy for the Naihexiang drug. The only antidote was to endure it throughout the
process and allow the poison to neutralize itself, expelling itself out of the body. People who trained in
the martial arts could use their inner strength to suppress the poison, and another way was to battle
poison with poison, using more Naihexiang to suppress itself; but after suppressing it once, the next
time it took effect would be even more painful. However, the poisoned person would drink the
Naihexiang to quench their pain. They would preferably seek temporary, short-term comfort, and risk
more in the long-term.
Feng Xiao, “The cave is cold and damp. Your body is already weak, to begin with; it will be even more
painful when it takes effect. Take this opportunity now. The next time the poison takes effect, you may
rest in a more comfortable place. At least, you would be more comfortable than now.”
Cui Buqu only felt himself heating up. His consciousness was already beginning to slip; even Feng Xiao’s
voice was nearly out of reach.
“If I allow this first exception, there would be a second time. If I want to end this, the best way is to
refuse even the first exception to take place.” He closed his eyes shut, knitting his brows tightly together
to balance out the persistent aching pain. He laughed, “I have endured things more painful than this…
this is nothing.”
Feng Xiao brows twitched. Just as he wants to ask for details, the sound of howls ran outside. The wind
that was mild some time ago picked up once more, sweeping into the cave with snow and rain.
Suddenly, there was a piercing chill. Upon opening the mouth, one would feel as if a gust of cold air
poured into their body. Added with the poisoned wound on his shoulder, Feng Xiao also found that he
himself had begun coughing.
Once he started coughing, it was as though he could not stop. The night was long, and both of them
were stuck against each other; coughing in unison as if they were singing some kind of song.
Once the tiger leaves the mountains, even dogs could bully it in its terrible situation. All they lack now is
the sound of wolves outside.
As he thought of this, as if his voices were heard, Feng Xiao truly did hear the sound of wolves coming
from the snowy cliffs in the distance.
He twitched his lips and looked at Cui Buqu who sat a little distance away.
Feng Xiao, “Hey.”
Cui Buqu was fighting the poison with all the consciousness left in his body, so he did not pay him any
Feng Xiao coughed twice, “I am also injured. Do you want to come closer? We can sit together and give
each other warmth.”
Cui Buqu barely opened his eyes and thought for a moment; only then did his brain register his words.
“Scram over here.” He said.
Feng Xiao, “???”
He saw that Cui Buqu wasn’t moving at all, so he could guess that the other did not have much strength
left, so putting down his dignity for a split moment, he pulled the other into his arms. In his heart he
cursed, How did I end up in such a situation?
As he thought, it was all because of one person.
Pei. Jing. Zhe.
Pei Jingzhe stood at the gate of the Lu manor and sneezed thrice in one go.
He could not figure out whether he had caught a cold, or someone was cursing him because he also
encountered an incident.
Chapter 30 – Is Your Heart Moved?
On Pei Jingzhe’s side, once he arrived outside the Lu manor, he encountered a problem.
He could not supervise the entire Lu manor on his own. Even if someone sneaked inside, as long as he
was familiar with the place, it would not be difficult for him to use a false identity. The only thing Pei
Jingzhe could do was to announce his identity to the Lu manor’s owner, then mobilize some eagleriders
from the Jiejian Bureau to surround the place, ensuring that not even a fly could sneak inside.
However, this would undoubtedly alert the culprit and ruin a crucial lead.
Pei Jingzhe had become trapped between a rock and a hard place.
He had always thought of himself as immature, unlike Second Commander Feng, who smiled as his mind
worked quicker than anyone, solving every issue they came across. Even the Third Commander who was
unsurpassed in martial arts would not have stood here not knowing what to do. At the very least, when
the person left the Qiushan manor, he would have already had him captured.
As Pei Jingzhe decided to sneak in, a sharp voice came from the Lu manor and pierced the night, sending
twitching anxiety down his heart.
After that splitting sound, the Lu manor lit the candles and lanterns as people rose from their sleep from
room to room. Pei Jingzhe could also feel a ruckus rising.
It was impossible for him to sneak into the manor now, Pei Jingzhe’s forehead wrinkled.
The sound of horse hooves sounded in the distance. Pei Jingzhe turned his head around to see six
eagleriders from the Jiejian Bureau riding near.
Pei Jingzhe, “Were you not supposed to remain at the Qiushan manor?”
The leader among then clasped his fists together and bowed, “By orders of the Second Commander, we
are here to assist Master Pei!”
It took Pei Jingzhe a while to come back to his senses. Feng Xiao knew that this would happen — that he
would be standing here, hesitating, and not knowing what to do — so he sent people to aid him, giving
him the boost of confidence to make a decision.
He said, “Spilt yourselves up and have the Lu manor surrounded. Without my orders, do not let anyone
The eagleriders obeyed.
Although the Lu manor was huge, the members of the Jiejian Bureau were all exemplary fighters, so six
of them were more than enough.
Pei Jingzhe approached the door and knocked before feeling a sudden wind rushing against his back. He
instinctively avoided it, glaring from the corner of his eyes, a white light whirled past him — immediately
piercing a hole in the wooden door in front of him!
If the enemy was so ruthless, Pei Jingzhe needed to use even more precaution. He took a step back and
drew his sword before immediately engaging in a fight with the person who came to attack him.
As both of them faced off, only then did he realize that his opponent was wearing long white flowing
robes, as if they were a goddess from the Moon Palace.
Pei Jingzhe, “Who goes there?!”
Qiao Xian laughed coldly, “You took one of our people, and you dared to ask who we are? Give Cui Buqu
back to us!”
Pei Jingzhe, taken aback, “You?!”
As his voice spreads into the night, he saw another person emerging slowly from the darkness, wearing
a bamboo hat and bluish-green robes, holding Buddha beads in his hands. He was certainly a sight.
“Vice-Commander Zhangsun?”
Qian Xian asked again, her attacks getting fiercer, “Where is he?!”
Pei Jingzhe calmed himself down, “I do not know what you are talking about!”
Although chaos was happening within the Lu manor, the people in the manor were nowhere near deaf.
The noise at the door brought them up, running in a hurry immediately to open the door only to see Pei
Jingzhe and Qiao Xian fighting right at their doorstep. They did not interfere but urged them, “Stop this
nonsense quickly! Who in the world are you people? How dare you fight in front of the Lu manor?
Quick, get the people here!”
Not far away, the men from the Jiejian Bureau heard the commotion and rushed here immediately,
surrounding Zhangsun and Qiao Xian. All of a sudden, it turned into a deadly scene.
Pei Jingzhe, left with no choice, shouted, “Everyone stop!”
He took a step back first to imply his intentions, and after he saw that no one was trying anything, he let
out a sigh in relief.
The people from the Lu manor did not utter a word upon seeing such a strange scene.
Pei Jingzhe was the one who broke the silence, “Vice-Commander Zhangsun, may I ask why you are here
in the City of Six Crafts?”
It was impossible that Jiejian Bureau and the Zuoyue Bureau had never met. At the very least, Pei
Jingzhe had seen the two Vice-Commanders before. Although now is not an appropriate time to talk
about the old days, he could not pretend that he did not recognize Zhangsun.
Zhangsun Bodhi, “To find someone.”
Pei Jingzhe smiled, “I am bounded by duty as of now, once I am done with this and organized a banquet
for both of you, I will search with you; how does that sound?”
Qiao Xian said coldly, “Give him back.”
Pei Jingzhe knew what she meant, but still feigned ignorance, “Who am I supposed to give back?”
Qiao Xian, “Cui Buqu!”
Pei Jingzhe coughed lightly, stomping his guilt down, “I apologize, I have not heard of such a person.”
As Qiao Xian’s face brimmed with anger, she took a step forward and wanted to attack again, but was
held back by Zhangsun Bodhi.
“Give him back or do not even think of leaving tonight.”
Pei Jingzhe was not angered, instead, he smiled, “Vice-Commander Zhangsun, you make such a threat!
But even if you are undefeatable, surely you cannot win against the seven of us!”
Zhangsun Bodhi, “I can try.”
As the last word left his mouth, his body moved swiftly and lunged at Pei Jingzhe at the speed of
The six eagleriders that surrounded them were not quick enough. Zhangsun was already at Pei Jingzhe’s
side and held his shoulder.
Pei Jingzhe managed to avoid the attack, but he only managed to draw his sword halfway out of its
sheath before it was pushed back into its sheath by Zhangsun.
Even after three times, the same thing happened thrice!
Pei Jingzhe’s face reddened.
When it came to martial arts, he knew he was no match for the Vice-Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau;
but he did not expect himself to lose every shred of dignity at this moment that he could not even draw
his sword.
It was the utmost shame for someone who practised martial arts.
But strictly speaking, Zhangsun Bodhi was already showing mercy. Otherwise, even with six other
eagleriders present, he could have easily killed Pei Jingzhe on the spot.
“Hand him over!” Zhangsun Bodhi slammed his palm on his head.
Pei Jingzhe, ultimately cornered, could only close his eyes as he gave in, “Qiushan manor!”
The men all around him gasped before swooping in, but they were already a step too late.
An immense rush of wind swept past them, yet but was gone an instant. Pei Jingzhe opened his eyes
wide and realized that the other man had already stopped, his palm freezing in the air.
Having just climbed back from the gates of Hell, he had yet to recover from his earlier shock, but
Zhangsun Bodhi had already flipped his robes, leaping into the air, pushing the eagleriders aside with
both his palms.
None of the eagleriders from the Jiejian Bureau were amateurs, even if released into the Jianghu, they
were easily top-tier martial artists; yet, they were so easily pushed aside by Zhangsun without any
opportunity of retaliating.
Watching this scene unfold before him, Pei Jingzhe could see that even though Zhangsun’s martial arts
were still behind Feng Xiao, the difference would not be vast. Attempting to fight him just now showed
how ignorant he was.
Qiao Xian shot him a cold glare, “Minutes before, were you saying you had heard of no such person?”
Pei Jingzhe laughed bitterly, “I did not know your intentions before. It’s better for me to be wary,
Qiao Xian, “You already knew that Cui Buqu belonged to our Zuoyue Bureau, yet you still withheld him
and made it difficult for him. The Zuoyue Bureau will, no doubt, remember this debt. Once we take him
back, we will be coming back for you.
Pei Jingzhe felt a headache coming up, “Although we have held Master Daoist Cui under our custody, we
did not do much to him. My Lord practically brought him along with him no matter where he...”
When he spoke up until that point, he could not help feeling guilty. Of course, he could not tell them
that they used the Naihexiang on Cui Buqu and that it would take effect every three to five days. He had
felt ill this morning and yet was taken by their lord to the crime scene before he even recovered!
Qiao Xian glared at him, promptly noticing that he was hesitating. She took a step forward and grabbed
him by the collar, “What did you do to him?!”
Pei Jingzhe could not believe that someone like her, who looked like an angel, would grab him like that.
He nearly could not breathe.
“Truly, he is fine. If you do not believe me, I can take you to him. But for now, we need to take care of
the matters here…”
“Who are you people, and why are you behaving like brats in front of the Lu manor? Leave this place
instantly!” An angry voice interfered Pei Jingzhe’s conversation.
The master of the Lu manor fumed at them angrily, both his eyes red and puffy, but it was not out of
anger that someone had disturbed them in the middle of the night; it looked more like something huge
had happened within the household
Remembering the sharp scream he had heard earlier, Pei Jingzhe set aside Zhangsun and Qiao Xian
temporarily and ordered his eagleriders, “Surround the Lu manor immediately, and do not let anyone
Then he turned towards the master of the manor, “I, from the Jiejian Bureau, came forth by orders to
investigate the murder of the Khotan ambassador, a suspicious figure has been reported to be hiding
within the Lu manor, please bear with it and allow us entry to search your place!”
Lu Ti’s expression rapidly changed as if injured by his words, but after listening to Pei Jingzhe’s words, a
nerve in his brain popped.
“This is the Lu manor; it is not some place you can enter as per your will! The Lu family have always been
honest businessmen who abide by the law. So what if you are the Jiejian Bureau? Does that give you the
privilege to do whatever you please? I heard that you people even arrested men from the Linlang Guild’s
place. Today, as long as I, Lu Ti, am here, do not even think of stepping into my manor!”
He spoke like a wounded lion, guarding his den with all the strength he has left, refusing to let the
enemy into his home. Pei Jingzhe could take his men and force his way in, but if he did that, the Lu
manor would descend into chaos, allowing the culprit to escape.
“Everyone, tonight our Lord has suffered enough. An unfortunate incident transpired our Lady, for she
had drowned. As of now, the physician is still trying his best to save her, please grant us this favour,
show some mercy, and come back in a few days!”
The one who spoke was someone who stood next to Lu Ti, who looked just as miserable, judging by the
looks of it, he must be the manager.
Pei Jingzhe’s heart pitied them.
They had just managed to follow their lead here, and immediately something happened within the Lu
manor. It was too much of a coincidence.
Now, there was no need for him to barge in, the Lu manor was undoubtedly already in chaos.
But that also meant he could not leave now.
He struggled a little, but as he recalled Zhangsun Bodhi, he dared not move. Qiao Xian glared at him
coldly before finally releasing his collar.
Pei Jingzhe let out a breath and told Lu Ti, “Host Lu, I am sorry to hear of your daughter, but tonight we
have just discovered a lead, and in the blink of an eye, something happened to your daughter. The sheer
coincidence is far too suspicious, so please let us investigate everything.”
Lu Ti, “There is no need! Right now, I simply desire peace!”
Pei Jingzhe did not heed him. He turned around and ordered his eagleriders to look for County
Magistrate Zhao so that he could allow him to send more people to surround the Lu manor. He insisted
that no one should leave the mansion tonight.
Lu Ti roared in rage, “You indeed want to make an enemy of me tonight!”
Pei Jingzhe, “I fear it is you who is unwilling to cooperate. The Jiejian Bureau is doing its duty; anyone
irrelevant who interferes will face the consequences accordingly!”
He waved a hand; the eagleriders rushed forth. The people of the Lu manor were not able to stop them
as they watched their master held down.
Watching the Lu manor’s servants wanting to fight his eagleriders for Lu Ti, Pei Jingzhe shouted again,
“Who else dares to rebel? I shall kill Lu Ti on the spot!”
This shot made everyone froze in their places, no longer dared to move recklessly.
Lu Ti’s face switched in between different shades of green; he bellowed, “You people are lawless! Do
you not know what relationship I share with the Fanyang Lu Clan? I want to sue you for mistreating an
aristocratic family!”
Qiao Xian laughed coldly, “Nevermind the many generations that are between your Lu family in the city
and the Fanyang Lu Clan, even if you were a direct relative of the Fanyang Lu Clan, in the “Kaihuang
Law” there is no such crime as mistreating a family of aristocracy. After all, all the wealthy and royalty
think too highly of themselves; otherwise, how would they die just because of offending someone they
Pei Jingzhe did not expect Qiao Xian to speak up for him like that. He could not help but glance at her.
Lu Ti, angered, rolled his eyes and did not utter a word.
Tonight, something was bound to happen.
As Pei Jingzhe prepared to bring the men inside, something indeed ensued.
“Young Master Pei! Why are you here? Dread has befallen us!”
A man flew to his side, panting heavily; Pei Jingzhe recognized him as a servant from the Qiushan manor.
When County Magistrate Zhao offered the Qiushan manor for Feng Xiao to be his residence in the City
of Six Crafts, he had also brought a few servants to attend to the guests. These people were quite
intelligent. They would not pry into things they should not be concerned. Even Feng Xiao who had
always been incredibly picky was unable to find fault with the servants.
But as of now, the servant had practically lost his breath; with a look of panic, he told Pei Jingzhe, “Lord
Feng received a letter that said you were a hostage, the other person wanted him to meet them in the
Huyang forest. He allowed me to come here to pass message to the eagleriders so they may seek out
County Magistrate Zhao to surround the Lu manor and not let anyone out, so he can deal with it when
he comes back. But you — why are you here? Unless… they deceived Lord Feng?!”
Pei Jingzhe, taken aback, said, “Did he go on his own?”
The servant shook his head, “He brought… he brought Master Daoist Cui!”
At that moment, even Qiao Xian and Zhangsun Bodhi’s faces turned white.
Pei Jingzhe, “How long has it been since they were gone?”
The servant, “From the moment I left the manor, they have been gone for around an hour!”
“If he wants to die himself, it is fine, but he wants to take one of us with him. If anything happened to
Cui Buqu, I won’t let any of you off!” Qiao Xian and Zhangsun could not care more and immediately
headed to the outside of the city, not forgetting to give a threat.
Pei Jingzhe watched them leave; finally experiencing what Lu Ti felt a moment ago. Thankfully, County
Magistrate Zhao did not procrastinate, for immediately both men and horses arrived. They were dressed
untidily; even their hair ornaments hastily were worn. It was evident that they came in a hurry, but Pei
Jingzhe was in no mood to praise them, so he merely gave an order, immediately brought two
eagleriders and headed towards Huyang forest.
The snowstorm had quietened down, but the cave was already freezing for quite a while. Feng Xiao used
his inner strength to expel most of the poison from his body, but there was still some amount of poison
left in him, so he felt all four of his limbs go numb, even his body felt a little cold.
But more shockingly, Cui Buqu’s body was radiating so much heat; it was a little worrisome. Holding him
in his arms, Feng Xiao felt like he was holding a hot iron, although it was great to warm him up, Feng
Xiao suspected that if he continued to stay in his condition with no backup, he might indeed die.
It was not easy to meet a soul mate, but it was even more difficult to meet a nemesis that rivalled
yourself, the latter was rarer and more precious than the former. Naturally, Feng Xiao did not hope for
Cui Buqu to die, he could imagine that if this person died, he would not just go like that, but he would
leave a bunch of traps and pits waiting for Feng Xiao to fall into them.
So Feng Xiao thought that no matter what, he would not let Cui Buqu die.
“Hey, say something.” He patted the other’s face lightly — not too lightly — but Cui Buqu did not open
his eyes.
“Don’t sleep. You won’t be able to wake up.” Feng Xiao said, holding his hand as he transferred some
energy to him.
Perhaps transferring energy did help, because, after a while, Cui Buqu stirred slightly from his slumber,
wrinkles appearing on his forehead.
Giving a response was a good thing, Feng Xiao continued, “QuQu, what do you think of my looks?”
Cui Buqu’s lips quivered, but he did not yield any sound.
Feng Xiao, “I know, my looks are unparalleled, you do not need to praise me. I am long used to these
sorts of praises I have gotten bored of them, but it appears you are no different from the other mortal
people. However, today what I wanted to tell you, is a story that happened when I was young.”
Cui Buqu closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh as if responding to his words.
“When I was young, I went to explore the Southwest and heard a story. It was about a man who came
from the local tribe and a woman who was beautiful but was from an underprivileged family. The man
fell in love with her at first sight and wanted to marry her regardless of what. The maiden originally
didn’t believe that the man was genuine to her and she only wanted to marry someone suitable for
herself in life. However, after that, she was moved by the man’s sincerity, seeing how he did many
things for her, even convincing the elders in his tribe and ironing out all the obstructions. She too was
moved.” The more Feng Xiao spoke, the more excited he sounded, “By chance, I met that woman, and
because she saw how beautiful, elegant, and peerless I am, she begged me to do something for her.
Could you guess what it is?”
Cui Buqu looked tired, but he wrinkled his eyebrows and finally opened his eyes.
Feng Xiao, feeling him move in his arms as if wanting to leave his hold, laughed, “I bet you are also
curious, why don’t you guess what she begged me to do. If you guess correctly, I will let you stay with
me for a few days, giving you more opportunities to admire my looks.”
Cui Buqu, “…”
Even a dead man would have twitched hearing that sentence, and to think that Cui Buqu was not even
dead yet.
“Can you…”
His voice was weak, and even in such a close distance, Feng Xiao had to lower his head and bring his ear
close to Cui Buqu’s lips to hear what he wanted to say.
Cui Buqu seethed with mild strength, “Shut up your dog mouth!”
At first, he was only half awake, his consciousness hanging by a thread. He did not want to think about
anything but simply desired to sleep for long stretches of hours; but, who knew, there was someone
rambling nonsense in his ear like a fly buzzing around, refusing to leave him alone whether he swatted it
or smacked it. Cui Buqu truly wanted to grab this ‘fly’ and to wrench his head and bury it somewhere
where it would never be found, letting him reincarnate into a muted fly for the next eighteen
Feng Xiao raised his eyebrows, “How could you say that? My mouth cannot be called a ‘dog mouth’; it
should be ‘jade mouth’. Everything I say is elegant and pleasant to the ear, others only want to hear me
say one sentence, but here you sit in my arms wrapped around you in a hug, a privilege only granted by
three lifecycles of doing kind deeds. It is something to be cherished.”
Cui Buqu, “…”
He admitted that Feng Xiao’s face was enough to capture anyone in the world and make them fall to
their knees. No matter men or women, they would be seduced by it, but it the most important thing
was: if he refrained from opening his mouth, it would be for the best.
The other man refused to give up without finishing his story; Cui Buqu sighed and struggled to open his
eyes, but all he saw was darkness. He felt that he needed to muster all his strength and the
consciousness he had left, to fight against this sickening feeling.
“…She wanted you to seduce her fiancé, to see that whether he would be seduced by someone with
your looks.”
Feng Xiao, “As expected of someone who interests me, I suppose you can also guess the result.”
Cui Buqu answered passively, “With someone of your looks, even if you masqueraded as a woman, you
would, no doubt, look attractive. Who of this world would not allow their heart to be moved by seeing
such a beauty? Those who would not are few. Nevertheless, your target is merely an ordinary person;
how could he resist your persistent and perpetual seduction? Originally, the woman only wanted to test
his faithfulness, but in the end, she shot herself in the foot.”
“Then, what about you? Has your heart been moved?” Feng Xiao lowered his head; his breath brushed
against Cui Buqu’s cheek.
If it had been before, Cui Buqu would have raised a hand to push him again or leave on his own; but at
this moment, there was no strength left in him, so let alone raising an arm, he could not even move his
“My heart is moved, although it does not mean my feelings are also moved.” Cui Buqu said, his voice
soft, “Feng-er, with a face like yours, anyone — anyone at all — would find their hearts moving, but not
everyone’s heart would allow themselves to be played by you.”
Feng Xiao replied innocently, “I was begged by someone else to test another person’s faithfulness. That
man could not resist my seduction; how could that be a fault of mine? The hearts of people withstand
being tested. If they could, then it means the tests have not reached their limits. Whether as husband
and wife or as parents and child, it is all the same concept. That woman was unable to understand this,
and in the end, she was unable to accept the truth, thinking that she would be an exception, is that not
Cui Buqu, “What happened to that woman in the end?”
Feng Xiao, “Guess.”
Cui Buqu, “At the last moment, the man had a change of heart, and fell in love with someone else. The
woman refused to believe the truth, other than leaving the place for good, she could only take her own
life; aside from these options, the world would not give her a third option.”
Feng Xiao, “Clever. That woman leapt into the well and committed suicide. The man was sad for a while,
but after another two years has passed, he married someone else. From then on, they lived happily
forever. Honestly say, isn’t this story of mine fun?”
Cui Buqu did not utter a word.
Feng Xiao felt this was a little unexpected, “I did not believe someone cold-hearted like Master Daoist
Cui would believe that true love existed in this world.”
Cui Buqu replied coldly, “If the world is heartless, that has nothing to do with me. I am only interested to
know when you can shut your mouth and let me have a good sleep.”
Feng Xiao, “Then, you are bound to be awake for the entire night; because I want to tell you a new
Cui Buqu, “…”
Feng Xiao did not stop talking for the entire night, but later on, no matter how loud his voice was, Cui
Buqu could not help drifting into slumber.
He was formerly half-unconscious because of the Naihexiang taking effect; but right now, his body
temperature had already dropped a considerable amount, his body was no longer hot in the way that
made Feng Xiao worried.
Feng Xiao felt that his capability had also reached its limit, for he had talked until his throat and tongue
was dry, and he no longer wanted to move even an inch.
The snowstorm outside had already stopped, and clouds filled the sky. From inside the cave, layers of
clouds were seen. It seemed that a new dawn was awaiting them.
Feng Xiao sighed and muttered to himself, “One night has gone by. Pei Jingzhe’s salary for the next three
years will be decreased by half.”
He got up slowly and put Cui Buqu’s arm around his neck, half carried and half dragged him out of the
cave, his fingers pinching the other’s waist, wanting to wake him up.
“I want to carry you up, move a little on your own. At the very least, don’t fall off when I carry you on my
Through the haze of his sleep, Cui Buqu responded with a soft ‘En’ and listened to Feng Xiao’s orders,
both hands reaching up to his neck as he heaved himself onto the other’s back, obeying the entire
process obediently.
This also meant that he had lost all judgement of his own.
Feng Xiao sighed again. He quite liked the Cui Buqu that was conscious — the way he could weave all
sorts of schemes the moment his brain was free to think — that Cui Buqu was more fun than the one
But the most important thing was that he needed to carry a grown man and climb back to up the cliff.
As he thought of this, Feng Xiao muttered to himself again, “Pei Jingzhe’s salary for the next three years
are all waived, this can save the Jiejian Bureau some expenses.”
Author’s Notes:
Feng Xiao: The wind rose again, Pei Jingzhe’s monthly salary is decreased by ten per cent.
Pei Jingzhe: ??
Feng Xiao: It is now raining, Pei Jingzhe’s monthly salary is decreased by twenty per cent.
Pei Jingzhe: ?????
Chapter 31 – I Will Be Struck By Thunder And Drink Rancid Water Everyday, When I Leave My House, I
Will Break My Leg Running
All his life, Feng Xiao had rarely encountered a situation where he was in a difficult position.
Ever since he was young, he stood out from his peers due to his talents. He excelled in both martial arts
and academics with little efforts. He obtained easily what normal people begged yet failed to obtain.
Even in the Jiejian Bureau, he was incredibly favoured by the Emperor, who granted him the sort of
power to do whatever he wished no matter where he went. No one could make him bend the knee.
Even during difficult situations, with someone of his intelligence and wit, it would not have proved
challenging for him to solve.
Only at this time and this time alone, he was overestimated himself; because of a moment of
carelessness, he fell into a pit someone laid for him. Although this was not as dangerous as to cause him
to lose his life, it was enough to stomp on his pride, allowing the Second Commander Feng to realize he
was not all-powerful.
Luckily, the most unfortunate victim from this was not him.
When someone was in a foul mood, and then they think about someone more unfortunate, their own
mood would take a turn for the better.
So as Feng Xiao looked at an unconscious Cui Buqu, he could not help but begin to hum a small melody.
“If you still refuse to wake up, I am going to leave you here and go back to the city myself.”
“Indeed, when I look closely at your face, even though you aren’t one of a million of me, your looks
would have stood out in a crowd.”
“Cui Buqu, Cui Buqu, no matter how people urge you, you refuse to go1. This shouldn’t be your real
Feng Xiao leaned against a rocky cliff, squinting his eyes as he watched the sunrise in the east, layers of
clouds tainted by its radiant gold. At this height, the scenery was truly marvellous, like a gathering of
golden cotton balls, soundlessly illustrating thousands and hundreds of meadows and valleys.
He used the tip of his foot to nudge Cui Buqu who lay sprawled by his side.
“Isn’t it a pity for you to miss a beautiful scenery like this?”
Cui Buqu, of course, did not respond to him.
If there was still some consciousness left in him, he would have picked up a rock and shoved it into Feng
Xiao’s mouth to prevent him rambling further.
But, presently, he could only sleep peacefully next to Feng Xiao. If it was not for the sunlight that shone
upon his face, drawing the wrinkled lines on his forehead, he looked like someone who was in a deep
sleep that refused to wake up.
Even though Feng Xiao had practically deducted all Pei Jingzhe’s salary for the next five years, Pei
Jingzhe had not appeared. He let out a sigh and began to consider relocating Pei Jingzhe to one of the
strongholds the Jiejian Bureau had in Qiemo.
“You do not look so well, let me help you.” Feng Xiao said. There was no clue to what he was thinking,
but a look of excitement passed on his face, “In the past, they used to enjoy drawing eyebrows2, and
now we exercise the art of face painting, these two are quite similar.”
Cui Buqu felt something on his face and wanted to open his eyes, but he did not have the strength.
But he was never someone who gave up so readily. Many times, when the Heavens wanted to take his
life from him, they somehow still gave him a sliver of hope. He would then climb back up from the gap,
even if he was on the banks of the Yellow Spring, even Heibai Wuchang’s chains would not be able to
pull him back into Hell’s gate.
Not once had he lost before.
This time, it would be the same.
What greeted his eyes were the tall, azure-blue, lofty sky, stretching on ten thousand li without a single
cloud. The yellow-coloured sand and the white snow blending into a magnanimous world.
And also, an incredibly handsome and beautiful face.
“You are awake.” Feng Xiao said, he sounded happy, “How are you feeling now?”
Cui Buqu tried to move his fingers, but felt it was like the usual — weak and lacking strength — so he
could only remain laid on his back like a corpse.
Perhaps it had something to do with the sunrise as he did not feel cold now. With the clear breeze
sweeping on the surface of his skin, his face felt refreshed, and his heart was at peace; this was
something he had not felt before.
If a certain person was not by his side, it would have been perfect.
“Are you thirsty?” asked Feng Xiao.
Of course, he was. After one day and one night without water, Cui Buqu could feel his throat burning.
But he knew that Feng Xiao would not grant his wish so easily.
As he expected, the other laughed slyly, “Call me three times ‘Dad’, and then I will melt some snow for
Cui Buqu would definitely avenge himself for this, but he’ll wait until that opportunity comes for now.
He opened his mouth and called ‘Dad’ three times quickly, finishing it before the other could blink.
His voice was hoarse and it was not melodious to the ear, but he still did it.
Feng Xiao used a hand to scoop up the snow from the ground, holding it before using his inner strength
to melt it into water and dripped it into Cui Buqu’s mouth.
Cui Buqu was not as picky as Feng Xiao, who would not have consumed this water that contained sand.
As he took a few mouthfuls, he felt his throat a lot better.
“My dad is dead.” Cui Buqu said.
Feng Xiao, “…”
Seeing how deathly the other looked, Feng Xiao decided that he would not argue with him.
After all, if Cui Buqu indeed died, he would not find another person as intriguing as him.
“Give me more.” Before, Cui Buqu found that he could sustain the thirst, but as the water was fed to
him, he craved for more.
“It’s so dirty. How can still stand to drink it?” Feng Xiao twitched his lips; nevertheless, he scooped a
handful of snow and gave it to him.
“I’ve consumed water dirtier than this.” Cui Buqu said passively, “After a heavy rain, the water at the
side of the road, have you seen those? People walking here and there, their shoes bringing sand, all
sinking into that water, even that kind of water, I have swallowed before.”
Compared to that, snow water really was a hundred more times cleaner.
When a person reached their limit, never mind muddy water, even if it was someone’s leftover food,
they could still bare to swallow it.
But Cui Buqu never thought that was something to brag about, so when he spoke of such thing, it was as
if merely entertaining a normal conversation, as if he was talking about what he ate today.
Feng Xiao suddenly said, “Commander Cui.”
Cui Buqu blinked, but his face yielded no emotions.
However, because of that blink, it was enough for Feng Xiao to confirm his theory.
“The great Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau is spying at my side for so long. In order lead us around in
circles, he even willingly lets us use the Naihexiang on him; this truly made me see you in a whole new
Cui Buqu, “Would the Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau put himself in danger and allow you to drag
him here, that could have even cost him his life?”
Feng Xiao smiled knowingly, “Had it been others, perhaps not, but you definitely would. Someone like
you would never bow your head under any circumstances, nor would you bend to the knee to anyone.
With someone like you, no one in the Zuoyue Bureau would rule over your head. Master Daoist Cui, how
long did you have me fooled. You truly are capable!”
Since there was no room for him to look for an excuse, Cui Buqu did not forcefully look for one.
“Even the patriarch of the Jiejian Bureau came to the outskirts of the city himself; with the ailing invalid I
am, is this anything special?”
Feng Xiao smiled, “If I killed you here, no one would even find out or know. By that time, when your
corpse is dumped and allows itself to be blown by the sand and wind, even if someone found you, they
would not be able to find any evidence. From then on, the Zuoyue Bureau would no longer fight the
Jiejian Bureau for the absolute power. What do you think of that?”
Cui Buqu, “It is not a bad idea. But I am not the only one with talent in the world. If the Zuoyue Bureau
loses me, a new Commander will show up. If you killed me, it would be pointless.”
Feng Xiao, “But not quite everyone is nearly as intelligent as you are. Even with your body’s condition,
you still could dig such a pit for me to fall. If you are gone, I am a lot better off.”
As he spoke, he reached out to hold Cui Buqu’s neck.
Cui Buqu looked indifferent, watching the other’s face; he looked like he was even calmer than the sky
itself as if the other’s actions were unrelated to him.
After Qiao Xian and Zhangsun found out that Cui Buqu was taken by Feng Xiao, they stopped at nothing
to rush to the Huyang forest. Naturally, Pei Jingzhe followed behind them, but once they arrived at the
Huyang forest, the place was practically barren. They could only find traces of a fight taking place.
As present events progressed, they were on the same boat and could no longer care about their
disagreements. Everyone went their separate paths searching.
At this moment, the storms and snow still blew. Although Qiao Xian and the others knew martial arts,
they were not immortals. The longer the snow blew in the night, the more anxious they were. Qiao Xian
was even worried that Feng Xiao would use Cui Buqu as a meat shield, and that a misfortunate had
already befell upon him.
The forest was overgrown and wild, and stretched as far as the eye could see as if there was no end to it.
They searched from dusk to dawn as the snow storm gradually quietened down. At long last, Qiao Xian
managed to find traces of people behind a boulder that was covered in white snow.
Feng Xiao looked fine, sitting upright, although tired, yet he looked awake. He looked at them lazily,
utterly unsurprised that Qiao Xian and Zhangsun showed up.
“It’s about time you people show up. Another step late, I fear your Master Daoist Cui was going to
freeze into a corpse.”
Qiao Xian felt that it was better if she did not look at Cui Buqu, but once she did, her expression
changed, and her heart skipped a beat.
Cui Buqu’s forehead, temples, even his neck, was filled with words.
The brushstrokes used was quite powerful, with elegant and stylish curves as if a famous artist had
written it, but that was not the point.
The point was the content.
“I, Cui Buqu, owe Feng Xiao a favour for saving my life. From today onwards, I will call him ‘Dad’, and as
proof, if I refuse to abide by this promise, I will be struck by thunder and drink rancid water every day,
and if I leave my house, I will break my legs running.”
Before Qiao Xian could wipe off those words, behind her Pei Jingzhe had already read them out loud.
Zhangsun Bodhi’s eyebrows and lips all twitched like they were in a cramp.
He bent down, wanting to rub the words off Cui Buqu’s face, but he quickly discovered it was incredibly
difficult to wipe them off.
Feng Xiao stood at the side and laughed coldly, “Don’t waste your strength. The sort of soil that can be
found everywhere here, if melted down and used to write, it makes it immensely challenging to come
off. Just now, I even tried a few times to make sure it would stay for a while; only then did I write them
on his face. If the fact that I saved his life is so easily rubbed off, how could I emphasize how privileged
he is?”
To that, Cui Buqu rolled his eyes.
Qiao Xian did not say a word, drawing her sword; she aimed it at Feng Xiao before she was swiftly
stopped by Pei Jingzhe. The two eagleriders with him rushed forward to defend Feng Xiao when they
saw that a scene was about to erupt.
“Bring me back.” Cui Buqu said, “Zhangsun, give me your bamboo hat.”
Zhangsun removed the bamboo hat that he always carried with him, and quietly helped Cui Buqu put it
on before carrying him onto his back.
Feng Xiao did not stop him; he even waved his hand. “Master Daoist Cui, take care. Two days later, I will
visit you. Do not forget about me, the one who saved your life.”
Cui Buqu snorted, “I won’t ever forget it, even after eight lifecycles!”
Whatever happened between these two, it seemed that it would take some time to sort them out.
Qiao Xian could feel that, after herself and Zhangsun had found him, Cui Buqu looked a lot more relaxed.
Perhaps it was difficult for outsiders to notice, but she had followed Cui Buqu for so long now, she knew
what he liked and hated. For someone who held his guard at all times like Cui Buqu, it was incredibly
difficult for him to lower down his guard. She and Zhangsun were both fortunate exceptions.
They did not bother about the Jiejian Bureau. Once Zhangsun and Qiao Xian found the man they
wanted, they left. Feng Xiao did not stop them; he also needed some time to recover himself.
Presently, the case of the Khotan murder was still unsolved, and the Jade of Heaven’s Lake was yet to be
found. The Göktürk who went after Cui Buqu, after much of his manipulation, had turned his focus onto
Feng Xiao but was chased out of the city by the same person. Yet on his way out of the city, he was
surrounded on all three corners, he practically lost. Between the Zuoyue Bureau and the Jiejian Bureau,
none of them won; at the moment, both sides retreated, engraving this mark into memory to avenge it
on a later date.
On the way back, Cui Buqu fell asleep on Zhangsun’s back.
Zhangsun Bodhi walked steadily on the way, carefully keeping his shoulders steady so Cui Buqu could
sleep peacefully.
“The Commander seemed to have been poisoned.” Qiao Xian said in a low voice.
Zhangsun replied with an ‘En’; he had already smelt the strange smell in the air. “It is Naihexiang.”
Qiao Xian displayed a look of surprise, and then it turned into anger, “The Jiejian Bureau is responsible.
How dare they!”
Zhangsun did not utter a word.
Feng Xiao’s actions were often inexplicable, whether he was virtuous or evil, it was difficult for one to
say. Such hearsays of him were already prevalent and widespread. So the fact that he used such
methods to deal with the Commander was not strange at all.
“Don’t go around causing a scene. Wait for the Commander to wake up before discussion. He might
have plotted something for this matter.”
However, Cui Buqu slept for a whole two days.
When he woke up, he felt his body weak all over — there was not a single place he did not feel sore.
Only his brain was awake; perhaps it also meant that he had rested enough. Once he opened his eyes
full of energy, he called for Qiao Xian and Zhangsun.
“Within these two days, did anything happen? Had Khan Apa’s ambassador arrived?”
A female servant came with some chicken soup. Cui Buqu refused to be fed, so he sat up and ate on his
own as he asked.
The two of them had long investigated everything they wanted, so they were only waiting for him to
wake up to report to him.
Qiao Xian, “The ambassador sent by Khan Apa arrived in the city yesterday night. We have already
settled them down. Once you wake up, a meeting can be arranged.”
Cui Buqu nodded, “Is the Jiejian Bureau on the move?”
Qiao Xian, “Feng Xiao ordered County Magistrate Zhao to lock down the entire city to search for the
Goguryeon woman that fought with us that night, Qin Miaoyu; on the other hand, something happened
to the Lu manor, it was on the night you and Feng Xiao went to the outskirts of the city, Lu Ti’s daughter
drowned and passed away. Her body is now still in the city’s bureau. Feng Xiao is looking for Qin
Miaoyu, so he let people surround the Lu manor, forbidding them to take a step out. It is said that Lu Ti
was incredibly furious and had written a letter to his distant relative in the Fanyang Lu Clan to ask for
their help against the Jiejian Bureau.”
Speaking up to this point, she stopped for a while, “There is something else, yesterday night I saw the
number one fighter of Göktürk, Fo Er, in the city. He noticed me, so I did not follow him.”
Even though the city was currently in a lock down state, but with top martial artists like Fo Er and Gao
Ning, it was not difficult for them to sneak in.
Cui Buqu, “He must have been aware of the Khan’s ambassador’s arrival and discovered that he was
tricked. You can bring Khan’s ambassador to my place to Clive with me, to avoid Fo Er attacking.”
Qiao Xian approved.
At first, she thought that Cui Buqu would immediately arrange a meeting with Khan Apa’s ambassador,
but who knew that he was more interested in the matter concerning the Lu manor.
“What happened to Little Maiden Lu? Tell me.” Cui Buqu said.
Qiao Xian, “It is a long story.”
Lu Ti had simply one daughter; naturally, she was well-loved and was seen as an invaluable pearl. He
could not help but desire to give her all the good things in the world, so when the time came when she
was of age to be wed, Lu Ti was slightly unwilling. He wanted her to be older before arranging a
marriage for her, so he could give the Lu business to his son-in-law.
Little Maiden Lu had a cousin brother, who was the one that bickered with Feng Xiao a few days ago in
the “Five Tastes” restaurant, Su Xing. Su Xing’s parents were both dead, and he was a ward of the Lu
family. His age was incredibly close to Little Maiden Lu, and he was quite handsome, so they both fell in
love. Although Lu Ti thought Su Xing did not have a good life, since both his parents are dead, but his
daughter loved him, and Su Xing did not have any family members to object, he was ideal to marry into
the Lu family and become one of them. Formerly, he wanted to wait for another two more years to
arrange a marriage for them.
A while ago, because of business issues, Lu Ti was reunited with his distant relative in Fanyang Lu Clan.
As they exchanged letters, the other party had an elder that liked Little Maiden Lu and wanted to
arrange a marriage for her with a young man from his family who was related to the Taiyuan royal
Lu Ti acknowledged that the young man was only one to two years older than Little Maiden Lu and he
excelled in academics; his father was also a subject of the Imperial Court, so he would definitely have a
bright future; in fact, his future had endless potential.
Towards such a good candidate, he was, no doubt, a hundred times better than Su Xing. It was difficult
for Lu Ti to not be moved, so once Little Maiden Lu heard about it, although she had always been
obedient and gentle, she fought with her father that night. After they fought, that unfortunate incident
happened to her.
It also meant that it was the same night that the Jiejian Bureau was pursuing that mysterious person
from the Qiushan manor and had seen him leap into the Lu manor. After that, something happened to
Little Maiden Lu.
Author’s Notes:
Alright, Little Cui’s second layer is about to be shed.
Cui Buqu: That is fine. I still have many more layers. I’m not afraid that I will not be exposed, only that
you are being too merciful.
Feng Xiao: …
[1] (崔)不去, (催)不去: 崔(cui) doesn’t mean much as a surname, but 催(cui) means ‘urging/pestering
[someone]’. ‘Buqu’ means ‘refuse to go’. It is not really a common name anyone would have, and it
definitely does not sound like a real Chinese name. That is why Feng Xiao suspected it was an alias.
[2] It is a saying that originated from a myth that ancient Chinese husbands enjoyed drawing the
eyebrows for their wives. It is seen as a romantic activity between husband and wife.
Chapter 32 – You Know Each Other Really Well
After he finished listening to the Lu family’s story, Cui Buqu gave a profound thought.
Once Qian Xiao caught that look, she knew that he was thoroughly interested in the matter, “You want
to interfere in the Lu family’s matters?”
Cui Buqu, “This is an exceptional opportunity to make the Jiejian Bureau split the glory.”
Qiao Xiao hadn’t expected him insist on clinging to Khotan ambassador’s murder case, but she did not
utter a word.
“But Feng Xiao is not a good encounter.”
Cui Buqu, “There is no need for me to ask, compared to the Lu family, of course, the most suspicious
person to hold the Jade of Heaven’s Lake, Qin Miaoyu, is more important right now. He needs to busy
himself with searching for Qin Miaoyu in the city; he has no time to meddle with the Lu family’s affair.
However, Feng Xiao knows that Pei Jingzhe is not capable of taking care of the Lu family’s matter; he will
definitely order Pei Jingzhe to seek our help.”
After he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that his appetite was quite good. Not only did he consume
the chicken soup, he even ate a large bowl of Yangchun noodles.
As he put the bowl down, news of Pei Jingzhe’s arrival came.
Qiao Xian could not help but give in, “Commander, nothing really escapes you!”
“Feng Xiao has the guts to pick things up as much as he knows how to put them down; he is someone
who holds big ambitions, compared with fighting with the Zuoyue Bureau — to him — solving the case
and finding the jade is his top priority.” As he stopped here, Cui Buqu felt something was a little
suspicious, “Those noodles, just before, why does it feel similar to the ones I ate in the Zuoyue Bureau?”
Qiao Xian smiled, “In that case, is it delicious or not delicious?”
Outsiders had always thought that she was cold and difficult to approach; they would not have had the
opportunity to see her smile gently like this.
Cui Buqu, “Of course it is delicious. The Yangchun noodles from the Zuoyue Bureau are the only noodles
I am used to eating.”
Zhangsun, “Qiao Xian made it.”
Cui Buqu showed a look of surprise, “Since when did you learn how to cook?”
Qiao Xiao, “Before I set out, I learnt it from the chef. I’m afraid you are not used to eating outside, who
knew you also…”
When she thought of what Cui Buqu went through the last few days, she truly wanted to kill Feng Xiao.
“I am the one who willingly allowed myself to be caught; staying by his side, naturally, I expected this.”
Cui Buqu replied passively.
He seldom told others what his intentions were, but since Qiao Xian was utterly loyal to him; towards
her, he was more willing to reveal more.
In the middle of their conversation, Pei Jingzhe was invited inside by the servants.
When he saw how Qiao Xian glared at him coldly, he felt a little undeserving.
“Good day, Lord Cui.” Pei Jingzhe greeted him politely. He already knew Cui Buqu’s identity from Feng
Xiao, and thinking back about how they treated him these past few days, he could not help feeling
“Where are the presents?” Cui Buqu extended a hand towards him.
“What?” Pei Jingzhe was taken aback.
Cui Buqu answered lazily, “Since you came here to ask for my help, how could you come empty-handed?
Is this the ways of your Jiejian Bureau?”
How did you know that I came to ask for your help? When those words reached his mouth, he
swallowed them back down and smiled, “As you said, our Lord knew you were unwell, and after going
through such hardship, you, no doubt, needed to rest, so I came here today to pay you a visit. As for the
gift, I have already passed it to the servants of your house.”
When Qiao Xian and Zhangsun came to the City of Six Crafts, they bought a little manor and employed
two to three servants that were deaf or mute. Compared to the Zixia Daoist Temple and the Five Tastes
restaurant, this was more peaceful and quiet and could be used as a place for resting.
However, after Cui Buqu’s real identity as the Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau was exposed by Feng
Xiao, with his intellect, he could surely guess the location of this manor. He even found out that the
“Five Tastes” restaurant was one of the Zuoyue Bureau strongholds.
“I am tired, send him away.” Cui Buqu did not care about his nonsense and proceeded to lie down,
turning his back away.
Pei Jingzhe wanted to step forward, but Zhangsun Bodhi had already taken a step forward and barred
his path.
“I do have something to ask of you.” Pei Jingzhe thickened his skin and honestly spoke.
Qiao Xian glared at him coldly, “Is it you who asked for help, or was it, Feng Xiao?”
Pei Jingzhe, “Is there a difference?”
Qiao Xian, “The difference is huge.”
According to what she said, it meant that Pei Jingzhe was nothing to them; if Feng Xiao had not made
him come, then he would have already been chased out by them.
Pei Jingzhe felt cornered all of a sudden, like he was a sheep that walked into a wolf’s pack, unable to
fight back. Now he understood why before he came here, Feng Xiao told him to be completely honest,
no need to hide anything because he knew that Pei Jingzhe was never a match for the Zuoyue Bureau.
When he thought until this point, he was a little bit dissatisfied, but he could not help saying, “Truth be
told, I came here by orders of my Lord.”
Cui Buqu did not even turn around to look at him, his back still facing him as he lay on his bed.
Pei Jingzhe could only continue, “My Lord wishes for Lord Cui to interfere in the matter of the Lu manor,
to search for Qin Miaoyu’s accomplice.”
Cui Buqu, “So, where are the presents?”
Pei Jingzhe was taken aback, now realizing what the other meant by presents.
If he wants to ask for help, it was expected to offer something back in return.
“My Lord says he is willing to split the contribution this time. After this matter is done, he will send an
edict to the Emperor prove that the Zuoyue Bureau has contributed in kind.”
Of course, Feng Xiao would not have put it so politely; he could imagine, minutes before, the Second
Commander Feng would have placed a foot on the table, saying in a frivolous way: Do I look like I would
be cheated so easily? For now, give him half the contribution; I will definitely take it back in the near
future. Just go in reassurance; if his appetite is like a lion and bargained endlessly, I will reclaim twice the
amount in future.
Listening to how this sounded like a stage play, Pei Jingzhe could only rephrase his words.
Cui Buqu snorted, “He would never speak in such a way; instead, he would have said: ‘See what that Cui
Buqu wants before he would be willing to help; if he is absolutely greedy, I will return the favour tenfold
in the future.’”
Pei Jingzhe’s lips twitched as he heard, in his heart, he added, You both really know each other well.
Cui Buqu, “I can offer my assistance, but I have one requirement. I want Fo Er’s head on a spike.”
Pei Jingzhe, “This…”
Cui Buqu, “If you refuse, we can forget about working together; you can leave now.”
Pei Jingzhe immediately said, “Lord Cui, please be patient; I will agree to this on behalf of my Lord!”
The Lu family’s case was indeed urgent; one might not say that Lu Ti had already written a letter to get
help. Surrounding the Lu manor was only a temporary solution; but, to avoid more problems piling up, it
was still better to solve it as quickly as possible.
“If you had agreed to it earlier, I would not have needed to lie down right after I had just eaten and feel
Pei Jingzhe twitched his lips, “It’s all my fault!”
He brought Cui Buqu and the rest to the Lu manor, on the way Pei Jingzhe could not help observing Qiao
Xian, yet she only glared at him coldly, so he turned his head back.
“Lord Cui, how should I address this lady?”
Cui Buqu half-heartedly laughed, “Are you interested, or is Feng Xiao interested?”
Pei Jingzhe, “How is this different?”
Cui Buqu, “If you are interested, you go ask her yourself, if Feng Xiao is interested…”
Pei Jingzhe waited for him to finish his sentence, but the subject abruptly changed.
“Then I would definitely not tell you.”
Pei Jingzhe, “…”
He finally noticed that no one in the Zuoyue Bureau treated him like a friend.
But, of course, who asked his Lord to be so cruel, using the Naihexiang on someone on their first
meeting. At first, Pei Jingzhe thought that the Zuoyue Bureau and Jiejian Bureau would not have
considered each other outsiders; but now, this was even more difficult than he thought.
A miserable grey cloud hung over the Lu family.
Lu Ti’s treasured daughter was dead, originally, he was already upset, and now his manor was
surrounded heavily by outsiders; this was simply spreading salt over his wound.
Eagleriders under Feng Xiao did not suffice, so he took a few people from County Magistrate Zhao —
pretending not to acknowledge that County Magistrate Zhao was quite unwilling — not only because he
refuse to risk offending Lu Ti, but he was also unable to defy Feng Xiao’s orders. He was trapped in a
predicament. So he could only give the case to County Official Liu Lin, telling him to be a bit more
merciful if he could.
To hold a burial for Little Maiden Lu, they needed to purchase a few items. Liu Lin brought people to the
Lu manor, but by orders of County Magistrate Zhao, he allowed the Lu family to leave through the back
door and pretended not to see. Who knew that Cui Buqu, Pei Jingzhe and his group of people ran into
“Stand there! Who let you out!” Pei Jingzhe was both surprised and furious, stepped forward to hold
them down.
The housekeeper of the Lu family suppressed his fury and begged, “Our Lady passed away, we need to
hold a funeral, we cannot just leave her like that, please show us some mercy!”
Pei Jingzhe, “We can let Liu Lin send a few people to purchase whatever you want; however, people
from the Lu family are not allowed to leave!”
At long last, the housekeeper could not stand it and shouted, “You people are really bold! Our Lady has
not even got married, and she was met with such an incident. Our mistress wants to hold a more
extravagant funeral for her; to avoid her feeling lonely on the road, she wants the best of everything. If
we ask outsiders to buy for us, how would they do their best?! Are you people so demented that you
would not even spare a dead person?!”
“The ones who would not let go of the dead are you yourselves.” Cui Buqu glared at them coldly as he
pointed at the person standing behind the housekeeper — a female servant with her head low. “He is a
man in the disguise of a woman, detain him.”
Pei Jingzhe was taken aback, yet Qiao Xian and Zhangsun Bodhi acted without thinking twice; as Cui
Buqu’s words were beginning to dissipate in the air, they were already on their feet, holding down the
tall female servant.
The female servant could not help raising her head. Pei Jingzhe found that she looked familiar, and
immediately recognized her on the spot. It was the cousin brother of Little Maiden Lu, the man who
almost married into the Lu family — Su Xing.
Coming back to the current situation, Su Xing himself looked quite prim and proper; this time he hid
behind the housekeeper and among a few tall servants. From afar, he did not look obvious at all; if they
had not met each other on the road and being exposed by Cui Buqu, he certainly could have simply gone
Pei Jingzhe, “Su Xing?”
Su Xing was exposed, yet he did not panic. He slowly spoke, “She is my cousin sister. Whatever she liked,
hated, even Uncle and Aunt might not know. I followed the housekeeper out, so I could buy her the
things she liked so that she would not feel lonely down there, can I not do this?”
His eyes were swollen and puffy, and his face looked skinny, short hairs of beard sprouting under his
chin as if he had just been through a round of pain. Whoever saw this face could not call him coldblooded; instead, they would have said that they were ill-fated, separated by life and death.
Pei Jingzhe, “Why did you masquerade as a woman?”
Su Xing, “My cousin sister and I were betrothed once; since she had not married yet if I used the name
of the Lu family to buy her funeral things, would that not sully her name? My cousin sister is clean, and
she should leave cleanly as well.”
Cui Buqu looked at him silently for a while and told the housekeeper, “The matter will conclude today,
after that, I will return your freedom. I consider myself and the Lu manor to have met by fate, so please
let me offer my prayers to Little Maiden Lu.”
The housekeeper knew Cui Buqu; due to the Zixia Daoist Temple, his medical abilities were widespread
and heralded in the city. The housekeeper’s mother was one of the people who were treated by him.
He sighed and extended a hand towards the back, “This way.”
The hall held three generations of the Lu family. Lu Ti still had a mother that was alive; in the year before
the last, a coffin was already made for her to allow her to rest here. Who knew that his mother was
ultimately not the one to use it; instead, it was his daughter.
The coffin was there, but there was no cenotaph or candles and paper money. It was why the Lu
housekeeper wanted to go out to purchase them.
Once Liu Lin saw Pei Jingzhe and the others come in, the colour on his face drained, afraid that Pei
Jingzhe would inquire about the people who went out.
But Pei Jingzhe did not pay him any attention and allowed the housekeeper to take them to the hall
before inviting Lu Ti to come over.
The coffin was already shut, and the hall that was used to welcome visitors had now turned into a
funeral hall. The pot used to burn paper money was already prepared, yet there was nothing inside.
Mistress Lu, Madam Li wore white all over, looking devastated as she sat in the hall, looking at the coffin
with a lost expression. Two female servants were at her side convincing her, yet she paid them no
attention. The Lu manor was utterly silent and morose.
Cui Buqu stepped over the threshold and took the joss sticks from the female servant and bowed
towards the coffin, before approaching the incense to place the joss sticks there, and then he came
before Madam Lu.
“Be at peace.”
Madam Li had been upset for many days, her face was worn, and she could not even care for her usual
She did not respond much even after hearing those words, so the old lady at her side could only respond
in her stead, “Many thanks, Master Daoist Cui.”
Cui Buqu, “I wish to examine the body in the coffin.”
Once he said those words, all eyes within the manor fell upon him.
Not only did the Lu family’s servants gasp, even Madam Li, who was lost in her thoughts, raised her head
to look at him.
The housekeeper shouted in anger, “Did you not come here merely to give your prayers?!”
Cui Buqu, “I came to give my prayers, but also to investigate, I suspect the death of Little Maiden Lu is
not a suicide.”
The housekeeper, “Master Daoist Cui, although you have done a favour for our Mistress, a dog of the
Jiejian Bureau cannot do whatever they want!”
Pei Jingzhe silently spoke in his heart; The Jiejian Bureau absolutely cannot afford this man.
Cui Buqu had just woken up; he had not fully recovered yet, so he felt tired. Without waiting for the
housekeeper to offer him a seat, he went to find somewhere to sit down.
“Stop talking nonsense, when I say open, do I need to open the coffin myself?” He told Pei Jingzhe
“Step over my corpse first before you open the coffin!”
As Lu Ti rushed to the hall, he heard Cui Buqu’s last sentence and became furious; he wanted nothing
more than to beat up Cui Buqu at that moment.
Qiao Xian saw this, so she immediately moved forward to push Lu Ti. White robes fluttered in the air,
seemingly light and weightless, yet somehow managed to push Lu Ti five to six steps back; the latter
needing to hold on to the wall before he could hold his ground.
Cui Buqu did not pay them any attention but uttered three words.
“Open the coffin!”
Before Pei Jingzhe came, Feng Xiao had ordered him to obey all Cui Buqu’s orders. No matter what he
asked for, as long as Cui Buqu agreed to help, Pei Jingzhe followed his orders completely.
Right now, since the other party spoke, although it sounded very ominous, the Jiejian Bureau already
had a strained relationship with the Lu family, so they could not care less to offend them one more time.
At that moment, he did not hesitate; walking to the coffin, he mustered his strength and pushed the
cover right off.
As Little Maiden Lu’s parents watch the scene unfold, they could not help but cry.
Chapter 33 – I, From The Jiejian Bureau, Would Not Be Afraid Of You!
The weather at this time of the year was cold; therefore, even though Little Maiden Lu had slept in the
coffin for two whole days, her corpse had yet to rot. However, separated by life and death, to let her
corpse see the light once again, all the people of the Lu family could not help but take two steps back, all
but Su Xing who did not take a step back; in fact, he moved forward to look at the person sleeping in the
Seeing this, Madam Li’s eyes suddenly brimmed red.
Lu Ti could not suppress his regret. If he had not been so blinded, how would this pair of lovebirds fallen
into such a state?
His heart was both pained and regretful, but he could not find an outlet to vent them, so he only glared
at Pei Jingzhe and Cui Buqu’s backs angrily, furiously wanted to fight him, but he was easily held down.
Cui Buqu walked towards the coffin, looking at the young lady lying in it with both her eyes closed.
Her face was already wiped clean and had makeup put on; her clothes were also new. It was impossible
to imagine the sorry state when she was fished out from the river.
Under everyone’s eyes, Cui Buqu reached out a hand and touched Little Maiden Lu’s face for a moment,
he even opened her collar and flipped the corpse over to examine a few more places.
Lu Ti’s eyes almost cracked; if someone had not held him down, he would have rushed forward and
thrown a fist at Cui Buqu.
Even if he could not do that, he, along with the Lu family people, scolded him in thundering, enraged
Cui Buqu did not even raise his head, but he said impatiently, “Aside from Lu Ti and Su Xing, silence the
Lu Ti angrily, “Do not think I will be grateful for this! My daughter is already dead, do you want her to die
without peace?! I will not let you off, Jiejian Bureau!”
Pei Jingzhe almost choked, he coughed twice, “This Lord Cui is from the Zuoyue Bureau; he is not of the
Jiejian Bureau!”
Cui Buqu’s back was facing him; he said slowly said, “I am displeased to hear that; if Feng Xiao had not
given me the authority to investigate, how would I be standing here? Old Lu, you are right to pin this
blame on the Jiejian Bureau.”
Lu Ti, “I do not care whether it’s the Jiejian Bureau or the Zuoyue Bureau, in the end, the shame I have
received today will definitely be remembered!”
Cui Buqu, “Do not get over yourself, even if people from the Fanyang Clan came; I, from the Jiejian
Bureau, would not be afraid of you!”
Qiao Xian, Zhangsun Bodhi, “…”
Pei Jingzhe twitched his lips, feeling wronged at Cui Buqu’s manner of ‘investigating’ the corpse; he felt
that he was only using the opportunity to sully the name of the Jiejian Bureau. He wanted to stop him
but could not help widening his eyes.
Cui Buqu bent down and inserted a hand into Little Maiden Lu’s mouth, stretching his fingers down her
He squeaked a word out before Cui Buqu recoiled his fingers and looked at him as if nothing out of the
ordinary was happening, “Do you have a napkin?”
Pei Jingzhe reluctantly took a napkin out from his sleeves and passed it over to Cui Buqu. The napkin was
something he had found cute while shopping the day before; he had bought it so he could give it to
someone else as a gift.
Cui Buqu took the napkin and wiped his fingers.
Pei Jingzhe felt sick as he saw Cui Buqu wiped the grease on the napkin.
Yet Cui Buqu acted as if it was nothing strange; instead, he told Lu Ti, “Your daughter did not drown,
someone murdered her.”
Fury had already brimmed in Lu Ti; he could not believe what he had just heard, “Don’t you just say
whatever you want!”
Cui Buqu extended a hand; on top of the napkin, there was something yellow.
“Before Little Maiden Lu died, what did she eat?”
Lu Ti did naturally did not know, he turned to his wife, and Madam Li, too, did not know. Wealthy
families like them did not often live with their children; other than every evening, they were seldom
At that moment, Madam Li called for her daughter’s nursemaid and maidservant for questioning.
The nursemaid was around forty years old and looked like an honest woman; the servant looked fifteen
or sixteen, and she looked like any young female wearing pink. She did not have any makeup on her, and
she wore no ornaments either, but on her clothes was a big lotus flower sewn onto it, this was enough
to make her shine.
Cui Buqu allowed them to speak about what happened to Little Maiden Lu on the night she died, and
what they were doing at that moment.
The nursemaid said that she was in the kitchen brewing a bird’s nest soup for her, and that soup needed
up to two shichen to boil; it was meant for her to drink before she slept, so at night she did not show up
and had no idea what Little Maiden Lu ate.
The maidservant said, “That night, my lady ate green beans cake; I am the one who served it to her.”
Since Little Maiden Lu was the only daughter of the Lu family, she was addressed as ‘my lady’.
Cui Buqu, “Was anything different with her?”
The maidservant looked at Lu Ti, “In the morning, my Lord summoned for my Lady, she looked unhappy
when she came back, so I asked, she refused to speak; Master Su invited her to see some flowers, she
refused, and remained in her residence alone.”
The nursemaid added, “Lotus is right, that morning, my lady went to greet my lord in the morning, as
she always did, but even after almost two shichen were up she was not back yet, so I felt strange and
even sent someone to urge them, but my lord said my lady had already left his place.”
Just now, Lu Ti was blinded by anger and felt a little dizzy, but as he heard the servants speak, he
suppressed his fury and struggled to recall, “That’s right. That day my daughter and I discussed about
Taiyuan royal family, my daughter refused to marry him, said she and Su Xing loved each other; I…if I
knew this would happen, I would not have forced her!”
Cui Buqu, “How long was the duration of the discussion?”
Lu Ti, “Around half a shichen; her mother came to make peace, so I allowed her to go back and think for
herself, who knew she would….”
Cui Buqu asked again, “From your manor to hers, how long does the journey take?”
The one who answered was the nursemaid, “The servants are swifter, we can reach in less than half a
cup of tea1, but my lady walks rather slowly; she would need around one cup of tea.”
Cui Buqu, “You discussed for half a shichen, added with the time of half a cup of tea, where was she
during the other half a shichen?”
Everyone turned towards the servant that was always by Little Maiden Lu’s side, who stuttered, “My
Lady said she wanted a breath of fresh air, so she walked a little slower.”
Cui Buqu asked her back, “Is that so? Did she go elsewhere, and you are refusing to say where?”
Lotus shouted, “I would dare not lie!”
Cui Buqu said coldly, “Bring all the servants of this manor here, ask them who had seen Little Maiden Lu
that day, and then we would know whether you lied!”
Pei Jingzhe did not understand why Cui Buqu jumped from examining bodies to questioning Little
Maiden Lu’s servant girl. He could see that Lotus panicked and stuttered, seeming as though she was
hiding something; so he did not stop him and just watched silently.
Lotus really yielded and knelt to the ground, “Little Maiden Lu went to look for Young Master Su!”
Lu Ti knotted his eyebrows, without waiting for Cui Buqu to ask, he asked himself, “Why did she go to
look for Su Xing? Why did you lie?”
Su Xing, “Uncle, I was drawing when cousin sister suddenly barged in, crying, she told me that you
wanted her to marry someone else, so I tried to convince her, it was not easy to calm her down, and
then I let her go back; at first, I thought she had already got over it, but I never expected her to just…”
He could not continue his words, his breath was dark and sullen, and he looked tired and lifeless.
Lu Ti’s eyes were red again with tears practically flowing out, “I have failed you both…”
“Do not despair yet.” Cui Buqu cut him off, “Lotus, Su Xing had formerly lived in the Lu manor, and he
also often hung out with them. If Little Maiden Lu wanted to vent to him, it was rather normal for her to
do so, why then did you conceal the truth?”
Lotus began stuttering, so Su Xing confessed himself, “I am the one who allowed her to hide the truth.
Since cousin sister and Uncle were fighting, if Uncle knew that she came to look for me after, he might
think that I am persuading her to oppose the marriage, I wanted to avoid suspicion.”
Pei Jingzhe could not help saying out loud, “She argued with her father because of you, but you wanted
to save your skin?”
Su Xing laughed bitterly, “You people do not know the hardship of living under someone else’s roof.
Cousin sister and I were in love, but I am a man with no achievement, no business, and had nothing in
life. Compared to me, the Taiyuan royal family is more suitable for her than I can ever be. If I am in
Uncle’s place, I would have also wished for my daughter to marry into a good house!”
Lu Ti did not know what to say, but regret flashed over his face.
Madam Li was worse off; she lowered her head and cried bitterly.
But Cui Buqu was unmoved.
“You said you were painting. What were you painting?”
Su Xing, “A picture of ‘Autumn Lotus’.”
Cui Buqu, “Bring the art to me to take a look.”
Su Xing’s eyebrows furrowed, “Master Daoist Cui, this seems to be unrelated to my cousin sister’s
Pei Jingzhe also thought that Cui Buqu’s question was rather far-fetched, but Cui Buqu remained firm,
“Bring all the art from your room to me, even the Autumn Lotus, bring them all here.”
Madam Lu could not bear it anymore and said, “Master Daoist Cui, my daughter…”
Cui Buqu, “It is related to your daughter’s death.”
Lu Ti did not know what to think, so he simply gestured for the servants to follow his orders.
The art pieces were all brought to the hall swiftly.
The art pieces filled an entire chest. These were what Su Xing painted on normal days. Cui Buqu allowed
Qiao Xian to unroll them one by one, and inside them were mostly different types of lotus flowers, there
were fresh lotuses and even lotuses that had wilted.
Pei Jingzhe was unfamiliar with art, but even if that was the case; at the very least, he knew a little bit.
He could tell that Su Xing’s artistic abilities were quite average; in other words, he had some charm, but
perhaps not that much talent. Otherwise, he would not have been a ward under the Lu family for so
many years. He would have made his way into the world.
With the coffin as the centre, more than ten scrolls of different lotus flowers were opened, yet Little
Maiden Lu slept peacefully in the coffin, making the scene look like an extraordinary sight.
“Lotus.” Cui Buqu asked suddenly, “Does your Lady treat you well?”
The maid servant was taken aback; she quickly said, “The Lady treats me very well.”
Cui Buqu, “Then why would you betray her, and help the man who killed her keep a secret?”
As he said that, everyone present let out a sharp breath.
Lu Ti said disappointedly, “Master Daoist Cui, what are you talking about?”
Cui Buqu, “Your Lady’s death, is not an event for you to wear pink, and to think you even wore a pink
robe with lotus flowers sewn onto them, and your name is also Lotus, is it not a coincidence that Su Xing
also liked to paint lotus flowers? Speak for yourself, would there be anything that happened so
Su Xing said coldly, “Master Daoist Cui, watch your tongue! Lotus likes lotus flowers, only because her
name is Lotus, how does that have anything to do with me!”
“Is that so?” Cui Buqu laughed and asked the housekeeper and Madam Lu, “Was Lotus called lotus even
before she became a servant of the Lu family?”
Madam Li shook her head, she still cared a lot for her daughter’s servants, “She used to be called Ten
because she was the tenth among her siblings, her family was poor, so she was bought when she was six
years old, just two years ago and Little Maiden Lu changed her name to Lotus.”
Cui Buqu turned towards Su Xing, “Then, two years ago, you were already in this mansion.”
Su Xing, “What does that prove?”
Cui Buqu, “Just now when I put my fingers into Little Maiden Lu’s mouth, she ate green beans cake on
the night she died, some leftovers of it remained in her mouth. If she drowned, water would enter her
mouth and nose and would have washed away all those leftovers, but her mouth had no water or dirt,
even the leftovers of her food were still present, this meant that she was already dead before she was
tossed into the water, so her mouth and nose were shut, and the water could not enter.”
Lu Ti started struggling suddenly, under Cui Buqu’s orders, he let him go. Lu Ti fell to the ground but rose
again and bent over the coffin to look.
Cui Buqu turned towards Su Xing, “On the night Feng Xiao brought the jade back from the auction, and
all the top martial artists gathered in the Qiushan manor, the one that wore black and hid in the dark
was you, was it not?”
Su Xing said coldly, “Master Daoist Cui if you wanted to frame me; of course, you would push everything
onto my head!”
Cui Buqu, “You were the one who brought that jade to the Linlang. Your goal was to test the response of
everyone, draw your accomplice out, so you were not the same with the others; you weren’t there for
the jade, but you were hiding in the dark and observing. Once you acknowledged that your accomplice
was not present, you left immediately. You did not stop even for a second. Do you know why I was able
to recognize you? Because that night, that man used his left hand to hold the wrist of his right hand, the
same as you are doing now. You can hide your face, but the actions of your body would never lie!”
Su Xing was unmoved by his words, “That was because I paint too often and used my wrist too much, so
sometimes it hurts a little. Scholars are also mostly like this; if you do not believe me, you can simply
look for any scholar and ask!”
Once he finished speaking, Zhangsun promptly attacked him from behind; the wind from his palm strong
and full of force. He used eighty per cent of his strength as if he wanted to kill Su Xing on the spot.
Su Xing knew he was in danger, but he remained where he stood and did not move, allowing Zhangsun
to do whatever he wanted, but at the last moment, the latter retreated his palm.
Su Xing knew he did the right thing. They just wanted to test him.
But Cui Buqu would not let him off so easily today, “No need to keep pretending, just now when you
wanted to avoid it, it already proved that you knew martial arts and are a very skilled fighter.”
Su Xing laughed coldly, “You are only adding more blame onto me. Why should I remain here to be
humiliated by you people? Goodbye!”
He flipped his sleeves and turned around to leave, but Qiao Xian moved, sword thrusting towards his
back, killing intent brimming in the air, bringing the wrath of a thousand soldiers on the battlefield.
This sort of killing intent was easy to detect and was different from Zhangsun Bodhi’s method of
attacking. Su Xing could no longer bear to pretend, so he could only leap into the air and avoid it.
Once he moved, he had already exposed the fact that he was a practitioner of the martial arts!
Since he was already exposed, he no longer hesitated, his hand reached to his waist, pulling out a long
blade into sight. Su Xing turned around and turned towards Qiao Xian, but switched his direction midair
and took Lu Ti as a hostage instead, the soft blade gloating over Lu Ti’s throat.
“Do not come here or I will kill him!”
Cui Buqu shook his head, “So what if you held him hostage? Anything that my Jiejian Bureau wished to
solve will be solved; no one shall come in our way!”
Pei Jingzhe, “…”
Second Commander, this man is using a feather and treating it like a sword, putting all the blame and
bad reputation on the Jiejian Bureau; why did you ask him to help? Are you afraid that the Jiejian Bureau
did not have enough enemies yet?!
Author’s Note:
Cui Buqu: I, Jiejian Bureau, trying to farm gold.
Pei Jingzhe: Help me.
[1] One cup of tea equals 15 minutes.
Chapter 34 – Would The Jiejian Bureau Have Someone As Crafty As Myself?
Lu Ti was completely held hostage with his life hanging by a thread. His face was even more shaken with
the look of surprise, fear, and disbelief.
“San Lang1, let go of your Uncle!” Madam Li cried.
“You animal! When did your Aunt and I ever treat you badly? Why did you kill our daughter?!” Lu Ti
trembled all over that he paid no attention to the sword on his neck; blood trickled down, following the
edge of the blade. Madam Li was unable to accept this truth, a wave of darkness washed over her eyes,
and she suddenly fell to the ground.
Su Xing, “My apologies, even if you people treated me better, I have not forgotten the family I have in
my own hometown, so I cannot become the real Su Xing!”
Not only Lu Ti, even Cui Buqu and his companions, could not help the look of shock that spread across
their faces.
Pei Jingzhe, “If you are not Su Xing, then who are you?”
Su Xing remained silent.
Lu Ti was felt even more wounded, “Even if you are not Su Xing, you were in the Lu manor for a few
years; I have no sons, I had viewed you as one of my own, and my daughter was faithful and devoted to
you — her love never wavered. This time, the marriage to the Taiyuan royal family was by fault by the
end of the day. It had nothing to do with my daughter. Even if you were furious, why did you not take
vengeance on me, but killed her instead?! You! Do you not have any conscience!?”
Su Xing sighed a breath, “You are mistaken. It was not for that I chose to kill her. Her death was because
of her own fault for being at the wrong place at the wrong time that got herself killed!”
Cui Buqu suddenly said, “Did she find out that you were a Goguryeon? Or did she find out that you were
the murderer of the Khotan ambassador, the one who stole the Jade of Heaven’s Lake?”
Su Xing squinted his eyes at him for a moment and suddenly said, “As expected of the Jiejian Bureau. I
originally thought no one would find out, and I could leave quietly; who knew that murdering a wealthy
lady would draw so much trouble?”
Cui Buqu laughed coldly, “Would the Jiejian Bureau have someone as crafty as myself? I am from the
Zuoyue Bureau; remember that, the two characters that form the right half of the word ‘Sui’, don’t
recognize your enemy wrongly and become a clueless ghost when you arrive in hell!”
Pe Jingzhe: …
He could see that the ‘Jiejian Bureau’ was a name used to offend others and make enemies all around
the world, and the ‘Zuoyue Bureau’ was a name used to establish his dominance upon his enemies and
send fear down their spines.
But why did he have to make the Jiejian Bureau sound low and sleazy? And the Zuoyue Bureau sound
high and mighty like they were a tier above others?
He felt this was unfair and despicable, but this was not the time to throw a fit, so he could only suppress
his displeasure, swallow it down, and make a note in his mind to return to the Jiejian Bureau later to
repeat everything back to Feng Xiao.
Since he was in this situation now, other than Pei Jingzhe himself, no one could discern all the words
going around in his heart, because everyone was captivated by the conversation between Su Xing and
Cui Buqu.
Lu Ti especially, was shaking all over, “You… You are a Goguryeon?! Where is the original Su Xing?!”
“He was dead a long time ago.” Su Xing said, “Six years before, Su Xing and his family met with a plague,
all five of them died from the incident. I happened to pass by, so I used his identity and pretended to
flee for my life; hence, I came to the Lu manor.”
Lu Ti inhaled sharply, “Why! Why the Lu family?! The Lu family has nothing to do with Goguryeo!”
Su Xing, “Whether as the Lu family’s son-in-law or Su Xing, it is but an empty shell, an identity. Wherever
they want me to be, I will be there; who they want me to be, that person I will be.”
Pei Jingzhe quickly asked, “Who is they?”
Su Xing did not pay him any attention as he continued saying, “After I settled down in the Lu family, no
one contacted me; at first, I also thought that if I could marry Lady Lu and become Su Xing for real, it
would be quite blissful. But it was a pity; the Khotan ambassador came forth and wanted to see the Sui
Emperor. News arrived here quickly, and they finally contacted me, so I am unable to stay away.”
Pei Jingzhe, “Then what has it to do with you murdering the Little Maiden Lu Si? She is just a girl who is
worth nothing to you!”
Lu Ti wailed, “I also want to know! Su Xing, I care not whether you are called Su Xing or not. These years,
you were never badly treated in the Lu family; your Aunt even thought that people would look down on
you, so she even ordered them to treat you like they would to Little Maiden Lu, and my daughter felt
towards you is even more… why, why, why!”
Cui Buqu said coldly, “Does this need to be asked? Little Maiden Lu and the Khotan ambassador shared
no connection. It must be that she had found out about it which forced Su Xing to exterminate the
Su Xing, “That is correct. That day Little Maiden Lu came from her father’s place and immediately
searched for me. Coincidentally, I was not in my room. She had always been very respectful, but at that
time, before she got my permission, she rushed into my study.”
Cui Buqu, “People like you always needed to be meticulous and careful; otherwise, it is impossible for
you to be under guise for so many years and go undiscovered. After Little Maiden Lu Si entered your
study, what did she see that she was not supposed to see?”
“I have a book, written full of codes; with these codes, I can read the encoded messages sent by my
accomplices. That book was not very obvious; usually, no one would even look at it, but that day she
happened to take it from so many other books from the shelf.”
Su Xing blinked. He could have chosen not to say much and remain silent instead, and then Cui Buqu and
his people might not have been able to find out what happened to Little Maiden Lu that got her killed.
But as he spoke, it was apparent that Little Maiden Lu’s love for him was not utterly one-sided.
But she was already dead, so he could only use this opportunity to vent, soothing that little regret in his
“After I returned and saw her look of panic, I went to check on the book and realized it really had been
flipped open before. With her cleverness, she might have already known what it was. I have yet to find
the jade, so I cannot afford my identity to be discovered; therefore, Little Maiden Lu had to die.” He
inhaled a breath.
Lu Ti’s face has long since become splotchy with tears, and these tears were that of extreme fury, it was
the face of a father facing his beloved daughter’s murderer, but also a face of someone completely
“My daughter loved you with her whole heart, that she could reject even a betrothal to the Yuantai
royal family. Whatever happened, she would not have betrayed you, why couldn’t you let her live!”
Su Xing insisted, “I cannot afford to take this risk. If my identity is exposed, my mission shall fail; my only
relative in Goguryeo would die. This love that Little Maiden Lu entrusted to me is a debt I could only
repay her in another life.”
He turned towards Cui Buqu and the others, “By now, you should already know that the Jade of
Heaven’s Lake is not with me. If I use Lu Ti’s life and important information as an exchange for my
freedom, would you let me go?”
Pei Jingzhe snorted, “You mean information regarding your accomplice? She is heavily injured, and we
are searching for her throughout the city. She will be caught in the blink of an eye.”
Su Xing shook his head, “Only I know where she would hide; without me, even if you searched the city
for three days and night, you would not find her. Do not forget, the jade is with her right now, with her
intellect, she would have already discovered that the jade can enhance one’s martial arts and even heal
any injuries she had. Once her injuries are healed, she can blend in and leave the city. If you want to
catch her, by then, it would only be more difficult.”
As he spoke, his gaze never left Cui Buqu; it was obvious that he knew Cui Buqu was the one in charge.
Cui Buqu, “Deal. If your information is genuine, I can drop the case of Little Maiden Lu’s murder; if you
do not believe me, you can keep Lu Ti first, and release him at the end of the deal.”
Lu Ti tore his throat coughing; “Impossible! Even if he drops the case, I will never let you go. I will
definitely kill you!”
Su Xing did not put his words to heart, sealing Lu Ti’s throat so he would shut up.
“I need something to secure this mutual agreement.” Su Xing told Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu turned towards Zhangsun Bodhi, “You go help Feng Xiao, no need to come back first; I will call
for you when I need you.”
Zhangsun nodded, did not ask further, turned around and left.
Su Xing watched the other leave with his own eyes and released a breath of relief.
He himself was a master of the martial arts; among everyone present, Zhangsun Bodhi was the only one
that he was wary of. Once Zhangsun left, no one present was his match, so Su Xing had no need to fear.
Cui Buqu reached out to Pei Jingzhe, “Give it to me.”
Pei Jingzhe, ???
Cui Buqu said impatiently, “Your Lord requested me to help you; surely he would have given you
something as proof that you bring his word? Now is the time to use it; give it to me!”
Pei Jingzhe was displeased and unsatisfied, he couldn’t help but ask, “But are you not the Zuo…”
As he was speaking, midway, Cui Buqu glared at him with a gaze so intently dark; Pei Jingzhe paused and
said nothing more, his hand reaching into his pocket to fish out a small and exquisite seal, throwing it
over to Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu lowered his head to inspect the seal and then tossed it over to Su Xing.
“This is the seal of the Second Commander of the Jiejian Bureau. It is recognized by people across the
city and the Sui Dynasty; you can gain entry no matter where you go. With such an item in your hand, it
should suffice, should it not?”
Su Xing had a deep history, and had lived in the Lu manor for five to six years; he knew the seal was the
real thing and fiddled with it as it sat in his hands, at the very least he knew that the other wasn’t lying
to him. Placing the seal into his pocket, he held Lu Ti and walked cautiously out of the room.
All the Lu manor’s inhabitants shouted at him like he was a mortal enemy of theirs, but Su Xing put none
of that to heart.
He had no idea why, but even though Cui Buqu did not know any martial arts and therefore could not
fight, from this distance, he felt like the other’s threat was even greater than Pei Jingzhe and Qiao Xian
who were both capable fighters.
This was the instinct of one who practised the martial arts.
It was impossible to explain, and it could not be understood, but it was more accurate than anything
could compare.
Once he and Lu Ti were far enough from Cui Buqu and from where he could leave on his own, he said,
“Qin Miaoyu has three places she often goes to in the city: The Spring Moon, the Ronghe Zai, and
another place is the Blue Bricks Manor, a phrase ‘Green Willow Autumn Light’ is pasted on the door,
with red bricks that look new and fresh.”
Qiao Xian did find Qin Miaoyu in the Spring Moon, so once she heard Su Xing’s words, she knew that he
wasn’t lying.
Su Xing inhaled, and Lu Ti was unwillingly dropped on the roof.
“I have said what I promised to say, so I am leaving now.” Su Xing laughed.
He was not extraordinarily handsome, but once he escaped danger, a charisma seems to fill his entire
person. From this angle, the reason Little Maiden Lu fell for him was not completely unfathomable. It
was a pity that fate would not have them together, and she had misplaced her trust.
Cui Buqu, “I still have a question.”
Su Xing, “Master Daoist Cui, you are too greedy. I will not answer you.”
Cui Buqu, “Since you are not called Su Xing, how should I address you?”
Su Xing remained silent for a moment, “Yin Zairong, from the phrase a man’s value is in his efforts, not
his looks.”
“Perhaps it meant ‘in morals not in looks’!” Qiao Xian laughed coldly, “Did you know? Last time when we
fought her, and when caught, she would rather take the risk and escape instead of selling you out.”
By ‘she’, she did not mean Little Maiden Lu, but Qin Miaoyu.
Su Xing looked taken aback.
At that moment, the wind blew against his back.
He wanted to capture Lu Ti again, but he did not have enough time to do so, so he could only push him
aside and used that strength to leap aside.
But it was as if the man behind him knew his intentions as he also leapt to the other side.
Su Xing was afraid of being surrounded by Qiao Xian and the others, so he refused to attack and only
focused on escaping.
Who could have guessed that his opponent was incredibly skilled, he rushed to his front and raised a
palm, ready to strike; Su Xing was forced to draw his sword, and as he did, his head rose to see a
handsome face smiling before him.
“Why are you in such a rush? Why don’t you return my seal to me first?” Feng Xiao smiled.
[1] 三郎[san lang]: ‘San’ means ‘three’ and ‘Lang’ as spoken before, is used to address a male. So San
Lang can mean that Su Xing is the third child among the siblings.
Chapter 35 – Feng Xiao’s Face Turned Green In Colour
Of course, Su Xing would not entertain Feng Xiao with his nonsense, and he did not have the mood to
fight with him and compare their abilities as martial artists. To him, the most important thing now is to
escape, everything else can be seconded.
He hid in the Lu family for so many years, yet his skills were not dulled. Compared to that year when he
left Goguryeo, his skills were even better than before. When an animal is cornered, he would only throw
away everything and fight to the death, so Su Xing is the animal, with every move he wanted to force
Feng Xiao to take a step back.
Pei Jingzhe tossed the long sword in his hand towards Feng Xiao, to which the latter caught it in a light
and smooth motion and countered the sword that Su Xing sent flying towards him. As the swords
clashed, Su Xing felt a little shaken, his wrist went numb, and the soft sword in his hand vibrated slightly
and swayed.
As he saw that the situation is not to his favour, he immediately turned to leap into the air, his figure
was like light feather floating into the air, and it was really a sight to be seen. Even Qiao Xiao could not
help but said suddenly, “His foundation in qinggong is solid, unlike a Goguryeon!”
“How do Goguryeons practice their qinggong?” Pei Jingzhe asked.
Qiao Xian’s face looked like an iceberg, and she shut her mouth, refusing to say anything.
Pei Jingzhe twitched his lips and felt a little guilty, in his heart, he said: The one who poisoned your
Commander is not me, the one who tied him up and brought him everywhere is not me either. It’s all
my Lord, I am only listening to his orders, why do you keep targeting me?
Yet the one who responded to him was Cui Buqu, “Goguryeons and Fusang people are close relatives,
the way of their martial arts are also similar. They emphasize on sneak attacking and stealth, either lurk
in the dark, or take their target’s life with a single attack, or act quick and swift to overcome their
enemies. Few of them would use these sort of methods. Most of the time, only women would practice
these type of qinggong.”
Pei Jingzhe looked taken aback, “Could it be that Qin Miaoyu was the one who taught him? But he sold
her off!”
Qiao Xian lets out a cold laugh.
Even though she didn’t say anything, but Pei Jingzhe could feel what she wanted to express: That all the
men in the world are cold-hearted and that they forget sentiment easily.
Pei Jingzhe couldn’t help saying, “They were both originally on the same boat. Qin Miaoyu deceived Su
Xing, took the jade for herself, now Su Xing betrayed her, isn’t this a dog eat dog!?”
Qiao Xian said coldly, “Qin Miaoyu is not a good woman. Towards Lady Lu, Su Xing could repay her with
such treatment, so what is selling off Qin Miaoyu mean to him?”
As Lady Lu was mentioned, Pei Jingzhe turned towards the coffin and immediately shut his mouth.
After these few sentences were spoken, Su Xing leaped into the air and left the Lu manor, far away from
He suddenly found it strange that he did not feel a pursuit behind him, but as he thought about that,
someone flashed before his eyes, he felt his shoulder pricked with pain and his entire person suddenly
fell to the ground. Even if he was holding a sword now, he might also not have won.
The moment he fell to the ground, his energy gates were suddenly sealed by someone. Su Xing watch
Feng Xiao land in front of him and blinked.
“If you want to kill, then kill me! I only beg for a swift death!”
Feng Xiao, “My seal.”
Pei Jingzhe knew what he should do. He walked towards and took the seal from Su Xing’s pocket,
presenting it back to Feng Xiao.
Feng Xiao, “Master Daoist Cui’s words are equivalent to my own, I shall keep his word. If she could be
found in the places you’ve given, the Jiejian Bureau will keep its promise and lighten your sentence.”
Su Xing looked up in disbelief, as if he did not expect that Feng Xiao would keep to his promise. On the
other side, Lu Ti could care less that his neck was still bleeding, he rushed over to send a fitting slap over
Su Xing’s face. His face immediately swung to the side, and one side of his face was swollen.
“Return my daughter back to me!” Lu Ti grinded his teeth, his face twisted in fury, all he wanted was to
strangle the man to death, but he was pulled away by Pei Jingzhe, “You, don’t stop me!”
“It’s best if you take care of Lady Lu’s funeral. This man will be taken care of by the Jiejian Bureau.” Pei
Jingzhe said before aiming an elbow towards the back of Lu Ti’s neck, putting him into a sleep and
allowed the Lu servants to take him away.
This matter is over, but the same could not be said for the case.
“I have assisted Lord Feng to solve the Lu family’s case, and aided you in capturing Su Xing. May I also
know when is the Lord Feng going to fulfil his part of the deal, bring Fo Er’s head before me?” Cui Buqu
did not invest in beating around the bush and went straight to the point.
Feng Xiao tapped forehead, as if he had just thought of something, “Forget to tell you, when I was on my
way here, I saw Fo Er from a distance, he seemed like he was heading towards your residence. If I did
not remember wrongly, Khan Apa’s ambassador, is currently living there?”
The colour on Qiao Xian’s face changed, “Why didn’t you say so just now!”
Feng Xiao said innocently, “You did not ask just now, and wasn’t I busy trying to pin down Su Xing, for a
moment it slipped past me, but if you head over now, you might still make it!”
Cui Buqu gave Qiao Xian a look, the latter acknowledged it immediately, without saying another word,
she turned and ran.
“Lord Feng, are you really planning to go back on your promise?” Cui Buqu laughed.
Feng Xiao smiled happily, “I said I would help you kill Fo Er, but I did not promise when. To kill him now,
or in future, is the same. The fault lies in you who did not make it clear, if we added new requirements
now, do we not need to discuss the deal again?”
Cui Buqu, “Your requirement.”
Feng Xiao, “The discussion of terms with the Khan’s ambassador, I want half of it. Half the contribution
and half the honour.”
Cui Buqu said without even thinking twice, “No way!”
“There’s no other way, then.” Feng Xiao sighed regrettably, “You heard it. Cui Buqu is the man you want,
this time don’t go for the wrong person.”
Cui Buqu: ???
As Feng Xiao’s voice dissipated, someone appeared on the roof.
The other leaped onto the ground, a knife appearing as quickly as wind, and ran towards Cui Buqu!
Of the two people by his side, Zhangsun Bodhi was already sent away by him, and Qian Xiao had ran
after Fo Er, at that time, there was no one to defend him.
He only heard Feng Xiao cackling at the side, “This is Fo Er’s disciple, Song Ji. Although his abilities are
not extraordinary, it is all he needs to kill you.”
As he spoke, the knife was a hair’s out of reach from its target. Pei Jingzhe’s expression changed. He
wasn’t as cold-blooded as Feng Xiao, but from his distance, it was impossible. The only one who can
rescue Cui Buqu was Feng Xiao.
At that moment, Cui Buqu shouted loudly, “The discussion, you can have half!”
“Isn’t it better to agree earlier?” Feng Xiao smiled, and moved along with his voice, appearing by Cui
Buqu in the blink of an eye.
His robes fluttered, effortless as Song Ji felt a rush of energy towards him, and he couldn’t help but fall
backwards, hands pinned against his back by Pei Jingzhe.
This man was originally the youngest disciple of Fo Er, he was latest to join his sect and his martial arts
was the lowest among everyone, yet Fo Er loved him the most. This time Fo Er came to the Central
Plains to kill Khan Apa’s ambassador, he brought his littlest disciple along, wanted to allow him to be
exposed to a new environment and train his martial arts while in the Central Plains. At first, he only
made him stay at a distance away to spy on Khan Apa’s ambassador so he wouldn’t be put in a
dangerous position, but Song Ji was young and brimming with desire to prove himself. Although his
tutor ordered him to stay hidden, when he listened to Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu’s conversation, he could
not help but leaped out, wanting to take Cui Buqu.
Who knew that Feng Xiao keep switching sides. A moment ago he was still glaring at Cui Buqu, as if he
wanted him dead, in the next he was helping him. Song Ji grinded his teeth, he lost a chance to take Cui
Buqu, in fact he was taken himself.
In Feng Xiao’s eyes, Song Ji was nothing to him, so he snickered and laughed mockingly, “The
gentleman’s word is as if as a whipped horse, QuQu, you are the great Zuoyue Bureau Commander,
better not foil this matter.”
That means, if you play dirty, I can play dirty too, so we can both dig pits for each other, but neither
could take advantage of or use the other.
Cui Buqu, “I am not a gentleman, but I will honour my word, though one ought to help the other until
the end. Qiao Xian is not Fo Er’s match, you need to follow me back, kill Fo Er for me.”
Feng Xiao smiled cheekily, “Just now I was just speaking nonsense. I have not seen Fo Er at all. If you
want to know where he is, no harm in asking his disciple, with this man in hand, there’s no need to
worry that the tutor himself wouldn’t show up.”
Cui Buqu, …...
Feng Xiao, “You’ve pitted me a few times, so let us consider that we are even now. We ought to shake
hands and be allies instead.”
Cui Buqu said in his heart: Shake your goddamn hand. However, on the outside, he agreed and nodded
his head, “Correct. We are even.”
Both of them shot each other a glare, with smiled that looked like daggers and make one’s skin tingle.
Pei Jingzhe’s lips twitched: …..This really is enough!
Feng Xiao, “Right now, I am going to search for the whereabouts of Qin Miaoyu, QuQu do you want to
come with me?”
Cui Buqu, “Tonight I will be discussing with Khan Apa’s ambassador, if Lord Feng desires to be involved,
you may partake the discussion as well.”
Feng Xiao listened and knew that Cui Buqu really decided to keep his word and work together, he felt a
little surprised, “I thought that you would recalculate the benefits before agreeing to it.”
Cui Buqu gave a sharp laugh, “Do I look like someone who procrastinates?”
Feng Xiao smiled submissively, “In that case, it is my fault for thinking poorly of you.”
The Lady of the Lu family’s death being unravelled, too the Lu couple, is that their daughter was
murdered by a Goguryeon that masqueraded as a family members for years. They did not feel better
towards their daughter’s passing compared to when they assumed Lady Lu had drowned herself.
Madam Lu woke up from her unconsciousness, and when everything came pouring back, she felt
incredibly regrettable. However, Lady Lu is already sleeping in the coffin, everything was too late.
In the other world, it was unknown whether Lady Lu Si felt regret for choosing the wrong person.
The most painful thing in the world is that time cannot turn back, broken mirrors cannot be fixed, and
water that has been poured out cannot be gathered back.
The Lu family were all in a despairing situation. Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu have no business remaining
there for too long, so they went their separate paths after leaving the Lu manor.
Cui Buqu suddenly remembered something and called Feng Xiao, “Ah, I just recalled something related
to you, but I am unsure whether I should tell you.”
Feng Xiao saw how badly Cui Buqu was pretending to look troubled, he felt his instincts tingling like a
bad omen, “Then don’t say it.”
Cui Buqu said it anyways. “Just now when I was inspecting the corpse, I put my fingers into Lu Si’s mouth
and touched the green bean cakes that she ate. After that I’ve forgotten to wash my hands before taking
the seal from Pei Jingzhe. I recall you are a person of cleanliness? I am absolutely sorry.”
Feng Xiao: ……
Pei Jingzhe did not look ‘sorry’ like Cui Buqu, but he could see that Feng Xiao’s face had turned green in
Cui Buqu did not wait for Feng Xiao to take his revenge, he vanished shortly after he confessed at the
speed of light, as if he wasn’t ill or sickly the same way he was coughing just that morning.
Pei Jingzhe stared at the colour on Feng Xiao’s face, and said carefully, “My Lord, then should we, search
for Qin Miaoyu first, or…… return and take a shower?”
“Search. Qin Miaoyu.” Two words seethed through Feng Xiao’s teeth.
Pei Jingzhe suspect that Qin Miaoyu is going to be a very unlucky victim.
Author’s Note:
A short scene unrelated to the story.
Feng Xiao: We agreed not to pit each other.
Cui Buqu: No problem.
As they both turn around to walk, they fell into the pits dug by each other for themselves.
Energy gates: Operating on traditional Chinese concepts of Qigong, energy gates are spots in the body
where the Qi (energy) flows through. To seal them usually prevents a person from using the energy (Qi)
in their body to perform martial arts until those energy gates were released. One can seal an energy gate
by tapping on the exact spots on the body.
The gentleman’s word is as if a whipped horse: A Chinese proverb. It doesn’t make much sense
translated, but you just need to know that Feng Xiao is trying to tell Cui Buqu to keep his word since he’s
said it, even if the latter is reluctant.
Chapter 36 – After All, He Would Never Touch It Again If He Was Beaten To Death
Qin Miaoyu was born in Goguryeo and grew up there, in fact, this wasn’t her original name.
In Goguryeo, from the King himself to those of the wealthy, everyone was familiar with the culture of
the Central Plains. She was adopted when she was little, and as someone who was born ambitious, it
was transferred towards the desire to learn martial arts, including how to seduce men. At twelve, she
was told that there would be a mission waiting for her, and it was to disguise as a local in the Central
Plains, and wait until a new mission was given to her.
Since the Qin and Han Dynasty, Goguryeo has always been a powerful vassal of the Central Plains. In
fact, they were even crowned by Emperors of many generations, and following that, Goguryeo’s power
grew, war spread out in the Central Plains, and the relationship between both countries grew more and
more awkward. Goguryeo was no longer willing to obey the Emperor who ruled the Central Plains, and
the awkwardness turned to distaste. Under this situation, Qin Miaoyu, along with Su Xing, became spies
planted into the City of Six Crafts. She also knew that the Central Plains would plant spies in Goguryeo.
People like them might never be noticed their entire lives, but they could also lose their lives at any
The City of Six Crafts is a small city in the outskirts, but it was a much needed path to pass by from
Khotan to Qiemo or other cities situated in the west. On its north was Göktürk, so it was an incredibly
strategic place. Goguryeo chose that place because it was special, even more so than Luoyang and other
wealthy and luxurious places.
On the fourth year since she came to the Central Plains, she had slowly got used to the life there. She
lived with a family named Qin. The mistress of that family believed everything about her fake identity
and treated her like a daughter of her own. This family also had a son whose age was incredibly close to
Qin Miaoyu, and she called him her cousin brother. He was honest and upright, and he was very nice to
Qin Miaoyu. The Qin mistress even wanted to marry both of them, but Qin Miaoyu had kept rejecting it.
She knew that it was impossible for her to live like a normal person, to marry and give birth.
At last, the Khotan King’s nephew, Yuchi Jinwu, came to the City of Six Crafts. Su Xing weaved a plan for
Qin Miaoyu to marry Yuchi Jinwu, so that she could accompany him back into Khotan; because Su Xing
thought that, with the influence of the Prime Minister at that moment, he could really take the throne
and become Emperor. Once the new Dynasty is established, Yang Jian would propose an improvement,
to avoid countries around them conflicting with each other. As a small kingdom in the west, Khotan is
most likely to become an important chess piece for the new Dynasty.
Qin Miaoyu did not oppose to this. At that time, she was alone in the City of Six Crafts. No matter when
it came to martial arts or identity, she was below Su Xing, so she could only obey his orders from the
beginning to the end, creating a chance so that she ‘coincidentally’ met Yuchi Jinwu. The other was
captivated immediately and wanted to take her as a concubine. Her family opposed to this strongly and
thought that Yuchi Jinwu was not a very suitable man to wed. Her ‘cousin brother’ even chased Yuchi
Jinwu away when he came to ask for her hand. However, Qin Miaoyu insisted that she wanted to marry
him, so in the end they could only think that she was greedy and money-minded and wanted to rise up
in the world, so they could only watch as she got married.
After that time, she never returned to the City of Six Crafts to see the Qin family that had treated her
extremely well.
Yuchi Jinwu is the nephew of the King of Khotan, so he was essentially a member of royalty. Qin
Miaoyu’s life in Khotan was a hundred times better than when she was in the City of Six Crafts, she had
enough to wear, eat, and plenty of treasuries. However, she would always think of the family that she
had left behind in the City of Six Crafts.
Regardless, Qin Miaoyu knew that she could never go back. In secret, she had never put down her
martial arts, even though her abilities were still very weak, in the Central Plains she was also considered
an average practitioner, but this ability was her only connection to the pugilist world and her dignity, it
was also her only way to free herself of any bindings.
Yuchi Jinwu already has a wife, and a few beautiful concubines, but because Qin Miaoyu was both
beautiful and unrivalled in talents, she was extremely loved until Yuchi Jinwu was offered the chance to
be an ambassador to bring tributes to the Central Plains. After a few words of convincing from Qin
Miaoyu, he immediately agreed to bring her along with him, but he could never have thought that he
would perish in this journey.
At that moment Su Xing slit Yuchi Jinwu’s throat, fresh blood sprayed onto Qin Miaoyu’s face. She
couldn’t stop herself from opening both her eyes wide, and squealed in a low voice, but she was
stopped by a very impatient Su Xing, “Be silent! Do you want to attract attention?! Go take care of those
two maidservants!”
As he spoke, he left Qin Miaoyu and went to take care of the other bodyguards that accompanied the
Those were bodyguards of the Khotan King, even in Khotan, they were not men with poor skills, but in
vast places like the Central Plains that brimmed with talented people, they were no match. Qin Miaoyu
quickly discovered that all those years she used to practice her martial arts, in reality, was only enough
to take out the more mundane people in the company. If she wanted to go against Su Xing, she could
not even make it past ten moves.
As she realized this truth, she threw away the guilt she felt towards Yuchi Jinwu and a desire to own the
Jade of Heaven’s Lake grew in her.
Yuchi Jinwu loved and cherished her, so he took her a secret once: This time they brought not one Jade
of Heaven’s Lake from Khotan, but two of them.
Before anyone saw the real jade, they would trust the bogus jade to be the real one completely, but in
reality the bogus jade was also a beautiful jade on its own, only that it was discovered not far from the
real Jade of Heaven’s Lake, but it was still a little incomparable to the real jade. The Khotan King gave
these two jades to the Sui Emperor as proof of his sincerity in joining forces and becoming allies. Before
the assassination took place, Yuchi Jinwu even told Qin Miaoyu where those two jades were placed.
Under the circumstances of knowing something like that when Su Xing did not, she blatantly kept him in
the dark and gave him the fake jade, on the other hand, she took the real jade and hid it, then
pretended to return to the city with Su Xing, after that she slipped out, retrieved the real jade, then
went back into the city and hid anonymously.
Qin Miaoyu has never forgotten the legend of the Jade of Heaven’s Lake, it could strengthen one’s
bones and enhance their martial abilities, and that had been too tempting for her. She couldn’t
withstand it and had to try it out herself. In the process, she discovered that during the full-moon,
exposing the jade in the moonlight and using her palms to absorb its energy would make the jade yield
some sort of respond. She could feel trickles of energy flowing into her. After a few times, Qin Miaoyu
had fully discovered the secret of the jade and cherished it like an invaluable gem, using it to train
herself for a few nights straight. When Qiao Xian and Zhangsun Bodhi found her through their lead, and
the fact that an assassin from the Yunhai Thirteen Stories appeared wanting to take her life, Qin Miaoyu
kept low on purpose, waited for Qiao Xian and Zhangsun Bodhi to force the assassin away, only did she
take the chance to escape from them.
With her level of skill at that time, it was really shocking indeed. Had it been a few days before, she was
only a third ranking martial artist, now that her inner strength had increased, it could be seen the effects
of the jade was unsurpassed. If she had more time, she could really absorb the jade’s powers completely
and emerge as one of the top martial artists in the ranking boards.
But the amount of time left for Qin Miaoyu is not much. Although she escaped from Zhangsun and Qiao
Xian, she was injured heavily, she had no choice but to hide in the city longer to treat her wounds. In the
third place Su Xing had told Feng Xiao, she was there hiding. Other than Su Xing, no one knew to enter
the manor from the backdoor. Qin Miaoyu wanted to take the risk of disguising as a widow leaving the
city, blending into a company of merchants and leave together.
Qin Miaoyu had decided earlier, that if she succeeded escaping this time, the world is vast, she would
not be a spy for Goguryeo any longer, and she would never again take orders from anyone. She wants to
live proudly in the light, upright and dignified, she wants to be herself. Whether she was called Qin
Miaoyu, or any other name, it was fine, but she would not live for anyone else other than herself. With
the jade in her hands, even Su Xing would be unable to command her anymore. It was the other way
around, she could convince Su Xing to free himself from everything as well, and leave the place with her
But her plans, at the moment she saw a man standing not far off from the backdoor, smiling as he stood
under a tree, was ruined.
This was an incredibly handsome and beautiful man.
Qin Miaoyu considered herself to have seen many people, but this is the first time she had saw someone
as handsome as this man that stood before her.
However, the feeling he gave her, was not the sort of fluttering heartbeat that teenagers have for men
they admire, but it was one of fear.
That is an instinct from a practitioner of martial arts when faced before an incredibly strong enemy.
The Jade of Heaven’s Lake amplified her strength, but also raised her sensitivity towards potential
The handsome man snickered a laugh, “Lady Qin, as I’ve heard from the rumours, the opportunity to
meet today, proves that you are indeed a natural beauty, a flower among the world of men.”
Qin Miaoyu was stunned, but also lets out a laugh, “Your name, my Lord?”
The man, “Although your name sounds beautiful, but my name sounds even more beautiful than yours.”
This is the first time Qin Miaoyu met someone that spoke in such a way to her. The way the man looked
at her held admiration, but it was not the sort of admiration that men used to look at beautiful women,
it was simply as if she was just a nice looking flower in front of him.
“I am Feng Xiao.” She heard the other said.
Qin Miaoyu felt her heart went cold. She did not feel that the name sounded beautiful, but it was the
identity of the man that gave her a warning.
“I see, it’s one of the Lords from the Jiejian Bureau.” Qin Miaoyu was fully informed before the other
would say it out loud, “I supposed you have already found Su Xing, and he had told everything to you?
The jade is indeed in my hand, and I could give it back, I ask for nothing, I only beg my Lord for one
Feng Xiao pushed himself up, displeased. “No one can qualify to bargain with me.”
Qin Miaoyu laughed bitterly, “My Lord, you are mistaken, Miaoyu’s life is in your hands now, how would
I dare to speak of bargains? Miaoyu only wants to tell my Lord, that day in the outskirts, the lives of
Yuchi Jinwu and his company were all murdered by Su Xing. I only killed those two maidservants, at that
time, even if I refused to kill them, Su Xing would kill them, so if I hadn’t take the Jade of Heaven’s Lake,
the jade would have already been delivered to Goguryeo by Su Xing by now.”
Feng Xiao looked at her in the eyes for the first time.
He discovered that this woman is indeed intelligent. She did not beg for her life, and did not beg for her
freedom, instead she repeated the events that happened that day, hoping to use reason to move him,
to clear her misunderstanding.
Perhaps she long knew that Feng Xiao was not the sort to be seduced and tempted by beauty, and that
he would not let her go easily, so she could only search for other ways.
Feng Xiao, “Why does Goguryeo want the jade?”
Qin Miaoyu did not hesitate to respond to him, she said without thinking. “I am not sure myself, but
according to Su Xing, the King of Goguryeo is ill and could not be healed for some reason, perhaps this is
related to it.
Feng Xiao was completely satisfied with her behaviour, compared to Su Xing, this woman was a lot
smarter. She knew to cooperate with him, if she wasn’t betrayed by her accomplice, perhaps she really
could have escaped and leave the city, like a fish swimming back to the sea.
“The jade?” Feng Xiao asked.
Qin Miaoyu took the pouch hanging from her waist and took out a jade, carefully, she gave it to Feng
The jade was only as large as one’s palm, its curves were crystal clear, and it was jade-green. Under the
sunlight it looked lively, like it was alive.
Before seeing this, Feng Xiao perhaps would have thought that the jade he auctioned from the Linlang
Alliance’s hall is the real jade, but after seeing this, it was impossible to believe that the bogus one was
the real jade.
The one before his eyes, is truly the real Jade of Heaven’s Lake.
Feng Xiao, “Why is it so small?”
Qin Miaoyu looked at him carefully and said, “I heard that it has a way to amplify one’s strength, so I
tried it.”
She could’ve kept the truth, but Feng Xiao might have guessed, since her life is in his hands now, why
shouldn’t she just be honest?
Qin Miaoyu was unaware that her behaviour and intelligent was current being rated by Feng Xiao, she
saw that Feng Xiao refused to accept the jade, as if she had put some poison onto it, she quickly said,
“Lord Feng, Miaoyu is like a piece of meat waiting to be butchered, I dare not do anything shady at this
Feng Xiao twitched his lips, but he took the jade from her in the end.
As the jade fell into his hands, he felt a chilled feeling penetrating his bones.
This is a very unbelievable feeling, as if his entire person was submerged in water, yet there was no
feeling of discomfort. On the other hand, that chilled feeling filled all his limbs and even his heart, as if
he was aided by god and knew everything in the world.
At that moment, all Feng Xiao thought that was not how magical and mysterious the jade was, but the
fact that he needed to submit this jade to the Imperial Court anyways, whoever liked to touch the jade
that was touched before by his hand—that had touched the seal that Cui Buqu touched that touched
the green beans cake from a corpse—then they can touch as much as they pleased. There would never
be another time he would hold this jade anyways.
Qiemo: Referring to Qiemo City, it will now be called just Qiemo to make the story flow smooth.
Sui Emperor: In real history, Yang Jian was called Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty. Even Joan only knew this
when she started reading about that period in history concerning Wushuang. xD In Chinese, Yang Jian
was simply called ‘Sui Emperor’. I will be keeping this method of addressing Yang Jian, the reigning
Emperor of Sui Dynasty, to avoid too much change. This is just FYI for those interested in it and wants to
research on their own.
Chapter 37 – No One Can Ever Replace Me As Cui Buqu
Qiao Xian hurried back to the manor and discovered that Fo Er was not here at all, and immediately
acknowledged that she was tricked by Feng Xiao.
When she thought of how Cui Buqu was still at Feng Xiao’s side, she hurriedly ran back, but who knew
that she met up with Cui Buqu as he returned, following behind him, was even a man from the Jiejian
Bureau and another person.
“This is Fo Er’s disciple. He was captured by Feng Xiao. Keep him so that when Fo Er appears, we can use
him to our advantage.” Cui Buqu said.
He spoke about a living person as if he was a tool, yet Qiao Xian looked as if this was completely normal
and obeyed, allowing others to lead Fo Er’s disciple away.
Originally, Song Ji was prepared to be interrogated and had planned to remain silent to the death, but
he had not expect the other party to not even ask him a single thing, instead, he was being brought
away. This instead made him panicked and yelled in his not fluent Chinese, “Where you want to bring
me go? My teacher will never let you off!”
Just as Cui Buqu wanted to step into the manor, he stopped and turned around, approaching him.
“You have a way to contact your tutor, do you not?”
Song Ji shut his mouth, his face riddled with displeasure.
Cui Buqu turned towards Qiao Xian, “Tell him about the torturing methods of the Zuoyue Bureau.”
“Yes, sir.” Qiao Xian replied emotionlessly, “Bosha Touyue, using layers of cloth soaked in water and put
it onto your face, forbidding you to breathe and suffocate until death. Other than that, we also remove
your kneecaps and tendons in your hand, strip you naked and throw you into a body of water, allowing a
few hungry snakes to feast on your flesh. You can watch with your own two eyes how your hands and
legs were slowly being beaten until they ate all your flesh and snap your throat. This is called the Bainiao
Chaofeng. There are also Jixiang Ruyi and Bamian Linglong. Which one do you fancy? I can explain them
to you one by one.”
Song Ji’s expression was quickly turning deathly while, feeling his entire body shivering.
His spoken Chinese is not excellent, but he had no problem understanding the language. At this
moment, Song Ji felt that people from the Central Plains were indeed scary, they could even give such
beautiful names to a torture sentence that was cruel unlike any other. Whatever Jixiang Ruyi and
Bamian Linglong was, he only needed to hear their names and immediately knew that they were filled
with horrors and terrors that he could not even begin to imagine.
“What you all want!” His tone gave away his fear.
Qiao Xian, “Contact your tutor, ask him for help, so that he comes.”
Song Ji stubbornly said, “You sure want to kill him. I won’t let you do it!”
Cui Buqu, “We are not going to kill him, but since you refused to say, we can also use other ways to let
him know that you are here.”
He told Qiao Xian, “Hang him on the bamboo tower.”
Near that manor, there was a bamboo tower that was a lot taller than the residences around it, on top
one can see almost half of the entire City of Six Crafts. If Song Ji was hung on top of it, it was guaranteed
that Fo Er would receive the news very soon.
Qiao Xian obeyed and allowed people to take Song Ji away, but she asked Cui Buqu, “Fo Er is still the
number one fighter of Göktürk……”
Even if she allied with Zhangsun Bodhi, they might not be able to take him down.
Cui Buqu looked at her, “It is fine. When the time comes, someone will help you both.”
Qiao Xian, “Feng Xiao?”
Cui Buqu suddenly asked, “From where you learned the names of so many torture methods?”
The Zuoyue Bureau is a place of investigation, not a place that executes interrogation or sentences.
Never mind whatever was Bamian Linglong or Jixiang Ruyi, even if it was the Ministry of Justice, they
might not have even heard of such a thing.
Qiao Xian felt shy all of a sudden, “Just now I was just simply saying nonsense, just to scare him.”
Cui Buqu coughed twice and said in admiration, “Very good. This is knowing how to speak depending on
the person that is faced before you. This indeed brings the same air similar to myself. I originally thought
that you were too stubborn and did not know how to change, and that you could only cheat honest
people like Pei Jingzhe, but if you met someone like Feng Xiao, you would definitely be taken advantage
Qiao Xian remained silent, “Do you feel stuffy on your chest again? I happened to invite the physician
here, he is already in the hall, you can go over so he can check up on you.”
Cui Buqu was originally heading towards the hall, but as he heard that the doctor was there, he quickly
turned his footsteps towards another direction. Qiao Xian even heard him speaking to himself, “I just
remembered that I touched a corpse and has yet to wash my hands, I should go wash them now.”
Qiao Xian: …….
She walked forward and grabbed Cui Buqu, pulling him towards the hall.
“I will order servants to send you water and soap. First you were poisoned with the Naihexiang, before
the poisoned was expelled you spent a night in the wilds. You really need to let the doctor check up on
On normal days, Qiao Xian would obey Cui Buqu unconditionally. It was only on this specific matter she
was incredibly insistent.
Because in the past, she had witnessed Cui Buqu sick on his bed that he was unable to get up before,
even to the extent that he vomited blood. After that, across the Zuoyue Bureau, everyone swore that if
they were present, they would never allow that to happen to Cui Buqu again.
Cui Buqu is not a man with a very good temper, at this moment it was rare that he did not lecture his
subordinates with a cold glare, he even kept his mouth silent and allowed Qiao Xian to drag him to the
But Qiao Xian could not help saying, “That thing from last year……I do not want to see it again.”
Cui Buqu remained silent for a while, and said, “You won’t.”
Last year, Cui Buqu suddenly fell deathly ill and practically lost his life, scaring every single member in
the Zuoyue Bureau to death. One of the Vice Commanders, Song Liangchen, even strictly forbade Cui
Buqu to get down from the bed, arranging doctors to take turns guarding in front of his bed so that Cui
Buqu could not get himself sick.
Who knew that Cui Buqu is someone who is naturally unrestrained. Once his illness improved, he would
immediately get up and jump around, couldn’t help but want to just leap from Beijing to the end of the
world. So once the task to negotiate with Khan Apa’s ambassador was given to them, the Zuoyue Bureau
were filled with black faces, all but Cui Buqu being the only one who was happy and excited. He
immediately begin plotting a huge scheme that lasted two months, not only did he placed Feng Xiao as
one of his chess pieces, but he also made himself his own chess piece.
As she thought of these, Qiao Xian couldn’t help but sighed, her grip on Cui Buqu was even stronger.
“If the doctor gave you medicine, you are not allowed throw it away.”
Cui Buqu twitched his lips, “I really am fine.”
Qiao Xian, “Then you run one round around that cherry blossom tree, if you can do it without coughing,
then you don’t need to take your medicine.”
Cui Buqu’s face immediately blackened, “Ridiculous. What is my identity, to allow you to order around
like that!”
They glared at each other, Qiao Xian refusing to take a step back.
Cui Buqu: ……
“Whatever. I’ll just take the medicine!” He couldn’t help rolling this eyes.
The tips of Qiao Xian’s liped arched.
The female servants of this manor were just seasonal workers with clean backgrounds. They were not
members of the Zuoyue Bureau and did not understand Cui Buqu and Qiao Xian’s conversation. As they
saw this, they only thought that Qiao Xian felt something towards Cui Buqu—a young woman’s crush—
but they were not aware of what Cui Buqu truly meant to Qian Xian.
To her, he was like a teacher, a father, a friend, and a brother.
Many years ago, she wasn’t like this. At that time she was in the most despairing moments of her life,
she had been through countless sleepless nights, lying on the snow pitifully. She thought that it was fine
if she had just died like that, the world would not change with or without her. It was Cui Buqu who had
passed by and took her home.
Qiao Xian knew that at that time, she was just someone troublesome that Cui Buqu has taken back, so
he had never put it to heart, but without Cui Buqu, there was no her.
After being with him for a while, she discovered that Cui Buqu didn’t only has a weak body, but he was
weak to the point that if the wind had been stronger, he would immediately fall ill and could not get up
from his bed for around three to two days. He would fall ill easily even if he was moving more than
usual, had it not been for the fact that they were able to find a doctor each time, the grasses of his tomb
would have already grown taller than the height of humans.
But a Cui Buqu like this, who had a photographic memory is truly a treasure to the Jianghu province, as if
he did not even need to leave his house and he was able to know everything that happened under the
She even remembered that Cui Buqu once told her: If even you feel that your existence does not matter,
then no one would take you seriously. I am different from you. I am me, even if I met with a serious
illness and passed away just like that, all my limbs are paralyzed, no one can ever replace me as Cui
That type of Cui Buqu, even though he would lose his life at any time of his life, he would have lived a
life that people who has met him would never be able to forget him.
No doubt, within the Zuoyue Bureau, the one in charge is not Zhangsun Bodhi who had the best martial
arts, and it was not the best defender and planner like Song Liangchen, it was definitely not Qiao Xian,
but it was Cui Buqu. Zhangsun’s fighting ability might be able to protect a lot of people, but Cui Buqu
was the one who stabilized the peace within their hearts.
In this world, there are a lot of problems that could be solved with fighting, but there are also a lot of
problems that could not be solved with fighting, yet when they all fall into Cui Buqu’s hands, these
troubles will all be solved.
Although it seemed like Qiao Xian and the rest were protecting Cui Buqu, in reality, Cui Buqu was the
one protecting them.
As long as there is Cui Buqu, the Zuoyue Bureau would be as stable as a sitting boulder, allowing
everyone to be at peace.
However, although Cui Buqu’s heart is as determined as iron, in his life there is one thing he hated the
That is to drink his medicine.
Even if he drank frequently and was already used to the bitter taste, no one in this world would love the
taste of medicine. Cui Buqu would have drank a few bowls every three to five days. Compared to
pinching his nose and drinking these bitter medicine that would make one feel like vomiting, he would
rather let Feng Xiao drug him with a few more doses of the Naihexiang, then using pure determination
to withstand them.
Qian Xian, of course, would not let him off that easily. So when Khan Apa’s ambassador first saw the
Imperial Court’s ambassador that was going to negotiate with her, she realized that he was not in a very
good mood.
From the past to present, when both countries negotiate, their ambassadors were always males, and
these seemed to have become the common rule.
In the Kingdom of Göktürk, the wife of the Khan is called the Kedun, although they have power over the
Khan’s army, the Kingdom of Göktürk is not a nation that took women seriously, so this time the fact
that the Khan sent out a female to negotiate, the first reaction of the Zuoyue Bureau was to be
suspicious of the woman’s identity.
This female ambassador brought forth two guards and they had lived here for two days now, they were
never impatient and wanted to step out and explore, and they had never voluntarily offered to see Cui
Buqu, merely waiting quietly and patiently for Cui Buqu to call for them. This patience alone, was
already dissimilar from the norm.
The other wore a dark red and carried an intense fashion of a Göktürk, even her braid were exotic and
different. Her face looked slightly yellow and the tails of her eyes looked contradicting, it was a different
sort of exotic beauty.
This beauty was not the sort of tender beauty admired by the people of the Central Plains, not like the
eyebrows that looked like distant mountains and eyes that looked like spring water. It was the sort that
weathered through winds and heavy rain, difficult for one to forget.
But Cui Buqu had just drank a large bowl of medicine, so he was in no mood to admire the beauty of the
female ambassador. Both parties sat down and went right into the topic, “You are the ambassador sent
by Khan Apa?”
He was never too welcoming to others, but this sort of speech made him look as if he looked down on a
woman’s identity.
“I am. My Chinese name is Jin Lian, May I also inquire the name of your Lordship?”
“Cui Buqu.” Cui Buqu raised an eyebrow. “Your name, is from the meaning of ‘golden lotus from the
Jin Lian looked surprised that he knew the meaning of her name, “That is correct. My Göktürk name
means ‘Golden Lotus’ so my Chinese name is Jin Lian.”
Cui Buqu, “Who are you to Khan Apa, why did he sent you to represent him? How can I believe that
everything you said would be accepted by the Khan himself?”
Jin Lian answered in displeasure, “I am the Kedun of the Khan.”
She paused for a moment, and added, “The small Kedun.”
Cui Buqu had inquired and understood Khan Apa in prior, so he knew that Khan Apa has two Keduns, the
small Kedun is the similar as having a secondary wife. Because the big Kedun was quite elderly, the one
who usually takes care of matters with him is this small Kedun. This time, Jin Lian coming forth, from
another perspective, had proved the sincerity of Khan Apa’s desire to negotiate with them.
Of course, if Jin Lian would come here on her own, she also brought similar courage and persuasion.
It was difficult for her to not feel disappointed that the Imperial Court of the Central Plains had sent a
sickly man as an ambassador.
Seeing the look of displeasure on her face, Qiao Xian couldn’t help saying, “Our Lord is the Commander
of the Zuoyue Bureau, his rank is equivalent to that of the Six Ministries. If you have not heard of the
Zuoyue Bureau, you might have heard of the Douguan, it is also the present Minister of Justice.”
In this year, the Douguan was just renamed to be the Ministry of Justice, it was not long enough for the
news to reach the Kingdom of Göktürk yet, but Jin Lian knew what a Douguan is. For Cui Buqu to be
levelled with the Six Ministries, it can be seen that his rank as an officer is quite high.
As she listened, Jin Lian finally put down the displeasure in her heart, “So, this is Lord Cui, I apologize for
my ignorance.”
Cui Buqu nodded his head slightly, unwilling to go around in circles, “For the small Kedun to come forth,
I suppose Khan Apa has an important message for you to pass?”
Jin Lian was also not someone who liked to go around in circles, so she continued his sentences very
fast, “That is correct. As of now, Khan Ishbara’s ambitious heart is growing, he wants to overturn the
entire world and sow distress. I am here for the sake of peace for both our countries. I’ve yet to know
how your Emperor thinks of this?”
The way she spoke was obvious that Khan Ishbara’s power grew as they spoke, earning the displeasure
of Khan Apa who was oppressed. At the convincing of Jin Lian, he acknowledged that the enemy of my
enemy is my friend, so only did he sent Jin Lian to negotiate an alliance with the Sui Empire.
Cui Buqu, “Our Emperor naturally also wants eternal peace for the people. Even if Khan Ishbara wants to
disrupt the peace of the Sui Empire, we can only return a tooth for tooth. If Khan Apa wishes to work
together, it is not impossible for us to give you a piece of land from Khan Ishbara once it is done. You
only need to offer horses, tributes, and provisions to Daxing City on an annual basis.”
Jin Lian did not even think twice before rejecting it, “We are not vassals of the Sui Empire!”
Cui Buqu smiled a smile that didn’t look like a smile, “Small Kedun, would you not consider it?”
Jin Lian said with a little bit of resent, “We thought that you were sincere, but it’s unexpected that
people of the Central Plains would take every advantage they can. We are obviously the ones helping
you to fight against Khan Ishbara, but it seemed as though we need to pledge submission to you
Cui Buqu looked as if he had all the time in the world, “Because our people have already spilt their
paths. The difference is that the other has went to negotiate with Khan Tardu, according to what I know,
they were already on bad terms with Khan Ishbara, so they would most likely accept it. At that time, if
they have really accepted it, yet Khan Apa is the only one who rejected, the one in charge is you, and
does that not make you an enemy to your own people?”
Jin Lian’s expression changed.
Cui Buqu, instead, laughed, “Small Kedun, since you came to the Central Plains, if your duty was fulfilled
beautifully, and you’ve taken the heavy risk, of course you can raise higher within the ranks. But if you
failed, what awaits you can only be losing the Khan’s love and and trust, at that time, can your dream
still be achieved?”
Jin Lian stared at this man before her.
At first she did not take this pale looking man seriously, compared to men of the Kingdom of Göktürk, he
did not look tall or mighty, she had even been displeased that the Sui Emperor sent such a pale looking
sickly man to represent his country.
But now, his gaze were like arrows piercing her heart, hiding secrets behind them, now she held no
doubt about him.
Jin Lian’s back begin to be rippled with cold sweat.
“I don’t know what are you talking about.” She calmed herself down.
“That is fine.” Cui Buqu looked at her pitifully, “After tonight, perhaps you no longer have the chance to
say it.”
“What does that mean?” Jin Lian suddenly grew alert, “You want to kill me?”
She could not think of a reason why Cui Buqu would do that.
Cui Buqu shook his head, “Not me, but someone else.”
As if to satisfy Jin Lian’s confusion, the roof above them crumbled. Jin Lian only felt something heavy fell
onto her head, so she didn’t think twice before leaping aside. In the next moment, the place she was
sitting on and the table in front of her crumbled into dust.
The two female servants that followed her shouted loudly, before rushing forward to fight with the
When Jin Lian saw the enemy that came for her, the colour on her face became very ugly.
Cui Buqu held his sleeve together as if he didn’t care that the infiltrator did not only want to kill Jin Lian,
but also himself. He even told Jin Lian excitedly, “Once we speak of Caocao, then Caocao himself arrived.
The number one fighter of Göktürk, Fo Er, I am confident he is no stranger to you. Tonight really is a
night when all the most interesting people gather, it’s only short of a cup of good wine!”
Bosha Touyue: It literally translates to “Thin Cloth Revealing Moon”. An ancient Chinese sentence where
the convicted is tied onto a wooden bed and thin wet cloth were placed one by one on their faces until
they eventually suffocates to death. I tried looking up online but I couldn’t find anything about it,
perhaps I will bring this topic up again when I found something.
Bainiao Chaofeng: It’s translated into ‘Song of the Pheonix’ and in reality, it’s just a children’s song sang
among the common people.
Jixiang Ruyi: It’s a greeting used between Chinese people that wishes one to be blessed with
immeasurable good fortunes.
Bamian Linglong: It is used to describe a person who is witty, smart, intelligent, and knows his worth.
Used to describe a capable talented person when doing this job.
Jin Lian: In Chinese, ‘Jin’ is gold, and ‘Lian’ is lotus. So her name is essentially Golden Lotus.
Douguan: The Minster of Justice used to be called Douguan (which kind of means officer). This occurred
during the Tang Dynasty.
Chapter 38 – Me, And You, It Means Us
Under orders of the Khan Ishbara, Fo Er came to the City of Six Crafts with only one goal, and it was not
the jade, but it was to prevent the meeting between Khan Apa’s ambassador and the Sui Empire.
To kill the Sui Empire’s ambassador before Jin Lian arrive in the City of Six Crafts is of course the most
effective method, but after killing Jin Lian when she arrive, the meeting could also be prevented, and
nevermind that Khan Apa would not be able to find another courageous soldier who is willing to come
forth as his ambassador, even if someone was willing to, they would even feel estranged, and the
relationship of both their countries would eventually be fractured.
So when Jin Lian and Cui Buqu appeared at the same thing, Fo Er did not hesitate to abandon Cui Buqu
and immediately attempt to take Jin Lian’s life.
Jin Lian was trained in the martial arts—shooting arrows on horseback, fighting one to one on foot, even
among the Göktürks, she was considered a heroine, but her skills still fall behind the number one fighter
of Göktürk. After ten moves she was thoroughly suppressed, both her subordinates went forward to
rescue her, but one was hit on the chest on a fatal spot, vomited and died on the spot, the other had her
arm broken and could not fight for a while.
Qiao Xian and Zhangsun Bodhi had hurried back, standing on Cui Buqu’s left and right, they guarded him
but did not make an attempt to rescue Jin Lian.
Jin Lian panicked, she couldn’t help shouting in a loud voice, “He wants to kill me, are you all just going
to watch?!”
Cui Buqu said slowly, “Jin Lian Kedun, at the present your Khan is being forced up the corner by Khan
Ishbara, even without you, the Sui Empire will have allies like Khan Bagha and Khan Tardu. Without or
without you, the results are not very much different. My rank as an officer of the Crown would not be
promoted because of you, but it would not be demoted because of you either. Why don’t you consider
it a little more?”
Faced before death, and before a top fighter like Fo Er with nothing to fight back, she could only sucked
in her breathe and defend herself to the death. After fifteen moves, she kept taking a step back, her
shoulder was wounded and the pain was incomparable, but Fo Er remained as such, he really had every
intention to kill her on the spot.
Although the Göktürks were more straightforward in addressing matters unlike the Chinese, but
members of royalty who schemed among themselves in politics—that sort of bloody result it brings,
were not very much different from others who fought for the throne. Ever since she was married to
Khan Apa when she was a teenager, the fact that she could live until today is proof that she has given
the sort of hard work and courage others would not have been able to imagine. She would never be
satisfied for her life to end in this way, for her death to be so comical.
“If Cui Buqu refuses to save you, I will.”
A light little laugh rang in her ear, and immediately she felt the pressure in front of her lightened, a light
shadow was already in front of her, shielding her from Fo Er before a palm rushed towards his direction.
As both martial artists engaged in a battle of strength, Jin Lian was immediately pushed out of the
Since she had just escaped death, Jin Lian could not care much for the pain on her back, she felt her
heart thumping like thunder, even her temples could feel the pressure of her heart, both her legs felt
like she was stepping on cloud, and her body and limbs lacked strength. At this moment, she was no
different from anyone who had just escaped death.
Before her panic had quelled, Jin Lian’s gaze swept over her dead and wounded subordinates, landing
instead on the man that was currently battling with Fo Er.
Their shadows were quick like phantoms, with Jin Lian’s level of martial arts, it was impossible to clearly
see their fight. She only felt that she was incredibly far from them, but she still felt the wind of their
battle and was forced to take a few more steps backwards.
“Jin Lian Kedun, I wonder how is your consideration going on?” Cui Buqu said slowly, “According from
what I know, Khan Ishbara does not lack top fighters. Other than Fo Er, there are two more martial
artists that have achieved top-tier mastery, if he sent more of them, I fear you could not even return to
the Kingdom of Göktürk.”
Jin Lian grinded her teeth. She knew very well that Cui Buqu was unwilling to save her was because of
this exact goal.
However, she couldn’t not bend the knee, because the other had voiced out her exact weakness. She
came forth to the Central Plains and hid her name and identity, changed her looks, even on the journey
her she had met with many dangers, although she had managed to live through them all, but on her
journey home, she might not be so lucky. Originally Jin Lian wanted both countries to become allies, and
when she returns, the Sui Empire would send their soldiers along with her, but who knew that she fell
into a trap, and if she could not settle the negotiation, she would have to return empty handed.
“The provisions can be negotiated; the alliance of both countries, was decided a long time ago. The Khan
will not reject it, I can offer on his behalf. However, as for the tributes to the Imperial Court, I cannot
make that decision. Why don’t Lord Cui follow me back to the Khan’s encampment and see the Khan for
yourself, perhaps it might be more effective than I going back alone.”
Cui Buqu remained silent, knowing that this is already Jin Lian’s bottom line, so he did not say anything
more to force her. He nodded his head, “May I request a letter from Jin Lian, as proof that I could deliver
back to Beijing and allow His Majesty to read through it?”
Jin Lian quickly said, “No problem, when I departed from Göktürk, I already brought a letter from the
Khan himself with me, we only need someone who can read Göktürkish to go through it.”
Cui Buqu, “I could.”
It was impossible for Jin Lian not to be amazed by such a simple sentence.
On the other hand, Feng Xiao and Fo Er’s battle has not ended.
When it came to martial arts, although Fo Er was slightly below Feng Xiao, but at his level, if he couldn’t
win against the fight, it was not difficult for him to escape either.
However, tonight he came for two goals, the first was to kill someone, the second was to save someone.
Both of his tasks has yet to be completed, so he naturally couldn’t leave so easily like that.
When Fo Er became famed, he was the top of the martial artist’s world, those top martial artists of his
time, either they were already masters themselves, or they were hidden deep within the forests, it was
difficult to track nor find them. Ever since he came to the Central Plains, Fo Er had battled many top
martial arts, his own unrivalled abilities made him think that the martial artists of the Central Plains
were none other than weak, until he met Feng Xiao.
Feng Xiao was a nemesis Fo Er has seen very few in his life. The other’s moves were light, quick and
unpredictable, yet he possessed a solid foundation of his inner strength. This is not the level of martial
arts someone so young could achieve. Fo Er had always suspected that behind him, an unnaturally highlevel master was tutoring him, or perhaps Feng Xiao is an old man who had found a way to make himself
young again. Last time in the Huyang forest, he had retreated because he was defeated, and now it
seemed like he had no choice but to leave in defeat again.
One Feng Xiao alone is already difficult to deal with, never mind that Qiao Xian and Zhangsun was also
there. Both of them haven’t made their moves yet, but they seemed to purposely blocking Fo Er’s
escape route, making him feel restrained left and right, unable to utilize his strength.
He saw, from the corner of his eyes, Cui Buqu who was standing from a distance away, and his heart
delivered a plan.
At the speed of lightning, Fo Er immediately leaped into the air. Although he is tall and broad, this leap
was like a crane flying into the air, completely silent and nearly soundless.
Feng Xiao naturally pursued him, but Fo Er’s figure suddenly dropped onto the roof—he wasn’t running
for the sake of running, yet he wasn’t aiming to save his disciple either, he was aiming to slap a palm
onto the roof so that it collapse.
Feng Xiao uttered “Not good” in a low voice, he could not hurry in time and could only yell for those
under the roof: “Run, quickly!”
The entire roof collapsed, even bricks and pillars, everything shattered under Fo Er’s strength to crush
on those underneath it.
In the blink of an eye, the place became a flat land.
Those who were trained in martial arts could still save themselves, just like Jin Lian, although she
couldn’t completely avoid it, and there were many injuries on her, she would still escape. But her
subordinate that was wounded wasn’t so lucky—she was crushed by the pillars in a horrible sight.
The colour of Feng Xiao’s face sank. The usual look of playfulness on his face immediately disappeared,
and he turned around to go back for rescue.
Pei Jingzhe was almost crushed by a pillar, although he successfully escaped, his face sustained a few
scars and gashes, his back was also wounded and was radiating searing pain.
Yet when he looked around him, the colour of his face changed as well as he thought of Cui Buqu who
did not know martial arts at all. “My Lord, Cui……”
Feng Xiao flew over like a shooting star, bending down to kick away a pillar. He looked as if he wasn’t
inflicting any strength, but the pillar rolled over and landed on the other side of the pile.
Under the pillar was a hand.
Pei Jingzhe was so shocked he immediately went over to help. It wasn’t easy to sweep all the debris off
the other’s body before discovering that that hand didn’t belong to Cui Buqu, but Qiao Xian.
Qiao Xian and Zhangsun Bodhi was protecting Cui Buqu under their bodies, so they were all dragged out
altogether. They both sustained a few physical wounds, but Cui Buqu looked completely uninjured.
“With Lord Feng’s capabilities, even Fo Er was able to escape?” Cui Buqu raised an eyebrow in question.
The response he got was Feng Xiao’s usual playful voice, “Isn’t this because I saw you were buried
underneath all those debris, my heart was thumping like fire, and I could only think of saving you? Oh
QuQu, your vengeance is indeed too much, come, touch my chest, you can still feel my heart beating!”
Pei Jingzhe, Unless you are dead, otherwise whose heart isn’t beating?
But he didn’t forget that he belonged to Feng Xiao’s side, so he couldn’t open his mouth to expose his
own Lord, that was why he remained silent.
Cui Buqu was also too lazy to entertain Feng Xiao’s nonsense, he immediately told Jin Lian, “The Khan’s
written letter.”
Jin Lian’s arm was wounded, so she had to use a lot of strength to pull out the letter from her chest.
Qiao Xian received it and after examining it for poison, she passed it over to Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu swept the dust off his clothes and lowered his head to flip open the letter.
A head suddenly slipped next to his without warning, and Cui Buqu practically slapped the letter onto
the other’s face.
“Ei, what is written in this? Göktürkish? Master Daoist Cui you really are incredible to even be able to
read Göktürkish.”
The way Feng Xiao called Cui Buqu, from QuQu, to A-Cui, to Master Daoist Cui, he used them all
interchangeably and unpredictably, completely according to his own mood, so Cui Buqu was long used
to it.
Cui Buqu read all ten lines at a glance, and verified that this indeed is personally written by Khan Apa
himself, he tucked the letter into Feng Xiao’s hand and told Jin Lian, “We can follow you to the Kingdom
of Göktürk, and meet with Khan Apa in person.”
Jin Lian looked delighted, but she had to emphasize, “This is wonderful! Please choose a date, Lord Cui,
so we can depart earlier. Since Fo Er has escaped now, Khan Ishbara will receive news very quickly, at
that time I’m afraid he will send someone to ambush us again!”
The fact that Cui Buqu was willing to follow her back, not only did it mean that she would have
bodyguards on the way back, but it also meant that she would be bringing a Commander of the Sui
Empire home, Jin Lian’s recognition will definitely be increased insurmountably.
“However, we still need to discuss about this matter for a while. It is late, tonight the Kedun has
received shock, so please take some rest, I will send a physician over to tend your wounds.” Cui Buqu
Jin Lian nodded her head, “Many thanks, Lord Cui. Please bury the subordinates that came with me.”
She was then led away by a servant.
Feng Xiao saw that Cui Buqu also wanted to turn around and leave, he didn’t think twice before
grabbing him by the wrist, earning a deep inhale from the other.
Although he was protected by Zhangsun and Qiao Xian and was able to emerge unscathed, his wrist was
sprained, so when Feng Xiao grabbed him, it immediately showed.
Qian Xiao glared at Feng Xiao angrily and attacked him, so the latter quickly released his hand and took a
step back.
“Wait, you said ‘us’, what is the meaning of that?”
Cui Buqu arched a corner of his lip, “Me, and you, meaning ‘us’.”
Feng Xiao: ……
Author’s Note:
Feng Xiao: Since when I said I would go with you???
Cui Buqu: I will wait for you no matter wind or rain.
Chapter 39 – It’s Not Like Being Born Handsome Is My Fault
There were stars and there were moons, there was tea and there was wine.
Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu sat facing each other. The scenery outside the pavilion was clear, and fresh grass
had just sprouted from the soil.
Avoiding the fact that the building next door had just collapsed not long ago, and the fact that Fo Er had
rescued his disciple and escaped, this would have been indeed a perfect night.
Feng Xiao looked at Cui Buqu who sat not far off from him.
The other did not drink any tea, nor did he drink any wine, but in his hands sat a bowl of medicine and
he looked really hesitant, then with a disgusted look as he closed his eyes, he drank the bowl of
medicine in one gulp. On-lookers would have thought that he was drinking poison to commit suicide.
Even if he had drunk many bitter medicines before, Cui Buqu could not help but felt as if this physician
wanted to take revenge on him, because that kind of bitterness that remained on his tongue was
enough to make him unable to speak.
As he pulled himself back from reality, he saw Feng Xiao looked at him interestingly.
“How did it go with Qin Miaoyu?” Cui Buqu asked.
“The jade has been returned.” Feng Xiao answered simply. What he didn’t say was that Qin Miaoyu had
absorbed some of the jade’s powers so the jade is now only half of its original size, the jade also looked
paler than before, but these sort of matters were irrelevant to Cui Buqu, the case of the jade had always
been Feng Xiao’s duty, so these troublesome matters, and how to explain them to the higher-ups, Feng
Xiao would take care of them himself.
At the present, the Khotan ambassador’s case is considered solved, but there was something that was
still unclear. Su Xing and Qin Miaoyu were caught, and the jade was retrieved, according to their
agreement, when Feng Xiao writes his report for the case of the jade and the Khotan ambassador’s
murder, he needed to include the contribution given by the Zuoyue Bureau.
Cui Buqu asked curiously, “So, Qin Miaoyu is still alive? I am curious, what secret does she have that she
could convince you to let her go?”
Feng Xiao, “Am I really just a killer in your eyes? Because of your words, my heart is shattered into
pieces, even if it was fixed, it would be difficult to heal fully.”
Cui Buqu, “Speak human language.”
Feng Xiao immediately answered in one smooth motion, “A woman like her, as a spy of Goguryeo, the
fact that she could remain hidden undercover for so long proves that her sort of patience is quite
As his words flowed, the moment Cui Buqu heard one sentence, he would guess what Feng Xiao meant
The Khotan King had no children, and Yuchi Jinwu is the nephew that he most looked down proudly
upon, if he hadn’t died, he might have been the future Khotan King. With consideration to Qin Miaoyu’s
capabilities and Yuchi Jinwu’s love for her, if she wanted to become the most beloved concubine of
Yuchi Jinwu, it would not be difficult at all, she could have become one the person who held power over
the governance of Khotan.
For Gorguyeo to place a chess piece in a place so far away from themselves, of course, what they
wanted isn’t simply just for Qin Miaoyu to become the concubine of a small country, they wanted her to
be their vassal to influence the governance in the West, so when the Sui Empire and Kingdom of Göktürk
battles, Goguryeo would be sitting afar and gaining from it. From this perspective, the one who created
such a scheme had indeed given this a thorough thought. Even though Goguryeo is a small country, they
might not be short of talented people.
Only it was a pity that the King of Goguryeo had a strange illness. The birth of the Jade of Heaven’s Lake
made the Goguryeons unable to sit there, so they had to make use of Qin Miaoyu and Su Xing earlier,
otherwise, both of them may never have been discovered.
As he thought until this point, Cui Buqu asked, “Who is the one who sent Qin Miaoyu and Su Xing to the
Central Plains? Other than them, who else is there?”
When an intelligent person spoke to another intelligent person, not much needs to be said for the other
to understand, Feng Xiao looked at him admiringly.
Although Cui Buqu’s existence gave the Jiejian Bureau many troubles, there is only one life for each
person, and it was difficult to meet such a rival. If one can live through their lives with complete peace,
then their life would have been dull.
Feng Xiao once estimated that with Cui Buqu’s capabilities, even if he had no knowledge of martial arts,
he was enough to shake the hearts of men. Someone like Cui Buqu who knew his goals, knew his targets
clearly, and who is passionate about creating his own world and carve a place for himself, if he was
given a high ranking position, the other would have been persuaded, but who knew that Feng Xiao
himself had tried to recruit talents until he found the very Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau.
Cui Buqu, of course, would not give up the position of Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau to come to his
place and become the Forth Commander of the Jiejian Bureau. Not only would he refuse it, he might
have even come to the conclusion that Feng Xiao wanted to hook talented people up from his agency
for himself, and make another mark for Feng Xiao in his book.
But Feng Xiao did not care how many marks he had earned in Cui Buqu’s book, he was fine with owing a
huge debt.
“The one who sent them here is the master of Gao Ning, Gao Yun. This man is the brother of the
Goguryeon King, Gao Tang. According to leads, he is also the only top-tier martial artist of Goguryeo.”
Feng Xiao said.
According to the news he received, although Gao Yun held no court position, he is quite influential
towards Gao Tang, he even established his own sect: The Fuyu Sect. The purpose of this sect is similar
to the Jiejian Bureau, to plant spies into other countries and gain inside information through sending
encoded messages, so that those information may be of use to their own country.
Without a doubt, Su Xing and Qin Miaoyu were also definitely from the Fuyu Sect.
“Qin Miaoyu’s position in the Fuyu Sect is not high. Gao Yun has never thought of females as equals,
they only wanted to make use of her beauty to do lowly tasks such as sending messages. Only Su Xing
can contact the Fuyu Sect, but what he knew isn’t much, they only know that the one who sent them
here that year was called Master One.”
Women like Qin Miaoyu, young and with little life experiences, were easy to frighten, so that she would
dare not act without thought. But these years after she was married to Yuchi Jinwu, on one hand she
needed to be lovey dovey with him to stabilize her place by his side, on the other hand she needed to
scout for information and contact Su Xing, bringing more benefits to Goguryeo, so she had learned much
over those years, how could she remain someone who can be restrained by the Fuyu Sect? The fact that
her heart had betrayed them was nothing strange at all.
“One?” Cui Buqu was not concerned with how Feng Xiao took care of Qin Miaoyu, but he was very
interested in the ‘Master One’ mentioned by Feng Xiao just now.
Feng Xiao used his finger, dipped into the tea, and drew a line on the table.
It is ‘One’.
One as in the beginning of all things, the starting point of any number, yet it could also be very powerful.
As the old saying goes, Less is More.
All under the sky begins with ‘one’, to create worlds, and morph into a thousand things.
For one who knew how to use words like that is definitely not any normal person.
This Master One is not only the same person that contacted Su Xing in the Central Plains, in fact he
might be someone incredibly high ranking in the Fuyu Sect.
If there was someone like that, hiding in the Central Plains for many years, even someone like Qin
Miaoyu almost became the concubine of the Khotan King, then how high ranking would Master One be
aiming for?
The little one hides in the wilderness in a small forgettable city, the big one hides in the bustling town
such as the capital.
They have solved one case, yet they’ve found a hidden string leading to something even deeper.
If they took the string and followed it, what would be waiting for them at the end?
He believed that Feng Xiao would have achieved the same conclusion, and similarly felt interested, he
even suspects that Feng Xiao wanted to pull him down with him, which is why he had told him so much.
But Cui Buqu was never someone who followed the rules. The more complicated the matter, the harder
it is to solve, the more he feels like it has meaning.
Feng Xiao, “I’ve told you so much, are you not supposed to return the favour?”
Cui Buqu smiled and said, “Of course, so did I not just invite Lord Feng to accompany me on the voyage
to the Kingdom of Göktürk and meet with Khan Apa?”
Feng Xiao couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, “This is what you call returning the favour? Isn’t this just
giving me something to do when I have time on my hands?”
Cui Buqu smiled, “How can you think in such a way? Allow me to ask you, before this you promised me
to give me Fo Er’s head, did you not?”
Feng Xiao, “I promised to kill Fo Er for you, but I did not say when. If I killed him today or tomorrow or
next year, wouldn’t it be the same?”
Cui Buqu smiled, “Of what I’ve told Jin Lian tonight, you’ve heard it too, although she is the Khan’s
Kedun, in reality she has very little power on decision-making, her task was only to bring the Khan’s
written letter to me. If we want to negotiate more, and achieve more benefits for the Sui Empire, then I
need to make this trip to Göktürk. Fo Er escaped from your hands, he would definitely ambush me and
Jin Lian on the way. If we are dead, what can you get from it?”
Feng Xiao, “So what you are saying is that I definitely couldn’t avoid not going?”
Cui Buqu, “Is there such things as getting something for free without working for it in this world? Lord
Feng if you want to be part of the contribution, you must accompany me on this voyage.”
Feng Xiao snorted and smiled, “Aren’t you afraid that I would kill you on the returning journey, and take
all the contribution to myself?”
Cui Buqu also smiled, “If that is the case, then I can only curse myself for having an unfortunate fate. But
if I die, Lord Feng you might miss a lot of valuable information.”
Feng Xiao, “Such as?”
Cui Buqu, “Such as the identity of the two Yunhai Thirteen Stories’ assassins that wanted to kill you, and
who they’re sent by. I also know that Yu Xiu, as Prince Jin’s number one strategist, came to the City of
Six Crafts by himself not solely because of the jade, but there are other motives. After all, while the
Zuoyue Bureau’s members are not as many as the Jiejian Bureau, we still have our own secret ways to
achieve information, otherwise how could we live?”
Feng Xiao suddenly became incredibly welcoming to him and said, “Oh QuQu, I only just asked one
question, why did you suspect that I was unwilling to accompany you to Göktürk? Everyday, I only need
to see your face, I have the appetite for one additional bowl of rice!”
Cui Buqu, “In that case, I’ll take it that Lord Feng has agreed to come. On behalf of Jin Lian Kedun, I
thank you.”
Two of them glared at each other, smiling but not smiling at the same time.
As to what they scolded each other in their hearts, it was something only they themselves would know.
Feng Xiao, “Why call me Lord Feng? Didn’t I say before, you can call me Feng-er, if you’re willing, you
can also call me Er Lang, that would be even better.”
Cui Buqu coughed twice and omitted that sentence completely, “On the journey to Khan Apa’s
encampment, we need to pass by Qiemo, Kucha, the wind is strong and the road is long, please rest
As he spoke, he rose to his feet and swept his cloak, leaving under Qiao Xian’s company.
As he watched their figures disappear behind the door, and the sound of footsteps gradually
disappearing, Feng Xiao retreated his gaze and kept his smile, and spoke to himself, uttering: “Whoever
wants to kill me, why don’t you just do it yourselves instead of sending the Yunhai Thirteen Stories to do
it? Surely you just don’t know how to fight, but you’re jealous of my peerless beauty and graceful looks,
sigh, it’s not like it’s my fault that I was born handsome, what can I do about it?”
Outside the door, originally Qian Xian had returned to eavesdrop just to see what Feng Xiao was
scheming, but as she heard what he said she almost vomited the meal she had eaten last night.
How can anyone be so thick-skinned in this world? She can never understand it.
Cui Buqu still overestimated his own body, after what happened that night, he returned and fell ill and
had to sleep on the bed for a few days, until the third day only his situation took a better turn. Even Jin
Lian who was injured on that night recovered faster than him.
As she saw Cui Buqu’s situation, Jin Lian couldn’t help worrying that before they even arrived in the
Kingdom of Göktürk, Cui Buqu’s spirit had already left his body.
“Kedun, you needn’t worry.” Cui Buqu was wrapped in blankets as he sat on top of the bed. Because he
had just drank a bowl of medicine, the colour on his face didn’t look very good. “Although I am often ill, I
am still able to travel to the Kingdom of Göktürk, needless to mention, Qiao Xian would be
accompanying me. She is skilled in the medical arts, so there is no need to worry during the journey.”
As he spoke, he waved his hand, allowing Qiao Xian to bring him a scroll and open it before Jin Lian.
“This is…..an atlas?” Jin Lian looked at the little markings on top of it, suddenly she felt familiar, but was
unable to tell what it was.
Cui Buqu, “This is the atlas of Western Göktürk, from the South all the way to Qiemo, from the North to
the Sanmi Mountains, from the West to Shule, from the East to Gao Chang, although this is not
completed yet, this atlas can be offered to Khan Apa, it is more valuable than gold and treasure, and
innumerable livestock. Kedun, for you to come here, is not completely a waste.”
Jin Lian first received a shock, then she found it unbelievable, “This map, you want to give me, for me to,
offer a flower to the Buddha?”
Even as a Göktürk woman, her Chinese was fluent, that she even knew how to use Chinese proverbs.
Cui Buqu arched the corner of his lips, “I know Kedun, you strongly support the alliance of the Sui
Empire and your country, otherwise you would not have taken this journey and put yourself in danger,
coming from a thousand miles. But the Khan may have people by his side that does not wish to see this
alliance established, so they would do anything in their power to prevent it. With this, wouldn’t you,
Kedun, do things much easier by the Khan’s side in future?”
Jin Lian found it difficult to hide her glee.
She isn’t a women who is short-sighted, she knew the ways of military and its secret, so being able to
have something like this in possession, of course it was much more valuable than jewels, gold and
Feng Xiao watched this coldly from the side, he saw something much deeper. Cui Buqu was earning Jin
Lian’s trust and favour, but he was also using this chance to warn the Göktürks that held nefarious
intentions: The Sui Empire is long aware of your maps, we can ally with you, but we can also defeat you.
This way of killing two birds with one stone was an incredibly intelligent move.
Once again he sighed to himself: Such a talented man like this, why couldn’t he belong to the Jiejian
Author’s Note:
A small scene unrelated to the plot
Feng Xiao: Call me, Er Lang (Second Gentleman).
Cui Buqu: Er Lang (Hungry Wolf).
Feng Xiao: ??? Where are you from?
(Second Gentleman and Hungry Wolf shared the same pronunciations, but they are different words with
different meanings.)
Feng-er: As mentioned before, it translates into ‘Second Feng’, as Feng Xiao mentioned he was the
second child of his house.
Er Lang: Er means ‘Two’, and ‘Lang’ means male. Feng Xiao asking Cui Buqu to call him Er Lang meant
that he implies wanting them to sound like they’re close, since usually only someone incredibly close to
that person can call them in such a way.
Flower to the Buddha: A Chinese proverb that meant, borrowing something from someone, in order to
win a favour from another person. In this case, Jin Lian is using the atlas from Cui Buqu, to win Khan
Apa’s heart, to show that she didn’t return empty-handed with no achievements.
⮕Arc 2 - Strange Case In Qiemo
Chapter 40 – He Just Wants To Hide The Fact That His Heart Is Moved
Five days had gone by the time Cui Buqu’s body was almost fully healed.
During these five days, Khotan had sent a new ambassador. He brought forth another gift—another
beautiful jade—and although this piece of jade wasn’t as precious as the Jade of Heaven’s Lake, it was
all the country had. According to the rumours, this beautifully sculptured jade could calm one’s mood
with the scent it gives off.
Although Yuchi Jinwu’s death had taken place outside of the City of Six Crafts, the King of Khotan still
wanted to have a good relationship with the Sui Dynasty. Therefore, they had expressed their sincerity.
Worried that the jade might never be found, the King sent another jade as a gift as proof of his keenness
in the forming of an alliance.
Feng Xiao wrote an official edict to illustrate the situation of the entire case, including the aid lent by the
Zuoyue Bureau, and then allow Pei Jingzhe and a few people from the Jiejian Bureau to serve as the
ambassador’s bodyguards and escort him into the capital. Along with them, Feng Xiao also instructed
them to bring Su Xing as a prisoner into the Jiejian Bureau for questioning.
As for Qin Miaoyu, Feng Xiao might or might not have neglected to mention her in the edict.
This woman had a ghostly presence like an invisible passing cloth, shocking and yet left no traces as if
she was surreal. Nothing of her presence was left after that. Feng Xiao had not said a thing and Cui Buqu
didn’t ask; the Khotan ambassador’s case was solved, and the Zuoyue Bureau left its mark on its
accomplishment, and to Cui Buqu, that was enough. He still had more important things that took
priority. It was no doubt Feng Xiao and he kept secrets from each other, but as long as it wasn’t
necessary to be informed of it, they would refrain from speaking out. After all, too much knowledge may
not be a good thing.
For by the end of the day, their both had unique identities
Once his headaches stopped, Cui Buqu fell back into the prior state of his. He refused medicines that
were even more bitter than goldthreads and instead instructed Qiao Xiao to make preparations for their
westward journey.
When they were electing a companion for Cui Buqu, Qiao Xian and Zhangsun Bodhi discovered that their
opinions differentiated.
Zhangsun claimed that he would be a more reliable bodyguard for Cui Buqu as his martial prowess was
Qiao Xian claimed that she knew better how to compromise and act according to various situations, and
since Zhangsun was one of the Vice Commanders, if he had gone off with Cui Buqu, then they would
only be leaving the remaining Vice Commander in the Zuoyue Bureau who didn’t know martial arts. This
was the reason why Qiao Xian suggested that Zhangsun should return to the capital as quickly as
possible to handle state affairs.
As he watched them both argue, Feng Xiao gave a drawled smile, “With me present, does it make a
difference whether Zhangsun goes or not?”
It was then Qiao Xian realized that Feng Xiao, too, wanted to go.
Although Feng Xiao too had excellent martial prowess, she held no intentions to treat Feng Xiao like one
of her own. On the contrary, she was worried that Feng Xiao might cause trouble along the way.
In the end, Cui Buqu was the one to make the decision. “Zhangsun will return to the capital; Qian Xian
and I will be enough.”
Qiao Xian, “But……”
Cui Buqu, “If even Lord Feng is unable to guarantee my safety, then the Jiejian Bureau may as well look
for a new Commander.”
“QuQu, if you put it like that, I will feel pressured~” Feng Xiao purred. He supported his chin and sat in a
lazy manner, tumbling left and right. There was a strangely merry around him; he did not look like
someone who felt pressured at all.
Since Cui Buqu had spoken, Zhangsun naturally had no objections.
Cui Buqu gave him a half-smile, “Commander Feng, you really need to bear the responsibility of my
safety. The case of the Khotan’s ambassador might have been solved, but the jade had been damaged. If
the Emperor wants to get to the bottom of this, I fear your only choice is to follow me on this journey to
take some of this conquest, only then your hard work will not be in vain.”
Feng Xiao, “Then I will wait until all has resolved before killing you on the returning journey, and claim
all the glory in the name of myself. Wouldn’t that be much better?”
Qian Xiao grew furious as she listened to this and glared at him.
But Cui Buqu wasn’t the slightest bit worried. If one had such intentions, they would not have said it out
“There is another question: in this journey, the four of us would need disguises and new identities.”
What identity? Of course, it’s their travelling identities.
Otherwise, even if others would not notice, the appearance of a pair of men and women in the outskirts
would have definitely looked strange.
Feng Xiao made a suave expression and suggested: “How does travelling with a merchant group sound?”
Cui Buqu replied: “A reliable merchant group is not easy to find, mostly they would only stop in Qiemo,
then presume their journey to the West. We are heading towards a different direction. Though there is
an option to masquerade as couples, and so if someone asks questions, we will simply say that we are
visiting a distant relative in Kucha as we conducted business along the way.”
Feng Xiao raised an eyebrow, “Couples? Who, and who?”
Cui Buqu replied: “Naturally, it would be Qiao Xian and me, you and Jin Lian, both of us are old family
friends who did clothing business. In the City of Six Crafts, there is a family named Ye, and in those years
their daughter married a merchant from Kucha, they also have a son, who by orders from their parents,
is bringing his wife to Kucha to visit his aunt.”
Feng Xiao did not expect him to have already made all these preparations. There really was a family that
matched these identities. “What sort of husbands brings their wives so far outdoors?”
Cui Buqu smiled, “Because it was quite a coincidence that his wife was originally from Kucha; back in
that year, she followed her father into the Central Plains and married Master Ye, and so he brought his
wife along with him when he paid a visit to his aunt.”
Feng Xiao snorted. “Then I refuse to play husband and wife. Do you think a peerless beauty like myself
would marry an elderly woman?”
“That will not be a problem.” Cui Buqu replied, “Qiao Xiao is skilled with the arts of disguises. An overly
distracting face like yours would attract the disturbance of thieves and bandits. You need to look more
Feng Xiao touched his own face, just as Cui Buqu thought that he was unwilling to change how he
looked, Feng Xiao unexpectedly said: “QuQu, even someone like you think that my face is incredibly
distracting? Tell the truth, was it from the first time you laid your eyes on me, you are already in love
with me?”
Cui Buqu, “Of course.”
Feng Xiao almost thought that this Cui Buqu in front of him now was a fake one. He was stuck in silence
for a moment before he suspiciously said: “Why didn’t you retort?”
Cui Buqu acted as if it was natural so say so, “Commander Feng, with a face like yours, if one to say that
your face did not astound them, it would make that person a hypocrite, only that—“
Feng Xiao, “Alright, no need to continue, I know after ‘only that’, nothing good lies beyond it.”
Cui Buqu smiled, “—only that any decent person would not be able to see you the same way again after
having spent a day with you.”
Feng Xiao: ……
Those words from Cui Buqu made Feng Xiao doubt himself for the entire day. On the journey back, he
even asked Pei Jingzhe, “Do you think that he is praising me or criticizing me?”
Pei Jingzhe twitched his lips, “From a certain aspect, it can be considered praising, I suppose.”
Feng Xiao answered with an “En”, and added, “I also know that that last sentence he added is just to
hide the fact that his heart is moved.”
After that, he added. “Haha! The Zuoyue Bureau’s Commander; having such a rare intelligent of a man
falling for me truly made my mood feel good. Seeing how he just praised me, I will just deign myself and
consent to travel with him!”
Pei Jingzhe wanted to remind him: Are you forgetting his last sentence? What I mean is the first half, but
the main point is the second half of what he said!
In other words, Cui Buqu meant that no normal person would have allowed themselves to fall for Feng
But Feng Xiao had completely forgotten that second half of the sentence, including Pei Jingzhe’s
reaction and words. He hummed a small tune and headed towards the direction he wanted to go,
feeling that he would have a pleasant dream tonight.
Cui Buqu did not know what pleasant dream Feng Xiao dreamt; what he knew was that on the second
day, Feng Xiao’s entire person seemed to be practically glowing. Jin Lian, who had met all varying sorts
of people in the world, found Feng Xiao more stunning under the sunlight. There was freshness radiating
off of him like cherry blossom flowers being shoved under her nose, enough for her to engrave this sight
of him into her mind for the rest of her life.
Göktürks valued their five senses and pursued strength; if a man is broad and tall, they would not be as
pretty and handsome as Feng Xiao. Feng Xiao’s rare beauty was not the sort of tender beauty at all, for it
was an illusion hiding the strength that could kill anyone beneath it.
Even someone of Jin Lian’s age found her heart thumping.
Cui Buqu glared at Feng Xiao.
Why was it that the oleander seemed to have become even bolder overnight, and going around
seducing everyone in sight?
Feng Xiao noticed his glare and smiled as a reply. In his heart, he said: Seeing that it’s you, I’ll allow you
to look at me a few more seconds.
Cui Buqu could not understand what he was thinking, as a cloud of confusion hovered over his head.
Feng Xiao was born proud; he has a dashing look on the outside and an insurmountable amount of
strength inside. He was also intelligent, a rarity found in the world. So it was natural that his standards
were also high. For more than twenty years, the people who fell for him were uncountable, among
these people was the princess from the Imperial Court, but none of them caught his eye. Those whom
he viewed as a rival were even more scarce; if the number one fighter of Göktürk, Fo Er knew that Feng
Xiao only thought of him as half a rival, he would have died from self-destructing in anguish.
But Cui Buqu was an exception; in the few times the both of them fought, Feng Xiao neither gained nor
lost anything. Even now, he had to accompany him to the Kingdom of Göktürk—these sorts of
troublesome work was never the sort of work Feng Xiao would let himself do, yet his pursuit for
perfection on this matter carries on until now. Because he had participated from the beginning, and he
did not wish to abandon it now, he would rather continue until the end. On the way, it was even
convenient for him to observe whether the Zuoyue Bureau had assets in the West that he could make
use of.
Time and time again he made an exception because of Cui Buqu; this was enough to prove that the
other was special, and from how Feng Xiao perceived it, perhaps Cui Buqu could not be considered a
friend, but he was certainly a worthy rival.
Especially when the other was fragile and often fell ill, it made him more attractive when he schemed
and laid his plans.
Feng Xiao admitted that he was more and more interested in Cui Buqu. In fact, he was keen on seizing
more chances for them to interact.
During their journey to the West, these chances are aplenty.
Under much begging from Cui Buqu, Qiao Xian gave in and changed Feng Xiao’s exterior looks. Except
for the fact that his eyes were naturally very beautiful; no matter how she changed his looks she
couldn’t cover his eyes. She could only strive for other alternatives such as changing his skin colour,
making them darker and then making him wear some rough and tattered clothing.
But Feng Xiao’s face darkened when Qiao Xian started adding some soil and dust to his hair.
“This will do.” He rejected when Qiao Xian wanted to add more grasses and ash to his head. Having a
dark skin colour was already his bottom line.
Qiao Xiao was displeased. “How could someone from a normal family groom their hair into one like
yours? They’re busy trying to feed themselves, so how would they find the time to pay attention to their
Cui Buqu also changed his own clothes, but his face looked so dignified and gentle that he did not look
like a merchant at all. So Qiao Xian did something to his face, making his facial features look rough and
He knew that Feng Xiao’s weird obsession over cleanliness was taking effect, so he raised the teacup to
his lips and said: “I have a way, so that you don’t need to dirty your hair, and there’s no need to make
your skin darker either.”
Feng Xiao raised his eyebrows and waited for the rest of his word, he knew that Cui Buqu never is so
kind as to offer a good idea.
As he expected, the other said, “A disguise as a beautiful woman.”
Chapter 41 – Cui Buqu Wants To Kick That Person Down The Horse Carriage
Note: Feng Xiao used “妾” (qie) to address himself in the raws, which literally translates to “this
concubine/wife of yours” but in this context, it’s a form of address when a wife is speaking to her
husband, she would use “qie” to refer to herself. I’ve decided to translate it to “Your wife, I,” which
technically makes no sense, but I personally think it delivers the humour that’s part of this arc.
Presently, people of literature would reprimand others with words like ‘traitor, how dare you scheme
behind my back! Lecherous!’, but another type of people would often use the female gender as a
metaphor such as ‘you cry like a woman’ as if they were laughing because the other made themselves
resemble little timid ladies. One could say that it was degrading to be treated like a helpless woman.
Feng Xiao despised these sort of discriminations. When one has reached to positions such as Cui Buqu or
himself, they know the world and its people. They wouldn’t care whether the other is a man or a
woman. To them, there were only two types of people: friends and enemies, and or useful and useless
People like Qin Miaoyu who knew their worth had earned Feng Xiao’s willing mercy and allowed her to
live. Su Xing, however, had been deprived of privilege. Feng Xiao would never allow himself to judge
someone else by their gender.
But now, there is a tiny problem right in front of him.
Was his hair and clothes more important, or was his pride as a man more important?
A real man would be willing to bend his knees—the same way he hung on the cliff that night and called
Cui Buqu ‘Dad’. So Feng Xiao had no hesitation before choosing the first.
Their group still consisted of four people, only that certain changes had taken place.
To avoid being slowed down, they took no servants on the journey. There were only four people, two
carriage drivers, and a guide to Qiemo. This was also appropriate for Cui Buqu’s fake identity as Master
Ye. As someone from only a small family of merchants, he should not be wealthy enough to bring along
a cluster of servants.
They left the City of Six Crafts and travelled on three horse carriages. With considerations for Cui Buqu’s
health, they travelled at a slow and steady speed against the sandstorms for more than ten days to
practically half a month. Only after they came out of the endless expanse of yellow sand, they could see
the contour of the city in the distance.
“In front would be Qiemo?” Cui Buqu coughed twice and swept the curtains of the carriage apart. What
entered his nose was a strong sense of heat.
This was the heat of the sand that was under a strong, burning sun for a long time, before they were
swept up by strong winds.
He couldn’t help but cough.
Another hand reached forward to shut the curtains back in place.
“My Lord, your body is weak, so don’t look out and shove your face into the sand. If you fall ill again,
your wife will be worried.”
The voice was incredibly gentle, provoking a desire in everyone who has heard it to see her face.
Unfortunately, Cui Buqu was not one of them.
Other than refusing to turn his head to look, he didn’t even want to hear her voice. His coughs only
became more violent.
“Aiyo ~ look at you. Your wife, I had only said a few words, and you are already excited! One we enter
the city later, let us quickly find an inn, then your wife, I will quickly satisfy your thirst.”
The voice refused to stop despite seeing his condition. It had instead spoken even more excitedly.
Cui Buqu turned his head slowly, his face expressionless, “What does ‘satisfying my thirst mean’?”
“That’s right, that’s right, your wife knew that this journey had been inconvenient for you. It was even
boring. Once we arrive at the inn, I can take care of you very well~!” Once he glared at the woman, she
fell into a state of shyness with an embarrassed afterglow radiating from her, “No matter what, your
wife is still a woman, do you really want her to speak so explicitly? If the others hear of it, they would
think I am a harlot!”
Cui Buqu felt his head hurt, he pressed on his temples, “There are no outsiders here; can you please
speak human language?”
The woman looked as if she was undeserved. “What language is your wife speaking in, if not human
language? They say that after you marry a wife for three years, even Diao Chan would turn into a sow1; I
feel that my husband, you are also the same!”
Her figure was towering, so as she sat cross-legged in the carriage, making the carriage a little cramped.
Long flowing, shiny black hair was tied up into the most commonly seen bun of a married woman,
bundled loosely behind her head, and in between strands of her hair were a few red threads that made
her skin shine and glowed. Aside from the fact that other’s looks were not as gentle as Jiangnan women,
she didn’t fall behind in beauty at all. At least she was the sort of beauty that would make one unable to
forget her upon the first glance laid.
Cui Buqu was unable to admire this beauty; he had even wanted to kick that person down his carriage.
Qiao Xian’s skills were incredible, for she did not only make Feng Xiao’s features look more conspicuous,
but she had made him look like a foreigner that came from the Western regions. She even hid Feng
Xiao’s Adam’s apple, and a lot of his manly features that were obvious were also cleverly hidden.
Women from the Western regions were always born with deep and high eyebrows; their bones were
also broader than women from the Central Plains. When other people look at Feng Xiao, they would not
have thought that he was a man in disguise of a woman.
It was only after Feng Xiao was disguised as a woman, he insisted that Cui Buqu was to be ‘her’ husband,
Master Ye. At first, Cui Buqu treated it like a joke and agreed, but in less than half a day, he quickly
regretted it.
But there was no remedy for regret in this world, he could only walk until the end of the road he chose.
Thankfully, Qiemo was within sight, and his ears could finally obtain some peace and quiet.
Qiemo City was the intersection that linked all roads from the West and East, but it was located very far
from the Central Plains. Not three years after the Sui Dynasty was established, the Imperial Court had
focused all its strength and power onto the Kingdom of Göktürk and the Southern Chen Dynasty. They
did not have the time now to take care of a small city that was situated far from their reach. Last year,
the Emperor still gave orders to establish a bureau in Qiemo and send forth a magistrate and some
guards to man the city in order to establish the dominance and power of the Imperial Court. But in
reality, it was just to tell people from all four cardinal directions that although the Sui Dynasty has not
placed their attention on Qiemo yet, it did not mean that they have abandoned the place.
Thirty years ago, the Kingdom of Shanshan was annihilated by the Western Wei. The King of Shanshan
was fortunate enough to live, and he came to Qiemo to settle down. Years after, he established his own
dominance in the city. Qiemo was also a place all the merchants coming to the Western Regions from
the South would have to pass by, so many people stopped to take a breather, and after a while, three
powers ruled over Qiemo.
The first was the magistrate sent by the Sui Dynasty, Gao Yi.
The second was the descendant of the late King of Shanshan, Xing Mao.
The third was a wealthy man from the Western regions, Duan Qigu.
The first two were easier to understand. Gao Yi was sent by the Sui Dynasty to man the city. As a
magistrate, he had also brought a few soldiers with him; although the Kingdom of Shanshan was
annihilated, they have lived here for three generations. At present, Xing Mao was the eldest grandson of
the last King of Shanshan. According to hearsays, the survivors of Shanshan that lived in the city would
address him by ‘Your Majesty’.
The last was Duan Qigu, who came to be from the background of a horse bandit and a robber. During his
early years, he was already conquering and robbing in the Western Regions, so once he arrived here, it
made everyone filled with anxiety. When merchants from the Western Regions ran into him, they would
only have two choices: either they give him all their valuables, or they give him their lives. After that,
Duan Qigu turned over a new leaf and settled down in Qiemo, but the power he had these years still
remained, so no one dared to look down on this bandit who was once a big shot from the Western
Regions. Duan Qigu was involved in both legal and illegal activities and sowed his roots deep within
Compared to the other two powers, the Magistrate of Qiemo, Gao Yi, was the weakest.
After Cui Buqu and his group entered Qiemo, this was what greeted them.
Citizens from all varying origins mixed with each other, a thousand different clans were formed, thieves
and officers and low ranking society walked among one another, everything and anything. Added with
the conflicts given by the three powers, a small Qiemo city was made even rowdier and crowded
compared to the City of Six Crafts.
“Elder brother, let us go to the inn and settle down. The sky was getting darker, and it wouldn’t be wise
to continue travelling. Let us rest for two days or so before departing.” After entering the city, Qiao Xian
told Cui Buqu.
She was now disguised as the family friend of the Ye family, Li Chong who brought his wife A-Lian to
head towards Kucha to do some trading business.
Qiao Xian was originally a very tall woman herself. She held the same air of a goddess and now that she
was wearing a disguise, it was hard to think about what she’d done to herself. She had a round belly and
looked nothing like her ordinary self. She even had a beard and her skin looked rougher than normal
men. No one would have believed her if she claimed to be a woman.
Real disguises weren’t only to change one’s exterior looks, but even their voice, tone, and mood were all
completely altered. It was as if they had morphed into a different person entirely. Even Cui Buqu did not
have this ability, but Qiao Xian has mastered it. The voice she used right now sounded like she was
someone who grew up in the City of Six Crafts.
After obtaining Cui Buqu’s permission, Qiao Xian instructed the guide to recommend an inn.
“There is no need for the grandest, but it must be comfortable. My brother has a fragile body, so he
needs all the rest he can get.” Qiao Xian’s voice was rough and rich, completely unlike the clear and icy
cold voice she used to have. Even if Feng Xiao was used to it during the journey, he couldn’t help giving
her an extra glare.
If she had still been a tall, fair and beautiful maiden, she would have to endure teases and harassment,
but now Qiao Xian was completely free of this problem, because even if someone paid them any
attention, they would not even look at the new disguise Qiao Xian was wearing, nor a middle-age
woman like Jin Lian, they would all focus their attention on Feng Xiao who was fair and tall.
The guide immediately agreed and brought them to an inn.
“I know you are Hans, so you’re definitely not used to those Shanshanian’s or Kucha’s people’s inns. This
inn has been in the city for five to six years now; when I bring outsiders around here, this is also where
they lived!”
When Jin Lian came from Göktürk to the City of Six Crafts, she also accommodated here before, but
during that time, there were soldiers, so she didn’t need to worry. On this journey with Cui Buqu, she
would stay out of the trivial matters, so she didn’t think about it as she followed Qiao Xian into the inn.
But Cui Buqu suddenly said: “Wait.”
Everyone stopped and looked at him.
“What is this?” Cui Buqu pointed at the entrance of the inn, and nailed on it was a small wooden sign.
The wooden sign was the size of the palm of an infant; on top of it was the engraving of a curved moon,
on top of the moon was an ostrich2.
Usually, very few people would notice the wooden sign when they came in. Even if they saw it, they
would not think it meant anything. They only think that the inn has a special sign. Many inns in the
Central Plains would also use their own signs as markings on their branches to promote their brand.
The guide smiled. “You are all from the Central Plains, of course, you would know that a lot of inns
would have their own signs?”
Cui Buqu looked at him expressionlessly. “We want a comfortable inn, not an inn that will bring us
trouble. You brought us to an inn belonging to Duan Qigu, was it because he has given you some sort of
When tourists came, more than often they would be scammed a few times or encounter a few
troublesome incidents sometimes. But due to Qiemo being a complicated place, even the inns were
categorized. Duan Qigu and Xing Mao were both strong in Qiemo, so within the city, other than inns,
there were also a few travelling services and restaurants that belonged to them. People from the
Jianghu were usually fearless; the curious ones and the ones being hunted would often live in inns that
belonged to Duan Qigu to escape inspection of the Sui Dynasty. It was also to blend into both legal and
illegal factions to scout for information they wanted.
Normal civilians would rather live in more expensive inns, but they would never come here.
Cui Buqu and his group were not afraid, but they would rather keep a low profile on this journey. The
less obvious their presences were, the better. In their identities, they were good civilians, so they would
not have chosen to live in Duan Qigu’s territory either.
Duan Qigu did not expect Cui Buqu to be familiar with this, so he gave a dry laugh, “Isn’t it just me trying
to save money for you people?”
Qian Xian walked forward and patted his shoulder. “Bring us to a proper inn.”
Her pat looked gentle, but the guide could already feel the pain slowly radiating from where she had
patted. He wanted to yelp in pain, but no voice came from his mouth. Only then he realized that he has
completely underestimated these people. Although they didn’t look like much on the journey and kept a
low profile, they were not foreigners that were easy to cheat.
Qiao Xian threatened. “We will look for someone else if you don’t know how.”
How would the guide dare procrastinate a moment longer? He immediately nodded his head, even his
tears were threatening to spill.
[1] Marry a wife for three years, even Diao Chan would turn into a mother pig: This is a Chinese proverb.
The original one was ‘Become a soldier for three years, even a mother pig could turn into a Diao Chan’,
which meant that is you went for training as a soldier for three years, even if you’re fat you can turn into
Diao Chan. Diao Chan is one of the four beauties of China, the others are—(cough cough go Google
yourself). So Feng Xiao is kind of saying that if a man married a woman, within three years, the beautiful
woman would turn into a sow, probably due to having a good life and not having to work since the
husband does most of the chores.
[2] Ostrich: The last character of Duan Qigu’s name ‘Gu’ is the same character for ostrich.
Chapter 42 – I’ll Just Let You Have As Many Times As You Want, Okay?
Qiemo was a place where varying sorts of people gathered from all across the lands; tourist centers
alone were ample in number, but so were incidents where competitors fought each other for
customers. The guide knew about this, so he often used this excuse to bring tourist groups here in order
to earn some extra income from commissions. An inn like the Tianyu Inn was filled with both people
from the legal and illegal factions. Therefore, it’s very common for them to lose an item or two. As long
as everyone’s lives were in safe hands, it was already quite a mass bit of luck. A great many merchants
came here to live hoping for a peaceful stay rather than one filled with incidents. Even if some of their
valuables went missing, they would simply pretend that they’ve dropped them somewhere. Nothing
would be reported to the bureau, and even if it was, no action would be taken. Magistrate Gao Yi could
not and wouldn’t be able to interfere in affairs that took place in Duan Qigu’s territory, neither was he
willing to.
Although Cui Buqu and his group were not a lot of people, they had looked quite wealthy from the way
they were dressed. In other words, they were sitting ducks waiting to be deprived of their valuables.
Perhaps it was because Cui Buqu and his group had been keeping an incredibly low profile, the guide
underestimated them only to realize they were not easy pushovers.
He was dragged into a dark alley. After he had listened to Cui Buqu’s words and had seen Qian Xian’s
expressionless face in the shadows looking like she would be committing murder anytime soon, his legs
shivered under his weight against his will.
“Please spare me! I know I am wrong and have misjudged, but I have a family to feed and I was also
forced against my will. How could I fight against them?! Please give me another chance, I would
definitely bring you to a clean inn this time!”
Qiao Xian coldly glared at him. “Humour us if you want business, but if we find out that you cheated us
A flash flickered in her gaze, blinding the tour guide. He came to realize that the flash had come from a
dagger and was frightened into tears.
“To be truthful with you, now is the beginning of spring; the road is cold, and there are a lot of inns
occupied in this city. The bigger inns were all already fully occupied, the only one with empty rooms
were……” the guide cried.
Qiao Xian furrowed her eyebrows and turned around to look at Cui Buqu.
Those who could run an inn here were definitely people with a significant amount of power. The Zuoyue
Bureau owned a secret stronghold in this city that was used to pass messages around, but it was never
meant to be an inn, so it was an inappropriate place for them to live in.
At this moment the guide appeared to have remembered something. “I know there is an inn that might
still have some empty rooms, only……”
Qian Xian impatiently said: “Don’t stutter when you speak!”
The guide cried again, “It’s cursed, though!”
Squeezing his throat, Feng Xiao exclaimed in a high-pitched voice: “How messy and rowdy this Tianyu
inn is! There are sooooooo many people going in and out. I know it would smell with just a single look.
Your wife, I would never be used to a place such as this! My husband, surely you wouldn’t believe in bad
luck? Why don’t we take a look in the other inn?”
Cui Buqu gave him a hard, cold gaze that meant: If you want to see the cursed inn, then go see it for
yourself, don’t drag me down.
Feng Xiao returned a smile.
Truth be told, this smile wasn’t scary. On the contrary, it was quite charming to begin with for people
who have never seen Feng Xiao’s real face before.
And so, Cui Buqu, Qiao Xian, and Jin Lian turned their gazes away in unison.
These were all carried out smoothly as if it was practiced.
Other people such as the guide, who didn’t know the meaning behind Feng Xiao’s smile, were bedazzled
by it. He had even complimented how lucky Master Ye was to have managed to marry such a beautiful
woman even though he looked chronically ill.
But after what had just happened, the guide wouldn’t dare to look at someone else’s wife. He simply
wanted to carry on the journey and bring them across the street to the doors of a very well-hidden inn.
Two words greeted everyone’s eyes: Yang’s Inn.
Since Qiemo City was located in a very remote area, the dwellers there were also very odd people. The
Yang’s Inn was situated near a residential area with a food street and several more little stalls on its
other side. Aside from the people who were pretending to wear Hanfus, there was no shortage of shops
that sold non-local items. As night dawned, the food street bursted into life. The sound of crowds would
come from the residential area as their children came out to play; there were also women who would
urge their kids to return home for dinner, people fetching water from the well, those who had just
finished work and was on their way home, as well as those who big each other greetings—a varying mix
of energy. These were the reasons Qiemo city has become a legend in the plains of the deserts.
Those who were currently being hunted loved to live here; their motives were not difficult to
understand—this place may not be as luxurious as large cities, but it offered all the basic necessities. The
Sui Dynasty was far away, and so they were automatically given all the privileges that came with
lawlessness. Even if they murdered someone here, they could escape being brought to justice. And thus,
to them, Qiemo was a haven.
The strangest thing at present was that even though Yang’s Inn had a strategist position in the city, it
was very forlorn on the inside. The entire hall was empty and devoid of people.
Once the employees saw people stopping at their door, they immediately welcomed them in.
Qiao Xiao held the guide’s shoulder and dragged him inside as well.
“My little lords and ladies, this way please. We still have a few luxurious rooms; how many of them
would you like?” The employee asked, “I am also certain you are exhausted after an entire day of hurry;
do you need some wine and food?”
Qian Xian nodded her head and went ahead to book a room and order some food.
The guide was as still as a needle, but once he saw that Qiao Xian had left, he immediately turned
around with the intention to escape. However, as he stood up, a sharp sound whizzed past his ear—and
he saw that a chopstick had pinned his pants against the wall only an inch away from his flesh.
He raised his head and turned around to see the woman in Han attire, Jin Lian.
“Where are you going?” Asked Jin Lian.
The guide: ……
His entire body was drenched in cold sweat; never had he thought that among these few people, even
their women were par excellent!
Taking their abilities into consideration, why didn’t they just go to the Futian Inn and rob someone, but
were making a fuss to leave instead?
“N-n-n-no where!” The guide pulled a face that made him look even uglier compared to when he was
crying, “I just feel a little numb at my knees, so I wanted to move a little!”
Cui Buqu asked, “Just now, you said this place was cursed. Why?”
The guide wiped off his sweat and immediately killed any desire of leaving, so he told them everything
he knew.
The inn was cursed because it was haunted.
This was not a bad place to live if people were only planning to stay for a single day, because it didn’t
matter too much whether it was haunted or not.
But now, it was not quite right to say that this place was abandoned, because a little less than half of the
hall was filled with people. However, when it was compared to other inns, inclusive of the Futian Inn
that they have just left behind, this inn was getting a lot fewer customers.
In fact, as Cui Buqu scouted the area, he discovered that everyone was in a situation similar to them.
Additionally, those who are here for the first time could not help feeling curious.
Those who came to this city often would never choose this place to live in.
Strictly speaking, the rumour of the haunted inn only began a year ago.
It had been a very long time, so the guide could not recall very well. He only remembers what happened
in the beginning—the incident that happened in a well behind the inn.
A customer came to live in the inn who became drunk the very same night and vanished the next day.
His friends and group of people couldn’t find him, and at that time the Imperial Court had yet to send
the magistrate. Having nowhere to report the case to, they could only assume that he had lost his
senses when he was drunk and fell into the well.
Thereafter, people who lived here would hear some cries and wailings in the night that called for help.
Some of them were even bold enough to follow the voice only to discover that it came from the bottom
of the well. After the rumour became popular, the owner of the inn was forced to move the boulder
away from the well and send someone down to search, only for them to find the corpse of the drunkard.
And then after that, the rumour of the haunted inn spread. Some people said that his friends stole from
him then murdered him. That they threw his corpse into the well so he could not rest in peace. So he
turned into a wandering spirit, but this was only the beginning.
Half a month after the corpse was found, another customer who lived in the inn went womanizing. In
the end, he suddenly became mad and died on the prostitute’s bed.
Another person lost his life simply because he ate from this inn before. When he returned home to take
a shower, he was drowned alive.
The forth one was short lived. He simply drank too much and died in a tavern.
At this point, Jin Lian couldn’t help saying: “If it’s just the first and the second, then it could simply be a
coincidence, but there’s even a third and forth, this is too much!”
The guide said secretively: “It’s not even the end! The fourth one that died bought his wine from this
Jin Lain had nothing to say to that.
The guide continued: “Although fights happened every day in this city, and murder counts are high, it’s
not just a story that this inn is haunted. According to the rumours, every midnight, people who lived
here could hear cries and wails speaking of how pitifully they died. In fact, one need only to live here for
a day, and even if nothing happened to them, they would surely lose money from their business. It could
range from losing half your fortune to completely losing all of your wealth! Speak for yourself, isn’t this
inn cursed?”
After Qiao Xian booked the rooms and ordered the food, she returned just in time to hear the second
half of the conversation. “How did you know they lost money? Did you see it for yourself?”
The guide answered without doubt: “Everyone speaks about it, how can it be false?”
Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao exchanged glances and felt that there were more than meets the eye to these
rumours here.
Losing money was a taboo to people who ran a business. And so, if they wanted to come to the Central
Plains a thousand li away, burdened by the heavy costs of merchant groups that would range from three
to five months or more if they were planning to travel further, they would rather pay a little more to
sleep in places like the Futian Inn rather than come here to get the bad luck on themselves.
When the guide saw that they weren’t convinced, he didn’t say much since the one that would be
having bad luck wasn’t him. He definitely wanted to neither eat or spend time here, as it made him feel
uneasy all around him.
Qiao Xian tossed a bag of silver to him and told him that his job was finished and that he could leave.
The guide didn’t stop longer either; he nodded, took the money, and quickly left.
As they spoke, the servant brought the dishes.
The dishes were, of course, not as delicious as the ones from the capital. Even when compared to the
City of Six Crafts, they looked a little dull. Thankfully, the employee was being quite nice and welcoming.
Qiao Xian took a mantou and was prepared to put it into her mouth, but she caught sight of Feng Xiao
making a disgusted face while he looked at his bowl of congee.
“Isn’t there a clean bowl in this place?”
Qiao Xian couldn’t refrain herself from ridiculing him: “Even when travelling out, you want to put up a
show and flaunt your style?”
Feng Xiao did not pay her any attention. He instead tugged at Cui Buqu’s sleeves and started speaking in
a girly voice again: “My husband ~ your wife wants a new bowl, would you buy it for her?”
Cui Buqu was expressionless. He raised a bowl to his lips and took a sip. “No. Don’t drink if it suits you.”
Feng Xiao spoke as if he was undeserved: “Your wife knows that you wanted a concubine a long time
ago, and you were still angry at me about it, but is your wife, I, not just concerned for your health? You
are already not in a prime state of health, that you couldn’t even satisfy me. How could you still get a
concubine? Isn’t this just asking for an early death? How can I, your wife, allow that?”
He hadn’t spoken softly at all. It was loud enough for the customers from the adjacent table, drawing
their gazes and attention as they looked at this couple: one who looked sickly, and one who looked as
beautiful as a cherry blossom; they couldn’t help feeling as if they suddenly understood something.
As the saying goes: women are like wolves when they are thirty, and like tigers when they are forty1.
But how could this woman look so thirsty when she was only over twenty?!
Qiao Xian gritted her teeth, she couldn’t help roillng her sleeves up and feeling like beating up
somebody. However, she sat back down quietly after a glare from Cui Buqu.
Everyone saw the brother who almost wanted to hit his sister-in-law, an incredibly inappropriate
gesture. Cui Buqu and his group were only by passers who wanted to stay for a night, they were not
here to create a scene.
Feng Xiao was absolutely fearless because of precisely this fact.
He leaned onto Cui Buqu and gave him a rub, speaking in a tiny, squeaky voice: “My husband ~ your wife
knows you want it, but your wife, that is me, is currently having her period. Just wait for two more days,
and I will give you as many times as you want, okay?”
There was a loud ping!
Cui Buqu dropped the bowl heavily onto the table and told Qiao Xian: “Go. Buy him2 a new one.”
Feng Xiao quickly said: “I also want a pair of chopsticks, a spoon, and I’m actually much more simpler
when I’m travelling, so an oak one or a bamboo one would be suffice.”
[1] Women are like wolves when they are thirty, and like tigers when they are forty: I believe Feng Xiao
used this phrase before, but I did not explain it. It sort of means that women get fiercely as they grow
older—the young ones are naïve and tender, but the older ones are always cunning and sharp,
[2] Him: Another reminder that although Cui Buqu used the word ‘him’, male pronounce, in Han, him and
her sounds the same in Han, so there is no way of telling that he was referring to Feng Xiao as a male.
Chapter 43 – You Are Not Lying Down Properly, Don’t Pass The Line
The new bowl arrived, and Feng Xiao finally stopped making a fuss.
To avoid the other finding excuses, Qiao Xian did not only bought a spoon and a pair of chopsticks, she
even bought a bundle of linen rope.
She threw the linen rope down at Feng Xiao’s feet.
Feng Xiao said lazily, “What’s this? Do you want me to hang myself? My apologies, but the Heavens
would never permit someone of peerless grace and beauty like myself to die.”
Qiao Xian said coldly, “Aren’t you incredibly fussy about hygiene? This inn don’t change their mattresses
often, whoever came, then who will sleep on them, so you can forget sleeping with Brother Ye, you can
just hang this rope up on two sides of the room, then you can sleep on top of it, it will be absolutely
Since four of them used the identity of two couples, then Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu naturally would share
a room.
What Qiao Xian meant was that Feng Xiao should sleep on the linen, then Cui Buqu would finally have
some peace.
Cui Buqu lowered his head and took a bite at the lamb meat pastry, thinking, that Qiao Xian was still too
young to think that these sort of small tricks could hinder that bastard Feng. If could even go a second
without creating a scene, then his name isn’t Feng Xiao.
He didn’t know what the person put in the lamb meat pastry, for the meat is tender and it did not smell,
sandwiched between the pastries were layers of fat and meat, they melted in one’s mouth and was
incredibly juicy, and for a moment it soothed his heart for having to endure dry spring food during the
long journey here.
As expected, once Feng Xiao heard Qiao Xian’s words, he smiled, “You are right, just now I have already
went and inquired, this inn said that if you pay a little more, then they will change the mattress to a
clean one.”
Qiao Xian laughed coldly, “You utterly disgraceful woman, not only you refuse to save money for your
husband, you even squander them like water!”
There was no need for Feng Xiao to bicker with her, he simply turned around and tugged at the corner
of Cui Buqu’s shirt, tuning his voice into a high-pitched tone, “Husband, look—“
“Add it, change.” Cui Buqu said quickly and abruptly to prevent Feng Xiao from going further.
Qiao Xian: ……
This time, Qiao Xian has lost the upper hand.
After the meal, all four of them returned to their rooms, those three horse carriages drivers were in
normal economic rooms.
Of course, neither the Zuoyue Bureau or the Jiejian Bureau were short of money, it’s simply because
that they were our travelling, everything must be kept at a low profile, if they gave premium rooms to
the drivers, then it would have indeed looked quite odd.
The premium rooms here were incomparable to the capital, but it was still considered spacious. Once
the employees took the money, very quickly they brought a new mattress and some pillows. The
mattress seemed to have been in the sun during the day, for the scent of sunlight still lingered on it. Cui
Buqu immediately fell asleep once his back touched the sheets.
Cui Buqu could not compared to the other three who knew martial arts, he could not even compare to
the three horse carriage drivers who often travelled. Not only is he sick often, but sometimes he even
need to sustain the pain when his illness took effect. Such as long journeys like these, if he hadn’t
constantly took medicine on the road, he definitely could not stand until now.
Even so, the number of times Cui Buqu fell ill on the road weren’t little. Once he got up the carriage, he
felt dizzy, but his consciousness and alertness were incredible, even if he had just woken up, Qian Xian
only needed to ask and he could give her an answer within a short amount of time.
Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu had always been rivals and took pleasure when the other fell into the pit they’d
dug for each other, however, he had never made a joke, or laugh, about his illness. This is because Feng
Xiao knew very well that to Cui Buqu, this is simply something physical on his body, but it wasn’t one his
Instead, there were many times Cui Buqu used his illness to his advantage, lowering the enemy’s guard.
Before this, in the Qiushan manor, after Feng Xiao poisoned him with the Naihe drug and felt that
everything was definitely within his control, he did not realize that he had lowered his guard. Of course,
Feng Xiao knew this in his heart, but he would never admit it out loud.
Once Cui Buqu slept, it was as if he had fainted, until Qiao Xian knocked on the door a few times and no
one answered, she pushed her way in and woke him up. It was only then he opened his eyes, his entire
face looking tired and worn out.
“Just now you only ate one pastry, I was afraid you would choke, so I brought you some hot soup.”
Once Cui Buqu smelled the soup, he knew that it was made from the bones of goats. The layer of oil on
top of it had been removed, so it was clean, added with a few spring onions.
Qiao Xian looked around, “Where is Feng Xiao?”
Cui Buqu drank the soup slowly, “The Zuoyue Bureau has a stronghold here, naturally, the Jiejian Bureau
also has one.”
Feng Xiao wasn’t like Cui Buqu, who had Qiao Xian with him, so when it came to these secretive
meetings, he had no choice but to go himself.
“What did you managed to gather?” Cui Buqu asked.
Qiao Xian, “The reputation of this inn is definitely not good, but from the way I see it, those people who
died weren’t linked to this place, those were just rumours that the locals made and spread them so they
turned as real as solid gold, the more it was spread the more exaggerated it became. That tour guide
refused to bring us here earlier, it is because this place is in the territory of Xing Mao. Xing Mao and
Duan Qigu were not in good terms from the beginning, so he simply repeated the rumours to us.”
Cui Buqu, “Has Xing Mao and Duan Qigu’s relationship achieved a point where there’s no hope to
Qiao Xian, “They were originally the two powers that ruled over Qiemo, in order to claim more territory
for themselves, their relationship is terrible, but after the Magistrate Gao Yi’s arrival, they had become a
lot more tame.”
Cui Buqu, “The three powers are the pillars, balancing out one another.”
Qiao Xian, “That is correct, according to the rumours, during this year’s Lantern Festival, Gao Yi
organized a party and invited both Duan Qigu and Xing Mao, and both of them attended. Outside,
rumours soared that both parties came to peace under Gao Yi’s persuasion. This month, Xing Mao’s
mother is to celebrate her sixtieth birthday, it was said that a grand party will take place, the entire city
is wondering if he would invite Duan Qigu.”
Cui Buqu, “When is the birthday party?”
Qiao Xian, “In five days.”
As both of them spoke, Feng Xiao finally came back.
At that moment it was late in the night, and the sounds outside had begun to quieten down, yet the city
was not completely quiet yet, they have only closed the gates that linked the city to the outside. In the
inn, civilians continued to rest as they blew out the candles, and those in the food street continued to
chat and drink.
Feng Xiao walked in leisurely and gave Cui Buqu a sexy wink, “Husband, your wife is home, have you
missed me until you fell ill?”
Cui Buqu put down his bowl and said simply, “Of course. My organs are burning, my chest is suffocating,
my mind missed you so much that everything is fuming in my head.”
Feng Xiao pretended to be shocked, “Really that serious?”
Cui Buqu, “Definitely. Everything is going to spill out soon.”
Feng Xiao laughed, “Haha! QuQu, it is fun talking to you.”
Qiao Xian snorted but didn’t say a word.
But there was no need for her to speak, Feng Xiao knew that she was cursing him under her breathe, but
he pretended that she didn’t exist, so she couldn’t help fuming in a corner with nowhere to vent her
anger, yet she refused to leave the room as well and simply sat down to keep an eye on Feng Xiao.
Of all living things under the Heavens, when it came to being thick-faced, even if Feng Xiao wasn’t
number one, he would have no trouble making it to the top three. How would he mind whatever
happened at this moment and put it to heart? He simply sat down and opened up the bundle he had
brought back along with him. The smell of roasted chicken filled the room immediately.
Originally, Cui Buqu had just ate, but as he smelt it, he felt hungry again, so he reached out and tore a
drumstick down.
Feng Xiao smiled, “On my way back, I met an old friend. Want to guess who?”
Cui Buqu bit the drumstick slowly, “Yu Xiu.”
Feng Xiao raised an eyebrow in surprised, “How did you guess?”
Cui Buqu, “Why, do you feel that I’m a legendary fortune teller now? Since you asked me in that way,
then it is definitely someone that both of us knew, in fact it’s not very long since we’ve last seen each
other. Yu Xiu’s background is strange, and he is also someone from Prince Jin’s house. The fact that he
wasn’t by his liege’s side being a good strategist, and instead came to the City of Six Crafts, his goal
definitely wouldn’t have been simply the Jade of Heaven’s Lake. He would still have some sort of motive
on him, I wager he wants to smuggle himself out of the city, so he would have needed to pass by
Feng Xiao, “Then why don’t you guess Gao Ning or Fo Er?”
Cui Buqu, “Those two have been defeated by you, if it hadn’t been for last time, they joined hands and
took advantage of your handicap, they would have even died under your hands. So if you were referring
to them, you would not have yielded that sort of response.”
Towards Yu Xiu, Feng Xiao still held an immense interest.
“Where would you think he is going this time?”
Cui Buqu remained silent for a moment, then shook his head, “I cannot think of one place he would go
to right now.”
Feng Xiao, “How surprising that you would admit to being oblivious.”
Cui Buqu snickered, “I am not a god, even if I am more intelligent than I am now, I only possessed the
wisdom of a mortal. But I know that he definitely would not go looking for Khan Ishbara, or else he
would have met Fo Er already in the City of Six Crafts.”
Feng Xiao, “This time he changed his looks, he even wore a wig, no longer the shiny baldy we saw last
time. In fact he also lives in this inn, on the same floor as us, three rooms away.”
Originally, Qiao Xian wanted to leave, but as she heard Feng Xiao speaking of Yu Xiu, she decided to stay
and interrupted, “Could he be tailing us?”
The four of them had changed their looks entirely, even if they met each other face to face, Yu Xiu
would not have recognized them so easily. But one must always be safe better than sorry.
Cui Buqu, “He wouldn’t. If he knew we were here, he would have avoided this place and went
somewhere else to live.”
This also meant that Yu Xiu wanted to go somewhere, meet someone, and do something.
Qiao Xian furrowed her brows, “Perhaps he is also on his way to meet with Khan Apa, just like us?”
But that isn’t correct either.
There were a few Göktürkish Khans, and Khan Apa was not the one with the largest power among them.
Yu Xiu is the strategist of Prince Jin, so there was no benefits for him to ally with Khan Apa.
Cui Buqu placed down the drumstick that he had finished eating, then he plucked a chicken wing.
“We can think of nothing, so there’s no need to think at all, all will be well when the time comes. If he is
on the same road as us, then we will know his intentions soon.”
Feng Xiao laughed, “You ate the chicken, yet you’ve forgotten who had bought it. My husband, you ate
my chicken, so shouldn’t you express your gratitude in some way?”
Cui Buqu looked at him curiously, “How much of my money have you wasted on the way? The new
bowl, new chopsticks, I even bought you a mattress, yet I’ve only ate one chicken wing, and you still
want a payback? Return me my money first.”
Feng Xiao almost choked, but he smiled mischeviously and said nothing more.
After he finished the roasted chicken, Qiao Xian rose to her feet and left, Cui Buqu went to wash his
hands and got prepared to sleep.
Feng Xiao looked at him impossibly, “You slept all the way here in the carriage, just now when I went
out, you were sleeping as well, and now you are going to sleep again?”
He was practically describing Cui Buqu with reference to a certain animal.
Cui Buqu answered him naturally, “My body is unwell, so sleep is my tonic.”
After he spoke, he didn’t pay Feng Xiao any attention and simply pulled the blankets, turned around,
and slept.
These days when he was on the carriage, even though he looked as if he was sleeping all the way, in
reality, the road was bumpy, and even if the drivers were careful as they travelled, it was impossible to
be as comfortable as a bed could offer. So Cui Buqu did not have a good rest at all, once his head hit the
pillow, tiredness seeped in, and after a while he went to see the Duke of Zhou.
There was only one bed in the room. Feng Xiao refused to sleep on the linen rope, so he could only
share a bed with Cui Buqu. Originally, there was no issue with this, no matter how beautiful Feng Xiao’s
disguise as a woman is, he was still a man in reality, so there was no such thing as who taking advantage
of who, but Cui Buqu didn’t expect that not long after he slept, he was woken up again.
He rubbed his eyes and blinked and heard Feng Xiao said, “Roll inside a little bit, I don’t have any space.”
Cui Buqu thought that, the wooden bed definitely wasn’t big, so he moved in a little, only to watch as
Feng Xiao took two pillows and tuck it between them.
“The way you sleep don’t look nice, so don’t cross the line.”
Cui Buqu couldn’t help but mocked him, “Are you really a woman?”
Feng Xiao raised an eyebrow, “After you returned you didn’t even take a shower and change your
clothes, if you go take a shower now, I can get rid of these two things.”
Taking a shower at this time of the night isn’t an easy feat, one needed to start up the furnace and heat
up the water, then bring bucket by bucket up. Everyone is asleep now, who would be willing to carry
buckets of water?
Cui Buqu said in his heart: I’ll tolerate. I’ll tolerate you. Then he continued to turn his back on him,
“Whatever you wish.”
He thought that he could finally sleep soundly, but after not long, he was shaken awake again.
Feng Xiao, “You snored too loudly, it woke me.”
Cui Buqu bit down in his teeth, “I never snored in my sleep, only because my blood don’t flow well,
when I lie down it’s difficult for my nose to breathe, so the sound then I inhale is loud. If you cannot
sleep, then go to the roof and look at the moon! Commander Feng, whoever disrupt my sleep, I would
want them to beg for death in the morning, do you really want to battle me with wits and intelligent
along this journey?”
Although he did not know how to fight, his eyes radiated a killing intent that was no different from top
martial artists.
Feng Xiao would not admit that he was feeling a little mischevious, he said innocently, “I am a light
sleeper, once something moves, I would get up immediately. You really did woke me up, but since I am
such a good person, I won’t be calculative with you about this.”
Cui Buqu exhaled a long breathe, fell back down and slept.
Everything is against him tonight.
But not long after, he was woken up again.
Feng Xiao did not wait for him to throw his temper before telling him, “Something outside caught fire.”
Cui Buqu also smelt the scent of burning wood coming in from the window. Feng Xiao walked over to
open the window and from the third floor, he looked out and saw a huge fire practically burning an
entire house.
Slowly, one by one the civilians were woken up, a lot of people were taking water to save the fire. As
they worked, an entire night passed by and it was time to rise. Although Cui Buqu didn’t need to help
with the fire, since he was continuously woken up for a few times, he found it difficult to fall asleep
again, so when the sun finally rose, two faint dark circles were under his eyes.
When Qiao Xian saw him, she asked worriedly, “Brother Ye, didn’t you sleep well?”
Feng Xiao made a shy face, “I told my husband that since we are outside, we should act appropriately,
yet naughty husband he refused to listen and did me all night, how could I say anything about it!”
Qiao Xian: ……
She felt her hand itchy again.
Normal married women, of course, wouldn’t speak such nonsense in public, but the problem lies in Feng
Xiao wasn’t a normal woman, in fact he wasn’t a woman at all, so he did not care for any reputation.
Qiao Xian knew that the other enjoyed seeing all sorts of reactions from Cui Buqu on a daily basis.
Cui Buqu who could not stand him yesterday, now, he seemed to have gotten used to it.
He snorted coldly and said, “Yesterday you had your eyes on Zhang San who bathe the horses, and
yesterday you even flirted with the chef Li Si, when we were in the City of Six Crafts, how many green
hats have you let me wear? I have tolerated them all, yet now you refused to repent, why don’t we just
see whose bed is cold at night in this place, then you can have your fun every day!”
With just a few words, everyone in the inn, even those coming down the stairs, couldn’t help turning to
look at a show that was about to begin. Those people who looked at Feng Xiao, some were curious, and
some looked at him with lust. They guess that this woman was simply lonely and could not stand it,
wondering if they were lucky enough to get a night with her.
Qiao Xian twitched her lips, feeling that these two were indeed going out of hand. Didn’t they agreed to
keep a low profile? Isn’t this being the centre of attention now? What sort of wife kept giving her
husband green hats to wear when they were out travelling? And which husband would admit so loud
that his wife was sleeping with other men?
Jin Lian told Qiao Xian, “Let us change a table.”
“We should.” Qiao Xian admitted and both of them rose to their feet and slipped away from the
At that moment, two guards came in, looked around and told the employee, “Is there a merchant called
Ye Yong in this place?”
Ye Yong is the fake name of Cui Buqu.
The employee nodded his head and told him that he will check for that person, but Cui Buqu has already
said, “I am Ye Yong, may I know what is the matter?”
The guard in charge looked at him and waved his hand, “Take him.”
“Hold it right there.”
Feng Xiao rose to his feet and stood in front of Cui Buqu, “Wouldn’t you need a reason to take
The guard said coldly, “Yesterday where was a fire that erupted suddenly at a house. Chen Cheng was
burned to death inside. Someone reported that he was last seen with you people, and said you were all
suspects of murder!”
Chen Cheng was the tour guide that took them here from the City of Six Crafts.
Duke of Zhou: A sage that was alive during the Zhou Dynasty. He established the institutions, laws and
charter. This became an idiom when Confucian said, “I am old and weak now and can no longer see the
Duke of Zhou in my dreams.” It turned into an idiom to mock or describe someone who is sleeping.
Green hats: Used to describe a man whose wife slept with someone else without his knowledge. If a
man’s wife slept with another man, then he is ‘wearing a green hat’.
Chen Cheng: The right pinyin in Han should be Cheng Cheng, but these two are not the same characters.
To avoid the name sounding like a pet name, I used Chen Cheng so it sounds more like a real name.
Chapter 44 – He Had Just Only Pitted Cui Buqu, And The Other Returned It Right Away
Gao Yi’s eyelids couldn’t help twitching first thing early in the morning.
Originally, once he woke up he would pray to the gods for a fortune but today he didn’t. He suspected
that the results would be a bad omen and even asked someone to bring his tortoise shell and copper
Gao Yi had an immense obsession towards those fortunate practices, even if someone came looking for
him, he would first cast the sticks to obtain a fortunate. If the stick that fell out suggested a bad omen,
then he would not see the one who wanted to meet him no matter what their proposition was.
His wife could not convince him otherwise, she ridiculed him for even allowing those fortune sticks to
decide which leg he should step out with first when he leaves his manor. Gao Yi actually took that into
consideration, however, because it was overly tedious and obstructing his job, he had no choice but to
put a stop to that.
Just as he ordered someone to get him his copper coin, the guards also came back with a group of
Originally, Qiao Xian wanted to go on her own, but the guards declined her request and insisted on
bringing all four of them back to the bureau, they practically fought because of it.
But once Qiao Xian demonstrated her skills and turned a cup into grinded powder, those guards knew
that this person wasn’t as harmless as he looked on the outside. Qiemo is filled with snakes and
dragons, and all kinds of strange happenings took place all the time. Gao Yi is a magistrate sent by the
Imperial Court, but his influence here is extremely weak, so naturally, people under him were not keen
on offending anyone they could not afford to, so they responded simply by courteously inviting four of
them back to the bureau.
Let alone questioning and interrogation, they dare not even stand near to them, so it looked as if they
were invited as guests to the bureau.
Although Gao Yi was extremely superstitious, but he was not stupid, so once he saw his subordinates
acted in such a way, there was no way he wouldn’t understand what was going on.
Qiao Xian spoke first, “Officer Gao, might I know why you have invited us here?”
She did not kneel or bowed. Gao Yi was displeased about this, but he was incredibly observant and
noticed that these people looked impassive, patient yet fearless, so they were definitely not simple
He turned towards the deputy magistrate next to him, the deputy simply coughed and spoke, “You
people have seen the bureau, why have you not showed your manners?”
Qiao Xian said plainly, “We have our reasons why, you can speak about Chen Cheng’s death first.”
The deputy cast a look at Gao Yi, and he seemed to be fine with these four being rude, so he only
replied, “Yesterday a fire broke out in the city, there were two deaths involved, among them were the
Rong Xing stall’s second in charge Li Fei, and another man was called Chen Cheng, who worked seasonal
jobs within the city. After the incident, someone claimed that they saw a dispute between you people
and Chen Cheng, so you are all suspects of holding a grudge against him, this is why you have been
invited to the bureau for questioning.”
In the venue, other than Gao Yi and the deputy, there was one other person who sat in a corner. He
looked around thirty to forty and was dressed in lavished clothes, although he did not utter a word, his
look was reserved and arrogant, perhaps he was the one who filed the case.
Qiao Xian said, “Yesterday Chen Cheng schemed to cheat us, we discovered it and thus reprimanded
him, after the matter he begged for mercy and everything came to a conclusion. Our exchange was done
and it cannot be considered to be a grudge, yesterday we also never left the inn, so it would be
impossible for us to set a fire and schemed a murder, I beseech you, officer, to take this into
Gao Yi have yet to spoke, but the man in lavished clothes snorted aloud, “With a few sentences like
these, you’ve managed to shove the responsibility off yourselves completely, but whether or not you
are innocent would still require the officer of this bureau to carry out questioning before we would
Although Jin Lian is the small Khadun of Khan Apa, her place at Khan Apa’s side was still quite
extraordinary, she never had to receive these kind of disgrace, so she snickered, “If we did not commit
any murder, then we have not. Would you people force us to admit it?”
Although her Han was excellent, she wasn’t from the Central Plains, so it was obvious in her accent, and
it was immediately noticed by Gao Yi.
“Where are you from?”
The man in lavished clothes said in a loud voice, “It matters not where you’re from. A murderer pays a
life for a life, this is the law!”
Gao Yi said in displeasure, “Am I the one to judge, or are you the one? If you continue to be rude, you
can simply return and tell your master to investigate the case himself!”
The man in lavished clothes minded himself and toned down, but he insisted, “My master trusts the
bureau, that is why he ordered me to report the case to you!”
Gao Yi held no expression, “Since that is the case, then these people should be retained, once people
from Duan Qigu’s side arrives, we can question them altogether.”
As both of them spoke, Cui Buqu and his company’s fate was sealed.
Qiao Xian wanted to react, but Feng Xiao was a step quicker.
“Ridiculous! Do you know who my husband is?!”
His voice was arrogant and proud, not falling behind the man dressed in lavished clothing.
Cui Buqu originally wanted to say the same thing, but Feng Xiao was quicker, so he couldn’t help but
shot him a side glance.
Feng Xiao raised his head and said, “My husband is the nephew of the King of Kucha, this time he came
to the Central Plains was on behalf of his Majesty’s orders, now that the mission is completed, we are
returning to Kucha, yet you dared to bestowed a random crime on us. If you are unable to explain
yourselves about this, we would not let this matter go!”
Once Gao Yi heard that, he felt his head hurting, it was definitely because he forgot to ask the gods for a
fortune this morning, otherwise, nevermind Qiao Xian and those three others, he would decline even
the meeting with Xing Mao’s man.
He showed a face of someone who did not wish to stir more matters, but the man in lavished clothes
refused to just let it go and asked suspiciously, “What proof do you have?”
Males and females existed among these four, their ranks are thin. Even though Kucha is a small
kingdom, they are not poor. The man wasn’t someone who hasn’t seen the idiocy of those in this world,
so he naturally wouldn’t believe them easily.
Yet Cui Buqu took out a golden seal, on top of it were scripts written in both Kucha and Han letters that
addressed the identity of its carrier.
The Marquis of War, the Kucha King’s Left Hand Man.
People like Cui Buqu would definitely make sufficient preparations if he thought of something. To
change their looks were only the first step, he has also prepared two sets of false identities, if their
journey was peaceful, then they would simply be civilians who are travelling to Kucha to visit their
relatives, but if something happened along the way, such as an incident like this, then they are relatives
of royalties in Kucha that were using false identities.
Gao Yi took the golden seal and turn it around in his hand, he could not find anything strange with it.
There exist people who are bold and dared to lie such as impersonating a foreign royalty, but there are
not many liars who could create a golden seal such as this just to cheat others. In fact, there was no
benefits in masquerading as the nephew of the Kucha King, they were civilians who kept a rather lowprofile in Qiemo, if they weren’t summoned here, their identities would not have been revealed.
The middle-aged man was still suspicious, so he took the golden seal and examineed it, yet Qiao Xian
caught his wrist.
“Who do you think you are? To take the personal seal of a relative of the Kucha King and look at it as
you please? Today you have shamed us, so don’t think of leaving so easily!”
The middle-aged man replied angrily, “I am the assistant officer of the Shanshan King, how would I
frame anyone!”
Qiao Xian laughed coldly, “The Shanshan Kingdom has long been annihilated, where would there be a
Shanshan King!”
Someone who spoke like that would definitely not be a common civilian, so Gao Yi couldn’t help but felt
their identities were more believable now.
He stopped the middle-aged man from speaking more, and turned towards Cui Buqu, “Master Li has no
intentions to create a ruckus, because other than Chen Cheng’s death, the other victim is a reliable
subordinate of Master Xing.”
Rong Xing is a business operating under the name of Xing Mao, although Li Fei is the second in charge,
the first in charge is the youngest son of Xing Mao, so he had never cared too much about the business,
the one who was really in charge was Li Fei. This stall brought plenty of income for Xing Mao, and Li Fei
is also one who pursued him for many years, his place by Xing Mao’s side was special. So his death was
incredibly suspicious to Xing Mao, the latter insisted that someone was plotting Li Fei’s murder, so he
allowed his subordinate to report the case to Gao Yi.
Xing Mao and Duan Qigu were enemies since a long time ago, this is something that everyone in the city
knew, so once something happened to someone from Xing Mao’s side, a lot of people who naturally
believe that it had something to do with Duan Qigu. Cui Buqu and his company’s part in the matter were
simply unexpected.
Gao Yi was never interested in caring much about the fights between these two people. Besides, his
power and influence were also just average, compared to both of them were had been here for many
years and held immense power. He also received gifts and benefits from both parties all these years,
thus he was much more lenient when dealing with matters like these.
Qiao Xian, “We are in a hurry back to Kucha, had it not for my Lord falling ill on the journey, we would
not have stayed the night here.”
Gao Yi looked at Cui Buqu’s face and agreed that the other looked like he was heavily sick, so he did not
suspect them any longer, he rose to his feet and gestured, “Lives are at stake, I am also simply obeying
the law. Kucha and the Sui Empire have a good relationship, and it would not be dulled because of this
matter, I apologize, my Lord.”
The middle-aged man in lavished clothes wrinkled his forehead, “Officer, if there is no conclusion on this
matter, I cannot return and tell my Master anything, could you retain these few people, so I can return
to my Master and inquire for further orders?”
Qiao Xian, “You people are not going to look for Duan Qigu, and instead fixated on us, what use is
The middle-aged man had his own arguments, “Everyone knows that Duan Qigu is a suspect, how would
he not know himself? It makes more sense for him to look for strangers like you to do his dirty work,
who would have known?”
Qiao Xian snorted and laughed, “If we are the murdered, then why would be bicker with Chen Cheng
and make ourselves look suspicious?”
As they spoke, the man sent by Duan Qigu has arrived.
He was also a middle-aged man, looked thin, and there was a scar on his face. Compared to the fat one
sent by Xing Mao, they make a contradicting fat and thin duo.
When the enemies met, both their eyed reddened. It seemed as if they knew each other, once they met,
they started ridiculing each other sarcastically, immediately creating a battlefield of bickering with
words with Gao Yi’s bureau.
Gao Yi showed a look of tolerant running thin and impatience, but he was refraining himself from
exploding. Cui Buqu observed him coldly, and concluded that although Gao Yi was heralded as one of
the three pillars of Qiemo, he was definitely the weakest one.
“Since we have nothing to do, why don’t we examine both corpses of the victims? If something is
discovered, then we can be free of suspicions.” Cui Buqu said.
Gao Yi refused to hear them bicker any longer, so he immediately agreed.
The fat one begun looking for a fight, “So the nephew of the Kucha King even knows how to examine
Cui Buqu’s expression did not change, “Right, my wife’s father is coroner, so she also learned from him
all these years. Since we have everything we need now, there is no harm in letting her do it. Whether or
not it would be helpful, we would soon know.”
Feng Xiao: ……
He had just dug a pit for Cui Buqu, and it hadn’t even been a while since, but Cui Buqu is already digging
one for him.
If he has to examine the corpse, it would mean touching it, and that feels like……
Feng Xiao’s face is slowly turning green.
If he knew this earlier, he would have choose to become the Kucha King’s niece instead.
Pray to the gods for a fortune: Read about how it works here.
Tortoise shell and copper coin: Also an item used to determine the luck of someone.
Filled with snakes and dragons: This meant that literally all kinds of people were mixed in Qiemo, from
common civilians to gangsters.
We have our reasons why: Qiao Xian, Cui Buqu, and Feng Xiao & Co did not bow or kneel not because
they were rude, it’s because their ranks are higher than that of Gao Yi. In this case, Gao Yi should be the
one to bow to them since his officer rank is inferior to both Feng Xiao’s title as the Second Commander of
the Jiejian Bureau, as well as Cui Buqu’s Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau, but since Gao Yi did not
know who they are, they did not say anything either.
Golden seal: Seals usually look like the one below. It is usually carried around by officers like an identity
card to prove their status and title.
The Marquis of War, the Kucha King’s Left Hand Man: I had difficulties translating this since I’m not too
familiar with a very detailed ranks of officers. However, according to results online, this is a title for a
member of Imperial Court. In the Sui Empire, it is one of the twelve Commanders, a third ranked officer
(first rank is the largest), and is in charge of military soldiers’ deployment.
Chapter 45 – Don’t Be In Such A Hurry!
Using the identity of the Kucha King’s nephew was only to suppress the fat one’s temper and arrogance.
The thin one, however, would still look at Cui Buqu and the rest suspiciously.
However, here in Qiemo, a place far away from the capital, let alone not respecting officers of the
Imperial Court like Gao Yi, it was impossible that the Kucha King would send an army to receive his
nephew, so never mind the fact that Cui Buqu is only a nephew of the Kucha King right now, even if he is
the Kucha King himself, there are a hundred ways Duan Qigu and Xing Mao could make them stay here
for ever. In fact, they can achieve that goal without drawing attention.
Both corpses were in the monastery at the moment. Gao Yi refused to go to the monastery, believing
that it’s bad luck, so he ordered people to use wooden boards and brought the corpses to the front yard
of the manor.
The weather is cold, so even though the bodies were placed there for a whole night now, they have yet
to radiate any stench, in fact both of them were burned to death, so the corpses were simply a bundle
of pitch black, from the surface, it looked very difficult to find any clues.
The fat one simply showed a face of “I want to see how you are going to examine the corpse”. Cui Buqu
walked around the corpse once, then he beckoned Feng Xiao with a hand, “A-Feng, isn’t this what you
do best? Come and have a look!”
Feng Xiao: ……
A mild scent of something burning entered his nose, and Feng Xiao’s lips twitched, “Husband, I just
painted my nails last night, can you be the one to examine it, and I simply do the talking?”
Cui Buqu smiled mildly, but he surprisingly said something nice in return, “Of course I can.”
He wasn’t fuzzy with cleanliness, so he immediately reached out to put a hand on the corpse and begin
to examine it.
Cui Buqu touched the chest and made his way up. The corpse’s clothes were all burnt to ash, some
pieces of it still stuck to its skin, the feeling of touching it wasn’t really a good feeling. However, the
people watching felt their hairs standing on their skin, the fat one and the thin one could not bear to see
and had to use a piece of cloth to cover their nose and mouth. Even Gao Yi took a few steps back, yet Cui
Buqu looked completely normal, as if what he was touching is a women with fair and smooth skin, and
not a corpse that was burnt into a state and no one was able to recognize him.
Feng Xiao’s martial arts were unrivalled among the world, and his intelligence could easily rank among
the top below the Heavens, but he knew nothing when it came to examineing corpses. However, Cui
Buqu gave him an identity of scholar, so he had no choice but to continue the show by following after
Cui Buqu. As he looked at Cui Buqu feeling the corpse, he asked, “What is on the body?”
Cui Buqu, “No wounds on the chest, and on the back……”
He flipped the entire corpse over.
It fell with a ‘ka!’ sound, and an arm fell onto the ground.
Cui Buqu said innocently, “My strength wasn’t much.”
Then he turned towards Feng Xiao and said, “A-Feng, please pick up the arm for me.”
Qiao Xian immediately turned away, to avoid Gao Yi noticing that she was laughing uncontrollably from
the scenery that unfolded.
Feng Xiao touched his forehead with the back of his hand, “Ah, suddenly I’m feeling dizzy. Husband, your
wife has just remembered. The physician said that our baby is not even a few months old yet, so I
cannot touch anything with negative energy. I think, your wife I should listen to the physician. You
wouldn’t want your child to be born with an arm missing, wouldn’t you?”
Cui Buqu: ……
He shot Feng Xiao’s tummy a glare, remained for a moment, before turning back to the corpse
“His back bones are unharmed, there are no wounds.” Cui Buqu flipped the corpse over and over a few
The fat one couldn’t help but said, “You’ve looked at it for half a day now, and you haven’t managed to
discover anything?”
The thin one, “Isn’t this just obstructing our duties?!”
The fat one, “Officer, I think that Li Fei’s death is certainly suspicious, please retain these four people
and question them thoroughly, from what I see, let us send someone to Kucha and inquire about his
nephew, to see whether such a person exist or not. If not, they are definitely the murderers, in fact, they
are likely to have taken orders from someone else to murder Li Fei!”
The thin one felt displeased and said, “What orders? You need to speak clearly, don’t frame others
without basis!”
The fat one, “Who am I talking about?!”
It seemed like both of them were prepared to argue with each other again. Gao Yi was already long used
to it. Never mind that Cui Buqu has just taken out the golden seal and verified his identity, even if they
were masquerading as people from the Jianghu province, he had no interest in meddling with their
After he came to this place and knew of Duan Qigu and Xing Mao’s relationship, Gao Yi had extinguished
the fire in his heart that originally wanted to climb up the ranks. When these years have passed, he
wouldn’t even mind simply getting an ordinary, average status. As long as he could leave this place
behind, even if he was a low-ranking magistrate of a very small city, it would definitely be better
compared to this place. In Qiemo, although he obtained quite a lot of benefits from both Xing Mao and
Duan Qigu, the fact that he was trapped in the middle, often put between a rock and a hard place, was a
difficult life to live.
From the side of his ears, Cui Buqu’s voice sounded in a slow and steady pace, “Although these two
people have no wounds on their chest or backs, but they are definitely victims of evil hands, before
being burned to death.”
Three of then looked stunned, even the fat one and the thin one stopped arguing.
“Don’t you dare speak whatever you please and spread nonsense!”
Cui Buqu said, “You people, look at his mouth.”
He opened the mouth of one of the corpses. Gao Yi couldn’t help his curiousity and looked, the fat one
and the thin one also had no choice but to stomach their disgust and walk up to look as well.
“If he was burned to death, his nose and mouth would have definitely inhaled the smoke and ashes, but
these two people’s mouths are clean, so they were dead long before they were burned.”
Gao Yi originally didn’t want to interfere in the matter, but when he heard that they were burned to
death, he also did not suspect anything to it, so he simply asked, “Then how did they die, can that be
Cui Buqu reached out to hold the nape of the corpse’s neck before stopping for a while, “A-Feng, come
here and take a look.”
“It’s fine if you just tell me from there.” Feng Xiao assumed as Cui Buqu was purposely setting up
another pit and that it was waiting for him, so he refused to go forwards no matter what.
Cui Buqu turned around and looked at him with a smile, saying softly and gently, “Lives are at stake, if
we discovered the reason of death, we can help the dead reclaim justice. A-Feng, I know ever since we
lost our baby, you never stopped being devastated, and kept imagining that the baby is still in your
womb. This is why we need to return the justice owed to these victims, and earn a little good deed in
the name of our baby, isn’t that right?”
Feng Xiao twitched his lips: ……You are definitely cruel.
Cui Buqu raised an eyebrow: Who asked you to spout lies like a river, so now I can continue your lies? If
you don’t roll here soon, I’m going to show you more of my ‘moves’.
Both of them had incredibly intense gazes, until Feng Xiao finally gave in and forced himself to take a
step forward, walking to the corpse’s side. He stomached his disgust and reached out to touch the nape
of the corpse as well.
After a while, he said, “There is a crack at the back of his neck. The murderer’s skills are superb, he
should rightfully be one that practiced martial arts. The bones are cracked, yet they did not fell apart. If
one did not feel properly, they could not have discovered it.”
Gao Yi ordered a coroner to examine the corpse as well, and they reached the same conclusion as Feng
Xiao and Cui Buqu.
The fat one suddenly said, “I knew he was murdered. Li Fei usually only minded his own business in the
stall, and he seldom went out. Who would he make an enemy of? This is obviously because someone
wants to end all the loyal subordinates of my Master!”
The thin one said angrily, “If you have the guts, then name the culprit yourself! Don’t waste time vaguely
The fat one, “So what if I point him out? In Qiemo, who wouldn’t know that Duan Qigu could break gold
and shatter jades with those hands of his?!”
The thin one laughed coldly, “If our Master wants to murder someone, why would he need to do it
himself? Don’t you have any brains?!”
Their bickering made Gao Yi feel himself slowly getting a headache, so he couldn’t help and shouted at
them, “Shut up both of you!”
The fat one and the thin one dare not get over themselves, so they immediately shut up.
Gao Yi, “The truth of this case is not yet clear, so you people do not need to argue pointlessly among
yourselves. Later I will sent people to investigate everything in detail, if there are favourable results, you
lot will be informed.”
After he spoke, he sent both of them away.
As they watch Gao Yi let out a breathe of relief, Cui Buqu smiled a non-commital smile, “Officer Gao, you
should be the reigning power of this city, why do you need to conduct yourself according to the mood of
Gao Yi has a good temper, so he was not angered by those words, instead, he laughed bitterly,
“Marquis, there is something you do not know. This city is controlled by Xing Mao and Duan Qigu, and
has been for a long time, I am simply a representation of the Imperial Court’s orders, but my powers are
Cui Buqu, “My uncle, the Kucha King, ordered me to roam the Central Plains. So I went to the Sui Empire
and the Northern Dynasty, and I discovered that compared to the South, the North possessed a stronger
desire for advancement, therefore, I believe that not long later, the Sui Empire could rein over both the
Nothern and Southern Dynasties, at that time whether it is Duan Qigu or Xing Mao, how could they
stand against the soldiers of the Sui Empire? Officer Gao, you, too, need to show your contribution.”
Gao Yi said in his heart, “At the present the Sui Empire could not even do anything towards the
Göktürks, how would they pay attention to a small city like Qiemo?” But he is an officer of the Sui
Empire, so he could not eliminate his own dignity in front of a foreigner, so he simply answers with a
few meaningless words that showed his acknowledgement, and moved on.
Of course he could not have guessed that, not long later, it was this young nephew of the Kucha King
that looked sickly and ill, and his strange wife who couldn’t stop pinching her throat when she spoke,
would be the two people that stabilized the entire Qiemo. They are the ones that flattened the three
pillar of powers and put the city officially on the map of the Sui Empire, accomplishing what Gao Yi
himself could not have done.
At that moment, Gao Yi also did not know that the back of these four people are incredibly shocking, he
heard Qiao Xian asked, “Duan Qigu was born a horse thief, what fate does he have to be one of the
reigning powers of Qiemo, and could garner so many followers?”
Gao Yi, “I am not too sure of it myself. I heard that he is skilled in earning the hearts of his followers.
Even if he earned a copper penny, he would share it with all his subordinates. Naturally, all the people
loved him. He is the leader of his pack with a heroic heart. In this city, one third of the business here
belonged to him, even when it came to martial arts, it was said that he was an extraordinary fighter
Comparing both of them, it seemed that Xing Mao depended on his background as the descendant of
the Shanshan King, his wealth, men, followers, and provisions were superior compared to Duan Qigu,
only could he hold his stance and became one of the ones in power.
The case was had no beginning or motive, other than the cracks found on the corpses, it was very
difficult to look for other clues. They would not be getting any conclusion in a short amount of time. Gao
Yi had no heart to investigate the case. He naturally wouldn’t treat Cui Buqu and his company badly, so
he allowed them to return back to the inn. His only request was for them to remain in the city for a
while, so they could be summoned whenever they were needed.
Feng Xiao asked Gao Yi for a basin of water. He used detergent to wash his hands a dozen times, but he
still felt that the smelled lingered, so he went to a cosmetic stall to purchase a few fragrance pouches to
rubs his hands with.
Qiao Xian couldn’t help herself mocking him, “He really treats himself like a lady now!”
Feng Xiao, “Are you looking down on yourself, or looking down on Jin Lian?”
Qiao Xian rolled her eyes. Jin Lian tried to make peace and said, “Although we are women, we do not
have your level of fuzziness.”
Feng Xiao, “For myself to be happy, compared to looking at someone else being happy, I myself often
chose the first.”
Cui Buqu felt that it was boring in the inn. He preferred to go out and take a walk, so he let Qiao Xian
and Jin Lian return first, while he accompanied Feng Xiao to the cosmetic stall to purchase fragrance
Both of them wanted to take the shortcut, so they both a small alley that only allowed two person to
walk through. Since with this way, they did not need to take a huge detour in order to reach their
Who knew that this decision was a wrong decision, for Feng Xiao met an old familiar.
From a corner in front, a white figure floated towards them.
The strategist of Prince Jin, Yu Xiu the monk.
This time he wasn’t alone, someone else was at his side.
As the four people are about to meet, turning back would be impossible. With Yu Xiu’s slyness and
sharpness, he might be able to recognize them from their disguises.
Feng Xiao decided to go big or go home, he immediately tore openhis collar then pulled Cui Buqu on top
of him, pressed himself against the wall.
He even said in a very seductive, womanly voice, “Husband, don’t be in such a hurry ma ~ Doing things
like these under broad daylight, how would I have the face to see others later!”
Cui Buqu: ……
Chapter 46 – You Are Just Only A Tool For Me To Breed Heirs
At this moment, ironically, Cui Buqu’s reaction was much slower, or perhaps he did not even respond.
From how sharp Yu Xiu was, it was not difficult for him to notice that there was something strange
about these two.
But the Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau lived up to his name. No matter how many times he scolded
Feng Xiao in his heart, as the other held his hand and led it up his own body, Cui Buqu instead grabbed
Feng Xiao’s wrist and pinned it against the wall. With his other hand, he held Feng Xiao’s chin and
pretended to kiss him.
Feng Xiao felt a wave of chillness and anxiety washed over him, but it wasn’t because of Cui Buqu’s
abrupt actions, it was because of his hand.
Just now, Cui Buqu’s hand had just touched a corpse. He even put his fingers into the corpse’s mouth,
and later on he had only washed them once.
As Feng Xiao thought about how he touched those corpses intimately, Cui Buqu’s hand being the only
thing in between that separated them, he couldn’t help feeling uncomfortable all over his body.
Cui Buqu felt that this wasn’t enough, he placed another hand on the small of Feng Xiao’s back and
moved his hands across the surface without pausing.
“Stop when appropriate.” Those words, one by one, seethed out through Feng Xiao’s teeth.
“When you dug a pit for me, when did you ever had enough?” Cui Buqu smiled sweetly.
Feng Xiao squeaked, “This person, Yu Xiu, is very clever. If there is even a little bit of mistake, he would
be able to see through it.”
Cui Buqu, “So you would have to tolerate it well, remember not to expose yourself.”
Their bodies were almost stuck together, their breaths intertwined, their noses practically touching. At
that moment, Yu Xiu who walked passed them unaware, to him, this is nothing but a disgraceful couple
doing something inappropriate under broad daylight, yet they held no shame, even dared to bite each
other’s necks as they whispered lover’s talk between each other.
There were not many women like this in Beijing, so are they far more open in the countryside where the
winds are high and breezy?
Yu Xiu furrowed his eyebrows, as both of their shadows overlapped, his face showed a flash of disgust
and stopped in his footsteps for a moment, dared not walk near them, before immediately turning
around and walked away.
Both of them walked very quickly, to as far as they could go.
Cui Buqu immediately released Feng Xiao, he even took two steps backwards.
Feng Xiao: ……
Cui Buqu raised his hands, “To avoid you pushing me away first, Commander Feng, I am, after all, a weak
scholar without muscles, I cannot afford the same thing like last time, when you practically shoved me
against the wall.”
Feng Xiao said impatiently, “Stop talking nonsense, run quickly after them!”
There were many people in the day, so after Yu Xiu and his companion left the ally, they went to the
streets where waves of people walked here and there.
Cui Buqu’s waist was held by Feng Xiao as they moved forward. He only felt a soft gust of wind under his
feet, then his entire person moved, in fact their journey was smooth and quick, and they did not run into
any passer-bys.
At a far distance ahead, Yu Xiu and his companion were sitting at a noodles stall.
People walked around the four of them, and there was no one in between, but because of this, it made
them look even more suspicious, and even more convenient to talk.
“We cannot approach further.” Feng Xiao said and looked for a tea house nearby to sit.
They were separated by three to five stalls. This distance was safe enough, but even if Feng Xiao’s
hearing is extremely good, it was impossible for him to hear what they were discussing about.
“Is Yu Xiu’s martial arts superior to yours?” Cui Buqu asked curiously.
“There is a bit of difference.” Feng Xiao took out a tea cup and arranged them properly, then ordered a
pot of tea, yet he didn’t pour tea immediately, he washed the cups instead. Pouring the tea into the cup
to rinse it with hot water, before pouring that water into the other cup, then ultimately pouring it away.
His did this for a total of five times only did he stopped with a look of disgust. “Now we are in the
unknown, and Yu Xiu is in the known, this is an advantage. Before we discover what his motives are, we
cannot let him know about our existence. Don’t you keep looking at him, the senses of skilled martial
artists are sharp, he might be able to feel it.”
Cui Buqu said slowly as he turned his gaze away, “I am reading what they are talking about.”
Feng Xiao, “Read?”
It struck him suddenly, “Lip reading?”
Cui Buqu, “Mhm.”
Feng Xiao could not deny that Cui Buqu never failed to give him surprises during the most unexpected
moments. “What did they say?”
Cui Buqu, “The other man’s back is faced towards me, so I cannot see it. There are too many people
around, my sight is practically blocked all the time. I can only tell that Yu Xiu said two sentences. The
first is: Would Duan Qigu go to the birthday party? The second one is: I will let you do it.”
Feng Xiao cast a glance at Yu Xiu, the latter was prepared to stand up and leave, and he was quickly
buried in the crowd, his whereabouts no longer traceable.
“How do you see it?” Feng Xiao asked.
Cui Buqu, “One, Yu Xiu and Duan Qigu might know each other, but Duan Qigu has no idea that Yu Xiu
came to Qiemo. Two, they might meant harm to Duan Qigu.”
Feng Xiao said in a low voice, “Yu Xiu is a very secretive person. It would also be impossible for Prince Jin
to share a relationship with a horse thief that lived a thousand miles away.”
Cui Buqu knew that this meant Feng Xiao wanted to trade an information for an information, so he said,
“The Zuoyue Bureau could only find out that before he pursued Prince Jin, he was from the Tiantai Sect.
In fact, he looked quite young, yet he held such level of skills, this proved that the sect trained him with
all their blood and sweat. Duan Qigu has been living in the countryside all these years, he had never
been to Jiangnan, so in a logical sense, it is impossible for both of them to have known each other.”
Feng Xiao, “He trained hard, but it does not mean that he wants to remain in the sect. Take a look at
someone like myself who is peerless in beauty and combat skills that wore such achievements at such a
young age, of course there are similar people in this world.”
“Eh-“ Cui Buqu said suddenly and patted his body, before looking down and begin searching as if he has
dropped something.
“Did you see it?” Cui Buqu asked suspiciously.
Feng Xiao, “See what?”
Cui Buqu, “Your face, why is it gone?”
Feng Xiao: ……
After finally winning his opponent, Cui Buqu felt comfortable all over and continued, “Let us not
investigate the possible relationship between Duan Qigu and Yu Xiu. Duan Qigu has many skilled fighters
with him, he himself is also a skilled martial artists, even if Yu Xiu took this matter in his own hands, he
might not even succeed, let alone others. So about the person that Yu Xiu wants to find, how long
before we can get close to him?”
Feng Xiao touched his chin, “Poison? Women? Those aren’t correct. If it was that easy, then Duan Qigu
would have been dead all these years, and there would be even more people that hated him. If Yu Xiu is
not the one to do it, then he would need to look for an opportune moment, and the best would be
when Duan Qigu did not have his guard up, or couldn’t put up any defenses……”
As he spoke until here, it looked as if he thought of something. He raised his head to look at Cui Buqu.
Both of them exchanged glances and said at the same time, “The birthday party!”
As those words dissipated in the air, the man that shared the same table with Yu Xiu rose to his feet and
paid the bills, before walking off in the opposite direction.
Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu couldn’t care less and immediately followed him.
“How is that person’s skills when it comes to martial arts?” As usual, Cui Buqu was held as they ran, but
he discovered that here, Feng Xiao and the other’s distance was incredibly close, and he wasn’t as on
guard as he had when they were pursuing Yu Xiu.
“Not bad, but not to the point that he would discover me.” Feng Xiao said.
The other did not seem to move fast, nor was he moving slow, as if he wasn’t in a hurry. He even
stopped by the road side and bought two pastries and some food before continued walking.
Both of them followed him for a while, only realizing that that person only visited ordinary places.
Around them were normal houses of civilians, and in the manor that he entered, there were even two
kids playing outside the gate. Once they saw him, they called him ‘Daddy’ and he gave them the food
that he bought. With one of his hand, he took one child’s hand, and with the other, he carried the child
into his arms, smiling and laughing as he spoke.
Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu did not follow him any longer, instead, they spilt up and went to the stronghold
of the Jiejian Bureau and the Zuoyue Bureau respectively to order their men to investigate the
background of this person. The men on Cui Buqu’s side had lived in Qiemo for five to six years and was
completely familiar with the happenings in the city, especially those who held some fame in the city. He
only need to send those men out to investigate and they would bring him quick results.
“My Lord, the man who lives in that manor is called Tong Yangshu, he is the third in charge of Xing
Cui Buqu’s expression did not waver as he asked, “There are many person in charge under Xing Mao.”
The other replied him respectfully, “That is correct. Xing Mao’s business is vast, other than his family,
there are three people in charge that helped him handle matters within his house. According to
rumours, the first in charge is the pearl among the pearls among them, so his fame is quite large. It is
not easy for normal people to meet him. The second in charge helped out with taking care of external
affairs for Xing Mao, and the third in charge takes care of more trivial matters.”
As he heard the last sentence, Cui Buqu felt his heart skipped a beat, as if he had found the key in the
“I heard that Xing Mao’s mother’s birthday is a few days later, so this birthday party’s arrangements are
entrusted to the third in charge?”
His subordinate said, “If everything goes well, that would be the arrangement.”
There would definitely be an interesting show to see quite soon. Cui Buqu thought. He did not want to
linger here any longer, so he quickly hurried back to the inn.
Feng Xiao was back earlier than him, and he was indulging in a few pastries and food in the room with a
troubled expression. Once he saw Cui Buqu pushing the door inside, he smiled, “It seems like you’ve
found something?”
Cui Buqu asked curiously, “Why are you so happy? Do you have a score to settle with Duan Qigu? You
are happy that he is going to be dead soon?”
Feng Xiao, “I have nothing against Duan Qigu, but the fact that someone wants him dead is true. I am
happy because just as I am feeling sleepy, someone has come to serve me a pillow.”
He fished out an invitation from the table and cast it towards Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu picked it up and looked at it, his face filled with surprise.
Feng Xiao wriggled his eyebrows, feeling proud, “Tell me am I supposed to be happy or not?”
Cui Buqu nodded his head, “This is really something that deserves to be happy about.”
Ever since his identity as ‘the Kucha King’s nephew’ was exposed, the invitation to Xing Mao’s mother’s
birthday party was sent here. It could be seen that Xing Mao’s networking was quick, and he was
incredibly crafty. It was no wonder he would live in Qiemo for so many years.
Feng Xiao might also have found out the identity of the man that spoke with Yu Xiu, “The three men in
charge of Xing Mao’s manor, added with the strategist of Prince Jin, and the involvement of the disciples
of the Tiantai Sect, this is indeed interesting! Originally, I could not think of a way to get an invitation,
but it seems that the Kucha King’s name is indeed useful.”
Cui Buqu suddenly spoke in a very well-mannered way, “My wife, you’ve just lost your baby, so your
body is weak and should rest well. Today you also stressed yourself over examineing the corpse, so you
needn’t attend this birthday party. For me to bring Qian Xiao would do.”
Feng Xiao, “Let alone one baby, for husband’s sake, A-Feng would even leap into a boiling pot of water
without hesitation. If something happened in the birthday part, and I am not by your side, how could I
feel assured?”
That meant: Don’t try to push me away and take all the glory for yourself.
Cui Buqu smiled, “The wife follows the husband after she is wed, if you cannot behave like a wife, I
would have no choice but to divorce you.”
Feng Xiao, “Although your wife, I, have lost one baby, there is another baby in my womb that is yours. Is
husband really someone who is so heartless and unsentimental?”
Both of them started speaking nonsense again, but in reality, Cui Buqu refused to let Feng Xiao tag along
to the birthday party, but Feng Xiao insisted to go either way. If the other refused to let him go, then he
would definitely find ways to ruin Cui Buqu’s plans.
Qiao Xian was on her way to check up on Cui Buqu, just as she stopped outside their door, she heard Cui
Buqu saying, “You are just only a tool for me to breed heirs, don’t get over yourself.”
Qiao Xian: ……
She stood at the door, wondering what she had done wrong her entire life.
Your face: Cui Buqu is mocking Feng Xiao for having a ‘thick-face’—shameless, narcissistic, when nobody
asked for it. People often describe shameless as having a 'thick-face’, but Feng Xiao’s face is so thick,
according to Cui Buqu, that it completely fell off.
Because just as I am feeling sleepy, someone has come to serve me a pillow: A phrase what means, just
as Feng Xiao was thinking how he could attend the birthday party, someone conveniently gave him
something to help his achieve his goal.
Chapter 47 – Then I Can Just Start Calling You My Dad
A few days went by in the blink of an eye.
If Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao were not familiar towards the two powers supporting Qiemo before, then on
the day of the birthday party was the day they fully see for themselves the influence Xing Mao had in
the city.
From the day they received the invitation, the city had begun to be decorated with lanterns and decors.
Within a few short days, the entire city was filled with big red lanterns and red ribbons. Although Qiemo
is not huge, these expenses can only be afforded by a rich and wealthy family.
A successful business is not enough to describe Xing Mao, for as the descendant of the Shanshan King,
when the Shanshan Kingdom was annihilated, the Shanshan King took four thousand survivors and fled
to Qiemo. He also relocated the Shanshan Kingdom’s national treasury to this place, and after three
generations, Xing Mao’s business did not only spread across Qiemo, but also to the City of Six Crafts,
even reaching into the capital of the Sui Empire and the Southern Dynasty where a few of their branches
When one had money, they would naturally need an even bigger manpower to guard their treasury.
They say that ever since Xing Mao was five, a skilled martial artist was invited to teach all those in his
family. It was a pity that Xing Mao’s talents were only so-so, until now he was only a third-tier martial
artist, but at his side, he lacked no bodyguards, and every one of them followed him whenever he went,
it was an incredible sight.
Once Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu arrived at the Xing manor’s gates, it was already crowded beyond
imagination. Xing manor’s bodyguards lined the gates in one straight row, heavily guarding the entire
Xing manor and turning it into a nigh impenetrable fortress. The third in charge they saw last time stood
outside the gates to welcome the guests, behind him also stood two bodyguards.
Once Cui Buqu saw it, he smiled, “This kind of scenery is not very much different from the Crown Prince
or Prince Jin when they leave the capital. It is expected of a king in a land far away. Although Xing Mao
no longer has the Shanshan Kingdom, he still behaved like a king.”
Feng Xiao touched his chin, “They say that his subordinates indeed calls him ‘Your Majesty’ in front of
All around them, a few carriages stopped, and among them none weren’t beautiful or elegant. They
were the only guests that came from an inn, who brought no one bodyguards with them. Those who
came to wish Xing Mao’s mother for her day of birth were mostly famed and prestigious people from
the city. It was even said that people Xing Mao knew from the Jianghu province were also among them.
In this situation, Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao both were considered quite unsightly, for they have to even
hold the present they’ve brought with their own hands.
The one invited by Xing Mao is the nephew of the Kucha King, if Jin Lian came together, it would not be
appropriate for her to masquerade as a maidservant, and they couldn’t think of any identity that was
suitable for her. So, to avoid giving Fo Er the chance to kill her, Cui Buqu left Qiao Xian behind to protect
her. Yet because of this, with only himself and Feng Xiao, compared to the other guests who had
maidservants all around them, they looked even more poor and unsightly.
As they ignored the gazes from all around them, their thick skins came into effect. They acted very
naturally as they queued behind everyone without any embarrassment at all, instead they were
interested in using the chance to observe others.
Everyone brought gifts that were large and small, some of them even wanted to gift something that was
obvious to the eye, carrying a tree as tall as a grown man that was hung with gold and silver. This
attracted shocked and surprised gasps of amusement. Cui Buqu, however, only held a box that was as
long as his hand to his elbow.
Perhaps those three in charge were used to seeing glorious and invaluable gifts, once they saw how this
gift looked as if it was bought from a small, unknown stall by the streets, they looked stunned for a
Once they saw the invitation, they knew who this guest was. The Kingdom of Kucha produces metal,
their foundation was thick and full of wealth, and they were not a small country that was poor. Yet Cui
Buqu and Feng Xiao’s attire, though they didn’t looked too poor, was still far from the lavish and silk that
the third in charge had imagined.
They knew how to hide their surprises a little bit, but the servants next to them, however, did not
managed to avert their gazes.
“Halt!” Cui Buqu said in displeasure, “Who allow you to just take it like that?”
The servant who took the gift turned around to look at him.
Cui Buqu spoke proudly, “A-Feng, open the box and show them what gift we brought.”
Under the eyes of everyone, it was rare that Feng Xiao was obedient, he took the box from the servant
and undid the ribbon outside, taking out a very ordinary short dagger.
“Look carefully.” Feng Xiao said.
He unsheathed the dagger, and all the audiences could only see the white glare of the dagger, as if ice
and snow surrounded it. They only saw Feng Xiao raise his hand lightly, and with a sweep, it turned the
servant’s clothes into dust. The servant has yet to even come to respond.
Once he heard the shouts of women, only was his consciousness pulled back. His face brimmed red with
shyness as he quickly ran away.
Cui Buqu smiled and said, “Master Xing has seen enough of pearls and gold. Who do you think we are,
and how would we give just a simple gift? If we did, then how are we different from those farmers, or
stray cats and dogs?”
Everyone saw the power of the dagger and mumbled among themselves that the invitation to the Kucha
nephew was definitely not a rumour, and dared not look down on Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao.
The third in charge came to himself, quickly receiving the dagger with both his hands and carefully gave
it to a servant next to him, smiling, “I apologize for my rudeness and delayed your Lordship, I beg for
your mercy and generousity to not be calculative with us seeing it’s the day of birth of my Master’s
mother. I have arranged a place for both of you, I will guide you there now. Please come!”
Everyone was guided by servants, and only Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao was special, for they were guided by
the third in charge himself.
There was no need to describe how spacious the Xing manor was. Because the guests that came today
were more than usual, they could not arrange for all of them to sit in the same hall. They had no choice
but to separate the Xing manor into the outside hall and inner hall. Those who sat inside were not much,
and it looked more spacious and less crowded, for those who sat inside were all important guests of
Xing Mao. On the outside, it was much more crowded compared to those who sat inside, their
importance were obviously a little less.
Although Cui Buqu was guided by the third in charge himself, they still could not go into the inner hall.
They could only remain at a place near the hall leading to the inner hall.
Perhaps this is already not a bad place, Cui Buqu knew that in the beginning, their seats should be quite
far in the back, but because of what they’ve done just now, only did the third in charge moved them
Then he looked at the inner hall, other than the seats of both hosts, and four seats on their left and
right, there were eight very important guests in total, and one of them should be Duan Qigu.
Cui Buqu gave a look of displeasure and asked, “Why? Even with my identity, I cannot have a seat in the
inner hall?”
The third in charge’s smile did not waver, he bend his back and said, “I apologize, My Lord, those eight
seats belong to people my Master has known for years, they are not arranged according to the rank of a
person. Among the people who are in the outside hall, there are the Sect Leader of the Qionghai Sect,
disciples from the Guanzhong Wei Sect, and the Sect Leader of the Xianlin Sect, all of their seats are far
behind compared to you two!”
Cui Buqu pretended to be impatient and waved his hand, “Fine, fine. The old woman’s celebrating her
sixtieth birthday, so I shall refrain from being calculative with you!”
The third in charge smiled, “Your Lordship really is generous!”
He still needed to tend to other guests, so he immediately bid them farewell. Feng Xiao held Cui Buqu as
he guided him to seat, then he took two grapes from the table and toss it into his mouth, before
beginning to observe this surroundings.
The guests all came and sat on their seats. Four people already occupied the eight seats that were in the
inner hall. Feng Xiao did not recognize even one of them, so he listened to Cui Buqu who said, “In the
inner hall there is one, from the way he looks, he might be the Guanzhong Wei Sect’s Wei Huofang. As
for the others, I don’t know them either, they might not be from the Jianghu province.”
Feng Xiao, “Xing Mao will definitely arrange Duan Qigu’s seat to be just underneath himself, to imply
that he is serious about coming to a truce. Now we are still a bit far away from him, nothing would be
convenient for us even if we wanted to do something.”
Cui Buqu, “When the party begins, we compromise. But speaking of which, where did you find such a
sharp dagger?”
Feng Xiao had finished one string of grapes, then he used a silver fork to dig up piece of honeydew and
put it into his mouth, he smiled upon hearing that, “I infused some of my inner strength into the blade.
So let alone a dagger that could turn metal into sand, even if you use it to split mountains, it can be
Cui Buqu asked suspiciously, “But when you took out the dagger, didn’t it have a white glare?”
Feng Xiao laughed, “Haha. This dagger was placed in the snow for three to four month, added with a bit
of inner strength, wouldn’t it have a white glare? I bought this thing on my last trip from a stall in the
west of the city. With only three hundred coins, we bought a grand feast such as this, this is incredibly
worth it!”
After a moment of silence, Cui Buqu said, “The Jiejian Bureau is so poor now they couldn’t even bring
out a proper gift?”
Feng Xiao fumed, “Don’t we need money to travel a few thousand miles here to investigate a case? The
outskirts have strong sandstorms and winds, don’t I need to use money to purchase flowers and hair oil?
Otherwise, how could I maintain the grace and elegance of my face and my hair? Your Qiao Xian is so
tricky. Asking her to buy me some hair oil is like asking her to risk her life for me, so of course I have to
spend my own money.”
Cui Buqu: ……
If Feng Xiao pretended to act like a woman, he could still mock him with sarcasm, but when the other
wasn’t acting strangely, he looked really serious and determined. When Cui Buqu imagined a scenery of
Feng Xiao spreading his knees apart in an ‘L’ shape, sitting in the room, shaving his moustache on one
hand, and with the other, spreading hair oil onto his hair, he couldn’t felt feeling his face getting a
Feng Xiao lectured him with a serious tone, “Don’t you dare think that men needn’t care about their
looks. Like me, who possessed such peerless beauty and elegance, won’t I have betrayed Heaven’s
blessing on me if I didn’t care about my looks? Although you are not like me, you are still considered
pleasant-looking, but your body is weak and you often succumb to illness, this means that you would
naturally age faster than other men. If you still refuse to maintain your looks, I’m afraid that after two
He chuckled softly.
Cui Buqu knew that he wasn’t thinking of anything good, but he still asked in a deep tone, “What?”
Feng Xiao, “By then I can really call you ‘Dad’.”
Cui Buqu glared at plate of fruit in front of him for a moment. He was really afraid that he couldn’t stand
it any longer, and would really slam Feng Xiao’s face into the plate of fruit and wipe his face all over it.
At that moment, a sound broke his dangerous thought.
“I am Chen Ji, may I inquire the name of this maiden and gentleman?”
Cui Buqu raised his head.
The young man called Chen Ji was sitting next to Feng Xiao. His words were obviously meant for Feng
Xiao, and Cui Buqu was simply a convenience to mention.
“Ji, which character ‘Ji’?” Feng Xiao had lost the mischevious smile he had when he was bickering with
Cui Buqu just now. Instead, he gave a shy looking smile, purposely taking a half-hearted peak at Chen Ji.
Feng Xiao’s eyelids fluttered, as if he has just gave Chen Ji a wink.
This expression is useless towards Cui Buqu, but towards men who didn’t know of his true identity, it
was quite effective.
At the very least, Chen Ji was obviously interested. His gaze on Feng Xiao became more passionate.
“The ‘Ji’ that means after the rain, when the sky clears up once more.”
Chen Ji.
Cui Buqu engrave that name to memory, and very quickly he found who this person is in his sea of
The Guanzhong’s Xianlin Sect’s Sect Leader’s son.
The Xianlin Sect wasn’t a unique sect like the Tiantai Sect, but in the Jianghu province, they were rather
popular. Chen Ji’s martial arts are only so-so, and he was a free-spirited man similar to Yandang Sect’s
Lin Wei. Perhaps he was coddled and spoiled since he was young, he had never experienced any form of
Although his martial arts are not outstanding, he still has a sect leader father, so the Xing manor granted
him a seat just next to Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao.
They looked at the people in the inner hall, it seemed that the host and all the guests have all arrived.
Duan Qigu, Gao Yi, sat on Xing Mao’s left and right, and beside Xing Mao there was also an old woman,
they guessed that she is the one this birthday party was meant for.
Cui Buqu was still thinking of ways to get closer to Duan Qigu, and now that Chen Ji is here, a plan
sparked in his head.
It was as if Feng Xiao knew what he was thinking about, he smiled and gave him a wink, then pushed the
plate of fruits on the table towards Cui Buqu’s direction.
Cui Buqu felt the other man’s excitement and impatience to see an interesting show unfolding before
his eyes, so he couldn’t help rolling his eyes in his heart, before immediately flipping the plate of fruits
into the air.
Splat, splat, splat!
Not only the plate broke into a thousand pieces, but the fruits also fell all over the ground.
It wasn’t difficult for this scene to gather the attention of everyone. The entire hall sank into silence,
even Xing Mao and his people looked in Cui Buqu’s direction.
Chapter 48 – Who Asked You To Dare Lay Hands On My Husband?
Breaking the fruit plate was only the first step. After that, Cui Buqu rose to his feet and pointed at Chen
Ji to shout at him loudly, “Do you know that I am the nephew of the Kucha King? How dare you molest
my wife! Today is the birthday of Master Xing’s mother, I received an invitation and originally wanted to
dispense good wished to the old Madam Xing with the most heartfelt sincerity, who knew that I would
cross paths with such a shameless worm like yourself! If this was in Kucha, I would have had you beaten
to death!”
He said everything in one go so that the other people did not have time to react. Chen Ji also absolutely
lost his soul from Cui Buqu’s scolding, in his heart he said: I only asked for a name, I have not even
bulged an inch, why did it turned to molesting all of a sudden?
He originally wasn’t someone who would let himself easily be bullied, but Cui Buqu scolded him so
suddenly, he could not think of anything to say back in such a short amount of time.
Xing Mao wouldn’t have allowed two people to continue arguing during his party, so with a glance from
him, the first in charge immediately stood out and said, “Today, both of you are my Master’s guest,
there is no need to fight, please give my Master some face……”
Cui Buqu cut his words and snickered, “My Uncle often said, although Master Xing is from Qiemo, he is
the hero of his generation, but I couldn’t help but believe my Uncle was praising the wrong person. Even
when I represent the Kucha King, I couldn’t sit in the inner hall and had to bare the sunlight out here. I
no longer care for this party, farewell!”
The first in charge immediately went up to him to stop him and spoke with a nice and pleasant tone,
“My Lord you’ve mistaken. This is my arrangement, but because the inner hall is too cramped, and there
are limited space, it will not tolerate any more seats……”
Cui Buqu glared at him, “Then couldn’t you separate them into groups of three? Couldn’t you remove
the walls and join all the halls into one?”
It was easy when he spoke, but if they really removed the walls, how would this still look like a manor!?
When Cui Buqu was purposely angering someone, his words are sharp and offensive, it was enough to
provoke an aggressiveness in the first in charge similar to a dog. Yet the other couldn’t show his temper,
instead he continued to smile.
“My Lord your words are correct, I was inconsiderate, please proceed to the inner hall, I will
immediately order some men to arrange two seats for you!”
He waved his hand and immediately, some servants came and arranged the seats. The first in charge
then invited both of them into the inner hall. Xing Mao rose to his feet and walked towards the centre of
the hall to welcome Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao.
“I beg your forgiveness for my ill-manners, let me sincerely give my apologies to both of you now, please
drink more during the party!”
Cui Buqu’s original goal was to get a place in the inner hall, so he turned towards Duan Qigu and
shouted, “I heard there are two powers in Qiemo, one is Master Xing, and the other is Master Duan.
Since I’m here already, naturally I would want to sit close to Master Duan. There is no need for you to
rearrange, simply put my seat and my wife’s behind Master Duan would do!”
Duan Qigu laughed admiringly, “Haha, since my Lord looked well upon me, my adjacent is still spacious,
why don’t you just seat next to me?”
Cui Buqu displayed a look of happiness, “There is no reason for me to decline!”
At this moment, each of them have a small table each, only when two people are close would they share
the same table. Cui Buqu did not know the meaning of ‘shame’, he immediately abandoned the first in
charge and walked over to Duan Qigu’s side in big steps to sit next to him.
Seeing that Xing Mao did not object to it, the first in charge could only snort and arrange another table
next to Cui Buqu for Feng Xiao.
Since this way, Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao were not only sitting close to Duan Qigu, but they were also
close to Xing Mao.
The only pitiful one was Chen Ji who got scolded for doing nothing at all. Once he recovered from his
trance, Cui Buqu had already turned around and hugged Duan Qigu’s thigh. Even if he wanted to flip the
table now, it would have been too late. He could only looked at the Cui Buqu’s back with fury. The first
in charge also would not allow another ruckus to occur, so he immediately went to sooth Chen Ji. No
one knew what he told Chen Ji, but the latter immediately returned to a happy state after that. He no
longer cared about Cui Buqu, and instead went back to his seat.
Once one wave is gone, the first in charge let out a breath of air, in his heart he scolded the third in
charge who had vanished. The party today was his responsibility, so these were also naturally his role to
“A few years ago I did went to Kucha and I was fortunate enough to have met the Kucha King. May I
know how well he fares?” Duan Qigu asked after him.
“My Uncle sleeps and eats well. He could still shoot arrows from horseback, and when on the ground he
could fight a wolf with his care hands. His health was never an issue, only because two of his
grandchildren have passed away, so he was upset for a moment, he refused to even listen to his
favourite music. Otherwise, it would never be my turn to be sent to the Central Plains.”
Although Cui Buqu was imposing as the nephew of the Kucha King, he did his homework. Had he not, he
might only have been able to cheat people like Gao Yi, but it would be very difficult to cheat old sly foxes
like Duan Qigu and Xing Mao.
The Kucha King really had a nephew called Shang Jing, but because of his health, he was raised outside
the city since he was young. He seldom saw people. So in every ten sentences Cui Buqu said, six or seven
of them were true, only this way could he be obtain someone else’s trust.
After listening to him, Duan Qigu nodded his head and sigh, “Please send my regards, tell the King to
have my condolence.”
The death of the King’s grandchildren were news Duan Qigu and Xing Mao both received, so they both
verified Cui Buqu’s identity and was no longer suspicious.
Xing Mao clapped his hands. He had already prepared dishes and they were immediately served. Even
the wine were served bottle by bottle and being opened in front of everyone. The fragrance of the wine
filled the hall, and once everyone smelt it, they knew it was good wine. Even those who knew nothing of
wine couldn’t help but had to swallow their drool.
Beautiful maidservants carried the wine and poured them for the guests. Everyone raised their cups to
wish the old woman for her day of birth. Xing Mao was the first to drank his cup of wine, then bowed
towards his mother to thank her for raising him all these years.
Since Duan Qigu came to the party, he would not cause trouble for Xing Mao here. Once he saw the
maidservants bend down to pour him a cup of wine, he also raised the cup and stood and said a few
wishes to Xing Mao’s mother.
But when Duan Qigu was about to drink his wine, Cui Buqu suddenly called out to him, “Master Duan,
Cui Buqu smiled and said, “Why is Master Duan’s wine and my wine not the same? Could it be because
Master Duan’s place in Qiemo is high and lofty, the host treats him differently from his other guests?”
If one could say that Cui Buqu got provoked just because his wife was being teased just now, it was still
reasonable, but now he was really looking for a fight for no reason.
Cui Buqu was picking at everything and creating trouble out of nowhere, making everyone hate him.
This is what the first in charge felt for him now, he couldn’t help but shouted, “My Lord you’ve mistaken.
The wine in our manor has reasons behind them. They’re categorized into plum, orchids, bamboo, and
chrysanthemum, stored during spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each wine has a different taste, but
they’re equally precious and cannot be found elsewhere. Once you’ve finished with this one, naturally
you can also try the others, there is no need to be so impatient!”
Cui Buqu pretended that he did not notice the irritation beneath the first in charge’s smile, he pointed at
Duan Qigu’s cup of wine, “I feel that Master Duan’s wine is definitely not the same with others, now I
want to switch cups with Master Duan!”
Duan Qigu laughed and surrendered the cup of wine, “Of course there is no problem to that. I’ll give you
my cup, then allow someone else to serve me another one!”
Xing Mao’s eyebrows furrowed, he feel displeased, but did not say anything about it.
If Cui Buqu dared to cause trouble on the birthday party of his mother, he would have a hundred ways
to make him regret it.
But after Cui Buqu took Duan Qigu’s wine, he still refused to sit down quietly, instead he turned around
to the beautiful maidservant standing behind Duan Qigu.
“Come, you, drink this wine!”
The maidservant looked stunned for a moment and took two steps back, looking at the first in charge to
ask for help.
The first in charge also had enough of Cui Buqu, so he gave him a warning, “My Lord, today is the
birthday party of my Master’s mother, please refrain yourself!”
Cui Buqu raised an eyebrow, “Why am I the one looking for trouble? Everyone knows that Master Xing
and Master Duan hated each other, it’s not strange for some people who wants to disrupt their truce
and sow distrust between then. For them to poison Master Duan like this, then blame it on you people.
Am I not now taking care of this matter, and help Master Xing escape suspicion?”
The first in charge could not hold himself any longer, he went forward to catch Cui Buqu, “You brat. I
don’t think you’re here for the party, you are obviously looking for a fight!”
For someone who can work underneath Xing Mao, the first in charge’s martial arts is definitely not bad,
when he moved, let alone Cui Buqu is someone who did not know martial arts, even if he did, he might
not be able to dodge it completely.
But not long after the first in charge caught Cui Buqu’s shoulder, the man shouted in pain and dared for
say anything more, because his hand was being pinched firmly by someone else.
With only two fingers.
The first in charge bared the pain and turn around, what greeted him was Feng Xiao’s shy little smile.
His smile make him shocked, for he had lost all control over his body.
Cui Buqu also did not pay attention to the first in charge, he continued to give the cup to the
maidservant, “Drink this wine, then I’ll not trouble you any further, and I would not give trouble to
Master Xing either.”
The maidservant lowered her head, refusing to move.
Duan Qigu also managed to notice that something wasn’t quite right.
Xing Mao was already long angered by Cui Buqu, but what he hated more was the fact that he had lost
face in front of Duan Qigu. Now the hall was still considered crowded, but everyone had already stopped
drinking their wine, and instead looking at his direction. Everything else a little tensed.
“Since his Lordship has spoken, then you may drink this wine!”
After Xing Mao spoke, only did the maidservant took the cup of wine from Cui Buqu’s hands.
She looked as if she was shocked by the situation, for both her hands shook violently, and most of the
wine had fell out.
Cui Buqu held her wrist, forcefully pushing the cup of wine to her mouth and said in a gentle voice,
“Don’t be afraid. It’s only a cup of wine, why are you behaving as though it was poisoned?”
Watching the cup of wine almost reaching her mouth, the maidservant suddenly shook herself free of
Cui Buqu and lunged herself at Duan Qigu.
A blinding light flashed past, she had hidden a small dagger on herself, so at that moment the dagger
drew, its head aiming at Duan Qigu’s chest. Both parties were only a few steps apart.
Duan Qigu suddenly leap onto his feet as if he was extending his wings to take flight, not only did he
managed to avoid the maidservant, but he even kicked her wrist and made a dent in her dagger. Her
legs collapsed and she couldn’t help but fell forward as he tripped over the small table, her dagger was
thrust into her own chest and died on the spot!
No one knew who shouted first, but the original atmosphere of the party changed, everyone wore fear
on their expressions, and the guests that were in the inner hall rose to their feet and took a few steps
Xing Mao pointed at Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao and shouted in fury, “Men, take them!”
Cui Buqu laughed coldly and said, “What use is there to take me? Yesterday I saw the third in charge on
the streets plotting a scheme for Duan Qigu with someone else, had it not been for that, why would I
sow trouble in the party? Who knew that it was as I have expected!”
“Xing Mao, I bare good intentions coming to this party, yet you welcomed me with a Hongmen
Banquet!” Duan Qigu’s face darkened. He originally brought two guards, and at this moment they were
fending his left and right, as if they were afraid Xing Mao would suddenly attack.
“Everything that happened today, I know nothing of it!” Xing Mao bellowed angrily. If Duan Qigu really
died here today, then nothing would clear up his name.
If Duan Qigu died, others would immediately think it was his doing, but even if Xing Mao wanted him
dead, he wouldn’t not have used a beautiful woman to poison him, instead he would have taken a
violent yet straightforward approach. Additionally, today is the birthday of his mother, and who in this
city didn’t know that he is a filial person? How would be commit murder in front of his own elderly
Yet returning to the topic at hand, since this matter has achieve came to his situation, regardless who it
was that wanted to kill Duan Qigu, if the other really died, then naturally he could take over the business
of the Duan family. Without Duan Qigu, they were like an eagle with broken wings. Either he do nothing
at all, or he do it ruthlessly until the end……
As he thought of this, his eyes darkened, as if there was a storm bellowing within them.
All the three in charges had followed Xing Mao for many years, they have long became familiar with
their Master’s temperament. The first in charge was held down by Feng Xiao, as the second in charge
saw this, he immediately waved his hands and all four directions were suddenly surrounded by guards of
the Xing manor, crowding the inner hall. They were only waiting for an order before they would
immediately lunge forward to attack Duan Qigu and murder him on the spot. Even if Duan Qigu is an
excellent martial artist, with only the three of them, it was impossible to escape the manor that was
nigh impenetrable.
Duan Qigu knew this was not a favourable situation for himself.
Today he came to the party knowing that Xing Mao would never dare to do anything during the event,
but who knew something like this happened.
Whether the poison just now was orchestrated by Xing Mao was no longer important, because he was
the same as the second in charge, he could see Xing Mao’s intention to kill him on its owner’s face.
Could it be that he will die right where he stand?
The first in charge finally let out a pained sound after he could no longer hold it in.
Feng Xiao smiles, “Perhaps I’ve used my strength a little too much, but who asked you to dare lay hands
on my husband? Now, bear the consequences!”
As his voice dissipated into the air, the first in charge fell to the ground unmoving. Feng Xiao’s body
moved, and the second in charge only felt a gust of wind before his quickly reached out to welcome the
battle and clashed his palm with the other. The second in charge couldn’t stand the substance rushing
up from his chest, and a mouthful of blood spilled from his mouth, his entire person falling backwards.
Feng Xiao on the other hand was completely uninjured, he spoke to Xing Mao, “You saw that. Even if
your people surrounded us, I can leave this place completely unharmed, not only that, even if I want to
take Duan Qigu away, it would not be a difficult feat.”
Since when did a small city like Qiemo exists such an unparalleled master of the martial arts?
The one who called himself the nephew of the Kucha King was obviously weak and helpless, who knew
that by his side hid a wife that was such an astoundingly skilled fighter?
Although Duan Qigu would admit that his skills weren’t bad, but compared to the one before him now,
he still falls very far behind, even the number one fighter of Göktürk that he knew would not have been
able to win against him.
What was the true background of this set of couple?
Xing Mao was both shocked and angered, “Who are you people?”
“I am, of course, a beauty.” Feng Xiao fished out a handkerchief to wipe his hand, then he did a flourish
in mid-air, like an orchid blossoming its petals.
The handkerchief fluttered down and landed squarely on top of the first in charge’s head.
The first in charge: ……
Cui Buqu said plainly, “Rather than being concerned about who we are, why not be more concerned
who is the insider among your house. According to what I know, Duan Qigu has two sons, both have
grown up and had their own businesses, if he dies here today, his eldest son will inherit everything in his
legacy, to avenge his father, and become public enemies with you, even if you win in the end, you would
only enjoy a pyrrhic victory. Think carefully, when the sandpiper and the mussel fought each other, who
is the one who ultimately win the catch?”
Duan Qigu had also thought about this point, so although he was suspicious of Xing Mao, but he was still
on guard.
Xing Mao’s expression was conflicting, after a moment of silence, he immediately told the first in charge,
“Call Peng Xiang here immediately! If he dared to retort, no matter what methods you use, bring him
here alive will do!”
The first in charge’s arm was broken by Feng Xiao, but compared to what happened in the manor, he
had no time to care for that little injury, climbing to his feet as he sustained the pain, he immediately
went out to look for the third in charge.
A pleasant party had turned into something like this. Xing Mao inhaled sharply, suppressing the
impatient swirling in his chest and allowed someone to take his mother back to rest. Then he turned to
his guests, “Something happened today, I apologize for everyone to have received a shock. When the
culprit is captured, I will personally apologize to everyone. For now, please take a seat and eat
something to calm yourselves down.”
Who could still sit down and eat? They could only sit stiffly. Some of the guests even wanted to leave,
but they could not. At this moment, the Xing manor would definitely not let anyone out.
Xing Mao refused to believe the betrayal of the third in charge, but now he couldn’t not believe it, for
the entire party was arranged by the third in charge, so since something happened, it was difficult for
him to escape responsibility.
However, the entire matter was even more complicated then when they first imagined it.
After a while, the first in charge rushed back. He ran a long distance, but his face was even paler than
Once Xing Mao saw the panicked look on his face, he knew something wasn’t right.
As he expected, the first in charge said, “Peng Xiang he, he committed suicide!”
Hongmen Banquet: A historical event that took place in Hongmen (also called the Feast At Swan Goose
Gate). The King of Chu (Xiang Yu) and the King of Han (Liu Bang) went to a feast where Xiang Yu
suggested to summon a swordsman to do a sword dance, only use that chance to kill Liu Bang.
When the sandpiper and the mussel fought each other, who is the one who ultimately win the catch?: A
proverb that means a third party was purposely watching two parties fight, waiting to sit back until they
destroyed each other so that they could claim the final rewards easily. Came from a story if the
sandpiper and mussel fighting each other, so they were both ultimately caught by the fisherman, who
was the ultimate victor.
Chapter 49 – The Old Debt Wasn’t Repaid Yet, And A New One Is Added
The third in charge Peng Xiang died in the firewood house of the Xing manor.
That is a place where people went in and out often, mostly to gather firewood to burn, so usually there
was no need to lock it. Just now the first in charge was everywhere looking for him, in the midst of the
chaos, someone accidentally push the firewood house’s doors open, so in the end they saw that the
third in charge has hanged himself.
It was never a proud thing to spread such matters that happened within one’s house, but since this has
turned into a big matter, Duan Qigu refuse to let it go, he suggested for someone to come and take a
look at the third in charge’s corpse. Xing Mao personally led a few people here.
Among these people, of course Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao were included.
Added with a few guests who came to watch the show, including Gao Yi, and the one who initially
wanted to flirt with Feng Xiao but was scolded by Cui Buqu, Chen Ji.
It was obvious he had never seen a scene such as this before, on his face he carried a few hints of
excitement and curiousity.
But if the third in charge knew about this on the Yellow Bridge, he would not have been so happy.
On his face was still the guarded, shocked expression of fear, perhaps before his death, he finally knew
that he regretted, yet he was unable to free himself from the ropes, and at last he could only allow
unwillingly submit to fate.
But Cui Buqu remembered that Feng Xiao once said that the third in charge knew martial arts, although
his skills are only so-so, if he really did schemed to kill Duan Qigu with Yu Xiu, and feared of being
exposed, he should have chosen to flee, not hang himself. Taking it to the bigger picture, even if he
wanted to commit suicide, he would have used a knife and slit his own throat, because at the very least
that was easier and simpler than hanging himself. This would be the choice a practitioner of the martial
arts would make.
When everyone looked down at the corpse by their feet, Feng Xiao was also looking.
But he was looking at Cui Buqu.
When Cui Buqu’s gaze was lowered and his eyebrows furrowed into an acute angle, there was a sort of
gentleness that felt extraordinary.
The other seemed to notice Feng Xiao’s gaze, so he turned his head around, looking like he was full of
questions, like he wanted to ask Feng Xiao something.
Feng Xiao replied honestly, “Every time when you make that look, I know you are already mentally
digging pits for someone.”
These words were muttered and secretly sent to Cui Buqu’s ears, people from the side would only see
his lips moving, but they wouldn’t have heard what he said.
Cui Buqu yielded a cold smile that showed his teeth, before lowering his head to examine the corpse
“There is something in his palm!” Someone called.
The first in charge ordered something to pry open the third in charge’s palm, on top of it was a sentence
written in blood.
Repay blood with blood.
Naturally, the others went to look at his other palm.
Similarly, there were also one sentence.
The laws of the world goes around in a circle.
“His arms are injured!”
The third in charge’s arms were raised, his sleeve fell backwards, and a few cuts caused by knives was
The first in charge furrowed his eyebrows. He could only see that these cuts were shallow, and there
were not poisoned.
Could it be that the third in charge did this himself before he died?
After ordering the maidservant to put poison into Duan Qigu’s wine, and knowing that the endeavour
failed, he committed suicide?
Duan Qigu laughed a cold laugh, “Master Xing you are indeed skilled! Since your attempted murder
failed, you killed the witnesses so quickly. Since now there would be no witnesses, and I wouldn’t be
able to press any charges on you!”
Xing Mao said angrily, “If I really wanted to kill you, why should I go through such trouble? At this
moment, with only one command from me, I guarantee that you wouldn’t be able to walk out of here
alive! Someone is sowing distrust among us, and wants to sit back waiting to become the ultimate
Gao Yi: ……
If Duan Qigu and Xing Mao broke war against each other, who would be the one with the most benefit?
Naturally, it would be Gao Yi.
With Duan Qigu and Xing Mao falling from the throne of power, Qiemo would be fully controlled by Gao
Does Gao Yi want to truly become magistrate of a county this time?
Of course he wanted to. But he was the weakest one among the three, it was impossible.
“If Master Xing does not oppose to it, I can send for someone to examine the corpse.” Gao Yi said.
“There is no need.” Cui Buqu rose to his feet, “He did not hang himself, he was strangled to death before
being put up there. Those wounds on his arms are also made by the killer after he is dead.”
Duan Qigu refused to believe that the nephew of the Kucha King even knew how to examine a corpse.
At that moment, he could care less to ask the other for his real identity, however, he furrowed his
eyebrows and asked, “Why do you say so?”
“Look at his neck,” Cui Buqu pointed to the third in charge’s neck and said, “Usually, for people who
hang themselves, their bodies would slump downwards, so the mark on the neck should be deep in the
middle, and much more shallow on both its sides. The rope would have also left a bruise on the neck,
yet the bruise on his neck right now looks flat and the colour is even, so obviously he was strangled to
death first, then only he was hanged.”
Everyone stared closely, and it was as Cui Buqu had said.
Everyone already believed him eighty to ninety percent, but with that came new questions.
If the third in charge was murdered, then who in the Xing manor wanted to kill him, and why?
When Xing Mao noticed that everyone’s gazes were on him, he couldn’t help saying angrily, “I also want
to know who the killer is!”
Cui Buqu said plainly, “There is no need for Master Xing to be angry, I believe that you are innocent,
because with your patience, there is no need for you to use such a huge detour to achieve something so
inconsequential. It is very possible that the maidservant who tried to poison Brother Duan received
ordered from the third in charge, but who could commit a murder within the Xing manor is still the key
Xing Mao spoke, “The Xing manor is heavily guarded, and I know the backgrounds of all men, it is
impossible for them to betray me!”
As his voice dissipated, he saw Duan Qigu gave a mocking laugh, then he knew that he had just said
something stupid.
Hadn’t the third in charge just betrayed them?
Didn’t an insider appeared in his manor?
In fact, it was very possible that he wasn’t the only one.
Xing Mao remembered that when the party had just begun, he had seen Peng Xiang once.
The other was among a group of people, not far off since two hours ago from the place that he was
Cui Buqu looked as if he knew what he was thinking and said, “The firewood house is not far from the
kitchen. Since food needs to be prepared for the party, there are bound to be people who walked in and
out of the firewood house. If the something alarming happened in the firewood house, someone would
have noticed it, but the death of the third in charge was not discovered until now.”
Feng Xiao, “This meant that the killer’s martial arts skills are a lot higher than the third in charge.”
Cui Buqu, “That is correct.”
Xing Mao furrowed his brows. Those who had the ability to kill the third in charge could be no other
than the first and second in charge, and a few highly skilled bodyguards. But when the incident took
place, those bodyguards never left his side, and so did the first and second in charge, unless, the killer
was an outsider.
Cui Buqu, “When I just came to Qiemo, I heard that although the Xing manor is huge, but they were very
guarded, everyone who came in and out were required to laid bare their identity. Today, of those thirty
guests that came, I believe Master Xing could recite their names and backgrounds.”
Xing Mao nodded his head, “Although Peng Xiang was in charge of the party, he has no say over the
security of the manor. The name list of the guests I have also seen it myself, he would not have the
chance to change it without my approval.”
As he spoke, he turned to the first in charge.
The first in charge immediately knelt, “Master please think clearly, I would not have plotted with Peng
Xiang! That day the manor’s security was heavily patrolled, Lu Jiu was also there, according to the rules,
everything that happened needed both of our approvals!”
Lu Jiu is the second in charge.
Xing Mao also felt that it was impossible that all three in charge had also betrayed him.
He couldn’t help but looked at Cui Buqu and wanted to obtain more news from his side.
At a glance, this young man whom he had just met was able to control the entire situation with just a
few words, everyone’s thoughts couldn’t help but followed after his.
Cui Buqu, “Bring the name list of the guests. And, do not allow anyone to leave.”
There was no need for him to give the orders, and the second in charge has already closed the gates.
Even those guests who did not follow to watch the show could only sit quietly in the hall and wait for
Xing Mao to lead them away.
As Xing Mao had said, there were only thirty guests in the hall. Other than Gao Yi, Duan Qigu, Cui Buqu
and Feng Xiao, the others were old friends of Xing Mao, even Chen Ji, because his father shared a good
relation with Xing Mao, after he received the invitation he purposely sent his son to wish the old Madam
Xing well.
The first in charge used the name list and matched all the guest present, very quickly he realized
something was wrong.
One of the guests were missing.
Or, to be more exact, that person entered the Xing manor, gave the gift, but disappeared afterwards.
“It’s Zhong Haomiao!” the first in charge shouted.
Who is that? Cui Buqu looked at Xing Mao.
Xing Mao furrowed his brows, “He is a disciple from the Qiyue Temple, since my mother often went to
the Qiyue Temple, she was quite familiar with the Master of that place. This time we sent an invitation
to the Qiyue Temple, they said that the Master is in secluded mediation, so they will send their eldest
disciple here for her birthday party.”
The first in charge immediately sent someone to the Qiyue Temple to inquire about it.
Cui Buqu and the rest were allowed to rest in the hall by Xing Mao. The third in charge’s corpse was also
moved here, so there was a group of people surrounding the corpse to take a look.
Gao Yi felt a little uncomfortable.
Feng Xiao said in a low voice next to him, “Officer Gao, are you feeling unwell?”
Gao Yi smiled bitterly and replied in a small voice, “Today before I left my house, I cast the fortune die,
and it showed an ill omen! I shouldn’t have come to the party, the fortunes really are accurate!”
Feng Xiao, “How is this your business?”
Gao Yi, “Naturally, it’s not my business, but would they mistake me for being the culprit and wanted to
interfere in their affairs?”
Feng Xiao: ……
How did the Imperial Court managed to make such a useless person an officer?
To look at superstitious fortunes before he leaves the house, and was as cowardly as a rat?
If Cui Buqu was the magistrate of Qiemo—there was no need for Feng Xiao to even think: Even if he was
practically half-dead from illness, he could still overturn the whole Qiemo into a place of blizzard and
storms, of never ending wails and restlessness. Whoever Xing Mao or Duan Qigu are, they would only be
able to stand by the side lines. Even if it had been me myself who is extraordinarily clever and
intelligent, he might also be able to overcome me.
Oh, but that isn’t completely right, there was still Yu Xiu.
That is also an existence that was incredibly unnerving.
As Feng Xiao was thinking of Yu Xiu, the first in charge’s men found the man they were looking for, and
had already brought Zhong Haomiao here.
Zhong Haomiao’s answer was also very surprising.
A day before the party, someone came to the Qiyue temple, the other person had once saved the
Temple’s Master, and was quite similar in age to Zhong Haomiao, they were also very kindly spirits.
When that person heard of Xing Mao’s mother’s sixtieth birthday, he wanted to get to know Xing Mao
whose name transcends Qiemo. Zhong Haomiao agreed to bring him to the party, but at that moment
something happened in the temple regarding to their cultivation practice, so a few disciples were
required to take care of that, Zhong Haomian then gave the gift to his junior disciple and allowed him to
attend the party instead.
But according to the guards and the first in charge’s memory, the one who came with the Qiyue
Temple’s invitation had come alone.
Zhong Haomian suddenly said, “After only did I know that because Second Disciple Brother wanted to
play, so he left my friend alone and went off. But my friend is the disciple of a renowned sect, he would
not have killed an innocent!”
Gao Yi, “Your friend is?”
Zhong Haomian, “He is the disciple of the number one sect in the Chen Southern Dynasty, the Linchuan
Palace Academy, Yan Xuexing.”
Everyone was wondering if they have ever heard of someone who was called Yan Xuexing, Feng Xiao
alone among them all was the only one that was studying Cui Buqu’s observation on everyone.
At that moment, Duan Qigu’s face changed slightly.
Although it was just a spilt moment, and it returned to normal very quickly, they knew what they saw.
Feng Xiao poked at Cui Buqu’s thigh, trying to say that something was suspicious about Duan Qigu.
Cui Buqu: ……
He moved his leg away.
Who knew that Feng Xiao refused to back off, he reached out and poked him again.
Cui Buqu impatiently grabbed his hand and wanted to break that annoying finger, but Feng Xiao quickly
flipped his wrists and caught Cui Buqu’s hand in his instead so that the latter could not move at all.
“What are you both doing?” This was seen by Chen Ji. Since not long ago he was framed by Cui Buqu, he
still felt a bit unhappy about it, so he quickly grabbed the chance to avenge himself. “The dead is
present, yet you both are touching each other under broad daylight, are you not putting Master Xing in
your eyes?!”
“I apologize, my husband was simply unable to restrain himself, it’s my fault, as this wife, that my beauty
is overly astonishing, surpassing even the beauties of countries and cities!” At that moment, Feng Xiao
did not understand the meaning of ‘thick-skinned’.
Everyone gave Cui Buqu a look that said, “he looked like someone with a degrading health and a sickly
body, who could have known that every day he indulged himself in the sensual pleasures of beautiful
women!”, and Cui Buqu could not help but took back his hand from Feng Xiao’s hand.
VERY GOOD, he said in his heart, the old debt wasn’t repaid yet, and a new one is added.
Yellow Bridge: In the Afterlife for the Han, all the departed soul will travel across a place called the
‘Yellow Bridge’.
Repay blood with blood: Same meaning as ‘a life for a life’. Repay blood for blood are text directly
translated from the raws.
The laws of the world goes around in a circle: Meaning that where there is a place in the world, there
would be natural order—the law of the world—since Peng Xiang wanted to claim a life, he must also give
a life back.
Chapter 50 – If Your Dad Is Dead, I Don’t Want To Be Your Dad
As Zhong Haomiao had said, Yan Xuexing did not return to the Qiyue Temple. As to where he has gone
to, he also did not know himself. Unless they are hiding in the recluse of the mountains, otherwise, once
they graduated from their training, they would be allowed to wander the world to gain experience. Yan
Xuexing might return to the Southern Chen, but he might also have gone to other places, there is a good
chance that he is no longer within Qiemo.
Zhong Haomiao also aggressively tried to express that as a disciple of a renowned sect, and as someone
who has once saved his Master, it was impossible that he would kill an innocent, that there must be
something missing about this, or perhaps that the one who attended the party was not even Yan
Xuexing himself.
But whatever he said was not important. Right now, the most important thing was to find Yan Xuexing,
and once he is found, most of the loose ends will be tied.
A perfect party ruined, and he had even got involved in such a troublesome matter, Xing Mao couldn’t
help feeling his head burning. He sighed and turned towards Duan Qigu and Gao Yi, putting his hands
together and said, “My people have disgraced themselves, I apologize to both. Today Brother Duan has
received a shock, I am extremely apologetic, a while later once the matter is resolved, I will go to you
myself and conduct a formal apology, I beg for the forgiveness of both!”
He then turned towards the first in charge, “Open the vault and bring two items from the treasury.”
Xing Mao’s ancestor is the king of an entire kingdom, although his glory was unlike before, but his
wealth still surpassed those of a country. With only those items from Xing Mao’s vault, they were
treasures that Duan Qigu wouldn’t be able to get even in three generations.
But Duan Qigu snorted, “There is no need for the trouble. I bid you farewell, and hope for a follow-up
He turned around, flipped his sleeves, and left, unwilling to stay here a moment more.
Although Duan Qigu believed that Xing Mao initially had no intention to kill him, otherwise he wouldn’t
have come to the party, but after the maidservant was exposed, and that moment when Duan Qigu
recognized the look on Xing Mao—had it been Duan Qigu himself, he would have made the same
decision—had Feng Xiao not interrupted, right now Duan Qigu would have been a dead man.
As his thoughts stopped here, Duan Qigu turned towards Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu and smiled to thank
them, but he was still suspicious of their identity, because a royalty from the Kingdom of Kucha would
not have known how to examine a corpse.
But to speak too much now would not yield any benefit, but after the matter Duan Qigu would definitely
investigate this thoroughly.
As he wants to step over the door, someone called after him.
“Brother Duan, wait.”
Cui Buqu said from behind him.
Duan Qigu did not turn back, he continued to proceed and get onto his carriage.
Then once again he got to experience the degree of level of Feng Xiao’s skills.
The other came like a gust of wind, and before Duan Qigu’s bodyguards could respond to it, Feng Xiao
had already caught Duan Qigu on his shoulder.
Duan Qigu knew the Jingangzhi Technique, and all these years he has defeated many adversaries. He
himself was a top martial artist, these years he lived a wealthy and comfortable life, but he knew how
many people wanted him dead, so he had never abandoned his martial arts. At this moment he reached
out and blocked, but he felt his arms go numb and his shoulder was already caught. His body refusing to
listened to him and turned, facing towards Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu ignored Feng Xiao who was wriggling his eyebrows, hinting ‘I really gave you face this time,
didn’t I?’ and immediately asked Duan Qigu straightforwardly, “Do you know Yu Xiu wanted to kill you?”
“Who is Yu Xiu?” Duan Qigu furrowed his eyebrows, other than looking unpleasant, he also looked
Cui Buqu’s original intention was to catch him off guard, since when a person is unprepared, no matter
how much they schemed, there are bound to be a clue on their face.
But there was nothing on Duan Qigu.
He really had no idea who Yu Xiu was.
This is certainly strange.
Cui Buqu changes the way of his speech, “Is there enmity between Brother Duan and Yan Xuexing?”
Duan Qigu, “I have been wandering the outskirts for the last decade, if you say I have enmity with the
Tianshan Sect, it is normal, but I do not know anyone from the Linchuan Palace Academy. Old brother,
thank you for your help today, but the matter happened in the Xing manor, so please bring your
questions to Xing Mao!”
His expression was cold as he finished speaking, turned around and got onto his carriage. This time Feng
Xiao did not bar his path, instead he watched the carriage leave with Cui Buqu.
“If you did not know Yu Xiu, and didn’t know Yan Xuexing either, why did his expression changed?” Feng
Xiao said a little excitedly, “Could it be he knew who wanted to kill him?”
It was impossible for Xing Mao to put his guests on house arrest, so after Duan Qigu left, Gao Yi, Cui
Buqu, Feng Xiao, and the other guests all left as well.
A rowdy, crowded birthday party such as this had ended so quietly.
Xing Mao was extremely troubled.
Originally he wanted to coax his mother and make her happy, at the same time establish his dominance
and glory, who knew that he never achieved his goal, instead he had shamed himself.
Not more than half a day later, the third in charge’s death would be spread all over the city and
everyone would know that something was going on with his subordinates, or exaggerated, thought that
he wanted to annihilate Duan Qigu and Gao Yi, and become the number one man in power of Qiemo.
If Xing Mao really wanted to do this, then it was fine, but the problem lies in the fact that he never had
this intention, yet now he could never explain himself.
Duan Qigu would definitely be suspicious because of this, he might even be plotting a way to settle the
score now.
“Master, someone is visiting.” The first in charge reported and gave him a name card.
His arm was broken by Feng Xiao, and since he was busy sending the guests away, he only hastily
wrapped up his wound.
“Send him away!” Xing Mao said impatiently and waved his hand, refusing to even look at the name
The first in charge replied, “He said, once you have seen this name card, you will definitely see him.”
Xing Mao took the name card from his hand and opened it, immediately his expression turned to shock.
The first in charge, “Master?”
Xing Mao quickly closed up the name card, “Invite him inside.”
The guest was quickly brought into the hall.
The other had was tall and elegant, after entering the hall, in order to show his respect towards the
host, he immediately took down the hat and cloth that hid his face.
Xing Mao was not interested in seeing how he looked like, but after he saw the other’s face, he asked,
“You are not from Göktürk.”
The other spoke gently in a pleasant tone, “My looks indeed do not look like a Göktürk. However, this is
unimportant, Master Xing’s mood is not good, I originally should not disturb……”
Xing Mao cut him off impatiently, “Save your nonsense!”
The other smiled and did not mind his rudeness even a little bit, he continued to be gentle and pleasant
and said, “What I wanted to say is, just now Master Xing missed a very excellent chance. Now that Duan
Qigu had grown suspicious of you. He is no longer afraid of you to act, but he needs to act faster than
Xing Mao said coldly, “Do you think a few sentences can move me? You are but a greenhorn. I won’t ally
with a Göktürk, and I do not need the Göktürks to do anything for me!”
The other smiled, “Master Xing you have lived for so many years, have you not thought of reinstalling
the glory of your ancestors? Does Master Xing think that the Sui Emperor would allow Qiemo to
continue being like this? Once he won against the Göktürks, his next step is to reclaim Qiemo, I’m afraid
when that time comes, Master Xing would need to walk the same path as your ancestor and become a
wandering dog who lost his family!”
Xing Mao shouted angrily, “Get lost!”
After Xing Mao’s words sounded, the guards of the Xing manor came to drag the guest out, but before
they could touch the other’s hand, a wave of strong wind swept them out.
The first in charge was shocked, with the hand that wasn’t injured, he reached out to catch that man. It
was incredibly quick, not visible to the human eye.
But not only did the guest saw what his intentions were, he even gripped the first in charge’s wrist
steadily and accurately, using only his thumb and index finger.
At that moment, both hands of the first in charge could no longer be used.
Xing Mao shut up and did not shout for the guest to leave, because he knew that the other’s skills in
martial arts were almost comparable to Feng Xiao’s. Even if all the people in the Xing manor grouped
together, they might not pose as his opponent.
When he’s seen that Xing Mao was more willing to listen to him speak, he returned with a light hearted
sigh, and gave an expression that said “If you knew this was coming, then why would you act the way
you did before?”
“Master Xing do you know who was the couple that called themselves the Kucha King’s nephew?”
Xing Mao furrowed his eyebrows, “I knew their identities were suspicious! Why, are they men of Duan
The guest shook his head, “After Yang Jian took the throne and reinstalled peace, to gather information,
he established the Jiejian Bureau, the Empress Dugu established the Zuoyue Bureau. Although these two
places are different, but their purpose is the same. Not only do they have extreme power, they are
allowed to make decisions before they obtain permission, and their movements are always in the dark
with layers and layers of schemes.”
“Just now, one of those two people is the Second Commander of the Jiejian Bureau, the one who held
the true power of commanding the agency, and the other one is the Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau.
For both of them to appear in your manor, do you think they just wanted to feast at your banquet?” He
saw the look of shock on Xing Mao as he said slowly.
Xing Mao did not yield a single sound.
He needed time to process this conversation.
“Do you mean they are sent by the Sui Emperor?”
The guest smiled faintly, “Take the advantage of the first move, then establish your dominance. Master
Xing, now can we now sit down properly and have a chat?”
Just as Xing Mao and the mysterious guest were speaking, Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu were also sitting in
the inn chatting.
The party would originally go on until the night, and ultimately end with music and dance, but now it
was interrupted and ended abruptly. By the time they came back, it was only the afternoon. The sun
was pleasant, and on the window sill there was a light yellow-coloured nameless flower, fluttering as it
blew in the wind.
In front of them was a very confusing piece of puzzle. Both of them have no mood to admire the flower.
Cui Buqu wrote a list of names on a piece of paper.
His hand was quite pretty so the words he wrote were also excellent calligraphy.
Although Feng Xiao thought that the other wasn’t as good-looking as himself, he could still admire a
different scenery, so he carried a smile as he looked at the other with keen interest and focus.
From the beginning, Chen Cheng and Xing Mao’s subordinate being burned to death, to the time they
saw Yu Xiu and third in charge on the street, and then Duan Qigu’s failed assassination to the third in
charge’s death.
Cui Buqu wrote everyone’s names and circled Yu Xiu’s.
“If there is enmity with Yu Xiu and Duan Qigu, and that he wanted to use the third in charge to kill him
and frame Xing Mao, there was no need for him to murder Chen Cheng and Li Fei.”
Feng Xiao agreed, “Although I have only fought with Yu Xiu, but I can see that he is a person with a very
high sense of pride. People like Chen Cheng and Li Fei who had no name or fame were only small fries to
him and would not be within his interests. Even if he killed the third in charge, he would simply just kill
him like that, there was no need for him to hang him after he died and create a smoke screen. And also
writing what words on his palm, those are so extra!”
Cui Buqu, “Duan Qigu said he did not know Yu Xiu, it should not be a lie. But when he heard Yan
Xuexing’s name, why would he be shocked?”
Feng Xiao, “QuQu, do you know that smart people have the same illness?”
Cui Buqu, “I am listening.”
Feng Xiao, “They think too much and take detours.”
Cui Buqu, “You are speaking of two illnesses.”
Feng Xiao pretended that he hadn’t heard it and continued saying, “So did you try to think from another
perspective, that this could be two different things entirely? Yu Xiu and third in charge’s alliance to kill
Duan Qigu is one thing; Chen Cheng, Li Fei, and the death of the third in charge is another thing?”
Cui Buqu, “That makes sense. But if you can see through it, does it mean that you admitted that you are
not an intelligent person?”
Feng Xiao gave him a smile prettier than that pot of flower, “That only means that I am even smarter
than intelligent people.”
Cui Buqu had met many people who didn’t want their face, but Cui Buqu has never seen someone who
didn’t want their face and could even praise himself constantly in front of him for a whole entire day.
He turned his gaze away to avoid feeling his hands itching and do something that would be considered
“Now because of the third in charge’s death, Duan Qigu would definitely be more distant with Xing Mao.
Their relationship have achieved an awkward stage, now what they need is a match to ignite a fire.”
Feng Xiao, “After heard these words from you, I feel that you want to start trouble again.”
Cui Buqu, “Then do you want to or not?”
Feng Xiao, “What is in it for me?”
Cui Buqu finished it cleanly, without hesitation, without even blinking, “Dad.”
Ever since last time Feng Xiao called Cui Buqu three times ‘Dad’, it was as if sparked an obsession in Feng
Xiao, occasionally he really wanted Cui Buqu to call him ‘Dad’ from time to time.
Feng Xiao, “……You dad is dead, I don’t want to be your dad now.”
Cui Buqu was curious and tipped his head to the side, “Do you want to be my mom then?”
Feng Xiao’s twitched his lips, “I have no interest in becoming your mom. Say, what do you want to do
Cui Buqu felt the corner of his lips raised, “Either we do nothing, or we do it big. How do you feel about
uniting Qiemo and re-establish the governance of the Imperial Court?”
Chapter 51 – Wake Up, There Is A Ghost
What sort of city is Qiemo?
It was on top of a rampart, without any villages or stalls near it. The City of Six Crafts is the closest to it,
but it still took at least two days to reach there. Of course, the Imperial Court holds the intention to
reclaim the city and return its place on the map, so they sent Gao Yi to imply their intention in the
future, so that once they want to embark on reclaiming it, it would be more convenient. Who would
expect that Gao Yi was such a coward, allowing Xing Mao and Duan Qigu to claim half the city for
themselves and he dared not even utter a word, passing every day with his head in his shell and hoping
that Duan Qigu and Xing Mao’s fights would not involve himself.
Feng Xiao and his company of four came here originally to proceed to the Sanmi Mountains that lies
even further ahead to meet up with Khan Apa, to convince him to turn his heart towards the Sui Empire,
but in the end, after they arrived in Qiemo, the head of the Zuoyue Bureau Master Daoist Cui, Cui Buqu,
could not refrain himself from once again creating trouble.
Small scenes do not catch his eyes, once he made a scene, he would go all out, preparing to take down
the entire Qiemo that the Imperial Court could not even reclaim at the moment, to make it officially a
county that was under the governance of the Sui Empire.
Even though Feng Xiao was neither afraid of the Heavens nor the Earth, there was no one in this world
who would willingly lay explosives for themselves, he was also incredibly frustrated that he almost burst.
“You certainly have a huge appetite!”
If this was said by a general, or someone with incredible martial art skills, it could still be considered an
ordinary sight, but the problem lies in Cui Buqu being practically ill on a regular basis, looking as if today
was his last night alive, yet he still bore heroic endeavours on his chest.
Cui Buqu said plainly, “Commander Feng, are you afraid?”
Feng Xiao smiled, “All my life I have never known how to write the word ‘afraid’, but something like this
cannot be achieved with you alone. Are you thinking of dragging me into this pit?”
Cui Buqu asked curiously, “Could this be considered dragging you down? We obviously agreed to share
paradise together. If this succeeds, it is also a huge achievement. Aren’t you thinking of accumulating
your achievements every single day? This quest does not only include convincing Khan Apa to turn his
heart towards the Sui Empire, but also includes expanding the territory of the Sui Empire. At present,
although Qiemo has its own magistrate, yet the place does not belong to the Emperor of my country, if
we can take it, this conquest would be of a greater degree than reclaiming an old land.”
Of course Feng Xiao knew that these conquests were very valuable, but the risk is also huge.
Xing Mao and Duan Qigu are not people that are easily pushed around, they would not yield their
territory so easily.
Feng Xiao, “What have you prepared?”
Cui Buqu, “The three powers originally shared an awkward relationship. The party’s incident would
definitely leave a thorn in their hearts. Although Duan Qigu hasn’t said anything, in his heart he is
already convinced that Xing Mao ordered the third in charge to turn him into a dead man, and after he
failed that he killed the third in charge.”
Feng Xiao, “With how Duan Qigu spent the last decade tolling winds and storms, he might actually make
the first move for an advantage and annihilate Xing Mao. On the other hand, Xing Mao would also be
worried about this fact, so he might also try to make the first move.”
Cui Buqu, “That is correct. So this is our chance. If only we can move Gao Yi, once one side has
weakened, we catch them off guard, then reorganize our manpower and take down the other side.
Since after one side is down, the other won’t be a threat.”
Feng Xiao, “All Gao Yi does is be his own little monk, sitting in his manor and chiming his own bells to
pass the day. How would he risk allying with you to go against Duan Qigu and Xing Mao?”
Cui Buqu smiled in a secretive way, “Everyone has their own weakness. I have already thought of a way
to convince Gao Yi. But with only Gao Yi’s men, it is not enough.”
Feng Xiao: …….
“Ah, it is indeed a little late. We should shower, then get dressed for bed and turn in early!” He suddenly
stood up and was prepared to leave the room, but his sleeve was tugged by someone.
“The sun hasn’t sank down the horizon yet, there is no need to be in a hurry.” Cui Buqu said, “Why don’t
we chat for a little more?”
Feng Xiao gave him an expressionless look, “I am afraid that if I continue speaking to you, you would
have dug up all my deepest and darkest secrets!”
Cui Buqu smiled, “There is an army in the City of Six Crafts. Gao Yi’s rank is too low to command them,
but I know, Commander Feng you hold the title of the Zhenxi General, you hold the Commander’s Seal
that was gifted by the Emperor himself. With that, you can commander soldiers of any kind, perhaps
one thousand exemplary soldiers would not pose a problem?”
Feng Xiao, “Did you have all these planned out since we were in the City of Six Crafts?”
Cui Buqu said innocently, “How could that be? I am not a seer who could see the future, how would I
know that something like this would happen in the party?”
Feng Xiao smiled in a mocking way—which means that he refuse to believe a word of it.
Feng Xiao, “Give me your seal, then owe me a favour.”
Cui Buqu rejected it, “I cannot give you my seal, but I can owe you a favour. After this case is done, I will
propose a collaboration with the Jiejian Bureau in other cases. Additionally, you would also have a hand
in the achievements in this case.”
“Achievements?” Feng Xiao retorted frustratingly, “Although I have the authority to deploy those
soldiers, however, if your plan failed, then I am the one who would have to endure the consequences
since the seal is mine! Your thoughts are over the clouds!”
Without enough benefits, don’t even think of convincing me!
Cui Buqu sighed a breath, and took put a small seal from inside his sleeves, “This is my personal seal. I
will place it as collateral at your side. Once this matter is done, you can return it to me. Will this suffice?”
Feng Xiao took the personal seal and turned around. On top of it were four words: Seal of Cui Buqu.
“Your name really is Cui Buqu?” He was a little bit curious.
All these time he thought that Cui Buqu is a fake name, or an alias, but since his personal seal also used
the name ‘Cui Buqu’, then it was proof that his real name was Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu, “Of course. Ever since I was ten, I have been using that name.”
Feng Xiao, “Then what did you use before you were ten?”
Cui Buqu replied him lightly, “I’ve forgotten it.”
Feng Xiao smiled, but did not press on and drop the personal seal into his sleeve.
“So be it. Since you are completely sincere, then I will agree to it. From the City of Six Crafts to this city,
even if I rode hard and fast, it would take at least two days. However, if I left for these two days and you
people are discovered by Fo Er, with the three of you alone, you would not stand a chance against him.”
This is indeed a problem, so Cui Buqu smiled, “I have an idea.”
Feng Xiao, “I refuse.”
Cui Buqu, “I have not even said it, how can you know it won’t work?”
Feng Xiao, “There is no need for you to say, and I already know it won’t work. You would let Qiao Xian
take my seal and travel to the City of Six Crafts to bring those soldiers.”
Cui Buqu, “Qiao Xian is trustworthy.”
Feng Xiao, “For you, perhaps, but not for me.”
Both of them glared daggers at each other without speaking a word.
Cui Buqu did not feel saddened at Feng Xiao’s straightforwardness. If his heart has been so fragile, then
let alone being the Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau, he would not have even been welcomed to the
gates of the Zuoyue Bureau.
Between him and Feng Xiao, although they are currently allies on the same boat, it was only temporary.
Even when the Emperor and Empress are famous for being a lovely couple, if Empress Dugu placed her
trust completely in thinking that the Emperor would not betray her, then there was no need for her to
establish a Zuoyue Bureau of her own. So between Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu, although they were getting
along well at the moment, and that Feng Xiao was even protecting Cui Buqu as he journeyed to Göktürk
as an ambassador, a little while ago they were enemies who wanted to push the other down the pits
they’ve dug.
Feng Xiao refused to believe that Cui Buqu would completely forget the case of the Naihe drug.
Cui Buqu smiled suddenly and said playfully, “With me as Commander Feng’s hostage, would Qiao Xian
run away with the seal?”
Feng Xiao, “You are someone who is cruel to others, but even crueller to yourself. In order to obtain my
trust, you were even willing to make yourself take the Naihe drug, let alone a Commander’s seal.”
Cui Buqu could not help but rolled his eyes, “I would only invest in matters that I gave a good enough
grasp for a guaranteed success. I am not a fool who does not use his brain. To be honest, have you fallen
in my pits so many times now that you have grown afraid?”
Feng Xiao, abruptly, “Yes.”
Cui Buqu: ……
Feng Xiao, “I will give my seal to one of my own spies, and allow him to travel with Qiao Xian to the City
of Six Crafts to command the army.”
He had finally took a step back, and allowed some space and flexibility between them.
Cui Buqu immediately agreed to it, “Done.”
But Feng Xiao was still very curious as to what Cui Buqu intend to use to convince Gao Yi. That man is as
cowardly as a rat and simply wanted to be safe in his nest. Unless it was something he could not make a
decision of, otherwise Gao Yi would not have been included in this.
“Are you confident in convincing Gao Yi?”
Cui Buqu raised three fingers, “Against Gao Yi, I have the best plan, the moderate plan, and the worst
Feng Xiao, “The worst one first, please.”
Cui Buqu, “We immediately go to his doors, proclaim our true identities, then press a blade to his neck
and force him into submission.”
Feng Xiao shook his head, “You cannot confirm whether Xing Mao and Duan Qigu would initiate a fight,
even if you forced Gao Yi into submission, there is not much use. His manpower is the weakest among
all three. What’s the moderate plan?”
Cui Buqu, “You give Duan Qigu and Xing Mao some Naihe drug, let them cry and beg, then we can
refrain from using our manpower at all.”
Feng Xiao: ……
He looked closely at Cui Buqu for a moment, as if a flower had bloomed on the other man’s face.
“Do you spend all you time thinking about how you can pit me?”
Cui Buqu, “Is Commander Feng really such a fool, that he’d fall into my pits all the time?”
Feng Xiao snorted, “Do you think that the Naihe drug is sold all over the streets like common pastries?
To be bought with one coin each, and as many as you like? That thing is extremely rare. I’ve only
brought a small bottle with me, even in the Jiejian Bureau, they might not have it now.”
That means that that small bottle was already used on Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu waved his hand, “Then there is only the best plan.”
The moment Cui Buqu finished speaking about all his plans, Feng Xiao let out a deep sigh.
He did not think that Cui Buqu’s plans aren’t efficient, it’s only because he felt that Cui Buqu was
incredibly skilled at reaching to the depths of the hearts of men and could change depending on any
situation. So all those people’s weaknesses would be utilized by Cui Buqu to achieve his goal.
It was a pity that Cui Buqu was unable to train in martial arts, otherwise, no one in this world could have
supressed him, and there would be nothing that he couldn’t do.
Feng Xiao signed a breath and felt that it was a pity.
He felt pity in place of Cui Buqu.
He saw him as his rival, and some people would wish for their rival to be weaker than themselves, yet he
always hoped for his rival to be even better than himself.
Only in this way, there would be meaning in life.
It was night.
Everywhere was quiet.
Although Qiemo was the place of gathering from people of all eight directions, at this moment everyone
was asleep. Even for those who went out to have fun at night, to look for women and music, they were
also spending their time in places such as brothels. It’s past 11pm, so other than the gengfu on the
streets, it was empty. Occasionally there would be a few voices coming from afar. Every house has killed
their fire, and doused in sweet dreams.
Feng Xiao was also sleeping.
Although his skills as a martial artist was excellent, he wasn’t a deity and he’d still needed rest.
But he wasn’t having a good sleep, because a martial artist’s hearing abilities were incredibly good, once
something moves they would hear it clearly.
At that moment, someone was disturbing his peace. A sound from the outside.
Save me……Please, save me……I beg you……Help……
It sounded like a woman’s voice filled with despair and hatred, but once one heard clearly, it was as if
they could hear a hint of wailing of someone being framed.
Although it is Autumn, the night is clear and cold, but this voice can make one’s bone radiate a sense of
In the middle of the night, who would wail outside like this?
Who was it that wailed but refused to go to the bureau, instead ran to the well behind the inn?
So it was very obvious that it wasn’t a person, but a ghost.
Feng Xiao sighed. He could not sleep, so he sat up.
Who was it that disrupted his sleep, he would want to beat them up until they couldn’t even morph into
a ghost.
But before he did that……
He patted the person who slept next to him on the shoulder.
“Wake up, there is a ghost.”
If he wasn’t able to sleep, then everyone shouldn’t be able to sleep.
Cui Buqu’s response was to his body around, with his back facing towards Feng Xiao, pulling the covers
up, he brought it up over his head.
He has ways to wake him up, but Feng Xiao knew that Cui Buqu hated being woken up when he was
asleep the most. That would also put him in a very bad mood. Once the other is in a bad mood, he
would love to dig pits for Feng Xiao to fall into.
Feng Xiao wasn’t afraid of being pitted, contrarily, he loved battling with Cui Buqu with their wits.
However, since he’s just won one round that morning and had the other’s personal seal in possession,
also allowing the Zuoyue Bureau to owe him a favour, Feng Xiao decided that it was enough, he
wouldn’t try to push further, and decided to let them both have some peace for a few days.
So he thought of another strategy to wake up Cui Buqu.
Feng Xiao walked to wooden stand where they hung their clothes and heaved the bucket of water that
he used to wash his legs before he slept, walking over to the place where the voice was coming from, he
poured the water down to the direction of the well, pinching his throat he shouted in a sharp, earpiercing, lady-like voice saying—
“Who the hell is wailing like a ghost and howling in the middle of the night, you’ve disturbed this
woman’s beauty dream!”
Neither afraid of the Heavens nor the Earth: It means that Feng Xiao is dauntless.
Zhenxi General: ‘Zhen’ means Town, and ‘Xi’ means ‘East’. This title is among one of the Four Zhen
Generals (North, South, East, West).
Commander’s Tally:
Chapter 52 – I Asked You To Scare Gao Yi, Not Me
The night was cold, and the fog is thick, and trickles of mist lingered while the dead cried.
In between being half-asleep and half-dreaming, the people in that inn could all practically hear that
voice coming from afar, riding upon the cold wind as it drifted close and floated into houses and rooms,
into their ears, keeping them awake and away from their dreams.
All these remained until Feng Xiao started shouting. Let alone normal humans, even if they had been a
ghost they’d have been frightened into a state of mute.
Cui Buqu was not a ghost, in fact he was living in the same house as Feng Xiao, so he was also forced
wide awake.
His health wasn’t in a prime state, so naturally his heart was beating rapidly once he was awake. This
time was not an exception either.
But Feng Xiao even turned his head around and said innocently, “Were you woken up? I am sorry, I was
shouting towards the outside, you can go back to sleep.”
He thought that Cui Buqu would throw a temper, but after a long time, the other was still sitting on the
bed and staring into the distance absent-mindedly. His face was empty and sleep was still thick in his
Feng Xiao thought in his heart: could it be that he was scared numb by his shouting just now? He walked
over and held Cui Buqu’s chin, turning the other’s head to look at himself.
He knew that every time when Cui Buqu rose from his bed, this would be a familiar and recurring sight.
The time he’d spend looking absent-minded would depend on whether he had enough sleep or not. The
dark circles under his eyes were indication that he did not have enough sleep.
At this moment, Cui Buqu was at his weakest, most vulnerable state, and also the state where he was
the easiest to bully.
Feng Xiao’s playful heart was moved, so he touched the other’s head and said in a kind voice, “My good
son, it’s time to wake up and see a ghost.”
Cui Buqu finally woke up and slapped his hand away, then he sighed.
“We are not going to see a ghost, we are going to become a ghost.”
Other people might not know what he was talking about, but Feng Xiao knew. He felt that this was very
“Could it be that someone thought of a similar plan as we did?”
Cui Buqu did not answer him, but asked instead, “Do you remember that when we first lived in this inn,
that tour guide called Chen Cheng said before, that when this inn was proclaimed haunted, someone
once found a corpse from that well?”
Feng Xiao, “Later on I also investigated. According to what they say, the well had a few wilted bones. It
was unknown who they belonged to or when they got there. It was also unknown that whether they
were long dead before they were thrown inside, or died only after they were thrown inside. Because it
had been years, no one came to verify them, and it was hastily buried after that.”
Cui Buqu rubbed his eyes gently, as if he wanted to rub away the fatigue.
“I even remembered that when Chen Cheng mentioned about the empty well that time, his face was full
of fear and shock.”
Feng Xiao continued, “And yet when others spoke of it, they were filled with curiousity and fear.”
Cui Buqu, “The well, Chen Cheng, Li Fei, third in charge, Duan Qigu, are there connections between
these few people?”
Feng Xiao, “Li Fei and third in charge are people that belonged to Xing Mao’s group, so logically they are
unrelated to Duan Qigu.”
Cui Buqu, “But the third in charge and Yu Xiu schemed in the dark and plotted to kill Duan Qigu, this is
definitely not within Xing Mao’s control. So, if other people had relationships we do not know of, then it
wouldn’t be strange.”
Cui Buqu was not the only one who was shouted awake by Feng Xiao, a few other people were
complaining as well.
Who was it that had no sense of courtesy, turning this night into a rowdy and crowded one?
There were also people who was courageous and dauntless, grabbing their coats to go to the well to
take a look. And some were sitting at the side of the table, drinking tea that had grown cold, looking
completely undisturbed.
Feng Xiao then asked Cui Buqu, “Look at how I am dressed now, would I look even more convincing than
that actual ghost?”
He showed the disguise that Qian Xian has put up for him. His hair was untied, long strands sprawled
over his shoulders, and on his body there was only a thin cloth, as if he could not feel the cold at all.
Under the candlelight, a handsome face yielded a gentle light, looked absolutely flawless.
Cui Buqu looked at him for a while more, “Put on another later of white powder, then you would look
even more convincing.”
Feng Xiao laughed, “You are right. Then let me get more powder from Qiao Xian.”
After he spoke, he stood up and headed towards the outside, once he reached the door, it was as if he
thought of something and turned back.
“Right, when I came back in the evening, I saw in which room Yu Xiu was living in, but he is no longer
there. I feel that he most probably left.”
Cui Buqu’s eyebrows furrowed.
Yu Xiu was like a ghost, moving in and out unexpectedly, his traces like a mystery.
If this world had people that was crafty to not let Cui Buqu see through them, Yu Xiu was one of them.
Since the case of the Jade of Heaven’s Lake came to an end, there was no need for Yu Xiu to remain in
the City of Six Crafts, so logically he should return to the capital and to Prince Jin’s side. However, he
didn’t. Instead, he turned towards the West and even instructed the third in charge to murder Duan
Yet Duan Qigu did not know who Yu Xiu was.
What relationship did Yu Xiu and Duan Qigu share?
What is his goal?
The fact that this inn was said to be haunted, did it have anything to do with him?
If it was not Yu Xiu’s doing, then who is behind this?
A small city like Qiemo had hidden such secrets, and these secrets had been buried for many years, all
erupting at once.
With Feng Xiao’s participation and also that of himself, it would be even more crowded than before.
Cui Buqu thought as he slowly flip his covers open, bending over to put on his shoes.
A sudden gust of wind bellowed, the window screeched and was pushed open at once, the candles
flickered and went out, the moon outside the window gave a solemn, pitiable expression of half its face.
Cui Buqu: ……
He was expressionless on the surface, “I want you to scare Gao Yi, not to scare me.”
There was a bottle of wine in front of Duan Qigu.
He was originally a horse thief, to put it clearly he was originally a robber.
Men of the pugilist world enjoyed saying that hatred and kindness can be resolved by simply dousing
themselves in wine.
But Duan Qigu hated drinking.
He felt that wine tampered with the mind, to the point that even if one died, they wouldn’t even be
aware of it.
When he was young, Duan Qigu had a few accomplices who lost their lives like this.
From then on, he had never touched wine.
But ever since today, he felt increasingly troubled than before, it had already reached a point where he
was dousing pots after pots of wine to cure the thousand worries swirling in his head.
From the time he had nothing, to now where he had everything, he had lost a lot, but also gained a lot;
his had many friends, but also many enemies.
There were a lot of enemies who would love to see him dead, and even though Duan Qigu never put
them in his eyes, he would even give them a light mocking laugh.
Because those enemies were not even worth a mention, according to Duan Qigu.
However, today was different.
His beloved concubine was holding a pot of Ice Sugar and Pineapple soup and walked in, when she saw
Duan Qigu sitting by the table looking troubled and pensive, as if he had something he couldn’t let go of.
“My Lord—“ She dragged her words on purpose and brought a little seductiveness.
Usually, when Duan Qigu heard her voice, he would have gave a smile and rose to his feet.
But at this moment, he did not hear her, and did not move either.
The concubine was a little dissatisfied, so she moved forward to put down the pot of soup.
With a pat, the clay and the wooden surface clanked. It wasn’t a loud sound, but Duan Qigu wavered a
little, as if he was frightened by the sound.
At a close distance looking into his beloved concubine’s face, Duan Qigu leaned further back, the flesh
on his face tightened.
His concubine had never seen him like this, so she was also taken aback.
In the next moment, she only felt pain in her stomach. Something flashed before her eyes, and it was
Duan Qigu who kicked her with his foot before she flew out of the door.
The door was broken apart, and the concubine was heavily wounded as she fell to the ground. She spat
a mouthful of blood, the fear had yet to leave her face, and she simply fainted from pain.
The guards at the door were all shocked stiff and was wondering what had happened in the room. Once
they rushed in, Duan Qigu was sitting there perfectly fine, only that his face was green in colour and his
chest was heaving up and down, breathing frantically.
“Leave! There is nothing here.” Duan Qigu waved his hand, “Bring her away.”
His wife rushed here, and couldn’t help but assume that the concubine had did something to anger
Duan Qigu.
This concubine was usually well-loved. The other had never put her in her eyes, so Duan Qigu’s wife had
long since loathe her. Although at this moment she was a little worried, her heart also felt a pang of
Duan Qigu was not interested in the jealousy of women. He said a few sentences to send his wife away,
and did not ask for his other concubine to attend to him. He simply rose to his feet and went into the
gardens to lighten his stress.
The night is long, and people are quiet.
But the garden resumed to be filled with lanterns to light up the entire place.
This could demonstrate the wealth of the Duan family.
After Duan Qigu walked for some time, he slowly felt himself calming down, but his mood was still not in
a good state.
He did not tell anyone that, just now, when his concubine raised her head, what he saw is another face
Perhaps he was simply too tired.
Perhaps he was too affected by the party in that morning.
Once Duan Qigu thought about the third in charge who died, and the Yan Xuexing mentioned by the
Qiyue Disicple, his eyebrows slowly furrowed.
At that moment, a voice came to his ears.
As if a woman’s throat was held and forced her voice out.
As if she was dead but forced her eyes open to look at him, blood trickling from the corner of her lips,
staining all over her teeth, and cursing from the depths of Hell.
“Who?! Come out and see me! Save yourself from pretending to be a ghost!” Duan Qigu shouted
Behind him were two servants looking at each other, but they were unsure of what to do.
They have not heard anything at all.
Chapter 53 – Blood… Blood…
The pitiful cry did not stop just because Duan Qigu had shouted.
It continued to wail and cry like a surreal memory, a flicker of imagination there seemed real anf unreal
at the same time. At first it came from the front, then it came from the left, the right…… as if it was
coming from anywhere and everywhere from all eight directions. Duan Qigu could not tell where it was
coming from.
The strangest thing was that only he alone could hear the voice. Both his servants looked lost and
fearful, unsure of who their Master was talking to.
Something isn’t right.
Something definitely isn’t right!
Someone is playing the ghost!
Duan Qigu forced himself to calm down, inhaling heavily, his heartbeat beating in his chest. There was a
fire that threatened to spill, but it was currently being suppressed. His mood did not turn for the better,
instead it was squeezing his eyes red, as if they were in a burning state.
He said in a deep voice, “Pray tell, which top martial artist here wants to see me? Just show yourself!
There is no need to use such a cowardly method and turn yourself into a joke!”
Duan Qigu……Do you remember……You owed me a life……
“I have owe many people their lives, but no one can skip the queue and claim theirs first!” Duan Qigu
laughed coldly, his lavished clothes could not veil that air of ferocity that was there for many decades.
It was as if he was facing thin air and speaking to it. Aside from him, no one could see it.
Both his servants gave each other a glance, feeling fear gripping their spines, and felt that their master
had fallen into a trance.
Duan Qigu knew that he hadn’t fallen into a trance.
He was positive that the so-called ghost is someone with incredibly high martial art skills, and that they
were using their inner strength to meddle with their sense of hearing, pretending to be a ghost.
Duan Qigu closed his eyes and listened for a moment, he then leaped into the air and onto the
Osmanthus tree of his garden.
Of course there was no Osmanthus flowers on the tree right now, and this place was never a place
meant for botany, but with enough money one can even make ghosts grind the wheel, so let alone an
Osmanthus tree; in the Duan manor, where he was far away from Jianghu, especially in the outskirts of
the city, there could be such a garden. The expenses spent on such a garden was even greater than the
most lavished manors in Jiangnan.
The Osmanthus tree wavered lightly in the wind as Duan Qigu landed lightly on top of it.
If Feng Xiao was here, he would have been able to see that not only did his martial arts improved, even
his qinggong has reached an extraordinary level. A man of almost seven foot standing on top of a tree
only as thick as a finger. That tree did not even threaten sway, let alone snap in half. This skill alone was
only a skill the top martial artists of the world could manage.
But as he raised his eyes to look around, other than trees and plants, and the two servants that were
running towards him, there was no one else.
Duan Qigu……Twenty years……It has been twenty years……
From where he stood, looking down from a high angle, Duan Qigu refused to believe that someone can
hide themselves from such a close-up distance.
Everywhere was silence.
Under the tree, the servants shouted, unsure of what to do. “Master, should we call someone……”
Duan Qigu did not answer, because he was standing on top of the three for as long as one burning joss
stick. The woman’s voice that filled his ears was also persistently repeating itself with the words ‘twenty
Twenty years ago—
At that time, Duan Qigu had just took up the occupation of a horse thief and he was even a legend
among the tales in the wilds. He desired to climb up the stairs, desired to prove his worth and desired to
be like his eldest chieftan who had as many women as he wanted and countless number of silver and
So when the group descended the mountain to commit robbery, he would always be the first one to
rush out. Although he had sustained no little injury, he also received a lot of rewards and gifts, later on
he succeeded the third chieftan and then continued to climb his way up, making his group of brigands
the most powerful group among all the other clans. His power slowly grew until he became the Duan
Qigu of today.
Behind every successful person was a bloody story, one where their hands were stained with blood.
Duan Qigu believed that even those people that lived in temples also hid bloody stories behind them,
even the present Sui Emperor, the Emperor of the Southern Chen Dynasty, which one of them did not
spill blood in a similar way as if they were cutting melons? Otherwise, how would they achieve such a
powerful place as they had today?
Duan Qigu snorted a cold laugh.
He had already killed many people twenty years ago, if ghosts exist, then they would have to queue up
to have their turn at killing him. Since when would it be the turn of this nameless, female ghost’s turn
that came out of nowhere?
He bent a little from the branch and immediately leaped down, both his wrists raised at the same thing.
The leaves on the branch shot in all eight directions. Those two servants were unprepared, and at the
moment those leaves pierced their throats like razor, they couldn’t even scream and immediately fell to
the ground.
A growing puddle of blood was beneath them, and the scent of blood slowly filled the air, then the
sound of wailing suddenly begun to cease.
It really is someone pretending to be a ghost.
Duan Qigu said in his heart, his expression unchanging, he waved his hand for men to drag those two
corpses away.
There was no need to say much, naturally someone would clean the mess in the garden. Tomorrow
when they come back, not one drop of blood would be visible on the ground, it would be as clean as
though no one had died here before.
Duan Qigi slowly felt his mood getting better. His wife heard that he had killed someone and
immediately came to question him.
His wife had accompanied him through all the darkest moments of his life. So, although at the present
Duan Qigu seldom spent the night at his wife’s place, he still respected her—it was not the same as
loving someone like his beloved concubine. So once he saw his wife approaching, he did not send her
away, instead, the couple sat facing each other and his wife asked in concern, “Husband, is there
anything troubling you? Even if your wife could not help, at least she could lend an ear, if that is not
enough, I can offer you my body, that would suffice.”
Duan Qigu did not feel comforted by her words, his eyebrows only squeezed tighter and asked his wife,
“Do you remember what happened twenty years ago that was related to me?”
His wife’s expression froze in place for a good half day before she said, “I only remember that at the end
of that year, you were heading out and said you struck something huge. Not long later you became the
third chieftan, and after that, our days only got better and better……”
However, Duan Qigu only remembered the part where he became the third chieftan. That was one of
the most important times of his life, it was impossible for him to forget it.
But each time he left for a trip, his wife never followed him, so what she knew wasn’t much.
His wife said, “I remember that day when you returned, you were never happier. When I asked you, you
said that you’ve successfully dealt with a huge trade, but other than that you refused to say anything.
Sighs, I know what you were doing as a living each time you left, so now I can only pray every day to the
Guanyin and hope that she will be merciful and forgive you for what you’ve done in the past. Even if
there should be a comeuppance, it should be on me……”
Duan Qigu felt a little troubled, so he rose to his feet to turn around and leave, but when he heard the
words ‘comeuppance’, his body stopped, and the colour on his face changed as well.
But Duan Qigu’s wife did not notice this. Since when a person reached an elder age, they couldn’t help
getting a habit of rambling, so she simply rambled on.
“Stop talking!”
Duan Qigu rose to his feet swiftly. “It’s late. Go take a rest yourself. I am going back too.”
“Husband!” Duan Qigu’s wife could not stop him, so she could only watch as he flipped his sleeves and
left, unsure of what she had said wrong, for he was obviously alright the minute before.
Once Duan Qigu returned to his own manor, he sent everyone away and lied down on his bed, staring at
the translucent cloth above his head with wide eyes.
He was unsure how much time had passed before he slowly drifted into sleep. His eyes were half-lidded
in a matter of minutes and if there was nothing disturbing him, he would have truly drifted into sleep.
At that moment, that voice sounded once again.
Duan Qigu…….
Return me my life……
Duan Qigu’s eyes immediately flickered open and he sat up.
“My own fate lies in my own hands, not even the Heavens could take it from me! So, give it up! It has
been such a long time since you died, you must have already crossed the Yellow Bridge, if you refuse to
disappear, don’t dare you blame me when I make you perish myself, so that you could not even
reincarnate even if you want to!”
Both his eyes were swollen red, turning towards the outside as he gritted his teeth.
But the other person could care less of what he said. They persisted, from both close up and afar,
repeating themselves over and over again.
Duan Qigu……
Repay blood with blood….. Your own blood……
A blizzard swept fiercely, bring a lingering scent of blood.
Duan Qigu……
It came from the pond garden!
Duan Qigu was never a man who would willingly become a sitting duck, otherwise he would have
already died a dozen times or more.
He called for two guards that he trusted the most who was responsible for manning the outside of the
manor, before the three of them headed towards the direction of the pond garden.
The closer they are to the pond garden, the more strong that scent of blood filled their nostrils.
“Master, look!” One of the guards shouted in a low voice.
Duan Qigu saw it, at the side of the pond, there was a corpse, and when he looked closer, it belonged to
one of the servants that died earlier.
“Did I not had people clean them up just now?!” His fury bellowed. Thinking that his servants were
slacking off and threw the corpse here instead of taking care of them.
In the next moment, he felt a cold, lingering gaze on the back of his neck that made his hairs stood on
their toes.
This was the instinctive feeling one gets when danger is around.
Duan Qigu did not say a word, he immediately turned around and lashed out with a palm!
Yet he only hit thin air!
From the side of his ears, an icy-cold voice that belonged to a female sounded.
It came from the direction where his guards are supposedly standing next to him.
Duan Qigu had walked innumerous paths through the darkness. He had braved through many strong
waves and fierce winds, and he has definitely leaped out of Death’s grasp many a time, but at this
moment, he finally couldn’t suppress the fear enveloping his heart and shed a hideous and frightening
look, screaming—
“What in the world are you?! Show yourself!”
Qiemo’s Bureau.
Gao Yi reached out his hand to accept the cup of tea poured by the maidservant, but because he was
distracted, the cup slipped from his hand and fell to the ground. Hot tea splattered over his robes and
even his hand was scorched by the burning liquid. He exclaimed with a sound of ‘aiya!’ and leaped three
foot into the air.
The maidservant immediately begged for mercy. However, Gao Yi only granted her leave. He did not
even asked her to pick up the broken pieces.
Carefully, he took out his tortoise shell, yet he didn’t start reciting scriptures like all the previous times
he did, instead he stared blankly into nothingness.
It was all until a servant rushed forward and told him that a guest was visiting.
“I refuse! I refuse!” Gao Yi said impatiently.
With his current mood, how would he have the mood to see anyone at all?
The servant said shakily, “My Lord, the man claimed himself to be the nephew of the Kucha King. He said
that last night he saw something odd in the sky above the city and the direction that it is pointing to, is
this exact location!”
Gao Yi’s heart immediately skipped a beat, “Bring them in right now!”
After a while, Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao were quickly brought inside.
When the former’s eyes met Gao Yi’s, the first thing he said was, “Officer, trouble lies between your
brows and it is showing a deep black colour. I fear, that you’ve brought some negative energy back from
Make ghosts grind the wheel: Basically means if you have money, there is practically nothing you
couldn’t make someone else do for you.
Chapter 54 – This Person’s Face Is Even Thicker Than The Great Wall Of China!
The first reaction Gao Yi gave to those words was that he was unhappy about it. Which decent men in
this world to say something like that as the first thing when they meet someone else?
Yet he suddenly felt an aggressive curiousity rising in him. No longer cared much for being unhappy, he
quickly asked, “Why do you say so?!”
Cui Buqu, “I am talented since a young age, so I’ve learned the art of reading the hints from Mother
Nature and one’s face. Just now when I entered, I saw that Officer Gao, negative energy surrounds you. I
fear because of the party the day before, you’ve unwittingly brought back ‘something’ on you.”
There was no doubt that Cui Buqu had spoke too much when they do not know each other well, but
after the episode yesterday, Gao Yi was desperate for someone who could listen to the way he felt
inside. He didn’t care much what Cui Buqu had said. Not able to tolerate it finally, he simply asked
whatever his heart was thinking at the moment.
He asked, “Yesterday night, did you people witness anything strange?”
Cui Buqu nodded his head, “Yes. To be completely frank, the reason we came immediately to the bureau
in the morning was because of this.”
Gao Yi, “Quickly, speak!”
So Cui Buqu told him all about the crying of a ghost that they heard last night.
Of course, he did not mention anything about Feng Xiao’s shouting as well as the pot of water that was
used to wash his legs.
The colour on Gao Yi’s face changed immediately. “Did you hear what the ghost said then?”
Cui Buqu, “Something about how it died pitifully and that it was some unfinished business here. Could it
be that Officer Gao has also heard of the ghost’s crying last night?”
Since he wasn’t the only one who heard the cry, Gao Yi’s suspicions were lifted aplenty. He even thought
that he was lucky, for although he had some bad luck, there was someone with him. He even lowered
his voice and said secretively, “I have not only heard it, but I have also seen the ghost myself!”
Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao exchange glances, yielding a look of surprise, “How does it look like? Was it a
female ghost?”
Gao Yi. “I did not catch her looks properly, but she was wearing a white shirt and her hair was in a mess.
She was tall and thin, her voice was androgynous. T-That ghost immediately came to my bed side. After I
called for my men, she was gone. Yet every time I lie down, that voice rang in my ears. It was far yet
near, telling me how pitifully it died and wanted her case to be re-investigated.”
Feng Xiao grabbed Cui Buqu’s sleeve and gave a look of shock, “Husband, even Officer Gao was unable
to avoid it. Would we get haunted by the ghost again if we go back tonight? Husband, my husband, let
us switch to another inn, alright?”
Cui Buqu said in a deep, steady voice, “No wonder when we prayed for a fortune before we went out, it
gave us a bad-omen. From the looks of it, this is not only a bad omen, but one that will send ten
thousand ghost crying all over a million cities.
Once Gao Yi heard that name, he felt goosebumps all over himself. Quickly, he said, “What is the
meaning of that?”
Cui Buqu, “If there was really an earth-shaking case that ended in injustice twenty years ago, and at that
time Qiemo had not yet set up a bureau from the Imperial Palace, then the victim of the case would
have been unable to bring her case to justice until now. As days and months passed, her resentful
energy grew stronger, so she harassed Duan Qigu and refused to leave. The episode yesterday at the
party was also the key incident that tainted Duan Qigu with such a dark energy. Therefore, it’s easy for
them to see the dead!”
Gao Yi felt that this vengeful ghost was too unreasonable, “If the ghost had an issue, she should seek the
one who has something to do with it! What use is there to harass us?! This is really despicable!”
Feng Xiao was in charge of pushing the conversation, “Husband, so according to what you said, this
could only get worse?”
Cui Buqu, “Of course. Just now I just said, even if there is one day this case is ignored, her resentful
energy would only become worse. Yesterday it wasn’t only Officer Gao who saw the ghost, but
practically everyone in our inn has seen it. If this continues, I fear it would also affect the luck of other
people. When that time comes, would it be ten thousand ghosts crying over a million cities?”
Gao Yi was extremely concerned for one sentence in his speech and asked, “What would happen if one’s
luck is affected?”
Cui Buqu, “A light sentence would be that you’d be unlucky whenever you go; a heavy sentence would
be that you would get involved with ghosts no matter where you go, your consciousness would become
hazy, and if you conduct business your revenues will be affected, and if you are an officer then your
career will be affected.”
Feng Xiao acted shocked, “Husband, then don’t we need to have bad luck for the rest of our lives as
well? Even if we were simply walking pass others, we would somehow anger them for no reason. Let us
leave this place quickly. Let us leave those who couldn’t leave behind. We are not people from this place
anyway, so just let them as much bad luck as they want!”
Gao Yi: ……
Feng Xiao, “Husband, your wife is really afraid. If we continue like this, what if one day I woke up and the
one next to me in bed isn’t you, but a ghost?!”
Gao Yi: ……
Cui Buqu shot Feng Xiao a glare, hinting towards him: That is going overboard. Stop when you see that it
has served its purpose, If you continue like this it will be playing with fire.
Feng Xiao: Look at Gao Yi, scared to the point of being like this. Let me add two more sentences to
ensure that he couldn’t sleep tonight.
As both of them exchanged glances, although Gao Yi was still suspicious of them, he already believed
them seventy to eight percent.
Had it been Duan Qigu who single-handedly built everything he had now from nothing, he would not
have believed it so easily; but Gao Yi was originally a superstitious person himself and placed absolute
trust in things such as the tortoise shell and the copper coins. Practically half of the residents in Qiemo
knew that if their Magistrate managed to get a bad fortune, he would not even step out of his manor for
the entire day. Therefore, let alone the fact that he has seen a ghost with his own two eyes, since the
ghost harassed him for an entire night, at this moment it was fuelled by the these two people, he was
really wavering.
Once Cui Buqu decided that the flame was almost hot enough, he said: “Officer Gao, have you ever
thought of reopening the case and pry open the truth, so that the dead can rest in peace? It can also
bring an end to this haunting ruckus.”
Gao Yi smiled bitterly, “You speak as if it is an easy thing. From where should I begin the investigation,
and who should I begin from? Can I directly question Duan Qigu whether he has killed someone before?
This case is at least twenty years ago. It has not even been a few years since I came to Qiemo, so let
alone some bones, there is not even a written report I can begin with.”
Cui Buqu, “Since the few times the talk of ghosts came from the well, if we send someone down to the
well to look, perhaps we can find something. There is no such thing in this world of someone who could
create evidence on a corpse and some bones, since this matter does not only concern the luck of
everyone in the city, it also concerns the future luck of Officer Gao. Certainly you don’t want to live like
this for the rest of your life?”
Gao Yi furrowed his brows, “And your meaning is?”
Cui Buqu, “Use this chance to uproot Duan Qigu’s background, then using it against Xing Mao. Demolish
both powers in Qiemo at once, then you can be free from being a submissive puppet of a Magistrate
and claim your conquest. By that time, let alone rising up the ranks, you could even be knighted a
Marquis of the Imperial Court.”
Gao Yi immediately shook his head. With the few years he’s been here, he knew Duan Qigu and Xing
Mao’s ways. Unless the Imperial Court has sent a huge army, otherwise with him alone, he could not
have taken down any one of them.
Cui Buqu, “Yesterday at the party, Xing Mao’s subordinates almost poisoned Duan Qigu, in the end the
plan failed, and after that Xing Mao refused to own up that it was related to himself, do you think Duan
Qigu believed it? Xing Mao was certain that Duan Qigu did not believe him, so in order to protect
himself, he would choose to make the first move to take the advantage of the element of surprise.
Officer Gao, how would you know that you would not be the next one in line?”
“Don't say any more. Don't say anymore. I could not impossible……” Gao Yi spoke halfway, then
suddenly he woke up in surprise. The colour of his face dulled, “If you are not the nephew of Kucha’s
King, then who are you?”
Kucha has never participated in Qiemo’s political affairs, so how would his nephew be here encouraging
Gao Yi to go against Duan Qigu and Xing Mao?”
“Indeed I am not from Kucha.”
Cui Buqu said coolly, “Gao Yi, you are at the face of death, do you still think you can still retreat yourself
to a land of safety?”
He took out a painted name seal and toss it towards Gao Yi, “Take a look at what is this.”
Gao Yi took the seal questioningly, but when he saw the seal he immediately jumped.
Of all the officers now, if they carried multiple titles on themselves, their seals would have a few
surfaces on them for convenience, such as the very seal that Cui Buqu gave Gao Yi at the moment: It had
as many as six surfaces.
The seal is definitely not a counterfeit. Cui Buqu usually would not expose his identity of the Zuoyue
Bureau, but he was similar to Feng Xiao as in that they carried a few titles on them, so once he took a
string of them out, it would suffice to efficiently intimidate certain people.
For example, there was two engravings on Cui Buqu’s seal. It was the Physician of Yinqing Guanglu and
the Jiancha Commander, the former has no real power to it, to put it simply, it was only a name and
title, but the Emperor would usually bestow upon such title to people who achieved some level of
conquest; the latter, however, was a position that was only established last year. Its rank is not very high
and not everyone knew about it yet, but Gao Yi heard from his friends in the capital that this officer rank
held the same power of the Three Departments and Six Ministries. Although the Jiancha Commander
needed to bow before many other officers, everyone was also quite intimidated by the authority he
The title ‘Physician of Yinqing Guanglu’ is a third-ranking officer, the title ‘Jiancha Commander’ is an
eight-ranking officer. Since the rank of Cui Buqu is higher, of course, when Gao Yi meets Cui Buqu, it was
protocol to bow before him.
He suspected that he had seen it wrongly. In such a small city like this, let alone normal officers, but
anyone who are accustomed to a comfortable life would not even come here to eat sand. How can there
be a third-ranking officer all of a sudden?
Cui Buqu, “I am on a journey to investigate a case and passed by here. To avoid my true identity being
exposed, I took up the false identity of the nephew of the King of Kucha. Gao Yi, after seeing this seal, do
you have any more questions?”
Gao Yi was cheated once, so he naturally had his guard on, “Dare I ask where you are heading, and what
case are you investigating? And what does it has to do with me?”
That means: Even if you are the Jiancha Commander, you have no power to order me.
Cui Buqu glared at him, “Under orders of the Imperial Palace, I am heading towards the Sanmi
Mountains to Western Göktürk, do you understand?”
Gao Yi was not so ignorant until he knew nothing about the war between Göktürk and the Imperial
Palace, so if it concerns Göktürk, then there this is definitely something of severe importance, so he
Feng Xiao slapped the table when he saw the opportunity came.
The strength he used wasn’t much, and Gao Yi practically heard nothing, but in the blink of an eye the
table collapsed into powder that fell all over the ground and turned into a pile of ash.
Feng Xiao said in a gentle, soft tone, “Officer Gao, what do you think of my martial abilities?”
Gao Yi swallowed and spoke with difficulty, “Rarely seen.”
Feng Xiao smiled, “With a martial artist of my ability, who could hinder me from doing what I want to
do? And who could hinder me no matter where I go? Even if I am a fraud, won’t you think that that is a
little demeaning? If it hadn’t been for Lord Cui’s special identity, what would have made me remain
constantly on his left and right protecting him?”
Before Cui Buqu took out the seal, Gao Yi already believed him seventy to eighty percent, after Feng
Xiao’s threat, he believed it completely.
He rose to his feet and bowed, “How may I address my Lord?”
Cui Buqu, “Cui, Cui Buqu.”
Gao Yi, “Lord Cui, you are a high-ranking officer, and you carried dire responsibilities on you, so I should
not ask too much, but it seems your case has nothing to do with the case of Duan Qigu.”
Cui Buqu, “Although my case has nothing to do with this, I wish not to see you dead upon my returning
journey, and that Qiemo has turned into a new Kingdom of Shanshan.”
Gao Yi laughed dryly, “This is putting it too bombastically.”
“Fool! Do you know that the Xing manor haboured more than five thousand steel armour and has two
warehouses filled with provisions hidden within the city? Do you know that with these two added
together, it would be enough to conquer the whole of Qiemo?!”
Originally, Cui Buqu wanted to use the case to instigate some will in Gao Yi, yet since the table was
turned into powder by Feng Xiao, Cui Buqu could only use his voice to suppress the other, and once
again he scolded Feng Xiao in his heart.
Gao Yi looked swayed, “This is impossible.”
Cui Buqu said impassively, “All these years, the Imperial Palace established its strongholds all over
Qiemo and used it to pass encoded messages. Although presently they were unable to discover where
Xing Mao’s warehouses are, but the fact regarding the steel armours were definitely not just a rumour.
Even at this time, you still hoped to lie to yourself and others, convincing yourself that he would not give
rise to an army, or are you hoping that if he does indeed raise an army, he would spare you your life?”
Even if Xing Mao did not wish to become enemies with the Sui Empire and send Gao Yi out of town after
wrapping him up, there would be no way that Gao Yi could remain an officer. Ten out of ten chances
that he would even be punished by the Imperial Court for his failure and it would leave a mark of shame
in history.
Gao Yi’s face suddenly turned white.
Suddenly he thought about the party yesterday, how Duan Qigu and Xing Mao faced off each other was
as ferocious as two tigers in a vicious battle, and when he thought about how he would undoubtedly
keep getting bad fortunes in the next few days whenever he threw the dice, and then he thought about
how the ghost would keep haunting him for days in the night, and the million ghosts crying across a
thousand cities, he was too afraid to even make the decision. He even looked a little indecisive and
taken away.
Cui Buqu knew very early that Gao Yi was a coward who was unwilling to be helped up. Had it been any
ordinary day, he would have already done it without hesitation, but now their army hadn’t yet arrived,
and with these few people alone, there was nothing they could have done. At the very least Gao Yi was
an officer of the Imperial Court, so his name held some power to it and could ease the entire process.
If only Gao Yi was willing to cooperate.
“But if Xing Mao really did had steel armours hidden, perhaps his intention wasn’t to breed soldiers?
After all, his grandfather was the King of Shanshan, so if these steel armours were passed down to him,
it would not be very strange at all. Additionally, this place is a ruin mess and it is near to Göktürk,
perhaps he only wanted them for self-defense……” Gao Yi was beginning to think of a few excuses for
Xing Mao.
Cui Buqu, “I heard that when Xing Mao held parties and became drunk, he would often sing the song
‘Strong Winds Bellowed’. Of how strong winds rose into the air and soar in the sky, the dominance and
glory that once was would return.”
Gao Yi said weakly, “Rumours about that song is everywhere, and the people sing it whenever. Xing Mao
is a learned man and he is of Han Han descent, so this can surely prove nothing?”
Cui Buqu laughed a cold laugh, “I also heard that in the year when Officer Gao just came to Qiemo as a
new officer who ascended to his post, Xing Mao and Duan Qigu both sent someone to bring a white fish
and a sword to you as a welcome gift.”
The white fish is recorded in the book of Liu Xiang. When Qu Zixu said a phrase to the Wu King, hinting
of the story of the white dragon who turned into a fish, that extraordinary folks and people of royalty
can be among the common folks.
The sword was a hint to Gao Yi to imply the dominance of Duan Qigu, to warn him that Duan Qigu is a
man who has seen and been through many things, so that he should also turn a blind eye to whatever
that happened here, otherwise, even if he was an officer of the Imperial Court, Duan Qigu would not
show him a merciful escape from death.
Gao Yi was well versed in academics, so he knew immediately what these two items meant.
The latter was threatening him with the power he held over the city, yet since Duan Qigu was so
bombastic with his actions, he was not quite as terrifying. The first, however, was not making a show of
his power to Gao Yi, he simply wanted to see Gao Yi’s reaction upon receiving the sword.
Although cowardly Gao Yi recorded Xing Mao’s ambitiousness in the zhangbiao and sent it to the
Emperor, the Imperial Palace was not at a position to deal with Qiemo yet, so Gao Yi could spend years
of peace within the city and pass day by day. He had never thought of plotting a plan to retake Qiemo
from both Xing Mao and Duan Qigu.
Since Xing Mao had such a prideful and dignified personality, naturally, he was dauntless and did not
even put Gao Yi in his eyes.
Cui Buqu thought that Gao Yi was lucky that he wasn’t his own subordinate, otherwise Cui Buqu would
have Qiao Xian tossed such a useless person into the river to feed the fishes.
If there were such thing as the list of most ‘have-nothing-to-do’ people in this world, then Gao Yi’s name
would have definitely been on it; he might even made it up to the top three.
Gao Yi never expect Cui Buqu to still remember all these, so his expression had became incredibly ugly,
bitter with a smile, he put both his hands together and begged, “My Lord Cui is indeed wise. However, it
is not because I refuse to help, but in these days that you’ve spent here, you have seen it yourself. Xing
Mao’s power is immense, and Duan Qigu is unstoppable. Instead of getting involved directly, should we
not wait until both of them fight each other, then we can come out and claim to be the victor!”
The way he thought made perfect sense, but both Xing Mao and Duan Qigu were not fools, so how
would they let Gao Yi become the victor like this?
Cui Buqu knew that this person had as much guts as a rat, so he was too lazy to waste his breathe
convincing him. Immediately, he stood up and said, “You can chose not to get involved. I will take care
of this matter, but I shall do it in your name.”
Gao Yi wanted to part his lips to decline, but when Cui Buqu shot him a cold glare, those words froze in
his throat and he could not even manage to say one word from it.
Feng Xiao, “Gao Yi, try to take it while we are still being nice. If we want to do anything to you, it’s only
one word of command away. However, since we are all officers of the Crown, we should show mercy to
each other, no? If this continues, you will be harassed by ghosts every day and soon, there is no need for
Xing Mao to kill you, you would have already died from being depleted of your good luck.”
In Gao Yi’s opinion, perhaps being haunted by ghosts was more scarier than being murdered by Xing
Mao, so with these words he finally made his choice. After a moment of silence, he said, “These days I
am not well, so I will close my doors and refrain from receiving guests. Whatever it is that Lord Cui
wishes to do, I will not interfere.”
These words meant that he already allowed Cui Buqu to do whatever he wanted.
After they exited the bureau, Feng Xiao asked Cui Buqu, “How did you know that using rumours of
ghosts could deal with him?”
Cui Buqu, “Two months ago, before travelling to the City of Six Crafts, I have already ordered people to
investigate everything that happened from the City of Six Crafts to Western Göktürk and place them on
my desk, including this cowardly, gutless, superstitious magistrate of Qiemo.”
Feng Xiao couldn’t help but looked up closely at Cui Buqu.
Since two months ago, Cui Buqu had already investigate everything and had all the information clearly in
his head. He knew Gao Yi’s weaknesses and his interests, and back in the City of Six Crafts he was
already plotting how to wage war between Duan Qigu and Xing Mao.
“No need to admire me too much, I am only but a few steps ahead of you.” Cui Buqu said plainly,
expressionless on his face.
Feng Xiao shook his head, “I am not. I am only thinking that, no wonder you are shorter than me, and
your body is weaker than mine. Because all you do is plotting how to pit other people.”
Cui Buqu’s lips twitched and he said in a mocking way, “I do not care if you say that my body is weak,
and I do indeed think of pitting others every day when I am bored and have nothing to do. However,
how are you so sure that you are taller than me? Couldn’t it be that your heels of your shoes are higher
than normal shoes?”
Feng Xiao gave him a strange smile, “I am certain that I am taller than you, because I am ‘longer’ than
Cui Buqu glared at Feng Xiao, and did not speak for a very long time.
Feng Xiao flipped a handkerchief and pretended to fool around and being shy, “Husband, why are you
looking at your wife like this? Your wife is feeling soooo afraid by your looks that her heart is thumping
Cui Buqu: ……
He remembered: since that time when he was held under Feng Xiao’s custody and was drugged with the
Naihe drug. There were days he couldn’t tell day from night and, of course, his clothes would have been
changed by some maidservants. It was definitely during those moments that Feng Xiao saw him. Since
this person had a face that is thicker than the walls of the Great Wall of China, he would never know
how to write the word ‘discreet’.
But Cui Buqu was long used to it, so expressionlessly, he skipped over the topic.
“Tonight, let Officer Gao see the ghost for another time.”
Feng Xiao, “You are certain Xing Mao would make his move tonight?”
Cui Buqu answered him definitely, “If our predictions are right, then now there are two groups of people
who wants Duan Qigu dead. One group of men are the third in charge and Yu Xiu, and the other group is
the one who poisoned the wine. Additionally, there might be a relationship between the one who
poisoned the wine and the third in charge. Xing Mao is waiting, so we must act quickly. Let this city of
Qiemo turn into a true city where the ghosts cries in the night. Since Xing Mao has already waited for so
many years, he would definitely take the chance and make the move tonight!”
Send ten thousand ghost crying all over a million cities: This is to describe the worst calamity possible.
Cui Buqu meant that if Gao Yi does not take care of the ghost, Qiemo would descend into the worst
calamity possible.
Zhangbiao: An official method of communication to the king. Officers or commanders who left the palace
and wanting to send messages or reports back to the king usually write everything on a Zhangbiao, and
have someone send it to the Emperor himself. It looks like the below picture.
The story of the white dragon who turned into a fish: Among Han folklores there was once a white
dragon who turned into a fish to swim in the lakes of the mortal world. It swam here and there because
it thought it was fun. Later on, a hunter shot it in the eye and the dragon wanted the Emperor of the
Heavens to bestowed punishment to the hunter, but the Emperor of Heaven refused. He said, ‘The hunter
shot a fish, not a dragon, so why should he be punished? The problem lies in you. You are a dragon, so
why did you turn into a fish?’ In this case, this phrase meant that people of royalty can be hidden among
the common folk—Xing Mao meant that he was a descendant of a king, who is now among common
people, and the white fish was to warn Gao Yi to be mindful that Xing Mao is a king walking among
normal people.
Chapter 55 – When It Came To Summoning The Winds And Storms, No One Is Nearly As Skilled As Cui
When it came to summoning the winds and storms, no one is nearly as skilled as Cui Buqu.
Just as they left the bureau, rumours of ‘the inhabitants of the Gao manor heard cries of ghosts at night,
and a strange case surfaced’ was already spread all over Qiemo city.
Of course, members from both the Zuoyue Bureau and the Jiejian Bureau contributed much to this, and
it was in man’s nature to be curious about things that gathered crowds. These sort of ghost stories are
indeed most welcomed and would spread even quicker than usual news.
Very quickly, the story of the ghost haunting the inn also spread out. Once Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao
returned from the Gao manor and went into the inn, already they heard some guests muttering to their
friends in the hall, describing what happened yesterday night.
“Did you see that well at the back of the inn? Those cries came from over there. It really is too scary!
Even when I covered myself with blankets, I could still hear those cries. Sighs, this really is too pitiful. We
do not even know who abused that woman until she turned into a ghost like this.”
“Isn’t it? Just now I went to take a look at the well, and I could not see the bottom of it. I could not even
tell if it really was dried up. Speaking of it, this inn really is cursed. Ghost rumours came from there
frequently. This time isn’t even the first time something like this has happened. However, looking back,
the bureau is so far away from here, why did that ghost went all the way to the Gao manor?”
“Perhaps it’s because its case is incredibly difficult and it was filled with too much resentful energy, yet
there was nowhere it could go, so it had no choice but turned into a vengeful ghost, and the longer it’s
here, the more fiercer it becomes. This Officer Gao is a subject of the Imperial Palace, he definitely has
some authority and positive energy on him, so the fact that the ghost looked for him is quite logical
when you think of it. Do you think Officer Gao would accept to reinvestigate this case?”
“Could he? Ever since this Officer Gao came to Qiemo, he has never done even one right thing! You are
not a local, so perhaps you are unclear about this. Last time, there were two hawkers who fought each
other and even killed someone, he even had the guts to turn a blind eye to it! Would he even care about
this now?! He might even go to the Shanshan King and instead, ask him to take care of this in his stead!”
Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao sat at the adjacent table and hear every single word clearly.
The Shanshan King was referring to Xing Mao. Although he is currently far away from his own
hometown, he was still the descendant of the last Shanshan King. Those people who wanted to earn his
favour would call him by this title to flatter him, and after a short while, this informal form of address
spread throughout Qiemo. Since this was belonged to no one anyways, he would not mind to claim the
city for himself.
Yesterday night, the ghost that Gao Yi saw was definitely the work of Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao, but the
ghost that appeared in the inn was not their doing.
So it would suffice to prove that Cui Buqu was not the only one using the rumour of a ghost to sow
Cui Buqu was not afraid that someone else was using the rumour of a ghost to create troubles, he was
only afraid that the trouble wasn’t big enough and could not set the next event into motion.
And so he told Feng Xiao and said, “Gao Yi took his wage from the Imperial Court yet he did nothing, so
we should help him and give him a little push.”
Feng Xiao asked, “You are afraid that all the contribution would be claimed by Xing Mao?”
Cui Buqu smiled slightly, “That is correct. It is only right for a grievance case such as this to be
reinvestigate by Gao Yi, only this way is the right procedure.”
He rose to his feet to look for the inn’s owner, took out a bag of money and ordered the other to order
someone to go down the well and look for any skeletal remains.
In the past, the inn’s owner did in fact ordered someone to go down the well and search, but the inn’s
owner had never been able to find anything at the bottom of the well. And since the bureau never
investigated or inquired anything, he was happy to leave the matter like that and simply allowed
someone to heave a big boulder on top of the well to seal it up so he can avoid curious folks surrounding
But since the money Cui Buqu offered was quite a large amount, and he said that these orders came
from Gao Yi himself, the inn owner’s heart was finally moved, so he quickly ordered someone to move
the boulder away and allowed his staff to tie themselves to a rope and let venture down to the bottom
of the well and begin a thorough search.
Quite a number of people heard of this and came to join the crowd.
Actually, with Feng Xiao’s level of martial arts, even if he didn’t tie himself to a rope, he would have
been able to finish this task alone, and he could also in fact accomplish it faster than anyone. However,
it was unknown how long it had been since the well was abandoned, even if there is no water left, there
would definitely be a lot of insects and worms, so the great Commander Feng would never be willing to
go down there no matter what.
He leaned back and propped one leg over the other as he sank down and folded his arms behind his
head, waiting with Cui Buqu back in the inn near the window and looked down. He said to Cui Buqu, “Let
us have a bet, shall we?”
“Bet with what? That will they be able to find anything in the well? There is no need to bet, for you will
definitely lose.”
Cui Buqu coughed twice. The sandstorm in the outskirts are strong, and the air was dry, without Qiao
Xian by his side constantly taking care of him, he would never care much about his own body’s condition
himself, so after two days of being here, his coughing came back. If in a worse case, his throat would
even be dry.
Feng Xiao, “Why is that so?”
Cui Buqu was expressionless, “Because when we just arrived here and heard of the ghost rumour from
Chen Cheng, I have already ordered some men to throw a skeleton inside the well, so they would
definitely find something.”
Whether the skeleton was new or old, normal people would not pay much attention to it. They only
knew that if there was a skeleton in the well, then the rumours are definitely no longer rumours, and
that there was definitely a case of extreme grievance twenty years ago. The victim of that case was
unable to die peacefully, so she turned into a vengeful ghost to come back and demanded her own case
to be reinvestigated. After that, this story would only spread further and become wilder.
Gao Yi saw the ghost, so he was unable to stay away from it to save himself, and Duan Qigu would also
be involved.
If one were to compare Qiemo’s original atmosphere to a pot of warm water, then once Cui Buqu came
here, it was like adding a bundle of firewood under this pot, once the fire was lit, the water immediately
It wasn’t difficult to be a sly fox who often pitted others, but the difficult thing is that this sly fox plotted
three steps ahead for every single step he took. When it came to pitting others, it was difficult for Feng
Xiao to not admire Cui Buqu.
What is there left that Cui Buqu could not plot and calculate?
Feng Xiao wanted to ask this question, but he did not ask.
Suddenly he laughed.
Cui Buqu eyes him suspiciously, “What are you laughing at?”
Feng Xiao, “Nothing important.”
If there is something in this world that Cui Buqu thought that he definitely had it in his grip, but in the
end the outcome was different from what he has imagined, would that not be very interesting?
Just when everyone went to join the crowd around the well, Duan Qigu was laughing coldly back in his
own manor at the letter that Cui Buqu sent him.
The letter was written in the name of Gao Yi by Cui Buqu, and the seal on it was also Gao Yi’s seal.
Gao Yi refused to stand out, but under Cui Buqu’s threat, he finally wrote this letter that mentioned the
case of twenty years ago and invited Duan Qigu to the bureau for questioning.
There was no records of the case, and there was no witnesses or existing victims, everything was simply
from theory.
Rumours spread in the city that Duan Qigu once betrayed a young girl, so she committed suicide by
hanging herself; and there were also rumours that said when Duan Qigu was still a horse thief, he owed
someone their lives, so now the victim had returned to claim it back.
Duan Qigu was unable to sleep for the entire night.
Yesterday a ghost haunted the inn, Gao Yi saw the ghost, and he was also disturbed by the ghost and
rendered sleepless. After half a night went by and the ghost hasn’t showed itself, Duan Qigu still had the
delusion of someone whispering in his ear.
He was a practitioner of the martial arts. His body was rigid and sturdy. To lose a night of sleep was
nothing to him, but now his mood was incredibly bad and it could only prove one thing:
That Duan Qigu was guilty in heart.
“Master, do you intend to meet Gao Yi?” the housekeeper of the Duan manor asked him.
He is Duan Qigu’s confidant. Ever since the Duan manor was established, the housekeeper had already
been in service.
Duan Qigu snorted, “Of course not! Who is he, Gao Yi? Others called him Officer Gao in respect, was
only because of the Sui Empire who stood at his rear, would he have this calibre alone?”
Housekeeper Lin nodded his head. He was completely loyal to Duan Qigu, so he did not ask anything
that did not concern himself. It was only because it was his duty to care for his master, so he had to ask
another question, “Then do we have to write a reply, or completely ignore it?”
Duan Qigu, “Send a man to inform him that my body is unwell and I lay on bed heavily ill, ask him to pick
another day to meet.”
He paused suddenly, “Yesterday, did you hear or see anything?”
Housekeeper Lin said, “I have seen nothing, but I heard crying. The adversary might be someone highly
skilled in martial arts, so I cannot trace them at all.”
Duan Qigu snorted, “Since when did Xing Mao managed to get in contact with such a skilled martial
After he was done, he realized something wasn’t right.
Even if the ghost was someone sent by Xing Mao, how would the ghost know something that happened
twenty years ago?
Once he thought about third in charge, Chen Cheng, Li Fei, and how their deaths followed one after the
last, Duan Qigu begin to feel fear crawling up his face.
Housekeeper Lin said again, “I heard that Gao Yi and Yang’s Inn were also haunted by the ghost
yesterday night.”
Duan Qigu laughed coldly, “Where are there so many ghosts in this world? It is definitely Xing Mao’s
good deed!”
Housekeeper Lin did not understand.
Duan Qigu, “He wanted me dead since a long time ago, but he couldn’t find the chance. Last time at the
party, his plan failed, so he would definitely think of another plan. Using this rumour of a ghost, he
wanted to turn the entire city upside down then send someone to kill me, passing it off as the ghost who
did it, then couldn’t he prevent himself from getting involved in murder?”
Just as Master and servant were conversing, someone came to report a news, saying that behind the
Yang’s Inn, in the well, a skeleton was discovered. From the way it looked, it seemed as if the owner had
died a long time ago. The skin and flesh had already turned to ash, and all’s left were white bones. Every
civilian near that area has already went over to take a look.
It was also said that the Kucha King’s nephew was currently sending that skeleton to the bureau for Gao
Yi to examine it.
Housekeeper Lin furrowed his eyes, “Master, how would we be able to take care of this matter?
Otherwise, should I head over to Gao Yi and tell him to avoid from interfering in this matter?”
He could tell that Duan Qigu was incredibly shaken. Something had definitely happened twenty years
ago that involved Duan Qigu, but he was unwilling to say it, so Housekeeper Lin would not ask too much,
and all he could do was try to solve the matter and reduce his Master’s troubles.
Duan Qigu bit his teeth, “There is no need. Gao Yi is a coward, but Xing Mao would use this matter to
sow discourse. I have not avenged myself regarding last time, so why not I return everything to him this
time? Since he cannot wait any longer, then we should take the advantage of the element of surprise
and act first. After tonight, you bring fifty soldiers to the Xing manor and annihilate every single
inhabitant of that manor all at once!”
Housekeeper Lin was taken aback, “Should we not plan this movement thoroughly?”
There was something about Duan Qigu was made him looked increasingly anxious. It was like knowing
where the enemy lies, but he was unable to rush forward and kill them.
“We cannot wait. It has been long since Xing Mao wanted to rule Qiemo city for himself, so the first step
he needs to take is to remove me from this place. Thankfully we have been well-prepared. These years
I’ve instructed you to train fifty strong soldiers, although they are nowhere near top martial artists, their
skills aren’t bad. Under the fact that Xing Mao is unprepared, with simply a few people by his side, even
with the additional martial artist that masqueraded the ghost, they are not your match.”
These years as he sat in the comfort of his throne, his heroic ideals and courage were slowly grinded to
dust. But right now, after he spoke that sentence, he was slowly regaining the confidence that he once
had so many years ago.
“Once Xing Mao dies, at a glance within this city of Qiemo, who will be my match?”
Duan Qigu was positive that his own judgement wasn’t wrong, because he has never made a wrong
decision while he was establishing his rule within Qiemo, step by step was what took him to the place he
was in today.
Housekeeper Lin showed no objection, he was only worried for Duan Qigu’s safety, “Once we all leave,
who will protect you?”
“Leave A-Bing and A-Ding behind, the rest will follow you.” Duan Qigu gave a cold laugh, “Xing Mao
would not have an immediate act to respond to this. Even if he does send someone for me, whether it
was ghost or man, it needs to come out either way. When the time comes, I want to see for myself, who
could escape from my Jingangzhi Technique completely unharmed!”
Xing Mao was enshrouded with an air of spring wind, by the looks of it his mood was not bad at all.
“Although Duan Qigu is powerful, but he has grown old. Once a tiger had its teeth removed, it no longer
posed a threat.” He looked at the man before his eyes and his face gave away a look of familiarity and
gentleness. “After all, he has already betrayed everyone, for even you had left him, what worth is there
left in him to call me his enemy?”
“Master Xing speaks the truth.” The one standing before him bowed with his hands in front of him.
“To think about that year, the Mengchang Jun Group had three thousand members, and he treated
them like his friends and family. Yet now, he treated you and me as such. Duan Qigu has placed himself
upon a high pedestal and had grown proud, even for you who had pursued him for many years, you still
had to lower yourself in front of him. Who is he to sit upon the same table of power as I?”
Xing Mao rose to his feet and walked over to help the other up, “From now on, Master Lin you need not
behave so formally in front of me.”
The other was extremely grateful, “I grateful for Master Xing’s appreciation of me. But those fifty
soldiers under Duan Qigu’s command are soldiers that are loyal to him, and there are two more
confidants by his side, I fear that I cannot make the decision alone.”
Xing Mao smiled gentle, “That is not a problem. He sent everyone out, then isn’t that leaving the Duan
manor like an empty city? This is a good chance for us to act and claim the manor.”
“After tonight, Qiemo will change its surname to Xing.” The white monk that sat a level below his seat
said, and it was if he was congratulating him. His attitude was neither even more mocking, it was
difficult for one to see any hints of it being false.
Xing Mao laughed, “Haha, then hence, I should be thankful to Master Yu’s word of advice!”
Qiemo will change its surname to Xing: Basically just means that after tonight, Qiemo will wholly belong
to Xing Mao.
He leaned back and propped one leg over the other as he sank down and folded his arms behind his
head: In the raws, Meng Xi Shi used a term to describe the way Feng Xiao is sitting like the below picture.
Chapter 56 – If You Want To Kill Him Now, You Need My Permission
Trigger warnings: Rape mentioned (on a very minor side character’s past, it doesn’t concern any
character we know at the moment, don’t worry)
This night is a night without snow or moon.
Dark clouds cover the entire sky, yet it isn’t willing to let the snow fall and even when the wind has come
to a stop, allowing one to feel hot and impatient, flipping around in bed and finding it difficult to fall
Duan Qigu could not sleep.
He has relocated his wife and children to the manor in the back as he himself sits peacefully in the front
hall. He orders all his servants to surround the manor, turning it into a nigh impenetrable fortress. Duan
Qigu doesn’t look too different compared to usual, but in reality, he is relaxed on the outside and tense
on the inside.
Duan Qigu bends his index finger and taps on the table from time to time.
He has been waiting.
He has been waiting for Housekeeper Lin’s report of bringing those fifty soldiers to assault the Xing
He has also been waiting for that ‘vengeful ghost’ to come to his doorsteps once again.
Actually, between Duan Qigu and Xing Mao, there isn’t any real vengeance awaiting to be avenged, but
a mountain will never permit two tigers to rule over it, and both of them knew that Qiemo would
eventually only allow one ruler. So both parties have actually been accumulating their manpower and
strength to kill the other in a final showdown.
Now Duan Qigu could not wait any longer. The incident at the party only made him feel like his life is in
Xing Mao needs to be removed. In fact, this cannot be delayed any longer.
When one thinks too much, it also invades their dreams. One would choose to act sooner rather than
later. Instead of sitting here and waiting to be killed, why shouldn’t he make the first move?
Tonight, victory or failure will ultimately fall upon one decision.
He orders someone to check out the hourglass - the night was approaching eleven o’clock.
Yesterday, it was also around this time that the ghost had appeared, and tonight… Duan Qigu snickered
coldly in a bitter laugh.
At the present, the Duan manor has been lit with candles at every corner and people have been
stationed everywhere. He refuses to believe that not even one person would be unable to see where
the ghost would be coming from.
Outside, the cold wind gathers, bringing leaves and flowers with it into the hall. A sudden chilly breeze
brings a sharp coldness that pierces ones bones. The men who are stationed at the gates could not help
but sneeze.
The lanterns above his head flicker and the candles suddenly went out and everything in front of his
eyes turns pitch black.
The scream came from the northern corner of the Duan manor, the place where all the women were
The voice sounds familiar to his ears - it sounded like the daughter of Duan Qigu, the one who had just
come of age.
Duan Qigu rises to his feet and leaps out of the hall, heading towards the direction where the cry came
As if everything has been scheduled, one by one, the lanterns have been going out as he moves along
the manor.
“What is happening!”
“Someone is here!”
The voices of the guards are like continuous ramblings, yet they could only hear the sound of the wind
and could not determine where the enemy has been hiding.
The ominous wind is everywhere, as if someone has been whispering in their ears.
It is as if they are far, yet it is as if they are near.
Duan Qigu……Repay blood with blood……
A few people recall the rumour of the ghost last night and once they remembered the vengeful ghost
who has been spreading across the entire city, he couldn’t help but feel anxious and scared.
“A ghost!!!!!”
Someone suddenly screamed within the darkness.
It is unknown what they have seen or what they have encountered.
The rising panic slowly quietens down, and the gasps and shouts turn into background voices.
These guards are still considered well-trained, so their ranks did not scatter even in a situation like this.
Duan Qigu brings a few people with him, heading towards the northern corner of the manor. He arrives
just in time to hear his daughter’s scream.
Duan Qigu’s heart stops.
In the next moment, he watches his daughter fall on the ground and her neck was painted with a pool of
red - her eyes are still wide open and filled with shock as if she has not died a peaceful death. Her
servants have been running around, screaming non-stop within the manor.
Duan Qigu’s wife approaches from the adjacent manor, and once she sees her daughter’s condition, she
faints immediately.
Duan Qigu has never seen how a ghost could commit murder, but he knows that the wound on his
daughter’s neck, caused by a sword, is not the deed of a ghost.
“If you have the guts, come for me! What are you trying to prove by killing innocents and the weak!?”
He looks like a wounded lion, screaming into four walls of darkness in fury.
“Xing Mao! I know it’s you! Come the hell out!”
As his voice dissipates into the air, a strong, cold wind lashes against his face, bringing along a heavy
killing intent.
Duan Qigu immediately leaps away and draws his weapon to initiate pursue to his enemy.
Everyone in this world only knew of his incredibly powerful JinGangZhi technique, but very few of them
knew that his weaponry skills were also incredible; for those who knew of it were mostly already dead,
and had no opportunity to inform the world about it.
He originally anticipated that his weapon would be fast enough and that even if the enemy could dodge
his attack, they would still be injured. Who knew that the black shadow suddenly stops in the middle of
the air and vanishes all of a sudden, making his weapon land on thin air and thrust into the trunk of a
tree that stood close by.
Could it really be a ghost?!
It is impossible for ghosts to exist in this world!
Duan Qigu’s heart skips a beat and his back hurts as he helplessly falls from the air.
All his guards rush forward to help him, but they are no match for the enemy.
Some of their necks twisted and they died on the spot, and some of them are wounded heavily before
falling to the ground. Everywhere, everyone’s screaming could be heard.
But still, the enemy’s target from the very beginning has been Duan Qigu, so once the man touches the
ground, he quickly dashes towards him! It is too quick for the human eyes to even follow and no one is
able to stop him!
A force as heavy as falling mountains and rolling waves licks both sides of Duan Qigu’s ears - like a very
wrong judgement which is wild and unkind.
At this moment, Duan Qigu already understands that the enemy is not some vengeful ghost, but a real
person instead. It is even an incredibly highly skilled martial artist who is superior to him in more ways
than one! If his own martial art skills were enough, he might have been able to escape from the fight,
but now—
His wife and children are all here. He cannot run away, and he also cannot choose to run away either.
“To die a swift and painless death is indeed too good for you. I want you to open your eyes and take a
look at everyone you love as they die one by one.”
A soft and faint voice rises into the air, riding along the lines of the wind, a fierce palm sounds, like a
coordinated attack. There is no use for the JinGangZhi technique at the moment, so Duan Qigu could
only pour all his inner strength into his palm and take the risk of attacking instead.
“I, alone, am responsible for my own actions. Spare the innocent as well as my wives and children!” He
grinds his teeth while gathering all his strength and wanting to see the other’s face. Duan Qigu inhales a
sharp, strong breath. He hasn’t lost his mind yet, but his meridians are already injured, and he is already
like a tiger without his teeth.
“You! Who are you?! Did Xing Mao send you?!”
“I am Yan Xuexing.” The man in front of him, wearing long black robes, stares at him.
“You? The one from the Linchuan Palace Academy?!” Duan Qigu recalls, “The one who poisoned that
cup of wine at the party, was that also you?! What are your motives?!”
Duan Qigu is positive that he has never seen the other man before and he definitely has not offended
anyone from the Linchuan Palace Academy from the Southern Chen Dynasty. Both parties have never
had enmity between each other.
Yan Xuexing laughs coldly, “The one who poisoned the wine wasn’t me. You can only blame yourself for
having too many enemies. The number of people who want you dead are innumerable! As for Peng
Xiang, he was indeed murdered by me, because just like you, he deserves to die!”
Duan Qigu, “I have no business with the Linchuan Palace Academy, there is nothing between us!”
Yan Xuexing, “This has nothing to do with the Linchuan Palace Academy, you only need to remember
me, Yan Xuexing, and it will suffice.”
Duan Qigu’s guard could not hold him back. The bodyguards by his side also aren’t Yan Xuexing’s match.
The name of a disciple of the Linchuan Palace Academy is indeed worthy of its fame. This man’s martial
art skills are high, and people who are nobodies are not his match at all.
The women and children in the manor are all being brought out by him one by one and tossed into the
courtyard. Their meridians are sealed, so they could only cry and allow tears to stain their cheeks, but
they could not make any sounds. Duan Qigu hates himself for sending out the Housekeeper Lin and his
fifty soldiers, otherwise he could still stand a chance against Yan Xuexing even now.
“Who do you want to see dying first?” Yan Xuexing walks towards the Duan family, “To people like you,
women are like clothes, if they are gone, you can just get a new one, so why don’t I kill your beloved
concubine first?”
Duan Qigu feels a sharp pain in his chest, as if he can practically spit out the blood. He looks at the
corpse of his daughter lying on the ground and shouts, “Even if you want me dead, at least let me know
why! You helped Xing Mao, do you really think that Xing Mao is any better than me? He will definitely
betray you one day!”
Yan Xuexing shakes his head, “I do not know Xing Mao. Nobody can command me.”
“Master Yan, since you have made your decision, then why are you still wasting your breath on him?
Just kill them one by one, and he will understand it eventually.”, a short and light laughter follows and
on the rooftop, a woman in yellow robes appears and in her hands held a string of beads. Once Duan
Qigu sees her, his eyes are wide in shock.
Those beads are craved from jade and within its hollowness, two more layers of jades reside - so the
worth is equivalent to three jade beads within one. It is said to be the treasure of the Western Jin
Palace, but it fell into the common people’s hands for a few hundred years before it fell into Duan Qigu’s
hands. Almost as valuable as the Jade of Heaven’s Lake, the beads have been a beloved treasure to
Duan Qigu, so he hid it in his secret vault and occasionally took it out to play with. Even his wife does not
know about his personal vault, yet this woman could seek it out!
The woman in yellow robes wraps her fingers around the beads in her palms and turns it into dust. As
the remains fall from within her fingers. From her fingers, the remains fell and taken away by the wind.
Once she sees how Duan Qigu’s eyes crack at the sight, she cannot help but laugh, “Why, does your
heart ache? These are treasures you took in the name of robbery, so they were never yours to begin
“It has been twenty years. The blood you owed in that year, do you remember?” The woman parts her
lips and the voice changes immediately. She has been the ghost which haunted him last night.
Duan Qigu now understands that this woman can mimic voices of all kind.
Yan Xuexing walks towards his beloved concubine, whose face is white with fear, yet she is unable to
move. She looks absolutely pitiful, yet he is unable to feel pity for her. Instead, he reaches out to grab
the other’s neck. Suddenly, the colour on Yan Xuexing’s face changes and he tosses the woman down to
avoid something that tries to attack him from behind. Even the yellow robed woman who sat on the
roof has also disappeared, and is nowhere to be found.
Everyone only sees a flash in front of their eyes and suddenly, someone else stands where Yan Xuexing
has just stood a few moments ago.
Feng Xiao snickers and laughs, “It’s all the fault of my husband for dilly-dallying. It seems like I’ve come a
moment too late and missed the grand show.”
He has never been someone who takes matters discreetly, even though he is still wearing the disguise of
a woman at the moment, his presence is still bombastic. The wind is caught in his sleeves, causing it to
bellow in the air. There is an ambiguous air around him, making it impossible to tell whether he was a
man or a woman. Even Yan Xuexing cannot withstand the pressure and has to take a few steps back.
“Who are you?!”
Feng Xiao laughs, “This gentleman, I heard that you have enmity with Duan Qigu, then you may just kill
him. Why have you been procrastinating instead? But since I am here now and you have yet to act, if
you want to kill him now, then you need my permission.”
Yan Xuexing refuses to waste time on him, so he does not say another word before moving in to attack
Feng Xiao. The two of them fight at an incredibly fast speed and in the blink of an eye, they have already
crossed hands more than ten times.
People who are watching on the side lines can only see the fluttering and swishing of clothes; they
cannot see their movements at all!
Finally, Cui Buqu has also arrived.
He has no martial art skills, so he cannot descend from the air like Feng Xiao and he can only use both
his legs and walk into the scene like a normal person.
All the guards at the Duan manor have been put down by the yellow robed woman and Yan Xuexing, so
there is no one to stop him. He could walk inside in a relaxed manner, and walks all the way from the
gates to the courtyard. Then he notices the woman in yellow robes.
“Lady Bing Xuan, long time no see.” Cui Buqu greets.
“Master Daoist Cui, it hasn’t been very long.” Bing Xuan returns with a smile.
They meet each other again in the manor of Duan Qigu, yet they do not feel awkward at all. It is like
seeing an old friend again - familiar and natural.
Cui Buqu, “I had no idea that the Hehuan Sect and the Linchuan Palace Academy are allies?”
Bing Xuan, “Master Daoist Cui, you have mistaken. Master Yan has already betrayed his sect to go on a
journey of avenging a personal grudge. He intends to join the Hehuan Sect afterwards, so naturally, I am
happy to recruit a talented martial artist. Hence why I am here, helping him out.”
Cui Buqu, “A personal grudge?”
Bing Xuan smiles, “Do you want to hear a story?”
Cui Buqu, “Make it brief.”
Bing Xuan, “Twenty years ago, a family was following a group of merchants as they passed by Qiemo.
They met some bandits on the way and not only did those bandits rob them, they even murdered them
all. Everyone in the merchant group were slaughtered, even that family could not escape that fate. Only
a pair of siblings – a sister and a brother – managed to run free, but they had nothing to protect them,
not even a little bit of martial arts. So they could not run very far. The young sister could only bring an
even younger brother to seek shelter at a hunter’s lodge.”
Cui Buqu, “You speak as if you were there yourself. Could it be that you are the sister?”
Bing Xuan, “Nay, Master Yan is the younger brother. As for the sister, she was raped to death by those
heinous men. As for the hunter, after he discovered the younger brother, he did not show kindness and
hide them. Instead, he lusted after the sister and held her down as he raped her. As he committed that
crime, those bandits caught up to them and as they saw what was happening, they joined in as well,
taking the sister for their spoils of war. They were high when a walking merchant passed by, so they
invited the merchant to join in the fun as well. The merchant originally refused to do so, but he was
afraid of being killed by the bandits, so he suppressed his disgust and joined in as well and became one
of the men that hurt the sister. These people had the sister for themselves and could not care less for
the brother, so he managed to escape alone and hide in the dark, but in the end, he saw everything
from the beginning to the end.”
Cui Buqu immediately understands, “And Duan Qigu, is among one of the group?”
Bing Xuan smiles, “He isn’t just one of them, but he is the one who initiated and led the rape. Tell me,
don’t you think he deserves to be unforgiven? Shouldn’t he be left to be the last one to die? Shouldn’t
he be killed in the most terrible, cruel, and gruesome way possible?”
Cui Buqu is not the only one who heard her words, even Duan Qigu has been listening. He had already
guessed this incident that happened twenty years ago, otherwise the colour on his face would not have
changed so abruptly.
It is just that he always thought that no one would know of this matter which happened twenty years
ago. And those who were his accomplice two decades ago could not have given themselves away. Who
knew that the younger brother had managed to survive and that he even joined the Linchuan Palace
Academy and has trained himself into someone with enough skills to seek his own revenge.
Cui Buqu nods, “If what you say is true, then he indeed deserves death.”
Once Duan Qigu hears the words, he shouts loudly, “That year, I wasn’t the only one, why should it be
me—“ His voice suddenly stops and it turns into fear. Li Fei, Chen Cheng, Peng Xiang, and him. They
were the merchant, the hunter, and those bandits respectively. They were originally people who did not
know each other, but they shared such a past.
After the sister died, they went their separate ways and did not remember this incident at all.
All of them have died one by one.
Even some of Duan Qigu’s older subordinates who participated all died quietly.
Once Duan Qigu recalls everything that has happened and connected the dots, only then did he realize
Indeed, none of them have escaped death.
Author’s Notes:
There are three things happening here.
The brother taking revenge is one thing. Yu Xiu and third in charge allying to kill Duan Qigu is the second
thing. Duan Qigu and Xing Mao’s relationship is the third thing.
Originally, these three things share no relationship between them, they all just coincidentally all
involved Duan Qigu.
In the end—
Feng Xiao: Step aside everyone, I want to act dumb now!
Cui Buqu: ….
Chapter 57 – I Am The Most Obedient Wife To My Husband~
Just as Cui Buqu is speaking to Bing Xuan, Feng Xiao and Yan Xueying were battling in the air. Both of
them spilt up and fly on to two separate roofs, before turning around to face each other.
People who are ignorant to martial arts would only think that their martial arts are levelled with each
other and that it was difficult to tell who would have the upper hand, but Yan Xuexing knows that even
though he is the exemplary disciple of the Linchuan Palace Academy, yet when he compares himself to
this person before him, he still falls far behind.
As his thoughts travels to and fro, he could not think of a single female martial artist from the Jianghu
province that could be the identity of this skilled lady.
“Dare I inquire the name of this maiden?”
Feng Xiao, “My maiden surname is Cui, birth name is Buqu.”
Cui Buqu: …..
Bing Xuan could not stop herself from giggling.
Yan Xuexing, “May I know from which sect Maiden Cui is from, and who is your Master?”
Feng Xiao smiles, “Why should I tell you?”
Yan Xuexing swallows, suppressing his fury, and warning himself not to throw a fit.
Along this road he has met many difficult women. Although these years were quite linear, the world of
Jianghu had always belonged to men, and men were the ones that ruled the world of Jianghu. Very few
women could waltz through the Jianghu province, and even fewer left their names to the wind and
allowed it to carry their fame afar. This time it was as if everything was planned, and Yan Xuexing had
met them all at once.
Such as Bing Xuan.
And this Maiden Cui in front of him.
Yan Xuexing did not wish to waste time with other people. His only has one goal: to torture the Duan
family, and let Duan Qigu suffer as much as he can until he is finally killed. But with Feng Xiao in his way,
he could not achieve that goal.
He says in a low voice, “Duan Qigu murdered my entire family. He raped my sister. If this revenge is not
avenged, then I have betrayed my family as a son and a brother. Lady Cui, if you have nothing to do with
Duan Qigu, please step aside. Today I, Yan Xuexing, will owe you a favour, and I shall return it another
Feng Xiao wriggles his eyebrows, “Return with that?”
Yan Xuexing grits his teeth, “As long as it is not against morals and that it is within my abilities, there is
nothing that I would refuse.”
Duan Qigu has been ruling for over a decade and he has never went out of this way to gain the favour of
others, there were only others who kissed his feet and begged for his favour. Even Gao Yi from the Sui
Empire had to be respectful towards him. Since when was there a time in his life that he was like this,
sprawled like lump of meat on the chopping board and allow others to skin him as they pleased?
The Duan Qigu who had once been a horse thief was fearless and courageous, he had licked blood off
knives and were wounded a few times, only did he managed to exchange for his current life of luxury
and prosperity. There was nothing he didn’t have, so his will to live was fiercer than before. When he
saw that Feng Xiao was honestly considering Yan Xuexing’s words, how could he still hold himself back?
He immediately shouts, “Don’t you want to know the secrets? I will tell you everything! Save me! I will
tell all of you people every secret I know!”
Cui Buqu, “In that case, you do indeed know who Yu Xiu is?”
Duan Qigu, “I know!”
Cui Buqu smiles, “Duan Qigu, although I do not know any form of martial arts, but I am skilled in reading
expressions—a skill I fear only very few people has—before this you said you have never heard of Yu
Xiu, that is the truth, and now you said that you know him, I fear is it only to trick us into saving your life!
What do you have that is worth trading for your life?”
Duan Qigu shouts, “Yes! I have! Have you heard of the Yunhai Thirteen Stories? I know their secret! Save
me! I will tell you everything!”
“The Yunhai Thirteen Stories?” Cui Buqu yields some amusement, “I am indeed interested in knowing
more about them, but I have not gone to the point that I would save your life for it. Unless you can
prove that you are worth just as much.”
Both of Duan Qigu’s eyes turn blood-red. In order to save his own life, he would care less for anything
else, “The Yunhai Thirteen Stories, is not simply an organization that takes money and takes lives! There
are thirteen pavilions, ruled by thirteen people. Among those thirteen people, I am number twelve,
called Master Twelve. Is this secret worthy enough?!”
Cui Buqu raises an eyebrow.
He suddenly recalls something.
In the murder of the Khotan Ambassador, one of the murderers, Su Xing, once said that they were all
disciples of the Fuyu Sect from Goguryeo. That year, when they were delivered to the Central Plains, the
one who sent them here was someone who had extreme authority in the Fuyu Sect. Su Xing and Qin
Miaoyu only knew that they called him ‘Master One’, but they did not know who he truly is.
During that time, Cui Buqu had once discussed with Feng Xiao, that ‘one’ is the beginning of all things,
and they considered whether there were also two, three, four, and now even eleven and twelve?
So is this Master One related to the Yunhai Thirteen Stories?
If so, then this organization hides a huge scheme behind them; their goals and their aims are definitely
vast, it would indeed shock all of mankind.
Thinking of it now, they were not only related to Goguryeo, even Duan Qigu who is situated in a faraway
place like Qiemo is involved. It is difficult to guarantee that they did not have people in the Southern and
Northern Dynasties and all places across the continent, in the Sui Empire or the Southern Chen Dynasty,
in Jianghu or other huge and influential sects.
In a blur of fire that spark from embers, from these thoughts, it immediately convince Cui Buqu to make
the decision of retaining Duan Qigu’s life.
They originally thought that Duan Qigu and Yu Xiu only shared personal enmities between them, and
wanted to use this opportunity to unravel Yu Xiu’s motives, who knew that Fate allowed them to come
across such an earth-shattering secret pertaining the Yunhai Thirteen Stories.
There was no need for Feng Xiao to exchange glances with Cui Buqu, for practically at the same time,
they both reach the same thought. He turns towards Yan Xuexing and waves his hand, “You also heard
it. He is using his secrets to exchange for his life. I am interested in this secret of his, so why don’t you
give me a little bit of face, and come kill him a few days later?”
Yan Xueying utters one word after the other, “Impossible. I have waited for more than a full decade,
only have I finally managed to wait until this day. Not only do I wish to kill him, I also want to kill every
single one of his family in front of his eyes, then thrust a sword into his heart, to let him have the taste
of watching his own family die before his eyes!”
Feng Xiao raises an eyebrow, “Debts are repaid, but even if the Duan family lived a comfortable life of
luxury, surely they have never killed your family? Are you not a disciple of the Linchuan Palace Academy
who proclaimed themselves to be men of philanthropy? Did your Master allow you to do this?”
“Can philanthropy revive my family, and stop those scums from rapping my sister?!” Yan Xuexing let out
a long, cold laugh. His gaze swept across the members of the Duan family who are currently shivering,
holding a mocking glare in his eyes, “Since they have used Duan Qigu’s money, his wealth, and his glory,
then they should accompany him in death. Isn’t this the laws of the world? If they are loyal to their
moral alignments and moral principles, then they would have left a long time ago and rather not use
these tainted money! I only killed his daughter with a single strike. I did not let someone ruin her in front
of him, this is already the most merciful treatment!”
Before his voice hits the ground, his shadow is already gone.
Yan Xuexing knows his martial arts were not comparable to Feng Xiao’s, so he needed to look for a
chance to kill Duan Qigu. With those words just now, he had just poured out all the bitterness in his
heart that he kept all these years, but his other intention is to distract him. With Feng Xiao here, it was
impossible for him to let Duan Qigu die a slow and painful death, so Yan Xuexing chose to end him with
a single blow, to avoid missing this chance.
In the midst of the darkness, Yan Xuexing was like a floating curtain on water, practically weightless and
quick. Let alone Cui Buqu, for even Bing Xuan would not see him clearly.
But regardless of how Yan Xuexing moves, his target, from the beginning to the end, is definitely Duan
So Feng Xiao also moves.
He takes a slow and steady step.
The step is so ordinary that it would not have worth a mention, his body’s movement is also not the
usual way he moves that swayed like a peacock.
This movement is definitely undoubtedly ordinary.
Feng Xiao drops from the roof, then rises up into the air again like a bird that opened its wings and
landed right above Yan Xuexing.
People who watch from the side line would not be able to tell what is so strange about this, but for Yan
Xuexing, he could feel a heavy and thundering pressure on top of his head, as if it could crush his entire
being. Thus the colour of his face changed and he immediately changed his stance from the offensive to
be on defence, bending his waist to rise up and using a palm to slap it onto the ground before pushing
himself against Feng Xiao’s direction.
In the blink of an eye, they’ve crossed moves for another ten rounds.
It is not often one can watch two top martial arts facing off. Had it not been for it being during such an
inappropriate time, Cui Buqu would have sat down and admire it from afar.
But it is impossible for Bing Xuan to simply sit down and wait for Yan Xuexing to lose, since he is
someone that she wanted to welcome into the Hehuan Sect, so she finally attacks.
With her participation, it was as if the situation took a slight turn, but Yan Xuexing could not have
guessed that Feng Xiao’s powers were strong until this extent, that he did not even wavered in the
Or perhaps, from the beginning, Feng Xiao had never used his full strength at all, and that he was
waiting for the right moment.
Duan Qigu’s wounds were not light, but he did not give up trying to escape. As he watches the three of
them fight and neither of them could pay him any attention, he slowly headed towards a dark corner.
Suddenly, someone else was standing in front of him.
It is Cui Buqu.
Duan Qigu did not put Cui Buqu in his eyes, he knows that the other is not a practitioner of the martial
But now, Duan Qigu was nowhere better than someone who did not practice martial arts either.
He tones his voice low and tells Cui Buqu, “These years I have hid no few treasures. Let me run free, and
I will tell you where I hid them!”
Cui Buqu, “I have no interest in treasuries, but if you tell me about the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, I will
spare you your life; not only that, but my wife will help you to buy some time. After today, surely you
can escape on your own?”
Duan Qigu laughs a bitter laugh, “After joining the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, one must guard all the
secrets within it, to not even let a whisper reach a third ear. Even if I told you, I only have one choice,
that is death.”
Cui Buqu, “But just now you have already told me.”
He turns his head and shouts to Feng Xiao, “Dear wife! Duan Qigu refuses to cooperate. So just fight
however lazily you wish and pretend to fight seriously, then finally, let Yan Xuexing kill him and be done
with it!”
Even with one against two, Feng Xiao still possesses the free time to respond, “No problem ~ I am the
most obedient wife to my husband!”
Duan Qigu quickly says, “I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you! What do you want to know?”
Cui Buqu, “Do you know Yu Xiu or not? And Is Yu Xiu one of the people from the Yunhai Thirteen
Duan Qigu, “I really do not know, and neither have I heard of such a person! The Yunhai Thirteen Stories
have thirteen people in charge altogether. Every one of them rules a pavilion of their own. Although I
am one of them, I only know who is before and after me. As for the others, I have never seen, met, nor
even heard of them!”
Altogether, there were thirteen people, Duan Qigu is ranked Master Twelve, so the one before him
should be Master Eleven, and the one after him would be Master Thirteen.
Cui Buqu, “Who are they?”
Duan Qigu, “Master Eleven’s name is Yu Heng, he is a monk; Master Thirteen is a woman, named Fong
Whether Yu Heng and Yu Xiu were the same person or not, Cui Buqu decides to set this aside for the
time being, but once he hears of the name Fong Xiaolian, Cui Buqu felt very surprised.
“The most loved devilish concubine of Gao Wei, Fong Xiaolian?”
Duan Qigu, “Yes! Yes!”
Fong Xialian of the jade body. For all who were familiar to the little happenings in the world, who would
not have heard of the devilish beloved concubine whose name rings thunder?
It was only because after the Sui Empire was established, Fong Xiaolian was offered to the Sui officers,
according to Cui Buqu. This woman should have died in the fight, and for such a beauty to perish, many
people had felt pity towards it.
Yet if she really is the Master Thirteen of the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, then her death, perhaps has more
than it meets the eye.
Fong Xiaolian: The correct pinyin should be Feng Xiaolian, but it is not the same ‘Feng’ as Feng Xiao’s
Feng. So to avoid confusion, it has been changed to ‘Fong’, which is the Cantonese reading of the
Chapter 58 – Suddenly Feng Xiao Felt A Little Unhappy In His Heart
Duan Qigu’s participation in the Yunhai Thirteen Stories is purely accidental.
That year, he had just turned over a new leaf from a horse thief and decided to settle down in Qiemo for
a peaceful life. Duan Qigu’s intended new life was to take up a trading business.
Of course, his business is not completely proper. Since Duan Qigu’s wealth is originally obtained through
immoral means, he was able to gather a group of subordinates that were loyal to him, he had both the
budget and manpower he needed. Therefore, his switch from a horse thief to one of the business giants
in Qiemo was a quick and smooth process.
By the time Cui Buqu and his company arrived in Qiemo, he discovered that Duan Qigu and Xing Mao
both occupied practically half of all the business trades in Qiemo. Even when it came to all the inns
within the city, it is spilt into two halves for each of them. If people were not willing to live in branches
that belonged to Duan Qigu, then they would have to live in the ones that belonged to Xing Mao. A third
option, unfortunately, did not exist.
However, when Duan Qigu just settled down in Qiemo, he is not the way he is now, behaving like his
word was law.
Here, other than Xing Mao, there were also other bodies of power. Although Duan Qigu had
considerable strength, his background in Qiemo is still thin, so he isn’t quite his adversary’s match.
Those bodies of power all allied together, contacted Xing Mao, and wanted to exile Duan Qigu from
It was during this time, someone made their way to his doorstep and called themselves Yu Heng, the
Eleventh Pavilion Lord of the Yunhai Thirteen Stories.
Before that moment, Duan Qigu has never heard of the name of the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, so Yu Heng
speaks straightforwardly and tells him that he would take care of the other bodies of powers in Qiemo,
so that he may establish his rule in the city. His requirement is that Duan Qigu should join the Yunhai
Thirteen Stories and become the Twelveth Pavilion Lord.
The Duan Qigu of that time is completed overpowered by his enemies, so in the midst of panic, he
agrees to join the Yunhai Thirteen Stories while being doubtful about what Yu Heng had told him.
Yet what he didn’t expect is that the other actually kept his word. Not only did he assassinated all of his
enemies and solve all Duan Qigu’s miseries, he even helps Duan Qigu to pull strings and brought the silk
and clay business to him from Jiangnan so that he may intimate business with the Nanbei businessmen
and expands his connections with people. Within a few years, he quickly rises up in society and becomes
as powerful as Xing Mao.
At the same time, the more Duan Qigu communicated with the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, the more he
feels that this organization has more than it meets the eye. From the South to the North, among farmers
and merchants, there is practically nowhere that did not contain at least one of their people. Duan Qigu
knows that there exists no free lunch in this world, so if he receives something, he also expects himself
to give something back. However, other than making him Master Twelve of the Twelveth Pavillion and
propelling him up to a throne of power, they have never asked anything from him. Fong Xiaolian who is
Master Thirteen of the Yunhai Thirteen Stories has even showed up in Qiemo once and met Duan Qigu
in person.
The most beloved devilish concubine in history, after removing all her makeup, is ultimately just another
pleasant-looking face. Duan Qigu has always indulged himself in lust, but he dares not think such
thoughts about Fong Xiaolian. Even though she ranks behind him as number thirteen, her martial arts
were not bad at all and they possess about the same level of skills.
Speaking of which, even top martial artists like himself and Fong Xiaolian, they were only ranked
practically the last among the Thirteen Pavilion Lords, so what can be said for those who are situated
before them? How powerful and strong were they in reality?
Duan Qigu dares not think deeper about this. Knowing too much, ultimately, would bring nothing good
to him, so he chooses to be ignorant.
Until there comes a day, Yu Heng suddenly shows himself and requests for him to plot Gao Yi’s downfall,
then annihilate Xing Mao and become the one true ruling power of Qiemo. He also said that the Yunhai
Thirteen Stories would support him in full, and in the process, whether it was men or money he needed,
Duan Qigu only needed to request it for them and he shall have it.
However Duan Qigu does not find himself convinced, in fact he is afraid, feeling like ‘what has to come
would eventually come’ kind of feeling.
He enjoys his current lifestyle, as there is no need to hold his head back in his days as a horse thief.
Every day he feels comfortable and enjoys his riches and luxuries to its full. Those who has seen him in
action before would also only know how to come forward to please him.
Duan Qigu aged. He has learned to fear death and fear change. If the task is only to kill Xing Mao, then
he might have agreed, but the Sui Empire lies behind Gao Yi, and Duan Qigu is not crazy enough to go
against the entire Sui Empire.
Perhaps the Sui Empire may be busy battling the Kingdom of Göktürk at the moment and has no time to
pay attention to a small city like Qiemo, but once they could find the time, Duan Qigu refuses to believe
that one small little Qiemo is enough to go against the whole of the Sui Empire.
Duan Qigu could see a vast and terrible scheme from Yu Heng’s proposal, and for the first time in his life
he is unable to determine how deep and huge the Yunhai Thirteen Stories were.
He has grown afraid and rejected Yu Heng, instead he tells him that he needed more time to think and
consider it. In reality, it is simply a way to stall time, so he can procrastinate this matter further.
Yu Heng came a few times yet he could not move Duan Qigu with his words; Yu Heng has, instead,
backfired and causes Duan Qigu to birth a desire to run away from the Yunhai Thirteen Stories.
His wealth satisfies him, as did the power he wields, and he simply wants to enjoy the rest of his life
living peacefully and safely. A life where he did not need to put his life at risk.
Yu Heng becomes aware of these thoughts of his, so he stops visiting him.
Duan Qigu lets out a breath of relief, but at the same time, he feels absolutely insecure.
He feels that because the Yunhai Thirteen Stories had invested so much in him, it is impossible that they
would let him off just like that.
Duan Qigu trains more than just a few soldiers in secret, and he feels more than a handful of bodyguards
by his side. He even builds a secret tunnel in his manor, just in case. Yet, as days passes one by one,
whether it is Yu Heng or the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, no one came for him.
Once the rumour of the ghost came to light, Duan Qigu know that it isn’t a ghost at all. It is his adversary
simply wishing to use the rumour of a ghost to kill him. Perhaps it had been Xing Mao’s plan, perhaps it
might have been the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, and perhaps, Yu Heng has allied with Xing Mao, and both
of them scheming against him.
This is the reason Duan Qigu is so desperate to make the first move, to take advantage of the element of
But he is unaware of the existence of Yan Xuexing and Cui Buqu’s company.
Even as he plots and schemes, he is still ultimately unable to escape fate.
Duan Qigu pours out everything, and once he sees that Cui Buqu’s expression sank into a pensive look,
while on the other side, those three are still fighting, the moment when nobody pays him any attention,
he immediately scrambles up to his feet and staggers towards a dark direction.
A sharp sound pierces the air, he lets out a cry as an arrow hit his shoulder and he falls to the ground.
At the same time, a few more arrows were heading towards Feng Xiao, Yan Xuexing, and Bing Xuan.
Cui Buqu hides behind a pillar to avoid the arrows and raises his head to look.
A few shadows appears on top of the roof, their bows bent, aiming towards all the people in the manor.
A rain of arrows descends from the air, and after that, Xing Mao entering, bringing a few people behind
him into the venue.
Walking side by side with him is a white-robed monk.
This should be the Master Eleven of the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, Yu Heng.
At a glance, the other heavily resembles Yu Xiu, but once he opens his mouth, Cui Buqu knows that he
The white-robed monk casts Duan Qigu a smile, yet he relocates his gaze afterwards, treating him like he
an abandoned dog by the street.
“Is this a retelling of the mantis preying the cicada, while the sparrow waited at the back?”
These words mean that Duan Qigu is the cicada, Yan Xuexing and Bing Xuan are the mantis, Cui Buqu
and Feng Xiao thought they are the cicada, but in the end, Yu Heng and Xing Mao are the true ultimate
This is definitely not the voice of Yu Xiu.
When Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu were pursuing him, see him with their own two eyes that he had spoken
and conversed with third in charge, but they did not hear the other speak with their own two eyes.
They were both monks, and their names sound similar, so what is the relationship of Yu Xiu and Yu
Cui Buqu furrows his eyebrows and sinks deep into thought.
He has no knowledge of martial arts, so other than Bing Xuan, no one else in the vicinity takes him
seriously. He is also more than happy to hide behind a pillar and observe the situation.
Other than Yu Heng, a few highly skilled martial artist are also by Xing Mao’s side, wearing different
attires. They did not look like his subordinates, so they were more likely to be guests he had employed
from the Jianghu province.
Other this these few people on top of the roof and those outside the Duan manor, there is no one who
isn’t surrounded by the guards of the Xing manor.
On the other hand, on the side of Duan Qigu, he does not know where Housekeeper Lin led those
soldiers, and his own bodyguards were practically all murdered by Yan Xuexing. Those are left were all
killed by Xing Mao’s entry.
The time of his rule is over.
“Don’t you be too happy just yet!” Blood splatters on Duan Qigu’s face, his hair is in a mess as he glares
at Xing Mao death in the eye. Where is there an ounce of glory left in him?
He has battled with this rival of his for a very long time, and for a very long time, both parties were
unable to do anything to the other, yet they never thought that tonight would be the night one of them
would finally be the victor.
Xing Mao laughs, being in an extremely good mood, “Ha! Old brethren, do you mean those trained
soldiers of yours? They are all waiting for you on the Yellow Bridge!”
Duan Qigu, “Impossible!”
Xing Mao, “Speaking of which, those soldiers you’ve trained aren’t bad. Not bad at all. Had it not been
for Housekeeper Lin who forewarned me about them, I might have lost. But who let you allow such a
loyal subordinate of your own to betray yourself?”
Duan Qigu lets out a loud wail and spits out a mouthful of blood. His face becomes even redder than
“Impossible! Impossible! Lin Feng would never betray me!”
Xing Mao snortes and was too impatient to speak more with him, so he waves his hand, “Take all the
Duan family members!”
Yan Xuexing gives him a cold look, “All the lives of the Duan family members are mine, they are mine to
Xing Mao raises an eyebrow, “My lord is also here to kill Duan Qigu? Then that is good. Let me cleave his
head off his shoulders and then give you his body. As for the other old and young ones from his family,
when I have my way with them, you are also welcomed to watch.”
Yan Xuexing declines abruptly, “No. He and I share a grudge as wide and deep as the blood sea, their
lives are mine to take!”
Xing Mao says impatiently, “Then may the one with the best abilities win!”
As he says, he turns to Yu Heng.
The monk nods his head and smiles, “Duan Qigu must die tonight.”
Xing Mao takes a step back and puts his hands together, turning to face those Jianghu people he
gathered, “I will entrust this to you people.”
The one who holds a fan in hand is the first to move.
“Let me see the true powers of a disciple of the Linchuan Palace Academy!”
Without Xing Mao, Yan Xuexing and Feng Xiao are neither enemies nor friends, but now that Xing Mao is
here, the situation takes a sharp turn.
Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu want to keep Duan Qigu alive for the time being, so they could question him
about the secrets of the Yunhai Thirteen Stories; although Yan Xuexing wanted Duan Qigu death, he did
not want him to die under Xing Mao’s hands. So when the scholar fought against Yan Xuexing, Feng Xiao
only stands aside and watches.
The scholar’s looks weren’t impressive, but his martial arts aren’t bad at all. Dancing with a metal fan, he
immediately seals all Yan Xuexing’s options of routes, however, his inner strength is no match for Yan
Xuexing, and within a few moves, he is quickly falling behind. When that moment came, two more
fighters leap out from Xing Mao’s side, one holding a sword, and the other holding a knife.
The first’s sword is dull and rough and did not look anything special, yet the latter’s knife is glimmering
and shinning like it is glowing in the dark, practically blinding everyone’s sight.
Feng Xiao’s martial arts were peak standards, but he seldom roam the Jianghu province, therefore, he
knows nothing about these people.
Thankfully, there is someone who knew of all the worldly matters, like a living and walking encyclopedia,
right next to him.
“The one using a sword is called Wang Hong, his Jianghu’s name is Wuming Jian, meaning that the sword
is nameless but it is wielded by a person with a name. The sword master is a descendant from the Miao
family from Xinan, using maggots, it was enough to trick people when they least expected it.” It was as if
Cui Buqu knows his thoughts, for speaks all of a sudden.
As his voice dissipates in the air, Yan Xuexing jerks his head to the side, naturally avoiding the light wind
that brushes past his ear.
Bing Xuan’s fingers flick, and a black maggot falls to the ground, a silver needle piercing through its
Yan Xuexing couldn’t help but turns to cast Cui Buqu a glance. Without his warning, he knows that he
would have very likely taken the bait.
“The knife user is a man called Hu Yun. All who knew him praised both his talents and conduct. He is a
business giant from Shan Guan, never in his life he has to worry about food or clothes. Gold is already a
weak metal by nature, but he hired a famed metalsmith to forge a sword made of alloy that even
normal swords could not break it. His skills were ranked second-tiered.” Cui Buqu continues to recite
everyone’s identities out.
Once Hu Yun hears it, he starts to panic, “You motherfucking bastard, who is only second-tiered?!”
As his words dissipates, Yan Xuexing delivers a kick to his stomach, and that Hu Yun person immediately
flew away, the golden knife in his hand falling to the ground.
The scholar laughs, “Hu Yun, it seems like you ran out of luck!”
Cui Buqu continues, “A scholar named Yue Xiafeng who uses a metal fan as a weapon, skilled in close
combat but when it comes to ranged attacks…..”
Bing Xuan smiles, and shoots a silver needle from her hand.
Yue Xiafeng is forced to abandon Yan Xuexing to defend himself from the silver needle. Once Yan
Xuexing sees an opening, he shoots out a palm to hit his back, and the latter spits out a mouthful of
blood, receiving quite a heavy injury.
Bing Xuan bows at Cui Buqu, “Many thanks to Daoist Master Cui’s warnings.”
Cui Buqu, “It is my lady who is sharp and intelligent.”
For some reason, Feng Xiao feels a little unhappy when he hears this conversation.
He turns his body and lunges himself at Xing Mao.
Xing Mao is taken by surprise, and both martial artists from his side leap into action.
One attacks with five fingers curled into a claw, and the other with his index and middle finger in a
twisted flower style, but in reality, in his hand is a very fine string that is even sharper than normal
knives and swords. Added with his inner strength, it makes a fine weapon to cut someone else’s throat.
“Zhuoyun Shou, named Pei Yuan, a disciple of Shaolin. During the Martial Art Congress, he is known for
his rigidity. Yueshui Guanyin, named Bai Bi, like a white-jade Guanyin, a man with a woman’s look, is
why he obtained such an alias, the golden and silver thread he wielded is even more magical when holy
weapons. Those who died under his hand was because they did not take him seriously—“
Cui Buqu’s words accurately recites everyone’s weaknesses, and following his words, Feng Xiao rises into
the air, channelling his strength, he immediately snaps Bai Bi’s threads in half.
But Cui Buqu does not have the opportunity to finish speaking.
Because somebody is choking his neck.
Yu Heng holds Cui Buqu’s neck tightly in his hands and turns towards Feng Xiao who, similarly, holds
Xing Mao in his hands, “Do you want to kill, or save?”
It is unknown how the other had come here so quickly, for Pei Yuan and Bai Bi already has their
meridians sealed and they were put aside.
Xing Mao’s expression turns colourless. He could not believe that when he thought victory is already in
his hands, Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu still manage to ruin it just like that.
If not for them being here, Yan Xuexing and Bing Xuan would have long suffered defeat.
Although he loathes to do it, he shouts towards Yu Heng in a loud voice, “Master Yu, you cannot
abandon me like that!”
Yellow Bridge: Mentioned before, in the Afterlife for the Han, all the departed souls will travel across a
place called the ‘Yellow Bridge’.
Wuming Jian: It means ‘The Nameless Sword’
Twisted flower style: 拈花状 (refer to image below)
Zhuoyun Shou: It means ‘Hand that Could Catch The Clouds’.
Yueshui Guanyin: It means ‘Water Moon Guanyin’. This and Zhuoyun Shou, are titles/aliases of those two
martial artists.
A man with a woman’s look: The God of Mercy Guanyin is an Indian Prince, but he is generally portrayed
as a young woman holding a flower with flowing white robes. This is used to describe Bai Bi as well.
Chapter 59 – I Even Have To Thank You For Killing Him For Me
Yu Heng’s gaze flashes. Turning to Feng Xiao, he says, “The great Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau is in
my grasp. If you refuse to let go of Xing Mao, then I will kill him. When that time comes, let us see whose
loss is greater!”
Feng Xiao raises his brow, “Since you know his identity, then surely you are not unfamiliar to mine?”
Yu Heng gives a cold laugh, “The Second Commander of the Jiejian Bureau, and the Zuoyue Bureau, are
the left and right arm of the current Emperor of Sui. To represent him and annihilate all the treacherous
men, your capabilities are indeed of some admirable degree!”
When Xing Mao, Yan Xuexing, and the rest heard of Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu’s true identities, they could
not help but display a look of shock.
Feng Xiao, “It seems you are quite well-informed. Who is it that told you these?”
Yu Heng, “I have my own source, so let me teach both of you a lesson: that the waters beneath the
Heavens are deep beyond imaginable. This is not a world that abides by your words. Qiemo is not the
lands of the Sui Empire. So if you have the intention of coming here and sowing dispute, judge your own
worth first!”
As he speaks, the few people who went out to attack Yan Xuexing returns. The archers on the roof also
stop to await further orders. The Duan manor is surrounded by three lines of men. Even though Feng
Xiao’s martial arts skills here unparalleled and he could easily escape, it would be incredibly difficult for
him to do so if he desires to protect both Cui Buqu and Duan Qigu.
Since their identities were exposed, Feng Xiao no longer held his throat as he spoke, returning to his
usual voice. Even at that moment, he retains his usual playful self and did not look nervous or troubled
at all, “Since you knew our identities, then you should also know that the Jiejian Bureau and the Zuoyue
Bureau never liked each other. This time, I’ve only chose to work with him because our goals aligned. If
you killed him, I still have to thank you for it, for removing one person that would cause me trouble, and
to avert a future where I would have to waste my efforts constantly bickering and battling this rival.”
Yu Heng mocks, “You speak easily, but if I really kill him now, let us see how you are going to tell the Sui
Emperor about this!”
The moment he finishes speaking, he squeezes Cui Buqu’s neck with considerable force.
Although Cui Buqu’s face is not to visible in the night, but it was a given that his complexion would not
look good.
It is Bing Xuan who spoke.
She asks Yu Heng, “What are your requirements to set him free?”
Yu Heng, “Make him release Xing Mao first!”
Bing Xuan, “I cannot decide for him whether he will release Xing Mao or not, but I know where the
secret vault of Duan Qigu is, and where it is situated in the Duan manor. What says you, if I use it to
exchange Master Daoist Cui’s life? Duan Qigu has ruled Qiemo for many years, his vault is boundless,
this would surely be enough?”
Yu Heng gives a cold laugh, “This sickly fool is not unfortunate at all. To think there is still someone who
wanted to save him. Could it be that you’ve fallen for him?”
With this sentence alone, Feng Xiao knows that Yu Heng definitely is not Yu Xiu. A strategist who gained
the trust of Prince Jin would not have been so shallow.
But if Yu Heng is not Yu Xiu, then how can he explain the similarities between these two men? How
would Yu Heng know their true identities?
Feng Xiao suddenly felt a very uncomfortable, anxious feeling that came from seemingly nowhere.
Yu Heng is only a little clown that worth little to nothing, but he originally could have taken down the
entire situation to his own advantage, who knew that someone like Bing Xuan suddenly interfered and
ruined it all for him.
Bing Xuan says plainly, “Just now Master Daoist Cui gave us a warning, so I owe him a debt, why does it
not make sense?”
“My heart is incredibly moved. But if I wanted to know the location of Duan Qigu’s vault, I could just get
it from him with torture, there is no need for you to speak, but you,” Yu Heng looked at her from top to
bottom, “your looks are not bad, if you are willing to give yourself to me, perhaps I can consider it.”
Feng Xiao urges impatiently, “After speaking nonsense for an entire day, do you want to kill him or not?”
Bing Xuan grows stun when she hears this.
She originally thought that Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu were men of the same path. Since both of them
disguised as a couple, then their relationship was definitely not simple. But now, she thought, she was
Cui Buqu knew nothing of martial arts, for him to follow Feng Xiao into danger like this yet being
abandoned in the midst, how was he feeling now?
She couldn’t help casting Cui Buqu a glance.
The other man looks very quiet, even closing his eyes slightly, as if what they were discussing isn’t his
own life or death.
Among many people who are skilled in martial arts, his response is different than what she had
expected—quiet and peaceful, to the point of drawing the attention of others wanting to know what he
was thinking inside.
Bing Xuan moves her feet a little and immediately, her heart stops.
Originally she came here as a spectator, wanting only to watch the show, and seeing if she could take
anything for her own advantage, but isn’t this getting involved herself?
On the other hand, Feng Xiao laughs at Yu Heng and says, “If you don’t move first, then I will!”
As he speaks, his hands really squeezed, and with the other hand he pulls out a dagger and immediately
jabs it into Xing Mao’s shoulder. Blood splatters and Xing Mao screams in pain.
“Master Yu, save me please!!!!!”
Feng Xiao holds the dagger and turns it a little in his flesh. Blood quickly spills all over his shoulder as
Xing Mao continues to scream, his eyes already turn white, yet Feng Xiao did not stop. He pulls out the
dagger and thrusts it into his other shoulder.
Yu Heng is shocked stiff. He never expected Feng Xiao to do as he said, and even to the point of this
cruelty. He did not expect Feng Xiao to be completely uncaring to Cui Buqu’s safety.
Did he have to do the same to Cui Buqu? Even if he killed Cui Buqu, would that make Feng Xiao give in to
Xing Mao is already half-dead, if this continues then he might even die, by then, nothing would be worth
it anymore.
That’s not right!
A sudden warning seeping into his mind and pulls all his consciousness back to himself.
When they were speaking to each other, everyone around them had no response, this is definitely not
He observes carefully and immediately discovers that not only the scholar and the rest, but even Xing
Mao’s screaming is a consistent voice. The pitch and volume of it are the same, repeating itself over and
over again.
And Feng Xiao: that smile of his did not change at all.
This is an illusion!
An incredibly skilled illusion array!
Yu Heng realizes that the Cui Buqu in his hands did not move, behaving like he is nothing different from
a wooden puppet.
At that moment, if he still isn’t able to realize that he has fallen into an illusion array and is completely
deceived, then he did not deserve to call himself a practitioner of the martial arts.
He immediately bites his tongue and once he tasted blood, he follows the pain into a clear set of mind.
Everyone around him starts moving again and he feels the emptiness in his hand. Cui Buqu is gone, but
at the same time, a wave of energy swept onto him, his sleeves bellow as the wind picks up, like an
eagle beginning to take flight, inner strength brims fiercely like rolling waves, falling onto his head like a
clap of thunder!
Under such a powerful attack, Yu Heng is completely depleted of energy to look for Cui Buqu and Xing
Earlier on when everyone is busy fighting among themselves, Duan Qigu has already climbed to the back
of the hall and silently leaves the place.
The Duan family are still in the manor like sitting ducks, but at that moment in Duan Qigu’s eyes, nothing
is more important than his own life.
Yan Xuexing’s hunt for him has been many years. How would he allow him to run free just like that?
Once he sees it, he immediately goes after him.
Duan Qigu lets out a cold laugh, but it isn’t because his faceis was completely devoid of shock. On the
contrary, it is quite the opposite, it is as if he had finally found a silver of hope to escape, and that even
Yan Xuexing could not do anything about it.
Just as Yan Xuexing is pondering questioningly over why Duan Qigu gives him such a strange expression,
Duan Qigu suddenly vanishes.
A completely alive person actually disappear under his eyes, Yan Xuexing is in for a shock, but he could
care less about other things and immediately lunges himself at it, yet he only reaches an empty space,
and before he could even shout anything, he falls and sprawls across the ground!
Using the advantage of Yu Heng still under Feng Xiao’s spell, Bing Xuan immediately uses a silver needle
to prick Yu Heng’s arm to help Cui Buqu out of his grasp.
“Master Daoist Cui, are you hurt?” She immediately helps Cui Buqu up.
Cui Buqu shakes his head and looked around, “Where is Duan Qigu?”
Bing Xuan, “Just now I saw him disappeared behind that pillar, but because I was occupied here, I did
not approach there to take a look. Master Yan has already went ahead.”
“Go over there and search!” If Duan Qigu is caught by Yan Xuexing, then his only choice is death. There
would be no opportunity for Cui Buqu to inquire more secrets from Duan Qigu, so naturally, Cui Buqu
wants him to live.
On the other side, Feng Xiao not only needed to fight Yu Heng, but he still needed to take care of the
scholar Yue Xiafeng and the rest.
Once he sees Cui Buqu leaving with Bing Xuan, he couldn’t help exclaiming, “Hey! I am helping all of you
to deal with the enemies, yet both of you are eloping to be happy together?”
Cui Buqu did not even turn around, “The capable often contributes the most, you hold on to more of
these burdens first.”
Xing Mao crawls up from the ground, grinding his teeth and says, “Not even one of you are allowed to
leave. Archers get ready!”
“Because I, the tiger here, hasn’t shown his temper yet, you are really going to treat me like a sickly little
Feng Xiao smiles a long smile as his palm collides with Yu Heng’s. The latter flies backwards and his body
hit against a pillar in full force.
Yue Xiafeng and Hu Yun’s weapons both, one right and one left, attack Feng Xiao, but under a wave of
energy, Feng Xiao’s hair is immediately cut loose. His long hair sways and dances in the wind. Although
his makeup still made him look like a woman, at this moment his expression has grown incredibly wild
and ambitious, his stance is elegant and suave that it definitely would not have lead others to misgender
This is only the true form of the Second Commander of the Jiejian Bureau.
Those childish behaviours he flaunts at first are simply a casual strategy from him, but if the other
people underestimated it, then they were simply looking for a death wish for themselves.
Feng Xiao neither avoided nor moved away. Facing these two martial artists, at the flip of his robes,
inner strength brims from his palms and took the form of an incredibly powerful attack. Immediately, he
reaches out to catch Yue Xiafeng’s metal fan and Hu Yun’s golden knife.
A clanking of metals, and Hu Yun did not only feel his own golden knife thrusting into his own blood and
flesh, his hand also falls slacken and become numb before the golden knife broke in half!
In the next moment, Yue Xiafeng’s metal fan also met the same fate.
Feng Xiao would not allow them a chance to retaliate, seeing the situation, he immediately attacks
again. Those broken pieces of knives and fan flew towards their owners. Yue Xiafeng and Hu Yun wail
and immediately leap away.
As the more intelligent one, Wuming Jian Wang Hong sees the situation and immediately took two steps
back, before turning around and leaping into the air, running away just like that!
Xing Mao is incredibly angered. If Feng Xiao and Yan Xuexing were not here tonight, he would have
already annihilated the Duan family with his own hands. Tomorrow, when the sun rose into the sky,
there would not be another soul in Qiemo who dared to defy him. Who would have expected that with
these turn of events, his victory was turned into defeat.
“Set loose the arrows! Kill them all for me!” He already no longer cares whether those arrows would
wound Yu Heng and the others, so he gives those orders.
But after a long moment, those arrows never came.
Xing Mao immediately turns his head around and saw that those archers did not move, behaving as
though they weren’t men he’d taken out from his own manor.
“All your men were laid down, who else did you expect would release those arrows?”
One person walks in from the outside. It is Qiao Xian who is tasked to go to the City of Six Crafts to lead
that army back.
Xing Mao thought that he is the sparrow waiting for the cicada, but who could have guess that behind
that sparrow, was an eagle.
Feng Xiao twitches his lips and flexes both his hands that have gone numb from all the fighting.
Those people from the Zuoyue Bureau really knew how to boast with a seal that is originally his to begin
However, it is truly a pity that Cui Buqu is not here to watch his impressive battle of one against four,
otherwise he would have made the other personally admit this huge favour he’d did for him.
At he thought about this, he lifts his head and looks around, realizing that Cui Buqu and Bing Xuan both
had gone missing.
Author’s Note:
Feng Xiao: God dammit, I fought so hard, yet in the end I am only a fool. Where is Cui Buqu? Did he see
me and my awesomeness?
Cui Buqu: No, I did not.
Chapter 60 – Within A Single Night, All The Heroes Gathered From All Eight Directions
Although they had everything now from riches to wealth, people like Duan Qigu knew that one day they
would definitely be hunted down, thus they were incredibly sly. It would be strange if he had not build
such a massive secret underground tunnel like this just in case.
But what Cui Buqu did not expect was that Duan Qigu’s secret underground passage is not located in the
usual study room or under his bed, and that it is at the back of the balustrade of the hallway that is
situated behind the manor.
This is a place that people often wander to and fro. Logically, there is no potential for something to be
hidden here, but the fact that it is impossible for something to be hidden here has become a glimmer of
hope for Duan Qigu. When Cui Buqu opens the level and leaps down, he is thinking about the possible
exits that are left in the Duan manor. They would definitely be other exits, for if Duan Qigu did not
encounter this incident here today, and that it took place in the study or bedroom instead, then the only
option left to him would have only been death.
The entrance of the secret passage is a steep slope down. It seems that Duan Qigu wasted quite some
amount of efforts on this, grinding the path until it became smooth and flattened, there are no rocks or
pebbles on the side that could wound a person. After sliding down for a while, Cui Buqu feels his feet
touch thin air and falls down immediately. At this moment, his waist is caught by a hand with a gentle
strength, it saved him from hitting his head.
“Thank you.” He says lightly.
“Master Daoist Cui, you are too kind.” One could not see their own fingers if they put out a hand out, so
it was the same for Bing Xuan. They look around themselves, observing the place, “Just now, Master Yan
and Duan Qigu both fell inside here. They should not have gone far.”
All round them is silence. Nothing could be heard.
It also means that both of them are nowhere near.
“We should move forward to take a look.” Cui Buqu says.
Bing Xuan did not object to it, “This place is too dark without sunlight. I could not see clearly myself.
Master Daoist Cui please follow me closely, to avoid any situation where I’m unable to save you.”
Cui Buqu said, “I will walk in front of you.”
The passage here is sometimes wide, sometimes narrow. There is no place for two people to walk side
by side to each other. If anything happened, they would be unable to avoid it as well. If Cui Buqu walks
behind Bing Xuan, it is easy for him to walk into her from behind and made it awkward for them both.
Bing Xuan laughs suddenly in the dark.
She has seem many men who took advantage of women on purpose, and even more of those that
speaks of heroism and ideals, but lost themselves to the beauty of women. Therefore, she finds Cui
Buqu very admirable. Even though he has said nothing about it, it was clear that he drew the lines
clearly between them.
“There is no need.” Bing Xuan says, “Master Daoist, you should just follow behind me.”
As she speaks, she immediately takes a step forward and touches the side of the walls, moving in front
“There might be some torches on the walls, wait, let me find it…. I’ve found it.”
Bing Xuan takes out a fire starter from inside her robes and lights the torch. A wave of light appears in
front of them and both of them couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.
As darkness envelopes them, it is difficult for one not to be afraid. But with this glimmer of light, even if
there is some traps in front of them, it would be easily discovered.
Bing Xuan takes the torch down from the walls and wanted to light the surrounding torches as well, yet
she discovers that all the torches are dead. Even for the only one left, the one that she was holding, is
also quickly dissolving away, barely sustaining.
This could only mean that this place is often visited.
The place they have fallen into is an underground vault made of stone. Its sides are flat and smooth, yet
empty. There is nothing here.
There is no bed, no chairs, no tables and no brush or ink.
Bing Xuan’s eyebrows furrow.
If this place is often visited, then that person either did nothing here, or mediates here often. Or they
only stood here and talk before leaving immediately?
But the entrance is incredibly seep. It is not easy to climb back up from there.
Cui Buqu kneels and reaches out to touch the ground before bringing it to his nose to sniffs it.
“Blood. They were here.”
Bing Xuan feels disappointed in herself. She is too occupied with looking around that she had forgotten
to look under her feet. So she immediately kneels down as well and quickly found traces of blood that
the other mentions.
Cui Buqu asks Bing Xuan for the torch before quickly sprawling on the ground and inspects it closely.
After a while, only did he point somewhere and says, “They disappeared over there.”
The blood trail twists and turns, and the sand on the ground follows after it. The trail is sometimes
obvious, sometimes faint, and it proves that Duan Qigu’s wounds are not feigned. Perhaps he did not
even have the strength to stand up now. His footsteps are uneven. It is even possible that after Yan
Xuexing caught up to him, he dragged him across the ground before both of them suddenly disappear.
There is nothing in the corner.
The level is perhaps hidden under a brick or on the wall, so there is no need to say more, both of them
went over and spilt up searching.
Cui Buqu finds nothing, but Bing Xuan exclaims, ‘Eh?’
He had just only turned around, before the ground beneath his feet shook. Shock spreads over Bing
Xuan’s face, with one hand on the wall, she quickly reaches out to grab Cui Buqu, but she is one step too
late, and Cui Buqu drops downwards. Both their hands merely brush against one another with Cui Buqu
only manages to grab thin air.
In the next moment, his back hits the wall. Pain spreads throughout his body, immediately follow by a
strong gust of wind; it belongs to the growl of a beast and its loud breathing.
Cui Buqu falls quite heavily. His chest hurts. A cough threatens to spill from his lips, but it is quickly
swallowed back down.
Had it been Bing Xuan or Feng Xiao, it would not be difficult for them to avoid it, but for Cui Buqu, it is
beyond difficult.
Since he could not avoid it, he could only close his eyes. Even though he has schemed and plotted
boundlessly, he has not expected himself to die in a place like this, in lieu of dying under the poison of
the Naihe Xiang drug, or was by murder by Yu Xiu or Yu Heng. He had not expected himself to be
devoured by a beast whose face he did not even see yet.
Suddenly, someone grabs his shoulder and pulles him aside roughly!
Cui Buqu hits against a chest, before the other rolls aside.
The beast claws at thin air and lets out an angry howl before lunging itself against them.
Cui Buqu only feels the other person putting him down before the sound of weapons ring and a fight
breaks out with the beast.
In the midst of the darkness, man and beast fought. The beast is very interested in Cui Buqu, and
originally it thought that he would be its dinner, but who knew that someone would intefer in the
process and ruin everything, making wounds all over its body. The beast’s howl became more and more
irritated as it lunges at the other person, but a sword’s glare slits open its stomach and it falls heavily to
the ground, letting out a low growl.
The beast looks terrifying, but this is only for ordinary people. For someone with such an incredible
martial arts before it, this beast is not his match.
In fact, this person’s martial art skills is not weak at all. He could even be called a top martial artist.
He is not Duan Qigu, and not Yan Xuexing.
So who is it?
Even Feng Xiao never uses a sword.
Cui Buqu feels that his head is currently in a daze from the fall just now, even his logic is processing
slower than before.
Until the other asks him, “Are you alright?”
Cui Buqu could not help but coughs a few times and feels a familiar taste of blood in his throat. He
speaks in a hoarse voice, “Many thanks, may I ask your Lordship’s name?”
The other says, “Xiao Lu."
Cui Buqu asks questioningly, “’Xiao’ as in the character with a grass head?”
The other party smiles, “That is correct. And ‘Lu’ from Bu Lu Pan Shan.”
Cui Buqu holds his head dizzily. He only feels that this name is incredibly familiar to himself, but it came
to him only after a moment passes.
This person is definitely someone famous.
In fact he was someone incredibly popular.
In a place on the outskirts like this, how could it suddenly draw, within a single night, all the heroes from
all eight directions of the world?
Grass head: This is just the description of Xiao Lu’s surname, Xiao (潇); the character 艹 on top of the
Han character is called a ‘grass head’. Since any words with that character is more or less related to
grasses and flora like names of plants or flowers.
Bu Lu Pan Shan (步履蹒跚): A Han idiom used to describe someone who limps when they walk.
Chapter 61 – Concerned For The Big Picture, Not Allowing To Ruin The Goal
“Your Lordship, are you Sir Song Xue?”
The other party smiles, “I dare not take the title of ‘Sir’, you may address me by my name. Song Xue is
only an alias for friends to joke around with, how dare I introduce myself in such way.”
The Zuoyue Bureau’s networks are fast and accurate. Cui Buqu is a knowledgeable figure in the world of
Jianghu, but in the end, he is only a man and not a god. It is impossible for him to know everything about
a person just by simply hearing his name, however, Xiao Lu is an exception.
He is an officer from the Southern Chen Dynasty. His rank is very low, he holds the lowest rank among
the people from the Western Palace, and it did not matter most of the time whether he is present or
not, for he is dispensable. There is no need for him to take on any task, nor lead any escapades. On the
other hand, he is born from a side branch of the Nanliang Xiao Sect. Since he is young, he is known as
the skilled calligrapher Guye Wang and Zhiyong Monk. Both his skills in calligrapher and cursive scripts
were excellent. He even incorporate his knowledge of books into sword techniques, and is heralded as a
man who is both good in academics and martial arts.
But for many people, once they speak of Xiao Lu, it is impossible for them to not think of the words
‘such a waste’.
It is such a waste that an admirable hero like Xiao Lu is abandoned by the Heavens, for otherwise with
his skills, his worth would not simply be just a small, inconsequential, nine-ranking officer in the
Southern Chen Dynasty.
However, it is unknown whether this is a friend or foe, so Cui Buqu did not ask more in such a situation.
He only chooses to ask questions that are important.
“Master Xiao, why are you not in the Southern Dynasty, but came all the way here?”
“I have relieved myself of my rank to come here for a rescue.” Xiao Lu replies cleanly and abruptly. He
did not beat around the bush and speak nonsense. “How may I address this gentleman?”
“My surname is Cui,” Cui Buqu says, “Master Xiao, do you know the way out?”
Xiao Lu, “I have just came here myself, so I am also looking.”
Cui Buqu is positive that there is not only one exit in this place, but if Duan Qigu made such a vault
underground and his intentions were only to build himself an escape route, then why waste such a huge
effort on it?
Both men stop talking. Cui Buqu lets out a few coughs and musters all his energy to withstand the pain
at his back, before he begins to start looking for an exit with Xiao Lu.
“Before you came down, I have looked around for a while.” Xiao Lu says, “There are no levels
engineered under the ground, so logically speaking, it is impossible to dig deeper. If there should be an
exit here, it can only be within these four walls.”
Cui Buqu lets out a low ‘En’, and feels his hand touching a dent.
There is a loose brick inside, and he tries to push it backwards. There is a deep click and sunlight seeps
from behind.
The stone door slides open slowly, before it was followed by the weak calling of women.
In a place like this, how can there be women?
Questions rise from behind both their heads. Once the stone door opens completely, the scenery inside
before them is something even Cui Buqu, who would not have been surprised even if a mountain
collapsed in front of him, stare with wide eyes.
Comparing to the darkness they come from, what lies beyond the door isn’t just only a sea of brightness,
it was practically deserving to call it a haven away from this world.
Red curtains bellow in waves of silk, pleasant fragrance float from behind them.
Cui Buqu and Xiao Lu walk near the stone door and feels that the smell of that fragrance has the power
to sway their consciousness. One of them wrinkles their head and takes a few steps back, and the other
waves his sword with a pivot of his wrist to fan the fragrance away.
Lending the light, Cui Buqu sees the beast that attacked him just now. It is a tiger, and there are two
men by its side with sword wounds on their chests. They might be people that are killed by Xiao Lu when
he fell down here.
Aside from these two people and the tiger, there are no traps like he imagines. There is a few
mattresses in the heart of the vault and a few silk curtains.
The women’s legs were spread and on them were thin metal chains that chained them to the pillars of
the beds to prevent them from ever leaving the bed.
Even without the chains, by the looks of them being in the haze of drugs, adding with the fact that they
are locked up in this stone vault, and a beast guarding the entrance, it would be been difficult for them
to escape.
Xiao Lu’s expression changes and suddenly he runs towards one of the beds.
“Lady Mei!”
The woman whose name was called by him turns around looking confused and dazzled, as if she has
heard nothing.
Xiao Lu immediately reaches out with a hand and holds her wrist down to channel some life energy into
her before rubbing her temples with his fingers.
The woman’s body shivers and his expression turns from confusion to relaxation.
When she sees Xiao Lu, at first she looks confused, but when Xiao Lu calls her name a few more times,
she immediately lunges herself at him, her face turning from white to green and tears brimming out her
“Seventh Brother?!”
Cui Buqu understands.
Not only did Duan Qigu used this place as his escape route, it is also a place where he exercises his
lecherous habits. He put these women, who were definitely common women from other families, under
house arrest. For one, these were definitely done by the dirty tricks that Duan Qigu is so skilled in. It
would be too troublesome to expose them to the light. Secondly, this place would not see daylight and it
is sealed tight. These women would have no strength to retaliate, so they were simply kept here to
satisfy his eccentric, disgusting habits and serve as his entertainment.
Ever since he joined the Zuoyue Bureau, Cui Buqu is used to seeing the disgusting facets of men, so he is
not too surprised by this one. It is only that he did not expect Xiao Lu’s family was also dragged into this.
He walks around the room and kicks the incense burner that was exuding the smell. The fragrance
immediately thinned in the air.
On the other hand, Lady Mei is hugging Xiao Lu as she wails loudly, as if she is crying out all the tragedy
she had experienced in life. The other women has not yet recover from their daze, that even this crying
is not enough to wake them.
Cui Buqu furrows his brows, “Master Xiao……”
Xiao Lu laughs bitterly to express that he understands. He reaches out to take the woman into his
shoulder and lays her down before walking towards the others to free them from their chains.
“Master Xiao, wait.” Cui Buqu says, “These people have been tortured for so long, if they were woken
up, they might show the same reaction as your sister did. When that time comes, it would be difficult to
bring so many people out at once. Why don’t we free them from their chains first, and once we
managed to find the exit, we can come back to their rescue.”
Xiao Lu nods his head, “Brother Cui is indeed thorough.”
He follows Cui Buqu’s advice and breaks the chains of all the women, however, because they have been
drugged for so long, they did not realize what was happening, and that it would take a while before they
can finally come back to their senses. Even without the chains, they did not wake up or run around, but
they continue to lie on their bed and blanket. Their faces look irritable and their bodies were sturdy. The
blue-black bruises on their body, however, was mixed among new and old, as if they were bearing
tortures their owner endured in the past that was unimaginable.
But no matter how many sighs are made, the situation could not be helped.
Cui Buqu is not a person with a soft-heart, and Xiao Lu also is not someone who would do something
pointless, so both of them begins to look around for an exit.
After a while, Cui Buqu hears the other letting out a light sigh.
That sigh is one of anger and frustration, but in a situation such as this, he has chosen to allow his
wisdom to guide him in lieu of his emotions.
Cui Buqu finds himself admiring this man.
He is concerned of the big picture, and did not allow himself to ruin the goal.
“There is no need to worry, Brother Xiao. I heard that Qiemo houses a few skilled physicians. Once we
return, we can give your sister proper medical attention.” He had been just saved by Xiao Lu just now, so
if he did not show some degree of concern, it would make him too rude and cold.
Xiao Lu laughs bitterly, “She is not my sister, but the daughter of an uncle. When she was little, a fortune
teller told us she would encounter an incident, so it was required for her to leave her family for a few
years. Her family decided to send her to the Huangshan Sect to learn martial arts. I have not seen her for
almost ten years, but suddenly her family came to me to beg for help, saying that she had gone missing
while she was on the journey to the Huangshan Sect. Not a word was heard, so they feared something
has happened to her and begged for my help. I only managed to come here after following a few leads,
but I could not have imagined that……”
To a woman, for something like this to happen to her, is perhaps even worse compared to death. Even if
it was within the Northern Dynasty that is more open-minded, nothing was truly different.
Both of them search the stone vault for a long time, but did not manage to find anything at all. They
could only retreat back to the place they had come from.
The tiger’s corpse and the two men are still there. Added with the smell of blood and fragrance, it
blended into a strong, unpleasant smell. It made one feel like vomiting.
Xiao Lu searches here and there, but he could not find a level. His face quickly yields a look of panic. He
himself could still stand all of this, but he is carrying a Lady Mei. The longer they remain here, the more
harm will come to her.
“Here. I feel a brick that is slightly indent.” Cui Buqu says suddenly.
Xiao Lu immediately pipes. He walks forward and touches here and there before finally finding the brick
that sat among all the others differently. He uses his strength to press it down.
“It moved!” He exclaims happily.
But what follows after is water pouring down and drench both of them wet.
“Not good!” Cui Buqu suddenly thought about something. There are two people guarding the place
here, so perhaps there are two levels. It requires two people to trigger it at the same time. So since only
one is moved by Xiao Lu, the path did not open.
But it isn’t just only this, the water above their heads ceases to stop. It keeps pouring from above, as if
what they have opened is a path leading to a lake.
The water rises to their feet and very quickly it made it to their knees. Under such a situation, usually, let
alone saving a few other people. Both of them might very possibly drown here.
But at the same time, Cui Buqu and Xiao Lu exchange glances and immediately weave a plan of freeing
the sheep first before mending the cage.
Needless to say, very quickly, Cui Buqu manages to find a stone brick in the wall that was slightly indent,
so he presses it down together with Xiao Lu.
Following a deep rumbling sound, the opening where the water came from closed up, replaced by
another brick that rose from the wall.
Xiao Lu did not refrain himself from letting out a bitter laugh, “Was Duan Qigu thinking of building an
underground palace?”
Cui Buqu, “I fear this is not built by him alone. The way this place is engineered looked like an old tomb.
Duan Qigu emptied it out and used the stone vault for his own personal use.”
Xiao Lu presses the stone brick down, and a finally, a stone door opens.
Beyond the stone door lies a flight of stairs leading up.
This is perhaps the true exit.
Both of them let out a relieving breathe. Cui Buqu takes the first step willingly, while Xiao Lu carries Lady
Mei on his back as he follows after him.
As for the other girls, there is nothing they could do at the moment, so they decide to come back for
them after they manage to find help.
The stone stairs isn’t long. One could reach the end in the time one joss stick.
The light lies at the horizon. Other than that, there is also the pained cries of Duan Qigu.
Cui Buqu leaps down from the secret passage and chases after it with all he has. All he has in his mind
was to stop Yan Xuexing from killing Duan Qigu.
Even if Duan Qigu is to die, at the very least, he wants to extract more information of the Yunhai
Thirteen Stories from him.
With only one Yu Heng is not enough. To crosscheck information from both of their mouths, only can he
find out which ones are the truth.
In the end, just as he reached the end and sees the daylight, he is just in time to see Yan Xuexing thrust a
sword into Duan Qigu’s chest.
Author’s Notes:
Feng Xiao is returning in the next chapter ~
Freeing the sheep first before mending the cage: A Han idiom that means thinking of a solution only after
the problem surfaces, in a way, it might not be too late to save the situation.
Chapter 62 – Ever Since You Found A New Person, You’ve Forgotten About The Old One!
Trigger warning: Description of graphically violent scenes.
What remains of Duan Qigu isn’t simply just a breath of life. All his limbs are cleaved off, leaving only his
head attaching to his torso. After that cry, both of his eyes are open wide as he pants vigorously and
excessively, inhaling and exhaling as much as he could.
Yan Xuexing stands at his side, yet he didn’t stop the bleeding for him, simply allowing him to be
tortured infinitely before raising his sword and punctures his chest.
The moment Duan Qigu abandoned his family to flee on his own, Yan Xuexing knew that it was no use
using the Duan family to threaten him. People like him only knew how to be selfish and care for
themselves. Before the face of death, their utmost priority would also be themselves. If one wanted him
to feel pain, the only way is to inflict wounds on his own body.
With all the things Duan Qigu had done over these years, let alone the fact that Yan Xuexing
dismembered all his limbs, even if he digs his eyes and nose out, Cui Buqu would not spare a flicker of
sympathy for him. But right now, all that’s left of Duan Qigu is only one silver of breath. It is obviously
impossible to ask him anything regarding the Yunhai Thirteen Stories.
Once Yan Xuexing sees them, he laughs a mocking little laugh, “You want to kill him as well? Terribly
sorry, I took that opportunity in advance.”
He kneels to tap on Duan Qigu’s meridians, sealing all his blood vessels to prevent the blood from
flowing. Then, he kneels and transfers some energy to Duan Qigu, yet this didn’t come from a desire to
save him, but an intention of slowing down the process of his death, so that he remains in torture for
longer hours.
Upon seeing Yan Xuexing picking up Duan Qigu by his collar, prepared to drag the person away, Cui
Buqu refuses to come all the way here through unnumbered pain just to acknowledge that he had come
for nothing, so he shouted, “Halt!”
Yan Xuexing pretends as if he heard nothing before proceeding to move on.
Xiao Lu raises his feet, sword flying towards the other.
His sword is sharp. Originally, Yan Xuexing did not put him in his eyes, but at that moment, he realizes
that his path is completely sealed by the sword, so he is forced to put down Duan Qigu and engage in
battle with all he could.
In the midst of sword glared, both parties engage in a ferocious battle before splitting apart.
Yan Xuexing’s cold, distant, expressionless looking face finally yields a look of shock, “Who are you?”
Xiao Lu leaps down from the tree branch, robes fluttering as he did, and behind him, his long hair
follows suit. His hair is raven-black, save for the tips being stained white like snow was clinging onto it.
The reason he wields his sword with his left hand and not his right hand like the rest of the world, isn’t
because he is left-handed, but because—
Cui Buqu recalls the rumours about him going on among the common folk, so his eyes sweep across his
right hand.
A large sleeve shields that hand, but when the spring wind bellows, one corner of the secret is revealed.
That is a skeletal hand, or perhaps, something that could no longer be called a hand, it looks nothing
different from a tree branch.
A ‘tree branch’ should be on a tree, but now, it is on the body of a living person. Xiao Lu himself is
beautifully handsome, but compared to Feng Xiao’s bombastic antiques, Xiao Lu is undoubtedly a
different sort of elegance. But with a defected hand, it was imperfection among perfection.
His face is pale, reflecting layers and layers of light beneath sunrays. The hand that holds his sword is
also beautiful. However, the more beautiful other features of his looked, the more they made his
defected hand look ugly.
Even though the official protocol to elect officers in the Southern Chen Dynasty is through written
academic examinations, but in the end, they also glance into the candidate’s family origins and
background before rating their looks and conduct, and only then would they look at their academic
abilities. A man like Xiao Lu who was from the former Dynasty and possessing a defect on his body, even
if he scored distinctions in all eight subjects, it was difficult for him to crave a bright career path for
himself. After all, the present Emperor of the Southern Chen Dynasty is someone who did not strive in
cultivating and recruiting talents.
So when many people speak of Xiao Lu, even if they praised him endlessly, they couldn’t help adding the
word ‘such a pity’ at the back.
It is such a pity that the Heavens are envious of a hero such as him, a flaw within a man craved of jade.
When they were still in the underground vault, Cui Buqu already figured out Xiao Lu’s identity, so he
isn’t too surprised by this.
But Yan Xuexing, who sees Xiao Lu for the first time, could not help showing his shock.
It would seem as if Xiao Lu is long accustomed to such a glare, so he answers calmly, “Duan Qigu also
owed me a score. My brother, you have already tortured him enough, it should suffice. There is
something I must ask him regarding the enmity between us, so please, entrust him to me.”
Yan Xuexing gives a cold laugh, “If you can beat me, we can discuss a deal between us!”
As he finishes speaking he leaps into the air and rushes against the other, with a pivot of his wrist and
waving of sword, a thousand meters flew behind him. His sword glare is like a shooting star, especially
since his sword had just been used to torture Duan Qigu, fresh blood is thick on its flat, and his wrath
and killing intent soared the air with a sense of chillness.
But Xiao Lu did not move even one step back, instead he engages inti battle with his left hand, his sword
almost morphs into a thousand clones, burying his shadow underneath it. As Cui Buqu watches from the
side lines, he could not tell between the two, who is the one with the upper hand.
Cui Buqu walks towards Duan Qigu.
The other man had lost all his limbs as he sleeps there unmoving. Only the steady rising of his chest is an
indication that he isn’t dead yet.
A man who was, before, a horse thief, to becoming the chieftain of a group of bandits going around
robbing others, then later on he turned a new leaf and became one of the man of power within Qiemo,
it can be considered that he raised his entire fortune and wealth from nothingness.
Even the Yunhai Thirteen Stories saw potential in him and tried to recruit him into their organization.
However, it is a pity that Duan Qigu is unwilling to follow them in their pursuit to make enemies of a
strong opponent like the Sui Empire. If he had agreed to ally with them, it wouldn’t have been so easy
for Cui Buqu to defeat him.
As he feels someone close, Duan Qigu twitches, his eyes swollen as they grow wide, leaking intense
traces of fear and terror.
For a hero of his generation to meet an end like this, this is but the fruit of his own misdeeds.
Cui Buqu is originally thinking about something, but when he notices that the other is not moving, his
eyes closing and opening at the same time, he realized that Duan Qigu was fightened to death by
Perhaps the other thought that he was Yan Xuexing.
In the end, he could not ask anything, so all he had come all the way for nothing. It is rare for Cui Buqu
to come to a situation totally unanticipated from his own plans, so he searches Duan Qigu’s corpse
instead and found an old, wrinkled letter.
Duan Qigu has turned into a bloody corpse, so this letter is also stained with blood. Fortunately, Cui
Buqu did not possess that weird complex about cleanliness like Feng Xiao, so he immediately slips it into
his pocket.
As Xiao Lu walks here and saw Duan Qigu in his death, he could not help but sighs, “I pity Lady Mei and
those other innocent women who were abused by Duan Qigu. Even if this bastard dies a hundred times,
it is not enough to mend their wounds.”
Cui Buqu, “The sister of Brother Xiao is from the Huangshan Sect, and they are situated in the Lands of
Jiangnan, so how was she kidnapped to a faraway place like this?”
Xiao Lu gives a bitter laugh. “The Jianghu province is originally a dangerous place on its own to begin
with. Lady Mei grew up from the sect since she was little, and she hasn’t seen the horrors of the world.
This world is filled with kidnappers who snatch women from their families and turn them into slaves.
Lady Mei’s looks are outstanding, and she travels alone. Originally, she thought that her martial art skills
were enough to protect herself, so she was targeted. On the road as I sought her, only did I realize that
after she was kidnapped from Jiangnan, she was relocated to the North, she has even been to Daxing
City before leaving through the Western port. I do not know how much she has suffered, and her
After he sighs, and did not continue.
Cui Buqu knows what he wants to say, that whatever Lady Mei had been through would surely reach her
family in one way or the other, and feared that it would affect her reputation in her family. This isn’t
only just Lady Mei, but every single woman who had been in the stone vault. Even if they were saved
now, it is unknown whether a grim fate still awaits them.
Xiao Lu, “I should escort Lady Mei home. Dear Brother Cui, may I know your name, so that if Fate
permits it, we can meet once more in Jianghu?”
Cui Buqu, “My name is Buqu.”
Xiao Lu, “Do you have a courtesy name or an alias?”
Cui Buqu, “None.”
It is quite rude to address him by his birth name, such as Xiao Lu having the alias of Song Xue. Many
called him Sir Song Xue out of respect, if had they been closer to him, they may even call him by his rank
among his siblings.
Xiao Lu, “Do you have siblings?”
Cui Buqu, “My parents both passed away when I was young. I have neither a sire nor a master, and I
have no siblings. I am one on my own. Other than the name ‘Buqu’, I do not have any other aliases.”
Xiao Lu puts his hands together and bows in apology, “I apologize.”
As both his hands raise, it is unavoidable for that wrinkled hand to be exposed outside of his sleeve.
“I’ve scared you.” Once he catches Cui Buqu’s look, Xiao Lu allows his hand to fall back as if nothing
unusual has happened.
Cui Buqu says plainly, “I am ill since I was born. Of all the doctors I’ve met, some said I could not live past
the age of six, others say I could not make it to nine. No matter who I see, their predictions are that I
would not live long, yet here I am until today. The Heavens weave our fate, but the people choose their
path. A lot of people pay attention to the first half of the sentence, but they often forget the second
half. It seems like Brother Xiao, you and I are both men who refuse to submit to fate.”
Xiao Lu laughs elegantly, “Haha, these words of yours definitely makes me happy!”
“This old man was fighting to his death at the back, yet Master Daoist Cui is here busying himself with
making new friends! Ever since you found a new person, you’re forgotten the old one!”
Two snorts accompany it as the voice teases, and before both of them, a shadow appears a few meters
Xiao Lu yields a look of shock, as he realizes that another top martial artist has appeared.
The Heavens weave our fate, but the people chooses their path (成事在天, 谋事在人): Is a Han proverb
that tells the people to always pick the right choice and do as best as they could, but whether their goals
or efforts pays off, depends on the Heavens/Fate.
Chapter 63 – I Am About To Pass Out
Feng Xiao’s entrance would always be bombastic regardless of any situation.
He didn’t climb his way out from a hole like Cui Buqu and Xiao Lu. Therefore, he descends from the air of
a sky that seemed to belong to another dimension. Using his face that has seduced a countless number
of people throughout the years, his robes bellow behind him as he smiled at both men on the ground.
A person akin to a deity, like ice-cold snow and a tree craved of jade.
Qiao Xian’s abilities prove unrivalled when it changes Feng Xiao’s looks completely, yet it retains his
original charm. Even if the disguise he wears now proves difficult to recognize him, his original charms,
elegance, and attractiveness that were not defined by gender remains in his looks.
Even if Cui Buqu is used to watching him, he still couldn’t help feeling bedazzled by the sight. Therefore,
there is no need for Xiao Lu, who is meeting Feng Xiao for the first time, to feel astounded.
“Is this maiden the one everyone calls by the name of the Orchid Goddess in Jianghu, Yuan Fang?”
“Wait, that is incorrect. Perhaps Yuan Fang is beautiful in a more gently manner, she would not have the
authoritative aura you exude.” Not awaiting Feng Xiao’s reply, Xiao Lu shakes his head and examines
Feng Xiao more closely for a moment before saying, “You are a man in guise of a woman, are you not?”
Feng Xiao neither confirms nor denies it. He only says, “My surname is Feng, the Feng that means
‘Pheonix’. You can call me Feng-Er. Master Daoist Cui is a man of high standards, he would not befriend
ordinary people. Since you are conversing with him like friends of old, I cannot help but think you are a
dragon and phoenix among people.”
Although on the surface, it seems like Feng Xiao is praising Cui Buqu’s high expectations of people, in
reality, Feng Xiao is simply roasting him for having unrealistically peak expectations from others. Cui
Buqu replies coldly, “Brother Xiao saved my life. He is my saviour. Naturally, I will behave modestly in
front of him, otherwise, this man who is speaking to you at this moment right now, Brother Feng, would
have long became a wandering ghost.”
Feng Xiao replies with a smiling face, “A-Cui, are you sulking about the fact that I did not make it in time?
I am terribly sorry. When we return home, I will just let you hit me a few times to vent it all out, how
about it?”
Cui Buqu has spent half a day in the stone vault soaked in water. He was damp all over. So once a hustle
of wind picks up and blows, he couldn’t help sneezing a few times. This made him feel even more
unpleasant when he looks at Feng Xiao, who is undeniably clean and untainted by dust.
“This Brother Xiao is known as Sir Song Xue, who learned martial arts through books. His skills are
admirable. I fear when it comes to marital arts, he is not below you. The world is vast, yet the two of you
could meet. Why not consider a friendly spar between yourselves?”
There is no need for Cui Buqu to explain it, for Feng Xiao could also feel that Xiao Lu’s martial arts were
not bad at all, so he immediately lashes out with a palm.
“In that case, let me see a few moves from Brother Xiao!”
Xiao Lu’s palm connects with his, and both parties feel their insides swell with power, turning their
surroundings into a circle of moving energy. Even Cui Buqu is pushed back a few steps.
There is a loud ‘ping!’ and both of them separate in the air, flying backwards a few spaces in their
respective directions before landing lightly atop two tree branches.
Xiao Lu smiles, “Brother Feng’s martial art skills surpasses the ordinary. I am not your opponent, how
Then he turns towards Cui Buqu, “Lady Mei’s parents are still waiting for news of her. Her sect has also
sent out a few people looking for her. I should quickly deliver her back, as for the remaining women in
this place, I shall leave it to you.”
Cui Buqu heeds his word, putting his hands together, he says, “The journey ahead is far, Brother Xiao
please take care.”
Xiao Lu heaves Lady Mei onto his back, “When there is a chance you can come to the Chen capital, I will
serve you some plum blossom wine, a making of my own hands.”
As both of them watch him leave, Cui Buqu suddenly remembers someone isn’t out yet.
“Where is Bing Xuan?”
Feng Xiao sighs, “After I’ve chased one off, there is another one. Master Daoist Cui, before these
incident, there is Maiden Bing Xuan who is willing to surrender Duan Qigu’s treasure stove in exchange
for your safety, after that there is Xiao Lu to save you from the midst of danger. Thankfully, you are not
a lady, otherwise, wouldn’t you have to marry them all?”
“I also feel relieved that you are not a lady, otherwise, I fear with every husband you wed, he will just
eventually divorce you. You would be the lady in recorded history with the most divorce counts.” Cui
Buqu replies smoothly before reaching out his hand, “Give it to me.”
Feng Xiao, “What?”
Cui Buqu, “Your robes. Lend them to me.”
Feng Xiao replies curiously, “Why should I lend it to you? You want me to take off my clothes under
broad daylight, isn’t this just using the opportunity to sneak a look at my beauty?”
Cui Buqu says expressionlessly, “If I fell ill here, I would need to lie down for a few days. So when will we
ever make it to the Sanmi Mountains? If you do not feel this is urgent, then I don’t find it urgent too.”
Feng Xiao: ……
He could only choose to take off his clothes and toss them towards Cui Buqu.
With an additional layer of clothes on him shielding him from the cold wind, only did Cui Buqu’s coughs
“What can be done over there?”
Feng Xiao kicks Duan Qigu’s corpse, “Take everything. Qiao Xian and Gao Yi will take care of the
aftermath. Did you find anything on him?”
When this is mentioned, Cui Buqu couldn’t help feeling angry, “By the time I came out, he is already
turned into a human stick by Yan Xuexing, so I could not ask him anything. Now we can only be
dependent on Yu Heng.”
Feng Xiao mumbles, “Then this is going to be difficult.”
Cui Buqu wrinkles his brows, “It simply cannot be that even Yu Heng is dead?”
Feng Xiao, “Of course not. However, because the Yunhai Thirteen Stories’s existence are held in such
high degree of secrecy, there is definitely some sort of mechanism that forbids them to expose their
secrets. Before this, didn’t we find out nothing from Duan Qigu? If I am correct, then Yu Heng would also
only know the person before himself, which is the Master Ten of the Yunhai Thirteen Stories.”
“Actually, this isn’t completely in vain.” Cui Buqu takes out a letter, “I found this on Duan Qigu.”
Once Feng Xiao catches sight of the blood-stained letter, he immediately refuses to take another step
“Tell me what is written on it.”
Cui Buqu says slowly, “I come to view the boundless ocean, from Stony Hill on eastern shore.”
Feng Xiao, “Cao Cao’s Poem.”
Cui Buqu, “But if, alas! the Fates should death decree, My spirit will for ever live with thee.”
Feng Xiao yields a strange look, “It doesn’t connect to the sentence before it nor the one that comes
next. What is this person trying to do, make us guess a riddle?”
Cui Buqu did not pay him any attention, he simply continues, “The third line is, before the disdain of
younger days. The forth, from where can I watch the milky way.”
Feng Xiao: ……What is this stupid dog butt of a poem that makes no sense at all?
Cui Buqu, “I already found a few leads. Later when we return, we can discuss it, but I still need to beg
you for a favour.”
Feng Xiao, “When Master Daoist Cui speaks so politely like this, I know that it is nothing good. I refuse.”
Cui Buqu sneezes and says, “I am about to pass out.”
As his words passes through his lips, his entire person starts falling against Feng Xiao.
Originally, Feng Xiao is about to reach out to hold him by his arms, but once his eyes catch sight of the
blood soaking his robes, his hand immediately retreats.
Cui Buqu loses his balance and falls to the ground with a loud ‘dong!’ and lies flat on it.
Feng Xiao coughs, looking left and right, as if he is looking for a fool to carry Cui Buqu for him.
At this moment, a female voice sounds, “Master Daoist Cui?”
Feng Xiao did not even hesitate to immediately pull Cui Buqu behind his own body, as if to protect him
from being devoured by the lady demon.
Said ‘lady demon’ suddenly shows herself, she is the one what is missing a while ago, Bing Xuan.
She is drenched wet, showing the curves of her body under her clothes, but she moves freely and
naturally with no intention of seducing.
“Master Daoist Cui! Is he alright?” Bing Xuan sees Cui Buqu on the ground and lets out a shocked look,
as if she wants to move forward to hold him.
“He just fainted from being exposed to the cold. After taking some medicine, he will be alright.” Feng
Xiao immediately carries Cui Buqu onto his back.
If Cui Buqu is ‘kidnapped’ by the lady demon, then he can forget about the alliance with Khan Apa.
Although Jin Lian is still present and they could still journey to Western Göktürk safely, but to convince
Khan Apa to turn his heart towards the Sui Empire would not be achievable simply with martial arts or
bickering mouths. Feng Xiao believes that Cui Buqu holds some news or triumph cards that he himself
does not know of yet.
As he thought of this, Feng Xiao sighs and jumps, heaving Cui Buqu higher onto his back into a more
comfortable position.
Bing Xuan, “I vaguely know the Arts of Qibo, may I see Master Daoist Cui’s condition?”
Feng Xiao, “There is no need. There are physicians who will attend to him when we return.”
Even though Feng Xiao cuts off her offer abruptly, Bing Xuan did not feel disappointed. She simply
laughs, “Then, it is quite late. I should leave. May I know if Lord Feng has seen which direction Young
Master Yan has headed to?”
Feng Xiao simply points in one direction that leads nowhere, “That way.”
“Many thanks. Please convey my sincerest apology to Master Daoist Cui, just say that I am on my way to
look for Young Master Yan. When we meet again, I shall ask after him.” Bing Xuan leaps into the air and
Feng Xiao, “Go. Go.”
When he sees his imaginary troubles leaving one by one, only did Feng Xiao carries Cui Buqu on his back
as he returns.
As he walks, he talks to himself, “Cui Buqu ah, Cui Buqu, look at me snatching you away from the hands
of a man-eating demon, and did not mind the smell of blood on your body as I carry you on my back. If
you’re not awake right now to see this favour I’ve done for you, then that is completely fine. But once
you wake up, I will remind you about this every day, and will definitely figure out a way for you to return
it to me!”
In the few days Cui Buqu is in a coma, Qiemo was turned upside down.
To speak of it accurately, is that the three pillar of powers that held Qiemo has begun to shake.
Practically everyone, even Gao Yi himself, did not anticipate that the ‘weakest pillar’ of the three
suddenly became the ultimate victor.
Once Duan Qigu dies, the power of the Duan family crumbles like a fallen tree. Xing Mao was captured
alive, but since the Xing family has been there for generations, they cannot just kill them all like that, so
it was requested of them to go under questioning, before their powers and influences were all
No matter what, Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao’s respective involvements this time helped the Sui Empire to
conquer an entire city is a conquest of commendable level.
Even Feng Xiao himself feels a little surprised. Because that time, when he listened to Cui Buqu’s daring
plans, his first thought was that this man has gone mad.
However, the truth proves that Cui Buqu did not go mad. Even if he did not know any martial arts and
was unable to rush into the premise to assassinate his enemies, nor did he schemed his plans aloft a
high tower gathering manpower, yet he manages to not use a single soldier nor an ounce of strength to
sow distrust between the Duan and Xing family and trigger them to take a move on each other, while he
himself sits behind waiting for the prey to be caught.
But of course, there are other factors to this victory, such as Yan Xuexing’s revenge and the Yunhai
Thirteen Stories who wanted to silence Duan Qigu. Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao only pushed the wheel and
set events into motion. In the end, it was making use of the suspicions of the hearts of people and
making use of their greed and selfishness.
Perhaps the messenger that rode hard on horseback through the night to return to the capital has not
yet arrived, therefore, the Imperial Palace has not responded to their news, so it would take a few more
days for them to grant punishment and compensation. Within a single night, Gao Yi received one good
news after the next, and could not stop himself from smiling every day. Every time before he gives an
order, he would first ask for Feng Xiao’s opinion. Thankfully he did not visit him seven to eight times a
day, because Feng Xiao immediately feels annoyed and frustrated the moment he sees Gao Yi’s face.
When Cui Buqu wakes up, he sees Feng Xiao holding a fan, sitting by the window looking vexed with a
scroll in one hand.
Because the last time they drew too many attention, both their identities could not escape being
exposed. Everyone should know who they are by now since practically everyone has seen them. If Fo Er
is in Qiemo, he would have already came here once he receives news. Feng Xiao also finds it too tedious
to keep pretending to be a woman, so he took off his disguise and returned to his original self.
Because he is born with these handsome looks, let alone holding a fan, even if he was squatting as he
ate, it is also quite a pleasant sight to wake up to—if there is still warm incense burning in the room, and
plum blossoms were blooming outside the window.
Cui Buqu knew long ago that with this man present, he would not let pass a single opportunity to prove
Just like an oleander, even if it is hidden in the midst of green leaves, it would bet hard with its life to
bloom into a beautiful flower.
“My dear Master Daoist Cui, it seems you are awake.” Feng Xiao reaches out two fingers, “I have one
good news and one bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?”
Cui Buqu answers coldly, “I want to drink some water and eat.”
Author’s Notes:
Cui ‘I won’t give you any face’ Buqu!
Dragon and pheonix among people: This means that that person is outstanding among his peers.
I come to view the boundless ocean, from Stony Hill on eastern shore: A line from Cao Cao’s Poem, ‘The
Sea’, a full English translation of the poem can be found here.
But if, alas! the Fates should death decree, My spirit will for ever live with thee: The last line of the poem
‘A Soldier’s Farewell To This Wife’. Full English translation found here.
Before the disdain of younger days: A line from the poem 游南亭/The Southern Pavillion by Xie Lingyun,
the Duke of Kangle. I couldn’t find an English translation for the poem.
From where can I watch the milky way: A line from Chu Guangxi of the Tang Dynasty. I found this in an
Ebook here. But I took the screenshot for this poem specifically.
Qibo: Qibo is a mythological Han Doctor.
Chapter 64 – You’re So Cute Even When You’re So Mean!
Qiao Xian has prepared some dishes for Cui Buqu when he woke up to eat.
It has been many years since she took care of Cui Buqu, so her culinary skills only got better the more
she practices. If they leave the capital for quests or missions, she would not entrust Cui Buqu to another
person and insists on cooking for him herself.
Once the fracolin stew pours down his throat, immediately, Cui Buqu could recognize the dish was
cooked by Qiao Xian herself.
“Before listening to the good news and the bad news, I first need to ask Commander Feng one
question.” Cui Buqu finishes the stew and places the bowl down.
Feng Xiao rises to his feet, “It is too late. Just now when I wanted to speak, you forbade me, now you
want me to speak, I refuse. Goodbye.”
Cui Buqu, “I wanted to ask why, when I woke up, I feel my body aching all over, especially my right
shoulder, as if I’ve just fallen down.”
Feng Xiao says innocently, “If you ask me, who should I ask? You have been crawling in the underground
vault for so long, how can you not get injured?”
Cui Buqu props his chin onto his palm, his expression unchanging, “Why is there a bump on my head?”
Feng Xiao coughs twice, “After you fainted, a big bad person ran out and wanted to kidnap you. I have
wasted a lot of energy to chase her away, after that I even used a lot of strength to carry you back.
Before that, you were searching Duan Qigu’s corpse and got blood all over yourself, and I did not even
mind. Not only did you not thank me, but you want to interrogate me instead?”
Cui Buqu asks curiously, “What big bad person?”
Both Duan Qigu and Xing Mao were practically annihilated by them during that time.
Feng Xiao, “Bing Xuan.”
Cui Buqu: ……
Feng Xiao smirks, “Why? Could it be that Master Daoist Cui is finally seduced by her?”
Cui Buqu says coldly, “That’s right. Can I request Commander Feng to chase her back for me?”
Feng Xiao fans himself with his fan, “That is indeed difficult. Yan Xuexing’s martial arts are unsurpassed,
he himself is not too bad a man. You are no match for him. Why don’t you lower your standards a little?
I might be able to introduce you to that plump little maidservant who serves Gao Yi.”
“Stop talking nonsense. What is the result of the interrogation of Yu Heng?” Cui Buqu rubs the bump on
his head gently, and in his heart, he tells himself that this would need at least two to three days for the
swell to heal, and whether or not Feng Xiao is the cause of this incident, this debt is definitely on him.
Cui Buqu knows this is definitely the right choice to make no matter what.
Feng Xiao raises a finger.
“The bad news first: Yu Heng is dead.”
Cui Buqu: ……
It felt like a thunder is cast down to strike him the moment he wakes up.
The corner of his eyes twitch as he forces himself to suppress his flaring temper, “Is this the first time
Commander Feng is working on a case? It is not easy for us to arrest someone like this, they might have
even been our breakthrough to the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, because he can provide us with information
regarding the organization. Don’t you know how to keep an eye on him?!”
Feng Xiao spreads his hands apart on the table, “I too know his value and his importance in our case, but
don’t forget that this is the county of Qiemo, not the Jiejian Bureau, and definitely not your Zuoyue
Bureau. We are only four people, other than keeping him in the dungeons, would it be possible for me
to remain by his side twenty four hours a day and not leaving him for a single second?”
Cui Buqu knows that what the other man said is the truth. Even in the Zuoyue Bureau, there were rules
to know long they can hold a person in custody. Although they could not, similar the Minister of Justice,
hold criminals under custody as long as they pleased, but a few days would be enough for them to get
every information they need regarding the case. There were even more than a few ways they could
make them disappear from the surface of the earth, to let them die in secrecy without the outside world
ever knowing of it.
After a moment of silence, he says, “Since he did not commit suicide when he was arrested, then he
would not have committed suicide at all, therefore, his motives for suicide is impossible.”
Feng Xiao, “That is correct. But once he is in the dungeon, there would be a lot of opportunities for
people to slip in and commit the murder. We can prevent it the first few times, but it is impossible to
prevent them forever. This is Qiemo, a place where dragons and snakes all roam in one central point.
From the beginning, it is not heavily guarded in the first place. Although Gao Yi has doubled the patrols,
but there was one person who claims himself to be Yu Heng’s friend and wanted to visit him. After the
jailers receive heavy compensation, they really let them in. In the end, after that person left, we
discovered that Yu Heng is already dead.”
Cui Buqu, “I wager that it would be impossible to find out anything about that visitor.”
Feng Xiao, “Yes, he is long gone. Gao Yi was afraid that I would be angry, so he has already ordered
people to draw an illustration of his face and paste it all over the city. But to be frank, I do not think it
would work.”
Cui Buqu feels a headache coming in, so he rubs his temples, “I just woke up, can you not bring me some
good news?”
Feng Xiao laughs, “Haha, didn’t I told you just that now I still have a good news in hand?”
Cui Buqu responded, “Oh.” But keeps his mouth shut and refuses to ask further.
Feng Xiao, “Ah, why have you stopped asking?”
Cui Buqu, “If I ask for it at this moment, I feel that Commander Feng would not tell me so quickly, you
might even ask for another information in return.”
Because the case of Qiemo has come to an end, and although the Yunhai Thirteen Stories backing Yu
Heng seems to be incredibly ambitious, they are not directly related to this case. If they wanted to
pursue them, it would be a wholly different matter. So once Yu Heng is dead, according to Feng Xiao’s
usual ways, he would not tell Cui Buqu the good news for nothing.
Feng Xiao smiles, “Haha. Master Daoist Cui, you are indeed smart. Have you thought of what to give me
in exchange then?”
Cui Buqu did not hesitate and tells him, “I heard that Commander Feng has been looking for a good
zither for a long time. I can tell that every zither you have used thus far is not to your liking, otherwise,
you would have brought it on this trip to Qiemo.”
There are very few fighters in the Jianghu province who uses a zither for a weapon. Feng Xiao is one of
them, but the zither he wants isn’t only just for playing music, but at the right time, he might also want
to use it to bang someone. In their last encounter, when Cui Buqu saw him using his zither to bang his
enemies, the energy he infuses has been too much that it immediately cracked.
Normal zithers would not be able to withstand such manner of treatment, for only zithers that are that
made by special materials can be used as a weapon.
Feng Xiao suddenly says, “Even without a zither, I can still make my enemies bend the knee.”
Cui Buqu, “I know the whereabouts of Rao Liang.”
Feng Xiao, “Are you speaking about Rao Liang from the Spring and Autumn period?”
Cui Buqu, “That is correct.”
Rao Liang a zither from the legends. According to stories from the Spring and Autumn period, someone
once gifted it to the King Zhuang of Chu. The King was then mesmerized by the song played by it and did
not show up in court for a subsequent seven days. After the Queen’s persuasion, only did he used a Tie
Ruyi to smash it into pieces.
From then on, Rao Liang is lost to the world. When future generations speak of Rao Liang, they can only
but imagine its beautiful melody in their minds.
Feng Xiao, “In the aftermath of Rao Liang, there is no longer Rao Liang in this world.”
Cui Buqu, “There is. The zither has a twin, one by the name of Yu Yin, one by the name of Rao Liang.
After Hua Yuan presented Rao Liang as a gift before the King Zhuang of Chu, Rao Liang is lost to the
world, but Yu Yin remains, and is kept as a treasure until this day. I know where it is. If Rao Liang is able
to seduce King Zhuang with its melody, it is definitely outstanding among its peers, if a practitioner of
the martial arts could get his hands on it, his abilities will definitely be amplified. From what I know, Rao
Liang and Yu Yin are casted by celestial stones from another heaven. Even if you want to use it to bang
someone, there is no need to worry it would shatter.”
Feng Xiao, “Where is it?”
Cui Buqu, “Let’s work together.”
Feng Xiao twitches his lips, “Done.”
Cui Buqu makes a flourish with his hand, meaning that Feng Xiao should speak first.
Feng Xiao, “Before Yu Heng died, he has already told us everything he knows. It is quite similar to what
we have heard from Duan Qigu, there isn’t many differences. He only know the Pavilion Lord before and
after himself and did not know who the rest are. Fong Xiaolian is number thirteen, Duan Qigu is number
twelve, Yu Heng is number eleven, and the one before Yu Heng, is empty.
Cui Buqu furrows his eyebrow, “No one?”
Feng Xiao nods his head, “According to Yu Heng, the Yunhai Thirteen Stories are secretly gathering all
young talents beneath the Heavens, to garner them all in one organization, and arrange them according
to the strength of their abilities. Duan Qigu was dissatisfied that he is only Master Twelve, but once he
got to know who is ranked number six, he immediately ditched his idea of trying to climb to higher
Cui Buqu, “Who?”
Feng Xiao, “Far away in the Kingdom of Goguryeo, the sect leader of the Fuyu Sect, Gao Yun.”
It is this Gao Yun, the one who sent Su Xing and Qin Miaoyu to the Central Plains and serve as spies for
decades to come, passing encoded messages and investigating inside information, causing unrest in the
Central Plains whenever possible. In fact, Su Xing once said that the one who contact them in the Central
Plains, is a man called Master One.
These leads all add up together now.
Cui Buqu, “Even Gao Yun can only be ranked number six, so those before him can only be even more
Feng Xiao bites his lip and nods his head.
Cui Buqu asks again, “Since the Yunhai Thirteen Stories are such a secretive organization, how do they
communicate and contact each other?”
Feng Xiao, “They have messengers between themselves, but Yu Heng knows not of the other’s identity.
Every time a messenger visits, their genders, faces, and voices are all different than the last.”
Cui Buqu furrows his brows, “That can’t be right. The Yunhai Thirteen Stories only craves for dragons
and phoenixes among people. Although Yu Heng’s martial arts are not bad, but he could not have pose a
threat, and he is not enough calculative nor is he cunning. How can he rank before Duan Qigu?”
Feng Xiao, “Because he says, that he is originally just a little rogue from Jian Kang city. Someone grew
interested in him, so they taught him the ways of martial arts and reorganized his mannerisms. They
even sent him to the Southern Chen Dynasty’s Rong Hua Temple to become a monk. Step by step he
became the lord then and the fact that he was recruited into the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, was also the
intentions of this man.”
Cui Buqu’s attention is immediately drawn as one person comes to mind, “Yu Xiu?”
Feng Xiao shakes his head, “I could not get the answer to that, but if it really is Yu Xiu, then this man is
indeed meticulous and wary, Yu Heng would not discover who he is.”
This man, Yu Xiu, comes from a mysterious background and origin, yet he had the deep trust of Prince
Jin. If he really is someone from the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, then it can be imagined how many storms
and waves he will cause in the future.
Cui Buqu remains silent, his brows knitting a knot above his eyes.
On the other hand, Feng Xiao looks absolutely relaxed and carefree, as he leans back into folded arms
behind his back and shakes his leg.
“A-Cui ah, I have a question.”
Cui Buqu did not raise his head, he is deep in thought, “Speak.”
Feng Xiao, “Your body is not good, yet every day you breach limits and think so much. Every day, when
you comb your hair, did you realize that your hairline is gradually going backwards?”
Cui Buqu’s train of thoughts are immediately disrupted by this. He feels impatience fills his chest and
couldn’t help saying, “No, I did not realize it. After all, I am not the self-centered and narcissistic
Commander Feng. I fear that if you discovered that a strand of hair fell from your head, you would
spend half a day crying your eyes out over it, then go about searching for a tree to bury that poor strand
of hair underneath the soil, wouldn’t you?”
Feng Xiao holds his stomach and laughs loudly, “You’re so cute even when you’re so mean!”
Cui Buqu stares at him coldly.
After Feng Xiao is done laughing, he says, “Then now you can tell me where is the zither Yu Yin?”
Cui Buqu, “An Ping, Cui’s manor.”
An Ping used to be called Bo Lin, so there is no need to figure out who could have possessed a legendary
zither such as Yu Yin.
Once he hears the name, Feng Xiao’s eyebrows raise in question, “Bolin Cui Sect?”
Cui Buqu, “That is correct.”
Feng Xiao is intelligent to begin with, so he immediately whips out his fan, stringing the rest of the
information together, “You are also a Cui. Could you be someone that belonged to the Bolin Cui Sect?”
Cui Buqu smiles plainly, “I have neither mother nor sire, title nor alias, and I definitely do not have
brothers and sisters from such a prominent sect. Do I look like I have any?”
Feng Xiao nods his head and agrees, “That makes sense.”
Before Cui Buqu can say anything, he immediately changes the course of the conversation, “From my
perspective, people like those of Bolin Cui would not have the ability to raise someone as talented and
gifted as you.”
Spring and Autumn period: The Eastern Zhou (东周) was the second half of the Zhou dynasty of ancient
China. It is divided into two periods: the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States.
Tie Ruyi:
Chapter 65 – Master Daoist Cui, You Really Should Smile More Often
There is a lot of people who liked Cui Buqu, but there is also a lot of people who hated him.
Although the Zuoyue Bureau’s name is not prominent, but the authority they wield is tremendous with
Empress Dugu supporting them from behind. The people who fell into his hands are uncountable, and
those who curse him behind his back are nigh unimaginable. Cui Buqu possesses a heart of steel, for he
has never allowed these things to bother him. So now, even if Feng Xiao praised him, he hardly felt it
was something to be happy about.
“Commander Feng, with each time you compliment me, a string of words comes to mind.”
Feng Xiao, “Only CaoCao and Liu Bei can be considered heroes of the world?”
Cui Buqu, “The weasel paying a new year visit to the chicken.”
Feng Xiao laughs, “Haha! Am I the weasel and you are the chicken? From my perspective, why do I feel
like Master Daoist Cui is not the sort of chicken who would let people skin you alive while doing nothing
about it?”
More like an old, sly, calculative fox that refuses to let others of ever having their own way.
Cui Buqu, “Is that so? From what I see, Commander Feng does certainly look like a weasel.”
A beautiful weasel who behaves bombastically no matter where he goes.
Feng Xiao’s demeanors aren’t bad. Even though he bickers with Cui Buqu practically every day, they
have never truly been mad at each other. Instead, he leans over with his handsome face and speaks with
extreme familiarity, “We dealt with the Khotan Ambassador’s case back in the City of Six Crafts, and
here we dealt with Xing Mao and Duan Qigu. Even if this isn’t going through life and death together, it
can still be considered going through thick and thin with each other. Need you still be so defensive, cold,
and distant with me? Is Bolin Cui really your home?”
Cui Buqu takes the brush and paper and writes something on it. He did not even raise his head as he
says, “So what if it is? And so what if it isn’t?”
Feng Xiao, “Look at the way you behave. Even if it is your home, I am certain you have already disowned
them. Otherwise why would you say you have neither sire or mother, and no name or titles?”
Cui Buqu dips his brush and raises an eyebrow, smiling faintly, “It seems like yesterday when I was
speaking to Xiao Lu, you’ve hidden somewhere to eavesdrop on us. Are you not the great Commander
Feng of the Jiejian Bureau? Where is your pride?”
Feng Xiao twitches his lips, “There isn’t a single moment where Master Daoist Cui isn’t thinking about
pitting me in all ways possible. If I wasn’t careful myself, I fear that sooner or later I would not even have
my pants left on me.”
As lowers his head to look at what Cui Buqu has written on the paper. The words that are written on it
are the very same words from the letter that was found on Duan Qigu’s corpse.
Feng Xiao nods his head, “Not a word missing.”
Cui Buqu, “Where is that letter?”
Feng Xiao, “Thrown away.”
Cui Buqu stares at him coldly.
Feng Xiao inhales and straightens his back, “It’s stained by the blood of the dead, do you not mind its
Cui Buqu sighs.
He feels that there is a very obvious advantage in working together with Feng Xiao, because when two
intelligent people come together, there is no need to explain too much to the other. They would be able
to understand each other naturally without needing to exchange too much words. Additionally, Feng
Xiao’s martial arts are unparalleled that even the number one fighter of Göktürk is unable to defeat him.
However, there are also disadvantages working with him: Feng Xiao is not his subordinate, therefore it is
impossible for Feng Xiao to obey his every command. The Jiejian Bureau is not beneath the Zuoyue
Bureau either, and with Feng Xiao’s nature, even if his adversary is the ruler of Heaven, Feng Xiao would
not even be afraid of them, therefore let alone the Zuoyue Bureau. Feng Xiao is impulsive, even
sometimes having the intention to pit someone. Cui Buqu not only needed to do proper work, but he
also needed to pick some time to fight with Feng Xiao from time to time to prevent each other from
falling into each other’s pits. With one brain working on two aspects like this, no wonder his rhonchi that
hasn’t been triggered for over two years had started to come back recently.
Feng Xiao smiles, “Don’t you sigh like that. Otherwise if Qiao Xian heard it, she would think that I am
bullying you again. I have read that letter, and I have verified that it does not hold anything special, even
if there is, it could only be the riddle on the letter. Did you not say that you have some leads in prior?
Tell me about them.”
Cui Buqu, “Commander Feng is a clever person, I am certain you can guess it yourself.”
Feng Xiao, “How about this. Let us both write whatever we’ve guessed on a piece of paper and exchange
them. This is considered fair, wouldn’t it?”
Cui Buqu, “Deal.”
Both of them take a piece of paper and brush.
After a while, both parties give each other their own pieces of paper.
Cui Buqu, “The first sentence: I come to view the boundless ocean, from Stony Hill on eastern shore. In
my opinion, is pointing to a location.”
Feng Xiao, “When CaoCao wrote this poem, he is in a place called Jieshi in Beiping Jun. However, if it was
so easy to guess, then it would have been easy for anyone to decrypt this poem, so what I am guessing is
that it is actually another place: take the first and last character of the sentence, it would be Donghai
Cui Buqu nods his head, “This letter is extremely secretive, so I am certain it is related to the Yunhai
Thirteen Stories. Before this, I have been thinking, that since the Yunhai Thirteen Stories is an extremely
secretive agency that they even refuse to expose their own identities to each other. Although being
secretive in this way is beneficial, but in the long run, it is very easy for others to become suspicious.
Take Duan Qigu for example, if he knew who the other members were other than Yu Heng and Fong
Xiaolian, he could have took the risk. However, with only a woman and a monk, this has indeed made
him suspicious and wasn’t willing to bet all his wealth and fame into the organization and trust them
Feng Xiao, “That is correct. The founder of the Yunhai Thirteen Stories would have most likely thought of
this point already, so they would definitely find an opportune moment to let everyone meet all at once
to satiate the suspicions in people like Duan Qigu. It is a pity that before Duan Qigu could attend it, he is
already dead.”
Cui Buqu, “The third line is a poem from Mister Xie: Before the disdain of younger days, all youth has
left. The wilted crops prompts me to weep, hairs on both sides turn old and white. This is the poem he
wrote when he was demoted to a remote area in Yongjia.”
Feng Xiao raises an eyebrow, “A lot can come from this: Yongjia, Nanting, even Xie Lingyun’s cenotaph,
they could all be answers.”
Cui Buqu, “None of them. The answer is Zhu Ming.”
Feng Xiao, “Why?”
Cui Buqu smiles faintly, “Because the next sentence: ‘Clear and shallow is the Milky Way.’ This is a Han
poem from the collection of ‘Zhaoming Taizi’: ‘Afar is Niu Lang’s constellation, and luminous is the
weaving maiden’s river. Lithe fingers weave snowy cloth. Yearning for his company, her heart is
elsewhere. The Milky Way seems clear and shallow, yet how isolated they are. Between them lies but a
silvery river, yet words of love cannot be exchanged.’ Now, let us look at the sentence before these:
‘Before the disdain of younger days, departed is the spring of youth. Summer called Zhu Ming, Autumn
called Jin Su.‘ Coupling both these sentences is approximately the seventh of July where Nu Liang and
Zhi Nu meets.”
(Translator’s Note: I did not manage to find a translated poem of this online, so these are my own words
with the help of @/gonedolin from Tumblr with the flow and English! The poem cannot make much
sense in English, so all the information you need to know is that it’s mostly describing the legend and
love story of the Cowherd and Weaving Goddess, Niu Liang and Zhi Nu, whose story can be found here.
Long story short, a Cowherd and a Weaving Goddess fell in love, but love between man and goddess was
forbidden. However, in the end, they were accepted and are allowed to meet every year on the 7th of
July through a bridge made of bird that connects Heaven to Earth.
As for the last sentence of the poem (those in italics are the poem), in that time, Summer isn’t called
Summer, but ‘Zhu Ming’, and Autumn is not called Autumn, but ‘Jin Su’.)
During the daily interactions between Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu, there are lots of mocking and sarcasms, it
is difficult to have a conversation like this that brings no tone of mockery, instead, a gentle conversation
that soothes the smile and heart. For one second, he could even see a smile on the corner of the other’s
eyes. Feng Xiao suddenly discovers that Cui Buqu grew up to be quite handsome looking, although his
face brings evident looks of being frequently sick, but his eyebrows are clear-cut and sharp, his eyes are
naturally born with a glow in them. Sparks flew from them when he stares at someone, but when his
face is cold they pin themselves on their target. When he smiles it is like the spring mountains and
cherry blossoms blooming all at once. It is difficult to say that Bing Xuan isn’t attracted to it.
Feng Xiao smiles, “Master Daoist Cui, you really should smile more often. Perhaps I might even grow
soft-hearted and could not bear to squabble with you?”
Cui Buqu, “Then I rather you continue squabbling with me. If Commander Feng listens to everything I say
and obey every command of mine, I might even grow suspicious of your motives.”
Feng Xiao sighs, “Really, you take my kindness and throw it to the dogs!”
Cui Buqu is too lazy to continue dawdling with him so he says impatiently, “Stop talking nonsense. What
are Commander Feng’s opinions?”
Look at this man! Although his looks aren’t bad, but why is his temper so terrible? Getting angry so
easily just like that. No wonder he is born sickly and ill. Whoever falls for this sickly man would have
definitely be chased away by him not after three days.
Feng Xiao slanders but for the sake of his face, he keeps a gentle and kind expression, “I completely
agree with your hypothesis.”
Cui Buqu frowns, “Don’t you have anything to say?”
Feng Xiao, “We have the time, but there is more to say about the location. I think that the second line:
But if, alas! the Fates should death decree, my spirit will for ever live with thee. Could be related to the
location. Whether it is indeed in the area of the Donghai Jun, perhaps we can find the answer in this
sentence. However, right now, we do not have anything.”
Cui Buqu lowers his head in deep thought, his eyebrows knotting over each other, “With a complicated
and secretive poem like this, even if Duan Qigu breaks his brain thinking on it, he could not have found
the answer. Within the thirteen pavilions in the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, there should be a code to
decrypt something like this. It is a pity we cannot get our hands on other equipment, otherwise if they
are all put together, I might be able to decrypt it.”
The difference between Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu is that Cui Buqu loves to decrypt riddles, but Feng Xiao
would never treat himself so badly. If he encounters something he couldn’t solve, he would set it aside
first and once the time is right, he believes he will obtain the answer he needs. Wherever the Yunhai
Thirteen Stories are, they would not run away, in the end, they would eventually blow their own covers.
Once he catches Cui Buqu deep in thought, he says a quick, “Let me go out and take a walk first.” Cui
Buqu did not even respond to him and continues to talk to himself.
Outside, Feng Xiao runs into Jin Lian.
As for this small Kedun of Khan Apa, ever since they arrive in Qiemo, she has been quietly hiding herself.
Originally, she isn’t someone with a tame temper, but she knows that Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu were
incredibly busy and might not come to her rescue if anything happens, so to avoid herself being attacked
by Fo Er, she has never left her room within this month. She could only allow those maidservants from
the City of Six Crafts to go out and bring news to her.
On the other hand, she also holds the intention of watching from the side lines. She wants to see to
what extend Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao’s abilities could reach to.
Once she sees that these two people could overturn the Heavens, immediately pushing over the two
pillars that held Qiemo: one dead and the other fallen from power—for in the end, Xing Mao is a little
bit smarter than Duan Qigu. Once he sees that his reign is over, very quickly he surrenders all his wealth
and only begs for the safety of his family. Since, according to the rumours, the Emperor of Sui is quite
generous, Xing Mao has already been knighted the Marquis of Shanshan and given a big manor, allowing
him and his family to live peacefully in the capital.
In silence, Jin Lian is secretly glad that she has chosen to ally with them earlier. With the abilities of
these two people, they could even move Qiemo, it is granted that it would not take much for them to
convince Khan Apa to ally with the Sui Empire. So her trust towards them grows.
“Lord Feng, I ask for your wellness.” Jin Lian courtesies at Feng Xiao.
Travelling away from home, she masquerades as a woman of the Central Plains, but although her accent
is still stiff, she has learned most of their cultures.
From the way Feng Xiao sees it, he considers Jin Lian to be an intelligent woman, for when most of the
Göktürks only know how to fool around and play games, her wisdom makes her put her focus upon the
Central Plains.
She seeks after an alliance with the Sui Empire, and not to let Khan Ishbara swallow them whole.
“Does Lady Jin need something?” Feng Xiao calls the alias she uses.
Jin Lian, “May I know how is Master Cui? The eight ministries will be having a gathering in the Sanmi
Mountains. I fear that if we arrive a few days later, we would not be able to make it.”
Feng Xiao, “We will be setting out tomorrow.”
Jin Lian says, “That is too wonderful! After leaving home for so long, I could not wait to see the familiar
grasslands of my home. With both of you returning with me, I feel the Khan would be extremely happy.”
After Duan Qigu’s incident, Jin Lian’s perspective of them has certainly change a great degree. If what
she used to behave is politely distant, then now she is behaving familiarly and close with them.
However, Feng Xiao does not expose her, “We still have a huge gift for the Khan, on this trip to the
Sanmi Mountains, I guarantee Lady Jin would not be disappointed.”
Jin Lian tries to guess the meaning in his words as if there is a lot of undertone beneath it. She is busying
herself with packing her luggage before bidding Feng Xiao farewell to return back.
Feng Xiao immediately returns to the house, in his heart he says: With Cui Buqu’s intelligence, it could
even be possible that he could eventually decrypt the secret behind the poem. So Feng Xiao is currently
thinking of a way to trick the other into spilling it at him, but who could have guess that when he enters,
the sight of a person sprawling across the ground soundly in slumber greets him.
Back then Feng Xiao hasn’t yet discovered Cui Buqu’s identity and drugged him with the Naihe Xiang
drug, he has already familiarized himself with Cui Buqu’s condition when he checked his pulse. They had
been incredibly weak. There is no need for the Xinling famed physicians to speak, even for Feng Xiao, he
could tell that this is someone who will most likely have a short lifespan.
During these days, even if the times Cui Buqu spends burning his brain over strategizing did not count,
he has even been through some hardship in the secret tunnel for some time. His body is already weak to
begin with, and he starts thinking immediately after he wakes up. Wouldn’t it be curious if he did not
faint over it?
The sunlight outside the house is beautiful.
A few warm sunrays reaches out to Cui Buqu’s face, forming a glistening rainbow.
Feng Xiao stares at it again and again, and he couldn’t help but reaches his own face out towards Cui
Long fingers cover his face without even pausing for a second as they pinches Cui Buqu’s nose.
This time, Cui Buqu is sleeping incredibly soundly, even this action did not manage to wake him.
However, he finds it difficult to breathe and in the midst of his dream, his eyebrows furrow as his lips
part to breathe.
Feng Xiao exposes a naughty smile, using his other hand, he covers the other’s mouth.
Let’s see how you can breath now.
“What are you doing?!” Qiao Xian’s angry voice came from the door.
Ah, he is discovered in such a brief time. Feng Xiao sighs regrettably and removes his hand.
Cui Buqu isn’t awaken by Feng Xiao’s playfulness, but he is definitely woken up by Qiao Xian’s shout.
He rubs with his eyes and sits up. One of side of his face is a reddened mark of Feng Xiao’s hand. For half
a minute, he had lost the authoritative atmosphere of the Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau.
Although this person knew nothing of the martial arts, he knew innumerous fatal and undefeatable
strategies. Added with an intelligent and meticulous heart, it is impossible for him to have the upper
hand no matter where he went. The other two people present dare not belittle him as they knew of this
fact, but seeing his look right now, they could not refrain themselves from bursting out laughing in their
Feng Xiao casts him side a glance. Qiao Xian is already rushing forward and standing between himself
and Cui Buqu like a mother hen protecting her chick, as if Feng Xiao is a man-eater.
This Qiao person is making everything a little bit difficult. Should he find an opportunity to pit her as
well? Feng Xiao thinks to himself.
But in the end, he just waves his fan and smiles as he ponders over it.
Only CaoCao and Liu Bei can be considered heroes of the world (天下英雄,唯使君与操耳): The original
phrase translates literally to “Heroes beneath heaven, only CaoCao and Liu Bei. It is a sentence said by
CaoCao to Liu Bei to test him, which ultimately lead to Liu Bei quickly leaving on horse back that night,
since it basically means that in CaoCao’s eyes, no one in the world nearly matches his skills, except for Liu
Bei, which also meant that CaoCao has his eyes set on Liu Bei, and might consider eliminating this
In this context, (a personal opinion of mind) to aid the understanding of readers, I think what Feng Xiao is
trying to say is that he considers himself Liu Bei, and Cui Buqu being CaoCao. Aka, both of them are the
only ones that are considered worthy.
The weasel paying a new year visit to the chicken (黄鼠狼给鸡拜年): This means that bad intentions are
coming from someone when they’re doing something good for once. The weasel is a natural predator of
the chicken, so if the weasel suddenly wants to pay the chicken a new year visit, it’s most likely an excuse
to eat it.
In this case, Cui Buqu meant that he expects nothing good when Feng Xiao compliments him. *FengCui
roasting resumes*.
Xinling famed physicians: Just an address to describe the best doctors in the world.
⮕Arc 3 - Mist In The Royal Court
Chapter 66 - Commander Feng Gives An Enthusiastic Look, As If His Only Fear Is The World Being At
Early morning the next day, Feng Xiao, Cui Buqu, and their company of four begins their journey once
more from Qiemo to proceed to the Royal Court of the Sanmi Mountains where Khan Apa is.
Once Gao Yi receives news of their journey, he wants to send them off in person, but Cui Buqu rejects it.
Since their company only has four people and they are tasked with something important, it is not
convenient for them to be bombastic about it.
Ever since this incident in Qiemo, they have abandoned their disguises and exposed themselves; not
only did they gain a new enemy like the Yunhai Thirteen Stories, but they have not yet resolved the case
pertaining Fo Er. In this long journey ahead, protecting Jin Lian’s safety until they arrive at the Royal
Court of Göktürk is not an easy feat.
However, as expected, from the moment they left Qiemo, arrive in Kucha and rest for a few days, before
moving forward to the foot of the Sanmi Mountains until they enter the Royal Court’s territory and see
the Göktürk banner swaying in the wind, everything has gone smoothly throughout their journey
without fear or danger.
Even Jin Lian feels that everything went by a little too well, she could not help herself asking Cui Buqu,
“Could it be that Fo Er has given up on assassinating me?”
Cui Buqu says, “Before seeing Khan Apa, it is too early to judge anything. Tell me first, how is Khan Apa
as a person?”
Although the Zuoyue Bureau has their own ways of obtaining information, no matter what regardless, it
cannot be compared to having Khan Apa’s own bedside person, for she is one among those who knows
the Khan the best.
Jin Lian says after a while, “He… actually, he is sort of a fool.”
Cui Buqu raises an eyebrow.
In the Zuoyue Bureau, he has heard many things pertaining to this man they call the Khan Apa, most of
them came from people who are often by his side. Among them, the most ordinary and common ones
are that the Khan Apa is an incredibly suspicious and envious man, his ambitious desires are great, and
there are also Han people who are formally their spoils of war yet had escape back to Han lands used
the world ‘devil’ to describe his passion for blood.
Jin Lian has always been on guard on the journey here, until now only did she finally bring this up to Cui
“There are many clans in Göktürk, and there are also many Khans, just like the Spring and Autumn
period in the Central Plains, every country to each their own. Opening war with each other is very
common. Today you may be the Khan, tomorrow I might become the Commander. These are not
strange to see. Ever since Khan Ishbara rose to power, he divulged his intentions to conquer all the
surrounding kingdoms for himself and unite Göktürk into one. It is not that Khan Apa does not know of
this, sometimes other than war, there are lots of ways to let someone die, so, people who often dwell
by the Khan’s side are changed from one batch to a new one from time to time.”
Cui Buqu nods his head. He has heard of this matter before.
When she speaks until this point, Jin Lian could not help sighing a little, “In fact, the Khan’s personality is
a little ambitious. Before I left the Royal Court to come to the Central Plains, he ordered me to train a
group of female bodyguards, he says that the loyalty of women are more reliable than men, so they
could guarantee his safety.”
Feng Xiao yields a strange look, “How is your Khan’s opinion of the beauty of women?”
Jin Lian answers him straightforwardly, “Everyone holds a love for beauty, the upper class royalties may
hold lust for beauty, and so does the lower class citizens. Therefore, how is the Khan any exception?”
This Kedun Jin Lian is indeed beautiful even for her age. Between her brows she holds some frost, and
she is even quite knowledgeable since she often aids Khan Apa in managing the country’s politics and
gained his trust and admiration. However, at the end of the day of the day, she is still only the Khan’s
concubine and would worry that one day he would become disinterested in her. It could be said that she
was worried that when she sets out to pull Khan Apa and the Sui Empire together, she would be
betrayed when she is not in Göktürk, so these group of female bodyguards can both be used to maintain
her status, as well as serve as her spies.
Until this moment, Cui Buqu vaguely understood everything.
This Khan Apa is only a man with an ordinary set of skills, loved the beauty of women, and possess a
heart that is heavy of suspicions.
Although there are many clans in the Western and Eastern Göktürk, after Khan Ishbara rose to power,
Khan Apa did not think of how to overcome the problem, but he has been watching in sitting to see the
fluctuation of power between the Sui Empire and Khan Ishbara. This could be seen that his heroic
endeavours are insufficient, and although he still possesses ambitions, they have diminished due to age.
For someone like this, never mind the fact that convincing him to ally with the Sui Empire would not be
difficult, as long as he is convinced that he could be utterly beaten by the Sui Empire, he dares not place
his bet against them.
In a few more days, it would be the gathering of the Eight Ministries, this could be used to their
After a moment of thought, a few riders rode forth and barricades their entry.
The rider in charge sees Jin Lian and gives a look of shock, he immediately kneels down to greet her.
Jin Lian accepts it as she sits atop her horse, her attitude is incredibly proud, completely devoid of the
gentleness and familiarity she has shown Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu on the road.
As they both exchange a few sentences, Jin Lian suddenly gives a look of shock and shouts some words
questioningly. Although those riders asked for her forgiveness, they still rode towards Cui Buqu and the
others, holding long knives in their hands. They did not look like they were welcoming guests, nor did
they look friendly.
Feng Xiao and Qiao Xian do not understand Göktürk, so Cui Buqu explains to them at extreme speed,
“They want to take us. Jin Lian says that we are her guests from the Central Plains and allow them to
report to the Khan, but they said that the Khan has given orders that any person from the Central Plains
are no longer allowed to enter the Royal Court.”
The colour on Jin Lian’s face looks terrible. She has tried so hard to bring these ambassadors from the
Sui Empire here, but because this matter backfired due to the suspicious hearts of the Göktürks, she has
become an enemy to them. Let alone her journey has all been for nothing, she can even feel herself
losing power and status in Göktürk.
In fact, she knows that Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao both are not men easily pushed around. If the Göktürks
offended them, it is quite possible that they could save themselves from this place and even create
some chaos. The memory of Duan Qigu is still fresh to her, so regardless what is going on, Jin Lian would
never seek death for herself.
As she thinks, she quickly tells Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao, “Both of you, I am extremely sorry. I have no idea
that the Khan would give such an order. So, even if at the cost of my own life, I would not allow both of
you to be humiliated, so please wait here, let me see the Khan and explain everything before coming out
here to welcome both of you inside!”
Cui Buqu, “Before Kedun leaves, may I know if the Khan has always treated people from the Central
Plains like this?”
Jin Lian shakes her head, “I obtained the Khan’s permission before setting forth for the Central Plains.
The decree, you have seen it for yourselves, it is not faked.”
Cui Buqu, “Then, after you left the Royal Court, something must have happened to make the Khan
change his mind. As for the sincerity of the Kedun, my people have seen it for themselves, we will wait
for you here.”
When Jin Lian sees that Cui Buqu did not have the intention to blame her for this outcome, she relaxes
for a moment and immediately apologizes before excusing herself. She shouts a few commands to those
soldiers, to which the latter gave a look of disdain. They cast a few glances at Cui Buqu, forcibly nodding
their heads and agrees, before abandoning them and rode towards the Royal Court.
Cui Buqu and his company waits for almost an hour, before they see a group of people coming towards
them. Those group of people look unfamiliar, they were no longer the ones that they met just now, and
Jin Lian is not among them.
Feng Xiao, “Could it be that they have some changes within them? That the old Khan is dead, a new one
is crowned. The gathering is disbanded, even Jin Lian has lost her authority?”
Cui Buqu, “The Jiejian Bureau receive news from everywhere. Does Commander Feng still need to ask
Feng Xiao waves a hand, “Every day, even if there is not a few hundred scrolls delivered to the Jiejian
Bureau, there are also a few dozens of them. It’s not my fault that I was not born with a photographic
memory like Master Daoist Cui, so how can I recall all of them? In fact, I originally wanted to return to
the capital after I closed the Khotan Ambassador’s murder case, how can I anticipate that I would be
kidnapped all the way here by you?”
Between the lines, the responsibility all seem to fall upon Cui Buqu once more.
Cui Buqu, “The Khan has two sons. The elder one, Eden, is the son of big Kedun. The second son is Ade,
his birth mother is unfortunate, for after his birth, she passed not long after. The Göktürk people
prioritizes the strongest among themselves. For the son to usurp his father, for brothers to usurp each
other, these cases are common and often seen. Khan Apa’s wariness is strong, according to what I know,
both his sons do not wield much power themselves. You see how he gives Jin Lian quite an amount of
power, is because Jin Lian has no sons. This is enough of a proof.”
Feng Xiao, “That is to say, both his sons are not threats to us?”
Cui Buqu, “Not entirely. I heard that Khan Apa gives all his love to this second son, while neglecting his
eldest, because he thinks his eldest is weak, without the hearts of lion that is in the Göktürk’s nature.”
His words stop here, because those Göktürk people have already arrived and divided into two groups to
surround Cui Buqu and his company.
The one in charge shouts something, his gaze is incredibly ferocious and stiff, killing intent heavy in the
On the other hand, Cui Buqu’s complexion did not look nervous at all as he converses with them.
After a while, Feng Xiao hears Cui Buqu quickly telling them at the speed of light, “Quickly, put down all
these people, but do not kill them. Hold that leader down and let us rush into the Royal Court together!”
Feng Xiao, “Just the three of us? Is that not serving the sheep into the wolves’ pack?”
Cui Buqu stares at him coldly, “With Commander Feng around, how can others be considered wolves?”
Feng Xiao laughs loudly, “Haha! I like what you said!”
As his words dissipated, Feng Xiao had already moved in front the Göktürk soldiers. The other lets out a
gasp and immediately wants to use his horse to stomp on him, but how would Feng Xiao give him that
chance? As his shadow flashes, the soldier cries and has already fallen to the ground.
Seeing Feng Xiao make the move, Qiao Xiao follows suit, but this isn’t because she fears death, but
because she is protecting Cui Buqu.
With the skills of these people, they can only be intimidating enough to rob normal citizens of the
Central Plains, but how are they matches of Feng Xiao and Qiao Xian? Very quickly all of them fell to the
ground and could not get up, only their leader held up Feng Xiao with one hand like one holding a little
“Go! Let us raise wind and tides!” Commander Feng gives an enthusiastic look, as if his only fear is that
the world is at peace with no trouble for him to take care of.
With a hostage in hand, everything would be a smooth trip.
This person’s rank is not low, he is a Yabghu, according to Göktürk, it is similar to a general or an officer.
On the way, as Feng Xiao holds him up, everything stares at him with fear and anger, but they could not
do anything to him and could only report to the Khan.
So, after an hour, they finally arrive at the King’s Yurt, finally seeing the great Khan Apa.
The other party is around forty to fifty years old. His hair has both black and white strands, with a beard
that reaches up his cheeks, and he seems to like squinting his eyes when he looks at someone.
Is it unknown whether it has something to do with age, because the other party’s looks is a little bit
To be honest, compared to Jin Lian, Jin Lian looks almost ten times more energetic and rigid.
If she had been the Khan, then Cui Buqu and his men would not have to go through so much trouble.
However, it is truly a pity that at this time, men are the dominant race, and no matter how ambitious Jin
Lian is, she can only use Khan Apa to help her achieve it.
“Man from the Central Plains, why are you holding my officer hostage?” Khan Apa’s tone is not friendly
as he glances at them.
The King’s Yurt is huge beyond imaginable, surrounding him, other than Jin Lian, everyone that sat there
at the present are officers of court. Every one of them glares at them, who were standing in the middle.
Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao also notice someone they knew from a while ago.
Fo Er is sitting beneath, right next to the Khan’s throne, looking at them expressionlessly.
A Han woman who were just like them could only pour wine for the important guests in the camp,
keeping her eyes and head low and dare not even raise her head.
At this moment, a pained voice cries, a female servant is kicked in the stomach as she flies out into the
She falls to the found for a while, but quickly forces herself to climb up as she shivers on the ground, as
if she is afraid of offending the important guests.
“Lowly person from the Central Plains, I could smite you with the strength of smiting an ant!” The
Göktürk royalty who kicked her to the ground sneers, and after he finishes, he casts Cui Buqu a look,
giving him an evil smile.
Jin Lian isn’t surrounded and held down like before, instead, it is as if she has changed into new clothes
and lavished by heavy makeup like how she used to wear in Göktürk. But when she looks at them, there
is a nervous, agitated look in her, as if she has something to say to them, but due to the situation, she
could not open her mouth.
This kind of situation really… makes one feel as if they are surrounded by enemies.
Cui Buqu thinks to himself.
Eden: (伊旬) is literally from the Garden of Eden. Maybe it is meant for his personality?
Ade: Second Prince Ade (阿德).
Yurt: A traditional yurt (from the Turkic languages) or ger (Mongolian) is a portable, round tent covered
with skins or felt and used as a dwelling by several distinct nomadic groups in the steppes of Central Asia.
Chapter 67 – The More Powerful We Are, The More Humble They Will Become
“If we had not done it like this, would the Khan notice us?” Cui Buqu says slowly, “The Khan sends Jin
Lian forth to the Central Plains, and now, we have represented the Sui Empire to come here, yet the
Khan treats us in such a way, this indeed makes one’s heart cold.”
Khan Apa says in a low voice, “Since when have I gave such an order? Everything is strategized and done
by Jin Lian herself, has it not been for the guests who came from all eight directions, I would have
bestowed upon her a grave punishment!”
As they spoke, his gaze turns towards Fo Er’s direction but the latter did not seem to notice it, instead,
he lowers his head to drink some tea.
But as this scene is witnessed by Cui Buqu, he knew the reason behind it.
It seems like before they arrive here, something had undoubtedly happened, perhaps Fo Er has arrived
here first, so he has forced the Khan into submission, because the Khan dare not offend the number one
fighter of Göktürk, and Cui Buqu and his company did not look much, so he has chosen to side with Fo Er
for now as side who is most likely to win.
Cui Buqu says coldly, “The Khan is afraid of offending Khan Ishbara, then is he not afraid that he will
offend the Sui Empire?”
Someone who sits at the side laughs, “With just the three of you, can you really represent the Sui
Empire? If people from the Central Plains are all so weak, then there is nothing to be afraid, from the
way I see it, the small Kedun is misled by the lot of you. Who knew whether you used seduction to lure
her into agreeing with you all…”
The one who is speaking is the very same young Göktürk royalty that sneered rudely at the female
Judging by his age, if he can sit in this camp, then his identity is definitely not ordinary. He might even be
son of the Khan, or a nephew of someone close to him, from the way he behaved towards the female
servant that fell down, his authority could be seen, and just now he is simply using it as demonstration
to flaunt it.
It is truly a pity that Cui Buqu cannot be fooled like this,
And neither is Feng Xiao.
So before his voice dissipates, Feng Xiao moves and already he is running towards the other person.
Fo Er has been watching their movements carefully, naturally he refuses to just be a spectator and
immediately rushes forward to put himself between the Göktürk royalty and Feng Xiao, blocking Feng
Xiao’s move with a single retort.
Both of them begin fighting in the yurt, and the rush of their battle fills the camp. All around them, cups
and plates were overturned and smashed, and people who were watching could not help but gasp in
awe as they all rush to avoid them. Khan Apa did not utter a word, as if he wants to see who is the
stronger between the two before making a decision on which side he should ally with.
Feng Xiao’s sleeves flip and a table flew into the air, aiming towards that Göktürk royalty. The latter
wants to avoid it, but because of his shock, he accidently steps on his own robes and falls backwards on
his buttstocks. As the table falls towards him, Fo Er did not even turn around nor did his eyelids move at
all, as a wave of inner strength shoots out from his palm, the table cracks in the air, narrowly allowing
that Göktürk royalty to avoid bleeding on his head.
Back in the City of Six Crafts, Fo Er could not manage to kill Feng Xiao, but it is not because his martial
arts weren’t good enough, even if he is slightly weak compared to Feng Xiao, both of them can still
battle on the same level. However, because there were other people and martial artists present, he is
too distracted and missed a good opportunity back then, therefore, he could not help but retreats. Yet
at this moment, he could muster all he has and gives his all, unleashing all the energy enclosed within
himself to show off his wild and unpredictable techniques. For a moment, Feng Xiao could not even
divide his attention to pay his surroundings any heed.
Once he realizes that he is out of that dangerous situation, and that Feng Xiao could not pay him any
attention, he turns to look at Cui Buqu who is standing at the side and gives him a cold laugh before
waving his hand to order people to hold them down.
Obviously, this person has never been to the Central Plains, so naturally he is absolutely clueless
pertaining the world of Jianghu in the Central Plains and the fact that there is an unwritten rule among
them: The more beautiful the woman who roams the world of Jianghu, the more they should not be
So, in the blink of an eye, Qian Xian, who has been taught by Cui Buqu since she was little, has beaten all
those soldiers who underestimated her to the ground. Cui Buqu taught her, that to catch the thieves,
one must defeat its leader, so after she is done with them, she immediately turns her target onto the
Göktürk royalty. The latter only feels the world spin before a sharp pain breaks through his shoulder and
his vision blurred before he is cast to the ground, one foot on top of him.
A delicate feet skinner than average Göktürk women is stepping on his face. These women are usually
caught by the Göktürk royalty to play for a few rounds, but now he dared not even think of lust for this
one, because that feet holds incredible strength, even if he struggles, he would not be able to escape it.
Instead, he feels his head pressed down even further, scrubbing his face against the mat on the ground.
It pained him so much that tears are brimming from his eyes, he could not stop himself from scolding
and threatening and lashing, but unfortunately, he is no big threat.
Qian Xian has no idea what he is saying, but she could tell that he using a tone that sounded like
scolding, so she bends over and breaks both his shoulder. The Göktürk royalty’s face twists into distort
and screams loudly for Khan Apa to come to his rescue.
An hour before, this person is still degrading and belittling them, and calling them lowly life forms from
the Central Plains.
But now, his position is like that female servant on the ground before, in fact, he is even more
humiliating than her.
“Stop!” Khan Apa finally says in a loud voice.
Göktürk guards holding knives rush in and surround the King’s Yurt, but because Feng Xiao and Fo Er are
still in battling, none of them dare venture close.
Khan Apa says angrily, “You people say you want to come as guests, is this the manners of guests?!”
Cui Buqu says calmly, “Don’t you Göktürk people liked saying that the strongest is the victor? We come
to these lands, hence we follow these rules. Are they not your own rules? When the times comes that
you have decided we can sit down and talk, then we can peacefully oblige.”
Beside them, engaging in battle, are two top martial arts. Other than Khan Apa who sits a little further
away with guards surrounding him, Jin Lian behaving more composing than the rest, the other people
have either ran out of the King’s Yurt, or hiding themselves in cowardice in fear of being involved.
Only Cui Buqu alone stands tall, his back straight, and definitely did not look weak just because of his
illness, as if he is a Pinecone tree standing strong and tall in a den full of wolves.
Khan Apa’s anger doubles, and he is still considering whether he should take this man down. Cui Buqu
sees through his thoughts, so he takes the first step to speak, “Before they decide to take me, my
subordinates would have mange to have your neck in their grasp. Would you rather have confidence in
your men, or would mine be quicker? Would you be willing to bet with your life with mine?”
Obviously, Khan Apa refuses to bet with his own life. As he weights the options, he finally decides that
he does not have another path, so he says loudly, “Both of you can stop, you are all my most beloved
guests of honour, I do not hope for any of you to have enmity between each other. Tomorrow is the
gathering of the Eight Ministries, so there would be a competition. When both guests want to face off
each other by then, you are welcomed!”
Following his words, both combatants spilt themselves, Feng Xiao and Fo Er both standing on different
sides far away from each other respectively as they glare at each other expressionlessly.
In truth, Fo Er is not as calm as he looks on the surface. Blood rushes from his body to his head, and
after a while only did he manages to calm himself down. On his shoulder, his clothes are torn, cutting
into his flesh.
Feng Xiao’s sleeves were torn, his breathe calm, other than he looks a little messy, there is nothing too
different about him.
It would seem that in this sparring match, Feng Xiao gains the upper hand.
“Just now, your Majesty’s son even called us from the Central Plains lowly life forms, why is it that after
a while, suddenly we have become guests of honour? I bring, on me, the edict of the Emperor himself,
and the cause I come for is the peace of both our countries. If the Khan refuses to make his son
apologize to us at this moment, please forgive me for considering this unacceptable!” Cui Buqu’s tone is
loud and clear throughout the room, leaving no way for Khan Apa to escape from this situation as he
demands an apology from the Göktürk royalty that is currently pressed against the ground.
As for that Göktürk royalty, from the moment he screams for help, Cui Buqu already knows that this
must be the second son of Khan Apa that Jin Lian had mentioned before, Ade.
Khan Apa gives a furious look, but he could not abandon his son like that. With the martial arts of these
three people, they might even be able to walk out of the King’s Yurt alive. If they really want to play
cruelly, he himself would not be able to escape it.
“Ade, then, apologize to these guests of honour. It is you who is at wrong in the first place.”
“I…. no!” Prince Ade simply wanted to show-off, but in the blink of an eye he is no different from a pig.
This person is incredibly bombastic and bold, sometimes he did not even respect Jin Lian. Therefore, as
Jin Lian watches this play out before her since the beginning, she could not help but praises happily in
His is currently at a disadvantage, so Prince Ade has no choice but to apologize unwillingly. Qiao Xian’s
grip on him loosens, and he climbs back to his feet with the help of a guard. All he could feel is that he
has no face, only shame, and couldn’t help glaring at Cui Buqu and his men before quickly leaving the
Khan Apa forces a laugh, “This time in the gathering of the Eight Ministries, the Shule Kingdom did not
send anyone, yet there are guests of honour from the Central Plains. This will be a rowdy and crowded
gathering. This place is no longer appropriate to receive guests, so please be on your way to rest. By
nightfall, I will organize a banquet and invite all of you here.”
At this moment, a servant came running in and lends into his ear to whisper something. The colour on
Khan Apa’s face suddenly changed and he turns to glare at Fo Er.
“We did not expect guests of honour from the Central Plains, so there is not enough places that could be
accommodated. The accommodations of the guests from the Central Plains can only be arranged to be
next to Master Fo Er, are there any opinions to this?”
Fo Er says plainly, “Since this is the arrangement of the Khan, I can only accept it.”
Cui Buqu and the rest were led to their yurt, and inside is a grandeur of decorations. Judging by the
looks of it, it is also a place used by royalty. There is no intention of mocking them. After the incident
just now, Khan Apa would not dare to sow any trouble through these sort of trivial things.
Qiao Xian is incredibly worried. She could not help thinking that the Göktürk people would turn into
their enemies within the night and lay siege on them as they sleep. The other party possesses many
people, even if she gives her all, it is impossible to protect Cui Buqu.
However, Feng Xiao behaves as if he’s entirely at home. He even made Qiao Xian scout for information
regarding whether other than the yurt next to Fo Er, there really is no other place for them to use.
In the end, when Qiao Xian returns, she even brings along a platter of fruits. According to her, it is from
the First Prince who sent words. He says that he could offer them some place to live in, if the guests of
honour feel uncomfortable living here, that they could move there.
The Göktürks are naturally not living as luxuriously as people from the Central Plains, but this did not
stop them from indulging in the luxuries of high society. This yurt is not as spacious as the King’s Yurt,
but it does not fall behind them. Under their legs were thick mats made of goat’s hide, and on both sides
there are beds. There is also a painting made from coloured stripes and a copper teapot set in a pool of
gold and turquoise rocks. With only one look, one can tell that they are from the West, only it is difficult
to tell whether they were robbed from someone, or were they bought.
Feng Xiao leans against a soft cushion comfortably and says, “Then there is no need to worry.”
Qiao Xian does not understand why they need not worry if the First Prince sends these words.
Feng Xiao turns towards Cui Buqu and sighs, “See how you called Pei Jingzhe stupid? Your own people
are nowhere near smart themselves.”
Cui Buqu replies plainly, “Instead of treating your own injuries, does Commander Feng really want to
speak nonsense? Do you really think of yourself as unbeatable now?”
Feng Xiao smiles, “See, you’ve always gave me your attention. I cannot believe I’ve been discovered by
Only then did Qiao Xian notices that Feng Xiao is looking a little bit paler than usual.
Feng Xiao unties his sash and exposes a shoulder. There is a deep red mark. It is definitely left there by
Fo Er just now.
Practitioners of the martial arts usually possesses qi energy to protect themselves, so usually, any
wounds that did not bleed but left a mark, could only be a wound that bleeds internally.
Qiao Xian feels a little taken aback, “Did Fo Er injure you?”
She also feels that this time, it seems like Fo Er’s martial arts has improved. However, she never fought
Fo Er one to one, her instincts cannot be taken seriously. Now, seeing Feng Xiao’s condition, it validated
her thoughts.
Feng Xiao says casually, “Don’t you think just because Fo Er looks fine, he is completely unharmed. I
know he definitely swallowed his own blood and tries to pretend that nothing is wrong. But this would
only make his wounds more severe. I bet he is even trying to treat his own injuries at this moment!”
Once he finishes speaking, he closes his eyes to mediate, initiating the process to self-heal.
Cui Buqu, “If the Royal Court has other places that we could live in, yet the Khan chooses to lie and make
us stay next to Fo Er instead, then it means that he just wants to watch two tigers fight to the death, or
perhaps, he hasn’t decided which side he wants to ally with, so he wants us to fight with each other to
see who is stronger, before making that decision.”
Qiao Xian says angrily, “What a bastard! First, he obviously allowed Jin Lian…. And there is still Jin Lian.
Just now, even in that kind of situation, she wouldn’t even speak for us? None of these Göktürks are
Cui Buqu, “The opportunity will come. Tomorrow, during the gathering of the Eight Ministries, we
cannot afford to keep a low profile. We must show-off however we can and show-off to the best in
every way within our abilities. Not only do we need to thoroughly beat Fo Er, but we also need to let the
other Ministries know that the Central Plains are no pushovers. The more powerful we are, the more
humble they will be.”
Very quickly, the ‘unreliable’ Jin Lian Kedun arrives at their doorsteps.
Her first words are, “You people are in trouble!”
Chapter 68 – No, No…. Not Here!
As Qiao Xian listens to this, the colour on her face immediately sinks, “Why does the Kedun say so?”
Jin Lian also realizes that she behaved out of way, so she quickly stomps all her mess of emotions down
and says in a low voice, “Perhaps I was also too impatient, please forgive me.”
After she speaks, she even bows in a familiar fashion like a woman from the Central Plains as an
Cui Buqu waves his hand, “Presently, you and I are on the same boat. If either one of us is at a
disadvantage, the other would not be well off. There is no need for Kedun to be so polite. Let us first
discuss why your Khan seems to have a massive change of attitude; can the presence of one man like Fo
Er shock him into this state?”
“It is a long story. First, did I not tell both of you that the Khan allowed me to train a group of female
bodyguards? Those girls have mediocre skills, but their strength lies in being more meticulous than men,
so they really did contribute in aiding the Khan in escaping death once. After that, the Khan places
extreme trust in them, but who knew that while I was in the Central Plains, one among these female
bodyguards tried to assassinate the Khan and practically succeeded. According to the assassin, her
father was a Han man, and her mother was Göktürk. Her father is murdered by the Khan, so she grew to
hate Göktürks, therefore, she blended into the female bodyguards on purpose to carry out the
Jin Lian pauses for a while and laughs bitterly before she continues, “The Khan ordered all those female
bodyguards to be killed in a moment of anger. Because of this, he is displeased with me, so this time
upon my return, I am put under house arrest, but the big Kedun begged for mercy on behalf of me, so
the Khan did not bestow any punishment upon me. The fact that I did not manage to return to welcome
all of you in, is also because of this.”
Qiao Xian says coldly, “Even if this is the case, how is that related to us?”
Even though they were only three people in total, they have the Sui Empire supporting their backs, so if
the Khan still has a sane mind, even if he is displeased with Jin Lian because of the case regarding the
female bodyguards, he should not involve the ambassadors from the Sui Empire.
Jin Lian sighs, “You have seen it for yourselves. The Khan has two sons, and both of them are not mine.
The First Prince is the son of the big Kedun. My relationship with them is on good terms. But the Khan
treasuries the Second Son more, and he is the one that both of you have offended just now. I proposed
the idea of establishing an alliance with the Sui Empire, but Ade insists that Han people are not
trustworthy. On normal days, he talks back to me and gets close to those old royalties of the natives.
Perhaps he took advantage of me not being in court and spoke bad about me to the Khan. To use
proverbs from you Han people: Throw dirt enough, and some will stick. Perhaps one or twice the Khan
would not believe him, but after a while, without me here, the Khan would start to believe him. This
time upon my return, it is obvious that the Khan is much more distant with me than before.”
Cui Buqu furrows his brows, “Don’t tell me that, Kedun, all the while you have been fighting your own
battles? That you do not even have one person in court that is willing to speak for you?”
“My relationship with the big Kedun and her son is not bad, this time it is also thanks to her and the
Khan has excused me from my mistakes. As for my own people, I used to have a few around the Khan’s
yurt, and a few who works by the Khan’s side as his officers, but this time after my return, they have
been removed for all kinds of reasons. Not one of them is left.”
Jin Lian’s expression is grim. Originally, she prefers to keep her background a secret, but she knows that,
if she chooses not to say them now, it would only make Cui Buqu lose confidence in her, and it would be
difficult for her to redeem herself in any way.
“The Khan has always tolerated and favoured Prince Ade, but he hasn’t reach to the point where he
would not listen to what I say. I cannot believe that Ade suddenly strives so hard that the Khan listens to
him completely, adding with the fact that Fo Er arrives here first before all of you, I can only assume that
he came representing Khan Ishbara and offered the Khan some sort of benefits. The Khan now has
already divulged some intention of allying with Khan Ishbara.”
Cui Buqu says in a low voice, “Just now when Feng Xiao stood out, showed his superiority against Fo Er,
and Qiao Xian has also made Ade learned a lesson. If the Khan would stop remaining a fool, he should
know that it is time he reconsiders his decision.”
Jin Lian, “At the present, the Khan already thinks that you people, the First Prince, and I, stand on the
same time. If I help you, it would only anger him more. However, I will arrange people to provide
assistance in the dark, so that they will comply you when necessary.”
Cui Buqu, “Can you help us contact the big Kedun and her son?”
Jin Lian guesses his intentions, “Does Master Cui want to ally with them? This plan will not work.”
Cui Buqu, “Why?”
Jin Lian, “I have tried it before. Although the big Kedun is willing to speak for me, but in the end she only
knows how to weave her sheep wool carpets. She is unwilling to participate in any political or external
matters. The First Prince, Eden, is naturally soft and gentle, not much different from his mother. Sighs,
both of them do not behave like Göktürks, more like Southern people from the Central Plains.”
Just as she says this, she knows that she has said something wrong. Although the North and South are
divided, these word of generalization would not be appropriate to say in front of three people from the
Central Plains. Jin Lian quickly says, “I should not have compared like this.”
Cui Buqu and the rest did not mind.
Jin Lian is originally a calm and intelligent person. Since she has spoken such demeaning and pointless
words, it could be seen that she no longer has any options, and that her emotional state is in a mess.
Cui Buqu, “What you mean is that there is no turning back for this matter?”
Jin Lian, “Not yet. As you said, just now although you have destroyed the atmosphere and angered the
Khan, but he dare not underestimate both of you and your abilities, that is why he dares not make a
decision so quickly. I heard that just now when both of you left, Fo Er wishes to see him, but he is
forbade by the guards outside the yurt. Tomorrow, during the gathering of the Eight Ministries, other
than kingdoms that are on good terms with Göktürk, there would also be riding and archery
competitions. The Western countries loved practical entertainments but not academics, so if Lord Feng’s
abilities can impress them, even if I have no way of convincing the Khan, he might have a change of
mind of his own.”
Cui Buqu, “Do you not feel that the killing of the female bodyguards is very suspicious? The killing
happened when you are away from Göktürk, and before you came back, everyone is killed. Without
them, you would not have spies around the Khan, thus you also lose his trust.”
Jin Lian, “I know your meaning. I suspect it is the doing of Ade, but there is no evidence. Everyone is
dead, I cannot investigate it.”
Cui Buqu, “In the whole of Western Göktürk, other than big Kedun and her son, do you not have anyone
who wishes to engage in the fight? One who has quite a high status and has a say in words before the
Khan and other members of royalty? Perhaps, the Khan’s mother or other elders.”
Jin Lian, “There is! But they are not the Khan’s relative, it is the HeiYue Shaman.”
The Göktürks possess their own beliefs and religion. For people of the Central Plains, this is a very
backward and traditional practice from ages ago, however, they were incredibly superstitious. Since
there is a god and religion, then there is a Shaman among them who talks to god. The Khan of course
does not wish to share his authority and power, so these Shamans never partake in the political matters
in court unless there is the need from the Khan to ask for their opinions. Every Göktürk clan would have
someone like this.
The HeiYue Shaman is quite elderly, so he seldom appears. It is not easy to see him either. However, Cui
Buqu recommends Jin Lian to pay a visit to this HeiYue Shaman, even if they cannot win his heart to
their side, they could get him to speak a few words in front of Khan Apa. As for gifts, this time Jin Lian
brings no little amount of treasuries from the Central Plains. She has bought them all from the Linlang
Guild. It is not much, but they are very precious and expensive, it would be enough to move the
Shaman’s heart.
There is little time left. The sky is becoming dark, and Jin Lian immediately rises to her feet to visit the
HeiYue Shaman.
As she leaves, someone else begs to enter their yurt, claiming themselves to be the servant of the First
Prince who comes to ask about whether their guests were comfortable here.
Cui Buqu allows that servant to wait outside, before telling Feng Xiao quickly, “Tear open my clothes and
press yourself on my body, pretend to tease and shame me.”
Feng Xiao: ???
He almost thought that Cui Buqu has gone mad.
But Cui Buqu’s expression is very serene and calm, as if what he has just said just now is his own
Before Feng Xiao could speak, Cui Buqu impatiently does it on his own and creates a mess of his own
clothes and hair before sprawling on the ground on his own.
He isn’t finished yet as he reaches up to pinch his neck a few times.
“Is it red enough?” Cui Buqu says in a low voice.
Feng Xiao: ……
He feels like he quite understands what the other wants to do.
Although their situation is quite bad and unfavourable, but Feng Xiao did not feel nervous at all. In fact,
he feels very excited.
Especially when he is with Cui Buqu. Everything is even more exciting and interesting.
He obeys and presses himself on top of the other, then he hears Cui Buqu’s pained cries.
“No, No…. Not here! Ah!”
His tone twists and turns, hiding a bit of panting and breathing and its pitch is perfect. This is enough to
allow one to misunderstand.
The corner of Feng Xiao’s lips arch, as he watches the other engrossed in his acting.
The one outside hears the commotion and immediately rushes inside, but he did not expect to see what
he saw and could only stare dumbfounded at Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu both.
Cui Buqu pretends to make a face that look like he would die of embarrassment and pushes Feng Xiao
away with one hand as he gets up. He speaks in Göktürk, telling the servant of the First Prince, “You—
you get out now!”
Throw dirt enough, and some will stick (Chinese: 众口铄金,积毁销骨): If you say enough bad things
about someone, it would become reality.
HeiYue Shaman: Hei means ‘black’, and Yue means ‘moon’. It literally means, “Shaman of the Black
Chapter 69 – It Is Obvious He Is The One Lusting After Me, And Already Succeeded In His Attempt
The servant of the First Prince came here to convey orders, but he could not have dreamed that he
would see something like this, so he immediately falls to his knees as he stares dumbfounded, until Cui
Buqu speaks only did he regains his consciousness.
He stutters, “Prince Eden ordered me to bring these fruits, and to ask if both guests of honour needed
Feng Xiao did not turn back. He waves his hand as if he’s trying to make a fly leave him alone.
“There is no need. Put them down and you can leave.”
As he says, he grabs Cui Buqu’s collar and gives him a naught little laugh, “You have made me held back
for so long. Today, you will not be allowed to escape!”
Cui Buqu suspects that Feng Xiao is using this chance to avenge himself since the other man isn’t using
much strength on him. However, he could feel his own shoulders and neck ache as they slumps.
He bites his teeth and says in a low voice, “That man doesn’t know how to speak Han!”
Feng Xiao replies, “O, then quickly use your Göktürk and say ‘No, no please! Ah!’”
Cui Buqu: ……
He musters his strength to kick Feng Xiao under the belt, but his knees were lightly held by the other
man and spread apart. Both of their upper bodies were pressed against each other’s now. Now this is
looking really sensual.
Feng Xiao blinks his eyes, “How is it? It looks enough realistic now doesn’t it?”
This is directly going over the expectation, turning an act into reality.
Cui Buqu silently holds back as he remains silent, trying his best to make his own face flush with shades
of pink, then trying to use a calm voice to tell the servant, “P-Please tell your prince that tonight I will go
to his place to thank him myself.”
It is unknown whether the servant heard his words, but he simply nods his head and turns around to
Once he leaves, Cui Buqu pushes Feng Xiao away.
“That will do.”
Feng Xiao, “You did it incorrectly.”
Cui Buqu raises his eyebrows in question.
Feng Xiao, “When it comes to martial arts, between you and I, if I wanted to make a move on you, there
is a thousand ways I can make you submit to me without your knowledge of it ever happening. It is only
when you lust after my looks, and when I am in a decisive moment of accepting your intentions, only we
would engage in such a sensual manner. So it should be you on top of me, and I who is being the one
who says ‘no, not here please!’.”
Cui Buqu replies him expressionlessly, “There is no next time. After that servant saw that happened just
now, the first thing he will do is report back to his prince.”
Feng Xiao, “You want him to mistake us for being cut-sleeves. Why?”
Cui Buqu says each word carefully, “Because that First Prince is a cut-sleeve himself.”
“Oh?” Feng Xiao gives a very surprised look.
Just now there were too many people in the yurt and most of Feng Xiao’s attention were given to Fo Er
and other martial artists present. From his perspective, other than Fo Er, there are two others who can
be considered top martial artists.
But Cui Buqu’s focuses were completely different from his own. He takes note of everyone’s expressions
and responses, because with his photographic memory, a lot of faint and easily missed details would be
noticed by him.
“That First Prince was first completely taken by your looks. From the beginning to the end of the
incident, most of the times his eyes were on you, but the servant who stood behind him, which is the
one that came in just now, could not stop glaring between the prince and yourself with a jealous
The servant just now is considered to be quite a handsome Göktürk, but for the First Prince, even if he is
only just a little older than thirty, his eyes were already wrinkled added with a beard, making him look
older than he is.
This is not a man and a woman but two men with quite an age gap between each other. If Cui Buqu has
never highlighted this point, Feng Xiao’s thoughts would not have drifted to that area.
But it is quite ordinary when one thinks about it. Perverts have existed for a long time. There are people
who lust after women, and naturally there are those who lust after men. There were even some who
lust after both genders, especially people of higher society were all over the Central Plains. Göktürks are
people as well, so for them to have a cut-sleeve prince is nothing too strange.
Cui Buqu says, “But just when the banquet is dismissed, the First Prince leave first. That servant followed
closely behind. He thought no one would notice it, but he grabbed the First Prince’s hand which the
latter did not even shove his hand away. Because I’ve noticed them in prior, I looked more closely, only
did I manage to come to this conclusion.”
Feng Xiao, “It is not strange to have a cut-sleeve, but in Göktürk, the one with the strongest combat
skills takes the lead, it is not a kingdom that appreciates academics. The First Prince possesses a very
inward, introverted, and silent demeanor. His potential to rule a country is not strong, and his combat
skills are not comparable to his little brother. If his liking to men is discovered by others, then this First
Prince of ours is not too much of a hope.”
Cui Buqu, “That is correct. This might even be the reason why Khan Apa neglects this son of his.”
Feng Xiao suddenly understands, “What you mean is that just now, all your doing is to ensure that the
servant would bring this news to the prince, so that it will give us an opportunity to get close to him?”
Cui Buqu, “Although he is a Göktürk and his authority is only beneath one person, but because of his
liking of men, these are things he cannot discuss with others who sits on the same level with him. It is
similar to mixing into a pack of wolves, your heart cannot help but feel like it is burning. But what do you
think he will think of when he finds that he isn’t the only one with a strange habit, but that there are
two other people who is similar to himself?”
Feng Xiao smiles, “Naturally, it is something to be happy about, and to recruit them under his wing to be
a confidant.”
Cui Buqu also smiles a little, “With this in place, it would make our advancement towards the First Prince
run more smoothly. Tonight, let me find a chance to speak with him alone and tell him a few tales so
that he believes us to be more trustworthy. Although Eden is not ideal, but he can still provide us a lot of
conveniences. It is better to have a friend than an enemy.”
Very quickly, Qiao Xian who was sent to scout for information returns with Jin Lian’s maidservant.
After her return to Göktürk this time, Jin Lian finds her authority and power of influence facing threat, so
to avoid damaging it further, there are certain things she cannot stand out for them. Therefore, she
sends her trusted maidservants to send word instead. The person’s name is Muge and she is a Göktürk
with quite dark and tanned skin.
However, Muge brings a grim news.
The HeiYue Shaman is a figure that communicates with god, so when he feels certain kind of feelings, he
would go into secluded meditation.
However, it also means that Jin Lian would not be able to visit said person for quite a while.
Jin Lian has also managed to investigate something else and entrusts the information to Muge to bring
to them.
Pertaining to the assassination of Khan Apa by those female bodyguards, after the assassination failed,
the Khan fell severely ill. During that time, the HeiYue Shaman brought the Khan into his medical yurt to
treat him. After the HeiYue Shaman healed Khan Apa, he himself fell severely ill, so he announced to the
open that he will be in healing himself during his secluded mediation, with no information of when he
can be fully healed and come out to roam again.
Shaman and physicians are the same thing during these times. It is only after medicine evolved, and
physicians emerges as doctors, only did both of these positions starts to divert, and that necromancy
gradually starts to be perceived as something harmful to humanity. But in Göktürk, the Shaman is
regarded as the best physician within the clan.
Feng Xiao snicker, “How convenient.”
Jin Lian falling from power within a single night, Khan Apa’s massive change of attitude, refusing to even
see people who he would usually wishes to see. This has indeed made their objective in Göktürk difficult
to achieve, now it is difficult for them to do anything at all.
“Ask her to draw me a map leading from this place to the residence of the HeiYue Shaman.” Feng Xiao
tells Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu asks curiously, “You do not know Göktürk, even if you go to his residence, there is no way for
you both to talk. Instead, it would expose ourselves.”
Feng Xiao, “I just want to take a look whether he is truly in secluded meditation to heal, or is he faking it.
If he is avoiding us on purpose, then it is better to just kill him on the spot.”
Cui Buqu knows Feng Xiao knows his limits, so he nods his head and entrusts it to him, not questioning
him more. Just now he has spoken too much and feels a little thirsty, so he simply takes a piece of melon
that was sent by the First Prince’s servant just now to eat.
The melon is as sweet as honey, and his hand is like jade.
No one is unhappy when they are able to watch someone beautiful, even if this is Feng Xiao, who ranks
number one in elegance and beauty beneath the Heavens. He could not help watching the scene of Cui
Buqu as it pauses in his eyes, but before the other can notice his stare, Feng Xiao quickly turns his gaze
back onto Muge and says abruptly, “But in front of her we should also put on some of the act, to make
our relationship look more convincing?”
Cui Buqu shoots him a glare, looking befuddled, “What use is there in making her misunderstand? Jin
Lian is not a cut-sleeve.”
Feng Xiao laughs as he waves his fan, “Then I am relieved. Otherwise, I would think that Master Daoist
Cui is lusting after my beauty and could not hold himself back seeking for another attempt.”
Cui Buqu: …….
Although Qiao Xian could not understand this, her worrisome nature tells her that once again, Feng Xiao
was bullying Cui Buqu when she wasn’t there. So she casts Cui Buqu a glance and notices that Cui Buqu’s
hair and clothes were a little messy, and that there are even some reddened marks on his neck and
shoulders that looked really suspicious. She immediately flies into a temper.
“Commander, what did this bastard do to you this time?!”
Feng Xiao finds it hilarious, “What can I do to him? It is obvious your Commander is the one who did
something to me, alright?”
Qiao Xian retorts, “Commander is a man akin to a god, he is unmatched and unparalleled in this world.
There are only people in this world who faced his rejection. How can there be anyone in this world who
rejects him? You……Why are you looking at me like that?”
Feng Xiao looks at her from head to toe for a long time and says curiously, “You are a good maiden, but
why are you behaving like your eyes are blind? How would you know that I was the one who did
something to him? It is obvious that he is the one who lusted after me and has already succeeded in his
attempt. That is why he is giving that kind of look.”
When Qiao Xian gives him a cold laugh, sounding that she is about to bicker again, Cui Buqu chooses the
right moment to break the conversation. “Someone is here.”
This time it is a man sent by Khan Apa.
The servant came here on orders to inform Cui Buqu that the banquet is about to begin and hopes to be
sending him on his way.
Qiao Xian is not only a great physician, but she is also a master in the using of poison. With her present,
they can avoid Fo Er’s assassination of them via food. However, it is quite safe to determine that Fo Er
would not use such a trick on Cui Buqu under the eyes of public. Cui Buqu then brings Qiao Xian to the
banquet, wanting that chance to get closer to the First Prince. As for Feng Xiao, taking advantage of the
night, he sets out to venture alone to the residence of the HeiYue Shaman.
A clear moon, and a dazzling array of stars.
Mountains afar are undulating, and the grasses lulls one to sleep.
The waters rushes down the mountain sides, a lone stone hut stands alone. Gentle moonlight surrounds
and bathes it in its light, but there is something lonely about it.
The HeiYue Shaman possesses quite a powerful authority over Western Göktürk, so his resident is
practically as big as the entire Clan itself. He lives on a plateau even higher than Khan Apa himself,
because he needs to communicate with god, with heaven, so the closer he is to the sky, the better.
All the lights and laughter of the banquet were all quickly abandoned behind him.
Feng Xiao leaps from summit to summit and arrives near the stone hut without much effort.
However, he did not move closer but stands and watch from afar, observing from where he stand.
The Royal Court is near the river, so over there it is undoubtedly sandy and bare. Here, however, is all
grasses and flowers. This place is the true world beyond the walls of the Central Plains, a heaven for
Although the Göktürks did not build buildings and manors to live in like people of the Central Plains, but
when the sun shines upon these wet grasses and trees, aided with the beautiful scenery of mountains
and yurts, one cannot help but feels it beautiful.
Feng Xiao does not feel impatient.
So he stands there for half a day and after he determines that there is no danger present only did he
walks slowly towards the stone hut.
The HeiYue Shaman lives away from the main camp. According to what he knows, there are only two
servants with him, however, Feng Xiao could not locate where they are at this moment.
Perhaps because the HeiYue Shaman is in secluded mediation, they are using this chance to slack off, or
perhaps because there is a banquet tonight, they could not stop themselves but has gone to watch the
crowd. After all, Feng Xiao thinks, they were still children.
It also means that only the HeiYue Shaman alone is in the hut right now.
Feng Xiao’s footsteps are slow.
He could feel an energy radiating from the hut.
When practitioners of the martial arts achieves a certain standard like himself, they are extremely
sensitive to situations that would place them in danger. If there is a skilled martial art hiding himself in
the hut, with Feng Xiao’s abilities, he would definitely feel it, thus he would stop walking here and wait
for his opponent to come out themselves.
But there is none. The stone hut is very peaceful. He could even feel a soft breathing coming from
inside, sometimes it is strong, sometimes it is faint, as if there is an old man with a weak body napping
The wooden door is closed. Feng Xiao pushes it with little force and it opens.
Inside is a sea of pitch black that greets him. A space where all the stars and moon goes to. Silhouettes
of bottles and cans lines the shelves.
In front, in a place where even the moonlight is unable to discover it, there is a long curtain hanging
down, and behind it look as if there is the body of someone sleeping.
There is a strange fragrance in this room. Feng Xiao sniffs it and manages to determine that there are
medical herbs among them, including ligusticum, cabardine, and ginger.
This isn’t poison, but it is the formula of a concoction that would help the Shaman regain his inner
strength. This does not seem like a lie.
However, Feng Xiao could not help but feels like something is not right.
He suddenly remembers.
Just now outside the hut, although the banquet is some distance away, but the faint sound of its dance
and music can still be heard. Yet at this moment, he hears nothing at all.
At the same time, a low, mocking laugh fills the hut.
“You… finally came!”
It sounded near, as if it is in front of him, yet at the same time it also sounded far, as if it came from the
With each word it speaks, its voice comes from a different direction. In front of him, from his back, from
his left and right infinitely.
Chapter 70 – I Saw How Unwell Your Body Is, I Fear You Cannot Satisfy Him
The laugh sounds like an old man with an incredibly hoarse throat speaking in Han, so Feng Xiao could
understand that he is saying.
It is not strange for the Shaman of the clan to be knowledgeable, even to the point of knowing how to
speak in Han.
Since there is someone like Jin Lian among Western Göktürk who even knew how to use Chinese
proverbs, her Han is perhaps even more fluent than some of the people in the Central Plains who were
not people of letters.
The voice came from all around him, but Feng Xiao did not bulge an inch.
Because he is trying to determine where the owner is.
However, after a while, he discovers that he cannot truly determine where the voice is coming from.
Unless the one behind this isn’t alone, but that they are a group of people speaking from different
Could it be that the HeiYue Shaman has some accomplices?
At this moment, it feels as if something is crawling up his boots, and very quickly heading up his legs.
Feng Xiao did not lower his head to look. He immediately channels his inner energy to send those things
flying away, but those things did not cease, they keep coming. From in front of them, a wave of them
flies towards him and lunges themselves onto his legs, forcing him to stand where he is and unable to
At the same time, a strong wind blows at him from in front of him and behind his head, brimming with a
strong sense of danger!
“HeiYue Shaman! I am here as a friend, not a foe, let us sit down and talk!”
Feng Xiao says, but his hands did not stop. His legs could not move, but his upper body can sway
towards one side, allowing both the wind that attacks him from in front and the back to hit thin air. As
for himself, he falls forward quickly before supporting himself with both his palms on the ground!
On where the wind hit, it killed those crawlers that came from nowhere instead. Corpses of worms fly in
all directions, some of them even landed on Feng Xiao’s clothes and squirmed for a little.
This made Feng Xiao who has an issue with uncleanliness cover his mouth, counting these scores on the
HeiYue Shaman and that he would avenge himself some other day.
The HeiYue Shaman did not respond. The laughing voices cease. Had it not been for the fact that he
spoke once in the beginning, Feng Xiao would have thought that he was mute.
This also means that the other party did not have the intention to form an alliance.
Could it be that the HeiYue Shaman had been on Ade’s side ever since the beginning? And that he is
unwilling to ally with the Sui Empire.
The worms on the grounds vanishes, and both his legs regain their freedom. However, very quickly Feng
Xiao notices that it is as if he has walked into another sinking sand.
It is unknown since where the outside has lost its starlight and the moon, even when he reaches out
with a hand, he could not see his own fingers.
Everywhere around him is quiet, as if everything that just happened had been his own imagination.
In a place where not even a flicker of light exists, the sky above his head is practically shaking, blue and
green colours appear in the distance in all shapes and sizes, like ghost lights.
He knows that that is a trick to make him chase after it.
However, Feng Xiao has no choice. This hut belongs to the HeiYue Shaman, so he could place a dozen of
traps to kill Feng Xiao as he pleases.
But this is exactly why he does not see a reason why he couldn’t move forward. Perhaps he could find a
flaw, or an exit, in front of him.
From the hut to the lights, the distance is a great many steps, but even after Feng Xiao has been walking
for half a burning joss stick, the lights did not get nearer nor further.
And around him there were mists, blurring his vision. He could not tell whether he is inside or outside
the hut.
Feng Xiao suddenly understands. He has walked into an array from the moment he climbs up the slope
of hill and saw the stone hut.
Whoever created the array is quite knowledgeable. It is especially useful when used upon foot soldiers
on the battlefield. In a place far away from the enemy, one can make use of nature to cast their enemies
into a delusion, sending them into a frenzy. On a big scale, they can make use of the sun and moon, the
stars and galaxies, the rivers and streams. On a small scale, they can make use of even a blade of grass, a
flower, trees, or even pebbles and rocks. Everything and anywhere can be used to perform arrays.
Some of these people could even mix in voices and sounds or smells to amplify its effects, just like when
his opponent spoke just now in the beginning, its goal is to distract Feng Xiao and make him focus on
trying to determine their position and set foot into their trap.
Feng Xiao remains calm and passive, he even gives a laugh.
“It seems like the HeiYue Shaman knows that I will be here tonight, so you have purposely prepared this
welcoming ceremony for me. Should I know what benefits they have promised you? Why don’t you
listen to what I can offer before immediately deciding that you would rather have me dead?”
The other did not give him any response.
The lights flicker in the midst of the fog, shyly beckoning whoever is looking at them to lure them
towards themselves, but if one were to really walk towards there, there would be a dozen traps waiting
for them that warrants death.
The ground lets out a puff, as if something is spray from the earth. In the next moment, Feng Xiao feels
his ankles being grabbed.
He lowers his head to look and could see a skeleton’s hand.
Expressionlessly, Feng Xiao raises his other leg and crushes the skeletal hand with his foot.
However, one by one those skeleton hands reaches out from the ground like ghosts returning from the
dead, hoping to grab someone alive to replace themselves. From under the ground, thousands of
skeleton hands aggressively tries to grab at anything they could grab at in the air. And in where Feng
Xiao is standing, those skeleton hands were being crushed into dust one by one, turning into the wails
and cries of ghosts.
And all of a sudden, there is a sharp, pitiful cry before something flies towards him from the back!
He turns around, yet he is greeted by nothing.
Subsequently, the cries of ghosts came from all around him. The sounds they make are sharp and pitiful,
incredibly piercing to the ear. A thousand voices all try to force themselves into Feng Xiao’s ears.
Feng Xiao’s eyebrows furrow, he couldn’t help but pauses for a moment.
He is pondering over whether or not he should cover his ears with his hands, so that he would not need
to hear these voices of the souls being tortured.
But because of the fact that he wasted one moment, a ghostly shadow emerges from the fog
soundlessly, reaching to Feng Xiao’s back, spreading its hands wide as it rises to its feet, before
immediately aiming to deliver a blow at the fatal spot behind Feng Xiao’s neck!
And as for Feng Xiao, ever since he is submerged in the voices, he did not move at all, and he definitely
did not realize the happenings behind him.
In the King’s yurt, dancers and singers filled the atmosphere.
This is the place where Khan Apa usually carries out his court meetings with all his officers, where he
receives foreign guests. The chaos that happened in the morning has been cleaned and in the centre
there is a bonfire with a fat lamb roasting on a stake. The lamb is seasoned with many spices whose
fragrance followed the rising steam into the air into the noses of its guests. Sparks even fly from the
lamb’s meat, as if one could imagine its taste as they bit into its flesh.
A woman wearing a dress of Kucha fashion is currently playing a lute as she dances around the bonfire
along its sparks. Thin satin flies in the air, making her looking incredibly ethereal and charming.
Cui Buqu casts a glance over the guests. Most of them have already arrived, currently admiring the
dances and music or chattering in low voices among themselves. The place is crowded, filled with the
smell of wine.
Fo Er is sitting across Cui Buqu. Next to him is the Second Prince Ade. Both of them are currently
engaged in a conversation happily, not looking where Cui Buqu is.
In such a relaxing and chilling environment, even the First Prince Eden who usually does not speak much
also made his move and went over to Cui Buqu for a chat.
“Master Cui, do you dislike the ambassador of Khan Ishbara?”
Cui Buqu, “We are the ambassadors of the Sui Empire. He wishes to kill us, so that he can convince Khan
Apa to ally with Khan Ishbara. Does your Highness feel that I should like him?”
The First Prince laughs, as if he feels that his manner of initiating a conversation like this is not the best,
so he changes into another topic.
“Then, about your vice, why is he not with you?”
Cui Buqu says, “He has fallen ill, and he is currently at rest.”
After he finishes speaking, he really sees a sensual look in the prince’s eyes.
The other moves closer to him and says in a low voice, “Do you both… really share that kind of
Cui Buqu pretends to not know what he means, “I do not quite understand your meaning. Both of us
finds each other quite similar to ourselves and get along well, so even while travelling, we take care of
each other.”
The First Prince nods his head knowingly, giving him an ‘Alright, there is no need for you to explain, I
understand’ kind of look.
“He is outstanding, and it really does draw people to him. However, I heard from Lie Gu that he is very
proud? It is not easy for you to control him, in the morning you were almost…. By him on top.”
Allowing the other party to misunderstand their relationship would assist them in getting closer to the
First Prince. This is exactly Cui Buqu’s intentions, so he did not rectify the misunderstanding, but simply
laughs a bitter laugh, “Thank you for your consideration, only that we are……”
He did not continue, but shakes his head as if he’s both confirming and denying it. It is enough for the
First Prince to imagine an incredibly complicated story on his own.
The First Prince pities them, “I saw how unwell your body is, I fear you cannot satisfy him. I have some
male enhancement supplements. After the banquet, I will have Lie Gu send them over to you.”
Cui Buqu’s lips twitches a little, he coughs twice lightly, controlling himself as to not burst on the spot.
He places his hands together to thank the other, “Then I should thank your Highness.”
This First Prince is born with such a gentle and soft personality, and even has such a ‘queer’ habit. In
Western Göktürk, it is difficult for him to have even a few friends where he can speak his heart to them.
Although Cui Buqu is considered an outsider, but because of this, the First Prince is not worried that he
will spread the gossip about him and mean him harm, so let alone when he discovers that they both
have the same ‘pain’. The First Prince could not help but feels that Cui Buqu and himself are kindred
As both of them chat away, Cui Buqu sees that the throne of the Khan is empty, so he asks, “Is the Khan
not present tonight?”
The First Prince gives an awkward look, “Perhaps he might come, but he will be a little late. Lord Father
welcomed a few concubine from Kucha as of late.”
From the side a cold snicker comes, but it is from Jin Lian who is sitting down next to Cui Buqu when she
hears the First Prince’s conversation.
“No wonder I have never seen this beautiful maiden from Kucha before. She is brought here by the new
concubine, is she not?” Jin Lian says unkindly.
The First Prince says, “After you left, Ade allow a few women from Kucha into Western Göktürk on
behalf of Lord Father. One of them danced even more beautifully than the rest, so Father is drawn to
her and thus he took her as his new concubine. From there on, no matter where he goes, he takes her
with him. Because of this, Ade is heavily rewarded and loved.”
Jin Lian’s eyebrows furrow, “When I return, why did no one tell me of this?”
The First Prince gives a bitter laugh, “What use is there if you knew? Could you have gone to seek
trouble with her? That new concubine is currently living in Lord Father’s yurt until after the time he fell
ill only did he order his men to build her a new yurt. However, he resumes to see her every night.”
However, people often treasure the newest ones, and abandon the old ones. Jin Lian has once been
beautiful before. Although right now she could not depend on her beauty to gain the trust of Khan Apa,
but upon hearing such an incident, she could not help but think of the past version of herself, provoking
a lot of complicated feelings.
Not sympathizing with her, Cui Buqu is currently thinking about how to turn their subject to the HeiYue
Shaman, to see if he could convince the First Prince to tell him anything useful. However, before he
could speak, someone rushes inside and whispers into the ear of Prince Ade. Both of them then rises to
their feet immediately, looking incredibly angry.
“Someone has gone to disturb the HeiYue Shaman!”
He surveys his surroundings, speaking in a low voice, “The HeiYue Shaman is an elder within our clan.
Who dares to disturb him, is to make an enemy of us Göktürks! Which one of you did such a thing, I
reckon you to step out now and I can still say a few words for you in front of Lord Father. However, if
you refuse to admit now, when the times comes and you are caught, do not blame me for using the
highest degree of torture to deal with you!”
Suddenly, the merry atmosphere in the venue vanishes. Everyone looks at everyone, their faces fill with
confusion and shock.
Prince Ade’s gaze falls upon Cui Buqu.
“Ambassador of the Sui Empire, what do you say to this?”
Chapter 71 – It Is Faked
Cui Buqu stares back with a blank expression, “What is the prince talking about? Why do I find myself
not understanding anything?”
Then he turns to ask Jin Lian, “Who is the HeiYue Shaman?”
Jin Lian says, “He is the wisest, and most well respected elder in all of Western Göktürk. He is also the
Khan’s subject.”
Although she has already introduced this person to Cui Buqu, right now her heart is also mumbling
questioningly, wondering if Feng Xiao would have gone to seek the HeiYue Shaman for trouble.
However, in front of everyone, she is willing to cooperate with Cui Buqu and answer any questions he
asks, giving a shocking look, she turns to Ade and asks him instead, “Who has the bravery of a lion and
dared to disturb the HeiYue Shaman? I will inform the Khan right now!”
Ade snickers a cold snort, “I have already sent someone to inform Lord Father!”
The First Prince asks, “What has happened?”
The servant who brought the news answers him, “Just now a fire breaks out from the stone hut and
there were even sounds of fighting that could even be seen from here. Right now, the fire has been
extinguished, but the culprit has not yet been caught, the Shaman is injured, and the physicians are
already working on saving him!”
The First Prince immediately panics, “I want to see him!”
The Second Prince reaches out a hand to block his path, “No need to go. There are physicians with the
Shaman! Usually, nothing happens here. Tomorrow is the gathering of the Eight Ministries, today,
outsiders have come to our lands, and immediately something happens! From the way I see it, there is
no need to look. The culprit is right here!”
The First Prince displays a look of displeasure, “They are Lord Father’s guests of honour!”
The Second Prince has never respected this elder brother of his, so even in front of everyone, he pays
him no attention, “Didn’t someone come uninvited as well?”
He casts a look at Cui Buqu and Qiao Xian, speaking in a warning tone, “If I discovered that this has
something to do with you people, you just wait!”
Jin Lian feels a little troubled.
What does it mean to come uninvited? Cui Buqu is obviously invited by her, so this move of Ade is
obviously not putting her in his eyes.
Although her authority faces threat upon her return this time, she is still the Khan’s second kedun, yet
Ade has never behaved respectfully with her, in fact, he has come to see her as an annoyance that he
wishes to remove.
As she thinks about how she could take care of the matter, she hears a loud ‘ping!’, as Cui Buqu slaps
the table loudly and gets to his feet.
“Although the Khan and the Sui Empire has not yet form an alliance, but the Khan sees us as his guests
of honour, yet you pin a sentence upon us with no proof or evidence, setting shame upon the Sui
Empire. Even if a sentence is to be bestowed upon, it should be the Khan himself who does it! I want to
see the Khan!”
Ade gives a cold laugh, “Even if the Khan is here, his words are the same!”
Cui Buqu’s tone amplifies, “Can you represent the Khan? In the day, the Khan says so himself that we are
his guests of honour, right now are you having the intentions to think yourself greater than him?!”
Ade also slaps his table and rises to his feet, “Since when have I said that!”
Cui Buqu responds with an even louder voice, “You father is not yet dead! He is the only Khan of
Western Göktürk. Before you, there is still your brother, the authority to speak has not yet fallen upon
Although the one with the loudest voice is not always right, but when facing someone like Ade, one
cannot lose when it comes to their authoritative atmosphere.
Cui Buqu is very tall, except that he is slightly too thin. However, if he insists on mustering a cold
expression with a determined look, he could make Ade’s ear blush red, immediately rolling his sleeves
up wanting to punch Cui Buqu.
But Qiao Xian and Jin Lian, of course, would not let him do that, so they immediately jump in front of
him in defense.
When the First Prince sees this scene unfold, he could not help feeling envious.
Of course, he is not envious of Cui Buqu that he has women to protect him, but he is envious of Cui
Buqu because, as a foreigner, he still has his pride and dares to initiate a discourse with his foolishly
stuck-up little brother.
But for Ade, this sickly ambassador from the Sui Empire with a pale complexion is nothing to be afraid
of. If he represents the Sui Empire, it can only be said that the Central Plains has no skilled talents left,
thus sending a sickly man and women to represent themselves and wanting them to bend the knee.
As for the woman next to Cui Buqu, the one who had him under her foot the same morning, although
her martial art skills are not bad, wait until after he deals with Cui Buqu, this beautiful woman would
only be a servant begging under his foot.
As he thinks of this and laughs wickedly, he calls for the guards.
“Without the Khan here, I am the one with the authority to speak! Men! Take these two Sui Empire
ambassadors. They have three people among them. One of them is not present right now, so that is the
one who set the fire!”
The First Prince speaks before Jin Lian could, he says in a low voice, “They are the guests of Lord Father.
Whatever happens, we should wait until Lord Father comes to make the decision.”
After he finishes speaking, the Khan’s servants came over to relay the fact that the Khan is not feeling
well today, and thus will not be present as he needs to sleep early. So both the Princes will have the say
in the banquet. Whatever is the matter, it can wait until the gathering tomorrow.
Those who knows what is going on exchange glances, saying, what is this all about not feeling well? It is
obvious the Khan is occupied with his women and refuses to leave his yurt.
The First Prince turns around and says, “Since this is the case, then, let us wait for tomorrow, where
Lord Father will make the decision!”
The Second Prince, “No! The HeiYue Shaman is a well-respected person for our race, whoever disturbs
him should be punished! If we wait until tomorrow, the culprit would have been long gone. He is injured
right now and would not have gone far, I have already sent people out scouting for him! However, it
could be that he is hiding in one of the yurts, so if we search every one of them, we can find him!”
The First Prince says angrily, “All the ambassadors of different clans are all guests of honour, it is not
your right to behave so rude towards them!”
(Translator’s Note: Leaving a note here just in case, it is considered rude to search someone’s private
room or place forcibly. Ade giving that suggestion meaning that all the yurts of their guests are to be
searched, and no one likes that.)
Kucha and Gaochang are countries surrounding Western Göktürk, in reality they are just their allies that
depended on Western Göktürk, so most of the people naturally does not agree with the Second Prince,
but they did not say anything about it. In fact, they are very surprised with the First Prince’s behaviour
Before today, he has always been very quiet and seldom speaks.
The Second Prince squints his eyes and takes a step forward, using this height and authority to force his
brother into submission.
“Without Lord Father present, I am in charge!”
Not only did the First Prince refuses to take a step back, he even moves forward, not willing to give way,
“You are not even a Yabghu, Lord Father has never bestowed upon you any rank. I am your elder
brother, so the one with the authority to speak should be me!”
The Second Prince laughs sarcastically, “Have you made up your mind to protect these people from the
Sui Empire? You have already started scheming with them!”
“Quiet!” A woman wearing a headdress walks in, “If what Eden says does not count, then my words,
should be of use?”
Cui Buqu has never seen her before, but it is not difficult to guess her identity.
The First Prince who has never dared to fight with his little brother had broken his record and stand his
own grounds tonight, and the big Kedun who often never shows her face or participated in politics has
finally come tonight as well.
The Kedun of the Göktürks possesses immense authority. When the Khan is not here, she could even
represent the Khan. She would even lead on his behalf. The big Kedun has never made use of these
authorities, but it does not mean that she will never use them.
When the Second Prince sees that the pair of mother and son that usually never show themselves,
suddenly strives so hard to stand their ground, he could not help feeling provoked.
“The HeiYue Shaman has been disturbed by foreigners, who should be responsible for it? Do you want
to be responsible for this, Kedun? Can you be responsible?!”
Kedun says calmly, “Without the Khan present, I have the authority to decide. You step away.”
The Second Prince acknowledges that the sudden appearance of the Kedun could not be simply just for
her son, and that if he gives way, his powers and authority will hence be gone for good, so he says
abruptly, “No!”
Cui Buqu takes a step forward and uses a loud voice, “I have nothing to do with this matter. I can swear
to the gods, swear to the beasts and creatures of your religion, that should I be lying, a thunder will be
cast down to strike me, and if I leave this yurt, the gods will send their ambassadors the wolves to bite
me to death!”
Everyone was stunned by his swear, even the Second Prince could not muster any words to speak in that
People around here values oaths and swears, so they would never use these sorts of things to make a
But Cui Buqu does not stop here. He turns towards the Second Prince, his eyes glowing fiercely, “His
Highness the Second Prince has always disliked us, so you must have already decided that we are the
culprits long ago. Do you dare say your selfishness does not play a role in this? The Sui Empire making
enemies of the Göktürk royalties is exactly what Khan Ishbara wishes to see, and his Highness the
Second Prince is now an accomplice to the Khan Ishabara!”
The Second Prince says angry, “Rubbish!”
Cui Buqu pushes further, “Then you should also make a swear! Swear that everything you do is for the
sake of this clan, with no intention of gaining from it!”
Under the eyes of public, Cui Buqu has turned from the guest to the host. The Second Prince feels
himself cornered, and when those who are close to him wishes to speak for him, Jin Lian speaks first, not
giving them the opportunity.
“That is right. Since Ambassador Cui has already make his swear, if the Second Prince is true to his own
heart, he should also make a swear!”
In that moment, a Göktürk servant runs in, his face pale and as white as a sheet, as if he wants to say
something, but once he sees the atmosphere in the yurt, he was shocked stiff.
The Second Prince grabs the chance to change the topic, turning the attention away and shouts at him,
“Whatever is the matter, speak quickly!”
The servant kneels on the ground and says, “The Shaman’s injuries are too grave. He… He has
Everyone displays a look of shock and disbelief.
Just now, they all think that it would only be a small incident, but why has death got involved all of a
The change of the Kedun’s expression is the most obvious.
Cui Buqu and Jin Lian furrows their brows.
Even Qiao Xian attempts to say something, but in her heart she thinks that this time, Feng Xiao really
went too far.
The Second Prince is the first one to look shocked, then he flares his temper, “The Shaman died because
of them! Who is protecting them, then who would be their accomplices!”
“We are innocent! You can investigate us however you like.” Cui Buqu suddenly says, pinning his gaze on
the Second Prince, “But I have a request. If his Highness the Second Prince cannot find any evidence
against us, then you have to apologize to us publicly, and treat us like guests!”
The Second Prince laughs coldly, “If I find that accomplice of yours is the one who killed the Shaman,
then I will cut down your head and hang it on the wolf’s spike, then feed your corpses to the wolves!”
He waves a hand and orders his men, “Search. I want that stupid boy found!”
As he speaks, he turns around and brings a few people, marching in large steps towards Cui Buqu’s yurt.
Qiao Xian walks very close to Cui Buqu and whispers to his ear, “This Second Prince has always been on
our tails. Could it be that he is the one who killed the Shaman?”
Cui Buqu responds with an “O”, but neither declines nor accepts it.
Behind them, Göktürk soldiers surrounds them on purpose, blocking their escape route from behind,
leaving them no chance of escaping. This is most likely orders of the Second Prince.
As for the other officers, the big Kedun, and her son, all of them did not leave, but come along.
Even though such a big incident has happened, the Khan did not even show himself.
Cui Buqu asks Jin Lian, “Does your Khan cares not even for the Shaman’s death?”
Jin Lian laughs coldly, “During the day, I’ve had people brought me to see the Kucha beauty, and she
really is a treasure of her kingdom. It is not strange for the Khan to be obsessed with her!”
She looks at the Second Prince, fuming with rage, before furrowing her brows and asks Cui Buqu in a
quiet voice, “Does this matter really has nothing to do with you?”
“Of course.” Cui Buqu’s expression did not change, using a clean look. “I have even swore it. If you are
suspicious of me, why don’t try to be suspicious of the Second Prince who refuses to swear.”
Jin Lian no longer suspects, but she even apologizes, “I should not be concerned too much over your
The corner of Qiao Xian’s lips twitches, but she stops herself from saying anything.
She knows a little bit of Göktürk, but even though she isn’t as fluent as Cui Buqu, she could still
understand a little. Just now, when Cui Buqu swears, he obviously said ‘Me’ and not ‘Us’, and so it also
means that if Feng Xiao sows trouble, it is not included in the swear.
However, the Göktürk is unclear about this. In their eyes, Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu are the same.
When speaking with Cui Buqu, if one is not careful, then they will be pitted. Feng Xiao knows this very
well, but it is a pity that he is not here and could not give Jin Lian a warning.
Very quickly the Second Prince brings men to Cui Buqu’s yurt and search for a round. They did not find
Feng Xiao, so they are positive that Feng Xiao has already gone to kill the HeiYue Shaman and wants to
grant punishment on Cui Buqu.
Of course, Jin Lian defends them. They could not even find the person, so it is impossible to determine
that it has anything to do with them. If they insist of granting them punishment, then it can only prove
one thing: that the Second Prince really wants them to die as soon as possible.
Instead, it is the number one fighter of Göktürk, Fo Er, from the moment the banquet begins he has
been sitting there until everyone crowds around. He has never spoken anything ever since the incident
began, and he hasn’t say anything against Cui Buqu and his company either. Qian Xian almost thought
that he has a change of heart.
Among all present, there is not only the Kedun, the First Prince, Jin Lian, but there are also officers from
all around. Even if the Second Prince is more stubborn than he is right now, he cannot simply grant
punishment upon them, otherwise the rest would think that he has some ulterior motives that is related
to the gathering of the Eight Ministries tomorrow. So under the persuasion of close subjects, he forces
himself to calm down, clasping a hand on his waist, he goes outside of Cui Buqu’s yurt and waits for
people who searches to report back to him.
“Prince Ade, that person’s martial arts is high, he is not beneath me.” Fo Er finally speaks. Of course, he
did not have a change of heart, he is only searching for the best opportunity to speak. “If he isn’t
injured, then he can be found. Since we cannot find him now, it can only mean that he is injured, so he
could not have run far, but he might be searching for a place to hide himself. Those stores and stables
are places one can hide easily.”
“Right!” The Second Prince perks, and orders his men, “Quick, go to those places to find, and search
Lord Father’s yurt also, to avoid the culprit hiding himself in there!”
Qian Xian knows about the matter pertaining Feng Xiao going to look for the HeiYue Shaman. However,
at this time, it is quite possible that Feng Xiao’s investigation was interrupted and something has
happened. The Shaman is dead, and he himself has been injured. Although Feng Xiao’s martial art skills
are incredible, and there is not a big possibility that he is caught, but he cannot keep this up and not
show himself. However, if he shows himself, and his injuries were discovered, then he cannot avoid
suspicions of paying the HeiYue Shaman a visit. The Second Prince and Fo Er’s eyes were always on
them, how could they let him go just like that?
As she thinks of this, Qiao Xian feels that this matter is a little bit difficult, then she looks at Cui Buqu,
who is still behaving strangely calm and peaceful, as if this is completely unrelated to himself.
From Qiao Xian’s memory, there is almost nothing that could ever make Cui Buqu nervous.
She could not help feeling admiration and says in a low voice, “Do you have a plan?”
Cui Buqu shakes his head lightly.
Then how could he be so calm? Qiao Xian asks questioningly.
Cui Buqu writes a few words on her palm. It is faked. I am only pretending to be calm.
Qiao Xian: ......
The Second Prince has already begin to feel impatient, until someone finally comes to tell him that Feng
Xiao has been found.
The Second Prince brightens up, couldn’t helping casting a glance at Cui Buqu with a look that says ‘now
let us see what you have to say’ before telling the guard, “Where is he?! Bring me there!”
But who could have guessed that the colour of the guard’s face changes as he stutters.
The Second Prince says in anger, “Speak quickly! Do you want to be the accomplices of the Sui Empire’s
Er, the person has not yet been found, but he has already grant the verdict.
When news of Feng Xiao being found reaches them, Cui Buqu couldn’t help but feels his heart relieved,
the corner of his lips arching into a smile.
The Second Prince raises a cane, ready to whip someone, and the guard immediately flies out of his way,
shouting loudly, “In your yurt!”
“What rubbish is that! How can he be at my place?!” The Second Prince’s face grows black.
Cui Buqu says angrily, “I see you are the one who has allied himself with the Sui Empire’s ambassadors.
Ah, why don’t you say earlier? We could have been people of our own!”
The Second Prince retorts, taking a large step he flips his own yurt and enters under the protection of
two guards, he kicks the mat cruelly!
Originally, his face is as back as coal, but now it changes to the colour green. From his head to his ears,
even his hair, has turned green.
Chapter 72 – As If That Motherfucker’s Tastes Are Good!
Although the Second Prince’s yurt is not as spacious as the Khan’s yurt, it is still extremely lavished.
Items from Jiangnan’s pottery to the Northern states’ wooden crafts decorate it, added with a mat that
was most probably from the Western states, it astounded the eyes and it is as beautiful as it is messy.
However, what makes people glare is the mattress in the middle that uses god-knows-how-many fox
pelts to weave.
Because on top of it lies two people.
A man and a woman, both of them half-dressed.
Any sane person, upon seeing such a scenery, would not be able to resist from imagining a few scenes in
their heads.
The Second Prince did not order people to barricade the entrance just now, so those who came inside
could no longer be chased out. It is too late.
“What is happening?” Jin Lian says in a shocked tone.
She recognizes the two people on the bed. The man is Feng Xiao, and the woman is the Second Prince’s
most beloved concubine.
In the yurt there is even the smell of blood, and looking closely at both of them, their bodies contain
wounds of different shapes and sizes. There is a dagger next to them, and the rope tying them both has
been loosened, but both of them were still in slumber.
Before the Second Prince can respond, Cui Buqu has asks in advance, “What is happening here? Why is
my Vice Commander on the Prince’s bed?!”
The Second Prince could only feel anger seeping into his mind. He did not even hesitate when he lunges
himself onto Feng Xiao to pull his entire person up.
Before he lunges himself, Feng Xiao finally wakes up and groans as he rubs the side of his temple, but
seeing the Second Prince in front of him, he suddenly screams and immediately delivers a punch at the
Second Prince that flipped his entire person over.
On usual days, the Second Prince often bullies his servants, but how can he be Feng Xiao’s match? The
latter did not have inner strength, and with only a pair of fists made of flesh and bones, after a few
punches, the Second Prince has been thoroughly beaten as he groans in pain. As the people from
outside rushes in, the guards quickly pulls both men apart.
“How dare you hit me! I want to……you.” The Second Prince cusses at him in Göktürk.
Upon his order, the Göktürk guards all wants to hold down Feng Xiao, but due to their ignorance, they
were all flipped over and sprawl on the ground in the next moment, sharing the same fate with the
Second Prince.
When Cui Buqu gives a cue, Qiao Xian immediately hurries over to help him.
“Everyone stop!” Jin Lian shouts, interrupting in the middle and stopping all the Göktürk guards that
wants to approach them closer.
The Second Prince yells, “He slept with my women, and you dare to stop me?! Was your heart
exchanged for one of theirs?!”
Of course Jin Lian refuses to believe that Feng Xiao would do something disgusting like that. But to sleep
with another man’s woman, with so many eyes looking at them, she could only assume that Feng Xiao is
trying to look for a fight with the Second Prince, so he used his woman.
“Lord Feng, if you wanted women, I can get some for you. You can have as many as you like, but why did
you take one of the Second Prince’s?!”
Feng Xiao fumes angrily, “Rubbish! With my looks, how would I lack women who want to sleep with me
from the Central Plains? You cannot even imagine the number of women who wants a one night stand
with me, but I wanted none of them. It is obvious that the Second Prince is bisexual. He drugged me
when I have my guard down and put me here when I was in a daze. He even wants an orgy! Have you
seen me steal his woman and even injured myself? Go, ask your Second Prince why does he have such a
shady hobby!”
There are a lot of people present who does not understand Han language, so Jin Lian repeats Feng Xiao’s
words once for everyone else to hear. They all look at Feng Xiao, look at the women on the bed, and
decide, that yes, the first is indeed unusually handsome and good-looking, he could have all the women
he ever wanted, why would he steal from the Second Prince? Then they look at the Second Prince, who
is like his own father, a pervert through and through, so why is it so strange if he would do something
like this?
The Second Prince looks at everyone, even his own servant, and he gives a knowing look, practically
spitting out blood.
For god’s sake. Even if he is a pervert, but he does not like men! He definitely did not have the strange
habit of blood play on bed!
The First Prince speaks loudly, “Ade, even if you dislike men from the Central Plains, these are Lord
Father’s guests of honour. Why would not you even spare a guest? What do you think of the Eight
Ministries as? Is it that, even for men in Kucha or Gaochang, you would just take any of them that
catches your eyes?”
As he says this, among the guests who are present, those who consider themselves to be quite goodlooking all take a step backwards.
Although they depended on Western Göktürk, they also know that the Sui Empire is powerful and
cannot be bullied. Yet, the Second Prince could even attack an ambassador from the Sui Empire, so who
would he dare not offend?
With his brother clasping a sentence on him like that, the Second Prince was so angered that he
practically fainted on the spot.
But he somehow manages to retain a breathe and scolds the First Prince, “You like men, but do not for
one second think that I am the same as you! Do you think that Lord Father is oblivious? He knew it since
the beginning, that is why he……”
“Ade!” This time the one who stifled him is the Kedun. Her face that has always been kind and gentle is
currently veiled by a dark, threatening curtain. The way she looks is also more intimidating than before,
“You dare to do something like this, yet you still strive to shove your responsibility onto others. Men!
Bring the Khan here!”
“What is all the ruckus going on?”
After half a day, the patriarch himself has arrived.
Khan Apa’s hand is holding the hand of a young woman, and even when they have come to a place like
this, he still refuses to let go of her. The level of their closeness is quite obvious.
Cui Buqu casts them a glance. That woman is wearing a headdress, and adorns her body is the attire of
Kucha. She is really beautiful, almost comparable to Qiao Xian. If Qiao Xian’s beauty is one of frost and
coldness, then this woman’s beauty is one of gentleness. Even when she smiles, it seems to have added
fragrance to the wind.
No wonder Khan Apa refuses to leave her side, that he even refuses to attend the banquet.
Now he takes a look at the Khan, his footsteps were light, and his head is full of sweat. He appears to
have just braved through a ferocious ‘battle’, the father truly is like the son.
Khan Apa did not notice the sensual gazes of people around him. He looks around once, before
furrowing his brows, “Ade!”
“Lord Father, it is this man!”
The Second Prince points at Feng Xiao, scolding as he speaks. He really is mad to the brink! With every
ten sentences he says, nine of them were cussing at Feng Xiao, then the First Prince. Khan Apa listened
until his head is clouded full of questions, before becoming impatient.
“The Shaman is dead, yet you only care about your woman!” the Khan points at the Second Prince’s
nose as he scolds him, then he turns to scold the First Prince, “And you have the guts to blend into the
crowd here. Where is the corpse of the Shaman? I want to see the elder!”
The big Kedun says, “My Khan, I have already ordered some men to take care of the Shaman’s corpse. I
can accompany you on this trip.”
“Khan!” Cui Buqu’s expression is grim, “I feel very sorry for the Shaman’s death, but the Second Prince
just wanted to accuse us of the murder, yet in secret he did something like this. I need someone to hold
this responsibility!”
“After I settle all arrangements for the Shaman, I will give all of you an answer.” Khan Apa glazes over, “I
also hope that this matter will not affect the gathering tomorrow, and involve that of my friends and
Of course, everyone promises that they would not be affected.
Khan Apa brings both his wife and concubine and all his most important subjects, before rushing quickly
to leave the venue.
“Lord Father!” The Second Prince calls after him in dissatisfaction.
But the Khan did not turn back, he did not even pause his feet.
The Second Prince know that this matter would not come to a conclusion tonight, so he can only shoot
Feng Xiao a glare and say something which means ‘we are not finished yet’ before quickly leaving to run
after his father.
As they watch everyone leaving one by one until all’s left are Cui Buqu and his company, and the woman
on the bed who is currently still in slumber, only did Feng Xiao speak, “Qiao Xian, come here and help
me up.”
At first, Qiao Xian thought that these blood was made by Feng Xiao just to purposely disgust the Second
Prince, but when she walks close to Feng Xiao, she could feel an even denser scent of blood and she
grows suspicious.
Cui Buqu seems to vaguely know what happened, so he says, “Bring him back, then we shall speak.”
As the three of them return to their yurt, Feng Xiao immediately peels his clothing off himself after he
lies down on the blankets.
Not waiting for Qiao Xian to scold him, he has already taken off all his clothes and turn around. On this
shoulder blades, there is a gashing wound so deep that his bones could be seen, greets both of their
On top of it, there is also a few fingerprints, as if Feng Xiao is also suffering from internal bleeding.
Cui Buqu allows Qiao Xian to bring some medicine to patch Feng Xiao’s wound for him.
Only then did Qiao Xian understands, “Just now, you purposely made those small little wounds on
yourself and that woman?”
Feng Xiao lets her put on medicine for him as he tries to relax, not showing any look of pain, “Naturally.
Otherwise, how can I veil the smell of blood?”
Cui Buqu, “The Second Prince is easily angered, but he is not a fool. Very quickly he will know what is
going on. Even if he cannot come to this conclusion, Fo Er will remind him.”
With Feng Xiao’s skills, even if the Second Prince uses a dozen methods, he could not have been able to
hold him down, so let alone create so many wounds on his body.
Feng Xiao says half-heartedly, “Let us speak of it again after tonight has passed.”
Cui Buqu raises his brow, “With your martial arts, it is difficult for you to find a match, let alone in such a
faraway place like this, surely not many people can beat you?”
Feng Xiao, “It is as if the enemy knew I would be there, so they purposely created an array at the stone
hut to lure me in. However, their martial arts are quite beneath me, so using this advantage, only did I
manage to escape.”
Thankfully he encountered the Second Prince’s servant when he was escaping, so he follows the man
into the Second Prince’s yurt and knock the woman unconsciousness, using this opportunity to create a
mess of the Second Prince.
Cui Buqu, “So you killed the HeiYue Shaman?”
Feng Xiao, “This is the strange thing about all of this. I wounded that person, and I can verify that their
wounds are not light, but when a martial artist achieves a level like theirs, it is impossible that they
would be killed by me just like that. The fire at the stone hut, also only broke out after I left.”
Qiao Xian analyses, “Could it be that after you left, someone even more powerful went over and killed
the HeiYue Shaman?”
Feng Xiao, “In the whole of Western Göktürk, the only one who can achieve that, other than me, can
only be Fo Er.”
He turns to look at Cui Buqu.
Cui Buqu shakes his head, “Ever since the banquet begins, Fo Er has been there, he’s never left.”
Feng Xiao, “Then, this is even stranger.”
Cui Buqu, “There is another possibility.”
Feng Xiao and Qiao Xian both turns to look at him.
Cui Buqu says calmly, “Before you pay a visit to the HeiYue Shaman, he is already dead.”
Feng Xiao sits himself up, yet he accidentally tore open a wound, so he couldn’t help but inhales a sharp
Cui Buqu says, “The person who fought with you, is very likely the one who murdered the HeiYue
Shaman. If they can kill or trap you, added with the HeiYue Shaman’s corpse, then they could push the
entire blame onto you. However, you escaped, and the other could only burn the corpse and destroy all
the evidence.”
Feng Xiao sighs loudly, “Then how would they know I would be there? Going to the stone hut was a last
minute idea by myself. Even Jin Lian does not know of it.”
Cui Buqu, “Their target might not be you, but only because you conveniently ran into it. I am curious
why do they want to kill the HeiYue Shaman? Is this person a member of Western Göktürk, or one of the
ambassadors that came forth to participate in the gathering?”
Feng Xiao, “Perhaps they have a grudge against the HeiYue Shaman, so they used the gathering, when
outsiders are aplenty, so that they could do it secretly.”
The future is unpredictable, even intelligent people would have their own share of unexpected
Just like now, even Cui Buqu feels that they are slowly running out of ideas, and their task is getting
more and more difficult to achieve.
It is as if Qiao Xian could read his mind, so she speaks to comfort him, “I originally thought that the First
Prince would hide in a corner and remain silent, but I did not expect him to squabble with the Second
Prince. It could be seen that your initiative to contact the First Prince is a right choice to make.”
Cui Buqu, “Their brotherly relationship has been fractured since long. Even the kindest giants would
have a temper. The First Prince has sit cooped up for so long with all his feelings, he is nearly at his limit.
The words I said were only a booster for him. I can only say that the First Prince is someone to be proud
The First Prince’s mother, the big Kedun, would usually not speak much, but the fact that she would
appear during such an important and dire moment proves that she is not as useless as Jin Lian thought
she was.
However, these are all complications in the clan of Western Göktürk. They can make use of them to
their advantage their alliance with the Sui Empire, but right now, these facts do not help their current
situation much.
“Tomorrow, during the gathering of the Eight Ministries,” Cui Buqu says, “We need to ensure you can
show-off to the best of your abilities, but when the Second Prince returns to his senses, tomorrow he
would definitely think of ways to give us trouble. Fo Er would also use the opportunity to defame us, he
might even attempt to take your life. You……”
He stares at Feng Xiao, and did not continue anymore.
Feng Xiao stares back at him.
The Commander of the Zuoyue Bureau who is famed for being unmoved and unwavered, it is such a rare
moment to see him hesitating between his decisions, not willing to let Feng Xiao endanger his own life.
The fact that he remains quiet, his gaze clear, has already champion the effect of a thousand words.
For the first time in forever, a crack spilts open Feng Xiao’s stone-cold heart, softening it a little.
He tells Cui Buqu, “This is only a small wound. There is no need to worry. You can tell them tomorrow to
give me all they have got.”
Cui Buqu gives him an expression that is difficult to describe, but he smiles faintly, “This is good. Then I
will entrust everything to you, Brother Feng.”
Feng Xiao: ???
This is too quick! Would he not even pretend to be caring or humble?
He is the one who suggested it, but why does he feel so forced all of a sudden?
As if that motherfucker’s tastes are good!
Chapter 73 – In That Case, I Am Really Afraid
The death of the HeiYue Shaman is a big incident that happened in Western Göktürk, but it cannot stop
the gathering of the Eight Ministries to take place as usual.
In the early morning the next day, Cui Buqu and the rest proceeds to the gathering after they have bathe
and ate the breakfast sent by Jin Lian’s servant, Muge.
“Master Cui, my master wishes to say that if you wanted to see the corpse of the HeiYue Shaman, she
can arrange it. However, you people cannot remain there for long.” Says Muge.
Yesterday, the Second Prince targets Feng Xiao on purpose, and later on Feng Xiao showed up in his
yurt. Connecting these two facts, even if Jin Lian is slow, she can feel that something is not right, so let
alone the fact that she knew the extends of Feng Xiao’s martial arts. If Feng Xiao really was drugged by
the Second Prince, then the sun of that day most likely would have rose from the East, it is definitely not
possible. She has even suspected whether the death of the HeiYue Shaman is Feng Xiao’s doing, but
because Cui Buqu denies it, she decides that they really did not have a reason to do so.
On the other hand, with the cruel, daunt, and daring nature of the Second Prince, he is more likely to be
the murderer who pins the blame onto someone else.
In Qiemo, Jin Lian witnesses the ability of Cui Buqu to examine corpses, so of course she hopes for him
to use his skills again to investigate the truth behind the HeiYue Shaman’s death.
Cui Buqu shakes his head, however, “The murderer burnt the corpse to destroy all the evidence, they
killed him before immediately deciding to refuse his body into ash, I fear their plans are nigh flawless. If I
take a look at it now, I fear there is nothing I can find.”
Muge only partially understands, but she would bring these words to Jin Lian.
After Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao eat what cannot be said the best breakfast in Göktürk, they follow Muge
to the grassy lands next to the lake.
Because all around it were long, swaying green grasses, this name was given to it, in Han, it is called the
Green Grass Lake.
It is not late, and neither is it early, and under the clustering of servants, they were only vaguely
He has lost the fuming, furious breathe from yesterday, and his eyes are on Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao,
sweeping over both men once. The corner of his lips twists up into an evil smile, it is granted that he is
thinking about all sorts of tricks to punish them.
Fo Er’s gazes lingers for a long time on Feng Xiao, before turning away thoughtfully.
“He knows that I am injured.” Feng Xiao says.
The reason top martial arts are top martial artists, is not simply because their martial arts were
incredible, but is it because they have honed a really accurate and sharp ability to analyse others. Feng
Xiao’s martial arts can be ranked among the first ten best beneath the Heavens, perhaps even the top
five, but his confidence has always came from his abilities and not his own self-centric delusion. Fo Er
has fought twice with him, so he is very familiar about Feng Xiao’s abilities. Compared to Feng Xiao, Fo
Er can perhaps be one of the first top ten as well.
If Feng Xiao had not been injured, Fo Er must reconsider his plans when he wants to target him, but
after the incident yesterday night, Fo Er is very certain that Feng Xiao is injured, and that his wounds are
not light at all, otherwise he would not have needed to create a plan to veil the smell of blood. So today,
Fo Er would give his all to think of a way to force Feng Xiao into battle.
In the so-called gathering, it is not a gathering where everyone sits in a circle and chat with each other.
The ways of Göktürk people are simple but brutal, they judge the abilities of others with the extent of
their martial arts. If you win, then you are a victor that will be received with respect, and everything you
ask for will be granted, yet if you lose….. So since each of the Sui Empire’s ambassadors look like they
will collapse with a single punch, how could they convince them that the Sui Empire is reliable and
powerful ally to depend on?
Cui Buqu says, “It is very likely that he will ask for a one-to-one combat with you.”
Feng Xiao, “Then, in front of everyone, he will conveniently kill me.”
Cui Buqu nods his head.
It is only through this way he can assert his pride and dominance, to kill and become the victor of his
battle, instilling bewilderment in everyone’s hearts.
Feng Xiao smiles lazily, “In that case, I am really scared.”
Their conversation is interrupted when Khan Apa arrives.
The arrival of the Khan would also mean the begin of the gathering. All the guests are served with
excellent wine and delicious dishes. The Khan raises a cup and gets on his feet to thank all his guests to
come from all lands afar, then he has also mentioned ambassadors of the Sui Empire and Khan Ishbara
and honoured them with cups of wine.
From the way Cui Buqu sees it, this Göktürk Khan is quite intelligent if he isn’t submerged in the beauty
of women.
Khan Ishbara is forceful. He sends Fo Er to force Khan Apa into an alliance with them, it is a given that
this deal contains no little benefits for the Khan. Fo Er came first before them to the Sanmi Mountains,
so that is why Cui Buqu and his company were arrested when they just arrived.
But once the Khan acknowledges that the Sui Empire’s people were not pushovers, very quickly he
switches the scene and treats them with politeness. Even regarding the death of the HeiYue Shaman
yesterday, he did not seek trouble with them, instead, he even pacifies the matter and allow Cui Buqu
and his people to sleep a sound night.
Just as Cui Buqu’s thoughts begin to travel far, Khan Apa is currently smiling and laughing as he speaks
to his audiences. It could be seen that the death of the HeiYue Shaman did not affect his happiness in
obtaining a new concubine.
He claps his hands, and a few Göktürk martial artists comes forth, carrying curved knives on them and
begins to dance.
It is different from the Kucha music yesterday. Today is a day that brings strong feels of battle, for they
danced with knives and fierce music. In these sort dance where real knives and moves are brought from
real battles, those few martial artist’s moves were quite appealing to look at.
This can calm the hearts of a great many people, and a lot of them were eager for the martial arts
competition that will take place later. The ambassador of the Western regions is thinking about how he
should show-off , the little kingdoms near the outskirts of Göktürk were thinking about how they can
avoid being completely swallowed. The Second Prince is thinking about how he could avenge himself on
Cui Buqu and his people. The First Prince is recalled the night before, how he stood up to his little
brother and the aftermath of his feelings, is quite difficult to quell, so he is currently looking for another
chance to control that incredibly arrogant brother of his. Khan Apa holds his woman’s hand as he laughs
in a low voice, watching the knife dance and did not pay attention to the responses of others.
As for Fo Er—
He is next to the dancers, his gaze meeting Feng Xiao’s from afar, and after a while, he gives a deep,
long, knowing smile.
As if he is saying: I know you are injured, and your injury is not light. In the past we fought on equal
grounds, but today, I want you dead.
As the knife dance ends, the martial artists all dissipates. The Second Prince has finally waited until his
chance to speak, so he stands on his feet, bringing a sense of proudness and arrogance as he glances at
everyone, then he turns to his father and says, “Lord Father, in the past, the gathering begins with a
competition of martial arts, but I feel like since we have a few more guests of honour this year, we
should change our rules a little, otherwise, this is simply not respecting them.”
Once Jin Lian hears this, she knows what bad idea he is going to give, so she immediately protests,
“Khan, the competition has been the tradition of the Sanmi Mountains for decades. To change it all of a
sudden is not respecting our guests.”
Khan Apa raises a hand to interrupt her, he seems to be interested in the Second Prince’s suggestion,
“How should we change it?”
The Second Prince shot Jin Lian a look of victory and says, “In the past, we start from archery on
horseback and it is judged by the distance and accuracy to determine the victor. However, Fo Er is the
number one fighter of both Eastern and Western Göktürk, so to compete in such a way is degrading him.
Why don’t we let one participant ride on horseback, and one holding a fruit while they run? The archer
needs to shoot the fruit from the distance of one hundred steps. If the arrow hits the fruit, then he
claims victory.”
Most of the audience who listened to this inhales sharply.
To be able to shoot from the distance of one hundred steps is already the skill of a top martial artist, so
what could be said if the target is moving around at all times?
Additionally, the target’s movements is not consistent. It is held in the hand of a person, running around
on horseback. If one is to be careless, it is fine if they shot into empty space, but what if they hit the
person holding the fruit?
To be quite honest, this is just playing with lives.
The Second Prince is determined not to let Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao off so easily, so naturally, he would
not just let the archer simply pick a nameless servant to hold the fruit.
“Both the archer and the target bearer needs to be someone with considerable status. It is not allowed
to ask a servant to go onto the field.”
Fo Er claps his hands and says, “The Second Prince’s idea is very good, so let me have the start!”
He did not permit Khan Apa or Cui Buqu and his men to object to it, so he simply orders his vice to take
the apple and get onto the horse, then rides forth.
The horse runs into the distance until it is a hundred steps away, then turns around to run back, only
then did Fo Er picks up the bow, infusing all his inner strength and steadily shoots the arrow!
Everyone squints their eyes as they watch the arrow flies ahead.
At this distance, it is impossible for a normal archer to hit its target, because they still needed to
reconsider the bow’s very own mechanisms, and the bow that Fo Er is holding can only shoot the
distance of approximately one hundred steps, not more.
But after infusing inner strength, once the arrow reaches to the distance of one hundred steps, it did not
show signs of slowing down, in fact it seems to fly even faster until it hits the apple in the vice Göktürk
ambassador’s hand.
From the crowd a wave of roaring cheers sounds, as if everyone is clapping their hands wildly. It does
not matter what sort of enmity is between themselves and Khan Ishbara, Fo Er’s performance has
astounded all of them, and the victor is always rewarded with respect.
Fo Er puts down the bow with a calm expression and turns towards Feng Xiao, giving him a faint little
He could see that among the three of them, Cui Buqu does not know any form of martial arts, so he
definitely could not hold a bow at all. Qiao Xian’s martial arts aren’t bad, but it does not meant that she
can shoot an arrow accurately. This is also a technique that tests the eyes, otherwise there would not
have been units within an army that specializes in archery. So even if Qiao Xian is trained in archery, it is
impossible for her to be just like him, shooting a target with extreme accuracy from one hundred meters
when the target is such a small apple. So, even if they obtained the same result, but loses in their
performance, it could already be considered that they have lost.
Although losing an archery competition does not seem like much, what Cui Buqu and his company
would be losing isn’t just the pride of the Sui Empire, but also the alliance of Khan Apa in the end.
If they do not wish to lose, then Feng Xiao is their only choice to be on the field—
That would have been good, too. Because Feng Xiao is injured, so if he pulls the arrow, it would hurt his
wounds, worsening his injuries. Therefore, even if they have won this round, then in the second round,
they would still definitely lose.
Fo Er’s smile deepens.
How would you deal with this?
No matter what you manage to conjure, in the end you would lose.
Cui Buqu furrows his brows slightly, as if he is also worrying, so he turns around to tell Feng Xiao
Feng Xiao shows a look of displeasure, and both of them seem to squabble between themselves, even
though it is quickly pacified.
From Fo Er’s perspective, there is no doubt that a conflict is happening between his enemies.
If the enemy is unable to be united, their hearts are not aligned, then it would make it easier for them to
Fo Er thinks about this fact happily.
The Second Prince even added fuel to fire, “Could it be that the Sui Empire ambassadors have grown
afraid? It is hard to blame you people. After all, Fo Er is the number one fighter of Göktürk, you people
can never compete. So why don’t you surrender and give up on the alliance? I can plead for mercy on
your behalf, so that Lord Father will grant you some goats and sheep, so you may still have some pride
left on your way back to the Sui Empire.”
In reality, there is no alliance between Fo Er and the Second Prince, since they are two people with no
relationship to each other. Before this, Fo Er also thought of the Second Prince as someone very
impatient and irritating, not much different from Khan Ishbara. With someone like this as their
successor, he does not see how the well off in the future would Western Göktürk be. But now, they both
share the same enemy, and he need not even open his own mouth to get the Second Prince to help him.
Fo Er suddenly feels that the Second Prince isn’t as irritating and he thought before.
Chapter 74 – His Heart Is Made Of Steel
Cui Buqu finally opens his mouth, “Since this is the case, then let Qiao Xian be the archer, and I be the
target bearer.”
“No way!” The Second Prince fights back, “That woman is only your servant. Just now I’ve stated that
the archer and the target bearer must both possess considerable status, a servant cannot be called on
the field. Do you mean to say that a woman can represent the Sui Empire?!”
Cui Buqu replies steadily, “Qiao Xian is not my servant. She also holds a position in the Zuoyue Bureau, in
other words, she is also a subject of the Crown.”
“But just now, Eastern Göktürk sent their Commander to be the archer, their Vice Commander to be the
target bearer!” The Second Prince retorts, “If you change to another person, perhaps it will work, but
that woman’s identity cannot compete to the Vice Commander of Eastern Göktürk. Naturally, the victor
can only be determined by strategy.”
He turns towards Khan Apa, “Lord Father, what do you say?”
“This……” Khan Apa touches his beard, giving a hesitant look, but he did not object to it.
The Second Prince feels even more confident, so he tells Cui Buqu, “Do you people still want to let that
woman onto the field?”
Cui Buqu furrows his brows and indecisively turns to look at Feng Xiao.
The latter rises to his feet slowly and says, “Let me do it.”
His strategy worked!
The Second Prince is very satisfied.
Fo Er did not blink as he watches Feng Xiao take the bow, pulls it, and released the arrow towards Cui
Buqu atop the horse, steadily shooting towards its target.
It hits the apple.
And the distance between Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao is practically the same as Fo Er’s round.
Jin Lian feels a little nervous, afraid that Khan Apa is showing bias.
But this time the Khan is very fair, “Both guests are excellent marksman, there is no victor or loser.”
The Second Prince snorts, he could not have imagined that Cui Buqu and his people would settle this so
Fo Er’s expression is not obvious, but inside, he is very happy.
He dares to bet his life on it that no matter where Feng Xiao is injured last night, just now, his
performance has definitely wounded his injuries and made them worse.
Feng Xiao puts down the bow and turns towards the Khan to put his hands together and bows, his
movements are smooth, and did not know signs that he was wounded.
However, Fo Er notices that his adversary’s right shoulder is stiff, the way his body turns look very
Perhaps the spectators did not notice it, but this would not escape Fo Er’s eyes.
After all, the Sanmi Mountains are very hot in the day, so a lot of people only put on light clothing. All
except Feng Xiao, whose collar seems to expose a white shirt inside, and on the outside, he is still
wearing thick robes. Fo Er knows that this isn’t because Feng Xiao is afraid of the cold, but because his
shoulder is heavily bandaged by cloth, so he needs to wear thicker to not show that his left and right
shoulders are uneven.
So he is wounded on his right shoulder, Fo Er smiles faintly.
Following this scene, both Fo Er and Feng Xiao’s performance made the other small neigbouring
countries feel like they could not compete.
Although there are some that are envious and jealous, some went onto the field either way, but if it
wasn’t not because their distance lost to Feng Xiao and the rest, then their arrows hit thin air, and some
of them even shot the horse, practically wounding the person riding on it.
From then on, the rest of the guests no longer dared to try, and the first round ended with both of them
without a sole victor.
Being unable to shame the people from the Central Plains, the Second Prince is dissatisfied, so he starts
to create trouble again.
“Lord Father, today the first round ended too quickly, so for the second round, we can no longer end it
Khan Apa nods his head, “What ideas do you have?”
“Yesterday, that woman among the Sui Empire’s ambassadors gave me a deep impression.” When he
says the last few words, the Second Prince could not help but grits his teeth, his smile also widens,
“Namuduo from my clan wishes to spar with her, so they could learn from each other.”
The Khan turns towards Cui Buqu, “What does the guest of honour thinks of this?”
Cui Buqu, “Who is Namuduo?”
The one who has always been standing behind the Second Prince, a young man who seldom speaks,
walks forth and bows towards Cui Buqu.
As someone who can remain by the Second Prince’s side like this, yet not showing any posture, there is
no need for Feng Xiao to remind him, Cui Buqu himself can immediately see that this is a person with
the skills of a top fighter.
Cui Buqu asks Qiao Xian in a low voice, “Do you have confidence?”
Qiao Xian, “I have never seen him fight, yesterday this man is not by the Second Prince’s side, but
judging by his exterior, it is worth a short. I am willing to try.”
In other words, if this person is present yesterday, then perhaps it wasn’t so easy for Qiao Xian to pin
the Second Prince under her foot, and treated him like a ball on the carpet to step and roll around.
Many people are watching as Qiao Xian takes a step forward, looking weak and delicate, so they could
not help but show a hesitant expression.
Yesterday, those who did not witness Qiao Xian sending the Second Prince to the ground feel that this
girl is too beautiful and young, that she would never be the Göktürk champion Namuduo’s match.
Without waiting for everyone to catch up, Namuduo unleashes his first fist!
His punch is powerful, with one look one could tell that it is a punch with incredible force and strength.
Qiao Xian’s body is thin, her steps and movements were also light, the complete opposite of Namuduo,
but under such a powerful and strong opponent, she is not at a disadvantage.
The audience watches as one grey, one white, one lively and powerful like a tiger whose single punch
should shatter mountains and earth, suck out air and break the wind, and the other whose light and
weightless like a dragon, the glare of her sword and wind flying here and there, her gentleness bringing
intense killing intent.
For Namuduo to face an opponent like Qiao Xian, logically he would have underestimated his opponent,
but in this case, he did not, he resumes to give all his attention and focus as he fights with Qiao Xian, not
distracted by anything happening from his surroundings.
“How is his martial arts compared to Qiao Xian?” Cui Buqu asks.
“In due time, he might have become another Fo Er.” Feng Xiao responds.
Cui Buqu could not help but frowns.
To train martial arts, one must go through hardship and review talents. Feng Xiao’s talent is naturally
unsurpassed, but Fo Er does not fall behind. Without talent, one cannot truly become an unsurpassed
top martial artist, or even make it to the grandmaster tier.
For Feng Xiao to say that Namuduo would become another Fo Er, meant that his talents are gifted, in
fact, even when faced before a woman like Qiao Xian, Namuduo does not underestimate her or become
overly confident of himself. He might even be better than Fo Er. So for Qiao Xian to have him as an
opponent, her chances of winning is very silm.
There are innumreous talented people under the sky. Even if a mountain is tall, there will be another
mountain taller than it; even if someone is skilled, there will eventually be someone more skilled than
them. In such a big kingdom like Göktürk, Fo Er is not the only skilled fighter, and suddenly, someone
like Namuduo emerges.
Feng Xiao, “If Qiao Xian wants to win him, it is a bit difficult.”
If Feng Xiao can tell, then Fo Er can tell as well.
As he looks at those two, one who flies and turns in the air, and the other one as steady as a mountain,
he could not help but smiles.
However, the Second Prince is a little bit impatient. His martial arts are only so-so, so he cannot tell who
is the more powerful of the two, he is not much different from the audiences, who feels that Namuduo’s
moves are steady, and Qiao Xian’s moves are quick and curt.
“What are you laughing at?!” The Second Prince glares at Fo Er when he catches him smile, unable to
suppress his fire.
Fo Er is not angered, in fact, he is in a very good mood, so he responds calmly to him, “I am being happy
for your Highness.”
The Second Prince is not so good tempered, “What is there to be happy about!”
Fo Er, “Namuduo’s victory is nigh.”
The Second Prince is shocked, “Are you saying that Namuduo can win that woman?”
Fo Er mulls, “Although that woman from the Central Plains have qinggong, but she will deplete it quickly,
on the other hand, Namuduo’s inner strength is superior to her, and his technique is strong. To use the
words of people from the Central Plains, this is called: The clever often is not found flaunting his skills.”
Just as he finished speaking, Namuduo strikes Qiao Xian’s stomach with a fist, and the latter falls back,
takes a few steps backwards, barely able to hold her stance. Of course, Namuduo would not let this
chance pass, he quickly runs after her and leaps into the air, kicking away the sword in Qiao Xian’s hand,
turning in the air, it brushes past her waist.
Qiao Xian’s face pales. Shooting out with a palm, she pushes Namuduo backwards, but a splatter of
blood has leaked from the corner of her lips. It is obvious that she is injured.
“Stop!” Cui Buqu suddenly rises to his feet, “We surrender, there is no longer the need to fight!”
The Second Prince looks extremely satisfied and orders Namuduo, “Go on! Keep on fighting!”
However, Namuduo refuses to carry on, he instead responds sternly, “She has already admit defeat.”
The Second Prince angrily, “Who is your master?! I want this woman dead!”
“Khan!” Jin Lian could not bear to watch any longer, so she interrupts.
“Ade, sit down!” Khan Apa opens his mouth.
The Second Prince frowned, “Lord Father, these people from the Central Plains send a woman to be
their ambassador. Is this not a shame to us? This woman even wounded me yesterday, in my
competition, I want her to die in public. Is this not fair revenge?!”
Khan Apa says coldly, “Today is the gathering of the Eight Ministries. It is not a place for you to claim
revenge. When I ask you to sit, then sit!”
Qiao Xian slowly turns around and walks towards Cui Buqu.
“How are you?” Cui Buqu asks after her.
Qiao Xian shakes her head, meaning that she is alright.
Her skills can be considered second-tiered in the Jianghu province, so it is not strange for her to lose to
Before she got into the battlefield, Feng Xiao, Cui Buqu, and even Qiao Xian herself, has already been
prepared for this result.
Cui Buqu gives a slightly angry yet controlled panic, and in Fo Er’s eyes, this verified Fo Er’s predictions of
Feng Xiao.
He thinks that Cui Buqu, Feng Xiao, and Qiao Xian, have already been cornered, with no options left.
Originally, they wanted to show-off all they can, but they did not expect themselves to be forced into
the corner like this.
However, today, Fo Er’s shaming of them would not stop here, it is time he gets onto the field himself.
As he thinks of this, Fo Er rises to his feet and casts a look at Feng Xiao, saying, “I, Fo Er, wishes for a
match with Lord Feng.”
He squints his eyes as he looks at Feng Xiao.
In the two times they have fought, he wasn’t able to kill him, so today, in the eyes of public, he wants
Feng Xiao to die compliantly.
Fo Er puts all his focus onto Feng Xiao, completely ignoring everything that Cui Buqu has said.
But Feng Xiao, however, hears it.
Cui Buqu says, “Qiao Xian and I have went through much to build up this scenario for you, so please,
Commander Feng, be mindful not to waste it.”
Feng Xiao smiles, “Are you so heartless to treat a wounded soldier as such?”
Cui Buqu says nothing more, but on his face, the message is clear on every feature, staring back at him:
Yes. His heart is made of steel.
Author’s Notes:
A short scene of Wushuang characters as animals that is unrelated to the story:
Fox Cui Buqu is digging a pit, and Tiger Feng Xiao is next to him lying in wait for the prey, Rabbit Qiao
Xian is responsible for luring the hunter.
Then, Fo Er is lured.
Tomorrow I will finish writing the competition. There is something very important in this arc, but at the
present, our readers will not discover it yet ~~
Chapter 75 – You Are Not The Only One In This World Who Knows How To Play Dirty
Cui Buqu’s heart is made of steel. Feng Xiao sighs lightly, showing a look as if he’s helpless towards Cui
Buqu, before walking towards Fo Er.
His footsteps are very slow, practically enough for one to think that he is hesitating.
However, Fo Er does not rush him, in fact, he patiently waits for Feng Xiao to stop almost three meters
away from him.
“Commander Feng, are you injured?” Fo Er asks after him in concern.
“No.” Feng Xiao’s calmness, from the way Fo Er sees it, is a complete pretend.
Fo Er smiles slightly, “If Commander Feng feels himself inadequate, I can let you take three moves in
Feng Xiao, “Thanks!”
Fo Er: ……
He would never imagine that Feng Xiao would take the chance so quickly, so Fo Er stares at him for a
moment only to see his opponent returning him with an innocent look.
He is a young man who holds the title of Commander of the Jiejian Bureau, as well as a top martial artist,
should he not be proud, stuck-up, and full of pride?
But Feng Xiao not only did not proudly decline his offer, he has instead accepted it very quickly with not
even a lick of hesitation.
Fo Er suddenly feels that he regrets offering.
But since his words have been spoken, he could not take them back and could only beckons with a hand.
“Then, come at me.”
Feng Xiao unapologetically leaps into the air like a crane extending its wings with a proudness that
ripples waters, and charges at Fo Er with a speed as quick as lightning.
Something strikes in Fo Er’s heart, and he instinctively wants to deliver a deflecting attack, but suddenly
he recalls that he promised to let Feng Xiao take three moves in advance, so he turns his move from
offensive to be on the defensive, sliding to the side to avoid it instead.
However, Feng Xiao is like a shadow that stick fast to him and refuses to detach. No matter where Fo Er
leaps to, Feng Xiao follows suit, yet that isn’t the only thing, for the wind that follows his moves also
followed after him.
Fo Er loathes himself for those words he says in public, and that he had to hold back from using any of
his moves, but after he watches Feng Xiao conduct two moves, very quickly he notices that actually,
Feng Xiao never needed those three moves in advance.
At this moment, it is only the second move, yet Fo Er suddenly feels that since he did not come here just
for a spar, and that the audience might not be able to see how many moves have been made, he
suddenly turns into an offensive stance and shoots put a palm aiming for Feng Xiao’s right shoulder!
Feng Xiao narrowly turns his body sideways to avoid it, before raising another foot into the air, blocking
his opponent’s attack.
“Did you not promise to let me have three moves in advance? Why after two moves, you failed to
refrain yourself?” He laughs.
“I fear Commander Feng has recalled loudly!” Fo Er snickers, not slowing down his attack.
Originally, his martial arts already possess incredible foundation, but at this moment, it is even more sly
and crafty than before. Encircling Feng Xiao continuously, he promptly finds a weak spot to attack,
intending to take Feng Xiao’s life with a single blow. However, Feng Xiao’s reflexes are incredibly fast, he
rises from his left, and move from his right, ascending into the air, not allowing Fo Er to have that
When a martial artist achieves their sort of level, it is fine if they do not spar at all, but once they do, it
would not be something like the match today where one chases and the other hides. From the eyes of
the audience, Feng Xiao’s moves would appear light and unexciting to them, as if he isn’t truly fighting
seriously at all, but for Fo Er’s this is the behaviours of someone wounded and could not fight with his
full strength.
But there is effort required even if one is to hide, and everyone has the moment when they depletes
themselves of their stamina. And so, Fo Er is not in a hurry.
However, the Second Prince is very impatient.
Because of his shame yesterday, he hated Feng Xiao and his people. If they had been ordinary people
from the Central Plains, then the Second Prince would have already cut their heads down to feed to the
wolves. However, he could not win against Qiao Xian, so let alone Feng Xiao. Because of their identities,
he could not do anything to them at the moment, so he has been keeping this burning flame in his heart.
Just now when Fo Er and Feng Xiao score a draw in the archery competition, the Second Prince finds
that he is not satisfied. He wishes for Fo Er to kill Feng Xiao with a single blow. Because if that
succeeded, then the remaining two people of the Sui Empire’s representatives are only a sickly fool and
a woman, so they would not pose any threat. Let alone the fact that all the neighbouring kingdoms
would lose confidence in the Sui Empire, but even Khan Apa would also announce his alliance to side
with Khan Ishbara on the spot, no longer would he consider to ally with the Sui Empire. That woman Jin
Lian would never dare to speak again. After these people fall from grace and power, the Second Prince
could do anything he wishes with them, whether he wants to slaughter or skin them alive.
He stares at the two people in battle and their shadows with both eyes practically exuding fire. He could
not help but wishes that his fire would materialize into a forest fire and burn down all the disgusting
people from the Central Plains.
Fo Er’s eyebrows furrow after he hits thin air for the third time.
In the past ten moves, Feng Xiao has been hiding and avoiding him, and very seldom he attacks.
However, there seems to be no strategy behind them, as if Feng Xiao simply just coincidentally manages
to avoid all his moves.
Why is he not attacking?
The more he is like this, the more Fo Er wants to force him to attack. His palm came, like the rolling of
waves and thunder, rising up in a huge force, wanting to tear open Feng Xiao’s mask and force him to
stop avoiding him, forcing him to battle with him face-to-face.
The palms of both men connects, and their inner strength clashes against one another like two
mountains colliding into each other. At that moment, the earth crumbles and the waters rippled
violently. Fo Er feels a trace of pain spreads from his palm, then he realizes something.
All his moves are aimed towards the spot on Feng Xiao where he thought he was injured, but, what if he
isn’t injured at all?
He has fought twice with Feng Xiao, so naturally he knows that he is slightly under Feng Xiao when it
comes to skills, however, Fo Er refuses to acknowledge this fact. He is the well-respected number one
fighter of Göktürk, even in the Central Plains, rarely can he find any worthy rivals. If Feng Xiao is injured,
then there is no stronger or weaker between them, only opponents that are around the same level.
Yesterday, a strange incident happened. Today, Feng Xiao’s unnatural grip on the bow does not look
pretended to him. When Feng Xiao behaves like this, Fo Er does not have complete confidence in taking
him down.
As both of them finishes that move, they spilt apart and drops from the air lightly.
Something rolls down Fo Er’s sleeve, and suddenly a small little golden object appears in his hand.
The small golden object is originally just the size of a finger, but when Fo Er turns his wrist slightly, the
golden Vajra becomes a little longer. In the end, it is as long as a person’s arm, and with such an object
in his hand, Fo Er charges against Feng Xiao!
There are thousands of strange weapons in the world. Most people enjoy using knives and swords, but
there are some who are exceptions. Feng Xiao likes to use a zither, for the music of the zither could
injure his enemies, and the zither itself could be used to hit his enemies. Right now, however, Feng Xiao
did not bring a zither with him, and not only did he not bring a zither, but he did not even have any sort
of weapons on him.
In the face of an opponent with a golden Vajra, he only has two choices: to engage in battle, or to avoid
it to save himself.
Fo Er estimates that his opponent would choose to avoid it, so he’s sealing all Feng Xiao’s exit routes,
not allowing his opponent to escape, so that he is forced to engage in battle.
Feng Xiao inhales a breathe of air, before pulling himself slightly higher, as if he wants to catch the
golden Vajra with his bare hand.
But that would be no use.
Fo Er laughs a silent and cold laugh, because his fatal attack is not on the golden Vajra, but it is on—
His other hand!
Following the golden Vajdra falling into Feng Xiao’s hand, Fo Er’s attack also hits the fatal spot on Feng
Xiao’s chest.
This move is infused with a hundred percent of his strength, so even if Feng Xiao is not injured, he is
distracted by the golden Vajdra, so naturally it is impossible for him to block this incoming attack as well.
“Why are you so sure that I am injured?”
A light-hearted voice floats into Fo Er’s ear.
In the next minute, Fo Er discovers that his golden Vajdra hits thin air, and that his palm feels as if it has
hit a sheet of cotton, his strength completely absorbed.
“I have been waiting for the moment you would unleash all your strength.” Feng Xiao says, “Your
patience has improved since the City of Six Crafts, but—“
Fo Er suddenly feels that something is not right, so he immediately retreats, but it is too late.
Because Feng Xiao’s speed has increased compared to when he was avoiding his attacks. As Feng Xiao
stops next to him, he slams a palm into Fo Er’s shoulder blade. With his other hand holding a sword, he
pierces it into Fo Er’s back.
When top martial artist battles, no one is permitted to blink. Fo Er vomits a mouthful of blood, but he
did not hesitate moving forward, wanting to relieve himself of the sword Feng Xiao pierced into his back.
His reflexes are quick, but Feng Xiao could guess what he intends to do, so he quickly flips his wrist and
the sword thrusts even further. His other hand relents Fo Er’s shoulder, but it quickly seals a few
meridians on Fo Er’s neck and head.
Another mouthful of blood!
Fo Er finally loses all control over himself, and his body slumps to the ground.
All but his eyes, opening wide and glaring at Feng Xiao, his fury and anger refusing to leave his eyes.
Feng Xiao moves his arms a little and finds that just now, the cost he gave to catch the other’s Vajdra is
not a little amount. Not only is his arm broken by the Vajdra, but he feels that some of his tendons might
have also been broken, and there might even be some internal bleeding.
But to exchange such little wounds for Fo Er’s life, in his eyes, this is a worthy trade.
“You did not guess wrong. I am injured.” He kneels and tells Fo Er, who is holding his last breathe,
“However, it is impossible that you are oblivious of a specific mind cultivation method called ‘Meridians
Sealing’ that could temporarily seal wounded meridians to enhance my full potential. Although it has a
few side effects, but to suffer those side effects in exchange for your life, to me, is worth it.”
“In fact,” Feng Xiao picks up the golden Vajdra next to his feet and tosses it behind his back as if he’s
tossing trash, “You thought that only you have a hidden weapon with you? Of all the people who plays
dirty tricks in the world, you are not the only one. Once you reach Hell, you can tell the Judge of Hell to
not let you run into me in your next life. O, I also forget, you Göktürk people do not have the concept of
the Judge of Hell, so you can be a wandering ghost, number one fighter of Göktürk.”
In the last few sentences, he could not help but places heavy emphasis.
Fo Er opens his mouth, as if he wants to say something, but fresh blood could not stop spilling from the
corner of his lips. He could not say what he wanted, and finally his body stops moving. In the end, he
was suffocated to death by Feng Xiao.
All around them is silence.
For the death of a dignified number one fighter of Göktürk to end in such a way, everyone is so shocked
that they could not speak.
Only the time of one joss stick ago, everyone has thought that the one who would die would be Feng
The Second Prince freezes with a bundle of grapes in his hand, staring with his mouth and eyes wide, his
hand pausing in the air, as if he’s a mere puppet.
At this moment, Feng Xiao turns around to give him a smile.
Fo Er’s Vice Commander shouts loudly and rushes towards Feng Xiao.
In the next moment, fresh blood flies into the air three feet away, and following it is the corpse of the
Vice Commander, finally landing on the grass.
Both Khan Ishbara’s ambassadors, one of them even a top martial artist, were killed just like that?
The Second Prince’s hand shivers, and when he looks at Fo Er’s unblinking stare once more, he could not
help feeling an urge to run behind Khan Apa to hide.
Author’s Note:
Feng Xiao: Am I awesome?
Chapter 76 – Stop Using This Trick On Me!
Time stops for a moment all around.
Everyone, including Khan Apa, could only watch as Feng Xiao uses the cloth on Fo Er’s body to wipe off
the blood on the sword, before putting the sword back into his waist and walks towards the Second
“Don’t come closer! I’m warning you, if you take another step forward, I will kill you! Men! Help me!” He
does not care about the fact that the other does not understand a word of it, he simply pours all these
words out as if he’s shouting pointlessly.
When he watches the other walking closer to him with each other, the Second Prince becomes afraid for
real. He abandons all thoughts and immediately climbs behind Khan Apa, looking back at Feng Xiao with
a face filled with fear and wariness.
Göktürk soldiers moves forward with knives, warning Feng Xiao not to take another step, and the latter
really did heed their advice and stops walking. He raises a hand, and in it, holds a round grape.
“I only want to return this grape to you.” Feng Xiao says innocently, “Since you do not want it, I will
simply take care of it.”
As he says, he closes this thumb and index finger, pinching the grape until it explodes. The grape turns
into a splattering mess and falls down, before it is blown away by the wind.
The Second Prince shivers even more.
Khan Apa rises to his feet, his face looks stern and expressionless.
He puts away the Kucha concubine’s hand that was on his lap, as he also leaves the table that is filled
with delicious and exquisite dishes, walking towards Feng Xiao.
The Second Prince who is hiding behind him refuses to be exposed like that, so he immediately panics
and searches everywhere for 