Pre-requisite of Blockchain Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) using Modern JavaScript (ES6 onwards) ———————————————————————— Variables & Datatype: Create Variables Numbers, Strings Logical & Operators Precedence Ternary Operator null and undefined Objects … and more Conditional & Looping: If Statement Switch Statement For Statement while do Statement do while Statement Classes: Classes - basic syntax Setters and Getters Static Methods Sub classes and prototypal inheritance (extends and super) Functions: Making Custom Function Pass 'by value' vs 'by reference' Return values First class functions Built-in JS Functions Destructuring - Functions Functions - Default Parameter Values Functions - Rest Parameters Spread Operator Object Literals … and more The DOM Understand the DOM: Access DOM elements Change DOM elements Remove DOM elements Event Handling like: keys, focus, preventDefault Single Threaded Javascript … and more Array: Template Literals Arrow Functions - 'this' Lexical Scope Destructuring - Arrays Destructuring - Objects Map for...of .from() .of() and .fill() .find() and .findIndex() … and more Objects: Constructors - 'new' keyword 'this' Prototype String Object Methods Date Object Methods Math Object Methods JSON Array Object Array methods: filtering, slicing, etc. Loop through Arrays using forEach … and more Objects (Encapsulation & Data Hiding): Why would you hide information? Use closures to hide properties and methods Create private static properties and methods … and more Promise & Async-Await: what it means to be async How Asynchronous Callbacks Actually Work Callbacks Welcome to Callback Hell What is a promise Promise Syntax and Breakdown Promise.all Chaining Promises …and more Making HTTP Request: JSON A Better Way: Fetch! Chaining Fetch Requests An Even Better Way: Axios Sequential Axios Requests … and more ——————————————————— Data Structure & Algorithms using JavaScript: Hashing Intro to Hash Functions Writing Our First Hash Function Hash Table Keys and Values Hash Table Big O Complexity … and more Stack & Queue Intro to Stacks Creating a Stack with an Array BIG O of Stacks Intro to Queues Creating Queues Using Arrays BIG O of Queues Linked List Intro to Singly Linked Lists Singly Linked List: Insert Singly Linked List: Remove Singly Linked List: Reverse Singly Linked List: BIG O Complexity Double Linked List DLL push DLL- remove DLL get DLL reverse Tree Traversal Intro To Tree Traversal PreOder, InOrder, PostOrder Breadth First Search Depth First Search … and more ____________________________ React.js: What is React and features JavaScript DOM- Difference between Real DOM and Virtual Dom File Folder structure of React Project setup and first application Editing the first application React building block: Component Type of Components: Class & Function Components Data Interaction: State and Props Template Engine: JSX GUI Layout: React MUI Navigation: Routes & Router Module Route Protection: Type of routing Data exchange: useParams Optimization: Lazy loading Hooks handlinguseState , useEffect, useMemo, memo, useNavigate, useContext, useReducer, useRef, useCallback , Custom hooks Accessing REST API (GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE)fetch() Dependency- axios ______________________________________________________________________ _________