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Statistical Methods Outline: T-tests, ANOVA, Regression

1. “z-test” versus “t-test”
2. Two sample t-test: Independent samples
▪ Equal variance
▪ Unequal variance
3. Paired t-test: Dependent samples
1. Understanding ANOVA
2. Manually filling missing parts in the ANOVA table
3. Interpreting the results.
4. Post-Hoc analysis (Tukey’s HSD)
Linear regression:
1. Distinguish between deterministic and probabilistic relations.
2. Understand the concepts of correlation and regression.
3. Be able to fit linear models.
4. Understand the method of least squares.
5. Interpret regression coefficients.
6. Assumptions of Linear Regression
7. R Squared and Adjusted R Squared
8. F-test for model significance
9. T-test for parameter significance
Logistic regression:
1. Odds Ratio
2. Simple Logistic (Logit) Regression
3. Multiple Logistic (Logit) Regression
Intro to Machine Learning:
1. Machine Learning Definition
2. Evaluation of the Logit Models:
•Train and Test Datasets
•Confusion Matrix:
1. Key concepts
2. NN vs kNN
3. Steps of kNN model creation, testing, and evaluation
Let's break down each point briefly:
1. Z-test vs. t-test:
o Z-test: This test is used when the population standard deviation is
known and the sample size is large (typically above 30). It's used to
determine whether the mean of a sample is significantly different
from a known population mean.
o T-test: T-tests are used when the population standard deviation is
unknown or when the sample size is small (typically below 30). There
are two main types: one-sample t-test, independent samples t-test,
and paired samples t-test. T-tests are used to determine if there is a
significant difference between the means of two groups.
2. Two-sample t-test: Independent samples:
o Equal variance: This is used when the variances of the two groups
being compared are assumed to be equal. It's also known as the
pooled t-test.
o Unequal variance: This is used when the variances of the two groups
being compared are assumed to be unequal. It's also known as the
Welch's t-test.
3. Paired t-test: Dependent samples:
o This test is used when you have two sets of data that are related in
some way. For example, the same group of individuals measured
before and after an intervention. The paired t-test assesses whether
the means of these paired observations differ significantly.
In summary, t-tests are used to compare means of two groups, whereas z-tests are
used for large samples with known population standard deviations. Two-sample ttests are used for comparing means of independent groups, and paired t-tests are
used for comparing means of dependent or related groups.
Let's simplify it:
1. Z-test vs. t-test:
o Imagine you have two groups of toys. If you have lots of toys in each
group and you already know how much they usually vary, you use a
special ruler called a Z-test. But if you have only a few toys in each
group or you're not sure how much they usually vary, you use
another ruler called a t-test.
2. Two-sample t-test: Independent samples:
o Let's say you have two boxes of cookies. If you think both boxes have
the same number of cookies and the cookies are usually the same
size, you use one kind of test. But if you think the boxes might have
different numbers of cookies or the cookies might be different sizes,
you use a different test.
3. Paired t-test: Dependent samples:
o Imagine you have a sock and a shoe. They're related because they go
together. Similarly, if you have measurements from before and after
doing something (like measuring how fast you can run before and
after practicing), they're related. A paired t-test helps you figure out if
there's a difference between the "before" and "after" measurements.
1. Understanding ANOVA (Analysis of Variance): ANOVA is a statistical
method used to analyze the differences among group means in a sample. It
assesses whether the means of different groups are statistically significantly
different from each other. It does this by partitioning the total variance
observed in the data into different sources: variation within groups and
variation between groups.
2. Manually filling missing parts in the ANOVA table: The ANOVA table
typically includes various components such as sum of squares, degrees of
freedom, mean squares, and F-statistics. When conducting ANOVA, it's
crucial to fill in these components accurately to interpret the results
correctly. Manually filling missing parts in the ANOVA table refers to
calculating these components using formulas based on the data provided.
3. Interpreting the results: Interpreting the results of ANOVA involves
examining the F-statistic and associated p-value. A significant p-value
suggests that at least one group mean is significantly different from the
others. However, ANOVA does not indicate which specific groups differ.
Hence, post-hoc tests like Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test
are often conducted to determine pairwise differences between groups.
4. Post-Hoc analysis (Tukey’s HSD): After finding a significant result in ANOVA,
post-hoc tests like Tukey’s HSD are conducted to identify which specific
groups differ from each other. Tukey’s HSD calculates a critical value that
indicates the minimum difference needed between group means for them
to be considered statistically significantly different. If the difference
between two group means exceeds this critical value, then those groups are
considered significantly different.
In summary, ANOVA helps determine if there are differences among group means,
and post-hoc tests like Tukey’s HSD help identify which specific groups differ from
each other.
Let's break it down:
1. Understanding ANOVA: Imagine you have three different colored boxes of
candies: red, blue, and green. ANOVA helps us figure out if there's a big
difference in how many candies are in each box. So, if we want to know if
one type of candy box has more candies than the others, ANOVA helps us
find that out.
2. Manually filling missing parts in the ANOVA table: Think of it like putting
together a puzzle. Sometimes, we might not have all the pieces to complete
the puzzle, but we can use some math to figure out what those missing
pieces should be. Similarly, in ANOVA, we might have to do some math to
find out important information about the candies, like how much candy is in
each box.
3. Interpreting the results: Once we've done all the math and figured out how
many candies are in each box, we need to understand what it means.
Imagine you have a big jar of mixed candies, and you want to know if one
type of candy is more common than the others. ANOVA helps us decide if
there's a big difference in the number of candies of each type. If there is, it
means one type of candy is more common than the others.
4. Post-Hoc analysis (Tukey’s HSD): After we've figured out if there's a big
difference in candy amounts, we might want to know which specific type of
candy is different from the rest. This is where Tukey’s HSD comes in. It's like
when you have a bunch of friends, and you want to find out who's the
fastest runner. Tukey’s HSD helps us compare each friend's speed to see
who's the fastest and who's not. So, ANOVA helps us figure out if there's a
difference in candy amounts, and Tukey’s HSD helps us figure out which
type of candy is different from the rest.
Linear regression:
Here's a brief explanation of each of the points you mentioned:
1. Deterministic vs. Probabilistic Relations:
o Deterministic relations are ones where the relationship between
variables is fixed and predictable, meaning that if you know the input,
you can predict the output with certainty.
o Probabilistic relations, on the other hand, involve uncertainty. Even if
you know the input, you can only predict the output with a certain
2. Correlation and Regression:
o Correlation measures the strength and direction of the linear
relationship between two variables. It ranges from -1 to 1, where 1
indicates a perfect positive correlation, -1 indicates a perfect negative
correlation, and 0 indicates no correlation.
o Regression involves predicting one variable (dependent variable)
based on the values of one or more other variables (independent
3. Fitting Linear Models:
o Fitting linear models involves finding the best-fitting line that
represents the relationship between variables. For simple linear
regression, this line is a straight line, while for multiple linear
regression, it's a plane or hyperplane.
4. Method of Least Squares:
o The method of least squares is a technique used to estimate the
parameters of a mathematical model in such a way that it minimizes
the sum of the squared differences between the observed and
predicted values.
5. Interpreting Regression Coefficients:
o Regression coefficients represent the change in the dependent
variable for a one-unit change in the independent variable, holding all
other variables constant.
6. Assumptions of Linear Regression:
o Assumptions include linearity, independence of errors,
homoscedasticity (constant variance of errors), normality of errors,
and absence of multicollinearity.
7. R Squared and Adjusted R Squared:
R-squared measures the proportion of the variance in the dependent
variable that is predictable from the independent variables.
o Adjusted R-squared is a modified version of R-squared that adjusts
for the number of predictors in the model.
8. F-test for Model Significance:
o The F-test assesses the overall significance of the regression model by
comparing the fit of the intercept-only model with the fit of the full
9. T-test for Parameter Significance:
o The t-test evaluates the significance of individual regression
coefficients by testing whether they are significantly different from
zero. It assesses whether the independent variable has a significant
effect on the dependent variable.
Understanding these concepts is fundamental in statistical analysis, particularly in
regression analysis and predictive modeling.
Let's break it down:
1. Deterministic vs. Probabilistic Relations:
o Deterministic: Imagine playing with building blocks. If you put one
block on top of another, you always know exactly how high it will be.
o Probabilistic: Think about playing with a spinning top. Sometimes it
spins fast, sometimes slow. You can't always predict exactly how it
will spin.
2. Correlation and Regression:
o Correlation: It's like saying when you have lots of teddy bears, you
tend to have lots of toys. If you have more teddy bears, you probably
have more toys overall.
o Regression: Imagine guessing how tall you'll be when you grow up
based on how tall your parents are. If your parents are very tall, you
might guess you'll be tall too.
3. Fitting Linear Models:
o It's like drawing the best straight line through points on a graph. You
want the line to be as close as possible to all the dots.
4. Method of Least Squares:
Pretend you're playing darts. You want to throw your dart as close as
possible to the bullseye. The method of least squares helps you figure
out where to aim to get as close as possible.
5. Interpreting Regression Coefficients:
o Imagine baking cookies. If you add more chocolate chips, the cookies
become more chocolaty. Regression coefficients tell you how much
one thing affects another.
6. Assumptions of Linear Regression:
o It's like making sure you have all the right ingredients to bake cookies.
Linear regression needs certain things to work properly, like having all
the right ingredients for cookies.
7. R Squared and Adjusted R Squared:
o R-squared is like saying how much of the recipe you got right.
Adjusted R-squared is like a better version of R-squared that gives you
a more accurate idea.
8. F-test for Model Significance:
o It's like checking if you followed the recipe correctly by comparing
your cookies to someone else's. The F-test tells you if your recipe is
9. T-test for Parameter Significance:
o Pretend you and your friend each baked cookies. The T-test helps you
figure out if adding extra chocolate chips really made your cookies
better than your friend's.
Logistic regression:
Here's a brief explanation of each:
1. Odds Ratio: The odds ratio is a measure used in statistics to quantify the
strength of association between two events. It represents the odds of an
event happening compared to the odds of it not happening.
Mathematically, it's the ratio of the odds of an event in one group to the
odds of the same event in another group. It is commonly used in
epidemiology, medicine, and social sciences to assess the likelihood of an
outcome occurring given a particular exposure or characteristic.
2. Simple Logistic (Logit) Regression: Simple logistic regression is a statistical
method used to model the relationship between a binary outcome variable
and one or more predictor variables. The outcome variable is binary,
meaning it has only two possible outcomes (e.g., yes/no, success/failure).
Logistic regression models the probability that the outcome variable
belongs to a particular category as a function of the predictor variables. The
logistic regression model uses the logistic function (also called the sigmoid
function) to map the linear combination of predictor variables to a
probability between 0 and 1.
3. Multiple Logistic (Logit) Regression: Multiple logistic regression extends the
simple logistic regression by allowing for multiple predictor variables to be
included in the model simultaneously. Similar to simple logistic regression,
it models the probability of the binary outcome variable based on the
values of the predictor variables. Each predictor variable has an associated
coefficient that represents the change in the log-odds of the outcome for a
one-unit change in the predictor variable, holding other variables constant.
Multiple logistic regression is useful when there are multiple factors that
may influence the outcome variable and we want to assess their combined
effect on the probability of the outcome occurring.
Let's simplify it:
1. Odds Ratio: Imagine you have two groups of toys, one group with red cars
and another group with blue cars. The odds ratio tells you how many times
more likely it is for a red car to win a race compared to a blue car. If the
odds ratio is 2, it means red cars are twice as likely to win as blue cars.
2. Simple Logistic (Logit) Regression: Think of trying to guess whether your
friend will eat chocolate cake based on how many hours they played
outside. Simple logistic regression helps you figure out the chances of your
friend eating cake or not, just by knowing how long they played outside. It's
like a magic formula that helps you make a good guess.
3. Multiple Logistic (Logit) Regression: Now, imagine you have more clues to
guess if your friend will eat cake. Maybe you also know if they had dinner or
not, and how much they like sweets. Multiple logistic regression helps you
use all these clues together to make an even better guess about whether
your friend will eat cake or not. It's like having a big puzzle where you put all
the pieces together to find the answer.
Intro to Machine Learning:
Let's break it down:
1. Machine Learning Definition: Machine learning is a subset of artificial
intelligence (AI) that involves the development of algorithms and statistical
models that enable computers to learn and make predictions or decisions
without being explicitly programmed. Instead, machine learning algorithms
learn from data, identifying patterns and making decisions based on those
2. Evaluation of Logit Models:
o Train and Test Datasets: In machine learning, it's common to split the
available data into two sets: a training set and a test set. The training
set is used to train the model, while the test set is used to evaluate its
o Confusion Matrix: A confusion matrix is a table that is often used to
describe the performance of a classification model on a set of test
data for which the true values are known. It helps visualize the
performance of an algorithm.
o Accuracy: Accuracy measures the proportion of correctly classified
instances out of all the instances in the test dataset. It's a simple
metric but can be misleading if the dataset is imbalanced.
o Sensitivity (True Positive Rate): Sensitivity, also known as the true
positive rate or recall, measures the proportion of actual positive
cases that were correctly identified by the model.
o Specificity (True Negative Rate): Specificity measures the proportion
of actual negative cases that were correctly identified by the model.
o Precision: Precision measures the proportion of true positive
predictions out of all positive predictions made by the model. It helps
to understand the model's ability to avoid false positives.
In summary, when evaluating logit models (or any classification models), it's
important to split the data into training and test sets, utilize metrics like accuracy,
sensitivity, specificity, and precision to assess the model's performance, and
understand the confusion matrix to gain insights into its predictions.
Alright, imagine you have a toy that can learn from examples, just like you learn
from playing with it. Let's call this toy "Mr. Predictor".
1. Machine Learning Definition: Machine learning is like teaching Mr.
Predictor how to do something by showing it examples instead of telling it
exactly what to do. For example, if you want Mr. Predictor to recognize
different colors, you'd show it lots of colorful objects and tell it what each
color is.
2. Evaluation of Logit Models:
o Train and Test Datasets: Imagine you have a set of colorful toys. You
give some of them to Mr. Predictor to practice (training set) and keep
some for testing later (test set).
o Confusion Matrix: This is like a game board where Mr. Predictor
keeps score. It helps us see how well Mr. Predictor is doing.
o Accuracy: This is how good Mr. Predictor is at recognizing colors
overall. If Mr. Predictor gets most of the colors right, he's accurate.
o Sensitivity (True Positive Rate): This tells us how good Mr. Predictor
is at finding something when it's there. For example, how good he is
at finding all the blue toys when we ask him.
o Specificity (True Negative Rate): This tells us how good Mr. Predictor
is at knowing when something is not there. For example, how good
he is at knowing that a toy isn't blue when it really isn't.
o Precision: This tells us how careful Mr. Predictor is when he says
something is a certain color. If he says something is blue, but it's
actually green, he's not very precise.
So, we use these things to see how well Mr. Predictor is learning and how good he
is at recognizing colors correctly.
1. Key Concepts:
o Machine Learning: The field of study that gives computers the ability
to learn without being explicitly programmed. It focuses on the
development of algorithms that can teach themselves to grow and
change when exposed to new data.
o Supervised Learning: A type of machine learning where the
algorithm learns from labeled data, meaning each example in the
dataset is associated with an output label.
o k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN): A simple and intuitive supervised
learning algorithm used for classification and regression tasks. It
classifies new data points based on the majority class of their nearest
neighbors in the feature space.
2. NN vs kNN:
o Neural Networks (NN): Neural networks are a class of algorithms
inspired by the structure and functioning of the human brain. They
consist of interconnected nodes (neurons) organized in layers. NNs
are highly flexible and can model complex patterns in data, often
used for tasks like image recognition, natural language processing,
and predictive modeling.
o k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN): kNN, on the other hand, is a simpler
algorithm compared to neural networks. It classifies new data points
based on the majority class of their k nearest neighbors in the feature
space. It's non-parametric and instance-based, meaning it doesn't
explicitly learn a model; instead, it memorizes the training data and
uses it for prediction.
3. Steps of kNN Model Creation, Testing, and Evaluation:
o Model Creation:
1. Data Collection: Gather labeled training data where each
example is associated with a class or value.
2. Feature Selection/Extraction: Identify relevant features from
the data that will be used to determine the similarity between
3. Choosing k: Decide on the value of k, the number of nearest
neighbors to consider for classification/regression.
4. Training: In kNN, there's no explicit training phase since the
model simply memorizes the training data.
o Testing:
1. Data Preprocessing: Prepare the test data in the same format
as the training data.
2. Prediction: For each instance in the test set, find the k nearest
neighbors from the training data and determine the class/value
based on the majority vote/average of those neighbors.
o Evaluation:
1. Accuracy: Measure the accuracy of the model by comparing
the predicted labels/values to the actual ones in the test set.
2. Cross-Validation: To ensure the model's generalization ability,
perform techniques like k-fold cross-validation, where the data
is split into k subsets, and the model is trained and tested k
times, rotating through each subset as the test set.
3. Performance Metrics: Besides accuracy, other metrics like
precision, recall, F1-score, or mean squared error (for
regression tasks) can be used to evaluate the performance of
the kNN model.
Let's break it down:
1. Key Concepts:
o Machine Learning: It's like teaching a computer to figure things out
by itself when it sees examples.
o Supervised Learning: It's when we teach the computer by showing it
examples and telling it what they are.
o k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN): Imagine you have a bunch of toys, and
you want to put them away. You look at where each toy is similar to
other toys you've already put away, and then you decide where the
new toy should go based on where its similar friends are.
2. NN vs kNN:
o Neural Networks (NN): These are like big, complex machines that
learn from many examples, just like how you learn from seeing many
pictures of animals.
o k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN): This is like asking your friends for help
when you're not sure about something. You look at what your friends
think, and then you decide based on what most of them say.
3. Steps of kNN Model Creation, Testing, and Evaluation:
Model Creation:
 Data Collection: You gather all your toys and put them in
different groups.
 Feature Selection/Extraction: You decide what makes each toy
special and put them in groups based on those things.
 Choosing k: You decide how many friends you'll ask for help
when you're not sure where a new toy should go.
 Training: You don't really teach the computer in kNN, you just
let it remember where you put all the toys.
 Data Preprocessing: You get a new toy and look at what group
it might belong to based on what it looks like.
 Prediction: You ask your friends who are closest to the new toy
where it should go, based on where they are.
 Accuracy: You check to see how often your friends were right
about where the new toys should go.
 Cross-Validation: Sometimes you play a game where you ask
different friends each time to make sure they all agree on
where the new toys should go.
 Performance Metrics: You might also check other things like
how sure your friends were about where to put the new toys.