American Computer Science League 2018-2019 Contest #2 INTERMEDIATE DIVISION 考号/Exam Code:______________ 姓名/Name:_______________ 学校/School:__________________________ 1. Pre/Post/Infix Notation 1. Evaluate this prefix expression where the numbers are single digits: +−/+243/−912//*83*62↑1−41 2. Pre/Post/Infix Notation 2. Convert this infix expression to postfix. 𝐴(𝐵+𝐶) 2 − 3𝐴+4 𝐴−𝐶 3. Bit-String Flicking 3. Evaluate the following: (RCIRC-2 (LSHIFT-1 (LCIRC-1 (RSHIFT-2 (NOT 10100))))) 4. Bit-String Flicking 4. Solve for X (5-bit string): (LCIRC-2 X) OR (RSHIFT-2 01010) = (NOT 00000) AND X 5. LISP Evaluate the following expression: (ADD (SUB 4 1) (EXP 2 4) (MULT 3 5) (MULT (EXP 3 2) (SUB 2 4))) 5. American Computer Science League 2018-2019 Contest #2 INTERMEDIATE DIVISION 考号/Exam Code:______________ 姓名/Name:_______________ 学校/School:__________________________ 1. Pre/Post/Infix Notation 1. 当每个数字是单个数字时,计算下述前缀表达式的值: +−/+243/−912//*83*62↑1−41 2. Pre/Post/Infix Notation 2. 将下述中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式: 𝐴(𝐵 + 𝐶) 3𝐴 + 4 − 2 𝐴−𝐶 3. Bit-String Flicking 3. 计算下式的值: (RCIRC-2 (LSHIFT-1 (LCIRC-1 (RSHIFT-2 (NOT 10100))))) 4. Bit-String Flicking 4. 求解 X(5 位字符串): (LCIRC-2 X) OR (RSHIFT-2 01010) = (NOT 00000) AND X 5. LISP 计算下述表达式的值: (ADD (SUB 4 1) (EXP 2 4) (MULT 3 5) (MULT (EXP 3 2) (SUB 2 4))) 5.