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G6 Music Final Exam: Semester I

SY ‘23-24 G6 Music Final Exam SEMESTER I
Name: _______________________________ Class: ______
Instructions: Answer each question carefully, write neatly, review your answers before
submitting your exam. Good luck!
Music Literacy
1. Label the notes on the treble clef, recall our tricks to remembering the lines and spaces.
(our trick to remembering them does not apply to the first and last notes!)
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2. Label the notes of this melody:
3. Write the names of notes and rests next to the correct type in this melody. You must identify:
- Half note
- Eighth note
- Quarter notes
- Quarter rest
Short Response
1. Explain in your own words why it is important for musicians to be authentic. Use an
example that we learned about from music class or another example from outside of
2. Provide a brief description of who Koji Kondo is and why he is considered a significant
person in popular culture. Use examples of his contributions and impact, especially in
the context of video game music.
III. Music Terms Matching
Directions: Write the correct letter in the box that matches with the term.
1. Rehearsal marker / 排练标记
4. Pitch / 音调
2. Measure/bar / 小节/小節
5. Rest / 休止符
3. Rhythm / 节奏