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Applied Linear Algebra Course Syllabus

Applied Linear Algebra, MATH-232 D100
Fatemeh P. A. Beik
Spring 2024
Welcome to Applied Linear Algebra MATH 232!
Hello Math 232 Students,
Welcome to Math 232!
In this course you will be familiar with an interesting sub–field of mathematics. The course provides you with an understanding of multi-dimensional
objects (vectors and matrices) and some basic operations on them.
Linear Algebra and its aplications in general point of view
Linear algebra is the study of vectors, matrices, and linear transformations
on them. It is a fundamental and powerful tool in many areas such as the
natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, management, and much more.
Technical information
Grading will be based on
Four computing assignments; Six Quizzes
Midterm 1; Midterm 2
Final Exam
Quiz time:
Friday 12:05-12:20, starting from January 19, 2024., make sure to check the
schedule on Canvas.
Getting in touch with the instructor outside office hours:
Please use the discussion board on Canvas instead of e-mail.
Office hours:
Thursday 10:00AM-12:00PM at the Algebra Workshop (AQ4135) starting
from January 18, 2024.
Class notes will be shared with students:
After each lecture, the filled up version of lecture note will be uploaded in
both link 1 and link 2.