FEFSTD-E28/2S 20 AqJst 1991 SUPEI?SEDItG FED-STD-F128/2A 20 April 1984 (seeNote) ● FEDERAL STANDARD SCREW-THREAD STANDARDSFOR FEDERALSERVICES SECTION 2 UHIFIED INCHSCREW TMEADSFORMS UNANDUt14R THREAD ,0 ● This standardwas approvedby the Ckxmnissioner, Federal SupplySsrvice,GeneralServicesAdministration,for the use of al-lEkderalagencies. AMc APEA1’ms m DISTFUW1’ION~ A. -Approvedforpublicrelease; distrikxkionis unlimited. Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. This FederalStadard is issuedin lwsel.eaf form to permit the insertion or removalof new or revisedpages ard sections. All usersof FederalStadards stculdkeep them up to date by inserting revisedor new pages aa issued* removingsu~seded ad canceledpages. w ad revisedpages will be issti tier Change Noticeswhich will be nunberedcmsecutively ad will bear the date of issuance. ChangeNotices shouldbe retainedd filedin frontof tk stadard until such time as they are s~rseded by a reissueof the entirestardard. EtnawmI ,., , This secticnwas develqed b provideUnified Inch Screw Threada br the FederalServices. It Q formxly kmwn as “UnifiedThreadI@rm ad Thread Series for Bolts,.!kretrs, Nuts, Ta~ Boles aM GeneralAppli=tions=. EEWS1’&H28/2Aws a Ca@ete revision of FR%7TWB28/2 dated 31 March 2978. It added the nsiterial previouslyidentifiedas FfD-sTD-H28\3dated 31 March 1978,which was knownas “UnifiedThreadaof SpecialDianeters, Pitches,. ad Lengthsof Engagenx2nt”.&terial franAppmdices A3 ad AS of FED+IWB28 dated 31 March 1978 was revisedad tecaueApprdies A and B, respectively, of FBD-STD-E28/2A. .,,...,, .,,,....:, ,, ,. .,.. .. .... . ,., FSD-51WH28/2Awas preparedby tk CefenseIndustrialSup@y Center ~-IS) and inoxpxated the AmericanNeticnalStardsrdb’ Unitied Inch Screw Threads, WI B1.1-1982. Significzmtchanges fran the previousissuesincltiedthe following : (1) Added UNR, externalthreadform with mandatoryroundedrrnt. (2) Sevisedtolerancerequirementsfor lead and flank angles. (3) Added requirementstir controlof surfacetixture,cknfers, ad rolled threadled-ins ad run-outs. (4) Added requirementthat inspectionmethods for acceptabilityare in aaxmdance witb FER51D-H28/20. ● FED-STWH28/2B incorporatesthe AmericanNationalStandardfor IJnif ied Inch Screw Threads,A.SNZB1.1-1989which superssdsdA!W B1.1-1982and its dated 20 April suPPl~t , At=z B1.1s-1984. It @ates the FEE.S’K)-H28/2A 1984 ad improvesthe legibilityof the tables. ~ndix C was .dded to provideinfonnaticmalxmt tk obsoluteAmrican Naticna3form threads. ii Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-sl’D-H28/2s SETIOW 2 - UnifiedInch Screw ThreadsUW ard UNR ThreadFOrIUS 1- ~ ~is ~tion providesthe standardfor WIified inch ~rew threadsto be used by the FederalServices. 1.1 ,Qm.itations.(My uw ad UWR screw threadsare cmered in this section. Ebr UNl threads (axkrolledexternalthreadrouded root with increasedbasic minor diamter ) see FED-STD-H28/4(MIL-S-8879 ). For UN! threads (miniaturethreada)aee FEO+lD-H28/5. 1.2 Application. 1.2.1 UW form screw threads. The uw threadis intendedfor generalpurpose fastening~~i-G; Its externalthreadroot may be either flator rourikd. 1.2.2 UWR form scrqg i+reads. The UN’Sform a@ies mly to external IS the sa.m as that of the external UN thread except threads. Y&~l~&n that the rcot is requiredto be rourxled.UNR threadsare appliednmt often ‘m high volum annnercialfastenerthreadsproducedby rolling. Nnz: The uardatiryroumiedrcot of the UNR threadgreatlyreduces the wn02ntration of stress,knee increasesthe fatiguelife of threadedpr ta. Referenceddcmnrents. 2. ——. — 2.1 Governxren~uMications. The issuesof * following&amenta in ..— effecton the date of—invitationfor bids or rsquestfor prqosal km a part of this standardto the extent ~cified &rein. Federal ..——-— Stadards. FElE71EH28/1 - Nxrenclatue, Definitionsand Letter Symkmlsfor Screw Threads FED-S’IEE28/6- Gages ti Gaging for UnifiedScrew Threads FED-SlWS28/20- InspectionM?tkds forAcceptabili& of UW, ONR, UNJ, M and Ml Screw-Threads (Activities outsidethe FederalGmernnent my obtaincopies of Federal specifications, stardards,and ccaurercial itemdescriptionsas outlineduriler GeneralInformationin the In5ex of FederalSpecifications, .%an5ards,ad Crammsrcial Item Oescriptions. The Index,which includescumulativebi-nnnthly SU@SIEntS as issued,is for sale on a subscriptionbasisby the Superinten+ ent of Dccunenta,U.S. GovernmentPrintingOffice,Washington,IX 20402. Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FIm-s13H128/2B (Singlempies of this standardand other F&eral specificatims, standards ad cwmercial itemdescriptionsrequiredby activitiesoutsidethe Federal @vernment for biddingp~ses are availablefrcxnthe GeneralServices AdministrationSpecification Section,Ftxxn6654, 7th ard D Streets,S.W., Washington,CC 20407;telepimw?(202)708-9205. ● (FederalC%vermrentactivitiesmay obtainaypiesof F@deralstardardization documnts, ad the Indexof FederalSpecifications, Standards,and (kxnnercial Item Eescripticmsfran-est?bliskldistribution@nts in theiragencies. ) 2.2 Other publicatims. ‘Ills followingdocummts form a part of this starxlard to the extent~ified herein. Unlessa specificissue is identified,the issue in effectm date of invitationfor bids or requestfor propaal shall apply. Ameri- Watimal Standards. ?@E El.1-1989 - Dnified Inch Screw Threads (LIW ad ONR Thread mm) AMI/ASMZ B46.1 - SurfaceTexture- SurfaceFImghneas,wavinessand Lay (A@icatia for rxpiesshouldte a&3ressedto the AmericanSocietyof Wchanical Engineers,UnitedEngineeringCenter,345 Eakt 47th Street, Wew York, WY 10017or the ArericanNatimal StsndsrdsInstitute,H West 42nd Street,Wew York, WY 10036.) 3. Definitions. The terms a~licable to this standardare definedin EEEsm-B2&/l . 4. Generalrequiremnts. 4.1 Screw threads. Unifiedinch screw threadssbal.1@ in ,arxxx&ce with ASMS B1.1-1989ad this FederalStarderd. Qily Stam3ardSeries UnifiedScrew l%rezxls, listedin Table 3A of ASME B1.1-1989,shallbe used for new design for the FederalServicesunlessprior approvalhas been grantedby the prmxreuent autlxxi~ to deviatefrom them. Coxae ad fine threadseriesare preferred. 4.2 AcceptabilityScrew threadinspectionmetl-dsfor acceptability shall lxsin arxxxdancewi~ E’ED-SD+328/20.The requiredgaging systemshallbe specifiedin accordancewith that standard. 4.3 Gaqes ad gaginq. Gages and gaging shall be in accordancewith FE&51D-H28/6. Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. ● 5.1 Diamter~itch mubinations. When standardsize screw threadsreferred to.. in.4.l.canno.t..lz2. used,.. tbe.designez..kcdddd chaos.e+referred.siz=s of.ti’yeads lisl@ in ‘1’@.le 3B of M B1.1-3.989.lf this is,not pssible, onsideration slxxidbe gi.yento the folbi.ng sub-paragraphsin the choi~ of thread. 5.1.1 Preferredrun-standarddiameters. tb?neverpossible,‘& ~ diamter stwuldbe selectedEran seriesof dimretarincrementsas follows: Diauk?ter range First choice increlent Second&sire increumt inch inch inch 0.05 0.1 — .0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.25 to 0.6 stove 0.6 to 1.5 abve 1.5 to 6.0 stove 6 to16 akove16w24 0.25 0.5 1.0 It is rewmrendd that dianetersless than 0.25 inch anform b the standard sizes aa there is virtucdlyno necessityfmr the selectionof a diameternot inclded in * sizes. A.1.eo, i+? ax.rseand fine thread series provide ample choiceof ‘diamstet-pitch ccmbinatkms. 5.1.2 Preferrednrn-standardpitches. 14kneverpossible,ti pitch should be selectedfrcxoaae of the following: 40, 36, 32, 28, 24, 20, 16, 12, 10, 8, 6and4threada per inch. Intermediatepitdieaalx3uMb used only when absolutelynecessary. Pitches ccarserthan 4 threadsper imh are not recxxmnmded. The curves slx%n in Figure 2.B.2of -ix B cover the practicaldiaueterlimitssuggestedfor each pi@. 5.2 Thread class selectia. StandardUnified threadclassesand their applicat~ection 4 of rk5MEB1.1-3989. when selectinga threadclass,considerationskxd-d firstbe given b & use of a class ~ externalthreadwith a.c3.aas28 internalthreadsince theseclassesare designedfor generaluse. Before specifyingclass 3M3B series,it met be consideredwhether the additionalproductkm mst, necessaryfix the tighter fit and toleranm is justified. If a fit Imser than the sbndard class NIB is required,* rm~referred class IAR may be .spsifiedfor an external threadof 16 threadsper inch and marser. This specialclass ombines the largerallowanceof the old AmericanNationalclass 1 threadwith the Unified class n toleranm. See 5.2.2 for class N al.lmenm. e 3 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. I FEFS1’Mi28/2B 5.2.1 Replacementsfor &solete AmericanNationalthreadclasses. When threadsspecifiedwith the obsoleteAmericanNationalthreadclassesare to be replacedby unifiedthreads,the followingguidelinesare provided: ● a. AmericanNationalclass 1 coarse threadsizes (tK!-l) is approximatelyequivalentto Unifiedclass Il@l series. C3.aSs1 fine threadseries (N&l) is approximatelyequivalent dirn?nsionally to Unifiedclass 2A/2B series. StandardUnifiedseriesthreads should~, consideredprior bJ approvalof replacxznent by rzmsta!xiard threads. b. Amrican Natirnalclass 2 rrarse threadseries (K-2), 8 thread series (EN-2) , 12 threadseries (12N-2) , 16 threadseries (MN-2), ad extra fine threadseries (NEF-2)are mxt nearlyequivalent to Unifiedseries13N2-21@, 8UN-2@B, 12Ut+2A/Z, 16UN-2A/Z ad UNEF-2A/Z3,respectively.Class 2 fine threadseries (W-2) is approximatelyequivalentdimensionallyto Unifiedclass 3A/3B but the use of class 2?@3 series should be omsidered series, prior to approvalof replacementby class 3A/3B. c. AmericanNationalclass 3 seriesK-3, NY-3, FIEF-3, EN-3, 12N-3 and 16N-3 are nest nearlyequivalentb Unifiedclass 3 series UN2-3A/3B,UNF-3A/3B,UNEF-3#3S, 8UN-3A/35,12UN-3A/3Bad 16UN-3@B, respectively, d. There is no Unifiedthreadclass equivalent@ the old American Nationalclass 4 which requir~ sel~tive fit of ~ts due ti the pxsibility of interference. “ ● 5.2.2 Threaddbwance~bleranoa . Mbwances and tolerancesspecified for sti~~ Unifiedthreadc.la.sses are descritedin Secticn5 of A94E B1.1-1989. Ebr the spscialexternalthreadclass N, tolerancesare the sane as fir class 3A and allowsnce s are as follows: Threadspr inch I Class lAR allowanm inch 0.0018 0.0021 0.0024 0.0028 0.0034 0.0044 0.0064 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 To ccxrplerrent paragraph5.6 of ?ENE B1.1-1989,reccnmnded tap drill sizes * hole size limitsbefore threading,for differentlengthsof engagement,are incltiedin A-d ix A. 4 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FEo-mB28/2E 5.3 -tion. Designationof Unified screw threadsis in axordanoe .— with section6 of AWE B1.1-I.989.tkini.na.l size shall be stated in dec~. Tk symtol~ is appli*e to any thread: ., ....... . . .. . (1) having the taaicUnified thread form and (2) with limit5based upon Unified formulations arrl (3) which is not in the s~ard ASM?,B1.1-1989. serieslisted in Table 3A of 5.4 Limitsof size. See section8 of IXiMEB1.1-1989for limitsof size of stardardand preferrednm-a~ard threadsand km inbrmation used hr calculationof nm-stardard threadsize limitswhich are not tabulated. For class m, calculateas br clasa IA except allowanceis tabulatedin 5.2.2. The followingexanpleillustratest& prccedurenecessaryto alcul.atethe limitsof size of a mn-starrhrd thread;this follow-s the outlinesin tablesIA and lB of ?x?!MF, B1.1-1989: Externalthread,2.500- 28UtG-2A Lengthof engagement,1 imh Maximm major diamter = Mxninalsize - a319wlnce (section13 of ASkE B.I.1-3989) = 2.5000- 0.0014 (frantable 32 of X!& B1.1-1989) = 2.4986 Mininnnn mjor diameter. Mdn’nunmajor diameter- tolerm%e (section 13 of ASME B1.1-1989) = 2.4986- 0.0065 (frantible 31 of ?@4E B1.1-1989) = 2.4921 kiaxinwm pitch diamter = Maxinnnn major diamtir - h (table6, CO1. 13 of FtiN8k1.1-1989) = 2.4986- 0.0232 (rourdedfrcxnO.023197) = 2.4754 Minimumpitch diameter= M&mum pitch diamter - tolerance (section13 of A94E B1.1-1989) 2.4754- 0.0056 (frantable 34 of XiFIEB1.1-1989) = 2.4698 5 Naninal (mximmn) minor diamter WXimm major diamter (table6, CCL 15 of ASMS?B .l-1989) = 2.4986- 0.0387 (rouded from 0.03866) = 2.4599 = 5 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. Fm-sImB28/213 Internalthread,2.500- 280N5-2% (b mate with the atrm thread) Minb.nn&r diaueter. ~ size - 2% (table6; ml; IS ofiU3MEB1:l-19S9) = 12.5000-0.0387 (roundedfrom 0.03866) = 2.4613which is rcundadti 2.461 !.laximum minx diaueter= Minim.nn minor dianeter+ tolerance (sectim 13 of ISQZ B1.1-3.989) = 2.4613+ 0.0063 (frantable 39 of ASME B1.1-1989 for lengthof engagementof O.43) = 2.4676which is rourdedW 2.468 Minimumpitch diameter= Nminal size - h _B1.1-1989) (table6, ml. 1! of = from 0.023397 = 2.5000- 0.0232 (rourried = 2.4768 Maximumpitch diameter= Mininunn pitch diameter+ tilerance (sectirm13 of ~ B1.1-1989) = 2.4768+ 0.0073 (frrxn tie 37 of ASME B1.1-1989 = 2.4841 Mdna.1 (minim@ major = Minimum size diameter = 2.5000 Factorsused in the design of threada,particularlyspecialthreads,are presentedin -ix B. It is to be noted thatdeviationsfrcanstiard ~ler-s for major diamter of the externalthreadard for minor di.amterof internalthrerdmay be necessaryin order to arriveat th optimumdesign. 5.5 Surfacetexture. sbiillhave a smoth finishend te free firm flawsand 5.5.1 l!he~ other defects,such es fins,nicks and burrs,thatwould make them unsuitable for * purpae intended. 5.5.2 Wdonanahip shall be rrmaistentwith the &Jeranms specified herein. Surfacetextureof threadsprodumd b this stamiardshallnot exceed 100 microincharit.beticalaverageroughness (~) for at threads ~ 63 microinch(~) for rolledard groud threadsin arwith AISI/M?4Z B46.1. WE: c2xrse ad fine pitch threadswith xoughsurfacetextureare tmre likely b cross-thread.Threadswith chamferedenteringends have the least tendency to cross-threadwhen assembledwith pwer tmls. 6 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. E’Eo-sTrM28/2B 5:6 Chrunfer. 5.6.1 All enteringends of externallythreadedfastenersand threaded cqenti _ have 45° Chamfecs (approxhately)frcun minor diametersor slightlyhelm mimr dianeters,unlessotherwi~ specified. 5.6.2 All enteringerds of internallythreadedfaatenersand threaded crspnents shall have nminal 900 -120° countersinksb or slightlygreater than the threadnjor diaueters,unlessotherwi= specified. 5.7 ~lled threads. 5.7.1 C4xrple&lyforud threads. A carpletelyforned thread follows the threadprofile,w~thi.nthe toleranceznne over an axialdis=ce of cne pib=h (seefigure2.1). lete formedthreads, 5.7.2 InaaT!P The lead-inthreadis measuredfran tk ed of the product to the start of the firstcaupletet.hcead where the mjor dianeteris equal b the minimumati~e major diaueterad the threadrcot is egua.1to the maxiunnn minor diauetir. This slrxddnot exceed 2P (seefigure2.2). The run-outthreadis neasuredbetweenthe transiticm@nt of the productad the first threadroot which is anpletely formed,where th minor diaueterequals the ue.xinum permissibleminor diamter and the najor diam?ter of the last fully formedthread_ the minimumpenuissiblemajordianeter. When rcmt radius is specified,1A? last cmpletely t%rmd rcot at tk minor dieuetermust met the reguireuent. See figure2.3 for full shank fastener, figure2.4 for pitch diauetershank fastener,figure2.5 for shouldertolt, figure2.6 for oversizediametershank fastenerand figures2.7 and 2.8 Jim threafled to hed fasteners. 6. Notes. .— dated 6.1 ~~rsession note. In additionbJ supersedingFED-STD-H28/2A 20 April 198~~~~-&~nt alrn supersecies AppendixXL of FED-SZD-H28dated 31 March 1978. I 7 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-S’I’&H28/2EJ +-- r“.’ WI?,*D I + I I —+ — r 6 BASIC MAJOR m — d UIN MAJOR DiA — — — -62 I I FIGURE I 2.1 COMPLETELY w B.UX PITCH CU ‘d3MlN FOUNDED ROOT MJNDR VU I FORMED EXTERNAL THREAO LEAD THREADS = 2P UAX w 1 t= FIGURE 2.2 INCOMPLETE FORMEO EXTERNAL WD W SI+M THREAOS, LEAD-IN Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. THREADS I F131-~H28/Z3 ● +---- MAX RUN””, .2, ~ FIGURE 2.3 INCOMPLETE mMPL~ ~REMS — FORMED FASTENER -STANDARD THREADS, FULL SHANK DIAMFTER F’=-;ETET”RE — -l—- —’ d M!N M4.JORDIA I f~”,~fi + FIGURE 2.4 INCOMPLETE SHANK FORMED THREADS, PITCH DIAMETER FASTENER 9 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FECHTE-H28/?B ~MINRuNwT=lp+w.y -- FIGURE 2.5 FULL SHANK OPTIONAL FASTENER -STANDARD CONFIGURATION DIAMETER, (SHOULDER BOLT) MAX RUN0U7=2P+0VERS12E INCREMENT + z TAWe MIN) COMPLETE THREADS t- + km iwNw7. u=+WER SIZE INCREMENT + z Tb.N 12. y~ 35. ! -1/2 WERSIZE INCREMENT —- NOTE : e = 7RANs1710N TAPERANGLC 63 FIGURE 26 FULL SHANK MAX WNDED FASTENER-OVERSIZE — ROOT MIMCf7ou DIAMETER Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. — FElHmHu8/2s E’::::,xT-” — — d UIN MAJW WA w—– A —— FIGURE 2.7 FULL SHANK FASTENER -THREADED ‘d, MAX RtMSCCD \~wJTuBK%lw TO HEAD W4DERHEA9 SURFA~ w UAX * 2P +UAX MAX FILLET RAlus FILLET RADfus mMFu_FE ‘mF(E4Ds — W MINs0.6P + MAX FILLET RADIuS 1- ~[z 7“ -I_’l.\ \ ‘+- TwU.D,A .~ d, MAX RIXJNSCD ROJT MINCM 91A L I v FIGURE 2.8 PITCH DIAMETER SHANK FASTENER -THREADED ‘o 1-l Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. TO HEAD FED-STD+i28/2B APPENOIXA TAP DruLLsm AmiamMmKm SCKE SHS?,LIMI’IS SEF?M?, 5i353WW 10. Smpe. ~is a-ix providessuggestedtap drill sizes and recrmmkied hcle size limits@iCable prior b firminginternalUnifiedscrew It is not a mandatorypart of tbe standard. The infonrati.m threads. containedherein is intendedfor guidanceonly. 20. ‘hp drill sizes. 20.1 General. ‘Ibassurethat the mirmr d~ter of an internalthreadis heldwithin specifiedlimits,it may be necessaryto use a reamerto finishthe hole. A varie~ of factorsenters inb the productionof a clean, mud, straightlmle of tk currectdiameter. For a discussionof Mae ad other data on drillingd @ping, referen~ my be made b “DrilledEoles for Tapping”,a publicationof the UnitedStatesCuttinglbol 11’EtitUtd, 1230 KeithBuilding,Cleveland,~ 441J.5. 20.2 !IabU2ated data. 20.2.1 Table 11.A.1gives minor diameterlimitsand correspding percentagesof thread for s3.2staderd series threadsup b @ i.nddiq 3.75 inch diameterfor classesI.Band Z. Teble 11.A.2 is a similartatd.e for class ~. These tablesalso list sizes of drills that nay h expectedto drill holes withinor nsar the specifiedminor diamter limits. Tlxsdiameterof the drill, the probableInle size, ard the correepmiing percentagesof thred are tabulated . 20.2.2 ~ a drill may mxmal.lybe expectedto cut oversize,probabletde sizesare tabulatedthat are derived franprobablenmn oversi~s, & Mxilated. The followingis quoted fran the ~tionad reprt: ‘... a seriesof testswas amducted by drill manufacturers.Using six sizesof drillsrangingfrrxn1/16” to 1“ in dianveter, a totalof 2,808 holes were drilledin cast iron ad steel. Regularhigh speed steeldrills ware used with drilli.rq equi~t of the type normallybud in metslmrking shops.... ~ aver~e depth of kde drilledwas equal to 1-3/2 tines the dril..l diemeter. &aeureurantof the lmle was made at midpcintof the ds@ drilled....The averageof the...aumlntsoversize..shows a marked increasein arountwersize ” for drills largerthan 3/4”. For this size range reaming is recrmm&d. 12 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. ● EZD-SDH28/2B 20.2.3 “Pe&eit of thretilisted in’tablei”is t& ratio“A P&& of the acti heightof tbred to & value O.75H;this value is the basic thread heightof the oblete AuericanNational‘l’’bread Profile. Since the basic heightof a Ilnif ied ThreadProfile ie 0.625H,the maximampercenttied permissibleis 83.3%. Due to allnwmces ~r drills to cut oversizeor due to lack of availabilityof drills within ~cified minor diametirlimits,tap drills listed in tables11.A.1 d 11.A.2nBy sbw greaterthan 83.3% threads. This indicatesthat the drill size is smallerthan the minixm.rn threadminor diameti arxladditional~hin~ of the hole my ha neoesearyin order to permit ecommlicaltapping. 30. ,Rermm’d d tde size limitsbefore threadinq. 30.1 Genera+. Rx short lergthof engagement,the imle diam?~ reouired prior.to threadingslmti be held near the minimmnlimit to nnximise th&ad height for maximumjoint strength. AS lengthof engageurmtincreases,it is advantageoustrJincreasetbe bok di.amterfor uore e&mcunical** with less risk of tap breakage. Therefore,* followingreccammdaticaswere developed (alsosee 30.2 telow): Lenqth of Engaq@m?nt Upto and incltiing 0.33D Atove 0.33D thru Abve thru 1.S) 0.67D Atove 1.5D tkll 0.67D 3.OD Minimm Eble Size —.—. M.iniumminor dia MasinumEble Size ———— minx dia plus 3/2 minor die tilerarce Mn Min m.imr dia plus l/4 minor dia tiler- i+lin minim dia plus 3/4 minor dia tolerance ti.in mi.mr dia plus 1,/2mina dia tilerance Max minor dia (rein mirsx dia plus tolerance) Min mimr dia plus 3/4 minor dia tolerance Max mirmr dia plus l/4 -r dia tolerance (see30.2) Fran the foregoingit will k seen that & differen~ betweenlimitsin each range is the w and egud to half of & minor diametertmlersome. This is a generalrule. B’xever,the minimumdifferen~s for si~s below 0.25 in. are equal b the minor diamtir tolerancesgiven in tables39 and 40 in ASME B1.1-1989for lengtheof engagementto and includingO.33D. i%r lengthsof engagementgreater than O.33D for sizes 0.25 in. ad larger, the mininucn values are adjusted sc that the differencebtween limits is never less than 0.0040 in. 13 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-STD-H28/2B ● 30.2 l’abulated d= Recomnmded hole size limits for stadard LJnified a~ scam?Speczal (UNS)threadsare given in tablesII.A.3ard II.A.4. For other specialthreads,calculatein acmrdan~ with 30.1 almve;use mi.niim.rm minor diaueterad tolerancefran table 3B of ASME B1.1-1989,or calculatein aaardanos-withsectian8 of ASME-Bl.q-1989ushg’ Spprcpfate toleranoefran table 39 or 40 of lSKE B1.1-3.969for toleran~ ratioof ‘1or frrm firmlas b Para9r@ 5.8.2 of B1.1-1989. Tabulatedhole sizes ad Imle sizes calculatedin accordancewith 30.1 are not mrdatory unless the thread designationstatesthe ndified minor diarreter limitsard & designationMXl in accordancewith paragraph6.7 in ~ B1.1-3989. If mdified minor diameter limitsare not specfied, acceptancewill be in acrmdance with stardardminor diameterlimits. threads Ncn!E: ~ed maxinnnn hole sizes in 30.1, for lengthsof engagsrmk greatertha 1.SD are outsidestarxiard minor dianeterlimits. They are not incltisdin tables11.A.3and 11.A.4. Use of a minor diamter hrger than standardwill result in a reductionin shear area of the externalthreadsof the mating part. If manufacturingprocesspermits,maxinznn hole size before threadingskuld ke maintainedat the high eti of the stardardmi.mr diameter limits. 30.3 Other ccmsiderations.When tappingrelativelysoft materials, especia~--f i.nepibch threads,there is a terdencyfir the materialto be squeezeddown towardsthe rrmt of the tap so that the minor diameterof the tappedhole uay .berxwre smallerthan the diameterof the drilledtnle. It may be necessaryto try a differentsize drill or differentstyle tap to assurea satisfactorythread. ... Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. ● —-—_—. ... . . ..-- __ . j m 15 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. —____ . . .. - FED-STD-H28/2B x In I- & II u 0 16 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. .: :,, 17 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FEESTD-H28/2B 18 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. E%&SlEH28/23 — — — ...i Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-Sl’’D-E.28/Z0 — — J — - —, — — — — I 11 ● .+ In 0 20 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. Fm-s’llH128/2B — — 4.+— . . ..-. .......... —-— #-l . . ..-..- =i- ++.4 . . ..-. ~-++— — 21 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. .... FED-STIH128/2B ‘1 -.4..-. — 4.+ .+-.A. 4+-.-!”. ~w%=— .++-. . ... . . ..4+.-. +- I 22 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. m II 1 I 1 !— — 23 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. I — — — — — _ — — — — — — . — Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-srD-H2f3/2B - I m ~ l-l 2s Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. — FED-srBH28/2B 26 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. EIZ)-SIQ-H28/2H ii Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. l?ED-sTIHG!8/Z3 28 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. F12?-.SlQ-H28/2B I ~ I I I 1‘ I I i i I ● .j 515Wl 2°3 N 0+ L-1 n ii 29 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. II I FEW5TD-H28/2E m 1111 ii — I 30 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. — F311-STD-H28/ZB 0 31 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. Fl?QSTD-H28/213 i I II ‘I s s 32 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. I’11 EED-ST13-E28/Z3 5 . imm S’ --- 33 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. EED-S’IT2-H28/2B ‘2nsLs 11.A.3- ~ ~le size lim2fs tefore threading for different lergt.hsof e!qaqsrr?nt, stm3ard Unifid ad saa? UtG threads, c3ds.se6IB and 272 (see 30.1) IJ — minx di=ter Sm.iml size in fncb22 ard thteds &Er kc!) 1 Series designatim 2 of internaltieais PmmY Percmd of tied 3 of nueed 4 5 6 ~ 0-44 Ow 0.0465 83.1 in 0.0514 53.0 .07344 or M2. l-a .073-72or h. 1-72 mc .0561 .Osao 83.3 83.1 .0623 .0635 S?.7 32.7 .08+56 or f&. %56 .006-64or N2. ‘WJ4 .0667 .0691 83.2 83.3 .0737 .0753 53.0 52.7 .099-48or m. .099-36or M. .0764 .0797 83.5 03.2 .oa45 .0865 52.6 53.9 .0049 .oa94 83.4 83.5 .0939 .0968 55.7 56.2 .125-40or 242.5-40 .n5-44 0s m. 5-44 .0979 .1004 M .1062 .1079 .232-32or w.. 6-32 .13s40 01 m. 5-40 .104 .22.3 83.8 83.1 .324 .2.39 59.1 58.5 .130 .234 a3.i3 83.1 .139 .142 61.6 a.o .145 .356 83.1 83.8 .2.36 .164 62.8 64.0 .171 .177 .182 83.1 24.1 83.8 .3al .106 .140 64.7 64.7 64.0’ 83.1 84.1 83.0 83.1 .207 .220 .224 .226 66.2 64.7 LmP Uw .196 .211 .216 .220 R Luc 2am w 2WN CKm w .252 .256 .267 .274 .279 .282 83.8 83.9 64.1 83.0 a2.5 84.5 .265 .270 .277 .222 .2s6 .ZS9 65.B 65.4 65.6 65.7 65.3 65.1 w .307 .322 .330 .336 .341 .345 63.8 a3.1 63.1 84.1 a3.B 83.1 .322 .332 .340 .345 .349 .352 66.5 66.2 64.7 64.7 64.0 63.7 .360 .370 .303 .399 .404 83.5 83.1 a3.9 83.0 82.5 .376 .3a4 .395 .407 .411 66.3 65.9 65.4 65.7 65.3 .410 .417 .432 .446 .461 .466 83.1 E3.1 83.6 83.1 04.1 83.8 .42a .434 .446 .457 .470 .474 66.5 66.0 66.5 66.2 .06C+0 or M. Ufw 2-48 3-56 .112-40or m. 4-40 .U-48 or !b. 4-48 ox LaF .16+32 or NO. 6-32 .164-36or WA 8-36 UNF .190-24or lb 10-24 .290-32or 243.lC-32 w Lx OK .216-24or lb. 2.2-24 .21620 or m. 12-28 .216-32or M. 12-32 .250-20or 3/4-20 .250-22or 2/4-20 .250-32or L/4-32 .250-36or 3/4-36 mc 13m 2Cm Cm 2m UMT ma ox 16U4 w 32m .50C-22or 3/3-12 .500-13or 2/2-13 .500-16or W-16 .50C+20or 3/*Z .500-38or 3/3-2E .50C+32or U2-32 See fmt730tesat e of table. 34 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. H ● Htntlmml limits for diftesent; * AtlYM 0.330 &“ M0m3 0.670 thru 1.53! !4dna3 s!= in * adt.hreadsperird mxifm UlnImm B 9 10 2n ● o.6m of ~t mximxa in 32 1 0.&65 0.0500 0.;79 in 0.0514 0.0479 In 0.0514 .060%0as m. M30 .0563 .0560 .0599 .062.3 .0560 .696 .062.6 .0624 .0565 .0602 .0622 .0635 .m~~ m. I-64 .07>72 or lb. 1-72 .0667 .0691 .0705 .0724 .0626 .0707 .0724 .0740 .0699 .0720 .0737 .0753 .086-56 OK b. 2-56 .086+4or b. ‘N4 ..0764 .0797 .0604 .0831 .0785 .0014 .0225 .0848 .0205 .0831 .0045 .0865 .03+48 or b. 3-48 .099-56or lb. ?-% .0849 .0894 .oa49 .0931 .0871 .0912 .0916 .0949 .0894 .0931 .0929 .0%8 .2M-40 or m. 4-40 .3X4-48or m. 4-48 .0479 .1004 .1020 .Lou .1000 .1023 .1043 .1060 .1023 .1042 .1062 .lm9 .125-40or m. .32s-44or m. HO 5-44 .104 .332 .109 .235 .106 .223 .2.22 .U7 .lm .3.25 .114 .129 .138-32or m. .238-40or m. 6-32 6-40 .230 .134 .135 .228 .132 .136 .137 .140 .2.34 .228 .139 .142 .164-32or lb. +32 .164-36ox b. 6-36 .145 .156 .250 .160 .147 .E8 .253 .162 .150 .160 .2s6 .164 .390-24Or b. .39C-32or h. .m .u7 .M2 .176 .182 .3B6 .m .179 .264 .178 .184 .288 .176 .221 .2.66 .181 .266 .25’0 12-24 .216-24or h .236-20.OZ m. P26 .236-32or m. 12-32 .296 .22.3 .216 .2’M .202 .216 .220 .223 .B9 .233 :% .204 .( .222 .222 .225 .202 .216 .220 .222 .207 .220 .224 .226 .350-m or 3/4-20 .230-200s 2/4-20 .25*32 or 3/4-32 .250-26or 2/4-36 .252 .254. .167 .274 .279 .202 .259 .264 .272 .276 .262 .286 .256 .261 .27o .276 .220 .203 .262 .267 .275 .260 .284 .287 .259 .264 .272 .278 .2a2 .205 .265 .270 .277 .262 .266 .=9 3125-1Sor 5/36-32 3125-20or 5f16-2c 3125-24or 5W24 3125-26or 5/16-26 32Z5-32or 5/36-32 3125-36or V26-24 .307 .322 .330 .336 .342 .345 .314 .327 .335 .340 .345 .348 .323 .326 .332 .338 .343 .346 .318 .330 .337 .343 .347 .350 .314 .327 .335 .340 .345 .348 .323 .332 .340 .345 .349 .352 .375-16or 3/S16 .37>20 or 3/8-20 .37>24 Or 3/6-24 .375-20or 3/2-22 .37532 or 3/S32 .375-36or 3/S36 .360 .370 .383 .399 .404 .368 .377 .389 .403 .407 .364 .373 .386 .403 .405 .372 .320 .392 .405 .409 .360 .377 .389 .403 .407 .376 .384 .395 .407 .433 8375-140[ 7/3.6-14 1375-16or 7/36-16 wrf-m or 7/26-20 137s-22or 7/36-22 137>32 m 7/M-32 .410 .U7 .432 .446 .4Q .466 .429 .425 .422 .452 .466 .470 .414 .421 .436 .449 .463 ,468 .423 .430 .443 .454 .468 .412 .43!4 .425 .439 .452 .466 .470 .422 .434 .446 .457 .470 .474 50c-12or 2/2-12 .50C-13or 3/2-13 ,500-16or 3/>16 .Soo-m or 3/2-20 .500-22or 3/2-28 .50C-32m 2/2-32 See fcotnotesat end of table. 35 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. !1 lb24 10-32 ~STEH28/2B ‘B&E 11A.+= kamx%x3ed txzhzsize limits tefore threadiq for diffezent krqths of engiqemnt, Unified u-d safe UNS thzea&, chsses D and 2S (see 30.11 IJ - untinkd Nminalsize in inches Fm5threads per inch Series designatim Fer03mY of lhread 3 2/ Uaxiirmn 4 sbrdard ● Percent.Y of l?uead 6 in .5625-12 or 9/26-32 .5625-16 or 9/26-16 .5625-18 or 9/36-18 .5625-20 or 9/16-20 .562524 or 9/16-24 .5625+20 or 9/16-28 .5625-32 or 9/16-32 2mN 3am .412 .495 .502 .508 .517 .524 .529 83.6 83.1 83.8 e3.9 84.1 . e3.o 82.5 .4mw .509 .525 .520 .527 .532 .536 67.o 65.9 65.8 65.4 65.6 65.7 65.3 .625-3.8at 5/8-18 .625-20 or 5/8-20 .625-24 Or 5/8-24 .625-28 or 5/8-28 .6&32 or 5/8-32 w 2.3U? 16UN l.uw 20026 m 2mN 33U4 .527 .535 .557 .565 .571 .580 .566 .591 83.0 83.1 83.0 83.1 83.1 83.1 84.1 83.8 .546 .553 .571 .578 .582 .590 .595 .599 66.9 66.5 66.5 65.1 66.2 64.7 64.7 64.0 .6875-12 or .6875-16 or .6875-18 or .687+20 or .687+24 Or .687528 or .6875-32 or 12UN lam m 20UN K322F 285S 3mN .597 .620 .627 .633 .642 .649 .654 83.6 e3.1 83.8 83.9 84.1 e3.o 82.5 .615 .634 .640 .645 .652 .657 .661 67.0 65.9 65.8 65.4 65.6 65.7 65.3 .75C-1001 3/4-10 .750-12 or 3/4-12 .750-16 or 3/4-16 .750-18 or 3/4-18 .750-20 or 3/4-20 .750-28 or 3/4-28 .750-32 m 3/4-32 m 127JN w? m w 26UN 3mN .642 .660 .682 .690 .6% .713 .716 B3.1 83.1 83.8 83.1 e3.1 84.1 83.B .663 .670 .6% .703 .707 .7m .724 67.0 66.5 66.5 65.1 66.2 64.7 M.o 3mN 12UN us ..oNir 2m 3ZM .722 .745 .752 .75a .774 .779 83.6 e3.1 83.8 a3.9 83.0 e2.5 .740 .759 .765 .770 .7e2 .786 ., 67.o 65.9 Luc 12UN w Mm m m 261m 32m .755 .785 .758 .807 .815 .821 .836 .841 e3.1 83.1 e3.o 93.8 83.1 e3.1 84.1 e3.8 .778 .803 .814 .ezl .828 .832 .845 .849 67.2 66.5 65.7 66.5 65.1 66.? fd.1 64.0 12L2+ lam m 2mN 32UN .847 .S70 .803 .e99 .?,]4 e3.6 e3.1 83.9 e3.o 82.5 .865 .884 .e95 .907 .911 67.0 65.9 .625-u or 5/8-11 .625-12or 5/8-12 .625-16or 5/8-16 .875-9 C: 7/8-9 .875-12or 7/8-12 .875-14 Or 7/0-14 .875-16 or 7/8-16 .P75-18 or 7/8-18 .875-20 or 7/B-20 .87S28 or 7/8-28 .875-32 os 7/8-32 .9375-12 or 15/16-12 .937516or 15/16-16 .937>20 or 15/16-20 .9375-28 or 15/16-28 .937532 or 15/16-32 * fmtnotes at end Inc mm w cmc3- ale . 36 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. 65.8 65.4 65.7 65.3 65.4 65.7 65.3 ● ‘ ● -s273-H28/2B ?S+?JZ 11.A.3-- &mmenkd . .= --- Reccmrer&d ble Ikzk size limits &r Abw - different h 0.330 till 0.67D sbdard Ith of mgag.3Tent AkNe o.6m till1.5D tbina.1size fn inches ard thre&2s per inch Minilrm 14axflmm Hir.imm 7 8 9 in a .502 .472 .495 .502 .508 .517 .524 .529 . in .4n Ma%h.m 10 u 3.2 1 fn in in .509 .514 .522 .53s .532 .498 .506 .531 .520 .526 .530 .486 .505 .532 .517 .525 .530 .534 .4s2 .502 .509 .514 .522 .526 .532 .490 .509 .53.5 .520 .527 .532 .536 .5625-2.2 or 9/26-22 or 9/26-16 .5625-16 or 9/26-18 .5625-2B .562E-2oor 9/1+20 .562524 or 9/M-24 or 9/!lG2B .5625-26 .5625-32m 9/16-32 .527 .535 .557 .565 .571 .580 .5s6 .591 .536 .544 .564 .571 .5n .5s5 .590 .595 .532 .539 .562 .568 .574 .582 .5s8 .593 .541 .54B .56S .574 .5$0 .587 .593 .597 .536 .544 .564 .571 .sn .5B5 .590 .595 .546 .553 .571 .57B .502 .590 .595 .599 .625-3.3or 5/B-31 or 5/6-12 .625-3.2 .625-16 or 5/S-16 .591 .620 .627 .633 .642 .649 .654 .606 .627. .634 .639 .647 .653 .657 .6o2 .623 .630 .636 .645 .651 .655 .62.3 .630 .637 .642 .650 .655 .659 .606 .627 .634 .639 .647 .653 .657 .61.5 .634 .640 .645 .652 .657 .663 .642 .660 .682 .690 .696 .731 .116 .652 .6697 .689 .6% .702 .716 .720 .647 .664 .686 .693 .699 .7D .72s .658 .673 .693 .699 .704 .72s .722 .652 .669 .6B9 .696 .702 .716 .721 .663 .676 .696 .703 .707 .720 .724 .750-10or 3/4-10 .750-12m 3/4-12 .750-16or 3/4-16 or 3/4-18 .750-2.s .750-20or 3/4-20 .750-2Sor 3/4-26 .750-32or 3/4-32 .722 .745 .752 .7’58 .774 .179 .731 .752 .759 .764 .778 .702 .727 .748 .756 .761 .n6 .780 .736 .755 .762 .767 .7s0 .7s4 .731 .752 .759 .764 .B125-12or 13/16-12 .6225-16 or 13/16-16 or 13/26-3.8 .52.25-2.6 .B3Z5-20or 13/26-20 .782 .746 .795 .765 .770 .782 .786 .s325-2s or 1016-2B .B2Z5-32 or 13/16-32 .755 .785 .798 .807 .835 .821 .766 .794 .806 .814 .823 .827 .840 .845 .760 .789 .802 .ul .810 .824 .838 .843 .772 .79B .B1O .83,s .824 .B30 .843 .B47 .766 .794 .806 .B14 .B21 .827 .840 .845 .778 .B03 .B14 .821 .828 .832 .845 .849 .87+9 0.?7/8-9 .87>12 or i’/B-l2 .B75-14 or 7/B-14 .875-16 os 7/8-16 .875-18 or 7/B-18 .875-20 or 7/s-20 .875-28 or 7/8-28 .87~32 OS 7/8-32 .856 .852 .873 .BB6 .901 .905 .861 .BSO .S92 .905 .909 .856 .877 .BB9 .903 .907 .865 .884 .095 .907 .911 .937512m 3.5/16-12 or 3.5/16-16 .9375-16 .9375-200235)26-20 .9375-26 m 2s/26-20 .937532or 25/16-32 .836 .842 .847 .870 .883 .899 .904 Ses size lfmfts bebre thrediq for different lengths of erqqanent, m IRS threaas, d855es D and 2S (see 30.1)1/ - mxmina . Unified ad .=. .8n .889 .903 .907 fcotiotesat end of table. .778 ’37 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. .625-18OK 5/S-lB .625-20or 5/s-20 .625-24or 5/0-24 .625-2B or 5/0-23 .625-32015/S-32 ““ i?EESTD-H28/2H 19@u311.A.3- ~ ., . ..-. -. ._. _>. bk SiZ limitsbb:e 3222ifie3a793 -3x9th2’ea, threading br different lerqths of qpt, ~ ls30Ya2E (see30.l)y-mtti .. dkza o 3 P&ma W.run& & 1 3 4 5 1.000-8 1.WC-U 1.ML=14 1.-16 1.*23 1.-29 1.000-26 1.WO-22 .86S .92a .922 .932 .940 .966 .961 .966 83.1 83.1 63.0 83.0 83.1 83.1 84.1 83.8 .890 .93s .92a .946 .952 .957 .970 .974 .927 .972 .985 .995 1.002 1.009 1.024 03.4 .83.6 83.5 83.1 83.8 83.9 83.0 .952 .930 1.OCII 1.009 1.023 1.020 1.032 0.970 .990 1.023 1.057 1.065 1.071 1.096 83.s 83.1 83.1 82.9 83.1 83.1 84.1 0.99B 1.035 1.052 1.071 1.078 1.C82 1.095 68.4 67.7 66.5 2a31 1.0s2 1.097 3.220 1.127 1.233 1.149 B3.4 83.6 83.1 83.8 83.9 83.0 1.077 ‘ l.lls 1.124 1.140 1.145 l.m 68.1 67.0 65.9 65.8 65.4 65.7 w ml m LR 1.160 if% am 1.182 1.190 1.1% 1.232 83.5 83.1 83.1 83.6 83.1 83.1 84.1 1.222 1.140 1.170 1.1% 1.203 1.2m 1.220 60.4’ 67.7 66.5 66.s 65.1 66.2. 44.1 1.33256 1.3125-12 1.317S-16 !.. 3U5-18 1.3125-20 1.3223-in m lam 161.31 w 2cul Zmm 1.177 1.222 1.245 1.252 1.269 1.114 83.4 83.6 83.1 83.8 03.9 03.0 1.202 1.240 1.259 1.265 1.270 1.282 68.1 67.0 65.9 65.0 65.4 65.7 1.31.375-6 1.37+13 1.37516 1.37+18 1.375a 1.375-28 m m ma 1.195 1.240 1.283 1.3L77 1.32.5 1.37.2 1.334 82.1 83.1 83.1 83.0 83.1 83.1 84.1 3.223 1.265 1.303 1.32) 1.328 1.333 1.343 69.3 67.7 66.5 66.5 65.1 66.2 64.7 1.4315-6 L.4375-8 1.h375-22 1.437+16 1.437>19 1.437+20 1.4375-20 Q.N m+ 1224 E3.4 83.4 83.6 83.1 83.8 83.9 83.0 1.Z8 1.327 1.365 1.384 1.390 1.395 1.407 69.1 68.1 67.0 65.9 65.0 65.4 65.7 83.1 83.3 83.1 a3.a 83.1 83.1 64.1 1.3S0 1.390 1.4’23 1.466 1.453 1.457 1.470 69.3 67.7 64.5 66.5 65.1 66.2 44.1 m lZM 14221 w mm 2mnl 1.12S-7 1.2258 1.125-22 1.223-16 1.125-2s 1.123-20 l.mia 1.26758 1.ls7512 1.387S-16 1.2237+ 2.0 1.1675-20 1.2B7>i$ 1.5U-6 l.sowe 1.300-12 1.500-16 1.500-10 1.500-30 1.500-28 See s-d w lM E mol s 2M34 2mm = 2m14 lmc 6m 13w Ll&$ 201J4 26W fczhotes at end of tihle. 38 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. .%; 66.3 65.9 65.8 65.4 65.7 6?: 66.2 64.7- ● F3%D-STD-H28/2B - ● 11.A.3- Rxxxmended ble size lSmits kfore threadfng for dif Eerent leqtb of erq6g@m?nt, stamkxd Unified ti sme UKi threti, classes 3B and = (.93.3 30.1) 3J - .xzztimzd ;. ‘~ m ad inchdiq (1.3D 14inlmn ● b2s aim lkks fordiftermt kq?im of ~t Mvvc 0.3m thru0.67D P&W 0.6792tuul.m ~b Kaxim3a 6baimm 8 M u 12 .804 1 .865 ..910 .923 .932 .940 .946 .962 .944 .877 .939 .932 .939 .946 .9S2 .9+6 .9m .871 .914 .927 .936 .943 .9i9 .%3 .94a .923 .934 .943 .949 .954 .96E .972 .8n .929 .931 .939 .946 .9S2 .%6 .970 .890 .929 .92a .944 .9s3 .957 .9m .974 1.000-s 1.000-12 1.00C-14 1.000-26 L.mu 1.O*2O l.oocl-z 1.029-32 .927 .972 .903 .993 1.002 l.om 1.024 .940 .901 .993 1.002 1.009 1.014 1.02a .926 .9n .909 .998 1.W6 1.023 1.026 .946 .9S6 .?97 1.m3 1.032 1.017 1.OXI .940 .981 .993 1.M2 1.004 1.014 1.028 .962 .990 1.003 1.009 1.023 1.020 1.032 1.0625-4 1.0625-32 1.06zr14 1.0625-16 1.06S36 1.oa5-iQ 1.0625-26 0.970 .990 1.03s 1.037 1.065 1.072 1.066 0.984 1.002 1.044 1.CU 1.071 1.077 L090 0.977 1:% 1.041 1.066 1.074 1.0s8 0.991 1.00B 1.048 1.066 1.074 l.ozn 1.093 0.964 1.002 1.044 1.064 1.071 1.077 1.090 0.996 1.035 1.053 1.071 1.076 1.022 1.09s 1.12.5+9 1.032 1.097 1.120 1.227 1.331 1.149 1.26 1.106 1.227 1.U4 1.239 1.M3 1.0$9 1.102 1.223 1.230 1.136 1.231 1.071 1.077 tE 1.137 1.142 1.355 1.065 1.206 1.127 1.134 1.139 1.233 ::s 1.140 1.145 1.357 1.095 1.2.25 1.340 1,,+22 1.290 1.196 1.231 1.109 1.127 1.169 1.109 1.296 1.202 1.22.6 1.302 1.ul 1.164 L 266 1.293 1.199 1.223 1.116 1.334 1.173 1.393 1.199 2.204 1.220 1.109 1.127 1.169 1.189 1.296 1.m2 1.216 1.323 1.140 1.1-68 1.396 1.203 1.207 1.2m 1.177 1.222 1.245 J.252 1.258 1.274 1.199 1.233 1.252 1.259 1.264 1.275 1.184 1.227 1.24S 1.236 1.261 1.276 1.L96 1.2% L235 1.362 1.267 1.200 1.290 1.231 1.252 1.239 1.264 1.278 1.m2 1.240 1.259 1.265 1.270 1.2E2 1.195 1.240 l.im 1.307 1.335 1.323 1.336 1.230 1.2s2 1.2W 1.314 1.332 1.327 1.340 1.m2 1.246 1.’209 L323 1.330 1.324 1.338 1.229 1.230 1.29s 1.326 1.324 1.33S 1.343 1.220 1.252 1.294 1.314 1.321 1.327 1.340 1.225 1.265 1.303 1.321 1.3.29 1.332 1.365 1.375-4 1.37S-8 1.37s-12 1.275-36 1.375-38 1.27s-m 1.27S-2E 1.257 1.302 1,347 1.370 1.377 1.303 1.399 1.272 1.32s 1.356 1.377 1.384 1.389 1.403 1.265 1.3oa 1.352 1.373 1.260 1.386 1.401 1.-280 1.321 1.361 l.zao 1.387 1.392 L.405 1.272 1.323 1.356 1.377 1.384 1.389 1.403 1.288 1.327 1.365 1.384 1.390 1.395 1.407 1.4275-6 1.4375-6 1.4375-12 1.4375-16 1.4s73-28 1.4375-2U 1.4m528 1.3ZI 1.365 1.410 1.432 1.440 1.446 1.461 1.335 1.377 1.429 1.439 1.446 1.452 1.666 1.327 1.371 1.414 1.426 1.443 1.449 1.463 1.343 1.3S4 1.422 1.443 1.449 1.456 1.466 1.335 1.377 1.429 1.439 1.446 1.452 1.466 1.330 1.390 1.420 1.446 1.4s3 1.457 1.470 1.50C-6 1.500-8 1.300-12 1.500-16 1.500-lB 1.5oo-m 1.500-26 Seef notes end of able. 39 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. 1.250-7 1.250-6 1.250-12 1.25*16 1.2s2-20 1.2s0-20 1.25C-2E - IIA.3.-~ ~. tie sizeliaits bsfnrethrediqh different Jxqthsof~:, 6uIlew4hreadS, c38sses 231am53s (see30.1) lJ-amtinw2 m Mm? zefnfnctrs al’dthreadsperincb Nmina2iai diam?teto] WIes designatim 1 2 3 4 M * s Mif+edald ,terral tb s 2/ I%m2el# Haxim.m of ‘nueFd 5 6 fn 1.5625-6 1.5625-8 1.5625-22 1.5625-16 1.5625-3S 1.5625-20 m? m lzw m2t4 m 1.382 1.427 1.472 1.495 1.s02 1.s08 83.4 83.4 83.6 83.1 83.s S3.9 “1.423 1.452 1.490 1.509 1.52s 1.520 69.1 66.1 67.0 65.9 65.8 65.4 1.625-6 1.625-8 1.625-32 1.625-16 1.625-M 1.62S-20 SJN m 1224 Mm mm 2om4 1.445 1.490 1..s35 1.557 1.565 1.571 83.1 83.1 83.1 83.8 83.1 63.1 1.47s 1.52.s 1.553 1.571 1.578 1.5S2 69.3 67.7 66.5 66.5 65.1 66.2 1.6875-6 1.687>8 1.6s75-12 1.6S75-16 1.6s75-3s 1.6675-20 mN 1.507 1.552 1.s97 1.620” 1.627 1.633 83.4 S3.4 83.6 83.1 83.8 S3.9 1.53s 69.1 1.534 1.570 1.633 1.660 1.682 1.696 83.1 liutl 1s2!4 20UN 1.5n 1.635 1.634 1.640 1.64s 67:; 65.9 65.8 65.4 E:: 83.1 83.8 83.1 1.56s 1.600 1.640 1.678 1.696 1.707 70.1 69.3 67.7 66.5 66.5 66.2 83.4 83.4 83.6 83.1 83.9 1.663 1.702 1.740 1.759 1.7m 69.1 6s.1 67.0 65.9 65.4 69.3 67.7 66.5 66.5 66.2 69.1 68.1 67.0 65.9 65.4 1.750-5 1.75f+6 1.750-8 1.750-12 1.75C-16 1.750-20 m m SLm 1.62.25-6 1.U25-8 l:ux-lz 1.8125-16 1.822s-20 64E4 m mm 2om 1.632 1.677 1.722 1.745 1.759 1.87S-6 1.8758 1.87512 1.87516 1.875-20 tm4 m Dm la 20UN 1.695 1.740 1.785 1.807 l.szl S3.1 83.1 w 83.1 1.72s 1.765 1.s03 1.821 1.832 1.9375-6 1.9375-8 1.9373-U 1.937516 1.9375-20 6m4 WN MN 161n4 20UN 1.757 l.aoz 1.847 1.870 1.883 83.4 S3.4 83.6 83.1 83.9 1.788 1.827 1.865 1.884 1.895 2.000-4.5 2.000-6 2.000-8 2.000-12 2.000-16 2.OW-20 m 60N 8ot4 1.759 Lam 1.865 1.910 1.932 1.946 83.5 83.1 83.1 S3.1 83.8 83.1. 1.795 1.850 1.BSO 1.92s 1.946 1.9s7 lam mn4 Mm H fmtnotes at end of tible. 40 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. - ● , I 3’Ec-s213-E28/213 msl.z 11.A.3- ~ ---- P ...s Imle size limits &tire threading for different leqths of eqeqenent, Lh-llfied-LW threads, c2a59e9 2s and m (see 30.1) y - atillu33 f bok st.addrd eim Mmitsztirdifferentlength of engagent 1 2b &d incluihg o.33n Atove 0.330 thru 0.67D AtUW 0.67D thnl1.5D IF Nminel size in inches Flt-f3thmadsprincb 14inimun in in 2.3 22 in .fn 1 1.382 1.427 1.472 1.49s 1.s02 1.s09 1.397 1.440 L 481 1.s02 1.509 1.s14 1.390 1.434 1. 4n 1.498 1. S06 1.531 1.40s 1.446 1.486 1.s05 1.53.2 1.517 1.397 1.440 L 401 1.502 1.s09 1.514 1.423 1.452 1.490 1.509 1.525 1.520 1. S625-8 1. S625-22 1.s625-16 1. S625-18 1.562S-20 1.445 1.490 1.535 l.sn 1.565 1.571 1.460 1.502 1.544 1.564 1.571 1.577 1. 4s2 1.4% 1.539 1.s61 l.sa 1.574 1.460 1.508 1.S48 1.563 1.574 1.ss0 1.460 1.s02 1.s44 1.s64 1.571 1.577 1.475 1.525 1.553 1.571 1.578 l.saz 1.625-6 1.625-B 1.625-12 1.62+16 1.62S-18 1.62S-20 1.507 1.S52 1.597 1.620 1.627 1.633 1.522 1.S65 1.606 1.627 1.634 1.639 3.535 1.558 L 602 1.623 1.630 1.636 1.530 1.571 1.631 1.630 1.637 1.642 1;522 1.56S 1.606 1.6?) 1.634 1.639 1.s38 I.sn 1.625 1.634 1.640 1.645 1.687Fr6 1.687S-8 1.687512 1.6875-16 1.6875-18 1.607s-20 1.534 1.570 1.6U 1.660 1.602 1.696 1.S50 1.ss5 1.627 1.669 1.6s9 1.702 1.s42 ~.sn 1.621 1.664 1.686 1.699 1.S59 1.s93 .1.634 1.673 1.693 1.704 1.5s0 1.5s5 1.627 1.669 1.689 1.702 ::% 1.640 1.678 1.696 1.707 1.750-5 1.7s&6 1.750-8 Z.750-12 1.750-16 1.750-20 1.632 1.677 1.722 1.745 1.758 1.647 1.690 1.731 1.752 1.764 1.640 1.684 1.727 1.748 1.761 1.655 1.696 1.736 1.755 1.767 1.647 1.690 1.731 1.752 1.764 1.663 1.702 1.740 1.759 1.770 1.812s-6 1.RU5-S 1.8125-22 1.0U5-16 1.8125-20 1.69S 1.740 I.78s 1.807 l.ml 1.710 1.752 1.794 1.814 1.827 1.702 1.746 1.789 1.822 1.824 1.72E 1.750 1.79B 1.818 1.830 1.710 L752 1.794 “1.814 1.827 1.72s 1.765 1.803 1.WU 1.832 1.87M 1.875-8 1.875-12 1.87S-16 1.87520 1.757 1.802 1.847 1.870 1.883 1.n2 1.s35 1.E56 1.877 1.8s9 L 765 l.wa 1.8s2 1.873 1.s.86 1.780 1.821 1.861 1.B80 1.892 1.772 1.835 1.856 1.8n 1.8s9 1.788 1.827 1.865 1.884 1.s95 1.9375-6 1.9375-8 1.9375-12 1.937516 1.937>20 1.759 1.S2U 1.86s 1.910 1.932 1.946 1.777 1.835 1.877 1.919 1.939 1.952 1.768 1.827 1.871 1.914 1.936 1.949 1.786 1.043 1.B84 1.923 1.943 1.954 1.777 1.835 1.877 1.929 1.939 1.952 1.795 1.8s0 1.890 1.928 1.946 1.9s7 2.00C-4.5 2.000-6 2.000-8 2.00C+12 2.000-16 2.000-20 See I faJtnotesat em3 of table. 41 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. 1.S625-6 Ew-s’Iwz28/a ● .=, 2%BtZ 11.i3 ;-.~ lmle size MmLts bebce thswding for different lerqths of eq&&nt, Unified and mre W thretds, Cf.fl ad m (sse 30.1) ~ . -&* ~simininches ?lrdthre.adsperirch sxies des igmatim k Mi Ikmentv Mi.nimm =lF 2 3 & 4 in 2.062!+16 5 6 in 1.995 83.1 2.0U3 65.9 83.1 16U4 XKR4 1.945 1.990 2.035 2.057 2.071 83.1 83.1 83.8 83.1 1.975 2.02s 2.o53 2.071 2.082 69.3 67.7 66.5 66.5 66.2 2.3E75-16 lx 2.la3 83.1 2.334 65.9 2.250-4.s 2.250-6 w Sam 2.009 83.5 83.1 2.045 2.100 71.0 69.3 2.5C4)-4 2.% 3.000-4 3.250-4 Um 2.229 2.479 2.729 2.979 2.267 2.517 2.767 3.017 71.7 71.7 71.7 71.7 2.125+ 2.U+6 2.225-12 2.3.25-16 2.225-20 See botmtes ml mm WC m 2.om ::: 83.4 83.4 at E-X3of table. I I I I I 42 L star&JKd Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. ● FE23-STD-I?28/2B .-. ~ bale siza 3.fmiteti ard fm2h251ng 0.330 IIAbve m . ––— different L 0.3m thfu 0.67D !kmfnalaizef.nti Ludthretdspximll 6uldms0 M82icd0nfniam ~ Nfnf2mn 7 8 9 10 2-3 23 in in fn in in h 2.002 1.998 2.005 2.002 2.009 2.0625-16 1.945. 1.990 2.035 2.037 2.072 1.960 2.002 2.044 2.064 2.077 1.952 1.996 .2.039 2.061 2.074 1.96E 2.008 2.048 2.060 2.060 1.%0 2.002 2.044 2.064 2.077 1.975 2.025 2.053 2.071 Z.C&? 2.3.25-4 2.=8 2.125-12 2.323-16’ 2.12?+ 2.320 2.227 2.322 2.230 2.127 2.334 2.3S7%16 2.009 2.070 2.027 2.065 2.03.8 2.077 2.036 2.093 2.027 2.085 2.04s 2.100 2.250-4.s 2.250-6 2.22s 2.479 2.?39 2.979 2.240 2.498 2.748 2.998 2.239. 2.4a9 2.739 2.989 2.254 ‘2.508 2.756 3.008 2.240 2.498 2.746 2.998 2.20 2.517 2.767 3.017 2.300-4 2.750-4 3.oco-4 3.=0-4 1.995 ● Mlxilmm % 1 ~~yg Liu3mgth90f be.limits.e qud m tb Anc.r dimcu~ tdermxs =Jw==t-~ gredter than 0.33nin Sims 0.25 in. Ibever, * minikam v83ues -r lengths of aqagewmt and hrgez &e &!smd w that th! difference &been lfmfm Is _ less b 0.0040 h. ror dimce-piti &inaticzm ot.br tbm tlcee given in this mk.2e, am 30.2. Zble nize limits &a dun in this @da dimcet.ec-piti ccmbfnatims which * -t ~ prcdded them is a diareter~imh ux&dnatim fn this W fn ths tabki my k *-- M M Of (1) b-itht6=cuImpimbm3 (2) with~ dtik thatis lessty m fntegm2 tmnmt &m vabm aze &sized, this pq2192. ) 0211S: Values In * “ tfm fm which ka3e sizs carhna sizes 2ess ttmn 0.25 in. c9m0t be used far tb dfmrebr+ti table fur mninn3 E2P2KlW lb cbtain * values for * 4.0*S2E or = thread, ad ‘17)esa value.quuld thm ~: Uueadslxamh t!mtahle. 3.890. m PCrmlas of thread Wu.2 Zemfn Imchmlpea. 2J B.mA cm .Ue2. . lJ0asedonak@hofwwtqa3 randed off in tke prhirq .lum. 2.000 b n2WS &r * 2.000-5N 3.865, 3.877, 3.871, 3.B84, 3.877, 100 perumt of threzd - 0.791 [see 30.2.3). tntlt?mmdrtal ditureter. 43 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-ST13-H28/29 7mmE 11.?+.4 - ~EX7 Imle sizelimitsbeforethreadiq h differentkqtb Onifiedd s=e W tbreds, * 3B [see30.1)~ of mgagment, st.ard 9 ?linor diambx of inte~ ~e I *r ies Iesignatim “a FercentY of Thread Y taxim.m 3 4 5 6 in 0.0465 83.1 0:514 53.0 I Per02ntY of ‘1’nread I 1 I .060-8001lb. 0-80 trw .073-64 or N2. 1-64 Lrc .0561 .0580 83.3 83.1 .0623 .0635 OK .0667 .0691 S3.2 83.3 .0737 .0733 53.0 52.7 m? .0764 .0797 83.5 83.2 .0845 .0865 53.6 53.9 UK Um .0849 .0894 83.4 83.5 .0939 .0968 55.7 56.2 .0979 .1004 83.4 83.3 .1062 .1079 57.9 57.9 .073-72or tb. 1-72 .086-56or No. 2-56 .086-64or No. 2-64 .099-48or M. 348 .099-56or lb. 3-56 .122-40or b m IRK or M. 4-40 4-48 .125-40or m. .12544 or W. 5-40 m 544 02-F .3X+48 .13S-32or b. 6-32 .138-40or No. 6-40 w .1040 .Ulo 83.8 83.1 .2240 .12E6 59.1 59.7 .164-32or M. %32 Lw UNF .3300 .3.340 83.8 83.1 .1389 .1416 62.8 62.1 .2.90-24 or No. 10-24 .290-32or N& 10-32 w .1450 .3S60 83.1 83.8 .3.55s .1643 63.7 63.8 .216-24or M. 1%24 .216-28 or NU. 12-2a .216-32 or M. 12-32 W Low .1710 .1770 .1820 83.1 84.1 83.8 .1807 .M57 .1895 65.2 65.3 65.3 .25C-20 .250-28 .250-32 .25C-36 UK InfF OtEf .1960 .2110 .2160 .2200 03.1 84.1 83.8 83.1 .2190 .7.229 .2258 66.7 66.8 66.8 m.1 .3125-M .3125-20 .312524 .3125-28 .312>32 .3125-36 o-m 2UIN 2671N m m .2520 .2580 .2670 .2740 .2790 .2820 83.8 83.9 84.1 83.0 82.5 84.5 .2630 .26E0 .2754 .28o7 .2847 .2877 68.5 66.7 .375-16 .37>20 .375-24 .375-28 .375-32 .375-36 ‘K 20UN UNF 2euN IilJm m .3070 .3210 .3300 .3360 .3410 .3450 .93. e 83.1 83.1 84.1 83.8 83.1 .3182 .3297 .3372 .3426 .3469 .3501 70.0 69.7 69.0 69.8 69.2 69.0 .4375-14 .437>16 .4375-20 m 16UN .431!+28 .4373-32 m 327RJ ,3600 .3700 .3830 .3990 .4040 83,5 83.1 83.9 83.0 82.5 .3717 .3800 .3916 .4051 .4094 70.9 70.8 70.7 69.8 69.2 .164-36 or W. * fwb-des 8-36 m w at d of tah3e. 44 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. ● 68.6 ::; 68.5 , ,. “o FED-S2D-H28/2B m15LE 11.A.4- ~ed tde size limi= tefore threading for different lengths of eqag-t, unified ard 6are IN .-. -- Wmmm5ed ck 3B (see 30.1) y W 0.33Dth?uo.6m .. Abve 0.67Dthcu1.5D W.%ium sbdard - amtinued bsle size limits for different length$ of aqagenent m a-d fnchdij-lg 13.33D ~ti *e&, txnfm.1size in incks ardt&ead6periJlctl Mxiumn 8 ~ 9 10 u ~ ~ ~ 0.g65 0.0500 0.0479 0.0514 0.0479 0.214 .062-s0or lb. ..0561 .0580 .0599 .062.3 .0580 .0596 .0618 .0629 .0505 .0602 .0623 .0635 .073-64or tb. 1-64 .073-72or tb. 1-72 .0667 .0691 .0705 .0724 .0686 .0707 .0724 .0740 .0699 .0720 .0737 .0753 .096-56or W.. 2-56 .086-64or w. 2-64 .0764 .0797 .0804 .0831 .0785 .0814 .0825 .0848 .0805 .0831 .0845 .0865 .099-48 or &a. 3-48 .099-56 or W. >56 .0849 .0894 .0894 .0931 .0871 .093.2 .0916 .0949 .0894 .0931 .0939 .0968 .2X+40 or M. 4-40 .3.32-4.9 or f&. 4-48 .0979 .1004 .lom .1041 .1000 .1023 .1o41 .1060 .1022 .1042 .1062 .1079 .125+0 or W. .225-44 or m. .1040 .Ulo .1091 .3.348 .1066 .2128 .3M5 .3.267 .1091 .1147 .1140 .2186 .13S32 or b. 6-32 .238-40 or No. 640 .2300 .1340 .3.345 .1371 .1324 .1359 .1367 .1397 .1346 .1378 .1389 .1416 .164-32 or N% S32 .164-36 or tb. 6-36 .1450 .2560 .3.502 .1601 .1475 .3.582 .1520 .1623 .1502 .1602 .2555 .1641 .39*24 or No. 10-24 .190-32 or W. 10-32 .1710 .1770 .1820 .1756 .183.5 .185a .1733 .1794 .1043 .1782 .1836 .1877 .1758 .181S .1859 .1807 .1857 .1095 .2M-24 or tb. 1>24 .216-28 Oc W.. 12-28 .216-32 or W. 12-32 .1960 .2110 .2160 .2200 .2013 .2352 .2196 .2223 .1986 .2131 .2172 .2203 .2040 .2171 .2212 .2243 .2013 .2250 .2189 .223.9 .2067 .2190 .2229 .225a .250-20 .250-28 .25*32 .250-36 .2520 .2500 .2670 .2740 .2790 .2E20 .2577 .2632 .2714 .277’2 .2817 .2E50 .2551 .2600 .2694 .2749 .2792 .2823 .2604 .2656 .2734 .2789 .2832 .2863 .2577 .2632 .2714 .2767 .2807 .2837 .2630 .2680 .2754 .2807 .2047 .2877 .33.2518 .3125-20 .3070 .3210 .3300 .3360 .3410 .3450 .3127 .3253 .3336 .3395 .3441 .3475 .3101 .3231 .3314 .3370 .3415 .3450 .3155 .3275 .3354 .3410 .3455 .3490 .3128 .329 .3332 .33S6 .3429 .3461 .3182 .3297 .3372 .3426 .3469 .3501 .375-16 .375-20 .375-24 .375-28 .375-32 .315-36 .3600 .3700 .3830 .3990 .4040 .3660 .3749 .3875 .40m .4066 .3630 .3723 .3855 .3995 .4040 .3688 .3774 .3896 .4035 .4080 .3659 .3749 .3B75 .403.I .4054 .3717 .3800 .3916 .4051 .4094 .4375-14 .4375-16 .4375-20 .4375-28 .4375-32 7 See foomotes at eti 32 of table. 45 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. 1 0-80 5-40 -4 .33.25-24 .312528 .3125-32 .3125-36 FE&STD-H28/2B ‘3m3L211.A.4 - Wc$mmcm2& hzle size limits before fhrezdirqfor differentlqtba Onified ad s.ne 11+3ttuewfs, ck15 ~ (662 30.1)~ . ~~~ .- -. .: of starctard eqqemsnt, .. Ninor diaseterof internrd rim NOniml size in incks ad threads pm M 2 1 —7Percena *5 ies desiccation 3 of 17xecd naximm 4 5 ~ .500-32 .500-13 .500-16 .500-20 .500-26 .500-32 0?s w lam 3aN .5625-32 .5625-16 .5625-2B .5625-20 .562524 .5625-28 .S62532 .625-11 .625-12 .625-16 .625-36 .625-20 .625-24 .625-28 .62532 Lx 12LX lam 32LN .6s75-12 .6K7516 .6875-18 .6075m .6675-24 .6675 -28 .4875-32 lm .750-10 .750-12 .750-16 .750-18 .750-20 .750-28 .750-32 m 120N U6P IRS m .8U5-12 .s125-16 .8125-18 .w+rn .8125-28 .8125-32 .875-9 .875-12 .875-14 .87+16 .875-18 .875-20 .875-28 .875-32 .9375-12 .9375-16 .9375m .93-H-2a .9375-32 See fa.tnotis at d Zm 331m 16xm m w 2m 3am ioc U&N w 16m 13f65 2WN 3212.’ lam 2olN 32m of table. 6 in .4100 .4170 .4620 .4660 83.1 83.1 83.B 83.1 84.1 03.8 .4223 .4264 .4434 .4537 .4676 .4719 71.8 71.1 71.6 71.3 69.0 69.2 .4720 .49s0 .5020 .5080 .5170 .5240 .5290 83.6 83.1 83.8 83.9 64.1 83.0 82.5 .4843 .5040 .5106 .5162 .5244 .5301 .5344 72.2 72.1 71.9 71.3 70.4 69.8 69.2 .5270 .5350 .5570 .5650 .5710 .5BO0 .586o .5910 03.0 83.1 83.8 B3.I 83.1 B3.1 B4.1 B3.8 .5391 .5463 .5662 .5730 .5787 .5269 .5926 .5969 72.7 72.7 72.4 72.1 71.3 70.4 69.8 49.2 .5970 .6200 .627o .6330 .6422 .6490 .6540 83.6 B3.1 83.0 83.9 24.1 83.0 82.5 .6085 .62S4 .6355 .6412 .6494 .655J . .6594 13.0 12.8 72.1 71.3 70.4 69.B 69.2 .64m .6600 .6Bm .6900 .6960 .73.30 .7160 B3.1 E3.1 83a 83.1 83.1 54.1 83.6 .6545 .6707 .6900 .69S0 .7037 .7176 .7229 13.5 73.3 72.9 72.1 71.3 69.8 69.2 .72m .7430 .75m .75m .7740 .7790 83.6 83.1 83.8 B3.9 83.0 82.5 .7329 .7533 .7605 .7662 .7801 .7844 73.5 72.9 72.1 71.3 69.8 69.2 .7550 .7850 .7980 .8070 .0150 .8210 .836o .8410 E3.1 B3.1 83.0 83.8 63.1 83.1 04.1 83.8 .7681 .7952 .8068 .815B .8230 .8207 .8426 .8469 74.1 73.7 73.5 72.9 72.1 71.3 69.0 69.2 .8470 .8700 .8630 .8990 .9040 83.6 B3.1 B3.9 83.0 02.5 .8575 .8783 .8912 .9051 .9094 73.9 72.9 71.3 69.8 69.2 .43m .4460 46 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. , 2?IB2.E 11.A.4- ~ lde size limits tefnre thseadiq fnr different Zerqths of e!qqe7rent, stzdard Uoified ad sme M *e*, * 3B (= 30.11 ~ - afi~ ---- ._n=+-@=o mamlti Im2e size limits 20? different h * 0.33D mximm 8 0 a Ak& h of engagmt II 0.33Dthru0.670 ‘Junimm 9[ ~ ] 9 10 ~ ~ ~ .4223 .4284 .4419 .4537 .4676 .4724 .500-2E .500-32 in 511 .4100 .42m .43m .U29 .41% .4192 .4234 .4460 .4610 .4660 .4161 .4225 .4371 .4498 .4645 .4691 .4347 .4477 .4620 .4665 .4395 .4517 .4660 .4705 .4160 .4226 .4371 .4497 .4636 .4679 .47m .4950 .som .5080 .5170 .5240 .5290 .4783 .4994 .5065 .5123 .5209 .5270 .5316 .4753 .49n .5043 .5102 .5186 .5245 .5290 .4813 .5017 .5066 .5142 .5226 .5285 .5330 .4703 .4994 .W65 .5122 .5204 .5261 .5304 .4043 .5040 .5106 .5162 .5244 .5301 .5344 . 5625-3.i .5625-16 .5625-18 .5625-2o .562>24 .5625-24 .5625-32 .5270 .5350 .5570 .5650 .5710 .5800 .5660 .5910 .5328 .5406 .5617 .569o .5748 .5834 .5895 .5942 .5298 .5377 .55% .5669 .5727 .5622 .5360 .5435 .5640 .5710 .S167 .59L5 .5651 .5910 .5955 .5329 .5405 .5430 .5609 .5747 .5629 .5806 .s929 .5391 .5463 .5662 .5730 .5787 .5869 .5926 .5969 .625-11 .625-12 .625-16 # .625-18 .62520 .625-24 .625-28 .625-32 .5970 .62oo .6270 .633o .6420 .6490 .6540 .60~ .6241 .633s .6373 .6459 .6520 .6566 .6001 .6219 .6294 .6352 .6436 .6495 .6540 .6057 .6262 .6335 .6392 .6476 .6535 .6580 .6029 .62U .6314 .6372 .6454 .6523 .6554 .608S .6264 .6355 .6412 .6494 .6551 .6594 .687+12 .6875-16 .6e73-le .687520 .687>24 .6875-28 .~7>32 .6420 .66oo .6820 .6900 .6960 .7230 .7160 .6481 .6652 .4866 .6940 .6998 .7145 .7191 .6449 .6626 .6644 .6929 .69n .6513 .6680 .6887 .6960 .7017 .7160 .7205 .6481 .6653 .6065 .6939 .6997 .n36 .7179 .654s .6707 .6908 .6980 .7037 .7176 .722.9 .750-10 .75C-12 .750-16 .75C-18 .75C-20 .750-22 .750-32 .722o .7450 .757fJ ,7580 .7740 .7790 .7276 .7491 .7565 .7623 .n70 .7816 .7254 .7602 .7745 .n90 .7303 .7512 .7585 .7642 .7785 .7830 .7276 .7490 .7564 .7622 .7761 .7804 .7329 .7533 .76o5 .7662 .-2801 .7044 .622512 .8225-16 .222518 .8225-20 .8225-28 .W25-32 .7550 .7850 .7980 .8070 .8150 .B21O .12.360 .8410 .7614 .7900 .8022 ,8116 .B190 .8248 .8395 .8441 .7580 .7874 .8000 .8094 .8169 .8227 .8370 .0425 .7647 .?926 .8045 .8137 .8230 .8267 .8410 .8455 .7614 .7900 .8o23 .6135 .8189 .8247 ,8306 .8429 .7681 .7952 .8068 .8156 .8230 .8287 .8426 .8469 .875-9 .875-12 .875-14 .875-16 .875-18 .875-20 .875-20 .875-32 .8470 .8700 .8830 .0990 .9040 .8524 .8741 .8973 .9020 .9066 .0699 .8739 .8852 ,8995 .9040 .8550 .8762 .0892 .9035 .9080 .0521 .8740 .8872 .90U .9054 .8575 .8783 .8932 .9051 .9094 .9375-12 .9375-16 .9375-20 .9375-28 .937+32 .5670 .712U .7165 .nii 47 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. — ‘“ .50C-12 .500-13 .500-16 .500-20 lSi3U? 11.A.4- 3@mmemW Me sizeM&its bzforethreadfrqfordifferentlerqthzof qagemmt, scacdacd .Mfied md ~ ~ t32re2&,chzss33 (see30.1)IJ - -~~ ,. .. z. Hirnr dimreterof internaltk.s s ● Wdl-la3 size In inches aldtlu.xrMper&ch 2/ Fwca-.& 5sries Lkignrttim of 16ZL131US ‘nuerd 2 1 3 4 5 FerQntY of nued 6 in 1.000-8 l.om-lz 1.000-14 1.00U-16 I.me-u 1.Ore-20 l.mo-a 1.OCC-32 w LP2F m lWN UmP 2m Jam 1.0426-0 1.0632?-22 1.0623-14 1.0623-16 L.0625-26 1.062!+20 1.06.2!+26 83.1 83.1 83.0 83.B 83.1 03.1 S4.1 83.8 .E797 .9198 .9335 .9400 .9600 .9531 .9676 .97L9 74.1 74.1 73.8 72.9 72.1 71.3 69.8 69.2 .9370 .97m .9850 .9950 63.4 83.6 83.5 83.1 83.B 03.9 83.0 .9623 .9823 .9940 1.0033 1.0105 1.0162 1.0303 7d.1 74.1 73.8 72.9 72.1 71.3 69.8 loom 1. Oow 1.0240 1.225-7 1.123-s 1.325-32 1.12S-16 1.US-1a 1.12.%24 1.226-28 m Km W4F lm m 2@.6i 2S.7N 1.2.S7H 1.2s73-12 1.167>16 1.1876-16 m lm la w 2um 1.0320 :.0970 1.1200 1.1270 1.1330 1.1490 83.4 83.6 83.1 63.s 83.9 83.0 1.0672 1.1073 1.12S3 1.1355 1.1U2 1.E51 74.1 ?4.1 72.9 mc am LQr 1.0950 1.1150 1.1600 1.18m 1.1900 1.1960 1.2110 83.5 63.1 83.1 83.8 03.1 23.1 84.1 1.3125 1.1297 1.169S 1.190s 1.3980 1.m37 1.2176 14.1 74.1 14.1 72.9 72.1 71.3 69.8 1.1770 3.22m 1.2450 1.2520 1.2528 1.2740 a3.4 83.6 83.1 03.8 83.9 03.0 1.3.922 1.2323 1.2533 1.2KD5 1.2662 1.2801 74.1 74.1 72.9 72.1 71.3 69.S 1.367 s-m 1.1873-26 1.350-7 1.LE.O-8 l.mu 1.250-16 I.nc-in 1.250-20 1.250-26 lRN mm’ 2m 1.3226-8 1.3326-32 1.3225-16 1.3123-24 1.3125-20 1.3323-26 see .8650 .9100 .9230 .9320 .940d .9460 .9610 .9660 e3.5 83.1 83.1 83.8 e3.1 83.1 84.1 -34.1 74.1 14.L 12.9 72.1 71.3 69.8 %: 69.8 1.37+6 1.373-8 1.376-12 1.373-16 1.373-18 1.375-20 1.373-28 ma am m lKN UNm ‘3uLN 2m7N 1.39s0 1.2400 1.2850 1.3070 1.3160 1.3210 1.3360 83.1 83.1 63.1 83,8 83.1 63.1 84.1 1.2346 1.2547 1.2948 1.315=9 1.3230 1.32s7 1.3426 74.1 74.1 74.1 72.9 72.1 71.3 69.6 i.4373-6 1,4315-8 1.4373-12 1.4375-16 1.4373-38 1.4376-m 1.4376-20 a m Uz31 lQ.7N mm Zfxm 2MN 1.25’70 1.3020 1.3470 1.3700 1.3770 1.3830 1.3990 83.4 83.4 03.6 83.1 03.6 83.9 83.0 1.2771 1.3172 1.3573 1.3703 1.2855 1.3912 1.4051 74.1 14.1 14.1 72.9 72.1 71.3 69.6 fwbwtes at erd tie. 48 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. I I 22!&E 11.A.4 ; ~ tule Size limits befnre thre.dq 13nifiedad snm W thzezdz, c3dss 3 Iule size Ltiits for differentk m d Inclldlng0.320 @r different kqti (3ee 30.1) lJ - m~~ )JDve 0.330 thru 0.670 AtOw o.6m tflc”1.50 bird size in fnches ard threadsPL?ri.mh Mnimm mximm Rlnim.m Faxham !linimm mximm 7 8 9 10 32 12 1 .8:0 .9100 .9220 .9320 .94M .9460 .9610 .966o .0s2 .9148 .9271 .9366 .9440 .9498 .9645 .9691 .8:4 .9123 .9269 .9344 .9U9 .9477 .9620 .9665 fn .8759 .9173 .9293 .9387 .9460 .9517 .9660 .9705 .8%. .9148 .9271 .9365 .9439 .9497 .9636 .9679 .8:7 .919B .9335 .9408 .9400 .9537 .9676 .9729 1.00+8 1.000-12 1.00W14 1.00v-16 1.OM-lS 1.000-20 1.OW-26 1.000-12 .9270 .97m .9850 .9950 1.0020 1.0020 1.0240 .9347 .9773 .9B96 .9991 1.0065 1.0123 1.0270 .9309 .9748 .9874 .9965 1.0044 1.0102 1.0245 .9364 .9798 .9918 1.0012 1.0085 1.0142 1.02$25 .9347 .9773 .9896 .9990 1.0064 1.0123 1.0261 .9422 .9833 .9940 1.0033 1.0105 1.0162 1.0301 1.0S5-9 1.062S-12 1.0435-14 1.062516 1.0635-18 1.0625-20 1.0625-28 0.9700 .9900 1.0350 1.0570 1.0650 1.0710 1.0860 0.9790 .9972 1.0398 1.0616 1.0690 1.0748 1.0095 0.9747 .9934 1.0373 1.0594 1.0669 1.0727 1.CS70 0.9833 1.0009 1.0423 1.CK37 1.0710 1.0767 1.0910 0.9789 .9972 1.0398 1.0625 1.0689 1.0747 1.0886 0.9075 1.0047 1.0448 1.0658 1.0730 1.0787 1.0926 1.125-7 1.3258 1.12512 1.22516 1.125-3.6, 1.125-20 1.133-28 1.0597 1.1023 1.12U 1.3333 1.1373 1.2.520 1.0559 1.0998 1.1229 1.1294 1.3352 1.1495 1.0634 1.1048 1.1i52 1.1333 1.1392 1.3.335 1.0597 1.1023 1.3240 1.3314 1.1372 1.2.5U 1.0672 1.1073 1.1343 1.1355 1.1412 1.2551 1.1875s 1.3675-12 1.187516 1.2272-32 1.1075-20 1.3.87+28 1.1040 1.1222 1.1648 1.3.s66 1.3940 1.:998 1.2345 1.0997 1.3284 1.1623 1.le44 1.1929 1.1977 1.2120 1.1083 1.1239 1.1673 1.1887 1.1960 1.2017 1.2160 L.1039 1.1222 1.164s 1.3S65 1.1939 1.3997 1.2136 1.2225 1.1W7 1.1698 1.1908 1.1980 1.2037 1.2176 1.250-7 1.250-0 1.25C-12 1.350-16 1.2X-18 1.250-20 1.250-28 l.lno 1.2220 1.2450 1.2520 1.2ss0 1.2740 1.1047 1.2273 1.2491 1.2S65 1.2623 1.m70 1.1809 1.2248 1.2469 1.2544 1.2602 1.3745 1.1884 1.2298 1.2522 1.2585 1,2642 1.2785 1.1847 1.2273 1.2490 1.2564 1.2622 1.n61 1.2922 1.2323 1.2533 1.2605 1.2662 1.2801 1.3125-8 1.31>12 1.312516 1.31~25-le 1.312520 1.3135-28 1.1950 1.2400 1.285o 1.3070 1.3150 1.3210 1.3360 1.2046 1.2472 1.2098 1.33.36 1.3190 1.3248 1.3395 1.1996 1.2434 1.2873 1.3094 1.3169 1.3237 1.3170 1.2096 1.2509 1.2923 1.3137 1.37.:0 1,3267 1.3410 1.2046 1.2472 1.289S 1.3133 1.3M9 1.3247 1.33B6 1.2146 1.2547 1.2948 1.3158 1.3230 1.3287 1.3426 1.375-6 1.373-8 1.375-12 1.37516 1.375-18 1.375-20 1.375-28 1,2570 1.3020 1.3470 1.3700 1.3770 1.3030 1.3990 1.2671 1.3097 1.3523 1.3741 1.38s 1.3873 1.4030 1.2622 1.3059 1.3490 1.3719 1.3794 1.3852 1.3995 1,2721 1.3134 1.3548 1.3762 1.3835 1.3092 1,4035 1.2671 3.3097 1.3523 1.3740 1.3814 1.3872 :.4011 :.2771 1.3172 1.3573 1.3783 1.3855 1.3912 1.4051 1.4375-6 1.4375-E 1.437+12 1.4375-16 1.4375-18 1,4375-20 1.4375-28 See fcotmtes stardard , ., ~ of~t e I of engqeuent, at end of *e. 49 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-S’IWH2i3/Z3 Imle size limits &fore thretiimg for different lerqths of erqagecent, stamdrd ‘27WLE11.A.4 - maurendd Unified UX5 scue m thmaka, * 38 (.80230.1) ~ . ~tin~ .- -. .= .. .. nternd thred3 fAmina3sizo b, Ltis C.n5threadspesindl Y %, ies im designat 9wmltY of mrezd 2 5 ~ ox 1.5470-6 1.500-8 1.50C-32 1.500-16 1.600-28 1.50C-20 1.50C-28 6 L3 1.3200 1.36S0 1.6200 1.4320 1.4400 1.4460 1.4610 83.1 83.1 a3.1 03.8 03.1 83.1 84.1 1.33% 1.3791 1.63s8 1.440a 1.4480 1.4537 1.4636 74.1 74.1 74.1 72,9 72.1 71.3 69.8 1.3820 1.42m l.zom 1.5080 63.4 83.4 03.6 83.1 83.8 83.9 1.4023 1.4422 1.4823 1.5033 1.52n5 1.5162 74.1 74.1 14.1 72.9 72.1 71.3 1.625-6 1.625-8 1.625-13 1.623-16 1.625-18 1.625-3Q 1.44;0 1.4900 1.5350 1.5570 i.%% 1.5710 83.1 83.1 83.1 03.8 83.1 83.1 1.4646 1.5047 1.5448 1.5659 1.5730 1.5787 74.1 14.1 74.1 13..9 72.1 n.3 1.6875-6 1.6875-8 1.6875-11 1.6875-16 1.687518 1.6875-20 1.5a70 1.5520 1.5970 1.6200 1.627o 1.6330 03.4 83.4 83.6 83.1 83.8 83.9 1.57/1 1.5672 1.6073 1.6383 1.6355 1.6h12 74.1 74.1 74.1 72.9 72.1 71.3 1.5340 1.s700 1.6350 1.6600 1.6am 1.696o 83.1 83.1 83.1 83.1 83.8 03.1 1.5575 1.58% 1.6297 1.6698 1.6908 1.m31 74.1 74.1 14.1 74.1 72.9 71.3 1.632o 1.6770 1.7220 1.7430 1.7580 83.4 83.4 83.6 83.1 83.9 1.6521 1.6922 1.7323 1.7533 1.7662 74.1 14.1 74.1 72.9 71.3 1.695o 1.74m 1.7850 1.8070 1.8210 03.1 83.1 83.1 63.s 83.1 1.7146 1.7547 1.7940 1.815% 1.8287 74.1 74.1 74.1 72.9 71.3 1.1510 1.8020 1.8470 1.8100 1.8830 83.4 83.4 83.6 83.1 03.9 1.7771 1.0172 1.8573 1.8783 1.B912 74.1 74.1 7<.1 72.9 71.3 03.5 83.1 83.1 83.1 83.6 83.1 1,7061 1.83% 1.8797 1.9298 1.9408 1.9537 74.1 74.1 74.1 74.1 72,9 71.3 83.1 2.0033 72.9 W8 IO@ 16WN m m m 1.5635-6 1.5625-6 1.5625-12 1.5625-16 1.5625-18 1.5625-20 &m lmll la In&P 2L2m 1.75C-5 1.750-6 1.75C-8 1.750-12 1.750-16 1.750-20 UC 1.B125-6 1.8125-8 1.Lu26-12 1.8125-16 1.8125-20 ml 1.m25-d 1.6325-6 1.8125-22 1.6225-16 1.0225-20 L% mm m 12LN lam 2LI.54 13W+ lam lam 2ow4 1.9375-6 1.9375-0 1.9375-12 1.9375-16 1.9375-20 1.47m 1. 49s0 2.00C-4.5 2.000-6 2.MO-8 2.000-12 2.000-16 2.000-20 m m m 201M 1.7590 1.820U 1.S650 1.9100 1.9320 1.9460 2.0623-16 w 1.9950 lam lam Se8 fcotnotes at ez-dof talzk. 50 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FEE+lD-H28/2B ‘mEG? 11.X.4 - ~ ● bale size 1 hits before threading for different lengths of engagement, starxkd Unified ard U2G threa5s, class 30 [see 30.1) ~ - -t~~ — —~ed hale size Mm.@ k fur difierent 1, 0.33D W“ 0.6772thm 1.50 NAn?.1size in &s ard thmods per tih ? 10 12 m ~— - ~ 1.3296 1.3722 1.4148 1.4366 1.4440 1.449e 1.4645 1.3246 1.3624 1.42.23 1.4344 1.44L9 1.4477 1.4620 1.3346 1.3759 1.4173 1.A387 1.446o 1.4517 1.466o 1.;96 1.3723 1.414B 1.4365 1.4439 1.4497 1.4636 1.3396 1.3797 1.4198 1.4400 1.44ed 1.4537 1.4676 1.50C-6 1.500-8 1.50C+12 1.50C-16 1.500-18 1.500-20 1.5oo-2e 1.4270 1:4720 1.4950 1.5020 1.5080 1.3922 1.4347 1.4773 1.4991 1.5065 1.5123 1.3871 1.4309 1.474e 1.4969 1.5044 1.5102 1.3971 1.4324 1.479e 1.5012 1.5085 1.5142 1.3922 1.4347 1.4773 1.4990 1.5064 1.5322 1.402L 1.4422 1.4822 1.5033 1.5105 1.5162 1.5625-6 k7625-e 1.5625-12 1.s623-16 1.562518 1.56>2S 1.4450 1.4900 1.5330 1.5570 1.5650 1.5710 1.4546 1.4972 1.539e 1.5616 1.5690 1.5?48 1.44% 1.4934 1.5373 1.5594 1.5669 1.5727 1.4596 1.6009 1.5423 1.5637 1.5?10 1.5767 1.4S46 1.4972 1.539e 1.5635 1.56e9 1.5747 3..4646 i.5047 1.5446 1.5658 1.5730 1.5787 1.625-6 1.5070 1.5520 1.5970 1.62U0 1.6270 1.6330 I.wf L.5597 1.6023 1.6241 1.63= 1.6373 1.5222 1.5559 1.599B 1.6239 1.6224 1.6352 1.5223 1.5634 1.6048 1.6262 1.6333 1.6392 1.5171 1.5597 1.6023 1.6240 1.6314 1.6372 1.5271 1.5672 1.6073 1.6263 1.6355 1.6422 1.607H 1.6075-.9 1.6275-12 1.687$-16 1.6675-18 1.6675-20 1.5340 1.5700 1.625o 1.6600 1.6820 1.6960 1.5455 1.5796 1.6222 1.6648 1.6e66 1.6998 1.5395 1.5746 1.6184 1.4623 1.6844 1.69n 1.5525 1.5S46 1.6259 >.6673 1.6887 1.7017 1.5455 1.5?96 1.6223 1.6640 1.6865 1.6997 1.5575 1.5E96 1.6397 1.6698 1.6908 1.7037 1.750-5 1.75+6 1.750-8 1.750-12 1.75C-16 1.75C-20 1.6320 1.6770 1.72X 1.7450 1.7580 1.6422 1.6847 1.7273 1.7491 1.7623 1.6371 1.6809 1.7248 1.7469 1.7602 1.6471 1.6884 1.7W8 1.7512 1.7642 1.6421 1.6047 1.7273 1.7490 1.7623 1.6522 1.6922 1.7323 1.7533 1.7662 1.8125-6 1.8125-8 i.e225-12 1.822%16 1.0L25-20 1.6950 1.7400 1.7850 1.8070 1.82L0 1.7046 1.7472 1.789e 1.0116 1.8248 1.6996 1.7434 1.7e73 1.8094 1,E227 1.71796 1.7502 1.7923 1.8137 1.8267 1.7046 1.7472 1.7e9a 1.8125 1.s247 1.7146 1.7547 1.7940 1.8L54 1.8287 1.S15-6 1.e75-8 1.e75-12 1.87S-16 1.875-20 1.7570 1.0020 1.8470 1.8700 1.8e30 1.7671 1.8097 1.8523 1.e741 1.0873 1.7621 1.8059 1.0498 1.n719 1.B852 1.7721 1.8134 1.e548 1.8762 1.8892 1.7671 1.0097 1.8523 1.8740 1.8872 1.7771 1.8172 1.es73 1.a783 1.8912 1.9375-6 1.9315-8 1.937>12 1.9375-16 1.9373-20 1.1590 l.ezoo 1.86s0 1.9100 1,9320 1.9460 ~.nn 1.8296 1.8722 1.9148 1.9366 1.9498 1.7661 1.8246 1.e6e4 1.9123 1.9344 1.9477 1.7194 1.0346 1.8759 1.9173 1.93e7 1.9517 1.7728 1.8296 1.8722 1.9148 1.9365 1.9497 1,7861 1,8396 1.8797 1.9196 1.9408 1.9537 2.000-4.5 2.000-6 2.000-0 2.000-12 2.0K+16 2.000-20 1.9950 1.9991 1.9969 2.0012 1.9990 2.0033 2.0625-16 1.2s20 ● P&W ~ in 1.3200 1.3650 1.4100 1.4320 1.4400 1.4460 1.4610 ● 0.67u UAnnm Minimm 7“ Ch9 of engagemnt see fmlnotes at end of m. 51 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. 1.625-8 1.623-12 1.625-16 1.623-32 L.625-20 ‘ EED-sm-H213/273 l!ALu.2 11.A.4 ● -. -“R&rrrdd hole size limitstefare threadingbr differentlengthsof erqag~nt, st.artiard Lhifiedad = W *e*, .=3d69= (* 30.U Y - ~~@ tiI Minimum diameterof internalthreads Fercentv Ferrem& of ‘Iluead of Tluead 6rJN II 3 4 2.325-8 2.12522 2.125-16 2.125-20 2.1875-16 2.250-4.5 2.250-6 81R4. Mm Mm 2orm II w II 2.500-4 2.750-4 3.000-4 3.250-4 6 h. in 2.125-6 s 1.9450 1.9900 2.0350 2.0S70 2.0710 83.1 83.1 B3.1 03.8 83.1 1.9646 2.0047 2.0448 2.0658 2.0787 74.1 74.1 74.1 72.9 71.3 2.1200 83.1 2. 12S3 72.9 2.0090 2.0700 83.5 83.1 2.0361 2. 0!396 74.1 74.1 2.2290 2.4790 2.7290 2.9790 83.4 83.4 83.4 83.4 2.2594 2.5094 2.7594 3.0094 74.1 74.1 74.1 74.1 % II= see frxsnotes at eti of Gable. 52 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-Sl’lH28/2E w m 23.A.4=~ -- Me sim limitsbfnre thredhq focdifferent kqtb of tcq~k, onifbd8rL2g=tkell&,c&M 2a(00e30.1)J/-amtillw2d — ~ TO ad bale slm iIY%u3~ 0.3~ Mni- II A@ve & different luqttm of ~ 0.3~ t&U 0.67D ~ II I124andslx@lnimsEo -o-~til,= 26nLimmll Mnioma 7 in h 1.96% 1.99M 2.03n 2.0554 2.0721 1.9s63 L.9P73 2.0396 2.0616 2.0766 10 32 h 1.95% 2.0009 2.0423 2.0637 Z.om in in 1.9546 1.9977 2.039s 2.0635 2.0747 1.9644 ZO047 2.OUB 2.0656 2.0787 2.22s-8 2.32s-3.2 2.225-16 2.225-20 i 2.387+3.6 2.3300 2.2262 II 2.3229 2.3262 2.3260 2.2293 2.2C90 2.07m Z.mn 2.07% 2.0294 2.cm6 2.0226 2.07% 2.m% 2.2539 2.5039 2.7539 3.0039 2.2444 2.4944 2.7444 2.9944 2.2m 2.4790 2.7m 2.9790 2.0361 2.0746 m II 3f21=dlffe2ambmlht=arecq+dbthemkr 2.0263 2.2594 2.5094 2.7596 3.0094 dXbr2rhr-fc 2.Xu-4 II II 2.250-4.5 2.2s0-4 2s00-4 := 3.* c3aytlmofc~t bad hSM3hlg o.3m. ~,t.b~mluesbr d hrocr am pitch ~tmti thsn o.3m in SIZZ2S0.25 tn. klgthaoc UqagaEnt gmlk ti5t62 - tkt Um differertm ~tbeen lidtn is 2eso tkm 0.0060 tn. Fur dbsee other * t.lm9Bgiven in this t8b3e, mc 30.2. Mmiil125(21rRta?r+tctl .adi=laticmahtlk 41Lbr0tq QrMrin va.bs&thiswpm96&2u!er9 iwadk~ikheilnthmin 2k.3eslw thiatah2e mlyhc&lMrledbyuR0s tbtaae! (1) Ulthtbmpiaml [2)wiuladi=mtAE ttmtis3es9 bianintI?911J cuultuwal t3B3dhm@.tec 0itbdt5!EtH-Qiml a&iMtimti oimk?sdtbml.ooin.~ 14ucb & tin ~ are&sired. ou3z:vahua 3nt.tmtabf0rmalna2 trJw05&tMdpu6me.) ~i ~8aw2.m m*taint&. va2mdf0rt& 4.0m3-m3+m thremf. U3f 2.OQO In S2.2m ti &e 2.c@o-m tkueti 6kam Jn the t8b2e. = Vd83S tudd thn ~: 3.6630, 3.8722, 3.8684, 3.8759, 3.8m2, 3.67P7. mm pantagm of thread vLu -III Lmdmqel. ~.cau&d Offint.hpr&irq mlum. 100 prxcsnt of thred - 0.75B (m 53 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. 20.2.3). I I I I I l?EIF.SSD-H28/2B APPENDIXB —. -- IE.SIQ4@UNIFIED—~ 40. ~. fiis apg=dix prwides guidelines which rcay be used in the parts. It is not a rnardatory design of unified screw threads for threaded of the standard. The information IXX-Itained herein is intended for part guidance only. It supplementsinformstim rnntainedin ApperdixB of J@i8 Bi.1-1989. 50. General. general,any given prcblem in threaddesignmay te ==@ible tO ==~ mre or less Satisfacbxy sdutiona based on the preljndnaryselecticnof certainelem?ntaof the designand the prcper In other mrds, threaddesign is to a large adjustmnt of the O* elenmw. extentempiricaland is partiallybasedon previouse~riene with similar designsad the j~nt of & designer. Acmrdir@y, it is not practicable to presenta definitesystemof approachto the designof a threadedassembly but nrely b presenta discussia of variousdesign factirs. 50.1 Intrcductim. In 50.2 Factor relationships.The interrelation of lengthof engagement, minimmnmajor diameterof the externalthread,maximumminor diameterof the internalthread,ard the stre@h of the assembledthrecdneeds to be urriersbrrl ti carefullyconsideredin order to produce tlm?optimumdesignof a specialthread. It is not eccmunicalta use either a ler@I of threadergage uent which is longerthan required @.sbor@r than thatwhich will davelopthe full strengthof the externallythreadedmember. Other factors,such as controlof tap breakage,prcparseatingof a threadedpart on a sbcul.der, the preventirmof cross threading,omditicns of loadingwhen the assenbl.dparts are not concentric,SIXIpassiblecollapseof a hol.lcw externallythreaded mmber, requirecarefulanalysisti adjustmnt of the design with respectto selectionof the diameter-pitih curbination,the classof thread,lengthof en9a9~nt, and major and minor diametertoleran=s. 50.3”Thread fit consideratims. A close fittingthreadassemblytier acme Ccrr3iticns may fail,whereasthe causeof failuremsy k elimina&d by providinga Icoser fit. A cap screw that seats only on one side of the tearing surfaceorder the hea3 may breakoff when the screw is tightened. Wken a screw has a largetearingsurfacetier the head or when the head must be squarewith a projectingpin, sufficientpitchdiameterclearancemust be providedto allrw for any out-of-aqdareness of the screwaxis with the bearingsurfaoeurder the head. Thus, as largea pitch dkuretertoleran~ as pcssible,togetherwith providingproper toleranceson squarenessof face with the threadasis where seatingis reguired,may avoid the necessityfor specifyinga heat treated tmlt. 54 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. ● ??Eo-s!m-H2e/2B 50.4 .Staniardthreads. use of standardthreadsis reguiredin accordance with 4.● threads 7— Informationon preferredsizes ad classesbr .sp3cia2 appeSZSin 5.1 and 5.2. Wheneverpracticable,lengthsof engagementfor cc.srse, fine, 4, 6 and 8 threadseriesshouldbe tetween5 pitihes1 l/2 diamters; for all other seriesthey shouldte’betwsen“5” @ 15 pitches. A&i= theseprincipleswill help keep costs of nwinufatiread gsging 60. mtriciti of as-ly and cross threadinq. Note: Tat& 6 of Xi&E B1.1-1989 inch.deetabk.s of “O.375H,0.75H h H. In aesemhlyad use, tk crxrbired kkmnces ad armarms on both mating shouldnot allow threadsto disengagecm o= side W&en assemblyis eccentric. I’& axis of the internalthreadcan be displacedradiallyfrrsa coinc~with *asisofth ex=nalthread byamaimuntequd totheaum of the pitch dizureter tolerancesard the alkwame. This radialdis#acement may be sufficient= that the flankom~t is entirelycm one side ad on the opposi~ side the crest of the externaltbre~ will bs. in line with tl-e crest parta of the uternal in sti a ~sition thread in a with tq@i the following hole: (1) results * There will * & screw danger is constrained of aossiq the starting,iux3(2) the screw may @ out of the tole when tensionis exertedin this constrained~sition. The minimumanuuntof overlapis arbitraryaml controversial,tit the followinggeneralrule can be used in lieu of mre specificdata: threads in * the first step to assure tk minim.nnsafe overlapon hth sidestin the assemblyis amcentr ic, the differencebe~ tl’eminirmmmjor ditmeterof the externalthreadad the n!axti minor diamter of the internalthread slmld not te less than twice the addendumof the externalthread (0.75E). O*rwiae stated,the sum of the major+ iaretertoleranceand allowsnce,if any, of the externalthreadad the minor-diametertoleranceof the in&xnal threadshouldnot be greaterthan 4/3 the addendumof thz externalthread, 0.5H. This provides tir a minim.mof 50 percent threadengagement. As the aeccnd step, to assure that mininunsafe overlapon one side when the assembly is ~tric, tte differencebetweenthe nbsximum pitch dianeterof the internal threadand th? minimumpitch di.amterof tk externalthreadshouldnot be greaterthan the basic threadheight (O.625H). otherwisestited,the ~ of the pitch-diaretertolerancesof troththreadsand the allowance,if any, should not be greaterthan the basic tfueadheight (0.62513). This providesfm an ecxx?ntric assemblyccmditionequal @ half the beic threadkight (O.3225H) and zeromini.mmoverlapon cme side. If the resultsfrcm the limitsof size selectedviolate & atmve rules,the toleran~s shouldbe reducedby using a closerclass of tolerance,assumingtolerancesconsistentwith nnnufactur ing pxsibility, or a marser pitch shouldbe used to increase the amunt of overlap. The nujor~iameter tileranceof the esternalthreador minor-diameter toler~ of th internalthreadshr@d not te less than the pitch-diareter toleranceof tk respectivethread~ maintainthreadform. Also, it shouldbs noted that, if the toleranceon the minor diarreter of tbe internalthreadmust neeeearily be large, &s nmjor diameterof the externalthreadmust be held close to the msxinummajor diameterad vice versa. 55 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-SID-i128/2B factors. 70. .-Str engtb that externallythreade3psrts 70.1 Tensilestressarea. Testa have * fail,in tensinn.atlnads corres@rxiQ in *, of xntbreaded.parb. nitb diamters midway betweenttx?ir pitch & minor dtiters. Formulas (la)and (lb)in table 11.B.1providestress area tased upn a diameterapproximstdy midwaytetkeenmininnnn pitch diameterand mininn.nn minor diamter. These formulashave been applifsl successfullykY steel.and otier nY2b.Ls with ultimate strengthsup to 180,000psi and are often used for productacceptance.mile stressareas for s=ard sizes are tabulatedin section11 of = B1.1-1989. 70.2 Shear areas at minixmnn material. The gatric s~ar area of an in~ threadat minimxnmaterialis ecaualto tb? area of that tbreulwhich is intersected by a qlider with a dians&r equal to tbe mininm najor diareterof the matingex@’nal threadover the lengthof engagznt. This is identifiedin figure2.B.1for a one pitch secticmad formuhs (2S)and (2b) in table 11.B.1are used for calculation. Simil.srly, the gemretricaheararea of an externalthreadat minimummaterialis equal tm the area of that thread which is intersectedby a cylirderwith a dianeterequal IXJthe maxiusnn minor diameterof the mating internalthread. ‘I?& is also identifiedin figure 2.B.1 for a one pitch sectionam5 firnndas(4a)and (4b)in table 11.B.1are used for Calculatiral. ,. 56 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-sTD-H28/2B TABLE 11.B.1 Formulasfor screw threadstrengthfactors 1- Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-!31!wIi2e/2B II.B.2 TABLB 90cmlh ic Kfuueeter iat mmbm Iuuilc [f-l) (23) I Formulasfor screw threaddesign ~ Btresa, ‘zxterd.fy prt - We fmsim % -:. ~ tii2a 5:.5:+5 exwrnally .t.mM, tfueafd km (b) ~ mrmfd Rferem= P=$m@ (M) 70.6 a 70.6 & prxt 2 I WifbSt - ? 0.7654~d+w] I I +E I I ““*g I 6A: fzm (,d)0, [13) Ialgthof ~ rl?3ngEerlt fssrdltul. * fAilLUC 0~ ..&d r.?- (fb) 70.7.3 ~ ad Intellnlfbra 3A; frm (3A)or (lb] laq’tbOf0qag5mtfssmdqm (M] W 70.7.4 m. .W. of extxrnc.1 thread fcus Na) or (w (k.) (fb) fts 2A” fzlxl [16) or 70.7.5 of ergLgrs51t fused up dQR3@ng fu12 tendle tieqth of exturn, t.hmrd Wifb tfuti ●t -ic Si’Z3 - W vitb [161 12—~ M m*Ofew+f==ntwA?arofintmnalfmuld Iz-Izfrcm[Elx Ia-@fl (M) frmd Mb) tms \ %7.5 LEEu ~ m (9) form (- K+inl . im=h. isgremcrtfml ) k , I I fbmtim: dpim - mfnimnl mlmr dirllmtic, xndmub dh . me diawter, external thcead, flat [12),dl.nin-d+-~fl-d~-~ eat.crrmlly tfxe?ded put, inch. If tic, is M tie, db - Q 58 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FEtWlWH28/2S I I m MAXIMUM MINOR OIAMETER OF lNTERWAL TNREAO sEmoNmMIN,M”M I SHEAR I AREA OF INTERNAL TNREAD ““’”’ ‘ MINIMUM MAJOR OIAMETER — OF EXTERNAL TNREAO 70.3 Shear areaa at basic size. The gearetric*ar area of an exkwnal a=ic size is equal to tke area of a basic size threadwhich is intersectedby a cylinderwith a dianeterequal to the basicminor diameter. Formulas (6a)and (6b)of tible11.B.1are used fir calculation. ‘Fhsgecznetr ic shear area“ofan ~te&al threadat tasic size is not ordinarilyused for calculations. thread Shear area simolif&~ formulas. ‘mnnulas (3)and [5) in -le 11.B.1 are sinipli fied fornud.as for Internal ad external thread shear areas. They are based upn aqirical dati ad give shear areas whichvary frmn the gecan?tric test dab agreesnxxe clmely minimummaterialshear areas. In sczne-s, with thesesimplifiedformulashearareas than with gecmstricsheer areas. 70.4 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z 59 Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-S’i’WH2E/2B 70.5 Shear area, cabined failureof externaland internalthreads. When the mstfng externaland internalthreadsare a parts Imnufacturedfran materialsof a~roximstely equal strength,failurewill usuallytakeplace in toth threadssimultaneously.Thread bendingduringfailurecharxp the thread geometryin this mae sc that effec$ivesheararea is significantly saaller than tise -lculated fran formulasdiscussedin 70.2, 70.3 ard 70.4 above. Formula (7) in table 11.B.1 is an ~irical formulawhich gives an approximate equivalentfor this case. Numerically,it describesa failureat the pi&h diamter of one of the threads. ● 70.6 ‘l@ns.ile stress. Formula (1.1) in table11.B.2 is often used for acceptanceof externallythreadedfastenerswith ultimatetensilestrength, yield strength,or rare other selectedstresslevelappliedto St in order b determinethe requiredaxial test load. When threadsare used in a joint,a tightening torque is applied to overfrict ion, ard to develop overthread in a shear stress, which load, causes an increese friction tier a tdt the axial lcasd. This head or nut, b torgue results when tiined with * tensile stress fran * axial Etxmula (12)in in the effective tensile stress. =e II.B.2describesthis situation. Experien~ has slxnm that for a solid externallytbrerdedpart, the ccmbinedstressis generally*ut 20% greater than * tensilestresscalculatedfrcxnforrmd.a(n). Therefore,in this case, the crrnbined stress is often assuuedto be 1.2S or is not considereddue b SStisfact.myexperiencewith tbe Facimrof Safe& used. 70.7 Lenqth of engaqem?nt,LE. ● 70.7.1 If failureof a fasteningsystemusing stardardthreadedfasteners shculdomur it is generallynure ecommical tit the externallythrezuied part will break ratir than that eitherthe externalor internalthreadwill strip. In other mrds, the lengthof threadengagenmt stxnild & sufficienttn devel.cp the full strengthof the screw. ‘Ihua,the lengthof internalthresdard the diuensirmsof this thread,particularlyits mimr diameter,shouldbe such that, takinginto acrmunta pxsible differen~ in strengthof materialof t& internalad externalthr.swls, the threaded pxtion of tbe externallythreaded paxt will break before eitbsr the external or internal threads strip. Due to this situation, lengths of engagement formulas are dez ived fr.an shear fornulas with tensile stress area ~ replaced by X because the reguired area in skar is twioe tlBS tensile stress area in order b develq the full strength of * externally threaded part. This relationship is baaed upm experkmts mile by tbe National 3ureau of Sta.r&rds in 1929, in which it was foundthat for kt-roll@ arxlcold-rolledsteel,and brass screwsand nuts, this factorvaried fran 1.7 to 2.0. The effectof ccmbinedstressis not tiken into acmunt in calculationof 12?becausethe added @ear lcxd affectstoth tensileard shear stressesin approximately the Sanb2 prqrtion. ●’ 60 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. EwsmB28/m 70.,? :2, All Iimmlaa -r @gth of engag-t, given‘intable11.Bi2yield apprQX_te Val= Since they are based in part upn shear areaswtiic.h%re not exact due to nut dilatim which varieswith gmtry, frictionforrs, ard materialproperties. Also, the effectivemss of partialthreads,in * countsrsinkfi ~or dmnifer6)ciitliie*” of the intird thiead,‘isiiitalways the Smle. For calml.atirxu3, approximatiy ba.lfthe crxmtersinkd@I may te ccmsideredin the -length of ~t. It is advisablethat ~tirms of lengthof engag~t and correspx-ding hd capabilities of a threadedjointbe cheokedby actual tests,for criticaljoints. 70.7.3 Wls?nthe ex~y ad internallythre?skaputs are made frrml matir* of approximatelythe same strength,requiredlengthof engagauentin formu2a (2.3) of table II.B.2may be applied. This assumesa cmthatirzl failureof both threads (see70.5). 70.’7.4When * internalthreadmaterial.lv exceedsthatof of engagementin form& (14)of table II.B.2uay be spplied. !RIisassures shearof the externalthreadd uses the gecmetricshear area of the minimumexternalthread (see70.2) . A slightly I.mgeror abrter lengthof eng~-t will te fiicatad if the simplified formula (5) in Uahl.e11.B.1 is used. * external thread, strengthof * r+ired kr@ 70.7.5 When the strengthof * externalthred materiallyexceedsthatof the internal thread, reguired hrqth of engag~ in @rmula (16)of table 11.S.2 is used. This is based qxn the internalthrezdstrippingload M.ng equal b the ncminalexternalthred stri@ng load which will develcpfull strer@ of W.externally,threadedgmrk. Zf & ia.Jaas.thsn.1,see 70.7.4ard if approximetilyequal to 1, see 70. 7.3. 70.7.6 For an adjustfigor lead screw of if the ~ctim will be frequentlyunscrewed,* *ulsted IE simuldbe increasedto a.1.kwfir the e~titear On * flanksof * threadsduring tk usefullife of tbe . I I I I “~0.?17:For”t&ed)n2es”in ahi?et” *M, ,* kinum size of th6’screwto be ~ifid stxd.d b such”that the thicknessof sheet equak the LE requiredto deve@ full StKel@h. In order to use the largestpssible screw,it is n~ssary that tbe tolerance,~, cn the minor diameterof * b.la slx.ndd be * practicalminimun. If it should“prove.ti& inpracticahle to reduce tk diametertoleranceb such a vslue, it may be n~ to decreasethe inimr minimumminor dizmter of tl16internalthre~ arxlto increasetb minor i6 daqa,. .tlp.Jmximum @BJK dbtar bleranca by the:= arxnant.If this.. di,amStar of t.hsscrewmust be reduc@ ~“ th ~ auxwnt to prevent interfermce aIX3the.rniuxdianeterof the ~ threadring gage must likewisete decreiisd,as this is W cnly controlof the minor dianeterof the screw. In all awh cases, wtw?redimensionsare alteredfrrznthosecalculatedacmrding to tk standard,the threadas.bu.ld be designatedas specifiedin sectirm6.7 of AQ4?.B1.1-2.989. I o . .. 61 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FEESTD-H28/28 ~r’ retainingus iiishafti“tie * ‘** aiial firce 70j.& resi-by the collar is appreciablyless then the tensilefir02 that““the shaft iiself is“capableof resisting,LE need orilybe lcmg etx)qh b withstad the expec~ axial.forcgw the mllar. If,FC is.QK axial..for~. .@...@. carriedby the mllar, UIS~ is the tensilestrengthof the shaft ad W1’Sn is the tensilestrengthof the collar,calcolatethe requiredlengthof engagenrmtfran one of the followingfornmlas: Z?c a. ColJ.ar thread strip: I.E= ~ x ASn from (2a), (2b)or (3) .— LE 2??= b. Shaft threadstrip: LE = L71S5x ASS fran (4a), (4b)or (5) z c. Cmkinatirm threadstrippingwhen WIS.s= W1’Snapproximstily: 2FC ~. UIS5 or WfSn x X frrxn(7) -FE Note: Numbers in parenthesis are &mmila v’mmters ,frcxn table 11.B.l. For I_dlow,thin wall threadedperts as the wall thicknessof either internal ad externalumbers-~s thin, the temkncy of tlE external mmker WY enlarge ad the internal Xremker to neck dcnm in * threcd means thatsn I.Egreaterthangiven by fornulamustbe used, also that the tilersnceson minor diane@r of the intxmal threadard major diamti of ths external‘thread,~ ad ‘M, must be smll to obtain * maximumpracticable depth of threadengagement. For cxqanents having~eeds on thin-selltubing, tests@e? actualtmrkingconditionsslmld be made ti determineprqer selectirnof wall thicknesses,lengthof engagement,and pitch of thread. 70.7.9 or bth the 80. l’bredm-qxxtims in relationto tapping. 80.1 In the productionof threadsit is rxms.idered impracticalto tap a threadunless its nmninaldiameteris greaterthan six timss.the lxsic thread height;therefore,wtr?nti ratio of D to h is less than 6, tk use of a larger diamter, a finerpitch of ~e@, or both, s~~d te mnsidered. is a factor in cmtrolling tap breakage. Tap breakage 80.2 ‘l’he size of is infrequentif the9 larm2tir of the tap is over 0.5 in. or if the lengthof threadto be tappedis less than 0.5D. For sizes less than 0.5 in. and length that of threadover O.5D, tap breakagecsn be minimizedby use of a large ~ is ~ trash. Howsver,thismeans thatLE may have to be increased developthe full strengthof * screw. 62 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FEO-8TD-H28/2B ,. 90.--Bxal&s Rf.hreaddesim. . : .. ....= .,.90a ‘&m &rel thread. A gun barrel is subjectedb an internalexplosive pressurethat producesa tensilestressin the threadederd. The lengthof ~~t of the ~ ~ be -SUfficient‘toprcducea &* -~ea in shearon tk threadsof tk e.crm in line with the mi.mr di~ter of the tap~d FOle thred.sequal to twice * stressarea of the threadedporticnof * barrel. Assume that * thread on the barrel is 1.500-8aN-fiad the minimum internaldiaus?ter of the baxrel at tte threedederxlis 0.792 inch. I Note: 8ymbol KAaticm ard fornuib accordancewith tables 11.B.1 ad 11.B.2. a. Pe@red lengthof engag~t l?dl.ow part. ~ . numters in parenthesisare in is titi using formula (14) fix a 2 (As - o“7fJ54d; ) = 0.7854 dw ( \ read as with ~ - 0.9743 2. In this case, As may te \ ni 1.492 fron table13 of ASM3 B1.1-1989. dh = 0.792 n . 8 %= = 1.390 fran table 34 of ASME B1.1-l!389. d@n = 1.4093fran tah.le3A of ASME El.1-1989. b. Calculatingfrcsnthe atnveyields a requiredlengthof eqagemnt of 0.777 inch. By reducingthe internalthreadmi.mr diameter toleranceby half, the resulting nsu is reducedto 1.3775 inches,zud the reguiredlengtho? engagemnt is reducedto 0.714 inch. 63 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. screwsnmmt@ bracket.b Cask irm part. lb dimeosirm.iarequired .—— for the largeststsae.1 asp Z= tit can.k@used .tobald a ,bracketon ,a.uaat ira-:x@. ‘@e tgrisile strengthof the steel is 60,000psi, the t@aile strerigti “ofthe cast iron 20,000psi, SIXIthe thiclmessof the cast iion is sti that the lengthof threadcmgageanenk canmt exceed1.750 in. Tbe screws -.on* *.eide *f--ti-ba!*”wilJA-iJl-tassios. ---. ------’ -------------------,, ... .. ..,., ... ,.. ....... .. . ~te: .Symbl mtatinn and formulanumbers in parentbesiaare in =rdane With tables11.B.1ard 11.B.2. 90.2 a. ● tkexkrnal threadnxiteridis considerablystmqer than that of the internalthreadmsterial,in -rdanCz with 70.7.5, formula (16)wi.U te used to d.culdte the lengthof engagement required. This Ermmil.a is appliedfor LE tased upn shearof the internalthreti. ‘R3rmnfirm this asswuiptim,Ij4 shouldbe Since Calculated. b. Rl cannot be calculatedfrcm formula (8)until a threadsire is selected. BY definitim, however,R1 is * ratioof ex-nal threadshear area ti internalthreadshear area. M approximation of RI, ran be readeusing * simplifiedformulasfor shar area5 so ApproxhsNz R1 . c. ~ is calculatedfran fonrnd.a F&Ida (5) . 0.833 ZziEm (9). U& %= d. ~;=- =0.333 Fran b end c abve, R1/R = 2.5 approximtdy. This *W being greaterthan 1 m z“ mm tbe use of formula (16) for calculationof lengthof engagement. . . e. . . (16)it is seen that * lengthof engageumt must formula k approximately2.5 timesas lmg es that requiredif shear in the externalthreadwere tke omtrolling factor. Thusr Since * maximunavailableLE is 1.750 inchs, the approxiOataLIZrequired for tbe screw to develrpfull strengthis 1.750/2.5 = 0.700 inch. Fran f. J.mmuch as the hole is tappedin cast iron,a relativelycrarse threadmuld be reguired,that is W or coarser. The mat readilyavailablescrewsvmuld be UK. Select threadsi7-esfran figure2.B.2which yield LE of a~roximately 0.700 inch. Figure 2.B.2 was devel~ fron formula (1.5). For 1’ - 8uK, LE/D = 0.594and LE = 0.594 For 1~8 7’UK,LE/D = 0.592 (est. ) and U? = 0.656 For lL - 70’N2, L@ 4 = 0.600 (est.) and E 64 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. = o.750 I EZD-S7TD-R28/2B !0 I h. The threadskouldke checkedin zciwrdancewith formula (16). Formula (16)may be exprb as follcws: 3.1416~min XL 4 ( with ~ = 0.7854 db be read as - 0.9743)2. In this case,As IMy - ‘} \ 0.763 frr.en tahl.e8 of ASMR B1.1-1989. r+lnin= 0.970 fran table 34 of ASME B1.1-1989. FOrIIU.&I ‘1 = Fo@ .,. . . .. (6b). +X%* . . . .!n ihnin: Lax. 0.57735 [ (dQin ;- I&sax) 1 n=7 dmin = 1.1064 fran ixib.le 3A of ?!SkiE El.1-1989. D2max = 1.0416 fran We 3A of M24E B1.1-1989. so R1 = 0.863 RI . 0.333 fK!IUC *W. i. Calcuhting frmn 0s atme yieldsa requiredlengthof engagement of 1.729 inches. This is acceptablesince it is less than the masimumavailableengagmt lengthof 1.750. I 65 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FED-Sl!D-H28/2B (-4 !3 E tmmwcammmmm m msttn ‘am 66 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. P’EMm+w29 .. - APPENDIXC ..~ _=-, .. ... AMERIC2N NWX2QLFWU4CF THREAD 100. ~. This appsrdixprovid~ gemxal informiticm ‘atimtthe obsolete Iimerican Nati.trial form screw thr~s. It is not a mardatorypsrt of the stiard. See 5.2.1 for eelecticmof atamiardlhified screw threadclassesto replacethe AnericanNational form threads. 110. Profiles. Basic profile is the same as that of M Unifiedscrew threadexceptthat the width of the fbt at the root is 0.125P. The design profile for internalthreads ia the W as that of tbe Unifiedscrew thread, i.e., widthof flat at the root is 0.250P. 3.20. ‘llueti classes. ‘here are 5 cbaees of AmeriainNationalfbrm threads. Ebr informatirmon Class 5, see FEM?m+28/23, C1.aSS5 Interference-Fit Screw Threads. See below tir other classes. 120.1 AUowaces. my Class 1 externalthrede have an alkwmce. Class 4 externalthreadshave a negativealhance on the pitch diametexonly. Allowancesare ehmm in Table 11.C.1. 120.2 ‘lbleran02s.Piti diaretertiler-s for externaland internal threadsare .sl’nwn in Table 11.C.2. External threadmajor diamter bkrances for Uaaaes 1 ad 2 equal twim their respectivepitch diamebertoleranms; the Class 3 ad 4 tolerancesare the same as the Class 2. Internalmi.mr diam=ter tolersrms for Classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 are @ to 0.1 t~s the design (minimum)minor di-ters. 120.3 Formulae. per inch. Note: Pitch, P = I./threads 120.3.J Internalthread. Min. major dia. = basic major dia. Min. pitih dia. = min. major dia. - 0.649519P Max. pitch dia. = min. pit@ dia. ‘“~ Min. mirxx dia. = min. msjor dia. - 1.082532P fr~ TFMe 11.c.2 !@.x.minor dia. = min. minor dia. + 0.1 (min.minor dia.) 120.3.2 Externalthread. Class 1 max. major dia. = basicmjor dia. - esl franTable 11.C.1 masses 2, 3, 4 max. major dia. = basicmajor diameter 67 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. FBHmx328/ZB Min. major dia. = max. msjor dia. - ‘I’d frcanTable 11.C.2. -..—.=. Classes I Class 1, 4 max. 2, 3 mix. pitch dia. = max. major dia. - 0.649519P pitch dia. = ~. rmjor dia. - 0.649519P+ es frcnn Table 11.$.1 tlin.pitch dia. = max. pitchdia. - ‘R32frcsnTable 11.C.2 Max. minor dia. = max. majordia. - 1.226869P 130. Desiqnatims. StandardAnericanNstionalfirm threadsare deaignati the saue as the Unifiedthreadsexceptthat series i.rxiicatir dces not we the “Um and class does not have the ‘Ae or “Bm indkdth fix “external”or mintermal=. Thus, a stam3ardthreaddesignaticmmight read ‘1/2-131?l-2m, br crmhinatima of exmple. A seriesdesigmstor‘W” is used for ~ial diaueters,pitchesad lengthsof engagmnt. 140. -es. ~es are designedin ~rdance with tte principlesof Unified thr~ gage design. See ~8/6, Gages and Gaging fir UnifiedScrfiw Threads- UN ad UNR ThreadForms. ,., ,.. I 68 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. ,., I?Ews!m+128/2B .._.=. ‘““TRBLE 11.C.1- Albwance for AuericanNationilScrew ‘?lhreiuk: . Threads“per inch, tpi Class 4 negative allWanCx2 , es4 inch 80 72 64 56 48 0.0007 0.0007 0.0007 0.0008 0.0009 44 40 36 32 28 0.0009 0.0010 0.oo1.1 0.oo11 0.0012 24 20 18 16 14 0.0013 0.001.5 0.0016 0.0002 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0004 0.0004 0.0018 0.0021 13 0.0022 12 II 9 0.0024 0.0026 0.0028 0.0031 0.0004 0.0005 0.0005 0.0006 0.0006 8 7 6 5 4 l/2 4 0.0034 0.0039 0.0044 0.0052 0.0057 0.0064 0.0007 0.0008 0.0009 0.0010 0.oo1.1 0.0013 10 10 69 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. EnHTD-H28/2B -* . 11.C.2.-Tolerances@r Ameria National Pibh diaseter tolerarmes Internaland externalthreads Threads class per inch, tpi l“D2/’m2’ 1 inch Screw Threads E&r Y ,,: 1 threada ;laases2,3,4, Class 2 claaa3 class 4 class 1 Trl.@32 m@32 ‘rD#rd2 m ‘m inch inch inch inch inch 80 72. 64 56 48 0.0024 0.0025 0.0026 0.0028 0.0031 0.0017 0.0018 0.0039 0.0020 0.0022 0.0013 0.oo13 0.0014 0.0015 0.0016 0.0048 0.0050 0.0052 0.0056 0.0062 0.0034 0.0036 0.0038 0.0040 0.0044 44 40 36 32 28 0.0032 0.0034 0.0036 0.0038 0.0043 0.0023 0.0024 0.0025 0.0027 0.0031 0.0016 0.0017 0.0018 0.oo19 0.0022 0.0011 0.0064 0.0068 0.0072 0.0076 0.0086 0.0046 0.0048 0.0050 0.0054 0.0062 24 20 18 16 14 0.0046 0.0051 0.0057 0.0063 0.0070 0.0033 0.0036 0.0041 0.0045 0.0049 0.0024 0.0026 0.0030 0.0032 0.0036 0.0012 0.00).3 0.0015 0.0016 0.001.8 0.0092 0.0102 0.0114 0.0126 0.0140 0.0066 0.0072 0.0082 0.0090 0.0098 13 12 0.0074 0.0079 0.0085 0.0092 0.0100 0.0052 0.0056 0.0059 0.0064 0.0070 0.0037 0.0040 0.0042 0.0045 0.0049 0.001.9 0.0020 0.0021 0.0023 0.0024 0.0148 0.0158 0.0170 0.0184 0.0200 0.0104 0.0112 0.01.18 0.0128 0.0140 0.o1.1.1 0.0124 0.0145 0.0169 0.0184 0.0204 0.0076 0.0085 0.0101 0.0116 0.0127 0.0140 0.0054 0.0059 0.0071 0.0082 0.0089 0.0097 0.0027 0.0030 0.0036 0.0041 0.0044 0.0048 0.0222 0.0248 0.0290 0.0338 0.0368 0.0408 0.0152 0.0170 0.0202 0.0232 0.0254 0.0280 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 41./2 4 1/ _. Minor dianAer tolerance for internal thread is one-tenth of the minimumminor diameter. 70 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. ● I FED-SIH128/2B .. .; -T-, CIVIL AmtcY CustxMians: GA-7FXE Eur-Accl NMiA-JFK “~v+& Air Force - 99 PREPARINGPLTMTY : Review Activities: Amly-cR, E?i, ER, ME Air Force - 11, 15, 82 ccoFu31rwrIm AcrlvITm: D.I A-Is (DcDProject‘I131X3-0082) User Activities: o 1. Army -AT, MI r I ● 71 Source: http://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. SIANDARDIZATION ‘ NuM8E* DOCUMENT z mcwmm NAME OF SUe.un-rllw DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT S&) (*lmfnImml - R~ PROPOSAL TtTLC s 4. TVPE OF 0RGAM1L4TIOU OnOAwlzATlON ❑ ,-J Aooncm la-r, my. au-. ❑ ZIP C*J AREAS ●*- N.- . d a) ● ISER uAIALlwl&” f-J ●noauu (~ VENDOR oTHEn ,LIPAty,; wo~ . h ~ VA.-dww: ● r. R09all%iludo fw ~: ?13MARKs .NAME OF SU@MITTER (kt FIMI. Ml) - O@an,l @At LINO AoORF?SS (7J08,1. .2ty. Stitr. ZIP Cdl ,- ----- . --- W %7X.1426 _.- b, WORK TELEPMO”NE UUMOI?S Colid - Opuolld - - O@onal S. DATE OF SUEIMl~lON Source: http://assist.dla.mil Downloaded: 2024-05-14T13:44Z PREvIOUS -- EolllON Cl 0080 L@TE. Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. flnddr (YYMMDD)