Uploaded by Marcin Antończak

7L Bioreactor Preparation & Operation Protocol

7L Bioreactor Preparation
7L Bioreactor Preparation
and Operation
Safety .................................................................................................................................. 2
Goals of the experiment ...................................................................................................... 2
Background ......................................................................................................................... 2
Materials ............................................................................................................................. 4
Practical ............................................................................................................................... 5
Questions ............................................................................................................................ 9
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7L Bioreactor Preparation
Please follow any safety instructions given by your trainer.
Please tidy as you go. Clean up spills immediately as they pose slip/trip and fall
You will be using Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) at times during this practical, please
dispose of materials that have come in-contact with IPA in the designated red
Please wear the correct PPE relevant to the area.
When working with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), please dispose of
any waste in the GMO bin (yellow bin with a green lid).
Take care using sharp items such as scissors, tube cutters and cable tie tools.
Electrolyte solution is a skin and eye irritant and gloves should be worn at all times
when working with this solution.
Goals of the experiment
Trainees will work together to assemble a 7L autoclavable bioreactor and prepare it for
operation. Trainees will identify the various instruments and components of the
bioreactor and install as per procedure. The bioreactor will be connected to the control
tower, media will be pumped in and the bioreactor will be inoculated. Samples will be
collected to monitor the growth of the culture.
3 Background
3.1 Bioreactor Vessel
The Applikon 7 litre jacketed bioreactor is a dished-bottom borosilicate glass
autoclavable bioreactor with a stainless steel head-plate containing 17 various sized
ports. The total volume of the glass container is 6.8L with a 5.4L maximum working
volume. The aspect ratio for total volume is 2.2 and for the working volume it is 1.8. The
control system consists of an ADI 1010 Bio Controller together with an ADI 1025 Bio
Console and an ADI 1026 Gas Supply Unit.
3.2 Temperature Control
The bioreactor is equipped with a silicone heating blanket which is wrapped around the
vessel to maintain culture temperature-typically at 37C. This has a large heat transfer
area to optimize heating. The temperature is monitored via a PT-100 temperature
sensor which is inserted into the thermometer pocket of the head plate. The
thermometer pocket should be filled with water or silicone oil in order to improve
thermal contact between the culture and the probe. A recirculation heat exchanger is
also fitting into the reactor for optimum temperature control during the process. This is
supplied with chilled water.
Working at elevated temperatures and using aeration of the culture might cause too
much evaporation during the process (increase of nutrient concentration and decrease
in volume); this can be prevented by using an air-outlet condenser. This reactor is fitted
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7L Bioreactor Preparation
with a stainless steel condenser supplied with chilled water recirculation and fitted with
a vent filter.
3.3 Agitation
The agitator in the glass bioreactor is a magnetically coupled stirrer assembly. This type
of stirrer is especially designed for cell cultures and ensures no contamination from this
site as there is no moving seal between the contents of the bioreactor and the external
environment. A rushton impeller can be installed for bacterial fermentations or a marine
impeller can be installed for mammalian cell cultures. The range of the impeller is from
0 to 1000rpm depending on the impeller in place. The operating range of the impeller is
limited due to the potential damaging effect of the rotating impeller on the cell culture.
The mammalian impeller has effective axial pumping capacity which ensures efficient
mixing throughout the vessel. The aim of mixing is to obtain uniform conditions in the
working volume of the bioreactor, in order to obtain an optimal mass transfer, to avoid
gradients of any of the medium components, and to keep the microcarriers or cells in
suspension. Baffles may also be used to increase the mixing efficiency (without baffles,
the medium flow can become laminar, causing poor mixing efficiency and mass
transfer). The baffles should be mounted near the reactor wall for optimum mixing
3.4 Aeration
Aeration into the reactor can be achieved through a porous sparger. In cell culture
fermentations, high gas flow rates (causing shear forces) might damage the cells. To be
able to meet the oxygen demand of the cells at lower gas flow, the exchange-surface
must be increased. This can be achieved by using a porous sparge pipe. The sintered
metal tip produces tiny air bubbles for optimum gas distribution. For higher culture with
higher oxygen demand, a sterile gas stream can be sparged through the culture using an
air-inlet pipe. This pipe can be applied when high gas flow rates are required, since this
pipe causes hardly any pressure drop.
The holes in this pipe are located at the bottom to make sure that medium will be
driven out by the gas stream.
Dissolved oxygen measurement is through a 12mm polarographic ADI dO2 sensor which
is inserted through the head-plate.
3.5 Addition ports
The bioreactor has several addition ports for media, cells and nutrient additions and a
dip tube for taking samples. Addition ports for acid, base and antifoam solutions are also
available. pH is monitored using an AppliSens sterilizable combined pressurized pH gel
electrode with a silver/silver-chloride reference. A series of additional external pumps
and pumps on the Bio Console are used to control additions of acid, base, antifoam and
nutrient additions.
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Addition port
7L Bioreactor Preparation
Air filter on sample
DO probe
Sample bottle
pH probe
Glass vessel
Heating Jacket
Silicone tubing
Figure 1 7L Applikon bioreactor
Bioreactor Control Tower
7L Glass vessel and head plate
2L cell culture media
400mLs cell culture inoculum
pH probe and buffer solutions pH 4 and
Cable Tie tool
Dissolved oxygen probe and electrolyte
Waste beaker
Lint free wipes
Purified water in wash bottle
Tube racks x2
6 headplate mill nuts
Silicone tubing
70% IPA
0.2M vent filters
KPC closed connectors
Cable ties
Tubing cutter
Sampling assembly
Addition bottles and assemblies
Tyvek autoclave pouches
Autoclave tape
Tubing clamps
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7L Bioreactor Preparation
5 Practical
Exercise 1: Bioreactor Preparation
Follow the steps below to prepare the bioreactor for autoclaving. The bioreactor will
then be connected to the control system for operation.
Bioreactor Vessel Preparation
Ensure that the bioreactor is clean and dry
Ensure the appropriate agitator assembly and impellers are mounted
Inspect the top plate O-ring for any damage
Place the head plate in position on the glass vessel
Fasten the six mill nuts crosswise by hand
Preparation of pH Probe
Connect the pH probe to the pH probe cable
On the Bio controller tower, press the pH button
Press the calib. key
Use the dial to scroll down to calibration and select with the calib. key
Rinse the pH probe with DI water and then with buffer solution pH 7
Insert the PT100 temperature sensor and pH sensor into buffer solution pH 7
Press the start/stop key to measure temperature
Press calib. to continue
Use the dial to generate the value of the buffer (7.00)
Press the Calib. Key
Rinse the pH probe and PT100 with DI water and then with buffer solution pH 4
Place PT100 and probe in buffer solution pH 4
Use the dial to generate the value of the buffer (4.00)
Press the calib. key
Record slope of calibration Slope_____________
Record offset of calibration Offset____________
Press the setp. key twice to return to the main screen.
Remove the pH probe and PT100 from the buffer solution and rinse with DI water
Remove the cable from the pH probe and place the pH probe in the pH port in the head
plate of the reactor and hand tighten
Ensure the cap is on the probe
Preparation of DO probe
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7L Bioreactor Preparation
Remove membrane cap from DO probe and add 1mL of electrolyte solution
Replace membrane cap and rinse probe with DI water to remove any excess electrolyte
Place DO probe into DO port on the headplate and screw into place
Ensure top cap is on the probe
Connect the Air Supply
Attach silicone tubing from the sparger port to a 0.2m filter with tubing to reach the air
supply on the gas supply unit
Secure connections with cable ties where required
Attachment of Cooling Tubing
Attach cooling tubing to and from the condenser
Attach cooling tubing to and from the heat exchanger
Secure all connections with cable ties
Preparation of Addition Bottles
Prepare a 2L bottle for the addition of media with a KPC connector
Prepare a 1L bottle for the addition of base with a KPC connector
Prepare a 500mL bottle for the addition of inoculum with a KPC connector
Connect addition lines to the bioreactor with KPC connectors
Secure connections with cable ties where required
Preparation of sampling assembly
Attach sampling assembly to the bioreactor head plate
Attach silicone tubing from the sampling assembly to the sampling port
Attach a 0.2m filter and silicone tubing to the sampling assembly
Secure all connections with cable ties
Final Pre-autoclave checks
Check vessel to ensure all connections and additions are in place and secure
Clamp silicone tubing coming from the bioreactor where required
Secure filters and KPC’s in an autoclave tyvek pouch
Autoclave Bioreactor
Remove bioreactor to equipment preparation room
Place bioreactor in autoclave and autoclave as per SOP TRG-EQP-001
After the cycle is complete ensure the bioreactor has cooled before commencing with
the next step
Connecting to Control Tower
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7L Bioreactor Preparation
Connect the pH and DO probes to their relevant cables
Ensure DO probe polarizes for 6 hours
Connect the cooling tubes attached to the condenser to the control tower
Connect the cooling tubes attached to the heat exchanger to the control tower
Apply the heating jacket to the bioreactor
Place the temperature probe in the port on the head plate
Connect the air supply
Exercise 2: Bioreactor Media Addition
 One bioreactor will be set up with media and cells.
Work in the Biosafety cabinet to aseptically add prepared media addition bottle
lid onto media supply bottle
Follow the steps in the batch record to add media to one bioreactor.
Media Addition
Connect media bottle KPC to addition line
Place the silicone tubing through the
peristaltic pump head
Remove clamp
Initial and Date
Turn on pump
Once the media transfer is complete stop
the pump and re-clamp the tubing
Turn on the agitator
Turn on temperature control to 37oC
Turn on pH Control and Airflow
Allow equilibration overnight
Calibrate the DO probe
Exercise 3: Bioreactor Inoculation
 Work in the biosafety cabinet to aseptically sample from the inoculum bottle to
confirm starting cell concentration and viability using the Vi-Cell cell viability
Calculate expected bioreactor concentration:
Table 1. Calculations
Expected Bioreactor Cell Concentration (cells/mL)
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7L Bioreactor Preparation
Work in the Biosafety cabinet to aseptically add prepared inoculum addition
bottle lid onto inoculum supply bottle
Follow the steps in the batch record to inoculate one bioreactor and take a
Connect inoculum bottle KPC to addition
line KPC
Place the silicone tubing through the
peristaltic pump head
Remove clamp
Turn on pump
Once the inoculum transfer is complete
stop the pump and re-clamp the tubing
Initial and Date
Initial and Date
Wipe sample bottle with 70% IPA
Insert 20mL syringe into the air filter
outlet on the sample bottle and remove
Draw out the plunger on the syringe until
the required volume of culture is in the
sample bottle
Push air back through the filter to ensure
no culture is sitting in the sample line
Re-clamp the tubing
Using 70% IPA aseptically change the
sample bottle with an autoclaved sample
Confirm bioreactor starting cell concentration and viability using the Vi-Cell cell
viability analyser.
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7L Bioreactor Preparation
Table 2. 7L bioreactor cell concentration and viability
Cell Concentration (cells/mL)
Cell Viability (% viable)
Practical Questions
Question 1: Describe the purpose of the components of the 7L Applikon bioreactor
listed in Figure 1.
Question 2: Explain how pH is controlled in the bioreactor.
Question 3: List and explain two different types of impellers often used in bioreactors.
Question 4: During the preparation of the 7L bioreactor for autoclaving, why are lines
not fully clamped before autoclaving?
Question 5: Describe how aeration is achieved in the bioreactor.
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