Uploaded by CJ Adams

E.L. Noire

Writen By
C.J. Adams
Darragh Gumbi
It all began one Monday morning in 2019. It was like any
other day. In my office, by my desk, reading a newspaper
while listening to Blue in Green by Miles Davis. No phone
calls on any cases as always for me, Detective Jack
Lavinski, greatest detective in East London, South Africa
and one of the best in the world. I've solved some of the
most difficult cases and won many awards.
Yep, it was like any other day until, she came in. The most
beautiful woman I've ever seen. I shouldn't have fallen for
her trickery. I should've known she was involved with
crime. But those eyes, that hair, she was truly beautiful
and yet the most wanted criminal in all of France. Who knew
a girl like her could commit such a crime; a crime knowing
that you could be sent to prison for the rest of your life
or even worse... a crime that could lead to your own death.
I couldn't capture her, I couldn't let her suffer in that
cell for the rest of her life. So, I did what a true
gentleman would do, well not just any gentleman, only a
Jack Charles Lavinski would do such a thing.
I went to prison for her. Now obviously you would say that
is impossible because I was just sitting, reading my
newspaper while listening to Blue in Green by Miles Davis.
Then she said:"Hello detective. It's been a long time."
"Yes it has, ten years to be exact. How are you doing, Miss
Stone." "I need you to help me with a crime." "Why would I
help you after what you done." "Well, I know you miss your
job and I know you'll do anything to get it back. So are
you in, detective?"
I was obliged by her. It would be nice to have my old job
back. To gain the fame and glory once again but for all I
know it could be another one of her traps. But then I had
to ask,"Crime?" "A crime that hasn't been commited yet."
"That's impossible, unless you have evidence." "I do have
evidence which leads to someone going to murder my rich
best friend, Hannah Pearl, tomorrow night at her gala."
That got me thinking. The death of one of the richest women
in the world here in East London would bring a bad name to
the city. Then I asked,"What does this have to do with me?"
"I want you to come tomorrow night and protect her" "Why
me? You got Bob, James, Remmy. Why me?" "Because you were
in the Blacklist. The list of the best agents and
detectives in the world." "How did you get it anyway?" "I
have my ways." "Oh woman you are disgusting. You going back
to your old days." "Not those ways you idiot!"
"Oh!" "And I thought you were smart." "Actually this whole
thing was a distraction because if you look behind you, you
will actually notice the police who were standing there for
like 10 minutes. Now give me the location of Ms. Pearl."
"H-Ho-How?" "I know you would never die for rich people let
alone protect them but I know you don't lie when danger is
near. Now where is she?!" "Colley Avenue, 58, Cambridge."
“Thanks, Jane. Take her away, officers.”
To think I'll let her trick me again, after I went to
prison for her. She won't get that kind of enjoyment from
me that easily. Oh, if you thought that what I told you
earlier about me going to prison for her was the ending of
the story, then you're wrong. That's a story for another
day, though. Anyway, I went down to the address of where
Ms. Pearl is being held and got her there. We saved her and
Jane Stone finally went to prison after 10 years. This
might feel like an end to a story, but let me tell ya, it's
only just the begining. From how I got from where I was, to
where I am now, to where I was going to be.