structuralist analyzing something in terms of its component parts functionalist analyzing something in terms of its use, not its parts law of effect behaviors that lead to positive consequences will be repeated; behaviors that lead to negative consequences will be not Start of the Cognitive Revolution 1. MIT Symposium on Information Processing 2. Miller's Magic #7+/-2 3. Bruner, Goodnow, and Austin paper on Concept Formation 4. Skinner's "Verbal Behavior" 5. ecological validity what is the relationship of the study to the real world 6.generalizability to what extent does the principle that you studied can be applied to other situations 7. concordance rates conditional probability that you will display some behavior or trait given that someone you're related to displays said trait 8. heritability coefficient 9. how much of the variability within a population can be attributed to genetic differences in the population; a population statistic, does not apply on the individual level 10. Turkheimer's 3 Laws of Behavioral Genetics 1. everything is heritable: any trait you can think of has a genetic contribution. 2. family effect is small, usually close to 0. 3. a substantial portion of the variation in complex human behavioral traits is not accounted for by the effects of genes or families 11 attentional filters select what moves from sensory memory to short term memory 12. noticed differences in a shadowing taskgender change, apparent location, loudness, words to music all physical characteristics 13. phonemes categories of speech sounds