Certificate Number BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 23 Issued 21 January 2021 Page 1 of 7 1 EU - TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE 2 Equipment or Protective System Intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 2014/34/EU 3 EU - Type Examination Certificate Number: BAS01ATEX1303X – Issue 23 3.1 In accordance with Article 41 of Directive 2014/34/EU, EC-Type Examination Certificates referring to 94/9/EC that were in existence prior to the date of application of 2014/34/EU (20 April 2016) may be referenced as if they were issued in accordance with Directive 2014/34/EU. Supplementary Certificates to such EC-Type Examination Certificates, and new issues of such certificates, may continue to bear the original certificate number issued prior to 20 April 2016. 4 Product: Model 3051S Series Pressure Transmitter 5 Manufacturer: Rosemount Incorporated 6 Address: 8200 Market Boulevard, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317, USA 7 This re-issued certificate extends EC Type Examination Certificate No. BAS01ATEX1303X to apply to product designed and constructed in accordance with the specification set out in the Schedule of the said certificate but having any variations specified in the Schedule attached to this certificate and the documents therein referred to. 8 SGS Fimko Oy, Notified Body number 0598, in accordance with Article 17 of Directive 2014/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated 26 February 2014, certifies that this product has been found to comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction of products intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given in Annex II to the Directive. 8.1 The original certificate was issued by The Electrical Equipment Certification Service (UK Notified Body 0600). It, and any supplements previously issued by SGS Baseefa Ltd (UK Notified Body 1180) have been transferred to the supervision of SGS Fimko Oy (EU Notified Body 0598). The original certificate number is retained. The examination and test results are recorded in confidential Report No. See Certificate History 9 Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been assured by compliance with: EN IEC 60079-0:2018 EN 60079-11:2012 except in respect of those requirements listed at item 18 of the Schedule. 10 If the sign “X” is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the product is subject to the Specific Conditions of Use specified in the schedule to this certificate. 11 This EU - TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE relates only to the design and construction of the specified product. Further requirements of the Directive apply to the manufacturing process and supply of this product. These are not covered by this certificate. 12 The marking of the product shall include the following: II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (-60°C ≤ Ta ≤ +70°C) SGS Fimko Oy Customer Reference No. 0914 Project File No. 20/0299 This document is issued by the Company subject to their General Conditions for Certification Services accessible at http://www.sgs.com/en/Terms-and-Conditions.aspx . Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained herein reflects the Company’s findings at the time of their intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. It does not necessarily indicate that the equipment may be used in particular industries or circumstances. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, schedule included, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. SGS Fimko Oy Takomotie 8 FI-00380 Helsinki, Finland Telephone +358 (0)9 696 361 e-mail sgs.fimko@sgs.com web site www.sgs.fi Business ID 0978538-5 Member of the SGS Group (SGA SA) BAS-CERT-086 Document no: FPQ-ER272-VB-70002 R S SINCLAIR Authorised Signatory for SGS Fimko Oy SGS Baseefa Limited is an associate of SGS Fimko OY Issue 2 Page 2 of 15 Certificate Number BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 23 Issued 21 January 2021 Page 2 of 7 13 Schedule 14 Certificate Number BAS01ATEX1303X – Issue 23 15 Description of Product The Model 3051S Series Pressure Transmitters are designed to convert a process pressure measurement into 4-20 mA, HART, Fieldbus or FISCO electrical signals. These signals are used to measure pressure, level or flow. The equipment consists of a stainless steel 3051S Coplanar or Inline SuperModule attached to an epoxy-coated aluminium alloy or stainless steel housing forming the configurations and model designations shown below. Single or dual compartment housings provide field wiring terminals, optional transient protection, digital communications, diagnostics and liquid crystal displays (LCD). The Quick Connect provides a plug and socket connection to the SuperModule. Configuration Model Designation Pressure measurement using a SuperModule, or SuperModule with Quick Connect, or SuperModule with Single compartment (Junction Box) housing and terminals and optional switches, transient protection or local or Remote LCDs. 3051S…A (4-20 mA/HART) 3051SHP…A (4-20mA/HART) Wired or wireless high static differential pressure measurement using a SuperModule, or SuperModule with Quick Connect, or SuperModule with Single compartment (Junction Box) or Plantweb housing and terminals and optional switches, RTD, transient protection or local or Remote LCDs. 3051SHP…F (Fieldbus) 3051SHP…F...IA (FISCO) 3051SHP…X (Wireless) 3051S…A (4-20mA /HART) Pressure measurement using a SuperModule with a dual compartment (Plantweb) housing and terminals, optional switches, transient protection, local or Remote LCDs, diagnostics and communication options. 3051S…F (Fieldbus) 3051S…F...IA (FISCO) DP Flow measurement using a SuperModule and Primary Flow Element with a Quick Connect or Junction Box/ Plantweb housing with terminals, optional switches, transient protection, local or Remote LCD , diagnostics, communication, and RTD. 3051SF…A (4-20mA/HART) Differential pressure measurement using two SuperModules with Junction Box or Plantweb housings and terminals, optional switches, transient protection, local or Remote LCDs. 3051SAL… (4-20 mA/HART) Level measurement using a SuperModule with Quick Connect or Junction box/Plantweb housing with terminals, optional switches, transient protection, local or Remote LCD, diagnostics, and communication. 3051SF…F (Fieldbus) 3051SF…F...IA (FISCO) 3051SAM…(4-20 mA/HART) 3051SAL_C…A (4-20 mA/HART) 3051SAL_C…F (Fieldbus) 3051SAL_C…F…IA (FISCO) 4-20 mA/HART, Fieldbus and Profibus outputs are denoted by marking the appropriate check box on the label. Input parameters: Model SuperModule 3051S...A; 3051SF…A; 3051SAL…C; 3051SHP…D…A 3051S…F; 3051SF…F; 3051SHP…D…F BAS-CERT-086 Document no: FPQ-ER272-VB-70002 Terminals +, - and CAN +, - and CAN Ui 30V 30V Ii 300mA 300mA Pi 1.0W 1.0W Ci 30nF 12nF Li 0 0 + and - 30V 300mA 1.3W 0 0 SGS Baseefa Limited is an associate of SGS Fimko OY Issue 2 Page 3 of 15 Certificate Number BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 23 Issued 21 January 2021 Page 3 of 7 Model 3051S…F…IA; 3051SF …F…IA; 3051SHP…D…F…IA ; 3051SAL…C…F…IA 3051S …A…M7, M8, or M9; 3051SF …A…M7, M8, or M9; 3051SAL…C… M7, M8, or M9; 3051SHP…D… M7, M8, or M9; 3051SAL; 3051SAM 3051SAL…M7, M8, or M9 3051SAM…M7, M8, or M9 RTD option for 3051SF 3051SHP…7…A 3051SHP…7…F 3051SHP…7…F…IA Terminals Ui Ii Pi Ci Li + and - 17.5V 380mA 5.32W 0 0 + and - 30V 300mA 1.0W 12nF 60µH +, - and CAN 30V 300mA 1.0W 12nF 33µH + and - 30V 300mA 1.0W 12nF 93µH --+,- and CAN + and + and - 5V 30V 30V 17.5V 500mA 300mA 300mA 380mA 0.63W 1.0W 1.3W 5.32W --14.8nF 0 0 --0 0 0 The above values for Ci, and Li, for the 3051S FISCO (IA option) are less than those specified for the FISCO Model. The Remote Mount Meter option (M7, M8, or M9) is for direct connection to the Model 3051S 4-20 mA/HART Terminals +, - and CAN by a cable whose maximum capacitance and inductance do not exceed 24nF and 60µH respectively. The RTD circuit is a separate I.S. circuit, not connected to the Model 3051S Transmitter circuit. 16 Report Number See Certificate History 17 Specific Conditions of Use 1. The Model 3051S Transmitters fitted with transient protection are not capable of withstanding the 500V test as defined in Clause 6.3.13 of EN 60079-11:2012. This must be taken into account during installation. 2. The terminal pins of the Model 3051S SuperModule must be provided with a degree of protection of at least IP20 in accordance with IEC/EN 60529. 3. The Model 3051S enclosure may be made of aluminium alloy and given a protective polyurethane paint finish; however, care should be taken to protect it from impact or abrasion if located in a zone 0 area. 18 Essential Health and Safety Requirements In addition to the Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSRs) covered by the standards listed at item 9, the following are considered relevant to this product: Clause Subject Compliance 1.2.7 LVD type requirements Manufacturer responsibility 1.2.8 Overloading of equipment (protection relays, etc.) User/Installer responsibility 1.4.1 External effects User/Installer responsibility 1.4.2 Aggressive substances, etc. User/Installer responsibility 19 Drawings and Documents New drawings submitted for this issue of certificate: Number Sheet Issue Date 03151-2320 A3151-3525 A3151-3612 1–3 1 – 10 1–7 AP AE AC 10.16.19 07.29.20 12.04.20 BAS-CERT-086 Document no: FPQ-ER272-VB-70002 Description Filter Plate Assy Approval Drawing, 3051S/SMV/752 Feature Brd, Fieldbus Approval Drawing, Feature Bd, HART Diagnostic SGS Baseefa Limited is an associate of SGS Fimko OY Issue 2 Page 4 of 15 Certificate Number BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 23 Issued 21 January 2021 Page 4 of 7 Number Sheet Issue Date A3151-4213 1–3 AC 11.17.20 A3151-4216 1–3 AC 11.17.20 A3151-4219 A3151-4602 SU10579 SU10580 1–3 1–6 1–3 1&2 AD AC AA AA 11.16.20 11.18.20 04.12.07 04.12.07 SU10768 SU10769 1 – 12 1 – 10 AS AT 12.17.20 12.17.20 Description Approval Drawing, Schem. Cosmos Module, Dual Comp, Term Blk, STD Approval Drawing, Cosmos Supermodule Trans Term Block, Dual Compartment Approval Drawing, 3051S Fieldbus Term Blk, STD/T1/FISCO Approval Drawing, Cosmos LCD Approval Drawing for Model 3051SFA ProBar IS, ATEX Type n. Approval Drawing for Model 3051SFP Integral Orifice, IS, ATEX Type n. Approval Drawing x051xFA, Tiered Flowmeter Approval Drawing x051xFC, Tiered Flowmeter Current drawings which remain unaffected by this issue: Number Sheet Issue Date 03151-1024 1–6 AL 10.07.19 03151-1025 1–8 BH 10.07.19 03151-1325 03151-2326 A3151-1513 A3151-1516 A3151-1525 A3151-1527 A3151-1542 A3151-1922 A3151-1933 A3151-2222 A3151-3212 A3151-3452 A3151-3502 A3151-3522 A3151-3532 A3151-3752 A3151-4207 1–7 1–3 1–6 1–7 1–4 1–5 1–9 1–3 1–4 1–4 1–4 1–9 1–8 1 – 10 1–4 1–8 1–3 AF AN AB AC AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AC AB AB AB 10.07.19 07.22.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 A3151-4210 1–3 AB 07.24.19 A3151-4222 A3151-4228 A3151-4235 A3151-4238 A3151-4266 A3151-4272 A3151-4282 A3151-4702 1–3 1–3 1–3 1–3 1–3 1–3 1–3 1–3 AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.14.19 07.25.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 07.24.19 BAS-CERT-086 Document no: FPQ-ER272-VB-70002 Description Coplanar & Inline Modules, ATEX & IECEx Intrinsically Safe Configuration, Baseefa Junction Box & PlantWeb Housings, Intrinsically Safe ATEX & IECEx Configuration, Baseefa / CENELEC Junction Box & PlantWeb Housing, I.S. Conf. ATEX & IECEx RFI Filter Approval Drawing, Cosmos Supermodule, 3051T Approval Drawing, Coplanar Brd II, 3051S Approval Drawing, Flex Circuit 3051S Coplanar Phase 2 Approval, Flex Circuit, Upper, 3051S, PDP Approval Drawing, 3051S PDP Brd Approval Drawing, Flex Circuit Inline Sensor Approval Drawing, Lower Flex Circuit, 3051S, PDP Approval Drawing, Range 5, Lower Flex Approval Drawing, Range 1-4, Lower Flex Approval Drawing, 3051SMV Feature Board, HART, RTD Approval Drawing, Fieldbus Feature Board 3051S (Cosmos) Approval Drawing, 3051S/3051SMV, Feature Brd, Fieldbus Approval Drawing, 3051SMV Term Blk, Fieldbus, RTD Approval Drawing, Feature Brd, 3051S ERS, HART Approval Drawing, Term Blk Sng Comprtmnt Tran Cosmos Supermodule Approval Drawing, Terml Blk Sng Compartment Transient Cosmos Supermodule Approval Drawing, Term Blk, Dual Comp, Cosmos Remote LCD Approval Drawing, Term. Block, Single Comp, Cosmos Remote Approval Drawing, 3051S Adapter Board Approval Drawing, Interconnect Board Approval Drawing, 3051SMV Terminal Block, HART, RTD Approval Drawing, Term. Blk, Dual Comp, 3051S ERS, HART Approval Drawing, Term. Blck, Single Comp, 3051S ERS, HART Approval Drawing, Cosmos Interconnect & Hardware Adjust Board SGS Baseefa Limited is an associate of SGS Fimko OY Issue 2 Page 5 of 15 Certificate Number BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 23 Issued 21 January 2021 Page 5 of 7 Number Sheet Issue Date A3151-4705 SU10770 1–3 1 – 11 AB AO 07.24.19 10.28.19 Description Approval Drawing, Cosmos Remote LCD Connector Board Approval Drawing Model x051xFP, Tiered Flowmeter All drawings are common to IECEx BAS 04.0017X, IECEx BAS 04.0018X & BAS01ATEX3304X and are held with IECEx BAS 04.0017X. 20 Certificate History Certificate No. Date Comments BAS01ATEX1303X 14 December 2001 The release of the prime certificate. The associated test and assessment against the requirements of EN 50014:1997 + Amds 1 & 2, EN 50020:1994 and EN 50284:1999 is documented in Test Report No. 01(C)0104. BAS01ATEX1303X/1 8 July 2002 To permit the use of an alternative terminal block in the Model 3051 S2 HART and the inclusion of a Remote Mount Housing. BAS01ATEX1303X/2 27 May 2003 To permit an alternative PCB design to be used for the Liquid Crystal Display driver circuit and the addition of a connection head and RTD assembly, forming the Model 3051SFA ProBar. 12 November 2003 To permit minor changes to component specifications on the Coplanar SuperModule C, circuit and PCB layout changes to the SuperModule T board, introduction of a new Coplanar SuperModule C Board (Titan), an alternative housing (similar to the PlantWeb) which is referred to as the Core Tier or Traditional housing, a change to the 3051S FISCO input parameters and an alternative process connection forming a Model 3051SFC Compact Orifice Flowmeter. This variation is documented in report 03(C)0965. BAS01ATEX1303X/4 18 March 2004 To permit the use of an alternative terminal block and LCD and the use of an alternative feature board which has a 4-20mA/HART output, mounted in the existing PlantWeb housing thus forming the Model 3051S SIS Safety Transmitter. This variation is documented in report 04(C)0197. BAS01ATEX1303X/5 29 October 2004 To permit the addition of a plug and socket for direct connection to the Super Module. BAS01ATEX1303X/6 3 October 2006 To permit the addition of the Diagnostic Feature Board as an alternative electronics option. This variation is documented in report 06(C)0619. 2 April 2007 To permit the use of five alternative PCB assemblies, a battery pack and the inclusion of an RF module and associated antenna, all housed within an alternative housing, thus forming the Model 3051 Wireless Pressure Transmitter. This variation is documented in report 06(C)1041. 26 April 2007 To permit the use of an alternative main board and minor drawing changes. To also permit the addition of a connection head and RTD assembly, forming a Model 3051SFP ProBar. This variation is documented in report 07(C)0330. 3 April 2008 To permit minor drawing changes and to confirm that the Model 3051S Series Pressure Transmitter has been reviewed against the requirements of EN 60079-0:2006 & EN 60079-11:2007 in respect of the differences from EN 50014:1997 + Amds 1 & 2 and EN 50020:2002 and that, with the exception of the marking code, none of the differences affect this equipment. BAS01ATEX1303X/3 BAS01ATEX1303X/7 BAS01ATEX1303X/8 BAS01ATEX1303X/9 BAS-CERT-086 Document no: FPQ-ER272-VB-70002 SGS Baseefa Limited is an associate of SGS Fimko OY Issue 2 Page 6 of 15 Certificate Number BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 23 Issued 21 January 2021 Page 6 of 7 Certificate No. Date Comments BAS01ATEX1303X/10 9 May 2008 To permit minor drawing changes and an alternative PCB for the Model 3051S Wireless Pressure Transmitter. BAS01ATEX1303X/11 5 November 2008 To permit an alternative design for the Fieldbus Feature Board, changes to the Inline SuperModule and Coplanar Board II circuit boards and removal of the T5 Temperature Classification. This variation is documented in report GB/BAS/ExTR08.0222/00 BAS01ATEX1303X/12 6 May 2010 To permit an alternative design for the HART Diagnostic Feature Board and other minor drawing changes. This variation is documented in report GB/BAS/ExTR10.0082/00 BAS01ATEX1303X/13 4 February 2011 To permit minor drawing changes, the use of a new dualcompartment terminal block and a new feature board to form the Model 3051 Electronic Remote Seals (ERS) Transmitter. BAS01ATEX1303X/13 3 March 2011 The antenna on the Model 3051 Wireless Pressure Transmitter may constitute a potential electrostatic ignition risk. An additional special condition of safe use has been added to draw attention to this risk. BAS01ATEX1303X/15 12 October 2011 To permit the inclusion of a remote antenna mount option for the Model 3051 Wireless Pressure Transmitter. This variation is documented in report GB/BAS/ExTR11.0252/00 BAS01ATEX1303X/15 25 November 2011 The upper ambient for the 3051S FISCO variant is increased from +40°C to +70°C. BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 16 22 April 2013 This issue of the certificate incorporates previously issued primary & supplementary certificates into one certificate and confirms the current design meets the requirements of EN 60079-0:2012 and EN 60079-11:2012. This variation is documented in report GB/BAS/ExTR13.0058/00. Project File No. 12/0376. BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 17 31 March 2015 To permit minor electrical changes, removal of obsolete drawings and removal of the Wireless model (now Baseefa13ATEX0127X). Report No. GB/BAS/ExTR15.0074/00. Project File No. 15/0224. 7 June 2016 To confirm that the current design meets the requirements of EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 and to permit introduction of the Model 3051SHP Transmitter (wired and wireless) and other minor drawing changes. A number of drawings have been made obsoleted and removed from the drawing list. Report No. GB/BAS/ExTR16.0160/00. Project File No. 15/0595. BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 19 22 August 2017 To permit the use of an alternative LCD on the Model 3051 Electronic Remote Seals variant and additional minor drawing changes. Report No. GB/BAS/ExTR17.0251/00. Project File No. 17/0516. BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 20 18 October 2017 To permit the use of an alternative Fieldbus Feature Board and additional minor drawing changes. Report No. GB/BAS/ExTR17.0306/00. Project File No. 17/0195. BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 21 1 April 2019 To confirm that the current design meets the requirements of EN IEC 60079-0:2018 and to confirm that this certificate covers the 3051SAL_C…F…IA model (the model list and parameters have been updated accordingly). Report No. GB/BAS/ExTR19.0088 /00. Project File No. 19/0191. BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 22 21 January 2020 To permit the use of an alternative Fieldbus Feature Board and additional drawing changes (new numbers replace old). Report No. GB/BAS/ExTR20.0010/00. Project File No. 19/0418. BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 18 BAS-CERT-086 Document no: FPQ-ER272-VB-70002 SGS Baseefa Limited is an associate of SGS Fimko OY Issue 2 Page 7 of 15 Certificate Number BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 23 Issued 21 January 2021 Page 7 of 7 Certificate No. Date Comments BAS01ATEX1303X Issue 23 21 January 2021 To permit minor electrical changes to the Fieldbus Feature Board and additional minor drawing changes. Report No. GB/BAS/ExTR21.0016/00. Project File No. 20/0299 For drawings applicable to each issue, see original of that issue. BAS-CERT-086 Document no: FPQ-ER272-VB-70002 SGS Baseefa Limited is an associate of SGS Fimko OY Issue 2 Page 8 of 15