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Human Capital Management Report

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
General Management
CEO Business School
Module Code &
Module Title:
MGT530 - Human Capital Management
Full Name:
Ahmed Mohamed Abdelmonem Elsebaii
Student ID:
Word Count:
Date of
16 March 2023
I confirm that this assignment is my own work, is not copied from any other person's
work (published/unpublished), and has not been previously submitted for assessment
Ahmed Elsebaii
16 March 2023
EIU Paris City Campus
Address: 59 Rue Lamarck, 75018 Paris, France | Tel: +33 144 857 317 | Mobile/WhatsApp: +33607591197 | Email: paris@eiu.ac
EIU Corporate Strategy & Operations Headquarter
Address: 12th Fl. Amarin Tower, 496-502 Ploenchit Rd., Bangkok 10330, Thailand | Tel: +66(2)256923 & +66(2)2569908 |
Mobile/WhatsApp: +33607591197 | Email: info@eiu.ac
Table of Contents
Introduction & Purpose of Study ........................................................................................................ 2
Company’s HR Policy ........................................................................................................................... 2
Proposal for New HR Policy ................................................................................................................. 4
Employee Retention ............................................................................................................................. 4
Customer service Policy....................................................................................................................... 5
Improving Interoffice Communication ................................................................................................ 6
Employee Performance Appraisal ....................................................................................................... 7
Developing New Job Listing ................................................................................................................. 8
Secretary .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Marketer ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Operation Manager ............................................................................................................................ 10
Health, Safety & Wellbeing Guide..................................................................................................... 11
Health & Safety Guides ..................................................................................................................... 11
Employee Wellbeing Guide ............................................................................................................... 12
Conclusion............................................................................................................................................ 13
References ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
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1. Introduction & Purpose of Study
HR policies are set of rules and guidelines defined by organization to control the relationship
between the employee and the organization defining his rights, responsibilities, and expected
behavior from both the employee and the organization. Having a detailed written HR policy is
important to make it clear for everyone within the organization. It’s very important as well to
have them applied fairly across all the members of the organization. There are lots of categories
that need to be covered by the HR policy including, recruitment, termination, health & safety,
security, employee welfare, use of technology… Etc.
The Purpose of this study is to analyses and develop the HR policy of GMR group, an Indian
major organization in the infrastructure sector established in 1978, and well known with some
mega projects they performed inside India and worldwide. The group is working in multiple
sectors, including Airports, Energy, Transportation, Urban Infrastructure and sports. Their
projects’ portfolio includes building, operating and maintaining international airports, operating
major power plants, as well as renewable energies, highways and express ways across India.
The report will start with criticizing the current HR policy highlighting the positives and
negatives. The report will start working after that on developing some sections in the HR policy
including employee retention, customer service policy, Heath, safety and employee welfare
2. Company’s HR Policy
After initial review for the GMR group HR policy, it’s obvious that the GMR team put lots of
effort and time to develop a detailed and clear HR policy putting the organization goals into
practice (GMR HR POLICY HANDBOOK, 2017).
Policy Strength Points: Very detailed, covers multiple aspects take care of minor details, to
make it as clear as possible for the employee regarding their rights and responsibilities inside the
Implementing a detailed classified grading system, defining positions, responsibilities which
make it very clear for all employees to understand where they stand in the organization
Implementing Employee welfare, including marriage gift, health check-ups,
emergencies…etc. which generates the feeling that the organization cares about the
employee and increase their degree of loyalty.
Implementing detailed compensation and benefit plan based on salary range and grades. This
helps the employees to feel secure, increase their loyalty and make it more difficult for them
to decide leaving the organization.
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Implementing virtual Training tool, encourages employees to attend such programs through
their daily work which help developing the skills of the employees which help employees to
be more efficient, confident, and reliable.
Implementing Recognition Awards, which is a very effective mean to motivate employees
to become more confident and productive.
Implementing detailed Business travels & relocating compensations, which will encourage
employees to accept business travels and focus on achieving the travel goals as they are
confident that they will be properly compensated
Implemented Platform for complains, reporting violations, with defined time frames, reporter
satisfaction, and escalation process.
Use of Technology, creating platforms & modules for different aspects including, employee
training programs, suggestions scheme, reporting complains and violations securely and
Policy Weakness Points: although the policy was carefully written, there are still some
important sections of the policy that are not properly covered which might create confusion in
some cases
Absence of complete recruitment policy, there is no clear recruitment policy for both internal
and external recruitment process. This creates a big confusion amount the employees about
when they can apply for opening positions and what would be the acceptance and selection
Absence of Clear Employment Path, with no clear employment path the employees will stop
feeling motivated after working inside the organization for a period of time when they start
feeling that there is no career development for them. Although GMR considered several
motivations schemes but still career path would be the main motivation for the employees
inside the organization.
Absence of Employee Discipline policy, as the action regarding violations is left open for
managers to decide, this open the room for personal whims through the decision-making
Absence of Health & Safety policy, although GMR is operating in industrial field with lots
of risks that can leak to severe injuries, the health and safety policy is completely ignored
and not highlighted at all in their HR policy.
Performance Evaluation system. Although performance evaluation system exists to evaluate
the goals defined but the evaluation criteria is left very open and not system monitored which
open the room for personal whims through the evaluation process.
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3. Proposal for New HR Policy
3.1 Employee Retention
The main objective of retention policy to is increase the job satisfaction for the employees and
reduce the turnover among the talented skilled workers which will minimizing the disturbances
in the workplace as much as possible.
Hiring Process & orientation: Starting with how new candidates are selected and interview
process which gives an image on the company culture. Welcome party shall be held for the
new employee for introducing to his team co-workers. A proper orientation shall be arranged
by his department manager to understand the environment inside the organization, scope of
business and how work is performed inside the organization. (R. Half, 2022)
Mentorship: New employee should be assigned a mentor through his first month. The
mentor shall be supporting and guiding the new employee
Compensations & benefits: Considering a competitive package of benefits that covers
employees’ needs is a very important aspect for employees to fell satisfied and relieved. It
includes multiple aspects that need to be considered.
 Annual review on Salaries
 Annual Bonus
 Retirement plans
 Health care Insurance for employee and his family
Recognition and rewards system: It’s very important that the employees in our facility feel
appreciated for the work they do.
Work-Life Balance: Understanding that employees have a life outside work is the key
factor. It’s very important to encourage employees not to stay very late at work and to set
boundaries between work and life time even when working from home (R. Half, 2022).
Flexible Working Hrs.: Some employees prefer to start working slightly late and spend
more time at the end of the day to cover their daily working Hrs. Accepting those employee’s
behaviour and authorising it with certain limits will help employees to feel satisfied and
connected with the place that respect their needs. It would be recommended to have flexible
starting time between 8:00 & 11:00 am with 8 working hours a day (R.Half, 2022)
Training: It’s important to Invest in our employees, encourage them to sign up for
developing courses and attend conferences This will help them learn new skills and help
them with their professional growth.
Clear career path: This is one of the most important subjects that cause employees to stay
or leave an organization.
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 Defined hierarchy grading system, this will make it clear for the employees to
understand the next step for them inside the organization and how they can
achieve it.
 Internal recruitment process, this will encourage the team to apply for internal
Employee Engagement: Engaging employees in the decision making make them feel the
value of their contribution and that their role in the organization is important and benefitable
to the business. This makes the employees more satisfied with their jobs and more unlikely
to quit their jobs.
3.2 Customer service Policy
Customer service policy define the set of rules, behavior & practice that we need to be committed
with so we can provide the best possible practice to serve our customer. Our main goal is to
resolve customer’s quires and requests fast and efficiently along with keeping the customer
informed through the process. Customer Service policy is crucial for our business to achieve;
- Customers’ confidence in the quality of our product & service.
- Customers’ satisfaction
- Ensure best relationship between our customer & our staff
The below practices are basic lines to achieve those goals;
Customer interaction: It’s very important to make sure that all on going communication
with the customer (either verbal or written) are clear, accurate and honest without any
deviation from the true facts. It’s important as well to handle customer’s information with
high level of confidentiality.
Accurate information about our organization, our goods & Services: Data available on
the Company website, either organization overview, products, services and historical
projects must be accurate, reviewed and updated periodically. The Goods & service
datasheets need to be reviewed periodically to make sure it’s always accurate and updated.
Handling customer complaints: Complains handling process must be considered to make
sure that this will be handled properly and efficiently. Below bullet point that must be
 If complain is verbal, the customer focal point will need to listen carefully to
customer complain, then write it down and share it with proper management.
 In either cases, if the complaint is received written from customer directly or through
customer’s focal point, receiving acknowledgment need to be sent within 48 Hrs
 If the action plan to resolve the complaint can’t be defined directly, the complain
must be escalated to higher management to proper action.
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 Keep customer informed of the steps taken to resolve his complain.
 Updating the customer with the action plan and timeline once it’s agreed internally.
Communication Media (Telephone & Email): Defined customers’ focal point need to make
sure that he’s available at any time to take customers calls and request. It’s important to
consider the below;
 Customer support team is available to answer customers calls immediately anytime.
 For Email communications, acknowledgment email must be sent with 24 Hrs.
 In case of unavailability, alternative contact focal point need to be communicated to
the customer
Know & understand our Customer: understanding the customer and his needs is very
important to have smooth and easy communication with him and will lead to having a
satisfied and confident customer when working with us. Customers support should be
selected carefully considering;
 Back experience dealing with this customer.
 Best knowledgeable in our business and how we operate.
 Good looking, careful listener, control his nerves, with convincing capabilities.
3.3 Improving Interoffice Communication
Using technology to improve interoffice communication among stuff is mandatory to insure
business operations with the highest efficiency including team communications, securing
organization data, managing production and projects fast, efficiently and remotely. Below
highlighted some recommendations to highly consider;
Staff Communication (Chat & Meetings) Tools: Providing professional tools for stuff
communicating is important. There are several tools to be considered, but we highly
recommend to consider Microsoft Teams licence for our enterprise communication. It’s very
reliable, secured and widely used nowadays among organizations worldwide. It’s a
professional chatting tools for team and scheduling meeting among group of people, with
lots of features and tools to discuss data, record meetings, and control accessibility level
among the users.
Tasks’ / Projects’ Managing Tools: There are available several tools efficient for managing
tasks among team members including Asana & Microsoft teams as well. Our
recommendation is to go for Microsoft Teams. Microsoft teams have impressive tools to
assign task to team members, define deadlines, scope of the task, adding several members to
1 task, sending periodic notifications to team members for the deadlines. It’s available as
well to share all required files needed for this task or project so the whole team can access
and avoid any change of mistake for the team to work on different versions of the data.
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File Sharing Tools: Encouraging the team inside the organization to use shared drives
instead of hard drives is very important from security prospective. It helps against data loss
and help to access the data from any place if you have the security credentials. Our
recommendation is to go for OneDrive as it will be integrated with Microsoft teams which
make all the data interconnected.
Production managing Tools: It’s recommended to transfer from using ordinary oracle
database system to handle orders received, jobs and inventory to use newly developed webbased oracle database system. This will be more efficient, faster and reliable plus providing
lots of data analysis data about the resources, inventory allocated for the jobs, excess
inventory values, planning analysis data, required resources to complete the open jobs, and
lots of extra analysis data.
3.4 Employee Performance Appraisal
Employee performance evaluation is a very important and healthy way for employee to
understand how much good they did their jobs and for managers to understand which
employees are performing well and which are not and will need support or further
development (Kuligowski, 2023). It’s very critical to define the exact criteria to measure
and evaluate the employee performance (A. Ahmed, 2020). Below are the main criteria to be
considered through our evaluation process
Percentage of Goals Accomplished This is one of the common measurable techniques to
evaluate the employee performance. It can be used in different divisions, including sales,
marketing, production and even engineering jobs. The most important aspect is to define
prior of the evaluation period the goals and target numbers required to be achieved.
Work Discipline: This can be defined from several aspects, among those;
 No. of absence days per the evaluation period
 How much delay encountered through tasks (or projects) completions from target
Quality of Work: Evaluation is not only about completing the assigned tasks, but it’s
important to consider the quality of the completed work. Does the employee take care of the
finishing and the small details of his submitted or completed work. This can be evaluated
through internal auditing on the accomplished work or monitor the end user feedback and
satisfaction on the delivered work.
Adaptability: This evaluates how the employee deals with changes. Did the employee
change his work style to handle the new set goals? Is he capable to do the necessary
adjustments for himself and his team to meet his new goals ?
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Teamwork & Management skills: This is to evaluate how the employee communicate with
his team and work together to complete the jobs.
Does he communicate efficiently with his team?
Does he show leadership skills within his team?
Does he take the initiative to handle difficult tasks?
Does he have driving capabilities to help his team take decisions
If the employee is of a managerial position;
 Can he lead and drive his team to complete their tasks?
 Can he motivate his team and keep them on track?
Problem Solving capabilities: This is a very essential criteria in the evaluation process, it
can include multiple points
 How employee handle problems.
 How does he manage his resources to solve the problem?
 How much time it takes him to get the problem solved?
 How does he handle customers’ frustrations?
Areas of Improvement: Along with evaluating the employee performance through the past
period, it’s important to focus on the future of the employees and define the skills and
qualities that need to be improved to cover the defects in the past year evaluation, improve
and extend the employee skills and capabilities.
4. Developing New Job Listing
4.1 Secretary
Job Tile: Secretary for Project Manager
Job Code: GMR-0001/23
Company Name: GMR Airports
Location: Delhi International Airport, India
Job Type: Full Time – Entry Level
Starting Salary Range: 350 USD
Post Date: 15-March 2023
Submission Deadline: 31-March 2023
Job Summary
This position will be in charge of performing administration tasks, on behalf of the project
manager. The job includes organizing calendars, handling phone calls, messages and emails,
prepare for meetings and presentations, writing down MOMs, along with other related tasks
Job Responsibilities
Manage Project manager Calendar.
Organize meetings, put down detailed minutes of meetings (MOMs).
Prepare reports, presentations and statistical analysis.
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Administrative Tasks including organizing and submitting project team requests.
Office management.
Implementing and maintaining an effective filing system.
Job Requirements
Minimum (3) years of experience as a professional secretary or personal assistant.
High school diploma or general education degree required
Proficient computer and typing skills, including Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and
Have excellent written and oral English communication skills
Multitasking capability.
Time management Skills
4.2 Marketer
Job Tile: Marketing Specialist
Job Code: GMR-0002/23
Company Name: GMR Group
Location: Mumbai, India
Job Type: Full Time – Mid Level
Starting Salary Range: 700 USD
Post Date: 15-March 2023
Submission Deadline: 31-March 2023
Job Summary
This position will be responsible for developing our overall marketing capabilities. He will be
part of a team responsible of developing and executing marketing plans to achieve targets
including brand awareness and product / service promotion.
This job scope will include study of consumer behaviour, trends, and generate creative ideas
with extensive experience in specialized marketing concepts, principles and tactics.
Job Responsibilities
Perform market researches to define customer requirements, habits & trends.
Preparing marketing Campaigns.
Improve Brand awareness and create brand message.
Researching and analysing data and developing sales presentations.
Define marketing trends, competition, new products, and pricing.
Job Requirements
Minimum (5) years of experience in a relevant position.
Bachelor's degree in marketing, or related field.
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Proven experience with products' launching and integrated marketing campaigns.
Proven experience in market research, surveys, and data analytics.
Excellent communication and presentation skills.
Experience in planning and managerial skills.
4.3 Operation Manager
Job Tile: Operations Manager
Job Code: GMR-0003/23
Company Name: GMR Group
Location: Mumbai, India
Job Type: Full Time – Senior Level
Starting Salary Range: 2,500 USD
Post Date: 15-March 2023
Submission Deadline: 31-March 2023
Job Summary
This position will be Managing our overall operations and is responsible of labour management,
increasing productivity, and maximizing profitability along with ensuring that all safety
measures are established and maintained. Our new Operations manager will control the
complete operations timeline, including planning, organizing, supervising operations, and
service delivery to reach the desired outcome of a high-quality service that satisfies customer
Job Responsibilities
Make sure that operations are running smoothly, efficiently and in cost-effective way.
Improve and develop the operational management systems and process.
Review and improve the policies and procedures.
Define the strategic objectives for operations.
Analyse financial records and define ways to increase the profitability.
Manage budgets, reporting, planning, and forecasting.
Support HR in recruiting process, develop training programs and supervise staff.
Job Requirements
Total (20) years of experience with at least (10) years of proven experience as an
operations manager or similar role.
Bachelor's degree in Engineering with a Master's Degree in Business, Operations
Management or related field
Solid understanding of the basics of financial management, including analysing
budgets, balance sheet, and cash-flow
Excellent communication and Leadership skills.
Experience in planning and managerial skills.
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5. Health, Safety & Wellbeing Guide
Our employees are our most valuable asset in the organization, and we are totally committed to
invest in their health, safety and wellbeing. Looking after our team and their families is the key
factor to create a sustainable, competitive, and productive working environment.
The objective of establishing this policy is to provide a safe and healthy working environment
for everyone inside our premises including our employees, contractors, suppliers, customers and
Teams’ Supervisors are completely responsible for the health and safety of their technicians and
workers. Their responsibility includes ensuring that machinery and equipment used are safe and
inspected and that all workers are working in compliance with the established safe work practices
and procedures.
This policy is in full compliance with our national health and safety regulations. Our HSE
department will be responsible for reviewing and monitoring the established policies to make
sure that they are properly implemented and for continuous improvements.
5.1 Health & Safety Guides
Below are the main health & safety measures that need to be considered for safe operations
Health & Safety Management Tool: It’s important to have a defined tool / system for health
& safety management. The tool needs to be available to all the organization employees with
defined different access levels. The tool must have the capability to report any findings,
violations and risks and assign the responsibility to clear this finding.
Safety Committee: HSE Department must build a safety committee including employees
from different departments. Weekly meeting must be held for the team to review the health
and safety status inside the facility, discuss reported violations and how to resolve them.
Emergency Evacuation Plan: Emergency evacuation plan need to be designed and
implemented on a facility map including routes, exit locations and assembly points.
Fire Fighting & Fire prevention System: HSE Committee members must be aware of the
fire safety practice and precautions. The below safety measures are very important to make
sure that they are properly implemented (recommended to be performed every 3 months)
 Periodic inspection of the firefighting system & equipment
 Periodic inspection on the emergency exits, routes and emergency light.
 Periodic run for the fire alarm & firefighting systems.
 Perform periodic training for the team on the evacuation plan.
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Inspection Plan: Periodic inspection need to be held for all devices and equipment that have
defined hazards during the operation to make sure that they are properly maintained and safe
to use.
HSE Safety Induction meeting: All new employees and visitors must have a safety
induction meeting to understand the required safety gear, emergency evacuation plan and
restricted areas.
Incident report system: Incidents must be reported through the health and safety
management system for proper investigation and defining required precautions to prevent
this from happening again.
Risk assessment: This is mandatory to be considered before starting any job to define all the
encountered risk that can happen through the job and how to avoid this risk. The job can only
start after all mitigation measures are implemented and approved by HSE department.
Trainings: Adequate trainings are very important for our employees, and this shall include
 Operations Training
 Firefighting Training
 Emergency Medical Training
Control of Hazard Substances: Defining hazard substances used and develop a proper safe
storage system for them.
5.2 Employee Wellbeing Guide
We recommend the below measures to be considered
Health Awareness: Arranging campaigns by medical parties to define and explain common
disease and how to avoid or deal with them is case of happening.
Promotions: Arranging promotions and discounts from Gym & physical training facilities
along with encouraging our team to join such programs which would help our employees to
be in good shape physically and mentally.
Medical Insurance: Medical insurance for the employees and their families is mandatory
for the whole team
Annual Medical Check-ups: Encouraging the team to perform medical check-ups annually
is good to make sure that they are not facing serious troubles and to consider it in our plans
for the medical insurance as well if needed.
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Annual Social Meetings: Arranging social meetings with the teams annually is important to
listen to them, hear their complains, trying to resolve them plus encouraging them to give
their suggestions as well in different aspects.
Special Needs: Considering the special needs is important as well for the employees to feel
comfortable and give out their best efficiency. Among those maternity leave, flexible
working ours for newly mothers, arrangements for employees with disabilities.
6. Conclusion
In this report we provided a brief review on GMR group HR policy highlighting positives and
negatives in the policy. The report then focused on developing new HR policies for employee
retention, customer service, interoffice communication using technology and performance
appraisal criteria. We developed after then job listing for 3 different positions: entry level
secretary, marketing specialist & operational manager. In the last section of the report, we
developed a health, safety & wellbeing policy defining the main guidelines that the organization
need consider.
Half, R. (2022) 14 Effective Employee Retention Strategies
SHRM, Managing for Employee Retention,
New South Wales, Small Business Customer Service Policy Template
Kuligowski, K. (2023) How to Evaluate and Track Employee Performance, BUSINESS
Ahmed, A. (2020) Criteria for an Employee Evaluation, CHRON,
Secretary Job Description
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Betterteam, Secretary Job Description
Marketing Specialist job description,
Linkedin, Hiring marketing specialists
Betterteam, Operations Manager Job Description
TopResume, Operations Manager Job Description (Examples)
EMERITUS, (2022) What are the Roles and Responsibilities of an Operations Manager
RESOURCES FOR EMPLOYERS, Operations Manager job description
City of Bristol College (2022) Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
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