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Craft Beer Documentary Movie Form

Beer and Culture
Beer Movie Form
1. Watch one of the following (circle or highlight movie watched); check internet and/or Netflix:
Craft: The California Beer Documentary (2015 Documentary)
2. Brief summary of movie:
Craft: The California Beer Documentary, covers the history of craft beer in california and visits different craft
breweries to contextualize the history covered.
3. Questions raised by movie:
It goes over how various breweries started and how they evolved to reach the point they are at today.
4. Key learnings: 3 main points you learned from this movie: (What did you learn from this movie?)
Craft beer is very popular in California and many breweries have sprung up in the last few decades.
Craft beer was originally seen as a fad and many people thought that it would die out but the industry proved
them wrong and is still going today.
Craft beer has a significant economic impact, generating billions of dollars annually and employing thousands.
5. Would you recommend this movie to a friend or family member and why or why not?
Only if they care both about history and beer. While this show may be good for light watching while doing
something else, it didn't have a profound effect on me and I would hesitate to recommend it to someone who
was not specifically interested in California beer history.